Food Science and Technology Department
Department of Food Science and Technology: Faculty Publications
Stability of the phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity of five fruit (apple, orange, grape, pomelo and kiwi) juices during in vitro-simulated gastrointestinal digestion, Wei Quan, Yadan Tao, Mei Lu, Bo Yuan, Jie Chen, Maomao Zeng, Fang Qin, Fengxian Guo, and Zhiyoung He
Computational modeling and functional characterization of a GgChi: A class III chitinase from corms of Gladiolus grandiflorus, Maria Rafiq, Ashiq Hussain, Kausar Hussain Shah, Qamar Saeed, Muhammad Umair Sial, Zahid Ali, Friedrich Buck, Richard E. Goodman, Binish Khaliq, Uzma Ishaq, Mirza Ahsen Baig, Aisha Munawar, Seema Mahmood, and Ahmed Akrem
Fermented Foods as a Dietary Source of Live Organisms, Shannon Rezac, Car Reen Kok, Melanie Heermann, and Robert W. Hutkins
Shared mechanisms among probiotic taxa: implications for general probiotic claims, Mary Ellen Sanders, Andrew K. Benson, Sarah Lebeer, Daniel J. Merenstein, and Todd R. Klaenhammer
Shared mechanisms among probiotic taxa: implications for general probiotic claims, Mary Ellen Sanders, Andrew K. Benson, Sarah Lebeer, Daniel J. Merenstein, and Todd R. Klaenhammer
Use of UV Treated Milk Powder to Increase Vaccine Efficacy in the Elderly, Sara Schaefer, Kasper Arthur Hettinga, James Cullor, J. Bruce German, and Bethany M. Henrick
Use of UV Treated Milk Powder to Increase Vaccine Efficacy in the Elderly, Sara Schaefer, Kasper Arthur Hettinga, James Cullor, J. Bruce German, and University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Metabolic Syndrome, Gut Microbiome and Dietary Bioactive Peptides, an Unexplored Triad, Rohita Sinha, Jennifer Clarke, and Jean-Jack Riethoven
Short term dynamics of the sputum microbiome among COPD patients, Rohita Sinha, Lisa A. Weissenburger-Moser, Jennifer L. Clarke, Lynette M. Smith, Art J. Heires, Debra J. Romberger, and Tricia LeVan
In Vitro Digestion and Characterization of 2S Albumin and Digestion-Resistant Peptides in Pecan, Jelena Spiric, Stef J. Koppelman, Andre Knulst, Julie A. Nordlee, Steve L. Taylor, and Joseph L. Baumert
Effects of tobacco smoke and electronic cigarette vapor exposure on the oral and gut microbiota in humans: a pilot study, Christopher J. Stewart, Thomas A. Auchtung, Nadim J. Ajami, Kenia Velasquez, Daniel P. Smith, Richard De La Garza II, Ramiro Salas, and Joseph F. Petrosino
Evaluation of a Handheld Gluten Detection Device, Steve L. Taylor, Julie A. Nordlee, Shyamali Jayasena, and Joseph L. Baumert
In Vitro Digestibility of Nanoporous Wheat Starch Aerogels, Ali Ubeyitogullari, Sandrayee Brahma, Devin J. Rose, and Ozan Ciftci
Mind the gaps: how can food safety gaps be addressed in developing nations?, Jessie L. Vipham, Byron D. Chaves, and Valentina Trinetta
Modification of wheat gluten for improvement of binding capacity with keratin in hair, Shukun Wang, Danyang Meng, Sisi Wang, Zhong Zhang, Ruijin Yang, and Wei Zhao
Analysis of genetic and nongenetic factors influencing triglycerides-lowering drug effects based on paired observations, Zheng Xu, Qing Duan, Juan Cui, Yumou Qiu, Qidong Jia, Cong Wu, and Jennifer Clarke
