The mission of USDA APHIS Wildlife Services (WS) is to provide federal leadership and expertise to resolve wildlife conflicts to allow people and wildlife to coexist. Wildlife Services conducts program delivery, research, and other activities through its regional and state offices, the National Wildlife Research Center (NWRC), its field stations, as well as through its national programs.


Utility of mosquito surveillance data for spatial prioritization of vector control against dengue viruses in three Brazilian cities, Kim M. Pepin, Clint B. Leach, Cecilia Marques-Toledo, Karla H. Laass, Kelly S. Paixao, Angela D. Luis, David T.S. Hayman, Nels D. Johnson, Michael G. Buhnerkempe, Scott Carver, Daniel A. Grear, Kimberly Tsao, Alvaro E. Eiras, and Colleen T. Webb

Evaluating landowner-based beaver relocation as a tool to restore salmon habitat, V. M. Petro, J. D. Taylor II, and D. M. Sanchez

Non-target species mortality and the measurement of brodifacoum rodenticide residues after a rat (Rattus rattus) eradication on Palmyra Atoll, tropical Pacific, William C. Pitt, Are R. Berentsen, Aaron B. Shiels, Steven F. Volker, John D. Eisemann, Alexander S. Wegmann, and Gregg R. Howald

Effect of travel distance, home range, and bait on the management of small Indian mongooses, Herpestes auropunctatus, William C. Pitt, Robert T. Sugihara, and Are R. Berentsen

Anticoagulant Rodenticide Exposure and Toxicosis in Coyotes (Canis latrans) in the Denver Metropolitan Area, Sharon A. Poessel, Stewart W. Breck, Karen A. Fox, and Eric M. Gese

Improving the odds: Assessing bait availability before rodent eradications to aid in selecting bait application rates, Madeleine Pott, Alexander S. Wegmann, Richard Griffiths, Araceli Samaniego-Herrera, Richard J. Cuthbert, M. de L. Brooke, William C. Pitt, Are R. Berentsen, Nick D. Holmes, Gregg R. Howald, Karina Ramos-Rendon, and James C. Russell

Serologic Survey of Snowshoe Hares (Lepus americanus) in the Greater Yellowstone Area for Brucellosis, Tularemia, and Snowshoe Hare Virus, Jack Rhyan, Dan Tyers, Jeremy Zimmer, Kristen Lewandowski, Steve Hennager, John Young, Ryan Pappert, Amanda Panella, and Olga Kosoy

Evaluation of Resident Canada Goose Movements to Reduce the Risk of Goose-Aircraft Collisions at Suburban Airports, M. Elizabeth Rutledge, Christopher E. Moorman, Brian E. Washburn, and Christopher S. Deperno

Evaluation of Resident Canada Goose Movements to Reduce the Risk of Goose- Aircraft Collisions at Suburban Airports, M. Elizabeth Rutledge, Christopher E. Moorman, Brian E. Washburn, and Christopher S. Deperno

AN INDIVIDUAL-BASED MODEL FOR FERAL HOGS IN GREAT SMOKY MOUNTAINS NATIONAL PARK, Rene A. Salinas, William H. Stiver, Joseph L. Corn, Suzanne Lenhart, Charles Collins, Marguerite Madden, Kurt C. VerCauteren, Brandon S. Schmit, Ellen Kasari, Agricola Odoi, Graham Hickling, and Hamish McCallum

Assessing Chemical Control of Earthworms at Airports, Thomas W. Seamans, Bradley F. Blackwell, Glen E. Bernhardt, and Daniel A. Potter

The effects of radar on avian behavior: Implications for wildlife management at airports, Eleanor Sheridan, Jacquelyn Randolet, Travis Lee DeVault, Thomas Walter Seamans, Bradley Fields Blackwell, and Esteban Fernández-Juricic

Barriers to seed and seedling survival of once-common Hawaiian palms: the role of invasive rats and ungulates, Aaron B. Shiels and Donald R. Drake

