Content Posted in 2009
Hexapod Herald – Volume 19, Number 5, November 2007
Hexapod Herald – Volume 20, Number 1, February 2008
Hexapod Herald – Volume 20, Number 2, April 2008
Hexapod Herald – Volume 20, Number 3, July 2008
Hexapod Herald – Volume 20, Number 4, September 2008
Hexapod Herald – Volume 20, Number 5, November 2008
Hexapod Herald – Volume 21, Number 1, January 2009
Hexapod Herald – Volume 21, Number 2, March 2009
Hexapod Herald – Volume 21, Number 3, May 2009
Hexapod Herald – Volume 21, Number 4, July 2009
Hexapod Herald – Volume 26, Number 4, October 2004
Higgins Eye Pearlymussel (Lampsilis higginsii) Recovery Plan: First Revision
High Abundance of Nesting Long-Eared Owls in North Dakota, Robert K. Murphy, Laura J. Rosenfield, Robert N. Rosenfield, and Melvin P. Nenneman
High dispersal in a frog species suggests that it is vulnerable to habitat fragmentation, W. Chris Funk, Allison E. Greene, Paul Stephen Corn, and Fred W. Allendorf
Higher Education and Information Literacy: A Case Study of Tai Solarin University of Education, C. Amalahu, O.O.E. Oluwasina, and O.A. Laoye
HIGH-IMPACT, ENERGY-ABSORBING VEHICLE BARRIER SYSTEM : United States Patent 7,410,320 B2, Ronald K. Faller, Dean L. Sicking, John R. Rohde, John D. Reid, Robert W. Bielenberg, James C. Holloway, and Karla A. Polivka
HIGH-IMPACT, ENERGY-ABSORBING VEHICLE BARRIER SYSTEM: U.S. Patent No. US 6,926,461 B1, Ronald K. Faller, Dean L. Sicking, John R. Rohde, A. Keller, Robert W. Bielenberg, James C. Holloway, Kenneth H. Addink, and Karla A. Polivka
Highly resolved absolute cross-sections for dissociative electron attachment to SF5CF3, K. Graupner, L. M. Graham, T. A. Field, C. A. Mayhew, Ilya I. Fabrikant, T. M. Miller, M. Braun, M.-W. Ruf, and H. Hotop
High Plains Regional Aquifer Study Revisited: A 20-Year Retrospective for Western Kansas, Jeffrey Peterson and Daniel Bernardo
High school teacher perceptions of the Student Assistance Team process, Jeffrey L Stoehr
High Temperature Dilute Acid Pretreatment of Coastal Bermudagrass, Arthur Redding, Deepak R. Keshwani, Ziyu Wang, and Jay J. Cheng
High-Yielding Corn Response to Applied Phosphorus, Potassium, and Sulfur in Nebraska, Charles S. Wortmann, Achim R. Dobermann, Richard B. Ferguson, Gary W. Hergert, Charles Shapiro, D. D. Tarkalson, and Daniel T. Walters
H I in Early-Type Galaxies. II. Mass Loss and Galactic Winds, S. M. Faber and J. S. Gallagher
Hiring the Reference Librarian: An Examination of Duty Equivalents, Beatrice Priestly
Hispanic Immigration to the United States, Örn B. Bodvarsson and Hendrik F. Van den Berg
Historical and Recent Records and First Nest Records of Henslow's Sparrow in North Dakota, Jill A. Shaffer, Lawrence D. Igl, and Frédérick Vanhove
Historical Letters from Father De Smet, Father De Smet
Historical Perspective and Contribution of US Researchers into the Field of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis (SHS)/Combustion Synthesis (CS): Personal Reflections, J. W. McCauley and J. A. Puszynski
Historical Recollections In and About Otoe County
History, current status, and collaborative researchprojects for Bemisia tabaci, M. R. V. Oliveira, T. J. Henneberry, and P. Anderson
History of Food Acceptance Research in the US Army, Herbert L. Meiselman and Howard G. Schutz
History of Greater Sage-grouse in the Dakotas: Distribution and Population Trends, Joe T. Smith, Lester D. Flake, Kenneth F. Higgins, and Gerald D. Kobriger
History of Omaha Indians, Henry Fontenelle
Hitler's "Whiff of Champagne": Curt Goetz and Celebrity in the Third Reich, William Grange
Hole diffusion profile in a p-p+ silicon homojunction determined by terahertz and midinfrared spectroscopic ellipsometry, Tino Hofmann, C. M. Herzinger, T. E. Tiwald, J. A. Woollam, and Mathias Schubert
Holocene carbon burial by lakes in SW Greenland, N. J. Anderson, W. D'Andrea, and Sherilyn C. Fritz
Holocene lake-level trends in the Rocky Mountains, USA, Bryan Shuman, Anna K. Henderson, Steven M. Colman, Jeffery R. Stone, Sherilyn C. Fritz, Lora R. Stevens, Mitchell J. Power, and Cathy Whitlock
Holocene loess deposition and soil formation as competing processes, Matanuska Valley, southern Alaska, Daniel R. Muhs, John P. McGeehin, Jossh Beann, and Eric Fisher
Holocene Multidecadal- to Millennial-Scale Hydrologic Variability on the South American Altiplano, Erick Ekdahl, Sherilyn C. Fritz, Paul Baker, Catherine Rigsby, and Kirstin Coley
Home Range and Habitat Use of Feral Hogs (Sus scrofa) on Lowndes County WMA, Alabama, Wesson Gaston, James B. Armstrong, Wendy Arjo, and H. Lee Stribling
Home Ranges and Habitat Selection of White-Tailed Deer in a Suburban Nature Area in Eastern Nebraska, Scott Hygnstrom and Kurt C. VerCauteren
Homologous and Heterologous Reconstitution of Golgi to Chloroplast Transport and Protein Import into the Complex Chloroplasts of Euglena, Silvia Sláviková, Rostislav Vacula, Zhiwei Fang, Tomoko Ehara, Tetsuaki Osafune, and Steven D. Schwartzbach
Homosexuals and the Death Penalty in Colonial America, Louis Crompton
Host range of Tetramesa romana Walker (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae), a potential biological control of giant reed, Arundo donax L. in North America, John A. Goolsby and Patrick Moran
Host specificity of divergent populations of the leaf beetle Diorhabda elongata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), a biological control agent of saltcedar (Tamarix spp.), Lindsey R. Milbrath and C. Clark DeLoach
Host specificity of the leaf beetle, Diorhabda elongata deserticola (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) from Asia, a biological control agent for saltcedars (Tamarix: Tamaricaceae) in the Western United States, C. Jack DeLoach, Phil A. Lewis, John C. Herr, Raymond I. Carruthers, James L. Tracy, and Joye Johnson
Host–Symbiont Stability and Fast Evolutionary Rates in an Ant–Bacterium Association: Cospeciation of Camponotus Species and Their Endosymbionts, Candidatus Blochmannia, Patrick H. Degnan, Adam B. Lazarus, Chad D. Brock, and Jennifer J. Wernegreen
Hot Digital Projects: The Encore Experience, Joan Giesecke
Hot Potato: Who Will End Up Paying for Open Access?, Sue Ann Gardner
House Mouse Damage to Insulation, Scott E. Hygnstrom
How Archaeology Affects the Study of Texts: Reflections on the Category ''Rewritten Bible" at Qumran, Sidnie White Crawford
How Can I Help An Older Person Who May Have a Mental Illness?, Kathy Bosch
How Divorce Affects Children: Developmental Stages, Cindy Strasheim
How Does Age Affect Baseline Screening Mammography Performance Measures? A Decision Model, James Keen and John D. Keen
How does water freeze inside carbon nanotubes?, Kenichiro Koga, G.T. Gao, Hideki Tanaka, and Xiao Cheng Zeng
How Do Plant Populations Affect Yield?, Drew J. Lyon
How Long Does Standing Estrus Last After Initial Boar Exposure When Heat Checking?, Donald G. Levis and Paul H. Hemsworth
How new, full -time, fire technology instructors in California community colleges learned about the teaching/learning process: A mixed methods study, Clifford W Hadsell
How Should the Effectiveness of the EPPP Be Judged?, David DiLillo and George C. Tremblay
How the Public Views the State Courts (1999 National Survey)
How to Improve Critical Thinking Skills in the Media Tsrategy Course by Implementing an Online Peer Learning Component, Frauke Hachtmann
HTLV-III Serology in Hemophilia: Relationship with Immunologic Abnormalities, Joan C. Gill, Jay E. Menitove, Philip R. Anderson, James T. Casper, Sushilkumar G. Devare, Charles Wood, Stuart Adair, James Casey, Christi Scheffel, and Robert R. Montgomery
Human Herpesvirus 8 as a Potential Sexually Transmitted Agent in Honduras, C. Sosa, W. Klaskala, B. Chandran, R. Soto, L. Sieczkowski, M. H. Wu, M. Baum, and Charles Wood
Human Herpesvirus Type 8 DNA Sequences in Cell-Free Plasma and Mononuclear Cells of Kaposi's Sarcoma Patients, William J. Harrington, Omar Bagasra, Carlos E. Sosa, Lisa E. Bobroski, Marianna Baum, Xue Lan Wen, Lisa Cabral, Gerald E. Byrne, Roger J. Pomerantz, and Charles Wood
Human nature: A complete life story for jazz orchestra and symphony orchestra, Jeffrey W Richmond
Human performance reliability: On-line assessment using fuzzy logic, William J. Kolarik, Jeffrey C. Woldstad, Susan Lu, and Huitian Lu
Human Reactions to Today's Economic Realities: Some Thoughts, Bruce B. Johnson
Human Trafficking: A Growing Criminal Market in the U.S., James O. Finckenauer and Jennifer Schrock
Human Trafficking: Better Data, Strategy, and Reporting Needed to Enhance U.S. Antitrafficking Efforts Abroad, United States Government Accountability Office
Human Trafficking Legislation Across the States: The Determinants of Comprehensiveness, Vanessa Bouche and Dana Wittmer
Human Trafficking: Mail Order Bride Abuses, Committee on Foreign Relations - United States Senate
Human Trafficking: Monitoring and Evaluation of International Projects Are Limited, but Experts Suggest Improvements, United States Government Accountability Office
Human Trafficking Webliography, Anchalee (Joy) Panigabutra-Roberts
Hyaluronan Synthase of Chlorella Virus PBCV-1, Paul L. DeAngelis, Wei Jing, Michael V. Graves, Dwight E. Burbank, and James L. Van Etten
Hybridization among Three Native North American Canis Species in a Region of Natural Sympatry, Frank Hailer and Jennifer A. Leonard
Hybridization among Three Native North American Canis Species in a Region of Natural Sympatry, Frank Hailer and Jennifer A. Leonard
Hybrid Zones, Genetic Isolation, and Systematics of Pocket Gophers (Genus Geomys) in Nebraska., Hugh H. Genoways, Meredith J. Hamilton, Darin M. Bell, Ryan R. Chambers, and Robert T. Bradley
Hydraulic Conditions Required to Move Unanchored Residue Materials, John E. Gilley, E. R. Kottwitz, and G. A. Wieman
Hydraulic Considerations for Pipelines Crossing Stream Channels, Jim Fogg and Heidi Hadley
Hydraulic Risk of Flood Disaster Reduction at Dams, Shou-shan Fan
Hydraulics of Perforated Irrigation Trail Tube, John E. Gilley and Jan Feyen
Hydraulic Structures Versus Zebra Mussels, John J. Ingram and Andrew C. Miller
Hydrodynamic Forces and Evolution of a Nearshore Berm at South Padre Island, Texas, James A. Aidala, Cheryl E. Burke, and T. Neil McLellan
Hydrodynamics for Water Quality Models, Mark Dortch and Billy Johnson
Hydrogen Sulfide Gas Levels Post Feeding, Sarah J. Vanness, Nathan Meyer, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
Hydrographic Surveys for Six Water Bodies in Eastern Nebraska, 2005–07, Michaela R. Johnson, Michael J. Andersen, and Sonja K. Sebree
Hydrological Effects and Groundwater Fluctuations in Interdunal Environments in the Nebraska Sandhills, David Gosselin, Venkataramana Sridhar, F. Edwin Harvey, and James Goeke
Hyperphosphorylation of the Asialoglycoprotein Receptor in Isolated Rat Hepatocytes Following Ethanol Administration, Benita L. McVicker, Dean J. Tuma, and Carol A. Casey
HyPro: A Financial Tool for Simulating Hydrogen Infrastructure Development, Brian D. James, Peter O. Schmidt, and Julie Perez
Ice Sheets and Sea Level, Johannes Oerlemans, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, Valérie Masson-Delmotte, Jonathan T. Overpeck, Bette L. Otto-Bliesner, Gifford H. Miller, Richard B. Alley, Daniel R. Muhs, and Shawn J. Marshall
Ichthyology of the Lakes of Nicaragua: Historical Perspective, Jaime Villa
IDEA: An Infrastructure for Detection-based Adaptive Consistency Control in Replicated Services, Yijun Lu, Ying Lu, and Hong Jiang
IDEA: An Infrastructure for Detection-based Adaptive Consistency Control in Replicated Services, Yijun Lu, Ying Lu, and Hong Jiang
IDEAS: An Identity-based Security Architecture for Large-scale and High-performance Storage Systems, Zhongying Niu, Ke Zhou, Hong Jiang, Dan Feng, and Tianming Yang
Identification and analysis of a conserved immunoglobulin E-binding epitope in soybean G1a and G2a and peanut Ara h 3 glycinins, Ping Ziang, Tom A. Beardslee, Michael G. Zeece, John P. Markwell, and Gautam Sarath
Identification and characterization of a cadmium-transporting P-type ATPase in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, David James Adle
Identification and Characterization of a Human Herpesvirus 6 Gene Segment That trans Activates the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Promoter, Yunqi Geng, Bala Chandran, Steven Josephs, and Charles Wood
Identification and characterization of human holocarboxylase synthetase/protein interactions at the molecular level, Yousef Ismail Hassan
Identification and Characterization of the Bovine Immunodeficiency-Like Virus tat Gene, Zhen-Qian Liu, Deborah Sheridan, and Charles Wood
Identification of 24 polymorphic microsatellite markers for the double-crested cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus), Jennifer A. Fike, Travis L. DeVault, and Olin E. Rhodes
Identification of a candidate gene for the wheat endopeptidase Ep-D1 locus and two other STS markers linked to the eyespot resistance gene Pch1, Jeffrey M. Leonard, Christy J. W. Watson, Arron H. Carter, Jennifer L. Hansen, Robert S. Zemetra, Dipak K. Santra, Kimberly G. Campbell, and Oscar Riera-Lizarazu
Identification of a Cellular Protein That Interacts and Synergizes with the RTA (ORF50) Protein of Kaposi’s Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus in Transcriptional Activation, Shizhen Wang, Shuhong Liu, Ming-Hoi Wu, Yunqi Geng, and Charles Wood
Identification of an Epithelial-Specific Enhancer Regulating ESX Expression, Richard M. Neve, Hema Parmar, Cliff Amend, Chira Chen, Angie Rizzino, and Christopher C. Benz
Identification of a Novel System for Boron Transport: Atr1 Is a Main Boron Exporter in Yeast, Alaattin Kaya, Huseyin C. Karakaya, Dmitri E. Fomenko, Vadim N. Gladyshev, and Ahmet Koc
Identification of chicken-specific fecal microbial sequences using a metagenomic approach, Jingrang Lu, Jorge Santo Domingo, and Orin Shanks
Identification of Chromosomes that Condition Dhurrin Content in Sorghum Seedlings, H. J. Gorz, Francis A. Haskins, R. Morris, and B. E. Johnson
Identification of Chromosomes with Secondary Constrictions in Melilotus Species, S. E. Schlarbaum, L. B. Johnson, Herman J. Gorz, and Francis A. Haskins
Identification of Francisella tularensis subsp. tularensis A1 and A2 Infections by Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction, Claudia R. Molins, Jennifer K. Carlson, Jana Coombs, and Jeannine M. Petersen
Identification of Functional Subclasses in the DJ-1 Superfamily Proteins, Ying Wei, Dagmar Ringe, Mark A. Wilson, and Mary Jo Ondrechen
Identification of Guanylate Cyclases and Related Signaling Proteins in Sperm Tail from Sea Stars by Mass Spectrometry, Mia Nakachi, Midori Matsumoto, Philip M. Terry, Ronald L. Cerny, and Hideaki Moriyama
Identification of tetragonal and cubic structures of zirconia using synchrotron x-radiation source, Ram Srinivasan, Robert J. De Angelis, Gene Ice, and Burtron H. Davis
Identifying Fecal Sources in a Selected Catchment Reach Using Multiple Source-Tracking Tools, Jason R. Vogel, Donald M. Stoeckel, Regina Lamendella, Ronald B. Zelt, Jorge W. Santo Domingo, Steven R. Walker, and Daniel B. Oerther
Identifying Potential Conflict Associated with Oil and Gas Exploration in Texas State Coastal Waters: A Multi-criteria Spatial Analysis, Samuel Brody, Himanshu Grover, Sarah Bernhardt, Zhenghong Tang, Bianca Whitaker, and Colin Spence
Identity and Distribution of Residues of Energetic Compounds at Army Live-Fire Training Ranges, Thomas F. Jenkins, Alan D. Hewitt, Clarence L. Grant, Sonia Thiboutot, Guy Ampleman, Marianne E. Walsh, Thomas A. Ranney, Charles A. Ramsey, Antonio J. Palazzo, and Judith C. Pennington
Identity Orientation, Voice, and Judgments of Procedural Justice During Late Adolescence, Mark R. Fondacaro, Eve M. Brank, Jennifer Stuart, Sara Villanueva-Abraham, Jennifer Luescher, and Penny S. McNatt
IDF: an Inconsistency Detection Framework – Performance Modeling and Guide to Its Design, Yijun Lu, Xueming Li, and Hong Jiang
"I don't kiss on the first date": Symbolic convergence through women's ritualistic watching of reality -dating television, Elizabeth N Ribarsky
“I don’t want to be selling my soul”: Two Experiments in Environmental Economics, Natalia V. Ovchinnikova, Hans J. Czap, Gary D. Lynne, and Christopher W. Larimer
IGC Fabrication and TEM Characterization of Mn Nanoparticles, Xingzhong Li, Zhiguang Sun, and David J. Sellmyer
III. Phase Change by Reflection – Primarily in the Ultra-Violet, Oliver Gish
Ileocolitis Associated with Anaerobiospirillum in Cats, H. E. V. De Cock, S. L. Marks, B. A. Stacy, T. S. Zabka, J. Burkitt, G. Lu, David J. Steffen, and Gerald E. Duhamel
Illinois Central College Student Interviews (Video)
ILMDA: Intelligent Learning Materials Delivery Agents, Leen-Kiat Soh, L.D. Miller, Todd Blank, and Suzette Person
Image Interpolation by Two-Dimensional Parametric Cubic Convolution, Jiazheng Shi and Stephen E. Reichenbach
Immersion Tolerance in Rangeland Grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae), Mathew Brust, W. W. Hoback, and Robert J. Wright
Immobilization of a Catalytic DNA Molecular Beacon on Au for Pb(II) Detection, Carla B. Swearingen, Daryl P. Wernette, Donald M. Cropek, Yi Lu, Jonathan V. Sweedler, and Paul W. Bohn
Immobilization of Swift Foxes with Ketamine Hydrochloride-Xylazine Hydrochloride, Rebecca L. Telesco and Marsha A. Sovada
Immune Responses to Methamphetamine by Active Immunization with Peptide-Based, Molecular Adjuvant-Containing Vaccines, Michael J. Duryee, Rick A. Bevins, Carmela M. Reichel, Jennifer E. Murray, Yuxiang Dong, Geoffrey M. Thiele, and Sam D. Sanderson
Immune Suppression in Calves with Bovine Immunodeficiency Virus, Shucheng Zhang, Charles Wood, Wenzhi Xue, Samuel Krukenberg, Qimin Chen, and Harish Minocha
Immunochemical Studies of Conjugates of Isomaltosyl Oligosaccharides to Lip I. Antigenicity of the Glycolipids and the Production of Specific Antibodies in Rabbits, Charles Wood and Elvin Kabat
Immunochemical studies of digestion resistant Arachis hypogaea 2 (Ara h 2) peptide, Joseph L Baumert
Impact Mechanics and High-Energy Absorbing Materials: Review, Pizhong Qiao, Mijia Yang, and Florin Bobaru
Impact of a New Direct-Fed Microbial on Intake and Ruminal pH, Kelsey Rolfe, Nathan Meyer, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Ryan Mass
Impact of Cooking Method on Quality of Boneless Pork Loin Roasts, Fayrene Hamouz, Judith Batenhorst, Judy A. Driskell, and Roger W. Mandigo
Impact of Feeder and Drinker Designs on Pig Performance, Water Use and Manure Production, Mike Brumm and Jim Dahlquist
Impact of Repeated Out-Of-Feed Events and Fineness of Grind on Grow-Finish Performance, Mike Brumm and Sheryl Colgan
Impact of Snowfall on the Utah Preventive Aerial Hunting Program, Kimberly K . Wagner and Michael R. Conover
Impact of West Nile Virus and Other Mortality Factors on American White Pelicans at Breeding Colonies in the Northern Plains of North America, Marsha A. Sovada, Pamela J. Pietz, Kathryn A. Converse, D. Tommy King, Erik K. Hofmeister, Paulette Scherr, and Hon S. Ip
Impacts of Business Development in Rural Communities, Cheryl DeVuyst, F. Larry Leistritz, and Angela Schepp
Impaired receptor-mediated endocytosis by the asialoglycoprotein receptor in ethanol-fed mice: implications for studying the role of this receptor in alcoholic apoptosis, Shana R. Dalton, Robert L. Wiegert, Cheryl R. Baldwin, Karen M. Kassel, and Carol A. Casey
Implementation of a relationship-based school readiness intervention: A multidimensional approach to fidelity measurement for early childhood, Lisa L. Knoche, Susan M. Sheridan, Carolyn P. Edwards, and Allison Q. Osborn
Implementing SCC Technology in Nebraska—All About Working Together, Mark D. Lafferty
Implications for the dynamic health of a glacier from comparison of conventional and reference-surface balances, W. D. Harrison, L. H. Cox, R. Hock, R. S. March, and E. C. Pettit
Implications of Invasion by Juniperus Virginiana on Small Mammals in the Southern Great Plains, Valerie J. Horncastle; Eric C. Hellgren; Paul M. Mayer; Amy C. Ganguli; David M. Engle; and David M. Leslie, Jr.
Implications of Single-Particle Experiments for Track Theory, Therapy and Radiation Protection, Robert Katz and Francis Cucinotta
Importance and Effect of Nitrogen on Crop Quality and Health, Jürg Blumenthal, David Baltensperger, Kenneth G. Cassman, Stephen Mason, and Alexander Pavlista
Importance of Annealing Times in the PCR Amplification of GC-Rich Genes, Anuradha Subramanian, Tarlan Mamedov, Elsje Pinnear, and Hendrik Viljoen
Importance of Migrating Salmon Smolt in Ring-Billed (Larus delawarensis) and California Gull (L. Californicus) Diets Near Priest Rapids Dam, Washington, Darryl L. York, John L. Cummings, John E. Steuber, Patricia A. Pochop, and Christi A. Yoder
Impressions of Black leadership as informed by the presidential candidacy of Barack Obama: A case study, Donnette Jone Noble
Improved Formulation of a Recombinant Ricin A-Chain Vaccine Iincreases its Stability and Effective Antigenicity, John H. Carra, Robert W. Wannemacher, Ralph F. Tammariello, Changhong Y. Lindsey, Richard E. Dinterman, Rowena D. Schokman, and Leonard A. Smith
Improved Semen Characteristics in Boars Selected for Testis Size, Ying-Tsorn Huang and Rodger K. Johnson
Improved Sugar Conversion and Ethanol Yield for Forage Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) Lines with Reduced Lignin Contents, Bruce S. Dien, Gautam Sarath, Jeffrey F. Pedersen, Scott E. Sattler, Han Chen, Deanna L. Funnell-Harris, Nancy N. Nichols, and Michael A. Cotta
Improved Thermal Predictions in CE-QUAL-W2, Raymond S. Chapman and Thomas M. Cole
Improvement of Perennial Forage Species as Feedstock for Bioenergy, William Anderson, Michael Casler, and Brian Baldwin
Improvement of PVX/CMV CP expression tool for display of short foreign antigens, Angela Natilla and Lev G. Nemchinov
Improvement of Tractor Performance, K. U. Kim, Leonard L. Bashford, and Brent T. Sampson
Improvements in Life Cycle Energy Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Corn-Ethanol, Adam J. Liska, Haishun S. Yang, Virgil R. Bremer, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Daniel T. Walters, Galen Erickson, and Kenneth G. Cassman
Improving Curd-Forming Properties of Homogenized Milk, R. B. Maxcy, W. V. Price, and D. M. Irvine
Improving pilot mental workload classification through feature exploitation and combination: A feasibility study, Jeremy B. Noel; Kenneth W. Bauer, Jr.; and Jeffrey W. Lanning
Improving Predicted Distribution Models for Riverine Species: An Example from Nebraska, Scott P. Sowa, Gust Annis, Michael E. Morey, and A. Garringer
Improving Root Health and Yield of Dry Beans in the Nebraska Panhandle with a New Technique for Reducing Soil Compaction, Robert M. Harveson, John A. Smith, and Walter W. Stroup
Improving the DNA Identification Success Rate of Birdstrike Remains through Better Field Collecting Methods, Faridah Dahlan, Carla J. Dove, and Marcy Heacker
Improving the Efficiency of Water and Energy Use in Nebraska’s Irrigation Soybean Production Systems, James Specht
Improving the writing performance of high school students with Attention Deficit /Hyperactivity Disorder and writing difficulties, Laura Thompson Jacobson
Improving the Writing Performance of High School Students with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Writing Difficulties, Laura Thompson Jacobson
In-Channel Sediment Basins: An Alternative to Dam-Style Debris Basins, Wendy S. Gist, Scott E. Stonestreet, and Ronald R. Copeland
Incidence of Salmonella on Reptiles in the Pet Trade, Casey R. Cain, Drew Tyre, and Dennis Ferraro
Inconsistencies Between Pangean Reconstructions and Basic Climate Controls, Clinton Rowe, David Loope, Robert Oglesby, Rob Van der Voo, and Charles E. Broadwater
Incorporating Hydraulic Structures in an Open-Channel Model, Eric D. Swain
Increased Hippocampal Volume in Schizophrenics' Parents with Ancestral History of Schizophrenia, Josette G. Harris, David A. Young, Donald C. Rojas, Ana Cajade-Law, Ann Scherzinger, Safia Nawroz, Lawrence E. Adler, C. Munro Cullum, Jack Simon, and Robert Freedman
Increased Survival of Western Corn Rootworm on Transgenic Corn within Three Generations of On-Plant Greenhouse Selection, Lisa N. Meihls, Matthew L. Higdon, Blair D. Siegfried, Nicholas J. Miller, Thomas W. Sappington, Mark R. Ellersieck, Terrence A. Spencer, and Bruce E. Hibbard
In Defence of the Professor Who Publishes, Alvin S. Johnson
independent Inheritance of Genes for Dhurrin and Leucoanthocyanidin in a Sorghum Cross, Francis A. Haskins and Herman J. Gorz
Index Selection for Components of Litter Size, David Casey, Tom Rathje, and Rodger K. Johnson
Indiana Wildlife Disease News, Volume 3, Issue 4 – October 2008
Indiana Wildlife Disease News, Volume 4, Issue 1 – February 2009
Indiana Wildlife Disease News, Volume 4, Issue 2 – May 2009
Indian Lands as Critical Habitat for Indian Nations and Endangered Species: Tribal Survival and Sovereignty Come First, Sandi Zellmer
Indian Names of Streams and Localities, Henry Fontenelle
Indirect interaction between two native thistles mediated by an invasive exotic floral herbivore, F. Leland Russell and Svata M. Louda
Individual Differences in Responses to Nicotine: Tracking Changes from Adolescence to Adulthood, Ming Li, Alexa Mead, and Rick A. Bevins
Individualism and civic engagement, Shihyi Albert Chou
Individualized Learning in Universal Basic Education: Implications for the Librarian as Counselor, Emem Paul Udofia
Indo-Portuguese Quilting Tradition: The Cross-Cultural Context, Patrick J. Finn
Induced spin polarization of copper spin 1/2 molecular layers, David Wisbey, Ning Wu, Danqin Feng, A. N. Caruso, J. Belot, Ya. B. Losovyj, E. Vescovo, and Peter A. Dowben
Induction of defense responses in tobacco by the protein Nep1 from Fusarium oxysporum, James C. Jennings, Patricia C. Apel-Birkhold, Norton M. Mock, C. Jacyn Baker, James D. Anderson, and Bryan A. Bailey
Induction of Oxidative Stress in Brain Tissues of Mice after Subchronic Exposure to 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, Ezdihar A. Hassoun, Shawn C. Wilt, Michael J. Devito, Angelique Van Birgelen, Naser Z. Alsharif, Linda S. Bimbaum, and Sidney J. Stoh
Induction of redox sensitive extracellular phenolics during plant–bacterial interactions, C. Jacyn Baker, Bruce D. Whitaker, Daniel P. Roberts, Norton M. Mock, Clifford P. Rice, Kenneth L. Deahl, and Andrey A. Aver'yanov
Industrial Uses of Soyoil: A Market Analysis, Janice L. Callum
Infection of Primary Human Fetal Astrocytes by Human Herpesvirus 6, Jun He, Micheline McCarthy, Yi Zhou, Bala Chandran, and Charles Wood
Influence of Cooperative Wildlife and Fishery Units On Graduate Education and Professional Employment, Rollin D. Sparrowe
Influence of Corn Hybrid and Processing Method on Nutrient Digestibility, Finishing Performance, and Carcass Characteristics, F. W. Harrelson, Matthew K. Luebbe, N. F. Meyer, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, David S. Jackson, and W. A. Fithian
Influence of Corn Hybrid Traits on Digestibility and the Efficiency of Gain in Feedlot Cattle, S. L. Jaeger, Matthe K. Luebbe, C. N. Macken, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, W. A. Fithian, and David S. Jackson
Influence of Developmental Stage of Melilotus infesta Leaves on Resistance to Feeding by the Sweetclover Weevil, W. R. Akeson, G. L. Beland, Francis A. Haskins, and H. J. Gorz
Influence of Dietary Crude Protein Concentration and Source on Potential Ammonia Emissions from Beef Cattle Manure, N. A. Cole, R. N. Clark, R. W. Todd, C. R. Richardson, A. Gueye, L. W. Greene, and K. McBride
Influence of Habitat on Distribution and Abundance of the Eastern Woodrat in Kansas, Jon P. Beckmann, Glennis A. Kaufman, and Donald W. Kaufman
Influence of Iron Supply on Peroxidase Activity and Peroxidase Isozymes in Corn (Zea mays), R. L. Ulmer, Francis A. Haskins, and W. R. Akeson
Influence of Lysobacter enzymogenes Strain C3 on Nematodes, J. Chen, W. H. Moore, Gary Yuen, D. Kobayashi, and E.P. Caswell-Chen
Influence of Radiation Level on Apparent Hydrocyanic Acid Potential of Sorghum Seedlings, Francis A. Haskins, Herman J. Gorz, and R. B. Clark
Influence of Sample Orientation on Prediction of Fresh Ham Lean Content by Electromagnetic Scanning, N. L. Meseck, B. L. Gwartney, Chris R. Calkins, and Phillip Miller
Influence of Sample Treatment on Apparent Hydrocyanic Acid Potential of Sorghum Leaf Tissue, Francis A. Haskins, Herman J. Gorz, R. M. Hill, and J. Brakke Youngquist
Influence of Seed Irradiation with X-Rays and Thermal Neutrons upon Cell Size and Mitotic Activity in Root Tips of Maize, Francis A. Haskins, Merwyn Davidson, and Russell Beers
Influence of Seed Size, Planting Depth, and Companion Crop on Emergence and Vigor of Seedlings in Sweetclover, Francis A. Haskins and Herman J. Gorz
Influence of Snow and Ice Crystal Formation and Accumulation on Mercury Deposition to the Arctic, Thomas A. Douglas, Matthew Sturm, William R. Simpson, Joel D. Blum, Laura Alvarez-Aviles, Gerald J. Keeler, Donald K. Perovich, Abir Biswas, and Kelsey Johnson
Influence of Spectral Composition of Light on cis-trans Interconversion of o- Hydroxycinnamic Acid, Francis A. Haskins and H. J. Gorz
Influence Of Surface Active Agents On Some Lactic Streptococci, R. B. Maxcy
Influence of Tissue Drying on o-Hydroxycinnamic Acid Content in Sweetclover, Francis A. Haskins and Herman J. Gorz
Influence of Various Factors on Aggregation of Peorian Loess by Microorganisms, T. M. McCalla, Francis A. Haskins, and E. F. Frolik
Influence of Wind Generators on Grassland-Breeding Birds, Douglas H. Johnson and Jill A. Shaffer
Influenza Immunization and Subsequent Diagnoses of Group A Streptococcus-Illnesses among U.S. Army Trainees, 2002–2006, Seung-eun Lee, Angelia Eick, Michael S. Bloom, and John F. Brundage
Influenza Vaccination Coverage among Adults with Asthma: Findings from the 2000 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, Earl S. Ford, Seymour G. Williams, David M. Mannino, and Stephen C. Redd
Information about the Nebraska 4-H Camp
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Local Government Administration: The Case of Oshimili North Local Government Area of Delta State, Monday Obaidjevwe Ogbomo
Information for Industry in Nigeria, Yahya Ibrahim Harande
Information for Rural Communities: A Solution for Sustainable Development in the Niger Delta, Abraham Tabor Etebu
Information Needs of Faculty Members and Research Scholars of Chaudhary Charan Singh University: A Case Study, Devendra Kumar
Information Seeking Behavior and User Satisfaction of University Instructors: A Case Study, Muhammad Rafiq
Information-Seeking Behavior: A Study of Panjab University, India, Preeti Mahajan
Information-Seeking Behavior of Law Faculty at Central Law College, Salem, S Thanuskodi
Information Services for Rural Community Development in Nigeria, Yahya Ibrahim Harande
Information Technology and Online Resources in Dental College Libraries of Haryana, Chetan Sharma
Information technology investment methodologies: An investigation into method /technology fit, Jamie L Hamaker
Informe Sobre Los Resultados Del Programa de Investigacion de los Recursos Pesqueros Del Lago de Nicaragua, Instituto de Fomento Nacional
Infrared Absorption Properties of LiH, LiD Mixed Crystals, Sitaram S. Jaswal and John R. Hardy
Infrastructure Support for Controlled Experimentation with Software Testing and Regression Testing Techniques, Hyunsook Do, Sebastian Elbaum, and Gregg Rothermel
Ingesting TEI metadata into Encore at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln: TEI/Encore Task Force Report--University Libraries, June 2009, Charity Martin, Stacy Rickel, Laura Weakly, and Elaine L. Westbrooks
Ingestion of Lead Shot and Aluminum Bands by Bald Eagles During Winter in Nebraska, Gary Lingle and Gary Krapu
Inheritance of Cry1F resistance in laboratory-selected European corn borer and its survival on transgenic corn expressing the Cry1F toxin, E. J. G. Pereira, N. P. Storer, and Blair D. Siegfried
Inheritance of Dhurrin Content in Mature Sorghum Leaves, Herman J. Gorz, Francis A. Haskins, and K. P. Vogel
Inheritance of Flower Color in Musk Thistle (Carduus thoermeri), M. K. McCarty, Francis A. Haskins, and H. J. Gorz
Inheritance of Leucoanthocyanidin Content in Sorghum Leaves, Francis A. Haskins and Herman J. Gorz
Inheritance of Seed and Seedling Color in Sweetclover, H. J. Gorz, James E. Specht, and Francis A. Haskins
Inheritance of Seedling Hydrocyanic Acid Potential and Seed Weight in Sorghum-Sudangrass Crosses, J. F. S. Lamb, Francis A. Haskins, H. J. Gorz, and Kenneth P. Vogel
Inhibition of cysteine and aspartyl proteinases in the alfalfa weevil midgut with biochemical and plant-derived proteinase inhibitors, Stephen E. Wilhite, Thomas C. Elden, Joze Brzin, and Ann C. Smigocki
Inhibition of Hepatic Stellate Cell Collagen Synthesis by N-(Methy1amino)Isobutyric Acid, Thomas L. Freeman, Kusum K. Kharbanda, Dean Tuma, and Mark Milliard
Inhibition of Markers of Hepatic Stellate Cell Activation by the Hormone Relaxin, Robert G. Bennett, Kusum K. Kharbanda, and Dean J. Tuma
Initial Transgressive Phase of Leg 144 Guyots: Evidence of Extreme Sulfate Reduction, Bjørn Buchardt and Mary Anne Holmes
In My Opinion; Extension Circular 0-18-2
Inner-Shell Excitation Spectroscopy of closo-Carboranes, Adam P. Hitchcock, Stephen G. Urquhart, Alex T. Wen, A. L. David Kilcoyne, Tolek Tyliszczak, Eckart Rühl, Nobuhiro Kosugi, John D. Bozek, James T. Spencer, David N. McIlroy, and Peter Dowben
Inoculation of coffee plants with the fungal entomopathogen Beauveria bassiana (Ascomycota: Hypocreales), Francisco Posada, M. Catherine Aime, Stephen W. Peterson, Stephen A. Rehner, and Fernando E. Vega
In Praise of Pattern, Stephen Ramsay
Input-Output and Hybrid Techniques for Real-Time Prediction of Delay and Maximum Queue Length at Signalized Intersections, Anuj Sharma, Darcy M. Bullock, and James A. Bonneson
Inquiry Unplugged: Building on Hackman’s Potential Perils of POB, Fred Luthans and Bruce Avolio
Inscriptive masculinity in Balzac's "Comedie humaine", Alana K Eldrige
Inscriptive Masculinity in Balzac’s Comédie Humaine, Alana K. Eldrige
Insecticides and Pheromones Used in the Midwest. A Short Review, Evelyn Osbourne and Paul Schwartz
Insect Transmission of Plant Pathogens, Rodrigo P. P. Almeida, Astri Wayadande, and Todd Shelly
Insect Visitation and Pollen Deposition in an Invaded Prairie Plant Community, Diane L. Larson, Ronald A. Royer, and Margaret R. Royer
In silico Identification of Genes Involved in Selenium Metabolism: Evidence for a Third Selenium Utilization Trait, Yan Zhang, Anton Turanov, Dolph Hatfield, and Vadim N. Gladyshev
In Situ Characterization of Aluminum-Containing Mineral-Microorganism Aqueous Suspensions Using Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy, Tae Hyun Yoon; Stephen B. Johnson; Karim Benzerara; Colin S. Doyle; Tolek Tyliszczak; David K. Shuh; and Gordon E. Brown, Jr.
