Towards Defining Nutrient Conditions Encountered by the Rice Blast Fungus during Host Infection, Richard A. Wilson, Jessie Fernandez, Cristian Fernando Quispe, Julien Gradnigo, Anya Seng, Etsuko N. Moriyama, and Janet D. Wright
Tritimovirus P1 functions as a suppressor of RNA silencing and an enhancer of disease symptoms, Brock A. Young, Drake C. Stenger, Feng Qu, T. Jack Morris, Satyanarayana Tatineni, and Roy French
Characterization of Three-Dimensional Spatial Aggregation and Association Patterns of Brown Rot Symptoms within Intensively Mapped Sour Cherry Trees, Sydney E. Everhart, Ashley Askew, Lynne Seymour, Imre J. Holb, and Harald Scherm
The Sugar Sensor, Trehalose-6-phosphate Synthase (Tps1), Regulates Primary and Secondary Metabolism During Infection by the Rice Blast Fungus: Will Magnaporthe oryzae’s “sweet tooth” become its “Achilles’ heel”?, Jesse Fernandez and Richard Wilson
Presence of Fusarium spp. in Air and Soil Associated with Sorghum Fields, Deanna L. Funnell-Harris and Jeffrey F. Pedersen
First Report of Goss's Bacterial Wilt and Leaf Blight (Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. nebraskensis) of Corn in Texas, K. A. Korus, A. D. Timmerman, R. D. French-Monar, and T. A. Jackson
MOTUs, Morphology, and Biodiversity Estimation: A Case Study Using Nematodes of the Suborder Criconematina and a Conserved 18S DNA Barcode, Thomas O. Powers, Timothy Harris, Rebecca Higgins, Peter Mullin, Lisa Sutton, and Kirsten Powers
Mechanisms of Contact-Mediated Killing of Yeast Cells on Dry Metallic Copper Surfaces, Davide Quaranta, Travis Krans, Christophe Espirito Santo, Christian Elowsky, Dylan W. Domaille, Christopher J. Chang, and Gregor Grass
Control of Glucosylceramide Production and Morphogenesis by the Bar1 Ceramide Synthase in Fusarium graminearum, William B. Rittenour, Ming Chen, Edgar B. Cahoon, and Steven D. Harris
Co-culture of Yeast Antagonists of Fusarium Head Blight and their Effect on Disease Development in Wheat, D. A. Schisler, P. J. Slininger, Michael J. Boehm, and P. A. Paul
The GC-Rich Mitochondrial and Plastid Genomes of the Green Alga Coccomyxa Give Insight into the Evolution of Organelle DNA Nucleotide Landscape, David Roy Smith; Fabien Burki; Takashi Burki; Jane Grimwood; Igor V, Grigoriev; James L. Van Etten; and Patrick J. Keeling
Efficient and stable expression of GFP through Wheat streak mosaic virus-based vectors in cereal hosts using a range of cleavage sites: Formation of dense fluorescent aggregates for sensitive virus tracking, Satyanarayana Tatineni, Anthony J. McMechan, Gary L. Hein, and Roy French
A plant virus evolved by acquiring multiple nonconserved genes to extend its host range, Satyanarayana Tatineni, Cecile J. Robertson, Stephen M. Garnsey, and William O. Dawson
The N-Terminal Region of Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus Coat Protein Is a Host- and Strain-Specific Long-Distance Transport Factor, Satyanarayana Tatineni, David H. Van Winkle, and Roy French
Another Really, Really Big Virus, James L. Van Etten
Giant Viruses, James L. Van Etten
Effects of Integrating Cultivar Resistance and Fungicide Application on Fusarium Head Blight and Deoxynivalenol in Winter Wheat, Stephen N. Wegulo, William W. Bockus, John Hernandez Nopsa, Erick D. De Wolf, Kent M. Eskridge, Kamaranga H. S. Peiris, and Floyd E. Dowell
