Toward Student Success: The Impact of Honors Participation on Transfer Student Graduation Rates, Judy Albakry
A Matter of Definition, Criteria, and Standards in Honors: A History, from the Basic Characteristics to the “NCHC Shared Principles and Practices of Honors Education”, Richard Badenhausen and James Buss
The Involvement Journal: A Signature First-Year Seminar Assignment, Matt Baran
An involvement journal assignment encourages first-year students to attend a variety of events and engage in meaningful reflection and development., Jean-Paul Benowitz
Aristotle’s Poetics: A Biologist’s Approach to Tragedy, James J. Clauss
The Honors Research Project: Embracing Intellectual Discovery through Storytelling, Malachi D. Crawford, Chelsee B. H. Young, Kimberly Michelle Gay, and Quincy C. Moore
Partners in Peace: A Sketch for a Link between the Nobel Peace Prize and NCHC, Kevin W. Dean and Henrik Syse
Partners in the Parks: A SHIRT TALE, Joan Digby
A Year of Great Change and a Future of Greater Change, Susan E. Dinan
Fostering Belonging through Bread (and Other Foods), Maria Elliott and Steve Garrison
Mindfulness in Honors: An Experiment in Collaborative Learning and Team Teaching, Pascale F. Engelmajer and Massimo A. Rondolino
Addressing the Climate Crisis through Science and Art: The Value of Interdisciplinary and Intergenerational Team Teaching, Megan Jacobs and Kineo Memmer
Physics and Theatre: An Unexpected Pairing that Enhances Learning for Both Disciplines, Amber Karlins
Honors in Practice (2024) 20: About the Authors, National Collegiate Honors Council
Interdisciplinary Cohort Building: Creating a Feeling of Belonging and Sense of Community in Honors Transfer Students, Shannon Pittman and Vanessa Miller
Remembering Ada Long, May 20, 1945–February 4, 2024, Jeffrey A. Portnoy, Larry Andrews, Bernice Braid, James J. Clauss, Lisa L. Coleman, Kevin W. Dean, Joan Digby, Linda Frost, Galit Gertsenzon, Devon Graham, Raymond Green, Annmarie Guzy, Jerry Herron, Mimi Killinger, John A. Knox, George Mariz, Mitch Pruitt, La Tanya L. Reese Rogers, Rae Rosenthal, Rusty Rushton, Chris Simon, Michael E. Sloane, Michaela Ruppert Smith, Christopher J. Syrnyk, Maria V. Tarasova, and Norm Weiner
If They Build It, They Will Come: The Power of Student-Designed Honors Offerings in Small-Budget Programs, Claire H. Procopio
Food and Culture, Brigett Scott
Forming Civic Virtue through an Honors Seminar Focused on Local Civil Rights History, Lynn Stallings and Aaron D. Cobb
Third-Year Medical College Rotations for Premedical Honors Program Undergraduates, Harvey G. Stenger Jr. and William L. Ziegler
Creating a Diverse Honors Faculty through Collaborative Relationships within the Community and the University, Amelia Underwood, Philip L. Frana, and awn-Amber Montoya
“We Advocate a Semi-Revolution”: An Honors Conference Undergoes Transformation, Betsy Greenleaf Yarrison and Bruce Thompson
Honors in Practice, Volume 20, 2024, John Zubizarreta
About the Authors, NCHC Monograph Series, Publications Order Form, Back Cover
Front Cover, Masthead, Contents, Call for Submissions, Dedication for Kathleen B. King
Honors in Practice, Volume 19, 2023
Can Honors Education Reach More Students?, Richard Badenhausen and James Buss
Can Honors Education Reach More Students?, Richard Badenhausen and James Buss
Science and Science Fiction in an Interdisciplinary First-Year Experience Honors Course, John D. Carrell and Robert G. Weiner
Beer as Text: Brewing as an Interdisciplinary Experiential Learning Endeavour, J. T. Ford and Steve Garrison
Studying Abroad at Home? A Virtual International Experience, María Luz García, Sarah Shafi, Camryn Smith, and Valentyna Stadnik
The Teaching Postdoc: What Four Early Career Scholars Learned from an Honors College, Rachel S. Gross, Kylla Benes, Lauren Collins, and Holly Riley
A Creative Midterm Alternative: The Horror Author Poster Session, Annmarie Guzy
Pedagogy of Engagement, Innovation, and Reflection: Hackathons in Honors Education, Joy L. Hart, Rebecca C. Bott-Knutson, Heidi Appel, Jonathan Kotinek, Paul Knox, and William Ziegler
Promoting Holistic Wellness in Honors Students through Peer Coaching, Leah Horton, Aaron Conrad, and Patricia J. Smith
Cultivating Scholarly Dialogue On and Off the Small College Campus: First-Year Honors Assignments as Collaborative Presentation Opportunities, Kristianne Kalata
The Justice Challenge: Honors Endeavors Innovative Pedagogies through the Grand Challenge Scholars Program, Jonathan D. Kotinek, Rebecca C. Bott-Knutson, Leigh E. Fine, Joy L. Hart, William Ziegler, Paul Knox, Timothy Nichols, Susan Sumner, Heidi Appel, Mark C. Andersen, Mary Bryk, Andrea Radasanu, Joseph Cassady, and Keith Garbutt
A Mindfulness-Based Honors Education, Annie Lampman
Editor's Introduction [Volume19], Ada Long
A Pedagogical Methodology for Developing and Delivering an Honors Senior Seminar, Carolyn Matheus and Rietta Steffen
President’s Address: The NCHC’s Inclusive Mission, Christina McIntyre
Simple is Revealing: Experiencing Public Transportation Illuminates a City, Lucy Morrison
Environmental Justice Memoir Assignment, Seth T. Reno
