Safety Measures
Laura Madeline Wiseman
Safety Measures documents a solo cross-country bicycle adventure. After completing a ride across the United States in 2017, from Astoria, Oregon, to Yorktown, Virginia, in 60 days, pedaling 4,200 miles with support, Laura Madeline Wiseman endeavored to ride her bicycle, Lexa, across the country alone. This lyric collection in creative nonfiction and prose poetry recounts that journey. From Anacortes, Washington, to Bar Harbor, Maine, this 4,300-mile, 59-day ride begins and ends in Minnesota, the site of Wiseman’s childhood summer vacations at Leach Lake. Biking, fishing, beachcombing, and other experiences with her dad had instilled an adventurous spirit. She hoped to reconnect with the fierce energy of girlhood. Wiseman’s dad had often warned her as a girl, It’s dangerous out there. In Safety Measures, harassment, intimidation, and bullying change lanes with the guardians of the road – sheriffs, semi-drivers, fellow bikers, and companionable travelers who call, Safe travels, as they pass. This journey wonders what measures make the road less dangerous and more safe for the solo-wanderer pedaling a bicycle.
The preColumbian Textiles in the Roemer- and Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim, Germany
Lena Bjerregaard
Along the coast of Peru is one of the driest deserts in the world. Here, under the sand, the ancient Peruvians buried their dead wrapped in gorgeous textiles. As organic material keeps almost forever when stored without humidity, light and oxygen, many of the mummies excavated in the last hundred years are in excellent conditions. And so are the textiles wrapped around them. Their clear colors are still dazzling and the textile fibers in good condition. Textiles were highly valued objects in ancient Peru – used for expressing status and diverse messages in these non-literate but highly organized and very developed cultures. Much energy, innovation and aesthetic sensibility were invested in the textiles. The preColumbian peoples had access to exquisite materials: the local fibers were camelid fibers (alpaca and vicuña), cotton and plant fibers (agave, for instance). The camelid fibers have very little scales compared to sheep fibers, and are long, soft and lustrous. The Peruvian cotton grew in 5 different colors. The ancient Peruvians were also master dyers and have for thousands of years dyed their yarn with indigo blue, madder red, cochineal red, sea snail purple and yellow from many kinds of plants. And so they produced some of the finest, most beautiful and most interesting textiles in the world. Instead of writing, they kept the order in their world encoded in textile fibers. The Roemer- and Pelizaeus-Museum in Hildesheim houses a collection of 405 preColumbian textiles. Most of them are fragments, but a few complete pieces are present. I have chosen 133 pieces for this publication, to represent the collection at its best.
PreColumbian Textile Conference VIII / Jornadas de Textiles PreColombinos VIII
Lena Bjerregaard and Ann H. Peters
Contents: Preface — Lena Bjerregaard & Ann Hudson Peters
Archaeological textiles – Textiles arqueológicos – Textiles archéologiques: • 1, Recontextualizando el patrimonio arqueológico: los textiles paracas descubiertos por Engel en Cabezas Largas — Jessica Lévy Contreras • 2, Two-headed serpents and rayed heads: Precedents and reinterpretations in Paracas Necropolis imagery — Ann H. Peters • 3, Representaciones textiles en los iconos de la litoescultura Tiwanaku: significado y distribución — Carolina Agüero & Arturo Martínez • 4, Middle Horizon textiles from Chimu Capac, Supe Valley, Peru — Amy Oakland • 5, Una prenda triangular con plumas en la colección del museo de sitio de Pachacámac — Lourdes Chocano Mena • 6, Las relaciones interculturales vistas a través de los textiles del Cerro la Horca, durante el periodo intermedio tardío y horizonte tardío, valle de Fortaleza – Perú — Arabel Fernández L. & Luis Valle A. • 7, La momia de Marburg: su recontextualización a través del ajuar y ofrenda textil — Isabel Martínez Armijo, Anna-Maria Begerock & Mercedes González • 8, A highland textile tradition from the far south of Peru during the period of Inka domination — Penelope Dransart • 9, Los tocapus de Llullaillaco — Beatriz Carbonell • 10, El tapiz con tocapus del Museo Nacional de Arqueología, Antropología e Historia del Perú — Mónica Solórzano Gonzales • 11, La cestería de los cazadores-recolectores, procedente de la cueva de la Candelaria, Torreón, Coahuila, México — Gloria Martha Sánchez Valenzuela, Alejandra Quintanar Isaías & Ana Jaramillo Pérez • 12, Signos comunes en los textiles Andinos y los Mesoamericanos — Victoria Solanilla Demestre
Museum collections history – Historia de colecciones – Histoire des collections: • 13, The pre-Columbian textile collection of the German Textile Museum Krefeld — Katalin Nagy • 14, Ancient Peruvian textiles in the Vatican Museums and their link to the Musée du Trocadéro collections — Jean-François Genotte • 15, Hidden in plain sight. How ‘disturbing’ features found within two Peruvian textile fragments have turned into a ‘significant guide’ for conservation — Griet Kockelkoren & Emma Damen • 16, Life of a Peruvian art collector: Guillermo Schmidt Pizarro and the fostering of public collections of pre-Hispanic art in the first half of the 20th century — Carolina Orsini & Anna Antonini
Ethnographic textiles – Textiles etnográficos – Textiles ethnographiques: • 17, Colorantes presentes en mochilas ika de la colección etnográfica del Världskulturmuseet (Antiguo Museo Etnografico) en Gotemburgo, Suecia, realizada por Gustav Bolinder Beatriz Devia & Marianne Cardale de Schrimpff • 18, Colecciones textiles etnográficas del Gran Chaco Sudamericano del Museo Etnográfico “J. B. Ambrosetti” y el estudio de su materialidad: un desafío a la mirada occidental sobre los otros no-occidentales — Mariana Alfonsina Elías • 19, Documentando y conservando las colecciones plumarias del Museo Etnográfico Juan B. Ambrosetti; Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires — Silvana Di Lorenzo & Silvia Manuale • 20, Textil y territorio: sobre los tejidos intrincados de Poroma, Norte de Chuquisaca, Bolivia — Verónica Auza Aramayo • 21, Un fundamento de la textualidad textil: los colores Tarabuco — Ricardo Cavalcanti-Schiel • 22, Los “diseños verdaderos” en los tejidos de las mujeres cashinahuá del Alto Purús — María Elena del Solar
Sponsored by The Royal Museums of Art and History (RMAH), Bruxelles.
Individual chapters are available online at https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/pctviii
Fleur d’Araignée Publishing Co.
A compilation of short fiction from Dr. Bev’s ‘Introduction to English Studies’
Throughout history, humankind has gathered together collections of beautiful things, ranging from bottle-caps to coins to seashells or even flowers. No matter the season, humans have devoted hours of their time to admire and share the world’s beauty with those around them. These relationships then become their own collections of the beautiful, friends and family gathering together to appreciate that which they find most lovely, spanning across distance, hardship, and time. Today, we continue to admire the world’s beauty and cherish the love we find there. The word we know today as “anthology” is derived from the Greek word “anthologia,” meaning collection of flowers. We at Fleur d’Araignée Publishing Co. gathered our beautiful flowers, short stories written by students between the years of 2015 and 2017, and tied them together with love, for you.
Sarah Guyer, acquisitions editor / Brianna Hoyt, copy editor / Callie Ivey, marketing director, managing editor / Kaylen Michaelis, copy editor / Caroline Nebel, copy editor / Alexis Stoffers, design director / Cover art created by Maddie Hakinson
The Batiandi Family: 八天地
Xi Fu
小说讲述了李氏家族一支的六代人近一个半世纪的经历 传奇。 书中的各个历史阶段的李氏家族主人公们在人生的道路 上寻找着自我和家族的位置。有时他们为了家族的利益和荣 耀,抓住机遇,创造了一时的辉煌;有时他们听天由命,顺 应历史大潮,甘于普通人的生活。
作者:熙福 The novel tells the story of six generations of the Li family for nearly a century and a half. The protagonists of the Li family at various historical stages in the book are looking for themselves and their family's position on the road of life. Sometimes they seize opportunities and create temporary brilliance for the benefit and glory of their family; sometimes they resign themselves to fate, follow the tide of history, and be content with the lives of ordinary people.
Heebie & Jeebie's Shortcut
Liz Husmann
Heebie & Jeebie take a shortcut home because they played too long after (ghost) school. It's an exciting journey.
The North American Swans: Their Biology and Conservation
Paul Johnsgard
Among birds, swans are relatively long-lived species and are also among the most strongly monogamous, having prolonged pair and family bonds that strongly influence their reproductive and general social behavior, which, in combination with their beauty and elegance, contribute to the overall high degree of worldwide human interest in them. This volume of more than 59,000 words describes the distributions, ecology, social behavior, and breeding biologies of the four species of swans that breed or have historically bred in North America, including the native trumpeter and tundra swans, the introduced mute swan, and the marginally occurring whooper swan. Also included are 5 distribution maps, 15 drawings, 27 photographs by the author, and a reference section of nearly 1,000 literature citations.
The Abyssinian Art of Louis Agassiz Fuertes in the Field Museum
Paul A. Johnsgard
This book documents the paintings and drawings executed by Louis Agassiz Fuertes during the Field Museum of Natural History’s seven-month expedition to Ethiopia (Abyssinia) in 1926–27. During that time Fuertes completed 70 field watercolors that illustrate 55 species of birds and four species of mammals. He also executed 34 pencil drawings, which illustrate 13 species of mammals and 11 species of birds, plus numerous miscellaneous sketches and small watercolors. This book identifies and describes the biology of all 69 species of birds and mammals illustrated by Fuertes and includes 32 color reproductions of Fuertes’s watercolors that were published as a limited-edition album in 1930 by the Field Museum. The 60,000-word text provides brief summaries of all these species’ ecology, behavior, and reproductive biology as well as information about their current populations and conservation status. A review of Fuertes’s life, his influence on modern bird and wildlife art, and his participation in and artistic contributions to the Field Museum’s Abyssinian Expedition is also included, as well as more than 250 bibliographic citations.
The Birds of the Nebraska Sandhills
Paul A. Johnsgard and Josef Kren
This book provides basic information on all the species of birds that have been reliably reported from the Nebraska Sandhills region as of 2020. They include 46 permanent residents, 125 summer breeders, 125 migrants, and 102 rare or accidental species, totaling 398 species. Information on status, migration, and habitats is provided for all but the very rare and accidental species. There are also descriptions of 46 refuges, preserves, and other public-access natural areas in the region and seven suggested birding routes. The text contains more than 90,000 words and over 250 literature references along with more than 20 drawings, 9 maps, and 32 photographs by the authors.
Preface • The Nebraska Sandhills and Their Unique Wetlands • The Drums of April and the Dances of Life • Biological Profiles of Some Typical Sandhills Birds
Introduction: Natural History of the Nebraska Sandhills • Geography • Lakes and Rivers • Wetlands • Landscape Ecology • Climate • Birds and Humans in the Nebraska Sandhills • Human Impacts on Birds • Ornithological Research and Regional Birding
Species Accounts: Anatidae (Swans, Geese, and Ducks) • Odontophoridae (New World Quails) • Phasianidae (Pheasants, Grouse, and Turkeys) • Podicipedidae (Grebes) • Columbidae (Pigeons and Doves) • Cuculidae (Cuckoos) • Caprimulgidae (Goatsuckers) • Apodidae (Swifts) • Trochilidae (Hummingbirds) • Rallidae (Rails, Gallinules, and Coots) • Gruidae (Cranes) • Recurvirostridae (Stilts and Avocets) • Charadriidae (Plovers) • Scolopacidae (Sandpipers and Snipes) • Laridae (Gulls and Terns) • Stercorariidae (Jaegers) • Gaviidae (Loons) • Phalacrocoracidae (Cormorants) • Pelecanidae (Pelicans) • Ardeidae (Herons and Egrets) • Threskiornithidae (Ibises and Spoonbills) • Cathartidae (New World Vultures) • Pandionidae (Ospreys) • Accipitridae (Hawks, Eagles, and Kites) • Tytonidae (Barn Owls) • Strigidae (Typical Owls) • Alcedinidae (Kingfishers) • Picidae (Woodpeckers) • Falconidae (Falcons and Caracaras) • Tyrannidae (Tyrant Flycatchers) • Laniidae (Shrikes) • Vireonidae (Vireos) • Corvidae (Crows, Jays, and Magpies) • Alaudidae (Larks) • Hirundinidae (Swallows) • Paridae (Chickadees and Titmice) • Sittidae (Nuthatches) • Certhiidae (Creepers) • Troglodytidae (Wrens) • Cinclidae (Dippers) • Polioptilidae (Gnatcatchers) • Regulidae (Kinglets) • Turdidae (Thrushes) • Mimidae (Mockingbirds, Thrashers, and Catbirds) • Bombycillidae (Waxwings) • Sturnidae (Starlings) • Passeridae (Old World Sparrows) • Motacillidae (Pipits) • Fringillidae (Boreal Finches) • Calcariidae (Longspurs and Snow Buntings) • Passerellidae (New World Sparrows and Towhees) • Icteriidae (Chats) • Icteridae (Blackbirds, Orioles, and Meadowlarks) • Parulidae (New World Warblers) • Cardinalidae (Cardinals, Tanagers, and Grosbeaks)
Refuges, Preserves, and Other Natural Areas in the Sandhills Region
Suggested Birding Routes in the Western and Central Nebraska Sandhills
References: General Surveys • Geology, Physiography, and Wetlands • Botany, Zoology, and Ecology • Birds
Index to Bird Species and Families
Maps: 1. Location of the Nebraska Sandhills, Ogallala aquifer, and other features • 2. Distribution of wetlands in the Nebraska Sandhills • 3. Rivers and counties in the Nebraska Sandhills • 4. The extent of surface sand and associated counties in the Nebraska Sandhills • 5. Wetlands and roads in the western Sandhills of Garden County and southern Sheridan County • 6. Major roads and highways in the Nebraska Sandhills • 7. Locations of counties, wildlife refuges, and other protected areas in the Nebraska Sandhills • 8. Crescent Lake National Wildlife Refuge and northern approaches • 9. Vicinities of Antioch and Lakeside, showing suggested birding routes
Tables: 1. Sandhills County Codes, Areas, and Human Populations • 2. Geographic and Ornithological Aspects of the Nebraska Sandhills Counties • 3. Relative Spring and Summer Abundance Indices of Mostly Wetland Bird Species in Three Sandhills National Wildlife Refuges
Figures: Greater prairie-chicken • Burrowing owl • Northern harrier • Long-billed curlew, in flight • Upland sandpiper • Snow geese • Sharp-tailed grouse, male display postures • Greater prairie-chicken, male display postures • American bittern, pied-billed grebe, double-crested cormorant, American white pelican, sandhill crane, and whooping crane • Long-billed curlew and piping plover • Forster’s terns, mating • Ferruginous hawk • Burrowing owl • Prairie falcon and green-winged teal • Loggerhead shrike • Grasshopper sparrow • Savannah sparrow, clay-colored sparrow, lark bunting, grasshopper sparrow, and horned lark • Eastern and western meadowarks and bobolink • Baltimore oriole, Bullock’s oriole, and hybrid phenotypes
Photographs: Long-billed curlew, adult female flying • Trumpeter swan • Trumpeter swan family • Wood duck, male • Northern pintail, males • Sharp-tailed grouse, male • Greater prairie-chicken, male • Pied-billed grebe, adult • Eared grebe, adults • Clark’s and western grebe, adults • Sora, adult • Black-necked stilt, adult • American avocet, adult • Upland sandpiper, adult • Long-billed curlew, adult female • Long-billed dowitcher, adults • Wilson’s snipe, adult • Wilson’s phalarope, adults • American bittern, adult male • Great blue heron, adult • Black-crowned night-heron, adult • Swainson’s hawk, adult • Great horned owl, adult • Burrowing owl, adult • Loggerhead shrike, adult • Horned lark, adult • Cliff swallow, adults • Grasshopper sparrow, male • Lark sparrow, adult • Yellow-headed blackbird, male • Red-winged blackbird, male • Common yellowthroat, male
The Lives, Lore, and Literature of Cranes: A Catechism for Crane Lovers
Paul A. Johnsgard and Thomas D. Mangelsen
This book provides basic information on cranes that should be of interest and importance to crane-loving birders (“craniacs”) as well as to ornithologists and wildlife managers. Primary consideration is given to the sandhill and whooping cranes, but all 13 of the Old World cranes are also discussed. Special consideration is given to the relative abundance and conservation status of all of the world’s species, of which nearly half are declining and a few are in real danger of long-term survival. More than 80 refuges and preserves in the United States and Canada, where the best chances of seeing cranes in the wild exist, are described, as are several zoos and bird parks with notable crane collections. Descriptions of 16 North American annual crane festivals and information on more than 50 birdfinding guides from regions, states, and provinces where cranes are most likely to be seen are included. Lastly, there is a sampling of American, European, and Oriental crane folklore, legends, and myths. The text contains more than 50,000 words and nearly 350 literature references. There are more than 40 drawings and 3 maps by the author and 19 color photographs by Thomas D. Mangelsen.
