Department of Educational Administration
Department of Educational Administration: Faculty Publications
Families and Educators Co-Designing: Critical Education Research as Participatory Public Scholarship, Laura Hernández; University Neighborhood Partners, Salt Lake City, UT; Gerardo R. López; Jennifer Mayer-Glenn; Leticia Alvarez Gutiérrez; Taeyeon Kim; Amadou Niang; Sonny Partola; and Alma Yanagui
Navigating Emotional Discomfort in Developing Equity-Driven School Leaders: A Conceptual-Pedagogical Framework, Taeyeon Kim and James Wright
Methodologizing Transnationality: Relational Writing as Collective Inquiry, Sun Young Lee, Minhye Son, Taeyeon Kim, Jin Kyeong Jung, and Soo Bin Jang
On the Impossibilities of Advancing Racial Justice in Higher Education Research Through Reliance on the Campus Climate Heuristic, Elvira Abrica, Deryl K. Hatch-Tocaimaza, and Cecilia Rios-Aguilar
Examining Responses to a Racist Event in a Sorority and Fraternity Life Community: A Case Study, Crystal Eufemia Garcia, Antonio Duran, and Michael Anthony Goodman
Negotiating Asian American Identities: Collaborative Self-Study of Korean Immigrant Scholars’ Reading Group on AsianCri, Taeyeon Kim, Soo Bin Jang, Jin Keong Jung, Minhye Son, and Sun Young Lee
Leading from equity: Changing and organizing for deeper learning, Taeyeon Kim, Minseok Yang, and Yujin Oh
The Impact on College Students of Service-Learning in After-School Programs, Ashley Light, Amelia-Marie Altstadt, Olatz Sanchez-Txabarri, Stuart P. Bernstein, and Patrice McMahon
Online + International: Utilizing Theory to Maximize Intercultural Learning in Virtual Exchange Courses, Gudrun Nyunt, Elizabeth Niehaus, Ashley Light, Alex Boryca, and Angela Bryan
Rural District Leaders and Place in the Shadow of the Pandemic: Refining the Conceptualization of Leadership of Place as Caring, Jeff Walls and Sarah Zuckerman
Falling into the gap: The coloniality of achievement gap discourses and their responses, James S. Wright and Taeyeon Kim
Rural Superintendent Turnover in Challenging Times: A Review of the Literature, Sarah Zuckerman, Michael Teahon, Jeanne L. Surface, Ann T. Mausbach, and Kevin M. Riley
Giving a lot of ourselves: How mother leaders in higher education experienced parenting and leading during the COVID-19 pandemic, Laura E Boche
A Path Forward: Critically Examining Practitioners' Role in Addressing Campus Racial Climate, Kaleb L. Briscoe, Crystal Eufemia Garcia, and Ashley L. Swift
How Campus Space Becomes White Place: Advancing a Spatial Analysis of Whiteness in Higher Education, Antonio Duran, Zak Foste, Crystal Eufemia Garcia, and Jeremy T. Snipes
Sorority and Fraternity Life Professionals’ Perspectives on Challenges Faced by Culturally Based Sororities and Fraternities, Antonio Duran, Crystal E. Garcia, and Hannah L. Reyes
Regulating Sexualities Through Gender-Based Rhetoric: The Experiences of Queer Women of Color in Culturally-Based Sororities, Crystal E. Garcia and Antonio Duran
Conversations About Food Insecurity: Examining College Campus Climates, Crystal Eufemia Garcia
Competence and Challenge: Sorority and Fraternity Life Professionals’ Preparation to Advise Culturally Based SFL Organizations, Crystal Eufemia Garcia, Hannah L. Reyes, and Antonio Duran
NPHC and MGC Sororities and Fraternities as Spaces of Activism Within Predominantly White Institutions, Crystal E. Garcia, William R. Walker, Ciera A. Dorsey, Zachary W. Werninck, and Jessie H. Johns