Economic returns from fungicide application to control foliar fungal diseases in winter wheat, Stephen N. Wegulo, Michael V. Zwingman, Julie A. Breathnach, and P. Stephen Baenziger
Increased Plant Uptake of Nitrogen from 15N-depleted Fertilizer Using Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria, A. O. Adesemoye, H. A. Torbert, and J. W. Kloepper
The pathogenicity determinant of Citrus tristeza virus causing the seedling yellows syndrome maps at the 3′-terminal region of the viral genome, Maria R. Albiach-Marti, Cecile J. Robertson, Siddarame Gowda, Satyanarayana Tatineni, Belen Belliure, Stephen M. Garnsey, Svetlana Y. Folimonova, Pedro Moreno, and William O. Dawson
Shiga Toxin Is Transported into the Nucleoli of Intestinal Epithelial Cells via a Carrier-Dependent Process, Boris Baibakov, Rakhilya Murtazina, Christian Elowsky, Francis M. Giardiello, and Olga Kovbasnjuk
Vittatidera zeaphila (Nematoda: Heteroderidae), a new genus and species of cyst nematode parasitic on corn (Zea mays), Ernest C. Bernard, Zafar A. Handoo, Thomas O. Powers, Patricia A. Donald, and Robert D. Heinz
The Chlorella variabilis NC64A Genome Reveals Adaptation to Photosymbiosis, Coevolution with Viruses, and Cryptic Sex, Guillaume Blanc, Garry Duncan, Irina Agarkova, Mark Borodovsky, James Gurnon, Alan Kuo, Erika Lindquist, Susan Lucas, Jasmyn Pangilinan, Juergen Polle, Asaf Salamov, Astrid Terry, Takashi Yamada, David D. Dunigan, Igor V. Grigoriev, Jean-Michel Claverie, and James L. Van Etten
A functional calcium-transporting ATPase encoded by chlorella viruses, Maria Cristina Bonza, Holger Martin, Ming Kang, Gentry L. Lewis, Timo Greiner, Sonia Giacometti, James L. Van Etten, Maria Ida de Michelis, Gerhard Thiel, and Anna Moroni
MELOIDOGYNE SPP. INFECTING ORNAMENTAL PLANTS IN FLORIDA, J. A. Brito, R. Kaur, R. Cetintas, J. D. Stanley, M. L. Mendes, Thomas O. Powers, and D. W. Dickson
Heterokaryotic Nuclear Conditions and a Heterogeneous Nuclear Population Are Observed by Flow Cytometry in Phytophthora infestans, Mursel Catal, Louis King, Pavani Tumbalam, Prissana Wiriyajitsomboon, William W. Kirk, and Gerard C. Adams
Population- and genome-specific patterns of linkage disequilibrium and SNP variation in spring and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Shiaoman Chao, Jorge Dubcovsky, Jan Dvorak, Ming-Cheng Luo, P. Stephen Baenziger, Rustam Matnyazov, Dale R. Clark, Luther E. Talbert, James A. Anderson, Susanne Dreisigacker, Karl Glover, Jianli Chen, Kim Campbell, Phil L. Bruckner, Jackie C. Rudd, Scott Haley, Brett F. Carver, Sid Perry, Mark E. Sorrells, and Eduard D. Akhunov
Identification of an L-Rhamnose Synthetic Pathway in Two Nucleocytoplasmic Large DNA Viruses, Madhu Parakkottil Chothi, Garry A. Duncan, Andrea Armirotti, Chantal Abergel, James R. Gurnon, James L. Van Etten, Cinzia Bernardi, Gianluca Damonte, and Michela Tonetti
Unique Functionality of 22 nt miRNAs in Triggering RDR6-Dependent siRNA Biogenesis from Target Transcripts in Arabidopsis, Josh T. Cuperus, Alberto Carbonell, Noah Fahlgren, Hernan Garcia-Ruiz, Russell T. Burke, Atsushi Takeda, Christopher M. Sullivan, Sunny D. Gilbert, Taiowa A. Montgomery, and James C. Carrington
