Sputtering pressure effect on microstructure of surface and interface, and on coercivity of Co/Pt multilayers, Ping He, William A. McGahan, S. Nafis, John A. Woollam, Z.S. Shan, Sy_Hwang Liou, F. Sequeda, T. McDaniel, and H. Do

Electronic and magnetic structures of the rare-earth compounds R2Fe17Nξ, Sitaram Jaswal, W.B. Yelon, George C. Hadjipanayis, Y.Z. Wang, and David J. Sellmyer

THERMAL DESORPTION OF Hg MONOLAYERS FROM Cu(100), Y.J. Kime, Jiandi Zhang, and Peter A. Dowben

Fabricating magnetic Co-Ni-C thin-film alloys by organometallic chemical vapor deposition, Yoon-Gi Kim, Dongjin Byun, C. Hutchings, Peter A. Dowben, H. Hejase, and K. Schröder

Studies of domain dynamics in amorphous Dy/Fe multilayers, Roger D. Kirby, J.X. Shen, Z.S. Shan, and David J. Sellmyer

Magneto-optic properties of uranium-based compounds, Roger D. Kirby, J. X. Shen, John A. Woollam, and David J. Sellmyer

Development of the Gd(0001) band structure with film thickness, Dongqi Li, W. Hutchings, Peter A. Dowben, Rong-Tzong Wu, C. Hwang, M. Onellion, A.B. Andrews, and J.L. Erskine

Synthesis and superconducting properties of Tl-Ba-Ca-Cu-O films, Sy_Hwang Liou, V.K. Chan, F. Foong, W.Y. Lee, Y.S. Gou, and T.M. Uen

The process-controlled magnetic properties of nanostructured Co/Ag composite films, Sy_Hwang Liou, S. Malhotra, Z.S. Shan, David J. Sellmyer, S. Nafis, John A. Woollam, C.P. Reed, R.J. DeAngelis, and G.M. Chow

One- and two-photon detachment of H- with excitation of H(n=2), Chih-Ray Liu, Ning-Yu Du, and Anthony F. Starace

NOVEL METHODS FOR DEPOSITION OF BORON CARBIDE FILMS, J. Mazurowski, S. Baral-Tosh, G. Ramseyer, J.T. Spencer, Yoon-Gi Kim, and Peter A. Dowben

Temperature and thickness dependence of coercivity and magnetization of Co/Cu and Co/Si multilayers, S. Nafis, John A. Woollam, Z.S. Shan, and David J. Sellmyer

Angular distribution of electrons following two-photon ionization of the Ar atom and two-photon detachment of the F- ion, Cheng Pan and Anthony F. Starace

Target dependence of angular distributions for near-threshold (e,2e) processes, Cheng Pan and Anthony F. Starace

Synchrotron-radiation-induced deposition of boron and boron carbide films from boranes and carboranes: Decaborane, F. Keith Perkins, R.A. Rosenberg, Sunwoo Lee, and Peter A. Dowben

Selective area deposition of boron on Si(111) induced by synchrotron radiation, R.A. Rosenberg, F.K. Perkins, D.C. Mancini, G.R. Harp, B.P. Tonner, S. Lee, and Peter A. Dowben


Effect of interfacial microstructure on magnetic properties of dysprosium multilayers, Z.S. Shan, B. Jacobsen, Sy_Hwang Liou, and David J. Sellmyer

Temperature and layer-thickness dependencies of Kerr rotation in Dy/Co multilayers, Z.S. Shan, J.X. Shen, Roger D. Kirby, Sy_Hwang Liou, and David J. Sellmyer

Magneto-optical properties of MnBiAl thin films, J. X. Shen, Roger D. Kirby, David J. Sellmyer, and Y. J. Wang

Long-Range Dipole Field Effects on H Detachment Processes above the H(n=2) Threshold, Anthony F. Starace

Magnetic and structural properties of Co/Cr multilayers with in-plane anisotropy, D. Wang and David J. Sellmyer

Effect of microstructure on coercivity of c-axis in-plane-oriented Co/Cr multilayered films, D. Wang, David J. Sellmyer, and George C. Hadjipanayis

The process-controlled magnetic properties in nanostructured Fe/Ag composite films, Y.Z. Zhang, Sy_Hwang Liou, R.J. DeAngelis, K.W. Lee, C.P. Reed, and A. Nazareth


