Department of Physics and Astronomy
256 Behlen Hall
Nebraska Center for Materials and Nanoscience
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, Nebraska 68588 United States
402-472-8590, fax: 402-472-2879
Giant Transport Anisotropy in ReS2 Revealed via Nanoscale Conducting-Path Control, Dawei Li, Shuo Sun, Jingfeng Song, Ding-Fu Shao, Evgeny Y. Tsymbal, Stephen Ducharme, and Xia Hong
Assembly of Close-Packed Ferroelectric Polymer Nanowires via Interface-Epitaxy with ReS2, Dawei Li, Shuo Sun, Kun Wang, Zahra Ahmadi, Jeffrey E. Shield, Stephen Ducharme, and Xia Hong
Diisopropylammonium Bromide Based Two-Dimensional Ferroelectric Monolayer Molecular Crystal with Large In-Plane Spontaneous Polarization, Liang Ma, Yinglu Jia, Stephen Ducharme, Jinlan Wang, and Xiao Cheng Zeng
Correlation Microanalysis of Localized Molecular Structure and Nano-mechanical Property of PVDF Based Copolymer, Wen Qian, Shuo Sun, Charles Nguyen, Stephen Ducharme, and Joesph A. Turner
Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube-Coated Spiral Coils for Loss Reduction in Wireless Power Transfer Systems, Kamran Keramatnejad, Dawei Li, Hossein Rabiee Golgir, Loic Constantin, Xi Huang, Qiming Zou, Jean-Francois Silvain, Stephen Ducharme, and Yongfeng Lu
Complementary Microscopy Techniques Applied for Characterizing the Localized Nanoscale Structure of Poly (Vinylidene Fluoride), Wen Qian, Shuo Sun, Charles Nguyen, Wenlong Li, Stephen Ducharme, and Joesph A. Turner
Focused electron-beam-induced deposition for fabrication of highly durable and sensitive metallic AFM-IR probes, Wen Qian, Shuo Sun, Jingfeng Song, Charles Nguyen, Stephen Ducharme, and Joesph A. Turner
The promise of piezoelectric polymers, Timothy D. Usher, Kimberley R. Cousins, Renwu Zhang, and Stephen Ducharme
Laser-Assisted Nanowelding of Graphene to Metals: An Optical Approach Toward Ultralow Contact Resistance, K. Keramatnejad, Yunshen Zhou, Da Wei Li, Hossein Rabiee Golgir, Xi Huang, Qi Ming Zhou, Jingfeng Song, Stephen Ducharme, and Yongfeng Lu
Ferroelectric-Domain-Patterning-Controlled Schottky Junction State in Monolayer MoS2, Zhiyong Xiao, Jingfeng Song, David K. Ferry, Stephen Ducharme, and Xia Hong
Charge Collection Kinetics on Ferroelectric Polymer Surface Using Charge Gradient Microscopy, Yoon-Young Choi, Sheng Tong, Stephen Ducharme, Andreas Roelofs, and Seungbum Hong
Hydrogel Microphones for Stealthy Underwater Listening, Yang Gao, Jingfeng Song, Shumin Li, Christian Elowsky, You Zhou, Stephen Ducharme, Yong Mei Chen, Qin Zhou, and Li Tan
2D Cocrystallization from H‑Bonded Organic Ferroelectrics, Donna A. Kunkel, James Hooper, Benjamin Bradley, Lisa Schlueter, Tom Rasmussen, Paulo Costa, Sunit Beniwal, Stephen Ducharme, Eva Zurek, and Axel Enders
Finite-size scaling of flexoelectricity in Langmuir-Blodgett polymer thin films, Shashi Poddar, Keith Foreman, Shireen Adenwalla, and Stephen Ducharme
Fabrication of Diisopropylammonium Bromide Aligned Microcrystals with In-Plane Uniaxial Polarization, Shashi Poddar, Haidong Lu, Jingfeng Song, Om Goit, Shah Valloppilly, Alexei Gruverman, and Stephen Ducharme
Ferroelectric polymer nanopillar arrays on flexible substrates by reverse nanoimprint lithography, Jingfeng Song, Haidong Lu, Keith Foreman, Shumin Li, Li Tan, Shireen Adenwalla, Alexei Gruverman, and Stephen Ducharme
Enhancement of Local Piezoresponse in Polymer Ferroelectrics via Nanoscale Control of Microstructure, Yoon-Young Choi, Pankaj Sharma, Charudatta Phatak, David J. Gosztola, Yunya Liu, Joonseok Lee, Byeongdu Lee, Jiangyu Li, Alexei Gruverman, Stephen Ducharme, and Seungbum Hong
