Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education
To Improve the Academy: A Journal of Educational Development
Online ISSN: 2334-4822
License: CC BY-NC-ND
“Once a Scientist…”: Disciplinary Approaches and Intellectual Dexterity in Educational Development, Katherine Kearns, Molly Hatcher, Mara Bollard, Michele DiPietro, Devon Donohue-Bergeler, Leslie E. Drane, Elizabeth Luoma, Andrew E. Phuong, Laura Thain, and Mary C. Wright
Good to Great in Educational Development, Bruce Kelley
One Thing for All Learners, Linda B. Nilson
Measuring Transparency: A Learning-Focused Assignment Rubric, Michael S. Palmer, Emily O. Gravett, and Jennifer LaFleur
Mentoring Graduate Student Staff in a Center for Teaching and Learning: Goals and Aligned Practices, Kristin Rudenga and Joseph Lambert
Invitations and Expeditions, but Hardly Ever Destinations, Tracy W. Smith
Balancing Direction and Response: Four Dimensions of Transformative Facilitation in Educational Development, Roben Torosyan and Alison Cook-Sather
Transforming the Classroom at Traditionally White Institutions to Make Black Lives Matter, Frank Truitt, Chayla Haynes, and Saran Stewart
Workshopping a Workshop: Collaborative Design in Educational Development, Eleanor V. H. Vandegrift, Amy B. Mulnix, Jennifer R. Yates, and S. Raj Chaudhury
A Minimalist Model of New Faculty Mentoring: Why Asking for Less Gives More, Heather Lobban Viravong and Mark Schneider
The Four Rs: Guiding CTLs with Responsiveness, Relationships, Resources, and Research, Mary C. Wright, Debra Rudder Lohe, Tershia Pinder-Grover, and Leslie Ortquist-Ahrens
Educational Development as Pink Collar Labor: Implications and Recommendations, Lindsay Bernhagen and Emily Gravett
Educational Development Efforts Aligned With the Assessment Cycle, Phyllis Blumberg
Writing Renewal Retreats: The Scholarly Writer, Contemplative Practice, and Scholarly Productivity, Edward Brantmeier, Cathryn Molloy, and Jennifer Byrne
On the Other Side of the Wall: The Miscategorization of Educational Developers in the United States?, David A. Green and Deandra Little
Evaluating Centers for Teaching and Learning: A Field-Tested Model, Susan R. Hines
Stepping Stones: A Leadership Development Program to Inspire and Promote Reflection Among Women Faculty and Staff, Krista Hoffmann-Longtin, Zachary S. Morgan, Lauren (Chism) Schmidt, Emily C. Valvoord, Megan M. Palmer, and Mary E. Dankoski
Foreign and U.S Educated Faculty Members’ Views on What Constitutes Excellent Teaching: Effects of Gender and Discipline, Emad A. Ismail and James E. Groccia
Metacognition by Design: How a Course Design Experience Can Increase Metacognition in Faculty, Teresa A. Johnson, Sarah A. Holt, Margaret Sanders, Lindsay Bernhagen, Kathryn Plank, Stephanie V. Rohdieck, and Alan Kalish
Moving Toward the Center: The Integration of Educational Development in an Era of Historic Change in Higher Education, Bruce Kelley, Laura Cruz, and Nancy Fire
Exploring the Potential of Educational Developer Portfolios, Natasha Kenny, Isabeau Iqbal, Jeannette McDonald, Paola Borin, Debra Dawson, Judy Chan, and Erika Kustra
The Aspirational Curriculum Map: A Diagnostic Model for Action-Oriented Program Review, Eric Metzler, George Rehrey, Lisa Kurz, and Joan Middendorf
Assessing the Long-Term Impact of the Preparing Future Faculty Seminar, Laura N. Schram, Tershia Pinder-Grover, and Stefan Turcic II
Assessment from an Educational Development Perspective, Mary C. Wright, Molly Goldwasser, Wayne Jacobson, and Christopher Dakes
Beyond Survival: Educational Development and the Maturing of the POD Network, Leslie Ortquist Ahrens
The Challenges of Promoting Instructional Improvement: Teaching Behaviors and Teaching Cultures at Liberal Arts Institutions in the Associated Colleges of the South, Kent Andersen, Barbara Lom, and Betsy A. Sandlin
Receive, Reorganize, Return: Theatre as Creative Scholarship, Sara Armstrong and Theresa Braunschneider
Designing an Evaluation of Instructional Consultation in a Higher Education Context, Karen Elizabeth Brinkley Etzkorn, David Schumann, Beth White, and Tiffany Smith
A Faculty Wellness Workshop Series: Leveraging On Campus Expertise, Thomas M. Brinthaupt, Arielle Neal, and Sheila Otto
The Scholarship of Educational Development: A Taxonomy, Laura Cruz