Community-Centered School Leadership: Radical Care and Aperturas During COVID-19, Leticia Alvarez Gutiérrez, Taeyeon Kim, Sonny Partola, Paul J. Kuttner, Amadou Niang, Alma Yanagui, Laura Hernández, Gerardo R. López, and Jennifer Mayer-Glenn
Ambivalence toward bureaucracy: Responses from Korean school principals, Hyun-Jun Joo and Taeyeon Kim
Reimagining accountability through educational leadership: Applying the metaphors of “agora” and “bazaar”, Taeyeon Kim
Troubling Unintended Harm of Heroic Discourses in Social Justice Leadership, Taeyeon Kim and Courtney Mauldin
Negotiating Incomplete Autonomy: Portraits from Three School Principals, Taeyeon Kim and Jennie Weiner
Uncovering the Potential Learning in Short-Term Study Abroad, Elizabeth Niehaus and Gudrun Nyunt
A Catalyst for Learning or Reinforcement of Inequities: Using a Critical Hope Lens to Understand the Potential and Limitations of Short-Term Study Abroad in Fostering Students’ Ability to Effectively Interact Across Differences, Gudrun Nyunt, Elizabeth Niehaus, and Mac Benavides
What Sorority and Fraternity Life (SFL) Professionals Learn About Navigating Their Positionalities When Advising and Advocating for Culturally Based SFL Organizations, Hannah L. Reyes, Antonio Duran, and Crystal Eufemia Garcia
Beyond the School Walls: Collective Impact in Micropolitan School-Community Partnerships, Sarah Zuckerman
Quaring Sorority Life: Identity Negotiation of Queer Women of Color in Culturally-Based Sororities, Antonio Duran and Crystal E. Garcia
Critically Examining the Experiences of Queer People of Color in Culturally-Based Sororities and Fraternities, Antonio Duran, Crystal Eufemia Garcia, and Hannah Lee Reyes
“In My Letters, But I Was Still by Myself”: Highlighting the Experiences of Queer Men of Color in Culturally Based Fraternities, Crystal Garcia and Antonio Duran
Motivations for Queer Women of Color to Join Culturally Based Sororities, Crystal Eufemia Garcia and Antonio Duran
Aligning Student Affairs Practice with Espoused Commitments to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, Crystal Eufemia Garcia, William Walker, Dawn Morgan, and Yuwei Shi
Sorority and Fraternity Life: Examining Racial Discourse Via Institutional Websites, Crystal E. Garcia, William Walker, Samantha E. Bradley, and Kathleen Smith
“You Shall Not Pass”: Predicting Attrition and Completion of an Iraqi Academic Preparatory Program, Rachel Gresk and Elizabeth Niehaus
Charting the Design of Community College Student Success Courses: Uncovering Their Espoused and Enacted Curricula, Deryl Keith Hatch-Tocaimaza, Naomi Mardock-Uman, Crystal Garcia, and Sarah Rodriguez
Owning educational change in Korean schools: Three driving forces behind sustainable change (Excerpt), International Education News, Taeyeon Kim, Minseok Yang, and Sunbin Lim
Making Sense of Schooling during COVID-19: Crisis as Opportunity in Korean Schools, Taeyeon Kim, Sunbin Lim, Minseok Yang, and Soo Jung Park
Owning educational change in Korean schools: three driving forces behind sustainable change, Taeyeon Kim, Minseok Yang, and Sunbin Lim
Collective Impact in Rural Places, Sarah Zuckerman
Family-School Relationships Are the Missing Link in COVID-19 Era Education, Leticia Alvarez Gutiérrez, Laura Hernández, Taeyeon Kim, Paul J. Kuttner, Gerardo R. López, Jennifer Mayer-Glenn, Amadou Niang, and Almaida Yanagui
Positionality and Power: The Individual’s Role in Directing Community College Men of Color Initiatives, Kaleb L. Briscoe, Veronica A. Jones, Deryl K. Hatch-Tocaimaza, and Eligio Martinez Jr.
