United States Air Force: Publications | U.S. Department of Defense | University of Nebraska - Lincoln
The mission of the United States Air Force is to ―fly, fight, and win…in air, space and cyberspace‖—as an integral member of the joint team that ensures the freedom and security of the United States of America. The United States Air Force’s organizes, trains, and equips air personnel to meet the needs of national leadership and combatant commanders.




THE COMMUNITY LEVERAGED UNIFIED ENSEMBLE (CLUE) IN THE 2016 NOAA/HAZARDOUS WEATHER TESTBED SPRING FORECASTING EXPERIMENT, Adam J. Clark, Israel L. Jirak, Scott R. Dembek, Gerry J. Creager, Fanyou Kong, Kevin W. Thomas, Kent H. Knopfmeier, Burkely T. Gallo, Christopher J. Melick, Ming Xue, Keith A. Brewster, Yongsun Jung, Aaron Kennedy, Xiquan Dong, Joshua Markel, Matthew Gilmore, Glen S. Romine, Kathryn R. Fossell, Ryan A. Sobash, Jacob R. Carley, Brad S. Ferrier, Matthew Pyle, Curtis R. Alexander, Steven J. Weiss, John S. Kain, Louis J. Wicker, Gregory Thompson, Rebecca D. Adams-Selin, and David A. Imy


Society of Pediatric Nurses' Core Competencies for the Pediatric Nurse, Sandra Mott, Niki Fogg, Naomi Foote, Maureen Hillier, Debra A. Lewis, Betsy M. McDowell, Kathleen Saunders, John T. Taylor, Shirley Wiggins, Jean B. Ivey, Casey O'Brien Benedetto, Patricia Hosang Beam, Kimberly B. McKnight, Asma A. Taha, and Angelique Vann-Patterson



Celebrating 40 Years of the Midwest Nursing Research Society, Patricia E. Hershberger, Christine A. Wynd, Laurie K. Glass, Karen M. O'Connell, Joyce J. Fitzpatrick, Nancy Bergstrom, and Sally Lechlitner Lusk


Gender Assignment for Directional Full-Duplex FDD Nodes in a Multihop Wireless Network, Moein Parsinia, Qidi Peng, Sanjukta Bhowmick, John D. Matyjas, and Sunil Kumar



Aptitude and Trait Predictors of Manned and Unmanned Aircraft Pilot Job Performance, Laura Barron, Thomas R. Carretta, and Mark R. Rose


Do Our Airmen Value Their CCAF Degree?, Jason M. Newcomer, Aaron M. Glassman, Aisha D. DaCosta-Paul, and Jason A. Fowler


Minding the Terrazzo Gap between Athletes and Nonathletes: Representativeness, Integration, and Academic Performance at the U.S. Air Force Academy, Brian C. Payne, Jeffery S. Bredthauer, John A. Martin, and Jeffrey C. Merrell



Using the Oldest Military Force for the Newest National Defense, Brian Claus, Robin A. Gandhi, Julia Rawnsley, and John Crowe


Distributed resource allocation in cognitive and cooperative ad hoc networks through joint routing, relay selection and spectrum allocation, Lei Ding, Tommaso Melodia, Stella N. Batalama, and John D. Matyjas


Simultaneous gas density and fuel concentration measurements in a supersonic combustor using laser induced breakdown, Hyungrok Do, Campbell D. Carter, Qili Liu, Timothy M. Ombrello, Stephen Hammack, Tonghun Lee, and Kuang-Yu Hsu


Cavity ignition in supersonic flow by spark discharge and pulse detonation, Timothy M. Ombrello, Campbell D. Carter, Chung-Jen Tam, and Kuang-Yu Hsu


A middleware framework for application-aware and user-specific energy optimization in smart mobile devices, Sudeep Pasricha, Brad K. Donohoo, and Chris Ohlsen


Long-lifetime reverse saturable absorption in a bipyridyl platinum(II) complex bearing naphthalimidylethynyl-substituted fluorenylacetylide ligands, Timothy M. Pritchett, Michael J. Ferry, Andrew G. Mott, William Shensky III, Joy E. Haley, Rui Hui, and Wenfang Sun


Records Review of Musculoskeletal Injuries in Aeromedical Evacuation Personnel, Jennifer L. Serres, Brittany L. Fouts, Susan F. Dukes, Genny M. Maupin, and Molly E. Wade


