Food Science and Technology Department
Department of Food Science and Technology: Faculty Publications
Environment and Hybrid Influences on Food-Grade Sorghum Grain Yield and Hardness, Joni K. Griess, Stephen C. Mason, David S. Jackson, Tomie D. Galusha, Muhammad Yaseen, and Jeffrey F. Pedersen
Functionality of chemically modified wild-type, partial waxy and waxy starches from tetraploid wheats, L. E. Hansen, David S. Jackson, R. L. Wehling, and Robert A. Graybosch
Functionality of Native Tetraploid Wheat Starches: Effects of Waxy Loci Alleles and Amylose Concentration in Blends, L. E. Hansen, David S. Jackson, R. L. Wehling, J. D. Wilson, and Robert A. Graybosch
Factors Affecting the Alkaline Cooking Performance of Selected Corn and Sorghum Hybrids, Weston B. Johnson, Wajira S. Ratnayake, David S. Jackson, Kyung-Min Lee, Timothy J. Herrman, Scott R. Bean, and Stephen C. Mason
Convergent evolution of sequestrate forms in Amanita under Mediterranean climate conditions, Alfredo Justo, Ingo Morgenstern, Heather E. Hallen-Adams, and David S. Hibbett
Purification of Parvalbumin from Carp: A Protocol That Avoids Heat Treatment, Stef J. Koppelman, Roland A. Romijn, Harmen H. J. de Jongh, Julie A. Nordlee, Sander Piersma, Martin Hessing, and Steve L. Taylor
Co-localization of Amanitin and a Candidate Toxin-Processing Prolyl Oligopeptidase in Amanita Basidiocarps, Hong Lou, Heather E. Hallen-Adams, John S. Scott-Craig, and Jonathan D. Walton
Resistant Starches Types 2 and 4 Have Differential Effects on the Composition of the Fecal Microbiota in Human Subjects, Ines Martinez, Jaehyoung Kim, Patrick R. Duffy, Vicki L. Schlegel, and Jens Walter
Responders and non-responders to probiotic interventions, Gregor Reid, Estelle Gaudier, Francisco Guarner, Gary B. Huffnagle, Jean M. Macklaim, Alicia Murcia Munoz, Margaret Martini, Tamar Ringel-Kulka, Balfor R. Sartor, Robert R. Unal, Kristin Verbeke, and Jens Walter
Threshold dose for peanut: Risk characterization based upon diagnostic oral challenge of a series of 286 peanut-allergic individuals, Steve L. Taylor, D. A. Moneret-Vautrin, Rene W. R. Crevel, David Sheffield, Martine Morisset, P. Dumont, Benjamin C. Remington, and Joseph L. Baumert
Building the Genomic Base-layer of the Oral “omic” World, The Forsyth Metagenomic Support Consortium and Jacques Izard
Ribosomal biosynthesis of the cyclic peptide toxins of Amanita mushrooms (Invited Review), Jonathan D. Walton, Heather E. Hallen-Adams, and Hong Luo
Pyramidobacter piscolens gen. nov., sp. nov., a Member of the Phylum ‘Synergistetes’ Isolated from the Human Oral Cavity, Julia Downes, Sonia R. Vartoukian, Floyd E. Dewhirst, Jacques Izard, Tsute Chen, Wen-Han Yu, Iain C. Sutcliffe, and William G. Wade
Killing of Treponema denticola by Mouse Peritoneal Macrophages, P. Gaibani, C. Vocale, S. Ambretti, F. Cavrini, Jacques Izard, L. Miragliotta, M. T. Pellegrino, and V. Sambri
Triacylglyceride Metabolism by Fusarium graminearum During Colonization and Sexual Development on Wheat, John C. Guenther, Heather E. Hallen-Adams, Heike Bücking, Yair Shachar-Hill, and Frances Trail
Sorghum distillers dried grain lipid extract increases cholesterol excretion and decreases plasma and liver cholesterol concentration in hamsters, Jia Tse Hoi, Curtis L. Weller, Vicki Schlegel, Susan L. Cuppett, Ji-Young Lee, and Timothy P. Carr
