Notice: Temporary Suspension of Submissions
Dear Authors,
Thank you for your interest in submitting to Library Philosophy and Practice. Due to the high volume of submissions and the increasing time required for thorough peer reviews, we are temporarily pausing the acceptance of new manuscripts. This decision allows us to ensure that all current submissions receive the attention they deserve without compromising the quality of our review process.
At this time, we cannot specify when submissions will reopen. We recommend regularly checking our website for updates. Please note that any articles submitted during this suspension period will not be considered for review.
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Richard Graham
Library Philosophy and Practice
Library Philosophy and Practice (LPP) (ISSN 1522-0222) is a peer-reviewed electronic journal owned and published by the University Libraries of the University of Nebraska--Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. LPP publishes articles exploring the connection between library practice and the philosophy and theory behind it. These include explorations of current, past, and emerging theories of librarianship and library practice, as well as reports of successful, innovative, or experimental library procedures, methods, or projects in all areas of librarianship, set in the context of applied research. Bibliometric, scientometric, and literature review articles are only considered if they treat topics in the area of Library and Information Science. LPP is an international journal that embraces the concept of World Englishes and International English. Well-written articles in any variety of academic English are welcomed.
Evidence Based Medicine: The Role of the Health Sciences Librarian, Nasra Gathoni
Internet Information Retrieval Experiences and Challenges of Aga Khan University Library Users, Nasra Gathoni
Advancing knowledge sharing in development organisations: barriers, enablers and strategies, Peter Gatiti
An empirical study of the use of tools and technologies for knowledge sharing in development organisations in Kenya, Peter Gatiti
LGBTQ Notion Evaluation: A Bibliometric Analysis and Systematic Review, Poonam Gautam and Dr. Ajay Solkhe
Authorship Collaboration and visualization on Detention Center Research: A Scientometric study, MITHU ANJALI GAYAN and Dipankar Reang mR
Citation analysis of Mathematics: a scientometric study based on PhD theses, Tripura University, MITHU ANJALI GAYAN and Sanjay Kumar Singh
An Overview and Content Analysis of UGC-NET with Reference to LIS Discipline and New Pattern, Beerappa G, Madhu S, and Dr Kannappanavar B. U.
Leadership Styles and Job satisfaction of Library Personnel in University Libraries in Ondo State, Nigeria., Arinola Oluwatoyin Gbotoso Mrs and Opeyemi R. Oboh Mrs
Global Research Publications Trends of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: A Scientometric Analysis, Gesa George and Ashok Thomas
Off-grid Solar energy systems adoption or usage - A Bibliometric Study using the Bibliometrix R tool, Amartya Ghosh and Dr. V. K. Satya Prasad
Webometric Analysis of Open Access Digital Repositories of Agricultural Sciences in Continents of Oceania, Sanjib Ghosh and Dr. Bijan Kumar Roy
Websites of Open Access Digital Repositories of Agricultural Sciences in European Continents: A Webometric Study, Sanjib Ghosh and Prof. Bijan Kumar Roy
Bibliometric Landscape of Indian Publications on COVID-19 in 2020, Tapas Kumar Ghosh
A Bibliometric Analysis of Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted Turning, Govind S. Ghule and Sudarshan Sanap Prof. Dr.