Tropical Forest Responses to Large-Scale Experiments, Aaron B. Shiels and Grizelle Gonzalez

Cascading Effects of Canopy Opening and Debris Deposition from a Large-Scale Hurricane Experiment in a Tropical Rain Forest, Aaron B. Shiels, Grizelle Gonzalez, D. Jean Lodge, Michael R. Willig, and Jess K. Zimmerman

Modeling the economic impacts of double-crested cormorant damage to a recreational fishery, Stephanie A. Shwiff, Katy N. Kirkpatrick, Travis L. DeVault, and Steven S. Shwiff

To cross or not to cross: modeling wildlife road crossings as a binary response variable with contextual predictors, Shane R. Siers, Robert N. Reed, and Julie A. Savidge

EVALUATION OF ANTHELMINTIC FISHMEAL POLYMER BAITS FOR THE CONTROL OF BAYLISASCARIS PROCYONIS IN FREE-RANGING RACCOONS (PROCYON LOTOR), Timothy J. Smyser, Shylo R. Johnson, Melissa D. Stallard, Ashley K. McGrew, L. Kristen Page, Nikki Crider, Lora R. Ballweber, Robert K. Swihart, and Kurt C. VerCauteren

Underreporting of wildlife-vehicle collisions does not hinder predictive models for large ungulates, Nathan P. Snow, William F. Porter, and David M. Williams

Progressive accumulation of the abnormal conformer of the prion protein and spongiform encephalopathy in the obex of nonsymptomatic and symptomatic Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni) with chronic wasting disease, Terry R. Spraker, Thomas Gidlewski, Jenny G. Powers, Tracy Nichols, Aru Balachandran, Bruce Cummings, Margaret A. Wild, Kurt C. VerCauteren, and Katherine I. O’Rourke

Fecal Volatile Organic Ccompound Profiles from White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) as Indicators of Mycobacterium bovis Exposure or Mycobacterium bovis Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) Vaccination, Randal S. Stahl, Christine K. Ellis, Pauline Nol, W. Ray Waters, and Kurt C. VerCauteren

Review of the 2012 Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease Outbreak in Domestic Ruminants in the United States, G Stevens, B McCluskey, A. King, E O'Hearn, and G Mayr

Dynamics of virus shedding and antibody responses in influenza A virus-infected feral swine, Hailiang Sun, Fred L. Cunningham, Jillian Harris, Yifei Xu, Li-Ping Long, Katie Hanson-Dorr, John A. Baroch, Paul Fioranelli, Mark W. Lutman, Tao Li, Kerri Pedersen, Brandon S. Schmit, Jim Cooley, Xiaoxu Lin, Richard G. Jarman, Thomas J. DeLiberto, and Xiu-Feng Wan

Dynamics of virus shedding and antibody responses in influenza A virus-infected feral swine, Hailiang Sun, Fred L. Cunningham, Jillian Harris, Yifei Xu, Li-Ping Long, Katie C. Hanson-Dorr, John A. Baroch, Paul Fioranelli, Mark W. Lutman, Tao Li, Kerri Pedersen, Brandon S. Schmit, Jim Cooley, Xiaoxu Lin, Richard G. Jarman, Thomas J. DeLiberto, and Xui-Feng Wan


Threats to humans and beasts, Kurt C. VerCauteren

Is there a single best estimator? Selection of home range estimators using area-under-the-curve, W. David Walter, Dave P. Onorato, and Justin W. Fischer


Anthraquinone-based repellent for horned larks, great-tailed grackles, American crows and the protection of California's specialty crops, Scott J. Werner, Shelagh T. DeLiberto, Anna M. Mangan, Susan E. Pettit, Jeremy W. Ellis, and James C. Carlson

Efficacy of potential chemical control compounds for removing invasive American bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana), Gary W. Witmer, Nathan P. Snow, and Rachael S. Moulton

Is anthropogenic cougar mortality compensated by changes in natural mortality in Utah? Insight from long-term studies, Michael L. Wolfe, David N. Koons, David C. Stoner, Patricia Terletzky, Eric M. Gese, David M. Choate, and Lise M. Aubry