Resistant starch can improve insulin sensitivity independently of the gut microbiota, Laure B. Bindels, Rafael R. Segura Munoz, João Carlos Gomes-Neto, Valentin Mutemberezi, Inés Martínez, Nuria Salazar, Elizabeth A. Cody, Maria I. Quintero-Villegas, Hatem Kittana, Clara G de los Reyes-Gavilán, Robert J. Schmaltz, Giulio G. Muccioli, Jens Walter, and Amanda E. Ramer-Tait
The International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP) Consensus Statement on the Definition and Scope of Prebiotics, Glenn R. Gibson, Robert W. Hutkins, Mary Ellen Sanders, Susan L. Prescott, Raylene A. Reimer, Seppo J. Salminen, Karen Scott, Catherine Stanton, Kelly S. Swanson, Patrice D. Cani, Kristin Verbeke, and Gregor Reid
A gut pathobiont synergizes with the microbiota to instigate inflammatory disease marked by immunoreactivity against other symbionts but not itself, João Carlos Gomes-Neto, Hatem Kittana, Sara Mantz, Rafael R. Segura Munoz, Robert J. Schmaltz, Laure B. Bindels, Jennifer L. Clarke, Jesse M. Hostetter, Andrew K. Benson, Jens Walter, and Amanda Ramer-Tait
A real-time PCR assay for accurate quantification of the individual members of the Altered Schaedler Flora microbiota in gnotobiotic mice, João Carlos Gomez-Neto, Sara Mantz, Kyler Held, Rohita Sinha, Rafael R. Segura Munoz, Robert Schmaltz, Andrew K. Benson, Jens Walter, and Amanda E. Ramer-Tait
Peanut Allergen Threshold Study (PATS): Novel Single-Dose Oral Food Challenge Study to Validate Eliciting Doses in Children with Peanut Allergy, Jonathan O'B. Hourihane, Katrina J. Allen, Wayne G. Shreffler, Gillian Dunngalvin, Julie A. Nordlee, Giovanni A. Zurzolo, Audrey Dunngalvin, Lyle C. Gurrin, Joseph L. Baumert, and Steve L. Taylor
Peanut Allergen Threshold Study (PATS): Novel Single-dose Oral Food Challenge Study to Validate Eliciting Doses in Children with Peanut Allergy, Jonathan O'B. Hourihane, Katrina J. Allen, Wayne G. Shreffler, Gillian DunnGalvin, Julie A. Nordlee, Giovanni A. Zurzolo, Audrey DunnGalvin, Lyle C. Gurrin, Joseph L. Baumert, and Steve L. Taylor
Endurance Exercise Increases Intestinal Uptake of the Peanut Allergen Ara h 6 after Peanut Consumption in Humans, Lonneke M. JanssenDuijghuijsen, Klaske van Norren, Sander Grefte, Stef J. Koppelman, Kaatje Lenaerts, Jaap Keijer, Renger F. Witkamp, and Harry J. Wichers
Evaluating Potential Risks of Food Allergy and Toxicity of Soy Leghemoglobin Expressed in Pichia pastoris, Yuan Jin, Xiaoyun He, Kwame Andoh-Kumi, Rachel Z. Fraser, Mei Lu, and Richard E. Goodman
The impact of the bovine faecal microbiome on Escherichia coli O157:H7 prevalence and enumeration in naturally infected cattle, M. Kim, L. A. Kuehn, J. L. Bono, E. D. Berry, N. Kalchayanand, H. C. Freetly, A. K. Benson, and J. E. Wells
Lifestyle and Horizontal Gene Transfer- Mediated Evolution of Mucispirillum schaedleri, a Core Member of the Murine Gut Microbiota, Alexander Loy, Carina Pfann, Michaela Steinberger, Buck Hanson, Simone Herp, Sandrine Brugiroux, João Carlos Gomes Neto, Mark V. Boekschoten, Clarissa Schwab, Tim Urich, Amanda E. Ramer-Tait, Thomas Rattei, Bärbel Stecher, and David Berry
