Content Posted in 2012
Developments in Initial Training and Certification of University Teachers in the UK: Implications for the US, Graham Gibbs
Device for Obtaining from Small Ponds Water Samples or Lagoons, J. Kent Mitchell and Elbert C. Dickey
Diagnosis of Porcine teschovirus encephalomyelitis in the Republic of Haiti, Ming Y. Deng, Max Millien, Rodney Jacques-Simon, J. Keith Flanagan, Alexa J. Bracht, Consuelo Corrillo, Roger W. Barrette, Andrew Fabian, Fawzi Mohamed, Karen Moran, Jessica Rowland, Sabrina L. Swenson, Melinda Jenkins-Moore, Leo Koster, Bruce V. Thomsen, Gregory Mayr, Dave Pyburn, Paula Morales, John Shaw, Thomas Burrage, William White, Michael T. McIntosh, and Samia Metwally
Diagnostic Testing in Mathematics, David L. Outcalt
Dialectic Tensions Experienced by Resettled Sudanese Refugees in Mediating Organizations, Sarah Steimel
“Dichotomies in Silk: Crisp and Soft”, Ana Lisa Hedstrom
"Dichotomies in Silk: Crisp and Soft", Ana Lisa Hedstrom
“Dichotomies in Silk: Past and Future”, Yoshiko Iwamoto Wada
"Dichotomies in Silk: Past and Future", Yoshiko Iwamoto Wada
“Dichotomies in Silk: Sheer and Opaque”, Yuh Okano
"Dichotomies in Silk: Sheer and Opaque", Yuh Okano
“Dichotomies in Silk: Shrinking and Stretching”, Genevieve Dion
"Dichotomies in Silk: Shrinking and Stretching", Genevieve Dion
Dielectric function spectra and critical-point energies of Cu2ZnSnSe4 from 0.5 to 9.0 eV, S. . G. Choi, H. . Y. Zhao, C. Persson, C. L. Perkins, A Donohue, B To, A. G. Norman, J Li, and I. L. Repins
Dietary Antioxidants and Beef Tenderness During Retail Display in High O2, Lasika S. Senaratne-Lenagala, Chris R. Calkins, Siroj Pokharel, Amilton S. de Mello Jr., Martin A. Andersen, and Stephanie A. Furman
Dieting, Restraint, and Disinhibition Predict Women's Weight Change over 6 y, Jennifer S. Savage, Lesa R. Hoffman, and Leann L. Birch
Dietitian’s Problem Solving Knowledge to Promote and Support Breastfeeding, Cassandra L. Dytrych
Die Toten als Grenzwächter der Nation: Die Beinhäuser des italienischen Faschismus in Südtirol, Gerald Steinacher
Die Zukunft Südtirols im Lichte der Akten des amerikanischen Kriegsgeheimdienstes (OSS) 1943-1945, Gerald Steinacher
Differences Among Parental Breeds in Germplasm UtilizationProject, Keith E. Gregory, Larry V. Cundiff, Robert M. Koch, and Donald D. Lunstra
Differential Loss and Retention of Cytoglobin, Myoglobin, and Globin-E during the Radiation of Vertebrates, Federico G. Hoffmann, Juan C. Opazo, and Jay F. Storz
Differentially expressed genes in Populus simonii×Populus nigra in response to NaCl stress using cDNA-AFLP, Lei Wang, Boru Zhou, Lili Wu, Baozhu Guo, and Tingbo Jiang
Differential transcription of cytochrome P450s and glutathione S transferases in DDT-susceptible and -resistant Drosophila melanogaster strains in response to DDT and oxidative stress, Lijie Sun, Brandi Schemerhorn, Amber Jannasch, Kent R. Walters Jr., Jiri Adamec, William M. Muir, and Barry R. Pittendrigh
Differentiation of F18ab+ from F18ac+ Escherichia coli by Single-Strand Conformational Polymorphism Analysis of the Major Fimbrial Subunit Gene (fedA), Brad T. Bosworth, Evelyn A. Dean-Nystrom, Thomas A. Casey, and Holly L. Neibergs
Differently Able: A Review of Academic Library Websites for People with Disabilities, Mary Cassner, Charlene Maxey-Harris, and Toni Anaya
Differing Student and Faculty Perceptions of Teaching Effectiveness and the Value of Student Evaluations, George E. Stevens and R. Penny Marquette
Difficult Subjects, Wendy Weiss
DigitalCommons Update for UNL Libraries All-Staff Meeting, May 8, 2012, Paul Royster
Digital Librarians and the Challenges of Open Access to Knowledge: The Michael Okpara University of Agriculture (MOUAU) Library Experience, Chimezie Patrick Uzuegbu and Faustinus U. McAlbert
Digital Morphogenesis: A Computational Housing Typology, Bryce R. Willis
Digitization of Archival Collections In Africa For Scholarly Communication: Issues, Strategies, and Challenges, Brendan Eze Asogwa
Digitization of Library Collection in Developing Countries: The Hezekiah Oluwasanmi Library Experience, K.O. Jagboro, B.O. Omotayo, and W.A. Aboyade
Dimensions of Individuals' Judgements about Sexual Attraction, Romantic Attachment, and Sexual Orientation, Luis F. Morales Knight
Dimensions of individuals' judgements about sexual attraction, romantic attachment, and sexual orientation, Luis F Morales Knight
Diphenylcarbazide in the bichromate titration of iron, Leland Judson Lewis
Diplomatic Racism Canadian Government And Black Migration From Oklahoma, 1905-1912, R. Bruce Shepard
Directed Test Suite Augmentation, Zhihong Xu
Direct Involvement of Type II Secretion System in Extracellular Translocation of Shewanella oneidensis Outer Membrane Cytochromes MtrC and OmcA, Liang Shi, Shuang Deng, Matthew Marshall, Zheming Wang, David Kennedy, Alice Dohnalkova, Heather Mottaz, Eric Hill, Yuri Gorby, Alexander Beliaev, David Richardson, John M. Zachara, and James K. Fredrickson
Direct measurement of the mass difference between top and antitop quarks, V. M. Abazov, Kenneth Bloom, Daniel Claes, Kayle DeVaughan, A. Dominguez, Michael Eads, D. Johnston, Ioannis Katsanos, Sudhir Malik, Gregory Snow, and D0 Collaboration
Direct numerical simulations of ignition of a lean n-heptane/air mixture with temperature inhomogeneities at constant volume: Parametric study, Chun Sang Yoo, Tianfeng Lu, Jacqueline Chen, and Chung Law
Directory of Resource Fair Exhibitors
Direct primary in Nebraska, Niels Henriksen Debel
Dirty Harry Meets Dirty Diapers: Masculinities, At-Home Fathers & Making the Law Work for Families, Methodology, Beth A. Burkstrand-Reid
Disaster Preparedness at the State Public Library, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria, Abdulwahab Olanrewaju Issa, Mulikat Bola Aliyu, Adegboyega Francis Adedeji, and Akangbe Bisilola Rachel
Disciplinary Permeations: Complicating the "Public" and the "Private" Dualism in Composition and Rhetoric, Erica E. Rogers
Discipline-Based Education Research (DBER) Group Meeting — Monday, October 24, 2011, Leilani Arthurs
Discipline‐Based Education Research: Understanding and Improving Learning in Undergraduate Science and Engineering, Stacey Lowery Bretz
Disconnecting the Tais: Responses to Trade, Training and Tourism, Mary F. Connors
DISCOURSE IN INQUIRY SCIENCE CLASSROOMS (DiISC): REFERENCE MANUAL, Dale R. Baker, Rachelle Beard, Nievita Bueno-Watts, Elizabeth B. Lewis, Gokhan Özdemir, Giota Perkins, Sissy Wong, and Senay Yaşar-Purzer
Discovering History of Psychology, Mark E. Ware
Discovering Price in All the Wrong Places: The Work of Commodity Definition and Price under Neoliberal Environmental Policy, Morgan Robertson
Discovery Of Diurnal Resting Sites Of Phlebotomine Sand Flies In A Village In Southern Egypt, Jerome Hogsette, Hanafi A. Hanafi, Ulrich R. Bernier, Daniel L. Kline, Emad Y. Fawaz, Barry D. Furman, and David F. Hoel
Discovery of Swine as a Host for the Reston ebolavirus, Roger W. Barrette, Samia A. Metwally, Jessica M. Rowland, Lizhe Xu, Sherif R. Zaki, Stuart T. Nichol, Pierre E. Rollin, Jonathan S. Towner, Wun-Ju Shieh, Brigid Batten, Tara K. Sealy, Consuelo Carrillo, Karen E. Moran, Alexa J. Bracht, Gregory A. Mayr, Magdalena Sirios-Cruz, Davinio P. Catbagan, Elizabeth A. Lautner, Thomas G. Ksiazek, William R. White, and Michael T. McIntosh
Discrete return lidar-based prediction of leaf area index in two conifer forests, Jennifer L.R. Jensen, Karen S. Humes, Lee A. Vierling, and Andrew T. Hudak
Discrete Return Lidar in Natural Resources: Recommendations for Project Planning, Data Processing, and Deliverables, Jeffrey S. Evans, Andrew T. Hudak, Russ Faux, and Alistair M.S. Smith
Discrimination in fire insurance rate-making, Dana Finley Cole
Discussing Affirmative Action: Past, Present & Future Considerations, Elizabeth M. Neeley, Jose Soto, and Becky Gould
