Content Posted in 2014
10 Inspired Questions for Perpetuating Generational Ranches, Dave Specht
10 Questions to Answer for Technology to Succeed in Your School, Doreen Gosmire and Marilyn L. Grady
13C NMR Reveals No Evidence of n2p* Interactions in Proteins, Bradley Worley, Georgia Richard, Gerard S. Harbison, and Robert Powers
150 Years of Making History, Don Comis, Tara Weaver-Missick, and Robert Sowers
18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(9) and the Lambert Due Process Exception Requiring Actual Knowledge of the Law: United States v. Hutzell, 217 F.3d 966 (8th Cir. 2000), Brian E. Sobczyk
1950 Index, Volume XVIII, Number 1, 2, 3, 4
1975-76 UNOPA Certificate of Affiliation
1976-77 UNOPA Certificate of Affiliation
1978 Nebraska Nesting Survey, Esther V. Bennett
1979-80 UNOPA Certificate of Affiliation
1979 Nebraska Nesting Survey, Esther V. Bennett
1979 (Twenty-Second) Fall Occurrence Report
1980-81 UNOPA Certificate of Affiliation
1980 (Fifty-Fifth) Spring Migration and Occurrence Report
1980 Nebraska Nesting Survey, Esther V. Bennett
1981-82 UNOPA Guidelines for Administration of Fund CD 2484
1981-82 UNOPA Officers and Committees
1981 Bald Eagle Count, George W. Brown
1981 (Fifty-Sixth) Spring Migration and Occurrence Report
1981 Nebraska Nesting Survey, Esther V. Bennett
1981 (Twenty-Fourth) Fall Occurrence Report
1981 (Twenty-Third) Fall Occurrence Report, Alice Kenitz
1982-83 UNOPA Board of Directors
1982-83 UNOPA Certificate of Affiliation
1982-83 UNOPA Chandlers Presentation to Chancellor's Staff, March
1982-83 UNOPA Proposal for Monetary Recognition of NAEOP
1982 (Fifty-Seventh) Spring Occurrence Report
1982 Nebraska Nesting Survey, Esther V. Bennett
1982 (Twenty-Fifth) Fall Occurrence Report
1982 UNOPA Guidelines for Administratiof Office & Service Staff Develop Funds
1982 UNOPA Workshop Building Confidence and Self Awareness for Better Job Performance
1983-84 UNOPA Board of Directors
1983-84 UNOPA Certificate of Affiliation
"1983 Christmas Count," from Nebraska Bird Review (March 1984) 52(1)
1983 (Fifty-Eighth) Spring Occurrence Report
1983 Treasurers Report Nebraska Bird Review (March 1984) 52(1)
1983 (Twenty-Sixth) Fall Occurrence Report, from Nebraska Bird Review (March 1984) 52(1)
1983 UNOPA Communications in the Work Place
1983 UNOPA Communications in the Work Place, April
1984-85 UNOPA Board of Directors
"1984 Christmas Count," from Nebraska Bird Review (March 1985) 53(1).
"1984 Treasurer's Report," from Nebraska Bird Review (March 1985) 53(1).
1984 (Twenty-Seventh) Fall Occurrence Report
1984 UNOPA Third Annual Workshop "A Mirror Image A Look At Self"
1984 UNOPA Third Annual Workshop, A Mirror Image- A Look At Self
1985-86 UNOPA Board of Directors
1985-86 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes
1985-86 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes
1985-86 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes
1985-86 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes
1985-86 UNOPA Guidelines of UNL Office/Service Staff Development Funds
"1985 Christmas Count," from Nebraska Bird Review (March 1986) 54(1).
"1985 (Twenty-Eighth) Fall Occurrence Report," from Nebraska Bird Review (March 1986) 54(1).
1985 UNOPA Fall Workshop, November
1985 UNOPA Fall Workshop "Stress and Time Management- Your Salvation"
1985 UNOPA Fourth Annual Workshop, Improving Communications in the Work Place
1986-87 UNOPA Board of Directors, Kathy A. Bennetch
1986-87 UNOPA Board of Directors, Kathy A. Bennetch
1986-87 UNOPA Board of Directors
1986-87 UNOPA Committee Representatives, Kathy A. Bennetch
1986-87 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes
1986 UNOPA "Bloom Where You Are Planted!" July
1986 UNOPA Bosses Luncheon, March
1986 UNOPA Fifth Annual Sponsored Workshop
1986 UNOPA Fifth Annual Sponsored Workshop
1986 UNOPA Fifth Annual Sponsored Workshop
1986 UNOPA Sixth Annual Sponsored Workshop
1986 UNOPA Sixth Annual Sponsored Workshop
1986 UNOPA Sixth Annual Sponsored Workshop, October
1986 UNOPA Training Session, January
1987-1988 Summer Madness Evening Social
1987-86 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes
1987-88 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, April
1987-88 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, August
1987-88 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, December
1987-88 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, February
1987-88 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, January
1987-88 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, July
1987-88 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, March
1987-88 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, May
1987-88 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, November
1987-88 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, October
1987-88 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, September
1987-88 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, April
1987-88 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, December
1987-88 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, February
1987-88 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, January
1987-88 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, March
1987-88 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, May
1987-88 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, November
1987-88 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, October
1987-88 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, September
1987-88 UNOPA Representatives for UNL Committees
1987-88 UNOPA Ways & Means Committee Report
1987 UNOPA Cathey Perry "Fashion Today and 25 Years Ago" September
1987 UNOPA Constitution & Bylaws, Revised May
1987 UNOPA Fall Workshop, October
1987 UNOPA"How to Toilet-Train the Boss" November
1987 UNOPA Summer Madness, July
1987 UNOPA Winter Workshop, December
1987 UNOPA Winter Workshop "Effective Presentations The Power Behind Persuasion"
1988-89 UNOPA Board of Directors & Executive Officers
"1988 Fall Field Day," from Nebraska Bird Review (December 1989) 57(4).
1988 (Sixty-Third) Spring Occurrence Report
1988 UNOPA Annual Bosses Luncheon, March
1988 UNOPA "Are You Prepared" April
1988 UNOPA Bosses Luncheon, March
1988 UNOPA Brown Bag Lunch Workshop, April
1988 UNOPA "Changing Careers" February
1988 UNOPA Happy 25th Anniversary, January
1988 UNOPA Highlights, Alice Torwirt, April
1988 UNOPA Installation of Officers, May
1988 UNOPA Mini Workshop, February
1988 UNOPA President's Meeting, May
1988 UNOPA Report to 25th Anniversary Committee
1988 UNOPA Spring Workshop, April
1988 UNOPA Spring Workshop "Learn the Nuts and Bolts About Bits and Bytes"
1988 UNOPA Winter Workshop "Handling Changes In A Constantly Changing World"
1989-90 UNOPA Campus Committee Representatives
1989-90 UNOPA Certificate of Affiliation
1989-90 UNOPA Committee Members, Kathy A. Bennetch
1989-90 UNOPA Executive Officers and Board of Directors
1989-90 UNOPA Increase of Association Membership
1989-90 UNOPA Spring Workshop "Developing A Working Office Procedures Manual"
1989-90 UNOPA Winter Workshop "Creative Use of Personal Diversity"
1989 UNOPA Sharpening Your Leadership Skills
1990-91 Hospitality Committee Final Report
1990-91 UNOPA Employee Concerns Committee Representatives
1990-91 UNOPA Employee Concerns Committee Representatives
1990-91 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes
1990-91 UNOPA Executive Officers & Board of Directors
1990-91 UNOPA Increase of Association Membership
1990-91 UNOPA Membership Roster
1990-91 UNOPA Membership Roster
1990-91 UNOPA Membership Roster, December
1990-91 UNOPA Past Rose Frolik Award Recipients
1990 UNOPA Bosses' Luncheon, March
1990 UNOPA Constitution, Revised October
1991-92 UNOPA Committee List Updated
1991-92 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda
1991-92 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda
1991-92 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, December
1991-92 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, July
1991-92 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, June
1991-92 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, June
1991-92 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, June
1991-92 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, November
1991-92 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, October
1991-92 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, September
1991-92 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes
1991-92 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, April
1991-92 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, August
1991-92 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, August
1991-92 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, December
1991-92 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, July
1991-92 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, June
1991-92 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, May
1991-92 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, November
1991-92 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, October
1991-92 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, September
1991-92 UNOPA Executive Officers and Board of Directors
1991-92 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes
1991-92 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, December
1991-92 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, November
1991-92 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, October
1991-92 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, September
1991-92 UNOPA Membership Committee
1991-92 UNOPA Membership Roster
1991-92 UNOPA Presidents of Local Associations
1991-92 UNOPA Program Committee
1991-92 UNOPA Proposed Officers
1991-92 UNOPA Ways & Means Committee
1991 UNOPA Fall Workshop "Take Responsibility for Your Life"
1991 UNOPA Floyd S. Oldt Memorial Award Proposa
1991 UNOPA Guidelines for Administration of Fund CD 2484, Revised May
1991 UNOPA Letter to John Goebel from Sandy Lineberry
1991 UNOPA Letter to Sandra Lineberry from Interim Chancellor John Goebel
1991 UNOPA Letter to Sandra Lineberry from Interim Chancellor, John Goebel
1991 UNOPA Letter to Vice Chancellors, Deans, Directors from Bruce Currin
1991 UNOPA Membership Committee Report
1991 UNOPA Parliamentary Procedure Guidelines, June
1991 UNOPA Reimnursement Form Fund CD 2484
1991 UNOPA Treasurer's Report, December
1991 UNOPA Workshop Presented By Patricia Fleming
1992, 1993 (Fifth) Report of the NOU Records Committee, Joseph A. Gubanyi
1992-93 UNOPA CEOE/PSP Certificate Holders
1992-93 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, April
1992-93 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, February
1992-93 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, January
1992-93 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, June
1992-93 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, March
1992-93 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, May
1992-93 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes
1992-93 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes
1992-93 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, April
1992-93 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, April
1992-93 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, August
1992-93 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, December
1992-93 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, February
1992-93 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, January
1992-93 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, June
1992-93 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, March
1992-93 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, May
1992-93 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, November
1992-93 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, October
1992-93 UNOPA Executive Officers and Board of Directors
1992-93 UNOPA Executive Officers & Board of Directors
1992-93 UNOPA Executive Officers & Board of Directors
1992-93 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes
1992-93 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes
1992-93 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, April
1992-93 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, December
1992-93 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, February
1992-93 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, February
1992-93 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, January
1992-93 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, January
1992-93 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, March
1992-93 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, March
1992-93 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, May
1992-93 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, November
1992-93 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, October
1992-93 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, September
1992-93 UNOPA Honorary Members
1992-93 UNOPA Honorary Membership Jackie Fuller
1992-93 UNOPA Hospitality Committee
1992-93 UNOPA Membership Roster
1992-93 UNOPA, NAEOP Conference and Institute
1992-93 UNOPA Salary Issues Committee Survey
1992 UNOPA Annual Audit Records
1992 UNOPA CEOE-PSP Certificate Holders, March
1992 UNOPA Constitution Adopted January
1992 UNOPA Executive Board Meeting Minutes, September
1992 UNOPA "How to Cut the Budget" Suggestions
1992 UNOPA Letter to Jeanne Andelt from Chancellor Graham Spanier
1992 UNOPA Letter to Members from President Sandy Lineberry
1992 UNOPA November Bosses' Luncheon
1992 UNOPA Report of Summer Social
1992 UNOPA Salary Survey for Office & Service Staff
1992 UNOPA Spring Workshop Professional Standards Program
1993-94 Floyd S. Oldt Silver Pen Award Nominations & Staff
1993-94 UNOPA Archives Committee Meeting
1993-94 UNOPA Emergency Loan Fund
1993-94 UNOPA Employee Concerns Committee Representatives
1993-94 UNOPA Employee Concerns Minutes
1993-94 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes
1993-94 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, April
1993-94 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, February
1993-94 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, January
1993-94 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, March
1993-94 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, May
1993-94 UNOPA Executive Officers
1993-94 UNOPA Executive Officers & Board of Directors
1993-94 UNOPA Floyd S. Oldt Boss of the Year Award, November
1993-94 UNOPA Foundation Committee Minutes
1993-94 UNOPA Foundation Committee Report
1993-94 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, March
1993-94 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, September
1993-94 UNOPA Membership Roster
1993-94 UNOPA Nominating Committee
1993-94 UNOPA Rose Frolik Award Nomination
1993-94 UNOPA Sick Leave Policy Letter to Vice Chancellor
1993-94 UNOPA Tuition Remission for Part-time Employees Letter
1993-94 UNOPA Unofficial Parlimentary Procedure
1993 International Trade Update: The GATT and NAFTA, David R. Purnell
1993 UNOPA An Opportunity to Meet & Know "Partners in Our Education"
1993 UNOPA Bosses' Luncheon, November
1993 UNOPA Brown Bag Luncheon with Eric Jolly, December
1993 UNOPA Constitution, Revised May
1993 UNOPA Emergency Loan Funds - Letter from Nancy M to Chancellor Spanier
1993 UNOPA Happy New Year Meeting, January
1993 UNOPA Letter to Kathy Bennetch from Chancellor Graham B. Spanier
1993 UNOPA Letter to Kathy Bennetch from State Senator Don Wesely
1993 UNOPA Letter to Kathy Bennetch from State Senator Don Wesely
1993 UNOPA Letter to Nancy Myers from Chancellor Graham B. Spanier
1993 UNOPA Membership Committee Report, June
1993 UNOPA, NEOPA, NAEOP Members
1994-95 UNOPA Workshop Opportunities
1994 and 1995 Surveys of Bald and Golden Eagles in Nebraska, John Dinan
1994 (Sixth) Report of the NOU Records Committee, Joseph A. Gubanyi
1994 UNOPA Constitution Revised September
1994 UNOPA Emergency Loan Fund from Kathy Bennetch to UNL Foundation
1994 UNOPA Past Presidents & Retirees Recognition & Rose Frolik Award Luncheon
1994 UNOPA PGC Business Dining Etiquette Workshop
1994 UNOPA PGC Workplace Workshop
1994 UNOPA Proffesionalism in the Workplace, Jackie Fuller
1994 UNOPA To Bruce Currin & Jim Yankech from Jeanette Fisher, Survey Results
1995-1996 UNOPA Program Flyers
1995-96 UNOPA Certificate of Affiliation
1995-96 UNOPA Employee Concerns Committee
1995-96 UNOPA Employee Concerns Committee
1995-96 UNOPA Employee Concerns Office/Reps
1995-96 UNOPA Employee Concerns Representatives
1995-96 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda
1995-96 UNOPA Executive Officers & Board of Directors
1995-96 UNOPA Parking Agreement
1995-96 UNOPA Telephone Etiquette Tips
1995-96 UNOPA Workshop Committee
1995 UNOPA Campus Police Committee
1995 UNOPA Campus Recreation Advisory Council Constitution
1995 UNOPA Chancellor's Commission on the Status of Women
1995 UNOPA Human Rights Committee
1995 UNOPA Parking Advisory Committee
1995 UNOPA Parking Appeals Committees
1995 UNOPA PGC It Takes All Types Seminar
1995 UNOPA PGC Retirement Seminar
1995 UNOPA Professional Growth Committee Workshop, November
1995 UNOPA Seminar Certificate
1995 UNOPA Unl Academic Senate, Purpose & Responsibilities
1996-97 UNOPA Chancellor Moeser Letter
1996-97 UNOPA Past Presidents Award Recognition Luncheon, May
1996-97 UNOPA Treasurers Report
1996 AgLEC Graduate Student Association Approved
1996 Survey of Bald and Golden Eagles in Nebraska, John Dinan
1996 UNOPA Guidelines for Chancellor's University Safety Committee
1996 UNOPA Professional Growth Committee Brown Bag Tour
1997-98 Certificate of Affiliation
1997-98 UNOPA Awards Recognition Luncheon, April
1997-98 UNOPA Employee Concerns Committees
1997-98 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, December
1997-98 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, December
1997-98 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, July
1997-98 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, July
1997-98 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, November
1997-98 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, November
1997-98 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, October
1997-98 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, October
1997-98 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, September
1997-98 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, September
1997-98 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, September
1997-98 UNOPA Membership Application
1997-98 UNOPA Officers and Directors
1997- UNOPA Bosses' Luncheon, November
1997 UNOPA Parking Lot Agreement
1997 UNOPA Standing Rules, Revised September
1998-99 UNOPA Awards and Recognition Luncheon, April
1998-99 UNOPA Awards Committee Report
1998-99 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, August
1998-99 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, June
1998-99 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, September
1998-99 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, April
1998-99 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, April
1998-99 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, April
1998-99 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, August
1998-99 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, December
1998-99 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, February
1998-99 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, February
1998-99 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, January
1998-99 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, January
1998-99 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, June
1998-99 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, June
1998-99 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, March
1998-99 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, March
1998-99 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, March
1998-99 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, March
1998-99 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, May
1998-99 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, May
1998-99 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, November
1998-99 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, September
1998-99 UNOPA Foundation Committee Report
1998-99 UNOPA Officers & Directors
1998-99 UNOPA Past Presidents Award Recognition Luncheon, May
1998-99 UNOPA Professional Growth Committee Report
1998 UNOPA Bosses' Luncheon, November
1998 UNOPA Bosses' Luncheon, November
1998 UNOPA Consitution, Revised April
1998 UNOPA Endowment Fund Challenge
1998 UNOPA Members and Past Presidents Surprise Card Shower for Rose Frolik
1999-00 UNOPA Awards & Recognition Luncheon, April
1999-00 UNOPA Certificate of Affiliation
1999-00 UNOPA Employee Concerns Committees & Representatives
1999-00 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, February
1999-00 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes
1999-00 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, June
1999-00 UNOPA Floyd S. Oldt Boss of the Year Award, November
1999-00 UNOPA Floyd S. Oldt Outstanding Staff Award Nomination
1999-00 UNOPA Floyd S. Oldt Silver Pen Award
1999-00 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, January
1999-00 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, September
1999-00 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, September
1999-00 UNOPA Personnel Association
1999-00 UNOPA Program Schedule
1999-00 UNOPA Spring Roundup, May
1999 UNOPA Appreciation Letter to Dr. Howe
1999 UNOPA Bosses' Luncheon, November
1999 UNOPA Important Dates Letter Sent to Mrs. Young from Larry Doerr
1999 UNOPA Important Dates Letter Sent to Mrs. Young from Larry Doerr
1999 UNOPA "Money 2000+ Getting the Most From the Money You Make" November
1999 UNOPA PSP Awards, November
1999 UNOPA The Sue Tidball Award for Creative Humanity, March
2000-01 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, June
2000-01 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, April
2000-01 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, March
2000 UNOPA Brown Bag Lunch Series, February
2000 UNOPA RSVP for Recognition Luncheon, April
2001-02 UNOPA Officers & Directors
2001-2002 - AgLEC Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes
2001 UNOPA Employee Emergency Loan Fund Letter
2001 UNOPA The Sue Tidball Award for Creative Humanity
2002-03 UNOPA Executive Board Members
2002-03 UNOPA Fund #CD 2484, Pat Hust, Director
2002-03 UNOPA Officers and Directors
2002-03 UNOPA Officers and Directors
2002-03 UNOPA Officers and Directors Program
2002 UNOPA Constitution, Bylaws & Standing Rules, Revised February 2nd
2002 UNOPA Eployee Concerns Committees and Representatives
2002 UNOPA How to Help Those Who Lost Their Jobs
2002 UNOPA Notes Committee Members
2002 UNOPA Recycling Operating Committee
2003-04 UNOPA Award Recipients
2003-04 UNOPA Awards Committee Annual Reports
2003-04 UNOPA Awards Committee Expenses
2003-04 UNOPA Awards Luncheon Flyer
2003-04 UNOPA Board of Directors Minutes
2003-04 UNOPA Certificate of Affiliation
2003-04 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda
2003-04 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes
2003-04 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, June
2003-04 UNOPA Officers and Directors
2003-04 UNOPA Officers & Directors
2003-04 UNOPA Outstanding Staff Award
2003-04 UNOPA Program Committee
2003-04 UNOPA Rose Frolik Award
2003-04 UNOPA Rose Frolik Award
2003-04 UNOPA Silver Pen Award
2003-04 UNOPA Susan Nichols Article
2003-04 UNOPA William Seiler Article
2003 UNOPA Email from Michelle Roggasch on tuition remission
2003 UNOPA Letter from Chancellor Harvey Perlman to Carol Bom
2003 UNOPA Letters to Carol Bom
2003 UNOPA Letters to Chancellor Harvey Perlman
2003 UNOPA Letter to Executive Board Members from Kathy Bennetch, Director
2003 UNOPA Letter to John Wunder from Chancellor Harvey Perlman
2003 UNOPA Letter to John Wunder, President
2003 UNOPA Letter to Randy Leach, President
2003 UNOPA, NAEOP, NEOPA, Purpose Description
2003 UNOPA Resolution Approval letter to Chancellor Perman
2003 UNOPA Resolution Attachment to Chancellor Harvey Perlman
2003 UNOPA Resolution, October
2004-03 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes
2004-05 UNOPA Awards & Recognition Luncheon
2004-05 UNOPA Awards & Recognition Luncheon
2004-05 UNOPA Awards & Recognition Luncheon
2004-05 UNOPA Employee Concerns Committee Members
2004-05 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, June
2004-05 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, November
2004-05 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, October
2004-05 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, September
2004-05 UNOPA Executive Board Meeting
2004-05 UNOPA Executive Board Meeting Minutes
2004-05 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, August
2004-05 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, June
2004-05 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, November
2004-05 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, October
2004-05 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, October
2004-05 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, September
2004-05 UNOPA Final Report from Sandy Watmor
2004-05 UNOPA Foundation Committee
2004-05 UNOPA Foundation Committee
2004-05 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, November
2004-05 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, October
2004-05 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, September
2004-05 UNOPA Membership Committee
2004-05 UNOPA Officers & Directors
2004-05 UNOPA Ways & Means Committee Members
2004-2005 - AgLEC Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes
2004 UNOPA 23rd Annual UNOPA Bosses' Luncheon
2004 UNOPA Employee Concerns Committee Members
2004 UNOPA Proposal to SCC for development in Associate Degree In Edu. Office Administraion
2004 UNOPA PSP Certification Program & Recipients
2004 UNOPA Summer Social, June
2004 UNOPA Tecnology Ad-Hoc Committee
2005-04 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, March
2005-06 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, April
2005-06 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, January
2005-06 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, May
2005-06 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, April
2005-06 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, February
2005-06 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, January
2005-06 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, March
2005-06 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, May
2005-06 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, April
2005-06 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, February
2005-06 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes, March
2005-06 UNOPA Officers & Directors
2005-06 UNOPA Transistion Board Minutes, June
2005-2006 Summary of Operations
2005 UNOPA Annual Meeting & Installation of Officers
2006-07 UNOPA Certificate of Affiliation with NAEOP
2006-07 UNOPA Committee Members
2006-07 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, August
2006-07 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, November
2006-07 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, October
2006-07 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, September
2006-07 UNOPA General Meeting Agenda, December
2006-07 UNOPA General Meeting Agenda, November
2006-07 UNOPA General Meeting Agenda, October
2006-07 UNOPA General Meeting Agenda, September
2006-07 UNOPA Keys to Professionalism Series
2006-07 UNOPA Membership Committee Comparison
2006-07 UNOPA Number of People & Free Memberships
2006-07 UNOPA Standing Hoc Committees & Directors
2006-07 UNOPA Standing Hoc Committees & Directors
2006 (18th) Report of the NOU Records Committee, Mark A. Brogie
2006 Accreditation Timeline and Committees - University of Nebraska-Lincoln
2006 - AgLEC Advisory Council Minutes 2
2006 UNOPA 25th Annual Bosses' Luncheon
2006 UNOPA Annual Report Communication Technology Committee
2006 UNOPA Understanding Where We Are Theme
2007-08 UNOPA Clarification of Money Given to PSP Endownment Committee
2007-08 UNOPA Committee Members
2007-08 UNOPA Employee Concerns Committee Members
2007-08 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, April
2007-08 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, January
2007-08 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, June
2007-08 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, March
2007-08 UNOPA Executive Board Agenda, May
2007-08 UNOPA General Meeting Agenda, April
2007-08 UNOPA General Meeting Agenda, February
2007-08 UNOPA General Meeting Agenda, January
2007-08 UNOPA General Meeting Agenda, March
2007-08 UNOPA General Meeting Agenda, May
2007-08 UNOPA Officers & Directors
2007-08 UNOPA Research Findings & Recommendations Regarding Foundation Fund #CD 2484
2007-08 UNOPA Standing Ad Hoc Committees & Directors
2007 UNOPA Annual Meeting & Installation of Officers
2007 UNOPA Communication Technology Committee Final Rport
2007 UNOPA Floyd S. Oldt Silver Pen & Outstanding Staff Luncheon
2007 UNOPA Representatives, "Constructing Partnerships with Service"
2007 UNOPA Rose Frolik Tribute Recognition of Past Presidents & Retirees Luncheon
2007 UNOPA Tribute to Rose Frolik Interview from 2003
2008-09 UNOPA Officers and Directors
2008-09 UNOPA Programs & Meetings Dates
2008 UNOPA Annual Meeting & Installation of Officers, May
2008 UNOPA Communication Technology Committee Final Report
2008 UNOPA Summer Social, June
2009 UNOPA Annual Meeting & Installation of Officers
2009 UNOPA Communication Technology Committee Final Report
2009 UNOPA Rose Frolik Award & Recognition of Past Presidents & Retirees Luncheon
2010-11 UNOPA Communication Technology Committee Final Report
2010-11 UNOPA Executive Board Members
2010 Western Mensurationists’ Conference, David Affleck, John Goodburn, Christopher Keyes, and Renate Bush
2011-12 UNOPA Communication Technology Committee Final Report
2011-12 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, February
2011-12 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, Jaunary
2011-12 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes
2011 UNOPA NE Home Sales Professional Development Scholarships Guidelines
2012-13 UNOPA Elected Officers
2012-13 UNOPA Employee Concerns Committee Members
2012-13 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, June
2012-13 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, June
2012-13 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, May
2012-13 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, September
2012-13 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes, September
2012-13 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes
2012 Nebraska Income Averages, Tina N. Barrett
2013-14 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes
2013-14 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes
2013 Fall Seed Guide, Teshome Regassa, P. Stephen Baenziger, Greg Kruger, and Dipak Santra
2013 Nebraska Income Averages, Tina N. Barrett
2014 Crop Budgets, Roger K. Wilson and Robert N. Klein
2014 Cropland Lease Arrangements in Nebraska, Jim Jansen and Roger K. Wilson
2014 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report
2014 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report -- Frontmatter & Contents
2014 Nebraska Farmland Values and Rental Rates, Jim Jansen and Roger K. Wilson
2014 NEOPA Graybill 50th Anniversary Speech
2014 NEOPA Lundahl 50th Anniversary Speech
2014 Rose Frolik Award Luncheon
2015 SPRING SEED GUIDE, Teshome Regassa and Charles Shapiro
28th Nebraska Women in Agriculture Conference, Cheryl Griffith
3rd Quarter 1997 Nebraska Business Conditions Survey Results Show: Nebraska Businesses Keep the Economy Growing and Prospering, Charles Lamphear
4th Quarter Nebraska Quanerly Business Conditions Survey (NQBCS) Shows a Two-to-One Ratio of Revenue Gainers over Decliners, Charles Lamphear
7 Tips for an Efficient Faculty Bibliography: How to Tackle Faculty Bibliography Challenges with (Relative) Ease, Marcia L. Dority Baker and Stefanie S. Pearlman
A 7-plex microbead-based immunoassay for serotyping Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli, Laurie M. Clotilde, Clay Bernard IV, Alexandra Salvador, Andrew Lin, Carol R. Lauzon, Mark Muldoon, Yichun Xu, Klaus Lindpaintner, and J. Mark Carter
Aaron Swartz’s Secret Service Files
Abandoning the Agency Model of the Lawyer-Client Relationship: A New Approach for Deciding Authority Disputes, Arnold I. Siegel
A Bayesian Approach for Modeling Cattle Movements in the United States: Scaling up a Partially Observed Network, Katie Portacci, Tom Lindstrom, Daniel A. Grear, Michael Buhnerkempe, Colleen T. Webb, Ryan S. Miller, and Uno Wennergren
A Bayesian Network Model for Assessing Natural Estrogen Fate and Transport in a Swine Waste Lagoon, Boknam Lee, Seth W. Kullman, Erin Yost, Michael T. Meyer, Lynn Worley-Davis, C. Michael Williams, and Kenneth H. Reckhow
A Better Bar: Why and How the Existing Bar Exam Should Change, Andrea A. Curcio
A Bibliography of University of Nebraska College of Law Faculty Scholarship 1892–2013, Marcia L. Dority Baker and Stefanie S. Pearlman
A Bibliometric Sketch on Environmental Science Literature with special reference to India’s Scenario, Bipin Bihari Sethi, Jyotshna Sahoo Lecturer, and Basudev Mohanty
A bibliometric study of literature on celiac disease, Raj Kumar Bhardwaj Mr.