Upper Canopy Collection and Identification of Grapevines (Vitis) from Selected Forests in the Southeastern United States, Sydney E. Everhart
Isolation of the phycodnavirus PBCV-1 by biological laser printing, Lisa A. Fitzgerald, Peter K. Wu, James Gurnon, Justin C. Biffinger, Bradley R. Ringeisen, and James L. Van Etten
Isolation of the phycodnavirus PBCV-1 by biological laser printing, Lisa A. Fitzgerald, Peter K. Wu, James R. Gurnon, Justin C. Biffinger, Bradley R. Ringeisen, and James L. Van Etten
Alteration in Lignin Biosynthesis Restricts Growth of Fusarium spp. in Brown Midrib Sorghum, Deanna L. Funnell-Harris, Jeffrey F. Pedersen, and Scott E. Sattler
Soil and root populations of fluorescent Pseudomonas spp. associated with seedlings and field-grown plants are affected by sorghum genotype, Deanna L. Funnell-Harris, Jeffrey F. Pedersen, and Scott E. Sattler
Arabidopsis RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerases and Dicer-Like Proteins in Antiviral Defense and Small Interfering RNA Biogenesis during Turnip Mosaic Virus Infection, Hernan Garcia-Ruiz, Atsushi Takeda, Elisabeth J. Chapman, Christopher M. Sullivan, Noah Fahlgren, Katherine J. Brempelis, and James C. Carrington
Importance of Myxomycetes in Biological Research and Teaching, Harold W. Keller and Sydney E. Everhart
Morphological and Molecular Characterization of Discocriconemella inarata, an Endemic Nematode from North American Native Tallgrass Prairies, Thomas O. Powers, Timothy Harris, Rebecca Higgins, Lisa Sutton, and Kirsten S. Powers
An in vitro method for the analysis of infection-related morphogenesis in Fusarium graminearum, William R. Rittenour and Steven D. Harris
Brown midrib mutations and their importance to the utilization of maize, sorghum, and pearl millet lignocellulosic tissues, Scott E. Sattler, Deanna L. Funnell-Harris, and Jeffrey F. Pedersen
Regulation of Septum Formation by the Bud3–Rho4 GTPase Module in Aspergillus nidulans, Haoyu Si, Daniela Justa-Schuch, Stephan Seiler, and Steven D. Harris
Heterologous minor coat proteins of Citrus tristeza virus strains affect encapsidation, but the coexpression of HSP70h and p61 restores encapsidation to wild-type levels, Satyanarayana Tatineni, Siddarame Gowda, and William O. Dawson
Wheat Cultivar-Specific Disease Synergism and Alteration of Virus Accumulation During Co-Infection with Wheat streak mosaic virus and Triticum mosaic virus, Satyanarayana Tatineni, Robert A. Graybosch, Gary L. Hein, Stephen N. Wegulo, and Roy French
Initial Events Associated with Virus PBCV-1 Infection of Chlorella NC64A, Gerhard Thiel, Anna Moroni, David Dunigan, and James L. Van Etten
DNA Viruses: The Really Big Ones (Giruses), James L. Van Etten, Leslie C. Lane, and David Dunigan
Deep and Comparative Transcriptome Analysis of Rice Plants Infested by the Beet Armyworm (Spodoptera exigua) and Water Weevil (Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus), R. C. Venu, M. Sheshu Madhav, M. V. Sreerekha, Kan Nobuta, Yuan Zhang, Peter Carswell, Michael J. Boehm, B. C. Meyers, Kenneth L. Korth, and Guo-Liang Wang
Summer Heat and an Epidemic of Cytospora Canker of Alnus, James J. Worrall, Gerard C. Adams, and Sarah C. Tharp
Crystal Structure of a Virus-Encoded Putative Glycosyltransferase, Yi Xiang, Ulrich Baxa, Ying Zhang, Alasdair C. Steven, Gentry L. Lewis, James L. Van Etten, and Michael G. Rossmann