In Situ Neutral Detergent Insoluble Nitrogen as a Method for Measuring Forage Protein Degradability, R. Mass, G. P. Lardy, R. J. Grant, and Terry Klopfenstein
In Situ Screening To Optimize Variables in Organic Reactions, David Berkowitz, Mohua Bose, and Sungjo Choi
Institutional Repositories, Paul Royster
Intake and Digestion of Low-Quality Meadow Hay by Steers and Performance of Cows on Native Range When Fed Protein Supplements Containing Various Levels of Corn, D. W. Sanson, D. C. Clanton, and Ivan G. Rush
Integrated Assessment of Temperature Change Impacts on the TVA Reservoir and Power Supply Systems, B. A. Miller; V. Alavian; M. D. Bender; D. J. Benton; P. Ostrowski, Jr.; J. A. Parsly; and M. C. Shiao
Integrated Pest Management of Black Bear Reforestation Damage, Gary Witmer, Dale Nolte, and William Stewart
Integrated Science Assessment for Oxides of Nitrogen and Sulfur – Ecological Criteria, United States Environmental Protection Agency
Integrated Science Assessment for Oxides of Nitrogen — Health Criteria, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Integrating Cognitive Ethology with Cognitive Psychology, Sonja I. Yoerg and Alan Kamil
Integrating Crop, Livestock and Irrigation Technologies to Ensure Food Security and Environmental Quality, Jerry Hatfield, Don Batie, Jon Holzfaster, Mike kelly, and Rick Koelsch
Integrating Modern-Day Slavery into Interdisciplinary First-Year Seminars, Keisha L. Hoerrner and Ruth Goldfine
Integrating SOTL into Instructional and Institutional Processes, Paul Savory
Intellect and Will in Augustine's Confessions, Dan D. Crawford
Intellectual Freedom, David Moshman
Intellectual Property Rights as a Policy Tool for Earth Observation Data in Europe, Frans G. von der Dunk
Interaction Between Bunk Management and Monensin Concentration on Finishing Performance, Feeding Behavior, and Ruminal Metabolism During an Acidosis Challenge with Feedlot Cattle, Galen Erickson, C. T. Milton, K. C. Fanning, R. J. Cooper, R. S. Swingle, J. C. Parrott, G. Vogel, and Terry Klopfenstein
Interaction of Diffuse Competition and Insect Herbivory in Limiting Brittle Prickly Pear Cactus, Opuntia fragilis (Cactaceae), Jutta C. Burger and Svata M. Louda
Interactions Between Insects and Chemical Components of Sweetclover, G. R. Manglitz, Herman J. Gorz, Francis A. Haskins, W. R. Akeson, and G. L. Beland
Interactive Fault Localization Techniques in a Spreadsheet Environment, Joseph R. Ruthruff, Margaret Burnett, and Gregg Rothermel
Intercomparison and sensitivity analysis of Leaf Area Index retrievals from LAI-2000, AccuPAR, and digital hemispherical photography over croplands, S. Garrigues, N. V. Shabanov, K. Swanson, J. T. Morisette, F Baret, and R. B. Myneni
Intercontinental biotic invasions: what can we learn from native populations and habitats?, Qinfeng Guo
Interface-Induced Spin and Dipole Ordering of the Copper Spin ½ Molecule: Bis(4-cyano-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedionato)copper(II), David Wisbey, Ning Wu, Danqin Feng, Anthony N. Caruso, John Belot, Yaroslav Losovyj, Elio Vescovo, and Peter Dowben
Interfaces, Volume 10, Issue 1 - Spring 2008
Interfaces, Volume 8, Issue 1 - Spring 2006
Interfaces, Volume 9, Issue 1 - Spring 2007
Interference Effects in the Memory for Serially Presented Locations in Clark’s Nutcrackers, Nucifraga columbiana, Jody L. Lewis and Alan C. Kamil
Interferon Gamma Enhances Proteasome Activity in Recombinant Hep G2 Cells that Express Cytochrome P4502E1: Modulation by Ethanol, Natalia A. Osna, Dahn L. Clemens, and Terrence M. Donohue Jr.
Inter-Habitat Variation in the Benthos of the Upper Missouri River (North Dakota, USA): Implications for Great River Bioassessment, Ted Angradi, E. William Schweiger, and David Bolgrien
Interleukin-6 and Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha Values in Elk Neonates, Shannon M. Barber-Meyer, Craig R. Johnson, Michael P. Murtaugh, L. David Mech, and P. J. White
Intermediary Service Organizations Providing Personal Assistance Services: Implementation Lessons
Intermittent Turbulence Associated with a Density Current Passage in the Stable Boundary Layer, Jielun Sun, Sean P. Burns, Donald H. Lenschow, Robert Banta, Rob Newsom, Richard Coulter, Stephen Fraiser, Carmen Nappo, Joan Cuxart, William Blumen, Xuhui Lee, and Xin-Zhang Hu
International Farm Youth Exchange in Nebraska
International Organisations as Creators of Space Law: A Few General Remarks, Frans von der Dunk
International Recovery Plan for the Whooping Crane (Grus Americana), Third Revision
International Trade, Consumer Behavior and Trust: Factors Affecting Agribusinesses in Developing Countries, Ronald Hampton, Ingrid Fromm, and Bonani Nyhodo
International Trade (Lesson #1), Robert G. Fuller
International Trafficking in Persons: Taking Action to Eliminate Modern-Day Slavery, U.S. House of Representatives Committee on International Relations
Interpretation of Anomalies in the Raman Spectrum of K2SeO4 in Terms of Oxygen Sublattice Disorder, Nestor Massa, Frank Ullman, and John R. Hardy
Interrelationships Among Photosynthesis, Respiration, and Movement of Carbon in Developing Crops, Volkmar Stoy
Intersections of Place, Time, and Entertainment in Rural Nebraska in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries, Rebecca A. Buller
Intersections of place, time, and entertainment in rural Nebraska in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Rebecca A Buller
Interval Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci for Corky Ringspot Disease Resistance in a Tetraploid Population of Potato (Solanum tuberosum subsp. tuberosum), Dong-Man Khu, Jim Lorenzen, Christine A. Hackett, and Stephen L. Love
In the Footsteps of the Third Spanish Expedition: James Mackay and John T. Evans' Impact on the Lewis and Clark Expedition, Kevin C. Witte
Intraproblem retention during learning-set acquisition in bluejays (Cyanocitta eristata), Alan C. Kamil and John E. Maulden
Introduction, Dan Bernstein
Introduction: Advances in the early detection of reading risk, Jennifer M. Thomson and Tiffany Hogan
Introduction: Fear and Loathing of Evolutionary Psychology in the Social Sciences, Daniel Leger, Alan Kamil, and Jeffrey French
Introduction: Moral Development Study in the 21st Century, Carolyn P. Edwards and Gustavo Carlo
Introduction of 38th Session of the Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, Richard A. Dienstbier
Introduction of Motivation and Child Maltreatment: Volume 46 of the Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, David J. Hansen
Introduction of Psychology and Aging: Nebraska Symposium on Motivation 1991, Theo Sonderegger
Introduction (partial) to Pilar de Zubiaurre, Evocaciones: Artículos y diario (1909-1958), Iker Gonzalez-Allende
Introduction to Chinese Youth (with a Commentary), Jieying Xi and Yan Xia
“Introduction” to Developmental Perspectives on Motivation, Janis Jacobs
“Introduction” to Integrative Views of Motivation, Cognition, and Emotion, William D. Spaulding
“Introduction” to Modeling Complex Systems: Volume 52 of the Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, Bill Shuart, William D. Spaulding, and Jeffrey Poland
“Introduction” to Perspectives on Anxiety, Fear, and Panic, Debra Hope
Introduction to The Great Gatsby (Wordsworth Editions), Guy J. Reynolds
Introduction to the Special Issue on Emotion in Legal Judgment and Decision Making, Brian H. Bornstein
Introduction to Viktoria Tokareva’s Life and Works, Lyubov Popov and Radha Balasubramanian
Introduction to Workshop on Physics Teaching and the Development of Reasoning, Francis P. Collea, Robert Fuller, Robert Karplus, Lester G. Paldy, and John W. Renner
Invasion Dynamics and Biological Control Prospects for Sericea Lespedeza in Kansas, Thomas Eddy, Jeff Davidson, and Brian Obermeyer
Invasions and Extinctions as a Consequence of Climate Change, Mace Hack, Rick Kearney, Chad Smith, Scott Taylor, and Craig Allen
Invasive Insect Abundance Varies across the Biogeographic Distribution of a Native Host Plant, Tatyana A. Rand and Svata M. Louda
Investigating a computerized scaffolding software for student designed science investigations, Kelly M Deters
Investigating mitochondrial genome recombination and the effects of its destabilization on plant growth and development, Vikas Shedge
Investigating Trophic Relationships of Pinnipeds in Alaska and Washington Using Stable Isotope Ratios of Nitrogen and Carbon, Keith Hobson, John Sease, Richard Merrick, and John Piatt
Investigation of Endocannabinoid Modulation of Conditioned Responding Evoked by a Nicotine CS and The Pavlovian Stimulus Effects of CP 55,940 in Adult Male Rats, Jennifer E. Murray, Nicole R. Wells, George D. Lyford, and Rick A. Bevins
Investigation of Femtosecond Laser-assisted Micromachining of Lithium Niobate, A. Malshe, D. Deshpande, E. Stach, Kamlakar Rajurkar, and Dennis Alexander
Investigation of Ferroelectricity in Newly Synthesized Nitrile Polymer Systems, Matthew Poulsen, Stephen Ducharme, Alexander V. Sorokin, Sahadeva Reddy, James M. Takacs, Y. Wen, Jihee Kim, and S. Adenwalla
Investigation of Growth Phases for Bottlenose Dolphins using a Bayesian Modeling Approach, Wayne McFee, John Schwacke, Megan Stolen, Keith Mullin, and Lori Schwacke
Investigation of the mechanism of polarization switching in ferroelectric capacitors by three-dimensional piezoresponse force microscopy, Brian J. Rodriguez, Alexei Gruverman, Angus I. Kingon, Robert J. Nemanich, and J. S. Cross
Investigations into the structural and electronic properties of small clusters of silicon, gold and carbon, Chad W Killblane
Investigations of the Ichthyofauna of Nicaraguan Lakes: Frontmatter
In Vitro and In Vivo Analyses of Hays of Switchgrass Strains Selected for High and Low In Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility, K. P. Vogel, R. Britton, Herman J. Gorz, and Francis A. Haskins
Involvement of acetosyringone in plant–pathogen recognition, C. Jacyn Baker, Norton M. Mock, Bruce D. Whitaker, Daniel P. Roberts, Clifford P. Rice, Kenneth L. Deahl, and Andrey A. Aver'yanov
Ionization by Low and Intermediate Energy Ion and Neutral Beams, M. Eugene Rudd
Ionization Cross Sections for 10-300-keV/u and Electron-Capture Cross Sections for 5- 150-keV/u 3He2+ Ions in Gases, M. Eugene Rudd, T. V. Goffe, and A. Itoh
Ionization Dynamics in Fast Ion-Atom Collisions. I. Energy and Angular Distributions of Low-Energy Electrons Emitted in Ionization of He by Bare Carbon Ions, Lokesh C. Tribedi, P. Richard, Y. D. Wang, C. D. Lin, L. Gulyas, and M. Eugene Rudd
I. On the Distribution and Composition of the Humus of the Loess Soils of the Transition Region, Morris Blish
Iron-Mediated Remediation of RDX-Contaminated Water and Soil under Controlled Eh/pH, J. Singh, Steven Comfort, and Patrick Shea
Irrigating for Maximum Economic Return with Limited Water, Richard T. Clark, Norman L. Klocke, Joel P. Schneekloth, and Nancy A. Norton
Irrigation Performance Measures: Efficiency and Uniformity, C. M. Burt, A. J. Clemmens, T. S. Strelkoff, K. H. Solomon, R. D. Bliesner, L. A. Hardy, T. A. Howell, and Dean E. Eisenhauer
Irrigation Soybeans by Growth Stages in Nebraska, N. L. Klocke, Dean E. Eisenhauer, James E. Specht, R. W. Elmore, and Gary W. Hergert
Is Animal Cruelty a “Red Flag” for Family Violence?: Investigating Co-Occurring Violence Toward Children, Partners, and Pets, Sarah DeGrue and David K. DiLillo
Is Climate Change Affecting Wolf Populations in the High Artic?, L. David Mech
Is Corn Ethanol Economically Viable in the Long-Run?, Richard K. Perrin
Is descriptive representation in the political sphere necessary for true parity to exist?, Wendy Dee Bumsted Hind
Isolates of Uromyces appendiculatus with Specific Virulence to Landraces of Phaseolus vulgaris of Andean Origin, Craig M. Sandlin, James R. Steadman, Carlos M. Araya, and Dermot P. Coyne
Isolation and characterization of 11 polymorphic microsatellite loci in collared lizards (Crotaphytus collaris), Delbert W. Hutchison, Jared L. Strasburg, Jennifer A. Brisson, and Shawn Cummings
Isolation and characterization of a virus that infects Emiliania huxleyi (Haptophyta), Tonje Castberg, Runar Thyrhaug, Aud Larsen, Ruth-Anne Sandaa, Mikal Heldal, James L. Van Etten, and Gunnar Bratbak
Isolation and Characterization of New Wild-Type Isolates of Bovine Lentivirus, David Suarez, Martin Van Der Maaten, Charles Wood, and Ceclia Whetstone
Isolation and Enrichment of Abundant Microsatellites from a Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) Brain cDNA Library, Dan Nonneman and Geoffrey C. Waldbieser
Isolation and Identification of Mycoplasma agalactiae subsp. bovis from Arthritic Cattle in Iowa and Nebraska, O. H. V. Stalheim and S. S. Stone
Isolation and Identification of Mycoplasma agalactiae subsp. bovis from Arthritic Cattle in Iowa and Nebraska, O. H. V. Stalheim and S. S. Stone
Isolation and Identification of the Major Component of Setal Exudate from Corythucha ciliate, William Lusby; James Oliver; John W. Neal, Jr.; and Robert Heath
Isolation of Radiation-Resistant Bacteria Without Exposure to Irradiation, Scott Sanders and R. Burt Maxcy
Isomeric effects with di-iodobenzene (C6H4I2) on adsorption on graphite, Keisuke Fukutani, Ning Wu, and Peter A. Dowben
Isopiestic Measurement of the Osmotic Coefficients of Aqueous {xH2SO4 + (1−x)Fe2(SO4)3} Solutions at 298.15 and 323.15 K, Mariano Velazquez-Rivera, Donald Palmer, and Richard Kettler
Isotopic evidence for the diversity of late Quaternary loess in Nebraska: Glaciogenic and nonglaciogenic sources, John N. Aleinikoff, Daniel R. Muhs, E. Arthur Bettis III, William C. Johnson, C. Mark Fanning, and Rachel Benton
Is p-Hyrdoxybenzaldehyde a Major Constituent of Epicuticular Wax from Sorghum bicolor Seedlings, Francis A. Haskins and H. J. Gorz
Is Physical Boar Exposure Required for Accurate Detection of Estrus in Gilts?, Dwane Zimmerman, Denny Aherin, and Jeff Hall
Issues associated with secondary analysis of population health data, Sandra C. Garmon Bibb
It's Time to Upgrade Your Technology Skills, Carla Kimbrough
It Takes a Woman to Play a Real Man: Clara as Hero(ine) of Beaumont and Fletcher’s Love’s Cure, Anne Duncan
IV. On a New Fossil Fungus from the Nebraska Pliocene, A. C. Whitford
Jean François Millet, George M. Gould
Jimmy the 4-H Reporter : Extension Circular 0-32-2, Cal Orr
Job compensation in the biotechnology core laboratory, Debra A. McMillen, William M. Old, Janice L. Bleibaum, Charles M. Nicolet, Katheryn R. Resing, Gautam Sarath, and Satya P. Yadav
Job search should be balanced, organized, Carla Kimbrough
Joel T. Griffen, L. G. Egbert
John Deere 6115D, Tractor Museum
Johne’s Disease, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, and Mycobacterium paratuberculosis, Ofelia Barletta-Chacon, Luiz E. Bermudez, and Raúl G. Barletta
Jointed Goatgrass Management with Imazamox-Resistant Cultivars in a Winter Wheat–Fallow Rotation, Andrew R. Kniss, Drew J. Lyon, and Stephen D. Miller
Joseph Chamberlain, The Radical, Cephas D. Allin
Joseph Drilling, Alison Stewart
"Just Following the Buffalo": Origins of a Montana Métis Community, Martha Harroun Foster
Juvenile Hormone Titer and Morph-Specific Reproduction in the Wing-Polymorphic Cricket, Gryllus firmus, Gretchen Cisper, Anthony J. Zera, and David W. Borst
Kabul Times (Apr - Jul, 1962), Afghanistan
Kabul Times (Apr - Jun, 1966), Afghanistan
Kabul Times (Apr - Jun, 1967), Afghanistan
Kabul Times (Apr-June, 1965), Afghanistan
Kabul Times (Apr - June, 1968), Afghanistan
Kabul Times (Aug - Dec 1962), Afghanistan
Kabul Times (Feb 27 - Apr 24, 1962), Afghanistan
Kabul Times (Jan - Mar, 1964), Afghanistan
Kabul Times (Jan - Mar, 1965), Afghanistan
Kabul Times (Jan - Mar, 1966), Afghanistan
Kabul Times (Jan - Mar, 1967), Afghanistan
Kabul Times (Jan. - Mar., 1968), Afghanistan
Kabul Times (Jul - Sep, 1966), Afghanistan
Kabul Times (Jul-Sep, 1967), Afghanistan
Kabul Times (July-Sep, 1965), Afghanistan
Kabul Times (July - Sept., 1968), Afghanistan
Kabul Times (Oct - Dec, 1964), Afghanistan
Kabul Times (Oct - Dec, 1965), Afghanistan
Kabul Times (Oct - Dec, 1966), Afghanistan
Kabul Times (Oct - Dec, 1967), Afghanistan
Kabul Times (Oct. - Dec., 1968), Afghanistan
Keeping the Music Alive: Using the "Grief and Hope Box" with Adult Offenders with Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Issues, Robert Gee, Paul Springer, George Bitar, Faith Drew, and Chad Graff
Keynote Address: First Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Trafficking, Kevin Bales
Kinematics of disease progression in bulbar ALS, Yana Yunusova, Jordan R. Green, Mary J. Lindstrom, Laura J. Ball, Gary L. Pattee, and Lorne Zinman
Knockdown of limiting-CO2–induced gene HLA3 decreases HCO3− transport and photosynthetic Ci affinity in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Deqiang Duanmu, Amy R. Miller, Kempton M. Horken, Donald P. Weeks, and Martin H. Spalding
Knowledge, Perception, and Attitudes of Library Personnel towards Preservation of Information Resources in Nigerian Federal University Libraries, Samson Oyeniyi Akande
Kosovo's Hope: Stories of Renewal and Despair in an Independent Nation, Clay Lomneth, Michael Mason-D'Croz, Lindsay DeMarco, Karen Schmidt, Vanessa Skocz, Shannon Smith, Kate Veik, Joel Gehringer, Bruce Thorson, and Scott Winter
Lab Fattening and Non-invasive Estimates of Body Composition in Deer Mice, Edward T. Unangst, Michael J. Blair, Matthew W. Granger, and David W. Hale
Laboratory bioassays of entomopathogenic fungi for control of Delia radicum (L.) larvae, Denny J. Bruck, Jane E. Snelling, Amy J. Dreves, and Stefan T. Jaronski
Lack of Brown-Headed Cowbird Nest Parasitism in a Short Grass Region, Stephen L. Winter and Jack F. Cully, Jr.
Lack of Effect of Plant Growth-Regulators on the Action of Alpha-Amylase Secreted by Virus Tumor Tissue, M. G. Brakke and L. G. Nickell
Lack of Significant Changes in the Herpetofauna of Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota, Since the 1920s, Blake R. Hossack, Paul Stephen Corn, and David S. Pilliod
Lake Nicaragua Fishery Resources, William D. Davies
LAMB FEEDING EXPERIMENTS: Part I. Fattening Western Lambs. Part II. Fattening Native Lambs. Part III. A Comparison of Native and Western Lambs., Howard J. Gramlich
Lancaster County Public Defender Workload Assessment July 2008, Elizabeth Neeley
Land Application of Manure for Beneficial Reuse, L. M. Risse, M. L. Cabrera, A. J. Franzluebbers, J. W. Gaskin, John E. Gilley, R. Killorn, D. E. Radcliffe, W. E. Tollner, and H. Zhang
Landmark use by Clark’s nutcrackers (Nucifraga columbiana): Influence of disorientation and cue rotation on distance and direction estimates, Debbie M. Kelly, Alan Kamil, and Ken Cheng
Landsat cross-calibration based on near simultaneous imaging of common ground targets, P.M. Teillet, B. L. Markham, and Richard R. Irish
Language Skills of Elementary-Aged Children with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Gregory Benner
"Laokoon" and the Prior Question, Hartley Burr Alexander
La "Pepesca Gaspar", otro pez desconocido del Gran Lago, Jaime Villa
La rabia en Nebraska, David R. Smith and Annette K. Bredthauer
Large Dielectric Constant and Maxwell-Wagner Relaxation in Bi2/3Cu3Ti4O12, Jianjun Liu, Chun-Gang Duan, Wei-Guo Yin, W. N. Mei, R. W. Smith, and John R. Hardy
Large Noses and Changing Meanings in Sixteenth-century German Prints, Alison Stewart
Large Summer Population of Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle in North Dakota, Louis S. Hesler
Larra bicolorFabricius (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae): its distribution throughout Florida, J. H. Frank; N. C. Leppla; R. K. Sprenkel; A. C. Blount; and R. F. Mizell, III
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy with improved detection sensitivity, selectivity, and reliability, Xiaokang Shen
Last Glacial loess in the conterminous USA, E. Arthur Bettis III, Daniel R. Muhs, Helen M. Roberts, and Ann G. Wintle
Lasting responsiveness of a kea (Nestor notabilis) toward its mirror image, Judy Diamond and Alan B. Bond
Last Interglacial Climates, George J. Kukla, Michael L. Bender, Jacques-Louis de Beaulieu, Gerard Bond, Wallace S. Broecker, Piet Cleveringa, Joyce E. Gavin, Timothy D. Herbert, John Imbrie, Jean Jouzel, Lloyd D. Keigwin, Karen-Luise Knudsen, Jerry F. McManus, Josef Merkt, Daniel R. Muhs, Helmut Muller, Richard Z. Poore, Stephen C. Porter, Guy Seret, Nicholas J. Shackleton, Charles Turner, Polychronis C. Tzedakis, and Isaac J. Winograd
Late Holocene Eolian Activity in the Mineralogically Mature Nebraska Sand Hills, Daniel R. Muhs; Thomas W. Stafford, Jr.; James B. Swinehart; Scott D. Cowherd; Shannon A. Mahan; Charles A. Bush; Richard F. Madole; and Paula B. Maat
Late Quaternary loess in northeastern Colorado: Part I—Age and paleoclimatic significance, Daniel R. Muhs; John N. Aleinikoff; Thomas W. Stafford, Jr.; Rolf Kihl; Josh Been; Shannon A. Mahan; and Scott Cowherd
Late Quaternary loess in northeastern Colorado: Part II—Pb isotopic evidence for the variability of loess sources, John N. Aleinikoff, Daniel R. Muhs, Rebecca R. Sauer, and C. Mark Fanning
Latino Families in the Perinatal Period: Cultural Issues in Dealing with the Health-Care System, J. Martin Maldonado-Duran, Maria Manguia-Wellman, Sari Lubin, and Teresa Lartigue
Latinos Along the Platte: The Hispanic Experience in Central Nebraska, Roger Davis
Latitudinal patterns of magnitude and interannual variability in net ecosystem exchange regulated by biological and environmental variables, Wenping Yuan, Yiqi Luo, Andrew D. Richardson, Ram Oren, Sebastiaan Luyssaert, Ivan A. Janssens, Reinhart Ceulemans, Xuhui Zhou, Thomas Grünwald, Marc Aubinet, Christian Berhofer, Dennis D. Baldocci, Jiquan Chen, Allison L. Dunn, Jared L. DeForest, Danilo Dragoni, Allen H. Goldstein, Eddy Moors, J. William William Munger, Russell K. Monson, Andrew E. Suyker, Gregory Starr, Russell L. Scott, John Tenhunen, Shashi Verma, Timo Vesala, and Steven C. Wofsy
Lattice- and Molecular-Dynamics Studies of Phase Transitions in CsLiSO4, V. Katkanant
Lattice- and Molecular-Dynamics Studies of RbLiSO4, V. Katkanant and John R. Hardy
Lattice Dynamics and Second-Order Raman Spectrum of CsF, John R. Hardy and Arnold Karo
Lattice Dynamics and Second-Order Raman Spectrum of NaF, John R. Hardy, A. M. Karo, I. W. Morrison, C. T. Sennett, and J. P. Russell
Lattice Dynamics and Specific-Heat Data for Rocksalt-Structure Alkali Halides, Arnold Karo and John R. Hardy
Lattice Dynamics of a Rigid-Ion Model for Gadolinium Molybdate, L. L. Boyer and John R. Hardy
Lattice Dynamics of NaF, Arnold Karo and John R. Hardy
Launching a Novel Preclinical Infrastructure: Comparative Oncology Trials Consortium Directed Therapeutic Targeting of TNFα to Cancer Vasculature, Melissa C. Paoloni, Anita Tandle, Christina Mazcko, Engy Hanna, Stefan Kachala, Amy LeBlanc, Shelley Newman, David Vail, Carolyn Henry, Douglass Thamm, Karin Sorenmo, Amin Hajitou, Renata Pasqualini, Wadih Arap, Chand Khanna, and Steven K. Libutti
Lavender, A Chick Melanocyte Mutant with Defective Melanosome Translocation: A Possible Role for 10 nm Filaments and Microfilaments but not Microtubules, Paula Mayerson and John Brumbaugh
La voz y la violencia invisible en el cuento caribeno contemporaneo, Carmen Bourbon
La voz y la violencia invisible en el cuento caribeño contemporáneo, Carmen Bourbon
LB 838 Machinery and Equipment Museum, Tractor Museum
Leader–Member Exchange and Its Dimensions: Effects of Self-Effort and Other’s Effort on Relationship Quality, John Maslyn and Mary Uhl-Bien
Leadership: Current Theories, Research, and Future Directions, Bruce Avolio, Fred Walumbwa, and Todd J. Weber
Leadership development of Registered Dietitians, Anne Marie Bigley Hunter
Leadership in Complex Organizations, Russ Marion and Mary Uhl-Bien
Leakage of Dhurrin and p-Hydroxybenzaldehyde from Young Sorghum Shoots Immersed in Various Solvents, Francis Haskins and H. J. Gorz
Leaks in the Pipeline: Why Do Women Remain Curiously Absent from the Ranks of Academia?, Mary Anne Holmes
Learning about serious illnesses: Implications for instructional communication, Randa Sue (Lumsden) Garden
Learning Monotone DNF Using SPP Teaching Assistant, N. V. Vinodchandran
Learning: The Interface of Quality Management and Strategic Alliances, Mahour Mellat-Parast and Lester Digman
Leasing and Valuing Swine Facilities, Bruce B. Johnson, Allen Prosch, and Ron Christensen
Leasing Decisions for the Volatile Year Ahead, Bruce B. Johnson
Legal Aspects of Swine Production Networking, dave Aiken
Legal aspects of using space-derived geospatial information for emergency response, with particular reference to the Charter on Space and Major Disasters, Frans von der Dunk
Legal Options to Stop Human Trafficking, U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary
Legal Tools for lnstream Flow Protection, Sandi Zellmer
Legislation by the Courts, W. G. Hastings
Length/Weight Frequencies for Five Species of Fish in Lake Nicaragua, Richard J. Beatty and Kurt W. Koenig
Leptospira Genomes Are Modified at 5'-GTAC, David Ralph, Quideng Que, James L. Van Etten, and Michael McClelland
Lessons Learned in Applying the U.S. EPA Proposed Cancer Guidelines to Specific Compounds, Melvin Andersen, M. Elizabeth Meek, Gary Boorman, David Brusick, Samuel Cohen, Yvonne Dragan, Clay Frederick, Jay Goodman, Gordon Hard, Ellen O'Flaherty, and Denise Robinson
Less Waste Corn, More Land in Soybeans, and the Switch to Genetically Modified Crops: Trends with Important Implications for Wildlife Management, Gary L. Krapu; David A. Brandt; and Robert R. Cox, Jr.