Contextualizing a Maya Collection from Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, at the University of Ghent, Belgium
Julia Montoya
The aim of the present study is to contextualize a collection of Maya artifacts that have been kept for 125 years at the University of Ghent, in Belgium. The objects came from one of the first archaeological excavations carried out in Guatemala, between 1880 and 1900. The collection includes 130 pottery pieces, 64 jadeite pieces, 24 stone objects (serpentine, silex, and other stones), and 52 obsidian pieces. The study started in 2016, with the identification and location of the provenance site, which was visited in 2017. The phases of documentation and photographic registration of the objects were completed in 2019. It is the intention to digitize the collection and make it available to scholars for further research. This report presents a brief description of the site, Chich’en, and analyzes aspects of its geographical environment, as well as the historical and religious context that determined its relevance from the Classic period to the Late Postclassic and the early colonial period. A selection of the objects is presented, and outstanding iconographic elements are analyzed. The analysis is based on a bibliography review in the fields of archaeology, history, and ethnology in the Maya region and in Mesoamerica in general.
It is extraordinary to find an extensive collection of Maya archaeological artifacts in the reserves of a university museum, and a privilege to study them. These artifacts hold a wealth of information about the archaeological site Chich’en, where they were excavated 126 years ago. They enlighten the role of this site in the history of Verapaz (ancient Tezulutlán), strategically situated between the Northern Highlands and the Lowlands of Guatemala. Little is known about the history of this region. We are fortunate to lean on the research carried out by countless scholars in various disciplines to guide us in our search for answers to the many questions. Making this collection accessible for collaborative study should ensure that this cultural heritage will not remain silent nor stay forgotten.
4. ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE • 1. Archaeological surveys of Chich’en • 2. Geographical setting • 3. Sacred landscape • 4. Name of the site • 5. Ancient trade routes in the Maya area • 6. Pilgrimage routes • 7. Brief description of the site • 8. Current situation of the site (2017) • 9. Habitat and society of Chich’en from the Late Classic to the Postclassic period
5. EARLY COLONIAL PERIOD — 1. Spanish military campaigns • 2. Arrival of the Dominican friars to Tezulutlán • 3. Foundation of San Juan Chamelco • 4. Foundation of Santo Domingo de Cobán • 5. Visit of the Q’eqchi’ lords to the Spanish Court • 6. Last days of Don Juan Matac (Matal) B’atz • 7. Continuity and identity
8. ICONOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS — 1. Representation of deities • 1.1. K’awiil • 1.2. K’awiil / Itzamnaaj • 1.3. Jaguar God of the Underworld • 1.4. One Ixim / One Ajan, the Maize God • 2. Royalty attributes • 2.1. The mat or jal-sign • 2.2. Jade ornaments • 2.3. Feathers • 2.4. “Maya blue” • 3. Symbolism of the ballcourt
13. ANNEXES—1. Georges Léger’s letter and field notes • 2. Hieroglyphic inscriptions: An interpretation by Rogelio Valencia Rivera • 3. Registration numbers and measurements of the artifacts • 4. Artifacts in other Maya collections resembling pieces from Chich’en
Egyptian textiles and their production: ‘word’ and ‘object’
Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert
This volume presents the results of a workshop that took place on 24 November 2017 at the Centre for Textile Research (CTR), University of Copenhagen. The event was organised within the framework of the MONTEX project—a Marie Skłodowska-Curie individual fellowship conducted by Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert in collaboration with the Contextes et Mobiliers programme of the French Institute for Oriental Archaeology in Cairo (IFAO), and with support from the Institut français du Danemark and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Twelve essays are arranged in 4 sections: I. Weaving looms: texts, images, remains; II. Technology of weaving: study cases; III. Dyeing: terminology and technology; IV. Textile production in written sources: organisation and economy. Contributors include: Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert, Johanna Sigl, Fleur Letellier-Willemin, Lise Bender Jørgensen, Anne Kwaspen, Barbara Köstner, Peder Flemestad, Ines Bogensperger & Helga Rösel-Mautendorfer, Isabelle Marthot-Santaniello, Aikaterini Koroli, Kerstin Dross-Krüpe, Jennifer Cromwell, and Dominique Cardon. With 66 full-colour illustrations.
Friendship at the Feeding Station
Anisha Pokharel
A young steppe eagle and his mother fly to Nepal from Mongolia, where Griffy, a Himalayan griffon, chases the hungry Steppe from the feeding station, but Garuda, a white-rumped vulture, intervenes and becomes Steppe's friend. Steppe's mother is angered at first, but learns the lesson that each species has its role to play.
Designed by Breanna Epp with Maeve Lausch
Congreso internacional sobre iconografía precolombina, Barcelona 2019. Actas.
Victòria Solanilla Demestre editora
Victòria Solanilla Demestre, Introducción Actas Congreso • Melissa Mattioli, The Ramey Incised Pottery of Cahokia (IL) USA: Diffusion and Reinterpretation of its Iconographic Message • Luís Abejez y Cristina Corona Jamaica, Iconografía en el paisaje. Vida cotidiana y prácticas sociales en el arte rupestre en el noreste de México • Patricia Ochoa Castillo, Figurillas masculinas con atributos de rango, del Centro de México, durante el Formativo • Anabel Villalonga Gordaliza, Ancestros, nahuales y hombres (I). Las host figurines teotihuacanas: hacia una definición, caracterización tipológica y acercamiento iconográfico • Marina Valls i García, Vida y Sacrificio: Los nueve rituales para la luz la vida y el maíz • Julia Montoya, Contextualizando una colección maya olvidada proveniente de Chich’en, Cobán, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala • Danielle Dupiech Cavaleri, Los textiles mayas contemporáneos de Yucatán (México) en el espejo de la iconografía precolombina • Maria Montserrat Camacho Angeles, Xipe tótec y el binomio vida-muerte en la cosmovisión mesoamericana • Sarai Ramos Muñoz, Los Templos Montaña y su simbología • Michelle Aanderud Ochoa, Método Aanderud: Una propuesta interdisciplinaria de análisis iconográfico para monumentos prehispánicos y su aplicación sobre los paneles del Gran Juego de Pelota de Chichén Itzá • Isabel Bargalló Sánchez y Montserrat Bargalló Sánchez, De la Atlántida clásica a la Atlántida precolombina: un viaje del Corto Maltese • Natalia Moragas Segura y Manuel J. González Manrique, Iconografía prehispánica en entornos virtuales: The Age of Empires II • Luz Helena Ballestas Rincón, La fascinante revelación de las formas esquemáticas precolombinas • Karim Ruiz Rosell, Oficiantes Mochica Medio en San José de Moro: El Sacerdote Lechuza y La Sacerdotisa • Elisa Cont, Representaciones del ave e instrumentos rituales tiwanakotas. Medios para llegar a lo divino • Inés Gordillo Besalú, De quimeras y transformaciones: Arqueología del arte y figuras polisémicas en los Andes del sur • María Alba Bovisio, Tradiciones plásticas y ontologías: problemas en torno al estudio de la iconografía del período Medio del NO. Argentino • Uwe Carlson, Elementos chavinoides en textiles de Paracas y cerámicas de Nasca • Marisa Sánchez David, Pars pro toto: “la parte por el todo”. Una aproximación al estudio del significado en la iconografía del Perú precolombino
Individual chapters are available online / Los capítulos individuales están disponibles en línea @ https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/actas2019/
Innovation in Pedagogy and Technology Symposium, 2019: Selected Conference Proceedings
University of Nebraska Online and University of Nebraska Information Technology Services
Advancing Technology in Education at the University of Nebraska, May 7, 2019
Welcome Address • Susan Fritz, Ph.D., Executive Vice President and Provost, University of Nebraska 6
Opening Remarks • Mary Niemiec, Associate Vice President for Digital Education, Director of University of Nebraska Online 6
Keynote Presentation: Shaping the Next Generation of Higher Education • Bryan Alexander, Ph.D. 6
Featured Extended Presentation: Redesigning Courses & Determining Effectiveness Through Research • Tanya Joosten, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM), Erin Blankenship, Ph.D. (UNL), Ella Burnham (UNL), Nate Eidem, Ph.D. (UNK), Marnie Imhoff (UNMC), Linsey Donner (UNMC), Ellie Miller (UNMC) 7
5 Ways to Utilize Canvas Data • Ji Guo, Ph.D. (UNL), Jessica Steffen (UNCA) 8
Midterm Evaluations: Making Midterm Course Corrections Using Meaningful Data • Ryan Caldwell (UNL), Ben Lass (UNCA), Tawnya Means, Ph.D. (UNL), David Woodman (UNL) 12
Mindful Pause Practice: The How To’s and Why To’s of Adding Mindfulness to Your Course • Tanya Custer (UNMC), Kim Michael (UNMC) 18
Fostering Conversations with Faculty about Quality Online Courses • Kristin Bradley (UNCA), Erin King (UNCA) 19
Final Grades Integration for Efficiency • William Barrera (UNCA), Marcia L. Dority Baker (UNCA), Matthew Schill (UNO), Tomm Roland (UNO) 20
Small Change, Big Impact: Bringing Active Learning to the Online Environment • Grace Troupe (UNL) 22
Increase Online Class Size & Student Satisfaction Without Increasing Faculty Workload • B. Jean Mandernach, Ph.D. (UNK), Steven McGahan (UNK) 26
Email Deception & Trickery • Cheryl O’Dell (UNCA), Nick Glade (UNCA), JR Noble (UNCA) 31
Featured Extended Presentation: Redesigning Courses & Determining Effectiveness Through Research • Tanya Joosten, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM), Erin Blankenship, Ph.D. (UNL), Ella Burnham (UNL), Nate Eidem, Ph.D. (UNK), Marnie Imhoff (UNMC), Linsey Donner (UNMC), Ellie Miller (UNMC) 34
Jupyter Notebooks: An On Ramp for Advanced Computing & Data Science Resources • Carrie Brown (UNL), David Swanson, Ph.D. (UNL) 35
Using Backward Design & Authentic Learning to Build Curricula from Competencies • Christine M. Arcari, Ph.D. (UNMC), Analisa McMillan (UNMC) 40
Creating, Building & Nurturing an Online Program: A Success Story • Melissa Cast-Brede, Ph.D. (UNO), Jaci Lindburg, Ph.D. (UNCA), Erica Rose (UNO), Alex Zatizabal-Boryca (UNCA) 48
CIO Panel - Campus Updates • Mark Askren (UNCA), Bret Blackman (UNCA), Brian Lancaster (UNMC), Deborah Schroeder (UNCA) 52
Educating with Technology Across Intergenerational & Intercultural Groups • Ogbonnaya Akpa, Ph.D. (UNL), Toni Hill, Ph.D. (UNK), Olimpia Leite-Trambly (UNK), Sharon Obasi, Ph.D. (UNK) 53
Research Compliance in the Cloud • Bryan Fitzgerald (UNCA), Bryan Kinnan (UNCA) 58
Academic Integrity in Higher Education • Tareq Daher, Ph.D. (UNL), Tawnya Means, Ph.D. (UNL) 60
Featured Extended Presentation: Emerging Technology Trends: Virtual Reality & Artificial Intelligence • Bryan Alexander, Ph.D. 64
Featured Extended Presentation: Plugging into Student Support Services for Student Success • Victoria Brown, Ph.D. (Florida Atlantic) 65
Adapting to the Changing Needs of Students: A Collaborative Approach to Programmatic Change • Amber Alexander (UNK), Doug Biggs, Ph.D. (UNK), Steve McGahan (UNK) 68
Cybersecurity Escape Room Challenge - Version 2 •Cheryl O’Dell (UNCA) 72
Online Course Design 101 •Jena Asgarpoor, Ph.D. (UNL) 74
Feedback is a Gift • Marcia Dority Baker (UNCA), Casey Nugent (UNCA) 82
Student-Centered Blended Learning: The HyFlex Approach to Blended Learning • Benjamin R. Malczyk, Ph.D. (UNK), Dawn Mollenkopf, Ph.D. (UNK) 86
Enhanced Online Student Engagement & Learning through ‘Video Theater’ • David Harwood, Ph.D. (UNL) 88
Taking Public Speaking Classrooms Up a Notch with Digital Video Recording • Rick Murch-Shafer (UNO) 93
Featured Extended Presentation: Emerging Technology Trends: Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence • Bryan Alexander, Ph.D. 94
Online Program Lead Nurturing Panel • Bob Mathiasen, Ph.D. (UNL), Stacey Schwartz (UNK), Angie Tucker (UNMC), Alex Zatizabal Boryca (UNCA) 95
Plan, Enroll, Progress: Integrated Planning & Advising for Student Success • Steve Booton (UNL), Bill Watts (UNL) 96
360 Degrees of Geography • Nate Eidem, Ph.D. (UNK), Steve McGahan (UNK) 98
Using Zoom to Reach a National Audience • Saundra Wever Frerichs, Ph.D. (UNL) 101
Level Up Your Canvas Designs: HTML and Content-Management Hacks • Steven Cain (UNL), Tom Gibbons (UNL), Michael Jolley (UNL) 04
Transitioning to the Hybrid Model: Preparation to Ensure High-Quality Distance Education • Melissa Cast-Brede, Ph.D. (UNO), Sarah K. Edwards, Ph.D. (UNO), Erica Rose (UNO) 120
Ask the Pros: An Interactive Discussion with a Futurist & a Humanist • Bryan Alexander, Ph.D. & Tanya Joosten, Ph.D. 124
Closing Remarks • Mark Askren, Vice Chancellor for IT and CIO, University of Nebraska 124
Committees 125
The Fabric of Gifts: Culture and Politics of Giving and Exchange in Archaic Greece
Beate Wagner-Hasel
When the Greek leader Agamemnon took for himself the woman awarded to Achilles as his spoils of battle, the warrior’s resulting anger and outrage nearly cost his side the war. Beyond the woman herself was what she symbolised — a matter of esteem rather than material value. In Archaic Greece the practices of gift giving existed alongside an economy of market relations. The value of gifts and the meanings of exchange in ancient societies are fundamental to the debates of 19th-century economists, to Marcel Mauss’s famous Essai sur le don (1923-4), and to the definition of experiential value by modern philosopher Yanis Varoufakis.
In this book Beate Wagner-Hasel analyses the sensory content and the social context of many examples of Greeks bearing gifts: to guests, at sacrificial rituals and at funerals, to brides and to heroes. The fabric of these gifts unfolds a panorama of social networks and models of rulership embedded in a world of pastoral and textile economy. Among the gifted objects that represent this world, textiles offer the clearest representation of social cohesion — the key value ascribed to the gift by the earliest theorists of gift-giving.
Beate Wagner-Hasel was Professor of Ancient History at the Leibniz University of Hannover 2001–2018, specializing in economic history and gender studies. She is the author of Antike Welten (2017), Alter in der Antike (2012), Die Arbeit des Gelehrten (2011), and Der Stoff der Gaben (2000), and co-editor (with Marie-Louise Nosch) of Gaben, Waren und Tribute (2019).
The Fabrics of Gifts is a revised edition of her study of gifts in Early Greece (Der Stoff der Gaben, 2000).