Microarray Analysis of Paramecium bursaria Chlorella Virus 1 Transcription, Giane M. Yanai-Balser, Garry A. Duncan, James D. Eudy, Dong Wang, Xiao Li, Irina V. Agarkova, David D. Dunigan, and James L. Van Etten
Microarray Analysis of Paramecium bursaria Chlorella Virus 1 Transcription, Giane M. Yanai-Balser, Garry A. Duncan, James D. Eudy, Dong Wang, Xiao Li, Irina V. Agarkova, David Dunigan, and James L. Van Etten
Plant-Microbes Interactions in Enhanced Fertilizer-Use Efficiency, Anthony O. Adesemoye and Joseph W. Kloepper
Evaluating Pseudomonas aeruginosa as Plant Growth–Promoting Rhizobacteria in West Africa, Anthony O. Adesemoye and Esther O. Ugoji
Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria Allow Reduced Application Rates of Chemical Fertilizers, A. O. Adesemoye, H. A. Torbert, and J. W. Kloepper
An icosahedral algal virus has a complex unique vertex decorated by a spike, Mickaël V. Cherrier, Victor A. Kostyuchenko, Chuan Xiao, Valorie D. Bowman, Anthony J. Battisti, Xiaodong Yan, Paul R. Chipman, Timothy S. Baker, James L. Van Etten, and Michael G. Rossmann
Chlorella virus ATCV-1 encodes a functional potassium channel of 82 amino acids, Sabrina Gazzarrini, Ming Kang, Alessandra Abenavoli, Giulia Romani, Claudio Olivari, Daniele Gaslini, Giuseppina Ferrara, James L. Van Etten, Michael Kreim, Stefan M. Kast, Gerhard Thiel, and Anna Moroni
Accumulation of a 5′ proximal subgenomic RNA of Citrus tristeza virus is correlated with encapsidation by the minor coat protein, Siddarame Gowda, Satyanarayana Tatineni, Svetlana Y. Folimonova, Mark E. Hilf, and William O. Dawson
Chlorella viruses prevent multiple infections by depolarizing the host membrane, Timo Greiner, Florian Frohns, Ming Kang, James L. Van Etten, Anja Käsmann, Anna Moroni, Brigitte Hertel, and Gerhard Thiel
The Majority of the Type III Effector Inventory of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 Can Suppress Plant Immunity, Ming Guo, Fang Tian, Yashitola Wamboldt, and James R. Alfano
Effects of increased pCO2 and temperature on the North Atlantic spring bloom. III. Dimethylsulfoniopropionate, Peter A. Lee, Jamie R. Rudisill, Aimee R. Neeley, Jennifer M. Maucher, David A. Hutchins, Yuanyuan Feng, Clinton E. Hare, Karine Leblanc, Julie M. Rose, Steven W. Wilhelm, Janet M. Rowe, and Giacomo R. DiTullio
Education in Plant Pathology Present Status and Future Challenges, James MacDonald, Caitilyn Allen, David Gadoury, William Jacobi, Segenet Kelemu, James Moyer, Tim Murray, Kevin Ong, Charles Pearson, John Sherwood, and Ann Vidaver
First Report of Columbia Root-Knot Nematode (Meloidogyne chitwoodi) in Potato in Turkey, A. Ozarslandan, Z. Devran, N. Mutlu, and I. H. Elekcioglu
Rathayibacter iranicus isolated from symptomless wheat seeds in Turkey, E. Postnikova, Irina V. Agarkova, S. Altundag, F. Eskandari, A. Sechler, A. Karahan, A. K. Vidaver, W. Schneider, M. Ozakman, and N. W. Schaad
A Nonsense Mutation in a Cinnamyl Alcohol Dehydrogenase Gene Is Responsible for the Sorghum brown midrib6 Phenotype1[W][OA], Scott E. Sattler, Aaron J. Saathoff, Eric J. Haas, Nathan A. Palmer, Deanna L. Funnell-Harris, Gautam Sarath, and Jeffrey F. Pedersen