A Bit of Gold and Nanotechnology, Sandra Avant and William C. Wilson
About the Authors: Honors in Practice (2013)
Abridged bibliography of photographic interpretation : selected with emphasis upon keys, techniques, and research, J. H. Roscoe; S. D. Wells; V. W. Pace; and Robert L. Bolin , Depositor
A Bt Transgene Reduces Herbivory and Enhances Fecundity in Wild Sunflowers, A. A. Snow, Diana Pilson, L. H. Rieseberg, M. J. Paulsen, N. Pleskac, M. R. Reagon, D. E. Wolf, and S. M. Selbo
Abundance and Conservation Status of the Yangtze Finless Porpoise in the Yangtze River, China, Xiujiang Zhao, Jay Barlow, Barbara L. Taylor, Robert L. Pitman, Kexiong Wang, Zhuo Wei, Brent S. Stewart, Samuel T. Turvey, Tomonari Akamatsu, Randall R. Reeves, and Ding Wang
Academic Freedom in K-12 Education, Donald F. Uerling
Acaricide, Fungicide and Drug Interactions in Honey Bees (Apis mellifera), Reed M. Johnson, Lizette Dahlgren, Blair D. Siegfried, and Marion D. Ellis
A Case Study of Changing Cropping Diversity and Agricultural Risk in the Doulthabad Mandal of Telangana State in India, Srikanth Kondabolu
A Catalog of Scolytidae and Platypodidae (Coleoptera), Supplement 3 (2000-2010), with notes on subfamily and tribal reclassifications, Donald E. Bright
A causal examination of the effects of confounding factors on multimetric indices, Donald R. Schoolmaster Jr., James B. Grace, E. William Schweiger, Brian R. Mitchell, and Glenn R. Guntenspergen
Accelerating Adoption of Fire Science and Related Research, Jamie Barbour
Accessibility and Use of Electronic Journals at Iranian University Libraries, Masoumeh Tajafari
Accessibility in Michael Berkeley's "Jane Eyre", Sarah K Farr
Access to Information and Implications for Healthy Ageing in Africa: Challenges and Strategies for Public Libraries, Ifeanyi J. Ezema and Richard N. Ugwuanyi Dr.
Accommodating Food Security Concerns in a World of Comparative Advantage: A Challenge for GATT's International Trade System, Robert L. McGeorge
Accountability Solutions in the Consent Search and Seizure Wasteland, José Felipé Anderson
Accountant and Attorney Liability as "Sellers" of Securities under Section 12(2) of the Securities Act of 1933: Judicial Rejection of the Statutory, Collateral Participant Status Cause of Action, Jack E. Karns, Edwin A. Doty, and Steven S. Long
Accounting to Ourselves for Ourselves: An Analysis of Adjudication in the Resolution of Child Custody Disputes, Francis J. Catania
Accounts of Settler Colonialism: A Comparative Study of the Dakota & Palestinians’ Plight, Baligh Ben Ahmed Ben Taleb
Accreditation issues in Faculty of Law of Nigerian Universities: Imperatives for law libraries, laws and statutes., Oliver Theophine Onwudinjo Dr, Chukwuma Obiora Nwosu Professor, and Cyprain I. Ugwu Dr
Acculturation among Swedish Immigrants in Kansas and Nebraska, 1870-1900, Terrence Jon Lindell
Accuracy improvement of quantitative analysis by spatial confinement in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, L. B. Guo, Z. Q. Hao, M. Shen, W. Xiong, X. N. He, Z. Q. Xie, M. Gao, X. Y. Li, X. Y. Zeng, and Y. F. Lu
Accuracy or Precision: Implications of Sample Design and Methodology on Abundance Estimation, Lucas K. Kowalewski
ACE 10 Assessment in Actuarial Science, Warren Luckner and Sue Vagts
ACE 10 Course – ELEC 495 Electrical Engineering Senior Design Lab II, Mark Bauer
ACE 10: ECON 481 E¢onomi¢$ of the Labor Market, Scott Fuess
A Center Pivot Premium: What Does the Market Suggest?, Anil Giri and Bruce Johnson
A Century of Developing Citizenship Law and the Nebraska Influence: A Centennial Essay, Anna Williams Shavers
A Checklist of the Birds of Mormon Island Crane Meadows
A Checklist of Whiteflies (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) Intercepted on Imported Plants in Korea 2005–2013, Soo-Jung Suh and Jungyoun Ji
Achievement-Centered Education (ACE 10) Faculty Inquiry Project
Achilles Fuming, Odysseus Stewing, and Hamlet Brooding: On the Story of the Murder/Manslaughter Distinction, Norman J. Finkel
A Choreography of Living Texts: Selections from the ARST Oral History Project, Kenny Walker, Jennifer Malkowski, and Damien S. Pfister
A Chronosequence Feasibility Assessment of Emergency Fire Rehabilitation Records within the Intermountain Western United States, Kevin C. Knutson, David A. Pyke, Troy A. Wirth, David S. Pilliod, Matthew L. Brooks, and Jeanne C. Chambers
A Closer Look at Loss of Chance under Nebraska Medical Malpractice Law: Steineke v. Share Health Plan, Inc., 246 Neb. 374, 518 N.W.2d 904 (1994), Patrick L. Evatt
A cloud-based global flood disaster community cyber-infrastructure: Development and demonstration, Zhanming Wan, Yang Hong, Sadiq Khan, Jonathan Gourley, Zachary Flamig, Dalia Kirschbaum, and Guoqiang Tang
A Collaborative Integrated Approach to Feral Swine Management in Illinois, Bradley E. Wilson, Timothy S. White, Scott F. Beckerman, and Gary E. Potts
A Collection: Simulations of the Home, Liana M. Owad
A combined chemical and biological approach to transforming and mineralizing PAHs in runoff water, Chainarong Sakulthaew, Steve D. Comfort, Chanat Chokejaroenrat, Clifford Harris, and Xu Li
A Comparative Performance Analysis of Sonata in A Major, Op. 162, D. 574 for Violin and Piano by Franz Peter Schubert, Jinkyeong Kim
A comparison of fire severity patterns in the late 19th and early 21st century in a mixed conifer forest landscape in the southern Cascades, Alan H. Taylor, Carl N. Skinner, and Becky Estes
A Comparison of Presettlement Vegetation and Fire Regimes with Current Patterns in Oak Woodlands and Shrublands of SW Oregon, Patricia S. Muir Dr. and Paul Hosten Dr.
A Comparison of the Effects of Subsurface Tillage and Plowing on Some Physical Properties of a Field Soil, José Manuel Pereyra
A comparison of the self-perceived gerontological nurse competency of RNS in skilled nursing facilities, Beth A Culross
A Comparison of Topcross versus Line Per Se Performance for Evaluating S1 Lines of Corn, Antonio Manrique Ch.
A comparison of TWP-ICE observational data with cloud-resolving model results, A. M. Fridlind, A. S. Acherman, J. -P Chaboureau, J. Fan, W. W. Grabowski, A. A. Hill, T. R. Jones, M. M. Khaiyer, G. Liu, P. Minnis, H. Morrison, L. Nguyen, S. Park, J. C. Petch, J. -P. Pinty, C. Schumacher, B. J. Shipway, A. C. Varble, X. Wu, S. Xie, and M. Zhang
A Comparison of Various Methods Used in Measuring Soil Reaction of Some Nebraska Soils, Frank Watanabe
A comprehensive guide to fuel management practices for dry mixed conifer forests in the northwestern United States, Theresa B. Jain, Michael Battaglia, Han-Sup Han, Russell T. Graham, Jeremy S. Fried, Christopher R. Keyes, and Jonathan Sandquist
A Comprehensive Guide to Fuel Management Practices for Dry Mixed Conifer Forests in the Northwestern United States, Theresa B. Jain, Mike A. Battaglia, Han-Sup Han, Russell T. Graham, Christopher R. Keyes, Jeremy S. Fried, and Johnathan E. Sandquist
A Comprehensive Guide to Fuels Treatment Fractices for Ponderosa Pine in the Black Hills, Colorado Front Range, and Southwest, M. E. Hunter, W. D. Shepperd, L. B. Lentile, J. E. Lundquist, M. G. Andreu, J. L. Butler, and F. W. Smith
A Comprehensive Guide to Fuels Treatment Practices for Ponderosa Pine in the Black Hills, Colorado Front Range, and Southwest, M. E. Hunter, W. E. Shepperd, L. B. Lentile, J. E. Lundquist, M. G. Andreu, J. L. Butler, and F. W. Smith
A comprehensive review of climate adaptation in the United States: more than before, but less than needed, Rosina Bierbaum, Joel B. Smith, Arthur Lee, Maria Blair, Lynne Carter, F. Stuart Chapin III, Paul Fleming, Susan Ruffo, Missy Stults, Shannon McNeeley, Emily Wasley, and Laura Verduzco
A Conceptualization and Empirical Examination of the Effects of Marketing Alignment on Franchising Relationships, Joseph Matthes
A conceptualization and empirical examination of the effects of marketing alignment on franchising relationships, Joseph Michael Matthes
A Conceptual Model for the Impact of Climate Change on Fox Rabies in Alaska, 1980–2010, B. I. Kim, J. D. Blanton, A. Gilbert, L. Castrodale, K. Hueffer, D. Slate, and C. E. Rupprecht
A Contextual Framework for the Admissibility of a Criminal Defendant's Pre-Arrest Silence: United States v. Oplinger, 150 F.3d 1061 (9th Cir. 1998), Craig W. Strong
A corrected formulation of the Multilayer Model (MLM) for inferring gaseous dry deposition to vegetated surfaces, Rick Saylor, Glenn Wolf, Tilden Meyers, and Bruce Hicks
A Cost Effective Method to Create Accurate Engine Performance Maps & Updating the Nebraska Pumping Plant Performance Criteria, Jacob K. Keller
A Critical Analysis of the Schumann Symphonic Etudes, Harold Avery
A Critical Friendship, Elizabeth Murphy and William Logan
A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Sex Differences in the Behavior of Children Aged Three Through 11, Beatrice Whiting and Carolyn P. Edwards
A Cross Sectional Analysis of Agricultural land Prices in Nebraska 1978-1982, Gordon L. Carriker, Charles E. Curtis, and Bruce B. Johnson
Across-speaker Articulatory Normalization for Speaker-independent Silent Speech Recognition, Jun Wang, Ashok Samal, and Jordan Green
Across-year social stability shapes network structure in wintering migrant sparrows, Daizaburo Shizuka, Alexis S. Chaine, Jennifer Anderson, Oscar Johnson, Inger Marie Laursen, and Bruce E. Lyon
Acting as Agent under a Financial Durable Power of Attorney: An Unscripted Role, Carolyn L. Dessin
Actual Innocents: Considerations in Selecting Cases for a New Innocence Project, Daniel S. Medwed
A Cytogenetic Study of Two Translocations in Barley, Oliver E. Smith
Adaptive Management to Protect Biodiversity: Best Available Science and the Endangered Species Act, Olivia Odom Green and Ahjond S. Garmestani
Adding to Blake Set to Music: A Bibliography, Ashanka Kumari
Adding Value to the Home Operation to “Make Room” for Future Generations, Don Schiefelbein
"Additional Christmas Count" from Nebraska Bird Review (September 1981) 49(3)
Additional Spring Migration Report
Additions to 1982 Occurrence Reports
A Decision-support System for Assessing the Impact of Fire Management on Threatened and Endangered Species, Gordon Reeves, Rebecca Flitcroft, Lee E. Benda, Pete Bisson, Steve Wondzell, Jeff Falke, Kris McNyset, Ken Vance-Borland, and Dan Miller
A defense of the causal efficacy of dispositions, Jennifer McKitrick
A description of the growth of sheep and its genetic analysis, R. M. Lewis, G. C. Emmans, and G. Simm
A Description of the Nebraska and Kansas Feeder Cattle Growing Industry, 1967-1971, Jeffrey L. Jorgensen
Adherence Inhibition of Human Pathogens Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli by Non-digestible Oligosaccharides, Alejandra Ramirez-Hernandez
Adherent cells avoid polarization gradients on periodically poled LiTaO3 ferroelectrics, Christof Christophis, Elisabetta Ada Cavalcanti-Adam, Maximilian Hanke, Kenji Kitamura, Alexei Gruverman, Michael Grunze, Peter A. Dowben, and Axel Rosenhahn
Adipose and Muscle Tissue Gene Expression of Two Genes (NCAPG and LCORL) Located in a Chromosomal Region Associated with Cattle Feed Intake and Gain, Amanda K. Lindholm-Perry, Larry Kuehn, William T. Oliver, Andrea K. Sexten, Jeremy R. Miles, Lea Ann Rempel, R. A. Cushman, and Harvey C. Freetly
A discussion and suggestions on ethical barriers in librarianship: Information privacy, controversial materials, and personal beliefs, Spyros Tsompanakis
ADJUSTMENT FACTORS FOR 120-DAY WEANING WEIGHT IN RAMBOUULLET RANGE LAMBS, R. M. Lewis, M. Shelton, J. O. Sanders, D. R. Notter, W. R. Pirie, and Texas Agricultural Experiment Station
Adolescent Loneliness and Health in Early Adulthood, Bridget J. Goosby, Anna Bellatorre, Katrina M. Walsemann, and Jacob Cheadle
Adoption of ICT’s For Library Operations and Services: A Comparison of Public and Private University Libraries of Pakistan, Saima Qutab, Rubina Bhatti, and Farasat Shafi Ullah
A Dual-Wavelength Polarimetric Analysis of the 16 May 2010 Oklahoma City Extreme Hailstorm, J. PICCA and A. RYZHKOV
Adult dispersal of Ostrinia nubilalis Hu¨bner (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) and its implications for resistance management in Bt-maize, J. A. Qureshi, L. L. Buschman, J. E. Throne, and S. B. Ramaswamy
Advanced Low Language Proficiency–An Achievable Goal?, Aleidine J. Moeller
Advertising "In These Times:" How Historical Context Influenced Advertisements for Willa Cather's Fiction, Erika K. Hamilton
Advertising "in these times:" How historical context influenced advertisements for Willa Cather's fiction, Erika K Hamilton
Advice to Students from Our Alumni: Internships and Extracurricular Activities, Larry W. Van Tassell
Advice to Students from Our Alumni—Part II, Larry W. Van Tassell
A Dwarf Form of Killer Whale in Antarctica, Robert L. Pitman, Wayne L. Perryman, Don LeRoi, and Erik Eilers
A Dysfunctional Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle Enhances Fitness of Staphylococcus epidermidis during β-Lactam Stress, Vinai Chittenzham Thomas, Lauren Kinkead, Ashley Janssen, Carolyn Schaeffer, Keith Woods, Jill Lindgren, Johnathan Peaster, Sujata Chaudhari, Marat Sadykov, Joselyn Jones, Sameh Mohamadi AbdelGhani, Matthew Zimmerman, Kenneth Bayles, Greg Somerville, and Paul D. Fey
A Dysfunctional Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle Enhances Fitness of Staphylococcus epidermidis During β-Lactam Stress, Vinai Chittenzham Thomas, Lauren Kinkhead, Ashley Janssen, Carolyn Schaeffer, Keith Woods, Jill Lindgren, Johnathan Peaster, Sujata Chaudhari, Marat Sadykov, Joselyn Jones, Sameh Mohamadi AbdelGhani, Matthew Zimmerman, Kenneth Bayles, Greg Somerville, and Paul Fey
Aerosol Association with Severe Weather in the Great Plains, Gabriel A. Lojero
Aesthetics for Green Roofs and Green Walls, Richard K. Sutton
A facile, low-cost route for the preparation of calcined porous calcite and dolomite and their application as heterogeneous catalysts in biodiesel production, Rui Wang, Hu Li, Fei Chang, Jiafeng Luo, Milford A. Hanna, Daoyang Tan, Deyu Hu, Yuping Zhang, Baoan Song, and Song Yang
A Feasibility Study of Mobile Services Implementation in National Library and Archives of Iran: user’s trends, Ayoob Nazi, Sakineh Ghasempour, and Leyla Asgari
A Few Great Stories of the Santee People, Edna Peniska, Paul Robertson, Robert Frerichs, and Paul A. Olson
Affecting Risk: Improving Hazard Communication in the Wildland-Urban Interface, Melissa Wright Dr. and Destiny Aman
Affective Flexibility: Evaluative Processing Goals Shape Amygdala Activity, William A. Cunningham, Jay J. Van Bavel, and Ingrid Johnsen Haas
Affinity Chromatography: A Review of Clinical Applications, David S. Hage
Affinity monolith chromatography: A review of principles and recent analytical applications, Erika L. Pfaunmiller, Marie Laura Paulemond, Courtney M. Dupper, and David S. Hage
Affordable Care Act and Your Ag Business, Marilyn Schlake, Carroll S. Welte, Charlotte Narjes, and Jim Crandall
Affordable Care Act Continues to be Fluid, Marilyn R. Schlake and Carroll S. Welte
A Financial Data Summary and Analysis System for the Farm Supply Firm, Maurice D. Kniep
A Fire Prevention Effectiveness Assessment for Multiple Ownerships, Jeffrey P. Prestemon Dr., Karen L. Abt, David T. Butry, Douglas S. Thomas, Sam Scranton, Scott L. Goodrick, Parker T. Mothershead, Terry K. Haimes, Susan Marzec, John Owens, Suzanne Romero, Reid Shelley, Loren Walker, and Angela Yearwood
A Fire Severity Mapping System for Real-Time Fire Management Applications and Long-Term Planning: The FIRESEV project, Robert E. Keane, Penny M. Morgan, Gregory K. Dillon, Pamela G. Sikkink, Eva C. Karau, Zack A. Holden, and Stacy A. Drury
A First Amendment-Inspired Approach to Heller’s “Schools” and “Government Buildings”, Jordan E. Pratt
Aflatoxin M1 and ochratoxin A in human milk in Ribeirão Preto-SP, Brazil, Maria Helena Iha, Cynara Baltazar Barbosa, Anália Ribeiro Heck, and Mary W. Trucksess
A Framework for Resilience-based Governance of Social-Ecological Systems, Ahjond S. Garmestani and Melinda Harm Benson
A Framework for the Nationwide Multimode Transportation Demand Analysis, Hojong Baik Ph.D., Yuepeng Cui, and Tao Li
African American Female College and University Presidents: Experiences and Perceptions of Barriers to the Presidency, Sandra Jackson and Sandra Harris
A Friend's Tribute to Harvey Perlman, Richard S. Harnsberger
After a Southern Pine Beetle Epidemic, Jake Delwiche
After the Ball Is Over: Investor Remedies in the Wake of the Dot-Com Crash and Recent Corporate Scandals, Daniel J. Morrissey
After the Fire: Assessing Post-treatment Effects on Fine Fuels in the Sierra Nevada, Shari Anstedt
After the Fire, Follow the Nitrogen, Jake Delwiche
After the Fire is Out, Elise LeQuire
Against Autobiography, Lia Nicole Brozgal
Against Teleology in an Honors Great Books Curriculum, Sarah Harlan-Haughey
Against Teleology in an Honors Great Books Curriculum, Sarah Harlan-Haughey
Age-class Mosaics and Wind-driven Fire: Further Fuel for the Debate, Jan L. Beyers, Philip J. Riggan, David Weise, Timothy Paysen, and Marcia Narog
A genetic evaluation of growth in sheep using random regression techniques, R. M. Lewis and S. Brotherstone
A genome-wide association study of seed protein and oil content in soybean, Eun-Young Hwang, Qijian Song, Gaofeng Jia, James E. Specht, David L. Hyten, Jose Costa, and Perry B. Cregan
A Genome Wide Survey of SNP Variation Reveals the Genetic Structure of Sheep Breeds, James W. Kijas, David Townly, Brian P. Dalrymple, Michael P. Heaton, Jillian F. Maddox, Annette McGrath, Peter Wilson, Roxann G. Ingersoll, Russell McCulloch, Sean McWilliam, Dave Tang, John McEwan, Noelle Cockett, V. Hutton Oddy, Frank W. Nicholas, Herman Raadsma, and International Sheep Genomics Consortium
Age of the Mono Lake excursion and associated tephra, Larry Benson, Joseph Liddicoat, Joseph Smoot, Andrei Sarna-Wojcicki, Robert M. Negrini, and Steve Lund
A Geospatial Approach for Prioritizing Wind Farm Development in Northeast Nebraska, USA, Adam Miller and Ruopu Li
A GIS-based vulnerability assessment of brine contamination to aquatic resources from oil and gas development in eastern Sheridan County, Montana, Todd M. Preston, Tara Chelsey-Preston, and Joanna N. Thamke
Agricultural Cooperatives: An Update, James B. Dean
Agricultural Exports To China: Time For A Reality Check?, William Scheideler
Agricultural Land Values and Cash Rental Rates Continue to Climb, Bruce Johnson
Agricultural Law Symposium: An Introduction, Norman W. Thorson
Agricultural Research Magazine May-June 2012
A Gridded Reconstruction of Warm Season Precipitation for Asia Spanning the Past Half Millennium, Song Feng, Q. Steven Hu, Qianru Wu, and Michael E. Mann
