Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of
Department of Agronomy and Horticulture: Faculty Publications
Food System and Water–Energy–Biodiversity Nexus in Nepal: A Review, Roshan Subedi, Madhav Karki, and Dinesh Panday
Perioperative and oncological outcomes following minimally invasive versus open pancreaticoduodenectomy for pancreatic duct adenocarcinoma, Rui Sun, Jiawen Yu, and Yifan Zhang
Benchmarking impact of nitrogen inputs on grain yield and environmental performance of producer fields in the western US Corn Belt, Fatima A.M. Tenorio, Eileen L. McLellan, Alison J. Eagle, Kenneth G. Cassman, Daryl Andersen, Marie Krausnick, Russell Oaklund, John Thorburn, and Patricio Grassini
Overexpression of ferulate 5‑hydroxylase increases syringyl units in Sorghum bicolor, Hannah M. Tetreault, Tammy Gries, Nathan Palmer, Deanna L. Funnell-Harris, Shirley Sato, Zhengxiang Ge, Gautam Sarath, and Scott Sattler
Biological and Cellular Functions of the Microdomain-Associated FWL/CNR Protein Family in Plants, Sandra Thibivilliers, Andrew Farmer, and Marc Libault
Transforming Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and Multispectral Sensor into a Practical Decision Support System for Precision Nitrogen Management in Corn, Laura J. Thompson and Laila A. Puntel
Benchmarking the Agronomic Performance of Biodegradable Mulches against Polyethylene Mulch Film: A Meta‐Analysis, Mauro B.D. Tofanelli and Samuel E. Wortman
Soybean Nodule-Associated Non-Rhizobial Bacteria Inhibit Plant Pathogens and Induce Growth Promotion in Tomato, Serkan Tokgöz, Dilip K. Lakshman, Mahmoud H. Ghozlan, Hasan Pinar, Daniel P. Roberts, and Amitava Mitra
Strategic switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) production within row cropping systems: Regional-scale assessment of soil erosion loss and water runoff impacts, Enheng Wang, R. M. Cruse, Bharat Sharma-Acharya, Daryl E. Herzmann, Brian K. Gelder, David E. James, Dennis C. Flanagan, Humberto Blanco-Canqui, Robert B. Mitchell, and David Laird
Improvement of smallholder farming systems in Africa, Charles S. Wortmann, Tilahun Amede, Mateete Bekunda, Keziah Ndung’u-Magiroi, Patricia Masikati, Sieglinde S. Snapp, Zachary P. Stewart, Mark Westgate, Zacarie Zida, and Charles E. Kome
Evolutionary and functional genomics of DNA methylation in maize domestication and improvement, Gen Xu, Jing Lyu, Qing Li, Han Liu, Dafang Wang, Mei Zhang, Nathan M. Springer, Jeffrey Ross-Ibarra, and Jinliang Yang
Dedicated Bioenergy Crops and Water Erosion, Bharat Sharma Acharya, Humberto Blanco-Canqui, Robert B. Mitchell, Richard Cruse, and David Laird
A spatial framework for ex-ante impact assessment of agricultural technologies, José F. Andrade, Juan I. Rattalino Edreira, Andrew Farrow, Marloes P. van Loon, Peter Q. Craufurd, Jairos Rurinda, Shamie Zingore, Jordan Chamberlin, Lieven Claessens, Julius Adewopo, Martin K. van Ittersum, Kenneth G. Cassman, and Patricio Grassini
Restoring Fire-Grazer Interactions to Pursue Heterogeneity in Sandhills Prairie, Jack R. Arterburn, Dirac L. Twidwell Jr, Carissa L. Wonkka, Walter H. Schacht, and David A. Wedin