Native Cellular Architecture of Treponema denticola Revealed by Cryo-electron Tomography, Jacques Izard, Chyong-Ere Hsieh, Ronald J. Limberger, Carmen A. Mannella, and Michael Marko
Cryo-electron Tomography Elucidates the Molecular Architecture of Treponema pallidum, the Syphilis Spirochete, Jacques Izard, Christian Renken, Chyong-Ere Hsieh, Daniel C. Desrosiers, Star Dunham-Ems, Carson La Vake, Linda L. Gebhardt, Ronald J. Limberger, David L. Cox, Michael Marko, and Justin D. Radolf
Plant Sterol and Policosanol Characterization of Hexane Extracts from Grain Sorghum, Corn, and their DDGS, Caolina Leguizamón, Curtis L. Weller, Vicki L. Schlegel, and Timothy P. Carr
Processing of the Phalloidin Proprotein by Prolyl Oligopeptidase from the Mushroom Conocybe albipes, Hong Luo, Heather E. Hallen-Adams, and Jonathan D. Walton
Diet-Induced Metabolic Improvements in a Hamster Model of Hypercholesterolemia Are Strongly Linked to Alterations of the Gut Microbiota, Inés Martínez, Chaomei Zhang, Ryan Legge, Andrew K. Benson, Timothy P. Carr, Etsuko N. Moriyama, and Jens Walter
Clinical relevance of sensitization to lupine in peanut-sensitized adults, K. A. B. M. Peeters, Stef J. Koppelman, A. H. Penninks, A. Lebens, C. A. F. M. Bruijnzeel-Koomen, S. L. Hefle, S. L. Taylor, E. van Hoffen, and A. C. Knulst
Genomic Regions Conserved in Lineage II Escherichia coli O157:H7 Strains, Marina Steele, Kim Ziebell, Yongxiang Zhang, Andrew K. Benson, Roger Johnson, Chad Laing, Eduardo Taboada, and Victor Gannon
Genomic Instability in Regions Adjacent to a Highly Conserved pch Prophage in Escherichia coli O157:H7 Generates Diversity in Expression Patterns of the LEE Pathogenicity Island, Zhijie Yang, Jaehyoung Kim, Chaomei Zhang, Min Zhang, Joeseph Nietfeldt, Carolyn M. Southward, Michael G. Surette, Stephen D. Kachman, and Andrew K. Benson
The cellulose synthase superfamily in fully sequenced plants and algae, Yanbin Yin, Jinling Huang, and Ying Xu
Antiproliferation Properties of Grain Sorghum Dry Distiller’s Grain Lipids in Caco-2 Cells, Richard Zbasnik, Timothy P. Carr, Curtis L. Weller, Keum Taek Hwang, Lijun Wang, Susan L. Cuppett, and Vicki Schlegel
Comparison of Lipid Extraction Methods of Food-Grade Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) Using Hexane, K. L. Christiansen, Curtis L. Weller, V. L. Schlegel, and I. M. Dweikat
Characterization of DNA Sequences that Confer Complement Resistance in Leishmania chagasi, Rebecca R. Dahlin-Laborde, Eric J. Scolaro, Nathan M. Romine, Amanda Ramer-Tait, Soi Meng Lei, and Jeffrey K. Beetham
Ultraviolet and Pulsed Electric Field Treatments Have Additive Effect on Inactivation of E. coli in Apple Juice, T. K. Gachovska, Saurabh Kumar, Harshanardhan Thippareddi, and F. Williams
Disseminated Leishmania infantum infection in two sibling foxhounds due to possible vertical transmission, Katherine N. Gibson-Corley, Jesse M. Hostetter, Shannon J. Hostetter, Kathleen Mullin, Amanda Ramer-Tait, Paola M. Boggiatto, and Christine A. Petersen
Allergenicity assessment of genetically modified crops—what makes sense?, Richard E. Goodman, Stefan Vieths, Hugh A. Sampson, David Hill, Motohiro Ebisawa, and Ronald van Ree
The L-Type Calcium Ion Channel Cch1 Affects Ascospore Discharge and Mycelial Growth in the Filamentous Fungus Gibberella zeae (Anamorph Fusarium graminearum), Heather E. Hallen-Adams and Frances Trail