Characterization of the 5′- and 3′-Terminal Subgenomic RNAs Produced by a Capillovirus: Evidence for a CP Subgenomic RNA, Satyanarayana Tatineni, Mohammad R. Afunian, Siddarame Gowda, Mark E. Hilf, Moshe Bar-Joseph, and William O. Dawson
Molecular Characterization of Citrus tatter leaf virus Historically Associated with Meyer Lemon Trees: Complete Genome Sequence and Development of Biologically Active In Vitro Transcripts, Satyanarayana Tatineni, Mohammad R. Afunian, Mark E. Hilf, Siddarame Gowda, William O. Dawson, and Stephen M. Garnsey
Triticum mosaic virus: A Distinct Member of the Family Potyviridae with an Unusually Long Leader Sequence, Satyanarayana Tatineni, Amy D. Ziems, Stephen N. Wegulo, and Roy French
Preface to Lesser Known Large dsDNA Viruses. Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology 328, James L. Van Etten
Dollar Spot Fungus Sclerotinla homoeocarpa Produces Oxalic Acid, R. C. Venu, Robert A. Beaulieu, Terrance L. Graham, Ainhoa Martinez Medina, and Michael J. Boehm
Effect of Growth Stage on the Relationship Between Tan Spot and Spot Blotch Severity and Yield in Winter Wheat, Stephen N. Wegulo, Julie A. Breathnach, and P. Stephen Baenziger
The Phycodnaviridae: The Story of How Tiny Giants Rule the World, W. H. Wilson, James L. Van Etten, and M. J. Allen
Comparison of Plant Growth-Promotion with Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Bacillus subtilis in Three Vegetables, A. O. Adesemoye, M. Obini, and E. O. Ugoji
Enhanced Plant Nutrient Use Efficiency with PGPR and AMF in an Integrated Nutrient Management System, A. O. Adesemoye, H. A. Torbert, and J. W. Kloepper
Chlorovirus-Mediated Membrane Depolarization of Chlorella Alters Secondary Active Transport of Solutes, Irina V. Agarkova, David Dunigan, James R. Gurnon, Timo Greiner, Julia Barres, Gerhard Thiel, and James L. Van Etten
Transmembrane domain length of viral K+ channels is a signal for mitochondria targeting, Jorg Balss, Panagiotis Papatheodorou, Mario Mehmel, Dirk Baumeister, Brigitte Hertel, Nicolas Delaroque, Frank C. Chatelain, Daniel L. Minor Jr., James L. Van Etten, Joachim Rassow, Anna Moroni, and Gerhard Thiel
An Immunofluorescence Assay to Detect Urediniospores of Phakopsora pachyrhizi, Fulya Baysal-Gurel, Melanie L. Lewis Ivey, Anne E. Dorrance, Douglas Luster, Reid Frederick, Jill Czarnecki, Michael J. Boehm, and Sally A. Miller
Integrated Management Strategies for Phytophthora sojae Combining Host Resistance and Seed Treatments, A. E. Dorrance, A. E. Robertson, S. Cianzo, L. J. Giesler, C. R. Grau, M. A. Draper, A. U. Tenuta, and T. R. Anderson
Putative Gene Promoter Sequences in the Chlorella Viruses, Lisa A. Fitzgerald, Philip Boucher, Giane Yanai-Balser, Karsten Suhre, Michael Graves, and James L. Van Etten
Citrus Tristeza Virus: Survival at the Edge of the Movement Continuum, Svetlana Y. Folimonova, Alexey S. Folimonov, Satyanarayana Tatineni, and William O. Dawson
Inoculation strategies to assess biological interactions between Fusarium and Alternaria species infecting sorghum, Deanna L. Funnell-Harris and Jeffrey F. Pedersen
Branching of fungal hyphae: regulation, mechanisms and comparison with other branching systems, Steven D. Harris