Is anthropogenic cougar mortality compensated by changes in natural mortality in Utah? Insight from long-term studies, Michael L. Wolfe, David N. Koons, David C. Stoner, Patricia Terletzky, Eric M. Gese, David M. Choate, and Lise M. Aubry

Prion Amplification and Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling Refine Detection of Prion Infection, A. Christy Wyckoff, Nathan Galloway, Crystal Meyerett-Reid, Jenny Powers, Terry Spraker, Ryan J. Monello, Bruce Pulford, Margaret Wild, Michael F. Antolin, Kurt C. VerCauteren, and Mark Zabel

Evaluating behavioral syndromes in coyotes (Canis latrans), Julie K. Young, Marion Mahe, and Stewart W. Breck

Human–Carnivore Interactions: Lessons Learned from Communities in the American West, Julie K. Young, Zhao Ma, Ann Laudati, and Joel Berger

Evaluating Fladry Designs to Improve Utility as a Nonlethal Management Tool to Reduce Livestock Depredation, Julie K. Young, Elizabeth Miller, and Anna Essex


Impacts of Invasive Species on Ecosystem Energy Flow on the Big Island of Hawai'i: Excuse Me, But Are You Going to Eat That Cane Toad?, Erin F. Abernethy, Kelsey L. Turner, James C. Beasley, Travis L. DeVault, William C. Pitt, and Olin E. Rhodes Jr.

Predicted Wildlife Disease-Related Climate Change Impacts of Specific Concern to USDA APHIS Wildlife Services, Timothy P. Algeo, Richard B. Chipman, Dennis Slate, Jerome E. Freier, and Thomas J. DeLiberto

Sympatric prey responses to lethal top-predator control: predator manipulation experiments, Benjamin L. Allen, Lee R. Allen, Richard M. Engeman, and Luke K.-P. Leung

Does lethal control of top-predators release mesopredators? A re-evaluation of three Australian case studies, Benjamin L. Allen, Geoff Lundie-Jenkins, Neil D. Burrows, Richard M. Engeman, Peter J.S. Fleming, and Luke K.-P. Leung

The Short-Term Effects of a Routine Poisoning Campaign on the Movements and Detectability of a Social Top-Predator., B l. Allen, R. M. Engeman, and L. K-P. Leung

Economic Analysis of Indemnity Payments for Wolf Depredation on Cattle in a Wolf Reintroduction Area, Aaron M. Anderson, Karen Gebhardt, Katy N. Kirkpatrick, David L. Bergman, and Stephanie A. Shwiff

Forecasting the spread of raccoon rabies using a purpose-specific group decision-making process., Aaron M. Anderson, Stephanie A. Shwiff, Richard B. Chipman, Todd C. Atwood, Tyler Cozzens, Frank Fillo, Robert Hale, Brody Hatch, Joanne Maki, Olin E. Rhodes Jr., Erin E. Rees, Charles E. Rupprecht, Rowland Tinline, Kurt C. Vercauteren, and Dennis Slate

Economic Impact of the Potential Spread of Vampire Bats into South Texas, Aaron M. Anderson, Steven S. Shwiff, and Stephanie A. Shwiff

Invasive Myna Control in American Samoa, Michael L. Avery and John D. Eisemann

Detection and Removal of Invasive Burmese Pythons: Methods Development Update, Michael L. Avery, John S. Humphrey, Kandy L. Keacher, and W. Eddie Bruce

Invasive black spiny-tailed iguanas (Ctenosaura similis) on Gasparilla Island, Florida, USA, Michael L. Avery, Eric A. Tillman, Conny Spurfeld, Richard M. Engeman, Kelin P. Maciejewski, Jessica D. Brown, and Emily A. Fetzer

Effectiveness of Rodenticides for Managing Invasive Roof Rats and Native Deer Mice in Orchards, Roger A. Baldwin, Niamh Quinn, David H. Davis, and Richard M. Engeman