An Analysis Of Contributions In Annals of Library and Information Studies (ALIS) For A Decade: 2010 To 2019, Satwinder Pal kaur gill and Shaveta arora
Google Scholar Adoption by LIS Educators in India: An Exploratory Study, Subham Giri and Prof. Rupak Chakravarty
Visualizing Google Scholar Profile of Dr. S.R. Ranganathan using PoP and VOSviewer: a tribute to Father of Library Science in India, Subham Giri, Nidhi Gupta, Diksha Diksha, and Rupak Chakravarty
Usage pattern of Library Resources and Services by the Students and Faculty Members of B.Ed Colleges Affiliated to Kuvempu University, Sandesh Kumar GK and Dharani Kumar P Dr
Publishing Practices of Faculty Members: A Survey, Manjunatha G and Prof. B T Sampath Kumar
Research Contribution of Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Tamil Nadu, India: A Scientometric Evaluation, D Gnanasekaran
Knowledge Mapping, Intellectual Capital and Organizational Intelligence, Gautam Gogoi and Dr. Pranab Kr. Barooah
Library Engagements: Looking Beyond Covid-19, Gautam Gogoi, Bhaigyashree Boro, and Shaithingla R. Shimray
Disaster Management in Central Library, Tezpur University: A Study, Anjan Gohain, Professional Assistant; Prof. Bikika Laloo Tariang, Department of Library and Information Science; and Dr. Mukesh Saikia, Librarian
Status of Global Research Data Repository: An Exploratory Study, Rashmi Rekha Gohain
The Tradition of Manuscript Writing and the Development of Libraries in Pre-Colonial Assam, Kishor Goswami Mr., Raktim Ranjan Saikia Dr., and Monjit Gogoi Mr.
Text mining of biomedical literature: discovering new knowledge, Saikat Goswami, Sourav Mazumder, and Sumana Chakrabarty
Blockchain-based Healthcare Portal – A Bibliometric Analysis, Aditi Goyal, Aditya Banerjee, Aniket Mulik, Yashika Chhabaria, Sonali Kothari Tidke Dr, and Vijayshri Khedkar
Preferences and Experiences of Google Apps in Collaborative Teaching and Learning, Dr. Mahesh G T and Dr. Jayamma K V
Rural Tribal Women’s Health Information Sources and Seeking Behaviour: A study of Kangpokpi in Manipur, North East India., Florence Guite and Paokholun Hangsing
Rural Women Health Information Sources and Channels in Manipur, North East India., Florence Guite, Paokholun Hangsing, and Jayanta Deb
Predictive maintenance of bearing machinery using simulation- a bibliometric study, Karan Gulati Mr., Keshav Basandrai Mr., Shubham Tiwari Mr., Pooja Kamat Prof., and Satish Kumar Dr.
Understanding User Perceptive and Satisfaction Level towards MOOCs: A Comparative analysis of SWAYAM and Coursera, Sarita Gulati, Ritu Sharma, Amanpreet Kaur Research Scholar, and Rupak Chakravarty
A Systematic Review of Open Access Institutional Repositories (OAIRs), Sumeer Gul Dr, Nahida Tun Nisa Dr, Farzana Gulzar Dr, Shazia Bashir Dr, Asif Khan Dr, and Aadil Bashir Dr
Digital Communication Media: Resources and Distribution Channels on Forest and Land Fires Information in Riau Province of Indonesia During Covid-19 Pandemic Period, Gumgum Gumilar, Engkus Kuswarno, Herlina Agustin, and Nik Norma Nik Hasan
Modelling of Information Seeking Behaviour of School Teachers in Sri Lanka, Chamani Gunasekera and R. Balasubramani Dr.
Status and Services of Kendriya Vidyalaya School Libraries in Uttarakhand: a study, Aradhana Gupta and Salma Khan Dr.
Information Literacy among Research Scholars of University of Jammu in an Electronic Environment: A case study, arun Gupta and Sangita Gupta
Scientometric Analysis of Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge (IJTK), 2014-2020, Dr. Santosh Gupta and Rakesh Kumar Sahu
Flawed Citations in Indian Scientometric Literature: A Case Study, Dr. Vishnu Kumar Gupta
Science Mapping and Visualization of Research Data Management (RDM): Bibliometric and Scientometric Study, Nidhi Gupta Research Scholar, Surbhi Arora, and Prof. Rupak Chakravarty
Science Mapping Analysis of Digital Humanities research: A scientometric study, Nidhi Gupta and Prof. Rupak Chakravarty
Trends in IoT Research: A Bibliometric and Science mapping Analysis of Internet of Things, Nidhi Gupta Research Scholar and Rupak Chakravarty Professor
A Scientometric Analysis of Fifty-One Years of Research on Knowledge Society (1970-2021), Nidhi Gupta Ms., Simran Kaur Ms, and Rupak Chakravarty Prof.
