Department of Plant Pathology: Faculty Publications | Plant Pathology Department | University of Nebraska - Lincoln
The Department of Plant Pathology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) has a long tradition of excellence in research and service to the state,the nation, and internationally. Our mission is to provide solutions to plant disease and health issues, develop new knowledge of plant-pathogenic and plant-associated microorganisms, and provide quality, relevant education.




The Magnaporthe oryzae nitrooxidative stress response suppresses rice innate immunity during blast disease, Margarita Marroquin-Guzman, David E. Hartline, Janet D. Wright, Christian G. Elowsky, Travis J. Bourret, and Richard A. Wilson


Glucose-ABL1-TOR Signaling Modulates Cell Cycle Tuning to Control Terminal Appressorial Cell Differentiation, Margarita Marroquin-Guzman, Guangchao Sun, and Richard Wilson


What's New in Plant Pathology, Joshua J. Miller, Anthony O. Adesemoye, Loren Giesler, Robert M. Harveson, Tamra A. Jackson-Ziems, Stephen N. Wegulo, James D. Harbour, and Terra Hartman


Cover Crops: A Primer, Joshua J. Miller, Katja Koehler-Cole, Rodrigo Werle, and Daren Redfearn


Structural studies demonstrating a bacteriophage-like replication cycle of the eukaryote-infecting Paramecium bursaria chlorella virus-1, Elad Milrot, Eyal Shimoni, Katya Rechav, Tamar Unger, James L. Van Etten, and Abraham Minsky


Control of white mold of dry bean and residual activity of fungicides applied by chemigation, Thomas J.J. Miorini, Carlos G. Raetano, and Sydney E. Everhart


Species Delimitation and Description of Mesocriconema nebraskense n. sp. (Nematoda: Criconematidae), a Morphologically Cryptic, Parthenogenetic Species from North American Grasslands, Magdalena Olson, Timothy Harris, Rebecca Higgins, Peter Mullin, Kirsten Powers, Sean Olson, and Thomas O. Powers


An 18S rDNA Perspective on the Classification of Criconematoidea, Thomas O. Powers, Timothy Harris, Rebecca Higgins, Peter Mullin, and Kirsten Powers


Identification of Intrahelical Bifurcated H‑Bonds as a New Type of Gate in K+ Channels, Oliver Rauh, Martin Urban, Leonhard M. Henkes, Tobias Winterstein, Timo Greiner, James L. Van Etten, Anna Moroni, Stefan M. Kast, Gerhard Thiel, and Indra Schroeder


Wheat streak mosaic virus coat protein is a host-specific long-distance transport determinant in oat, Satyanarayana Tatineni


Wheat streak mosaic virus Coat Protein Deletion Mutants Elicit More Severe Symptoms Than Wild-Type Virus in Multiple Cereal Hosts, Satyanarayana Tatineni, Christian G. Elowsky, and Robert A. Graybosch


Lsp family proteins regulate antibiotic biosynthesis in Lysobacter enzymogenes OH11, Ruping Wang, Huiyong Xu, Yangyang Zhao, Juan Zhang, Gary Y. Yuen, Guoliang Qian, and Fengquan Liu


Effect of Temperature on Wheat Streak Mosaic Disease Development in Winter Wheat, Everlyne N. Wosula, Satyanarayana Tatineni, Stephen N. Wegulo, and Gary L. Hein



What's New in Plant Pathology, Anthony O. Adesemoye, Loren Giesler, Robert M. Harveson, Tamra A. Jackson-Ziems, Kevin Korus, and Stephen N. Wegulo


Identification of Erwinia rhapontici as the Causal Agent of Crown and Shoot Rot and Pink Seed of Pea in Nebraska, Anthony O. Adesemoye, Hsin-Ho Wei, and Robert M. Harveson


Association of Neonectria macrodidyma with Dry Root Rot of Citrus in California, A. O. Adesemoye, J. S. Mayorquin, B. B. Peacock, K. Moreno, S. Hajeri, R. Yokomi, and A. Eskalen


Transcriptome Profiling of Buffalograss Challenged with the Leaf Spot Pathogen Curvularia inaequalis, Bimal S. Amaradasa and Keenan Amundsen