Let's Preserve: Meat, Poultry, Fish and Seafood, Julie A. Albrecht and Dennis E. Burson
"Let's read a book, Mommy": How gender, age, and socioeconomic status affect naturalistic conversations about literacy, Alicia M Domack
Let’s Talk Turkey: Integrating Traditional Wildlife Management Techniques to Reduce Hazards at Airports, Christopher Bowse
Letter From the Editors, The Editors
Letters to the Editor, Ralph Grossi, William Parton, and Myron Gutmann
Letter to the Editor, Rodger K. Johnson
Levee/Floodwall Freeboard Design For An Urban Flood Control Project, Daniel B. Pridal and Edward F. Sing
Level of Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles and Solubles Ensiled with Wheat Straw for Growing Steers, Megan Peterson, Matthew K. Luebbe, Richard J. Rasby, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, and Luke Kovarik
Leveraging User-Session Data to Support Web Application Testing, Sebastian Elbaum, Gregg Rothermel, Srikanth Karre, and Marc Fisher II
Liability for Global Navigation Satellite Services: A Comparative Analysis of GPS and Galileo, Frans von der Dunk
Librarians' Education in the Age of Knowledge: Consideration of Skills, Methods, and Tools, Akram Fathian Dastgerdi
Libraries and the Future of Search, Judith O'Dell
Library Leaders Needed: Yes, Please Apply, Rebecca McElrath
Life history and modeling of an endangered plant, Penstemon haydenii, Kay L Kottas
Lifestyle of Shellmound Builders in Brazil (galley proofs), Sabine Eggers, C. C. Petronilho, K. Brandt, J. Filippini, and Karl J. Reinhard
Lifting up the serpent in the wilderness: The reader's journey through John Milton's "Paradise Lost", an intertextual study, Matthew Scott Stenson
Light-Induced Trans to Cis Conversion of β-D-Glucosyl o-Hydroxycinnamic Acid in Melilotus alba Leaves, Francis A. Haskins, Larry G. Williams, and H. J. Gorz
Light Interception and Radiative Exchange in Crop Stands, John Monteith
Light-Test Weight Corn for Growing and Finishing Steers, B. A. Weichenthal, Ivan G. Rush, and B. G. Van Pelt
Liight Reflectance Compared with Other Nitrogen Stress Measurements in Corn Leaves, Tracy M. Blackmer, James S. Schepers, and Gary E. Varvel
Limitations of Simultaneous Gap-Out Logic, Anuj Sharma, Darcy M. Bullock, and Srinivas Peeta
Limited Attention: The Constraint Underlying Search Image, Reuven Dukas and Alan Kamil
Limited Occurrence of Denitrification in Four Shallow Aquifers in Agricultural Areas of the United States, Christopher T. Green, Larry J. Puckett, John Karl Böhlke, Barbara A. Bekins, Steven P. Phillips, Leon J. Kauffman, Judith M. Denver, and Henry M. Johnson
Limit Feeding Beef Cows with Bunkered Wet Distillers Grains plus Solubles or Distillers Solubles, Luke M. Kovarik, Matthew K. Luebbe, Richard J. Rasby, and Galen E. Erickson
Limiting Amino Acids in Meat and Bone and Poultry By-Product Meals, M. J. Klemesrud, Terry Klopfenstein, Austin Lewis, D. H. Shain, and D. Herold
Limits to maize productivity in the Western Corn-Belt: A simulation analysis for fully irrigated and rainfed conditions, Patricio Grassini, Haishun Yang, and Kenneth G. Cassman
Limnology of the Great Lakes of Nicaragua, Gerald A. Cole
Lincoln and Hamlet, Daniel Kilham Dodge
Lindauer Interpretive and Environmental Center, Robert W. Zander
Lindsay M. Black, 1907 to 1997, Myron K. Brakke and D. V. R. Reddy
Linkage of the US National Health Interview Survey to air monitoring data: An evaluation of different strategies, Jennifer D. Parker, Tracey Woodruff, Lara J. Akinbami, and Natalyia Kravets
Linking Life Zones, Life History Traits, Ecology, and Spatial Cognition in Four Allopatric Southwestern Seed Caching Corvids, Russell P. Balda and Alan Kamil
"Links of Similitude": The Narrator of The Country of the Pointed Firs and Author-Reader Relations at the End of the Nineteenth Century, Melissa Homestead
Lionel Johnson, T. K. Whipple
LIS Research in Pakistan: An Analysis of Pakistan Library and Information Science Journal 1998-2007, Mirza Mirza Muhammad Naseer and Khalid Mahmood
List of Coleoptera Holotypes in Museo de Historia Natural, Noel Kempff Mercado, Universidad Autonoma “Gabriel Rene Moreno,” Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, James E. Wappes, Julieta Ledezma Arias, and Eugenio H. Nearns
Lists of Potential Hydrophytes for the United States: A Regional Review and their Use in Wetland Identification, Ralph W. Tiner
Literature and Criticism, P. H. Frye
Literature and the New Anti-Intellectualism, Philo M. Buck, Jr.
Literature as a Fine Art, S. B. Gass
Lithostratigraphy of the late Early Permian (Kungurian) Wandrawandian Siltstone, New South Wales: Record of glaciation?, S. G. Thomas, Christopher R. Fielding, and Tracy D. Frank
Live Load Models for Long Span Bridges, Marta Lutomirska
Livestock and Riparian-Fishery Interactions: What Are the Facts?, William S. Platts
Livestock Judging; Extension Circular 0-16-2
Livestock Risk Protection Insurance for Cattle: A New Price-Risk Management Tool, Matthew M. Larson, Darrell R. Mark, and H. Douglas Jose
Livestock Waste Management Act, J. David Aiken
Lixus cardui, a biological control agent for scotch thistle (Onopordum acanthium): Safe for Australia, but not the USA?, Joe Balciunas
LMX and Subordinate Performance: The Moderating Effects of Task Characteristics, Kenneth Dunegan, Mary Uhl-Bien, and Dennis Duchon
Load Transfer Issues in the Tensile and Compressive Behavior of Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes, G. A. Shen, S. Namilae, and Namas Chandra
Local Structures Surrounding Zr in Nanostructurally Stabilized Cubic Zirconia: Structural Origin of Phase Stability, Y. L. Soo, P. J. Chen, S. H. Huang, T. J. Shiu, T. Y. Tsai, Y. H. Chow, Y. C. Lin, S. C. Weng, S. L. Chang, G. Wang, Chin Li Cheung, R. F. Sabirianov, W. N. Mei, F. Namavar, H. Haider, K. L. Garvin, J. F. Lee, H. Y. Lee, and P. P. Chu
Local- Vs. Landscape-Scale Indirect Effects of an Invasive Weed on Native Plants, Tatyana A. Rand, F. Leland Russell, and Svata M. Louda
Locating Nests of Birds in Grasslands From a Mobile Tower Blind, Thomas F. Fondell, Steven T. Hoekman, and I. J. Ball
Locatization of Human Herpesvirus 8 in Human Sperms by In Situ PCR, Omar Bagasra, Deepa Patel, Lisa Bobroski, Jamil A. Abbasi, Alex U. Bagasra, Hasna Baidouri, Twaina Harris, Albert El-Roeiy, Zsolt Lengvarszky, Homayoon Farzadegan, and Charles Wood
Locomotor activity, core body temperature, and circadian rhythms in mice selected for high or low heat loss, M. R. Mousel, Walter W. Stroup, and Merlyn K. Nielsen
Loess sedimentation in Tibet: provenance, processes, and link with Quaternary glaciations, Jimin Sun, Sheng-Hua Li, Daniel R. Muhs, and Bo Li
Longitudinal Studies of Viral Sequence, Viral Phenotype, and Immunologic Parameters of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Infection in Perinatally Infected Twins with Discordant Disease Courses, Cecelia Hutto, Yi Zhou, Jun He, Rebeca Geffin, Martin Hill, Walter Scott, and Charles Wood
Long-Term Dynamics of Leafy Spurge (Euphorbia esula) and its Biocontrol Agent, Flea Beetles in the Genus Aphthona, Diane L. Larson, James B. Grace, and Jennifer L. Larson
Long-Term Prairie Falcon Population Changes in Relation to Prey Abundance, Weather, Land Uses, and Habitat Conditions, Karen Steenhof, Michael Kochert, Leslie B. Carpenter, and Robert N. Lehman
Looking for the Least Land to Handle Swine Wastes, Dave Howe
Loop Rating Curves from Goodwin Creek, Roger A. Kuhnle and Andrew J. Bowie
Loss-Rate Based Reliable Data Transport Mechanism for Dynamic Event Sensing in Wireless Sensor Networks, Yuyan Xue, Byrav Ramamurthy, and Yong Wang
Lot 30: Rerouting Suburbia, Daniel A. Siedhoff
Low accommodation depositional systems in the Cenomanian of the Western Interior Seaway, Nebraska and Utah, Jonathan Antia-Barrero
Low-latitude auroras: the magnetic storm of 14–15 May 1921, S. M. Silverman and E. W. Cliver
Low Marine Sulphate and Protracted Oxygenation of the Proterozoic Biosphere, Linda C. Kah, Timothy W. Lyons, and Tracy D. Frank
LR 42 Services Coordination Study
Lucan’s Epic Aristeia and the Hero of the Bellum Civile, Vanessa Gorman
Lyophilization of Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae yields high-quality DNA for use in AFLP genetic studies, Pete L. Clark, David J. Isenhour, Steven R. Skoda, Jaime Molina-Ochoa, Claudia Gianni, and John E. Foster
Magnacum Confusione, Philo M. Buck, Jr.
Magnetic Correlations in Nanocomposite FePt:Au and FePt:C Films, Thomas A. George, Ralph Skomski, and David J. Sellmyer
Magnetic doping of the golden cage cluster M@Au16− (M=Fe,Co,Ni), Lei-Ming Wang, Jaeil Bai, Anne Lechtken, Wei Huang, Detlef Schooss, Manfred Kappes, Xiao Cheng Zeng, and Lai-Sheng Wang
Magnetism of Chromia from First-Principles Calculations, Siqi Shi, A. L. Wysocki, and Kirill D. Belashchenko
Magnetism of Cr-Doped Diamond-Like Carbon, J. A. Colón Santana, Ralph Skomski, V. Singh, V. Palshin, A. Petukhov, Ya. B. Losovyj, Andrei Sokolov, Peter Dowben, and Ihor Ketsman
Magnetism of FePt Surface Alloys, J. Honolka, T. Y. Lee, K. Kuhnke, Axel Enders, Ralph Skomski, S. Bornemann, S. Mankovsky, J. Minar, J. Staunton, H. Ebert, M. Hessler, K. Fauth, G. Schutz, A. Buchsbaum, M. Schmid, P. Varga, and K. Kern
Magnetism of TiO and TiO2 Nanoclusters, Xiaohui Wei, Ralph Skomski, Balamurugan Balasubramanian, Z. G. Sun, Stephen Ducharme, and David J. Sellmyer
Magnetocaloric properties of Co/Cr superlattices, Tathagata Mukherjee, Sarbeswar Sahoo, David J. Sellmyer, and Christian Binek
Magnitude and Pattern of Compensatory Growth in Rats after Cold Exposure, Marjorie Lee, P. C. Chu, and H. C. Chan
Maimonides and Analogy, Stephen E. Lahey
Maintenance of a narrow host range by Oxyops vitiosa; a biological control agent of Melaleuca quinquenervia, G. S. Wheeler
Major Herbicides in Ground Water: Results from the National Water-Quality Assessment, Jack E. Barbash, Gail P. Thelin, Dana W. Kolpin, and Robert J. Gilliom
“Major Sponsored Program and Faculty Awards for Research and Creative Activity for 2005
Major Sponsored Programs and Faculty Awards for Research and Creative Activity 2007
Making a career of play: Willa Cather and the recreation movement, Mark Alan Robison
Making a SURE Decision Now for Potential Disaster Assistance Later, Bradley Lubben
"Making it Fresh - Your Choice for Performance", the Army's Hospital Foodservice Program, S. Spielmann, M. Worley, and R. Harris
Making sense out of technology in the classroom: Exploring computer based learning through podcasting, Jabari P Cain
Making Time For Work And Play, Kathy Bosch
Malcolm MacLean, Jr.: Ahead of His Time and Ahead of Our Time, Will Norton
Male Love and Islamic Law in Arab Spain, Louis Crompton
Mallard Brood Movements, Wetland Use, and Duckling Survival During and Following a Prairie Drought, Gary Krapu; Pamela Pietz; David Brandt; and Robert Cox, Jr.
Maltreatment and Victimization in Homeless Adolescents: Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire, Ana Mari Cauce, Kimberly Tyler, and Les B. Whitbeck
Mammalian Hazards at Small Airports in Indiana: Impact of Perimeter Fencing, Travis DeFault; Jacob Kubel; David Glista; and Olin Rhodes, Jr.
Mammal Inventories for Eight National Parks in the Southern Colorado Plateau Network, Michael A. Bogan, Keith Geluso, Shauna Haymond, and Ernest W. Valdez
Management of Blister Beetles in Alfalfa, John B. Campbell and Steve Ensley
Management of Change in Cataloguing: A Survey of Practices in Covenant University and University of Lagos, Nigeria, Felicia Yusuf
Management of Irrigated Land: Report of the Scottsbluff Experiment Substation, Mitchell, Nebraska, Fritz Knorr
Management of Roosevelt Elk Habitat and Harvest, E. E. Starkey, D. S. deCalesta, and G. W. Witmer
Managing Bison to Restore Biodiversity, Joe C. Truett, Michael Phillips, Kyran Kunkel, and Russell Miller
Managing Crop Residue with Green Manure, Urea, and Tillage in a Rice–Wheat Rotation, Milkha S. Aulakh, T. S. Khera, John W. Doran, and Kevin F. Bronson
Managing for Enhancement of Riparian and Wetland Areas of the Western United States: An Annotated Bibliography, David A. Koehler and Allan E. Thomas
Managing Interjurisdictional Waters under the Great Lakes Charter Annex, Mark Squillace and Sandi Zellmer
Managing Newsroomcan be a Piece of Cake, Carla Kimbrough
Managing N Inputs and the Effect on N Losses Following Excretion in Open-Dirt Feedlots in Nebraska, Galen Erickson and Terry Klopfenstein
Manure Matters, Volume 10, Number 1, John Sweeten, Ron Miner, and Carrie Tengman
Manure Matters, Volume 10, Number 2, John Sweeten, Ron Miner, and Brent Auvermann
Manure Matters, Volume 10, Number 3
Manure Matters, Volume 10, Number 4, Mike Brumm, Al Prosch, and Rod Johnson
Manure Matters, Volume 10, Number 5, Christopher G. Henry and Jeff Arnold
Manure Matters, Volume 10, Number 6, Charles S. Wortmann
Manure Matters, Volume 10, Number 7, Bahman Eghball
Manure Matters, Volume 10, Number 8, Charles S. Wortmann
Manure Matters, Volume 10, Number 9, Charles S. Wortmann
Manure Matters, Volume 7, Number 1, J. P. Harner, T. D. Strahm, D. Key, T. L. Strahm, and J.P. Murphy
Manure Matters, Volume 7, Number 10, Christopher Henry and Richard K. Koelsch
Manure Matters, Volume 7, Number 2, Rick Koelsch
Manure Matters, Volume 7, Number 3, M. S. Davis and Terry L. Mader
Manure Matters, Volume 7, Number 4, Raymond Ward
Manure Matters, Volume 7, Number 5
Manure Matters, Volume 7, Number 6, Keith Glewen and Rick Koelsch
Manure Matters, Volume 7, Number 7, J. David Aiken
Manure Matters, Volume 7, Number 8, Richard Stowell
Manure Matters, Volume 7, Number 9, Richard K. Koelsch, Bryan Woodbury, David Stenberg, Daniel Miller, and Dennis Schulte
Manure Matters, Volume 8, Number 1, Bahman Eghball and John Gilley
Manure Matters, Volume 8, Number 2, Christopher G. Henry and Dennis D. Schulte
Manure Matters, Volume 8, Number 3, Charles S. Wortman
Manure Matters, Volume 8, Number 4, Michael Brumm, Charles Shapiro, and William Kranz
Manure Matters, Volume 8, Number 5, Charles A. Shapiro, Charles S. Wortmann, and Richard Deloughery
Manure Matters, Volume 8, Number 6
Manure Matters, Volume 8, Number 7, dave Aiken
Manure Matters, Volume 8, Number 8, Richard R. Stowell and Christopher G. Henry
Manure Matters, Volume 8, Number 9, Richard DeLoughery and Marty Link
Manure Matters, Volume 9, Number 1, Richard K. Koelsch and Wendy Powers
Manure Matters, Volume 9, Number 2, Richard K. Koelsch and Wendy Powers
Manure Matters, Volume 9, Number 3, Mike Fitzgerald
Manure Matters, Volume 9, Number 4, Richard K. Koelsch
Manure Matters, Volume 9, Number 5, Bahman Eghball, Christopher Bauer, and Charles A. Shapiro
Manure Matters, Volume 9, Number 6, Ron Sheffield and Juli Paschold
Manure Matters, Volume 9, Number 7, Christopher G. Henry
Manure Matters, Volume 9, Number 8, Laura Hillenbrand
Manure Matters, Volume 9, Number 9, Christopher G. Henry and Mike Reynolds
Mapping Changes in Denominational Membership in the Great Plains, 1952-2000, Holly Barcus and Stanley Brunn
Marginal learning-set formation by the crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos), Maxwell W. Hunter III and Alan C. Kamil
Marketing Research as a Tool for Finding Library Users' Needs and Demands: Application of Three Party Theory, Farzana Shafique
Materials design of half-metallic graphene and graphene nanoribbons, Menghao Wu, Xiaojun Wu, Yi Gao, and Xiao Cheng Zeng
Maternal employment, attachment, and breastfeeding: Pathways to early childhood problem behaviors, Laci A. Fiala Ades
Mathematical Classroom Quilts, Elaine Krajenke Ellison
Mathematical Modeling of Growth of Salmonella in Raw Ground Beef under Isothermal Conditions from 10 to 45° C, Vijay K. Juneja, Martin Valenzuela Melendres, Lihan Huang, Jeyamkondan Subbiah, and Harshavardhan Thippareddi
Mathematics Deficiencies in Children with Very Low Birth Weight or Very Preterm Birth, H. Gerry Taylor, Kimberly Espy, and Peter J. Anderson
Matrices Whose Characteristic Equations are Cyclic, T. A. Pierce
Matrix Isolation Infrared Spectroscopic and Theoretical Study of the Interaction of Water with Dimethyl Methylphosphonate, Bruce S. Ault, Alex Balboa, David Tevault, and Margaret Hurley
Matrix model superpotentials and ADE singularities, Carina Curto
Matrix Model Superpotentials and Calabi–Yau Spaces: An A-D-E Classification, Carina Curto
Maximum Surface Storage Provided by Crop Residue, John E. Gilley and Eugene R. Kottwitz
McCormick-Deering Farmall Model F-20 Instruction Book, Tractor Museum
MCH Capacity-Building Models: A Summary
Meaning and Measurement: Reconceptualizing Measures of the Division of Household Labor, Joan E. Twiggs, Julia McQuillan, and Myra Marx Feree
Measurable Choice and the Invariant Subspace Problem, Edward Azoff and Frank Gilfeather
Measurement of Bs0 Mixing Parameters from the Flavor-Tagged Decay Bs0 → J/ψφ, V. M. Abazov, Kenneth A. Bloom, Gregory Snow, and D0 Collaboration
Measurement of dσ/dy for high mass Drell-Yan e+e- pairs from pp̅ collisions at √s =1.8 TeV , T. Affolder, Kenneth Bloom, and Collider Detector at Fermilab Collaboration
Measurement of the Angular and Lifetime Parameters of the Decays Bd0 → J/ψK*0 and Bs0 → J/φψ, V. M. Abazov, Kenneth A. Bloom, Gregory Snow, and D0 Collaboration
Measurement of the Electron Charge Asymmetry in pp → W + X → eν + X Events at √s = 1.96 TeV, V. M. Abazov, Kenneth A. Bloom, Gregory Snow, and D0 Collaboration
Measurement of the Forward-Backward Charge Asymmetry and Extraction of sin2ӨWeff in pp → Z/γ* +X → e+e- + X Events Produced at √s = 1.96 TeV, V. M. Abazov, Kenneth A. Bloom, Gregory Snow, and D0 Collaboration
Measurement of the Lifetime of the Bc± Meson in the Semileptonic Decay Channel, V. M. Abazov, Kenneth A. Bloom, Gregory Snow, and D0 Collaboration
Measurement of the Polarization of the Ү(1S) and Ү(2S) States in pp Collisions at √s = 1.96 TeV, V. M. Abazov, Kenneth A. Bloom, Gregory Snow, and D0 Collaboration
Measurement of the Semileptonic Branching Ratio of Bs0 to an Orbitally Excited Ds** State: Br(Bs0 → Ds1-(2536) μ +νX), V. M. Abazov, Kenneth A. Bloom, Gregory Snow, and D0 Collaboration
Measurements of Constraint of Total Knee Replacement, H. Haider and P.S. Walker
Measurements of the GVD of Water and Methanol and Laser Pulse Characterization Using Direct Imaging Methods, Timothy Scarborough, Chad Petersen, and Cornelis J. Uiterwaal
Measuring Fractional Cover and Leaf Area Index in Arid Ecosystems: Digital Camera, Radiation Transmittance, and Laser Altimetry Methods, Michael A. White, Gregory P. Asner, Ramakrishna R. Nemani, Jeff L. Privette, and Steven W. Running
Measuring Immigration’s Effects on Labor Demand: A Reexamination of the Mariel Boatlift, Örn B. Bodvarsson, Hendrik F. Van den Berg, and Joshua J. Lewer
Measuring & Monitering Plant Populations, Caryl L. Elzinga, Daniel W. Salzer, and John W. Willoughby
Measuring Tsunami Planning Capacity on U.S. Pacific Coast, Zhenghong Tang, Michael K. Lindell, Carla S. Prater, and Samuel D. Brody
Mechanical Transmission of a Plant Tumor Virus to an Insect Vector, Karl Maramorosch, Myron K. Brakke, and L. M. Black
Mechanisms of Carbon Fixation and Associated Physiological Responses, Israel Zelitch
Mechanisms of Translocation of Plant Metabolites, Orlin Biddulph
Media Modifications for Native Plant Asemblages on Extensive Green Roofs, Richard K. Sutton
Medieval Warming, Little Ice Age, and European impact on the environment during the last millennium in the lower Hudson Valley, New York, USA, Dee Cabaniss Pederson, Dorothy M. Peteet, Dorothy Kurdyla, and Tom Guilderson
Meeting Cereal Demand While Protecting Natural Resources and Improving Environmental Quality, Kenneth G. Cassman, Achim R. Dobermann, Daniel T. Walters, and Haishun Yang
Memorializing a Mountain Man: John G. Neihart, Doane Robinson, and Jedediah Smith, Timothy G. Anderson
Memory in Food Caching Animals, Alan C. Kamil and Kristy L. Gould
"Men Alone Cannot Settle a Country": Domesticating Nature in the Kansas-Nebraska Grasslands, Chad Montrie
Mental and Physical Conditions Encountered in Child Protection and Juvenile Justice, 2007 Edition, Gregg Wright, Victoria Weisz, and Christine Wiklund
Mental Disorders, Comorbidity, and Postrunaway Arrests Among Homeless and Runaway Adolescents, Xiaojin Chen, Lisa Thrane, Les B. Whitbeck, and Kurt Johnson
Mental Disorder, Subsistence Strategies, and Victimization among Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Homeless and Runaway Adolescents, Les B. Whitbeck, Xiaojin Chen, Dan R. Hoyt, Kimberly Tyler, and Kurt D. Johnson
Mental Health and Aging, Kathy Bosch
Mercury and C2B10 Icosahedra Interaction, Carolina C. Ilie, Petru Lunca-Popa, Jiandi Zhang, Bernard Doudin, and Peter A. Dowben
Merging Qualitative and Quantitative Data in Mixed Methods Research: How To and Why Not, David L. Driscoll, Afua Appiah-Yeboah, Philip Salib, and Douglas J. Rupert
Mesh-Generating Computer Program for the FESWMS-2DH Surface-Water Flow Model, Kirk G. Thibodeaux
Metabolic Sinks, Harry Beevers
Metabolizable Methionine and Lysine Requirements of Growing Cattle, M. J. Klemesrud, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Austin Lewis
Metadata for Plant Seeds: Taxonomy, Standards, Issues, and Impact, Erin Wilson
Metadata: Implications for Academic Libraries, Israel Yañez
Metal hybridization and electronic structure of Tris(8-hydroxyquinolato)aluminum (Alq3), Anthony N. Caruso, D. L. Schulz, and Peter Dowben
Metapopulations and the Real World, Douglas H. Johnson
Methamphetamine Addiction, Treatment, and Outcomes: Implications for Child Welfare Workers, Cathleen Otero, Sharon Boles, Nancy Young, and Kim Dennis
Method and Apparatus for Production of Levulinic Acid Via Reactive Extrusion, Viswasrao Ghorpade and Milford Hanna
Method for Performing Accelerated Characterization of Viscoelastic Constitutive Behavior of Asphaltic Concrete, Curtis Berthelot, D. H. Allen, and Chad Searcy
Method of Detection, Not Type of Housing, Affects Accuracy and Rapidity of Estrus Detection in Gilts, Dwane Zimmerman and Denny Aherin
Methodology comparison for canopy structure parameters extraction from digital hemispherical photography in boreal forests, Sylvain G. Leblanc, Jing M. Chen, Richard Fernandes, Donald w. Deering, and Alexis Conley
Methodology for Estimating Removable Quantities of Agricultural Residues for Bioenergy and Bioproduct Use, Richard Nelson, Marie Walsh, John Sheehan, and Robin Graham
Mexican-Descent Latinas’ Compliance with Cervical Cancer Screening Guidelines, Evelinn A. Borrayo and Awilda Reyes
Microarray Based Comparison of Two Escherichia coli O157:H7 Lineages, Scot E. Dowd and Hiroshi Ishizaki
Microbiological Water Quality of Impoundments: A Literature Review, G. Allen Burton Jr.
Microclimate Effects from Closing Abandoned Mines with Culvert Bat Gates, Robert H. King
Microfossils in an Arkansas Peat and their Significance, Paul B. Sears and Glenn Couch
MICROROBOT FOR SURGICAL APPLICATIONS: United States Patent No. US 7,042,184 B2, Dmitry Oleynikov, Shane Farritor, Adnan Hadzialic, and Stephen R. Platt
Microstructures and Magnetic Properties of Rapidly Solidified Ni54Fe27−2xGa19+2x Ferromagnetic Heusler Alloys, S. Aich, S. Das, I. A. Al-Omari, P. Alagarsamy, S. G. Chowdhury, M. Chakraborty, Jeffrey E. Shield, and David J. Sellmyer
Microwave Pretreatment of Switchgrass to Enhance Enzymatic Hydrolysis, Deepak R. Keshwani, Jay J. Cheng, Joseph C. Burns, Laigeng Li, and Vincent Chiang
Middle and Late Cretaceous History of the Indian Ocean, Mary Anne Holmes and David K. Watkins
Middlebrow Readers and Pioneer Heroines: Willa Cather’s My Ántonia, Bess Streeter Aldrich’s A Lantern in Her Hand, and the Popular Fiction Market, Melissa Homestead
Midwestern Snakes Facts & Folklore, Dennis M. Ferraro, Dan Fogell, Stephen Vantassel, and Rachel Wright
Migration and Counter-urbanization in the Edwards Plateau of Texas, 1985-1990, Jason Holcomb
Migration Out of 1930s Rural Eastern Oklahoma: Insights for Climate Change Research, Robert McLeman
Migrations of Grassland Communities and Grazing Philosophies in the Great Plains: A Review and Implications for Management, Joe C. Truett
Migrations of the Imagination: Photographs by Michael Forsberg, Drawings, Sculptures and Quotations by Paul A. Johnsgard, and Additional Works of Art, Paul A. Johnsgard and Michael Forsberg
Miles Hare, Rodeo Clown & Bull Fighter
Miles Hare, Wrangler Bull Fighting Championships, Rapid City (1976?)