Wyoming’s Ucross Ranch: Its Birds, History, and Natural Environment
Jacqueline Lee Canterbury and Paul Johnsgard
This book profiles 60 of the most abundant, characteristic, and interesting birds that have been regularly reported from the Ucross Ranch and the adjacent Powder River Basin. The 20,000-acre Ucross Ranch lies on the western edge of the Powder River Basin of northeastern Wyoming. Ucross is a textbook example of the prairie grassland/ shrubland habitat type referred to as the sagebrush steppe, a landscape that is an icon of Wyoming’s vast open spaces. We focus especially on those species that occur year-round or are present as breeders during the summer months, and we place emphasis on a unique group of sagebrush steppe–adapted birds. We provide information on each profiled species’ identification, voice, status, and habitats. “Identification” describes its important visual characteristics (field marks), “voice” provides information on its songs and calls, “status” indicates its relative regional and seasonal abundance, and “habitats and ecology” provides a brief description of its behavior and environmental adaptations. Each species profile also has a calendar of average weekly seasonal occurrence based on long-term regional records. An introductory essay describes the early history of the Ucross Ranch, which is followed by essays on the natural environment and habitats of the ranch, including the characteristic sagebrush steppe and its associated bird species. The 22,000-word text is supplemented with 60 color bird photographs, a map of the vegetation communities in the Great Plains, and a Bird Checklist of the Ucross Ranch.
Judy Diamond, Tom Floyd, Rebecca Smith, Ann Downer-Hazell, Martin Powell, Nick Poliwko, Angie Fox, Amy Spiegel, Patricia Wonch Hill, and Julia McQuillan
Our bodies are home to more microbes than human cells. The balance of helpful to harmful microbes in our bodies can make us sick or healthy. The Biology of Human project focuses on helping people understand themselves by exploring scientific principles that underlie modern research in human biology. Biology of Human is an alliance of science educators, artists, science writers, and biomedical researchers working to increase public understanding about viruses and infectious disease. In this comic, Daniel and Miguel find themselves in the world of the microbes, where they meet the Roid (Bacteroides), Longo biffi (Bifidobacterium longum), E. coli (Escherichia coli), Strep Sally (Streptococcus salivarius), and Candi (Candida albicans). There are about 100 trillion life forms living inside us. Every human being contains a whole universe of organisms, all living together. To keep our human cells happy, we have to keep our microbes in balance. That’s how we stay healthy.
ПТИЦЫ ВОСТОЧНОГО САЯНА / Birds of the Eastern Sayan
Tsydypzhap Zayateevich Dorzhiev, Yuri Anatolyevich Durnev, Marina Vitalievna Sonina, Erdeni Nikolaevich Elaev, and A. A. Baranov
The monograph presents data on the distribution and ecology of 340 species of birds found on the territory of the poorly studied highland — the Eastern Sayan. An ecological systematic and faunogenetic analysis of the region’s avifauna has been carried out. We reveal some features of the birds' way of life in the extreme natural conditions of the mountains of Southern Siberia.
The book is intended for all who are of interest in the wildlife of Siberia, as well as for biology teachers and students, ecologists.
В монографии приведены данные о распространении и экологии 340 видов птиц, отмеченных на территории малоизученной горной страны — Восточного Саяна. Проведен эколого-систематический и фауногенетический анализ орнитофауны региона. Выявлены некоторые особенности образа жизни птиц в экстремальных природных условиях гор Южной Сибири. Книга адресована всем интересующимся животным миром Сибири, а также преподавателям и студентам-биологам, экологам и учителям биологии.
Accounting for Agent Heterogeneity in Market and Policy Analysis
Konstantinos Giannakas
This book presents a multi-market framework of market and policy analysis that explicitly accounts for the empirically relevant heterogeneity in consumer preferences and producer characteristics. The explicit consideration of consumer and producer heterogeneity represents a significant departure from the representative consumer and producer that have been at the center of most of the literature on market and policy analysis, and enables the distributional impacts of changes in market conditions and policies to be fully identified. The framework is used to analyze the system-wide market and welfare impacts of a number of changes in market conditions (like changes in consumer preferences, costs and market structure) and policies (like subsidies and taxes) on one of the products in the system. Consistent with a priori expectations, the use of the framework unveils impacts masked by the conventional market and policy analysis.
Diary of A Service Dog (Dropout)
Kristen An Horton and Heidi Anne Horton Pittman
My name is Granger. I am a Labrador Retriever. I want to be a service dog. It is not always easy. This is my story. (Human's note: The most important take away is that the public, children and adults, need to learn how to not interact with service dogs. As Granger says, “I’m cute. I’m working. Please ignore me.”)
Blessed Assurance: A Postmodern Midwestern Life
Marcelline Hutton
In this book, a historian of women’s lives turns the lens on her own experience. Her story is “Midwestern” for its work ethic, modesty, faith, and resilience; “postmodern” for its sudden changes, strange juxtapositions, and retrospective deconstruction of the ideologies that shaped its progress. It describes a life in and out of academia and a search for acceptance, recognition, equality, and freedom.
The author of three books on women’s experiences in Russia and Europe, Dr. Marcelline Hutton traces her personal journey from traditional working-class La Porte, Indiana, through college, graduate school, marriage, motherhood, divorce, and independence in Iowa City, Southampton, Kansas City, El Paso, and ultimately Lithuania. She arrives at a place of “blessed assurance,” recognizing who she was, what she has done, and what she most valued. The book is a testimony of life found and treasured and shared. We are privileged to see her world through this honest, perceptive, and insightful recollection.
Wyoming Wildlife: A Natural History
Paul Johnsgard and Thomas D. Mangelsen
This book surveys Wyoming’s mammal, bird, reptile, and amphibian faunas. In addition to introducing the state’s geography, geology, climate, and major ecosystems, it provides 65 biological profiles of 72 mammal species, 195 profiles of 196 birds, 9 profiles of 12 reptiles, and 6 profiles of 9 amphibians. There are also species lists of Wyoming’s 117 mammals, 445 birds, 22 reptiles, and 12 amphibians. Also included are descriptions of nearly 50 national and state properties, including parks, forests, preserves, and other public-access natural areas in Wyoming. The book includes a text of more than 150,000 words, nearly 700 references, a glossary of 115 biological terms, nearly 50 maps and line drawings by the author, and 33 color photographs by Thomas D. Mangelsen.
British Poetry of the Long Nineteenth Century
Beverley Rilett
A Selection for College Students, including Charlotte Smith, William Blake, William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, George Gordon Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley, John Keats, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Alfred Tennyson, Robert Browning, Emily Brontë, George Eliot, Matthew Arnold, George Meredith, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Christina Rossetti, Oscar Wilde, and Mary Elizabeth Coleridge.
Includes biographical sketches.
doi 10.32873/unl.dc.zea.1096
The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Nebraska
Fred Sibley, Janis Paseka, and Roy Beckemeyer
Odonates of Nebraska
The Nebraska odonate list has 109 species in two suborders, damselflies (Zygoptera) with 47 species and dragonflies (Anisoptera) with 62 species. Nebraska had been very poorly surveyed prior to 2005 and 63 counties had fewer than 10 records. By 2017 the number of county records had nearly quadrupled, to over 3000 records, the average county total had increased from 9 to 33 and all counties had at least 21 records. An effort was made to collect data more or less uniformly from all 93 Nebraska counties. The areas with intense corn and soybean farming, eastern and southcentral areas, are low in diversity (21-30 species per county), the southeast and western half of the state are higher (31-40 species) and the northwestern and northern Sandhill counties are the richest with more than 50 species per county. The present state list of 109 species represents 12 additions since 1998. Eleven additional species have been reported from the state, but are considered invalid or have been re-identified. This paper presents a short history of odonate study in Nebraska and an analysis of the data for the 109 species recorded in Nebraska to date. Distribution maps by county are included for each identified species.
En Nebraska, muy pocos estudios se habían hecho hasta el año 2005. De 63 condados se tenían menos de 10 registros. Para el 2017, el número de registros por condado casi se habían cuadruplicado a más de 3000, el promedio total por condado había aumentado de 9 a 33 y todos los condados tenían al menos 21 registros. Se hizo un esfuerzo para recopilar datos de una manera más o menos uniforme en los 93 condados de Nebraska. Las áreas con intenso cultivo de maíz y soya, las áreas del este y centro sur, son bajas en diversidad (21-30 especies por condado), la parte sureste y la oeste del estado son más altas (31-40 especies), y los condados del noroeste y norte de Sandhill son las más ricas con más de 50 especies por condado. La lista actual del estado de Nebraska con 109 especies presenta 12 adiciones desde 1998. Además, se habían reportado once especies adicionales en el estado, pero se consideran inválidas o se han vuelto a identificar. Este artículo presenta una breve historia del estudio de Odonata en Nebraska y un análisis de los datos de las 109 especies registradas en Nebraska hasta la fecha. Estas especies son principalmente de la región este (37) o comunes en el este pero de distribución transcontinental (40). Las especies del medio oeste (11) y las especies del oeste (17) representan solo el 16% de los registros del condado. En la frontera de Iowa / Nebraska y más marcadamente en la frontera de Nebraska / Wyoming, hay una evidente caída en el número de especies del este. Las especies orientales son comunes en la mitad del estado y luego su número se reduce gradualmente en la frontera de Wyoming y de forma muy marcada en Wyoming. Las especies transcontinentales (28) hacia el norte de Nebraska muestran una marcada brecha en el medio oeste con algunas especies presentes en el oeste de Iowa y en el oeste de Nebraska, y sin registros entre los dos. El número mucho menor de especies transcontinentales del sur (12) incluye 7 de las 10 especies más comunes del estado. No muestran una brecha en el medio oeste, pero su número declina precipitadamente en la frontera de Wyoming. Las 17 especies del oeste declinan rápidamente al este de la faja de terreno o lo llamado como “Panhandle” cerca del paralelo 101.
A Crash in the Night
Mary Ann Steiner, Sam Taylor, and Judy Diamond
The illustrations in this book describe a wildlife encounter. Wild animals, like people, have challenges in life. They are adaptable and inventive, and they find new ways of solving problems to help them survive. As you turn the pages, describe what you see. How would you solve this wildlife challenge?
Mary Ann Steiner: Working on this story was exciting to me because I believe at any age, we can notice what is happening around us and make decisions to protect and enjoy nature! In this story, the kids see an exciting new character in the community. Once they figure out who it is, they look to understand more about the coyote. Sure, coyotes could eat a pet, but more often they are eating other wild animals like mice. If we can do things to make our yards less interesting to coyotes (and mice), they’d likely stay at a distance where we can listen to them and occasionally see them in action. This story connects curiosity, creativity, and enjoyment and respect for our role in nature.
Sam Taylor: What are the different ways to know nature? In my own experience as a marine biology researcher and museum director, I know there are many ways to connect with nature: whether through a scientific process or through personal experience. I grew up in Montana, but I was entranced by the ocean – stories about Jacques Cousteau and family vacations to Vancouver Island led me to want to discover as much as I could about the natural world. And then books gave me a portal to worlds both familiar and exotic and the realization that discovery and understanding can happen in settings as familiar as my backyard or as remote as the open seas.
Judy Diamond: I work in a natural history museum and study the behavior of animals like coyotes. I watch them in the wild to learn how they share and learn things. How do young coyotes learn to hunt? Do their parents teach them? Why do coyotes play? When they play, do they also learn how to get along with each other? Maybe playing helps them not fight so much. Coyotes are wonderful animals to study because they are very flexible. If one kind of food is not available, they can find others, since they eat plants and other animals. Coyotes can live in all sorts of places, even in large cities. They are champions at being adaptable. Just like people.
Envisioning New Switzerland: A Founding Document for the Swiss Colonists at Vevay, Indiana
Ellen Stepleton
During one of the most tumultuous decades in the history of Switzerland, a small group of Vaudois republicans chose to secure their children’s familial, cultural and spiritual patrimony by relocating to the New World. In April 1800, at Le Chenit in the Vallée de Joux, five families framed a compact intended to organize a communal settlement in the Northwest Territory. Recently discovered, their pact is presented here in its original French and in English translation, along with an accompanying letter; additionally, another letter and an English translation of the compact as prepared by Jean Jaques Dufour in 1801 is supplied. Dufour is considered to be a founding father of American viticulture, and the Swiss settlers at Vevay, Indiana the first to succeed as commercial winemakers in the territorial United States. Scholars with an interest in founding documents, early American communes, early American commercial enterprises, the processes of cultural assimilation, and Swiss history in the Napoleonic era are among those who may find these documents especially intriguing.
Jean Jaques Dufour; John James Dufour; Daniel Dufour; Jaques Daniel Golay; Philippe Berney; Joseph Meylan; Jean Pierre Daniel Borralley; Francois Louis Siebenthal; Jean Francois Bettens; Jean Daniel Morerod; Switzerland County; New Switzerland; Vaud; Swiss colony; Vevay, Indiana; First Vineyard; Kentucky Vineyard Society; Compact; Founding document; 18th century viticulture; Northwest Territory settlements; 18th century communal settlements
doi 10.32873/unl.dc.zea.1074
From Lace to Chains. The Making of a Print
Alison G. Stewart
How have printed works of art changed over time? Do printmakers today work with the same materials and techniques that printmakers used centuries ago? And does printmaking involve the same motivations, concerns, or methods of distribution today as it did in the past?
These were questions asked by University of Nebraska–Lincoln students in a history of prints class in the School of Art, Art History & Design taught by Hixson-Lied Professor of Art History Alison Stewart during fall semester 2018. For this curatorial project, students selected one set of old master prints (pre-1850) and one modern (post-1850) print from Sheldon’s collection, each created with different techniques and for different purposes but with a shared focus on fashion trends of the day. Thinking about the cultural significance of dress and style—be it the prominence of lace in the seventeenth century prints by Wenceslaus Hollar or the gold chain that wraps around the figure in Rozeal’s contemporary print El Oso Me Preguntó—helped students situate these prints within the contexts of their production and reception. The adjacent panels highlight the students’ research and interpretations, which reveal compelling insights into issues of identity and beauty across time. The exhibition material is here presented in a revised and expanded manner for this publication.
Student curators were Nadria Beale Ashley Owens Stella Bernadt K C Peters Mariah Livingston Natalie Platel Megan Loughran Ali Syafie Hannah Maakestad Emma Vinchur.
Yoga Birds
Maddy Wagler
Singing crows, diving swans, and preening peacocks join eagles in this fun, kid-friendly yoga book. Yoga brings together the mind and body, connecting breath with posture, presence, and play.
Yoga Birds is written by a certified yoga teacher with experience teaching a wide range of students—toddlers to octogenarians. The illustrator is an occasional yogi with a good eye for spotting birds.
This book is designed to be shared and read aloud by adults and children. The easy how-to pose guide includes Sanskrit, too. Young yoga students can develop language skills as they build strength, flexibility, and balance.
The journey of yoga begins at any age. With strong storks and flying cranes, Yoga Birds starts children on this mind-body journey.
Minutes & seconds: the Scientists
Patrick Aievoli
Minutes & Seconds, is a captivating intelligible read for those who strive to understand where the “what if” moment has gone. Succeeding his other captivating books, Aievoli’s deep introspective lens dials his readers in to awaken the proverbial sleeping giant inside of our consciousness. He designs an insightful exciting romp through the surreal landscape of our society and illustrates how various pioneers have lead us to a crossroads. I’m truly impressed with Aievoli’s perspicacious comprehension of where digital has taken us through the hands of these select individuals. --Sequoyah Wharton
In creating Minutes & Seconds, Aievoli has assembled an interesting compilation of scientists and their respective inventions or contributions that have not only changed the world as we know it, but have stretched our intellect and imaginations. -- Jennifer Cusumano
doi 10.13014/K2FT8J8M
Essentials of Structural Equation Modeling
Mustafa Emre Civelek
Structural Equation Modeling is a statistical method increasingly used in scientific studies in the fields of Social Sciences. It is currently a preferred analysis method, especially in doctoral dissertations and academic researches. However, since many universities do not include this method in the curriculum of undergraduate and graduate courses, students and scholars try to solve the problems they encounter by using various books and internet resources.
This book aims to guide the researcher who wants to use this method in a way that is free from math expressions. It teaches the steps of a research program using structured equality modeling practically. For students writing theses and scholars preparing academic articles, this book aims to analyze systematically the methodology of scientific studies conducted using structural equation modeling methods in the social sciences.