Don’t Box Me In: Rubrics for ártists and Designers, Natasha Haugnes and Jennifer L. Russell
The Use of Song to Open an Educational Development Workshop: Exploratory Analysis and Reflections, Lawrence Lesser, Song An, and Daniel Tillman
Subjectivities in the Sandbox: Discovering Biases through Visual Memo Writing, Bethany Lisi
Systematic Assessment of a High Impact Course Design Institute, Michael S. Palmer, Adriana C. Streifer, and Stacy Williams Duncan
High Retention of Minority and International Faculty through a Formal Mentoring Program, Susan L. Phillips, Susan T. Dennison, and Mark A. Davenport
Improv(ing) the Academy: Applied Improvisation as a Strategy for Educational Development, Jonathan P. Rossing and Krista Hoffmann Longtin
Connect, Change, and Conserve: Building a Virtual Center for Teaching Excellence, Anne M. Schoening and Sarah Oliver
Institutionalizing Faculty Mentoring within a Community of Practice Model, Emily R. Smith, Patricia E. Calderwood, Stephanie Burrell Storms, Paula Gill Lopez, and Ryan P. Colwell
Toward a New Creative Scholarship of Educational Development: The Teaching and Learning Project and an Opening to Discourse, Martin Springborg and Cassandra V. Horii
Good, Fast, Cheap: How Centers of Teaching and Learning Can Capitalize in Today’s Resource Constrained Context, Michael H. Truong, Stephanie Juillerat, and Deborah H. C. Gin
Systems Alignment for Comprehensive Faculty Development in Liberal Arts Colleges, Vicki L. Baker, Laura G. Lunsford, and Meghan J. Pifer
Flipping the Mindset: Reframing Fear and Failure to Catalyze Development, Diane E. Boyd, Josie Baudier, and Traci Stromie
Creating a Supportive Teaching Culture in the Research University Context: Strategic Partnering and Interdisciplinary Collaboration Between a Teaching Centerand Academic Units, Marie Kendall Brown, Patricia A. S. Ralston, Kathy B. Baumgartner, and Melissa A. Schreck
Encouraging Faculty Attendance at Professional Development Events, Dakin Burdick, Tim Doherty, and Naomi Schoenfeld
Mentoring Within a Community of Practice for Faculty Development: Adding Value to a CTL Role, Patricia E. Calderwood and Suzanna Klaf
A View From the Margins: Situating CTL Staff in Organizational Development, Emily O. Gravett and Lindsay Bernhagen
A Worthy Asset: The Adjunct Faculty and the Influences on Their Job Satisfaction, Telvis Rich
Teaching Renewal for Midcareer Faculty: Attending to the Whole Person, Catherine Ross
Unpacking and Communicating the Multidimensional Mission of Educational Development: A Mission Matrix Tool for Centers of Teaching and Learning, Connie Schroeder
Negotiating a Seat at the Table: Questions to Guide Institutional Involvement, Gregory J. Siering, Suzanne Tapp, Debra Rudder Lohe, and Micah Meixner Logan
A Teaching Conference of One’s Own: Inviting Faculty into the Scholarly Work of Teaching, Julie Sievers
Implementing a University Wide Change Initiative, Ronald A. Styron Jr.
Overcoming Pedagogical Solitude: The Transformative Power of Discipline Specific Faculty Learning Communities, Mariela Tovar, Rosalie Jukier, Jennie Ferris, and Kristen Cardoso
Developmental Stages of New Graduate Student Instructional Consultants: Implications for Professional Growth, Mary C. Wright, Laura N. Schram, and Kristen S. Gorman
Mapping Classroom Interactions: A Spatial Approach to Analyzing Patterns of Student Participation, Sophia Abbot, Alison Cook Sather, and Carola Hein
Stereotype Threat–Based Diversity Programming: Helping Students While Empowering and Respecting Faculty, Isis Artze Vega, Leslie Richardson, and Adrienne Traxler
Emotion in the Classroom: An Update, Janine Bowen
Tracing the Evolution of Educational Development Through the POD Network's Institute for New Faculty Developers, Michele DiPietro
Developing Scholarly Teachers Through an SoTL Faculty Fellowship, Beth A. Fisher, Michelle D. Repice, Carolyn L. Dufault, Denise A. Leonard, and Regina F. Frey
Tracking POD's Engagement with Diversity: A Content Analysis of To Improve the Academy and POD Network Conference Programs From 1977 to 2011, Stacy E. Grooters
Just Ask: Using Faculty Input to Inform Communication Strategies, Krista Hoffmann Longtin, Megan M. Palmer, Julie L. Welch, Emily C. Walvoord, and Mary E. Dankoski
Preparing New Faculty for Leadership: Understanding and Addressing Needs, Anne Kelsch and Joan Hawthorne