Discussion Method Teaching: A Practical Guide, William M. Welty
Discussion of lands among the Romans, Blanche May Austin
Diseases and Parasites, Kurt C. Vercauteren and Tyler A. Campbell
Diseases of Upland Game Birds, J. E. Shillinger and L. C. Morley
Disease will limit future food supply from the global crustacean fishery and aquaculture sectors, G.D. Stentiford, D.M. Neil, E.J. Peeler, J.D. Shields, H.J. Small, T.W. Flegel, J.M. Vlak, B. Jones, F. Morado, S. Moss, J. Lotz, L. Bartholomay, D.C. Behringer, C. Hauton, and D.V. Lightner
Dislocated Emblems: Recent Work by Warren Rosser, Daphne A. Deeds
Dispersal and emerging ecological impacts of Ponto-Caspian species in the Laurentian Great Lakes, Henry A. Vanderploeg, Thomas F. Nalepa, David J. Jude, Edward L. Mills, Kristen T. Holeck, James R. Liebig, Igor A. Grigorovich, and Henn Ojaveer
Dispersion compensation for attosecond electron pulses, Peter Hansen, Cory Baumgarten, Herman Batelaan, and Martin Centurion
Dispersion of Displaying Male Sage Grouse II. The Role of Female Dispersion, J. W. Bradbury, Robert M. Gibson, C. E. McCarthy, and S. L. Vehrencamp
Displays of Personal Adornment and Body Decoration by Nineteenth Century Lakota (Sioux) Tribes: A Costly Signaling Model, Michelle L. Night Pipe
Disruptive Readers in Academic Libraries: A Study of Olabisi Onabanjo University Library, F.A. Oyesiku, O. Buraimo, and O.F. Olusanya
Dissimilatory bacterial reduction of Al-substituted goethite in subsurface sediments, Ravi K. Kukkadapu, John M. Zachara, Steven C. Smith, James K. Fredrickson, and Chongxuan Liu
Dissociative electron attachment and vibrational excitation of CF3Cl: Effect of two vibrational modes revisited, Michal Tarana, Karel Houfek, Jiri Horacek, and Ilya Fabrikant
Dissolution of uranyl microprecipitates in subsurface sediments at Hanford Site, USA, Chongxuan Liu, John M. Zachara, Odeta Qafoku, James Mckinley, Steve M. Heald, and Zheming Wang
Dissolving the Objective Grid: Cultural Excavations in the Work of Sharon Marcus, Mary Lane
Distillers Grains With Solubles and Ground Ear Corn in Feedlot Diets, Terry L. Mader
Distinctive Hydrocarbons of the Black Dump Fly, Hydrotaea aenescens (Diptera: Muscidae), David A. Carlson, Ulrich R. Bernier, Jerome A. Hogsette, and Bruce D. Sutton
Distinct neural mechanisms underlying acute and repeated administration of antipsychotic drugs in rat avoidance conditioning, Ming Li, Tao Sun, Chen Zhang, and Gang Hu
Distinguishing between stellar and planetary companions with phase monitoring, Stephen R. Kane and Dawn M. Gelino
Distributed and Centralized Iterative Detection of Self-Encoded Spread Spectrum in Multi-Channel Communication, Liang Chi, Won Mee Jang, and Lim Nguyen
Distributed MIMO Technologies in Cooperative Wireless Networks, Shichuan Ma, Yaoqing (Lamar) Yang, and Hamid Sharif
Distribution, Abundance, and Biomass of Freshwater Mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae) in Lake St. Clair, Thomas F. Nalepa and Jeffrey M. Gauvin
Distribution and properties of soft weathered bedrock at ≤ 1m depth in the contiguous United States, Jonathan A. Wald, Robert C. Graham, and Phillip J. Schoeneberger
Distribution and Retention of 137Cs in Sediments at the Hanford Site, Washington, James Mckinley, Cynthia Zeissler, John M. Zachara, R. Jeffrey Serne, Richard Lindstrom, Herbert Schaef, and Robert Orr
Distribution, Habitats, and Taxonomy of Ruppia Maritima L. and R. Occidentalis S. Watson in Nebraska, Robert B. Kaul
Distribution of Amoebidium and Smittium Species (Trichomycetes) in Mosquito Larvae on the Platte River Floodplain of Central Nebraska, Roger D. Grigg and Marvin C. Williams
Distribution of Culicoides sonorensis (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in Nebraska, South Dakota, and North Dakota: Clarifying the Epidemiology of Bluetongue Disease in the Northern Great Plains Region of the United States, E. T. Schmidtmann, M. V. Herrero, A. L. Green, D. A. Dargatz, J. M. Rodriquez, and T. E. Walton
Distribution of Fishes in Thirty-Two Mile Creek, Nebraska, Steven R. Walker
Distribution of Legumes along Gradients of Slope and Soil Electrical Conductivity in Pastures, John A. Guretzky, Kenneth J. Moore, C. Lee Burras, and E. Charles Brummer
Distribution of six virulence factors in Aeromonas species isolated from US drinking water utilities: a PCR identification, K. Sen and M. Rodgers
Ditching of Wetlands in the Nebraska Sandhills: A Case Study of Grant County, James E. Ducey
Diversity of Coprophagous Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera) in Grazed Versus Ungrazed Sandhills Prairie in Western Nebraska, Mary Liz Jameson
Diversity of Vascular Plants and Intensity of Plant Collecting in Nebraska, Robert B. Kaul and Steven B. Rolfsmeier
Divine Abstractions: Spiritual Expressions in Art, Susan J. Soriente
Divining the Future for Faculty Development: Five Hopeful Signs and One Caveat, Marilla D. Svinicki
Do Credit-Based Transfer Programs Have An Impact On Intellectual Development From Secondary Education To Post-Secondary Education?, James Uhlenkamp
Doctoral Research in Library and Information Science by Pakistani Professionals: An Analysis, Rais Ahmed Samdani and Rubina Bhatti
Documentary Film Presentation Local Colors: Natural Dyeing in a Milas Carpet Weaving Village, Ulara Tamura and John Wells
Documenting Program Effectiveness - A Five Year Plan
Do Emotions Matter in Environmental Choice? The Effect of :) and :(, Natalia Czap, Hans Czap, Marianna Khachaturyan, Gary D. Lynne, and Mark E. Burbach
Does being rural matter?: The roles of rurality, social support, and social self-efficacy in first-year college student adjustment, Allison L Bitz
Does Contribution Equal Compensation?, Dave Goeller
Does dynamical downscaling introduce novel information in climate model simulations of precipitation change over a complex topography region?, George Tselioudis, Costas Douvis, and Christos Zerefos
Does giving people their preferred survey mode actually increase survey participation rates? An Experimental Examination, Kristen Olson, Jolene D. Smyth, and Heather M. Wood
Does the Digital Environment Improve Modern Users' Internet Awareness?, T Saravanan, M. M. Kalaivani, and V. Senthilkumar
Doing the Honors: How to Implement a Departmental Honors Program in a Business School, Julie Urda
Do initial responses to drugs predict future use or abuse?, Harriet de Wit and Tamara J. Phillips
Do Invasive Mussels Restrict Offshore Phosphorus Transport in Lake Huron?, YoonKyung Cha, Craig A. Stow, Thomas F. Nalepa, and Kenneth H. Reckhow
Do Livestock and Ecosystem Services Compete? A State-and-Transition Approach, John Ritten, Maria Fernandez-Gimenez, Emily Kachergis, Willow Hibbs, and James Pritchett
Dolls and Upholstery: The Commodification of Maya Textiles of Guatemala, Margot Blum Schevill
Domestic Calf Mortality And Producer Detection Rates In The Mexican Wolf Recovery Area: Implications For Livestock Management And Carnivore Compensation Schemes., Stewart W. Breck, Bryan M. Kluever, Michael Panasci, John Oakleaf, Terry Johnson, Warren B. Ballard, Larry Howery, and David L. Bergman
Domestic Structures and the Diversionary Use of Force, Ross A. Miller
Donning the Cloak: Safavid Figural Silks and the Display of Identity, Nazanin Hedayat Shenasa and Nazanin Hedayat Munroe
Don’t Forget the Supply Side of Agricultural Land Markets, Bruce Johnson
Do physicians examine patients in contact isolation less frequently? A brief report, Sanjay Saint, Leigh Ann Higgins, Brahmajee K. Nallamothu, and Carol Chenoweth
Dose-Response Analysis of Bromate-Induced DNA Damage and Mutagenicity Is Consistent With Low-Dose Linear, Nonthreshold Processes, Maria A. Spassova, David J. Miller, David A. Eastmond, Nadejda S. Nikolova, Suryanarayana V. Vulimiri, Jane Caldwell, Chao Chen, and Paul D. White