This book is prepared in as simple language as possible so as to convey basic information. It consists of two parts: the first gives basic concepts of structural equation modeling, and the second gives examples of applications.
The Carnivores of Agate Fossil Beds National Monument: Miocene Dens and Waterhole in the Valley of a Dryland Paleoriver
Robert M. Hunt Jr., Robert Skolnick, and Joshua Kaufman
In 1981 University of Nebraska paleontologists came upon an unexpected concentration of carnivore dens at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument in northwest Nebraska. The discovery of bones of Miocene beardogs, mustelids, and canids in their burrows was unparalleled and marked an exceptional event in the fossil record. Survey and excavation (1981–1990) established that six species of carnivores had, over time, occupied the dens with traces of their prey: juvenile and adult oreodonts, camels, and a neonatal rhinoceros. At least nine individuals of the wolf-like beardog Daphoenodon superbus, the most common carnivore, were identified from remains of young, mature, and aged individuals that included in one den an adult female and her juvenile male offspring. The carnivores found together in the dens represent a moment in time—the oldest carnivore den community yet discovered with remains of predators, their prey, and their ecology in evidence. Dated at 22 to 23 Ma (million years), the den complex provided scientists with the oldest documented evidence of carnivore denning behavior.
The Birds of Nebraska
Paul Johnsgard
This annotated list of the birds of Nebraska grew gradually out of research associated with my writing of the Birds of the Great Plains: Breeding Species and Their Distribution (Johnsgard, 1979a). It expands and updates an earlier version that was published in 2013 by the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Libraries DigitalCommons’ Zea Books (Johnsgard, 2013a). It has been updated and modified in its current revision to conform with the most recent (2017) major revision of the American Ornithologists’ Society’s Checklist of North American Birds (Chesser et al., 2017). It has also been modified in its current revision to conform very closely to the most recent “Official List of the Birds of Nebraska” by the Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union (Gubanyi, 1997, and later supplements in the Nebraska Bird Review, to 84:138–150). The NOU’s official state list of birds (461 species as of 2017) is based on actual specimen evidence or some other convincing basis of each species’ proven occurrence in the state. That list includes 337 “regular” species, 29 “casual” species, 90 “accidental” species, and 5 extinct or extirpated species. In this edition I have classified 368 of the 461 species of Nebraska birds as ranging in relative frequency of occurrence as “abundant” to “rare.” There are also 61 species considered to be of “accidental” occurrence, having been reliably reported in Nebraska no more than five times, 20 that are considered “extremely rare” or “very rare,” if reported from six to 25 times. There are also three extinct, four extirpated, and five unsuccessfully introduced species. Thirteen hypothetical species of dubious origin or identification are mentioned parenthetically. The text includes more than 123,000 words, nearly 200 literature references, and 19 pages of drawings and maps.
A Naturalist’s Guide to the Great Plains
Paul A. Johnsgard
This book documents nearly 500 US and Canadian locations where wildlife refuges, nature preserves, and similar properties protect natural sites that lie within the North American Great Plains, from Canada’s Prairie Provinces to the Texas-Mexico border. Information on site location, size, biological diversity, and the presence of especially rare or interesting flora and fauna are mentioned, as well as driving directions, mailing addresses, and phone numbers or internet addresses, as available. US federal sites include 11 national grasslands, 13 national parks, 16 national monuments, and more than 70 national wildlife refuges. State properties include nearly 100 state parks and wildlife management areas. Also included are about 60 national and provincial parks, national wildlife areas, and migratory bird sanctuaries in Canada’s Prairie Provinces. Numerous public-access properties owned by counties, towns, and private organizations, such as the Nature Conservancy, National Audubon Society, and other conservation and preservation groups, are also described. Introductory essays describe the geological and recent histories of each of the five multistate and multiprovince regions recognized, along with some of the author’s personal memories of them. The 92,000-word text is supplemented with 7 maps and 31 drawings by the author and more than 700 references.
Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge • Agate Fossil Beds National Monument • Áisínai’pi National Historic Site of Canada • Alamosa National Wildlife Refuge • Alibates Flint Quarry National Monument • Alkali Lake • Altus-Lugert Wildlife Management Area • American Prairie Reserve • Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge • Anderson Prairie • Aransas National Wildlife Refuge , • Arrowwood National Wildlife Refuge • Asessippi Provincial Park • Ashfall Fossil Beds State Historic Park • Atka Lakota Museum and Cultural Center • Attwater Prairie Chicken National Wildlife Refuge • Audubon National Wildlife Refuge • Austin and vicinity • Austin City Park • Badlands National Park • Baker University Discovery Center • Baker Wetlands • Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge • Bamforth National Wildlife Refuge • Basin and Middle Lake Migratory Bird Sanctuary • Bauer WPA [waterfowl production area] • Bazille Creek Wildlife Management Area • Beaudry Provincial Park • Beaverhall Lake Provincial Ramsar Site • Beaver River Wildlife Management Area • Bell Museum of Natural History • Bend in the Bow • Benedictine Bottoms Wildlife Area • Benton Lake National Wildlife Refuge • Big Bend National Park • Big Bend Ranch State Park • Big Boggy National Wildlife Refuge • Big Gumbo • Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area • Bighorn Mountains • Big Spring State Park • Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge • Big Thicket National Preserve • Birds Hill Provincial Park • Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge • Black Elk Wilderness • Black Hills National Forest • Black Kettle National Grassland (OK) • Black Kettle National Grassland (TX) • Black Mesa Preserve • Black Mesa State Park • BLM Recreation and Public Purposes site • Bluestem Prairie Scientific and Natural Area • Bolivar Flats Shorebird Sanctuary • Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge • Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge • Boyer Chute National Wildlife Refuge • Boysen State Park • Bradwell National Wildlife Area • Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge • Brazos Bend State Park • Brickyard Hill Conservation Area • Brinton Museum • Broken Kettle Grasslands Preserve • Bud Love Wildlife Management Area • Buffalo Bill Center of the West • Buffalo Gap National Grassland • Buffalo Lake National Wildlife Refuge • Buffalo Pound Provincial Park • Buffalo River State Park • Bump Sullivan Reservoir • Bureau of Land Management • Burnham Creek Wildlife Management Area • Bushy Creek Prairie • Caddo Lake State Park • Caddo Lake Wildlife Management Area • Caddo National Grasslands Wildlife Management Area • Campbell WPA [waterfowl production area] • Candy Cain Abshier Wildlife Management Area • Canton Reservoir and Wildlife Management Area • Canyon Ferry Reservoir and Wildlife Management Area • Caprock Canyons State Park and Trailway • Capulin Volcano National Monument • Carlsbad Caverns National Park • Carnahan Creek Park • Cayler Prairie • Cayler Prairie State Preserve • Cedar Hills State Park • Cedar Ridge • Cedar Ridge Nature Preserve • Cedar River National Grassland (ND) • Cedar River National Grassland (SD) • Center for Western Studies • Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge • Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge • Cheyenne Bottoms Waterfowl Management Area • Cheyenne River Indian Reservation • Chimney Rock National Historic Site • Chisholm Creek Park • Cimarron National Grassland • Clear Creek Wildlife Management Area • Colorado Bend State Park • Comanche National Grassland • Conata Basin • Confluence Area Interpretive Center • Connie Hagar Cottage Sanctuary • Connie Hagar Wildlife Sanctuary • Copper Breaks State Park • Coteau Prairie Waterfowl Production Area • Crane Trust, The • Crazy Horse Memorial • Crescent Lake National Wildlife Refuge • Crosby Wetland Management District • Cross Ranch Nature Preserve • Cross Ranch State Park • Cross Timbers State Park • Crow Creek Indian Reservation • Crow Flies High Butte Historic Site • Cupola, The • Custer State Park • Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park • Dakota Prairie Grasslands • Dallas Museum of Natural History • Dallas Nature Center • Davis Mountains State Park • Delta Marsh Bird Observatory • Delta Marsh Wildlife Management Area • Delta Waterfowl and Wetlands Research Station • Delta Waterfowl Research Station • Denver Museum of Nature and Science • Des Lacs National Wildlife Refuge • DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge • Devils Lake Wetland Management District • Devils Tower National Monument • Diamond Grove Prairie • Dinosaur Provincial Park • Dinosaur Valley State Park • Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center • Double Ditch Indian Village State Historic Site • Douglas Provincial Park • Draper Museum of Natural History • Dry Island Buffalo Jump Provincial Park • Duck Mountain Provincial Park • Duncairn Reservoir Migratory Bird Sanctuary • Dunn Ranch–Pawnee Prairie • Elk Island National Park • Elk Point Wildlife Management Area • Ellis County Wildlife Management Area • Eubank Woods Sanctuary • Facus Springs • Fancy Creek Wildlife Area • Farm Island State Recreation Area • Felton Prairie Scientific and Natural Area • Felton Prairie Wildlife Management Area • Fergus Falls Wetland Management District • First Peoples Buffalo Jump State Park • Five Ridge Prairie • Flint Hills National Wildlife Refuge • Folsom Man archeological site • Folsom Point Preserve • Forneys Lake Wildlife Management Area • Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park • Fort Atkinson State Historical Park • Fort Belknap Indian Reservation • Fort Berthold Indian Reservation • Fort Burford State Historic Site • Fort Cobb State Park • Fort Cobb Wildlife Management Area • Fort Kearney State Recreation Area • Fort Mandan Historic Site • Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge • Fort Peck Indian Reservation • Fort Pierre National Grassland • Fort Robinson State Park • Fort Sill Military Reservation • Fort Stevenson State Park • Fort Supply Wildlife Management Area • Fort Union Trading Post National Historic Site • Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge • Foss State Park • Four Bears Park • Franklin Mountains State Park • Freezout Lake Wildlife Management Area • Galveston Island State Park • Gardner Wetlands (Kansas City Power and Light Company Wetland Park) • Gene Howe Wildlife Management Area • George Lake • Giant Springs Heritage State Park • Gitchie Manitou Prairie • Glacial Ridge National Wildlife Refuge • Glendo State Park • Golden Prairie • Goose Island State Park • Grand River Grasslands • Grand River National Grassland • Grasslands National Park • Great Plains Nature Center • Grulla National Wildlife Refuge • Guadalupe Mountains National Park • Guernsey State Park • Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge • Hamden Slough National Wildlife Refuge • Hand Hills Ecological Reserve • Hay-Zama Lakes Wildland Provincial Park • Hazel Bazemore Park • Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump Area • Heard Natural Science Museum and Wildlife Sanctuary • Hecla-Grindstone Provincial Park • Heron Lake Wetlands • Herron Lake Playa Wetland • High Island Audubon sanctuaries • Highland, Kansas • Hitchcock Nature Center • Hitchcock Nature Center HawkWatch • Homestead National Monument of America • Houston Arboretum and Nature Center • Houston Museum of Natural Science • Hudson-Meng Bison Kill Research and Visitor Center • Hueco Tanks State Park • Huron Wetland Management District • Hutton Lake National Wildlife Refuge • Iain Nicolson Audubon Center at Rowe Sanctuary • Indian Cave State Park • Indian Museum of North America • Inglewood Migratory Bird Sanctuary • Iowa Indian Reservation • Isabel Wildlife Area • Jackson Lake State Park • James Kipp Recreation Area • J. Clark Salyer National Wildlife Refuge • J. Clark Salyer Wetland Management District • J. C. McCormack Wildlife Area • Jewel Cave National Monument • John E. Williams Nature Preserve • John Martin Reservoir State Park • Joslyn Art Museum • Kanopolis State Park • Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism miscellaneous wetlands • Karl Mundt National Wildlife Refuge • Kaslow Prairie • Kelly’s Slough National Wildlife Refuge • Kiowa National Grassland • Kirwin National Wildlife Refuge • Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site • Kulm Wetland Management District • Lac Qui Parle Wildlife Management Area/State Park • Lacreek National Wildlife Refuge • Laffite’s Cove Nature Preserve • LaFramboise Island Nature Area • Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge • Lake Alice National Wildlife Refuge • Lake Andes National Wildlife Refuge • Lake Andes Wetland Management District • Lake DeSmet • Lake Francis Wildlife Management Area • Lake Ilo National Wildlife Refuge • Lake McConaughy State Recreation Area • Lake Meredith National Recreation Area • Lake Metigoshe State Park • Lake Ogallala State Recreation Area • Laramie Peak Wildlife Habitat Management Area • Las Vegas National Wildlife Refuge • Last Mountain Lake National Wildlife Area • LeClair WPA [waterfowl production area] • Lenore Lake Migratory Bird Sanctuary • Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center (IA) • Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center (ND) • Lewis and Clark Keelboat Information Center • Lewis and Clark Monument • Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Interpretive Center • Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Visitor Center • Lewis and Clark State Park (IA) • Lewis and Clark State Park (MO) • Lewis and Clark State Park (ND) • Lewis and Clark State Recreation Area • Lewis and Clark Trail • Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation • Lewis and Clark Visitor Center • Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument • Little Missouri National Grassland • Living Prairie Museum • Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge • Loess Hills Pioneer State Forest • Loess Hills region • Loess Hills Scenic Byway • Loess Hills State Forest • Loess Hills Wildlife Area • Loess Hills Wildlife Management Area • Long Lake National Wildlife Refuge • Lost Maples State Natural Area • Lost River State Forest • Lostwood National Wildlife Refuge • Lostwood Wetland Management District Complex • Louis B. Smith Woods Sanctuary • Lower Brule Indian Reservation • Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge • Lyndon B. Johnson National Grassland • Maah Daah Trail • Madison Wetland Management District • Mammoth Site of Hot Springs • Manitoba Museum • Manitoba Tallgrass Prairie Preserve • Marais des Cygnes National Wildlife Refuge • Marais des Cygnes Wildlife Area • Marmaton River Bottoms Prairie • Matador Wildlife Management Area • Maxwell National Wildlife Refuge • Maxwell Wildlife Refuge • McClellan Creek National Grassland • McCormack Loess Mounds Natural Area • McFaddin National Wildlife Refuge • McKinney Falls State Park • McPherson Valley wetlands • Medicine Lake National Wildlife Refuge • Meridian State Park • Missouri Breaks National Back Country Byway • Missouri Headwaters State Park • Missouri National Recreational