Exposure of feral swine (Sus scrofa) in the United States to selected pathogens, John A. Baroch, Carl A. Gagnon, Sonia Lacouture, and Marcelo Gottschalk

Stochasticity in Natural Forage Production Affects Use of Urban Areas by Black Bears: Implications to Management of Human-Bear Conflicts, Sharon Baruch-Mordo, Kenneth R. Wilson, David L. Lewis, John Broderick, Julie S. Mao, and Stewart W. Breck

Preference among 7 bait flavors delivered to domestic dogs in Arizona: Implications for oral rabies vaccination on the Navajo Nation, Are R. Berentsen, Scott C. Bender, David Bergman, Krista Hausig, and Kurt C. Vercauteren

Evaluation of 6 ONRAB Ultralite bait flavor matrices delivered to coyotes (Canis latrans): Implications for oral rabies vaccination, Are R. Berentsen, Stacey P. Brummer, Julie K. Young, and Kurt C. VerCauteren

Bait matrix flavor preference by mongoose (Herpestes auropunctatus) in Puerto Rico: Implications for Oral Rabies Vaccination, Are R. Berentsen, Shylo R. Johnson, and Kurt C. VerCauteren

Characteristics of White-Tailed Deer Visits to Cattle Farms: Implications for Disease Transmission at the Wildlife-Livestock Interface, Are R. Berentsen, Ryan S. Miller, Jennifer L. Malmberg, and Mike R. Dunbar

Longevity of Rodenticide Bait Pellets in a Tropical Environment Following a Rat Eradication Program, Are R. Berentsen, William C. Pitt, John D. Eisemann, and Richard M. Engeman

One Health in Action: Reducing Feral Swine Damage and Disease, Sarah N. Bevins and Alan B. Franklin

Large-Scale Avian Influenza Surveillance in Wild Birds throughout the United States, Sarah N. Bevins, Kerri Pedersen, Mark W. Lutman, John A. Baroch, Brandon S. Schmit, Dennis Kohler, Thomas Gidlewski, Dale L. Nolte, Seth R. Swafford, and Thomas J. DeLiberto

Consequences Associated with the Recent Range Expansion of Nonnative Feral Swine, Sarah N. Bevins, Kerri Pedersen, Mark W. Lutman, Thomas Gidlewski, and Thomas J. DeLiberto


Integrating mammalian hazards with management at U.S. civil airports: a case study., Kristin M. Biondi, Jerrold L. Belant, James A. Martin, Travis L. DeVault, and Guiming Wang

White-Tailed Deer Response to Vehicle Approach: Evidence of Unclear and Present Danger, Bradley F. Blackwelll, Thomas W. Seamans, and Travis L. DeVault

Report to the Chicago Park District on Conflicts with Ring-billed Gulls and the 2014 Integrated Ring-billed Gull Damage Management Project, M. L. Bloomquist, J.W. Hartmann, T.G. Guerrant, S. F. Beckerman, and R. M. Engeman

The Influence of Study Species Selection on Estimates of Pesticide Exposure in Free-Ranging Birds, Shannon Borges, Nimish B. Vyas, and Mary Christman

West Nile Virus Isolated from a Virginia Opossum (Didelphis virginiana) in Northwestern Missouri, USA, 2012, Angela Bosco-Lauth, Jessica R. Harmon, R. Ryan Jash, Sonja Weiss, Stanley Langevin, Harry M. Savage, Marvin S. Godsey Jr., Kristen Burkhalter, J. Jeffrey Root, Thomas Gidlewski, William L. Nicholson, Aaron C. Brault, and Nicholas Komar

New species records and changes in abundance of waterfowl in northwest Greenland, K. K. Burnham, D. R. Sinnett, J. A. Johnson, J. L. Burnham, and J. A. Baroch

Calving location selection patterns of saiga antelope in Mongolia, B. Buuveibaatar, T. K. Fuller, J. K. Young, and J. Berger