Lifestyle and Horizontal Gene Transfer- Mediated Evolution of Mucispirillum schaedleri, a Core Member of the Murine Gut Microbiota, Alexander Loy, Carina Pfann, Michaela Steinberger, Buck Hanson, Simone Herp, Sandrine Brugiroux, João Carlos Gomes Neto, Mark V. Boekschoten, Clarissa Schwab, Tim Urich, Amanda E. Ramer-Tait, Thomas Rattei, Bärbel Stecher, and David Berry
Isolation and genetic identification of spore-forming bacteria associated with concentrated-milk processing in Nebraska, Bismarck Antonio Martinez, Jayne E. Stratton, and Andreia Bianchini
The gut mycobiome of the Human Microbiome Project healthy cohort, Andrea K. Nash, Thomas A. Auchtung, Matthew C. Wong, Daniel P. Smith, Jonathan R. Gesell, Matthew C. Ross, Christopher J. Stewart, Ginger A. Metcalf, Donna M. Muzny, Richard A. Gibbs, Nadim J. Ajami, and Joseph F. Petrosino
Subgingival Microbiome Colonization and Cytokine Production during Early Dental Implant Healing, Jeffrey B. Payne, Paul G. Johnson, Car Reen Kok, João Carlos Gomes-Neto, Amanda Ramer-Tait, Marian J. Schmid, and Robert W. Hutkins
A critical assessment of the “sterile womb” and “in utero colonization” hypotheses: Implications for research on the pioneer infant microbiome, Maria Elisa Perez-Muñoz, Marie-Claire Arrieta, Amanda E. Ramer-Tait, and Jens Walter
Review of Nutraceuticals and Functional Properties of Whole Wheat, Rachana Poudel and Madhav Bhatta
Influence of Foliar Fungicide Treatment on Lipolytic Enzyme Activity of Whole Wheat, Rachana Poudel, Madhav Bhatta, Teshome Regassa, and Devin J. Rose
Next-Generation Probiotics Targeting Clostridium difficile through Precursor- Directed Antimicrobial Biosynthesis, Jennifer K. Spinler, Jennifer Auchtung, Aaron Brown, Prapaporn Boonma, Numan Oezguen, Cana L. Ross, Ruth Ann Luna, Jessica Runge, James Versalovic, Alex Peniche, Sara M. Dann, Robert A. Britton, Anthony Haag, and Tor C. Savidge
Epidemiological investigation of Candida species causing bloodstream infection in pediatric small bowel transplant recipients, Mallory J. Suhr, João Carlos Gomes-Neto, Nabaraj Banjara, Diana F. Florescu, David F. Mercer, Peter C. Iwen, and Heather E. Hallen-Adams
The Host Microbiome Regulates and Maintains Human Health: A Primer and Perspective for Non-Microbiologists, Sunil Thomas, Jacques Izard, Emily Walsh, Kristen Batich, Pakawat Chongsathidkiet, Gerard Clarke, David A. Sela, Alexander J. Muller, James M. Mullin, Korin Albert, John P. Gilligan, Katherine DiGuilio, Rima Dilbarova, Walker Alexander, and George P. Prendergast
Profile of Polyphenol Compounds of Five Muscadine Grapes Cultivated in the United States and in Newly Adapted Locations in China, Zheng Wei, Jianming Luo, Yu Huang, Wenfeng Guo, Yali Zhang, Huan Guan, Changmou Xu, and Jiang Lu
Negative binomial mixed models for analyzing microbiome count data, Xinyan Zhang, Himel Mallick, Zaixiang Tang, Lei Zhang, Xiangqin Cui, Andrew K. Benson, and Nengjun Yi
Eugenol Nanoencapsulated by Sodium Caseinate: Physical, Antimicrobial, and Biophysical Properties, Yue Zhang, Kang Pan, and Qixin Zhong
Conformational Stability of Digestion-resistant Peptides of Peanut Conglutins Reveals the Molecular Basis of Their Allergenicity, Danijela Apostolovic, Dragana Stanic-Vucinic, Harmen H.J. de Jongh, Govardus A.H. de Jong, Jelena Radosavljevic, Milica Radibratovic, Julie A. Nordlee, Joseph L. Baumert, Milos Milcic, Steve L. Taylor, Nuria Garrido Clua, Tanja Cirkovic Velickovic, and Stef J. Koppelman
