Nebraska Center for Materials and Nanoscience
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, Nebraska 68588-0299 United States
Office: 310G Jorgensen Hall
Phone: 402-472-5231; fax: 402-472-6148
Electromagnon excitation in cupric oxide measured by Fabry-Pérot enhanced terahertz Mueller matrix ellipsometry, Sean Knight, Dharmalingam Prabhakaran, Christian Binek, and Mathias Schubert
Space-charge limited conduction in epitaxial chromia films grown on elemental and oxide-based metallic substrates, C.-P. Kwan, Mike Street, Ather Mahmood, Will Echtenkamp, M. Randle, K. He, J. Nathawat, N. Arabchigavkani, B. Barut, S. Yin, R. Dixit, Uttam Singisetti, Christian Binek, and J. P. Bird
Voltage controlled magnetism in Cr2O3 based all-thin-film systems, Junlei Wang, Will Echtenkamp, Ather Mahmood, and Christian Binek
Towards a Strong Spin–Orbit Coupling Magnetoelectric Transistor, Peter Dowben, Christian Binek, Kai Zhang, Lu Wang, Wai-Ning Mei, Jonathan P. Bird, Uttam Singisetti, Xia Hong, Kang L. Wang, and Dmitri Nikonov
Dielectric properties of thin Cr2O3 films grown on elemental and oxide metallic substrates, Ather Mahmood, Mike Street, Will Echtenkamp, Chun Pui Kwan, Jonathan P. Bird, and Christian Binek
Elastic properties of superconductors and materials with weakly correlated spins, Christian Binek
Tuning the Effective Anisotropy in a Voltage-Susceptible Exchange-Bias Heterosystem, Will Echtenkamp, Mike Street, Ather Mahmood, and Christian Binek
Dispersion of Electric-Field-Induced Faraday Effect in Magnetoelectric Cr2O3, J. Wang and Christian Binek
Magnetic field induced switching of the antiferromagnetic order parameter in thin films of magnetoelectric chromia, Lorenzo Fallarino, Andreas Berger, and Christian Binek
Boundary magnetization properties of epitaxial Cr2−xAlxO3 thin films, Lorenzo Fallarino, Christian Binek, and Andreas Berger
Spin relaxation time dependence on optical pumping intensity in GaAs:Mn, V. Burobina and Christian Binek
Spin polarization asymmetry at the surface of chromia, Shi Cao, Xin Zhang, Ning Wu, A T. N'Diaye, G Chen, A K. Schmid, Xumin Chen, W Echtenkamp, Axel Enders, Christian Binek, and Peter A. Dowben
Giant temperature dependence of the spin reversal field in magnetoelectric chromia, Lorenzo Fallarino, Andreas Berger, and Christian Binek
Increasing the Neel temperature of magnetoelectric chromia for voltage-controlled spintronics, M Street, W Echtenkamp, Takashi Komesu, Shi Cao, Peter A. Dowben, and Christian Binek
Near-room-temperature refrigeration through voltage-controlled entropy change in multiferroics, Christian Binek and V. Burobina
Electric Control of Exchange Bias Training, W. Echtenkamp and Christian Binek
Electric modulation of magnetization at the BaTiO3/La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 interfaces, H. Lu, Thomas A. George, Yong Wang, Ihor Ketsman, John D. Burton, C.-W. Bark, Sangjin Ryu, Dong Jik Kim, J. Wang, Christian Binek, Peter A. Dowben, Andrei Sokolov, C. B. Eom, Evgeny Y. Tsymbal, and Alexei Gruverman
Isothermal entropy changes in nanocomposite Co:Ni67Cu33, Steven A. Michalski, Ralph Skomski, Xingzhong Li, Damien Le Roy, Tathagata Mukherjee, Christian Binek, and David J. Sellmyer
Spin and elastic contributions to isothermal entropy change, Tathagata Mukherjee, Ralph Skomski, Steven A. Michalski, David J. Sellmyer, and Christian Binek
When measured spin polarization is not spin polarization, Peter A. Dowben, Ning Wu, and Christian Binek