Dos especies nuevas de Acanthococcus Signoret (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Eriococcidae) encontrados en Asteraceae de la Argentina, Patricia González and María C. Granara de Willink
Do Tree Species in a Bornean Mixed Dipterocarp Forest Display Preferential Uptake of Different Nitrogen Forms?, Jocelyn Onley
Double-Crested Cormorant Distribution on Catfish Aquaculture in the Yazoo River Basin of Mississippi, Brian S. Dorr, Loren W. Burger, Scott C. Barras, and Kristina Casscles Godwin
Downstream variation in bankfull width of wadeable streams across the conterminous United States, John M. Faustini, Philip R. Kaufmann, and Alan T. Herlihy
Do You See What I See?, Karin McGinnis and Kenneth Maeckelbergh
Draft genome of the red harvester ant Pogonomyrmex barbatus, Chris R. Smith; Christopher D. Smith; Hugh M. Robertson; Martin Helmkampf; Aleksey Zimin; Mark Yandall; Carson Holt; Hao Hu; Ehab Abouheif; Richard Benton; Elizabeth Cash; Vincent Croset; Cameron R. Currie; Eran Elhaik; Christine G. Elsik; Marie-Julie Favé; Vilaiwan Fernandes; Joshua D. Gibson; Dan Graur; Wulfila Gronenberg; Kirk J. Grubbs; Darren E. Hagen; Ana Sofia Ibarraran Viniegra; Brian R. Johnson; Reed M. Johnson; Abderrahman Khila; Jay W. Kim; Kaitlyn A, Mathis; Monica C. Munoz-Torres; Marguerite C. Murphy; Julie A. Mustard; Rin Nakamura; Oliver Niehuis; Surabhi Nigam; Rick P. Overson; Jennifer E. Placek; Rajendhran Rajakumar; Justin T. Reese; Garret Suen; Shu Tao; Candice W. Torres; Neil D. Tsutsui; Lumi Viljakainen; Florian Wolschin; and Jürgen Gadau
Draft Genome Sequence of the Anaerobic, Nitrate-Dependent, Fe(II)-Oxidizing Bacterium Pseudogulbenkiania ferrooxidans Strain 2002, Kathryne G. Byrne-Bailey, Karrie A. Weber, and John D. Coates
Dragon Covers – Mysterious Aberrations of the Li, Lee J. Chinalai
"drainage, drainage, DRAINAGE" Creating Natural Disasters In Southeastern Nebraska, William Keith Guthrie
Drawing on Tradition, Cynthia Schira
Drawn By The Bison Late Prehistoric Native Migration Into The Central Plains, Lauren W. Ritterbush
Dr. Connie's Top 10 Confidence Boosters, Connie I. Reimers-Hild
Dreams and Actualities: Danforth Fellows in Mid-Career, R. Eugene Rice
Dreissena and the disappearance of the spring phytoplankton bloom in Lake Michigan, Henry A. Vanderploeg, James R. Liebig, Thomas F. Nalepa, Gary L. Fahnenstiel, and Steven A. Pothoven
Dreissena polymorpha in the Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron Ecosystem: Overview and Perspective, Thomas F. Nalepa and Gary L. Fahnenstiel
Dreissenid mussels are not a “dead end” in Great Lakes food webs, Charles P. Madenjian, Steven A. Pothoven, Philip J. Schneeberger, Mark P. Ebener, Lloyd C. Mohr, Thomas F. Nalepa, and James R. Bence
Dressing by-the-Book: The Significance of the Sample Book in the Marketing of American Men's Apparel 1925-1930, Diane Maglio
Dress of the Lolo, Pathen, Hmong and Yao of Northern Vietnam in 2005-2006: Reflections of Cultural Continuity and Change, Serena Lee Harrigan
Driven to Work and Enjoyment of Work: Effects on Managers’ Outcomes, Laura M. Graves, Marian N. Ruderman, Patricia J. Ohlott, and Todd J. Weber
Driving on the Green Road: Self-archiving Research for Open Access in India, Mallikarjun Dora and Bulu Maharana
Driving with Dvorak, Fleda Brown
Drop weight testing on sandwich panels with a novel thermoplastic core material, Christopher Y. Tuan
Drought Effects On Water Quality In The South Platte River Basin, Colorado, Lori A. Sprague
DSC enthalpic transitions during starch gelatinization in excess water, dilute sodium chloride, and dilute sucrose solutions, Wajira S. Ratnayake, Chika Otani, and David S. Jackson
Dual – Species Biofilm Formation by Shiga – toxin Producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 and O26:H11 serotypes, Rong Wang, Norasak Kalchayanand, John W. Schmidt, and Joseph M. Bosilevac
Duck, goose and pheasant records from Ogallala game dressing station, 1943-1946, John H. Wampole
Ducks and Passerines Nesting in Northern Mixed-Grass Prairie Treated With Fire, Todd A. Grant, Terry L. Shaffer, Elizabeth M. Madden, and Gordon B. Berkey
Duclaux method for determining volatile acids, John Edward Schott
Dung beetle ecology: Habitat and food preference, hypoxia tolerance, and genetic variation, Sean Doyle Whipple
Dunstable, John (ca. 1395–1453), Peter M. Lefferts
Duties and Job Performance Factors of Cataloguers in Nigerian Academic Libraries, M.A. Bello and Y. Mansor
Dying for the Nation: Rite of Passage, Homoeroticism and Martyrdom in the Falangist Narrative during the Spanish Civil War, Iker Gonzalez-Allende
Dynamic Data Race Detection and Healing, Du Li
Dynamic Reconfigurable Multi-Cell Battery: A Novel Approach to Improve Battery Performance, Song Ci, Jiucai Zhang, Hamid Sharif, and Mahmoud Alahmad
Dynamic Response of Brain Subjected to Blast Loadings: Influence of Frequency Ranges, Mehdi S. Chafi, Shailesh G. Ganpule, Linxia Gu, and Namas Chandra
Dynamics of Depression Storage During Sprinkler Irrigation and Precipitation Events, Michael B. McKinney
Dynamics of the Lake Michigan food web, 1970–2000, Charles P. Madenjian, Gary L. Fahnenstiel, Thomas H. Johengen, Thomas F. Nalepa, Henry A. Vanderploeg, Guy W. Fleischer, Philip J. Schneeberger, Darren M. Benjamin, Emily B. Smith, James R. Bence, Edward S. Rutherford, Dennis S. Lavis, Dale M. Robertson, David J. Jude, and Mark P. Ebener
Dynamics Underlying the Gaussian Distribution of the Classical Harmonic Oscillator in Zero-Point Radiation, Wayne Cheng-Wei Huang and Herman Batelaan
Dynamic Video Object Detection with Single PTU Camera, Yun Ye, Song Ci, Yanwei Liu, and Hui Tang
Dynamic Vulnerability Assessment of Highway and Railway Bridges, Mehdi Mohseni
Early Attachment Sites for Shiga-Toxigenic Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Experimentally Inoculated Weaned Calves, Evelyn A. Dean-Nystrom, William C. Stoffregen, Brad T. Bosworth, Harley W. Moon, and Joachim F. Pohlenz
Early Childhood Special Education in the Next Decade: The Impact of Public Law 99-457 in Nebraska, Deana Finkler and Cordelia Robinson
Early Civil Rights Activism In Topeka, Kansas, Prior To The 1954 Brown Case, Jean Van Delinder
Early days: genomics and human responses to infection, Minghsun Liu, Stephen J. Popper, Kathleen H. Rubins, and David A. Relman
Early Influences In American Indian Linguistics, Sharon E. Clark
Early life stress and novelty seeking behavior in adolescent monkeys, Karen J. Parker, Kimberly L. Rainwater, Christine L. Buckmaster, Alan F. Schatzberg, Steven E. Lindley, and David M. Lyons
Earning the Right: A Model for Transcultural Practice, Cynthia A. Gray
Earth pressure, Alvin Arthur Steel
Eating Patterns and Physical Activity Characteristics Among Urban and Rural Students in Saudi Arabia, Omar I. Abuzaid
Eats, Shoots, and Weaves, Lisa Lee Peterson
EC00-104 Nebraska Soybean Variety Tests 2000, Lenis A. Nelson, R.W. Elmore, Robert N. Klein, Charles A. Shapiro, and Stevan Z. Knezevic
EC00-105 Nebraska Corn Hybrid Tests 2000, Lenis A. Nelson, Robert N. Klein, Roger W. Elmore, David D. Baltensperger, Charles A. Shapiro, Stevan Z. Knezevic, and James Krall
EC00-106 Nebraska Grain Sorghum Hybrid Tests 2000, Robert N. Klein, R.W. Elmore, Lenis A. Nelson, and David D. Baltensperger
EC00-107 Nebraska Proso, Sunflower, Bean, Pea, Oat, and Spring Wheat Variety Tests 2000, David D. Baltensperger, Glen E. Frickel, Robert N. Klein, James Krall, James Hain, Clair Stymiest, Jerry Nachtman, Lenis A. Nelson, P. Stephen Baenziger, and Todd Campbell
EC00-153 Selecting Alfalfa Varieties for Nebraska, Bruce Anderson, Michael Trammell, and Patrick E. Reece
EC00-279 Synchronizing Esetrus In Beef Cattle, Richard J. Rasby and Gene H. Deutscher