Triticum mosaic virus exhibits limited population variation yet shows evidence of parallel evolution after replicated serial passage in wheat, Melissa S. Bartels, Roy French, Robert A. Graybosch, and Satyanarayana Tatineni


Incidence of Wheat streak mosaic virus, Triticum mosaic virus, and Wheat mosaic virus in Wheat Curl Mites Recovered from Maturing Winter Wheat Spikes, E. Byamukama, S. Tatineni, G. Hein, J. McMechan, and S. N. Wegulo


Chloroviruses N-linked glycans share a new type of conserved core architecture unprecedented in any form of life / [Published as] N-Linked Glycans of Chloroviruses Sharing a Core Architecture without Precedent, Cristina De Castro, Immacolata Speciale, Garry Duncan, David Dunigan, Irina Agarkova, Rosa Lanzetta, Luisa Sturiale, Angelo Palmigiano, Domenico Garozzo, Antonio Molinaro, Michela Tonetti, and James L. Van Etten


Predators catalyze an increase in chloroviruses by foraging on the symbiotic hosts of zoochlorellae, John DeLong, Zeina Al-Ameeli, Garry A. Duncan, James L. Van Etten, and David D. Dunigan Ph. D.


Field damage of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) with reduced lignin levels by naturally occurring insect pests and pathogens, Patrick F. Dowd, Deanna L. Funnell-Harris, and Scott E. Sattler


Cryptic Species: A Leitmotif of Contemporary Mycology Has Challenges and Benefits for Plant Pathologists, Frank M. Dugan and Sydney Everhart


Response of sweet sorghum lines to stalk pathogens Fusarium thapsinum and Nacrophomina phaseolina, Deanna L. Funnell-Harris, Patrick M. O'Neill, Scott E. Sattler, and Melinda K. Yerka


Mechanisms, applications, and perspectives of antiviral RNA silencing in plants / Mecanismos, aplicaciones y perspectivas del silenciamiento génico de virus en plantas, Hernan Garcia-Ruiz, Mayra Teresa Garcia Ruiz, Sergio Manuel Gabriel Peralta, Cristina Betzabeth Miravel Gabriel, and Kaoutar El-Mounadi


Climate Change and the Integrity of Science, Peter H. Gleick, James L. Van Etten, and Members of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences


A Foliar Fungicide plus Herbicide Tank Mixture Evaluation in Field Corn in Nebraska, 2015, J. D. Harbour and T. A. Jackson-Ziems


Deposition Aid Adjuvants plus a Fungicide for Southern Rust Management, Stay Green, Push Lodging, and Yield Comparisons in Field Corn in Nebraska, 2015, J. D. Harbour and T. A. Jackson-Ziems


Foliar Fungicide Application Timing for Disease Management, Stay Green, and Yield in Nebraska, 2015, J. D. Harbour and T. A. Jackson-Ziems


Foliar Fungicide Comparison for Southern Rust Management, Stay Green on Specific Leaves, and Yield in Nebraska, 2015, J. D. Harbour and T. A. Jackson-Ziems


Foliar Fungicide Comparison for Southern Rust Management, Stay Green, Push Lodging, and Yield in Nebraska, 2015, J. D. Harbour and T. A. Jackson-Ziems


Foliar Fungicide Modes of Action for Southern Rust Management, Push Lodging, and Yield in Nebraska, 2015, J. D. Harbour and T. A. Jackson-Ziems


Fungicide and Herbicide Effects on Grey Leaf Spot in Nebraska Field Corn, 2015, J. D. Harbour and T. A. Jackson-Ziems


Fungicide Application Timing with Effects on Grey Leaf Spot and Southern Rust in Nebraska Field Corn, 2015, J. D. Harbour and T. A. Jackson-Ziems


Trivapro A + Trivapro B Application Timing and Disease Efficacy in Field Corn in Nebraska, 2015, J. D. Harbour and T. A. Jackson-Ziems


Sequence variation in two genes determines the efficacy of transmission of citrus tristeza virus by the brown citrus aphid, S. J. Harper, N. Killiny, Satyanarayana Tatineni, S. Gowda, S. J. Cowell, T. Shilts, and W. O. Dawson