A Grizzly in the Mail and Other Adventures in American History, Tim Grove
A Ground Dove at DeSoto NWR, Babs Padelford and Loren Padelford
A Gust Changes Everything: Local Wind Information in Unprecedented Detail with WindWizard and WindNinja, Marjie Brown
A High Density SNP Array for the Domestic Horse and Extant Perissodactyla: Utility for Association Mapping, Genetic Diversity, and Phylogeny Studies, Molly E. McCue, Danika L. Bannasch, Jessica Lynn Petersen, Jessica Gurr, Ernie Bailey, Matthew M. Binns, Ottmar Distl, Gérard Guérin, Telhisa Hasegawa, Emmeline W. Hill, Tosso Leeb, Gabriella Lindgren, M. Cecilia T. Penedo, Knut H. Røed, Oliver A. Ryder, June E. Swinburne, Teruaki Tozaki, Stephanie J. Valberg, Mark Vaudin, Kerstin Lindblad-Toh, Claire M. Wade, and James R. Mickelson
A Highly Adaptive and Cost Effective Second Generation Incubator (SGI) towards Educational, Research and Clinical Processes, Yassir H. Al-Sayagh
A high-need Azeri school: A Georgian perspective, Nino Sharvashidze and Miles T. Bryant
A Hoary Redpoll in Dodge County, Rick Manning
A Holocene pollen record of persistent droughts from Pyramid Lake, Nevada, USA, Scott A. Mensing, Larry Benson, Michaele Kashgarian, and Steve Lund
A Hybrid Male in the Genus Ophiogomphus (Odonata: Gomphidae), K. J. Tennessen
AIDS and optic neuritis in a rhesus monkey infected with the R5 clade C SHIV-1157ipd3N4, Anapatricia Garcίa, Nagadenahalli B. Siddappa, Qingsheng Li, Ashley T. Haase, Katherine Paul, Fawn Stroud, Xiaodong Zhang, Jack A. Fountain, François Villinger, Francis J. Novembre, James G. Else, W. Evan Secor, and Ruth M. Ruprecht
"Ain't No Glory in Pain": How the 1994 Republican Revolution and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act Contributed to the Collapse of the United States Capital Markets, andré douglas pond cummings
Aircraft Quality Casting Standards, Robert Katz and Robert Bolin , depositor
A julid milliped in Chilean Patagonia, and a compilation of ordinal representatives in South America and associated islands (Diplopoda: Julida), Rowland M. Shelley, Elizabeth D. Morrill, and David A. Faber
A Landmark Lost: The Anemic Impact of United States v. Lopez, 115 S. Ct. 1624 (1995), on the Federalization of Criminal Law, Victoria Davis
A Language In Becoming, Camille C. Hawbaker
A Lenape among the Quakers, Dawn G. Marsh
A Lenape among the Quakers, Dawn G. Marsh
Algebraic Properties of Ext-Modules over Complete Intersections, Jason Hardin
Algebraic properties of Ext-modules over complete intersections, Jason A Hardin
A Limited Survey of Biota in Devils and Stump Lakes, North Dakota, Dwight Williamson, Terry Dick, David Green, Hedy Kling, Daniel Rheault, Lisette Ross, and Alex Salki
A Literature Review of the Role of Libraries in the Provision of Information towards the Attainment of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Nigeria, Glory Onoyeyan and Odunola I. Adesina
A Livable Wage: What Does it Take to Get By in Nebraska?, Lisa Darlington
Alkaline Treated Wheat Straw or Corn Stover Fed to Growing Calves, Adam L. Shreck, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Cody J. Schneider, Dirk B. Burken, Casey N. Macken, William A. Griffin, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
All Anchors Are Not Created Equal: The Effects of Per Diem versus Lump Sum Requests on Pain and Suffering Awards, Bradley D. McAuliff and Brian H. Bornstein
Allergic sensitization: screening methods, Gregory S. Ladics, Jeremy Fry, Richard E. Goodman, Corinne Herouet-Guicheney, Karin Hoffman-Sommergruber, Charlotte B. Madsen, Andre Penninks, Anna Pomes, Erwin L. Roggen, Joost Smit, and Jean-Michel Wal
All Fired-Up: Whitebark Pines are Crucial in the Cascades and Beyond, Rachel Clark
“All In” for Composition Education: Opportunities and Challenges for Pre-Service Music Teacher Curricula, John W. Richmond
Allocating the Risks of Embezzlement by an Escrow Holder: Bio-Electronics v. C & J Partnership, 268 Neb. 252, 682 N.W.2d 248 (2004), Leigh M. Koehn
All the girls shout please, Marianne Kunkel
Aloha to Flammable Fountain Grass: Fuels Management Comes to the Big Island of Hawaii, Marjie Brown
A Longitudinal Study of Mesiodistal Crown Diameters in Human Primary and Permanent Dentitions, Randall S. Asher
A Look at Nebraska's Occupational Mix, John Austin
A Look at Nebraska's Per Capita Personal Income, Charles Lamphear
A Low-Power Optical Electron Switch, Wayne Cheng-Wei Huang, Roger Bach, Peter Beierle, and Herman Batelaan
Alternative Funding Mechanisms for State Transportation Systems in Predominantly Rural States, John E. Anderson and Eric Thompson
Alternative Models in Genetic Analyses of Carcass Traits Measured by Ultrasonography in Guzerá cattle: A Bayesian Approach, Jairo Azevedo Junior, José C. Souza, R. A. Cushman, Marco C. A. M. Bink, Caio A. Perazza, Sarah L. Meirelles, and Tarcisio M. Gonçalves
Always in the Back of Your Mind: Experiences of Latina/o U.S. Citizens from Mixed-Immigration Status Households in Higher Education, Alicia Dominguez
A male spider’s ornamentation polymorphism maintained by opposing selection with two niches, Bo Deng, Alex Estes, Brett Grieb, Douglas Richard, Brittney Hinds, and Eileen Hebets
Amateur Athletes with Handicaps or Physical Abnormalities: Who Makes the Participation Decision?, Matthew J. Mitten
Amendment 14-Colorado's Anti-Trapping Initiative, A History And Perspective on Impacts, Craig A. Coolahan and Sandy Snider
American Indian Sovereignty and Naturalization: It's a Race Thing, John Rockwell Snowden, Wayne Tyndall, and David Smith
American Poetry and the Daily Newspaper from the Rise of the Penny Press to the New Journalism, Elizabeth M Lorang
American "Road Rage": A Scary and Tangled Cultural-Legal Pastiche, Robert F. Blomquist
American Society of Parasitologists Newsletter, v. 35, no. 3, Winter 2013, Scott Lyell Gardner
American Society of Parasitologists Newsletter, v. 36, nos. 1-2, Spring-Summer 2014, Scott Lyell Gardner
American Workers Increase Efforts to Establish a Legal Right to Privacy as Civility Declines in U.S. Society: Some Observations on the Effort and Its Social Context, William A. Wines and Michael P. Fronmueller
A meta-analytic review of leadership impact research: Experimental and quasi-experimental studies, Bruce J. Avolio, Rebecca J. Reichard, Sean T. Hannah, Fred O. Walumbwa, and Adrian Chan
A Methodology and Tool for Concurrent Fault Injection, ZhongYin Zhang
A Micro-level Analysis of Behavioral Dynamics in Parent-Child Synchrony, Kadie L. Ausherman
A Midsummer Night's Dream and the Meaning of Court Marriage, Paul A. Olson
"Am I My Brother's Keeper?": Requiring Landowner Disclosure of the Presence of Sex Offenders and Other Criminal Activity, Shelley Ross Saxer
Amino acid supply and utilization with emphasis on lysine and impacts on lactation responses of dairy cows fed rations containing distillers dried grains with solubles, Henry Alexander Paz Manzano
A Mississippi Kite in Hall County, Nebraska, Gary Lingle, Kari L. Haugh, Lee Morris, Babs Padelford, and Loren Padelford
A mixed methods approach to examining the "Getting Ready" intervention for supporting young children with challenging behaviors, Miriam E Kuhn
A Mixed Methods Approach to Examining the Getting Ready Intervention for Supporting Young Children with Challenging Behaviors, Miriam E. Kuhn
Ammonia emissions in the United States, European Union, and China derived by high-resolution inversion of ammonium wet deposition data: Interpretation with a new agricultural emissions inventory (MASAGE_NH3), F. Paulot, D. J. Jacob, J. O. Bash, K. Travis, and D. K. Henze
AMO- and ENSO-Driven Summertime Circulation and Precipitation Variations in North America, Q. Steven Hu and Song Feng
A Model for First-Generation Students Least Likely to Engage in High-Impact Practices: A Mixed Methods Study, Ann F. Koopmann
A Model for First-Generation Students Least Likely to Engage in High-Impact Practices: A Mixed Methods Study, Ann F Koopmann
A moderated mediation test of personality, coping, and health among deployed soldiers, Ann Chunyan Peng, Laura T. Riolli, John Schaubroeck, and Everett S. P. Spain
AMO-Forced Regional Processes Affecting Summertime Precipitation Variations in the Central United States, Michael C. Veres and Qi Hu
A Mouse Model for Evaluation of Prophylaxis and Therapy of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, Mike Bray, Kelly Davis, Tom Geisbert, Connie Schmaljohn, and John Higgins
A Multienzyme Complex Channels Substrates and Electrons through Acetyl-CoA and Methane Biosynthesis Pathways in Methanosarcina, Dillon J. Lieber, Jennifer Catlett, Nandu Madayiputhiya, Renu Nandakumar, Madeline M. Lopez, William W. Metcalf, and Nicole R. Buan
A multilevel approach to building and leading learning organizations, Sean T Hannah and Paul B. Lester
An abundant biological control agent does not provide a significant predator subsidy, Philip Tipping, Melissa Martin, Paul Pratt, Min Rayamajhi, and Ted Center
An Accuser-Obligation Approach to the Confrontation Clause, Sherman J. Clark
An Action Plan For Growing Nebraska, Eric Thompson, Ernie Goss, and Nick Niemann
An algorithmic and information-theoretic approach to multimetric index construction, Donald R. Schoolmaster Jr., James B. Grace, E. William Schweiger, Glenn R. Guntenspergen, Brian R. Mitchell, Kathryn M. Miller, and Amanda M. Little
An Alternative American Approach to Repositories [Open Repositories 2014 proposal], Paul Royster
Analyses of thermoregulatory responses of feeder cattle exposed to simulated heat waves, T. M. Brown-Brandl, R. A. Eigenberg, G. L. Hahn, J. A. Nienaber, T. L. Mader, D. E. Spiers, and A. M. Parkhurst
Analysis of biomolecular interactions using affinity microcolumns: A review, Xiwei Zheng, Zhao Li, Sandya Beeram, Maria Podariu, Ryan Matsuda, Erika L. Pfaunmiller, Christopher J. White II, NaTasha Carter, and David S. Hage
Analysis Of Drug Interactions With High Density Lipoprotein By High-Performance Affinity Chromatography, Sike Chen, Matthew R. Sobansky, and David S. Hage
Analysis of Drug Interactions with Lipoproteins by High Performance Affinity Chromatography, Matthew R. Sobansky
Analysis Of Drug Interactions With Modified Proteins By High-Performance Affinity Chromatography: Binding Of Glibenclamide To Normal And Glycated Human Serum Albumin, Ryan Matsuda, Jeanethe Anguizola, K.S. Joseph, and David S. Hage
Analysis Of Drug-Protein Binding By Ultrafast Affinity Chromatography Using Immobilized Human Serum Albumin, Rangan Mallik, Michelle J. Yoo, Chad J. Briscoe, and David S. Hage
Analysis of Free Drug Fractions Using Near-Infrared Fluorescent Labels and an Ultrafast Immunoextraction/Displacement Assay, Corey M. Ohnmacht, John E. Schiel, and David S. Hage
Analysis of free fractions for chiral drugs using ultrafast extraction and multi-dimensional high-performance affinity chromatography, Xiwei Zheng, Michelle J. Yoo, and David S. Hage
Analysis of Genotype-Environment Interactions in Selected Hard Red Winter Wheat Varieties Using Linear Regression, Samuel Lee Shafer
Analysis of Lidocaine Interactions with Serum Proteins Using High-Performance Affinity Chromatography, Sony Soman, Michelle J. Yoo, Yoon Jeong Jang, and David S. Hage
Analysis of Open Access Scholarly Journals in Chemistry, Faizul Nisha Dr and Hilal Ahmad Dr
Analysis of performance issues in Sonata no. 21 in B-Flat Major, Franz Schubert, including a recording comparison, Rebeca Ordonez Rodriguez
Analysis of training initiatives undertaken for professional development of library professionals in Pakistan, Ahsan Ullah
Analysis of Turbulent Hydraulic Jump over a Transitional Rough Bed of a Rectangular Channel: Universal Relations, Noor Afzal, A. Bushra, and Abu Seena
Analytic model for the description of above-threshold ionization by an intense short laser pulse, M. V. Frolov, D. V. Knyazeva, N. L. Manakov, Ji-Wei Geng, Liang-You Peng, and Anthony F. Starace
An amino acid-electrolyte beverage may increase cellular rehydration relative to carbohydrate-electrolyte and flavored water beverages, Chin-Yin Tai, Jordan M. Joy, Paul H. Falcone, Laura R. Carson, Matt M. Momsman, Justen L. Straight, Susie L. Oury, Carlos Mendez Jr, Nick L. Loveridge, Michael P. Kim, and Jordan R. Moon
An Analysis of Article XIX: The Safeguard Problem after the Uruguay Round, Ezra Ginzburg
An Analysis of District Marginal Costs of Mandatory State Standardized Tests, J. Eli Crow
An Analysis of Migration Schedules of Non-Passerine Birds in Nebraska, Paul Johnsgard
An Analysis of Migration Schedules of Passerine Birds in Nebraska, Paul Johnsgard
An Analysis of Practices in the Home Having Environmental Impact by Oregon and Nebraska Women, Deborah Kimball Cunningham
An Analysis of Subject Coverage and Worldwide Involvement of E-LIS: the International Repository for Library and Information Science., Nestor L. Osorio
An Applied Functional and Numerical Analysis of a 3-D Fluid-Structure Interactive PDE, Thomas J. Clark
An applied functional and numerical analysis of a 3-D fluid-structure interactive PDE, Thomas J Clark
AN ASSESSMENT OF BIRD HABITAT QUALITY USING POPULATION GROWTH RATES, Melinda Knutson, Larkin A. Powell, Randy Hines, Mary Friberg, and Gerald J. Niemi
An assessment of the information dissemination channels used by the Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network in the provision of HIV/AIDS information to women., Nancy Nhendodzashe and Collen Nhendo
An Assessment of the Use of Radio and other Means of Information Dissemination by the Residents of Ado- Ekiti, Ekiti-State, Nigeria., EZEKIEL BABATOPE FAMILUSI Mr and PETER OLUFEMI OWOEYE Mr
A national-scale picture of U.S. cattle movements obtainedfrom Interstate Certificate of Veterinary Inspection data, Daniel A. Grear, Ryan S. Miller, Jason E. Lombard, Colleen T. Webb, Michael Buhnerkempe, and Katie Portacci
A NATIONAL STUDY OF THE CONSEQUENCES OF FIRE AND FIRE SURROGATE TREATMENTS, Phil Weatherspoon, Jim Agee, Phil Aune, Jim Baldwin, Jamie Barbour, Frank Beall, Julio Betancourt, Ralph Boerner, Matt Busse, Carl Edminster, Gary Fiddler, Carl Fiedler, Sally Haase, Kathy Harchsen, Mick Harrington, Ron Hodgson, Sue Husari, Jon Keeley, Mike Landram, Bill Laudenslayer, Jim McIver, Dan Neary, Bill Otrosina, Roger Ottmar, Martin Ritchie, Kevin Ryan, Patrick Shea, Carl Skinner, Scott Stephens, Nate Stephensen, Elaine Kennedy Sutherland, Bob Vihanek, Dale Wade, Tom Waldrop, Dan Yaussy, Andy Youngblood, and Steve Zack
Anatomy of the lamprey ear: morphological evidence for occurrence of horizontal semicircular ducts in the labyrinth of Petromyzon marinus, Adel Maklad, Caitlyn Reed, Nicolas Johnson, and Bernd Fritzsch
An attribution theory model of consumer behavior in times of marketing crisis, Timothy M Reilly
An Automated System for Evaluating BlueSky Predictions of Smoke Impacts on Community Health and Ecosystems, Robert Solomon
Ancient maize from Chacoan great houses: Where was it grown?, Larry Benson, Linda Cordell, Kirk Vincent, Howard Taylor, John Stein, G. Lang Farmer, and U.S. Geological Survey
Androgen Excess in Beef Cows Results in Altered Theca Cell Gene Expression and Fertilityand, Adam F. Summers, William E. Pohlmeier, Vanessa M. Brauer, Kevin M. Sargent, Renee M. McFee, Scott G. Kurz, Robert A. Cushman, Jennifer R. Wood, and Andrea S. Cupp
A Nebraska Success Story-The Tri-Cities, Bree Dority O'Callaghan
An Ecologist Struggles with the Problem of Evil: Why Aldo Leopold and Baby Meadowlarks Argue against an All-powerful God, Larkin A. Powell
An Economic Analysis of the First Manifest Doctrine: Paul Revere Life Insurance Co. v. Haas, 644 A.2d 1098 (N.J. 1994), David G. Newkirk
An Economic Slowdown-Not A Downturn-Is Underway, Charles Lamphear
A Need and a Concern: Reducing Fuels in the Riparian Areas of Southwestern Oregon, Shari Anstedt
Anemia Research in India: A bibliometric analysis of publications output during 1993–2013., Jeyshankar -. Ramalingam - and vellai chamy A
An empirical analysis of financial statement comparability: Segment disclosure and investor responsiveness to earnings news, Matthew A Stallings
An Empirical Latent Heat Flux Parameterization for the Noah Land Surface Model, Christopher M. Godfrey and David J. Stensrud
An energy systems view of sustainability: Emergy evaluation of the San Luis Basin, Colorado, Daniel E. Campbell and Ahjond S. Garmestani
An environmental oestrogen disrupts fish population dynamics through direct and transgenerational effects on survival and fecundity, Adam Scwindt, Dana L. Winkelman, Kristen Keteles, Mark Murphy, and Alan M. Vajda
An Essay on the Dilemma of "Honest Abe": The Modern Day Professional Responsibility Implications of Abraham Lincoln's Representations of Clients He Believed to Be Culpable, Andrew L. Reisman
An Evaluation of a Strain of Cuban Corn as a Source of Genetic Diversity for Philippine Hybrids, Ibarra S. Santos
An evaluation of CALIOP/CALIPSO’s aerosol-above-cloud detection and retrieval capability over North America, M. Kacenelenbogen, J. Redemann, M. A. Vaughan, A. H. Omar, P. B. Russell, S. Burton, R. R. Rogers, R. A. Ferrare, and C. A. Hostetler
An Evaluation of Performance and Structural Change in Employment- U.S., Nebraska, and Omaha Area Economies, 1988 to 1995, Keith K. Turner and Edward D. Coleman
An Evaluation of Plant Variation in Selected Populations of Switchgrass, Panicum virgatum L., Steve A. Eberhart
A New Approach to Estimating Empty-Body Weight in Growing and Finishing Beef Cattle, Charles B. Williams, John W. Keele, and Dale R. Waldo
A new approach to middle school reading intervention balancing self-determination and achievement, Amanda M Mancini-Marshall
A New Corps of Discovery for Missouri River Management, Sandra B. Zellmer
A New Decision Making Approach for Indirect Left Turn Treatments by Utilizing Decision Assistance Curves, Sunil Gyawali
A new decision making approach for indirect left turn treatments by utilizing decision assistance curves, Sunil Gyawali
A New Device to Estimate Abundance of Moist-Soil Plant Seeds, Edward J. Penny, Richard M. Kaminski, and Kenneth J. Reinecke
A new framework for urban sustainability assessments: Linking complexity, information and policy, Moira L. Zellner, Thomas L. Theis, Arunprakash T. Karunanithi, Ahjond S. Garmestani, and Heriberto Cabezas
A new genetic linkage map of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) facilitates genetic dissection of height and spike length and angle, Emir Islamovic, Donald E. Obert, Rebekah E. Oliver, Juliet M. Marshall, Kelci J. Miclaus, An Hang, Shiaoman Chao, Gerard R. Lazo, Stephen A. Harrison, Amir Ibrahim, Eric N. Jellen, Peter J. Maughan, Ryan H. Brown, and Eric W. Jackson
A New Mouse of the Genus Nelsonia from Southern Jalisco, Mexico, Hugh H. Genoways and J. Knox Jones Jr.