Assessing Variation in US Soybean Seed Composition (Protein and Oil), Yared Assefa, Larry C. Purcell, Montse Salmeron, Seth Naeve, Shaun N. Casteel, Peter Kovacs, Sotirios Archontoulis, Mark Licht, Fred Below, Herman Kandel, Laura E. Lindsey, John Gaska, Shawn Conley, Charles Shapiro, John M. Orlowski, Bobby R. Golden, Gurpreet Kaur, Maninderpal Singh, Kurt Thelen, Randall Laurenz, Dan Davidson, and Igancio A. Ciampitti
Comparing infiltration rates in soils managed with conventional and alternative farming methods: A meta-analysis, Andrea D. Basche and Marcia S. DeLonge
Genome-Wide Association Study for Multiple Biotic Stress Resistance in Synthetic Hexaploid Wheat, Madhav Bhatta, Alexey Morgounov, Vikas Belamkar, Stephen N. Wegulo, Abdelfattah A. Dababat, Gul Erginbas-Orakci, Mustapha El Bouhssini, Pravin Gautam, Jesse Poland, Nilufer Akci, Lutfu Demir, Ruth Wanyera, and P. Stephen Baenziger
Evaluation of spray pattern uniformity using three unique analyses as impacted by nozzle, pressure, and pulse-widthmodulation duty cycle, Thomas R. Butts, Joe D. Luck, Bradley K. Fritz, W. Clint Hoffmann, and Greg R. Kruger
Optimum Droplet Size Using a Pulse-Width Modulation Sprayer for Applications of 2,4-D Choline Plus Glyphosate, Thomas R. Butts, Chase A. Samples, Lucas X. Franca, Darrin M. Dodds, Daniel B. Reynolds, Jason W. Adams, Richard K. Zollinger, Kirk A. Howatt, Bradley K. Fritz, W. Clint Hoffmann, Joe D. Luck, and Greg Kruger
Winter Wheat Grain Yield Response to Fungicide Application is Influenced by Cultivar and Rainfall, Emmanuel Byamukama, Shaukat Ali, Jonathan Kleinjan, Dalitso N. Yabwalo, Christopher Graham, Melanie Caffe-Treml, Nathan D. Mueller, John Rickertsen, and William A. Berzonsky
Do Coffee Agroforestry Systems Always Improve Soil Carbon Stocks Deeper in the Soil?—A Case Study from Turrialba, Costa Rica, Nilovna Chatterjee, P. K. Ramachandran Nair, Vimala D. Nair, Abhishek Bhattacharjee, Elias de Melo Virginio Filho, Rheinhold G. Muschler, and Martin R.A. Noponen
Assessing precipitation, evapotranspiration, and NDVI as controls of U.S. Great Plains plant production, Maosi Chen, William J. Parton, Melannie D. Hartman, Stephen J. Del Grosso, William K. Smith, Alan K. Knapp, Susan Lutz, Justin D. Derner, Compton J. Tucker, Dennis S. Ojma, Jerry D. Volesky, Mitchell B. Stephenson, Walter H. Schacht, and Wei Gao
A Two-Amino Acid Difference in the Coat Protein of Satellite panicum mosaic virus Isolates Is Responsible for Differential Synergistic Interactions with Panicum mosaic virus, R. V. Chowda-Reddy, Nathan A. Palmer, Serge Edme, Gautam Sarath, Frank A. Kovacs, Gary Y. Yuen, Robert Mitchell, and Satyanarayana Tatineni
Impact of Hurricane Katrina on the Coastal Systems of Southern Louisiana, Wen-Ching Chuang, Tarsha Eason, Ahjond Garmestani, and Caleb Roberts
United States Midwest Soil and Weather Conditions Influence Anaerobic Potentially Mineralizable Nitrogen, Jason D. Clark, Kristen S. Veum, Fabian G. Fernandez, James J. Camberato, Paul R. Carter, Richard B. Ferguson, David W. Franzen, Daniel E. Kaiser, Newell R. Kitchen, Carrie A. M. Laboski, Emerson D. Nafziger, Carl J. Rosen, John E. Sawyer, and John F. Shanahan
Deep Kernel and Deep Learning for Genome-Based Prediction of Single Traits in Multienvironment Breeding Trials, José Crossa, Johannes W.R. Martini, Daniel Gianola, Paulino Pérez-Rodríguez, Diego Jarquin, Philomin Juliana, Osval Antonio Montesinos López, and Jaime Cuevas
