Sequence and annotation of the 288-kb ATCV-1 virus that infects an endosymbiotic chlorella strain of the heliozoon Acanthocystis turfacea, Lisa A. Fitzgerald, Michael V. Graves, Xiao Li, James Hartigan, Artur J.P. Pfitzner, Ella Hoffart, and James L. Van Etten
Genetic Diversity in Populations of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris in Cruciferous Weeds in Central Coastal California, A. Ignatov, A. Sechler, E. L. Schuenzel, I. Agarkova, B. Oliver, A. K. Vidaver, and N. W. Schaad
Genetic Diversity in Populations of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris in Cruciferous Weeds in Central Coastal California, A. Ignatov, A. Sechler, E. L. Schuenzel, Irina V. Agarkova, B. Oliver, A. K. Vidaver, and N. W. Schaad
Expression Analysis of Rice Defense-Related Genes in Turfgrass in Response to Magnaporthe grisea, Young-Ki Jo, Guo-Liang Wang, and Michael J. Boehm
basA Regulates Cell Wall Organization and Asexual/Sexual Sporulation Ratio in Aspergillus nidulans, Shaojie Li, Dapeng Bao, Gary Yuen, Steven D. Harris, and Ana M. Calvo
SOYBEAN FGAM SYNTHASE PROMOTERS USEFUL IN NEMATODE CONTROL: U.S. Patent No. US 7,223,901 B2, Sally Ann MacKenzie and Zarir Vaghchhipawala
Genetic analysis of a novel Alaska barley yellow dwarf virus in the family Luteoviridae, N.L. Robertson and Roy C. French
Genetic structure in natural populations of barley/cereal yellow dwarf virus isolates from Alaska, N.L. Robertson and Roy C. French
Wheat streak mosaic virus Lacking Helper Component-Proteinase Is Competent to Produce Disease Synergism in Double Infections with Maize chlorotic mottle virus, Drake C. Stenger, Brock A. Young, Feng Qu, Thomas Jack Morris, and Roy French
Regulation of hyphal morphogenesis by cdc42 and rac1 homologues in Aspergillus nidulans, Aleksandra Virag, Maurice P. Lee, Haoyu Si, and Steven D. Harris
Structure and Biosynthesis of Heat-Stable Antifungal Factor (HSAF), a Broad-Spectrum Antimycotic with a Novel Mode of Action, Fengan Yu, Kathia Zaleta-Rivera, Xiangcheng Zhu, Justin Huffman, Jeffrey C. Millet, Steven D. Harris, Gary Yuen, Xing-Cong Li, and Liangcheng Du
Response of Soybean Cultivars to Bean pod mottle virus Infection, Amy D. Ziems, Loren J. Giesler, George L. Graef, Margaret G. Redinbaugh, Jean L. Vacha, SueAnn Berry, Laurence V. Madden, and Anne E. Dorrance
A Position Paper on the Electronic Publication of Nematode Taxonomic Manuscripts, Eyualem Abebe, James G. Baldwin, Byron Adams, Duane Hope, Scott Gardner, Robin Huettel, Peter Mullin, Thomas O. Powers, Jyotsna Sharma, Weimin Ye, and William K. Thomas
Microbial Content of Abattoir Wastewater and Its Contaminated Soil in Lagos, Nigeria, A. O. Adesemoye, B. O. Opere, and S. C. O. Makinde
Genetic Characterization and Diversity of Rathayibacter toxicus, Irina V. Agarkova, A. K. Vidaver, E. N. Postnikova, I. T. Riley, and N. W. Schaad
Cloning of Nt.CviQII Nicking Endonuclease and Its Cognate Methyltransferase: M.CviQII Methylates AG Sequence, Siu-Hong Chan, Zhenyu Zhu, David Dunigan, James L. Van Etten, and Shuang-yong Xu
Influence of Lysobacter enzymogenes Strain C3 on Nematodes, J. Chen, W. H. Moore, Gary Yuen, D. Kobayashi, and E.P. Caswell-Chen