Military Innovations Adapted to Feral Hog Control in SW Georgia, Rod Pinkston
Military Leadership: A Context Specific Review, Leonard Wong, Paul Bliese, and Dennis McGurk
Mineralogical maturity in dunefields of North America, Africa and Australia, Daniel R. Muhs
Minerals and Gemstones of Nebraska: A Handbook for Students and Collectors, Roger K. Pabian and Allan Cook
Miniaturized Lead Sensor Based on Lead-Specific DNAzyme in a Nanocapillary Interconnected Microfluidic Device, In-Hyoung Chang; Joseph J. Tulock; Juewen Liu; Won-Suk Kim; Donald M. Cannon, Jr.; Yi Lu; Paul W. Bohn; Jonathan V. Sweedler; and Donald M. Cropek
Minimum airflow reset of single-duct VAV terminal boxes, Young-Hum Cho
Missa prolationem, Kurt Knecht
Missa Prolationem, Kurt Knecht
Mississippi River Blufflands and Bird Conservation, Eileen M. Kirsch
Mississippi River Stories: Lessons from a Century of Unnatural Disasters, Sandi Zellmer and Christine Klein
Missouri River Hydrology (Streamflow and Temperature) – Sioux City, Iowa to Rulo, Nebraska, David L. Schreiber
Mitigation of Shallow Groundwater Nitrate in a Poorly Drained Riparian Area and Adjacent Cropland, Jennifer H. Davis, Stephen M. Griffith, William R. Horwath, Jeffrey J. Steiner, and David D. Myrold
Mitochondrial DNA evolution in the Anaxyrus boreas species group, Anna M. Goebel, Tom A. Ranker, Paul Stephen Corn, and Richard G. Olmstead
Mitochondrial Phylogeography, Subspecific Taxonomy, and Conservation Genetics of Sandhill Cranes (Grus Canadensis; Aves: Gruidae), Judith M. Rhymer, Matthew G. Fain, Jane E. Austin, Douglas H. Johnson, and Carey Krajewski
Mixed Infection of Hard Red Winter Wheat with High Plains Virus and Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus from Wheat Curl Mites in Nebraska, T. Mahmood, Gary L. Hein, and S. G. Jenson
Mixed Methods Approaches in Family Science Research, Vicki Plano-Clark, Catherine Huddleston-Casas, Susan Churchill, Denise O'Neil Green, and Amanda Garrett
Mixed Methods Research Designs in Counseling Psychology, William E. Hanson, John W. Creswell, Vicki L. Plano Clark, Kelly S. Petska, and J. David Creswell
Model and Production Function for Irrigation Management, Derrel L. Martin, Darrell G. Watts, and James R. Gilley
Model Calculations of the Micrometer to Millimeter Intrinsic Absorption for Simple Ceramics, John R. Hardy, P. J. Edwardson, and J. A. O'Gara
Modeling, Analysis, and Experimental Study of In Vivo Wheeled Robotic Mobility, Mark E. Rentschler, Jason Dumpert, Stephen R. Platt, Karl Iagnemma, Dmitry Oleynikov, and Shane M. Farritor
Modeling and Analysis of Biological Populations, Joan Lubben
Modeling and analysis of biological populations, Joan Pflugrath Lubben
Modeling Annual Extreme Precipitation in China Using the Generalized Extreme Value Distribution, Song Feng, Saralees Nadarajah, and Qi Hu
Modeling Dredged Material Disposed in Open water, B. H. Johnson, D. N. McComas, and D. C. McVan
Modeling Dual Polarization Wireless Fading Channels using Quaternions, B. J. Wysocki, Tadeusz Wysocki, and J. Seberry
Modeling Flow and Flood-Plain Storage in a Tidally Affected River, A. G. Strickland and Jerad D. Bales
Modeling impacts on populations: fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) exposure to the endocrine disruptor 17β-trenbolone as a case study, David H. Miller and Gerald T. Ankley
Modeling of thermodynamically coupled reaction-transport systems, Yasar Demirel
Modeling Reptile and Amphibian Range Distributions from Species Occurrences and Landscape Variables, Geoffrey M. Henebry, Brian C. Putz, and James W. Merchant
Modeling Residence Time Distribution in a Twin-Screw Extruder as a Series of Ideal Steady-State Flow Reactors, Ajay Kumar, Girish M. Ganjyal, David D. Jones, and Milford Hanna
Modeling Responses of Dryland Spring Triticale, Proso Millet and Foxtail Millet to Initial Soil Water in the High Plains, S. A. Saseendran, D. C. Nielsen, Drew J. Lyon, L. Ma, D.D. Baltensperger, G. Hoogenboom, and L.R. Ahuja
Modeling Selected Properties of Extruded Rice Flour and Rice Starch by Neural Networks and Statistics, G. Ganjyal, Milford A. Hanna, P. Supprung, A. Noomhorm, and David D. Jones
Modeling the effects of environmental factors on finished cattle, Rodrigo A Arias
Model Limitations, Randy Yerrick, Linda James, and Jon E. Pedersen
Modelling Computational Requirements of Mobile Robotic Systems Using Zones and Processing Windows, Ala' Qadi, Steve Goddard, Jiangyang Huang, and Shane Farritor
Models in Manual Materials Handling, M. M. Ayoub and Jeffrey C. Woldstad
Mode of Action in Relevance of Rodent Liver Tumors to Human Cancer Risk, Michael P. Holsapple, Henri C. Pitot, Samuel H. Cohen, Alan R. Boobis, James E. Klaunig, Timothy Pastoor, Vicki L. Dellarco, and Yvonne P. Dragan
Modern Day Slavery: Spotlight on the 2006 "Trafficking in Persons Report," Forced Labor and Sex Trafficking at the World Cup, U.S. House of Representatives Committee on International Relations
Modification of Physical and Barrier Properties of Edible Wheat Gluten-Based Films, Aristippos Gennadios, Curtis L. Weller, and Robert F. Testin
Modified Convolutional Interleavers and Their Performance in Turbo Codes, Sina Vafi and Tadeusz Wysocki
Modified Transmitter Attachment Method for Adult Ducks, Pamela Pietz, David Brandt, Gary Krapu, and Deborah Buhl
Modified Wet Distillers Grains Finishing Diets May Increase the Levels of Polyunsaturated and Trans Fatty Acids of Beef, Amilton S. de Mello Jr., Chris R. Calkins, Lasika S. Senaratne, Timothy P. Carr, Galen E. Erickson, Mike E. R. Dugan, and Blaine E. Jenschke
Modifying National Public Health Performance Standards for Local Public Health Department Accreditation, Jeffrey G. Kuhr
Modifying national public health performance standards for local public health department accreditation, Jeffrey G Kuhr
MODIS Snow-Cover Products, Dorothy K. Hall, George A. Riggs, Vincent V. Salomonson, Nicolo E. DiGirolamo, and Klaus J. Bayr
Module 10: Teaching Goals and Strategies, Francis P. Collea, Robert Fuller, Robert Karplus, Lester G. Paldy, and John W. Renner
Module 11: Suggested Reading, Francis P. Collea, Robert Fuller, Robert Karplus, Lester G. Paldy, and John W. Renner
Module 1: How Students Think, Francis P. Collea, Robert Fuller, Robert Karplus, Lester G. Paldy, and John W. Renner
Module 2: Concrete and Formal Thought, Francis P. Collea, Robert Fuller, Robert Karplus, Lester G. Paldy, and John W. Renner
Module 3: Proportional Reasoning, Francis P. Collea, Robert Fuller, Robert Karplus, Lester G. Paldy, and John W. Renner
Module 4: Formal Thought, Francis P. Collea, Robert Fuller, Robert Karplus, Lester G. Paldy, and John W. Renner
Module 5: Analysis of Physics Problems and Test Questions, Francis P. Collea, Robert Fuller, Robert Karplus, Lester G. Paldy, and John W. Renner
Module 6: Analysis of Learning Materials, Francis P. Collea, Robert Fuller, Robert Karplus, Lester G. Paldy, and John W. Renner
Module 7: Self-Regulation, Francis P. Collea, Robert Fuller, Robert Karplus, Lester G. Paldy, and John W. Renner
Module 8: Learning Activities for Self-Regulation, Francis P. Collea, Robert Fuller, Robert Karplus, Lester G. Paldy, and John W. Renner
Module 9: Analysis of Physics Concepts, Francis P. Collea, Robert Fuller, Robert Karplus, Lester G. Paldy, and John W. Renner
Moisture Adsorption by Grain Protein Films, A. Gennadios and Curtis L. Weller
Molecular-based identification of the New World screwworm, Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), Joan A Christen
Molecular Characterization of Noroviruses Detected in Diarrheic Stools of Michigan and Wisconsin Dairy Calves: Circulation of Two Distinct Subgroups, Annabel G. Wise, Stephan S. Monroe, Lora E. Hanson, Daniel L. Grooms, Donald Sockett, and Roger K. Maes
Molecular Cloning and Characterization of a Porcine UL16 Binding Protein (ULBP)-Like cDNA, Carmen N. Garcia-Borges, Bounleut Phanavanh, Sarika Saraswati, Richard A. Dennis, and Mark D. Crew
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Order-Disorder Phase Transition in Solid NaNO2, Wei-Guo Yin, Chun-Gang Duan, W. N. Mei, Jianjun Liu, R. W. Smith, and John R. Hardy
Molecular-Dynamics Simulation of the Structural Phase Transition in Rb2CaCl4, D. P. Billesbach, P. J. Edwardson, and John R. Hardy
Molecular-Dynamics Simulations of Some BaXF4 Compounds, John Flocken, Z. Mo, W. N. Mei, John R. Hardy, and Dorian Hatch
Molecular-Dynamics Study of Phase Transitions in Alkali Azides, M. M. Ossowski, John R. Hardy, and R. W. Smith
Molecular-Dynamics Study of Phase Transitions in Alkali Thiocyanates, M. M. Ossowski, John R. Hardy, and R. W. Smith
Molecular evolution of cytochrome b in high- and low-altitude deer mice (genus Peromyscus), E.J. Gering, J. C. Opazo, and Jay F. Storz
Molecular evolution of cytochrome b in high- and low-altitude deer mice (genus Peromyscus), E. J. Gering, J. C. Opazo, and Jay F. Storz
Molecular Phylogenetics of the Phyllostomid Bat Genus Micronycteris with Descriptions of Two New Subgenera, Calvin A. Porter, Steven R. Hoofer, Chrissy A. Cline, Federico G. Hoffmann, and Robert J. Baker
Molecular Studies on BIV Infection and its Interaction with Other Bovine Viruses, Charles Wood, Harish Minocha, and Yunqi Geng
Monitoring Black-Tailed Prairie Dog Colonies with High-Resolution Satellite Imagery, John G. Sidle, Douglas H. Johnson, Betty R. Euliss, and Malrcus Tooze
Monitoring Early Season Mosquito and Bird Populations: Implications for West Nile Virus in Lancaster County, Nebraska, Jason Thiele, Trevor Hefley, Lindsay Beck-Johnson, and Emily Matthews
Monitoring Natural Air Corn Drying—A Demonstration Project, Richard O. Pierce and Gary L. Zoubek
Monitoring Sustainability in Tropical Forests: How Changes in Canopy Spatial Pattern Can Indicate Forest Stands for Biodiversity Surveys, Naikoa Aguilar and Geoffrey Henobry
Monitoring Tissue Engineering Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Huihui Xu, Shadi F. Othman, and Richard L. Magin
Monitoring Trends in Bat Populations of the United States and Territories: Problems and Prospects, T. J. O'Shea and M.A. Bogan
Monitoring Trends in Bat Populations of the United States and Territories: Status of the Science and Recommendations for the Future, Thomas J. O'Shea, Michael A. Bogan, and Laura E. Ellison
Monoclinic Optical Constants, Birefringence, and Dichroism of Slanted Titanium Nanocolumns Determined by Generalized Ellipsometry, Daniel Schmidt, Benjamin Booso, Tino Hofmann, Eva Schubert, Andrew Sarangan, and Mathias Schubert
Monte Carlo analysis of parameter uncertainty in matrix models for the weed Cirsium vulgare, Brigitte Tenhumberg, Svata M. Louda, James O. Eckberg, and Masaru Takahashi
More on the Role of the Mandible in Speech Production: Clinical Correlates of Green, Moore, and Reilly’s (2002) Findings AND Methodological Issues in Studies of Early Articulatory Development: A Response to Dworkin, Meleca, and Stachler (2003), James Paul Dworkin, Robert J. Meleca, Robert J. Stachler, Jordan R. Green, Christopher A. Moore, and Kevin J. Reilly
Morph-associated JH titer diel rhythm in Gryllus firmus: Experimental verification of its circadian basis and cycle characterization in artificially selected lines raised in the field, Anthony J. Zera and Zhangwu Zhao
Mortality Among HIV-1- and Human Herpesvirus Type 8 – Affected Mother-Infant Pairs in Zambia, Janet Wojcicki, Mulindi Mwanahamuntu, Veenu Minhas, Boris Djokic, Chipepo Kankasa, Winslow Klaskala, Brad Brayfield, Saul Phiri, Charles Wood, and Charles Mitchell
Mortality of an Adult Cougar Due to a Forest Fire, Dorothy M. Fecske, Jonathan A. Jenks, and Frederick D. Lindzey
Mortgage Debt: The Good News, Donna M. Dudney, Manford Peterson, and Thomas S. Zorn
Most Downloaded Documents for December 2008, University of Nebraska–Lincoln Digital Commons
Most Popular Downloads for April 2009, UNL Digital Commons
Most Popular Downloads for February 2009, UNL Digital Commons
Most Popular Downloads for January 2009, UNL Digital Commons
Most Popular Downloads for March 2009, UNL Digital Commons
Motivation, Drug Abuse, and 50 Years of Theoretical and Empirical Inquiry, Rick A. Bevins and Michael Bardo
Mountain Evolution and Environmental Changes of Huangshan, China, P.-H. Huang, Robert F. Diffendal, M. Yang, and P. E. Helland
Mountain Evolution and Environmental Changes of Huangshan (Yellow Mountain), China, Pei-hua Huang, Robert F. Diffendal, Min-qing Yang, and P. E. Helland
Mountain Plover Population Responses to Black-Tailed Prairie Dogs in Montana, Stephen J. Dinsmore, Gary C. White, and Fritz L. Knopf
Movement of Bull Sharks, Carcharhinus Leucas, Between Carribean Sea and Lake Nicaragua Demonstrated by Tagging, Thomas B. Thorson
Movements and Distribution of Radio-Collared Canada Geese in Anchorage, Alaska, Darryl York, John Cummings, and Kate Wedemeyer
Movements and Dive Patterns of a Rehabilitated Risso’s dolphin, Grampus griseus, in the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean, Randall Wells, Charles Manire, Lynne Byrd, David Smith, Janet Gannon, Deborah Fauquier, and Keith Mullin
Movements and Diving Behavior of Pelagic Spotted Dolphins, Michael Scott and Susan Chivers
Moving Beyond Weight as the Only Predictor of Breeding Readiness: Using a Breeding Maturity Index, Matthew Stockton, Roger K. Wilson, Richard N. Funston, Leslie Aaron Stalker, and Dillon Feuz
Moving to the Nebraska Panhandle: A Broad Picture of the Decision Process, Charlotte Narjes
MP00-75 The 2000-2001 Nebraska Poultry Report, Mary M. Beck, Mindy M. Brashears, Necmettin Ceylan, Shelly R. McKee, Lisa Nolan, Sheila Scheideler, Eva Wallner-Pendleton, Kimberly K. Franzen, Uaichai Puthpongsiriporn, Mohammad A. Jalal, Jodi Ash, Elizabeth Marsh, Haitham Yakout, Curtis Novak, D.J. Jordan, Ryan Mass, Ramiro Lucena, Mohammed Alomad, Samar Elnagar, Jennifer Bridger, Marcos X. Sanchez, and Wade M. Fluckey
MP03-81 The 2003 Nebraska Poultry Report, Sheila Scheideler, Mary M. Beck, Curtis L. Novak, Leanne LaBrash, Danilo J. Franco, Mohammad A. Jalal, David Monsalve, and Trish Weber
MP51 Distillers Grains, Glen Aines, Terry Klopfenstein, and Rick Stock
MP74 1999-2000 Nebraska Dairy Report
MP78 2001-2002 Nebraska Dairy Report
MP82 2003-2004 Nebraska Dairy Report
Mrs. Mary T. Mason, Wife of Judge O.P. Mason
MsrB1 (Methionine-R-sulfoxide Reductase 1) Knock-out Mice: Roles of MsrB1 in Redox Regulation and Identification of a Novel Selenoprotein Form, Dmitri E. Fomenko, Sergey V. Novoselov, Sathish Kumar Natarajan, Byung Cheon Lee, Ahmet Koc, Bradley A. Carlson, Tae-Hyung Lee, Hwa-Young Kim, Dolph L. Hatfield, and Vadim N. Gladyshev
Multiagent Simulation of Collaboration and Scaffolding of a CSCL Environment, Nobel Khandaker and Leen-Kiat Soh
Multi-angle remote sensing of forest light use efficiency by observing PRI variation with canopy shadow fraction, Forrest G. Hall, Thomas Hilker, Nicholas C. Coops, Alexei Lyapustin, Karl F. Huemmrich, Elizabeth Middleton, Hank Margolis, Guillaume Drolet, and T. Andrew Black
Multicultural and diversity education: An examination of curricular integration within California community colleges, Shelly L Hess
Multidimensional Protein Fractionation Using ProteomeLab PF 2D™ for Profiling Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Immunity: A Preliminary Report, Joshua Schlautman, Wojciech Rozek, Robert Stetler, R. Lee Mosley, Howard Gendelman, and Pawel Ciborowski
Multi-modulation Schemes to Increase the Rate of Space-Time Block Codes in Rayleigh Fading Channels, Le Chung Tran, Tadeusz A. Wysocki, Jennifer Seberry, and Alfred Mertins
Multiobjective Plan Selection Optimization for Traffic Responsive Control, Montasir M. Abbas and Anuj Sharma
Multiple Ionization of Rare Gases by H+ and He+ Impact, R. D. DuBois, L. H. Toburen, and M. Eugene Rudd
Multiple Separations Facilitate Identification of Protein Variants by Mass Spectrometry, Zhongli Zhang, David L. Smith, and Jean B. Smith
Multiple virus infections in the honey bee and genome divergence of honey bee viruses, Yanping Chen, Yanping Zhao, John Hammond, Hei-ti Hsu, Jay Evans, and Mark Feldlaufea
Multiplex real-time PCR for detection, identification and quantification of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ in potato plants with zebra chip, Wenbin Li, Jorge A. Abad, Ronald D. French-Monar, John Rascoe, Aimin Wen, Neil C. Gudmestad, Gary A. Secor, Ing-Ming Lee, Yongping Duan, and Laurene Levy
Multiple-Year Droughts In Nebraska, Michael J. Hayes, Cody L. Knutson, and Q. Steven Hu
Multiscale Modeling of Impact on Heterogeneous Viscoelastic Solids with Evolving Microcracks, Flavio V. Souza
Multiscale modeling of impact on heterogeneous viscoelastic solids with evolving microcracks, Flavio Vasconcelos de Souza
Multiscale Phenomena in Bruggeman Composites, Ralph Skomski, Jiangyu Li, Jian Zhou, and David J. Sellmyer
Multi-tissue coexpression networks reveal unexpected subnetworks associated with disease, Radu Dobrin, Jun Zhu, Cliona Molony, Carmen Argman, Mark L. Parish, Sonia Carlson, Mark F. Allan, Daniel Pomp, and Eric E. Schadt
Multivariate Correlation between Concentrations of Selected Herbicides and Derivatives in Outflows from Selected U.S. Midwestern Reservoirs, R. Tauler, D. Barcelo, and E. Michael Thurman
Murdock, Nebraska, Groundwater Flow and Transport Modeling in Support of Long-Term Monitoring, Applied Geosciences and Environmental Management Section Environmental Research Division, Argonne National Laboratory
Muscle Protein Turnover and Tenderness in Broiler Chickens Fed Cimaterol, J. B. Morgan, Steven J. Jones, and Chris R. Calkins
Muskegon Wastewater Land Treatment System: Fate and Transport of Phosphorus in Soils and Life Expectancy of the System, C. Hu, Tian Zhang, Y. H. Huang, Mohamed F. Dahab, D. Kendrick, and R. Surampalli
Mutation Induction in Melilotus alba annua by Chemical Mutagens, A. Kleinhofs, Herman J. Gorz, and Francis A. Haskins
Mutations in hns reduce the adherence of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli 091:H21 strain B2F1 to human colonic epithelial cells and increase the production of hemolysin, Maria E. Scott, Angela R. Melton-Celsa, and Alison D. O'Brien
Mutations, the Abberant Ratio Phenomenon, and Virus Infection of Maize, Myron K. Brakke
Mycorrhizal Colonization and Nutrition of Wheat and Sweet Corn Grown in Manure-Treated and Untreated Topsoil and Subsoil, David D. Tarkalson, Von D. Jolley, Charles W. Robbins, and Richard E. Terry
Myofibrillar Protein Turnover in Feed-Restricted and Realimented Beef Cattle, Steven J. Jones, D. Starkey, Chris R. Calkins, and J.D. Crouse
Myron Kendall Brakke: 1921 to 2007, Karen-Beth G. Scholthof, Andrew O. Jackson, and James L. Van Etten
N-Acetylaspartate in the CNS: From neurodiagnostics to neurobiology, John R. Moffett, Brian Ross, Peethambaran Arun, Chikkathur N. Madhavarao, and Aryan M. A. Namboodiri
Nanodomain Faceting in Ferroelectrics, J. F. Scott, Alexei Gruverman, D. Wu, and M. Alexe
Nano-Raman spectroscopy and surface nanostructuring using near-field optics, Kaijun Yi
Narrow Grass Hedge Effects on Nutrient Transport Following Compost Application, John E. Gilley, B. Eghball, and David B. Marx
National Biological Service Annual Report 1995
National Center for Research on Rural Education (R2Ed): Fact Sheet
National Protocol for Medical Evaluation of Children Found in Drug Labs
National Science Foundation-Sponsored Workshop Report. Draft Plan for Soybean Genomics, Gary Stacey, Lila n Vodkin, Wayne A. Parrott, and Randy C. Shoemaker
National Swine Improvement Federation Ultrasound Certification Workshops, Doyle Wolverton, Dennis E. Burson, and Thomas Socha
Native Fish and Wildlife Endangered Species, Stewart Udall
Native Habitats of the Twin Cities Area, Craig A. Faanes
Native Weeds and Exotic Plants: Relationships to Disturbance in Mixed-Grass Prairie, Diane L. Larson
Natural and Technologic Hazardous Material Releases During and After Natural Disasters: A Review, Stacy Young, Lina Balluz, and Josephine Malilay
Natural Areas, Regions, and Two Centuries of Environmental Change on the Great Plains, David J. Wishart
Natural enemies of the Coccinellidae: Parasites, pathogens, and parasitoids, E. W. Riddick, T. E. Cottrell, and K. A. Kidd
Natural Genetic Variation in Transcriptome Reflects Network Structure Inferred with Major Effect Mutations: Insulin/TOR and Associated Phenotypes in Drosophila melanogaster, Sergey Nuzhdin, Jennifer A. Brisson, Andrew Pickering, Marta Wayne, Lawrence G. Harshman, and Lauren McIntyre
Natural Genetic Variation in Transcriptome Reflects Network Structure Inferred with Major Effect Mutations: Insulin/TOR and Associated Phenotypes in Drosophila melanogaster, Sergey V. Nuzhdin, Jennifer A. Brisson, Andrew Pickering, Marta L. Wayne, Lawrence G. Harshman, and Lauren M. McIntyre
Nature and Cause of Yellow Film Occurring on Dairy Equipment, R. B. Maxcy
NBS1 Mediates ATR-Dependent RPA Hyperphosphorylation Following Replication-Fork Stall and Collapse, Karoline C. Manthey, Stephen Opiyo, Jason G. Glanzer, Diana Dimitrova, James Elliott, and Gregory G. Oakley
NCR90-379 Sheep Diseases, R.M. Jordan
NCR96-235 Feeding Ewes, Leon F. Bush and James Thompson
Nebraska 4-H Beef Breeding Heifer Manual : Extension Circular 2-41-2, W A. Buchanan
Nebraska 4-H Club Music : Extension Circular 0-22-02
Nebraska: A Guide to the Cornhusker State (WPA Guide), Federal Writers’ Project of the Works Progress Administration for the State of Nebraska
Nebraska Birds in Recorded History, Fritz L. Knopf
Nebraska Blueprint - Fall 2005
Nebraska Blueprint - Spring 2001
Nebraska Blueprint - Spring 2003
Nebraska Blueprint - Spring 2004
Nebraska Blueprint - Spring 2008
Nebraska Blueprint - Summer 2007
Nebraska Blueprint - Winter 2006-07
Nebraska Blueprint – Winter 2007-08
Nebraska Child Care Workforce and Quality: Summary Policy Brief #7, Kathy Thornburg, Helen Raikes, Brian Wilcox, Carolyn P. Edwards, Julia Torquati, Susan Hegland, Carla Peterson, Jean Ann Summers, and Jane Atwater
Nebraska Community Learning Center Network: Expanded Learning Opportunity Fund Mapping Project, Mitchel Herian and Nancy Shank
Nebraska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit: Report of Activities October 2006 – October 2007, Craig R. Allen and Kevin L. Pope
Nebraska Farmland Values And Cash Rents Rise Sharply, Bruce B. Johnson
Nebraska Gamblers Assistance Program Biennial Report Fiscal Years 2006-2007
Nebraska Gap Analysis Project, G.M. Henebry, M.R. Vaitkus, and James W. Merchant
Nebraska: Her Resources, Advantages, and Development, Joseph Garneau, Jr.
Nebraska Hospital Preparedness for Psychological Consequences of Public Health Emergencies (Survey Results Summary), Denise Bulling
Nebraska Judicial Structure and Administrative Task Force Final Report, Nebraska Judicial Structure and Administration Task Force
Nebraska, New England, New York: Mapping the Foreground of Willa Cather and Edith Lewis's Creative Partnership, Melissa Homestead and Anne L. Kaufman
Nebraska Range Shortcourse: A Successful Approach to Continuing Education, Daniel R. Vaughn, Anthony D. Watson, Lowell E. Moser, and Walter H. Schacht
Nebraska Record Book for 4-H Livestock Club Members : Extension Circular 2-01-2
Nebraska School Facilities: Educational Adequacy of Class III School District Structures, John M. Weidner, Sr.
Nebraska’s Drug Courts Evaluation, Mark DeKraai
Nebraska’s Forest Resources, 2007
Nebraska's Modified-Open-Front Farrowing Houses Design and Operation, Gerald R. Bodman, Donald G. Levis, and Duane E. Reese
Nebraska's Nature Compendium, Thomas E. Labedz
Nebraska Soybean Learning Centers: “A Systems Approach to Soybean Profitability”
Nebraska’s Tiger Beetle, Cincindela nebraskana Casey, Mathew Brust and W. W. Hoback
Nebraska Summary 472: Massey Ferguson 7480 DYNAVT Diesel Dyna Step Transmission, Tractor Museum
Nebraska Summary 545: Massey Ferguson 8450 Diesel Dyna-Step Transmission, Tractor Museum
Needs For and Approaches To Wildlife Habitat Assessment, Jack Ward Thomas
Negative-ion resonances in zinc: A study in elastic electron scattering and electron transmission, S. A. Napier, D. Cvejanović, Paul D. Burrow, J. F. Williams, J. A. Michejda, and L. Pravica
Negotiation-Based Coalition Formation Model for Agents with Incomplete Information and Time Constraints, Leen-Kiat Soh
Neotropical Migrant Birds, Douglas H. Johnson
Neotropical Migratory Birds, Stephanie L. Jones
Nest And Brood Survival And Habitat Selection Of Ring-Necked Pheasants And Greater Prairie-Chickens In Nebraska, Ty Matthews
Nesting Piping Plover and Least Tern on the Kansas River, William H. Busby, Daniel W. Mulhern, P. Gregory Kramos, David A. Rintoul, and William C. Tuttle
Nest Parasitism on Constructed Islands in Northwestern North Dakota, Amy L. Zimmerman, Marsha A. Sovada, Tim K. Kessler, and Robert K. Murphy
Nest Predation on Black-Tailed Prairie Dog Colonies, Bruce Baker, Thomas R. Stanley, and Glenn Plumb
Net Global Warming Potential and Greenhouse Gas Intensity in Irrigated Cropping Systems in Northeastern Colorado, Arvin R. Mosier, Ardell D. Halvorson, Curtis A. Reule, and Xuejun J. Liu
Network Applications of the USGS Branch Model, Raymond W. Schaffranek
Network Architectures for Live Peer-to-Peer Media Streaming, Jagannath Ghoshal, Lisong Xu, Byrav Ramamurthy, and Miao Wang
Network Coding for WDM All-Optical Multicast, Eric D. Manley, Jitender S. Deogun, Lisong Xu, and Dennis R. Alexander
Network Coding for WDM All-Optical Multicast, Eric D. Manley, Jitender S. Deogun, Lisong Xu, and Dennis R. Alexander
Network coding for WDM all-optical networks, Eric D Manley
Neural Networks as a Tool for Constructing Continuous NDVI Time Series From AVHRR and MODIS, M. E. Brown, D. J. Lary, A. Vrieling, D. Stathakis, and H. Mussa
Neurobehavioral Evaluation for a Community with Chronic Exposure to Hydrogen Sulfide Gas, Steven G. Inserra, Betty L. Phifer, W. Kent Anger, Michael Lewin, Roberta Hilsdon, and Mary C. White
Neurobiological Determinants of Communication Development, Steven M. Barlow and Jordan R. Green
‘Neuroecologists’ are Not Made of Straw, Robert Hampton, Susan Healy, Sara Shettleworth, and Alan C. Kamil
‘Neuroecologists’ are not made of straw, Robert R. Hampton, Susan D. Healy, Sara J. Shettleworth, and Alan C. Kamil
Neuropsychological Effects of the Traumatic Stress Response in Sexually Abused Adolescents throughout Treatment, Kathryn R. Wilson
Neutron Powder Diffraction Studies of the La0.65Pb0.35MnO3 Perovskite, Camelia Borca, Shireen Adenwalla, Sy-Hwang Liou, Q.L. Xu, J. L. Robertson, and Peter Dowben
New Autoionizing Levels in Helium, M. Eugene Rudd
New Country Records of Caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera) from Vietnam, Brian Armitage and Tatiana Arefina-Armitage
New Distributional Record of the Nothern Redbelly Dace in the Northern Great Plains, Nathan M. Morey and Charles R. Berry, Jr.