EC00-281 Body Condition Scoring Beef Cows: A Tool for Managing the Nutrition Program for Beef Herds, Richard J. Rasby, James A. Gosey, and Don C. Adams
EC01-103 Nebraska Fall-Sown Small Grain Variety Tests 2001, Lenis A. Nelson, David D. Baltensperger, Robert N. Klein, Roger W. Elmore, Todd Campbell, and James Krall
EC01-105 Nebraska Corn Hybrid Tests 2001, Lenis A. Nelson, Robert N. Klein, Roger W. Elmore, David D. Baltensperger, Charles A. Shapiro, Stevan Z. Knezevic, and James Krall
EC01-107 Nebraska Proso, Sunflower, Pulse Crop, Amaranth, Oat and Spring Wheat Variety Tests 2001, David D. Baltensperger, Glen E. Frickel, Robert N. Klein, James Krall, Jack Cecil, James Hain, Clair Stymiest, John Rickertson, Jerry Nachtman, Lenis A. Nelson, P. Stephen Baenziger, and B. Todd Campbell
EC01-150 Range Judging Handbook and Contest Guide for Nebraska, James T. Nichols and Peter N. Jensen
EC01-153 Selecting Alfalfa Varieties for Nebraska 2001, Bruce Anderson, Michael Trammell, and Patrick E. Reece
EC01-158 Integrating Management Objectives and Grazing Strategies on Semi-arid Rangeland, Patrick E. Reece, Jerry D. Volesky, and Walter H. Schacht
EC01-797 Filtration and Maintenance: Considerations for Subsurface Drip Irrigation (SDI), Brian Benham and Jose O. Payero
EC01-809 Nebraska Farm Real Estate Market Developments 2000-01, Bruce B. Johnson, Peter Brummels, and Lance Kuenning
EC01-872 Nebraska Crop Budgets 2001, ROGER SELLEY, Tina N. Barrett, Richard T. Clark, Robert N. Klein, and Steve Melvin
EC84-1757 Who's Who in Great Plains Songbirds, Ron J. Johnson
Ecological effects of lead mining on Ozark streams: In-situ toxicity to woodland crayfish (Orconectes hylas), Ann L. Allert, James F. Fairchild, Robert J. DiStefano, C.J. Schmitt, William G. Brumbaugh, and J.M. Besser
Ecological Models in Support of Regulatory Risk Assessments of Pesticides: Developing a Strategy for the Future [Short Communication], Valery E. Forbes, Udo Hommen, Pernille Thorbek, Fred Heimbach, Paul J. Van den Brink, Jörn Wogram, Hans-Hermann Thulke, and Volker Grimm
Ecological Requirements for Pallid Sturgeon Reproduction and Recruitment in the Lower Missouri River: A Research Synthesis 2005–08, Aaron J. DeLonay, Robert B. Jacobson, Diana M. Papoulias, Darin G. Simpkins, Mark L. Wildhaber, Joanna M. Reuter, Tom W. Bonnot, Kimberly A. Chojnacki, Carl E. Korschgen, Gerald E. Mestl, and Michael J. Mac
Ecological studies in the grassland formation, Orin Ray Clark
Ecological studies in the tension zone between prairie and woodland, Albert Frederick Thiel
Ecology and integrated pest management of western bean cutworm Striacosta albicosta (Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in field corn, Silvana Vieira de Paula Moraes
Ecology and invasive properties of musk thistle (Carduus nutans) in the Central Prairies of Nebraska, Chengchou Han
Ecology in a Cost-Benefit Society: The Issues, Valery E. Forbes and Peter Calow
Ecology of Growth of the High Altitude Lizard Sceloporus grammicus on the Eastern Slope of Iztaccihuatl Volcano, Puebla, México, Julio A. Lemos-Espinal and Royce E. Ballinger
Ecology of Small Mammals, Vegetation, and Avian Nest Survival on Private Rangelands in Nebraska, Kent A. Fricke, Silka L.F. Kempema, and Larkin A. Powell
Ecology of the Lake Huron fish community, 1970–1999, Norine E. Dobiesz, David A. McLeish, Randy L. Eshenroder, James R. Bence, Lloyd C. Mohr, Mark P. Ebener, Thomas F. Nalepa, Aaron P. Woldt, James E. Johnson, Ray L. Argyle, and Joseph C. Makarewicz
Economic Analysis of Keeping a Nonpregnant Cow, Trenton Bohling, Darrell R. Mark, Richard Rasby, and David R. Smith
Economic analysis shows why Buffett tax view off-base, Seth H. Giertz
Economic and Environmental Benefits of Soil/Water Nitrogen Testing: The Case of Central Nebraska, C. S. Kim, Harold Taylor, and Carmen Sandretto
Economic Effects of Horn Fly (Diptera: Muscidae) Populations on Beef Cattle Exposed to Three Pesticide Treatment Regimes, Jerome Hogsette, David Prichard, and Joseph Ruff
Economic Importance of Managing Spatially Heterogeneous Weed Population, John L. Lindquist, J. Anita Dieleman, David A. Mortensen, Gregg A. Johnson, and Dawn Y. Wyse-Pester
Economic Injury Levels for Western Bean Cutworm, Loxagrotis albicosta (Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Eggs and Larvae in Field Corn, Larry L. Appel, Robert J. Wright, and John B. Campbell
Economic Potential of Substituting Legumes for Synthetic Nitrogen in Warm Season Perennial Grasses used for Stocker Cattle Grazing, Maru Kering, John Biermacher, Ryan Reuter, Twain Butler, Job D. Springer, James Rogers, John Blanton, Joe Bouton, and John A. Guretzky
Ecosystem Management Decision Support (EMDS) Applied to Watershed Assessment on California’s North Coast, Rich Walker, Chris Keithley, Russ Henly, Scott Downie, and Steve Cannata
Ecosystem services provided by playas in the High Plains: potential influences of USDA conservation programs, Loren M. Smith, David A. Haukos, Scott T. McMurry, Ted LaGrange, and David Willis
Ecosystem Services: The Significance of Contributions by Invasive Plant Species, Stephen L. Young
Ecotourism, Grant M. Ronchi
Ectoparasites of Ctenomys (Rodentia: Hystricognathi) from Bolivia: Distribution Records of Fleas, New Species Descriptions, and Phylogenetic Analysis of Chewing Lice (Gyropidae: Phtheiropoios), Elisa Pucu de Araujo
Ectopic expression of Rubisco subunits in maize mesophyll cells does not overcome barriers to cell type-specific accumulation, Katia Wostrikoff, Aimee Clark, Shirley Sato, Thomas E. Clemente, and David Stern
Editing Eden, Frank Hutchins and Patrick C. Wilson
Editorial Information, Fall 1979
Editorial Information, Spring 1979
Editorial Information, Spring 1980
Editorial Information, Summer 1979
Editorial Information, Summer 1980
Editorial Information, Winter 1979
Editorial Information, Winter 1980
Editorial Response: Are all Bartonella henselae Strains Created Equal?, David A. Relman
Editorial: The Whipple Bacillus Lives (Ex Vivo)!, David A. Relman
Editor’s Introduction, Ada Long
Editor's Introduction Notes on Editing Acknowledgments
Editor's Introduction- Spring 2003, Charles A. Braithwaite
Editor's Message, Fall 1979, David L. Outcalt
Editor's Message, Spring 1979, David L. Outcalt
Editor's Message, Spring 1980, Glenn F. Nyre
Editor's Message, Summer 1979, David L. Outcalt
Editor's Message, Summer 1980, Glenn F. Nyre
Editor's Message, Winter 1979, David L. Outcalt
Editor's Message, Winter 1980, Glenn F. Nyre
Education and Contraception Make Strange Bedfellows: Brown, Griswold, Lochner, and the Putative Dilemma of Liberalism, Robert F. Schopp
Education and Rural Revitalization: A Study of the Link Between Education and Economic Development, Miles T. Bryant
Education beyond the Mesas, Matthew Sakiestewa Gilbert
Education for Information Professionals in Bangladesh: A Case Study of the University of Dhaka, A.I.M. Jakaria Rahman, Momena Khatun, and Dr. Mohammed Mezbah-ul-Islam
Educators' Perspective on Library Education in Nigeria, Adam Gambo Saleh
Effective Capacity Region and Optimal Power Control for Fading Broadcast Channels, Deli Qiao, M. Cenk Gursoy, and Senem Velipasalar
Effective Coaching Strategies for Increased Use of Research-Based Instructional Strategies for Linguistically Diverse Classrooms, Cindy S. West
Effective mass of electrons and holes in bilayer graphene: Electron-hole asymmetry and electron-electron interaction, K. Zou, X. Hong, and J. Zhu
Effectiveness of Supported Employment for Veterans With Spinal Cord Injuries: Results From a Randomized Multisite Study, Lisa Ottomanelli, Lance L. Goetz, Alina Suris, Charles McGeough, Patricia L. Sinnott, Rich Toscano, Scott D. Barnett, Daisha J. Cipher, Lisa M. Lind, Thomas M. Dixon, Sally Ann Holmes, Anthony J. Kerrigan, and Florian P. Thomas
Effective Programming for TA Development, Lavon Gappa