River • Missouri National Recreational River (southern unit) • Missouri National Recreational River Resource and Educational Center • Missouri prairies and prairie-chickens • Missouri River Basin Lewis and Clark Interpretive Trail and Visitor Center • Mobridge • Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge • Moose Mountain Provincial Park • Morgan Creek Wildlife Habitat Management Area • Morris Wetland Management District • Mount Rushmore National Memorial • Mount Talbot State Preserve • Muleshoe National Wildlife Refuge • Murray Lake Migratory Bird Sanctuary • Museum of Geology • Museum of the Rockies • Narcisse Wildlife Management Area • National Grassland Visitor Center • Native American Education and Cultural Center • Native American Heritage Museum • Native American National Scenic Byway • Natural History Museum, University of Kansas • Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge • Neely Lake Migratory Bird Sanctuary • Neosho Wildlife Area • New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science • Nicolle Flats Nature Area • Niobrara National Scenic River • Niobrara State Park • Niobrara Valley Preserve • Norbeck Wildlife Preserve • North Platte National Wildlife Refuge • Norton Wildlife Area • Oak Hammock Interpretive Center • Oak Hammock Marsh • Oak Hammock Wildlife Management Area • Oakville Prairie • Ocean Lake Wildlife Habitat Management Area • Oglala National Grassland • Old Wives Lake Migratory Bird Sanctuary • Olsburg Marsh • Omaha Indian Reservation • On-A-Slant Indian Village • Optima National Wildlife Refuge • Optima Wildlife Management Area • Opuntia Lake Migratory Bird Sanctuary • Osage Indian Reservation • Osage Prairie Conservation Area • Outlet Park • Packsaddle Wildlife Management Area • Padre Island National Seashore • Palo Duro Canyon State Park • Pankratz Memorial Prairie • Pawnee National Grassland • Peace-Athabasca Delta • Pedernales Falls State Park • Perot Museum of Nature and Science • Perry Lake State Park • Perry Reservoir • Pine Ridge Indian Reservation • Pine to Prairie Birding Trail • Pine to Prairie International Birding Trail • Pipestone National Monument • Plains Indian Museum • Platte Creek State Recreation Area • Playa Lakes Wildlife Management Area • Plover Prairie • Pocasse National Wildlife Refuge • Pompeys Pillar National Monument • Ponca Indian Reservation • Ponca State Park • Pope National Wildlife Area • Prairie Chicken Management Areas • Prairie Dog State Park • Prairie National Wildlife Area • Prairie State Park • Prairie Wildlife Interpretive Centre • Prewitt Reservoir State Wildlife Area • Pryor Mountains Wild Horse Range • Purgatoire River State Wildlife Area • Queens State Wildlife Area • Quill Lakes • Quivira National Wildlife Refuge • Rainwater Basin • Rainwater Basin Wetland Management District • Randall Creek Recreation Area • Raven Island National Wildlife Area • Redberry Lake Migratory Bird Sanctuary • Riding Mountain National Park • Rio Grande Wild and Scenic River • Rita Blanca National Grassland (TX) • Rita Blanca National Grassland/Wildlife Management Area (OK) • River Pond State Park • Riverdale Wildlife Management Area • Riverton Wildlife Management Area • Roam Free Park • Rockwood National Wildlife Area • Rolling Thunder Prairie • Roseau River Wildlife Management Area • Rosebud Indian Reservation • Rowan’s Ravine Provincial Park • Royal Tyrrell Museum • Rowe Sanctuary • Rulo Bluffs Preserve • Rydell National Wildlife Refuge • Sabine Woods Bird Sanctuary • Sacagawea Monument • Sac and Fox Indian Reservation • Sac and Fox Tribal Museum • Saint-Denis National Wildlife Area • Salt Lake Wildlife Management Area • Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge • Sam Noble Museum • Samuel H. Ordway, Jr. Memorial Preserve • San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge • Sand Lake National Wildlife Refuge • Sand Lake Wetland Management District • Sandy Sanders Wildlife Management Area • Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge • Santee Sioux Indian Reservation • Saskatchewan Landing Provincial Park • Scent Grass Lake Migratory Bird Sanctuary • Scotts Bluff National Monument • Sea Rim State Park • S. E. Gast Red Bay Sanctuary • Seminoe State Park • Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge • Sergeant Floyd Riverboat Welcome Center • Shell Lake National Wildlife Refuge • Sheyenne National Grassland • Sioux City • Sioux City Prairie • Sitting Bull Monument • Slade National Wildlife Refuge • Slate Creek Wetlands • Smith Grove Wildlife Management Area • Smith Oaks Sanctuary • Smith Point Hawk Watch Tower • Snake Creek State Recreation Area • South Dakota Cultural Heritage Center • Spears Lake National Wildlife Area • Spirit Mound State Park • Spring Creek Prairie Audubon Center • Springer Lake • Spruce Woods Provincial Park • St. Ambroise Beach Provincial Park • St. Victor Petroglyphs Provincial Historic Park • Stalwart National Wildlife Area • Standing Rock Indian Reservation (ND) • Standing Rock Indian Reservation (SD) • Star School Hill Prairie Conservation Area • Star School Hill Prairie Natural Area • Steele Prairie • Stein Playa Wetlands • Stockdale Park • Stone State Park • Stump Lake National Wildlife Refuge • Sullys Hill National Game Preserve • Swan Lake National Wildlife Refuge • Sylvan Runkel Preserve • Taberville Prairie • Table Mountain Wildlife Habitat Management Unit • Talcot Lake Wildlife Management Area • Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve • Tallgrass Prairie Preserve • Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge • Taylor Wildlife Management Habitat Area • Tewaukon National Wildlife Refuge • Texas Lake Wildlife Area • Texas Point National Wildlife Refuge • Theodore Roosevelt National Park • Three Tribes Museum • Thunder Basin National Grassland • Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge • Toadstool Geological Park • Toronto Wildlife Area • Trailside Museum of Natural History • Turin Loess Hills Nature Preserve • Turin Loess Hills Prairie • Turkey Playa Wetland • Turtle Mountain Provincial Park • Tuttle Creek Lake region • Tuttle Creek Park • Tuttle Creek State Park • Tway National Wildlife Area • Tympanuchus Wildlife Management Area • UL Bend National Wildlife Refuge • Union Slough National Wildlife Refuge • University of Iowa Museum of Natural History • University of Nebraska State Museum • University of Wyoming Geological Museum • Upper Missouri National Wild and Scenic River • Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument • Upper Rousay Lake Migratory Bird Sanctuary • Upper Souris National Wildlife Refuge • Valentine National Wildlife Refuge • Valley City Wetland Management District • Val Marie Reservoir Migratory Bird Sanctuary • Wah’Kon-Tah Prairie • Wascana Centre • Wascana Lake Migratory Bird Sanctuary • Washington Pavilion of Arts and Sciences • Washita National Wildlife Refuge • Waubay National Wildlife Refuge • Waubay Wetland Management District • Waubonsie State Park • Waurika Wildlife Management Area • Webb National Wildlife Area • Welder Wildlife Foundation • West Bend State Recreation Area • Western Historic Trails Center • Weston Bend Bottomlands • Whitney Preserve • W. H. Over Museum • Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge • Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area and Nature Center • Wildcat Preference Right Lease Application Site • Wind Cave National Park • Winnebago Indian Reservation • Woodworth Waterfowl Production Area • Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park • Wyoming Dinosaur Center • Yankton Sioux Indian Reservation • Yellow Quill Prairie
The Ecology of a Tallgrass Treasure: Audubon’s Spring Creek Prairie
Paul A. Johnsgard
This book describes the major plant and animal components of Spring Creek Prairie Audubon Center, an 850-acre National Audubon Society tallgrass prairie in Lancaster County, southeastern Nebraska. In addition to providing a species list of the area’s plants (368 species), there are comprehensive annotated lists of its birds (240), mammals (43), reptiles (23), and amphibians (10). There are also variably complete annotated lists of the area’s butterflies (76), sphinx moths (30), silk moths (7), dragonflies (24), damselflies (11), grasshoppers (9), katydids (11), mantids (2), and walkingsticks (2). Brief profiles of life histories and ecologies of 55 animal and 7 plant species are included, as well as information on nearly 100 public-access native grasslands in eastern Nebraska. The text comprises more than 68,000 words, 400 references, and a glossary of 125 biological/scientific terms as well as more than 40 line drawings by the author.
doi 10.13014/K25B00NK
Strategic Excellence in Post-Digital Ecosystems: A B2C Perspective
Edin Güçlü Sözer, Mustafa Emre Civelek, and Murat Çemberci
The basic production of the digital economy is knowledge. As it becomes more important, traditional factors like labor and capital become less so. As technological innovation changes the nature of employment, the conversion of labor to consumption becomes increasingly difficult. E-commerce is the most important driving force of the digital economy. Using technology and information networks effectively allows brands or companies to effect rapid changes in competitive markets. The emergence of neo-consumers calls for a higher order of information exchange and interaction. Companies must reasses their complete business processes in a holistic way to ensure market prominence in an economy driven by social networks and communication. This book deals with the new concepts determining the future path of the digital economy and aims at providing a new perspective to the field.
Innovation in Pedagogy and Technology Symposium: University of Nebraska, May 8, 2018
University of Nebraska
Selected Conference Proceedings, Presented by University of Nebraska Online and University of Nebraska Information Technology Services.
University of Nebraska Information Technology Services (NU ITS) and University of Nebraska Online (NU Online) present an education and technology symposium each spring. The Innovation in Pedagogy and Technology Symposium provides University of Nebraska (NU) faculty and staff the opportunity to learn from nationally recognized experts, share their experiences and learn from the initiatives of colleagues from across the system. This event is offered free to NU administrators, faculty and staff free of charge. Tuesday, May 8, 2018 The Cornhusker Marriott, Lincoln, NE
Technology has forever changed the landscape of higher education and continues to do so—often at a rapid pace. At the University of Nebraska, we strive to embrace technology to enhance both teaching and learning, to provide key support systems and meet institutional goals. The Innovation in Pedagogy and Technology Symposium is designed for any NU administrator, faculty or staff member who is involved in the use of technology in education at all levels. Past events have drawn over 500 NU faculty, staff and IT professionals from across the four campuses for a day of discovery and networking.
The 2018 event was held in downtown Lincoln. The schedule included: • Presentations by University of Nebraska faculty, staff and administrators • Concurrent sessions focused on pedagogy/instructional design, support and administrative strategies and emerging technologies • Panel discussions • Roundtable discussions and networking time • Sponsor exhibits • Continental breakfast and lunch
Keynote Presentation: Learning How to Learn: Powerful Mental Tools to Help You Master Tough Subjects • Barbara Oakley, Ph.D., Oakland University
Fostering Quality by Identifying & Evaluating Effective Practices through Rigorous Research • Tanya Joosten, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Synchronous Online & In Person Classrooms: Challenges & Rewards Five Years Into Practice • Elsbeth Magilton
We Nudge and You Can Too: Improving Outcomes with an Emailed Nudge • Ben Smith
It Takes a System to Build an Affordable Content Program • Brad Severa, Jane Petersen, Kimberly Carlson, Betty Jacques, Brian Moore, Andrew Cano, Michael Jolley
Five Generations: Preparing Multiple Generations of Learners for a Multi-Generational Workforce • Olimpia Leite-Trambly, Sharon Obasi., Toni Hill
Schedule NU! Schedule SC! • Cheri Polenske, Jean Padrnos, Corrie Svehla
See It & Believe It (Assessing Professional Behaviors & Clinical Reasoning with Video Assignments) • Grace Johnson, Megan Frazee
Group Portfolios as a Gateway to Creativity, Collaboration & Synergy in an Environment Course • Katherine Nashleanas
Learning to Learn Online: Helping Online Students Navigate Online Learning • Suzanne Withem
Beyond Closed Captioning: The Other ADA Accessibility Requirements • Analisa McMillan, Peggy Moore (UNMC)
Using Interactive Digital Wall (iWall) Technology to Promote Active Learning • Cheryl Thompson, Suhasini Kotcherlakota, Patrick Rejda, Paul Dye
Cybersecurity Threats & Challenges • JR Noble
Digital Badges: A Focus on Skill Acquisition • Benjamin Malczyk
Creating a Student Success Center Transitioning Graduate Students to an Online Community • Brian Wilson, Christina Yao, Erica DeFrain, Andrew Cano
Male Allies: Supporting an Inclusive Environment in ITS • Heath Tuttle (, Wes Juranek
Featured Extended Presentation: Broaden Your Passion! Encouraging Women in STEM • Barbara Oakley, Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan
Students as Creative Forces to Enhance Curriculum via E-Learning • Betsy Becker, Peggy Moore, Dele Davies
Rethinking Visual Communication Curriculum: The Success of Emporium Style • Adam Wagler (UNL), Katie Krcmarik, Alan Eno
A Course Delivery Evolution: Moving from Lecture to Online to a Flipped Classroom • Kim Michael, Tanya Custer
Enhancing the Quality of Online Teaching via Collaborative Course Development • B. Jean Mandernach, Steve McGahan
Collaborating Across NU for Accessible Video • Heath Tuttle, Jane Petersen, Jaci Lindburg
Structuring Security for Success • Matt Morton, Rick Haugerud
Future Directions for University of Nebraska Wireless Networking • Brian Cox, Jay Wilmes
Using Learning Analytics in Canvas to Improve Online Learning • Martonia Gaskill,, Phu Vu,
Broaden Your Passion! Encouraging Women in STEM • Featured Speaker: Barbara Oakley, Oakland University in Rochester, MI
Translating Studio Courses Online • Claire Amy Schultz
Hidden Treasures: Lesser Known Secrets of Canvas • Julie Gregg, Melissa Diers, Analisa McMillan
Your Learners, Their Devices & You: Incorporating BYOD Technology into Your Didactics • Tedd Welniak
Extending the Conversation about Teaching with Technology • Marlina Davidson, Timi Barone, Dana Richter-Egger, Schuetzler, Jaci Lindburg
Scaling up Student Assessment: Issues and Solutions • Paul van Vliet
Closing Keynote: Navigating Change: It’s a Whitewater Adventure • Marjorie J. Kostelnik, Professor and Senior Associate to the President
doi 10.13014/K2Q23XFD
PreColumbian Textiles in the Ethnological Museum in Berlin
Lena Bjerregaard and Torben Huss
The Ethnological Museum in Berlin, Germany, houses Europe’s largest collection of PreColumbian textiles—around 9000 well-preserved examples. Lena Bjerregaard, editor and compiler of this volume, was the conservator for these materials from 2000 to 2014, and she worked with many international researchers to analyze and publicize the collection. This book includes seven of their essays about the museum’s holdings – by Bea Hoffmann, Ann Peters, Susan Bergh, Lena Bjerregaard, Jane Feltham, Katalin Nagy, and Gary Urton. The book’s second part is a 177-page catalogue, arranged by periods and styles, of 273 selected items that represent the collection as fully as possible, with more than 380 photographs. Styles or cultures include Paracas, Nasca, Lambayeque/Sican, Ychsma, Chavin, Siguas, Tiwanaku, Wari, Chimu, Central Coast, Chancay, South Coast, Inca, and Colonial. Items include tunics, clothing, tapestry, hats, belts, headbands, samplers, borders, and khipus. Materials include camelid fibers, feathers, hair, cotton, reed, straw, and other plant fibers.