New Engagements with Documentary Editions: Audiences, Formats, Contexts, Andrew Jewell
New Genes Originated via Multiple Recombinational Pathways in the β-Globin Gene Family of Rodents, Frederico Hoffmann, Juan Opazo, and Jay F. Storz
New Immigrants in the Great Plains: Strengths and Challenges
New Model for Electron-Impact Ionization Cross Sections of Molecules, W. Hwang, Y.-K. Kim, and M. Eugene Rudd
New Nesting Dates for Some Breeding Birds in North Dakota, Lawrence D. Igl and Harold A. Kantrud
New Perspectives on the Changing Religious Diversity in the Great Plains, Stanley Brunn and Holly Barcus
New Records of Bolivian Mammals, Jorge A. Salazar-Bravo, Mariel Campbell, Sydney Anderson, Scott Lyell Gardner, and John L. Dunnum
New records of dynastine scarab beetles in the tribes Oryctini, Agaocephalini and Dynastini from Cayo district, Belize (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae), Conrad P. D. T. Gillett
New Rural Residents: Insights into their Decision to Stay or Leave, Charlotte Narjes and Cheryl A. Burkhart-Kriesel
News groups must innovate or die, Carla Kimbrough
Newsletters of First 10 Years, Tractor Museum
New Species and Collections of Arrhenuri: 1921, Ruth Marshall
New Species of Water Mites of the Genus Arrhenurus, Ruth Marshall
New Studies of the Arrhenuri, Ruth Marshall
New Swine Nutrition Guide Available, Duane Reese
New Unit's First Job: Spacing for 300-pound Market Weight
New York is not Arkansas, Seth H. Giertz
Next Generation DNA Sequencing and the Birth of a Golden Era for Microbial Ecology
Next Gen Sequencing: An Alternative to Culture-Based Microbiological Testing
NF00-412 Sewing with Elastic, Rose Marie Tondl
NF00-413 Sewing with Sand-washed Fabrics, Rose Marie Tondl
NF00-414 Sewing with Rayon Challis, Rose Marie Tondl
NF00-415 Sewing with Knits, Rose Marie Tondl
NF00-417 Sewing with Outerwear Sports Fabric, Rose Marie Tondl
NF00-419 Sewing with Lycra® Blends, Rose Marie Tondl
NF00-420 Sewing with Tencel®, Rose Marie Tondl
NF00-421 Sewing with Microfibers, Rose Marie Tondl
NF00-422 Sunflower Head Moth Management, Ray Weed, Ronald C. Seymour, and Gary L. Hein
NF00-423 Disease Management Guide for Home Garden Vegetables, John E. Watkins
NF00-424 Sewing with Velvet, Rose Marie Tondl
NF00-426 Rhizopus Head Rot of Sunflower, Robert M. Harveson
NF00-427 Management of Seed and Seedling Diseases of Corn, Jim Stack
NF00-428 Fungicide Management of Foliar Diseases of Corn, Jim Stack
NF00-430 Sewing with Velveteen, Rose Marie Tondl
NF00-431 Sewing with Voile, Rose Marie Tondl
NF00-432 Open Meeting Law, Jeanette Friesen
NF00-433 Responsibilities of Elected Officers, Gary C. Bergman
NF00-434 Understanding and Using Parliamentary Procedure, Gary C. Bergman
NF00-435 Consumer Responsibility in Health Care: Selecting Mental Health Care, Paul Flack and Mary Ellen Rider
NF00-437 Setting Up Your Own Business Spotting Business Opportunities Among Scams, Carol Thayer
NF00-438 Critical Access Hospitals: An Opportunity For Rural Nebraska, John Roberts, Judy Weber, and Mary Ellen Rider
NF00-439 Creating a Strong Family: What Is A Strong Family, Anyway?, John Defrain
NF00-440 Creating a Strong Family: Appreciation and Affection: Developing an Emotional Bond, John Defrain
NF00-442 Creating a Strong Family: Positive Communication: Smoothing Out the Bumps in Family Life, John Defrain
NF00-443 Creating a Strong Family: Enjoyable Time Together: A Journey of Happy Memories, John Defrain
NF00-444 Creating a Strong Family: Spiritual Well-Being: Sacred Connections, John Defrain
NF00-445 Creating a Strong Family: Successful Management of Stress and Crisis, John Defrain
NF00-446 Creating a Strong Family: Qualities of Strong Families, John Defrain
NF01-449 An Introduction to Agricultural Production and Marketing Contracts, Tom Holman, Dillon Feuz, and David Baltensperger
NF01-450 Daylily Rust: A New Disease in the United States, Loren J. Giesler, Jay B. Fitzgerald, and Stephen V. Johnson
NF01-451 Consumer Responsibility in Health Care: Improving Communication with Your Provider, Mary Ellen Rider and Paul Flack
NF01-452 Bacterial Blight on Geranium, Loren J. Giesler and Jay B. Fitzgerald
NF01-453 Written Cropland Lease Checklist, J. David Aiken
NF01-454 Information About Foot and Mouth Disease for Nebraska Residents, David R. Smith
NF01-455 Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy in the United States, David R. Smith
NF01-456 E-Mail Glossary of Terms
NF01-457 Basic Computer Glossary of Terms
NF01-458 Internet Connectivity Glossary of Terms
NF01-459 Internet/World Wide Web Glossary of Terms
NF01-461 Turf Disease Fact Sheet No. 1: Management Program for Necrotic Ring Spot and Summer Patch, John E. Watkins
NF01-462 Turf Disease Fact Sheet No. 2: Management Program for Dollar Spot, John E. Watkins
NF01-463 Turf Disease Fact Sheet No. 3: Management Program for Brown Patch, John E. Watkins
NF01-464 Turf Disease Fact Sheet No. 4: Management Program for Leaf Spot and Melting Out, John E. Watkins
NF01-465 Turf Disease Fact Sheet No. 5: Management Program for Pythium Blight, John E. Watkins
NF01-466 Turf Disease Fact Sheet No. 6: Management Program for Gray Leaf Spot, John E. Watkins
NF01-467 Turf Disease Fact Sheet No. 7: Management Program for Anthracnose, John E. Watkins
NF01-468 Turf Disease Fact Sheet No. 8: Management Program for Powdery Mildew, John E. Watkins
NF01-469 Turf Disease Fact Sheet No. 9: Management Program for Pink and Gray Snow Molds, John E. Watkins
NF01-470 Turf Disease Fact Sheet No. 10: Management Program for Rust Diseases, John E. Watkins
NF01-472 Growing Annual Flowers, Anne Streich, Susan D. Schoneweis, and Steven Rodie
NF01-473 Stewart's Wilt of Corn, Jim Stack, Jennifer Chaky, Loren J. Giesler, and Robert J. Wright
NF01-474 Creating a Strong Family: The Greatest Gift a Father Can Give His Children, John Defrain
NF01-475 Creating a Strong Family: "I Love You, Bill", John Defrain
NF01-476 Creating a Strong: Family How To Be Nice, John Defrain
NF01-477 Creating a Strong Family: We Are One, John Defrain
NF01-478 Creating a Strong Family: "I Should Have Spent More Time At Work", John Defrain
NF01-479 Creating a Strong Family: Commitment to the Community, John Defrain
NF01-480 Creating a Strong Family: Wants Are Insatiable, John Defrain
NF01-481 Creating a Strong Family: Life As A Soap Opera, John Defrain
NF01-482 "Banned Mammalian Protein" - What Does it Mean?, Rosie Nold and David R. Smith
NF01-483 Attending Fairs: Safeguarding Your Health and Nebraska's Livestock Industry, Rosie Nold and David R. Smith
NF01-484 Biosecurity: Protecting Your Health and the Health of Your Animals, Rosie Nold and David R. Smith
NF01-485 Creating a Strong Family: Listening and Speaking from the Heart, John Defrain
NF01-486 Creating a Strong Family: Why Are Families So Important?, John Defrain
NF01-487 Creating a Strong Family: Living in the Moment, John Defrain
NF01-488 Creating a Strong Family: Quality Time in Great Quantity, John Defrain
NF01-489 Creating a Strong Family: The Family That Eats Happily Together Stays Together, John Defrain
NF01-490 Using Paylean® with Show Pigs, Rosie Nold
NF01-491 The Corn Stalk Nitrate Test, Charles A. Shapiro and Richard L. DeLoughery
NF01-495 Creating a Strong Family: The Chinese Symbol for Crisis, John DeFrain
NF01-497 Creating a Strong Family: Universal Values, Family Strengths and the Quest for a Peaceful World, John DeFrain
NF01-499 Tips for Eating Out, Linda Boeckner
NF02-493 Creating a Strong Family: Looking at Life From a Family Strengths Perspective, John Defrain
NF02-494 Creating a Strong Family: Talking About Religion and Spirituality in Families, John Defrain
NF02-538 Protect Your Credit and Identity, Debra E. Schroeder and Rebecca L. Versch
NF02-539 Yield Suppressions of Glyphosate-Resistant (Roundup Ready) Soybeans, Roger W. Elmore, Charles A. Shapiro, Lenis A. Nelson, Alex Martin, and Robert N. Klein
NF02-542 West Nile Virus Guidelines for Horse Owners, Kathy Anderson
NF02-544 Agencies and Organizations Serving Older Nebraskans, Shirley Niemeyer
NF03-565 Exotic Newcastle Disease (END) Nebraska Poultry Producers Quick Reference, Grasso M. Ebako and Del Wilmot
NF03-573 Handling Used Oil A Guide For Small Businesses, Gabe Hodill, Janet R. Hygnstrom, and Bruce Dvorak
NF03-578 How Can I Help An Older Person Who May Have a Mental Illness?, Kathy Bosch
NF03-588 Turf Disease Fact Sheet No. 11: Management Program for Ascochyta Leaf Blight, John E. Watkins
NF04-590 What is Guardianship?, Eileen Krumbach, John DeFrain, Bruce Cudly, Dina Rathje, Carol Lieske, Rene Ferdinand, Mary Evans, and Mary Gordon
NF04-591 What is Genetic Engineering and How Does it Work?, Patricia M. Hain, Julie A. Albrecht, and Douglas A. Golick
NF04-593 Understanding How USDA-FSIS Determines the Age of Cattle for Current BSE Regulations, Dicky D. Griffin and David R. Smith
NF04-595 Surveillance for Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, David R. Smith and Dicky D. Griffin
NF05-592 Both Partners Are Responsible For The Relationship, Kathy Bosch
NF05-617 Guardianship Responsibilities To The Court, Eileen Krumbach, John Defrain, Bruce Cudly, Dina Rathje, Carol Lieske, Rene Ferdinand, Mary Evans, and Mary Gordon
NF05-618 Guardianship Responsibilities To The Ward, Eileen Krumbach, John Defrain, Bruce Cudly, Dina Rathje, Carol Lieske, Rene Ferdinand, Mary Evans, and Mary Gordon
NF05-619 Decision Making As A Guardian, Eileen Krumbach, John Defrain, Bruce Cudly, Dina Rathje, Carol Lieske, Rene Ferdinand, Mary Evans, and Mary Gordon
NF05-620 Guardianship/Conservatorship Financial Responsibilities, Eileen Krumbach, John Defrain, Bruce Cudly, Dina Rathje, Carol Lieske, Rene Ferdinand, Mary Evans, and Mary Gordon
NF05-621 Alternatives to Guardianship, Eileen Krumbach, John Defrain, Bruce Cudly, Dina Rathje, Carol Lieske, Rene Ferdinand, Mary Evans, and Mary Gordon
NF05-651 Learning from Children About Severe Weather, Leanne Manning, Dianne Swanson, and John Defrain
NF152 Why Children Misbehave, Pat Steffens and Kathy Bosch
NF247 Assistance With Wildlife Damage Problems in Nebraska, Scott E. Hygnstrom, John M. Hobbs, James G. Bruner, James Weverka, Dallas R. Virchow, and Dennis M. Ferraro
NF328 A Guide to Grasshopper Control in Cropland, Gary L. Hein and John B. Campbell
NF390 Nebraska Fence Viewer Statutes, J. David Aiken
NF411 Seed Treatment Fungicides for Soybeans, Loren J. Giesler
NF422 Sunflower Head Moth Management, Ronald C. Seymour, Gary L. Hein, and Ray Weed
NF425 Resistance Management for European Corn Borer and Bt Transgenic Corn: Refuge Design and Placement, Thomas E. Hunt and G. W. Echtenkamp
NF449 An Introduction to Agricultural Production and Marketing Contracts, Tom Holman
NF502 Nutrient Content and Sensory Characteristics of Bison Meat, Jayne M. McClenahan and Judy A. Driskell
NF506 Plant Disease Central Web Site (, Jim Stack
NF507 Manure Testing: What to Request?, Charles Shapiro, Charles Wortmann, and Richard Deloughery
NF518 Management of Phytophthora Diseases of Soybeans, Loren J. Giesler, Jane A. Christensen, and Christopher M. Zwiener
NF521 Teens Making Choices: Communication is Important, Rosalie Bakken
NF522 Teens Making Choices: Involvement is Important, Rosalie Bakken
NF523 Teens Making Choices: Practice is Important, Rosalie Bakken
NF526 Spring Millers, Ronald C. Seymour and Gary L. Hein
NF527 Parenting Your Child Effectively Look At The Whole Picture, Marilyn Fox
NF528 Parenting Your Child Effectively: Set A Good Example, Marilyn Fox
NF529 Parenting Your Child Effectively: Give Safe, Understandable Limits, Marilyn Fox
NF530 Parenting Your Child Effectively: Work With, Not Against, Your Child, Marilyn Fox
NF531 Parenting Your Child Effectively: Change Surroundings Instead of Behavior, Marilyn Fox
NF532 Parenting Your Child Effectively: Give Choices, Marilyn Fox
NF533 Parenting Your Child Effectively: Help Children Feel Lovable and Capable, Marilyn Fox
NF534 Parenting Your Child Effectively: My Parenting Style, Marilyn Fox
NF 535 Parenting Your Child Effectively: Focus On "Do", Marilyn Fox
NF536 Parenting Your Child Effectively: My Plan to Improve My Parent-Child Relationships, Marilyn Fox
NF538 Protect Your Credit and Identity, Debra E. Schroeder and Rebecca L. Versch
NF539 Yield Suppressions of Glyphosate-Resistant (Roundup Ready) Soybeans, Roger W. Elmore, Fred W. Roeth, Charles A. Shapiro, Lenis A. Nelson, Alex Martin, Stevan Z. Knezevic, and Robert N. Klein
NF542 West Nile Virus Guidelines for Horse Owners, Kathleen P. Anderson
NF543 Ascochyta Blight of Chickpeas, Robert M. Harveson
NF545 A Guide to Soy Foods, Georgia Jones and Wanda Koszewski
NF546 Soy Health Claims, Wanda Koszewski and Georgia Jones
NF556 Our Relationship....And Communicating Effectively, Kathy Bosch
NF560 Wheat Disease Fact Sheet No. 2: Management Program for Foliar Leaf Spot Diseases of Wheat, John E. Watkins
NF562 Wheat Disease Fact Sheet No. 4: Management Program for Soil-Borne Wheat Mosaic and Wheat Yellow Mosaic (Wheat Spindle Streak), John E. Watkins
NF563 Wheat Disease Fact Sheet No. 5: Management Program for Wheat Streak Mosaic and High Plains Diseases of Wheat, John E. Watkins
NF567 Parenting From A Distance, Cindy Strasheim
NF568 Parents Forever/Kids Talk About Divorce, Cindy Strasheim
NF571 Aspergillus flavus and Aflatoxins in Corn, Jim Stack and Mike Carlson
NF572 Non-Fat Dry Milk in Drought Diets, Galen E. Erickson, Terry Klopfenstein, Ivan G. Rush, Richard J. Rasby, and Don Adams
NF579 Aging Sexuality, Kathy Bosch
NF581 Aronia Berries, Durward Smith and Carol Ringenberg
NF584 Strategies for Range Beef Cattle Producers in Arid Environments Following Drought, Tom Holman, Patrick E. Reece, Ivan G. Rush, and David Baltensperger
NF588 Turf Disease Fact Sheet No. 11: Management Program, John E. Watkins
NF589 New Onsite Wastewater Treatment Law Protects Nebraska’s People and Environment, Janet R. Hygnstrom, Sharon Skipton, and Wayne Woldt
NF599 Wheat Disease Fact Sheet No. 1: Management Program for Rust Diseases of Wheat, John E. Watkins
NF90-277 Setting Up Your Own Business: Planning Your Insurance Coverage, Cheryl Burkhart-Kriesel and Paul H. Gessaman
NF91-12 "Living" Trust: Cause for Consumer Concern, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF91-13 Winter Home Shutdown, Monica Braun and Anne Ziebarth
NF91-14 Moth Protection For Woolen Apparel, Rose Marie Tondl
NF91-16 Removing Smoke Odors from Clothing, Rose Marie Tondl
NF91-17 How to Minimize Mildew Damage to Clothing, Rose Marie Tondl
NF91-18 Cutting Family Living INSURANCE Expenses, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF91-19 Cutting Installment Payments, Credit Cards and Other CREDIT PAYMENTS, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF91-1 Bankruptcy: Debtor's Last Resort, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF91-20 Cutting Family Living TRANSPORTATION Expenses, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF91-21 Cutting Family Living FOOD Expenses, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF91-22 Cutting Family Living Recreation, Health Care, Gifts and Contributions, Education, and other Expenses, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF91-24 A Cash Flow Technique to Use in Household Budgeting, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF91-25 Cutting Family Living Clothing and Personal Care Expenses, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF91-26 Cutting Housing, Utilities, Telephone, Furnishings, Cleaning Supply Expenses, Kathy Prochaska-Cue, Shirley Niemeyer, and Ann Ziebarth
NF91-27 A Discussion of 'Greenhouse' Gases, Steve Meyer and Ken Hubbard
NF91-28 Psittacosis (Chlamydia Psittaci Infections) in Pet Birds, Eva Wallner-Pendleton
NF91-29 Ringworm and Club Lamb Fungus, Doyle Wolverton and Ted Doane
NF91-2 Acquiring Credit, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF91-32 A Quick Consumer Guide to Safe Food Handling, Dennis Burson and Julie A. Albrecht
NF91-33 Handling Eggs Safely at Home, Julie A. Albrecht and Alice Henneman
NF91-34 Food Safety for Farmers' Market Vendors, Julie A. Albrecht
NF91-35 Amaranth Grain Production in Nebraska, David D. Baltensperger, Drew J. Lyon, Lenis A. Nelson, and Alan J. Corr
NF91-36 Growing Safflower in Nebraska, Drew J. Lyon, David D. Baltensperger, Ray Sall, and Eric Kerr
NF91-37 Thread Facts, Rose Marie Tondl and Wendy Rich
NF91-39 Precipitation and Sprinkler Irrigation Monitoring for Managing Irrigation Scheduling, Steve Meyer and Kenneth Hubbard
NF91-3 Setting Reasonable Debt Limits, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF91-40 Insulation Information for Nebraska Homeowners, Ann Ziebarth
NF91-42 Farm Lease Termination, J. David Aiken
NF91-43 Blossom End Rot in Tomatoes, Laurie Hodges and Don Steinegger
NF91-44 Ineffectiveness of Home Remedy Dye Setting Treatments, Rose Marie Tondl
NF91-45 Ramie, Rose Marie Tondl
NF91-47 Micro-Fibers, Rose Marie Tondl
NF91-48 Sewing With Micro-Fibers, Rose Marie Tondl
NF91-4 How to Balance Your Checkbook, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF91-50 Bee Pollination of Cucurbit Crops, Laurie Hodges and Fred Baxendale
NF91-51 Kale: The "New" Old Vegetable, Laurie Hodges
NF91-5 Money Management Recordkeeping, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF91-6 Solving Financial Problems, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF91-7 Communicating About Money, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF91-8 Individual vs. Group Health Insurance, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF91-9 Financial Planning When Called To Active Military Duty, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF92-100 Food Safety Thermometer, Julie A. Albrecht and Susan S. Sumner
NF92-101 Marriage Burnout, Herbert G. Lingren
NF92-102 Turkey Basics, Julie A. Albrecht
NF92-103 Food Safety for Babysitters, Julie A. Albrecht
NF92-104 Post-Harvest Handling of Commercial Vegetable Crops -- Resource List, Laurie Hodges
NF92-105 Sources of Information on Herb Production and Marketing, Laurie Hodges
NF92-106 Reference Material for Commercial Vegetable Producers and Extension Agents, Laurie Hodges
NF92-53 European Corn Borer Injury to Peppers, Frederick P. Baxendale and Laurie Hodges
NF92-54 Let's Talk About Handling Stress, Pat Steffens
NF92-56 Selecting A Lawn Care Company, John C. Fech, Keith Niemann, and Roch Gaussoin
NF92-57 Food Safety for Temporary Food Service Establishments, Julie A. Albrecht
NF92-58 Radon Reduction in Residences, Ruth Stephens and Ann Ziebarth
NF92-59 Radon Reduction in New Home Construction, Ruth Stephens and Ann Ziebarth
NF92-60 Feeding the Club Calf Properly, Scott Brady, Rick Stock, and Doyle Wolverton
NF92-61 Fats in the Diet, Linda Boeckner
NF92-62 Dietary Fiber, Linda Boeckner
NF92-63 Cholesterol in Your Blood, Harriet Kohn and Linda Boeckner
NF92-64 Diabetes Resources, Linda Boeckner
NF92-66 Nutrition and the Athlete: General guidelines, pre- and post-game advice, Linda Boeckner
NF92-67 Nutrition and the Athlete: Weight Control for Wrestlers, Linda Boeckner
NF92-69 Selected Vegetable Cultivars for Nebraska, Susan Schoneweis and Laurie Hodges
NF92-70 Emergency Flood Information: Salvaging Damaged Clothing, Rose Marie Tondl
NF92-71 Nutrition and the Athlete: Vitamin and Mineral Supplements, Linda Boeckner
NF92-72 Nutrition and the Athlete: Fluid Replacements, Linda Boeckner
NF92-73 Nutrition and the Athlete: Fueling Your Sport, Linda Boeckner
NF92-74 Nutrition and the Athlete: Protein Needs, Linda Boeckner
NF92-75 Iron, H. Darlene Martin and Harriet Kohn
NF92-79 Equipment Rental Rates in Nebraska Panhandle, Thomas L. Holman
NF92-80 General and Specialty Mail-Order Seed Sources, Susan Schoneweis
NF92-82 Gypsy Moth, Mark Harrell and Frederick Baxendale
NF92-83 Older People: Where Should They Go For Clothes?, Rose Marie Tondl
NF92-88 Nebraska Solar Energy Companies, Ann Ziebarth
NF92-91 Color and Fabric to Slenderize, Rose Marie Tondl
NF92-92 Selecting Adjustable Clothes, Rose Marie Tondl
NF92-93 Clothing Labels, Rose Marie Tondl
NF92-95 Design Lines to Slenderize, Rose Marie Tondl
NF92-96 Nebraska Master Mix, Harriet Kohn
NF92-98 Good Manufacturing Practices for Apple Cider Mills, Susan S. Sumner and Durward A. Smith
NF92-99 Emergency Food Safety, Julie A. Albrecht
NF93-109 Better Introductions, Robert D. Fritschen
NF93-112 Damaged Trees: How to Select an Arborist or Tree Service, David P. Mooter, John C. Fech, and Myrna L. Powell
NF93-113 Proper Way to Ear Notch Pigs, Scott Brady, Doyle R. Wolverton, Donald G. Levis, and Michael C. Brumm
NF93-114 Charitable Giving in Estate and Retirement Planning, Ray Massey
NF93-115 The New Food Label, Julie A. Albrecht
NF93-116 Food Guide Pyramid Fruit Group, Linda Boeckner
NF93-117 Food Guide Pyramid Vegetable Group, Linda Boeckner
NF93-119 Food Guide Pyramid Breads, Cereals, Rice and Pasta, Linda Boeckner
NF93-120 The 1993 Atrazine Label Revision, Fred W. Roeth
NF93-121 Practices That Reduce Risk of Spreading Rhizomania, John A. Smith and Eric D. Kerr
NF93-123 Dating: The Benefits and Risks, George P. Rowe
NF93-125 Arts and Crafts Can Be Hazardous, Shirley Niemeyer and Wendy Rich
NF93-126 Health and Safety in the Arts and Crafts, Mary C. Saylor and Shirley Niemeyer
NF93-130 Food Guide Pyramid for Older Adults, Lisa M. Beretta and Wanda M. Koszewski
NF93-131 Vegetative Buffalograss Management Calendar, Roch Gaussoin and Terrance Riordan
NF93-132 Hiring a Professional House Cleaner, Shirley Niemeyer and Kathleen Prochaska-Cue
NF93-133 Water Nuisances: Deposits on Household Surfaces, Shirley Niemeyer
NF93-134 Water Nuisances: Alternatives to Cleaning Deposits on Household Surfaces, Shirley Niemeyer
NF93-135 Preservation, Care and Display of Glass, Shirley Niemeyer
NF93-137 Conservation of Textile Items, Shirley Niemeyer and Patricia Cox Crews
NF93-140 Water Management for Irrigation in Nebraska, Norman L. Klocke, Joel E. Cahoon, Dean E. Eisenhauer, DeLynn R. Hay, Glenn J. Hoffman, William L. Kranz, Derrel L. Martin, Darrell Watts, and C. Dean Yonts
NF93-142 Buying a Serger, Rose Marie Tondl and Kathleen Heiden
NF93-144 Determining Property Basis, Ray Massey and Gary Bredensteiner
NF93-145 Special-Use and Alternate Valuation of Estate Property, Ray Massey and Gary Bredensteiner
NF93-146 Delayed Payment of Federal Estate Taxes, Ray Massey and Gary Bredensteiner
NF93-147 Tax Considerations in Selling Farm Property, Ray Massey and Gary Bredensteiner
NF93-148 Checklist for Starting a Home-Based Business, Carol Thayer
NF93-149 Helping the Hurting Guidelines for the Helping Professional, Herbert G. Lingren
NF93-151 Donating Foods, Julie A. Albrecht and Sharon Lauterbach
NF93-154 Effective Ways to Guide Children, Pat Steffens
NF93-155 Rural Families Facing Economics and Emotional Stress, Herbert G. Lingren
NF93-156 Nutrition for Tobacco Smokers & Chewers, Judy A. Driskell
NF93-159 Staphylococcus aureus, Julie A. Albrecht and Susan S. Sumner
NF93-65 Turfgrass Cultivars for Nebraska, Robert C. Shearman, Roch E. Gaussoin, Steve Westerholt, and Terrance P. Riordan
NF94-127 Growing Seedless (Triploid) Watermelons, Laurie Hodges
NF94-128 Observations From Anthrax Outbreak in Sheridan County Herd, John Gamby, Roger Sahara, and Dale Grotelueschen
NF94-129 Adding Water to Grain, Silage, or Hay, Rick Stock and Rick Grant
NF94-138 Preservation of Paper Items, Shirley Niemeyer
NF94-139 Preservation of Metal Items, Shirley Niemeyer
NF94-157 Bacillus cereus, Susan S. Sumner and Julie A. Albrecht
NF94-158 Escherichia coli 0157:H7, Susan S. Sumner and Julie A. Albrecht
NF94-160 Shigella, Susan S. Sumner and Julie A. Albrecht
NF94-161 Yersinia enterocolitica, Susan S. Sumner and Julie A. Albrecht
NF94-162 Clostridium botulinum, Susan S. Sumner and Julie A. Albrecht
NF94-163 Giardia lamblia, Susan S. Sumner and Julie A. Albrecht
NF94-164 Salmonella, Susan S. Sumner and Julie A. Albrecht
NF94-165 Trichinella spiralis, Susan S. Sumner and Julie A. Albrecht
NF94-166 Aeromonas hydrophilia, Susan S. Sumner and Julie A. Albrecht
NF94-167 Clostridium perfringens, Susan S. Sumner and Julie A. Albrecht
NF94-168 Listeria monocytogenes, Susan S. Sumner and Julie A. Albrecht
NF94-169 Vibrio, Susan S. Sumner and Julie A. Albrecht
NF94-170 Campylobacter jejuni, Susan S. Sumner and Julie A. Albrecht
NF94-171 Hepatitis A virus, Susan S. Sumner and Julie A. Albrecht
NF94-172 Thirteen Timely Tips for More Effective Personal Time Management, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF94-173 Making Time for Your Time Demands, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF94-174 Time Management Suggestions For Getting Home/Yard/Car Work Done, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF94-175 Can You Afford to Use BST?, Jeffrey F. Keown
NF94-176 Surge Irrigation, C. Dean Yonts, Joel E. Cahoon, Dean E. Eisenhauer, and Kelly Wertz
NF94-177 Nebraska Surge Irrigation Trials, C. Dean Yonts, Joel E. Cahoon, Dean E. Eisenhauer, and Kelly Wertz
NF94-178 Nebraska Surge Irrigation Trials, C. Dean Yonts, Joel E. Cahoon, Dean E. Eisenhauer, and Kelly Wertz
NF94-179 Surge Irrigation Management, Kelly Wertz, Joel Cahoon, and C. Dean Yonts
NF94-183 Food Guide Pyramid: Milk, Yogurt and Cheese Group, Harriet Kohn
NF94-184 A Guide to Plant Societies, Susan Schoneweis
NF94-185 Supporting and Pruning Raspberries, Donald Janssen and Donald H. Steinegger
NF94-186 Functions of Baking Ingredients, Sharon Lauterbach and Julie A. Albrecht
NF94-188 Food Guide Pyramid: Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs & Nut Group, Harriet Kohn
NF94-198 Making Choices About Cleaning Flood Damaged Bedding and Household Linens, Kathleen Heiden and Shirley Niemeyer
NF94-199 Making Choices About Salvaging Flood Damaged or Wet Furniture, Kathleen Heiden and Shirley Niemeyer
NF94-200 Making Choices About Salvaging Wet or Flood Damaged Carpet, Kathleen Heiden and Shirley Niemeyer
NF94-201 The Child and Adult Care Food Program, Darlene Martin
NF94-202 Infant Feeding Requirements in the Child and Adult Care Food Program Meal Pattern, Darlene Martin
NF94-203 Reimbursable Food Components in Nebraska's Child and Adult Care Food Program Meal Pattern, Darlene Martin
NF94-204 Computing the Dollar Value of Concentrates and Byproduct Feeds for Dairy Cattle, Rick Grant
NF94-205 Chemical Dependency and Family Relationships, Herbert G. Lingren
NF95-209 Official Text of Initiative 300, J. David Aiken
NF95-210 Slaughter Hog Price Patterns at Omaha, Al Wellman
NF95-212 Supporting Stepfamilies, Tana Seymour, Connie Francis, and Pat Steffens
NF95-213 1995 Home Garden and Landscape Fungicide Survey, John E. Watkins and John C. Fech
NF95-214 Turfgrass Fungicide Trade Names, John E. Watkins
NF95-215 How's Your Nutritional Health?, Darlene Martin
NF95-216 Ascites Syndrome in Broiler Chickens, Eva Wallner-Pendleton and Sheila Scheideler
NF95-217 Sugarbeet Root Maggot Management, Gary L. Hein
NF95-220 Cull Sow Price Patterns at Omaha, Al Wellman
NF95-221 Feeder Pig Price Patterns at Omaha, Al Wellman
NF95-222 Nutrition Resources for Modified or Prescribed Diets, Linda Boeckner
NF95-223 Supporting Stepfamilies: What Do The Children Feel?, Tana Seymour, Connie Francis, and Patricia Steffens
NF95-224 Pricing SEW Piglets, Michael Brumm and Larry L. Bitney
NF95-225 Oil Analysis, Robert D. Grisso and Steven R. Melvin
NF95-226 Estimating Floor Space for Farm Equipment Storage, Robert D. Grisso and Gerald R. Bodman
NF95-227 Intestate Succession in Farming and Ranching, Paul H. Gessaman and J. David Aiken
NF95-233 Glossary of Estate Planning Terms, Paul H. Gessaman and J. David Aiken
NF95-243 Soil Compaction Tips, Alice J. Jones
NF95-244 Dating Violence and Acquaintance Assault, Herbert G. Lingren
NF95-246 Nebraska Turkey Facts, Sheila E. Scheideler and Rebecca Brown
NF96-143 Federal Estate and Gift Taxes, Ray Massey and Gary Bredensteiner
NF96-236 Nebraska Inheritance and Estate Taxes, J. David Aiken
NF96-248 Factors Considered to Decide Nitrogen Application Rate, William Miller, Ray Supalla, and Benedict Juliano
NF96-249 Nitrogen Application Practices in Nebraska, William Miller, Ray Supalla, and Benedict Juliano
NF96-250 What You Ought To Know About Sewing Machine Needles, Rose Marie Tondl
NF96-251 A Comparative Study of Fiber Digestion and Subsequent Nutrient Absorption in the Ostrich Versus the Ruminant, Sheila E. Scheideler
NF96-252 Controlling Feed Costs on Your Dairy Farm, Rick Grant
NF96-253 Setting Up Your Own Business: The Sole Proprietorship, Paul H. Gessaman
NF96-254 Setting Up Your Own Business: The Partnership, Paul H. Gessaman
NF96-255 Setting Up Your Own Business: The "S" Corporation, Paul H. Gessaman
NF96-256 Setting Up Your Own Business: The C Corporation, Paul H. Gesssaman
NF96-257 Setting Up Your Own Business: The Limited Liability Company, Paul H. Gessaman
NF96-258 Subsoiling in Nebraska, Alice J. Jones, Leonard L. Bashford, and Robert D. Grisso
NF96-260 Farmers' Use of Crop Consultants in Nebraska, William Miller, Ray Supalla, and Benedict Juliano
NF96-261 Highlights of the New Chicago Mercantile Exchange Lean Hogs Futures Contract, Al Wellman
NF96-262 Is Yours a Partnership 'Team'?, Herbert G. Lingren
NF96-263 How to Form Insurance Purchasing Pools in Nebraska, Mary Ellen Rider, John Rink, and Angela Parato
NF96-263s Cómo formar Consorcios para la Compra de Seguros en Nebraska, Mary Ellen Rider, John Rink, and Angela Parato
NF96-264 Bagworms, Frederick P. Baxendale and David L. Keith
NF96-265 Tornado Safety, Steven J. Meyer, Robert D. Grisso, and David L. Morgan
NF96-266 Lightning Safety, Steven J. Meyer and Robert D. Grisso
NF96-267 Hog Cash Contracts, Allen C. Wellman
NF96-268 Conducting a Prescribed Burn on Warm-season Grass CRP Sites, Robert Stritzke
NF96-269 Chiggers, Frederick P. Baxendale, Shripat T. Kamble, and David L. Keith
NF96-270 Handling Feed Moisture in Ration Formulation and Inventory Control, Richard J. Rasby and Rick Grant
NF96-271 Setting Up Your Own Business: Balancing Business and Personal Life, Carol Thayer
NF96-272 Setting Up Your Own Business: Assessing Your Business Skills, Carol Thayer
NF96-273 Establishment of Kentucky Bluegrass for Seed Production in the Nebraska Panhandle and Southeastern Wyoming, Ray E. Weed, David D. Baltensperger, Robert C. Shearman, Roger Hammons, and Jim Krall
NF96-274 Seed Sources for Commercial Vegetable Production, Laurie Hodges
NF96-275 Violence Begets Violence, Herbert G. Lingren
NF96-280 Hog Cash Contracts Advantages and Disadvantages, Allen C. Wellman
NF96-281 Soil Fertility Considerations for Land Coming out of CRP, Charles A. Shapiro, Gary W. Hergert, and Melinda McVey McCluskey