Population Dynamics of Double-Crested Cormorants in Two Interior Breeding Areas, Jennifer E. Chastant, D. Tommy King, D.V. Chip Weseloh, and David J. Moore

Disease Risks ·Posed by Wild Birds Associated with Agricultural Landscapes, Larry Clark

The Chemical Senses in Birds, Larry Clark, Julie Hagelin, and Scott J. Werner

Risk Factors Associated with Enteric Septicemia of Catfish on Mississippi Commercial Catfish Farms, Fred L. Cunningham, S. W. Jack, David Hardin, and Robert W. Wills

Incorporating Cold-Air Pooling into Downscaled Climate Models Increases Potential Refugia for Snow-Dependent Species within the Sierra Nevada Ecoregion, CA, Jennifer A. Curtis, Lorraine E. Flint, Alan L. Flint, Jessica D. Lundquist, Brian Hudgens, Erin E. Boydston, and Julie K. Young


Finding a Fox: An Evaluation of Survey Methods to Estimate Abundance of a Small Desert Carnivore, Steven J. Dempsey, Eric M. Gese, and Bryan M. Kluever

Review of Wildlife Damage Management: Prevention, Problem Solving and Conflict Resolution, Travis L. DeVault

Effects of Vehicle Speed on Flight Initiation by Turkey Vultures: Implications for Bird-Vehicle Collisions, Travis L. DeVault, Bradley F. Blackwell, Thomas W. Seamans, Steven L. Lima, and Esteban Fernandez-Juricic

Speed kills: ineffective avian escape responses to oncoming vehicles, Travis L. DeVault, Bradley F. Blackwell, Thomas W. Seamans, Steven L. Lima, and Esteban Fernandez-Juricic

Influence of egg oiling on colony presence of ring-billed gulls, Travis L. DeVault, Paige M. Schmidt, Fred E. Pogmore, John Gobeille, Jerrold L. Belant, and Thomas W. Seamans

Bird Use of Solar Photovoltaic Installations at US Airports: Implications for Aviation Safety, Travis L. DeVault, Thomas W. Seamans, Jason A. Schmidt, Jerrold L. Belant, Bradley F. Blackwell, Nicole Mooers, Laura A. Tyson, and Lolita VanPelt

Geographic segregation and evidence of density-dependent changes in sex ratios in an abundant colonial waterbird, Brian S. Dorr, Katie C. Hanson-Dorr, Travis L. DeVault, Alban Guillaumet, and Scott C. Barras

Winter Space Use of Coyotes in High-Elevation Environments: Behavioral Adaptations to Deep-Snow Landscapes, Jennifer L.B. Dowd, Eric M. Gese, and Lise M. Aubry

Interactions Between Wildlife and Civil Aircraft in Mississippi, Kelsey M. Drey, James A. Martin, Jerrold L. Belant, Travis L. DeVault, and Bradley F. Blackwell

Effects of Vaccination against GDF9 and BMP15 on Fertility and Ovarian Function in the White-tailed Deer, Douglas C. Eckery, Lowell A. Miller, Gary J. Killian, and Anthony J. DeNicola

Russian Olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia) Dispersal by European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), Ryan J. Edwards, Larry C. Clark, and K. George Beck

A Pilot Study Exploring the Use of Breath Analysis to Differentiate Healthy Cattle from Cattle Experimentally Infected with Mycobacterium bovis, Christine K. Ellis, Randal S. Stahl, Pauline Nol, W. Ray Waters, Mitchell V. Palmer, Jack C. Rhyan, Kurt C. VerCauteren, Matthew McCollum, and M. D. Salman

Bat Rabies in Guatemala, James E. Ellison, Amy T. Gilbert, Sergio Recuenco, David Moran, Danilo A. Alvarez, Natalia Kuzmina, Daniel L. Garcia, Leonard F. Peruski, Mary T. Mendonca, Kim A. Lindblade, and Charles E. Rupprecht