A New Nesting Species for Nebraska
A New Online Tool and Estimates for Hand-Pile Biomass and Smoke Production, Shari Anstedt
A new palm seed host and new distribution record for Caryoborus chiriquensis (Sharp, 1885) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), Pablo Lau, Virginia Sanz, and Jesus Romero-Napoles
A new Philippine species of Ischalia (Coleoptera: Ischaliidae), with a checklist and key to the Philippine species, Daniel K. Young
A New Spatio-Temporal Data Mining Method and its Application to Reservoir System Operation, Abhinaya Mohan
A New Species of Chiroderma from Guadeloupe, West Indies (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae), Robert J. Baker and Hugh H. Genoways
A new species of Dalopius Eschscholtz (Coleoptera: Elateridae: Elaterinae) from Mississippi, Blaine Mathison
A new species of Elytrimitatrix (Grossifemora) Santos-Silva and Hovore from Peru (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Disteniinae), Stéphane Le Tirant and Antonio Santos-Silva
A New Species of Eptesicus from Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae), Hugh H. Genoways and Robert J. Baker
A new species of Heteropalpini from Peru (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Disteniinae), Stéphane Le Tirant and Antonio Santos-Silva
A New Species of Nephus Mulsant (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in Florida, Vince Golia and Austin Golia
A New Species of Shrew (Genus Cryptotis) from Jalisco, Mexico (Mammalia: Insectivora), Hugh H. Genoways and Jerry R. Choate
A New Species of Spiny Pocket Mouse (Genus Liomys) from Jalisco, Mexico, Hugh H. Genoways
A new species of stag beetle (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) from California, M. J. Paulsen
A new species of the genus Onychopygia Beier (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Pseudophyllinae) from Guatemala, Oscar J. Cadena-Castañeda and José Monzón Sierra
A New Species of the Genus Rhogeessa, with Comments on Geographic Distribution and Speciation in the Genus, Hugh H. Genoways and Robert J. Baker
A new species of Toumeyella Cockerell (Hemiptera: Coccidae) on Myrtillocactus geometrizans (Cactaceae) from Mexico with a checklist of known species of Toumeyella in the world, Takumasa Kondo and Héctor González
A New Species of Xylotrechus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Clytini) from Utah, Ronald L. Alten
A new strategy for assessing selenoprotein function: siRNA knockdown/knock-in targeting the 3'-UTR, MIN-HYUK YOO, XUE-MING XU, ANTON A. TURANOV, BRADLEY A. CARLSON, VADIM N. GLADYSHEV, and DOLPH L. HATFIELD
A New Subspecies of Geomys bursarius (Mammalia: Geomyidae) from Texas and New Mexico, Robert J. Baker and Hugh H. Genoways
A New Vespertilionine Bat from the Barstovian Deposits of Montana, John F. Sutton and Hugh H. Genoways
An examination of minimal risk human subjects research: Federal regulation and institutional practice, Norman O Braaten
An Examination of Prompting and Reinforcement Procedures For Training Visual Inspection Skills, Nicholas D Young
An examination of the role of social support, coping strategies, and individual characteristics in students' adaptation to college, Arleen R Bejerano
An Examination of the Role of Social Support, Coping Strategies, and Individual Characteristics in Students’ Adaptation to College, Arleen Bejerano
An Examination of University Speech Codes’ Constitutionality and Their Impact on High-Level Discourse, Benjamin Welch
An experimental analysis of the effects of ventilation, airflow and door configuration on the transmission of synthetic respiratory aerosols in a hospital, Kelli R Herstein
An Experimental Test of the Effects of Survey Sponsorship on Internet and Mail Survey Response, Michelle L. Edwards, Don A. Dillman, and Jolene D. Smyth
An explanation of increased hydrolysis of the β-(1,4)-glycosidic linkages of grafted cellulose using molecular modeling, David T. Karst, Yiqi Yang, and Genzo Tanaka
An exploratory study of how potential "family and household capital" impacts new venture start-up rates, Peter Rodriguez, Chris S. Tuggle, and Sean M. Hackett
Anger problems and posttraumatic stress disorder in male and female National Guard and Reserve Service members, Miranda Worthen, Sujit Rathod, Gregory Cohen, Laura Sampson, Robert Ursano, Robert Gifford, Carol Fullerton, Sandra Galea, and Jennifer Ahern
Angle of Repose: Testing Erosion and Prescribed Fire in Eastern Oregon and Washington’s Blue Mountains, Lisa-Natalie Anjozian
Angler effort and catch within a spatially complex system of small lakes, Christopher J. Chizinski, Dustin R. Martin, Kevin L. Pope, Tony J. Barada, and Jeffrey J. Schuckman
An Hegelian Approach to Privileges under Federal Rule of Evidence 501: The Restrictive Thesis, the Expansive Antithesis, and the Contextual Synthesis, Edward J. Imwinkelried
An Honors Interdisciplinary Community-Based Research Course, DAVID DUNBAR, MELISSA TERLECKI, NANCY WATTERSON, and LISA RATMANSKY
An Honors Interdisciplinary Community-Based Research Course, David Dunbar, MELISSA TERLECKI, NANCY WATTERSON, and LISA RATMANSKY
Animal Attendance at M-44 Sodium Cyanide Ejector Sites for Coyotes, John A. Shivik, Lauren Mastro, and Julie K. Young
ANIMAL HEALTH EFFECTS OF THE OCTOBER 2013 BLIZZARD: OBSERVATIONS, Russ Daly, Ken Olson, Dave Ollila, Dennis Todey, Warren Rusche, Joseph Neary, Dale Miskimins, and George Perry
Animal Model of Isolated Gonadotropin Deficiency: Hormonal Responses to LHRH Immunoneutralization, Bruce D. Schanbacher, Hugh F. English, Douglas Gross, Richard J. Santen, Michael F. Walker, and Richard E. Falvo
Animal Model of Isolated Gonadotropin Deficiency: Morphologic Responses to LHRH Immunoneutralization, Hugh F. English, Bruce D. Schanbacher, Douglass Gross, Michael F. Walker, Richard E. Falvo, and Richard J. Santen
An In-Depth Look at Air Polishing, Caren M. Barnes
An Integrated Marketing Communications Campaign for the Lincoln Saltdogs, Silver Lining Advertising Agency, Nicole Bormann, Annie Pigaga, Michaela Ostronic, Shelby Hinze, Miranda Milovich, and Kayla Van Wie
An integrated marketing communications plan for the Great American Comedy Festival, Johnny Carson Theatre, Norfolk, Nebraska, adnormal STRATEGIES, Emily Schaefer, Tony Nelson, Dominique Brown, Kary Benson, Mickey McConkey, Katheryn Schuller, Amanda Gammel, and Max Wesely
An Integrated Marketing Communications Plan for the Lincoln Saltdogs, Bullpen Team, Andrew Schori, Madi MacLean, Jeremy Shipe, Alex Wickenkamp, and Aron Wehr
An integrated marketing communications plan for the Lincoln Saltdogs, Jayus Advertising and Public Relations, Jessica Robertson, Lindsey Lehms, Mel Mitchell, Becca Rose, Laura Dennis, and Nate Gran
An Interdisciplinary Research Course in Theoretical Ecology for Young Undergraduates, Glenn Ledder, Brigitte Tenhumberg, and G. Travis Adams
An Internet Based Portal for Fire Science and Management in the Southern Region
An Interpretive Plan Guide for Wilderness Park in Lincoln, Nebraska, Rachel J. Ward
AN INTRODUCTION TO DATA MANAGEMENT PLANS: An ACRL eLearning Webcast, May 27, 2014, Kiyomi D. Deards and DeeAnn Allison
An Investigation of Small Apparel Retailers’ Definition of Customer Satisfaction Using a Naturalistic Approach, Sandra L. Cardillo
An investigation of the differences between Real Time Mesoscale Analysis and observed meteorological conditions at RAWS stations in the northeast United States, Joseph J. Charney, Shiyuan Zhong, Michael T. Kiefer, Xiaoqing Zhu, Greg Soter, and Adam Cinderich
An Investigation of the SOAR Study Strategy for Learning from Multiple Online Resources, Tareq Daher
An Investigation of the SOAR Study Strategy for Learning from Multiple Online Resources, Tareq Abatah Daher
A Niobium Deposit Hosted by a Magnetite-Dolomite Carbonatite, Elk Creek Carbonatite Complex, Nebraska, USA, Michael J. Blessington
Anisotropy modulations of femtosecond laser pulse induced periodic surface structures on silicon by adjusting double pulse delay, Weina Han, Lan Jiang, Xiaowei Li, Qingsong Wang, Hao Li, and YongFeng Lu
Annotated Checklist of Mammals of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. I. Chiroptera, J. Knox Jones Jr., James Dale Smith, and Hugh H. Genoways
Annotated Checklist of Mammals of the Yucatán Peninsula, México. II. Rodentia, J. Knox Jones Jr., Hugh H. Genoways, and Timothy E. Lawlor
Annotated Checklist of Mammals of the Yucatán Peninsula, México. IV. Carnivora, Sirenia, Perissodactyla, Artiodactyla, Hugh H. Genoways and Robert J. Baker
Announcement of Website: “The deployment of the terms indigenous, aboriginal, and Indian(s) in the texts of international constitutions.”, Charles D. Bernholz and Marcia Dority Baker
Announcing a Special Issue on the Cognitive Aspects of Survey Methodology, Robert Belli
Annual Brome Biocontrol after Wildfire Using a Native Fungal Seed Pathogen, Susan E. Meyer, Phil S. Allen, , Julie Beckstead, Michael Gregg, Heidi Newsome, Kathleen Harcksen, Gary Kidd, Glenn Paulsen, Karen Prentice, Dana Quinney, David Wilderman, Stephanie Carlson, Suzette Clement, Duane Smith, Thom Stewart, Katie Merrill, Keith Merrill, Kedra Foote, Stephen Harrison, Kelly Bergen, Brian Connelly, Trevor Davis, Sandra Dooley, Michael Huck, Laura Street, and Lauren Miller
An Object-Oriented Multiscale Verification Scheme, Steven A. Lack, George L. Limpert, and Neil I. Fox
An Observational Analysis and Evaluation of Land Surface Model Accuracy in the Nebraska Sand Hills, David B. Radell and Clinton M. Rowe
Another Additional to National Space Legislation: The Austrian Outer Space Act, Adopted 6 December 2011, Frans G. von der Dunk
A novel hybrid approach for estimating total deposition in the United States, Donna B. Schwede and Gary G. Lear
An Overview of Recent Ground Squirrel Bait Registration Research Supported By the California Bait Surcharge Program, John Baroch
An Overview of the 2014 Farm Bill, Bradley D. Lubben
An overview of the Chesapeake Bay Nutria Eradication Project, Stephen Kendrot
Anoxic treatment wetlands for denitrification, Harold L. Leverenz, Kristine Haunschild, Guy Hopes, George Tchobanoglous, and Jeannie L. Darby
Antecedents of New Director Social Capital, Scott Johnson, Karen Schnatterly, Joel F. Bolton, and Chris S. Tuggle
Antibodies with High Avidity to the gp120 Envelope Protein in Protection from Simian Immunodeficiency Virus SIVmac251 Acquisition in an Immunization Regimen That Mimics the RV-144 Thai Trial, Poonam Pegu, Monica Vaccari, Shari Gordon, Brandon F. Keele, Melvin Doster, Yongjun Guan, Guido Ferrari, Ranajit Pal, Maria Grazia Ferrari, Stephen Whitney, Lauren Hudacik, Erik Billings, Mangala Rao, David Montefiori, Georgia Tomaras, S. Munir Alam, Claudio Fenizia, Jeffrey D. Lifson, Donald Stablein, Jim Tartaglia, Nelson Michael, Jerome Kim, David Venzon, and Genoveffa Franchini
Antifibrotic Therapy in Simian Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Preserves CD4+ T-Cell Populations and Improves Immune Reconstitution With Antiretroviral Therapy, Jacob D. Estes, Cavan Reilly, Charles M. Trubey, Courtney V. Fletcher, Theodore J. Cory, Michael Piatak Jr., Samuel Russ, Jodi Anderson, Thomas G. Reimann, Robert Star, Anthony Smith, Russell P. Tracy, Anna Berglund, Thomas Schmidt, Vicky Coalter, Elena Chertova, Jeremy Smedley, Ashley T. Haase, Jeffrey D. Lifson, and Timothy W. Schacker
Antimicrobial resistance patterns of Campylobacter from feedlot cattle, M. D. Englen, R. J. Fedorka-Cray, S. R. Ladely, and D. A. Dargatz
A numerical testbed for remote sensing of aerosols, and its demonstration for evaluating retrieval synergy from a geostationary satellite constellation of GEO-CAPE and GOES-R, Jun Wang, Xiaoguang Xu, Shouguo Ding, Jing Zeng, Robert Spurr, Xiong Liu, Kelly Chance, and Michael I. Mishchenko
AN UNDERACHEIVING ECONOMY, Nebraska Business Forecast Council
An Uneasier Case for Copyright Than for Patent Protection of Computer Programs, A. Samuel Oddi
An Unholy Alliance: The Ex Parte Relationship Between the Judge and the Prosecutor, Roberta K. Flowers
An updated and annotated checklist of the Hedylidae and Hesperiidae (Lepidoptera) of Trinidad, West Indies, Matthew J.W. Cock
An updated and annotated checklist of the larger butterflies (Papilionoidea) of Trinidad, West Indies: Papilionidae, Pieridae and Nymphalidae, Matthew J. W. Cock
An Urban Continuing Care Retirement Community of the Twenty First Century, Michael W. Isaac
A Pedologic Study of the Moody, Nora, and Crofton Soils of the Northeast Nebraska Experiment Station, Robert L. Cunningham
A Pedologic Study of Two Crete Soil Profiles from Nebraska, Joseph M. Downs
A peridynamic formulation for transient heat conduction in bodies with evolving discontinuities, Florin Bobaru and Monchai Duangpanya
A phenomenological study of the factors leading low socioeconomic status urban students to enroll in a university, Luke D Schultheis
A Phenomenological Study of the Retirement Transition of K-12 Educational Administrators in the State of Alabama, Lee A. Hicks
A Phenomenological Study of the Retirement Transition of K-12 Educational Administrators in the State of Alabama, Lee Alan Hicks
A Pilot Study Exploring the Use of Breath Analysis to Differentiate Healthy Cattle from Cattle Experimentally Infected with Mycobacterium bovis, Christine K. Ellis, Randal S. Stahl, Pauline Nol, W. Ray Waters, Mitchell V. Palmer, Jack C. Rhyan, Kurt C. VerCauteren, Matthew McCollum, and M. D. Salman
A porcine BAC library with tenfold genome coverage: a resource for physical and genetic map integration, Scott C. Fahrenkrug, Gary A. Rohrer, Brad A. Freking, Timothy P. L. Smith, Kazutoyo Oswoegawa, Chung Li Shu, Joseph J. Catanese, and Pieter J. de Jong
A portrait of a unique alternative education high school program, Shari L Koch
A Portrait of School Leadership at Senshu University Matsudo Junior and Senior High School, Travis T. Brady
A Portrait of School Leadership at Senshu University Matsudo Junior and Senior High School, Travis Todd Brady
A Possible Breeding Record for Clark's Nutcracker, Diana F. Tomback
Apparent Chromosomal Heterosis in a Fossorial Mammal, John C. Patton, Robert J. Baker, and Hugh H. Genoways
Application of Bradford's Law of Scattering to the Literature of Library & Information Science: A Study of Doctoral Theses Citations Submitted to the Universities of Maharashtra, India, Vijay Ganesh Wardikar Viju
Application of Citation Analysis in the Development of Core Nigerian Languages Texts in Nigeria University Libraries, Ifeanyi J. Ezema and C.F. Ugwuanyi
Application of h and g indices to Quantify Scientific Productivity of Physicists at JNU, India, MANISHA SINGH and SHAILENDRA KUMAR
APPLICATION OF HIGH-INTENSITY FOCUSED ULTRASOUND TO THE STUDY OF MILD TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY, Joseph T. McCabe, Chantal Moratz, Yunbo Liu, Ellen Burton, Amy Morgan, Craig Budinich, Bennell Lowe, John Rosenberger, HuaZhen Chen, Jiong Liu, and Matthew Myers
Application of limited mixing in the Hele-Shaw geometry in fabrication of Janus hydrogels, Md Mahmudur Rahman
Application of the Personal Injury Exclusion to Awards for Sex Discrimination under Title VII: U.S. v. Burke, 112 S. Ct. 1867 (1992), William Wroblewski
Application of Ultra-High Performance Concrete to Bridge Girders, Maher K. Tadros Ph.D., P.E. and George Morcous Ph.D.
Applications of novel MRI technologies in tissue engineering and disease diagnosis, Vahid Khalilzad-Sharghi
Applications to Gay Rights and Beyond, Romer v. Evans, 116 S. Ct. 1620 (1996), Jonathan S. Bauer
Application Strategies for an Anthraquinone-Based Repellent to Protect Oilseed Sunflower Crops from Pest Blackbirds, Scott J. Werner, Shelagh K. Tupper, Susan E. Pettit, Jeremy W. Ellis, James C. Carlson, David A. Goldade, Nicholas M. Hofmann, H. Jeffrey Homan, and George M. Linz
Appropriate strategies for developing information marketing in Iranian Faculties of Agriculture, Mojtaba Sookhtanlo, Hamid Movahed Mohammadi, Ahmad Rezvanfar, and Yousef Hedjazi
A Practitioner’s Guide to General Order 95-10: Mediation Plan for the United States District Court of Nebraska, Mark R. Privratsky
A Practitioner's Primer to the Fourth Amendment, Josephine R. Potuto
A Preliminary Appraisal of the Safety and Operational Effects on the Regional Transportation System Caused by New Rail- Truck Intermodal Facilities, Thomas E. Mullinazzi Ph.D., P.E., L.S.; Steven D. Schrock Ph.D., P.E.; Eric J. Fitzsimmons Ph.D.; and Robert A. Rescot
A Preliminary Checklist, Classification, and Four New Country Records for the Elateridae (Coleoptera) of Ecuador, María P. Aguirre-Tapiero and P. J. Johnson
April 18, 2014 - ALEC Faculty Meeting Minutes
April 20, 2001 - AgLEC Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes
April 2, 2014 ALEC Advisory Council Minutes
April 4, 2014 - ALEC Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes
A probabilistic method for constructing wave time-series at inshore locations using model scenarios, J. W. Long, N. G. Plant, P. S. Dalyander, and D. M. Thompson
A professional learning community activity for science teachers: How to incorporate discourse-rich instructional strategies into science lessons, Elizabeth Lewis, Dale Baker, Nievita Bueno Watts, and Michael Lang
A Profile of Nebraska Exporters, William Scheideler
A Profile of Nebraska's Outmigrants, Charles Lamphear
A Project in Two Parts: Developing Fire Histories for the Eastern U.S. and Creating a Climate-based Continental Fire Frequency Model to Fill Data Gaps, Christina Frame
A Proposal to Amend Section 2032A to Reduce Restrictions on Cash Leasing of Farm Property, Ryan D. Downs
A Proposal to Improve Performance of the Forest Vegetation Simulator - Fire and Fuels Extension, Dave C. Cawrse, Michael G. Van Dyke, Nicolas Nicholas L. Crookston, Donald Robinson, and Sarah Beukema
A Psycholegal and Empirical Approach to the Medical Standard of Care, Richard L. Wiener
A qualitative study of responsive teaching in the primary mathematics classrooom, Mary Alice Carlson
A Qualitative Study of the Effectiveness of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Journalism Program for Preparing Students for the Workplace, Sarah Anne Carter Rosenbaum
A Quantitative Analysis of the Value-Enhancing Effects of Nicotine, Bupropion, and Varenicline in Male and Female Rats, Scott Barrett
Arabidopsis 56–Amino Acid Serine Palmitoyltransferase- Interacting Proteins Stimulate Sphingolipid Synthesis, Are Essential, and Affect Mycotoxin Sensitivity, Athen N. Kimberlin, Saurav Majumder, Gongshe Han, Ming Chen, Rebecca E. Cahoon, Julie M. Stone, Teresa M. Dunn, and Edgar B. Cahoon
A Rapid Twofold Dilution Method for Microbial Enumeration and Resuscitation of Uninjured and Sublethally Injured Bacteria, D. H. Kang and G. R. Siragusa
A rapid twofold dilution method for microbial enumeration and resuscitation of uninjured and sublethally injured bacteria, D H. Kang and G R. Siragusa
Arbitrability in Nebraska, John M. Gradwohl
Arbitrariness and Discrimination in the Administration of the Death Penalty: A Legal and Empirical Analysis of the Nebraska Experience (1973–1999), David C. Baldus, George Woodworth, Catherine M. Grosso, and Aaron M. Christ
ArcFuels: Integrating Wildfi re Models and Risk Analysis into Landscape Fuels Management, Lisa-Natalie Anjozian
Archival of eastern U.S. fire scar history data, Michael C. Stambaugh, Joseph M. Marschall, and Richard P. Guyette
Archiving Data for the National Fire and Fire Surrogate study (FFS), James Mclver
Archiving of data on occurrence of breeding birds associated with fire treatments and controls, Erica Fleishman, Jeanne C. Chambers, and David S. Dobkin
Are Barn Owls A Biological Control for Gophers? Evaluating Effectiveness in Vineyards and Orchards, Thomas Moore, Dirk Van Vuren, and Chuck Ingels
Are Developing Countries Finally Developing?, E. Wesley F. Peterson
Are droughts becoming more frequent or severe in China based on the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index: 1951–2010?, Meixiu Yu, Qiongfang Li, Michael Hayes, Mark Svoboda, and Richard R. Heim Jr.
A Reduced Bias Method of Estimating Variance Components in Generalized Linear Mixed Models, Elizabeth A. Claassen
A reduced bias method of estimating variance components in generalized linear mixed models, Elizabeth A Claassen
A Reexamination of the Nature of Male Parental Investment, Nathan R. Sell
A regional assessment of the ecological effects of chipping and mastication fuels reduction and forest restoration treatments., Mike Battaglia, Charles Rhoades, Monique E. Rocca, and Michael G. Ryan
A REGIONAL EXPERIMENT TO EVALUATE EFFECTS OF FIRE AND FIRE SURROGATE TREATMENTS IN THE SAGEBRUSH BIOME, James Mclver, Dave Pyke, Hugh Barrett, Mark Brunson, Steve Bunting, Jeanne Chambers, Carla D'Antonio, Paul Doescher, Dale Johnson, Sherm Karl, Steve Knick, Rick Miller, Mike Pellant, Fred Pierson, Kim Rollins, Bruce Roundy, Gene Schupp, Robin Tausch, David Turner, and Mike Wisdom
A Regional Investigation of In-season Nitrogen Requirement for Maize Using Model and Sensor-based Recommendation Approaches, Laura J. Stevens
Are there superspin glasses?, Ralph Skomski
A Retrospective Examination of Paleoparasitology and its Establishment in the Journal of Parasitology, Charles T. Faulkner and Karl Reinhard
A review of New World Laemophloeus Dejean (Coleoptera: Laemophloeidae): 2. Neotropical species with antennal club of three antennomeres, Michael C. Thomas
A Review of the Development of Nebraska Teachers' Continuing Contract Law, Mark D. McGuire
A review of the small carrion beetles and the round fungus beetles of the West Indies (Coleoptera: Leiodidae), with descriptions of two new genera and 61 new species., Stewart B. Peck and Joyce Cook
A review of water use in the U.S. electric power sector: insights from systems-level perspectives, Rebecca S. Dodder
A REVIEW ON LITERATURES OF ZAKAT BETWEEN 2003-2013, Fuadah Johari, Muhammad Ridhwan Ab. Aziz, and Ahmad Fahme Mohd Ali
A Revised Measurement Methodology for Conifer Needles Spectral Optical Properties: Evaluating the Influence of Gaps between Elements, Mark A. Mesarch, Elizabeth Walter-Shea, Gregory P. Asner, Elizabeth Middleton, and Stephen Chan
A revision of the genus Acentroptera Guérin-Méneville, 1844 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae), C. L. Staines
A revision of the genus Purenleon Stange (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae: Nemoleontini), Robert B. Miller and Lionel A. Stange
Are Wildlife-Caused Losses Of Agriculture Increasing?, Alice P. Wywialowski
Arising applications of ferroelectric materials in photovoltaic devices, Yongbo Yuan, Zhengguo Xiao, Bin Yang, and Jinsong Huang
Arizona School Finance: A Primer on Strategy and Enforcement, Timothy M. Hogan
Arnie, Seve, and a Fleck of Golf History, Bill Fields
ARS Assists in Fight Against Kudzu Bug, Jan Suszkiw and Walker Jones
Articulatory Distinctiveness of Vowels and Consonants: A Data-Driven Approach, Jun Wang, Jordan R. Green, Ashok Samal, and Yana Yunusova
Artificial diets used in mass production of the New World screwworm, Cochliomyia hominivorax, S. R. Skoda, H. Chen, M. F. Chaudhurry, A. Sagel, and P. L. Phillips
A Scientometric Analysis of Global Forensic Science Research Publications, John Jeyasekar Jesubright and Saravanan P Dr.