NUCLEC ACDS ENCODING PSEUDOMONAS HOP PROTEINS AND USE THEREOF, Alan Collmer, James R. Alfano, Xiaoyan Tang, C. Robin Buell, and Gregory B. Martin
Assessing Heterodera glycines-Resistant and Susceptible Cultivar Yield Response, P. A. Donald; P. E. Pierson; S. K. St. Martin; P. R. Sellers; G. R. Noel; A. E. MacGuidwin; J. Faghihi; V. R. Ferris; C. R. Grau; D. J. Jardine; H, Melakeberhan; T. L. Niblack; W. C. Stienstra; G. L. Tylka; T. A. Wheeler; and D. S. Wysong
Phycodnaviruses: A peek at genetic diversity, David Dunigan, Lisa A. Fitzgerald, and James L. Van Etten
First Report of Leaf Spot of Smooth Bromegrass Caused by Pithomyces chartarum in Nebraska, C. Eken, C. C. Jochum, and G. Y. Yuen
Whole-Genome Expression Profiling Defines the HrpL Regulon of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000, Allows de novo Reconstruction of the Hrp cis Element, and Identifies Novel Coregulated Genes, Adriana O. Ferreira, Christopher R. Myers, Jeffrey S. Gordon, Gregory B. Martin, Monica Vencato, Alan Collmer, Misty D. Wehling, James R. Alfano, Gabriel Moreno-Hagelsieb, Warren F. Lamboy, Geneviene DeClerck, David J. Schneider, and Samuel W. Cartinhour
Potassium Ion Channels of Chlorella Viruses Cause Rapid Depolarization of Host Cells during Infection, Florian Frohns, Anja Kasmann, Detlef Kramer, Britta Schafer, Mario Mehmel, Ming Kang, James L. Van Etten, Sabrina Gazzarrini, Ana Morino, and Gerhard Thiel
Association of Plant Color and Pericarp Color with Colonization of Grain by Members of Fusarium and Alternaria in Near-Isogenic Sorghum Lines, Deanna L. Funnell and Jeffrey F. Pedersen
Reaction of Sorghum Lines Genetically Modified for Reduced Lignin Content to Infection by Fusarium and Alternaria spp., Deanna L. Funnell and Jeffrey F. Pedersen
Interactions Between the Soybean Cyst Nematode and Fusarium solani f. sp. glycines Based on Greenhouse Factorial Experiments, X. Gao, T. A. Jackson, G. L. Hartman, and T. L. Niblack
Inducible Yeast System for Viral RNA Recombination Reveals Requirement for an RNA Replication Signal on Both Parental RNAs, Hernan Garcia-Ruiz and Paul Ahlquist
Chlorella virus MT325 encodes water and potassium channels that interact synergistically, Sabrina Gazzarrini, Ming Kang, Svetlana Epimashko, James L. Van Etten, Jack Dainty, Gerhard Thiel, and Anna Moroni
Polarity in Plants - Annual Plant Reviews, Volume 12, Steven D. Harris
New Outbreaks of Bacterial Wilt of Dry Bean in Nebraska Observed from Field Infections, R. M. Harveson, H. F. Schwartz, A. K. Vidaver, Patricia A. Lambrecht, and K. L. Otto
Fungicide Sensitivity of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa from Golf Courses in Ohio, Young-Ki Jo, Amy L. Niver, Joseph W. Rimelspach, and Michael J. Boehm
Regulation of Hyphal Morphogenesis and the DNA Damage Response by the Aspergillus nidulans ATM Homolog AtmA, Iran Malavazi, Camile P. Semighini, Marcia Regina von Zeska Kress, Steven D. Harris, and Gustavo H. Goldman
Transcriptome Analysis of Aspergillus nidulans Exposed to Camptothecin-Induced DNA Damage, Iran Malazavi, Marcela Savoldi, Sonia Marla Zingaretti Di Mauro, Carlos Frederico Martins Menck, Steven D. Harris, Maria Helena de Souza Goldman, and Gustavo Henrique Goldman
Registration of ‘Atlas bmr-12’ Forage Sorghum, Jeffrey F. Pedersen, Deanna L. Funnell, John J. Toy, A.L. Oliver, and R.J. Grant