Modeling Residence Time Distribution in a Twin-Screw Extruder as a Series of Ideal Steady-State Flow Reactors, Ajay Kumar, Girish M. Ganjyal, David D. Jones, and Milford Hanna
Repression of Proinflammatory Gene Expression by Lipid Extract of Nostoc commune var sphaeroides Kützing, a Blue-green Alga, via Inhibition of Nuclear Factor-κB in RAW 264.7 Macrophages, Young-Ki Park, Heather E. Rasmussen, Sarah J. Ehlers, Kara R. Blobaum, Fan Lu, Vicki L. Schlegel, Timothy P. Carr, and Ji-Young Lee
Comparison of Amylose Determination Methods and the Development of a Dual Wavelength Iodine Binding Technique, Thianming Zhu, David S. Jackson, Randy L. Wehling, and Bhima Geera
Genotypic Characterization and Prevalence of Virulence Factors among Canadian Escherichia coli O157:H7 Strains, Kim Ziebell, Marina Steele, Yongxiang Zhang, Andrew K. Benson, Eduardo N. Taboada, Chad Laing, Scott McEwen, Bruce Ciebin, Roger Johnson, and Victor Gannon
Genomic Deletion Marking an Emerging Subclone of Francisella tularensis subsp. holarctica in France and the Iberian Peninsula, M. P. Dempsey, M. Dobson, C. Zhang, M. Zhang, C. Lion, C. B. Gutiérrez-Martín, P. C. Iwen, P. D. Fey, M. E. Olson, D. Niemeyer, S. Francesconi, R. Crawford, M. Stanley, J. Rhodes, D. M. Wagner, A. J. Vogler, D. Birdsell, P. Keim, A. Johansson, S. H. Hinrichs, and A. K. Benson
Functional analysis of the fructooligosaccharide utilization operon in Lactobacillus paracasei 1195, Yong Jun Goh, Jong-Hwa Lee, and Robert W. Hutkins
Gene family encoding the major toxins of lethal Amanita mushrooms, Heather E. Hallen-Adams, Hong Luo, John S. Scott-Craig, and Jonathan D. Walton
Serum testing of genetically modified soybeans with special emphasis on potential allergenicity of the heterologous protein CP4 EPSPS, Michael Hoff, Dae-Yeul Son, Michaela Gubesch, Kangmo Ahn, Sang-Il Lee, Stefan Vieths, Richard E. Goodman, Barbara K. Ballmer-Weber, and Gary A. Bannon
Crop Rotation and Soil Amendment Alters Sorghum Grain Quality, Nanga Mady Kaye, Stephen C. Mason, David S. Jackson, and Tom D. Galusha
Classification of Dry-Milled Maize Grit Yield Groups Using Quadratic Discriminant Analysis and Decision Tree Algorithm, Kyung-Min Lee, Timothy J. Herrman, Scott R. Bean, David S. Jackson, and Jane Lingenfelser
Corroborative Study on Maize Quality, Dry-Milling and Wet-Milling Properties of Selected Maize Hybrids, Kyung-Min Lee, Timothy J. Herrman, Lloyd Rooney, David S. Jackson, Jane Lingenfelser, Kent D. Rausch, John McKinney, Chris Iiams, Linda Byrum, Charles R. Hurburgh Jr., Lawrence A. Johnson, and Steven R. Fox
Lupine Allergy: Not Simply Cross-Reactivity with Peanut or Soy, Kim A. B. M. Peeters, Julie A. Nordlee, André H. Penninks, Lingyun Chen, Richard E. Goodman, Carla A. F. M. Bruijnzeel-Koomen, Sue L. Hefle, Steve L. Taylor, and André C. Knulst
Extraction and Characterization of Starch from Alkaline Cooked Corn Masa, Wajira Srinanda Ratnayake, Andrew B. Wassinger, and David S. Jackson
Identification of Escherichia coli O157:H7 Genomic Regions Conserved in Strains with a Genotype Associated with Human Infection, Marina Steele, Kim Ziebell, Yongxiang Zhang, Andrew K. Benson, Paulina Konczy, Roger Johnson, and Victor Gannon
Genome Evolution in Major Escherichia coli O157:H7 Lineages, Yongxiang Zhang, Chad Laing, Marina Steele, Kim Ziebell, Roger Johnson, Andrew K. Benson, Eduardo Taboada, and Victor Gannon