Effective science teachers' professional development: A multiple-case study of district-level science supervisors' perspectives, Chris Jay Schaben
Effect of Acute and Chronic Alcohol Treatment and Their Superimposition on Lysosomal, Cytoplasmic, and Proteosomal Protease Activities in Rat Skeletal Muscle In Vivo, M. Koll, S. Ahmed, D. Mantle, T.M. Donohue, T.N. Palmer, U.A. Simanowski, H.K. Seitz, T.J. Peters, and V.R. Preedy
Effect of Airflow on House Fly (Diptera: Muscidae) Distribution in Poultry Houses, Christopher Geden, Jerome Hogsette, and Roger Jacobs
Effect of ambient particulate matter exposure on hemostasis, Emily Cozzi, Christopher J. Wingard, Wayne E. Cascio, Robert B. Devlin, Jeremy J. Miles, April R. Bofferding, Robert M. Lust, Michael R. Van Scott, and Ruth Ann Henriksen
Effect of Amount and Timing of Subsurface Drip Irrigation on Corn Production, Simon van Donk, James Petersen, and Don Davison
Effect of Amount and Timing of Subsurface Drip Irrigation on Corn Yield, Simon J. van Donk, James L. Petersen, and Don R. Davison
Effect of Archer Density on Elk Pregnancy Rates and Conception Dates, Gregory A. Davidson, Bruce K. Johnson, James H. Noyes, Brian L. Dick, and Michael J. Wisdom
Effect of a Teaching Consultation Process Upon Personal Development in Faculty, Mary Deane Sorcinelli
Effect of Breed and Postweaning Rate of Gain on Onset of Puberty and Productive Performance of Heifers, Calvin L. Ferrell
Effect of Calving Period on Heifer Progeny, Richard N. Funston, Jacqueline A. Musgrave, Tonya L. Meyer, and Dan M. Larson
Effect of Castration on Skeletal Muscle Protein Turnover and Muscle Enzyme Activities in Cattle, Tommy L. Wheeler, J. Brad Morgan, Mohammad Koohmaraie, John D. Crouse, and Jeff W. Savell
Effect of Corn Processing in Finishing Diets Containing Wet Distillers Grains on Feedlot Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Finishing Steers, K. J. Vander Pol, M. A. Greenquist, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, and T. Robb
Effect of Corn Processing on Feedlot Steers Fed Sugarbeet Pulp, Cody A. Nichols, Matthew K. Luebbe, Karla H. Jenkins, Galen E. Erickson, Stephanie A. Furman, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
Effect of Corn Stalk Grazing and Baling on Cattle Performance and Irrigation Needs, Simon van Donk, Adam L. McGee, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and L. Aaron Stalker
Effect of Crop Residue on Soil Water Content and Yield of Deficit-Irrigated Corn and Soybean, Simon van Donk, Steven R. Melvin, Jim Peterson, and Don Davison
Effect of Crop Residue on Soil Water Content and Yield of Deficit-Irrigated Corn and Soybean, Simon van Donk, Steven R. Melvin, James L. Petersen, and Don Davison
Effect of Crop Residue on Soil Water Content and Yield of Sprinkler-irrigated Corn, Simon van Donk, Derrel Martin, Suat Irmak, Steven Melvin, and James Petersen
Effect of dietary crude protein source on hormone and follicle characteristics in beef heifers, J. L. Martin, D. M. Larson, H. L. Stroh, Andrea S. Cupp, and Richard N. Funston
Effect of distribution and concentration of topically applied neonicotinoid insecticides in buffalograss, Buchloe dactyloides, leaf tissues on the differential mortality of Blissus occiduus under field conditions, Mitchell D. Stamm, Tiffany M. Heng-Moss, Frederick P. Baxendale, Blair D. Siegfried, Roch E. Gaussoin, Daniel D. Snow, and David A. Cassada
Effect of Feeding DAS-59122-7 Corn Grain and Nontransgenic Corn Grain to Individually Fed Finishing Steers, T. J. Huls, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, M. K. Luebbe, K. J. Vander Pol, D. W. Rice, B. Smith, M. Hinds, F. Owens, and M. Liebergesell
Effect of Feeding Melengestrol Acetate, Monensin, and Tylosin on Performance, Carcass Measurements, and Liver Abscesses of Feedlot Heifers, G. E. Sides, R. S. S. Swingle, J. T. Vasconcelos, R. C. Borg, and W. M. Moseley
Effect of fires on soil organic carbon pool and mineralization in a Northeastern China wetland, Hongmei Zhao, Daniel Q. Tong, Qianxin Lin, Xianguo Lu, and Guoping Wang
Effect of flow gradient, ROI size and random scatterer movement during speckle size estimation based blood flow measurement, Tiantian Xu and Greg Bashford
Effect of gadolinium doping on the electronic band structure of europium oxide, Juan Colon Santana, Joonhee Michael An, Ning Wu, Kirill Belashchenko, Xianjie Wang, Pan Liu, Jinke Tang, Yaroslav Losovyj, I. N. Yakovkin, and Peter Dowben
Effect of Grain Size on Uranium(VI) Surface Complexation Kinetics and Adsorption Additivity, Jianying Shang, Chongxuan Liu, Zheming Wang, and John M. Zachara
Effect of Growth Promotants on the Occurrence of Endogenous and Synthetic Steroid Hormones on Feedlot Soils and in Runoff from Beef Cattle Feeding Operations, Shannon L. Bartelt-Hunt, Daniel D. Snow, William L. Kranz, Terry L. Mader, Charles A. Shapiro, Simon van Donk, David P. Shelton, David Tarkalson, and Tian Zhang
Effect of high-pressure hot-water washing treatment on fruit quality, insects, and disease in apples and pears Part III. Use of silicone-based materials and mechanical methods to eliminate surface pests, J. D. Hansen, M. L. Heidt, L. G. Neven, E. A. Mielke, J. Bai, P. M. Chen, and R. A. Spotts
Effect of Intensive Winter Management, Partial Season Grazing, and Sorting on Performance and Economics of a Long Yearling Steer Production System, J. D. Folmer, W. A. Griffin, C. N. Macken, M. P. Blackford, T. J. Klopfenstein, and G. E. Erickson
Effect of Long Chains on the Threshold Stresses for Flow-Induced Crystallization in iPP: Shish Kebabs vs. Sausages, Lucia Fernandez-Ballester, Derek W. Thurman, Weijun Zhou, and Julia A. Kornfield
Effect Of Lures And Trap Placement On Sand Fly And Mosquito Traps, Ulrich R. Bernier, David F. Hoel, Jerome Hogsette, Hanafi A. Hanafi, and Daniel Kline
Effect of Marbling Degree on Palatability and Caloric Content of Beef, Tommy L. Wheeler, Larry V. Cundiff, and Robert M. Koch
Effect of Marbling on Variation and Change in Beef Tenderness In Bos Taurus and Bos Indicus Crosses, Robert M. Koch, John D. Crouse, Michael E. Dikeman, Larry V. Cundiff, and Keith E. Gregory
Effect of maternal restraint stress during gestation on temporal lipopolysaccharide-induced neuroendocrine and immune responses of progeny, C.T. Collier, P.N. Williams, J.A. Carroll, T.H. Welsh Jr, and J.C. Laurenz
Effect of Method of Delivering Nicarbazin to Mallards on Plasma 4,4′-Dinitrocarbanilide Levels and Reproduction, C. A. Yoder, J. K. Graham, L. A. Miller, K. S. Bynum, J. J. Johnston, and M. J. Goodall
Effect of Method of Estrous Synchronization on Oocyte Quality and Follicular Insulin- Like Growth Factor (IGF-I), Thomas H. Wise and Ralph R. Murer
Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer Rate and Harvest Season on Forage Yield, Quality, and Macronutrient Concentrations in Midland Bermuda grass, Maru K. Kering, John A. Guretzky, Eddie Funderburg, and Jagadeesh Mosali
Effect of parentage misidentification on estimates of genetic parameters for milk yield in the Mediterranean Italian buffalo population, Emanuela Parlato and L. Dale Van Vleck
Effect of pen mates on growth, backfat depth, and longissimus muscle area of swine, W. L. Hsu, Rodger K. Johnson, and L. Dale Van Vleck
Effect of Post-Weaning Heifer Development System on Average Daily Gain, Reproduction, and Adaptation to Corn Residue During First Pregnancy, Stetson P. Weber, Adam F. Summers, Tonya L. Meyer, and Richard N. Funston
Effect of Preemergence Herbicide on Wildflower Establishment, K.S. Erusha, C. Fricker, Bob Shearman, and Don Steinegger
Effect of Pregnancy on Disease Resistance, Rita C. Manak
Effect of Season and Relocation on Reproductive Competence in Brahman and Hereford Bulls, Robert W. Godfrey, Ronald D. Randel, Charles R. Long, Donald D. Lunstra, Thomas G. Jenkins, and James Berardinelli