Autoignition behavior of synthetic alternative jet fuels: An examination of chemical composition effects on ignition delays at low to intermediate temperatures, Daniel Valco, Gerald Gentz, Casey Allen, Meredith Colket, Tim Edwards, Sandeep Gowdagiri, Matthew A. Oehlschlaeger, Elisa Toulson, and Tonghun Lee


Absorption properties of type-II InAs/InAsSb superlattices measured by spectroscopic ellipsometry, P T. Webster, N A. Riordan, S Liu, E H. Steenbergen, R A. Synowicki, Y H. Zhang, and S R. Johnson


Measurement of InAsSb bandgap energy and InAs/InAsSb band edge positions using spectroscopic ellipsometry and photoluminescence spectroscopy, P. T. Webster, N. A. Riordan, S. Liu, E. H. Steenbergen, R. A. Synowicki, Y.-H. Zhang, and S R. Johnson



Intensive Outpatient Prolonged Exposure for Combat-Related PTSD: A Case Study, Tabatha H. Blount, Jeffery A. Cigrang, Edna B. Foa, Haley L. Ford, and Alan L. Peterson


An analysis of post-traumatic stress symptoms in United States Air Force drone operators, Wayne Chappelle, Tanya Goodman, Laura Reardon, and William Thompson


Prevention of low back pain in the military cluster randomized trial: effects of brief psychosocial education on total and low back pain–related health care costs, John D. Childs, Samuel S. Wu, Deydre S. Teyhen, Michael E. Robinson, and Steven Z. George


A review of space robotics technologies for on-orbit servicing, Angel Flores-Abad, Ou Ma, Khanh Pham, and Steve Ulrich


Collectivistic leadership and George C. Marshall: A historiometric analysis of career events, Tamara L. Friedrich, William B. Vessey, Matthew J. Schuelke, Michael D. Mumford, Francis J. Yammarino, and Gregory A. Ruark


A Discontinuous Galerkin Chimera scheme, Marshall C. Galbraith, John A. Benek, Paul D. Orkwis, and Mark G. Turner


Unsteady aerodynamics modeling for aircraft maneuvers: A new approach using time-dependent surrogate modeling, Mehdi Ghoreyshi and Russell M. Cummings


Reduced order unsteady aerodynamic modeling for stability and control analysis using computational fluid dynamics, Mehdi Ghoreyshi, Adam Jirasek, and Russell M. Cummings


Perchlorate content of plant foliage reflects a wide range of species dependent accumulation but not ozone-induced biosynthesis, D A. Grantz, K O. Burkey, W A. Jackson, H B. Vu, M T. McGrath, and G Harvey


Numerical integration techniques for discontinuous manufactured solutions, Benjamin Grier, Edward Alyanak, Michael White, Jose Camberos, and Richard Figliola


Association between history and physical examination factors and change in lumbar multifidus muscle thickness after spinal manipulation in patients with low back pain, Shane L. Koppenhaver, Jeffery J. Hubert, Greg N. Kawchuk, John D. Childs, Deydre S. Teyhen, Theodore Croy, and Julie M. Fritz


Bike braking vibration modelling and measurement, Rob Redfield


State-space representation of the unsteady aerodynamics of flapping flight, Haithem E. Taha, Muhammad R. Hajj, and Philip S. Beran


Airmen with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) at increased risk for subsequent mishaps, Casserly R. Whitehead, Timothy S. Webb, Timothy S. Wells, and Kari L. Hunter



Inaction speaks louder than words: The problems of passivity, Sally J.F. Baron


Airbreathing rotating detonation wave engine cycle analysis, Eric M. Braun, Frank K. Lu, Donald R. Wilson, and Jose A. Camberos


Desert Research and Technology Studies (DRATS) 2010 science operations: Operational approaches and lessons learned for managing science during human planetary surface missions, Dean Eppler, Byron Adams, Doug Archer, Greg Baiden, Adrian Brown, William Carey, Barbara Cohen, Chris Condit, Cindy Evans, Corey Fortezzo, Brent Garry, Trevor Graff, John Gruener, Jennifer Heldmann, Kip Hodges, Friedrich Horz, Jose Hortado, Brian Hynek, Peter Isaacson, Catherine Juranek, Kurt Klaus, David Kring, Nina Lanza, Susan Lederer, Gary Lofgren, Margarita Marinova, Lisa May, Jonathan Meyer, Doug Ming, Brian Monteleone, Caroline Morisset, Sarah Noble, Elizabeth Rampe, James Rice, John Schutt, James Skinner, Carolyn M. Tewksbury-Christle, Barbara J. Tewksbury, Alicia Vaughan, Aileen Yingst, and Kelsey Young