Modulation of the ComA-Dependent Quorum Response in Bacillus subtilis by Multiple Rap Proteins and Phr Peptides, Jennifer M. Auchtung, Catherine A. Lee, and Alan D. Grossman
Paired-End Sequence Mapping Detects Extensive Genomic Rearrangement and Translocation during Divergence of Francisella tularensis subsp. tularensis and Francisella tularensis subsp. holarctica Populations, Michael P. Dempsey, Joseph Nietfeldt, Jaques Ravel, Steven H. Hinrichs, Robert Crawford, and Andrew K. Benson
Treponema denticola in Disseminating Endodontic Infections, F. Foschi, Jacques Izard, H. Sasaki, V. Sambri, C. Prati, R. Müller, and P. Stashenko
Identification of a Putative Operon Involved in Fructooligosaccharide Utilization by Lactobacillus paracasei, Yong Jun Goh, Andrew K. Benson, Vicki Schlegel, Jong-Hwa Lee, and Robert W. Hutkins
Practical and predictive bioinformatics methods for the identification of potentially cross-reactive protein matches, Richard E. Goodman
Making Yogurt at Home, Robert W. Hutkins
Chitosan Protects Cooked Ground Beef and Turkey Against Clostridium perfringens Spores During Chilling, Vijay Juneja, Harshavardhan Thippareddi, Latiful Bari, Yasuhiro Inatsu, Shinichi Kawamoto, and Mendel Friedman
Secretion of Food Allergen Proteins in Saliva, S. J. Maleki, H. Cheng, B. Perelman, S. Hefle, and P. Vadas
Pichia pastoris fermentation optimization: energy state and testing a growth-associated model , Bradley A. Plantz, Jayanta Sinha, Lorelie Villarete, Kenneth W. Nickerson, and Vicki Schlegel
Gelatinization and Solubility of Corn Starch during Heating in Excess Water: New Insights, Wajira S. Ratnayake and David S. Jackson
Prebiotic Galactooligosaccharides Reduce Adherence of Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli to Tissue Culture Cells, Kari Schoaf, George L. Mulvey, Glen D. Armstrong, and Robert W. Hutkins
Prebiotic Galactooligosaccharides Reduce Adherence of Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli to Tissue Culture Cells, Kari Shoaf, George L. Mulvey, Glen D. Armstrong, and Robert W. Hutkins
Tannerella forsythia, a Periodontal Pathogen Entering the Genomic Era, Anne C. R. Tanner and Jacques Izard
Grain Sorghum Lipid Extract Reduces Cholesterol Absorption and Plasma Non-HDL Cholesterol Concentration in Hamsters, Timothy P. Carr, Curtis L. Weller, Vicki L. Schlegel, Susan L. Cuppett, David M. Guderian, and Kyle R. Johnson
Grain Quality of Brazilian Maize Genotypes as Influenced by Nitrogen Level, Aildson P. Duarte, Stephen C. Mason, David S. Jackson, and Jorge de C. Kiehl
Periplasm Organization in Treponema denticola as Studied by Cryo-electron Tomography, Jacques Izard, C.-E. Hsieh, C. A. Mannella, Ronald J. Limberger, and M. Marko
Is the Low Prevalence of Peanut Allergy in Israel Due to Hypoallergenic Peanut Products?, S. J. Maleki, S. L. Hefle, H. Cheng, Y. Katz, G. Du Toit, and G. Lack
Functionality Behavior of Raw and Extruded Corn Starch Mixtures, Serap Ozcan and David S. Jackson
Etiology of Oral Disease in View of Microbial Complexity, Anne C. R. Tanner and Jacques Izard
CTLA-4 Signaling Regulates the Intensity of Hypersensitivity Responses to Food Antigens, but is Not Decisive in the Induction of Sensitization, Femke van Wijk, Sanne Hoeks, Stefan Nierkens, Stef J. Koppelman, Peter van Kooten, Louis Boon, Leon M.J. Knippels, and Raymond Pieters