Effect of Single-Sire and Multiple-Sire Natural Mating on Pregnancy Rate of Beef Cattle, Donald D. Lunstra
Effect of Sorting and Optaflexx Supplementation on Feedlot Performance and Profitability of Long Yearling Steers, W. A. Griffin, T. J. Klopfenstein, G. E. Erickson, D. M. Feuz, K. J. Vander Pol, and M. A. Greenquist
Effect of Storage Method on Nutrient Composition and Dry Matter Loss of Wet Distillers Grains, Jana L. Harding, Jessica E. Cornelius, Kelsey M. Rolfe, Adam L. Shreck, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
Effect of Subcutaneous Fat Removal on Beef Tenderness, Mohammad Koohmaraie, Steven C. Seideman, and John D. Crouse
Effect of Temperature on Cs+ Sorption and Desorption in Subsurface Sediments at the Hanford Site, U.S.A., Chongxuan Liu, John M. Zachara, Odeta Qafoku, and Steve Smith
Effect of Vacuum on the Performance of the Flame Ionization Detector Used for Vacuum-Outlet Gas Chromatography, Ulrich R. Bernier, Christopher L. Bray, and Richard A. Yost
Effect of Video on the Teaching of Library Studies among Undergraduates in Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo, J. Ayodeji Akerele and Adeola F. Afolabi
Effect on Performance and Nutrient Mass Balance of Feeding Micro-Aid in Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles Diets, Annie J. Doerr, Brandon L. Nuttelman, William A. Griffin, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Joshua R. Benton, and Mike J. Rincker
Effects of 12 Months of Vagus Nerve Stimulation in Treatment-Resistant Depression: A Naturalistic Study, A. John Rush, Harold A. Sackeim, Lauren B. Marangell, Mark S. George, Stephen K. Brannan, Sonia M. Davis, Phil Lavori, Robert Howland, Mitchel A. Kling, Barry Rittberg, Linda Carpenter, Philip Ninan, Francisco Moreno, Thomas Schwartz, Charles Conway, Michael Burke, and John J. Barry
Effects of Age and Group Size on Habitat Selection and Activity Level in Xenopus Laevis Tadpoles, Danielle R. Golden, Geoffrey R. Smith, and Jessica E. Rettig
Effects of a Mass Layer With Gradually Varying Thickness on a Quartz Crystal Microbalance, Nan Liu, Jiashi S. Yang, and Weiqiu Chen
Effects of Antioxidants on Beef in Low and High Oxygen Packages, Spencer W. Bolte, Lasika S. Senaratne-Lenagala, Chris R. Calkins, Siroj Pokharel, and Kimberley A. Varnold
Effects of Approach Techniques in Place Kicking: A 3D Analysis, Chase M. Pfeifer
Effects of a Single Foot Rot Incident on Weight Performance of Feedlot Steers, G. K. TIBBETTS, T. M. DEVIN, D. GRIFFIN, J. E. KEEN, and G. P. RUPP
Effects of atomic hydrogen and deuterium exposure on high polarization GaAs photocathodes, M. Baylac, P. Adderley, J. Brittian, J. Clark, T. Day, J. Grames, J. Hansknecht, M. Poelker, M. Stutzman, A. T. Wu, and A. S. Terekhov
Effects of a β-Agonist on Muscle Protein Degradation, Enzyme Activity, and Meat Tenderness in Steers, Tommy L. Wheeler and Mohammad Koohmaraie
Effects of Barley Diets with Distillers Grains Plus Solubles on Feedlot Performance and N and P Balance, Erin M. Hussey, Galen E. Erickson, Robert E. Peterson, and Luis O. Burciaga-Robles
Effects of biologically-active chemical mixtures on fish in a wastewater-impacted urban stream, Larry B. Barber, Gregory K. Brown, Todd G. Nettesheim, Elizabeth W. Murphy, Stephen E. Bartell, and Heiko L. Schoenfuss
Effects of biotic disturbances on forest carbon cycling in the United States and Canada, Jeffrey A. Hicke, Craig D. Allen, Ankur R. Desai, Michael C. Dietze, Ronald J. Hall, Edward (Ted) H. Hogg, Daniel M. Kashian, David Moore, Kenneth F. Raffa, Rona N. Sturrock, and James Vogelmann
Effects of carbaryl, permethrin, 4-nonylphenol, and copper on muscarinic cholinergic receptors in brain of surrogate and listed fish species, S.B. Jones, L.B. King, L.C. Sappington, F.J. Dwyer, M. Ellersieck, and D.R. Buckler
Effects of Chronic Environmental Heat Stress on Blood Flow and Nutrient Uptake by the Uterus and Fetus of the Pregnant Cow, Lawrence P. Reynolds, Calvin L. Ferrell, John A. Nienaber, and Stephen P. Ford
Effects of Concentrate Level and Pen Configuration on Performance of Boer Crossbred Goat Kids, M. E. Corrigan, J. S. Drouillard, E. R. Loe, B. E. Depenbusch, and M. J. Quinn
Effects of Co-Products and Breed of Sire on the Performance, Carcass Characteristics, and Rates of Ultrasound Backfat and Marbling Deposition in Feedlot Cattle, C. O. Trejo, D. B. Faulkner, A. Shreck, J. W. Homm, T. G. Nash, S. L. Rodriguez-Zas, and L. L. Berger
Effects of corn processing, ethanol and sugar beet byproducts, and dietary sulfur on feedlot health and finishing performance, Cody A Nichols
Effects of Corn Processing Method and Protein Concentration in Finishing Diets Containing Wet Corn Gluten Feed on Cattle Performance, C. N. Macken, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, and R. A. Stock
Effects Of Crop Residue Removal On Soil Water Content And Yield Of Deficit-Irrigated Soybean, Simon van Donk, Timothy M. Shaver, James L. Petersen, and Don Davison
Effects of Damköhler number on flame extinction and reignition in turbulent non-premixed flames using DNS, David Lignell, Jacqueline Chen, and Hans Schmutz
Effects of Dietary Energy Density on Carcass Composition and Beef Palatability Characteristics, Gary L. Bennett
Effects of Dietary Stress on Dark-Cutting Beef, John D. Crouse and Stephen B. Smith
Effects of DTM Resolution On Slope Steepness And Soil Loss Prediction On Hillslope Profiles, Eder Paulo Moreira, William J. Elliot, and Andrew T. Hudak
Effects of feeding modified distillers grains plus solubles on marbling attributes, proximate composition and fatty acid profile of beef, A.S. Mello Jr., B.E. Jenschke, Lasika S. Senaratne, Timothy P. Carr, Galen E. Erickson, and Chris R. Calkins
Effects of Final Implant Type and Supplementation of Melengestrol Acetate® on Finishing Feedlot Heifer Performance, Carcass Characteristics, and Feeding Economics1, C. N. Macken; C. T. Milton; T. J. Klopfenstein; B, D, Dicke; and D. E. McClellan
Effects Of Fire Temperature On The Physical And Chemical Characteristics Of The Ash From Two Plots Of Cork Oak (Quercus Suber), X. Ú Beda, P. Pereira, L. Outeiro, and D. A. Martin
Effects of floral and extrafloral resource diversity on the fitness of an omnivorous bug, Orius insidiosus, Lorena Pumariño, Oscar Alomar, and Jonathan G. Lundgren
Effects of Forage Type, Storage Method, and Moisture Level in Crop Residues Mixed with Modified Distillers Grains, Barry M. Webber, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Kelsey R. Rolfe, Cody J. Schneider, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and William A. Griffin
Effects of Freezing and Thawing Rates on Tenderness and Sensory Quality of Beef Subprimals, Jerilyn E. Hergenreder, Justine J. Hosch, Kimberley A. Varnold, Asia L. Haack, Lasika S. Senaratne, Siroj Pokharel, Catie Beauchamp, Brandon Lobaugh, and Chris R. Calkins
Effects of gamma-sterilization on the physico-chemical properties of natural sediments, T.L. Bank, Ravi K. Kukkadapu, A.S. Madden, M.A. Ginder-Vogel, M.E. Baldwin, and P.M. Jardine
Effects of Gd Doping and Oxygen Vacancies on the Properties of EuO Films Prepared via Pulsed Laser Deposition, Xianjie Wang, Pan Liu, Kyle A. Fox, Jinke Tang, Juan A. Colón Santana, Kirill D. Belashchenko, Peter Dowben, and Yu Sui
Effects of Graded Levels of Sorghum Wet Distiller’s Grains and Degraded Intake Protein Supply on Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Feedlot Cattle Fed Steam-Flaked Corn-Based Diets, J. T. Vasconcelos, L. M. Shaw, K. A. Lemon, N. A. Cole, and M. L. Galyean
Effects of Heterosis in Hereford, Angus, and Shorthorn Rotational Crosses, Larry V. Cundiff, Keith E. Gregory, and Robert M. Koch
Effects of Heterosis on Lifetime Production in Beef Cows, Larry V. Cundiff, Rafael Nunez-Dominquez, Gordon E. Dickerson, Keith E. Gregory, and Robert M. Koch