Reflections on the State of the Scholarship of Educational Development, Deandra Little
Measuring the Promise: A Learning Focused Syllabus Rubric, Michael Palmer, Dorothe Bach, and Adriana Streifer
Sequential Online Course Redesign: When “It Just Takes Time” Works No Longer, Genevieve G. Shaker, Sarah K. Nathan, and Elizabeth J. Dale
Peer Collaboration: Improving Teaching through Comprehensive Peer Review, Shelley L. Smith
About the Authors, Volume 32 (2013)
Navigating the New Normal, Terre H. Allen, Holly Harbinger, and Donald J. Para
From Outsiders to Insiders: Graduate Assistant Development at State Comprehensive Universities, Kathleen M. Brennan, Laura Cruz, and Freya B. Kinner
Using Undergraduates to Prepare International Teaching Assistants for the American Classroom: Development of Senior Faculty, Warren E. Christian and Brian J. Rybarczyk
Student Consultants of Color and Faculty Members Working Together Toward Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy, Alison Cook-Sather and Praise Agu
Connect to Learning: Using E-Portfolios in Hybrid Professional Development, Bret Eynon, Judit Török, and Laura M. Gambino
Program Planning, Prioritizing, and Improvement: A Simple Heuristic, Peter Felten, Deandra Little, Leslie Ortquist-Ahrens, and Michael Reder
Fostering a Growth Mind-set: Integrating Research on Teaching and Learning and the Practice of Teaching, Beth A. Fisher, Carolyn L. Dufault, Michelle D. Repice, and Regina F. Frey
Acknowledgments, Volume 32 (2013), James E. Groccia
Preface, Volume 32 (2013), James E. Groccia
The Reacting to the Past Pedagogy and Engaging the First–year Student, Paula Kay Lazrus and Gretchen Kreahling McKay
Faculty Development Scholarship: An Analysis of to Improve the Academy, 1982-2011, Kathryn E. Linder and Suzanna Klaf
Formal and Informal Support for Pretenure Faculty: Recommendations for Administrators and Institutions, Gwendolyn Mettetal and Gail M. McGuire
Measuring Student Learning to Document Faculty Teaching Effectiveness, Linda B. Nilson
Enhancing Vitality in Academic Medicine: Faculty Development and Productivity, Megan M. Palmer, Krista Longtin-Hoffmann, Tony Ribera, Mary E. Dankoski, Amy K. Ribera, and Tom F. Nelson Laird
Tomorrow's Professor Today: Tracking Perceptions of Preparation for Future Faculty Competencies, Michael S. Palmer and Deandra Little
Envisioning Creative Collaboration between Faculty and Technologists, Gail A. Rathbun, Sally Kuhlenschmidt, and David Sacks
A Consultations Tracking Database System for Improving Faculty Development Consultation Services, Jason Rhode and Murali Krishnamurthi
Developing a Faculty Learning Community Grounded in the Science of How People Learn: A Year-Long, Faculty-Led Teaching and Learning Seminar, Alison Rudnitsky, Glenn W. Ellis, Patricia Marten DiBartolo, and Kevin M. Shea
Determining Our Own Tempos: Exploring Slow Pedagogy, Curriculum, Assessment, and Professional Development, Peter A. Shaw and Jennifer L. Russell
Assessing the Long–term Impact of a Professional Development Program, Marcia M. Tennill and Margaret W. Cohen
Mobile App Learning Lounge: A Scalable and Sustainable Model for Twenty-First-Century Learning, Michael H. Truong
Pedagogical Gamification: Principles of Video Games that Can Enhance Teaching, Kevin Yee
Keeping the Fire Burning: Strategies to Support Senior Faculty, Michael J. Zeig and Roger G. Baldwin
About the Authors, Volume 31 (2012)
Contemplative Pedagogy, Daniel Barbezat and Allison Pingree
The Gentle Art of Mentoring in Higher Education, Nancy H. Barry
Tough-Love Consulting, Allison P. Boye and Suzanne Tapp
Examining Effective Faculty Practice, Allison BrckaLorenz, Tony Ribera, Jillian Kinzie, and Eddie R. Cole
Organizational Strategies for Fostering Faculty Racial Inclusion, Dannielle Joy Davis, Edward J. Brantmeier, Robert Torosyan, and Hyacinth E. Findlay
Millennial Students, Michele DiPietro
Professional Development for Geographically Dispersed Faculty, Emily Donnelli-Sallee, Amber Dailey-Hebert, and B. Jean Mandernach
Faculty Engagement in Program-Level Outcomes Assessment, Elizabeth L. Evans
Collaborating with Faculty to Design Active Learning with Flexible Technology, Beth A. Fisher, Kathryn G. Miller, William E. Buhro, Deborah J. Frank, and Regina F. Frey