Evaluation of Liquid Nitrogen Freeze Drying and Ethanol Dehydration as Methods to Preserve Partially Cooked Starch and Masa Systems, Roxana Yglesias and David S. Jackson
Development of Laboratory Techniques to Mimic Industrial-Scale Nixtamalization, Roxana Yglesias, Anne M. Parkhurst, and David S. Jackson
Functional Consequences of Genome Evolution in Listeria monocytogenes: the lmo0423 and lmo0422 Genes Encode σC and LstR, a Lineage II-Specific Heat Shock System, Chaomei Zhang, Joseph Nietfeldt, Min Zhang, and Andrew K. Benson
Measurements of Fitness and Competition in Commensal Escherichia coli and E. coli O157:H7 Strains, Lisa M. Durso, David R. Smith, and Robert W. Hutkins
Catabolite Repression and Virulence Gene Expression in Listeria monocytogenes, Stefanie Evans Gilbreth, Andrew K. Benson, and Robert W. Hutkins
DNA Sequence Analysis of Regions Surrounding blaCMY-2 from Multiple Salmonella Plasmid Backbones, W.P. Giles, Andrew K. Benson, M.E. Olson, Robert W. Hutkins, J.M. Whichard, P.L. Winokur, and P.D. Fey
Regulation of Transcription of Compatible Solute Transporters by the General Stress Sigma Factor, σB, in Listeria monocytogenes, Mehmet Sevket Cetin, Chaomei Zhang, Robert W. Hutkins, and Andrew K. Benson
Regulation of Transcription of Compatible Solute Transporters by the General Stress Sigma Factor, σB, in Listeria monocytogenes, Mehmet Sevket Cetin, Chaomei Zhang, Robert W. Hutkins, and Andrew K. Benson
Development of a Novel Chloramphenicol Resistance Expression Plasmid Used for Genetic Complementation of a fliG Deletion Mutant in Treponema denticola, Linda L. Slivienski-Gebhardt, Jacques Izard, William A. Samsonoff, and Ronald J. Limberger
A consensus protocol for the determination of the threshold doses for allergenic foods: how much is too much?, S. L. Taylor, S. L. Hefle, C. Bindslev-Jensen, F. M. Atkins, C. Andre, C. Bruijnzeel-Koomen, A. W. Burks, R. K. Bush, M. Ebisawa, P. A. Eigenmann, A. Host, Jonathan O. B. Hourihane, E. Isolauri, D. J. Hill, A. Knulst, G. Lack, H. A. Sampson, D. A. Moneret-Vautrin, F. Rance, P. A. Vadas, J. W. Yunginger, R. S. Zeiger, J. W. Salminen, C. Madsen, and P. Abbott
Functional and comparative genomic analyses of an operon involved in fructooligosaccharide utilization by Lactobacillus acidophilus, Rodolphe Barrangou, Eric Altermann, Robert W. Hutkins, Raul Cano, and Todd Klaenhammer
Characterization of Escherichia coli O157:H7 from Downer and Healthy Dairy Cattle in the Upper Midwest Region of the United States, C. M. Byrne, I. Erol, J. E. Call, C. W. Kaspar, D. R. Buege, C. J. Hiemke, P. J. Fedorka-Cray, Andrew K. Benson, F. M. Wallace, and J. B. Luchansky
Presentation of Allergen in Different Food Preparations Affects the Nature of the Allergic Reaction: A Case Series, K. E. C. Grimshaw, R. M. King, Julie A. Nordlee, S. L. Hefle, John O. Warner, and J. O.'B. Hourihane
Asian Salted Noodle Quality: Impact of Amylose Content Adjustments Using Waxy Wheat Flour, G. Guo, David S. Jackson, Robert A. Graybosch, and Anne M. Parkhurst
Wheat Tortilla Quality: Impact of Amylose Content Adjustments Using Waxy Wheat Flour, G. Guo, David S. Jackson, Robert A. Graybosch, and Anne M. Parkhurst
The Safety of Genetically Modified Foods Produced through Biotechnology, Robert M. Hollingworth, Leonard F. Bjeldanes, Michael Bolger, Ian Kimber, Barbara Jean Meade, Steve L. Taylor, and Kendall B. Wallace