A Second Black-Shouldered Kite in Nebraska, with Notes on Its Food Habits, Gary Lingle and Kari L. Lingle
A second-generation linkage map of the sheep genome, Maurico J. deGortari, Brad A. Freking, Rachel P. Cuthbertson, Steven M. Kappes, John W. Keele, Roger T. Stone, Kreg A. Leymaster, Ken G. Dodds, Allan M. Crawford, and Craig W. Beattie
A Self-Adaptive Framework for Failure Avoidance in Configurable Software, Jacob Swanson
"A Short Burst of Inconsequential Information": Networked Rhetorics, Avian Consciousness, and Bioegalitarianism, Damien S. Pfister
A Simple Method for Estimation of Queue Length, S. P. Anusha, Lelitha Devi Vanajakshi, and Anuj Sharma
A Simple Model to Predict Scalar Dispersion within a Successively Thinned Loblolly Pine Canopy, Steven L. Edburg, Gene Allwine, Brian Lamb, David Stock, Harold Thistle, Holly Peterson, and Brian Strom
A simulation-based approach for evaluating and comparing the environmental footprints of beef production systems, C. A. Rotz, B. J. Isenberg, K. R. Stackhouse-Lawson, and E. J. Pollak
Ask Me about ISO N: The Risks and Rewards of Teaching an Interdisciplinary Honors Course on a Scientific Event Unfolding in Real Time, William L. Vanderburg and Martin Ratcliffe
A SOIL WATER CLIMATOLOGY FOR KANSAS, Michael J. Keables and Shitij Mehta
A spatial risk assessment of bighorn sheep extirpation bygrazing domestic sheep on public lands, Tim E. Carpenter, Victor L. Coggins, Clinton McCarthy, Chans S. O'Brien, Joshua M. O'Brien, and Timothy J. Schommer
Assessing fuels treatments in southern California National Forests in the context of climate change, Timothy J. Brown, Crystal A. Kolden, and John T. Abatzoglou
Assessing Fuel Treatment Effectiveness After the Tripod Complex Fires, Shari Anstedt
Assessing genetic diversity in the web blight pathogen Thanatephorus cucumeris (anamorph = Rhizoctonia solani) subgroups AG-1-IE and AG-1-IF with molecular markers, N. González, James R. Steadman, Robert Higgins, and Kent Eskridge
Assessing genetic gain, inbreeding, and bias attributable to different flock genetic means in alternative sheep sire referencing schemes, L. A. Kuehn, D. R. Notter, and R. M. Lewis
Assessing Information Literacy Competency of Arts Faculty Students at the University of Dhaka, Md. Maidul Islam and Md. Anisur Rahman
Assessing Institutional Ability to Support Adaptive, Integrated Water Resources Management, Christina M. Hoffman and Sandra Zellmer
Assessing Integrative Learning in the College of Business Administration, Jifeng Yu
Assessing Landscape Constraints on Species Abundance: Does the Neighborhood Limit Species Response to Local Habitat Conservation Programs?, Christopher F. Jorgensen, Larkin A. Powell, Jeffrey J. Lusk, Andrew A. Bishop, and Joseph J. Fontaine
Assessing Layer Parallel Shortening in the Eastern Colorado Front Range Using Thin Section Analysis and Analog Sandbox Models, Nicole Pierson
Assessing Mechanical Mastication and Thinning-Piling-Burning Treatments on the Pinyon-Juniper Woodlands of Southwestern Colorado, Shari Anstedt
ASSESSING MIGRATION OF RUBY-THROATED HUMMINGBIRDS (ARCHILOCHUS COLUBRIS) AT BROAD SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL SCALES Evaluación de la Migración de Archilochus colubris a Escalas Amplias de Tiempo y Espacio, Jason Courter, Ron Johnson, William Bridges, and Kenneth Hubbard
Assessing Post-fire Treatment Effects and Burn Severity on the Sandy Loam Soils of Oregon, Shari Anstedt
Assessing reproductive and endocrine parameters in male largescale suckers (Catostomus macrocheilus) along a contaminant gradient in the lower Columbia River, USA, J.A. Jenkins, H.M. Olivier, R.O. Draugelis-Dale, B.E. Eilts, L. Torres, R. Patiño, E. Nilsen, and S.L. Goodbred
Assessing Risk of Disease Transmission: Direct Implications for an Indirect Science, Michael Lavelle, Justin Fischer, Gregory Phillips, Tyler Campbell, Kurt Vercauteren, Aaron Hildreth, David Hewiltt, and Scott Hygnstrom
Assessing Student Learning in the English Major Capstone, Melissa Homestead
Assessing the Compatibility of Fuel Treatments, Wildfire Risk, and Conservation of Northern Spotted Owl Habitats and Populations in the Eastern Cascades: A Multi-scale Analysis., Martin G. Raphael, Paul Hessburg, Rebecca Kennedy, John Lehmkuhl, Bruce G. Marcot, Robert Scheller, Peter Singleton, and Thomas Spies
Assessing the Damage Potential in Pretensioned Bridges Caused by Increased Truck Loads Due to Freight Moments (Phase II), Robert J. Peterman Ph.D., P.E. and Steven F. Hammerschmidt M.S.C.E.
Assessing the Damage Potential in Pretensioned Bridges, Caused by Increased Truck Loads Due to Freight Movements (Phase I), Robert J. Peterman and Steven Hammerschmidt
Assessing the Emotional Intelligence Profile of Public Librarians in Malaysia: Descriptive Analysis, MAD KHIR JOHARI ABDULLAH SANI (PhD), Mohamad Noorman Masrek (PhD), Noor Zaidi Sahid, and Fuziah Mohd Nadzar (Assoc. Prof.)
Assessing the Mechanisms of Misreporting to Filter Questions in Surveys, Stephanie Eckman, Frauke Kreuter, Antje Kirchner, Annette Jäckle, Roger Tourangeau, and Stanley Presser
Assessing the Risk of Crash for Trucks on Onset Yellow, Anuj Sharma Ph.D. and Nathaniel P. Burnett
Assessing the Structural, Driver and Economic Impacts of Traffic Pole Mounted Wind Power Generator and Solar Panel Hybrid System, Anuj Sharma Ph.D., Justice Appiah Ph.D., and Scott K. Rosenbaugh
Assessing Within-Household Selection Methods in Household Mail Surveys, Kristen Olson, Mathew Stange, and Jolene D. Smyth
Assessment of Access and Use of School Library Information Resources by Secondary Schools Students in Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania., ronald benard and Frankwell Dulle
Assessment of Canopy Fuel Loading Across a Heterogeneous Landscape Using LiDAR, Kenneth L. Clark, Nicholas Skowronski, Michael Gallagher, Nicholas Carlo, Michael Farrell, and Melanie R. Maghirang
Assessment of Conceptual Nonstructural Alternative Levee Setbacks along the Missouri River (Lower L-575 / Upper L-550 and Lower L-550), John I. Remus
Assessment of information needs of rice farmers in Tanzania; A case study of Kilombero District, Morogoro, ronald benard, Frankwell Dulle, and Honesta Ngalapa
Assessment of paper interstate certificates of veterinary inspection used to support disease tracing in cattle, Katie Portacci, Ryan Miller, Philip D. Riggs, Michael G. Buhnerkempe, and Lauren M. Abrahamsen
Assessment Of The Use Of Electronic Resources Among Administrators And Faculty In The University Of Cape Coast., Paulina Nana Yaa Kwafoa, Osman Imoro, and Paulina Afful-Arthur
Assessments of Student-Teacher Relationships in Residential Treatment Center Schools, Kathleen Moritz Rudasill, Amy B. Gonshak, Patrick Pössel, Andrew Nichols, and Natalie Stipanovic
Association between antibodies to multiple infectious and food antigens and new onset schizophrenia among US military personnel, Yuanzhang Li, Natalya S. Weber, Jared A. Fisher, Robert H. Yolken, David N. Cowan, Rakel A. Larsen, and David W. Niebuhr
Association of a Bovine Prion Gene Haplotype with Atypical BSE, Michael L. Clawson, Juergen A. Richt, Thierry Baron, Anne-Gaëlle Biacabe, Stefanie Czub, Michael P. Heaton, Timothy P. L. Smith, and William W. Laegreid
Association of Escherichia coli O157:H7 tir polymorphisms with human infection, James L. Bono, James E. Keen, Michael L. Clawson, Lisa M. Durso, Michael P. Heaton, and William W. Laegreid
Associations between prenatal exposure to air pollution, small for gestation alage,and term low birthweight in a state-widebirth cohort, Lisa C. Vinikoor-Imler, J. Allen Davis, Robert E. Meyer, Lynne C. Messer, and Thomas J. Luben
A Statewide Survey of Censorship and Intellectual Freedom, Kathleen M. Monks, Anne M. Gaines, and Caitlin A. Marineau
As though the ground were a long way down, Jill M Johnson
A Stress Process Model of Arrest among Homeless Women: Exploring Risk and Protective Factors, Kari C. Gentzler
A stress process model of arrest among homeless women: Exploring risk and protective factors, Kari C Gentzler
A Strong Economy Dominates the Farm Crisis, Charles Lamphear
A Study of Certain Practices in the Production and Improvement of Intermediate Wheatgrass (Agropyron intermedium (Host) Beauv), Ismet Baysal
A Study of Clipping Methods for Evaluating Pasture Grasses, Dale D. Wolf
A Study of Factors Affecting the Growth of Embryos Resulting from Interspecific Hybridization with the Genus Melilotus, Russell C. Lang
A Study of Factors Affecting the Plant Availability of Zinc, Iron, and Manganese in Several Nebraska Soils, Robert G. Hoeft
A Study of IT Infrastructure in Pakistani University Libraries, Muhammad Sajid Mirza and Khalid Mahmood
A Study of Morphologic Characteristics Associated with Yield of Grain in Semi-Dwarf and Tall-Growing Varieties of Winter Wheat, Werqu Mekasha
A Study of Nongeographic Variation in Tatera leucogaster (Mammalia: Rodentia) from Botswana, Pierre Swanepoel, Duane A. Schlitter, and Hugh H. Genoways
A Study of Selected Characteristics of Households and Household Heads and their Relationships with Financing Homeownership, Susan Long Gearhart
A Study of the Associations of Quantitative Characters with Variegated Pericarp in Maize, Norman Dale Williams
A Study of the Cytological Observations on Thirteen Different Monosmic F1 Hybrids from Crosses between Two Wheat Varieties, Mutsuo Sasaki
A Study of the Effects of High Rates of Three Herbicidal Formulations Applied to the Soil on Subsequent Crop Development, Henry R. Keyser
A Study of the Influence of Manganese Sulfate, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Applications on the Yield of Oats in the Matanuska Valley, Alaska, Neil E. Michaelson
A Study of the U.S. Extension for Improving Extension in Uganda, A. B. Wandera
A Study on Resource Efficient Digital Multimedia Security Measures in Mobile Devices, Prabhat Dahal
A study on the synthesis of iron pyrite thin films for use as a photovoltaic absorber, Amitabha Sarkar
A sub-pixel-based calculation of fire radiative power from MODIS observations: 1 Algorithm development and initial assessment, David Peterson, Jun Wang, Charles Ichoku, Vincent Ambrosia, and Edward Hyer
A summary of the milliped faunas of Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Kashmir (Arthropoda: Diplopoda), Rowland M. Shelley
A Survey of Knowledge Sharing Among the Faculty Members of Iranian Library and Information Science (LIS) Departments, Soraya Ziaei
A Survey Of Rabbit Damage And Control Measures Used In The East And Northeast Of Scotland, Robert M.E. Fuchs and Gillian J. Neill
Asymmetric interactions between spin-polarized electrons and chiral molecules, Joan Marie Dreiling
A synthesis of live fuel moisture and wildland fire and development of a national historical live fuel moisture database, William M. Jolly Dr.
A Synthesis of Post-Fire Road Treatments for BAER Teams: Methods, Treatment Effectiveness, and Decisionmaking Tools for Rehabilitation, Randy B. Foltz, Peter R. Robiohaud, and Hakjun Rhee
A Synthesis of Post-Fire Road Treatments for BAER Teams: Methods, Treatment Effectiveness, and Decisionmaking Tools for Rehabilitation, Randy B. Foltz, Peter R. Robiochaud, and Hakjun Rhee
A Systematic Review of the Olive-Backed Pocket Mouse, Perognathus fasciatus (Rodentia, Heteromyidae), Daniel F. Williams and Hugh H. Genoways
A systems perspective on responses to climate change, Wesley W. Ingwesen, Ahjond S. Garmestani, Michael A. Gonzalez, and Joshua J. Templeton
A Tale of Teakettle: Fire is Key to Restoring Forests, Rachel Clark
A tallgrass prairie forb in a landscape shaped by patch burn grazing, Stephen L. Winter
A Teaching Model for Concept Learning and Changes in Critical Thinking, S. C. Hoffman Ph.D. and Marilyn Grady
A Techniques Manual And Video For The Management Of Problem Urban Canada Geese, Arthur E. Smith, Scott R. Craven, and Paul D. Curtis
A ten-year bibliometric analysis of the journal Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology (2003 – 2012), Saravanan G Mr., saravanan g Mr., and Dominic J Dr.
A Test Both Lawyers and Scientists Can Live With: The Rigorous Five-Prong Test for the Admission of DNA Profiling Evidence Adopted in United States v. Matthew Sylvester Two Bulls, 918 F.2d 56 (8th Cir. 1990), Sarah Brashears-Macatee
ATF3 Expression in the Corpus Luteum: Possible Role in Luteal Regression, Dagan Mao, Xiaoying Hou, Heather Talbott, Robert A. Cushman, Andrea Cupp, and John S. Davis
A Theoretical Analysis of Professional Partnership Goodwill, Larry E. Ribstein
A third species of the endemic Floridian milliped genus Floridobolus Causey, 1957 (Spirobolida: Spirobolidae: Floridobolinae), Rowland Shelley, Gary J. Phillips, and Ernest C. Bernard
Atmospheric Fire Risk (Haines Index) in a Changed Climate, Julie Winkler and Brian Potter
A Toolkit for Assessing Fire Hazards, Elise LeQuire
A Totem Pole History, Pauline Hillaire
A Traditional Educational Practice Adapted for the Digital Age, Elizabeth Nix, Brian Etheridge, and Paul Walsh
A Traditional Educational Practice Adapted for the Digital Age, Elizabeth Nix, Brian Etheridge, and Paul Walsh
Attitude of Students Towards E-learning in South-West Nigerian Universities: An Application of Technology Acceptance Model, Egbe Adewole-Odeshi
Attitudes, William A. Cunningham, Ingrid J. Haas, and Andrew Jahn
Attitudes Toward Corporate Responsibility: A Psycholegal Perspective, Valerie P. Hans
Attorneys Beware: Unprecedented Law Changing in Nebraska. Summary Judgment, Affirmative Defenses and City State Bank v. Holstine, 260 Neb. 578, 618 N.W.2d 704 (2000), Karin Elizabeth Iossi Anderson
At-Will Fiduciaries? The Anomalies of a “Duty of Loyalty” in the Twenty-First Century, Marian K. Riedy and Kim Hoyt Sperduto
A Twin-Cysteine Motif in the V2 Region of gp120 Is Associated with SIV Envelope Trimer Stabilization, Christopher Bohl, Dane Bowder, Jesse Thompson, Levon Abrahamyan, Sandra Gonzalez-Ramirez, Youdong Mao, Joseph Sodroski, Charles Wood, and Shi-Hua Xiang
August 20, 2010 - ALEC Faculty Meeting Minutes
Authentication of Various Measurements for Determining the Nitrogen Status of Nebraska Soils, Arlan D. Woltemath
Authorship Patterns and Collaborative Research in Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science, 1996 - 2012, Kotti Thavamani Mani
Authorship patterns and degree of collaboration of Sri Lankan scientific publications in Social sciences and Humanities – a picture from SCOPUS, Subramanian Navaneethakrishnan
Automated bead-trapping apparatus and control system for single-molecule DNA sequencing, Gregory Bashford, Don Lamb, Dan Grone, Bob Eckles, Kevin Kornelsen, Lyle Middendorf, and John Williams
Automated Erosion System to Protect Highway Bridge Crossings at Abutments, Thanos Papanicolaou Ph.D., Christopher Wilson Ph.D., and Mohamed Elkakeem Ph.D.
Autonomous Aerial Water Sampling, John-Paul W. Ore
Autopoint 1976 catalog, Autopoint, Inc. and Robert L. Bolin Depositor
Autopoint 1982, Autopoint Janesville and Robert L. Bolin Depositor
Autopoint Business Aids catalog 1966, Autopoint, a division of the Cory Corporation and Robert L. Bolin Depositor
Autopoint Imprinted Chart Availability Catalog [c.1981], Autopoint Inc. and Robert L. Bolin Depositor
Autopoint Pencils 1981, Autopoint Inc. and Robert L. Bolin depositor
availability and use of indigenous knowledge amongst rural women in Nigeria, Margaret Uyouyou Ugboma Dr.
Availability of Fritted Zinc and Iron Carriers Incorporated into Fertilizer Granules, Saleh M. Saleh
Availability of Phosphorus in Mixed Fertilizers Marketed in Nebraska, Paul D. Evenson
A vesicle cell under collision with a Janus or homogeneous nanoparticle: translocation dynamics and late-stage morphology, Noriyoshi Arai, Kenji Yasuoka, and Xiao Cheng Zeng
Avian Foods, Foraging and Habitat Conservation in World Rice Fields, Richard M. Kaminski, Kenneth J. Reinecke, and Joshua D. Stafford
Avian Paramyxovirus Serotype 1 (Newcastle Disease Virus), Avian Influenza Virus, and Salmonella spp. in Mute Swans (Cygnus olor) in the Great Lakes Region and Atlantic Coast of the United States, Kerri Pedersen, David R. Marks, Dustin M. Arsnoe, Claudio L. Afonso, Sarah N. Bevins, Patti J. Miller, Adam R. Randall, and Thomas J. DeLiberto
Avian response to timber harvesting applied experimentally to manage Cerulean Warbler breeding populations, James Sheehan, Petra Bohall Wood, David A. Buehler, Patrick D. Keyser, Jeffrey L. Larkin, Amanda D. Rodewald, T. Bently Wigley, Than J. Boves, Gregory A. George, Marja H. Bakermans, Tiffany A. Beachy, Andrea Evans, Molly E. McDermott, Felicity L. Newell, Kelly A. Perkins, and Matthew White
Avian Survey Methods for Use on Airports, Bradley F. Blackwelll, Paige M. Schmidt, and James A. Martin
A View from Outside: Some Reflections of an NCHC-Recommended Site Visitor, ROBERT SPURRIER
A View from Outside: Some Reflections of an NCHC-Recommended Site Visitor, Robert Spurrier
Avoiding Regulatory Mismatch in the Workplace: An Informational Approach to Workplace Safety Regulation, Thomas A. Lambert
Avoiding the Bust After the Boom, Eric Macke
A Way to Reestablish Our Nations Power, Spencer Petersen
A Whole-Cell Biosensor for the Detection of Gold, Carla M. Zammit, Davide Quaranta, Shane Gibson, Anita J. Zaitouna, Christine Ta, Joel Brugger, Rebecca Y. Lai, Gregor Grass, and Frank Reith
A Winter Roadside Survey of Hawks in Eastern Nemaha County, Nebraska, Steve Shupe and Robert Collins
A Wipe of the Hands, A Lick of the Lips: The Validity of Demeanor Evidence in Assessing Witness Credibility, Jeremy A. Blumenthal, J.D., Ph.D.
Back Matter Agricultural Research Magazine 60(4): April 2012
Back matter Agricultural Research Magazine May-June 2012
Back to Bakke: Defining the Strict Scrutiny Test for Affirmative Action Policies Aimed at Achieving Diversity in the Classroom, Leslie Y. Garfield
Back to the Drawing Board: Equal Protection Clashes with the Voting Rights Act in Shaw v. Reno, 113 S. Ct. 2816 (1993), Jennifer L. Gilg
Badger, Taxidea taxus, Hugh H. Genoways
Bald Eagle Count by Big Bend Audubon Chapter--Kearney, NE, George W. Brown
Bald Eagle Counts from Two Viewing Facilities, 1994-95 Season, Mark M. Peyton and Rodger Knaggs
Bangladesh: An Overview of Open Access (OA) Initiatives, Md. Nazim Uddin, Tracey Lynn Pérez Koehlmoos, and Shaikh A Shahed Hossain
Banking and Insurance—Should Ever the Twain Meet?, Emeric Fischer
Barcoding Insects to Control Them, Dennis O’Brien
Bark Beetles and Fire: Two Forces of Nature Transforming Western Forests, Gail Wells
Bark beetles, fuels and future fire hazard in contrasting conifer forests of Greater Yellowstone, Monica G. Turner, William H. Romme, Philip A. Townsend, Roy A. Renkin, Daniel C. Donato, Martin Simard, Brian J. Harvey, and Jacob M. Griffin
Barn Owl Nest Boxes Offer No Solution To Pocket Gopher Damage, Rex E. Marsh
Barrier to autointegration factor (BAF) inhibits vaccinia virus intermediate transcription in the absence of the viral B1 kinase, Nouhou Ibrahim, April Wicklund, Augusta Jamin, and Matthew S. Wiebe
Barrier to Autointegration Factor Becomes Dephosphorylated during HSV-1 Infection and Can Act as a Host Defense by Impairing Viral DNA Replication and Gene Expression, Augusta Jamin, Prasanth Thunuguntla, April Wicklund, Clinton Jones, and Matthew S. Wiebe
Baseline for beached marine debris on Sand Island, Midway Atoll, C.A. Ribic, Seba B. Sheavly, and John Klavitter
Bats Are Beautiful, Hugh H. Genoways and Robert J. Baker
Bats from Southern Haiti, David Klingener, Hugh H. Genoways, and Robert J. Baker
Bats of Guadeloupe, Robert J. Baker, Hugh H. Genoways, and John C. Patton
Bats of Jalisco, México, Larry C. Watkins, J. Knox Jones Jr., and Hugh H. Genoways
Bats of Margarita Island, Venezuela, with Zoogeographic Comments, James Dale Smith and Hugh H. Genoways
“Beam Me Up, There’s No Intelligent Life Here”: A Dialogue on the Eleventh Amendment with Lawyers from Mars, William Burnham
Be a Part of the Plan - Engaging People - Linking the World, Charlotte Narjes
Beef cattle body temperature during climatic stress: a genome-wide association study, Jeremy T. Howard, Stephen D. Kachman, Warren M. Snelling, E. John Pollak, Daniel C. Ciobanu, Larry A. Kuehn, and Matthew L. Spangler
Beef Cattle Salmonellosis: A Study of Oral Salmonella typhimurium and Topical Salmonella newport Inoculations, Ed K. Daniels, Neal E. Woollen, James S. Dickson, and E. Travis Littledike
Beef Species Symposium: An assessment of the 1996 Beef NRC: Metabolizable protein supply and demand and effectiveness of model performance prediction of beef females within extensive grazing systems, R.C. Waterman, J. S. Caton, C. A. Loest, M. K. Petersen, and A. J. Roberts
Beef Species Symposium: Potential limitations of NRC in predicting energetic requirements of beef females within western U.S. grazing systems, M. K. Petersen, C. J. Mueller, J. T. Mulliniks, A. J. Roberts, T. DelCurto, and R. C. Waterman
BEEF SYSTEM METHODS IMPACT BACKGROUNDING AND FINISHING NET RETURN, D. G. Landblom, K. C. Olson, P. Johnson, R. Gates, M. K. Beutler, M. Hubert, S. W. Fausti, G. A. Perry, R. R. Salverson, I. Rush, S. Furman, and J. Vasconcelos
Beef Trade: A Decade of Perspective, Gregg Doud
Beetles and Severe Fire: Who’s on First? A Century of Disturbance in Colorado’s Subalpine Forests, Marjie Brown
Beet poleroviruses: close friends or distant relatives?, Mark Stevens, Benjamin Freeman, Hsing-Yeh Liu, Ethienne Herrbach, and Olivier Lemaire
Beginning Farmer Numbers Grow in Nebraska, Dave Goeller
BehavePlus and FlamMap Technology Transfer, Patricia Andrews and Mark Finney
Behavioral evaluation of eight rat lines selected for high and low anxiety-related responses, Vitor de Castro Gomes, Waseem Hassan, Silvia Maisonnnette, Luke R. Johnson, Andre Ramos, and J. Landeira-Fernandez
Behaviorism's Impact on Advertising: Then and Now, Abigail Bartholomew
Behavior Modification: Tempering Fire at the Landscape Level, Lisa-Natalie Anjozian
Behavior of fiber reinforced mortar joints in masonry walls subjected to in-plane shear and out-of-plane bending, Catherine K Armwood
Being a Lawyer for a Child Too Young to Be a Client: A Clinical Study, Stephen Wizner and Miriam Berkman
Below gap optical absorption in GaAs driven by intense, single-cycle coherent transition radiation, J. Goodfellow, Matthias Fuchs, D. Daranciang, S. Ghimire, F. Chen, H. Loos, D. A. Reis, A. S. Fisher, and A. M. Lindenberg
Below gap optical absorption in GaAs driven by intense, single-cycle coherent transition radiation, J. Goodfellow, M. Fuchs, D. Daranciang, S. Ghimire, F. Chen, H. Loos, D. A. Reis, A. S. Fisher, and A. M. Lindenberg
Bending, Like the Reed in the Wind: A System to Restore Northwestern Forests, Lisa-Natalie Anjozian
Benefits of Rhodamine B in Monitoring Mammal Populations, Taylor Fraychak
Benefits to Rare Plants and Highway Safety from Annual Population Reductions of a “Native Invader,” White-Tailed Deer, in a Chicago-Area Woodland, Richard Engeman, Travis Guerrant, Glen Dunn, Scott F. Beckerman, and Chris Anchor
Best Practices for Social Media and Journalism, Sue Burzynski Bullard
Beta-2-microglobulin haplotypes in U.S. beef cattle and association with failure of passive transfer in newborn calves, Michael L. Clawson, Michael P. Heaton, Carol G. Chitko-McKown, James M. Fox, Timothy P. L. Smith, Warren M. Snelling, John W. Keele, and William W. Laegreid
Beta‐Thymosin Gene Polymorphism Associated With Freshwater Invasiveness of Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus), Katarzyna Michalak, Serguisz Czesny, John Epifanio, Randal Snyder, Eric Schultz, Jonathan Velotta, Stephen McCormick, Bonnie Brown, Graciela Santopietro, and Pawel Michalak
Beyond Surveillance: Towards the Management of Feral Swine Diseases, Michael J. Bodenchuk, Brian Mesenbrink, and Bruce Leland
Beyond Vox Pop: The Role of News Sourcing and Political Beliefs in Exemplification Effects, Brandon Bosch
Bibliometric Analysis Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research, siva subramanian manian
Bibliometric Portrait of SRELS Journal of Information Management for the Period 2004-2013, Ghouse Modin N. Mamdapur Mr., Iqbalahmad U. Rajgoli Dr., Santosh M. Chavan Mr., and Kiran S. Khamitkar Mr.