Effects of Heterosis on Longevity in Beef Cattle, Rafael Nunez-Dominquez, Larry V. Cundiff, Gordon E. Dickerson, Keith E. Gregory, and Robert M. Koch
Effects of Intraguild Predation: Evaluating Resource Competition Between Two Canid Species With Apparent Niche Separation, Adam J. Kozlowski, Eric M. Gese, and Wendy M. Arjo
Effects of Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper and Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus radiometric and geometric calibrations and corrections on landscape characterization, James E. Vogelmann, Dennis Helder, Ron Morfitt, Michael J. Choate, James W. Merchant, and Henry Bulley
Effects of Late Castration and Zeranol on Growth Rate, Feed Efficiency, and Carcass and Meat Traits of Bovine Males, Keith E. Gregory, J. Joe Ford, Steven C. Seideman, and W. Gordon Hays
Effects of Lead-Zinc Mining on Crayfish (Orconectes hylas) in the Black River Watershed, Missouri, USA, Ann L. Allert, James F. Fairchild, Robert J. DiStefano, Christopher J. Schmitt, J.M. Besser, William G. Brumbaugh, and Barry Poulton
Effects of Length Limits on Sexually Size Dimorphic Fishes, Peter J. Spirk
Effects of leptin replacement alone and with exendin-4 on food intake and weight regain in weight-reduced diet-induced obese rats, Roger Reidelberger, Alvin Haver, Prasanth K. Chelikani, Bettye Apenteng, Curtis Perriotte-Olson, Krista Anders, Sharalyn Steenson, and James E. Blevins
Effects of Managing Heifers to Calve First at Two vs Three Years of Age on Longevity and Lifetime Production of Beef Cows, Rafael Nunez-Dominquez, Larry V. Cundiff, Gordon E. Dickerson, Keith E. Gregory, and Robert M. Koch
Effects of Mass Layer Nonuniformity on a Quartz-Crystal Microbalance, Nan Liu, Jiashi Yang, and Weiqiu Chen
Effects of maternal nutrition on conceptus growth and offspring performance: Implications for beef cattle production, Richard N. Funston, David M. Larson, and K. A. Vonnahme
Effects of Mining-Derived Metals on Riffle-Dwelling Crayfish in Southwestern Missouri and Southeastern Kansas, USA, Ann L. Allert, Robert J. DiStefano, Christopher J. Schmitt, James F. Fairchild, and William G. Brumbaugh
Effects of Moisture and Temperature in Short Glass Fiber and Polyphthalamide Composites, Jared C. Miller
Effects of Offshore Oil and Gas Development: A Quarterly Current Awareness Bibliography, April 1993, Sue Ann Gardner
Effects of Offshore Oil and Gas Development: A Quarterly Current Awareness Bibliography, April 1994, Sue Ann Gardner
Effects of Offshore Oil and Gas Development: A Quarterly Current Awareness Bibliography, January 1994, Sue Ann Gardner
Effects of Offshore Oil and Gas Development: A Quarterly Current Awareness Bibliography, July 1993, Sue Ann Gardner
Effects of Offshore Oil and Gas Development: A Quarterly Current Awareness Bibliography, July 1994, Sue Ann Gardner
Effects of Offshore Oil and Gas Development: A Quarterly Current Awareness Bibliography, October 1993, Sue Ann Gardner
Effects of piperidine and piperideine alkaloids from the venom of red imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta Buren, on Pythium ultimum Trow growth in vitro and the application of piperideine alkaloids to control cucumber damping-off in the greenhouse, Shezeng Li, Xixuan Jin, and Jian Chen
Effects of Prescribed Fire and Herbicide Application on Cattle Grazing and Herbage Production from Yellow Bluestem Pastures, S. A. Gunter and R. L. Gillen
Effects of pyriproxyfen and buprofezin on immature development and reproduction in the stable fly, S.S. Liu, A.Y. Li, K.H. Lohmeyer, and A.A. Perez De Leon
Effects of pyriproxyfen and buprofezin on immature development and reproduction in the stable fly, Steven S. Xu, Andrew Y. Li, Kimberly Hutchinson Lohmeyer, and Adalberto A. Perez De Leon
Effects of Ractopamine (Optaflexx) Fed in Combination with Melengestrol Acetate on Feedlot Heifer Performance, W. A. Griffin, G. E. Erickson, B. D. Dicke, T. J. Klopfenstein, R. J. Cooper, D. J. Jordon, R. S. Swingle, W. M. Moseley, G. E. Sides, and D. J. Weigel
Effects of RAMP™ on Feed Intake and Ruminal pH During Adaptation to Finishing Diets, Cody J. Schneider, Adam L. Shreck, Galen E. Erickson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
Effects of Removal and Remixing of Heavyweight Pigs on Performance to Slaughter Weights, M. C. Brumm, L. J. Johnston, and D W. Rozeboom
Effects of sediment-associated copper to the deposit-feeding snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum: A comparison of Cu added in aqueous form or as nano- and micro-CuO particles, Chengfang Pang, Henriette Selck, Superb K. Misra, Deborah Berhanu, Agnieszka Dybowska, Eugenia Valsami-Jones, and Valery E. Forbes
Effects of sediment iron mineral composition on microbially mediated changes in divalent metal speciation: Importance of ferrihydrite, D. Craig Cooper, Andrew L. Neal, Ravi K. Kukkadapu, Dale Brewe, Aaron Coby, and Flynn W. Picardal
Effects of Sediment Load on Emergence of Aquatic Invertebrates and Plants from Wetland Soil Egg and Seed Banks, Robert A. Gleason, Ned H. Euliss Jr., Daniel E. Hubbard, and Walter G. Duffy
Effects of Sex Condition and Diet on Growth and Carcass Characteristics, John D. Crouse, Calvin L. Ferrell, and Larry V. Cundiff
Effects of Sex Condition, Diet, and Electrical Stimulation on the Collagen and Palatability of Two Muscles, John D. Crouse, H. Russell Cross, and Steven C. Seideman
Effects of Short Noise Bursts on Human Performance and Perception, Christopher Ainley
Effects of Sorting Steers by Body Weight into Calf-Fed, Summer Yearling, and Fall Yearling Feeding Systems, D. R. Adams, T. J. Klopfenstein, G. E. Erickson, W. A. Griffin, M. K. Luebbe, M. A. Greenquist, and J. R. Benton
Effects of Substrate on Density of Aquatic Insects in a Southeast Nebraska Stream, Patrick O. Darrow and Kenneth P. Pruess
Effects of Thiamethoxam Seed Treatments on Bean Leaf Beetles, Chelsea L. Piitz
Effects of Tillage on Soil Erosion in a Wheat-Fallow Rotation, Elbert C. Dickey, C. R. Fenster, J. M. Laflen, and R. H. Mickelson
Effects of transmission gear selection on tractor performance and fuel costs during deep tillage operations, C.M. Kichler, J.P. Fulton, R.L. Raper, T.P. McDonald, and W.C. Zech
Effects of ungulate herbivory on aspen, cottonwood, and willow development under forest fuels treatment regimes, Bryan A. Endress, Michael J. Wisdom, Martin Vavra, Catherine G. Parks, Brian L. Dick, Bridgett J. Naylor, and Jennifer M. Boyd
Effects of Website Environmental Cues on Consumers’ Response and Outcome Behaviors, Eunju Yoon
Effects of Xenobiotics and Phytotoxins on Reproduction in Food Animals, Kip E. Panter and Bryan L. Stegelmeier
Effects of Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) Colonization on Water Quality Parameters in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron, Gary L. Fahnenstiel, Gregory A. Lang, Thomas F. Nalepa, and Thomas H. Johengen
Effects on Commercial Broiler Chicks of Constant Exposure to Ultraviolet Light from Insect Traps, Jerome Hogsette and Henry Wilson
Effects on the Function of Three Trophic Levels in Marine Plankton Communities under Stress from the Antifouling Compound Zinc Pyrithione, M. Hjorth, I. Dahllöf, and Valery E. Forbes
Effects on White Leghorn Hens of Constant Exposure to Ultraviolet Light from Insect Traps, Jerome Hogsette, Henry Wilson, and Susan Semple-Rowland
Efficacy and costs of controlling eastern redcedar, John Ortmann, James Stubbendieck, Robert A. Masters, George H. Pfeiffer, and Thomas B. Bragg
Efficacy of Commercial Mosquito Traps in Capturing Phlebotomine Sand Flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Egypt, D. F. Hoel, D. L. Kline, Jerome Hogsette, Ulrich R. Bernier, S. S. El-Hossary, H. A. Hanafi, N. Watany, E. Y. Fawaz, B. D. Furman, P. J. Obenauer, and D. E. Szumlas