01 Contents
02 Introduction, Lena Bjerregaard
03 Beatrix Hoffmann: Wilhelm Gretzer and His Collection of Peruvian Antiquities in the Ethnological Museum in Berlin
04 Ann Peters: Corpus and Context: Comparisons among Textiles from the Late Paracas and Early Nasca Traditions
05 Susan Bergh: Middle Horizon Textiles from Berlin’s Ethnological Museum
06 Lena Bjerregaard: Lambayeque/Sican Textiles in the Ethnological Museum in Berlin
07 Jane Feltham: Ychsma Textiles in the Gretzer Collection at the Ethnological Museum in Berlin
08 Katalin Nagy: Ritual Headdresses from the South Coast in the Ethnological Museum in Berlin
09 Gary Urton: A Khipu Menagerie: Human, Animal and Bird Imagery on Khipus in the Ethnological Museum in Berlin
10 Materials
11 Early Horizon and Early Intermediate (Chavin, Paracas, Siguas)
12 Middle Horizon (Tiwanaku, Wari)
13 Late Intermediate (Lambayeque/Sican)
14 Late Intermediate (Chimu)
15 Late Intermediate (Central Coast – Ychsma, Chancay)
16 Late Intermediate (South Coast)
17 Late Horizon (Inka)
18 Colonial
19 Bibliography
doi: 10.13014/K2PN93H6
PreColumbian Textile Conference VII / Jornadas de Textiles PreColombinos VII
Lena Bjerregaard and Ann H. Peters
Introduction — Lena Bjerregaard and Ann Peters
1. Mesoamerican Archaeological Textiles: An Overview of Materials, Techniques, and Contexts — Laura Filloy Nadal
2. Urdimbres enlazadas de Mesoamérica. Textil de la Cueva del Gallo, Morelos, México — Patricia Ochoa Castillo & Rosa Lorena Román Torres •
3. Los textiles procedentes del actual estado de Guerrero, México: una revisión a su estudio desde la perspectiva arqueológica y etnohistórica — Elizabeth Jiménez García
4. Classic Textiles from Cueva del Lazo (Chiapas, Mexico). Archaeological context and conservation issues — Davide Domenici & Gloria Martha Sánchez Valenzuela
5. Textiles y otros materiales arqueológicos del valle de Tehuacán, México, en los Museos reales de Arte e Historia (MRAH), Bruselas — Julia Montoya
6. The World on a Whorl: Considerations on Aztec Spindle Whorl Iconography — Jesper Nielsen
7. Mexica Textiles: Archaeological Remains from the Sacred Precincts of Tenochtitlan and Tlatelolco — Leonardo López Luján & Salvador Guilliem Arroyo
8. Andean Textile Traditions: Material Knowledge and Culture, Part 1 — Elena Phipps
9. Introduction into the history of the textile collection at the Ethnological Museum Berlin — Beatrix Hoffmann
10. Archaeological Textiles of Sechín Bajo – a formative Site of the North Coast of Peru: Preliminarily Results — Katalin Nagy
11. Headdress forms in the Paracas Necrópolis Mortuary Tradition — Ann H. Peters
12. Nasca Textiles of south Peru, Los Molinos, Sector B. Analysis and Insights — Dr. Daniela Biermann
13. Pre-Columbian Textile Structures at Castillo de Huarmey, Peru — Aleksandra Laszczka, Jeffrey C. Splitstoser, & Miłosz Giersz
14. The curious case of Sir Henry Wellcome’s wooden statuette clad in tie-dyed Wari cloth — Penelope Dransart
15. Tocados del Horizonte Medio al Intermedio Tardío en la costa central: Una visión desde el valle de Asia, Perú (Siglos VII-XII d.C.) — Rommel Angeles Falcón
16. Hallazgo de una Ofrenda Textil con material Horizonte Tardío e Inca Local en el valle medio de Pisco — Luis Peña Callirgos
17. Trajes de poder. Los conjuntos Chimú con borlas — Victòria Solanilla
18. Structure, Design, and Gender in Inka Textiles — Blenda Femenías
19. Lambayeque Textile Iconography and its Continuity in Chimu and Inca Cultures, and its link to modern Ecuadorian Pujilí Corpus Christi Celebrations — Yvonne Fleitman & Alisa Baginski
20. La imagen divina y el simbolismo religioso en textiles del Antiguo Perú — Uwe Carlson
Conservation, reconstruction, analyses
21. Provenance investigations of raw materials in pre-Columbian textiles from Pachacamac; strontium isotope analyses — Karin Margarita Frei & Lena Bjerregaard
22. Analysis of Paracas fibre material from the Gothenburg Collection — Anna Javér
23. La conservación de dos fardos funerarios provenientes de contextos arqueológicos: El caso de la cueva del Lazo, Ocozocoautla, Chiapas y la cueva de la Candelaria, Torreón, Coahuila, México — Gloria Martha Sánchez Valenzuela
24. The Arizona Openwork (Tonto) Shirt Project — Carol James
Common Birds of The Brinton Museum and Bighorn Mountains Foothills
Jackie Canterbury and Paul Johnsgard
Part I. The Brinton Museum and Its Birds
Part II. Profiles of 48 Common Local and Regional Birds: Ring-necked Pheasant, Sharp-tailed Grouse, Great Blue Heron, Turkey Vulture, Osprey, Bald Eagle, Cooper’s Hawk, Red-tailed Hawk, Rough-legged Hawk, Sandhill Crane, Killdeer, Eastern Screech-Owl, Great Horned Owl, Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Calliope Hummingbird, Belted Kingfisher, Downy Woodpecker, Red-naped Sapsucker, Northern Flicker, American Kestrel, Western Wood-Pewee, Say’s Phoebe, Eastern Kingbird, Black-billed Magpie, American Crow, Common Raven, Tree Swallow, Cliff Swallow, Black-capped Chickadee, Mountain Chickadee, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Brown Creeper, House Wren, American Dipper, Mountain Bluebird, Cedar Waxwing, Yellow Warbler, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Spotted Towhee, Vesper Sparrow, Dark-eyed Junco, Western Tanager, Black-headed Grosbeak, Lazuli Bunting, Western Meadowlark, Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch, House Finch, Cassin’s Finch, Red Crossbill, Pine Siskin, American Goldfinch
Textile Terminologies from the Orient to the Mediterranean and Europe, 1000 BC to 1000 AD
Salvatore Gaspa, Cécile Michel, and Marie-Louise Nosch
The papers in this volume derive from the conference on textile terminology held in June 2014 at the University of Copenhagen. Around 50 experts from the fields of Ancient History, Indo-European Studies, Semitic Philology, Assyriology, Classical Archaeology, and Terminology from twelve different countries came together at the Centre for Textile Research, to discuss textile terminology, semantic fields of clothing and technology, loan words, and developments of textile terms in Antiquity. They exchanged ideas, research results, and presented various views and methods.
This volume contains 35 chapters, divided into five sections: • Textile terminologies across the ancient Near East and the Southern Levant • Textile terminologies in Europe and Egypt • Textile terminologies in metaphorical language and poetry • Textile terminologies: examples from China and Japan • Technical terms of textiles and textile tools and methodologies of classifications
The 42 contributors include Salvatore Gaspa, Cécile Michel, Marie-Louise Nosch, Elena Soriga, Louise Quillien, Luigi Malatacca, Nahum Ben-Yehuda, Christina Katsikadeli, Orit Shamir, Agnes Korn, Georg Warning, Birgit Anette Olsen, Stella Spantidaki, Peder Flemestad, Peter Herz, Ines Bogensperger, Herbert Graßl, Mary Harlow, Berit Hildebrandt, Magdalena Öhrman, Roland Schuhmann, Kerstin Droß-Krüpe, John Peter Wild, Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert, Julia Galliker, Anne Regourd, Fiona J. L. Handley, Götz König, Miguel Ángel Andrés-Toledo, Stefan Niederreiter, Oswald Panagl, Giovanni Fanfani, Le Wang, Feng Zhao, Mari Omura, Naoko Kizawa, Maciej Szymaszek, Francesco Meo, Felicitas Maeder, Kalliope Sarri, Susanne Lervad, and Tove Engelhardt Mathiassen.
Includes 134 color and black & white illustrations.
ISBN: 978-1-60962-112-4
The North American Perching and Dabbling Ducks: Their Biology and Behavior
Paul Johnsgard
This volume, the fourth in a series of books that collectively update and expand P. A. Johnsgard’s 1975 The Waterfowl of North America, summarizes research findings on this economically and ecologically important group of waterfowl. The volume includes the mostly tropical perching duck tribe Cairinini, of which two species, the muscovy duck and the wood duck, are representatives. Both species are adapted for foraging on the water surface, mostly on plant materials, but typically perch in trees and nest in elevated tree cavities or other elevated recesses. This volume also includes the dabbling, or surface-feeding, duck tribe Anatini, a large assemblage of duck species that mainly forage on the water surface but nest on the ground, or only very rarely in elevated locations. Of this tribe, 12 species that regularly breed in North America are included, among them such familiar species as mallards, wigeons, pintails, and teal. Descriptive accounts of the distributions, populations, ecologies, social-sexual behaviors, and breeding biology of all these species are provided, together with distribution maps. Five additional Eurasian and West Indian species have been reported several times in North America; these have been included with more abbreviated accounts, but all 17 species are illustrated by drawings, photographs, or both. The text includes about 84,000 words and contains more than 1,000 references. There are also 12 distribution maps, 21 drawings, 28 photographic plates, and 58 anatomical or behavioral sketches.
doi: 10.13014/K27H1GGV
The North American Quails, Partridges, and Pheasants
Paul A. Johnsgard
This book documents the biology of six species of New World quails that are native to North America north of Mexico (mountain, scaled, Gambel’s, California, and Montezuma quails, and the northern bobwhite), three introduced Old World partridges (chukar, Himalayan snowcock, and gray partridge), and the introduced common (ring-necked) pheasant. Collectively, quails, partridges, and pheasants range throughout all of the continental United States and the Canadian provinces. Two of the species, the northern bobwhite and ring-necked pheasant, are the most economically important of all North American upland game birds. All of the species are hunted extensively for sport and are highly popular with naturalists, birders, and other outdoor enthusiasts.
The New World quails and Old World partridges share many basic aspects of social and reproductive behavior, such as gathering during nonbreeding periods into small, usually closely related coveys. They also all exhibit prolonged monogamous pair-bonding, biparental brood care, reduced sexual dimorphism in adult plumages and body mass, and a high diversity of vocalizations associated with covey, family, and pair interactions. As relatively small species with high mortality rates, they have evolved rapid periods to sexual maturity, unusually large clutch sizes that are among the largest of all birds, and pairings that regularly attempt to renest following nest failures.
By comparison, the ring-necked pheasant is one of the Old World pheasants, who form less cohesive and less tightly structured flocks and have evolved nonmonogamous (polygynous or promiscuous) breeding strategies. Adult pheasants exhibit strong sexual dimorphism in plumage, body mass, and sexual behavior. Adult males have sharp tarsal spurs that are used during fights when establishing dominance status, and they perform some of the most spectacular sexual advertisement displays of all birds. Clutch sizes average considerably smaller than those of quails and partridges, whereas brooding durations and durations to sexual maturity are longer.
The book totals more than 85,000 words, and includes about 1,100 literature citations, 29 pages of drawings, 27 photos, and 11 maps. Together with an earlier volume on grouse, it completes a survey of the biology and behavior of all 19 native and introduced species of North American quails, partridges, and pheasants.
The North American Whistling-Ducks, Pochards, and Stifftails
Paul A. Johnsgard
Although the 12 species representing three waterfowl tribes described in this volume are not closely related, they fortuitously provide an instructive example of adaptive evolutionary radiation within the much larger waterfowl lineage (the family Anatidae), especially as to their divergent morphologies, life histories, and social behaviors.
The whistling-ducks (Dendrocygna), with three known North American species, are notable for their permanent pair-bonds, extended biparental family care, and strong social cohesion. In contrast, males of the five typical pochards of North American diving ducks (Aythya) establish monogamous pair-bonds that are maintained only long enough to assure that the female’s eggs are fertilized. The endpoint of this behavioral gradient, promiscuity or polygyny, exists among at least some of the typical stifftails (Oxyura). Such diverse reproductive strategies have exerted powerful evolutionary influences on interspecies variations in sexual dimorphism, sexual behavior, anatomy, ecology, and other traits.
This volume includes more than 63,000 words, plus some 200 maps, photos, drawings, and sketches, and nearly 650 literature citations. It is the last of five volumes that describe all 55 waterfowl species that have been historically documented in North America; collectively, the volumes total over 300,000 words, with nearly 3,000 literature citations, and more than 600 maps, photos, drawings, and sketches.
doi: 10.13014/K28913SK
Six Septembers: Mathematics for the Humanist
Patrick Juola and Stephen Ramsay
Scholars of all stripes are turning their attention to materials that represent enormous opportunities for the future of humanistic inquiry. The purpose of this book is to impart the concepts that underlie the mathematics they are likely to encounter and to unfold the notation in a way that removes that particular barrier completely. This book is a primer for developing the skills to enable humanist scholars to address complicated technical material with confidence. This book, to put it plainly, is concerned with the things that the author of a technical article knows, but isn’t saying. Like any field, mathematics operates under a regime of shared assumptions, and it is our purpose to elucidate some of those assumptions for the newcomer.
The individual subjects we tackle are (in order): logic and proof, discrete mathematics, abstract algebra, probability and statistics, calculus, and differential equations. This is not at all the order in which these subjects are usually taught in school curricula, and indeed, it is possible to take a course of study that does not include all of them. Our ordering is borne of our own sense of how best to convey the concepts of mathematics to humanists, and is, like mathematics itself, strongly cumulative.
Uncollected Essays
D. W. Robertson Jr. and Paul A. Olson
Foreword by Paul A. Olson • Buzones, an Alternative Etymology • The Manuel des Péchés and an English Episcopal Decree • Correspondence – The Manuel des Péchés • A Note on the Classical Origin of ‘Circumstances’ in the Medieval Confessional • A Study of Certain Aspects of the Cultural Tradition of ‘Handlyng Synne’ • The Cultural Tradition of Handlyng Synne • Marie de France, Lais, Prologue, 13-16 • Cumhthach Labhras an Lonsa • Chaucerian Tragedy • St. Foy among the Thorns • Amors de terra lonhdana • The Subject of the De Amore of Andreas Capellanus • Why the Devil Wears Green • A Further Note on Conjointure • The Book of the Duchess • Chaucer Criticism • “And for my land thus hastow mordred me?” Land Tenure, the Cloth Industry, and the Wife of Bath • Chaucer and the “Commune Profit”: The Manor • The Intellectual, Artistic and Historical Context • Religion and Stylistic History • Simple Signs from Everyday Life in Chaucer • Chaucer and Christian Tradition • The Wife of Bath and Midas • The Probable Date and Purpose of Chaucer’s Troilus • Who Were “The People”? • Chaucer and the Economic and Social Consequences of the Plague • The Probable Date and Purpose of Chaucer’s Knight’s Tale • The Physician’s Comic Tale • Wisdom and “The Manciple’s Tale”: A Chaucerian Comic Interlude
ISBN: 978-1-60962-113-1
doi: 10.13014/K23776W6
Veal: The Rise of Generation Interactive
Patrick Aievoli
The purpose of this book is to investigate and discuss the premise that the current generation was constructed to be consumers for a transitional marketplace. As the economy shifted from analog to digital, consumers had to be trained to accept, use and progress within a new economic model through changes in societal and economic patterns. During the course of this book those patterns will be discussed and displayed as a confluence of: Marketplace manipulation, Abusive use of technologies, and Lack of governance.
In this book I discuss how those events are reflected in the habits and lifestyles of the current 12 to 25 year old demographic globally and how it has caused them to be the consummate consumer of digital goods based on events that have been created to develop them to be consumers and to be consumed. One of the first questions is whether this was the fault of parenting; in my opinion – no, it was more the position families were placed in and how they best could survive. When many events come into play and seemingly conspire to force families to re-invent themselves, it is not so much the fault of the “herd” but the result of the “rancher”.
La letteratura in gioco
Barbara Dell`Abate Çelebi
Un approccio ludico alla didattica della letteratura nella classe di lingua
In questo scritto si intende rivalutare l’impiego del testo letterario nell’insegnamento delle lingue straniere attraverso l’utilizzo di attività ludiche che permettano una piena ed attiva partecipazione del soggetto al processo glottodidattico. Il libro è diviso in due parti: una parte teorica (capitoli 1-2-3) e una parte operativa (capitoli 4-5). La parte teorica introduce il tema della didattica della letteratura da un punto di vista storico e metodologico. Nel primo capitolo si definisce il termine letteratura tracciando un breve quadro storico delle metodologie utilizzate da inizio secolo ad oggi nel nostro Paese. Nel secondo capitolo si ricercano le motivazioni, le strategie d’approccio e i materiali da utilizzare nell’ambito della didattica della letteratura, rilevando le caratteristiche dei principali generi letterari e gli elementi che li contraddistinguono. Il terzo capitolo conclude la sezione teorica e si concentra sul piacere del testo e sul gioco quale strumento didattico. La parte operativa presenta due unità didattiche dedicate alla novella in cui si sono applicati i principi teorici tracciati precedentemente. A queste segue una guida per l’insegnante in cui si spiegano le finalità, le modalità e i tempi di realizzazione di ogni attività/gioco proposto. Tale approccio può essere applicato con successo nell’ambito della didattica della letteratura nella classe di lingua permettendo di esercitare contemporaneamente sia le capacità linguistiche che quelle cognitive.
Penelope’s Daughters
Barbara Dell`Abate-Çelebi
A feminist perspective of the myth of Penelope in Annie Leclerc’s Toi, Pénélope, Margaret Atwood’s The Penelopiad and Silvana La Spina’s Penelope.
At the origin of Western literature stands Queen Penelope—faithfully waiting for her husband to come home: keeping house, holding on to the throne, keeping the suitors at arm’s length, preserving Odysseus’ place and memory, deserted for the pursuit of war and adventures, and bringing up a son alone, but always keeping the marriage intact. Yet recently the character of Penelope, long the archetype of abandoned, faithful, submissive, passive wife, has been reinterpreted by feminist criticism and re-envisioned by three modern novels — in French, English, and Italian — to emerge as a central, strong, self-determining, and erotically liberated female icon. Her character “is permeated with new and more complex representations of feminine diversity that, by subverting the roles attested by the canon, break with stereotypes and pursue autonomy.” Part one of this book covers “Feminist Literary Criticism and the Theme of Penelope”; part two considers “Penelope in Three (Feminist) Revisionist Novels” – by Annie Leclerc, Margaret Atwood and Silvana La Spina. These feminist revisions of myths of womanhood and rewritings of female archetypes from a feminist perspective broaden the definition of femininity to include new possibilities and more inclusive representations of female identity.