Weighing empirical and hypothetical evidence for assessing potential invasive species range limits: a review of the case of Burmese pythons in the USA, Richard M. Engeman, Michael L. Avery, and Elliot Jacobson

Weighing empirical and hypothetical evidence for assessing potential invasive species range limits: a review of the case of Burmese pythons in the USA, Richard M. Engeman, Michael L. Avery, and Elliot Jacobson

Benefits to Rare Plants and Highway Safety from Annual Population Reductions of a “Native Invader,” White-Tailed Deer, in a Chicago-Area Woodland, Richard M. Engeman, Travis Guerrant, Glen Dunn, Scott F. Beckerman, and Chris Anchor

Impacts from Control Operations on a Recreationally Hunted Feral Swine Population at a Large Military Installation in Florida, Richard M. Engeman, Troy Hershberger, Steve Orzell, Rodney Felix, Gary Killian, John Woolard, Jon Cornman, David Romano, Chet Huddleston, Pat Zimmerman, Chris Barre, Eric A. Tillman, and Michael L. Avery

Anthropogenic Conditioning of Gray Jays to a Nutritious, Seasonal Aquatic Food Source, R. M. Engeman and C. J. Wiloth

Wildlife Damage Management: Changes over the Last 40 Years and a Look at the Future, Kathleen A. Fagerstone

Fine-scale, spatial and temporal assessment methods for feral swine disturbances to sensitive plant communities in south-central Florida, Rodney K. Felix Jr., Steve L. Orzell, Eric A. Tillman, Richard M. Engeman, and Michael L. Avery

Influenza A Subtype H3 Viruses in Feral Swine, United States, 2011–2012, Zhixin Feng, John A. Baroch, Li-Ping Long, Yifei Xu, Frederick L. Cunningham, Kerri Pedersen, Mark W. Lutman, Brandon S. Schmidt, Andrew S. Bowman, Thomas J. DeLiberto, and Xiu-Feng Wan

Optimization of Formulations for the Lethal Control of Feral Pigs, Justin A. Foster, James C. Martin, Kurt . C. VerCauteren, Greg E. Phillips, and John D. Eisemann

Does Habitat Heterogeneity in a Multi-Use Landscape Influence Survival Rates and Density of a Native Mesocarnivore?, Eric M. Gese and Craig M. Thompson

A Recent Epizootic of Skunk Rabies and Associated Spillover in Northern Colorado, USA, Amy Gilbert, Dennis Kohler, Tara Rigg, Justin W. Fischer, Terry Spraker, Karen Fox, and Kurt C. VerCauteren

Determination of residue levels of alphachloralose in duck tissues, David A. Goldade, Randal S. Stahl, and John J. Johnston

Crossing the Interspecies Barrier: Opening the Door to Zoonotic Pathogens, Christian Gortazar, Leslie A. Reperant, Thijs Kuiken, Jose de la Fuente, Mariana Boadella, Beatriz Martinez-Lopez, Francisco Ruiz-Fons, Agusitn Estrada-Pena, Christian Drosten, Graham Medley, Richard Ostfeld, Townsend Peterson, Kurt C. VerCauteren, Christian Menge, Marc Artois, Constance Schultsz, Richard Delahay, Jordi Sierra-Cobo, Robert Poulin, Frederic Keck, Alonso A. Aguirre, Heikki Henttonen, Andrew P. Dobson, Susan Kutz, Juan Lubroth, and Atle Mysterud

The Wake Island Rodent Eradication: Part Success, Part Failure, but Wholly Instructive, Richard Griffiths, Alex Wegmann, Chad Hanson, Brad Keitt, Gregg Howald, Derek Brown, Bernie Tershy, William Pitt, Matthew Moran, Kristen Rex, Susan White, Beth Flint, and Nick Torr

The Cumulative Effects of Management on the Population Dynamics of the Double-crested Cormorant Phalacrocorax auritus in the Great Lakes, Alban Guillaumet, Brian S. Dorr, Guiming Wang, and Terry J. Doyle