Killer toxin from several food-derived Debaryomyces hansenii strains effective against pathogenic Candida yeasts, Nabaraj Banjara, Kenneth Nickerson, Mallory J. Suhr, and Heather E. Hallen-Adams
Multistate product traceforward investigation to link imported romaine lettuce to a US cyclosporiasis outbreak – Nebraska, Texas, and Florida, June–August 2013, B. F. Buss, M. V. Joshi, J. L. Dement, V. Cantu, and T. J. Safranek
Regional investigation of a cyclosporiasis outbreak linked to imported romaine lettuce – Nebraska and Iowa, June–August 2013, Bryan F. Buss, M. V. Joshi, C. D. Allensworth, A. Garvey, K. Obbink, S. Mandernach, and Thomas J. Safranek
Revisiting the STEC Testing Approach: Using espK and espV to Make Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) Detection More Reliable in Beef, Sabine Delannoy, Byron D. Chaves, Sarah A. Ison, Hattie E. Webb, Lothar Beutin, Jose Delaval, Isabelle Billet, and Patrick Fach
Fecal Microbiome in Epidemiologic Studies [Letter], David A. Drew, Paul Lochhead, Galeb Abu-Ali, Andrew T. Chan, Curtis Huttenhower, and Jacques Izard
Two clinical isolates of Mycoplasma hyosynoviae showed differing pattern of lameness and pathogen detection in experimentally challenged pigs, João Carlos Gomes-Neto, Matthew Raymond, Leslie Bower, Alejandro Ramirez, Darin M. Madson, Erin L. Strait, Everett L. Rosey, and Vicki J. Rapp-Gabrielson
Fungi in the healthy human gastrointestinal tract, Heather E. Hallen-Adams and Mallory J. Suhr
Prebiotics: why definitions matter, Robert W. Hutkins, Janina A. Krumbeck, Laure B. Bindels, Patrice D. Cani, George C. Fahey, Yong Jun Goh, Bruce R. Hamaker, Eric C. Martens, David A. Mills, Robert A. Rastal, Elaine Vaughan, and Mary Ellen Sanders
Allergenicity Attributes of Different Peanut Market Types, Stef J. Koppelman, Shyamali Jayasena, Dion Luykx, Erik Schepens, Danijela Apostolovic, Govardus A.H. de Jong, Thomas G. Isleib, Julie A. Nordlee, Joseph L. Baumert, Steve L. Taylor, Hsiaopo Cheng, and Sohelia Maleki
Prebiotics and synbiotics: Dietary strategies for improving gut health, Janina A. Krumbeck, Maria X. Maldonado-Gomez, Amanda E. Ramer-Tait, and Robert W. Hutkins
Stable Engraftment of Bifidobacterium longum AH1206 in the Human Gut Depends on Individualized Features of the Resident Microbiome, María X. Maldonado-Gómez, Inés Martínez, Francesca Bottacini, Amy O’Callaghan, Marco Ventura, Douwe van Sinderen, Benjamin Hillmann, Pajau Vangay, Dan Knights, Robert W. Hutkins, and Jens Walter
Pharmacological Activity of Costus spicatus in Experimental Bothrops atrox Envenomation, Leide Caroline dos Santos Picanço, José Adolfo Homobono Machado Bittencourt, Shayanne Vanessa Correia Henriques, Juliane Silva da Silva, Juliana Maria da Silva Oliveira, José Renato Ribeiro, Antony-Babu Sanjay, José Carlos Tavares Carvalho, Didier Stien, and Jocivânia Oliveira da Silva
Comparison of Hermetic Storage of Wheat with Traditional Storage Methods in India, Pavel Somavat, Haibo Huang, Sunil Kumar, Mukesh K. Garg, Mary-Grace C. Danao, Vijay Singh, Marvin R. Paulsen, and Kent D. Rausch