Big Changes in the Great Basin, Gail Wells
Binding Early Offers as a Simple, if Second-Best, Alternative to Tort Law, Jeffrey O'Connell and Geoffrey Paul Eaton
Biochemical acclimation, stomatal limitation and precipitationpatterns underlie decreases in photosynthetic stimulation of soybean(Glycine max) at elevated [CO2] and temperatures under fully open airfield conditions, David M. Rosenthala, Ursula M. Ruiz-Vera, Matthew H. Siebers, Sharon B. Gray, Carl J. Bernacchi, and Donald R. Ort
Biochemical, Phenological and Physiological Studies of Bud Dormancy in Tanweed (Polygonum coccineum Muhl.), William George Lipke
Biodemography of a long-lived tephritid: Reproduction and longevity in a large cohort of female Mexican fruit flies, Anastrepha ludens, James R. Carey, Pablo Liedo, Hans-Georg Müller, Jane-Ling Wang, Damla Senturke, and Lawrence Harshman
Biofortified cassava increases β-carotene and vitamin A concentrations in the TAG-rich plasma layer of American women, Michael R. La Frano, Leslie R. Woodhouse, Dustin J. Burnett, and Betty J. Burri
Biofuel Policy and Drought Impacts on the U.S. Grain and Livestock Markets, Sunil P. Dhoubhadel, Azzeddine Azzam, and Matthew C. Stockton
Biofuels from crop residue can reduce soil carbon and increase CO2 emissions, Adam J. Liska, Haishun Yang, Maribeth Milner, Steve Goddard, Humberto Blanco-Canqui, Matthew P. Pelton, Xiao X. Fang, Haitao Zhu, and Andrew E. Suyker
Biointeraction Analysis of Carbamazepine Binding To Alpha 1-Acid Glycoprotein by High-Performance Affinitychromatography, Hai Xuan, K. S. Joseph, Chunling Wa, and David S. Hage
Biointeraction Analysis of Immobilized Antibodies and Related Agents by High-Performance Immunoaffinity Chromatography, Erika L. Pfaunmiller, Annette C Moser, and David S. Hage
Biological Soil Crusts: A Crucial Component of Arid Ecosystems, Elise LeQuire
Biology and Impacts of Pacific Island Invasive Species. 11. Rattus rattus, the Black Rat (Rodentia: Muridae), Aaron B. Shiels, William C. Pitt, Robert T. Sugihara, and Gary W. Witmer
Biology of a new virus isolated from Lupinus nootkatensis plants in Alaska, N. L. Robertson
Biomass Burning Observations, Modeling, and Data Assimilation, Edward Hyer, Jun Wang, and Avelino Arellano
Biomass round bales infield aggregation logistics scenarios, Cannayen Igathinathane, David Archer, C. Gustafson, Marty Schmer, John Hendrickson, Scott Kronberg, Deepak R. Keshwani, Leslie Backer, Kenneth Hellevang, and Timothy Faller
Biopesticide Use In IPM For Low Desert Vegetable And Fruit Production, Jeremy Wagnitz
Biopesticide use in IPM for low desert vegetable and fruit production, Jeremy John Wagnitz
Biosorption of Heavy Metals onto the Surface of Bacteriophage T4, Zheng Huan Tan
Biosynthetic Mechanism for Sunscreens of the Biocontrol Agent Lysobacter enzymogenes, Yan Wang, Guoliang Qian, Yaoyao Li, Yansheng Wang, Yulan Wang, Stephen Wright, Yuezhong Li, Yuemao Shen, Fengquan Liu, and Liangcheng Du
Biota Survey for Devils Lake, ND Conducted July 25-30, 2005, Bryan Arroy
BIRD FORAGING AND ITS ECONOMIC EFFECT IN THE PADDY FIELDS OF BANGALORE (INDIA), Shakunthala Sridhara, M.V.V. Subramanyam, and R. V. Krishnamoorthy
Bird response to fire severity and repeated burning in upland hardwood forest, Cathryn H. Greenberg, Thomas A. Waldrop, Joseph Tomcho, Ross J. Phillips, and Dean Simon
Bird Use of Solar Arrays at Airports, Travis L. DeVault, Thomas W. Seamans, Jason A. Schmidt, Bradley F. Blackwelll, Laura A. Tyson, Jerrold L. Belant, Nicole Mooers, and Lolita Van Pelt
Bird Use of Solar Photovoltaic Installations at US Airports: Implications for Aviation Safety, Travis L. DeVault, Thomas W. Seamans, Jason A. Schmidt, Jerrold L. Belant, Bradley F. Blackwell, Nicole Mooers, Laura A. Tyson, and Lolita VanPelt
Birth Cohort Changes in the Association Between College Education and Religious Non-Affiliation, Philip Schwadel
Blackbird Population Management to Protect Sunflower: A History, George M. Linz
Blackbrush Shrublands: Fire Conditions and Solutions in the Mojave Desert, Lisa-Natalie Anjozian
Black Mayors, White Majorities, Ravi K. Perry
Black Print with a White Carnation, Amy Helene Forss
Black Radicals and Marxist Internationalism: From the IWMA to the Fourth International, 1864-1948, Charles R. Holm
Blind modal identification of structures from spatially sparse seismic, S. F. Ghahari, F. Abazarsa, M. A. Ghannad, M. Celebi, and E. Taciroglu
Blocking and guiding adult sea lamprey with pulsed direct currentfrom vertical electrodes, Nicholas Johnson, Henry Thompson, Christopher Holbrook, and John Tix
Blogs and Social Networks in Libraries: Complementary or Antagonistic Tools?, Juliana Mazzocchi
BLOOD SAMPLING REDUCES ANNUAL SURVIVAL IN CLIFF SWALLOWS (PETROCHELIDON PYRRHONOTA) -- La Toma de Muestras de Sangre Reduce la Supervivencia Anual en Petrochelidon pyrrhonota, Charles R. Brown and Mary Bomberger Brown
Book Review: Aboriginal Oral Traditions: Theory, Practice, Ethics Edited by Renée Hulan and Renate Eigenbrod, Maureen Simpkins
Book Review: Alphabet to Internet: Media in Our Lives, Sue Burzynski Bullard
Book Review: American Indian and the Law By N. Bruce Duthu, David E. Wilkins
Book Review: American Indians and State Law: Sovereignty, Race, and Citizenship, 1790-1880 By Deborah A. Rosen, Kathryn E. Fort
Book Review: Ancient Nomads, Daniel J. Wescott
Book Review: Archaeological Landscapes on the High Plains Edited by Laura L. Scheiber and Bonnie J. Clark, Marcel Kornfeld
Book Review: Colorado Water Law for Non-Lawyers By P. Andrew Jones and Tom Cech, Glenn Patterson
Book Review: Comanche Ethnography: Field Notes of E. Adamson Hoebel, Waldo R. Wedel, Gustav G. Carlson, and Robert H. Lowie Compiled and edited by Thomas W. Kavanagh, William C. Meadows
Book Review: Cranes: A Natural History of a Bird in Crisis By Janice M. Hughes, Paul Johnsgard
Book Review: Daschle vs. Thune: Anatomy of a High-Plains Senate Race By Jon K. Lauck, Thomas D. Isern
Book Review: Ecology of the Shortgrass Steppe: A Long-Term Perspective Edited by William Lauenroth and Ingrid C. Burke, Richard K. Sutton
Book Review: Establishing Justice in Middle America: A History of the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit By Jeffrey Brandon Morris, Mark R. Scherer
Book Review: Food and the Mid-Level Farm: Renewing an Agriculture of the Middle Edited by Thomas A. Lyson, G.W. Stevenson, and Rick Welsh, Richard A. Levins
"Book Review," from Nebraska Bird Review (December 1980) 48(4)
"Book Review," from Nebraska Bird Review (December 1982) 50(4)
"Book Review," from Nebraska Bird Review (June 1980) 48(2)
"Book Review," from Nebraska Bird Review (March 1984) 52(1).
Book Review: Genetic Glass Ceilings: Transgenics for Crop Diversity By Jonathan Gressel, George Acquaah
Book Review: Grappling with Demon Rum: The Cultural Struggle over Liquor in Early Oklahoma By James E. Klein, Davis D. Joyce
Book Review: Health Care in Saskatchewan: An Analytical Profile By Gregory Marchildon and Kevin O’Fee, Kelly Chessie
Book Review: High Plains Horticulture: A History By John F. Freeman, Dale E. Herman
"Book Review," in Nebraska Bird Review (September 1988) 56(3), Rick Wright
Book Review: James Lovelock: In Search of Gaia By John Gribbin and Mary Gribbin, R.F. Diffendal Jr.
Book Review: Kiowa Ethnogeography By William C. Meadows, Michael P. Jordan
Book Review: Lipset’s Agrarian Socialism: A Re-examination Edited by David E. Smith, Jim Mochoruk
Book Review: Loren Eiseley: Commentary, Biography, and Remembrance Edited by Hilda Raz, Rasoul Sorkhabi
Book Review: Lost Tracks: Buffalo National Park, 1909-1939 By Jennifer Brower, Alan MacEachern
Book Review: Moving Toward Justice: Legal Traditions and Aboriginal Justice Edited by John D. Whyte, Kelly LaRocca
Book Review Nebraska Bird Review (December 1981) 49(4).
Book Review Nebraska Bird Review Sep 1981 49(3)
Book Review: New Faces in New Places: The Changing Geography of American Immigration Edited by Douglas S. Massey, John Defrain
Book Review: North for the Harvest: Mexican Workers, Growers, and the Sugar Beet Industry By Jim Norris, Maria S. Arbelaez
Book Review of Agriculture and Food in Crisis: Conflict, Resistance, and Renewal., Charles Francis
Book Review of A Kansas Year by Mike Blair, Donald W. Kaufman
Book Review of Cochran and Hsieh, The Lius of Shanghai, Parks M. Coble
Book Review of Contesting Knowledge: Museums and Indigenous Perspectives edited by Susan Sleeper-Smith., Karen Coody Cooper
Book Review of Criminal Justice in Native America edited by Marianne O. Nielsen and Robert A. Silverman., Jill E. Martin
Book Review of Cultivating a Movement: Excerpts from an Oral History of Organic Farming and Sustainable Agriculture on California’s Central Coast., Charles Francis
Book Review of Dane Kennedy, The Last Blank Spaces: Exploring Africa and Australia, Adrian S. Wisnicki
Book Review of Great Plains: America’s Lingering Wild by Michael Forsberg., Joe C. Truett
Book Review of Heavy Burdens on Small Shoulders: The Labour of Pioneer Children on the Canadian Prairies by Sandra Rollings-Magnusson, Bob Barnetson
Book Review of Identity Captured by Law: Membership in Canada’s Indigenous Peoples and Linguistic Minorities by Sébastien Grammond, Patrick Macklem
Book Review of Imagining Head-Smashed-In: Aboriginal Buffalo Hunting on the Northern Plains By Jack W. Brink, David Hurst Thomas
Book Review of Insects of Texas: A Practical Guide by David H. Kattes., Christopher J. Durden
Book Review of Janine Barchas, Matters of Fact in Jane Austen: History, Location, and Celebrity, Laura White
Book Review of Jesse Spohnholz, The Tactics of Toleration: A Refugee Community in the Age of Religious Wars, Amy Nelson Burnett
Book Review of John Ikerd, The Essentials of Economic Sustainability., Charles Francis
Book Review of Just One Vote: From Jim Walding’s Nomination to Constitutional Defeat by Ian Stewart., James A. McAllister
Book Review of Let’s Speak Chickasaw: Chikashshanompa' Kilanompoli' by Pamela Munro and Catherine Willmond, Joshua D. Hinson
Book Review of Native Activism in Cold War America: The Struggle for Sovereignty by Daniel M. Cobb., Daniele Bolelli
Book Review of Native American Language Ideologies: Beliefs, Practices, and Struggles in Indian Country edited by Paul V. Kroskrity and Margaret C. Field, William F. Weigel
Book Review of Native Peoples and Water Rights: Irrigation, Dams, and the Law in Western Canada by Kenichi Matsui, Oliver W. MacLaren
Book Review of Perspectives of Saskatchewan edited by Jene M. Porter, J. William Brennan
Book Review of Retiring the Crow Rate: A Narrative of Political Management by Arthur Kroeger., Gary Storey
Book Review of Schubert, Täufertum und Kabbalah. Augustin Bader und die Grenzen der Radikalen Reformation, Stephen G. Burnett
Book Review of Texas Rattlesnake Roundups By Clark E. Adams and John K. Thomas, Carl J. Franklin
Book Review of The American Indian Oral History Manual: Making Many Voices Heard by Charles E. Trimble, Barbara W. Sommer, and Mary Kay Quinlan., Susan D. Penfield
Book Review of The Nation’s Largest Landlord: The Bureau of Land Management in the American West by James R. Skillen., Clare Ginger
Book Review of Unearthing Indian Land: Living with the Legacies of Allotment by Kristin T. Ruppel. Tucson, Elizabeth James
Book Review of Weather Matters: An American Cultural History since 1900 by Bernard Mergen., Donna L. Woudenberg
Book Review of Willaim David Myers, Death and a Maiden: Infanticide and the Tragical History of Grethe Schmidt, Amy Nelson Burnett
Book Review: One Hundred Summers: A Kiowa Calendar Record By Candace S. Greene, Phillip Earenfight
Book Review: Pagans in the Promised Land: Decoding the Doctrine of Christian Discovery By Steven T. Newcomb, Blake A. Watson
Book Review: Plains Apache Ethnobotany, Aaron M. Lampman
Book Review: Power Struggles: Hydro Development and First Nations in Manitoba and Quebec Edited by Thibault Martin and Steven M. Hoffman, Merrell-Ann S. Phare
Book Review: Prairie Dogs: Communication and Community in an Animal Society By C.N. Slobodchikoff, Bianca S. Perla, and Jennifer L. Verdolin, Daniel T. Blumstein
Book Review: Protection of First Nations Cultural Heritage: Laws, Policy, and Reform Edited by Catherine Bell and Robert K. Paterson, Katherine Pettipas
Book Review: Public Journalism 2.0: The Promise and Reality of a Citizen-Engaged Press, Sue Burzynski Bullard
Book Review: Remaking the North American Food System: Strategies for Sustainability Edited by C. Clare Hinrichs and Thomas A. Lyson, Patricia Allen
Book Review: Remarkable Plants of Texas: Uncommon Accounts of Our Common Natives By Matt Warnock Turner, Jackie M. Poole
Book Review: Rewilding the West: Restoration in a Prairie Landscape By Richard Manning, Mace Hack
"Book Reviews" from Nebraska Bird Review (December 1983) 51(4)
"Book Reviews," from Nebraska Bird Review (December 1988) 56(4).
"Book Reviews," from Nebraska Bird Review (June 1982) 50(2)
"Book Reviews," from Nebraska Bird Review (March 1980) 48(1).
"Book Reviews," from Nebraska Bird Review (March 1981) 49(1).=
"Book Reviews," from Nebraska Bird Review (March 1985) 53(1).
"Book Reviews," from Nebraska Bird Review (March 1986) 54(1).
Book Reviews from Nebraska Bird Review (September 1982) 50(3).
"Book Reviews," from Nebraska Bird Review (September 1983) 51(3)
Book Review: Silent Victims: Hate Crimes Against Native Americans By Barbara Perry, Beth R. Ritter
Book Review: Skeletal Biology and Bioarchaeology of the Northwestern Plains Edited by George W. Gill and Rick L. Weathermon, W. Raymond Wood
Book Review: Spirited Encounters: American Indians Protest Museum Policies and Practices By Karen Coody Cooper, Majel Boxer
Book Review: Survival or Gradual Extinction: The Small Town in the Great Plains of Eastern Montana By Marvin Gloege, Lyn C. Macgregor
Book Review: The Ethics of Emerging Media: Information, Social Norms and New Media Technology, Sue Burzynski Bullard
Book Review: The Grace Abbott Reader Edited by John Sorensen with Judith Sealander, Sonya Michel
Book Review: The Grace Abbott Reader Edited by John Sorensen with Judith Sealander, Sonya Michel
Book Review: The Guide to Kansas Birds and Birding Hot Spots By Bob Gress and Pete Janzen, William E. Jensen
Book Review: The History of Nebraska Law Edited by Alan G. Gless. Foreword by John V. Hendry, Ann C. Kitchel
Book Review: The Politics of Official Apologies By Melissa Nobles, Rebecca Tsosie
Book Review: The Power of the Texas Governor: Connally to Bush By Brian McCall, Sean P. Cunningham
Book Review: Thunder and Herds: Rock Art of the High Plains By Lawrence L. Loendorf, Linea Sundstrom
Book Review: Transplanting the Great Society: Lyndon Johnson and Food for Peace By Kristin L. Ahlberg, R. Douglas Hurt
Book Review: Twitter: Social Communication in the Twitter Age, by Dhiraj Murthy, Sue Burzynski Bullard
Book Review: Water in Texas: An Introduction By Andrew Sansom, C. Allan Jones
Book Review: Wildlife Science: Linking Ecological Theory and Management Applications Edited by Timothy E. Fulbright and David G. Hewitt, Craig R. Allen
Boron Stress Activates the General Amino Acid Control Mechanism and Inhibits Protein Synthesis, Irem Uluisik, Alaattin Kaya, Dmitri E. Fomenko, Huseyin C. Karakaya, Bradley A. Carlson, Vadim N. Gladyshev, and Ahmet Koc
Bottom Flange Reinforcement in NU I-Girders, George Morcous Ph.D.; Kromel Hanna Ph.D.; and Maher K. Tadros Ph.D., P.E.
Boundary Value Problems of Nabla Fractional Difference Equations, Abigail M. Brackins
Boundary value problems of nabla fractional difference equations, Abigail Brackins
Bovine Herpesvirus 1 Productive Infection Stimulates Inflammosome Formation and Caspase 1 Activity, Jianlin Wang, Jeffrey Alexander, Matthew S. Wiebe, and Clinton J. Jones
Boys, Books, and Boredom: A Case of Three High School Boys and Their Encounters With Literacy, Loukia K. Sarroub and Todd Pernicek
Brachygnathia in Simmental Cattle, Neal E. Woollen
Bradford’s Zone to LIS Publications Published in Library Management Journal from 2010-2012: A Citation Study, Koteppa Banateppanavar Mr, Dharanikumar P Dr, Girish T. S Mr, and Jayaraj A. N Mr
Brain Science and STEM Learning, Dennis Molfese
Breaking the Stained Glass Ceiling: Collaborative Leadership Theory as a Model for Women in Theological Higher Education, Mary E. Lowe
Breakthrough at the Missouri River Breaks: A Quick Tool for Comparing Burned and Unburned Sites, Rachel Clark
Breast Anatomy for the Interventionalist, Robert Jesinger MD., MSE
Breast cancer disparities and decision-making among U.S. women, Georgia N.L. Johnston Polacek, Mary Carol Ramos, and Robert L. Ferrer
Breast conserving surgery versus mastectomy: the influence of comorbidities on choice of surgical operation in the Department of Defense health care system, Kangmin Zhu M.D., Ph.D.; Jing Zhou M.S.; Lindsey Enewold Ph.D., M.P.H.; Shelia H. Zham Sc.D.; Ismail Jatoi M.D., Ph.D; Craig Shriver M.D.; William F. Anderson M.D., M.P.H.; Diana D. Jeffrey Ph.D; Abegail Andaya M.P.H.; John F. Potter M.D; and Katherine A. McGlynn Ph.D., M.P.H.
BREEDING AND GENETICS SYMPOSIUM: Networks and pathways to guide genomic selection, W. M. Snelling, R. A. Cushman, J. W. Keele, C. Maltecca, M. G. Thomas, M. R. S. Fortes, and A. Reverter
Breeding time in a migratory songbird is predicted by drought severity and group size, Charles R. Brown and Mary Bomberger Brown
Breeding wheat for improved nutritional quality: Insights from a winter wheat association mapping panel, Mary Joy Guttieri
Bricks Tied to Their Feet, Killian Jarett
Bringing Literacy Home: Latino Families Supporting Children's Literacy Learning, Stephanie Wessels and Guy Trainin
Bringing Science to Bear: An Empirical Assessment of the Comprehensive Soldier Fitness Program, Paul B. Lester, Sharon McBride, Paul D. Bliese, and Amy B. Adler
Bring In the Right-Hander!, Jerry Reuss
Brown-Headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater) Response to Pyrotechnics and Lethal Removal in a Controlled Setting, Thomas W. Seamans, Bradley F. Blackwell, and Travis L. DeVault
Bubbles: The Leadership of Beverly Sills, Marilyn L. Grady
Building intercultural competence in the language classroom, Aleidine J. Moeller and Kristen Nugent
Building Trust, Establishing Credibility, and Communicating Fire Issues with the Public, Josh McDaniel
Bullying: A Double-Sided Issue, Ericka L. Murray
Bullying Prevention in Schoolwide Positive Behavior Supports: A Review of the Literature, Allen Garcia and Regina M. Oliver
Bureaucratic Justice Meets ADR: The Emerging Role for Magistrates as Mediators, Patrick E. Longan
Burned Landscapes of Southwestern Oregon: What’s In It for Northern Spotted Owls?, Marjie Brown
Burning and Bats: Fire’s Effect on the Endangered Indiana Bat, Christina Frame
Burning and Beetles: Why Does Fire Spark Bark Beetle Attack?, Rachel Clark
Burn Severity Mapping Using Simulation Modeling and Satellite Imagery, Robert E. Keane, Eva C. Karau, and Elizabeth Reinhardt
Buyer Beware: What is the Breakeven Value of Beef Replacement Heifers?, Matthew Stockton, Kathleen Brooks, and Roger K. Wilson
Buyer Beware: What is the Breakeven Value of Beef Replacement Heifers?, Matthew Stockton, Kathleen Brooks, and Roger K. Wilson
Cable Median Barrier Failure Analysis and Prevention, Dean L. Sicking Ph.D. and Cody S Stolle Ph.D., E.I.T.