Diseases Caused by Parasitic Nematodes, T. A. Jackson-Ziems


Root-Knot Nematodes, T. A. Jackson-Ziems


Root-Lesion Nematodes, T. A. Jackson-Ziems


Corn Disease Update, Tamra A. Jackson-Ziems


Northern Corn Leaf Blight, Tamra A. Jackson-Ziems


Corn Disease Profiles: Diseases Favored by Dry Conditions, Tamra A. Jackson-Ziems, Anthony O. Adesemoye, Loren J. Giesler, Robert M. Harveson, Kevin A. Korus, and Stephen N. Wegulo


Corn Disease Profiles: Diseases Favored by Wet Conditions, Tamra A. Jackson-Ziems, Anthony O. Adesemoye, Loren J. Giesler, Robert M. Harveson, Kevin A. Korus, and Stephen N. Wegulo


Fungicide Application Timing and Disease Control, Tamra A. Jackson-Ziems, Loren J. Giesler, Robert M. Harveson, Stephen N. Wegulo, Kevin Korus, and Anthony O. Adesemoye


Bacterial Leaf Streak of Corn Confirmed in Nebraska, Other Corn Belt States August 26, 2016, Tamra Jackson-Ziems, Kevin A. Korus, Tony Adesemoye, and Julie Van Meter


Dry Edible Bean Disease Diagnostic Series, Samuel G. Markell, Robert M. Harveson, and Julie Pasche


Corn Yield Loss Estimates Due to Diseases in the United States and Ontario, Canada from 2012 to 2015, Daren S. Mueller, Kiersten A. Wise, Adam J. Sisson, Tom W. Allen, Gary C. Bergstrom, D. Bruce Bosley, Carl A. Bradley, Kirk D. Broders, Emmanuel Byamukama, Martin I. Chilvers, Alyssa Collins, Travis R. Faske, Andrew J. Friskop, Ron W. Heiniger, Clayton A. Hollier, David C. Hooker, Tom Isakeit, Tamra A. Jackson-Ziems, Douglas J. Jardine, Heather M. Kelly, Kasia Kinzer, Steve R. Koenning, Dean K. Malvick, Marcia McMullen, Ron F. Meyer, Pierce A. Paul, Alison E. Robertson, Gregory W. Roth, Damon L. Smith, Connie A. Tande, Albert U. Tenuta, Paul Vincelli, and Fred Warner


Developing the framework for a risk map for mite vectored viruses in wheat resulting from pre-harvest hail damage, Anthony L. Nguy-Robertson, Arthur Zygielbaum, Anthony J. McMechan, Gary L. Hein, Stephen N. Wegulo, Abby R. Stilwell, and Travis M. Smith


Antiviral RNA silencing suppression activity of Tomato spotted wilt virus NSs protein, Tania Ocampo Ocampo, Sergio M. Gabriel Peralta, Nicole Bacheller, Stella Uiterwaal, Aaron Knapp, Alanna Hennen, Daniel Leobardo Ochoa-Martínez, and Hernan Garcia-Ruiz


Validation of Reference Genes for Robust qRT-PCR Gene Expression Analysis in the Rice Blast Fungus Magnaporthe oryzae, Sarena Che Omar, Michael A. Bentley, Giulia Morieri, Gail M. Preston, Sarah J. Gurr, and Richard Wilson (editor)


First Report of Pythium ultimum, P. irregulare, Rhizoctonia solani AG4, and Fusarium proliferatum from Arrowleaf Clover (Trifolium vesiculosum): A Disease Complex, I. J. Pemberton, G. R. Smith, G. L. Philley, F. M. Rouquette, and G. Y. Yuen


Description of Mesocriconema ericaceum n. sp. (Nematoda: Criconematidae) and notes on other nematode species discovered in an ericaceous heath bald community in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA, Thomas O. Powers, Peter Mullin, Rebecca Higgins, Timothy Harris, and Kirsten S. Powers