NF96-282 Setting Up Your Own Business: Public Relations and Advertising, Carol Thayer
NF96-283 Setting Up Your Own Business: Developing Your Marketing Plan and Sales Goals, Carol Thayer
NF96-284 Setting Up Your Own Business: Have You Thought About...?, Carol Thayer
NF96-285 Setting Up Your Own Business: Selecting The Best Location For Your Business, Carol Thayer
NF96-287 Setting Up Your Own Business: INS Compliance in Hiring Employees, Paul H. Gessaman
NF96-288 Using Life Insurance in Farm and Ranch Estate Planning, Paul H. Gessaman
NF96-289 Setting Up Your Own Business: The Entrepreneur's Checklist, Carol Thayer
NF96-290 Irrigation Management Practices in Nebraska, William Miller, Ray Supalla, and Benedict Juliano
NF96-291 Intestate Succession as an Estate Planning Tool, Paul H. Gessaman and J. David Aiken
NF96-292 A Will As An Estate Planning Tool, Paul H. Gessaman
NF96-293 Joint Tenancy as an Estate Planning Tool, Paul H. Gessaman
NF96-294 Tenants in Common Ownership as an Estate Planning Tool, Paul H. Gessaman
NF96-295 A Trust as an Estate Planning Tool, Paul H. Gessaman
NF96-296 Gifting as an Estate Planning Tool, Paul H. Gessaman
NF96-297 Life Insurance as an Estate Planning Tool, Paul H. Gessaman
NF96-298 Charitable Remainder Trusts and Charitable Annuities as Estate Planning Tools, Paul H. Gessaman
NF96-299 Estate Planning Glossary, Paul H. Gessaman and J. David Aiken
NF96-300 Selecting and Sizing Combine Drive Tires, Robert D. Grisso, Paul J. Jasa, and Alice J. Jones
NF96-301 Gray Leaf Spot in Corn, David S. Wysong
NF96-302 Pillbugs and Sowbugs, David L. Keith and Frederick P. Baxendale
NF96-303 Millipedes and Centipedes, David L. Keith and Frederick P. Baxendale
NF96-304 An Introduction to Wind Power for Nebraskans, David E. Stooksbury and Kenneth G. Hubbard
NF96-305 Precision Farming in Nebraska: A Status Report, William Miller and Ray Supalla
NF96-307 Managing the Russian Wheat Aphid with Resistant Wheat Varieties, John Thomas, Gary Hein, David Baltensperger, Lenis Nelson, and Scott Haley
NF96-310 Costs of Harvesting and Hauling Corn Stalks in Large Round Bales, H. Douglas Jose and Lance L. Brown
NF96-311 Parent-Child Power Struggles: How to Handle Them, Herbert G. Lingren
NF96-313 Guides for Development of a Farmers Market, Laurie Hodges
NF97-314 School Lunch Requirements Using Food Based Menus, Darlene Martin
NF97-315 Overview of the USDA School Meals Initiative for Healthy Children, Darlene Martin
NF97-316 School Lunch Requirements Using Nutrient Standard Menu Planning, Darlene Martin
NF97-317 Managing Dairy Cows to Avoid Abomasal Displacement, Rick Grant
NF97-318 Nebraska Welfare Reform Act, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF97-319 What Kids Really Need Are Adults Who C.A.R.E., Pat Steffens and Susan Williams
NF97-320 Daily Activities for Family Time Together, Herbert G. Lingren
NF97-321 Converting CRP to Cropland in the Nebraska Panhandle, Drew J. Lyon and Tom Holman
NF97-324 Returning CRP Land to Crops: Cool-Season Grass Management/Cropping Suggestions, Keith J. Jarvi, Melinda McVey McCluskey, William L. Kranz, Steven D. Rasmussen, Charles A. Shapiro, David P. Shelton, John F. Witkowski, Richard T. Clark, Terry Gompert, Scott E. Hygnstrom, Alex Martin, and David Holshouser
NF97-325 Cancer Resources: Education, Risk Reduction, Treatment and Support, Linda Boeckner
NF97-326 Family and Children Web Sites, Herbert G. Lingren
NF97-327 A Guide to Grasshopper Control in Yards and Gardens, Gary L. Hein, John B. Campbell, and Ronald C. Seymour
NF97-329 A Guide to Grasshopper Control on Rangeland, John B. Campbell, Patrick E. Reece, and Gary L. Hein
NF97-331 Using Values and Resources as Criteria for Decision Making, Kathleen Lodl and Myrna DuBois
NF97-332 Contacts for Environmental Issues Affecting Residences Web Sites and Toll-Free and Other Numbers, Shirley Niemeyer
NF97-333 Making Decisions: Buying a Dishwasher, Virginia Peart and Shirley Niemeyer
NF97-334 Making Decisions: Buying a Microwave Oven, Virginia Peart and Shirley Niemeyer
NF97-335 Making Decisions: Buying Home Appliances, Virginia Peart and Shirley Niemeyer
NF97-336 Making Decisions: Buying a Refrigerator, Virginia Peart and Shirley Niemeyer
NF97-337 Making Decisions: Buying a Range, Virginia Peart and Shirley Niemeyer
NF97-338 Making Decisions: Household Water Saving Equipment and Practices, Shirley Niemeyer
NF97-339 Sun's Up! Cover Up!, Rose Marie Tondl
NF97-340 Sun Protection Guide for Children, Rose Marie Tondl
NF97-341 A Profit Sharing Approach to Pricing 50 Pound Feeder Pigs, Larry L. Bitney
NF97-342 Chinch Bugs in Buffalograss and Zoysiagrass Turf, Frederick P. Baxendale, Thomas E. Eickhoff, and Tiffany M. Heng-Moss
NF97-343 Returning CRP Land to Crops: Warm-Season Grass Management/Cropping Suggestions, Charles A. Shapiro, Melinda McVey McCluskey, Jerry Echtenkamp, William L. Kranz, Steven D. Rasmussen, David P. Shelton, Keith J. Jarvi, John F. Witkowski, Lisa Lunz, Robert Frerichs, Mari Lubberstedt, Ray Brentlinger, Jim Nelson, Pat Bathke, Richard T. Clark, Terry Gompert, Scott E. Hygnstrom, Alex Martin, David Holshouser, and Swami Manickam
NF97-344 Weights and Measures Guidelines for Sales at Farmers' Markets, Roadside Stands and Other Commercial Outlets, Laurie Hodges
NF97-345 Making Decisions: EnergyGuides and Major Home Appliances, Shirley Niemeyer
NF97-346 Making Decisions: Buying a Washing Machine, Virginia Peart and Shirley Niemeyer
NF97-347 Making Decisions About Service Contracts and Appliances, Shirley Niemeyer and Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF97-348 Making Decisions: Buying a Clothes Dryer, Virginia Peart and Shirley Niemeyer
NF97-350 Tencel Lyocell, the New Generic Fiber, Rose Marie Tondl
NF97-353 What Is Quality. . . .In a Tomato?, Laurie Hodges
NF97-354 Omega Eggs — A Dietary Source of n-3 Fatty Acids, Sheila E. Scheideler and Nancy M. Lewis
NF98-357 Alzheimer's Disease and Nutrition, Carol Ray and Wanda M. Koszewski
NF98-358 Winter Injury in Evergreen Trees, Jon S. Wilson and Mark O. Harrell
NF98-359 The Earned Income Credit: Extra $ If You Qualify, Lisa Ahlberg and Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF98-360 Cooking with Bison Meat, Berdine Maginnis and Linda Boeckner
NF98-361 The Female Athlete Triad, Linda Boeckner
NF98-362 Chemical Weed Control in Tree Planting Projects: Part I - Pre-emergence Herbicides, John DuPlissis
NF98-363 Chemical Weed Control in Tree Planting Projects: Part II - Post-emergence Herbicides, John DuPlissis
NF98-364 First Generation European Corn Borer Scouting and Treatment Decisions, Robert J. Wright and John F. Witkowski
NF98-365 Second Generation European Corn Borer Scouting and Treatment Decisions, Robert J. Wright and John F. Witkowski
NF98-374 Corn Blotch Leafminer, Robert J. Wright
NF98-377 Kentucky Bluegrass Seed Production Management in Western Nebraska and Eastern Wyoming, Rebecca L. Harms, David D. Baltensperger, Robert C. Shearman, Dan Laursen, Roger Hammons, Tony Merrigan, Jim Krall, and C. Dean Yonts
NF98-378 Juvenile Diversion, Stephen T. Russell and Susan Wood
NF98-379 Ballpark Estimate of Retirement Financial Needs, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF98-379 Ballpark Estimate of Retirement Financial Needs, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF98-380 Where Am I Going to Find $2,000 to Save?, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF98-380 Where Am I Going to Find $2,000 to Save?, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF98-381 So Where Do I Put That $2,000?, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF98-381 So Where Do I Put That $2,000?, Kathy Prochaska-Cue
NF98-382 Dealing With Change: Emotional Overload, Herbert G. Lingren
NF98-383 Improve Communication for Better Understanding, Herbert G. Lingren
NF98-384 Making Relationships Work in Difficult Times, Herbert G. Lingren
NF98-385 Returning CRP Land to Crops: Grass Management/Cropping Suggestions for Land Released in Winter or Early Spring, Charles A. Shapiro, Mari Lubberstedt, Lisa Lunz, William L. Kranz, Steven D. Rasmussen, David P. Shelton, Keith J. Jarvi, John F. Witkowski, Robert Frerichs, Ray Brentlinger, Pat Bathke, Terry Gompert, Alex Martin, Paul J. Jasa, and Robert N. Klein
NF98-386 Get Rid of Anger For A Healthy Life, Herbert G. Lingren
NF98-387 Children and Stress, Herbert G. Lingren
NF98-388 How to Manage Daily Stress, Herbert G. Lingren
NF98-389 Put Laughter and Humor in Your Life, Herbert G. Lingren
NF98-391 Nebraska's Child and Adult Care Food Program Meal Pattern for Infants, Darlene Martin
NF98-392 Nebraska's Nutrient Standard Menu Planning Requirements for School Lunches, Darlene Martin
NF98-393 Nebraska's Child and Adult Care Food Program, Darlene Martin
NF98-394 Blame: A Human Response To Threat, Herbert G. Lingren
NF99-366 Larval Western Corn Rootworm Insecticide Resistance in Nebraska, Robert Wright, Lance Meinke, and Blair Siegfried
NF99-367 Adult Western Corn Rootworm Insecticide Resistance in Nebraska, Robert Wright, Lance Meinke, and Blair Siegfried
NF99-396 Prevention and Control of Cercospora Needle Blight Disease in Junipers and Cedars, Steven D. Rasmussen and John G. DuPlissis
NF99-398 Sun Safety Issues for Children in Day Care, Rose Marie Tondl
NF99-401 Nebraska Competitive Livestock Markets Act, J. David Aiken
NF99-402 Is Your Small Business Y2K OK?, Carol Thayer
NF99-404 Income Generation Using Alternative Crops, Roger D. Uhlinger and Laurie Hodges
NF99-405 Processing Corn Grain for Dairy Cows, Rick Grant
NF99-406 Health Care Costs and Financially Troubled Times, Mary Ellen Rider
NFS-1 Forestry Best Management Practices for Nebraska
Nicotine competition with light control of conditioned responding, Jennifer Eilene Murray
Nietzsche, P. H. Frye
Nightly and Seasonal Movements of Boiga irregularis on Guam, Mark Tobin, Robert Sugihara, Patricia Pochop, and Michael Linnell
Nitrate Accumulation and Movement Under Deficit Irrigation in Soil Receiving Cattle Manure and Commercial Fertilizer, D. D. Tarkalson, J. Payero, S. M. Ensley, and Charles A. Shapiro
Nitrated alpha-synuclein-activated microglial profiling for Parkinson’s disease, Ashley D. Reynolds, Jason G. Glanzer, Irena Kadiu, Mary Ricardo-Dukelow, Anathbandhu Chaudhuri, Pawel Ciborowski, Ronald Cerny, Benjamin Gelman, Mark P. Thomas, R. Lee Mosley, and Howard E. Gendelman
Nitrate Leaching in Irrigated Corn and Soybean in a Semi-Arid Climate, N. L. Klocke, Darrell G. Watts, J. P. Schneekloth, Don R. Davison, R. W. Todd, and Anne M. Parkhurst
Nitric Oxide Inhibits Insulin-Degrading Enzyme Activity and Function through S-Nitrosylation, Crystal M. Cordes, Robert G. Bennett, Gerri L. Siford, and Frederick G. Hamel
Nitrogen Capture by Grapevine Roots and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi from Legume Cover-Crop Residues Under Low Rates of Mineral Fertilization, Xiaomei Cheng, Amy Euliss, and Kendra Baumgartner
Nitrogen Deficiency Detection Using Reflected Shortwave Radiation from Irrigated Corn Canopies, Tracy Blackmer, James S. Schepers, Gary E. Varvel, and Elizabeth A. Walter-Shea
Nitrogen in the Environment: Chapter 10. Nitrogen Effects on Coastal Marine Ecosystems, J.R. Kelly
Nitrogen in the Environment: Chapter 22. New Policy Directions, A.P. Manale
Nitrogen Use Efficiency – State of the Art, Achim R. Dobermann
Nitrogen utilization in dairy cattle consuming rations containing corn milling co-products, Amanda Mary Gehman
N-(Methylamino) Isobutyric Acid Inhibits Proliferation of CFSC-2C Hepatic Stellate Cells, T. L. Freeman, G.M. Thiele, L.W. Klassen, B.T. Klassen, and M.E. Mailliard
NMFLUX: Improving Degradation Behavior of Server Applications through Dynamic Nursery Resizing, Witawas Srisaan and Cheng Huan Jia
No interaction between competition and herbivory in limiting introduced Cirsium vulgare rosette growth and reproduction, Tomomi Suwa, Svata M. Louda, and F. Leland Russell
Nonconsumptive Wildlife-Associated Recreation in the U.S.: Identifying the Other Constituency, James R. Lyons
Noncovalent and Nonspecific Molecular Interactions of Polymers with Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes, Durairaj Baskaran, Jimmy W. Mays, and Matthew S. Bratcher
Non-Destructive Determination of Maize Leaf and Canopy Chlorophyll Content, Veronica Ciganda, Anatoly A. Gitelson, and James S. Schepers
Non-discriminatory Data Dissemination in Practice, Frans von der Dunk
Nonlinear Dynamics of Infant Sitting Postural Control, Joan E. Deffeyes
Nonlinear laser energy depletion in laser-plasma accelerators, Bradley Shadwick, C. B. Schroeder, and E. Esarey
Non-Optimal receiver for Space Time Spreading across a Time Hopping over Ultra Wideband PPM, Peter Vial, Beata Wysocki, and Tadeusz Wysocki
Nontarget Effects—The Achilles’ Heel of Biological Control? Retrospective Analyses to Reduce Risk Associated with Biocontrol Introductions, Svata M. Louda, R. W. Pemberton, M. T. Johnson, and P. A. Follett
Nonvolatile Two-Terminal Molecular Memory, Jason Snodgrass, Glen Kennedy, Wai-Ning Mei, and Renat Sabirianov
Norovirus Classification and Proposed Strain Nomenclature, Du-Ping Zheng, Tamie Ando, Rebecca L. Fankhauser, R. Suzanne Beard, Roger I. Glass, and Stephan S. Monroe
North American Prairie Wetlands are Important Nonforested Land-Based Carbon Storage Sites, Ned H. Euliss Jr., R.A. Gleason, A. Olness, R.L. McDougal, H.R. Murkin, R.D. Robarts, R.A. Bourbonniere, and B.G. Warner
North American Vegetation Patterns Observed With The NOAA-7 Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer, Samuel N. Goward, Compton J. Tucker, and Dennis G. Dye
North Central Risk Management Education Center, Cheryl Griffith
Northeast Research and Extension Center Haskell Agricultural Laboratory VIP Tour
Northeast Research and Extension Center VIP Tour 1996
Northeast Research and Extension Center VIP Tour 1997
Northern Fur Seal Rookery Photo Archive: Aerial and Ground-Level Photos, Pribilof Islands, Alaska, 1895 - 2006, Kymberly M. Yano, Jessica Y. Tingg, and Charles W. Fowler
Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
North Pacific Right Whale (Eubalaena japonica) Seasonal and Diel Calling Patterns from Long-Term Acoustic Recordings in the Southeastern Bering Sea, 2000–2006, Lisa Munger, Sean Wiggins, Sue Moore, and John Hildebrand
Note on the Greatest Integer Function, M. A. Basoco
Notes Relating to Fontenelle Family, A. L. Thompson
Nothing Ought to Astonish Us: Confederate Civilians in the 1864 Shenandoah Valley Campaign, William G. Thomas
No-Till Corn after Bromegrass: Effect on Soil Carbon and Soil Aggregates, Ronald F. Follett, Gary E. Varvel, John M. Kimble, and Kenneth P. Vogel
Novel Algorithms for Remote Estimation of Vegetation Fraction, Anatoly A. Gitelson, Yoram J. Kaufman, Robert Stark, and Don Rundquist
Novel Force Matrix Transformations with Optimal Load-Balance for 3-body Potential based Parallel Molecular Dynamics in a Heterogeneous Cluster Environment, Sumanth J.V, David Swanson, and Hong Jiang
Novel host records of some cassidine leaf beetles from Ecuador (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae), Wills Flowers and Caroline S. Chaboo
Novel Small Molecule Inhibitors of Botulinum Neurotoxin a Metalloprotease Activity, James C. Burnett, James J. Schmidt, Robert G. Stafford, Rekha G. Panchal, Tam L. Nguyen, Ann R. Hermone, Jonathan L. Vennerstrom, Connor F. McGrath, Douglas J. Lane, Edward A. Sausville, Daniel W. Zaharevitz, Rick Gussio, and Sina Bavari
NPDES Permitting for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity, Paul Makowski and John G. Garland III
Nuclear Localization of Turnip Crinkle Virus Movement Protein p8, Yuval Cohen, Feng Qu, Andreas Gisel, Thomas Jack Morris, and Patricia Zambryski
Nuclear targeting by fragmentation of the Potato spindle tuber viroid genome, Asta Abraitiene, Yan Zhao, and Rosemarie Hammond
Nucleotdie Sequence of an Anti-Fluorescyl Hapten Antibody Heavy Chain Variable Region Gene from a BALB/c Mouse Hybridoma Cell Line, Zhen-qian Liu, Charles Wood, and Tai Te Wu
Numerical Methods 101 - Convergence of Numerical Models, David B. Thompson
Numerical Modeling of Reservoir Tailrace Hydraulics for Water Quality and Habitat Analysis, Brad R. Hall and John Nestler
Numerical Simulation of a Novel Blast Wave Mitigation Device, Zhenbi Su, Wen Peng, Zhaoyan Zhang, George Gogos, Reed Skaggs, and Bryan Cheeseman
Nurse Gordon on Trial: Those Early Days of the Birth Control Clinic Movement Reconsidered, Rose Holz
Nursery and Growing-Finishing Space Interactions, Mike Brumm and Jim Dahlquist
Nutrient absorption and utilization by wing and flight muscle morphs of the cricket Gryllus firmus: Implications for the trade-off between flight capability and early reproduction, Anthony J. Zera and Tammy Brink
Nutrient and fiber type relationships in Barrosã muscles, P. Costa, L. C. Roseiro, V. Alves, Chris R. Calkins, R. J. B. Bessa, and C. Santos
Nutrient Composition of Grass- and Grain-Finished Bison, Martin Marchello
Nutrient management in beef feedlots, Matt K Luebbe
Nutrient Reserves of Lesser Scaup (Aythya affinis) During Spring Migration in the Mississippi Flyway: A Test of the Spring Condition Hypothesis, Michael Anteau and Alan Afton
Nutrients in Groundwaters of the Conterminous United States, 1992-1995, Bernard Nolan and Jeffrey Stoner
Nutrient Transport as Affected by Rate of Overland Flow, John E. Gilley, W. F. Sabatka, B. Eghball, and David B. Marx
Nutrient Uptake and Mineralization during Leaf Decay in Streams – A Model Simulation, J. R. Webster, J. D. Newbold, Steven A. Thomas, and P. J. Mulholland
Nutritional and biochemical factors impacting reproduction in replacement heifers and puberty in bull calves, Daniel M Larson
Nutritional Condition of Northern Yellowstone Elk, Rachel Cook, John G. Cook, and L. David Mech
Nutritional Methods to Decrease N Losses from Open-Dirt Feedlots in Nebraska, Galen Erickson and Terry Klopfenstein
Obituary: Terry Lamon Yates, 1950-2007., Robert J. Baker, David J. Schmidly, Joseph A. Cook, Jorge Salazar-Bravo, and Hugh H. Genoways
Objective Threshold Determination for Nighttime Eddy Flux Filtering, Lianhong Gu, Eva M. Falge, Tom Boden, Dennis D. Baldocchi, T.A. Black, Scott R. Saleska, Tanja Suni, Shashi Verma, Timo Vesala, Steve C. Wofsy, and Liukang Xu
Observation of a Broad Resonance in the 23S Excitation of Helium by Electron Impact, G. B. Crooks, R. D. DuBois, D. E. Golden, and M. Eugene Rudd
Observation of Autoionization Levels in He by Positive Ion Bombardment, M. Eugene Rudd
Observation of Doppler-Shifted Peaks in the Energy Spectrum of Autoionizatioin Electrons from Ar+ -Ar Collisions, M. Eugene Rudd; T. Jorgensen, Jr.; and D. J. Volz
Observation of p-Wave Threshold Behavior in Electron Attachment to F2 Molecules, M. Braun, M.-W. Ruf, Ilya Fabrikant, and H. Hotop
Observation of the Doubly Strange b Baryon Ωb-, V. M. Abazov, Kenneth A. Bloom, Gregory Snow, and D0 Collaboration
Observation of ZZ Production in pp Collisions at √s = 1.96 TeV, V. M. Abazov, Kenneth A. Bloom, and D0 Collaboration
Observations of neck-collared Canada geese near John F. Kennedy International Airport, New York, Thomas W. Seamans, Scott E. Clemons, and Allen L. Gosser
Observations of Red-Tailed Hawks Capturing Wild Ducks in North Dakota, Robert K. Murphy
Observations on Bats at Badlands National Park, South Dakota, Michael A. Bogan, Jeffrey G. Osborne, and Jennifer A. Clarke
Observations on Small Mammals Recovered from Owl Pellets from Nebraska, Jeffrey J. Huebschman, Patricia W. Freeman, Hugh H. Genoways, and Jospeh A. Gubanyi
Observations on the Reproduction of the Sawfish, Pristis perotteti, in Lake Nicaragua, with Recommendations for its Conservation, Thomas B. Thorson
Observations on the Reproductive Behavior of the Black Bullhead (Ictalurus melas), Charles R. Wallace
Occurrence of Cyanazine Compounds in Groundwater: Degradates More Prevalent Than the Parent Compound, Dana Kolpin, E. Michael Thurman, and S. Michael Linhart
Occurrence of o-Hydroxycinnamic Acid in Species of Melilotus and Trigonella, Herman J. Gorz and Francis A. Haskins
Occurrence of Pesticides in Shallow Groundwater of the United States: Initial Results from the National Water-Quality Assessment Program, Dana Kolpin, Jake Barbash, and Robert Gilliom
Occurrence of Selected Pesticides and Their Metabolites in Near-Surface Aquifers of the Midwestern United States, Dana Kolpin, E. Michael Thurman, and Donald Goolsby
Occurrence of Trichosirocalus horridus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) on Native Cirsium altissimum Versus Exotic C. vulgare in North American Tallgrass Prairie, Masaru Takahashi, Svata M. Louda, Tom E. X. Miller, and Charles W. O'Brien
October 2009, Tractor Museum
Odds of Having a Regular Physician and Perceptions of Care: Ethnic Patterns for Women Ages 25–45, Karina Shreffler, Julia McQuillan, Arthur Greil, Naomi Lacy, and Christine Ngaruiya
Odor Footprint Tool Progress: Regional Output Resources, Richard R. Stowell, Dennis D. Schulte, Richard K. Koelsch, and Christopher G. Henry
Offences Against One's Self: Paederasty Part 1, Jeremy Bentham and Louis Crompton
Office of Research and Economic Development -- Annual Report 2008-2009
Office of Research and Graduate Studies -- Annual Report 2001/2002
Office of Research and Graduate Studies -- Annual Report 2002/2003
Office of Research and Graduate Studies -- Annual Report 2003-2004
Office of Research -- Annual Report 2004-2005
Office of Research -- Annual Report 2005-2006
Office of Research -- Annual Report 2006-2007
Office of Research -- Annual Report 2007-2008
Ogallala Aquifer, Robert F. Diffendal
Oldest Cretaceous sequence, Giralia Anticline, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia: late Hauterivian-Barremian, S. McLoughlin, D. W. Haig, J. Backhouse, Mary Anne Holmes, G. Ellis, J. A. Long, and K. J. McNamara
Old-Field Grassland Successional Dynamics Following Cessation of Chronic Disturbance , Susan Tunnell, David Engle, and Eric Jorgensen
Old Solutions of a New Problem, Edwin Ray Guthrie
‘Omaha Blues’ Recalls Lost Childhood, Timothy G. Anderson
Omega-3 fatty acids website development for registered dietician education and research, Martha M Valverde
Omega-3 Fatty Acids Website Development for Registered Dietitian Education and Research, Martha M. Valverde
On Approximating Weighted Sums with Exponentially Many Terms, Deepak Chawla, Lin Li, and Stephen Scott
On Certain Arithmetical Functions Due to G. Humbert, M. A. Basoco
On Certain Basic Series, John Daum
On Constitutive Models for Limited Elastic, Molecular Based Materials, Millard F. Beatty
On Cooperative Learning Teams for Multiagent Team Formation, Leen-Kiat Soh
On-farm energy – Can we make it work?, William L. Booker
On Generalized Multiple-Instance Learning, Stephen Scott, Jun Zhang, and Joshua Brown
On Incorporating Learning Theories to Simulate a Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Environment, Nobel Khandaker and Leen-Kiat Soh
Online and Face-to-Face Classes: A Comparative Analysis of Teaching Presence and Instructor Satisfaction, David T. Bentz
Online consumer behavior: An empirical study based on theory of planned behavior, Liqiang Chen
Online Social Networking Sites and Privacy: Revisiting Ethical Considerations for a New Generation of Technology, Peter Fernandez
On Matrices with Elements in a Principal Ideal Ring, William Leavitt and George Whaples
On Measuring Net Ecosystem Carbon Exchange over Tall Vegetation on Complex Terrain, Dennis Bladocchi, John Finnigan, Kell Wilson, K. T. Paw U, and Eva Falge
On Modeling Protein Superfamilies with Low Primary Sequence Conservation, Stephen Scott, H. Ji, P. Wen, Dmitri E. Fomenko, and Vadim N. Gladyshev
On-plant survival and inheritance of resistance to Cry1Ab toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis in a field-derived strain of European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis, Andre L. B. Crespo, Terence A. Spencer, Analiza P. Alves, Richard L. Hellmich, Erin E. Blankenship, Leonardo C. Magalhães, and Blair D. Siegfried
On Polynomial Solutions of a Class of Linear Differential Equations of the Second Order, W. C. Brenke
On Reoptimizing Multi-Class Classifiers, Kun Deng, Chris Bourke, Stephen Scott, Robert E. Schapire, and N. V. Vinodchandran
On Some Finitely Based Representations of Semigroups, Nikolay Silkin
On the Effectiveness of State Anti-Corporate Farming Laws in the United States, Rick Welsh, Chantal Line Carpentier, and Bryan Hubbell
On the Element of Decomposition of a Doubly Periodic Function of the Second Kind, M. A. Basoco
On the Fourier Developments of a Certain Class of Theta Quotients, M. A. Basoco
On the Headland, Lloyd Mifflin
On the Lack of Participating Policy Usage by Stock Insurance Companies, Geoffrey C. Friesen
On the Nature and Antiquity of the Manix Lake Industry, Douglas Bamforth and Ronald Dorn
On The Performance of Turbo Codes With Convolutional Interleavers, Sina Vafi and Tadeusz Wysocki
On the phase diagram of water with density functional theory potentials: The melting temperature of ice /h with the Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof and Becke–Lee–Yang–Parr functionals, Soohaeng Yoo, Xiao Cheng Zeng, and Sotiris C. Xantheas
On the Proper Definition of Cognitive Ethology, Alan Kamil
On the Rarity of Food Provisioning by Male Dickcissels, Lawrence D. Igl and Louis B. Best
On the road again: Photo students search for the "real" Nebraska, Bruce Thorson
On the Road: Workable Solutions to the Problems of Roads and Highways, Mary M. Rowland
On the Summability and Generalized Sum of a Series of Legendre Polynomials, W. C. Brenke
On the Summability of a Certain Class of Series of Jacobi Polynomials, A. P. Cowgill
On the Trigonometric Developments of Certain Doubly Periodic Functions of the Second Kind, M. A. Basoco
On the Trigonometric Expansion of Elliptic Functions, M. A. Basoco
On the Use of Mutation Faults in Empirical Assessments of Test Case Prioritization Techniques, Hyunsook Do and Gregg Rothermel
On the Validity of the Arrhenius Equation for Electron Attachment Rate Coefficients, Ilya Fabrikant and Harmut Hotop
On the η - κ Distribution, Saralees Nadarajah and Samuel Kotz
On the η – κ Distribution, Saralees Nadarajah and Samuel Kotz
Ontogeny of Parent-Contacting in Young Cichlasoma Citrinellum (Pisces, Cichlidae), David L. G. Noakes and George W. Barlow
Open field host selection and behavior by tamarisk beetles (Diorhabda spp.) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in biological control of exotic saltcedars (Tamarix spp.) and risks to non-target athel (T. aphylla) and native Frankenia spp., Patrick J. Moran, C. Jack DeLoach, Tom L. Dudley, and Joaquin Sanabria
Opening Public Address: First Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Trafficking, Kevin Bales
Operations Research Methodology Life Cycle Trend Phases as Recorded in Journal Articles, Marc J. Schniederjans, A. M. Schniederjans, and D. G. Schniederjans
Optical Properties of Semiconducting Boron Carbide for Neutron Detection Applications, Ravi B. Billa
Optical, structural, and magnetic properties of cobalt nanostructure thin films, D. Schmidt, A. C. Kjerstad, Tino Hofmann, Ralph Skomski, Eva Schubert, and Mathias Schubert
Optimal and Suboptimal Estimation in Differential PCM and Adaptive Predictive Coding Systems, Jerry Gibson
Optimal Data Partitioning and a Test Case for Ray-Finned Fishes (Actinopterygii) Based on Ten Nuclear Loci, Chenhong Li, Guoqing Lu, and Guillermo Ortí
Optimal Plant Population and Nitrogen Fertility for Dryland Corn in Western Nebraska, Jurg M. Blumenthal, Drew J. Lyon, and Walter Stroup
Optimal Wet Corn Gluten and Protein Levels in Steam-Flaked Corn-Based Finishing Diets for Steer Calves, H. C. Block, C. N. Macken, Terry Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, and Rick Stock
Optimization Model Estimates of Trunk Muscle Forces Do Not Correlate With EMG Activity of Females as Well as Males, Mark L. McMulkin, Jeffrey C. Woldstad, and Richard E. Hughes
Optimization of Conditions for Studies of Protein Unfolding by Hydrogen Exchange/Mass Spectrometry, A.S. Raza and David L. Smith
Optimization of Irrigation Efficiency of Center‐pivot Systems Using Spatial and Temporal Data Integration, Viacheslav Adamchuk
Optimization of Multilayer Wear-Resistant Thin Films Using Finite Element Analysis on Stiff and Compliant Substrates, R. K. Lakkaraju, Florin Bobaru, and S. L. Rohde
Optimization of Orthogonal Polyphase Spreading Sequences for Wireless Data Applications, B. J. Wysocki and Tadeusz Wysocki
Optimization of Sulfur Dioxide and Lactic Acid Steeping Concentrations for Wet-Milling of Grain Sorghum, R. A. Buffo, Curtis L. Weller, and A. M. Parkhurst
Optimization of Time of Day Plan Scheduling Using a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm, Montasir M. Abbas and Anuj Sharma
Optimum Spacing of Square and Circular Coil Pairs, M. Eugene Rudd and J. R. Craig
Optimum Windbreak Spacing in Great Plains Agriculture, Glenn A. Helmers and James Brandle
Oral Rabies Vaccination of a Northern Ohio Raccoon Population: Relevance of Population Density and Prebait Serology, Paul Ramey, Bradley Blackwell, Robert Gates, and Richard Slemons
Order-Disorder Phase Transitions in KNO2 , CsNO2, and TlNO2 crystals: A molecular dynamics study, Chun-Gang Duan, W. N. Mei, R. W. Smith, Jianjun Liu, M. M. Ossowski, and John R. Hardy
Ordered Layers of Co Clusters on BN Template Layers, J. Zhang, V. Sessi, C. H. MIchaelis, I. Brihuega, J. Honolka, K. Kern, Ralph Skomski, X. Chen, G. Rojas, and Axel Enders
Organizational Communication for Organizational Climate and Quality Service in Academic Libraries, J. A. Bolarinwa and D. Y. Olorunfemi
Organizational Efforts in Aviation Wildlife Mitigation – University Story, Paul Eschenfelder and Archie Dickey
Organization Climate and Diversity Assessment (OCDA) ClimateQUAL, Elaine L. Westbrooks and Tom McFarland
Origin and paleoclimatic signifi cance of late Quaternary loess in Nebraska: Evidence from stratigraphy, chronology, sedimentology, and geochemistry, Daniel R. Muhs, E. Arthur Bettis III, John N. Aleinikoff, John P. McGeehin, Jossh Beann, Gary Skipp, Brian D. Marshall, Helen M. Roberts, William C. Johnson, and Rachel Benton
Origin of Bermuda's clay-rich Quaternary paleosols and their paleoclimatic significance, Stanley R. Herwitz, Daniel R. Muhs, Joseph M. Prospero, Shannon Mahan, and Bruce Vaughn
Origin of late Quaternary dune fields on the Southern High Plains of Texas and New Mexico, Daniel R. Muhs and Vance T. Holliday