Laboratory Manual for Physics of Lasers and Modern Optics, 13th ed, Stephen Ducharme
Ferroelectricity at the nanoscale, Vladimir M. Fridkin and Stephen Ducharme
The Ferroelectricity at the Nanoscale, Vladimir M. Fridkin and Stephen Ducharme
Temperature dependence of flexoelectric response in ferroelectric and relaxor polymer thin films, Shashi Poddar and Stephen Ducharme
Coplanar switching of polarization in thin films of vinylidene fluoride oligomers, Pankaj Sharma, Alexandra Fursina, Shashi Poddar, Stephen Ducharme, and Alexei Gruverman
Investigation of ferroelectric domains in thin films of vinylidene fluoride oligomers, Pankaj Sharma, Shashi Poddar, Rafal Korlacki, Stephen Ducharme, and Alexei Gruverman
Polarization imaging in ferroelectric polymer thin film capacitors by pyroelectric scanning microscopy, Jingfeng Song, Haidong Lu, Alexei Gruverman, and Stephen Ducharme
Effect of thermal annealing on ferroelectric domain structures in poly(vinylidene-fluoride-trifluorethylene) Langmuir-Blodgett thin films, Zhiyong Xiao, J. Hamblin, Shashi Poddar, Stephen Ducharme, P. Paruch, and Xia Hong
Polarization switching kinetics in ultrathin ferroelectric barium titanate film, R. Gaynutdinov, M. Minnekaev, S. Mitko, A. Tolstikhina, A. Zenkevich, Stephen Ducharme, and V. Fridkin
Study of the growth and switching kinetics on ferroelectric nanocrystals of copolymer vinylidene fluoride and trifluoroethylene on an atomic force microscope, R. V. Gaynutdinov, O. A. Lysova, A. L. Tolstikhina, V. M. Fridkin, S. G. Yudin, and Stephen Ducharme
Scaling of the Coercive Field in Ferroelectrics at the Nanoscale, R. V. Gaynutdinov, M. Minnekaev, S. Mitko, A. L. Tolstikhina, A. Zenkevich, Stephen Ducharme, and Vladimir M. Fridkin
Rhodizonic Acid on Noble Metals: Surface Reactivity and Coordination Chemistry, Donna A. Kunkel, James Hooper, Scott Simpson, Sumit Beniwal, Katie L. Morrow, Douglas C. Smith, Kimberly Cousins, Stephen Ducharme, Eva Zurek, and Axel Enders
Proton transfer in surface-stabilized chiral motifs of croconic acid, Donna A. Kunkel, James Hooper, Scott Simpson, Geoffrey Rojas, Stephen Ducharme, Timothy Usher, Eva Zurek, and Axel Enders
Measurement of the flexoelectric response in ferroelectric and relaxor polymer thin films, Shashi Poddar and Stephen Ducharme
Domain wall roughness and creep in nanoscale crystalline ferroelectric polymers, Zhengguo Xiao, Shashi Poddar, Stephen Ducharme, and X. Hong
The sweep rate dependence of the electrical control of magnetic coercivity, Abhijit Mardana, Stephen Ducharme, and Shireen Adenwalla
Understanding the effect of ferroelectric polarization on power conversion efficiency of organic photovoltaic devices, Yongbo Yuan, Pankaj Sharma, Zhengguo Xiao, Shashi Poddar, Alexei Gruverman, Stephen Ducharme, and Jinsong Huang
Cluster synthesis of monodisperse rutile-TiO2 nanoparticles and dielectric TiO2–vinylidene fluoride oligomer nanocomposites, Balamurugan Balasubramanian, Kristin L. Kraemer, Shah R. Valloppilly, Stephen Ducharme, and David J. Sellmyer
Polarization switching at the nanoscale in ferroelectric copolymer thin films, R. V. Gaynutdinov, S. Mitko, S. G. Yudin, V. M. Fridkin, and Stephen Ducharme
Electrical Control of Photoluminescence Wavelength from Semiconductor Quantum Dots in a Ferroelectric Polymer Matrix, Rafal Korlacki, Ravi F. Saraf, and Stephen Ducharme
Ferroelectric Control of Magnetic Anisotropy, Abhijit Mardana, Stephen Ducharme, and Shireen Adenwalla
Polarization patterning by laser-induced phase change in ferroelectric polymer films, Christina M. Othon and Stephen Ducharme