The Role of Mental Health Issues in Faculty-Led Short-Term Study Abroad, Kaleb L. Briscoe, Elizabeth Niehaus, Matthew Nelson, and Angela Bryan
Narratives of queer men of color in culturally-based fraternities making meaning of masculinities, Antonio Duran and Crystal Garcia
Post-Undergraduate Narratives of Queer Men of Color’s Resistance in Culturally Based Fraternities, Antonio Duran and Crystal Garcia
Professional Military Education in the Marine Corps Reserve: A Narrative Inquiry, Adam Fullerton, Deryl K. Hatch-Tocaimaza, Seth S. Synstelien, and Aaron Meltzer
Belonging in a Predominantly White Institution: The Role of Membership in Latina/o Sororities and Fraternities, Crystal Garcia
Climates for Ethnic and Racial Diversity: Latina/o Sorority and Fraternity Member Perspectives, Crystal Garcia
Institutional Responses to Events Challenging Campus Climates: Examining the Power in Language, Crystal Garcia, Benjamin Arnberg, Jessica Weise, and Marit Winborn
An examination of gender and sexuality dynamics in Latinx/a/o-based co-educational fraternities, Crystal Garcia and Antonio Duran
Becoming skillful leaders: American school principals’ transformative learning, Taeyeon Kim
Revisiting the governance narrative: The dynamics of developing national educational assessment policy in South Korea, Taeyeon Kim
What is the meaning of educational leadership in a time of policy engineering?, Taeyeon Kim
Principal Instructional Leadership for Teacher Participation in Professional Development: Evidence from Japan, Singapore, and South Korea, Taeyeon Kim and Youngjun Lee
Who Should Get “Ineffective”? A Principal’s Ethical Dilemmas on Teacher Evaluation, Taeyeon Kim and Charles Lowery
Exploring cultural logic in becoming teacher: a collaborative autoethnography on transnational teaching and learning, Taeyeon Kim and Heather L. Reichmuth
2019 State of the States: Nebraska, Barbara LaCost and Clayton L Waddle
Addressing Students’ Mental Health Needs in Faculty-Led Study Abroad Courses, Elizabeth Niehaus, Angela Bryan, Matthew J. Nelson, and Kaleb Briscoe
Identifying Meaningful Individual-Level Change in Educational Experiences: Adding to Our Methodological Toolkit, Elizabeth Niehaus and Gudrun Nyunt
Community Identity Development and Interpersonal Development in Tertiary Education in Trinidad and Tobago, Elizabeth Niehaus, Letitia Williams, and Adam Fullerton
Moving Mentorship to Opportunity for Women University Presidents, Tania Carlson Reis and Marilyn Grady
The Changing Nature and Organization of Work: An Integrative Review of the Literature, Ellen Scully-Russ and Richard J. Torraco
What HRD Is Doing—What HRD Should be Doing: The Case for Transforming HRD, Richard J. Torraco and Henriette Lundgren
Shared Leadership for Learning in Denver’s Portfolio Management Model, A. Chris Torres, Katrina Bulkley, and Taeyeon Kim
Reframing community (dis)engagement: the discursive connection between undemocratic policy enactment, minoritized communities and resistance, James S. Wright and Taeyeon Kim
The Role of Rural School Leaders in a School-Community Partnership, Sarah J. Zuckerman
“Why can’t this work here?”: Social innovation and collective impact in a micropolitan community, Sarah J. Zuckerman
Playing well with others: a case study of collective impact in the early care and education policy arena, Sarah J. Zuckerman, Amanda L. Garrett, Susan Sarver, and Catherine Huddleston-Casas
Principals’ Schema: Leadership Philosophies and Instructional Leadership, Sarah J. Zuckerman and Cailen O'Shea
Sueños De Los Flyover States: Narratives of Latino Males in the Great Plains, Elvira Abrica, Deryl K. Hatch-Tocaimaza, and Baudelio Abrica