Origin of the Nebraska State Historical Society
Orphaned Mallard Brood Travels Alone from Nest to Water, Gary Krapu, Christopher Dwyer, and Carmen Luna
Orthogonal Polynomials with Orthogonal Derivatives, M. S. Webster
Orthogonal Spreading Sequences Constructed Using Hall’s Difference Set, Jennifer Seberry, Le Chung Tran, Yejing Wang, Beata J. Wysocki, Tadeusz Wysocki, and Ying Zhao
Otoe County in Early Days, E. H. Cowles
Our Relationship....And Managing the Farm/Business, Kathy Bosch
Our Relationship....And Parenting, Kathy Bosch
Our Relationship....And Parenting Through Conflict, Kathy Bosch
Our Relationship....And Working Together With Extended Family, Kathy Bosch
Our Relationship....Making It Stronger, Kathy Bosch
Outbreak of Pruritic Rashes Associated with Mites — Kansas, 2004
Outcomes from State Department Grants to Build a Stable Economy in Tajikistan, S. Kay Rockwell, Lee V. Rockwell, and Julie Albrecht
Outer Space Arms Control: Existing Regime and Future Prospects, Norman A. Wulf
Out-of-Season Births of Elk Calves in Wyoming, Bruce L. Smith
Output and efficiency in the production of business and economics majors, Carlos Asarta
Overexpression of Methionine-R-Sulfoxide Reductases Has No Influence on Fruit Fly Aging, Valentina A. Shchedrina, Gerd Vorbrüggen, Byung Cheon Lee, Hwa-Young Kim, Hadise Kabil, Lawrence G. Harshman, and Vadim N. Gladyshev
Overreaction in the Thrift IPO Aftermarket, Geoffrey C. Friesen and Christopher Swift
Overtopping Protection Alternatives For Dams, Noel R. Oswalt
Overview of Hydrocarbon Production, Consumption, Reserves and Potential, at World and Local Scales, Mitchell E. Henry and Debra Higley
Oxidation of Phenylpyruvate by Sweetclover Peroxidase, T. A. Jaynes, Francis A. Haskins, and H. J. Gorz
Oxidative metabolism in plant/bacteria interactions: characterization of a unique oxygen uptake response of potato suspension cells, C. Jacyn Baker, E. W. Orlandi, and Kenneth L. Deahl
Oxidative metabolism in plant/bacteria interactions: characterization of the oxygen uptake response of bacteria, C. Jacyn Baker, Norton Mock, Kenneth L. Deahl, Bryan Bailey, and Daniel P. Roberts
Oxide tunnel junctions supporting a two-dimensional electron gas, J. D. Burton, J. P. Velev, and Evgeny Y. Tsymbal
Oxygenated Interface on Biomass Burn Tar Balls Determined by Single Particle Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy, Alexei V. Tivanski, Rebecca J. Hopkins, Tolek Tyliszczak, and Mary K. Gilles
Oxygen metabolism in plantlbacteria interactions: characterization of the oxygen uptake response of plant suspension cells, C. Jacyn Baker, E. W. Orlandi, and Kenneth L. Deahl
Pacifism as an Offspring of the French Revolution, Charles Kuhlman
Paleocene Cyclic Sedimentation in the Western North Atlantic, ODP Site 1051, Blake Nose, Mary Anne Holmes, David K. Watkins, and Richard D. Norris
Paleoclimatic Evidence for Future Ice-Sheet Instability and Rapid Sea-Level Rise, Jonathan T. Overpeck, Bette L. Otto-Bliesner, Gifford H. Miller, Daniel R. Muhs, Richard B. Alley, and Jeffrey T. Kiehl
Paleoclimatic Significance of Chemical Weathering in Loess-Derived Paleosols of Subarctic Central Alaska, Daniel R. Muhs, Thomas A. Ager, Gary Skipp, Jossh Beann, James Budahn, and John P. McGeehin
Paleohydrology of Kangerlussuaq (Søndre Strømfjord), West Greenland During the Last ~8,000 Years, Frank Aebly and Sherilyn C. Fritz
Panarchy: Discontinuities Reveal Similarities in the Dynamic System Structure of Ecological and Social Systems, Ahjond S. Garmestani, Craig R. Allen, and Lance Gunderson
Panel Data Techniques and the Elasticity of Taxable Income, Seth H. Giertz
Paper on Measurement of the Nanomechanical Properties of Thin Films Using AFAM Receives Recognition, Donna Hurley, Joseph A. Turner, Paul Rice, and Joshua Wiehn
Paper Replication Method for Isolation of Radiation-Sensitive Mutants, S. T. Tan, R. B. Maxcy, and T. L. Thompson
Paradigm Shifts and Tapeworm Systematics, Eric P. Hoberg, Scott Lyell Gardner, and Ronald A. Campbell
Parallel Randomized State-space Search, Matthew B. Dwyer, Sebastian Elbaum, Suzette Person, and Rahul Purandare
Parameters Affecting Bird Use of Stormwater Detention Ponds in the Southeastern United States: Implications for Bird-Aircraft Collisions, Brian J. Fox, James B. Armstrong, Bradley F. Blackwell, James B. Grand, and Wesley B. Holland
Parametric Solutions of Certain Diophantine Equations, T. A. Pierce
Parasite-Mediated Disruptive Selection in a Natural Daphnia Population, Meghan Duffey, Chad Brassil, Spencer Hall, Alan Tessier, Carla Cáceres, and Jeffrey Conner
Parental behavior and some histological features of scales in Cichlasoma citrinellum (pisces, Cichlidae), David L. G. Noakes
Parental cognitive antecedents of child prosocial behaviors, Rebecca K Holton
Parental Compliance: Its Role in Terimination of Parental Rights Cases, Eve M. Brank, Angela L. Williams, Victoria Weisz, and Robert E. Ray
Parental Perceptions of Body Mass Index Referrals and Overweight School-Age Children, Misty Schwartz
Parental Responsibility Statutes: An Organization and Policy Implications, Eve M. Brank, Stephanie Carsten Kucera, and Stephanie A. Hays
Parenting Styles and Youth Well-Being Across Immigrant Generations, Anne Driscoll, Stephen Russell, and Lisa Crockett
Parent Perceptions of Child Care Choice and Quality in Four States, Helen Raikes, Brian Wilcox, Carla Peterson, Susan Hegland, Jane Atwater, Jean Ann Summers, Kathy Thornburg, Jacqueline Scott, Wayne Mayfield, Julia Torquati, and Carolyn P. Edwards
Parent-Progeny Regression in Indiangrass: Inflation of Heritability Estimates by Environmental Covariances, Kenneth P. Vogel, Francis A. Haskins, and H. J. Gorz
Parents’ Perceptions of Wraparound Services in Lancaster County, Nebraska, Paul Mooney and Gregory Benner
Partitioning of Body Fluids in the Lake Nicaragua Shark and Three Marine Sharks, Thomas B. Thorson
Partnership between Librarians and Faculty at a Malaysian University Library: A Focus Group Survey, Ahmad Bakeri Abu Bakar
Passing the Torch of Wildlife and Fisheries Management: Comparing the Attitudes and Values of Younger and Older Conservation Professionals, Robert M. Muth, Rodney R. Zwick, Martha E. Mather, and John F. Organ
Passive Treatment Systems for Acid Mine Drainage, K. L. Ford
Past and projected rural land conversion in the US at state, regional, and national levels, Eric M. White, Anita T. Morzilla, and Ralph J. Alig
Pasteurellosis Transmission Risks between Domestic and Wild Sheep, Michael W. Miller, Donald P. Knowles, Marie S. Bulgin, Billy R. Clay, Walter E. Cook, Subramaniam Srikumaran, A. David Scarfe, and Dale Layfield
Pasture Primer : The ABC's of Good Pasture : Extension Circular 0-31-2
Pathogenicity of Intestinal Spirochetes Associated with Porcine Colonic Spirochetosis, Gerald Duhmel, Nagaraja Muniappa, and Michelle R. Mathiesen
Pathways In and Out of Substance Use Among Homeless-Emerging Adults, Kimberly Tyler and Katherine Johnson
Pattern and Process in Biological Invasion, Diane L. Larson
Pattern Recognition of Longitudinal Trial Data with Nonignorable Missingness: An Empirical Case Study, Julia Hua Fang, Kimberly Espy, Maria L. Rizzo, Christian Stopp, Sandra A. Wiebe, and Walter W. Stroup
Patterns of Cell Division, DNA Base Compositions, and Fine Structures of Some Radiation-Resistant Vegetative Bacteria Found in Food, S. W. Sanders and R. Burt Maxcy
Patterns of Drinking Water Use in Pork Production Facilities, Mike Brumm
Patterns of Habitat Use by Whooping Cranes During Migration: Summary from 1977-1999 Site Evaluation Data, Jane Austin and Amy Richert
Patterns of In-Service Training for Special Libraries: A Pilot Study, Queenette doh-Ilomechine
Patterns of Variation in Clutch Sizes in a Guild of Temperate-Nesting Dabbling Ducks, Gary Krapu, Ronald Reynolds, Glen Sargeant, and Randy Renner
Peak Lek Attendance for Greater Sage-Grouse within the Northern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, Destin Harrell
Pearl Millet and Grain Sorghum Yield Response to Water Supply in Nebraska, Nouri Maman, Drew J. Lyon, Stephen Mason, Tom D. Galusha, and Robert Higgins
Peces de la cuenca de los grandes lagos de Nicaragua, Ignacio Astorqui
Peculiar Effect of Mechanical Stress on Polarization Stability in Micrometer-Scale Ferroelectric Capacitors, Alexei Gruverman, J. S. Cross, and W.S. Oates
Peptidomic analysis of skin secretions supports separate species status for the tailed frogs, Ascaphus truei and Ascaphus montanus, J. Michael Conlon, Catherine R. Bevier, Laurent Coquet, Jérôme Leprince, Thierry Jouenne, Hubert Vaudry, and Blake R. Hossack
Perceptions of faculty and students of important influences on the classroom learning of African American students at predominately White institutions, Eric Stanley Bonaparte
Perceptions of high school dropouts who enter and successfully complete the Mississippi National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program: "Recycling high school dropouts", Marilyn K Bombac
Perceptions of multi-contextual leadership roles: Reflecting on gendered leadership preferences, Liesl D Hutchins-Eberhardt
Perchlorate Toxicity and Risk Assessment, David R. Mattie, Joan Strawson, and Jay Zhao
Performance Analysis of Multi-hop IEEE 802.11 DCF Backhaul Networks, Puttipong Mahasukhon, Hamid Sharif, Michael Hempel, Ting Zhou, Wei Wang, and Tadeusz Wysocki
Performance and Digestibility Characteristics of Finishing Diets Containing Distillers Grains, Composites of Corn Processing Coproducts, or Supplemental Corn Oil, K. J. Vander Pol, Matthew K. Luebbe, G. I. Crawford, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
Performance Comparison ofUWB Hopping Codes in a Multi-User Rich Scattering Environment, K. Popovski, B. J. Wysocki, and Tadeusz Wysocki
Performance of a Commercial Immunoglobulin M Antibody Capture Assay Using Analyte-Specific Reagents To Screen for Interfering Factors during a West Nile Virus Epidemic Season in Nebraska, Anthony R. Sambol, Steven H. Hinrichs, Wayne R. Hogrefe, and Beth K. Schweitzer
Performance of Blends of Short, Medium, and Tall Sorghum for Forage, Herman J. Gorz and Francis A. Haskins
Performance of Chemigation Backflow Prevention Assemblies, H. M. Munir, Dean E. Eisenhauer, and John E. Gilley
Performance of convolutional interleavers with different spacing parameters in turbo codes, Sina Vafi and Tadeusz Wysocki
Performance of Four Seed-Caching Corvid Species in Operant Tests of Nonspatial and Spatial Memory, Deborah J. Olsen, Alan Kamil, Russell P. Balda, and Pamela J. Nims
Performance of Growing-Finishing Pigs Consuming Diets Formulated on an Ideal Protein (First Four Limiting Amino Acids) Basis, Phillip S. Miller, Austin Lewis, Cynthia Wolverton, and Christopher Borland
Performance of Mouse Lines Divergently Selected for Heat Loss When Exposed to Different Environmental Temperatures. II. Feed Intake, Growth, Fatness, and Body Organs, P. M. Kgwatalala and Merlyn K. Nielsen
Performance of Mouse Lines Divergently Selected for Heat Loss When Exposed to Different Environmental Temperatures. I. Reproductive Performance, Pup Survival, and Metabolic Hormones, P. M. Kgwatalala, J. L. DeRoin, and Merlyn K. Nielsen
Performance of Seedigated and Conventionally Planted Crops, W. S. Leander, Jr.; Derrel L. Martin; and James R. Gilley
Performance of Solar-Assisted Modified-Open-Front Swine Nurseries, G. R. Bodman, M. F. Kocher, and J. A. DeShazer
Peroxidase and Polyphenoloxidase Activities and Free Ninhydrin-Positive Substances In Underground Buds of Ironweed and Leafy Spurge, W. G. Monson and Francis A. Haskins
Perpetrators of Early Physical and Sexual Abuse Among Homeless and Runaway Adolescents, Kimberly Tyler and Ana Mari Cauce
Persistent Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Infection in US Beef Herds, T. E. Wittum, Dale M. Grotelueschen, K. V. Brock, William G. Kvasnicka, J. G. Floyd, Clayton L. Kelling, and K. G. Odde
Personal, Interpersonal, and Political Temperaments, John Alford and John R. Hibbing
Personal Liability in the Aftermath of Birdstrikes: A Costly Consideration, Larry A. Dale
Personal networks as risk and protective factors for arrests among homeless and runaway youth, Trina Rose
Perspectives of higher education business unit leaders on the creation and implementation of a strategic plan: A grounded theory, Jody D Woodworth
Perspectives on Process in Plant Virology, Myron K. Brakke
Perspectives on the Diagnosis, Epizootiology, and Control of the 1973 Duck Plague Epizootic in Wild Waterfowl at Lake Andes, South Dakota, Gary Pearson and Delmar Cassidy
Perturbation theory analysis of attosecond photoionization, Anthony F. Starace, Evgeny A. Pronin, M. V. Frolov, and N. L. Manakov
Pervasiveness of Phytoliths in Prehistoric Southwestern Diet and Implications for Regional and Temporal Trends for Dental Microwear, Karl J. Reinhard and Dennis R. Danielson
Pesticide Exposures and Other Agricultural Risk Factors for Leukemia Among Men in Iowa and Minnesota, Linda Morris Brown, Aaron Blair, Robert Gibson, George D. Everett, Kenneth P. Cantor, Leonard M. Schuman, Leon F. Burmeister, Stephanie F. Van Lier, and Fred Dick
Pesticide Fate and Transport throughout Unsaturated Zones in Five Agricultural Settings, USA, Tracy C. Hancock, Mark W. Sandstrom, Jason R. Vogel, Richard M.T. Webb, E. Randall Bayless, and Jack E. Barbash
Pesticides in Streams Draining Agricultural and Urban Areas in Colorado, Robert Kimbrough and David Litke
Pestilence in Paradise: Leprosy Accounts in the Annual Reports of the Governor of the Territory of Hawaii, Charles D. Bernholz
Pest management benefits of compost mulch in apple orchards, M. W. Brown and Thomas Tworkoski
Pharmaceuticals, Hormones, and Other Organic Wastewater Contaminants in U.S. Streams, 1999-2000: A National Reconnaissance, Dana Kolpin, Edward Furlong, Michael Meyer, E. Michael Thurman, Steven Zaugg, Larry Barber, and Herbert Buxton
Pharmacists’ and Pharmacy Students’ Ability to Identify Drug-related Problems Using TIMER (Tool to Improve Medications in the Elderly via Review), Sarah Snyder Lee, Ann K. Schwemm, Jeffrey Reist, Matthew Cantrell, Michael Andreski, William R. Doucette, Elizabeth A. Chrischilles, and Karen B. Farris
Pharmacological Levels of Zinc in Nursery Diets - A Review, Duane Reese
Phase 2a Trial of 0, 1, and 3 Month and 0, 7, and 28 Day Immunization Schedules of Malaria Vaccine RTS,S/AS02 in Malaria-Naive Adults at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Kent E. Kester, James F. Cummings, Christian F. Ockenhouse, Robin Nielsen, B. Ted Hall, Daniel M. Gordon, Robert J. Schwenk, Urszula Krzych, Carolyn A. Holland, Gregory Richmond, Megan G. Dowler, Jackie Williams, Robert A. Wirtz, Nadia Tornieporth, Laurence Vigneron, Martine Delchambre, Marie-Ange Demoitie, W. Ripley Ballou, Joe Cohen, and D. Gray Heppner Jr.
Phase I Dose Escalation Safety and Immunogenicity Trial of Plasmodium falciparum Apical Membrane Protein (AMA-1) FMP2.1, Adjuvanted with AS02A, in Malaria-Naive Adults at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Mark E. Polhemus, Alan J. Magill, James F. Cummings, Kent E. Kester, Chris F. Ockenhouse, David E. Lanar, Sheetij Dutta, Arnoldo Barbosa, Lorraine Soisson, Carter L. Diggs, Sally A. Robinson, John D. Haynes, V. Ann Stewart, Lisa A. Ware, Clara Brando, Urszula Krzych, Robert A. Bowden, Joe D. Cohen, Marie-Claude Dubois, Opokua Ofori-Anyinam, Els De-Kock, W. Ripley Ballou, and D. Gray Heppner Jr.
Phase Transition in Single Crystal Cs2Nb4O11, Jianjun Liu, E. P. Kharitonova, Chun-Gang Duan, W. N. Mei, R. W. Smith, and John R. Hardy
Phase transitions in K2ZnCl4, H. M. Lu and John R. Hardy
Phasic Edge, Toby D. Olsen
pH-Dependent Substrate Preference of Pig Heart Lipoamide Dehydrogenase Varies with Oligomeric State: Response to Mitochondrial Matrix Acidification, Natalia L. Klyachko, Valentina A. Shchedrina, Alexander V. Efimov, Sergey V. Kazakov, Irina G. Gazaryan, Bruce S. Kristal, and Abraham M. Brown
Pheasants of the World . . . Again, Brent E. Jamison
Phenological synchrony affects interaction strength of an exotic weevil with Platte thistle, a native host plant, F. Leland Russell and Svata M. Louda
Phenotypic and Genotypic Characterization of Uromyces appendiculatus from Phaseolus vulgaris in the Americas, C. M. Araya, A. T. Alleyne, J. R. Steadman, K. M. Eskridge, and D. P. Coyne
Phosphorus and Dairy/Beef Nutrition, Larry D. Satter, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, and J. Mark Powell
Phosphorus Fractionation in Manure from Swine Fed Traditional and Low-Phytate Corn Diets, Brian J. Wienhold and Phillip S. Miller
Phosphorus Losses in Runoff after Application of Litter from Broilers Fed High-Available Phosphorus Corn Feed, David D. Tarkalson and Robert L. Mikkelsen
Phosphorus Requirement of Finishing Feedlot Calves, Galen Erickson, Terry Klopfenstein, C. T. Milton, Dennis Brink, M. W. Orth, and K. M. Whittet
Photofragmentation of closo-Carboranes Part 1: Energetics of Decomposition, Danqin Feng, Jing Liu, Adam P. Hitchcock, A. L. David Kilcoyne, Tolek Tyliszczak, Norman F. Riehs, Eckart Rühl, John D. Bozek, David McIlroy, and Peter Dowben
PHOTOMETRY OF TYPE II CEPHEID CANDIDATES FROM THE NORTHERN PART OF THE ALL SKY AUTOMATED SURVEY, Edward G. Schmidt, Brian Hemen, Danielle Rogalla, Lauren Thacker-Lynn, and University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Photophysical Properties of C60 Colloids Suspended in Water with Triton X-100 Surfactant: Excited-State Properties with Femtosecond Resolution, Andrew F. Clements, Joy E. Haley, Augustine M. Urbas, Alan Kost, R. David Rauh, Jane F. Bertone, Fei Wang, Brian M. Wiers, De Gao, Todd S. Stefanik, Andrew G. Mott, and David M. Mackie
Photosynthetic performance of invasive Pinus ponderosa and Juniperus virginiana seedlings under gradual soil water depletion, Saadia Bihmidine, N. M. Bryan, K. R. Payne, M. R. Parde, Jane A. Okalebo, Sharon E. Cooperstein, and Tala Awada
Phylogenetic Analysis of Buggy Creek Virus: Evidence for Multiple Clades in the Western Great Plains, United States of America, Martin Pfeffer, Jerome E. Foster, Eric A. Edwards, Mary Bomberger Brown, Nicholas Komar, and Charles R. Brown
Phylogenetic Analysis of North American West Nile Virus Isolates, 2001–2004: Evidence for the Emergence of a Dominant Genotype, C. Todd Davis, Gregory D. Ebel, Robert S. Lanciotti, Aaron C. Brault, Hilda Guzman, Marina Siirin, Amy Lambert, Ray E. Parsons, David W.C. Beasley, Robert J. Novak, Darwin Elizondo-Quiroga, Emily N. Green, David S. Young, Lillian M. Stark, Michael A. Drebot, Harvey Artsob, Robert B. Tesh, Laura D. Kramer, and Alan D.T. Barrett
Phylogenetic Analysis of the cardini Group of Drosophila with Respect to Changes in Pigmentation, Jennifer A. Brisson, Jason Wilder, and Hope Hollocher
Phylogeny of Dasyophthalma Butterflies (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Brassolini), Carla Maria Penz
Phylotyping and Functional Analysis of Two Ancient Human Microbiomes, Raúl Y. Tito; Simone Macmil; Graham Wiley; Fares Najar; Lauren Cleeland; Chunmei Qu; Ping Wang; Frederic Romagne; Sylvain Leonard; Agustín Jiménez Ruiz; Karl Reinhard; Bruce A. Roe; and Cecil M. Lewis, Jr.
Physical Modeling of a High Velocity Covered Urban Drainage Channel, Stephen E. Stump, Charles H. Tate, and Robert U. Castle
Physiological and Morphological Correlation of Rhizopus stolonifer Spore Germination, James L. Van Etten; Lee Bulla, Jr.; and Grant St. Julian
Physiological Aspects of Crop Yield (Frontmatter), Jerry D. Easton, Francis A. Haskins, C. Y. Sullivan, and C. H. M. Van Bavel
Physiological host range of Ceratapion basicorne, a prospective biological control agent of Centaurea solstitialis (Asteraceae), Lincoln Smith
Physiological responses of resistant and susceptible barley, Hordeum vulgare to the Russian wheat aphid, Diurpahis noxia (Mordvilko), Andrea R. Gutsche, Tiffany M. Heng-Moss, Leon G. Higley, Gautam Sarath, and Dolores W. Mornhinweg
Physiological responses to naturally occurring stressors: The roles of context and dehydroepiandrosterone, Emilie K Beltzer
Physiological Responses to Nitrogen in Plants, Yoshio Murata
Physiological Significance of Internal Water Relations to Crop Yield, R. O. Slatyer
Physiology, Regulation, and Pathogenesis of Nitrogen Metabolism in the Opportunistic Fungal Pathogen Candida albicans, Suman Ghosh
Physiology, regulation, and pathogenesis of nitrogen metabolism in the opportunistic fungal pathogen Candida albicans, Suman Ghosh
Phytostabilization as a Remediation Alternative at Mining Sites, Dannis Neuman and Karl L. Ford
Piaget and Poetry: Formal Thinking in the Humanities, James A. McShane
PigCHAMP Summary of 1994 Reproductive Herd Performance, Mike Brumm, Cate Dewey, Barbara B. Cox, and Angela Baysinger
Pigeons and People Select Efficient Routes When Solving a One-Way “Traveling Salesperson” Task, Brett M. Gibson, Edward A. Wasserman, and Alan C. Kamil
Pigments of a Color Polymorphism in a Cichlid Fish, Robert Webber, George W. Barlow, and Alan H. Brush
Pilar de Zubiaurre: entre el cometa y la sombra, Iker Gonzalez-Allende
Pilot Study on Real-Time Calculation of Arrival Type for Assessment of Arterial Performance, Edward J. Smaglik, Darcy M. Bullock, and Anuj Sharma
Pines, C. Plomion, D. Chagné, D. Pot, S. Kumar, P. L. Wilcox, R. D. Burdon, D. Prat, D. G. Peterson, J. Paiva, P. Chaumeil, G. G. Vendramin, F. Sebastiani, C. D. Nelson, C. S. Echt, O. Savolainen, T. L. Kubisiak, M. T. Cervera, N. de María, and M. N. Islam-Faridi
Pintail Reproduction Hampered by Snowfall and Agriculture, Gary Krapu
Pinyon jays use transitive inference to predict social dominance, Guillermo Paz-y-Miño C, Alan B. Bond, Alan Kamil, and Russell P. Balda
Plains Harvest Mouse in North Dakota, Robert W. Seabloom and Terry L. Shaffer
Planetary Cliff Descent Using Cooperative Robots, Erik Mumm, Shane Farritor, Paola Pirjanian, Chris Leger, and Paul Schenker
Planning Your Business in the Volatile Economy of 2009, Doug Jose
Plant Community Patterns on Upland Prairie in the Eastern Nebraska Sandhills, Walter H. Schacht, Jerry D. Volesky, Dennis Bauer, Alexander Smart, and Eric Mousel
Plant Identification for the Rio Grande Delta, William P. Kuvlesky, Jr.
Plant-like Substitutions in the Large-Subunit Carboxy Terminus of Chlamydomonas Rubisco Increase CO2/O2 Specificity, Sriram Satagopan and Robert Spreitzer
Plant Morphology and Stand Geometry in Relation to Nitrogen, Robert F. Chandler, Jr.
Plant Nutrient and Economic Value of Animal Manures, S. R. Wilkinson
Plant Reproductive Allocation Predicts Herbivore Dynamics across Spatial and Temporal Scales, Tom E. X. Miller, Andrew J. Tyre, and Svata M. Louda
Plant Resistance to Insect Herbivores: A Field Test of the Environmental Stress Hypothesis, Svata M. Louda and Sharon K. Collinge
Plant Sterol and Policosanol Characterization of Hexane Extracts from Grain Sorghum, Corn, and their DDGS, Caolina Leguizamón, Curtis L. Weller, Vicki L. Schlegel, and Timothy P. Carr
Plasma FSH Concentration in Young Boars and Gilts from Lines that Differ in Ovulation Rate and Litter Size, Rodger K. Johnson and Joe Cassady
Plasma Urea Concentration as an Index of the Protein Requirements of Growing-Finishing Pigs, Hsin-Yi Chen, Phillip S. Miller, and
Plateau Structure in Resonant Laser-Assisted Electron-Atom Scattering, A. V. Flegel, M. V. Frolov, N. L. Manakov, and Anthony F. Starace
Plato's Political Ideas, P. H. Frye
Platycorypha nigrivirga Burckhardt (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Psylloidea), tipu psyllid, new to North America, Alessandra Rung, Gevork Arakelian, Ray Gill, and Nick Nisson
Platyhelminth Mitochondrial and Cytosolic Redox Homeostasis Is Controlled by a Single Thioredoxin Glutathione Reductase and Dependent on Selenium and Glutathione, Mariana Bonilla, Ana Denicola, Sergey V. Novoselov, Anton A. Turanov, Anna Protasio, Darwin Izmendi, Vadim N. Gladyshev, and Gustavo Salinas
Playing with Dolls, Margaret D. Jacobs
Pleasing fungus beetles of the West Indies (Coleoptera: Erotylidae: Erotylinae), Paul Skelley
Poetry and Archaeology, Robert Shafer
Polarization switching kinetics of ferroelectric nanomesas of vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene copolymer, R. V. Gaynutdinov, O. A. Lysova, S. G. Yudin, A. L. Tolstikhina, A. L. Kholkin, V. M. Fridkin, and Stephen Ducharme
Polaron and Phonon Properties in Proton Intercalated Amorphous Tungsten Oxide Thin Films, M. Saenger, T. Hoing, Brian W. Robertson, R. Billa, Tino Hofmann, Eva Schubert, and Mathias Schubert
Policosanol Contents and Composition of Grain Sorghum Kernels and Dried Distillers Grains, Keum T. Hwang, Curtis L. Weller, Susan L. Cuppett, and Milford Hanna
Policosanol Contents and Compositions in Wax-Like Materials Extracted from Selected Cereals of Korean Origin, Keum Taek Hwang, Ji Eun Kim, and Curtis L. Weller
Policy Brief #1: Child Care Assets: What are 14 Key Assets of Child Care Providers that Support Quality?, Kathy Thornburg, Helen Raikes, Brian Wilcox, Carolyn Edwards, Julia Torquati, Susan Hegland, Carla Peterson, Jean Ann Summers, and Jane Atwater
Policy Brief #2: Parent Perceptions of Child Care: How do Nebraska Parents Rate Their Child Care and Child Care Subsidy Options?, Kathy Thornburg, Helen Raikes, Brian Wilcox, Carolyn Edwards, and Julia Torquati
Policy Brief #6: Child Care Quality for Children with Disabilities, Kathy Thornburg, Helen Raikes, Brian Wilcox, Julia Torquati, Carolyn P. Edwards, Lisa Knoche, Susan Hegland, Jean Ann Summers, and Jane Atwater
Policy Brief: Compensation of Early Childhood Teachers: What Value do we Place on Young Children?, Kathy Thornburg, Helen Raikes, Brian Wilcox, Carolyn P. Edwards, Julia Torquati, Susan Hegland, Carla Peterson, Jean Ann Summers, and Jane Atwater
Policy Brief - Infant Care in Nebraska: Characteristics of Providers, Quality of Care, and Parent Perceptions, Kathy Thornburg, Helen Raikes, Brian Wilcox, Carolyn P. Edwards, Julia Torquati, Susan Hegland, Carla Peterson, Jean Ann Summers, and Jane Atwater
Pollen Concentration Analysis of Ancestral Pueblo Dietary Variation, Karl J. Reinhard, Sherrian Edwards, Teyona R. Damon, and Debra K. Meier
Polymorphous Transformations in Alkaline-Earth Silicates, Jianjun Liu, Chun-Gang Duan, W. N. Mei, R. W. Smith, and John R. Hardy
Population Estimates of Breeding Birds in North Dakota, Robert E. Stewart and Harold A. Kantrud
Population Estimates of Kea in Arthur's Pass National Park, Alan B. Bond and Judy Diamond
Population Genetics of the Developmental Gene optomotor-blind (omb) in Drosophila polymorpha: Evidence for a Role in Abdominal Pigmentation Variation, Jennifer A. Brisson, Alan R. Templeton, and Ian Duncan
Population Genetic Structure in Migratory Sandhill Cranes and the Role of Pleistocene Glaciations, Kenneth Jones, Gary Krapu, David Brandt, and Mary Ashley
Populations Receiving Optimally Fluoridated Public Drinking Water— United States, 1992-2006
Population Structure of Island-Associated Dolphins: Evidence from Photo-Identification of Common Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncates) in the Main Hawaiian Islands, Robin Baird, Antoinette Gorgone, Daniel McSweeney, Allan Ligon, Mark Deakos, Daniel Webster, Gregory Schorr, Karen Martien, Dan Salden, and Sabre Mahaffy
Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS), Angela Baysinger
Pork Production, W. P. Snyder and E. A. Burnett
Pork Production (Popular Edition), W. P. Snyder and E. A. Burnett
Pork Quality Assurance...Dollars and Sense, Angela Baysinger
Positive Organizational Behavior in the Workplace: The Impact of Hope, Optimism, and Resilience, Carolyn M. Youssef and Fred Luthans
Possible Origins of High-Tc, Superconductivity, John R. Hardy and J. W. Flocken
Post-Breeding Habitat Use By Adult Boreal Toads (Bufo boreas) After Wildfire in Glacier National Park, USA, C. Gregory Guscio, Blake R. Hossack, Lisa A. Eby, and Paul Stephen Corn
Postcolonial Tragedy in the Crowsnest Past: Two Rearview Reflections by Sharon Pollock and John Murrell, Anne Nothof
Post-Forum Reflections: On Becoming Organizational Communication, Kathleen J. Krone
Post-release evaluation of biological control of Bemisia tabaci biotype ‘‘B’’ in the USA and the development of predictive tools to guide introductions for other countries, John A. Goolsby, Paul J. DeBarro, Alan A. Kirk, Robert W. Sutherst, Luis Canas, Matthew A. Ciomperlik, Peter C. Ellsworth, Juli R. Gould, Diana M. Hartley, Kim A. Hoelmer, Steven E. Naranjo, Mike Rose, William J. Roltsch, Paul A. Ruiz, Charles H. Pickett, and Don C. Vacek
Post -secondary technical vocational education training: A qualitative case study of Industrial Training Institute (ITI) in Maharasthra State, India, Rajiv Rasikchandra Malkan
Potassium Ion Channels of Chlorella Viruses Cause Rapid Depolarization of Host Cells during Infection, Florian Frohns, Anja Kasmann, Detlef Kramer, Britta Schafer, Mario Mehmel, Ming Kang, James L. Van Etten, Sabrina Gazzarrini, Ana Morino, and Gerhard Thiel
Potential Ecological Impact of Diet Selectivity and Bison Herd Composition, Claudia Rosas, David Engle, and James Shaw
Potential Economic Impact of Drought on Rafting Activity, Prabhakar Shrestha and Karina Schoengold
Potential Effects of Oil and Gas Development on Mule Deer and Pronghorn Populations in Western Wyoming, Hall Sawyer, Fred Lindzey, Doug McWhirter, and Keith Andrews
Potential for Hydrocyanic Acid Poisoning of Livestock by Indiangrass, Kenneth P. Vogel, H. J. Gorz, and Francis A. Haskins
Potential Habitat Distribution for the Freshwater Diatom Didymosphenia geminate in the Continental US, Sunil Kumar, Sarah A. Spaulding, Thomas J. Stohlgren, Karl A. Hermann, Travis S. Schmidt, and Loren L. Bahls
Potential Insect-Control Applications for Microwaves, Stuart Nelson
Potential of Agricultural Residues and Hay for Bioethanol Production, Ye Chen, Ratna R. Sharma-Shivappa, Deepak R. Keshwani, and Chengci Chen
Potential of Multivariate Quantitative Methods for Delineation and Visualization of Ecoregions, William Hargrove and Forrest Hoffman
Potential of Restored Prairie Wetlands in the Glaciated North American Prairie to Sequester Atmospheric Carbon, Robert A. Gleason; Ned H. Euliss, Jr.; Rhonda L. McDougal; Kevin E. Kermes; Edward N. Steadman; and John A. Harju
Potential Production and Environmental Effects of Switchgrass and Traditional Crops under Current and Greenhouse-Altered Climate in the Central United States: A Simulation Study, R.A. Brown, N.J. Rosenberg, Cynthia J. Hays, W.E. Easterling, and L.O. Mearns