Registration of Seven Forage Sorghum Genetic Stocks Near-Isogenic for the Brown Midrib Genes bmr-6 and bmr-12, Jeffrey F. Pedersen, Deanna L. Funnell, John J. Toy, A.L. Oliver, and R.J. Grant
Registration of Twelve Grain Sorghum Genetic Stocks Near-isogenic for the Brown Midrib Genes bmr-6 and bmr-12, Jeffrey F. Pedersen, Deanna L. Funnell, John J. Toy, A.L. Oliver, and R.J. Grant
Emended classification of xanthomonad pathogens on citrus, Norman W. Schaad, Elena Postnikova, George Lacy, Aaron Sechler, Irina V. Agarkova, Paul E. Stromberg, Verlyn K. Stromberg, and Anne K. Vidaver
An Assessment Model for Rating High-Threat Crop Pathogens, N. W. Schaad, J. Abrams, L. V. Madden, R. D. Frederick, D. G. Luster, V. D. Damsteegt, and A. K. Vidaver
Farnesol-induced apoptosis in Aspergillus nidulans reveals a possible mechanism for antagonistic interactions between fungi, Camile P. Semighini, Jacob M. Hornby, Raluca Dumitru, Kenneth W. Nickerson, and Steven D. Harris
Nested deletion analysis of Wheat streak mosaic virus HC-Pro: Mapping of domains affecting polyprotein processing and eriophyid mite transmission, Drake C. Stenger, Gary L. Hein, and Roy C. French
Divergence and Mosaicism among Virulent Soil Phages of the Burkholderia cepacia Complex, Elizabeth J. Summer, Carlos F. Gonzalez, Morgan Bomer, Thomas Carlile, Addie Embry, Amalie M. Kucherka, Jonte Lee, Leslie Mebane, William C. Morrison, Louise Mark, Maria D. King, John J. LiPuma, Anne K. Vidaver, and Ry Young
Avenacin Production in Creeping Bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) and Its Influence on the Host Range of Gaeumannomyces graminis, S. L. Thomas, P. Bonello, P. E. Lipps, and Michael J. Boehm
Sentinel Nematodes of Land-Use Change and Restoration in Tallgrass Prairie, T. C. Todd, T. O. Powers, and P.G. Mullin
Bioinformatics-Enabled Identification of the HrpL Regulon and Type III Secretion System Effector Proteins of Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola 1448A, Monica Vencato, Fang Tian, James R. Alfano, C. Robin Buell, Samuel Cartinhour, Genevieve A. DeClerck, David S. Guttman, John Stavrinides, Vinita Joardar, Magdalen Lindeberg, Philip A. Bronstein, John W. Mansfield, Christopher R. Myers, Alan Collmer, and David J. Schneider
Functional Characterization of Aspergillus nidulans Homologues of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Spa2 and Bud6, Aleksandra Virag and Steven D. Harris
Chlorella Viruses, Takashi Yamada, Hideki Onimatsu, and James L. Van Etten
Carbon-to-Nitrogen Ratio and Carbon Loading of Production Media Influence Freeze-Drying Survival and Biocontrol Efficacy of Cryptococcus nodaensis OH 182.9, Shouan Zhang, David A. Schisler, Michael J. Boehm, and Patricia J. Slininger
First Report of Sudden Death Syndrome of Soybean Caused by Fusarium solani f. sp. glycines in Nebraska, A. D. Ziems, L. J. Giesler, and G. Y. Yuen
First Report of Sudden Death Syndrome of Soybean Caused by Fusarium solani f. sp. glycines in Nebraska, A. D. Ziems, L. J. Giesler, and G. Y. Yuen
Genetic and Phenotypic Variation of the Pepper golden mosaic virus Complex, J. K. Brown, A. M. Idris, K. M. Ostrow, N. Goldberg, R. French, and D. C. Stenger