Calcium Status of Some Nebraska Soils and Its Laboratory Evaluation, Robert C. Sorensen
Calculating actual crop evapotranspiration under soil water stress conditions with appropriate numerical methods and time step., Soni Yatheendradas, Balachandrudu Narapusetty, Christa Peters-Lidard, Christopher Funk, and James Verdin
Calibration of Microsimulation Models for Multimodal Freight Networks, Justice Appiah Ph.D., P.E.; Bhaven Naik; and Scott Sorensen
Calibration of the Highway Safety Manual for Missouri, Carlos Sun Ph.D., P.E., JD; Henry Brown MSCE, P.E.; Praveen Edara Ph.D., P.E.; Boris Carlos; and Kyuongmin Andrew Nam
Calibration of Work Zone Impact Analysis Software for Missouri, Praveen Edara Ph.D., P.E., PTOE; Carlos Sun Ph.D., P.E., JD; and Zhongyuan Zhu
Called Out but Safe, Al Clark and Dan Schlossberg
Calving date and wintering system effects on cow and calf performance I: A systems approach to beef production in the Nebraska Sandhills, W. A. Griffin, L. A. Stalker, D. C. Adams, R. N. Funston, and T. J. Klopfenstein
Calvin’s Jewish Interlocutor: Christian Hebraism and Anti-Jewish Polemics during the Reformation, Stephen G. Burnett
Can Archeology Survive a Fire?, Jake Delwiche
Can climate change increase fire severity independent of fire intensity?, Phil van Mantgem, MaryBeth Keifer, Rob Klinger, and Eric Knapp
Can College Students Use Emotion Regulation Strategies to Alter Intimate Partner Aggression-Risk Behaviors? An Examination Using I3 Theory, Rosalita C. Maldonado, David DiLillo, and Lesa Hoffman
Can Law Foster Social-Ecological Resilience?, Ahjond S. Garmestani, Craig R. Allen, and Melinda H. Benson
Can the Internet Shrink Fair Use?, Edmund W. Kitch
Cantores del Corpus Christi: Antología de poesía lírica toledana, Elizabeth Wilhelmsen
Can We Guarantee the Safety of Genetically Engineered Organisms in the Environment?, Kathleen H. Keeler and Frances E. Sharples
Can We Learn a Language Without Rules?, Aleidine J. Moeller and Olha Ketsman
Can We Manage for Resilience? The Integration of Resilience Thinking into Natural Resource Management in the United States, Melinda Harm Benson and Ahjond S. Garmestani
Can We Trust Our Government?, Travis Ferrin
Capillary Electrophoresis-Based Immunoassays: Principles & Quantitative Applications, Annette C Moser and David S. Hage
Capitalist Punishment: The Wisdom and Propriety of Private Prisons, Stephanie Frazier Stacy
Capsule Treatments to Enhance Seedling Emergence of Gaura neomexicana ssp. coloradensis, Leah M. Burgess, Ann L. Hild, and Nancy L. Shaw
Capturing Fire: RxCADRE Takes Fire Measurements to Whole New Level, Gail Wells
Caracterización morfoagronómica de 15 accesiones de sorgo (Sorghum bicolor L Moench) con bajo contenido de lignina, Dora Antonia Villeda Castillo
Carbohydrate Metabolism and the Trehalose Biosynthetic Pathway in Maize Kernels Grown In Vitro under Sucrose Starvation Stress, Samuel W. Bledsoe
Carbon cycling at the landscape scale: the effect of changes in climate and fire frequency on age distribution, stand structure, and net ecosystem production., Michael G. Ryan, Daniel M. Kashian, Erica A.H. Smithwick, William H. Romme, Monica G. Turner, and Daniel B. Tinker
Carbon dynamics and export from flooded wetlands: A modeling approach, Amirreza Sharifi, Latif Kalin, Mohamed M. Hantush, Sabahattin Isik, and Thomas E. Jordan
CARBON FOOTPRINT IN KNOWLEDGE SECTOR: An Assessment from Cradle to Grave., Sheikh Shueb and Mohd Arshid Mir
Carbon nanotube and boron nitride nanotube hosted C60–V nanopeapods, Guiling Zhang, Rulong Zhou, and Xiao Cheng Zeng
Carbon–Temperature–Water change analysis for peanut production under climate change: a prototype for the AgMIP Coordinated Climate-Crop Modeling Project (C3MP), Alex Ruane, Sonali McDermid, Cynthia Rosenzweig, Guillermo Baigorria, James Jones, Consuelo Romero, and L. Dewayne Cecil
Career academies: A holistic multiple-case study of the development and sustainability of high school-college partnerships in Nebraska, Kelly Scott Christensen
Carrying Water: A M.F.A. Thesis Exhibition by Aaron Sober, Aaron M. Sober
Case Studies of Ten Selected Blind Homemakers in the Care of the Young Child, Mary Ann Ware
CASE STUDY: In situ determination of protein digestibility of dried distillers grains containing 3 lipid concentrations using a mobile bag method, B. E. Meyer, C. L. Bouma, and J. C. MacDonald
Case Study on the First-time Use of a Webinar by a Small Marketing Firm, Lauren M. Harrison
Catalog of the Recent Marine Mammals in the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Suzanne B. McLaren
Catalog of the Recent Scandentia and Primates in the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Suzanne B. McLaren, Duane A. Schlitter, and Hugh H. Genoways
Cattle Egrets Nesting in Keith County, Stephen J. Dinsmore and W. Ross Silcock
CC00-1991 Publication Catalog 1991
CC00-A Resource : A Catalog of Publications and Computer Programs
CC00-A Revised 1995 Resource: A catalog of Publications and Computer Programs
CC104 The Old and New about Pasture
CC105 General Fertilizer Recommendations for Eastern Nebraska
CC105 Revised 1951 General Fertilizer Recommendations for Eastern Nebraska, M. D. Weldon and W. E. Ringler
CC106 General Fertilizer Recommendations for Central Nebraska
CC106 Revised 1951 General Fertilizer Recommendations for Central Nebraska, M. D. Weldon and W. E. Ringler
CC107 General Fertilizer Recommendations for Western Nebraska
CC108 General Fertilizer Recommendations on Irrigated Land in Nebraska
CC108 Revised 1951 General Fertilizer Recommendations on irrigated land in Nebraska, M. D. Weldon and W. R. Ringler
CC109 The European Corn Borer Recognition Sheet, L. F. Berwick
CC110 Questions and Answers on Silage
CC111 The 1951 Seed Wheat Situation in Southeastern Nebraska
CC112 Monthly Egg Production of Nebraska's Hens, J. H. Claybaugh
CC113 Questions and Answers on Grass and Legume Silage
CC114 Grain is Food -- Keep it Clean
CC115 Grain is Food -- Keep Out Insects
CC116 Suggestions for Handling Summer Fallowed Land which will not be Planted to Winter Wheat, J. C. Swinbank and F. L. Duley
CC117 Planned Storage for Easier Housekeeping -- Bedding Stacks
CC118 Planned Storage for Easier Housekeeping : Clothing
CC119 Planned Storage for Easier Housekeeping : Mixing Center, Clara Leopold
CC120 Planned Storage for Easier Housekeeping : Cooking and Serving, Clara Leopold
CC121 Planned Storage for Easier Housekeeping : Preparation and Clean-Up Center, Clara Leopold
CC123 Let's Reach for Top Corn Yields, W. E. Ringler
CC124 Revised 1962 Use Top Quality Lime on your farm., W. E. Ringler
CC124 Use Top Quality Lime on your Farm, W. E. Ringler
CC125 Chemical Drying Sprays as an Aid for Seed Production, N. E. Shafer and J. D. Furrer
CC128 1955 Top Corn Yield Program, M. D. Weldon and W. E. Ringler
CC129 Planned Storage for Easier Housekeeping - Kitchen Planning Standards, Clara Leopold
CC12 Emergency Flood Information... Repairing Your House and Farm Buildings After the Flood.
CC130 Recommended Crop Varieties for Nebraska in 1956
CC134 Questions and Answers on the Acreage Reserve and Price Support Programs, Everett E. Peterson
CC137 Poultry Profit Pointers : Selection and Housing Pullets, Elvin C. Schultz
CC138 The 1957 Soil Bank Acreage Reserve Program for Winter Wheat, Everett E. Peterson
CC13 Emergency Flood Information... First Steps for those in Flooded Areas, Rollin D. Schneider
CC140 The 1957 Conservation Reserve Program in Nebraska, Everett E. Peterson
CC142 A Poison Bait Box for Rats and Mice, R. E. Roselle, T. J. Turner, and W. F. Wrap Jr.
CC144 Adjusting to Drought...Why Cull the Herd No
CC145 1956 Reach for Top Corn Yield Program, M. D. Weldon and Clinton A. Hoover
CC146 Adjusting to drought,,, Stretching you Feed Supply
CC147 Adjusting to drought... Conserve Moisture and Control Erosion
CC148 Supplement -- Comparison of Alternatives in Farm Program
CC148 The 1957 Acreage Reserve Program for Corn in Nebraska, Everett E. Peterson
CC149 Recommended Crop Varieties for Nebraska in 1957
CC14 Revised 1979 Emergency Flood Information...First Aid for Carpets and Rugs, Magdalene Pfister
CC14 Revised 1982 Emergency Flood Information... First Aid for Carpets and Rugs, Magdalene Pfister
CC150 Adjusting to Drought...Using Temporary Pastures, J. D. Furrer
CC151 Adjusting to Drought...Choose the Right Cropping Practices, J. C. Swinbank
CC152 Adjusting your Planter for Sorghum, Delbert E. Lane
CC153 Adjusting to Drought...Seeding Perennial Grasses and Permanent Pastures
CC154 Adjusting to Drought... Grasshopper Control, Robert E. Roselle and Lloyd Anderson
CC155 Close the Door on Brucellosis : Bangs Disease
CC156 Credit on Your Farm or Ranch, Norris J. Anderson
CC157 More Production from Forage Acres, E. A. Olson
CC158 Some Pointers on...Harvesting, Storing and Feeding the 1957 Sorghum Crop
CC159 Grain Sorghum : Should I Dry and Store or Sell at Harvest?, Philip A. Henderson and Everett E. Peterson
CC15 Emergency Flood Information...First Aid for Bedding and Household Linens, Magdalene Pfister
CC15 Revised 1982 Emergency Flood Information... First Aid for Bedding and Household Linens
CC160 Facts About the Great Plains Conservation Program, Everett E. Peterson
CC161 Better Corn More Profits 1957 Summary, Clinton A. Hoover
CC162 The Soil Bank Bid Plan : How it Operates in Nebraska, Everett E. Peterson
CC163 Recommended Crop Varieties for Nebraska in 1958
CC164 Using Temporary Pastures, Herman Gorz
CC165 Establishing Pastures in Nebraska, Vern Youngman, William Coleville, and Delbert Lane
CC165 Revised 1962 How to Establish New Pastures, E. C. Conard
CC166 Choice of Perennial Grasses for Forage Production and Erosion Control, Harold Gilman
CC167 How to Use Pastures, Philip Cole, M. A. Alexander, and Neal Shafer
CC168 Green Chop Feeding, Philip Cole, M. A. Alexander, and Neal Shafer
CC169 Does it Pay to Improve your Pastures?, Robert Finley and Dean Brown
CC16 Revised 1979 Emergency Flood Information...Flooded Croplands, Edwin J. Penas
CC170 Irrigated Pastures for Nebraska, Donald Burzlaff and Deon Axthelm
CC171 Pasture Weed Control, John Furrer and Don Burzlaff
CC171 Revised 1960 Pasture Weed Control, John Furrer and Don Burzlaff
CC172 Grow Better Corn, Clinton A. Hoover
CC 173 Recommended Crop Varieties for Nebraska in 1959
CC174 Revised with no date Sudangrass and Sudansorghums Summer Annuals for Pasture, W. J. Moline
CC174 Sudangrass for Summer Pasture, LeRoy V. Peters and Herman Gorz
CC175 Questions and Answers about Watershed Conservancy Districts in Nebraska, Harold H. Gilman
CC175 Revised 1961 Questions and Answers about Watershed Conservancy Districts in Nebraska
CC175 Revised 1966 Questions and Answers about Watershed Conservancy Districts in Nebraska
CC176 The Watershed Program in Nebraska, Harold H. Gilman
CC177 Views of Transition Area Problems, Phil Henderson, Dean Brown, and Anton Anderson
CC178B Revised 1993 Crop Varieties Suggested for Nebraska 1993-1994, L. A. Nelson and B. E. Anderson
CC178 Recommended Crop Varieties for Nebraska in 1960
CC178 Revised 1961 Recommended Crop Varieties for Nebraska in 1961
CC178 Revised 1962 Crop Varieties for Nebraska 1962
CC178 Revised 1964 Crop Varieties for Nebraska 1964
CC178 Revised 1965 Crop Varieties for Nebraska 1965
CC178 Revised 1968 Certified Crop Varieties for Nebraska 1968
CC178 Revised 1971 Certified Crop Varieties Suggested for Nebraska 1971, W. D. Foote, A. F. Dreier, and W. J. Moline
CC178 Revised 1972, W. D. Foote, A. F. Dreier, and W. J. Moline
CC178 Revised 1973 Certified Crop Varieties Suggested for Nebraska 1973
CC178 Revised 1976 Certified Crop Varieties Suggested for Nebraska 1976, A. F. Dreier, W. J. Moline, and W. D. Foote
CC178 Revised 1977 Certified Crop Varieties Suggested for Nebraska 1977, A. F. Dreier and W. D. Foote
CC178 Revised 1980 Certified Crop Varieties Suggested for Nebraska 1980, A. F. Dreier, W. D. Foote, and B. E. Anderson
CC178 Revised 1981 Crop Varieties Suggested for Nebraska 1981, A. F. Dreier, W. D. Foote, and B. E. Anderson
CC178 Revised 1982 Crop Varieties Suggested for Nebraska 1982, A. F. Dreier, W. D. Foote, and B. E. Anderson
CC178 Revised 1983 Crop Varieties Suggested for Nebraska 1983
CC178 Revised 1985 Crop Varieties Suggested for Nebraska 1985, A. F. Dreier, W. D. Foote, and B. E. Anderson
CC178 Revised 1986 Crop Varieties Suggested for Nebraska 1986, A. F. Dreier and B. E. Anderson
CC178 Revised 1986 Crop Varieties Suggested for Nebraska 1986
CC178 Revised 1987 Crop Varieties Suggested for Nebraska 1987, A. F. Dreier and B. E. Anderson
CC178 Revised 1989 Crop Varieties Suggested for Nebraska 1989, L. A. Nelson and B. E. Anderson
CC178 Revised 1990 Crop Varieties Suggested for Nebraska 1990-1991, L. A. Nelson and B. E. Anderson
CC178 Revised 1991 Crop Varieties Suggested for Nebraska 1991-1992
CC179 The Salt-Wahoo Watershed District Referendum : Questions and Answers, Arlen Lutz, Harold Gilman, and John C. Steele
CC17 Revised 1979 Emergency Flood Information... Tractor and Implement Cleaning, Allen R. Rider
CC180 Castorbean Production in Nebraska, J. H. Williams and J. C. Swinbank
CC180 Revised 1961 Castorbean Production in Nebraska, J. H. Williams, D. L. Kittock, and J. C. Swinbank
CC181 Growing Potatoes in Nebraska for Processing, Lloyd W. Andersen
CC181 Revised 1961 Growing Tomatoes in Nebraska for Chipping Purposes, R. B. O'Keefe and Lloyd Andersen
CC181 Revised 1962 Growing Potatoes in Nebraska for Processing Purposes, R. B. O'Keefe, Lloyd Anderson, and Wayne C. Whitney
CC182 Are You Considering Castrobeans for 1961?, D. G. Hanway
CC183 Potato Production Guide for Nebraska 1961, Robert O'Keefe, Lloyd W. Anderson, and John L. Weihing
CC183 Revised with no date Late Summer Potato Production Guide for Eastern and Central Nebraska, Lloyd W. Andersen, Louis A. Daigger, and Clifford Ashburn
CC184 More Corn Profits through Timely Use of Nitrogen and Efficient Irrigation, Clinton A. Hoover, Paul E. Fischbach, and Paul E. Schleusener
CC187 Agriculture in Nebraska's Economy, Arlen Lutz, James Horner, and John Muehlbeier
CC187 Revised 1969 Agriculture in Nebraska, Ralph D. Johnson
CC188 The Sedimentation Test of Wheat Quality, Duane Foote
CC189 Revised 1971 Where to Get Statistical Information about...U.S. and Nebraska
CC189 Where to Get Statistical Information about...U.S. and Nebraska, A. V. Nordquist, Harold Gilman, and P. A. Henderson
CC18 Emergency Flood Information...Salvaging Flooded Livestock Feed
CC190 Applying Nitrogen Fertilizer in Irrigation Water, Clinton A. Hoover and Paul Fischbach
CC191 Questions and Answers about Recreational Development in Watershed Projects Nebraska, Harold Gilman
CC192 The 1964 Wheat Referendum : The Program Choices and Basic Issues, Everett E. Peterson
CC193 Wheat Curl Mites in Volunteer Wheat Spread Wheat Streak Mosaic to the Newly Seeded Crop
CC195 Revised 1969 Sorghum-Sudangrass Hybrids : A special Use Crop, P. Q. Guyer, P. H. Cole, and W. J. Moline
CC195 Sudan-Sorghum Hybrids for Forage Production, P. Q. Guyer, P. H. Cole, J. C. Swinbank, and M. D. Weldon
CC196 Guide for Batch-Drying in a Bin, E. A. Olson
CC196 Revised with no date Guide for Batch-Drying in a bin, E. A. Olson
CC197 Guide to In-Storage Drying with Supplemental Heat, E. A. Olson
CC198 The Food and Agriculture Act of 1965, Ralph H. Cole
CC199 Fall Potato Production Guide for Western Nebraska, Lloyd W. Andersen, Louis A. Daigger, Clifford Ashburn, Dave Wysong, and Robert O'Keefe
CC19 Revised 1979 Emergency Flood Information...Care of Household Utilities and Appliances, Rollin D. Schneider
CC1 Revised 1979 Emergency Flood Information, Rollin D. Schnieder
CC201 Soybean Weed Control, L. R. Robinson and O. C. Burnside
CC202 Tips on Soybean Growing, L. N. Leininger
CC204 Revised 1969 Weed Control in Sugar Beets, G. A. Wicks, F. N. Anderson, and L. R. Robison
CC204 Revised 1970 Weed Control in Sugar Beets, G. A. Wicks, F. N. Anderson, and L. R. Robison
CC205 Using Alfalfa for Pasture, W. J. Moline
CC206 Feedlot Pollution, Tom Leisy and Deon D. Axthelm
CC207 Emergency Flood Information
CC 20 Revised 1979 Emergency Flood Information...Care of Floors, Walls and Doors., Roll D. Schnieder
CC20 Revised 1983 Emergency Flood Information...Care of Floors, Walls and doors., Kathleen Parrott
CC21 Revised 1959 Questions and Answers on Soil and Water Conservation Districts, Harold H. Gilman
CC21 Revised 1979 Emergency Flood Information...Salvaging Damaged Clothing, Thelma Thompson
CC21 Revised 1981 Emergency Flood/Tornado Information... Salvaging Damaged Clothing., Thelma Thompson
CC220 Control of Algae and Moss in Water Tanks, E. Crosby Howe and Deon D. Axthelm
CC221 Using Fertilizers to Improve Bromegrass Pastures in Nebraska, W. J. Moline, E. J. Schwartz, and A. D. Flowerday
CC222 The Potential for Weather Modification in Nebraska, N. J. Rosenberg and Grant I. Johnson
CC22 Revised 1979 Emergency Flood Information...Salvaging Furniture., Magdalene Pf
CC23 Controlling Wind and Water Erosion
CC23 Revised 1979 Emergency Flood Information...Improvement of Flood Damaged Cropland, Elbert C. Dickey
CC240 How Much is Drought Damaged Corn Worth as Silage?, Philip A. Henderson
CC246 Farm Storage of Wet Grain by Ventilating or Ensiling, N. C. Teter and T. L. Thompson
CC251 Guidelines on Livestock Waste Control Facilities, E. A. Olson
CC252 Determining Custom Harvesting Rate for Storm Damaged Crops, Larry L. Bitney
CC253 A Guide for Local Government Officials and Community Leaders, Everett Peterson
CC255 Energy Uses in Nebraska Agriculture, D. E. Lane, P. E. Fischbach, and N. C. Teter
CC257 Energy Conservation in Agriculture, John A. Burbank
CC258 Should We Vote on LB772: State Aid to Education?, Everett Peterson
CC259 Revised 1979 How Much Protein are You Eating?
CC260 How Much Vitamin A are You Eating?, Harriet Kohn
CC261 How Much Vitamin C are You Eating?, Harriet Kohn
CC261 Revised 1980 How Much Vitamin C are You Eating?, Harriet Kohn
CC262 How Much Calcuim are You Eating?, Harriet Kohn
CC263 How Much Iron are you Eating?, Harriet Kohn
CC264 Nebraska Natural Resource Districts : A Guide to Proper Resource Management
CC265 Alternatives for Veterinary Medicine in Nebraska
CC266 The Platte Rive, Issue of Navigability, Deon D. Axthelm and Ron J. Gaddis
CC267 Dairy Producer Waste Guidelines, E. A. Olson and P. H. Cole
CC268 Questions and Answers on Nebraska's Ground Water Management Act, Deon D. Axthelm
CC269 Extension Home Economics...Helping Nebraska Families
CC269 Extension Home Economics....Helping Nebraska Families Live and Learn with Change
CC270 Fuel Storage, David P. Shelton and Leonard L. Bashford
CC271 Farm Energy Tips - Use Energy Wisely - Fuel Use, David P. Shelton and Leonard L. Bashford
CC273 Farm Energy Tips - Use Energy Wisely - Stretching Fertilizers, Dale Rolofson and R. A. Wiese
CC274 Farm Energy Tips - Use Energy Wisely - Soil Testing, Dale E. Rolofson and Delno Knudsen
CC275 Farm Energy Tips - Use Energy Wisely - Water Testing, Dale E. Rolofson and Delno Knudsen
CC276 Farm Energy Tips - Use Energy Wisely - Alternative "N" Sources, Dale E. Rolofson and Conrad B. Gilbertson
CC277 Energy Management in Field Operations, David P. Shelton and Allen R. Rider
CC278 Farm Energy Tips - Use Energy Wisely - Tractor Ballasting, Leonard L. Bashford and David P. Shelton
CC279 Gear Up -- Throttle Down, David P. Shelton and Kenneth VonBargen
CC280 Extension Home Economics Entering a New Decade...Helping Nebraska Families Live with Change
CC281 Families Learning in the 80's with Extension Home Economics
CC291 Wheat & Feed Grains Programs - 1978, Everett Peterson
CC292 Emergency Flood Information...Pest Control After the Flood, Rollin D. Schnieder
CC294 Revised 1980 How Much Fat and How Much Calories are You Eating?