Exploring Students’ Agentic and Multidimensional Perceptions of Oppressive Campus Environments: The Development of a Transformational Impetus, Elvira J. Abrica and Deryl K. Hatch-Tocaimaza
“They Don’t Even Know that We Exist”: Exploring Sense of Belonging Within Sorority and Fraternity Communities for Latina/o Members, Crystal Garcia
Supporting Students Globally in Higher Education: Trends and Perspectives for Student Affairs and Services, Rachel Gresk and Elizabeth Niehaus
Logics of Accountability: Cross-national Patterns in School-Level Controls, Taeyeon Kim and John T. Yun
Exploring Predictors of Sense of Belonging in Trinidad and Tobago, Elizabeth Niehaus, Letitia Williams, Stephanie Zobac, Miles Young, and Adam Fullerton
Student Learning Objectives: What Instructors Emphasize in Short-Term Study Abroad, Elizabeth Niehaus, Taylor C. Woodman, Angela Bryan, Ashley Light, and Erika Hill
Evolving Narratives about College: Immigrant Community College Students’ Perceptions of the Four-Year Degree in the Great Plains, Moises Padilla, Justin Chase Brown, and Elvira Abrica
Building Will and Capacity for Improvement in a Rural Research-Practice Partnership, Kristen Campbell Wilcox and Sarah J. Zuckerman
Making Sense of Place: A Case Study of a Sensemaking in a Rural School-Community Partnership, Sarah J. Zuckerman
Making Sense of Place: A Case Study of a Sensemaking in a Rural School-Community Partnership, Sarah J. Zuckerman
Best Laid Plans: How Community College Student Success Courses Work, Deryl K. Hatch, Naomi Mardock-Uman, Crystal E. Garcia, and Mary Johnson
Education Institutions Creation of Partnerships, Iwasan D. Kejawa Ed.D
The Road to Researcher: The Development of Research Self-Efficacy in Higher Education Scholars, Elizabeth Niehaus, Crystal Garcia, and Jillian N. Reading
Realizing the Potential of International Education in Leadership Learning, Elizabeth K. Niehaus
Faculty Engagement in Cultural Mentoring as Instructors of Short-Term Study Abroad Courses, Elizabeth Niehaus, Jillian Reading, Matthew J. Nelson, Ashley Wegener, and Ann Arthur
What Are We Teaching Abroad? Faculty Goals for Short-Term Study Abroad Courses, Elizabeth Niehaus and Ashley Wegener
“They Don’t Care About You”: First-Year Chinese International Students’ Experiences With Neo-racism and Othering on a U.S. Campus, Christina W. Yao
Perspectives from graduate students on effective teaching methods: A case study from a Vietnamese Transnational University, Christina W. Yao and Courtney Collins
International Students in Their Own Country: Motivation of Vietnamese Graduate Students to Attend a Collaborative Transnational University, Christina W. Yao and Crystal E. Garcia
Reflexivity in International Contexts: Implications for U.S. Doctoral Students International Research Preparation, Christina W. Yao and Louise Michelle Vital
Drivers for Change: A Study of Distributed Leadership and Performance Adaptation During Policy Innovation Implementation, Sarah J. Zuckerman, Kristen Campbell Wilcox, Francesca T. Durand, Hal A. Lawson, and Kathryn S. Schiller
Absorptive Capacity in Rural Schools: Bending Not Breaking During Disruptive Innovation Implementation, Sarah J. Zuckerman, Kristen Campbell Wilcox, Kathryn S. Schiller, and Francesca T. Durand
Chicanas in IR: Data-Driven Advocacy for Latinx Students from Institutional Research Contexts in the Community College, Elvira Abrica and Martha Rivas
Educational Attainment and Egalitarian Attitudes Toward Women in the MENA Region: Insights from the Arab Barometer, Amy Auletto, Taeyeon Kim, and Rachel Marias
Living-Learning Programs Through the Years: A Reflection on Partnerships Between Students, Faculty, and Student Affairs, Kathleen J. Buell, Vaugn L. Love, and Christina W. Yao