Tomographic Reconstruction of Treponemal Cytoplasmic Filaments Reveals Novel Bridging and Anchoring Components, Jacques Izard, Bruce F. McEwen, Rita M. Barnard, Thomas Portuese, William A. Samsonoff, and Ronald J. Limberger
Scale-Up of the Fermentation and Purification of the Recombinant Heavy Chain Fragment C Of Botulinum Neurotoxin Serotype F, Expressed in Pichia pastoris, Scott K. Johnson, Wenhui Zhang, Leonard A. Smith, Karen J. Hywood-Potter, S. Todd Swanson, Vicki L. Schlegel, and Michael M. Meagher
Metabolism of Fructooligosaccharides by Lactobacillus paracasei 1195, Handan Kaplan and Robert W. Hutkins
A Response Surface Analysis of Commercial Corn Starch Annealing, Serap Ozcan and David S. Jackson
Genome Diversification in Phylogenetic Lineages I and II of Listeria monocytogenes: Identification of Segments Unique to Lineage II Populations, Chaomei Zhang, Min Zhang, Jingliang Ju, Joseph Nietfeldt, John Wise, Phillip M. Terry, Michael Olson, Stephen D. Kachman, Martin Wiedmann, Mansour Samadpour, and Andrew K. Benson
Pichia pastoris fermentation with mixed-feeds of glycerol and methanol: growth kinetics and production improvement, Wenhui Zhang, Karen J. Hywood Potter, Bradley A. Plantz, Vicki L. Schlegel, Leonard A. Smith, and Michael M. Meagher
Displacement of Escherichia coli O157:H7 from Rumen Medium Containing Prebiotic Sugars, Albane de Vaux, Mark Morrison, and Robert W. Hutkins
Enzymatic Process for Nixtamalization of Cereal Grains, David S. Jackson and Deepak Sahai
Discovering lactic acid bacteria by genomics, Todd Klaenhammer, Eric Altermann, Fabrizio Arigoni, Alexander Bolotin, Fred Breidt, Jeffrey Broadbent, Raul Cano, Stephane Chaillou, Josef Deutscher, Mike Gasson, Maarten van de Gutche, Jean Guzzo, Axel Hartke, Trevor Hawkins, Pascal Hols, Robert W. Hutkins, Michiel Kleerebezem, Jan Kok, Oscar Kuipers, Mark Lubbers, Emanuelle Maguin, Larry McKay, David Mills, Arjen Nauta, Ross Overbeek, Herman Pel, David Pridmore, Milton Saier, Douwe van Sinderen, Alexei Sorokin, James Steele, Daniel O'Sullivan, Willem de Vos, Bart Weimer, Monique Zagorec, and Roland Seizen
Gelatin Manufacturing Process and Product, Vesselin D. Miladinov, Aristippos Gennadios, and Milford A. Hanna
Reduction of Moniliformin During Alkaline Cooking of Corn, Graciela Pineda-Valdes, Dojin Ryu, David S. Jackson, and Lloyd B. Bullerman
Factors affecting the determination of threshold doses for allergenic foods: How much is too much?, Steve L. Taylor, Susan L. Hefle, Carsten Bindslev-Jensen, S. Allan Bock, A. Wesley Burks Jr., Lynn Christie, David J. Hill, Arne Host, Jonathan O'B. Hourihane, Gideon Lack, Dean D. Metcalfe, Denise Anne Moneret-Vautrin, Peter A. Vadas, Fabienne Rance, Daniel J. Skrypec, Thomas A. Trautman, Ingrid Malmheden Yman, and Robert S. Zeiger
Ancestral Divergence, Genome Diversification, and Phylogeographic Variation in Subpopulations of Sorbitol-Negative, β-Glucuronidase- Negative Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157, Jaehyoung Kim, Joseph Nietfeldt, Jingliang Ju, John Wise, Narelle Fegan, Patricia Desmarchelier, and Andrew K. Benson
Role of σB in Adaptation of Listeria monocytogenes to Growth at Low Temperature, Lynne A. Becker, Stefanie N. Evans, Robert W. Hutkins, and Andrew K. Benson
Cytoplasmic Filament-Deficient Mutant of Treponema denticola Has Pleiotropic Defects, Jacques Izard, William A. Samsonoff, and Ronald J. Limberger