Beyond Bird Feed: Proso Millet for Human Health and Environment, Saurav Das, Rituraj Khound, Meenakshi Santra, and Dipak K. Santra
Estimating percentages of fusarium-damaged kernels in hard wheat by near-infrared hyperspectral imaging, Stephen R. Delwiche, I. Torres Rodriguez, S. R. Rausch, and R. A. Graybosch
Closing yield gaps for rice self-sufficiency in China, Nanyan Deng, Patricio Grassini, Haishun Yang, Jianliang Huang, Kenneth G. Cassman, and Shaobing Peng
Metabolic Dynamics of Developing Rice Seeds Under High Night-Time Temperature Stress, Balpreet K. Dhatt, Nathan Abshire, Puneet Paul, Kalani Hasanthika, Jaspreet Sandhu, Qi Zhang, Toshihiro Obata, and Harkamal Walia
Ponderosa Pine Regeneration,Wildland Fuels Management, and Habitat Conservation: Identifying Trade-Offs Following Wildfire, Victoria M. Donovan, Caleb P. Roberts, Carissa L. Wonkka, David A. Wedin, and Dirac L. Twidwell
Evaluation of a global spring wheat panel for stripe rust: Resistance loci validation and novel resources identification, Ibrahim ElBasyoni, Walid M. El-Orabey, Sabah Morsy, P. S. Baenziger, Zakaria Al Ajlouni4, and Ismail M. Dweikat
Soil Fauna Accelerate Dung Pat Decomposition and Nutrient Cycling into Grassland Soil, Kenneth S. Evans, Martha Mamo, Ana Wingeyer, Walter Schacht, Kent Eskridge, Jeff Bradshaw, and Daniel Ginting
Cover Crop Mixture Diversity, Biomass Productivity, Weed Suppression, and Stability, A. M. Florence, Leon G. Higley, R. A. Drijber, Charles A. Francis, and John L. Lindquist
A TMEFF2-regulated cell cycle derived gene signature is prognostic of recurrence risk in prostate cancer, Constantin Georgescu, Joshua M. Corbin, Sandra Thibivilliers, Zachary D. Webb, Yan D. Zhao, Jan Koster, Kar-Ming Fung, Adam S. Asch, Jonathan D. Wren, and Maria J. Ruiz-Echevarria
Benchmarking irrigation water use in producer fields in the US central Great Plains, Katherine E. B. Gibson, Justin E. Gibson, and Patricio Grassini
The Mitochondrial Genome of Eleusine indica and Characterization of Gene Content within Poaceae, Nathan D. Hall, Hui Zhang, Jeffrey P. Mower, Joseph Scott McElroy, and Leslie R. Goertzen
Generating High Density, Low Cost Genotype Data in Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.], Mary M. Happ, Haichuan Wang, George L. Graef, and David L. Hyten
A World of Cobenefits: Solving the Global Nitrogen Challenge, Benjamin Z. Houlton, Maya Almaraz, Viney Aneja, Amy T. Austin, Edith Bai, Kenneth G. Cassman, Jana E. Compton, Eric A. Davidson, Jan Willem Erisman, James N. Galloway, Baojing Gu, Guolin Yao, Luiz A. Martinelli, Kate Scow, William H. Schlesinger, Thomas P. Tomich, Chao Wang, and Xin Zhang
Joint Use of Genome, Pedigree, and Their Interaction with Environment for Predicting the Performance of Wheat Lines in New Environments, Réka Howard, Daniel Gianola, Osval Montesinos-Lopez, Philomin Juliana, Ravi Singh, Jesse Poland, Sandesh Shrestha, Paulino Pérez-Rodriguez, José Crossa, and Diego Jarquin
Organic Agriculture Teaching and Learning in 2025: Transforming the Future Learning Landscape, Randa Jabbour, Charles A. Francis, Mary Barbercheck, and Katharina S. Ullman