Computational approximation of nonlinear unsteady aerodynamics using an aerodynamic model hierarchy, Mehdi Ghoreyshi, Adam Jirasek, and Russell M. Cummings


Quasi-steady response of free-to-pivot flat plates in hover, K Granlund, M Ol, and L Bernal


Developing a Mathematics Capstone Experience at The U.S. Air Force Academy, Kurt Herzinger, Trae Holcomb, Dale Peterson, and Beth Schaubroeck


Concerning the time dependence of the decay rate of 137 Cs, J H. Jenkins, E Fischbach, D Javorsek II, R H. Lee, and P A. Sturrock


Incorporating small fatigue crack growth in probabilistic life prediction: Effect of stress ratio in Ti–6Al–2Sn–4Zr–6Mo, Sushant K. Jha, Reji John, and James M. Larson


Reducing uncertainty in fatigue life limits of turbine engine alloys, J M. Larson, S K. Jha, C J. Szczepanski, M J. Caton, R John, A H. Rosenberger, D J. Buchanan, P J. Golden, and J R. Jira


Challenges in the aerodynamics modeling of an oscillating and translating airfoil at large incidence angles, Mehdi Ghoreyshi and Russell M. Cummings


Reproducibility of bracket positioning in the indirect bonding technique, Dale A. Nichols, Gary Gardner, Alain D. Carballeyra, and Curtis M. Marsh


Direct flutter and limit cycle computations of highly flexible wings for efficient analysis and optimization, Bret Stanford and Philip Beran


Minimum-mass panels under probabilistic aeroelastic flutter constraints, Bret Stanford and Philip Beran


Optimal thickness distributions of aeroelastic flapping shells, Bret Stanford and Philip Beran


Stability and power optimality in time-periodic flapping wing structures, Bret Stanford, Philip Beran, Richard Snyder, and Mayuresh Patil


Direct ignition and S-curve transition by in situ nano-second pulsed discharge in methane/oxygen/helium counterflow flame, Wenting Sun, Sang Hee Won, Timothy Ombrello, Campbell Carter, and Yiguang Ju



Virtual Simulation Training Using the Storz C-HUB to Support Distance Airway Training for the Spanish Medical Corps and NATO Partners, Alberto H. Abadia de Barbara, Thomas A. Nicholas IV, Antonio del Real Coloma, David Boedeker, Mary A. Bernhagen, Laura Hillan Garcia, Fernando Setien, and Ben H. Boedeker


Ignition behavior and surrogate modeling of JP-8 and of camelina and tallow hydrotreated renewable jet fuels at low temperatures, Casey Allen, Daniel Valco, Elisa Toulson, Tim Edwards, and Tonghun Lee


Optical delay with spectral hole burning in Doppler broadened cesium vapor, Monte D. Anderson and Glen P. Perram


Connectionist-based rules describing the pass-through of individual goods prices into trend inflation in the United States, Richard G. Anderson, Jane M. Binner, and Vincent A. Schmidt


Geochemical evaluation of high sulfate levels in Ponca Creek, northeastern Nebraska, Jon C. Atkinson


THE WEATHER RESEARCH AND FORECASTING MODEL’S COMMUNITY VARIATIONAL/ENSEMBLE DATA ASSIMILATION SYSTEM WRFDA, Dale Barker, Xiang-Yu Huang, Zhiquan Liu, Tom Auligne, Xin Zhang, Steven Rugg, Raji Ajjaji, Al Bourgeois, John Bray, Yongsheng Cheng, Meral Demirtas, Yong-Run Guo, Tom Henderson, Wei Huang, Hui-Chuan Lin, John Michalakes, Syed Rizvi, and Xiaoyan Zhang


Elevated temperature characterization of electron beam freeform fabricated Ti–6Al–4V and dispersion strengthened Ti–8Al–1Er, R W. Bush and C A. Brice


Char-forming behavior of nanofibrillated cellulose treated with glycidyl phenyl POSS, Douglas M. Fox, Jieun Lee, Mauro Zammarano, Dimitris Katsoulis, Donald V. Eldred, Luke M. Haverhals, Paul C. Trulove, Hugh C. DeLong, and Jeffery W. Gilman