Magnetic entropy changes in nanogranular Fe:Ni61Cu39, Steven A. Michalski, Ralph A. Skomski, Tathagata Mukherjee, Xingzhong Li, Christian Binek, and David J. Sellmyer
Overcoming the spin-multiplicity limit of entropy by means of lattice degrees of freedom: A minimal model, Tathagata Mukherjee, Steven A. Michalski, Ralph Skomski, David J. Sellmyer, and Christian Binek
Magnetic nanoparticles: recent advances in synthesis, self-assembly and applications, Srikanth Singamaneni, V. Bliznyuk, Christian Binek, and Evgeny Y. Tsymbal
Magnetometry and transport data complement polarized neutron reflectometry in magnetic depth profiling, Yi Wang, Xi He, Tathagata Mukherjee, Mary Lee Fitzsimmons, Sarbeswar Sahoo, and Christian Binek
Imaging and Control of Surface Magnetization Domains in a Magnetoelectric Antiferromagnet, Ning Wu, Xi He, Aleksander L. Wysocki, Uday Lanke, Takashi Komesu, Kirill D. Belashchenko, Christian Binek, and Peter A. Dowben
Robust isothermal electric control of exchange bias at room temperature, Xi He, Yi Wang, Christian Binek, and Peter A. Dowben
Probing equilibrium by nonequilibrium dynamics: Aging in Co/Cr superlattices, Tathagata Mukherjee, M. Pleimling, and Christian Binek
Piezoelectric tuning of exchange bias in a BaTiO3/Co/CoO heterostructure, Srinivas Polisetty, W. Echtenkamp, Keith Jones, X. He, Sarbeswar Sahoo, and Christian Binek
Entropy localization in magnetic compounds and thin-film nanostructures, Ralph Skomski, Christian Binek, Steven A. Michalski, Tathagata Mukherjee, Axel Enders, and David J. Sellmyer
Self-Assembly of Magnetic Ni Nanoparticles into 1D Arrays with Antiferromagnetic Order, Valery Bliznyuk, Srikanth Singamaneni, Sarbeswar Sahoo, Srinivas Polisetty, Xi He, and Christian Binek
Magnetocaloric properties of Co/Cr superlattices, Tathagata Mukherjee, Sarbeswar Sahoo, David J. Sellmyer, and Christian Binek
Christian Binek: List of Publications
Optimization of Magneto-Optical Kerr Setup: Analyzing experimental assemblies using Jones matrix formalism, Christian Binek
Electrically Controlled Magnetism, Christian Binek, Xi He, Yi Wang, and Sarbeswar Sahoo
Temperature dependence of the training effect in exchange coupled ferromagnetic bilayers, Christian Binek, Srinivas Polisetty, and Sarbeswar Sahoo
Temperature Dependence of the Training Effect in Exchange Coupled Ferromagnetic Bilayers, Srinivas Polisetty, Sarbeswar Sahoo, Andreas Berger, and Christian Binek
Quenching of the Exchange Bias Training in Fe/Cr2O3/Fe Trilayer, Sarbeswar Sahoo and Christian Binek
Temperature- and field-induced entropy changes in nanomagnets, Ralph Skomski, Christian Binek, Tathagata Mukherjee, Sarbeswar Sahoo, and David J. Sellmyer
Scaling Behavior of the Exchange-Bias Training Effect, Christian Binek, Srinivas Polisetty, and Sarbeswar Sahoo
Piezomagnetism in epitaxial Cr2O3 thin films and spintronic applications, Sarbeswar Sahoo and Christian Binek
Isothermal low-field tuning of exchange bias in epitaxial Fe/Cr2O3/Fe, Sarbeswar Sahoo, Tathagata Mukherjee, Kirill D. Belashchenko, and Christian Binek
Dynamic enhancement of the exchange bias training effect, Sarbeswar Sahoo, Srinivas Polisetty, Christian Binek, and Andreas Berger
Ferroelectric control of magnetism in BaTiO3 /Fe heterostructures via interface strain coupling, Sarbeswar Sahoo, Srinivas Polisetty, Chun-Gang Duan, Sitaram S. Jaswal, Evgeny Y. Tsymbal, and Christian Binek
Exchange Bias Training Effect in Coupled All Ferromagnetic Bilayer Structures, Christian Binek, Srinivas Polisetty, Xi He, and A. Berger