Barbara Dell’Abate-Çelebi is the author of L’alieno dentro: Percorso semiotico alle origini del romanzo femminista italiano (2011) and La letteratura in gioco (2016). She is Assistant Professor in the Department of English Translation and Interpreting at Beykent University and Visiting Instructor in the Department of French Literature at Galatasaray University, both in Istanbul. She holds a degree in Modern Languages and Literatures from the University of Naples ‘L’Orientale’ and a PhD in Italian literature from the University of Istanbul. She has taught Italian, English and French literature at the University of Istanbul, Koç University and Université Libre de Bruxelles.
The Bureau of Sociological Research at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln: A Brief History 1964–2014
Michael R. Hill
This volume is a provisional account of the origins and subsequent work of the Bureau of Sociological Research (BOSR) at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL). This study was prepared at the request of Julia McQuillan, Chair of the UNL Department of Sociology and a past BOSR Director, for the 50th anniversary celebration of the Bureau in April 2014.
This study falls within the field known generally as “the sociology of sociology” and this accounts for the devising of a typology of sociologies that delineates the intellectual field of play historically occupied by the Bureau of Sociological Research at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.
Harriet Martineau advised, “The grand secret of wise inquiry . . . is to begin with the study of THINGS, using the DISCOURSE OF PERSONS as a commentary upon them.” Thus, the present investigation is based almost entirely on documentary sources (die Quellen) — and these are often frustratingly fragmentary. As much as possible, the author has tried to avoid the difficulties that not infrequently confront writers of organizational histories, especially in cases where many of the central protagonists are still living.
The Bureau of Sociological Research, established in 1964, was founded as a formal organization within the Department of Sociology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. It is part of a departmental heritage that is now more than a century long. Directors of the Bureau have included Herman Turk, Alan Booth, David R. Johnson, Hugh P. Whitt, Lynn K. White, Helen A. Moore, D. Wayne Osgood, Laura A. Sanchez, Dan R. Hoyt, Julia Mcquillan, Philip Schwadel, and Jolene D. Smyth.
The Year-Long Adventures of the Blue Shoes & Their Friends
Michael R. Hill
While participating in a Teacher Workshop organized by Georgina Valverde at the Art Institute of Chicago in 2013, Michael Hill began a one-year artistic and pedagogical odyssey making original images (always featuring some aspect of one or more athletic shoes) and posting them daily to a visual blog he created to help kick-start writing projects among the many student athletes he tutored at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He started the year self-identifying as “scholar/teacher,” but at year’s end Michael looked in the mirror and said, OK, still “scholar/ teacher,” but also “artist.” Here are the workshop organizer’s foreword, the scholar’s introduction, the teacher’s formal lesson plan, 52 plates from the artist’s blog, and a proxy example of student work.
MICHAEL R. HILL earned two doctorates at the University of Nebraska- Lincoln and was for ten years a tutor in the UNL Department of Athletics. His specialties include archival research, human spatial behavior, visual sociology, and the theories, methods, and histories of the social sciences. Hill is a writer/researcher/artist at D&H Sociologists in St. Joseph, Michigan, and a docent in the Krasl Art Center’s K-12 Understanding Art Program.
GEORGINA VALVERDE is an established Chicago artist and Assistant Director of Teacher Programs at the Art Institute of Chicago.
(A higher-resolution 100 MB version is available [below] as an additional file.)
Dogs & Society: Anglo-American Sociological Perspectives (1865-1934)
Michael R. Hill and Mary Jo Deegan
HUMANS AND DOGS have a long, wonderful and sometimes problematic association. At a personal level, dogs have been integral to our lives, and our parents’ lives, for as long as the two of us can remember. As sociologists, we also recognize that dogs are important at the macro level. Here, we introduce a selection of early sociological arguments about dogs and their social relationships with humankind. Our interest in developing this book began when we encountered the delightful essays on dogs by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Annie Marion MacLean — two insightful Anglo-American sociologists who present opposing sympathies regarding the canine world. Admirers and detractors of dogs reflect important sensibilities within Anglo-American society. This book is a smorgasbord of sociological standpoints, all written by some of sociology’s most perceptive practitioners, from 1865 to 1934. We are delighted with the opportunity to make these essays more widely available. As these readings document, dogs are intrinsically social beings. Likewise, our observations of dogs, our interactions with dogs, and our writings about dogs are markedly social phenomena. Dogs are not only part of our social world, they also inform our sociological imagination at both micro and macro levels.
Space, Region & Society: Geographical Essays in Honor of Robert H. Stoddard
Michael R. Hill, Carl Ritter, Nainie Lenora Robertson Stoddard, Thomas Doering, Steve Kale, Carolyn V. Prorok, Surinder M. Bhardwaj, and Robert H. Stoddard
As an expression of their friendship and esteem, the authors dedicate these essays to Robert H. Stoddard in honor of his many years of exemplary service to the people of Nebraska, the World, and the discipline of Geography. After earning the BA at Nebraska Wesleyan (1950), an MA at the University of Nebraska (1960), and the PhD at the University of Iowa (1966), Dr. Stoddard taught for some forty combined years at Nebraska Wesleyan University (1961-67) and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (1967 to the present, where he is now Professor Emeritus). He also taught high school in India (1952-57), and was Visiting Professor at Tribhuvan University in Kathmandu, Nepal (1975-76), and the University of Columbo in Sri Lanka (1986). In addition to much productive research, many scholarly publications (notably Field Techniques and Research Methods in Geography, 1982), and unstinting university service, he also served his local community as a member of the Lincoln-Lancaster Planning Commission (1974-78). In 1992, the National Council for Geographic Education bestowed on him its Distinguished Teaching Achievement Award. Essays or chapters have been contributed by Michael R. Hill, Carl Ritter, Nainie Lenora Robertson Stoddard, Thomas Doering, Steve Kale, Carolyn V. Prorok, and Surinder M. Bhardwaj. The book includes Dr. Stoddard’s essay “Regionalization and Regionalism in Sri Lanka,” as well as a bibliography of his writings and professional papers, a chronology of publications and papers presented, and a list of dissertations and thesis supervised.
Swans: Their Biology and Natural History
Paul A. Johnsgard
The seven species of swans of the world are an easily and universally recognized group of waterfowl, which have historically played important roles in the folklore, myths and legends in many of the world’s cultures. Among the largest of all flying birds, they have also almost universally been used as symbols of royalty, grace and beauty, and largely for these reasons swans have only rarely been considered acceptable as targets for sport hunting. Swans occur on all the continents except Africa, although most species are associated with the temperate and arctic zones of North America and Eurasia. Among birds, swans are relatively long-lived species, and are also among the most strongly monogamous, having prolonged pair and family bonds that strongly influence their flocking and social behavior, and contribute to the overall high degree of human interest in them. This volume of 48,000 words describes their distributions, ecology, social behavior, and breeding biology. Included are nine distribution maps, 19 drawings, and 23 photographs by the author. There is a bibliography of nearly 700 references.
The North American Geese: Their Biology and Behavior
Paul A. Johnsgard
The eight currently recognized species of North American geese are part of a familiar group of birds collectively called waterfowl, all of which are smaller than swans and generally larger than ducks. They include the most popular of our aquatic gamebirds, with several million shot each year by sport hunters. Our two most abundant waterfowl, the Canada goose and snow goose, have populations collectively totaling about 15 million individuals. Like swans, the lifelong pairbonding of geese, their familial care, and prolonged social attachment to their offspring are legendary. Their seasonal migratory flights sometimes span thousands of miles, and the sight of their long, wavering flight formations are as much the symbols of seasonal change as are the spring songs of cardinals or the appearance of autumnal leaf colors.
This book describes each species’ geographic range and subspecies, its identification traits, weights and measurements, and criteria for its age and sex determination. Ecological and behavioral information includes each species’ breeding and wintering habitats, its foods and foraging behavior, its local and long distance movements, and its relationships with other species. Reproductive information includes each species’ age of maturity, pair-bond pattern, pair-forming behaviors, usual clutch sizes and incubation periods, brooding behavior, and postbreeding behavior. Mortality sources and rates of egg, young, and adult losses are also summarized, and each species’ past and current North American populations are estimated. In addition to a text of nearly 60,000 words, the book includes 8 maps, 21 line drawings, and 28 photographs by the author, as well as more than 700 literature citations.
The North American Grouse: Their Biology and Behavior
Paul A. Johnsgard
The ten currently recognized species of grouse in North America have played an important role in America’s history, from the famous but ill-fated heath hen, a primary source of meat for the earliest New England immigrants, to the ruffed grouse, currently one of the most abundant and soughtafter upland game birds in more than 40 states and provinces. This book summarizes the ecology, reproductive biology, and social behavior of all ten of the extant North American grouse species. It also describes the current status of grouse populations, some of which are perilously close to extinction. The social behavior of grouse is of special biological interest because among these ten species there is a complete mating system spectrum, from seasonally monogamous pair-bonding to highly promiscuous mating patterns. The latter group illustrates the strong structural and behavioral effects of sexual selection resulting from nonmonogamous mating. These influences reach a peak in the development by some grouse species of engaging in mating “leks,” arena-like competitions performed by males while attempting to attract fertile females, and also provide opportunities for females to select optimum mating partners. These sexual competitions also promote strong differences evolving in sexual signaling behaviors (“displays”) among closely related species. Nevertheless, a relatively high incidence of mating errors and resulting hybridization often occurs in spite of these marked behavioral differences. In addition to a text of 101,000 words, the book includes 16 range maps, 37 line drawings, and 38 photographs by the author, as well as nearly 1,400 literature citations.
The North American Sea Ducks: Their Biology and Behavior
Paul A. Johnsgard
The 21 species of sea ducks are one of the larger subgroups (Tribe Mergini) of the waterfowl family Anatidae, and the 16 species (one historically extinct) that are native to North America represent the largest number to be found on any continent, and also the largest number of endemic sea duck species native to any continent.
Although generally not important as game birds, the sea ducks include some economically important birds such as the eiders, the basis for the Arctic eiderdown industry and a historically important food source for some Native American cultures. They also include what is probably the most northerly breeding species of all waterfowl and an icon of Arctic bird life, the long-tailed duck. The sea ducks also include species having some of the most complex and diverse pair-forming postural and acoustic displays of all waterfowl (goldeneyes and bufflehead), and some of the deepest diving species of all waterfowl (scoters and long-tailed duck). Sea ducks are highly prone to population disasters caused by oil spills and other water contaminants and, like other seabirds, are among the first bird groups that are being affected by current global warming trends in polar regions.
This book is an effort to summarize succinctly our current knowledge of sea duck biology and to provide a convenient survey of the vast technical literature on the group, with over 900 literature references. It also includes 90,000 words of text (more than 40 percent of which is new), 15 updated range maps, 11 black & white and 20 color photographs, over 30 ink drawings, and nearly 150 sketches.
Lastly, the North American sea ducks include the now extinct Labrador duck, the only northern hemisphere waterfowl species to have gone extinct in modern times. I have gratefully reprinted a Labrador duck watercolor by Sir Peter Scott. Considering recent population crashes in other sea ducks, such as the Steller’s eider and spectacled eider, it should also offer a sobering reminder of the fragility of our natural world and its inhabitants, including us.
doi: 10.13014/K22Z13FS
Per Axel Rydberg’s Botanical Collecting Trips to Western Nebraska in 1890 and 1891
Robert B. Kaul and David M. Sutherland
In the summer of 1891, Per Axel Rydberg and his assistant, Julius Hjalmar Flodman, collected plants in western Nebraska for the United States Department of Agriculture. They collected many first-records for Nebraska as well as some that became type specimens of Rydberg’s and other botanists’ names. In the following autumn and winter, Rydberg made a detailed, typewritten, carbon copied 35-page Report and 37-page List of specimens from that trip; one carbon copy is in the Bessey Herbarium (NEB) at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. It is these documents that we present here, extensively annotated with our geographic clarifications, original and updated nomenclature, and citations of specimens in NEB and elsewhere.
Nebraska Intellectual Freedom Manual
Round Table on Intellectual Freedom, Nebraska Library Association; Michael J. Elsener; Sue Ann Gardner; K. Joan Birnie; Karen Drevo; Brenda Ealey; Timothy Lentz; and Todd Schlechte
Much has changed in libraries and society since the publication of the 2004 revision of the Nebraska Library Association Intellectual Freedom Manual. The consensus of the current members of the Nebraska Library Association round table on Intellectual Freedom (NLA IF) was not to just revise the former manual, but to create an entirely new edition. In doing so, the authors have addressed a number of new issues. The intention was to keep it relatively brief but still useful. Readers should be able to read sections independent of one another for quick reference on topics of interest. For readers of the electronic version, there are many hyperlinks included.
Though this is a new edition, the introduction to the 2004 revision still applies: As librarians, we are all concerned with the concept of intellectual freedom. It is our professional obligation to provide varied forms of information that meet the varied interests and needs of our community members. It is also our professional obligation to oppose the efforts of those who would attempt to monitor, challenge, change, or remove the materials of choice in our society. This handbook provides access to relevant resources for all librarians who may face a censorship challenge. Included are interpretations from the Library Bill of Rights, policies and procedures, examples of useful forms, and a list of library related organizations that may be contacted for further information.
For additional information, readers are encouraged to consult the latest edition of the American Library Association (ALA) Intellectual Freedom Manual, as well as manuals from other U.S. states' library organizations. A companion to the ALA manual is available online at http://www.ifmanual.org/ . For current information about intellectual freedom issues in Nebraska, visit the NLA IF website.
A Boy in Hiding: Surviving the Nazis, Amsterdam 1940-1945
Stan Rubens
A Boy in Hiding: Surviving the Nazis is a poignant, true-survival story of a young boy who hid for four years underground in Holland during World War II. A Boy in Hiding sheds a light on the difficult road that lay ahead for Anne Frank—had she survived. This book is written from the point of view of an eight-year-old boy growing up too fast during the five years of the war. Now, sixty years later, Rubens gives a voice to the young boy, who—despite the hard times and difficulties he encountered, never lost his positive view on life.
Strange Bodies: Hybrid, Text, and the Human Form. Prints from the Sheldon Museum of Art
Alison G. Stewart , editor
Catalogue for the Sheldon Museum of Art’s exhibition “Strange Bodies: Hybrid, Text, and the Human Form," selected and curated by Professor Alison Stewart’s “History of Prints: New Media of the Renaissance” class during the fall semester of 2016 in the School of Art, Art History, & Design at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Each of the eleven prints offers a different understanding or take on the body. Some are grounded in the physical and social aspects of humanity, while others present the body as a site for fantastic imagination and performance. Still others reference the printed page as a “body.” Whether fish, fowl, or human, the body as seen in these prints continues to intrigue us across the centuries and show that even though times change, people and their concerns do not.
With contributions from John-David Richardson, Grant Potter, Grace Short, Taylor Wismer, Stephanie Wright, Claire Kilgore, Nikita Lenzo, Bryon Hartley, Ian Karss, Danley Walkington, and Taylor Stobbe.
The Digital Incunabula: rock • paper • pixels
Patrick Aievoli
“The Digital Incunabula is Patrick Aievoli’s personal sonnet through media, interaction and communication design. He carefully crafts each evolutionary step into ripples that are supported by his own storied professional and academic experiences. It’s full of facts, terms and historical information which makes it perfect for anyone looking to flat out learn!” ● James Pannafino, Professor, Millersville University & Interaction Design
“This is a serious work that will find a broad community of readers. The depth and breadth of Aievoli’s experience in the publication industry give his voice and ideas credibility in the extreme. This book will inspire deep reflection.” ● Dr. Joan Digby, Professor, LIU Post – English Department & Director, Honors College
“Very interesting read and gives a real sense of the transformation we have gone through over the past 50+ years. … I really like the first hand account.” ● Steve Carniol, Director of Online Technology and Instructional Design at Galen College of Nursing
“You’ve got a great textbook here for designers. I really like how you break down each category (entertainment, education, etc...) It’s a fascinating look at technology and where it’s taking us.” ● Dr. Jennifer Cusumano, Adjunct media professor, LIU Post
“Well documented, well written, and well argued.” ● Dr. Michael Soupios, Professor Political Science, LIU Post
Key Factors of Sustainable Firm Performance: A Strategic Approach
Mustafa Emre Civelek, Murat Çemberci, Okşan Kibritci Artar, and Nagehan Uca
The development of information technologies and their increased significance for business environments have forced businesses to rethink traditional methods of generating value and surviving the hyper-competitive conditions of our time. The uncertainty, dynamism, volatility, and impermanence of modern commercial environments have shifted the foundations of business success and survival.