Mapping The Research Productivity Of University Of Jammu During 2010-2019, sangita Gupta, Diksha Rajput, and Sumeer Gul
E-learning Enhancement, Status and Attitude of learners towards Teaching Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic, Shweta Gupta, Shri Ram Pandey, and Sujata Gupta
A Categorical Review paper on Bibliometric and Citation Studies, Sobhagyawati Gupta
Missing and Defective Identity of Authors Cited in Library and Information Science Literature, Vishnu Kumar Gupta
Use of Open Source Software in Indian Institutional Digital Repositories: A Study, Rushmanasab Gurikar and Gururaj S. Hadagali Assistant Professor
Use of Open Source Software in Indian Institutional Digital Repositories: A Study, Rushmanasab Gurikar and Gururaj S. Hadagali Assistant Professor
A Bibliometric Analysis of Human trafficking in the wake of Natural Disasters, Shashikala Gurpur Dr, Manika Kamthan Dr, and Vartika Tiwari Ms.
A Bibliometric Analysis of Research Trends of Inter linkages between Disaster Management and Law, Shashikala Gurpur Dr., Manika Kamthan Dr., and Vartika Tiwari Ms.
A Bibliometric Analysis of Research Trends of Inter linkages between Disaster Management and Law, Shashikala Gurpur Dr, Manika Kamthan Dr, and Vartika Tiwari Ms.
Distance Learners’ Attitude and Use Behaviour of Electronic Information Resources: A study at Kuvempu University, Veena Naik G and SHIVALINGAIAH D Dr.
Police Officers Information Needs and Seeking Behaviour in the Three Geopolitical Zones of Imo State, Nigeria, Faustina C. Haco-Obasi, Chioma Esther Osuji, Nneka Chinemerem Agim, and Anne Anthony Edem
A Scientometric Analysis of Global literature on Hydroxychloroquine based on SCOPUS, Gururaj S. Hadagali, Iranna M. Shettar, Lokesh Shashtri, and B Ramesh Babu
Accessibility of Information on Marketplace Websites for Consumers with Disabilities, Hanny Hafiar, Priyo Subekti, Yanti Setianti, and Adzkia Kirana Dipa
Investigating intra-disciplinary and extra-disciplinary relationships of Iran’s rehabilitation articles indexed in the Web of Science during 2013-2017, Fatemeh Haji Hosein Khabbaz, Azam Shahbodaghi, and Maryam Shekoufteh
Effect of e-Literacy Maturity Level on Lecturers’ Information Use Behavior at Islamic University, Indonesia, Ade Abdul Hak
Education System Transformation of the Indonesia Defense University in supporting scientific literacy, Mhd Halkis and Zuhria Ninda
Analyzing the Theses & Dissertations to INFLIBNET Shodhganga by Central and State Universities of North East India, Nipan Haloi and Digbijoy Das
An Analysis of Library Professionals’ Communication Skills: Status and Effectiveness on Workplace Productivity, Aamir Hamid and Dr. Muhammad Younus
Effect of work motivation on academic library professionals’ workplace productivity, Aamir Hamid and Dr. Muhammad Younus
Ascertaining Users’ Attitude towards Information Technology Application: a comparative study of Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla and Punjabi University, Patiala, Tarvinder Singh Handa
Ascertaining Users’ Attitude towards Information Technology Application: a comparative study of Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla and Punjabi University, Patiala, Tarvinder Singh Handa and Jagtar Singh
Mapping the Knowledge of Islamic Accounting Studies on Shariah Audit: A Bibliometric Analysis, Luqman Hakim Handoko and Sepky Mardian
Role of Libraries in Preservation and Accessibility of Indigenous Knowledge: A study of University Libraries in Northeast India, Jangkhohao Hangshing and BIKIKA LALOO
Classifying the Data: A Comparative Analysis of Traditional Library Classification and Linked Data Classification Systems, Saima Hanif and saima hanif