Relational Peer Review Practices in the Honors Research Methods Classroom: Toward a Scaffolded and Multidisciplinary Model, Holly Riley and Brenna Spurling
Empowering Student Leadership amid Transition: Student-Centered Revision of First-Year Honors Peer Mentoring, Jacob R. Schlange and Tamy Burnett
Creating Experiential Opportunities in Honors with Diminishing Resources, Colin M. Walker and Michael P. Savoie
Using Photovoice: Honors Students Explore Youth Vaping, Kandi L. Walker, Joy L. Hart, and Alison C. McLeish
Honors in Practice, Volume 18 (2022)
A Sense of Belonging, Suketu P. Bhavsar
Professional Transitions in Honors: Challenges, Opportunities, and Tips, Suketu P. Bhavsar, Jill Granger, Marlee Marsh, Matthew Means, and John Zubizarreta
The 2021 NCHC Founders Award: Samuel Schuman, Bernice Braid
Serving through Transcribing: Preserving History while Building Community, Julie Centofanti and Mollie Hartup
Creating Knowledge: The Literary Dictionary Assignment, Rebecca Cepek
Embracing New Opportunities in and beyond First-Year Honors Composition, Teagan Decker and Scott Hicks
Using Algorithmic Imaginaries and Uncanny Pedagogy to Facilitate Interdisciplinary Research and Digital Scholarship, Philip L. Frana
Building Community during COVID-19 and Beyond: How a Community Garden Strengthened an Honors Community, Steve Garrison
Counterstories of Honors Students of Color, Michael Carlos Gutiérrez
Using Issues in Honors Education to Teach Argumentation, Annmarie Guzy
Constitution Day: An Opportunity for Honors Colleges to Promote Civic Engagement, Richard J. Hardy, Paul A. Schlag, and Keith Boeckelman
Mapping the Hero’s Journey into Thinking: Assigning a Geo-Literacies Multimodal Assignment in a First-Year Honors Seminar, Amy Lee M. Locklear
About the Authors, etc., National Collegiate Honors Council
Honors in Practice, Volume 18: Frontmatter materials, National Collegiate Honors Council
Inclusive and Effective Holistic Admission Frameworks for Honors Programs: A Case Study Continued, Andrea Radasanu and Gregory Barker
Disrupting the Way We Work: An Honors Summer Vacation, Lexi Rager and Mollie Hartup
The Critically Reflective Practicum, Aaron Stoller
Disorientations and Disruptions: Innovating First-Year Honors Education through Collaborative Mapping Projects, Nathan W. Swanson
Honors in Practice, Volume 17 (2021)
Coordinating Multi-Campus Honors Programs and Colleges, Larry Andrews
Building Bridges in Interdisciplinary Team-Taught Honors Seminars, Laurence Carlin and Heike Alberts
Learning in Teams During a Pandemic, Aaron D. Cobb
Preparing for an Honors Capstone: Interdisciplinary Methods and Ethics in a Research Methods Course, Lauren Collins, Kylla Benes, and Krista Manley
Meditations in an Emergency: Collaborating Online in Narratives of Illness and Care, Jayda Coons
Fostering Community in the Face of COVID: Case Studies from Two Community College Honors Programs, Anne Dotter and Kathleen King
“Movies, TV Shows, and Memes . . . Oh My!”: An Honors Education through Popular Culture and Critical Pedagogy, Evan W. Faidley
Free Minds Book Club: Students Reading and Responding to Incarcerated Writers' Poetry, Bonnie Gasior
Forming Oral History Researchers: Diversifying and Innovating Honors Experiential Learning across Campus, Myrriah Gómez and Anna M. Nogar
Tough Talks: Student-Led Programs to Facilitate Civil Discourse, Leah Horton, Doug Corbitt, and Booker White
Teaching Hamilton: A Team-Taught, Interdisciplinary Honors Course, Rusty Jones and Gregory Shufeldt
Checking-in to Create Instructor-Student Immediacy in Honors, Cadi Kadlecek, Rebecca Bott-Knutson, and Hanna Holmquist
Developing and Encouraging the First-Year Undergraduate Researcher, Stacia Kock and Jennifer F. Nyland
From Program to College: The Vision and Curriculum Evolution of the Virginia Tech Honors College, Stephanie N. Lewis, Anne-Lise K. Velez, Desen S. Ozkan, Raymond C. Thomas, and Kimberly A. Carlson
Creativity in the Age of COVID: Honors Comes “Home”, Ilene D. Lieberman
Editor’s Introduction, Ada Long
A View of Health as a Human Right: A Snapshot from an Honors Program, Peter Longo, Satoshi Machida, and john falconer
Health and Wellness: An Honors First-Year Experience Assignment in Response to the Pandemic, Cathlena Martin
Virtual Improvement: Advising and Onboarding During a Pandemic, Lucy Morrison
“One Singular Sensation”: Integrating Personal Narratives into the Honors Classroom, Marc Napolitano and Mimi Killinger
Founders Award Acceptance Speech (18 December 2020), Jeffrey Portnoy
Close Reading Responses: A Streamlined Approach to Teaching Critical-Thinking Writing in Honors, Katie Quirk
The Role of Admissions Practices in Diversifying Honors Populations: A Case Study, Andrea Radasanu and Gregory Barker
We Found Ourselves in The Twilight Zone, Brigett Scott
Putting Community Voice and Knowledge at the Center, Lynn Sondag
Modeling Vulnerabilities in the Research Process, Rebecca Summer
Virtual Honors Forum, Bruce Thompson
The Video Essay, Nicholas Vick
First-Generation College Student Network, Ashleen Williams and Ainsley Ash
“To Seek A Newer World”: Honors in Virtual Reality, Betsy Greenleaf Yarrison
Honors in Practice, Volume 16 (complete)