Response Surface Analysis of Genomic Prediction Accuracy Values Using Quality Control Covariates in Soybean, Diego Jarquin, Reka Howard, George L. Graef, and Aaron Lorenz
Relationships Between Wildfire Burn Severity, Cavity-Nesting Bird Assemblages, and Habitat in an Eastern Ponderosa Pine Forest, Emma C. Keele, Victoria M. Donovan, Caleb P. Roberts, Sarah M. Nodskov, Carissa L. Wonkka, Craig R. Allen, Larkin A. Powell, David A. Wedin, David G. Angeler, and Dirac Twidwell
Engineering linear, branched-chain triterpene metabolism in monocots, Chase Kempinski, Zuodong Jiang, Garrett Zinck, Shirley J. Sato, Zhengxiang Ge, Thomas E. Clemente, and Joseph Chappell
Selection of Bread Wheat for Low Grain Cadmium Concentration at the Seedling Stage Using Hydroponics versus Molecular Markers, Caixia Liu, Mary J. Guttieri, Brian M. Waters, Kent M. Eskridge, and P. Stephen Baenziger
Identification of loci controlling adaptation in Chinese soya bean landraces via a combination of conventional and bioclimatic GWAS, Ying-hui Li, Delin Li, Yong-qing Jiao, James C. Schnable, Yan-fei Li, Hui-hui Li, Huai-zhu Chen, Hui-long Hong, Ting Zhang, Bin Liu, Zhang-xiong Lui, Qing-bo You, Yu Tian, Yong Guo, Rong-xia Guan, Li-juan Zhang, Ru-zhen Chang, Zhiwu Zhang, Jochen Reif, Xin-an Zhou, Patrick S. Schnable, and Li-juan Qiu
Predicting Longitudinal Traits Derived from High-Throughput Phenomics in Contrasting Environments Using Genomic Legendre Polynomials and B-Splines, Mehdi Momen, Malachy T. Campbell, Harkamal Walia, and Gota Morota
Utilizing trait networks and structural equation models as tools to interpret multi‑trait genome‑wide association studies, Mehdi Momen, Malachy T. Campbell, Harkamal Walia, and Gota Morota
Application of Autofluorescence for Confocal Microscopy to Aid in Archaeoparasitological Analyses, Johnica Jo Morrow and Christian Elowsky
Molecular marker dissection of stem rust resistance in Nebraska bread wheat germplasm, Amira M. I. Mourad, Ahmed Sallam, Vikas Belamkar, Stephen Wegulo, Guihua Bai, Ezzat Mahdy, Bahy Bakheit, Atif Abo El-Wafa, Yue Jin, and P. Stephen Baenziger
Flue Gas Desulfurization Gypsum as Soil Amendment, Dinesh Panday, Richard Ferguson, and Bijesh Maharjan
Spatial variability of soil properties under different land use in the Dang district of Nepal, Dinesh Panday, Roshan Babu Ojha, Devraj Chalise, Saurav Das, and Bikesh Twanabasu
Divergent phenotypic response of rice accessions to transient heat stress during early seed development, Puneet Paul, Balpreet K. Dhatt, Jaspreet Sandhu, Waseem Hussain, Larissa Irvin, Gota Morota, Paul E. Staswick, and Harkamal Walia
Development of a nitrogen recommendation tool for corn considering static and dynamic variables, Laila A. Puntel, Agustin Pagani, and Sotirios V. Archontoulis
Plant Hormones Differentially Control the Sub-Cellular Localization of Plasma Membrane Microdomains during the Early Stage of Soybean Nodulation, Zhenzhen Qiao, Prince Zogli, and Marc Libault
Predicting soil wind erosion potential under different corn residue management scenarios in the central Great Plains, M. K. Rakkar, Humberto Blanco-Canqui, and J. Tatarko
Statistical and machine learning methods evaluated for incorporating soil and weather into corn nitrogen recommendations, Curtis J. Ransom, Newell R. Kitchen, James J. Camberato, Paul R. Carter, Richard B. Ferguson, Fabian G. Fernandez, David W. Franzen, Carrie A. M. Laboski, D. Brenton Myers, Emerson D. Nafziger, John E. Sawyer, and John F. Shanahan