Key factors that now affect firm performance and determine sustainability include knowledge creation, knowledge management, uncertainty management, organizational intelligence, and supply chain administration. The authors propose an analytical approach to identifying and enhancing these critical factors, and they describe ways for firms to exploit their strengths and minimize or compensate for their disadvantages.
Sustaining business success requires competitive strategies that are rational and analytical. Firms that isolate their overall goals have an advantage over their rivals; those that can innovate and incorporate the knowledge and intelligence they develop will prosper, even in the most competitive situations. Managers and business practitioners should learn from this book how to identify the key factors that make their firms effective and successful, and how to ensure they remain sustainable over time.
Loris Malaguzzi and the Teachers: Dialogues on Collaboration and Conflict among Children, Reggio Emilia 1990
Carolyn Edwards, Lella Gandini, and John Nimmo
In 1990, three American scholars participated in an extraordinary research experience with Loris Malaguzzi and the educators of the Diana School in Reggio Emilia, Italy. They were studying “cooperation”— how preschool educators promoted collaboration and community in their classrooms and schools—and they used videotapes of classroom episodes to provoke teachers to reflect on the meanings suggested by the actions of themselves and others. In October 1990 the three traveled to Reggio Emilia and spent several days with the Italian educators.
The Diana School faculty viewed these encounters as powerful opportunities for their own professional development through the documentation process, rather than simply as passive participation in a research project. Loris Malaguzzi, founding director of the Reggio early education system, was a dazzling philosophical intellect, and at the same time such a grounded, empathic, and perceptive person, that even today the force of his presence and the way he worked with teachers, pedagogiste, atelieriste, and outside researchers is vividly remembered. This document presents in book form the entire record of the data collection in Reggio Emilia, focusing on interpretations of classroom videos of children. In addition to Loris Malaguzzi, participants included Sergio Spaggiari, Tiziana Filippini, Vea Vecchi, Paola Strozzi, Giulia Notari, Laura Rubizzi, Marina Castagnetti, Magda Bondavalli, Marina Mori, and the American team of Carolyn Edwards, Lella Gandini, and John Nimmo.
This striking example of Malaguzzi’s work and philosophy-in-practice has not previously been available to the scholarly community or to the public interested in the history of the Reggio Emilia educational experience. Its round-table discussions and dialogues reveal valuable insights into the ways young children can be encouraged towards cooperative learning experiences, with implications far beyond the particular curriculum at hand. The editors’ commitment to progressive education and to the rights and potential of all children worldwide has led them to share this rich record of the experience, so that current readers and those yet to come can glimpse the brilliant minds at work during this era (1990), and as it were, “listen in” on the fascinating discussions that were held on the topic of “cooperation.”
Resilient Russian Women in the 1920s & 1930s
Marcelline Hutton
The stories of Russian educated women, peasants, prisoners, workers, wives, and mothers of the 1920s and 1930s show how work, marriage, family, religion, and even patriotism helped sustain them during harsh times.
The Russian Revolution launched an economic and social upheaval that released peasant women from the control of traditional extended families. It promised urban women equality and created opportunities for employment and higher education. Yet, the revolution did little to eliminate Russian patriarchal culture, which continued to undermine women’s social, sexual, economic, and political conditions. Divorce and abortion became more widespread, but birth control remained limited, and sexual liberation meant greater freedom for men than for women. The transformations that women needed to gain true equality were postponed by the poverty of the new state and the political agendas of leaders like Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin.
The defunct economy and widespread famine, disease, and misery of the 1920s and the policies of collectivization and terror of the 1930s make those decades dark periods in Russian history, as Bolshevik male-dominated work culture triumphed and women’s needs and voices were ultimately silenced. When Russian society chooses to revisit those times, it will find in the remarkable poetry and prose of these resilient women plentiful evidence of the everyday horrors, struggles, and disappointments the people endured.
Women featured include Aida Basevich, Aleksandra Exter, Alexandra Berg, Alexandra Kollontai, Alexandra Tolstoy, Anna Akhmatova, Anna Balashova, Anna Barkova, Anna Bek, Anna Larina, Anna Ostroumova Lebedeva, Ekaterina Strogova, Elena Ponomarenko, Elena Skrjabina, Evgenia Ginzburg, Galina Shtange, Helen Dmitriew, Hilda Schulz Mielke, Irina Tidmarsh, Kyra Karadja, Larisa Lappo-Danilevskaia, Larisa Reisner, Lidiia Seifullina, Liubov Popova, Liubov Shaporina, Louise Huebert, Lydia Chukovskaya, Lydia Ginzburg, Lydia Seifullina, Margaret Wettlin, Marguerite Harrison, Maria Orlova, Olga Orlova, Maria Andrievskaya, Maria Astafeva, Maria Joffe, Maria Shkapskaya, Maria Spiridonova, Marie Avinov, Marietta Shaginian, Marina Tsvetaeva, Markoosha Fischer, Nadezhda Mandelstam, Nadezhda Udaltsova, Natalia Sats , Nelly Ptashkina, Nina Berberova, Nina Kosterina, Olga Berggolts, Olga Forsh, Olga Freidenberg, Olga Sliozberg, Praskovya Pichugina, Sofia Pavlova, Tatiana Izyumova, Tatiana Tchernavin, Valentina Kamyshina, Valentina Petrova, Valeria Gerlin, Varvara Stepanova, Vera Broido, Vera Inber, Vera Panova, Yelena Sidorkina, and Zinaida Serebriakova.
Marcelline Hutton is the author of Remarkable Russian Women in Pictures, Prose and Poetry (2013), Falling in Love with the Baltics (2009), and Russian and West European Women, 1860–1939 (2001).
Cover: Ignaty Nivinsky (1881–1933), Zhenshiny, idite v kooperatsiyu [Women, Join the Cooperatives] (Moscow: VTsSPO, 1918).
Zea Books Lincoln, Nebraska
At Home and at Large in the Great Plains: Essays and Memories
Paul A. Johnsgard
This volume presents fourteen essays (some updated) that originally appeared in Prairie Fire, a monthly free newspaper that for seven years (as of 2015) has carried important messages of social, environmental, and economic issues in a mature and nonpartisan manner to tens of thousands of residents of Nebraska, western Iowa, eastern Colorado, and southern South Dakota, and by mail to subscribers in the rest of the world. These essays discuss the North American east-west ecological boundaries, spring migration events, birds at the bird feeder, feathered survivors of a glacial past, the threatened sharp-tailed grouse of Nebraska and South Dakota, and the increasingly palpable effects of climate change on bird species distribution. A central section recalls some “sacred places” of the Great Plains: Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, the Ashfall Fossil Beds, Squaw Creek Refuge, the Hutton Niobrara Ranch Sanctuary, and Yellowstone National Park. Reflections on our troubled coexistence with mountain lions and grizzly bears and a recollection of crane season in Wyoming round out the selections. The collection also includes an updated and expanded version of an informal autobiography, “My Life in Biology,” written at the request of the Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union and published in 2010 in the Nebraska Bird Review. To this is added a current and comprehensive list of all published writings of a man who modestly describes himself as “probably the world’s most prolific living author of ornithological and natural history literature.”
Birding Nebraska’s Central Platte Valley and Rainwater Basin
Paul A. Johnsgard
Central Nebraska's Platte River and Rainwater Basin are primary stops in the migration patterns of numerous North American waterfowl, including sandhill and whooping cranes, sandpipers, geese, ducks, gulls, and shorebirds of many types. Upland species also abound there as well. The region's most eminent ornithologist provides birding and travel information for casual tourists and hard-core enthusiasts: locations, seasons, events, routes, accommodations, contacts, etc. A complete species list is also included. This birders' guide is as essential as your boots and binoculars.
The central Platte River Valley region, as defined by Brown & Johnsgard (2012) and adopted here, encompasses 12 south-central Nebraska counties and 9,745 square miles, from the western edge of Lincoln County to the eastern edge of Merrick County. The associated counties include Adams, Buffalo, Clay, Dawson, Frontier, Gosper, Hall, Hamilton, Kearney, Lincoln, Merrick and Phelps counties This region overlaps substantially with the Rainwater Basin in Adams, Clay, Gosper, Hall, Kearney, and Hamilton counties. The Rainwater Basin extends over some 4,400 square miles in area, from Gosper County east and north to Fillmore, York and Polk counties, and southeast to include northern parts of Franklin, Nuckolls, and Thayer counties (Map. I).
The central Platte Valley provides some of the best spring birding opportunities in all of North America; for most of March about seven million waterfowl and about half a million sandhill cranes pour into the region, remaining until late March in the case of the waterfowl and about the second week of April in the case of the sandhill cranes. As the last sandhill cranes are leaving, Whooping cranes begin to arrive, as do the earlier shorebirds, continuing the amazing spring spectacle until about the middle of May.
'The Rainwater Basin is just as attractive as the Platte Valley during early spring, when snow meltwaters accumulate in the clay-rich lowlands and an estimated 7-9 million ducks and 2-3 million geese pass through. These flocks include up to 80 percent of the mid-continental greater white-fronted goose population, 50 percent of the mid-continental mallard population, and 30 percent of the entire continent's northern pintail population. Increasing numbers of snow geese also use the region each spring, the numbers often exceeding two million birds.
Global Warming and Population Responses among Great Plains Birds
Paul A. Johnsgard
Based on an analysis of 47 years (1967–2014) of Audubon Christmas Bird Counts (CBC), evidence for population changes and shifts in early winter (late December) ranges of nearly 150 species of birds in the Great Plains states is summarized, a region defined as including the Dakotas, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and the Texas panhandle. The rationale for this study had its origins in Terry Root’s 1988 Atlas of North American Wintering Birds. Root’s landmark study provided a baseline for evaluating the nationwide winter distributions of 253 North American birds in the mid-20th century, using data from the National Audubon Society’s annual CBC surveys from 1962–63 through 1971–72. A later summary (P. A. Johnsgard and Tom Shane, Four Decades of Christmas Bird Counts in the Great Plains: Ornithological Evidence of a Changing Climate, 2009) provided range maps and quantitative population data (expressed as the average number of birds tallied per party-hour) for all 210 species reported from the 1967–8 to the 2006–7 CBC, on a decade-to-decade basis. The present analysis includes all of the 40 annual CBC surveys from the 1967–8 to the 2006–7 counts, plus the results of the most recent 2013–14 CBC. The present summary quantitatively describes the early winter abundance for 147 of the most commonly encountered regional species, illustrating their temporal changes in geographic distributions and relative abundance between 1967 and 2014.
Over this 47-year period there has been a progressive winter warming trend regionally, and associated ecological changes, influencing the early winter regional abundance and geographic distributions of many birds. The great majority these changes have involved northward shifts in early winter distributions. Over this approximate half-century interval at least six species (Canada goose, mallard, black-capped chickadee, American goldfinch, and house finch) have shifted their areas of greatest early winter abundance two states northward, and the centers of maximum abundance of at least ten other species have shifted northward by at least one state. Milder and less stressful early winter temperatures, with associated extended periods of ice-free water and greater access to snow free foraging sites, are believed to be responsible. These recent population shifts have been most evident in the northern half of the region, where increases in mean January temperatures have been greatest. Nearly all of these population and distributional changes can be attributed to recent climate changes in the Great Plains. Approximately 500 literature citations are included
Sobrevivimos … al fin hablo
Leon Malmed
Esta es la historia real de Leon Malmed quien, junto a su hermana Rachel, escapó de Francia durante la época del Holocausto gracias a sus valientes y heroicos vecinos quienes, después de haber presenciado el arresto de los padres de nuestro protagonista en 1942, se ofrecieron a cuidarlo a él y a su hermana hasta que regresaran. Primero, los padres de Leon fueron llevados a Drancy, después a Auschwitz-Birkenau, y nunca volvieron. Mientras tanto sus vecinos, que vivían en el piso de abajo, Henri y Suzanne Ribouleau, los acogieron dándoles un hogar y una familia; protegiéndolos mientras la ocupación los amenazaba, los bombardeaba y los acorralaba durante esta época de escasez y guerra. La valentía, simpatía y dedicación de los Ribouleau, y otros, contrasta con la colaboración y debilidad moral de las autoridades francesas de la época. Leon y Rachel llegaron a los Estados Unidos después de la guerra, pero siempre mantuvieron una fuerte conexión con “Papé Henri” y “Mamá Suzanne”, quienes recibieron el honor de “Virtuosos entre las Naciones” por Yad Vashem en 1977. El autor entrega su alma en esta historia de amor y valor, en un mundo donde prevalecía la tragedia, el temor, la injusticia, el prejuicio y la mayor desgracia moral de nuestros tiempos. Esta es la historia, con elementos de humor, donde el bien, una vez más, triunfa sobre el mal.
Historical Common Names of Great Plains Plants, with Scientific Names Index. Volume I: Common Names
Elaine Nowick
Containing thousands of entries of both vernacular and scientific names of Great Plains plants, the literature that informs this exhaustive listing spans nearly 300 years. Author Elaine Nowick has drawn from sources as diverse as Linnaeus, Lewis and Clark, and local university extension publications to compile the gamut of practical, and often fanciful, common plant names used over the years. Each common name is accompanied by a definitive scientific name with references and authority information. Interspersed with scientifically-correct botanical line drawings, the entries are written in standard ICBN format, making this a useful volume for scholars as well as lay enthusiasts alike.
Volume 1 presents, in alphabetical order, all the historical common names of plants recorded in Great Plains flora, herbaria, and botanical collections, together with the scientific names of species to which those common names have been applied.
Historical Common Names of Great Plains Plants, with Scientific Names Index. Volume II: Scientific Names Index
Elaine Nowick
Containing thousands of entries of both vernacular and scientific names of Great Plains plants, the literature that informs this exhaustive listing spans nearly 300 years. Author Elaine Nowick has drawn from sources as diverse as Linnaeus, Lewis and Clark, and local university extension publications to compile the gamut of practical, and often fanciful, common plant names used over the years. Each common name is accompanied by a definitive scientific name with references and authority information. Interspersed with scientifically-correct botanical line drawings, the entries are written in standard ICBN format, making this a useful volume for scholars as well as lay enthusiasts alike.
Volume 2 indexes the scientific names of those species, followed by listings of all the common names applied to them. Both volumes refer the common and scientific names back to a list of 190 pertinent authoritative sources.
Estudios en Biodiversidad, Volumen I
Griselda Pulido-Flores, Scott Monks, and Maritza López-Herrera
Este libro es el producto del trabajo colegiado que han desarrollado los profesores, investigadores, y estudiantes que conforman la Red Temática de Calidad Ambiental y Desarrollo Sustentable, a través del macroproyecto “Evaluación del impacto ambiental por actividades antropogénicas: Alternativas de mitigación”. El cual fue apoyado con recursos financieros por parte del Programa para el Desarrollo Profesional Docente (PRODEP), de la Secretaria de Educación Pública (SEP) en México. Las instituciones de educación superior y cuerpos participantes en la red temática son la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo (Uso, Manejo y Conservación de la Biodiversidad UAEHCA- 10; Ciencias Ambientales UAEH-CA-59); Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero (Recursos Naturales Marinos y Costeros UAGRO-CA-143; Ambiente y Desarrollo Regional UAGRO-CA-29; Procesos Sociales, Económicos y Políticos en el Desarrollo Regional UAGRO-CA-110); Benemerita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (Desarrollo Sustentable BUAP-CA-165; Evaluación, Manejo y Conservación de Sistemas Agroproductivos y Forestales BUAP-CA-93; Ingeniería en materiales BUAP-CA-177); Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas (Biología Experimental en Plantas UAZ-CA-131); Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (Biotecnología Integral UABC-CA-51); Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas (Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable UAT-CA-29). Cada una de las contribuciones giran entorno al conocimiento de la biodiversidad, manejo y conservación de los recursos naturales de algunas entidades federativas de México; particularmente de Hidalgo, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Baja California, Tamaulipas, Zacatecas y Puebla.
Most books are available in paperback print editions at https://www.lulu.com/spotlight/unllib
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