Proline suppresses apoptosis in the fungal pathogen Colletotrichum trifolii, Changbin Chen and Martin B. Dickman
Chlorella Virus Marburg Topoisomerase II: High DNA Cleavage Activity as a Characteristic of Chlorella Virus Type II Enzymes, Jennifer S. Dickey, Tae-Jin Choi, James L. Van Etten, and Neil Osheroff
First Report of Crown and Stem Rot of Orchid (Orchis palustris) Caused by Sclerotinia minor, C. Eken, S. Ercişli, A. Eşitken, E. Demirci, and G. Y. Yuen
Genome sequences of Agropyron mosaic virus and Hordeum mosaic virus support reciprocal monophyly of the genera Potyvirus and Rymovirus in the family Potyviridae, Roy C. French and D.C. Stenger
Sequencing of Aspergillus nidulans and comparative analysis with A. fumigatus and A. oryzae, James E. Galagan, Sarah E. Calvo, Christina Cuomo, Li-Jun Ma, Jennifer R. Wortman, Serafim Batzoglou, Su-In Lee, Meray Baştürkmen, Christina C. Spevak, Vladimir Kapitonov, Jerzy Jurka, Claudio Scazzocchio, Mark Farman, Jonathan Butler, Seth Purcell, Steven D. Harris, Gerhard H. Braus, Oliver Draht, Silke Busch, Christophe D'Enfert, Christiane Bouchier, Gustavo H. Goldman, Deborah Bell-Pedersen, Sam Griffiths-Jones, John H. Doonan, Jaehyuk Yu, Kay Vienken, Arnab Pain, Michael Freitag, Eric U. Selker, David B. Archer, Miguel Á. Peñalva, Berl R. Oakley, Michelle Momany, Toshihiro Tanaka, Toshitaka Kumagai, Kiyoshi Asai, Masayuki Machida, William C. Nierman, David W. Denning, Mark Caddick, Michael Hynes, Mathieu Paoletti, Reinhard Fischer, Bruce Miller, Paul Dyer, Matthew S. Sachs, Stephen A. Osmani, and Bruce W. Birren
Mutual Interference between Genomic RNA Replication and Subgenomic mRNA Transcription in Brome Mosaic Virus, Valery Z. Grdzelishvili, Hernan Garcia-Ruiz, Tokiko Watanabe, and Paul Ahlquist
Morphogenesis in germinating Fusarium graminearum macroconidia, Steven D. Harris
Polarisome Meets Spitzenkö̈rper: Microscopy, Genetics, and Genomics Converge, Steven D. Harris, Nick D. Read, Robert W. Roberson, Brian Shaw, Stephan Seiler, Mike Plamann, and Michelle Momany
Chlorovirus: A Genus of Phycodnaviridae that Infects Certain Chlorella-Like Green Algae, Ming Kang, David Dunigan, and James L. Van Etten
The glycosphingolipid globotriaosylceramide in the metastatic transformation of colon cancer, Olga Kovbasnjuk, Rakhilya Mourtazina, Boris Baibakov, Thomas Wang, Christian Elowsky, Michael A. Choti, Anne Kane, and Mark Donowitz
Proposed Guidelines for a Unified Nomenclature and Phylogenetic Analysis of Type III Hop Effector Proteins in the Plant Pathogen Pseudomonas syringae, Magdalen Lindeberg, John Stavrinides, Jeffrey H. Chang, James R. Alfano, Alan Collmer, Jeffrey L. Dangl, Jean T. Greenberg, John W. Mansfield, and David S. Guttman
Green Fluorescent Protein Is Lighting Up Fungal Biology, J.M. Lorang, R.P. Tuori, J.P. Martinez, T.L. Sawyer, R.S. Redman, J.A. Rollins, T. J. Wolpert, K.B. Johnson, R. J. Rodriguez, M. B. Dickman, and L. M. Ciuffetti
Registration of Common Bacterial Blight Resistant Pinto Bean Germplasm Line ABCP-8, N. Mutlu, P.N. Miklas, J. R. Steadman, A. K. Vidaver, Dale T. Lindgren, J. Reiser, D.P. Coyne, and M. A. Pator-Corrales