Virulence Diversity of the Common Bean Rust Pathogen Within and Among Individual Bean Fields and Development of Sampling Strategies, C. Jochua, M. I. V. Amane, J. R. Steadman, X. Xue, and K. M. Eskidge
Rapid Development of Fungicide Resistance by Sclerotinia homoeocarpa on Turfgrass, Young-Ki Jo, Seog Won Chang, Michael J. Boehm, and Geunhwa Jung
First Report of Annual Bluegrass Weevil, Listronotus maculicollis, Damage in Ohio, John L. Koenig, David J. Shetlar, Joseph W. Rimelspach, and Michael J. Boehm
A DGGE-cloning method to characterize arbuscular mycorrhizal community structure in soil, Zhanbei Liang, Rhae A. Drijber, Donald J. Lee, Ismail M. Dwiekat, Steven D. Harris, and David A. Wedin
An Antibiotic Complex from Lysobacter enzymogenes Strain C3: Antimicrobial Activity and Role in Plant Disease Control, S. Li, C. C. Jochum, F. Yu, K. Zaleta-Rivera, L. Du, Steven D. Harris, and Gary Y. Yuen
Epigenetic transcriptional repression of cellular genes by a viral SET protein, Shiraz Mujtaba, Karishma L. Manzur, James Gurnon, Ming Kang, James L. Van Etten, and Ming-Ming Zhou
Differential Pathogenicity of Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli and X. fuscans subsp. fuscans Strains on Bean Genotypes with Common Blight Resistance, N. Mutlu; A. K. Vidaver; D. P. Coyne; J. R. Steadman; P. A, Lambrecht; and J. Reiser
Reclassification of Subspecies of Acidovorax avenae as A. Avenae (Manns 1905) emend., A. cattleyae (Pavarino, 1911)comb.nov., A. citrulli Schaad et al.,1978)comb.nov., and proposal of A. oryzae sp. nov., Norman Schaad, Elena Postnikova, Aaron Sechler, Larry E. Claflin, Anne K. Vidaver, Jeffrey B. Jones, Irina V. Agarkova, Alexander Ignatov, Ellen Dickstein, and Bruce A. Ramundo
Myron Kendall Brakke: 1921 to 2007, Karen-Beth G. Scholthof, Andrew O. Jackson, and James L. Van Etten
Regulation of Apical Dominance in Aspergillus nidulans Hyphae by Reactive Oxygen Species, Camile P. Semighini and Steven D. Harris
Complete nucleotide sequence of a maize chlorotic mottle virus isolate from Nebraska, Drake Stenger and Roy C. French
Three genes of Citrus tristeza virus are dispensable for infection and movement throughout some varieties of citrus trees, Satyanarayana Tatineni, Cecile J. Robertson, Stephen M. Garnsey, Moshe Bar-Joseph, Siddarame Gowda, and William O. Dawson
In Planta Distribution of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ as Revealed by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Real-Time PCR, Satyanarayana Tatineni, Uma Shankar Sagaram, Siddarame Gowda, Cecile J. Robertson, William O. Dawson, Toru Iwanami, and Nian Wang
First Report of Soybean Rust Caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi in Nebraska, S. R. Watson, L. J. Giesler, A. D. Ziems, and T. E. Brovont
PSEUDOMONAS AVR AND HOP PROTEINS, THEIR ENCODING NUCLEIC ACIDS, AND USE THEREOF, James R. Alfano, Alan Collmer, Samuel W. Cartinhour, and David J. Schneider
Association of ergot alkaloids with conidiation in Aspergillus fumigatus, Christine M. Coyle, Shawn C. Kenaley, William R. Rittenour, and Daniel G. Panaccione
Functional characterization of the Aspergillus fumigatus calcineurin, Márcia Eliana da Silva Ferreira, Thorsten Heinekamp, Albert Hartl, Axel A. Brakhage, Camile P. Semighini, Steven D. Harris, Marcela Savoldi, Paula Fagundes de Gouvêa, Maria Helena de Souza Goldman, and Gustavo H. Goldman