Assessing the Value of Grazed Corn Residue for Crop and Cattle Producers, Daren Redfearn, Jay Parsons, Mary Drewnoski, Marty Schmer, Rob Mitchell, James MacDonald, Jaymelynn Farney, and Alexander Smart
Shifting avian spatial regimes in a changing climate, Caleb P. Roberts, Craig R. Allen, David G. Angeler, and Dirac Twidwell
Fire legacies in eastern ponderosa pine forests, Caleb P. Roberts, Victoria M. Donovan, Carissa L. Wonkka, Larkin A. Powell, Craig R. Allen, David G. Angeler, David A. Wedin, and Dirac L. Twidwell Jr
How do ecological resilience metrics relate to community stability and collapse?, Caleb P. Roberts, Dirac L. Twidwell Jr, David G. Angeler, and Craig R. Allen
Drought Stress Tolerance in Wheat and Barley: Advances in Physiology, Breeding and Genetics Research, Ahmed Sallam, Ahmad M. Alqudah, Mona F. A. Dawood, P. Stephen Baenziger, and Andreas Borner
PI‑Plat: a high‑resolution image‑based 3D reconstruction method to estimate growth dynamics of rice inflorescence traits, Jaspreet Sandhu, Feiyu Zhu, Puneet Paul, Tian Gao, Balpreet K. Dhatt, Yufeng Ge, Paul E. Staswick, Hongfeng Yu, and Harkamal Walia
Nutrient Management Suggestions for Corn, Charles A. Shapiro, Richard Ferguson, Charles S. Wortmann, Bijesh Maharjan, and Brian T. Krienke
Rapid metabolism increases the level of 2,4-D resistance at high temperature in common waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus), Chandrima Shyam, Amit J. Jhala, Greg Kruger, and Mithila Jugulam
Cover Crops and Corn Residue Removal: Impacts on Soil Hydraulic Properties and Their Relationships with Carbon, Michael Sindelar, Humberto Blanco-Canqui, Virginia L. Jin, and Richard B. Ferguson
Do Cover Crops and Corn Residue Removal Affect Soil Thermal Properties?, Michael Sindelar, Humberto Blanco-Canqui, Virginia L. Jin, and Richard B. Ferguson
Quantifying and correcting for clay content effects on soil water measurement by reflectometers, Jasreman Singh, Tsz Him Lo, Daran Rudnick, Suat Irmak, and Humberto Blanco-Canqui
Context-Specific Genomic Selection Strategies Outperform Phenotypic Selection for Soybean Quantitative Traits in the Progeny Row Stage, Christopher J. Smallwood, Arnold M. Saxton, Jason D. Gillman, Hem S. Bhandari, Phillip A. Wadl, Benjamin D. Fallen, David L. Hyten, Qijian Song, and Vincent R. Pantalone
Applicability of the dual isotopes δ15N and δ18O to identify nitrate in groundwater beneath irrigated cropland, R. F. Spalding, A. J. Hirsh, M. E. Exner, N. A. Little, and K. L. Kloppenborg
Climate-smart practices for improvement of crop yields in mid-hills of Nepal, Roshan Subedi, Laxmi Dutt Bhatta, Erica Udas, Nand Kishor Agrawal, Keshab Datta Joshi, and Dinesh Panday
Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci for Plant Height, Crown Diameter, and Plant Biomass in a Pseudo-F2 Population of Switchgrass, Megan Taylor, Carl-Erik Tornqvist, Xiongwei Zhao, R. W. Doerge, Michael D. Casler, and Yiwei Jiang
Spatial Imaging and Screening for Regime Shifts, Daniel R. Uden, Dirac Twidwell, Craig R. Allen, Matthew O. Jones, David E. Naugle, Jeremy D. Maestas, and Brady W. Allred