Magnetic and structural properties of high-coercivity Pr2Fe14BPr cosputtered films, K.D. Aylesworth, David J. Sellmyer, and George C. Hadjipanayis

Near-100% production of the excited Be+ 1s22p ion from decay of Be 1s2s22p, C. Denise Caldwell, Mark G. Flemming, Manfred O. Krause, Peter van der Meulen, Cheng Pan, and Anthony F. Starace

Effects of Magnetic Field and Temperature on the Critical Current Hysteresis in Tl-Ca-Ba-Cu-O Thin Films, Hung-Lun Chang, Jenh-Yih Juang, Sy_Hwang Liou, Tzeng-Ming Uen, and Yih-Shun Gou

The relationship of the virtual orbitals of self-consistent-field theory to temporary negative ions in electron scattering from molecules, Donghai Chen and Gordon A. Gallup

Enhancement of magneto-optical Kerr effects, Liang-Yao Chen, William A. McGahan, Z.S. Shan, David J. Sellmyer, and John A. Woollam

Kerr effect of two-medium layered systems, Liang-Yao Chen, William A. McGahan, Z.S. Shan, David J. Sellmyer, and John A. Woollam


Fabrication of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic chromium oxides by organometallic chemical vapor deposition, Peter A. Dowben, Yoon Gi Kim, S. Baral-Tosh, G.O. Ramseyer, Chanyong Hwang, and M. Onellion

Laser CVD and Plasma CVD of CRO2 Films and Cobalt Doped CRO2 Films Using Organometallic Precursors, Peter A. Dowben and Marshall Onellion

Photodarkening profiles and kinetics in chalcogenide glasses, Stephen Ducharme, J. Hautala, and P.C. Taylor

Intracavity frequency doubling of a Nd:YAG laser with an organic nonlinear optical crystal, Stephen Ducharme, W.P. Risk, W.E. Moerner, Victor Y. Lee, R.J. Twieg, and G.C. Bjorklund

Relaxation time of the order parameter in a high-temperature superconductor, G.L. Eesley, J. Heremans, M.S. Meyer, G.L. Doll, and Sy_Hwang Liou

Electronic structure and magnetic properties of Fe-rich ternary compounds: YFe10V2 and YFe10Cr2, Sitaram Jaswal, Y.G. Ren, and David J. Sellmyer


The chemistry of the gadolinium-nickel interface, D. LaGraffe, Peter A. Dowben, and M. Onellion

MAGNETIC ORDERING OF Tb OVERLAYERS ON Ni(ll1), D. LaGraffe, A. Miller, Peter A. Dowben, and M. Onellion

Doubly differential detachment cross sections for fast H-–rare-gas collisions, Chih-Ray Liu and Anthony F. Starace

Synchrotron radiation induced chemical vapor deposition of thin films from metal hexacarbonyls*, Derrick C. Mancini, Shikha Varma, John K. Simons, Richard A. Rosenberg, and Peter A. Dowben

Two-photon ionization of the Ar atom and detachment of the F- ionv, Cheng Pan, Bo Gao, and Anthony F. Starace

TWO NEW SHORT-PERIOD CEPHEIDS, Edward G. Schmidt and Bradley A. Gross

THE LONG-PERIOD FIELD RR LYRAE STARS, Edward G. Schmidt, Charles G. Loomis, Andrew T. Groebner, and Chris T. Potter

Magnetic and structural properties of CoCrTa films and multilayers with Cr, David J. Sellmyer, D. Wang, and J.A. Christner

Magnetism and anisotropy of Tb/Fe multilayers, Z.S. Shan and David J. Sellmyer

Magnetism of rare-earth–transition-metal nanoscale multilayers. I. Experiments on Dy/Co, Dy/Fe, and Tb/Fe, Z.S. Shan and David J. Sellmyer

Magnetism of rare-earth–transition-metal nanoscale multilayers. II. Theoretical analysis of magnetization and perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, Z.S. Shan, David J. Sellmyer, Sitaram Jaswal, Y.J. Wang, and J.X. Shen

The structure and magneto-optic properties of MnAl-based thin films, J.X. Shen, Roger D. Kirby, and David J. Sellmyer

Measurement of parity violation in the elastic scattering of polarized electrons from 12C, P. A. Souder, R. Holmes, D. - H. Kim, K. S. Kumar, M. E. Schulze, K. Isakovich, G. W. Dodson, K. W. Dow, M. Farkhondeh, S. Kowalski, M. S. Lubell, J. Bellanca, M. Goodman, S. Patch, Richard Wilson, G. D. Cates, S. Dhawan, Timothy J. Gay, V. W. Hughes, A. Magnon, R. Michaels, and H. R. Schaefer