High-Resolution Studies of Domain Switching Behavior in Nanostructured Ferroelectric Polymers, Pankaj Sharma, Timothy J. Reece, Stephen Ducharme, and Alexei Gruverman
Orientational imaging in polar polymers by piezoresponse force microscopy, Pankaj Sharma, Dong Wu, Shashi Poddar, Timothy J. Reece, Stephen Ducharme, and Alexei Gruverman
Orientational imaging in polar polymers by piezoresponse force microscopy, Pankaj Sharma, Dong Wu, Shashi Poddar, Timothy J. Reece, Stephen Ducharme, and Alexei Gruverman
Efficiency enhancement in organic solar cells with ferroelectric polymers, Yongbo Yuan, Timothy J. Reece, Pankaj Sharma, Shashi Poddar, Stephen Ducharme, Alexei Gruverman, Yang Yang, and Jinsong Huang
Ferroelectric field effect transistors using very thin ferroelectric polyvinylidene fluoride copolymer films as gate dielectrics, A. Gerber; Center of Nanoelectronic Systems for Information Technology (CNI), Research Center Jülich, Germany; R. Waser; Timothy J. Reece; E. Rije; Stephen Ducharme; and Hermann Kohlstedt
Magnetoelectric effects in ferromagnetic cobalt/ferroelectric copolymer multilayer films, Abhijit Mardana, Mengjun Bai, A. Baruth, Stephen Ducharme, and Shireen Adenwalla
Vibrational properties of ferroelectric β-vinylidene fluoride polymers and oligomers, Serge M. Nakhmanson, Rafal Korlacki, J. Travis Johnston, Stephen Ducharme, Zhongxin Ge, and James M. Takacs
Why Ferroelectric Polyvinylidene Fluoride is Special, Matt Poulsen and Stephen Ducharme
Investigation of state retention in metal–ferroelectric–insulator–semiconductor structures based on Langmuir–Blodgett copolymer films, Timothy J. Reece; A. Gerber; Institut für Festkörperforschung, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany; and Stephen Ducharme
Dielectric Nanocomposites: An Inside-Out Approach to Storing Electrostatic Energy, Stephen Ducharme
Start the Presses, Stephen V. Ducharme and Alexei Gruverman
Polarization switching kinetics of ferroelectric nanomesas of vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene copolymer, R. V. Gaynutdinov, O. A. Lysova, S. G. Yudin, A. L. Tolstikhina, A. L. Kholkin, V. M. Fridkin, and Stephen Ducharme
Modeling of metal-ferroelectric-insulator-semiconductor structures based on Langmuir–Blodgett copolymer films, Timothy J. Reece and Stephen Ducharme
Nanoscale Domain Patterns in Ultrathin Polymer Ferroelectric Films, Pankaj Sharma, Timothy J. Reece, Daniel W. Wu, Vladimir M. Fridkin, Stephen Ducharme, and Alexei Gruverman
Why are Ferroelectric Polymers Difficult to Find – And Difficult to Verify, Stephen Ducharme
Polarization switching kinetics at the nanoscale in ferroelectric copolymer Langmuir-Blodgett films, R. V. Gaynutdinov, O. A. Lysova, A. L. Tolstikhina, S. G. Yudin, V. M. Fridkin, and Stephen Ducharme
Oligo(vinylidene fluoride) Langmuir-Blodgett films studied by spectroscopic, Rafal Korlacki, J. Travis Johnston, Jihee Kim, Stephen Ducharme, Daniel W. Thompson, Vladimir M. Fridkin, Zhongxin Ge, and James M. Takacs
Regulating Self-organizing Nanostructures via External Mechanism, Jiangyu Li, Q. G. Du, and Stephen Ducharme
Switching kinetics of ferroelectric polymer nanomesas, Christina M. Othon, Jihee Kim, Stephen Ducharme, and V. M. Fridkin
Effects of an external electric field on the ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition in polyvinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene copolymer Langmuir-Blodgett films, Matt Poulsen, A. V. Sorokin, Shireen Adenwalla, Stephen Ducharme, and V. M. Fridkin