Sequence-based Methods for Detecting and Evaluating the Human Gut Mycobiome, Mallory J. Suhr, Nabaraj Banjara, and Heather E. Hallen-Adams
Threshold Dose Distribution and Eliciting Dose of Cashew Nut Allergy, Johanna P. M. van der Valk, Roy Gerth van Wijk, J. L. Baumert, Julie A. Nordlee, Berber J. Vlieg-Boerstra, Hans de Groot, Anthony E. J. Dubois, and Nicolette W. de Jong
Disparate Metabolic Responses in Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet Supplemented with Maize-Derived Non-Digestible Feruloylated Oligo- and Polysaccharides Are Linked to Changes in the Gut Microbiota, Junyi Yang, Laure B. Bindels, Rafael R. Segura Munoz, Inés Martínez, Jens Walter, Amanda Ramer-Tait, and Devin J. Rose
The impact of long-term dietary pattern of fecal donor on in vitro fecal fermentation properties of inulin, Junyi Yang and Devin J. Rose
Emergence of a Potent Multidrug Efflux Pump Variant That Enhances Campylobacter Resistance to Multiple Antibiotics, Hong Yao, Zhangql Shen, Yang Wang, Fengru Deng, Dejun Liu, Gaowa Naren, Lel Dal, Chih-Chia Su, Bing Wang, Shaolin Wang, Congming Wu, Edward W. Yu, Qijing Zhang, and Jianzhong Shen
Cultivation of stable, reproducible microbial communities from different fecal donors using minibioreactor arrays (MBRAs), Jennifer M. Auchtung, Catherine D. Robinson, and Robert A. Britton
Diversity of yeast and mold species from a variety of cheese types, Nabaraj Banjara, Mallory J. Suhr, and Heather E. Hallen-Adams
Effect of chemical modifications on allergenic potency of peanut proteins, Ramon Bencharitiwong, Hanneke P. M. van der Kleij, Stef J. Koppelman, and Anna Nowak-Wegrzyn
Host genetic architecture and the landscape of microbiome composition: humans weigh in, Andrew K. Benson
Resistant starches for the management of metabolic diseases, Laure B. Bindels, Jens Walter, and Amanda E. Ramer-Tait
Stalk Strenght and Sugar Content of 55 Dual-Purpose Sorghum Inbreds, S. F. Chen, M.-G. C. Danao, and P. J. Brown
The microbiome of uncontacted Amerindians, Jose C. Clemente, Erica C. Pehrsson, Martin J. Blaser, Kuldip Sandhu, Zhan Gao, Bin Wang, Magda Magris, Glida Hidalgo, Monica Contreras, Óscar Noya-Alarcón, Orlana Lander, Jeremy McDonald, Mike Cox, Jens Walter, Phaik Lyn Oh, Jean F. Ruiz, Selena Rodriguez, Nan Shen, Se Jin Song, Jessica Metcalf, Rob Knight, Gautam Dantas, and M. Gloria Dominguez-Bello
Humanized microbiota mice as a model of recurrent Clostridium difficile disease, James Collins, Jennifer M. Auchtung, Laura Schaefer, Kathryn A. Eaton, and Robert A. Britton
Metagenomics for Bacteriology, Erika del Castillo and Jacques Izard
Ability of the gut microbiota to produce PUFA-derived bacterial metabolites: proof of concept in germ-free versus conventionalized mice, Céline Druart, Laure B. Bindels, Robert Schmaltz, Audrey M. Neyrinck, Patrice D. Cani, Jens Walter, Amanda E. Ramer-Tait, and Nathalie M. Delzenne
Processing effects on four prebiotic carbohydrates supplemented in an extruded cereal and a low pH drink, Rebbeca M. Duar, Pei Tze Ang, Michelle Hoffman, Randy Wehling, Robert W. Hutkins, and Vicki Schlegel
Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction for detecting Mycoplasma hyosynoviae and Mycoplasma hyorhinis in pen-based oral, tonsillar, and nasal fluids, João Carlos Gomes Neto, Leslie Bower, Barbara Z. Erickson, Chong Wang, Matthew Raymond, and Erin L. Strait
Orally administered extract from Prunella vulgaris attenuates spontaneous colitis in mdr1a-/- mice, Kelley M.K. Haarberg, Meghan J. Wymore Brand, Anne-Marie C. Overstreet, Catherine C. Hauck, Patricia A. Murphy, Jesse M. Hostetter, Amanda Ramer-Tait, and Michael J. Wannemuehler
Food Fish Identification from DNA Extraction Through Sequence Analysis, Heather E. Hallen-Adams
Fungi inhabiting the healthy human gastrointestinal tract: A diverse and dynamic community, Heather E. Hallen-Adams, Stephen D. Kachman, Jaehyoung Kim, Ryan Legge, and Inés Martínez
Sourdough lactic acid bacteria as antifungal and mycotoxin-controlling agents, Yousef I. Hassan, Ting Zhou, and Lloyd B. Bullerman
Steps in Metagenomics: Let’s Avoid Garbage in and Garbage Out, Jacques Izard
Preface, Metagenomics for Microbiology, Jacques Izard and Maria C. Rivera
Comparison of Six Commercial ELISA Kits for Their Specificity and Sensitivity in Detecting Different Major Peanut Allergens, Shyamali Jayasena, Mieke Smits, Daniëlle Fiechter, Aard de Jong, Julie A. Nordlee, Joe Baumert, Steve L. Taylor, Raymond H. Pieters, and Stef J. Koppelman
Food allergy population thresholds: an evaluation of the dosing scheme and number of oral food challenges on the accuracy of threshold dose studies, Rinke Klein Entink, Ben Remington, Marty Blom, Carina Rubingh, Astrid Kruizinga, Joseph Baumert, Steve Taylor, and Geert Houben
Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium-infected pigs with different shedding levels exhibit distinct clinical, peripheral cytokine and transcriptomic immune response phenotypes, Susan M. Knetter, Shawn M. D. Bearson, Ting-Hua Huang, Dason Kurkiewicz, Martine Schroyen, Dan Nettleton, Daniel Berman, Valerie Cohen, Joan K. Lunney, Amanda E. Ramer-Tait, Michael J. Wannemuehler, and Christopher K. Tuggle
A prototype on-line AOTF hyperspectral image acquisition system for tenderness assessment of beef carcasses, Govindarajan Konda Naganathan, Kim Cluff, Ashok Samal, Chris Calkins, David D. Jones, Carol Lorenzen, and Jeyamkondan Subbiah
Sandwich Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Detecting Sesame Seed in Foods, Stef J. Koppelman, Gülsen Söylemez, Lynn Niemann, Ferdelie E. Gaskin, Joseph L. Baumert, and Steve L. Taylor
In Vivo Selection To Identify Bacterial Strains with Enhanced Ecological Performance in Synbiotic Applications, Janina A. Krumbeck, Maria X. Maldonado-Gomez, Ines Martınez, Steven Frese, Thomas E. Burkey, Karuna Rasineni, Amanda E. Ramer-Tait, Edward N. Harris, Robert W. Hutkins, and Jens Walter
Characterization of the ecological role of genes mediating acid resistance in Lactobacillus reuteri during colonization of the gastrointestinal tract, Janina A. Krumbeck, Nathan L Marsteller, Steven Frese, Daniel A. Peterson, Amanda Ramer-Tait, Robert W. Hutkins, and Jens Walter
Correlation of Periodontal Pathogens in Concurrent Endodontic-Periodontal Diseases, Amela Lačević, Federico Foschi, Lejla Pojskić, Naris Pojskić, Kasim Bajrović, and Jacques Izard