CC294 Revised 1991 Calories, Fat and Cholesterol in your Food, Harriet Kohn
CC295 How Much Sodium are You Eating?, Harriet Kohn
CC297 Proposed Constitutional Amendments 1980, Wanda M. Leonard
CC298 State of Nebraska Proclamation - Plant Two Trees
CC299 Revised no date "Making a Difference"
CC299 Strategies for Family Living
CC2 Emergency Flood Information
CC300 Operation Identification System Manual, Duane A. Olsen
CC301 Agriculture and Food Act of 1981 : A Summary of the Major Provisions with Comments and Interpretation by A. L. Frederick, A. L. Frederick
CC302 Revised 1991 New Directions
CC302 Revised 1995 Extension Programming Units
CC302 Revised 2000 University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension
CC302 Revised 2003 University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension
CC302 Revised 2005 University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension
CC302 Revised March 1982 Fact Sheet
CC302 Revised no date Fact Sheet
CC302 Revised October 1991 Cooperative Extension : The Facts 1991-1992
CC302 Revised with no date New Directions
CC303 1982 Acreage Reduction Programs, A. L. Frederick and Larry Bitney
CC304 Family Nutrition Guide, Harriet Kohn
CC307 1982 Proposed Constitutional Amendments, A. L. Frederick
CC308 1983 Acreage Reduction Programs, Larry L. Bitney and A. L. Frederick
CC309 Home Extension Club Membership
CC310 Crime Prevention through Property Identification : A Nebraska Property I.D. System, Duane A. Olsen
CC311 Farm Financial Conditions for the United States and Nebraska in 1983, Gayle Ann Morris
CC312 Revised 1985 Goals for Family and Business Financial Management Part I : Overview and Self-Assessment, Paul H. Gessaman and Kathy Prochaska-Cue
CC313 Revised 1985 Goals for Family and Business Financial Management Part II: Identifying Your Goals, Paul H. Gessaman
CC314 Revised 1985 Goals for Family and Business Financial Management Part III: Your Priorities and Management Plan, Paul H. Gessaman
CC315 Revised 1985 Goals for Family and Business Financial Management : Instructor's Guide for Parts I, II, and III, Paul H. Gessaman
CC318 Nebraska Integrated Reproductive Management Project
CC318 Revised 1987 Nebraska Integrated Reproductive Management Project : An Update and Results, Rick Rasby
CC319 Farm and Ranch Financial Conditions : A 1985 Perspective, A. L. Frederick and Bruce B. Johnson
CC31 Outlook for Agriculture 1942
CC323 Goals for Business Operations and Family Life : Part I Series Overview, Paul H. Gessaman
CC324 Goals for Business Operations and Family Life Part IIa : Self-Assessment for the Retailer, Paul H. Gessaman
CC325 Goals for Business Operations and Family Life Part IIb : Self Assessment for the Service Provider, Paul H. Gessaman
CC326 Goals for Business Operations and Family Life Part IIc : Self-Assessment for the Manufacturer, Paul H. Gessaman
CC328 Goals for Business Operations and Family Life Part IIIb : Identifying Goals for the Service Provider, Paul H. Gessaman
CC329 Goals for Business Operations and Family Life Part IIIc : Identifying Goals for the Manufacturer, Paul H. Gessaman
CC330 Goals for Business Operations and Family Life : Part IV Priority Setting, Paul H. Gessaman
CC331 Goals for Business Operations and Family Life : Part V Your Management Plan, Paul H. Gessaman
CC332 Goals for Business Operations and Family Life : Instructor's Guide, Paul H. Gessaman
CC333 1986 Proposed Constitutional Amendments and Statute Referendums, A. L. Frederick and L. Steven Grasz
CC334 Goals for Business Operations and Family LIfe Supplement to Instructor's Guide, Paul H. Gessaman
CC336 1987 Production Adjustment Program (Worksheets for Feed Grains and Wheat Producers), A. L. Frederick and Larry Bitney
CC338 Trees and Shrubs in the Conservation Reserve Program, Michael Kuhns and Dennis Adams
CC339 Multiple Peril Crop Insurance, Doug Jose
CC342 Soil Compaction... Fact and Fiction Common Questions and their Answers, Alice J. Jones, Robert D. Grisso, and Charles A. Shapiro
CC343 Energy Efficiency in Food Processing, R. C. Anantheswaran, D. W. Macke, and R. D. Grisso
CC348 Goals for Community Revitalization : Priorities and Action Plans, Paul H. Gessaman
CC351 Organizing a Team : Team Building
CC351 Revised 1990 Organizing a Team : Team Building, Arnold Bateman
CC352 Developing a Productive Team : Team Building, Arnold Bateman
CC352 Revised 1990 Developing a productive Team : Team Building, Arnold Bateman
CC353 Leadership : Active Involvement on Committees, Sharing Ideas, Experiencing Leadership Roles
CC354 Facts about Individuals and Families in Nebraska, Georgia L. Stevens
CC355 Property Tax Issues in Nebraska, A. L. Frederick
CC356 1990 Farm Program : Summary and Participation Worksheets, Roger Selley and Terry Bockstadter
CC357 Glossary of Farm Program Terms, Roger Selley
CC358 The Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990 : An Overview Part I - The Commodity Provisions (Titles I-XI), A. L. Frederick
CC359 Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990 : An Overview Part II - The Conservation Provisions (Title XIV), A. L. Frederick
CC360 Reacting to Winter-Injury to Alfalfa, Bruce Anderson and John Watkins
CC362 Integrated Farm Management Program Option, R. T. Clark
CC363 1995 Agricultural Outlook and Policy Issues, Lynn Lutgen
CC363 1997 Agriculture Outlook and Policy Issues, Lynn Lutgen
CC363 Revised 1996 1996 Agriculture Outlook and Policy Issues, Lynn Lutgen
CC371 Revised 1993 Estimated Irrigation Costs, Roger Selley
CC371 Revised 1995 Estimated Irrigation Costs, 1995, Roger Selley
CC371 Revised 1997 Estimated Irrigation Costs, 1997, Roger Selley
CC392 1993 Nebraska Panhandle Pasture Rental Survey, Daryl E. Ellis, Patrick E. Reece, and Ivan G. Rush
CC394 Proposed Constitutional Amendments, State of Nebraska, Primary Election, May 1996, A. L. Frederick and J. David Aiken
CC395 Independent Study Course for Child Caregivers, Darlene Martin
CC397 Proposed Constitutional Amendments State of Nebraska General Election November 2000, A. L. Frederick
CC3 Revised 1975 Emergency Flood Information...Care and Repair of Flooded Basements, E. A. Olson
CC400 University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension : Committed to Excellence
CC407-D Historical Cattle Prices, Seasonal Patterns, and Futures Basis for Western Nebraska-Eastern Wyoming 1980-1996, Dillon M. Feuz, Kathleen Liang, and Tom Holman
CC409 Fight Bac! Four Simple Steps to Food Safety
CC409 (S) Combata A BAC! Cuatro Pasos Simles, para la Seguridad en los Alimentos.
CC419 Parenting : Phone Messages
CC421 Effect of Workplace Demands on Individual/Family Spheres among Small, Rural Business Employees, Herbert G. Lingren, Georgia Stevens, and Rachelle Knight
CC422 Cook It Safely : It's a Matter of Degrees
CC424 Achieving Success with a Business Plan : Case Study to Prepare a Grain Farm Business Plan, Jody Wichmann, John Hanson, and Thomas Dorn
CC425 Achieving Success with a Business Plan : Instructions and Workbook to Prepare a Farm Business Plan, Ram Valluru and Allen Prosch
CC426 Achieving Success with a Business Plan : Case Study of a Cow/Calf Business Plan, Jody Wichmann and John Hanson
CC428 Achieving Success with a Business Plan : Case Study of a Diversified Farm Business Plan, Jody Wichmann and Thomas Dorn
CC433 RentWise : Renter's Workbook/Organizer, Marilyn Bruin, Shirley Niemeyer, and Jean Chicoine
CC48 Making Soft Cheeses at Home
CC49 Drying and Brining Fruits and Vegetables
CC4 Revised 1979 Emergency Flood Information: Care of Food, Teresa Shaffer
CC4 Revised 1982 Emergency Flood Information : Care of Food, Laurel Branen
CC51 Increase Production with Conservation
CC54 Vegetables and Vegetable Cookery
CC55-1106 Supplement Picture Quiz on Home Lighting
CC55-1107 Cross Stitch for Today's Home, Clara N. Leopold
CC55-1572 Control Rats and Mice
CC55 Canning Fruits and Vegetables
CC55 Revised 1943 Canning Fruits and Vegetables
CC56 Control Gullies with Grass
CC57 Home Storage of Vegetables
CC57 Revised 1943 Home Storage of Vegetables
CC60 Revised 1943 Food Preservation by Freezing
CC62-125 Chemical Drying Sprays as and Aid for Seed Production, J. D. Furrer and Rodney W. Bovey
CC71 Increase Yields by Contouring
CC76 Extra $1,000,000 Hold Up Each Year by Cattle Grubs
CC77 Greater Production Through Better Practices, D. L. Gross, M. N. Lawritson, and E. W. Janike
CC79 Keep Bromegrass Seed Pure
CC7 Helpful Hints in Cleaning Flood Damaged Homes, Gersilda Guthrie
CC81 One Hundred Ideas that save Time and Work
CC82 Grass and Legumes for Land and Livestock
CC88 Pressure Cooker Gauge Testers, Arnold Baragar and Mary E. Runnalls
CC88 Revised 1958 How to Build a Gauge Tester., Arnold Baragar and Clara N. Leopold
CC8 Clothing and Shoes, Helen Rocke
CC91 Report of Nebraska Corn Yield contest.
CC94 Gravity Type Seed Treater
CC95 Nebraska's Three Great Wheats
CC98 Spray Schedule for Stone Fruits, E. H. Hoppert, Martin H. Muma, and Arden F. Sherf
CC9 Emergency Pasture and Hay Crops, J. C. Swinbank and John Furrer
CC Nebraska's Agriculture, Duane A. Olson and Ralph D. Johnson
CD20 Antibody Primes B Lymphocytes for Type I Interferon Production, Dongsheng Xu, Andrew Staedman, and Luwen Zhang
CD8α Dendritic Cells Drive Establishment of HSV-1 Latency, Kevin R. Mott, Sariah J. Allen, Mandana Zandian, Bindu Konda, Behrooz G. Sharifi, Clinton Jones, Steven L. Wechsler, Terrence Town, and Homayon Ghiasi
Cell Culture-Selected Substitutions in Influenza A(H3N2) Neuraminidase Affect Drug Susceptibility Assessment, Daisuke Tamura, Ha T. Nguyen, Katrina Sleeman, Marnie Levine, Vasiliy P. Mishin, Hua Yang, Zhu Guo, Margaret Okomo-Adhiambo, Xiyan Xu, James Stevens, and Larisa V. Gubareva
Cell Phones Have Changed Society In A Negative Way, Xavier Walker
Cell Wall Proteome in the Maize Primary Root Elongation Zone. II. Region-Specific Changes in Water Soluble and Lightly Ionically Bound Proteins under Water Deficit1[W][OA], Jinming Zhu, Sophie Alvarez, Ellen L. Marsh, Mary E. LeNoble, In-Jeong Cho, Mayandi Sivaguru, Sixue Chen, Henry T. Nguyen, Yajun Wu, Daniel P. Schachtman, and Robert E. Sharp
Censoring Legislative History: Justice Scalia on the Use of Legislative History in Statutory Interpretation, Elizabeth A. Liess
Center for Brain Biology & Behavior, Dennis Molfese and Victoria J. Molfese
Center for Civic Engagement: An integrated marketing communications plan, Libelle Advertising, Matt Hartman, Amy Welniak, Heather Czaplewski, Liz Bachman, Sophie Beyer, Navannah Slezak, and Jasmine Rogers
Center for Grassland Studies, Fall 2012, Volume 18, No. 3.
Center for Grassland Studies, Fall 2013, Volume 19, No. 3
Center for Grassland Studies, Summer 2012, Volume 18, No. 2
Center for Grassland Studies, Summer 2013, Volume 19, No. 2
Center for Grassland Studies, Winter-Spring 2012, Volume 18, No. 1
Center for Grassland Studies, Winter/Spring 2013, Volume 19, No. 1
Center for Grassland Studies, Winter-Spring 2014, Volume 20, No. 1
Center Pivot Rental Rates With and Without Adjustments for Dryland Corners, Jim A. Jansen and Bruce Johnson
Chainsaws or Driptorches: How Should Fire Risk Be Reduced?, Valerie Rapp
Challenges and counter challenges in HIV/AIDS, Qingsheng Li and Charles Wood
Challenges to Funding School Facilities in Colorado, Kathleen J. Gebhardt
Challenges to Implementing “Best Available Science”, Shari Anstedt
Challenges to the Efficient Market Hypothesis: Limits to the Applicability of Fraud-on-the-Market Theory, Victor L. Bernard, Christine Ann Botosan, and Gregory D. Phillips
Change management in the information age: Approaches of academic library administrators in Pakistani Universities’ libraries, Sidra Shan and Maqsood A. Shaheen
Changes in Biofuel Mandates, Richard K. Perrin
Changes in connectedness over time in alternative sheep sire referencing schemes, L. A. Kuehn, D. R. Notter, G. J. Nieuwhof, and R. M. Lewis
Changes in muscularity with growth and its relationship with other carcass traits in three terminal Sire breeds of sheep, H. E. Jones, R. M. Lewis, M. J. Young, and C. C. Warkup
Changes in Production Areas, Production Concentration, and Production Trends of Six Selected Crops in Nebraska 1930-1965, Norman E. Tooker
Changes in Public Responses to Wildland Fuel Management Over Time, Joy Drohan
Changes in School Connectedness and Deviant Peer Affiliation among Sixth-Grade Students from High-Poverty Neighborhoods, Kathleen Moritz Rudasill, Kate Niehaus, Lisa J. Crockett, and Christopher R. Rakes
Changes in Testicular Morphology in Boars Actively Immunized Against Gonadotropin Hormone-Releasing Hormone, Caleb A. Awoniyi, Varadaraj Chandrashekar, Robert D. Arthur, Bruce S. Schanbacher, and Richard E. Falvo
Changes in the Grocery Industry: Implications for Nebraska, Tim Burkink, Ray Marquardt, and Wanru Su
Changes in vegetation and fuels due to the Warm Fire on the Kaibab National Forest, Melissa A. McMaster, Andrea Thode, Brian Brost, Matthew Williamsen, Ethan Aumack, and Dave Mertz
Changes in Vegetation Resulting from Different Management Practices in the Nebraska Sandhills, Marion Walter Pederson
Changes In Wild Pig Depredation In California: A New Law, Douglas Updike
Changing molecular band offsets in polymer blends of (P3HT/P(VDF–TrFE)) poly(3-hexylthiophene) and poly(vinylidene fluoride with trifluoroethylene) due to ferroelectric poling, Freddy Wong, Godohaldo Perez, Manuel Bonilla, Juan A. Colon-Santana, Xin Zhang, Pankaj Sharma, Alexei Gruverman, Peter A. Dowben, and Luis G. Rosa
Channeling Hildegard of Bingen: Transcending Time and Fanning the Flame, Helen C. Sobehart
Chapter 11 The Role of Surveillance Methods and Technologies in Plant Biosecurity, Tom Kalaris, Daniel Fieselmann, Roger Magarey, Manuel Colunga-Garcia, Amy Roda, Darryl Hardie, Naomi Cogger, Nichole Hammond, P.A. Tony Martin, and Peter Whittle
Chapter 13: Climate Adaptations in the Southeast USA, Kirstin Dow, Lynne Carter, Ashley Brosius, Ernesto Diaz, Rick Durbrow, Rhonda Evans, Stephanie Fauver, Tim Hayden, Bob Howard, Kasey Jacobs, Glenn Landers, Steve McNulty, Janine Nicholson, Dale Quattrochi, Linda Rimer, Scott Shuford, Skip Stiles, and Adam Terando
Chapter 16 Case Study. Invasive Insects in Plant Biosecurity: The Asian Longhorned Beetle Eradication Program, Michael Stefan, Christine Markham, Robert Benjamin, and Jeffrey Coath
Chapter 1 An Introduction to Agricultural Biotechnology Regulation in the U.S., Chris A. Wozniak, Annabel Fellman Waggoner, and Sheryl Reilly
Chapter 1 Innovative Thinking for Sustainable Use of Terrestrial Resources in Abu Dhabi Emirate Through Scientific Soil Inventory and Policy Development, Shabbir A. Shahid, Mahmoud A. Abdelfattah, Yasser Othman, Anil Kumar, Faisal K. Taha, John A. Kelley, and Michael A. Wilson
Chapter 3 Wetland Design and Development, Mickey E. Heitmeyer, Leigh H. Fredrickson, Murray Laubhan, Frank Nelson, Gary Pogue, Doug Helmers, and Wayne King
Chapter 4 Management of Wetlands for Wildlife, Matthew J. Gray, Heath M. Hagy, J. Andrew Nyman, and Joshua D. Stafford
Chapter 4 Regulation of Genetically Engineered Microorganisms Under FIFRA, FFDCA and TSCA, Chris A. Wozniak, Gwendolyn McClung, Joel Gagliardi, Mark Segal, and Keith Matthews
Chapter 8: Adapting to Climate Change, Constance I. Miller, Christopher W. Swanson, and David L. Peterson
Characteristics and Contributory Causes Related to Large Truck Crashes (Phase I) -Fatal Crashes, Sundanda Dissanayake Ph.D., P.E.
Characteristics and Contributory Causes Related to Large Truck Crashes - Phase II, Sundanda Dissanayake Ph.D., P.E. and Siddhartha Kotikalapudi
Characteristics of White-Tailed Deer Visits to Cattle Farms: Implications for Disease Transmission at the Wildlife-Livestock Interface, Are R. Berentsen, Ryan S. Miller, Jennifer L. Malmberg, and Mike R. Dunbar
Characterization and Testing of a 5.8 kV SiC PiN Diode for Electric Space Propulsion Applications, Alexandra Toftul
Characterization of 24 Microsatellite Loci in Delta Smelt, Hypomesus transpacificus, and Their Cross-Species Amplification in Two Other Smelt Species of the Osmeridae Family, Kathleen M. Fisch, Jessica Lynn Petersen, Melinda R. Baerwald, John K. Pedroia, and Bernie May
Characterization of 35 Microsatellite Loci in the Pacific Lion-Paw Scallop (Nodipecten subnodosus) and Their Cross-Species Amplification in Four Other Scallops of the Pectinidae Family, Ana M. Ibarra, Jessica Lynn Petersen, Thomas R. Famula, and Bernie May
Characterization of 954 bovine full-CDS cDNA sequences, Gregory P. Harhay, Tad S. Sonstegard, John W. Keele, Michael P. Heaton, Michael L. Clawson, Warren M. Snelling, Ralph T. Wiedmann, Curt P. Van Tassell, and Timothy P. L. Smith
Characterization of Commercial Probiotics: Antibiotic Resistance, Acid and Bile Resistance, and Prebiotic Utilization, Carmen Lucia Cano Roca
Characterization Of Drug Interactions With Serum Proteins by Using High-Performance Affinity Chromatography, David S. Hage, Jeanethe Anguizola, Omar S. Barnaby, Abby Jo Jackson, Michelle J. Yoo, Efthimia Papastavros, Erika Pfaunmiller, Matt Sobansky, and Zenghan Tong
Characterization of Drug-Protein Interactions In Blood Using High-Performance Affinity Chromatography, David S. Hage, Abby Jackson, Matt Sobansky, John E. Schiel, Michelle J. Yoo, and K. S. Joseph
Characterization of Escherichia coli O157:H7 Strains from Contaminated Raw Beef Trim during “High Event Periods”, Terrance M. Arthur, James L. Bono, and Norasak Kalchayanand
Characterization of Genetically Modified High Biomass Producing Tobacco Plant, Pankaj Singh Kuhar
Characterization of Glycation Adducts On Human Serum Albumin by Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/ Ionization Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry, Chunling Wa, Ronald Cerny, William A. Clarke, and David S. Hage
Characterization of Habitat Attributes Associated with Wild Pig-Vehicle Collision Locations, James C. Beasley, Tracy E. Grazia, Paul E. Johns, and John J. Mayer
Characterization of Lactation Curves for Nine Breeds of Cattle Fed Differing Rations, Thomas G. Jenkins and Calvin L. Ferrell
Characterization of Masticated Fuelbeds and Fuel Treatment Effectiveness in Southeastern US Pine Ecosystems., L N. Kobziar, Alan J. Long, Wayne C. Zipperer, and Jesse K. Kreye
Characterization of stem rust resistance in wheat cultivar gage, Tadele Tadesse Kumssa
Characterization of switchgrass cell walls and their degradation using multiscale indentation techniques, Severine Vennin
Characterization of the Binding Of Sulfonylurea Drugs to HSA by High-Performance Affinity Chromatography, K.S. Joseph and David S. Hage
Characterization of Triacylglycerols From Overwintering Prepupae of the Alfalfa Pollinator Megachile rotundata (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), James S. Buckner, William P. Kemp, and Jordi Bosch
Characterizing Crown Biomass and Crown Profiles in Conifer Forests of the Interior Northwest, David Affleck, Carl Seielstad, John Goodburn, Lloyd Queen, and Robert Keane
Characterizing Lessons Learned from Federal Biomass Removal Projects, Dennia R. Becker, Dalia Abbas, Kathleen E. Halvorsen, Pamela J. Jakes, Sarah M. McCaffrey, and Cassandra Moseley
Characterizing Moisture Regimes for Assessing Fuel Availability in North Carolina Vegetation Communities, Roberta A. Bartlette, James Reardon, and Gary M. Curcio
Characterizing Particulate Matter Emissions by Wildland Fires Relevant to Visibility Impairment and PM Non-Attainment, William Malm, Douglas Fox, Hans Moosmüller, Sonia Kreidenweis, Jeffrey Collett Jr., and Wei Min Hao
Characterizing Roles for the Glutathione Reductase, Thioredoxin Reductase and Thioredoxin Peroxidase-Encoding Genes of Magnaporthe oryzae during Rice Blast Disease, Jessie Fernandez and Richard Wilson
Chasing Flame: Gauging Smoke Production and Forest Floor Consumption In Boreal Ecosystems, Marjie Brown
Chaucer's Merchant and January's "Hevene in Erthe Heere", Paul Olson
Cheating Cheatgrass: New Research to Combat a Wily Invasive Weed, Gail Wells
Cheating in Business Online Learning: Exploring Students' Motivation, Current Practices and Possible Solutions, Martonia Gaskill
Cheating in business online learning: Exploring students' motivation, current practices and possible solutions, Martonia C Gaskill
Checklist of medically important Hymenoptera of Afghanistan, James C. Dunford, Joseph C. Turbyville, and John M. Leavengood Jr.
Checklist of North American Mammals North of Mexico, J. Knox Jones Jr., Dilford C. Carter, and Hugh H. Genoways
Chemical Extractions of Zinc, Copper, Iron, and Manganese from Several Nebraska Soils, Donald D. Oelsligle
Chemical Literature Databases: Conflict of Interest?, Belinda L. Hurley
Chemical Weed Control in Seedling Sweetclover (Melilotus officinalis L.), Red Clover (Trifolium pretense L.), and Birdsfoot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.), Donald L. Plucknett
Chewing the Landscape: Masticated Fuelbeds Pose Novel Challenges, Elise LeQuire
Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology in the New Millennium: A Workshop for Academia, Industry, and Government, Joseph Deveaugh-Geiss, John March, Mark Shapiro, Paul J. Andreason, Graham Emslie, Lisa M. Ford, Laurence Greenhill, Dianne Murphy, Ernest Prentice, Rosemary Roberts, Susan Silva, James M. Swanson, Barbara Van Zwieten-Boot, Benedetto Vitiello, Karen Dineen Wagner, and Barry Mangum
Child and Parent Preferences for a Selected Group of Realistic and Semi-Abstract Toys, Jeanne F. Masson
Child maltreatment and adult criminal behavior: Does criminal thinking explain the association?, Lorraine E. Cuadra, Anna E. Jaffe, Renu Thomas, and David DiLillo
Child Passenger Deaths Involving Alcohol-Impaired Drivers, Kyran Quinlan MD, MPH; Ruth A. Shults Ph.D. MPH; and Rose A. Rudd MSPH
Children's Books in the Foreign Language Classroom: Acquiring Natural Language in Familiar Contexts, Aleidine J. Moeller and Richard J. Meyer
Children's Intellectual Rights in Canada: A Comparative Constitutional Approach, James R. P. Ogloff
Child Sexual Assault: The Future of the Bill of Particulars and Plea in Bar after State v. Martinez, 250 Neb. 597, 550 N.W.2d 655 (1996), Jeffrey H. Bush
China’s Changing Diet: A Mixed Blessing?, Azzeddine Azzam and Sarah Rehkamp
Chipping, Burning, and the Care of Southeastern Pine Woodlands, Lisa-Natalie Anjozian
Chiropteran Systematics, J. Knox Jones Jr. and Hugh H. Genoways
Chlorovirus Skp1 and Core Ankyrin-Repeat Protein Interplay and Mimicry of Cellular Ubiquitin Ligase Machinery, Eric Andrew Noel
Cholesterol-lowering properties of plant sterols esterified with beef tallow fatty acids in hamsters, David M. Guderian Jr., Heather E. Rasmussen, Curtis A. Wray, Patrick Dussault, and Timothy Carr
Choosing A DIVA: A Comparison of Emerging Digital Imagery Vegetation Analysis Techniques, Christopher F. Jorgensen, Ryan J. Stutzman, Lars C. Anderson, Suzanne E. Decker, Larkin A. Powell, Walter H. Schacht, and Joseph J. Fontaine
Choosing the Best Income Tax Status for Your Cooperative, Jeffrey S. Royer