History of Grass Breeding for Grazing Lands in the Northern Great Plains of the USA and Canada, Kenneth P. Vogel and John Hendrickson
Expression of the Arabidopsis WRINKLED 1 transcription factor leads to higher accumulation of palmitate in soybean seed, Pamela A. Vogel, Shen Bayon de Noyer, Hyunwoo Park, Hanh Nguyen, Lili Hou, Taity Changa, Hoang Le Khang, Ozan N. Ciftci, Tong Wang, Edgar B. Cahoon, and Thomas Elmo Clemente
Developments in Agricultural Soil Quality and Health: Reflections by the Research Committee on Soil Organic Matter Management, Michelle M. Wander, Larry J. Cihacek, Mark Coyne, Rhae A. Drijber, Julie M. Grossman, Jessica L. M. Gutknecht, William R. Horwath, Sindhu Jagadamma, Daniel C. Olk, Matt Ruark, Sieglinde S. Snapp, Lisa K. Tiemann, Ray Well, and Ronald F. Turco
Ghd8 controls rice photoperiod sensitivity by forming a complex that interacts with Ghd7, Peng Wang, Rong Gong, Ying Yang, and Sibin Yu
A key variant in the cis-regulatory element of flowering gene Ghd8 associated with cold tolerance in rice, Peng Wang, Yin Xiong, Rong Gong, Ying Yang, Kai Fan, and Sibin Yu
Can ratoon cropping improve resource use efficiencies and profitability of rice in central China?, Shen Yuan, Kenneth G. Cassman, Jianliang Huang, Shaobing Peng, and Patricio Grassini
Development of Chlorophyll-Meter-Index-Based Dynamic Models for Evaluation of High-Yield Japonica Rice Production in Yangtze River Reaches, Ke Zhang, Xiaojun Liu, Syed Tahir Ata-Ul-Karim, Songyang Li, Brian Krienke, Songyang Li, Qiang Cao, Yan Zhu, Weixing Cao, and Yongchao Tian
Adaptation of photosynthesis to water deficit in the reproductive phase of a maize (Zea mays L.) inbred line, H.F. Zheng, L.F. Xin, J.M. Guo, J. Mao, X.P. Han, L. Jia, B.Y. Zheng, C.G. Du, Roger W. Elmore, Q.H. Yang, and R.X. Shao
The genome of broomcorn millet, Changsong Zou, Leiting Li, Daisuke Miki, Delin Li, Qiming Tang, Lihong Xiao, Santosh Rajput, Ping Deng, Li Peng, Wei Jia, Ru Huang, Meiling Zhang, Yidan Sun, Jiamin Hu, Xing Fu, Patrick S. Schnable, Yuxiao Chang, Feng Li, Hui Zhang, Baili Feng, Xinguang Zhu, Renyi Liu, James C. Schnable, Jian-Kang Zhu, and Heng Zhang
Lignocellulosic-based bioenergy and water quality parameters: a review, Bharat Sharma Acharya and Humberto Blanco-Canqui
Hops on a Quarter-Acre, Stacy A. Adams
Maize Genomes to Fields: 2014 and 2015 field season genotype, phenotype, environment, and inbred ear image datasets, Naser AlKhalifah, Darwin A. Campbell, Celeste M. Falcon, Jack M. Gardiner, Nathan D. Miller, Maria Cinta Romay, Ramona Walls, Renee Walton, Cheng-Ting Yeh, Martin Bohn, Jessica Bubert, Edward S. Buckler, Ignacio Ciampitti, Sherry Flint-Garcia, Michael A. Gore, Christopher Graham, Candice Hirsch, James B. Holland, David Hooker, Shawn Kaeppler, Joseph Knoll, Nick Lauter, Elizabeth C. Lee, Aaron Lorenz, Jonathan P. Lynch, Stephen P. Moose, Seth C. Murray, Rebecca Nelson, Torbert Rocheford, Oscar Rodriguez, James C. Schnable, Brian Scully, Margaret Smith, Nathan Springer, Peter Thomison, Mitchell Tuinstra, Randall J. Wisser, Wenwei Xu, David Ertl, Patrick S. Schnable, Natalia De Leon, Edgar P. Spalding, Jode Edwards, and Carolyn J. Lawrence-Dill