A Citation Analysis of Pakistan Library & Information Science Journal from 2004 and 2020, Ikram Ul Haq
Bio-Bibliometric Portrait of Dr. Tasawar Hayat, Distinguished Professor of Mathematics, Ikram Ul Haq
Mapping of Research Output of “Health Information and Libraries Journal” (2001-2020), Ikram Ul Haq
Patterns of Library and Information Science Research in Pakistan During 2020, Ikram Ul Haq
Review of Literature on Medical Librarianship in Pakistan, Ikram Ul Haq
The 100 Most-cited Articles in Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal): A Bibliometric Analysis, Ikram Ul Haq, Zia Ahmed, and Yasir Abbasi
Evaluating the publications output of Pakistan Journal of Information Management and Libraries based on the Scopus Database, Ikram Ul Haq, Rabiya Ali Faridi, and Muhammad Tanveer
Evaluating the Scholarly Literature on Information Literacy indexed in the Web of Science Database, Ikram Ul Haq, Abid Hussain, and Muhammad Tanveer
Bibliometric Evaluation of the Scopus Indexed Scholarly Literature of Ministry of National Guard – Health Affairs, Saudi Arabia, Ikram Ul Haq, Shafiq ur Rehman, Hanan Al-Kadri, and Abid Iqbal
Medical Research in Pakistan; A Bibliometric Evaluation from 2001 to 2020, Ikram Ul Haq and Zahoor Ur Rehman
Research Productivity of Pakistani Authors in Library and Information Science; An Overview of 2019 publications, Ikram Ul Haq and Mumtaz Hussain Satti
Challenges Faced by LIS Postgraduate Students in Their Dissertations Writing, Sana Ul Haq and Khurram Shahzad
Strategies Adopted by Library Science Research Scholars to Cope with Challenges in Dissertation-Writing, Sana Ul Haq, Khurram Shahzad, and Muhammad Naeem
Web-Based Sources and Services for Sustainable Development in Academic Libraries: A Longitudinal Approach, Dr. Sudharma Haridasan and Dr. Shamama Firdaus
Application of Web-Based Sources and Services for Sustainable Development in University Libraries, Sudharma Haridasan and Shamama Firdaus
Digital Literacy for Covid 19 Information in Indonesian Society, Dessy Harisanty, Dyah Puspita Srirahayu, Nove E. Variant Anna, Endang Fitriyah Fitriyah Mannan, Esti Putri Anugrah, and Nasa Zata Dina
Innovation Management in the Library: A Bibliometric Analysis, Budi Harsanto
The Effect of Promotion on Instagram with Psychographics on the Intensity of Visits at the Ministry Library in Indonesia, Tri Hartanto and Muhammad Azwar
Reference Source and Services in CSIR-IGIB, CSIR-NPL, CSIR-NISCAIR, CSIR-NISTADS and CSIR-CRRI, Azad Hasan and Muzamil Mushtaq
Online Databases Backbone for Teaching and Research: Case Study of Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Maharashtra (India), Vishwas L. Hase; Mahesh N. Gaikwad; and Yuvraj G. Jadhav Assistant Professor , Dept. of Library and Information Science
Bibliometric Analysis of Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences From 2005 To 2020, Waseem Hassan
Bibliometric Analysis of Library Philosophy and Practice From 1998 To 2020: Focus on the top 200 Most Cited Documents, Waseem Hassan and Amina Ara
Research Trends in the Field of Literacy from 1917 To 2020, Waseem Hassan, Jean Paul Kamdem, and Antonia Eliene Duarte
DSpace information retrieval system: a study using DICOM metadata standard, Hirak Jyoti Hazarika, Dr. S. Ravikumar, and Dr. Akash Handique
An Assessment of Reading Habits and Use of Public Library Resources by Rural Women of Sivasagar District: A Survey, Parishmita Hazarika
Research Productivity Trends of DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology (DJLIT) during 2011-2020: A Bibliometric Analysis, Parishmita Hazarika