Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education
To Improve the Academy: A Journal of Educational Development
Online ISSN: 2334-4822
License: CC BY-NC-ND
Using Electronic Mail for Teaching and Learning, James M. Hassett, Charles M. Spuches, and Sarah P. Webster
Faculty Development and Changing Environments of the Urban Campus, Debrah Jefferson and Susan Peverly
Improving Teaching Through Reflective Partnerships, Roy Killen
Peers Coaching Teaching: Colleagues Supporting Professional Growth Across the Disciplines, Kate Kinsella
Exploring Student Ratings Through Computer Analysis: A Method to Assist Instructional Development, Robert Lewis
Credibility: The Crux of Faculty Development, Margaret M. Morgan, Patricia H. Phelps, and Joan E. Pritchard
The Case for Instructional Mentoring, Richard J. Nichols and Beverley T. Amick
Teaching and Learning in the Diverse Classroom: A Faculty and TA Partnership Program, Matthew L. Ouellett and Mary Deane Sorcinelli
A Quantum Leap in Faculty Development: Beyond Reflective Practice, Donna Qualters
Reflecting Critically On Our Efforts To Improve Teaching and Learning, Ronald A. Smith
Improving Students' Critical Thinking Outcomes: An Process-Learning Strategy in Eight Steps, S. Kay A. Thornhill and Melissa Wafer
Family Portrait: Impressions of a Nurturing Organization, Jon Travis, Lisa Cohen, Dan Hursh, and Barbara Lounsberry
A Special Colloquium on Teaching Excellence to Foster Collegiality and Enhance Teaching at a Research University, James K. Wangberg, Jane V. Nelson, and Thomas G. Dunn
Improving Teaching Across the Academy: Gleanings From Research, Ben Ward
Section III: Listening to Each Other
Section II: Including ''the Other": Transforming Knowledge and Teaching
Section I: Teaching Improvement Practices and Programs
Section IV: Classroom Practices for Teaching Improvement
Section V: POD Values: Reflections from the 1993 Conference
The Implication of Cultural Diversity in American Schools, Johnson A. Afolayan
Academic Leaders and Faculty Developers: Creating an Institutional Culture That Values Teaching, Norman D. Aitken and Mary Deane Sorcinelli
Knowledge Into Wisdom: Incorporating Values and Beliefs to Construct a Wise University, Susan M. Awbrey and David K. Scott
Unconscious Values Within Four Academic Cultures: An Address Given At The 1994 POD Annual Conference, William Bergquist
A Report Card for Diversity, Johnnella E. Butler
College Students' Perceptions of Unfairness in the Classroom, Rita Cobb Rodabaugh
Complex Cooperative Learning Structures for College and University Courses, Philip G. Cottell Jr. and Barbara J. Millis
Reclaiming Teaching Excellence: Miami University's Teaching Scholars Program, Milton D. Cox
Deepening and Broadening the Dialogue About Teaching, James R. Davis
Assessment and Values: A New Religion?, Anita Gandolfo
Leveling the Playing Field, Linda Hilsen and Deborah Petersen-Perlman
Metaphors of Teaching: Uncovering Hidden Instructional Values, Darlene Hoffman
Increasing Sensitivity to Diversity: Empowering Students, Mary Anne Johnston
Putting Empowerment to Work in the Classroom, Trudy Knowles, Cheryl Medearis, and Anne Snell
Do You See What I See?, Karin McGinnis and Kenneth Maeckelbergh
1993 Conference Capstone Address: An Outsider's View of POD Values-and of POD's Value to the Academy, Kathleen McGrory
Conducting Cooperative Cases, Barbara J. Millis
Challenging Values: Conflict, Contradiction, and Pedagogy, Jacqueline Mintz
The Value of Classroom Humor, Richard J. Nichols, Beverley T. Amick, and Madelyn Healy
Faculty Perceptions of Undergraduate Teaching, Deborah Olsen and Ada B. Simmons
Creating Teaching and Learning Partnerships with Students: Helping Faculty Listen to Student Voices, Helen Rallis
Valuing the Student Voice: Student Observer/Consultant Programs, D. Lynn Sorenson
The Game of Academic Ethics: The Partnering of a Board Game, Stephen E. Sugar and Carol A. Willett
Teaching Improvement Practices: New Perspectives, W. Alan Wright and M. Carol O'Neil
Section III: Teachers and Students in the Classroom
Section II: Practicing Inclusive Behavior
Section IV: Addressing Change in Programs of Faculty Development
Section I: Working with Faculty Communities
Section V: The Roles Faculty Developers Play
The "Bob Pierleoni Spirit of POD Award"
The New Faculty Developer and the Challenge of Change, Mary Ann Bowman