Species discovery and diversity in Lobocriconema (Criconematidae: Nematoda) and related plant-parasitic nematodes from North American ecoregions, Tom Powers, Ernest C. Bernard, T. Harris, Robert Higgins, M. Olson, S. Olson, M. Lodema, Julianne N. Matczyszyn, P. Mullin, L. Sutton, and K.S Powers


Three-year survey of abundance, prevalence and genetic diversity of chlorovirus populations in a small urban lake, Cristian F. Quispe, Olivia Sonderman, Anya Seng, Brenna Rasmussen, Garrett Weber, Claire Mueller, David Dunigan, and James L. Van Etten


Effects of Sublethal Fungicides on Mutation Rates and Genomic Variation in Fungal Plant Pathogen, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, B. Sajeewa Amaradasa and Sydney E. Everhart


Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci for Resistance to Goss’s Bacterial Wilt and Leaf Blight in North American Maize by Joint Linkage Analysis, Amritpal Singh, Aaron P. Andersen, Tamra A. Jackson-Ziems, and Aaron J. Lorenz


Microbe-ID: An open source toolbox for microbial genotyping and species identification, Javier F. Tabima, Sydney E. Everhart, Meredith M. Larsen, Alexaandra J. Weisberg, Zhian N. Kamvar, Mathew A. Tancos, Christine D. Smart, Jeff H. Chang, and Niklaus J. Grünwald


The Coat Protein and NIa Protease of Two Potyviridae Family Members Independently Confer Superinfection Exclusion, Satyanarayana Tatineni and Roy French


Morphological and Molecular Characterization of Gracilacus wuae n. sp. (Nematoda: Criconematoidea) Associated with Cow Parsnip (Heracleum maximum) in Ontario, Canada, Qing Yu, Weimin Ye, and Thomas O. Powers





Effect of Y-trellis and Vertical Shoot Positioning Training Systems on Downy Mildew and Botrytis Bunch Rot of Grape in Highlands of Southern Brazil, Betina Pereira de Bem, Amauri Bogo, Sydney Everhart, Ricardo Trezzi Casa, Mayra Juline Gonçalves, José Luiz Marcon Filho, and Isabel Cristina da Cunha


Fungicide-induced transposon movement in Monilinia fructicola, Fengping Chen, Sydney E. Everhart, P. Karen Bryson, Chaoxi Luo, Xi Song, Xili Liu, and Guido Schnabel


The khmer software package: enabling efficient nucleotide sequence analysis [version 1; referees: 2 approved, 1 approved with reservations], Michael R. Crusoe, Hussien F. Alameldin, Sherine Awad, Elmar Boucher, Adam Caldwell, Reed Cartwright, Amanda Charbonneau, Bede Constantinides, Greg Edvenson, Scott Fay, Jacob Fenton, Thomas Fenzl, Jordan Fish, Leonor Garcia-Gutierrez, Phillip Garland, Jonathan Gluck, Iván González, Sarah Guermond, Jiarong Guo, Aditi Gupta, Joshua R. Herr, Adina Howe, Alex Hyer, Andreas Härpfer, Luiz Irber, Rhys Kidd, David Lin, Justin Lippi, Tamer Mansour, Pamela McA'Nulty, Eric McDonald, Jessica Mizzi, Kevin D. Murray, Joshua R. Nahum, Kaben Nanlohy, Alexander Johan Nederbragt, Humberto Ortiz-Zuazaga, Jeramia Ory, Jason Pell, Charles Pepe-Ranney, Zachary N. Russ, Camille Scott, Josiah Seaman, Scott Sievert 38, Jared Simpson, Connor T. Skennerton, James Spencer, Ramakrishnan Srinivasan, Daniel Standage, James A. Stapleton, Susan R. Steinman, Joe Stein, Benjamin Taylor, Will Trimble, Heather L. Wiencko, Michael Wright, Brian Wyss, Qingpeng Zhang, en zyme, C. Titus Brown, and Erich Schwarz


Fine-Scale Genetic Structure of Monilinia fructicola During Brown Rot Epidemics Within Individual Peach Tree Canopies, Sydney E. Everhart and H. Scherm


Effect of waxy (Low Amylose) on Fungal Infection of Sorghum Grain, Deanna L. Funnell-Harris, Scott E. Sattler, Patrick M. O'Neill, Kent M. Eskridge, and Jeffrey F. Pedersen