Local probing of relaxation time distributions in ferroelectric polymer nanomesas: Time-resolved piezoresponse force spectroscopy and spectroscopic imaging, Brian J. Rodriguez, Stephen Jesse, Jihee Kim, Stephen Ducharme, and Sergei V. Kalinin
Electron diffraction study of the structure of vinylidene fluoride–trifluoroethylene copolymer nanocrystals, Mengjun Bai, Xingzhong Li, and Stephen Ducharme
Vitaly Ginzburg: The Last Classical Physicist, Vladimir Fridkin, Stephen Ducharme, Wolfgang Kleemann, and Yoshihiro Ishibashi
The effect of interlayer interactions on the ferroelectric–paraelectric phase transition in multilayered thin films of vinylidene fluoride– trifluoroethylene copolymers, Jihee Kim, Hoydoo You, Stephen Ducharme, and Shireen Adenwalla
The effect of interlayer interactions on the ferroelectric–paraelectric phase transition in multilayered thin films of vinylidene fluoride–trifluoroethylene copolymers, Jihee Kim, Hoydoo You, Stephen Ducharme, and Shireen Adenwalla
Electric energy density of dielectric nanocomposites, Jiangyu Li, L. Zhang, and Stephen Ducharme
Nanoscale polarization manipulation and imaging of ferroelectric Langmuir-Blodgett polymer films, Brian J. Rodriguez, Stephen Jesse, Sergei V. Kalinin, Jihee Kim, Stephen Ducharme, and V.M. Fridkin
Ferroelectric properties of Langmuir-Blodgett copolymer films at the nanoscale, A. Tolstousov, R. V. Gaynutdinov, R. Tadros-Morgane, Herbert Kliem, Stephen Ducharme, and Vladimir M. Fridkin
Microimprinting and ferroelectric properties of poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) copolymer films, Lei Zhang, Stephen Ducharme, and Jiangyu Li
Stephen Ducharme Publications 1983-2006
Effects of annealing conditions on ferroelectric nanomesa self-assembly, Mengjun Bai, Matt Poulsen, and Stephen Ducharme
Low-voltage operation of metal-ferroelectric-insulator-semiconductor diodes incorporating a ferroelectric polyvinylidene fluoride copolymer Langmuir-Blodgett film, A. Gerber, Hermann Kohlstedt, M. Fitsilis, R. Waser, T.J. Reese, Stephen Ducharme, and E. Rije
Comparison of the electronic structure of two polymers with strong dipole ordering, Jie Xiao, Luis G. Rosa, Matt Poulsen, Danqin Feng, D. Sahadeva Reddy, James M. Takacs, Lei Cai, Jiandi Zhang, Stephen Ducharme, and Peter A. Dowben
A continuum model on the nanomesa and nanowell formation in Langmuir-Blodgett ferroelectric polymeric films, Jiang Yu Li, Yang Luo, Mengjun Bai, and Stephen Ducharme
Comparison of crystalline thin poly(vinylidene (70%)–trifluoroethylene (30%)) copolymer films with short chain poly(vinylidene fluoride) films, Jaewu Choi, Eizi Morikawa, Stephen Ducharme, and Peter A. Dowben
Ferroelectric Polymer Langmuir–Blodgett Films for Nonvolatile Memory Applications, Stephen Ducharme, Timothy J. Reece, Christina M. Othon, and R. K. Rannow
Switching in One Monolayer of the Ferroelectric Polymer, Vladimir Fridkin, A. Ievlev, K. Verkhovskaya, G. Vizdrik, S. Yudin, and Stephen Ducharme
Manifestation of a Ferroelectric Phase Transition, A. R. Geivandov, S.G. Yudin, V.M. Fridkin, and Stephen Ducharme
The Effects of Humidity on the Dielectric Response in Ferroelectric Polymer Films Made by Langmuir-Blodgett Deposition, Kristin L. Kraemer, Alexander V. Sorokin, Christina M. Othon, Stephen Ducharme, and Vladimir M. Fridkin
Nanomesa and nanowell formation in Langmuir–Blodgett polyvinylidene fluoride trifluoroethylene copolymer films, Jiangyu Li, Yang Luo, Mengjun Bai, and Stephen Ducharme
Effects of electron irradiation on the ferroelectric properties of Langmuir-Blodgett copolymer films, Christina M. Othon, F.B. Bateman, and Stephen Ducharme