Mutagenesis of β-1,3-Glucanase Genes in Lysobacter enzymogenes Strain C3 Results in Reduced Biological Control Activity Toward Bipolaris Leaf Spot of Tall Fescue and Pythium Damping-Off of Sugar Beet, Jeffrey D. Palumbo, Gary Y. Yuen, C. Christine Jochum, Kristin Tatum, and Donald Y. Kobayashi
Impact of Reduced Lignin on Plant Fitness, Jeffrey F. Pedersen, Kenneth P. Vogel, and Deanna L. Funnell
Incorporating Molecular Identification of Meloidogyne spp. into a Large-scale Regional Nematode Survey, Thomas O. Powers, P. G. Mullin, T. S. Harris, L. A. Sutton, and R. S. Higgins
Reclassification of Xanthomonas campestris pv. citri (ex Hasse 1915) Dye 1978 forms A, B/C/D, and E as X. smithii subsp. citri (ex Hasse) sp. nov. nom. rev. comb. nov., X. fuscans subsp. aurantifolii (ex Gabriel 1989) sp. nov. nom. rev. comb. nov., and X. alfalfae subsp. citrumelo (ex Riker and Jones) Gabriel et al., 1989 sp. nov. nom. rev. comb. nov.; X. campestris pv malvacearum (ex Smith 1901) Dye 1978 as X. smithii subsp. smithii nov. comb. nov. nom. nov.; X. campestris pv. alfalfae (ex Riker and Jones, 1935) Dye 1978 as X. alfalfae subsp. alfalfae (ex Riker et al., 1935) sp. nov. nom. rev.; and ‘‘var. fuscans’’ of X. campestris pv. phaseoli (ex Smith, 1987) Dye 1978 as X. fuscans subsp. fuscans sp. nov., Norman W. Schaad, Elena Postnikova, George H. Lacy, Aaron Sechler, Irina V. Agarkova, Paul E. Stromberg, Verlyn K. Stromberg, and Anne K. Vidaver
Complete Deletion of Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus HC-Pro: a Null Mutant Is Viable for Systemic Infection, Drake C. Stenger, Roy C. French, and Frederick E. Gildow
Plant Virus HC-Pro Is a Determinant of Eriophyid Mite Transmission, Drake C. Stenger, Gary L. Hein, Frederick E. Gildow, Kempton M. Horken, and Roy C. French
No political interference in US agricultural grants, Anne Vidaver
Aspergillus nidulans uvsBATR and scaANBS1 Genes Show Genetic Interactions during Recovery from Replication Stress and DNA Damage, Marcia Regina von Zeska Kress Fagundes, Camile P. Semighini, Iran Malazavi, Marcela Savoldi, Joel Fernandes de Lima, Maria Helena de Souza Goldman, Steven D. Harris, and Gustavo Henrique Goldman
TYPE III SECRETION SYSTEM EFFECTOR PROTEINS: Double Agents in Bacterial Disease and Plant Defense, James R. Alfano and Alan Collmer
Phenotypic and Genotypic Characterization of Uromyces appendiculatus from Phaseolus vulgaris in the Americas, C. M. Araya, A. T. Alleyne, J. R. Steadman, Kent M. Eskridge, and D. P. Coyne
Spinach curly top virus: A Newly Described Curtovirus Species from Southwest Texas with Incongruent Gene Phylogenies, Surendranath Baliji, Mark C. Black, Roy C. French, Drake C. Stenger, and Garry Sunter
Morphological and Molecular Characterization of Meloidogyne mayaguensis Isolates from Florida, J. Brito, Thomas O. Powers, P. G. Mullin, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services N., and D. W. Dickson
Biography of James L. Van Etten, Christen Brownlee
Biography of James L. Van Etten, Christen Brownlee and James L. Van Etten
MAPK Regulation of Sclerotial Development in Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Is Linked with pH and cAMP Sensing, Changbin Chen, Arye Harel, Rena Gorovoits, Oded Yarden, and Martin B. Dickman