Cover Crops Have Negligible Impact on Soil Water in Nebraska Maize–Soybean Rotation, J. Burdette Barker, Derek M. Heeren, Katja Koehler-Cole, Charles Shapiro, Humberto Blanco-Canqui, Roger W. Elmore, Christopher A. Proctor, Suat Irmak, Charles A. Francis, Tim M. Shaver, and Ali T. Mohammed
Mulch and groundcover effects on soil temperature and moisture, surface reflectance, grapevine water potential, and vineyard weed management, Christina M. Bavougian and Paul E. Read
Active-Optical Reflectance Sensing Corn Algorithms Evaluated over the United States Midwest Corn Belt, G. M. Bean, N. R. Kitchen, J. J. Camberato, R. B. Ferguson, F. G. Fernandez, D. W. Franzen, C. A. M. Laboski, E. D. Nafziger, J. E. Sawyer, P. C. Scharf, J. Schepers, and J. S. Shanahan
Improving an Active-Optical Reflectance Sensor Algorithm Using Soil and Weather Information, G. M. Bean, N. R. Kitchen, J. J. Camberato, R. B. Ferguson, F. G. Fernandez, D. W. Franzen, C. A. M. Laboski, E. D. Nafziger, J. E. Sawyer, P. C. Scharf, J. Schepers, and J. S. Shanahan
Transient Heat Stress During Early Seed Development Primes Germination and Seedling Establishment in Rice, Kevin Begcy, Jaspreet Sandhu, and Harkamal Walia
Genomic Selection in Preliminary Yield Trials in a Winter Wheat Breeding Program, Vikas Belamkar, Mary J. Guttieri, Waseem Hussain, Diego Jarquin, Ibrahim El-basyoni, Jesse Poland, Aaron J. Lorenz, and P. Stephen Baenziger
Empowerment and Tech Adoption: Introducing the Treadle Pump Triggers Farmers’ Innovation in Eastern Ethiopia, Shimelis Beyene, Teshome H. Regassa, Belaineh Legesse, Martha Mamo, and Tsegaye Tadesse
Impaired phloem loading in zmsweet13a,b,c sucrose transporter triple knock-out mutants in Zea mays, Margaret Bezrutczyk, Thomas Hartwig, Marc Horschman, Si Nian Char, Jinliang Yang, Bing Yang, Wolf B. Frommer, and Davide Sosso
Genome-Wide Association Study Reveals Novel Genomic Regions Associated with 10 Grain Minerals in Synthetic Hexaploid Wheat, Madhav Bhatta, P. Stephen Baenziger, Brian M. Waters, Rachana Poudel, Vikas Belamkar, Jesse Poland, and Alexey Morgounov
Genome-Wide Association Study Reveals Novel Genomic Regions for Grain Yield and Yield-Related Traits in Drought-Stressed Synthetic Hexaploid Wheat, Madhav Bhatta, Alexey Morgounov, Vikas Belamkar, and P. Stephen Baenziger
Unlocking the novel genetic diversity and population structure of synthetic Hexaploid wheat, Madhav Bhatta, Alexey Morgounov, Vikas Belamkar, Jesse Poland, and P. Stephen Baenziger
Parallel altitudinal clines reveal trends in adaptive evolution of genome size in Zea mays, Paul Bilinski, Patrice S. Albert, Jeremy J. Berg, James A. Birchler, Mark N. Grote, Anne Lorant, Juvenal Quezada, Kelly Swarts, Jinliang Yang, and Jeffrey Ross-Ibarra
Tetracycline and Sulfonamide Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Soils From Nebraska Organic Farming Operations, Marylynn Cadena, Lisa M. Durso, Daniel N. Miller, Heidi M. Waldrip, B. L. Castleberry, Rhae A. Drijber, and Charles S. Wortmann
Utilizing random regression models for genomic prediction of a longitudinal trait derived from high‐throughput phenotyping, Malachy T. Campbell, Harkamal Walia, and Gota Morota
Risks and opportunities of GM crops: Bt maize example, Andrea K. Carzoli, Siddique I. Aboobucker, Leah L. Sandall, Thomas T. Lubberstedt, and Walter P. Suza