Investigation of Ferroelectricity in Newly Synthesized Nitrile Polymer Systems, Matt Poulsen, Stephen Ducharme, Alexander V. Sorokin, Sahadeva Reddy, James M. Takacs, Y. Wen, Jihee Kim, and Shireen Adenwalla
Pyroelectric study of polarization switching in Langmuir-Blodgett films of poly(vinylidene fluoride trifluoroethylene), A.V. Sorokin, V.M. Fridkin, and Stephen Ducharme
Ferroelectric nanomesa formation from polymer Langmuir-Blodgett films, Mengjun Bai and Stephen Ducharme
Determination of the optical dispersion in ferroelectric vinylidene fluoride (70%)/trifluoroethylene (30%) copolymer Langmuir-Blodgett films, Mengjun Bai, A.V. Sorokin, Daniel W. Thompson, Matt Poulsen, Stephen Ducharme, C.M. Herzinger, S. Palto, V.M. Fridkin, S.G. Yudin, V.E. Savchenko, and L.K. Gribova
Ferroelectricity at molecular level, L. M. Blinov, A. V. Bune, Peter A. Dowben, Stephen Ducharme, Vladimir M. Fridkin, S. P. Palto, K. A. Verkhovskaya, G. V. Vizdrik, and S. G. Yudin
Surface structure of ultrathin copolymer films of ferroelectric vinylidene fluoride (70%) with trifluoroethylene (30%) on graphite, Lei Cai, Hongwei Qu, Chenxi Lu, Stephen Ducharme, Peter A. Dowben, and Jiandi Zhang
Simulations of ferroelectric polymer film polarization: The role of dipole interactions, Chun-gang Duan, Wai-Ning Mei, Wei-Guo Yin, Jianjun Liu, J. R. Hardy, Stephen Ducharme, and Peter A. Dowben
Water absorption and dielectric changes in crystalline poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) copolymer films, P.A. Jacobson, Luis G. Rosa, Christina M. Othon, Kristin L. Kraemer, A.V. Sorokin, Stephen Ducharme, and Peter A. Dowben
Electron Irradiation Effects on Ferroelectric Copolymer Langmuir-Blodgett Films, Christina M. Othon and Stephen Ducharme
Mapping Surface Polarization in Thin Films of the Ferroelectric Polymer P(VDF-TrFE)., Bradley W. Peterson, Stephen Ducharme, Vladimir M. Fridkin, and Timothy J. Reece
Infrared spectroscopic ellipsometry study of vinylidene fluoride (70%)-trifluoroethylene (30%) copolymer Langmuir-Blodgett films, Mengjun Bai, Matt Poulsen, A.V. Sorokin, Stephen Ducharme, C.M. Herzinger, and V.M. Fridkin
Surface structure of ultrathin copolymer films of ferroelectric vinylidene fluoride (70%) with trifluoroethylene (30%) on graphite, Lei Cai, Hongwei Qu, Chenxi Lu, Stephen Ducharme, Peter A. Dowben, and Jiandi Zhang
Comparison of the theoretical and experimental band structure of poly(vinylidene fluoride) crystal, Chun-gang Duan, Wai-Ning Mei, J.R. Hardy, Stephen Ducharme, Jaewu Choi, and Peter A. Dowben
Theoretical Study on the Optical Properties of Polyvinylidene Fluoride Crystal, Chun-gang Duan, Wai-Ning Mei, Wei-Guo Yin, Jianjun Liu, J. R. Hardy, Mengjun Bai, and Stephen Ducharme
Comment on: 'Depolarization corrections to the coercive field in thin-film ferroelectrics', Stephen Ducharme and Vladimir Fridkin
Nanoscale polarization manipulation and conductance switching in ultrathin films of a ferroelectric copolymer, Hongwei Qu, Wei Yao, T. Garcia, Jiandi Zhang, A.V. Sorokin, Stephen Ducharme, Peter A. Dowben, and V.M. Fridkin
Nonvolatile memory element based on a ferroelectric polymer Langmuir-Blodgett film, Timothy J. Reece, Stephen Ducharme, A.V. Sorokin, and Matt Poulsen
Kinetics of ferroelectric switching in ultrathin films, G. Vizdrik, Stephen Ducharme, V.M. Fridkin, and S.G. Yudin
Dielectric properties of a ferroelectric copolymer Langmuir–Blodgett film, Mahantappa S. Jogad and Stephen Ducharme
Langmuir-Blodgett films of polyethylene, A.V. Sorokin, Mengjun Bai, Stephen Ducharme, and Matt Poulsen