Temporal Expression of PR-1 and Enhanced Mature Plant Resistance to Virus Infection Is Controlled by a Single Dominant Gene in a New Nicotiana Hybrid, Anthony B. Cole, Lóránt Király, Leslie C. Lane, B. Elizabeth Wiggins, Kathleen Ross, and James E. Schoelz
Review of Bacterial Disease Resistance in Plants: Molecular Biology and Biotechnological Applications by P. Vidhyasekaran, Marty Dickman
Molecular differentiation of two sibling species of the black fly Simulium vittatum (Diptera: Simuliidae) based on random amplified polymorphic DNA, G. A. Duncan, P. H. Adler, K. P. Pruess, and Thomas O. Powers
Effects of Choline, Betaine, and Wheat Floral Extracts on Growth of Fusarium graminearum, Jessica S. Engle, Patrick E. Lipps, Terry L. Graham, and Michael J. Boehm
Expression of the tobacco β- 1,3-glucanase gene, PR-2d, following induction of SAR with Peronospora tabacina, Deanna L. Funnell, Christopher B. Lawrence, Jeffrey F. Pedersen, and Christopher L. Schardl
Necrotic Lesion Resistance Induced by Peronospora tabacina on Leaves of Nicotiana obtusifolia, E.P. Heist, D. Zaitlin, Deanna L. Funnell, W.C. Nesmith, and C.L. Schardl
Small potassium ion channel proteins encoded by chlorella viruses, Ming Kang, Anna Moroni, Sabrina Gazzarrini, Dario DiFrancesco, Gerhard Thiel, Maria Severino, and James L. Van Etten
Glycosyltransferases encoded by viruses, Nicolas Markine-Goriaynoff, Laurent Gillet, James L. Van Etten, Haralambos Korres, Naresh Verma, and Alain Vanderplasschen
Wheat Cultivar-Specific Selection of 2,4-Diacetylphloroglucinol-Producing Fluorescent Pseudomonas Species from Resident Soil Populations, M. Mazzola, Deanna L. Funnell, and J.M. Raaijmakers
MesA, a Novel Fungal Protein Required for the Stabilization of Polarity Axes in Aspergillus nidulans, Claire L. Pearson, Kaimei Xu, Kathryn E. Sharpless, and Steven D. Harris
Rapid Iodine Staining Techniques for Identifying the Waxy Phenotype in Sorghum Grain and Waxy Genotype in Sorghum Pollen, Jeffrey F. Pedersen, S.R. Bean, Deanna L. Funnell, and Robert A. Graybosch
NEMATODE MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICS: From Bands to Barcodes, Tom Powers
The HopPtoF Locus of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 Encodes a Type III Chaperone and a Cognate Effector, Libo Shan, Hye-sook Oh, Jianfu Chen, Ming Guo, Jianmin Zhou, James R. Alfano, Alan Collmer, Xu Jia, and Xiaoyan Tang
Complete nucleotide sequence of Oat necrotic mottle virus: A distinct Tritimovirus species (family Potyviridae) most, D.C. Stenger and Roy C. French
Closterovirus bipolar virion: Evidence for initiation of assembly by minor coat protein and its restriction to the genomic RNA 5' region, Satyanarayana Tatineni, Siddarame Gowda, Maria A. Ayllon, and William O. Dawson
The Accidental Plant Pathologist, Anne K. Vidaver
Use of a Seed Scarifier for Detection and Enumeration of Galls of Anguina and Rathayibacter Species in Orchard Grass Seed, Steven C. Alderman, Douglas M. Bilsland, John A. Griesbach, Gene M. Milbrath, Norman W. Schaad, and Elena Postnikova
Effects of Modification of the Transcription Initiation Site Context on Citrus Tristeza Virus Subgenomic RNA Synthesis, Maria A. Ayllon, Siddarame Gowda, Satyanarayana Tatineni, Alexander V. Karasev, Scott Adkins, Munir Mawassi, Jose Guerri, Pedro Moreno, and William O. Dawson