Analysis of three-dimensional fracture mechanics problems: A non-intrusive approach using a generalized finite element method, P Gupta, J P. Pereira, D J. Kim, C A. Duarte, and T Eason


Bodybuilding, Energy, and Weight-Loss Supplements Are Associated With Deployment and Physical Activity in U.S. Military Personnel, Isabel G. Jacobson, Jamie L. Horton, Besa Smith, Timothy S. Wells, Edward J. Boyko, Harris R. Lieberman, Margaret A.K Ryan, and Tyler C. Smith


Association between history and physical examination factors and change in lumbar multifidus muscle thickness after spinal manipulation in patients with low back pain, Shane L. Koppenhaver, Julie M. Fritz, Jeffery J. Hebert, Greg N. Kawchuk, Eric C. Parent, Norman W. Gill, John D. Childs, and Deydre S. Teyhen


Effectiveness of Three Decontamination Treatments against Influenza Virus Applied to Filtering Facepiece Respirators, Michael B. Lore, Brian K. Heimbuch, Teanne L. Brown, Joseph D. Wander, and Steven H. Hinrichs


Proportional mouse model for aerosol infection by influenza, R. S. McDonald, A. R. Sambol, B. K. Heimbuch, T. L. Brown, S. H. Hinrichs, and J. D. Wander


Mountain bike wheel endurance testing and modeling, Robin C. Redfield and Cory Sutela



The fall of the Grimsby meteorite—I: Fireball dynamics and orbit from radar, video, and infrasound records, P. Brown, P. J. A. McCausland, M. Fries, E. Silber, W. N. Edwards, D. K. Wong, R. J. Weryk, J. Fries, and Z. Krzeminski


“Doctor, my thumb hurts” How should you treat these common causes of nontraumatic thumb pain? Use this evidence-based review as a clinical decision-making guide., Justin A. Crop and Christopher W. Bunt


Venous Thromboembolic Disease in Trauma and Surveillance Ultrasonography, Randeep S. Jawa, Kathy Warren, David Young, Michael Wagner, Lawrence Nelson, Diane Yetter, Shane Banks, Valerie Shostrom, and Joseph Stothert


A Diagnostic Approach to Pruritus, Brian V. Reamy, Christopher W. Bunt, and Stacy Fletcher


Focusing of longitudinal ultrasonic waves in air with an aperiodic flat lens, John T. Welter, Shamachary Sathish, Daniel Christensen, Philip Brodrick, Jason D. Heebl, and Matthew Cherry



Evaluation of Multiple (3-Cycle) Decontamination Processing for Filtering Facepiece Respirators, Michael S. Bergman, Dennis J. Viscusi, Brian K. Heimbuch, Joseph D. Wander, Anthony R. Sambol, and Ronald E. Shaffer


On Critical Relative Distance of DNA Codes for Additive Stem Similarity, A. D'yachkov, A. Voronina, Anthony Macula, T. Renz, and Vyacheslav Rykov


Doppler weather radar as a meteorite recovery tool, Marc Fries and Jeffrey Fries



Electron Attachment to Cl2 from 300 to 1100 K: Experiment and Theory, Jeffrey Friedman, Thomas Miller, Linda Schaffer, A. A. Viggiano, and Ilya I. Fabrikant


4f hybridization and band dispersion in gadolinium thin films and compounds, Takashi Komesu, H.-K. Jeong, David Wooton, Yaroslav B. Losovyj, J. N. Crain, M. Bissen, F. J. Himpsel, J. C. Petrosky, Jinke Tang, Wendong Wang, I. N. Yakovkin, and Peter A. Dowben


Comparison of n-type Gd2O3 and Gd-doped HfO2, Yaroslav B. Losovyj, David Wooten, Juan Colon Santana, Joonhee Michael An, Kirill D. Belashchenko, N. Lozova, J. C. Petrosky, Andrei Sokolov, Jinke Tang, Wendong Wang, Navamoney Arulsamy, and Peter A. Dowben


A location analysis approach for military maintenance scheduling with geographically dispersed service areas, Dale L. Overholts II, John E. Bell, and Marvin A. Arostegui


Perchlorate in Wet Deposition Across North America, Srinath Rajagopalan, Todd A. Anderson, Stephen Cox, Greg Harvey, Qiuqiong Cheng, and W. Andrew Jackson