Developing Faculty Multicultural Awareness: An Examination of Life Roles And Their Cultural Components, Joanne E. Cooper and Virgie Chattergy
Integrating Part-Time Faculty into the Academic Community, George Drops
Enhancing GTA Training in Academic Departments: Some Self-Assessment Guidelines, James Eison and Marsha Vanderford
Faculty Developers as Change Facilitators: The Concerns-Based Adoption Model, Lynn Evans and Sheila Chauvin
Faculty Development's Role in Promoting an Inclusive Community: Addressing Sexual Orientation, Ann S. Ferren and William W. Geller
New Trends in Assuring and Assessing the Quality of Educational Provision in British Universities, George Gordon
Faculty Development Programs: A Perspective, Sandra Hellyer and Erwin Boschmann
Better Teaching Through Better Evaluation: A Guide for Faculty and Institutions, Susan Kahn
The Teaching Consultants' Workshop, Michael A. Kerwin and Judith Rhoads
Challenges for Faculty Developers and Department Chairs: When Faculty Arrive from Professional Settings, Eric W. Kristensen and David R. Moulton
A "Community of Scholars?": Conversations Among Mid-career Faculty at a Public Research University, Julia Lamber, Tony Ardizzone, Terry Dworkin, Sam Guskin, Deborah Olsen, Phil Parnell, and David Thelen
Beyond Groups and Cooperation: Building High Performance Learning Teams, Larry K. Michaelsen, Cynthia Firestone Jones, and Warren E. Watson
Creating a "TQM" Classroom through Cooperative Learning, Barbara Millis
Applying For a Faculty Development Position: What Can Our Colleagues Tell Us?, Erin Porter, Karron Lewis, Eric W. Kristensen, Christine A. Stanley, and Carol A. Weiss
Teaching the Technology of Teaching: A Faculty Development Program for New Faculty, Ray Shackelford
The Spirit of POD: A Network for Development, Marilla D. Svinicki
Helping Faculty Integrate Technology in Research and Teaching: CART at Bridgewater State College, Terry Anne Vigil, Gail Price, Uma Shama, and Karen Stonely
From Faculty Developer to Faculty Development Director: Shifting Perspectives and Strategies, Marie A. Wunsch
Taking the Lead: Faculty Development As Institutional Change Agent, Kenneth J. Zahorski
Section III: Strategies for Enhancing Faculty /Instructional Development Programs
Section II: Strategies for Enhancing Teaching and Learning
Section I: The Context for Faculty, Instructional, and Organizational Development
Section IV: Teaching Cases for Use in Faculty / Instructional Development
Faculty Development in Out-of-the-Way Places, Sally S. Atkins and Marilla D. Svinicki
Faculty Development and the New American Scholar, William B. Bondeson
Reflections on Teaching Courses in Faculty Development: Three Case Studies, Kathleen T. Brinko, Richard G. Tiberius, Sally S. Atkins, and Judy A. Greene
Bill Jasper's First Night, Nick Brockunier, Alan G. Heffner, and Barbara Millis (Editor)
Hard Times Signal Challenges for Faculty Developers, Elizabeth Fideler and Mary Deane Sorcinelli
See You on Wednesday!, Elizabeth Fideler and Deanna Yameen
Not Another Inventory, Rather a Catalyst for Reflection, Neil D. Fleming and Colleen Mills
Effective Programming for TA Development, Lavon Gappa
Conducting Discussions in the Diverse Classroom, Andrew S. Knoedler and Mary Ann Shea
Team Learning: A Comprehensive Approach for Harnessing the Power of Small Groups in Higher Education, Larry K. Michaelsen
Conducting Effective Peer Classroom Observations, Barbara J. Millis
Interviews with Exiting Faculty: Why Do They Leave?, Deborah Olsen
Building Motivation and Cognition Research Into Workshops on Lecturing, Michael B. Paulsen
The Case of Edwina Armstrong, Rita Silverman and William M. Welty
Gender Differences in Faculty Perceptions of Factors that Enhance and Inhibit Academic Career Growth, Edwin L. Simpson
Cosmopolitan Communities for Faculty Developers, Myrna J. Smith, Steve Golin, and Enid Friedman
Instructional Needs of Part-Time Faculty: Implications for Faculty Development, Christine A. Stanley and Terrence D. Lumpkins
Just Tell Us What You Want, Marilla Svinicki
Inclusive Teaching: A Workshop On Cultural Diversity, Emily C. Wadsworth
The Case of the Missed Exam, Emily C. Wadsworth
Improving Higher Education: Issues and Perspectives on Teaching and Learning, Maryellen Weimer
How Can I Be Heard?, LuAnn Wilkerson
Using Cases about Teaching for Faculty Development, LuAnn Wilkerson and John Boehrer