Roles and Programming of Arabidopsis ARGONAUTE Proteins during Turnip Mosaic Virus Infection, Hernan Garcia-Ruiz, Alberto Carbonell, J. Steen Hoyer, Noah Fahlgren, Kerrigan B. Gilbert, Atsushi Takeda, Annalisa Giampetruzzi, Mayra T. Garcia Ruiz, Michaela G. McGinn, Nicholas Lowery, Maria T. Martinez Baladejo, and James C. Carrington


Population Genetics in R., Niklaus J. Grünwald, Zhian N. Kamvar, and Sydney E. Everhart


Characterizing the Agronomic Benefits of Solatenol Fungicide Tank-Mixture Applications in Nebraska Field Corn, 2014, J. D. Harbour and T. A. Jackson-Ziems


Foliar Fungicide Comparisons for Gray Leaf Spot Management and Lodging in Nebraska Field Corn, 2014, J. D. Harbour and T. A. Jackson-Ziems


Fungicide and Herbicide Effects on Gray Leaf Spot in Nebraska Field Corn, 2014, J. D. Harbour and T. A. Jackson-Ziems


The Effects of Fungicides and Regalia Tank Mixtures on Fray Leaf Spot in Nebraska Field Corn, 2014, J. D. Harbour and T. A. Jackson-Ziems


Corn Disease Update, Tamra A. Jackson-Ziems


What’s New in Plant Pathology, Tamra A. Jackson-Ziems, Loren Giesler, Robert M. Harveson, Stephen N. Wegulo, Kevin A. Korus, and Tony O. Adesemoye


A spectrum of HRT-dependent hypersensitive responses elicited by the 52 amino acid N-terminus of turnip crinkle virus capsid protein and its mutants, Sung-Hwan Kang, Feng Qu, and Thomas Jack Morris


From Select Agent to an Established Pathogen: The Response to Phakopsora pachyrhizi (Soybean Rust) in North America, Heather Y. Kelly, Nicholas S. Dufault, David R. Walker, Scott A. Isard, Raymond W. Schneider, Loren J. Giesler, David L. Wright, James J. Marois, and Glen L. Hartman


Species Associated with Cytospora Canker on Populus tremuloides, Jeff B. Kepley, F. Brent Reeves, William R. Jacobi, and Gerard C. Adams


Weather Variability and Disease Management Strategies, Kevin Korus, Tony O. Adesemoye, Loren Giesler, Robert M. Harveson, Tamra A. Jackson-Ziems, and Stephen N. Wegulo


Differentiating Chemical and Disease Symptoms in the Field, Kevin A. Korus, Loren J. Giesler, Robert M. Harveson, Tamra A. Jackson-Ziems, Lowell Sandell, and Stephen Wegulo


Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) Assay for Detecting Direct and Indirect Protein -DNA Interactions in Magnaporthe oryzae, Gang Li, Margarita Marroquin-Guzman, and Richard A. Wilson


GATA-Dependent Glutaminolysis Drives Appressorium Formation in Magnaporthe oryzae by Suppressing TOR Inhibition of cAMP/PKA Signaling, Margarita Marroquin-Guzman and Richard A. Wilson


A Unique 5' Translation Element Discovered in Triticum Mosaic Virus, Robyn Roberts, Jincan Zhang, Laura K. Mayberry, Satyanarayana Tatineni, Karen S. Browning, and Aurelie M. Rakotondrafara


Recommendations of generic names in Diaporthales competing for protection or use, Amy Y. Rossman, Gerard C. Adams, Paul F. Cannon, Lisa A. Castlebury, Pedro W. Crous, Marieka Gryzenhout, Walter M. Jaklitsch, Luis C. Mejia, Dmitar Stoykov, Dhanushka Udayanga, Hermann Voglmayr, and Donald M. Walker


Multi-Year Pathogen Survey of Biofuel Switchgrass Breeding Plots Reveals High Prevalence of Infections by Panicum mosaic virus and Its Satellite Virus, Catherine L. Stewart, Jesse D. Pyle, Charlene C. Jochum, Kenneth P. Vogel, Gary Y. Yuen, and Karen-Beth G. Scholthof