United States Air Force Posture Statement 2009, U.S. Air Force


Selecting and conserving lands for biodiversity: The role of remote sensing, John Wiens, Robert Sutter, Mark Anderson, Jon Blanchard, Analie Barnett, Naikoa Aguilar-Amuchastegui, Chadwick Avery, and Stephen Laine


The surface core level shift for lithium at the surface of lithium borate, David Wooten, Ihor Ketsman, Jie Xiao, Yaroslav B. Losovyj, J. C. Petrosky, J. McClory, Ya. V. Burak, V. T. Adamiv, and Peter A. Dowben



Random Coding Bounds for DNA Codes Based on Fibonacci Ensembles of DNA Sequences, A. D'yachkov, A. Macula, T. Renz, and V. Rykov


DNA Codes Based on Stem Similarities Between DNA Sequences, Arkadii D'yachkov, Anthony Macula, Vyacheslav Rykov, and Vladimir Ufimtsev


Edwards Air Force Base Migratory Bird Report for the Replace Main Base Runway Project, Amber Hoehn


Vulture Management at Avon Park Air Force Range, Florida, John S. Humphrey, Michael L. Avery, Michael Milleson, and Troy Hershberger


An integer programming approach to support the US Air Force’s air mobility network, Corbin G. Koepke, Andrew P. Armacost, Cynthia Barnhart, and Stephan E. Kolitz


The US Air Force (USAF) SMR (Small Radar Program): An Overview and Status Report on the Operational Use of Dedicated Avian Radar Systems at USAF Airfields and Ranges, Eugene LeBoeuf, Ted Wilkens, and Ronald Merritt


Predicting interplanetary shock arrivals at Earth, Mars, and Venus: A real-time modeling experiment following the solar flares of 5–14 December 2006, S. M. P. McKenna-Lawlor, M. Dryer, C. D. Fry, Z. K. Smith, D. S. Intriligator, W. R. Courtney, C. S. Deehr, W. Sun, K. Kecskemety, K. Kudela, J. Balaz, S. Barabash, Y. Futaana, M. Yamauchi, and R. Lindin


A Decade of United States Air Force Bat Strikes, Suzanne Peurach, Carla Dove, and Laura Stepko


The 2008 Strategy for United States Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, U.S. Air Force


United States Air Force Posture Statement 2008, U.S. Air Force



Impact of Phlebotomine Sand Flies on U.S. Military Operations at Tallil Air Base, Iraq: 3. Evaluation of Surveillance Devices for the Collection of Adult Sand Flies, Douglas A. Burkett, Ronald Knight, James A. Dennett, Van Sherwood, Edgar Rowton, and Russell E. Coleman


Pairwise cobalt doping of boron carbides with cobaltocene, A. Yu. Ignatov, Yaroslav B. Losovyj, L. Carlson, D. LaGraffe, Jennifer I. Brand, and Peter A. Dowben


The complete management of extremity vascular injury in a local population: A wartime report from the 332nd Expeditionary Medical Group/Air Force Theater Hospital, Balad Air Base, Iraq, Michael A. Peck, W. Darrin Clouse, Mitchell W. Cox, Andrew N. Bowser, Jonathan L. Eliason, Donald H. Jenkins, David L. Smith, and Todd E. Rasmussen


United States Air Force Posture Statement 2007, U.S. Air Force


Electrical control of the thermodiffusive instability in premixed propane–air flames, D. L. Wisman, S. D. Marcum, and B. N. Ganguly



Basic materials research programs at the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Herbert C. Carlson and K. C. Goretta




Field-scale demonstration of induced biogeochemical reductive dechlorination at Dover Air Force Base, Dover, Delaware, Lonnie G. Kennedy, Jess W. Everett, Erica Becvar, and Donald DeFeo


Atomic force microscope tip spontaneous retraction from dielectric surfaces under applied electrostatic potential, S. F. Lyuksyutov, P. B. Paramonov, O. V. Mayevska, M. A. Reagan, E. Sancaktar, R. A. Vaia, and S. Juhl


Perchlorate Toxicity and Risk Assessment, David R. Mattie, Joan Strawson, and Jay Zhao


Force protection using composite sandwich structures, R. L. Sierakowski and M. L. Hughes


United States Air Force Posture Statement 2006, U.S. Air Force


Atomic force microscopy of Bacillus spore surface morphology, Ruth A. Zolock, Guangming Li, Charles Bleckmann, Larry Burggraf, and Douglas C. Fuller