The Gut Microbiota of Rural Papua New Guineans: Composition, Diversity Patterns, and Ecological Processes, Ines Martinez, James C. Stegen, Maria X. Maldonado-Gomez, A. Murat Eren, Peter M. Siba, Andrew R. Greenhill, and Jens Walter
Identification and Phylogeny of the First T Cell Epitope Identified from a Human Gut Bacteroides Species, Maria Elisa Perez-Muñoz, Payal Joglekar, Yi-Ji Shen, Kuan Y. Chang, and Daniel A. Peterson
Quantitative risk assessment of UK food products cross-contaminated with allergens, Benjamin C. Remington, Joseph L. Baumert, Marty W. Blom, Geert F. Houben, Steve L. Taylor, and Astrid G. Kruizinga
Promises and Prospects of Microbiome Studies, Maria C. Rivera and Jacques Izard
Maternal transfer of the most potent peanut allergen Ara h 2 into human breast milk in a German cohort, Frauke Schocker, Joseph Baumert, Skadi Kull, Arnd Petersen, and Uta Jappe
Alignment behaviors of short peptides provide a roadmap for functional profiling of metagenomic data, Rohita Sinha, Jennifer L. Clarke, and Andrew K. Benson
The human gut mycobiome: pitfalls and potentials — a mycologist's perspective, Mallory J. Suhr and Heather E. Hallen-Adams
Food processing and allergenicity, Kitty C. M. Verhoeckx, Yvonne M. Vissers, Joseph L. Baumert, Roland Faludi, Marcel Feys, Simon Flanagan, Corinne Herouet-Guicheney, Thomas Holzhauser, Ryo Shimojo, Nieke van der Bolt, Harry Wichers, and Ian Kimber
PROBIOTICS AND METHODS OF OBTAINING SAME, Jens Walter, Bob Thomas, and Thomas Burkey
Distillation Time as Tool for Improved Antimalarial Activity and Differential Oil Composition of Cumin Seed Oil, Valtcho D. Zheljazkov, Archana Gawde, Charles L. Cantrell, Tess Astatkie, and Vicki Schlegel
Precautionary labelling of foods for allergen content: are we ready for a global framework?, Katrina J. Allen, Paul J. Turner, Ruby Pawankar, Steve Taylor, Scott Sicherer, Gideon Lack, Nelson Rosario, Motohiro Ebisawa, Gary Wong, E. N. Clare Mills, Kirsten Beyer, Alessandro Fiocchi, and Hugh A. Sampson
Repeated cooking and freezing of whole wheat flour increases resistant starch with beneficial impacts on in vitro fecal fermentation properties, Jennifer A. Arcila and Devin J. Rose
Microbial Successions Are Associated with Changes in Chemical Profiles of a Model Refrigerated Fresh Pork Sausage during an 80-Day Shelf Life Study, Andrew K. Benson, Jalrus R.D. David, Stefanie Evans Gilbreth, Gordon Smith, Joseph Nietfeldt, Ryan Legge, Jaehyoung Kim, Rohita Sinha, Christopher E. Duncan, Junjie Ma, and Indarpal Singh
A Prospective Study of Periodontal Disease and Risk of Gastric and Duodenal Ulcer in Male Health Professionals, Matthew R. Boylan, Hamed Khalili, Edward S. Huang, Dominique S. Michaud, Jacques Izard, Kaumudi J. Joshipura, and Andrew T. Chan
Development and evolution of risk assessment for food allergens, Rene W. R. Crevel, Joseph Baumert, Athanasia Baka, Geert Houben, André C. Knulst, Astrid Kruizinga, Stefano Luccioli, Stephen L. Taylor, and Charlotte B. Madsen
Processing of oats and the impact of processing operations on nutrition and health benefits, Eric A. Decker, Devin J. Rose, and Derek A. Stewart