Nonextensivity in magnetic nanoparticle ensembles, Christian Binek, Srinivas Polisetty, Xi He, Tathagata Mukherjee, Rajasekaran Rajesh, and Jody G. Redepenning
Reversible hysteresis loop tuning, Andreas Berger, Christian Binek, D. T. Margulies, A. Moser, and E. E. Fullerton
Perpendicular exchange bias and its control by magnetic, stress and electric fields, Christian Binek, Pavel Borisov, Xi Chen, S. Sahoo, and Wolfman Kleemann
Temperature dependence of the training effect in a Co/CoO exchange-bias layer, Christian Binek, Xi He, and Srinivas Polisetty
Electrically controlled exchange bias for spintronic applications, Christian Binek, A. Hochstrat, X. Chen, Pavel Borisov, Wolfman Kleemann, and Bernard Doudin
Magnetoelectric Switching of Exchange Bias, Pavel Borisov, Andreas Hochstrat, Xi Chen, Wolfgang Kleeman, and Christian Binek
Extrinsic control of the exchange bias, Christian Binek
Superferromagnetic domain state dynamics in discontinuous CoFe/Al2O3, Christian Binek
Training of the exchange-bias effect: A simple analytic approach, Christian Binek
Magnetoelectronics with magnetoelectrics, Christian Binek and Bernard Doudin
Magneto-Thermal Behavior of a Granular FeCl2–Fe Heterostructure, Sarbeswar Sahoo, Christian Binek, and Wolfgang Kleemann
Cole-Cole Analysis of the Superspin Glass System Co80Fe20/Al2O3, O. Petracic, Sarbeswar Sahoo, Christian Binek, Wolfgang Kleemann, J.B. Sousa, Susana Cardoso de Freitas, and P.P. Freitas
Giant metamagnetic moments in a granular FeCl2-Fe heterostructure, Sarbeswar Sahoo, Christian Binek, and Wolfgang Kleemann
Domain Wall Relaxation, Creep, Sliding, and Switching in Superferromagnetic Discontinuous Co80Fe20/Al2O3 Multilayers, X. Chen, O. Sichelschmidt, Wolfgang Kleemann, Christian Binek, J.B. Sousa, Susana Cardoso de Freitas, and P.P. Freitas
Training of the exchange-bias effect in NiO-Fe heterostructures, A. Hochstrat, Christian Binek, and Wolfgang Kleemann
Magnetic relaxation phenomena in the superspin-glass system [Co80Fe20/Al2O3]10, Sarbeswar Sahoo, O. Petracic, Christian Binek, Wolfgang Kleemann, J. B. Sousa, Susana Cardoso de Freitas, and P. P. Freitas
Superspin-glass nature of discontinuous Co80Fe20/Al2O3 multilayers, Sarbeswar Sahoo, O. Petracic, Christian Binek, Wolfgang Kleemann, J.B. Sousa, Susana Cardoso de Freitas, and P.P. Freitas
Ac susceptibility studies of discontinuous Co80Fe20Al2O3 multilayers, Christian Binek
Domain state susceptibility in FeCl2/CoPt-heterostructures, Christian Binek
Exchange Bias in a generalized Meiklejohn-Bean approach, Christian Binek
Exchange Bias in Fe0.6Zn0.4F2 Heterostructures, Christian Binek
Exchange Bias in FeF20-CoPt heterosystems with perpendicular anisotropy, Christian Binek
Magnetic states of discontinuous Co80Fe20Al2O3 Multilayers, Christian Binek
Transverse Magnetism of the diluted antiferromagnet Fe1-xMgxBr2 (x=0.15), Christian Binek
Yang-Lee edge singularities from experimental high field magnetization data, Christian Binek
Yang-Lee edge singularities determined from experimental high-field magnetization data, Christian Binek, Wolfgang Kleemann, and H. Aruga Katori
Dilution-induced enhancement of the blocking temperature in exchange-bias heterosystems, Xi Chen, Christian Binek, A. Hochstrat, and Wolfgang Kleemann
Magnetic phase diagram of the diluted metamagnet Fe0.95Mg0.05Br2, H. Aruga Katori, K. Katsumata, O. Petracic, Wolfgang Kleemann, T. Kato, and Christian Binek
Off-diagonal exchange-induced transverse and field-induced spin-flop order in the diluted metamagnet Fe0.85Mg0.15Br2, Wolfgang Kleeman, H. Aruga Katori, T. Kato, Christian Binek, and K. Katsumata