Potentiation of TRAIL-Induced Apoptosis in Primary Effusion Lymphoma Through Azidothymidine-Mediated Inhibition of NF-[kappa]B, Subrata K. Ghosh, Charles Wood, Lawrence H. Boise, Abdul M. Mian, Vadim V. Deyev, Gerold Feuer, Ngoc L. Toomey, Nicole C. Shank, Lisa Cabral, Glen N. Barber, and William J. Harrington
Power and the Creation of Patronizing Environments: The Stereotype-Based Behaviors of the Powerful and Their Effects on Female Performance in Masculine Domains, Theresa Vescio, Sarah J. Gervais, Mark Snyder, and Ann Hoover
Power laws, Discontinuities and Regional City Size Distributions, Ahjond S. Garmestan, Craig R. Allen, and Colin M. Gallagher
Power Spectra of Signal Formats for DS-SS CDMA Wireless LANs, Beata J. Wysocki and Tadeusz Wysocki
Pragmatism, Internalism, and the Authority of Claims, Dan D. Crawford
Prairie Wetlands are Important for Carbon Storage, Jay Hestbeck
Pre-Baiting for Increased Acceptance of Zinc Phosphide Baits by Voles: An Assessment Technique, Ray Sterner
Prebiotic Galactooligosaccharides Reduce Adherence of Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli to Tissue Culture Cells, Kari Shoaf, George L. Mulvey, Glen D. Armstrong, and Robert W. Hutkins
PRECAST POST-TENSIONED SEGMENTAL POLE SYSTEM: U.S. Patent No. US 6,851,231 B2, Maher K. Tadros, E. Terence Foster, Sherif A. Yehia, and Audra L. Hansen
Precipitation and Fire Effects on Flowering of a Rare Prairie Orchid, Gary Willson, Manda Page, and F. Adnan Akyuz
Predation in Insular Plant Dynamics: An Experimental Assessment of Postdispersal Fruit and Seed Survival, Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands, Svata M. Louda and Paul H. Zedler
Predation of Artificial Ground Nests on White-Tailed Prairie Dog Colonies, Bruce W. Baker, Thomas R. Stanley, and James A. Sedgwick
Predation of the Chinch Bug, Blissus occiduus Barber (Hemiptera: Blissidae) by Geocoris uliginosus (Say) (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae), J. D. Carstens, Frederick P. Baxendale, Tiffany Heng-Moss, and Robert J. Wright
Predicting Cognitive Capacity from Natural History: Examples from Four Species of Corvids, Russell P. Balda, Alan Kamil, and Peter A. Bednekoff
Predicting Non-Target Ecological Effects of Biological Control Agents: Evidence from Rhinocyllus conicus, Svata M. Louda and A. E. Arnett
Predicting, Preparing for, and Creating the Future: What Will Happen to Internal Medicine?, Paul A. Hemmer, Sheila T. Costa, Deborah M. DeMarco, Stuart L. Linas, Don C. Glazier, and Barbara L. Schuster
Prediction Analysis and Developmental Priority: A Comment on Froman and Hubert, David Moshman
Prediction Failure of a Wolf Landscape Model, L. David Mech
Prediction of a spin-polarized two-dimensional electron gas at the LaAlO3/EuO(001) interface, Yong Wang, Manish K. Niranjan, John D. Burton, Joonhee M. An, Kirill D. Belashchenko, and Evgeny Y. Tsymbal
Prediction of a Switchable Two-Dimensional Electron Gas at Ferroelectric Oxide Interfaces, Manish K. Niranjan, Yong Wang, Sitaram S. Jaswal, and Evgeny Y. Tsymbal
Prediction of electrically induced magnetic reconstruction at the manganite/ferroelectric interface, John D. Burton and Evgeny Y. Tsymbal
“Predictive Optimal Control of Active and Passive Building Thermal Storage Inventory”, Gregor P. Henze and Moncef Krarti
Predictors of Earnings for Mexican Americans in the Midwest, Rosalie Torres Stone and Bandana Purkayastha
Predictors of patient satisfaction, Jeffrey L. Jackson, Judith Chamberlin, and Kurt Kroenke
Predictors of Self-reported Sexually Transmitted Diseases among Homeless and Runaway Adolescents, Kimberly Tyler, Les B. Whitbeck, Dan R. Hoyt, and Kevin A. Yoder
Predispersal Seed Predation, Postdispersal Seed Predation and Competition in the Recruitment of Seedlings of a Native Thistle in Sandhills Prairie, Svata M. Louda, Martha A. Potvin, and Sharon K. Collinge
Preemption by Stealth, Sandi Zellmer
Preface: Animal Cognition in Nature, Russell P. Balda, Irene M. Pepperberg, and Alan Kamil
Preface & Introductions to Saints, Sinners, and Sisters: Gender and Northern Art in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, Jane L. Carroll and Alison Stewart
Preface to Proceedings of The Fourth San Luis Symposium on Surfaces, Interfaces and Catalysis, Jose Rodriguez and Marjorie Langell
Preferential Bonding Orientations of Ferrocene on Surfaces, C. Waldfried, D. Welipitiya, C. W. Hutchings, H. S. V. de Silva, Gordon A. Gallup, Peter Dowben, W. W. Pai, Jiandi Zhang, J. F. Wendelken, and N. M. Boag
Preliminary Assessment of Sand Dune Stability Along a Bioclimatic Gradient, North Central and Northwestern Oklahoma, Carlos Cordova, Jess Porter, Kenneth Lepper, Regina Kalchgruber, and Gregory Scott
Premature Expression of the Latency-Related RNA Encoded by Bovine Herpesvirus Type 1 Correlates With Higher Levels of Beta Interferon RNA Expression in Productively Infected Cells, Sandra Perez, Florencia Meyer, Kazima Saira, Alan R. Doster, and Clinton J. Jones
Premiums in Boys and Girls Club Work: Extension Circular 0-10-02
Premiums in Boys and Girls Club Work : Extension Circular 0-10-2
Premiums in Boys and Girls Club Work : Extension Circular 0-10-2
Premiums in Boys and Girls Club Work : Extension Circular 0-10-2
Premiums in Boys and Girls Club Work : Extension Circular 0-10-2
Premiums in Boys and Girls Club Work : Extension Circular 0-10-2
Preparation and characterization of ceramic/polymer biomaterials, Jeremy J Karr
Preparation and characterization of materials for tunneling and ballistic nanojunctions, Rajesh Rajasekaran
Preparation of Biologically Active Ribosomal Subunits from Fungal Spores, James L. Van Etten
Preparing Fabric for Use, Rose Marie Tondl
Preparing for Financial Close (Project Finance), Jeff Kistner
Prerigor Injection Using Glycolytic Inhibitors in Low-Quality Beef Muscles, N. C. Jerez, Chris R. Calkins, and J. Velazco
Preschoolers' social information processing and aggression, Stephanie M Weigel
Presence of a Major (Storage?) Protein in Dormant Spores of the Fungus Botryodiplodia theobromae, James L. Van Etten, S. N. Freer, and B. K. McCune
Presence of the Cichlid Fish Cichlasoma Managuense Gunther in Lake Xiloá, Nicaragua, Jime Villa
Preservation and analytical procedures for the analysis of chloro-s-triazines and their chlorodegradate products in drinking waters using direct injection liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry, Glynda A. Smith, Barry V. Pepich, and David J. Munch
Preservice Elementary School Teachers’ Understandings of Theory Based Science Education, Edmund A. Marek, Timothy A. Laubach, and Jon Pedersen
Presidential Fundraising at Independent Colleges in the Midwest: A Case Study, Corday Goddard
Presidential fundraising at independent colleges in the midwest: A case study, Corday Goddard
Prevalence of Giant Kidney Worm (Dioctophyma renale) in Wild Mink (Mustela vison) in Minnesota, L. David Mech and Shawn P. Tracy
Prevalence of Non-O157:H7 Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli in Diarrheal Stool Samples from Nebraska, Paul Fey, R. S. Wickert, M.E. Rupp, T.J. Safranek, and S.H. Hinrichs
Prevalence of Pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica Strains in Pigs in the United States, Saumya Bhaduri, Irene V. Wesley, and Eric J. Bush
Prevalence of the Prion Protein Gene E211K Variant in U.S. Cattle, Michael P Heaton, John W. Keele, Gregory P. Harhay, Jürgen A. Richt, Mohammad Koohmaraie, Tommy L. Wheeler, Steven D. Shackelford, Eduardo Casas, D Andy King, Tad S. Sonstegard, Curtis P. Van Tassell, Holly L. Neibergs, Chad C. Chase Jr., Theodore S. Kalbfleisch, Timothy Smith, Michael L. Clawson, and William W. Laegreid
Prevention of compressor hunting in DX rooftop unit through supply air temperature optimization, Xiufeng Pang
Prey capture by the whip spider Phrynus marginemaculatus C.L. Koch, Roger D. Santer and Eileen Hebets
Price Trends and Patterns in Technical Analysis: A Theoretical and Empirical Examination, Geoffrey C. Friesen, Paul Weller, and Lee Dunham
Pricing and Welfare Impacts of New Crop Traits: The Role of IPRs and Coase's Conjecture Revisited, Richard K. Perrin and Lilyan E. Fulginiti
Pricing and Welfare Impacts of New Crop Traits: The Role of IPRs and Coase's Conjecture Revisited, Richard K. Perrin and Lilyan E. Fulginiti
Prioritizing Test Cases For Regression Testing, Gregg Rothermel, Roland H. Untch, Chengyun Chu, and Mary Jean Harrold
Prioritizing Test Cases for Regression Testing, Sebastian Elbaum, Alexey G. Malishevsky, and Gregg Rothermel
Private and Public Contributions to Financing College Education, Nabeel Alsalam, Seth H. Giertz, and Dennis Zimmerman
Probabilistic movement model with emigration simulates movements of deer in Nebraska, 1990–2006, Charles J. Frost, Scott E. Hygnstrom, Andrew J. Tyre, Kent M. Eskridge, David M. Baasch, Justin R. Boner, Gregory M. Clements, Jason M. Gilsdorf, Travis C. Kinsell, and Kurt C. Vercauteren
Probability of Nitrate Contamination of Recently Recharged Groundwaters in the Conterminous United States, Bernard Nolan, Kerie Hitt, and Barbara Ruddy
Procedural Justice in Family Conflict Resolution and Deviant Peer Group Involvement Among Adolescents: The Mediating Influence of Peer Conflict, Jennifer Stuart, Mark Fondarco, Scott A. Miller, Veda Brown, and Eve M. Brank
Processing of Yield Map Data, J. L. Ping and Achim R. Dobermann
Process Simulation of Dilute Acid Pretreatment of Coastal Bermudagrass for Bioethanol Production, Arthur Redding, Deepak R. Keshwani, and Jay J. Cheng
Procrastination: The death of opportunity, Carla Kimbrough
Producers’ Decisions, Allen Prosch
Producing and Marketing Corn; A Manual for Nebraska 4-H Clubs : Extension Circular 1-02-2, John D. Furrer and Don K. Wiles
Producing and Marketing Winter Wheat in 4-H : Extension Circular 1-41-2, J C. Swinbank
Producing Grain Sorghum : Extension Circular 1-51-2, Don K. Wiles and et al
Producing Sugar Beets : Extension Circular 1-61-2, J C. Swinbank, Don K. Wiles, and et al
Production and Decay of Double L Vacancies in Argon and Phosphorus, M. Eugene Rudd, B. Fastrup, P. Dahl, and F. D. Schowengerdt
Production and Purification of the Heavy Chain Fragment C of Botulinum Neurotoxin, Serotype A, Expressed in the Methylotrophic Yeast Pichia pastoris, Karen J. Potter, Wenhui Zhang, Leonard A. Smith, and Michael M. Meagher
Production of fine Nd-Fe-B alloy powder by pulsed plasma atomization, Jeffrey E. Shield, S. Christensen, R. W. Kincaid, and F. D. Witherspoon
Production of Microcrystalline Cellulose by Reactive Extrusion, Milford Hanna, Gerald Biby, and Vesselin Miladinov
Productivity and the Morphology of Crop Stands: Patterns with Leaves, R. S. Loomis and W. A. Williams
Professional Development of Early Childhood Administrators Within A Professional Development School (PDS) Learning Community, Ginger L. Zierdt
Professional development of early childhood administrators within a Professional Development School (PDS) Learning Community, Ginger L Zierdt
Professorial Ethics, Edgar L. Hinman
Profile: Gerald D. Schmidt (1934-1990), Scott Lyell Gardner and John E. Ubelaker
Profiling Deployed Software: Strategic Probe Placement, Madeline Diep, Sebastian Elbaum, and Myra Cohen
Profiling Deployed Software: Strategic Probe Placement, Madeline Diep, Sebastian Elbaum, and Myra Cohen
Profit Variability for Calf-Fed and Yearling Production Systems, Rebecca Small, Darrell R. Mark, Dillon Feuz, Terry J. Klopfenstein, William Griffin, and Donald Adams
Program Suggestions for County or Community 4-H Achievement Day; Extension Circular 0-13-2
Progress in diagnosis, treatment and elimination of echinococcosis and cysticercosis, Peter M. Schantz
Progress in Reducing Tobacco Use Across Nebraska, Jeff Willett, Ian Newman, Cheryl Wiese, Seth Emont, Tandiwe Njobe, and Peter Finn
Progress in the development of a recombinant vaccine for human hookworm disease: The Human Hookworm Vaccine Initiative, Peter J. Hotez, Bin Zhan, Jeffrey M. Bethony, Alex Loukas, Angela Williamson, Gaddam Narsa Goud, John M. Hawdon, Azra Dobardzic, Reshad Dobardzic, Kashinath Ghosh, Maria Elena Bottazzi, Susana Mendez, Bernard Zook, Yan Wang, Sen Liu, Idong Essiet-Gibson, Sophia Chung-Debose, Shuhua Xiao, David Knox, Michael Meagher, Mehmet Inan, Rodrigo Correa-Oliviera, Paul Vilk, Herman R. Shepherd, Walter Brandt, and Philip K. Russell
Project Applications of the Forest Service Rocky Mountain Region Wildlife and Fish Habitat Relationships System, Judy L. Sheppard, Dale L. Wills, and James L. Simonson
Project Title: Sustainable Adaptations to Drought and Climate Variability in Agricultural Production Systems Across Nebraska, Cody L. Knutson, Michael J. Hayes, Robert K. Hitchcock, Jeffrey Peake, and Martin Kleinschmit
Promoting Consumerism in West Germany During the Cold War: An Agency Perspective, Frauke Hachtmann
Properties of Chitosan Films as a Function of pH and Solvent Type, Ki Myong Kim, Jeong Hwa Son, Sung-Koo Kim, Curtis L. Weller, and Milford Hanna
Properties of local rings and resolutions of modules, Hamidreza Rahmati
Properties of Solidified/Stabilized Chromium Contaminated Soil, Beth C. Fleming and M. John Cullinane, Jr
Property Modification of Edible Wheat, Gluten-Based Films, A. Gennadios, Curtis L. Weller, and R. F. Testin
Proper women /propertied women: Federal land laws and gender order(s) in the nineteenth-century imperial American west, Tonia M Compton
Proper Women/Propertied Women: Federal Land Laws and Gender Order(s) in the Nineteenth-Century Imperial American West, Tonia M. Compton
Proportional Reasoning and Success on College Science Examinations, Melvin C. Thornton and Robert Fuller
Proposed Anti-Affirmative Action Constitutional Amendment, J David Aiken
Proposed Critical Habitat for the Whooping Crane
Prosocial Behaviors in Context: Examining the Role of Children’s Social Companions, Maria Rosario de Guzman, Gustavo Carlo, and Carolyn P. Edwards
Prospects for biological control of teasels, Dipsacus spp., a new target in the United States, Brian G. Rector, Vili Harizanova, René Sforza, Tim Widmer, and Robert N. Wiedenmann
Protecting Intellectual Property in Space, Barbara Luxenberg
Protecting Soil and Water in Forest Road Management, J. M. Grace III and B. D. Clinton
Protecting the Human Rights of Comfort Women, U.S. House of Representatives Committee on International Relations
Protecting Well-Being While Pursuing Justice, Barbara Sturgis
Protection with Recombinant Clostridium botulinum C1 And D Binding Domain Subunit (Hc) Vaccines Against C and D Neurotoxins, Robert P. Webb, Theresa J. Smith, Patrick M. Wright, Vicki A. Montgomery, Michael M. Meagher, and Leonard A. Smith
Protein Supplementation of Ammoniated Roughages. II. Wheat Straw Supplemented with Alfalfa, Blood Meal or Soybean Meal Fed to Wintering Steers, M. L. Nelson, Ivan G. Rush, and T. J. Klopfenstein
Protein Synthesis During Fungal Spore Germination: Differential Protein Synthesis During Germination of Botryodiplodia theobromae Spores, James L. Van Etten, Henry Roker, and Eric Davies
Protein Synthesis During Fungal Spore Germination II. Aminoacyl-soluble Ribonucleic Acid Synthetase Activities During Germination of Botryodiplodia theobromae Spores, James L. Van Etten and Robert Brambl
Protein Synthesis During Fungal Spore Germination. IV. Transfer Ribonucleic Acid from Germinated and Ungerminated Spores, James L. Van Etten, R. Kent Koski, and Mahmoud El-Olemy
Proteomic Fingerprints Distinguish Microglia, Bone Marrow, and Spleen Macrophage Populations, Yoshimi Enose, Christopher J. Destache, Andrea L. Mack, James R. Anderson, Fred Ullrich, Pawel Ciborowski, and Howard E. Gendelman
Proteomics Reveal a Concerted Upregulation of Methionine Metabolic Pathway Enzymes, and Downregulation of Carbonic Anhydrase-III, in Betaine Supplemented Ethanol-Fed Rats, Kusum K. Kharbanda, Vasanthy Vigneswara, Benita L. McVicker, Anna U. Newlaczyl, Kevin Bailey, Dean Tuma, David E. Ray, and Wayne G. Carter
Protocol for Investigating Displacement Effects of Wind Facilities on Grassland Songbirds, Wallace Erickson, Dale Strickland, Jill A. Shaffer, and Douglas H. Johnson
Providers’ Perspectives on Troublesome Overusers of Medical Services, Richard Bischoff, Cody S. Hollist, JoEllen Patterson, Lee Williams, Layne Prest, and Matthew D. Barkdull
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infection of the Auricular Cartilage Caused by “High Ear Piercing”: A Case Report and Review of the Literature, Henry H. Rowshan, Karen Keith, Dale Baur, and Peter Skidmore
Pseudorandom walks in ecological analysis: Capturing uncertainty for better estimation and decision making, Max Post van der Burg
Psychological Distress and Help Seeking in Rural America, Dan R. Hoyt, Rand D. Conger, Jill Gaffney Valde, and Karen Weihs
Psychological Ownership: Theoretical Extensions, Measurement, and Relation to Work Outcomes, James B. Avey, Bruce Avolio, Craig Crossley, and Fred Luthans
Psychometric properties of a new questionnaire to assess eating in the absence of hunger in children and adolescents, Marian Tanofsky-Kraff, Lisa M. Ranzenhofer, Susaz Z. Yanovski, Natasha A. Schvey, Myles Faith, Jennifer Gustafson, and Jack A. Yanovski
Public Attitudes and Knowledge of the Black-tailed Prairie Dog: A Common and Controversial Species, Donna Lybecker, Berton Lee Lamb, and Phadrea Ponds
Public beliefs about the preventability of unintentional injury deaths, Deborah C. Girasek
Public Knowledge and Perceptions of Black-Tailed Prairie Dogs, Berton Lee Lamb and Kurt Cline
Public policies, social myths, and private vulnerabilities: The lives of Mixed Citizenship Status Families in the United States, April M Schueths
Puero Reverentia, Philo M. Buck, Jr.
Pulse propagation of sound, light, and electrons, Shawn A Hilbert
Puncture-Resistance of Gloves for Handling Bats, Patricia W. Freeman and Cliff A. Lemen
Punishing My Parents: Juveniles’ Perspectives on Parental Responsibility, Eve M. Brank and Jodi Lane
Purification and characterization of acylation stimulating protein from porcine serum, Hong Zhang, Sheila K. Jacobi, Candace F. Toombs, Katherine H. Cianflone, Natalya Nersesian, Gautam Sarath, and Jess L. Miner
Purification and Characterization of Intrauterine Folate-Binding Proteins from Swine, J.L. Vallet, R.K. Christenson, and H.G. Klemcke
Purification and Scale-Up of a Recombinant Heavy Chain Fragment C of Botulinum Neurotoxin Serotype E in Pichia Pastoris GS115, Michael P. Dux, Rick Barent, Jayanta Sinha, Mark Gouthro, Todd Swanson, Ardis Barthuli, Mehmet Inan, John T. Ross, Leonard A. Smith, Theresa J. Smith, Robert Webb, Bonnie Loveless, Ian Henderson, and Michael M. Meagher
Purification of Some Legume Carlaviruses, Venkateswarlu Veerisetty and Myron K. Brakke
Purification of Some Legume Carlaviruses, Venkateswarlu Veerisetty and Myron K. Brakke
Purple Sulfur Bacteria in Anaerobic Treatment Lagoons, Richard K. Koelsch, Tong Tong Chen, and Dennis D. Schulte
Pursuing Energy Efficiency as a Hedge against Carbon Regulatory Risks: Current Resource Planning Practices in the West, Ryan Wiser, Amol Phadke, and Charles Goldman
Putative Gene Promoter Sequences in the Chlorella Viruses, Lisa Fitzgerald, Philip Boucher, Giane Yanai-Balser, Karsten Suhre, Michael Graves, and James L. Van Etten
Putting a Value on "Sweat Equity", David J. Goeller
Put your own life under the microscope, Carla Kimbrough
Qaluyaaq: An archeology survey and oral histories collection of Nelson Island, Alaska, Benjamin H Barnette
QTL analysis for identification of BPMV resistance genes in soybean, Jose Luis Aponte-Rivera
Quality Assurance and the Implication for the Management of University Libraries in Nigeria, E.L. Adebayo
Quality Assurance and the Scientific Method, Ray T. Sterner
Quality Inspection Task in Modern Manufacturing, J. A. Pesante-Santana and Jeffrey C. Woldstad
Quality Traits in Forage Sorghum Harvested at Early Head Emergence and at Physiological Maturity, Jeffrey F. Pedersen, Francis A. Haskins, and H. J. Gorz
Quantifying Equid Behavior—A Research Ethogram for Free-Roaming Feral Horses, Jason I. Ransom and Brian S. Cade
Quantifying uncertainties in synthetic origin-destination trip matrix estimates, Justice Appiah
Quantifying Vulture Activity at Marine Corps Air Station, Beaufort, NC, Michael Avery, John Humphrey, Rudolph Daughtery, and Michael Milleson
Quantitation of Aberrant Interlocus T-Cell Receptor Rearrangements in Mouse Thymocytes and the Effect of the Herbicide 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid, Geremy Knapp, R. Woodrow Setzer, and James Fuscoe
Quantitation of Proteinaceous Soil Removal from Clean-in-Place Systems, L. M. Rasmussen and R. B. Maxcy
Quantitation Reference Compounds and VOC Recoveries from Soils By Purge-and-Trap GC/MS, Brian Schumacher and Steven Ward
Quantitative Analysis of Polycrystalline Electron Diffraction Patterns, X. Z. Li
Quantitative rRNA-Targeted Solution-Based Hybridization Assay Using Peptide Nucleic Acid Molecular Beacons, Xu Li, Eberhard Morgenroth, and Lutgarde Raskin
Quantitative Soil Descriptions for Ecoregions of the United States, Mostafa A. Shirazi, Colleen Burch Johnson, James M. Omernik, Denis White, Patricia K. Haggerty, and Glenn E. Griffith
Quantum Nature of Two-Dimensional Electron Gas Confinement at LaAlO3=SrTiO3 Interfaces, Karolina Janicka, Julian P. Velev, and Evgeny Y. Tsymbal
Quantum Simulation of High-Order Harmonic Spectra of the Hydrogen Atom, A. D. Bandrauk, S. Chelkowski, Dennis J. Diestler, J. Manz, and K.-J. Yuan
Quenching of the Exchange Bias Training in Fe/Cr2O3/Fe Trilayer, S. Sahoo and Christian Binek
Quilting as a Mode of Self-Expression among Irish Women, Emer Fahy
Rabies in Nebraska, David R. Smith and Annette K. Bredthauer
Race and Justice in Nebraska – Why Prosecutors and Criminal Defense Lawyers Should Care, Mark J. Young and Dennis R. Keefe
Radiation-induced decomposition of the metal-organic molecule Bis(4-cyano-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedionato)copper(II), David Wisbey, Ning Wu, Yaroslav Losovyj, Ihor Ketsman, A. N. Caruso, Danqin Feng, John Belot, Elio Vescovo, and Peter A. Dowben
Radiometric cross-calibration of the Landsat-7 ETM+ and Landsat-5 TM sensors based on tandem data sets, P.M. Teillet, J. L. Barker, B. L. Markham, R. R. Irish, G. Fedosejevs, and J.C. Storey
Rainfall-Runoff Relations for the Puget Sound Area, R. S. Dinicola
Raising the Dairy Calf, E. G. Woodward
Raman Scattering and Lattice-Dynamical Calculations of Alkali-Metal Sulfates, D. Liu, H. M. Lu, John R. Hardy, and F. G. Ullman
Raman Scattering and Lattice-Dynamical Calculations of Crystalline KNO3, D. Liu, F. G. Ullman, and John R. Hardy
Raman Scattering and Lattice-Dynamical Calculations of Crystalline KNO3, H. M. Lu
Raman-Scattering Study of the Order-Disorder Phase Transition in KSCN, R. Li and John R. Hardy
Raman Spectrum of Gadolinium Molybdate Above and Below the Ferroelectric Transition, Frank Ullman, B. J. Holden, B. N. Ganguly, and John R. Hardy
Random Roughness Assessment by the Pin and Chain Method, John E. Gilley and E. R. Kottwitz
Range Maps for Nebraska's Threatened and Endangered Species, Nebraska Natural Heritage Program
Range-Wide Patterns of Greater Sage-Grouse Persistence, Cameron L. Aldridge, Scott E. Nielsen, Hawthorne L. Beyer, Mark S. Boyce, John W. Connelly, Steven T. Knick, and Michael A. Schroeder
Rapid Detection of Hydrocarbon Contamination in Ground Water and Soil, A. M. Chrestman, G. D. Comes, S. S. Kooper, and P. G. Malone
Rapid Detection of o-Hydroxycinnamic Acid and Beta-Glucosidase in Melilotus alba, Francis A. Haskins and H. J. Gorz
Rapid Dispersal and Long Term Effect on Resident Canada Geese by On-Demand Use Alarm and Alert Call Playback Reinforced with Cracker/Banger Shells, Philip Whitford
Rapidly Solidified Sm–Co–V Nanocomposite Permanent Magnets, R. S. K. Valiveti, A. Ingmire, and Jeffrey E. Shield
Rapid Tests for Free and Bound Coumarin in Sweetclover, Herman J. Gorz and Francis A. Haskins
Raptor Nesting Chronology in Northwestern North Dakota, Robert K. Murphy and John T. Ensign
Rarity of Males in Pea Aphids Results in Mutational Decay, Jennifer A. Brisson and Sergey V. Nuzhdin
Rate-dependent articulatory performance changes in talkers with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Antje S Mefferd
Rathayibacter iranicus isolated from symptomless wheat seeds in Turkey, E. Postnikova, Irina V. Agarkova, S. Altundag, F. Eskandari, A. Sechler, A. Karahan, Anne M. Vidaver, W. Schneider, M. Ozakman, and N. W. Schaad
Rational persuasion and attitude change: The impact of perceived leader authenticity and perceived leader ability on target outcomes, Ketan H Mhatre
Rat Sinusoidal Liver Endothelial cells (SECs) Produce Pro-Fibrotic Factors in Response to Adducts Formed from the Metabolites of Ethanol, Geoffrey M. Thiele, Michael J. Duryee, Thomas L. Freeman, Michael F. Sorrell, Monte S. Willis, Dean J. Tuma, and Lynell W. Klassen
RB160 Pink Rot of Potatoes Caused by Phytophthora erythroseptica Pethyb., R. W. Goss
Reading Habits of Secondary School Teachers: A Study of Selected Secondary Schools in Ado-Odo Ota Local Government Area, Adebayo Oyeronke
Ready yourself for newsroom cuts:The eight "Rs" of preparation for these uncertain times, Carla Kimbrough
Real-Time Divisible Load Scheduling for Cluster Computing, Xuan Lin, Ying Lu, Jitender S. Deogun, and Steve Goddard
Real-Time Divisible Load Scheduling for Cluster Computing, Xuan Lin, Ying Lu, Jitender S. Deogun, and Steve Goddard
Real-Time Divisible Load Scheduling with Different Processor Available Times, Xuan Lin, Steve Goddard, Ying Lu, and Jitender Deogun
Real-time vertical track deflection measurement system, Sheng Lu
Rearing and Releasing Galerucella Beetles to Control Purple Loosestrife, Stevan Kenzevic and Doug Smith
Reasoning and Learning with Imperfect Casebases: An Agent Perspective with An Expert Model, Leen-Kiat Soh
Reasoning and Learning with Imperfect Casebases: An Agent Perspective with An Expert Model, Leen-Kiat Soh
Reasons for the Marginal Incorporation of the Comanches by the Spanish, Martha McCollough
Reburying the Treasure—Maintaining the Continuity: Two Texts by Śākya Mchog Ldan on the Buddha-Essence, Yaroslav Komarovski
Recasting Dilemma Zone Design as a Marginal Cost-Benefit Problem, Anuj Sharma, Darcy M. Bullock, and Srinivas Peeta
Recent Advances in Drought Monitoring, Mark Svoboda, Michael J. Hayes, Donald A. Wilhite, and Tsegaye Tadesse
Recent Literature on Taxable-Income Elasticities, Seth H. Giertz
Recent Progress in Acoustic Travel-Time Tomography of the Atmospheric Surface Layer, Vladimir E. Ostashev, Sergey N. Vecherin, D. Keith Wilson, Astrid Ziemann, and George H. Goedecke
Recent Records of Formerly Extirpated Carnivores in Nebraska, Justin D. Hoffman and Hugh H. Genoways
Recessive Alleles Found at R and C Loci in Maze Stalks Showing Aberrant Ratio at the A Locus, Myron K. Brakke, R. G. Samson, and W. A. Compton
Reciprocity in Manager-Subordinate Relationships: Components, Configurations, and Outcomes, Mary Uhl-Bien and John M. Maslyn
Reclassification of Subspecies of Acidovorax avenae as A. Avenae (Manns 1905) emend., A. cattleyae (Pavarino, 1911)comb.nov., A. citrulli Schaad et al.,1978)comb.nov., and proposal of A. oryzae sp. nov., Norman Schaad, Elena Postnikova, Aaron Sechler, Larry E. Claflin, Anne M. Vidaver, Jeffrey B. Jones, Irina V. Agarkova, Alexander Ignatov, Ellen Dickstein, and Bruce A. Ramundo
Recoil-Ion Production from Zero-Impact-Parameter H+-Ar and H+-Kr Collisions at 20-70 keV, Akio Itoh and M. Eugene Rudd
Recoil Ions from Close 20-keV H+ Collisions with O2, CO, CO2, and Ne, Akio Itoh and M. Eugene Rudd
Recoil Ions from Near-Zero-Impact-Parameter H+-Xe Collisions in the Range 20- 70 keV, Wen-qin Cheng and M. Eugene Rudd
Reconciling Private Lives and Public Rhetoric: What’s at Stake?, Barbara Couture
Reconstructing sea-level change from the internal architecture of stromatolite reefs: an example from the Mesoproterozoic Sulky Formation, Dismal Lakes Group, arctic Canada, L C. Kah, Julie K. Bartley, Tracy D. Frank, and Timothy W. Lyons
Reconstruction of paleoclimatic conditions and timing of the last dune reactivation in the Nebraska Sand Hills, Rebecca L Schmeisser
Record Hail Event – Examination of the Aurora, Nebraska Supercell of 22 June 2003, Jared Guyer and Rick Ewald
Record in Rock: A Handbook of the Invertebrate Fossils of Nebraska, Roger K. Pabian
Record of Feeding by Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in Tropical Waters off Brazil, Luiz Claudio Pinto de sa Alves, Artur Andriolo, Alexandra Zerbini, Jose Luis Altmayer Pizzorno, and Phillip Clapham
Records for Bittacus Hangingflies and Panorpa Scorpionflies (Mecoptera: Bittacidae and Panorpidae) in Florida, Louis A. Somma and James C. Dunford
Recovery of Parasite Remains From Coprolites and Latrines: Aspects of Paleoparasitological Technique, Karl J. Reinhard, Ulisses E. Confalonieri, Bernd Herrmann, Luiz F. Ferreira, and Adauto J. G. de Araujo
Recovery Plan for the Pallid Sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus), Mark Dryer and Alan Sandvol
Recreation Visitor Attitudes Towards Management-ignited Prescribed Fires in the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex, Montana, Katie Knotek, Alan E. Watson, William T. Borrie, Joshua G. Whitmore, and David Turner
Rectal Glands of Marine and Fresh-Water Sharks: Comparative Histology, Mikio Oguri
Recycled Paper Products as Substitutes for Gelling Agent in Screwworm (Diptera: Calliphoridae) Larval Diet, M. F. Chaudhury, L. Alfredo Alvarez, and L. Lopez Velazquez
Redeeming The Time: Protestant Missionaries and the Social and Cultural Development of Territorial Nebraska, Robert J. Voss
Reduced-Median-Network Analysis of Complete Mitochondrial DNA Coding-Region Sequences for the Major African, Asian, and European Haplogroups, Corinna Herrnstadt, Joanna L. Elson, Eoin Fahy, Gwen Preston, Douglass M. Turnbull, Christen Anderson, Soumitra S. Ghosh, Jerrold M. Olefsky, M. Flint Beal, Robert E. Davis, and Neil Howell
Reduced Recharge Capacity of a Pump and Treat System, Cynthia L. Teeter, Douglas Gunnison, Norman R. Francingues, and Mark E. Zappi
Reduced Reliance on the Trace Element Selenium During Evolution of Mammals, Alexey Lobanov, Dolph Hatfield, and Vadim N. Gladyshev
Reduced Severity of Disease Associated With Feeding a Pharmacologic Amount of Zinc in a Laboratory Mouse Model of Swine Dysentery, Gerald Duhamel, P. Zhang, J. V. Mysore, Michael P. Carlson, and Norman R. Schneider