Deposition of Boron-Containing Films From Decaborane, James T. Spencer, Peter A. Dowben, and Yoon G. Kim

The effect of lateral interactions on the thermal desorption of N2 from Ni(100), Shikha Varma and Peter A. Dowben

Ordering of metal overlayers on metal substrates studied using atom beam scattering, G. Vidali, C.W. Hutchings, Peter A. Dowben, M. Karimi, C. Moses, and M. Foresti

Magnetic and structural studies in Sm-Fe-Ti magnets, Y. Wang, George C. Hadjipanayis, A. Kim, N.C. Liu, and David J. Sellmyer


Electrical response of superconducting YBa2Cu3O7- δ to light, W.S. Brocklesby, Don Monroe, A.F.J. Levi, M. Hong, Sy_Hwang Liou, J. Kwo, C.E. Rice, P.M. Mankiewich, and R.E. Howard

Superlattice modulation and epitaxy of Tl2Ba2Ca2Cu3O10 thin films grown on MgO and SrTiO3 substrates, C.H. Chen, M. Hong, D.J. Werder, J. Kwo, Sy_Hwang Liou, and D.D. Bacon

The Electrical Noise of Carbon Fibers, R.O. Dillon

The influence of crystallographic order upon the electronic structure of thin mercury overlayers, Peter A. Dowben, M. Onellion, Shikha Varma, Y.J. Kime, and J.L. Erskine

Absorption at radio frequencies in superconducting Y1Ba2Cu3Oy, Stephen Ducharme, R. Durny, J. Hautala, D.J. Zheng, P.C. Taylor, O.G. Symko, and S. Kulkarni

Metastable Conduction States in Mo2S3: Conductivity Fluctuations, R.L. Fagerquist, Roger D. Kirby, and Edgar A. Pearlstein

Variational principle for high-order perturbations with application to multiphoton processes for the H atom, Bo Gao and Anthony F. Starace

Chemical vapor deposition of boron and boron nitride from decaborane(l4) a), Yoon Gi Kim, Peter A. Dowben, J.T. Spencer, and G.O. Ramseyer

Low-lying negative-ion states of calcium, A.R. Johnston, Gordon A. Gallup, and Paul Burrow

Preparation of high TcTl-Ba-Ca-Cu-O thin films by pulsed laser evaporation and Tl2O3 vapor processing, B. Johs, D. Thompson, N.J. Ianno, John A. Woollam, Sy_Hwang Liou, A.M. Hermann, Z.Z. Sheng, W. Kiehl, O. Shams, X. Fei, L. Sheng, and Y.H. Liu

Mixed-crystal lattice dynamics of HfxTi1-xSe2, Vanvilai Katkanant and Roger D. Kirby

Magnetic ordering of thin Gd overlayers, D. LaGraffe, Peter A. Dowben, and M. Onellion

Thermochemistry of the gadolinium-copper interface, D. LaGraffe, Peter A. Dowben, and M. Onellion

Highly oriented Tl2Ba2Ca2Cu3O10 thin films by pulsed laser evaporation, Sy_Hwang Liou, K.D. Aylesworth, N.J. Ianno, B. Johs, D. Thompson, D. Meyer, John A. Woollam, and Colleen Berry

Doubly differential detachment cross sections for 0.5-MeV H- on He including projectile excitation to H(n=2), Chih-Ray Liu and Anthony F. Starace

Low-Energy Features of the e--H(n=2) System Exhibited in Fast H- Detachment Collisions, Chih-Ray Liu and Anthony F. Starace

Orientation of hydrogen 2p after tilted-foil excitation, C. J. Liu, Timothy J. Gay, and K. P. Schuler

Elastic angular differential cross sections for quasi-oneelectron collision systems at intermediate energies: (Na+, Li+)+H and (Mg+, Be+)+He, J. L. Peacher, E. Redd, D. G. Seely, Timothy J. Gay, D. M. Blakenship, and J. T. Park


Fundamental Magnetic Studies of Iron-Rare-Earth-Metalloid Alloys Grant Numbers: DE-FGO2-86ER45262, David J. Sellmyer