Interacting ferromagnetic nanoparticles in discontinuous Co80Fe20/Al2O3 multilayers: From superspin glass to reentrant superferromagnetism, W. Kleeman, O. Petracic, Christian Binek, G.N. Kakazei, Yu. G. Pogorelov, J.B. Sousa, Susana Cardoso de Freitas, and P.P. Freitas
Magnetic states of granular layered CoFe-Al2O3, J.B. Sousa, G.N. Kakazei, Y.G. Pogorelov, J.A.M. Santos, O. Petracic, Wolfgang Kleemann, Christian Binek, Susana Cardoso de Freitas, P.P. Freitas, M.M. Pereira de Azevedo, N.A. Lesnik, Stanislav Rokhlin, and P.E. Wigen
Crossover from transient spin structures ot the field-induced Griffiths phase of FeBr2, Christian Binek
Freezing field dependance of the exchange bias in uniaxial FeF2-CoPt heterosystems with perpendicular anisotropy, Christian Binek
Superspin glass behaviour of interacting ferromagnetic nanoparticles in discontinuous magnetic multilayers, Christian Binek
Transient spin structures at the antifero-to-paramagnetic phase boundary of FeBr2, Christian Binek
Nonadiabatic heat-capacity measurements using a superconducting quantum interference device magnetometer, A.I. Kharkovski, Christian Binek, and Wolfgang Kleeman
Density of Zeros on the Lee-Yang Circle Obtained from Magnetization Data of a Two-Dimensional Ising Ferromagnet, Christian Binek
Kinetics of random-field induced domains in the two-dimensional Ising antiferromagnet Rb2Co0.85Mg0.15F4, Christian Binek
Polydispersivity of non-critical field-induced fluctuations in FeBr2, Christian Binek
Crossover from pure Ising to random-exchange dominated behavior of the two-dimensional antiferromagnet Rb2Co1-xMgxF4, Christian Binek, Wolfgang Kleemann, and David P. Belanger
Field-induced transverse spin ordering in FeBr2, O. Petracie, Christian Binek, Wolfgang Kleemann, U. Neuhausen, and H. Lueken
Metamagnetic domains and dynamic fluctuations in FeBr2, O. Petracic, Christian Binek, and Wolfgang Kleeman
Magnetic neutron-scattering investigation of the field-induced Griffiths phase in FeCl2, Christian Binek, D. Bertrand, L.P. Regnault, and Wolfgang Kleemann
Neutron scattering study of transverse magnetism, Christian Binek, T. Kato, Wolfgang Kleemann, O. Petracic, D. Bertrand, F. Bourdarot, P. Burlet, H. Aruga Katori, K. Katsumata, K. Prokes, and S. Welzel
Evidence of dilution-induced Griffiths instabilities in K2Cu1-xZnxF4 and Fe1-xZnxF2, Christian Binek and Wolfgang Kleeman
Magnetic-Field-Induced Griffiths Phase versus Random-Field Criticality and Domain Wall Susceptibility of Fe0.47Zn0.53F2, Christian Binek, S. Kuttler, and Wolfgang Kleemann
Local magnetic properties of antiferromagnetic FeBr2, J. Pelloth, R.A. Brand, S. Takele, M.M. Pereira de Azevedo, Wolfman Kleemann, Christian Binek, J. Kushauer, and D. Bertrand
Random-field critical and spin-flop behavior of the anisotropic Heisenberg antiferromagnet Fe0.9Mg0.1Br2 in axial magnetic fields, Christian Binek
Domainlike antiferromagnetic correlations of paramagnetic FeCl2: A field-induced Griffiths phase?, Christian Binek and Wolfgang Kleemann
Interface alloying and magnetic properties of Fe/Rh multilayers, K. Hanisch, W. Keune, R.A. Brand, Christian Binek, and Wolfman Kleemann
Blocking of logarithmic temporal relaxation of magnetic remanence by piezomagnetically induced domains in Fe1-xZnxF2, J. Kushauer, Christian Binek, and Wolfgang Kleemann
Light diffraction by field-induced non-periodic magnetic domain structures in FeCl2, Christian Binek
The effect of diamagnetic dilution on the spin-phonon interaction and scattering cross section in Fe1-xZnxF2, Christian Binek