People of Color in Predominantly White Institutions
Different Perspectives on Majority Rules: 6th Annual National Conference (2001)
The Role of a Multicultural Facility in Enhancing Community Among Diverse Cultures, Melissa Abele, Chandra Claassen, Kara Helgeson, Becki Majors, and Rachelle Winkle
A Case Study: Contemporary Forms of Bias and "Prejudice" and How it Negatively Impacts Scholars of Color Within the Academy, Elizabeth J. Achieng Siwo-Okundi B.A.
Multiple Perspectives on a Failed Attempt at Diversity, Fay Akindes, Michele Gee Ph.D., Farida Khan, and Mary Kay Schleiter Ph.D.
MUSSAB: An Indispensable Link Between Faculty and Multicultural Students' Academic Success, Nilda Aragones, Kathy Carroll, and Liya Li Ph.D.
Creating a Multicultural University: Examining Assumptions and Creating a Paradigm, Andrea Teresa "Tess" Arenas Ph.D.
Workplace Mediation for Diversity Conflicts, Maxine Ballard
Engaging in Difficult Dialogues beyond Color: Where do You Draw the Line between Race, Gender and Authority in the Classroom?, Safoura A. Boukari
Philly Hoop Dreams: The Social Organization of Black Basketball in Philadelphia, Scott N. Brooks
So You Think You Hired an American Indian, David Cornsilk, Dean Flechs, Mary Lee Johns, and Helen Long Soldier
The Recruitment and Retention of Students of Color at Private Institutions, Anthony Cortese
Turning Tables: Recovering the African American Resistance Tradition at Predominantly White Institutions of Learning, Jean Daniels Ph.D.
Training College Students as Race and Race¬-Relations Facilitators, Eureka C. Daye
Making the Canon: Whose Postcolonial Literature is It?, Sonia Delgado-Tall Ph.D.
The Pedagogical Color of Chicana Voice, Maricela DeMirjyn
Crossing Boundaries to Engage in Difficult Dialogues, Gertrude Edem and Joseph L. Mbele
If They're So Smart, What am I Doing in Front of the Classroom? A Latina's Journey for Respect, Sandra L. Foster
The Nebraska Native American Career Ladder Project: A Teacher Education Initiative, Elizabeth Franklin Ph.D., Donald Blackbird, and Renee New Holy
Experiences of Prejudice and Isolation at a Predominantly White, Great Plains University, Scott Freng M.A.
Check All that Apply: The Census and the Multiracial Population, Nina Grant and Cecilia Olivares
The "Foreigner": Pedagogical Practices on Teaching Cultural Studies Courses, Gwendolyn Guy and Gaetane Jean-Marie
Achieving Access and Success in Higher Education, Frank W. Hale Jr.
Parent Involvement in the College Search Process, Nicole Jackson
Factors Influencing Career Choice of African American and Hispanic Graduates of a Land Grant Institution, Wash A. Jones Ph.D. and Alvin Larke Jr., Ph.D.
Are Time-Honored Traditions of Predominantly White Institutions Added Barriers to Integration for Students of Color? The Challenges of Integration in the New Millennium, Gail Shorter Judson Ph.D.
In Pursuit of Brain Compatible Intimate Relationships, Saleef Kafajouffee Ph.D.
From Plantation to Partnership Politics: Being Black in the Academy, Valarie Greene King Ph.D., Rebekah McCloud Ed.D., and Diana Mitchell
Learning Across Cultures: How Minority Students Construct Identities That Foster Academic Success, MaryJo Benton Lee
Competing Interests: Strategies for Working with Diverse Minority Groups, Dorscine Spigner Littles Ph.D. and Amelia M. Adams M.A.
Plantation Mythology: Black Women in Academia, S. Malone-Hawkins Ph.D. and Erma J. Lawson Ph.D.
Addressing Recruitment and Retention Through Building Anti-Racist, Multicultural Campuses, Phyllis May-Machunda and Amy Phillips
Comprehending Cultural Factors that Impact Success: Emerging Views of The Latina/o Experience at Predominantly White Institutions, Ricardo Montelongo and David A. Ortiz
Sobreviviendo the White Corn Fields: Chicanas and Latinas in Predominantly White Institutions, Amelia M. L. Montes
Creating a Diversity Movement in the University, Rupert W. Nacoste Ph.D.
Academentia: Physiological Stress, Toxic Work Sites and the Neutralization of Blackness by the Whiteness Standards of Professionalization, Enoch H. Page Ph.D.
Winning On for the Gipper: Diversity Strategies and Initiative at Notre Dame, Hugh R. Page Jr., Ph. D.; Richard Pierce Ph. D.; Gina Shropshire Ph. D.; and Lynn Todman Ph. D.
African American and Teaching in Higher Education IS a Course on Race and Culture, Carole G. Parker Ph.D. and Emma T. Lucas
The Unique Challenges and Experiences of African¬-American Women Academicians at Predominantly White Institutions, Gary K. Perry
Dispelling the Mascot Myth: The Misuse of Indigenous Peoples as Mascots in American Schools, Cornel Pewewardy Ph.D.
I'm Not Your Indian Anymore, Cornel D. Pewewardy Ph.D.
KONBIT: A Model for Bringing Campus and Community Together to Serve an Immigrant Population, Walter J. Pierce, Sharon Singleton-Bowie, and B.J. Bryson
A Case Study: Contemporary Forms of Bias and "Prejudice" and How it Negatively Impacts Scholars of Color Within the Academy, E. Kelly Sanford Ph.D.
The Importance of Affirmative Action in the 21st Century: Building Transformational Alliances with Constituencies Across the Power Structure for Scholars, Students and Staff of Color at Predominantly European American Institutions., E. Kelly Sanford Ph.D. and LaVerne Turner Walker
Gator Launch: Developing a Minority Career-Mentoring Program, Shanaz Ali Sawyer M.S. and Lisa Severy Ed.S.
Retention, Mentoring and the Mythological Need for the Other: Specifically Designed, With Urban Youth in Mind, Gene Kwame Scruggs
Creating Campus Community: Forming Institutional Responses to Students' Lack of Cultural Competencies, Sherwood Smith Ph.D., Sarah Conant Martin, Jacob Diaz, and Wilfrido Cruz
Multiculturalism vs. Multiethnicity: Strategies Toward Creating a Truly Positive Campus Environment-CSU Long Beach, A Case Study, Bede Ssenid-Ssensalo Ph.D.
Fishing in Shallow Waters: The Nebraska Legislature and the State's Faculty Quotas, Gary Trogdon Ph.D.
A Student, An Athlete and a Person of Color: The Challenge of Thriving in Predominantly White Institutions - With Two Strikes Against You, Renita Tyrance
Recruitment and Retention of Culturally Diverse Faculty/Staff: Our Process for Success, Sharon Ulmar and Sherri Rogers
Cross-Cultural Schooling Experiences and the Construction of Identity: How Curriculum Impacts Educational Outcomes for Foreign Students, Yuri Wellington
Beyond Comfort Zones of Whiteness: Strategies for Inclusion of People of Color in the Social Milieu of Predominantly White Institutions, C. S'Thembile West Ph.D.
Promoting Higher Education: The Latino Achievement Mentoring Program (LAMP), Byron L. Zamboanga, Lisa Knoche, Gloria Gonzalez-Kruger, and Marcela Raffaelli