The decomposition of [Mn(CO)5]2(μ-SiH2), G.T. Stauf, Peter A. Dowben, K. Emrich, W. Hirschwald, and N.M. Boag

THE CHROMOSPHERE OF BETA CASSIOPEIAE, Terry J. Teays, Edward G. Schmidt, Massimo Fracassini, and Laura E. Pasinetti Fracassini

The coupling of stimulated Raman and Brillouin scattering in a plasma, Donald P. Umstadter, W.B. Mori, and C. Joshi


Magnetic properties of rare-earth transition-metal borides, S.H. Aly, E. Singleton, George C. Hadjipanayis, David J. Sellmyer, and Z.R. Zhao

Electronic structure and properties of sputtered Ta-Cu films , K.D. Aylesworth, Sitaram Jaswal, M.A. Engelhardt, Z.R. Zhao, and David J. Sellmyer

Magnetic and structural properties of Nd2Fe14B permanent-magnet films and multilayers with Fe and Ag, K.D. Aylesworth, Z.R. Zhao, David J. Sellmyer, and George C. Hadjipanayis

Tunneling characteristics of internal josephson junctions in YBa2Cu3O7-δ thin films, W.S. Brocklesby, Don Monroe, M. Hong, Sy_Hwang Liou, J. Kwo, G.J. Fisanick, P.M. Mankiewich, and R.E. Howard

Microstructure of epitaxial YbBa2Cu3O7 superconducting films grown by a new liquid-gas-solidification technique, C.H. Chen, H.S. Chen, and Sy_Hwang Liou

Electronic excitations of the YBa2Cu3O7-x superconductor: A study by transmission electron-energy-loss spectroscopy with an electron microprobe, C.H. Chen, L.F. Schneemeyer, Sy_Hwang Liou, M. Hong, J. Kwo, H.S. Chen, and J.V. Waszczak

Incommensurate superlattice and 90° twist boundaries in the superconducting phase of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O, C.H. Chen, D.J. Werder, Sy_Hwang Liou, H.S. Chen, and M. Hong

Growth of epitaxial YbBa2Cu3O7 superconductor by liquid-gas-solidification processing, H.S. Chen, Sy_Hwang Liou, A.R. Kortan, and L.C. Kimerling

Ferromagnetism in metastable 304 stainless steel with bcc structure, J. Childress, Sy_Hwang Liou, and C.L. Chien

Oxygen defect in YBa2Cu3Ox: An x-ray photoemission approach, W.K. Ford, C.T. Chen, J. Anderson, J. Kwo, Sy_Hwang Liou, M. Hong, G.V. Rubenacker, and J.E. Drumheller

Explorers of the Nuclear Cyclotron
Experiment 190
, Robert Fuller

Variational Calculation of Multiphoton Ionization Processes for the H Atom, Bo Gao and Anthony F. Starace

Versatile new metalorganic process for preparing superconducting thin films, M.E. Gross, M. Hong, Sy_Hwang Liou, P.K. Gallagher, and J. Kwo

Superconducting Tl-Ba-Ca-Cu-O films by sputtering, M. Hong, Sy_Hwang Liou, D.D. Bacon, G.S. Grader, J. Kwo, A.R. Kortan, and B.A. Davidson

Projectile-charge dependence of ejected-electron spectra, V. D. Irby, Timothy J. Gay, J. Wm. Edwards, E. B. Hale, M. L. McKenzie, and R. E. Olson

Electronic structure and surface reactivity of Nd2Fe14B and related compounds, Sitaram Jaswal, Marjorie Langell, Y.G. Ren, M.A. Engelhardt, and David J. Sellmyer

Two-photon detachment of the negative chlorine ion, Tsin-Fu Jiang and Anthony F. Starace

Metastable Conduction States in Mo2S3: Pulse Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power, Roger D. Kirby and R.L. Fagerquist

Granular metal films as recording media, Sy_Hwang Liou and C.L. Chien

Particle size dependence of the magnetic properties of ultrafine granular films, Sy_Hwang Liou and C.L. Chien

Y-Ba-Cu-O films by rf magnetron sputtering using single composite targets: Superconducting and structural properties, Sy_Hwang Liou, M. Hong, J. Kwo, B.A. Davidson, H.S. Chen, S. Nakahara, T. Boone, and R.J. Felder

Scanning electron microscope identification of weak links in superconducting thin films, Don Monroe, W.S. Brocklesby, R.C. Farrow, M. Hong, and Sy_Hwang Liou