In Vitro Transcripts of Wild-Type and Fluorescent Protein-Tagged Triticum mosaic virus (Family Potyviridae) are Biologically Active in Wheat, Satyanarayana Tatineni, Anthony J. McMechan, Melissa Bartels, Gary L. Hein, and Robert A. Graybosch


Reply to Kjartansdóttir et al.: Chlorovirus ATCV-1 findings not explained by contamination, Robert H. Yolken, Lorraine Jones-Brando, David Dunigan, Geetha Kannan, Faith Dickerson, Emily Severance, Sarven Sabunciyan, C. Conover Talbot Jr., Emese Prandovszky, James Gurnon, Irina Agarkova, Flora Leister, Kristin L. Gressitt, Ou Chen, Bryan Deuber, Fangrui Ma, Mikhail V. Pletnikov, and James L. Van Etten


PilG is Involved in the Regulation of Twitching Motility and Antifungal Antibiotic Biosynthesis in the Biological Control Agent Lysobacter enzymogenes, Xue Zhou, Guoliang Qian, Yuan Chen, Liangcheng Du, Fengquan Liu, and Gary Y. Yuen



Expression of Chlorovirus MT325 aquaglyceroporin (aqpv1) in tobacco and its role in mitigating drought stress, Saadia Bihmidine, Mingxia Cao, Ming Kang, Tala Awada, James L. Van Etten, David Dunigan, and Thomas E. Clemente


Quantification of Yield Loss Caused by Triticum mosaic virus and Wheat streak mosaic virus in Winter Wheat Under Field Conditions, E. Byamukama, S. N. Wegulo, S. Tatineni, G. L. Hein, R. A. Graybosch, P. Stephen Baenziger, and R. French


Phytophthora ramorum, Sydney E. Everhart, Javier F. Tabima, and Niklaus J. Grünwald


Plant defense suppression is mediated by a fungal sirtuin during rice infection by Magnaporthe oryzae, Jessie Fernandez, Margarita Marroquin-Guzman, Renu Nandakumar, Sara Shijo, Kathryn M. Cornwell, Gang Li, and Richard Wilson


Evidence for a Transketolase-Mediated Metabolic Checkpoint Governing Biotrophic Growth in Rice Cells by the Blast Fungus Magnaporthe oryzae, Jessie Fernandez, Margarita Marroquin-Guzman, and Richard A. Wilson


Characterizing Roles for the Glutathione Reductase, Thioredoxin Reductase and Thioredoxin Peroxidase-Encoding Genes of Magnaporthe oryzae during Rice Blast Disease, Jessie Fernandez and Richard Wilson


First Report of Goss's Bacterial Leaf Blight and Wilt of Corn Caused by Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. nebraskensis in North Dakota, A. Friskop, K. Kinzer, M. McConnell, Z. Liu, K. A. Korus, A. Timmerman, and T. Jackson


Response of Fusarium thapsinum to Sorghum brown midrib Lines and to Phenolic Metabolites, Deanna L. Funnell-Harris, Scott E. Sattler, and Jeffrey F. Pedersen


Ficotylus laselvae n. sp. (Tylenchomorpha: Anguinidae) associated with Ficus colubrinae in Costa Rica, Robin M. Giblin-Davis, Natsumi Kanzaki, Kerrie A. Davies, Weimin Ye, Yongsan Zeng, Barbara J. Center, Alejandro Esquivel, and Thomas O. Powers


A global database of soil nematode abundance and functional group composition, Johan Hoogen, Peter Mullen, and 72 other scholars


Smut Diseases of Corn, Tamra Jackson-Ziems


Corn Disease Update, Tamra A. Jackson-Ziems and Thomas W. Dorn


What’s New in Plant Pathology, Tamra A. Jackson-Ziems, Loren Giesler, Robert M. Harveson, Stephen N. Wegulo, and Kevin Korus


Disease Profiles: Nematodes of Nebraska Field Crops, Tamra A. Jackson-Ziems, Loren J. Giesler, Robert M. Harveson, Kevin A. Korus, and Stephen N. Wegulo