Efficacy Of European Starling Control To Reduce Salmonella Enterica Contamination In A Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation In The Texas Panhandle, James C. Carlson, Richard M. Engeman, Doreene R. Hyatt, Rickey L. Gilliland, Thomas J. DeLiberto, Larry Clark, Michael J. Bodenchuck, and George M. Linz
Efficacy Of The Boar-Operated-System To Deliver Baits To Feral Swine., Tyler A. Campbell, David B. Long, and Giovanna Massei
Efficacy Of Three Attractant Blends Tested In Combination With Carbon Dioxide Against Natural Populations Of Mosquitoes And Biting Flies At The Lower Suwannee Wildlife Refuge, Daniel L. Kline, Ulrich R. Bernier, and Jerome A. Hogsette
Efficiency of gene silencing in Arabidopsis : direct inverted repeats vs. transitive RNAi vectors, Sergei A. Filichkin, Stephen P. DiFazio, Amy M. Brunner, John M. Davis, Zamin K. Yang, Udaya C. Kalluri, R. S. Arias, Elizabeth Etherington, Gerald A. Tuskan, and Steven H. Strauss
Efficiency of gene silencing in Arabidopsis: direct inverted repeats vs. transitive RNAi vectors, Sergei A. Filichkin, Stephen P. DiFazio, Amy M. Brunner, John M. Davis, Zamin K. Yang, Udaya C. Kalluri, Renee S. Arias, Elizabeth Etherington, Gerald A. Tuskan, and Steven H. Strauss
Efficient Methods of Estimating Switchgrass Biomass Supplies, Marty R. Schmer, Robert B. Mitchell, Kenneth P. Vogel, Walter H. Schacht, and David B. Marx
Efficient precast/prestressed floor system for building construction, Eliya E.A Henin
Efficient Prestressed Concrete-Steel Composite Girder for Medium-Span Bridges, Yaohua Deng
Efficient prestressed concrete-steel composite girder for medium-span bridges, Yaohua Deng
Efficient synthesis and conformational investigations of cis-pentacenediols, Jinyue Jiang, Charles E. Schiaffo, Chris P. Schwartz, Yong Pei, Joseph J. Dumais, Xiao Cheng Zeng, Patrick Dussault, and Li Tan
El adiós del exiliado: Las rutas de la memoria en Pilar de Zubiaurre, Iker Gonzalez-Allende
Electric modulation of magnetization at the BaTiO3/La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 interfaces, H. Lu, Thomas A. George, Yong Wang, Ihor Ketsman, John Burton, C.-W. Bark, S. Ryu, Dong Jik Kim, J. Wang, Christian Binek, Peter Dowben, Andrei Sokolov, C. B. Eom, Evgeny Y. Tsymbal, and Alexei Gruverman
Electrifying Nebraska's Daily Commuters, Dirk Wiseman
Electrochemical Stimulation of Microbial Perchlorate Reduction, J. Cameron Thrash, J. Ian Van Trump, Karrie A. Weber, Elisabeth Miller, Laurie A. Achenbach, and John D. Coates
Electroconvulsive therapy for major depression within the Veterans Health Administration, Paul N. Pfeiffer, Marcia Valenstein, Katherine J. Hoggatt, Dara Ganoczy, Dan Maixner, Erin M. Miller, and Kara Zivin
Electron and hole traps in Ag-doped lithium tetraborate (Li2B4O7) crystals, A. T. Brant, B. E. Kananan, M. K. Murari, J. McClory, J. Petrosky, V. T. Adamiv, Ya. V. Burak, Peter Dowben, and L. E. Halliburton
Electron attachment to molecules in a cluster environment, Ilya Fabrikant, S. Caprasecca, Gordon A. Gallup, and J. D. Gorfinkiel
Electron Diffraction from Free-Standing, Metal-Coated Transmission Gratings, Glen Gronniger, Brett Barwick, Herman Batelaan, Tim Savas, Dave Pritchard, and Alex Cronin
Electron donor-dependent radionuclide reduction and nanoparticle formation by Anaeromyxobacter dehalogenans strain 2CP-C, Matthew J. Marshall, Alice C. Dohnalkova, David Kennedy, Andrew Plymale, Sara Thomas, Frank Löffler, Robert Sanford, John M. Zachara, James K. Fredrickson, and Alexander Beliaev
Electronic Health Records: Eliciting Behavioral Health Providers’ Beliefs [Brief Reports], Nancy C. Shank, Elizabeth T. Willborn, Lisa M. Pytlik Zillig, and HarmoniJoie Noel
Electronic Image Analysis of Crop Residue Cover on Soil, George E. Meyer, Anthony Stepanek, David P. Shelton, and Elbert C. Dickey
Electronic Information Resources Awareness, Attitude and Use by Academic Staff Members of University of Lagos, Nigeria, Olatokunbo Christopher Okiki
Electronic inhomogeneity and Ag:Sb imbalance of Ag1−yPb18Sb1+zTe20 high-performance thermoelectrics elucidated by 125Te and 207Pb NMR, E. M. Levin, B. A. Cook, K. Ahn, M. G. Kanatzidis, and Ames Laboratory DOE
Electronic Textiles: Hacking the Museum, Barbara Layne
Electron-Phonon Coupling and Structural Phase Transitions on Au/Mo(112), Keisuke Fukutani
Electron self-injection into an evolving plasma bubble: Quasi-monoenergetic laser-plasma acceleration in the blowout regime, S. Y. Kalmykov, A. Beck, S. A. Yi, V. N. Khudik, M. C. Downer, E. Lefebvre, Bradley Shadwick, and Donald Umstadter
Electron-spin-reversal phenomenon in optically pumped rubidium, E. B. Norrgard, D. Tupa, J. M. Dreiling, and Timothy J. Gay
Electrons, Stern–Gerlach Magnets, and Quantum Mechanical Propagation, Herman Batelaan
Electron transfer at the microbe–mineral interface: a grand challenge in biogeochemistry, James K. Fredrickson and John M. Zachara
Elemental Pathways in Fiber Structures: Approaching Andean Symmetry Patterns through an Ancient Technology, Mary Frame
Elementary Teachers’ Comprehension of Flooding through Inquiry-based Professional Development and Use of Self-regulation Strategies, Elizabeth B. Lewis, Katrien J. van der Hoeven Kraft, Nievita Bueno Watts, Dale R. Baker, Meredith J. Wilson, and Michael Lang
Elementary Teachers’ Conceptions of Flooding Before and After Professional Development, Elizabeth B. Lewis, Katrien J. Kraft, Nievita Bueno Watts, Meredith J. Wilson, Dale R. Baker, and Michael Lang
Elementary tests of aesthetic judgment, Isabella Charlotte Lowe
El Espiritu de Aztlan, Sharon L. Gustafson
Elfazepam and Synovex-S Influences on Growth and Carcass Characteristics of Steers Fed Two Dietary Energy Levels, Ronald L. Prior, John D. Crouse, and Virden L. Harrison
Eloquence De Rigueur for California Deserts, Robert A. Leidy
Elution Patterns From Capillary GC For Methyl-Branched Alkanes, David A. Carlson, Ulrich R. Bernier, and Bruce D. Sutton
Embellishments of the Alaska Native Gut Parka, Fran Reed
Embracing Fry Bread, Roger Welsch
Embroidering the Golden Chersonese: Metallic Thread Needlework in the Malay Peninsula, Hwei-Fe’n Cheah
Embroidery In The Everyday Life Of Artisans, Merchants, And Consumers In Fez, Morocco, In The 1980s, Louise W. Mackie
Embryo Transfer in Beef Cattle Research, Ralph R. Maurer and Acacia A. Alcivar
Emergence and Survival of Legumes Seeded into Pastures Varying in Landscape Position, John A. Guretzky, Kenneth J. Moore, Allen D. Knapp, and E. Charles Brummer
Emerging Challenges to Effective Library Automation and An E-Library: The Case of Emmanuel Alayande College of Education, Oyo, Nigeria, B.O. Gbadamosi
Emergy as a Life Cycle Impact Assessment Indicator: A Gold Mining Case Study, Wesley W. Ingwesen
Emotion Dysregulation and Risky Sexual Behavior in Revictimization, Terri L. Messman-Moore, Kate L. Walsh, and David K. DiLillo
Empirical Research on Consumer Arbitration: What the Data Reveals, Sarah R. Cole and Kristen M. Blankley
Employers’ Expectations of Library Education in Nigeria, Adam Gambo Saleh
Empowerment in Academic Cultures: Whose Responsibility is It?, Lance C. Buhl
Encouraging Creativity in the Workplace Through the Physical Environment: Focusing of the Office Workstation, Dale R. Landry
End-User Programmers and their Communities: An Artifact-based Analysis, Kathryn T. Stolee, Sebastian Elbaum, and Anita Sarma
Energy Efficiency Analysis and Optimization on Mobile Video Wireless Delivery, Jianxin Sun
Energy Efficiency and Goodput Analysis in Two-Way Wireless Relay Networks, Qing Chen and M. Cenk Gursoy
Energy Efficiency in the Low-SNR Regime under Queueing Constraints and Channel Uncertainty, Deli Qiao, M. Cenk Gursoy, and Senem Velipasalar
Energy-efficient Feedback Tracking on Embedded Smart Cameras by Hardware-level Optimization, Mauricio Casares, Senem Velipasalar, Paolo Santinelli, Rita Cucchiara, Reggio Emilia, and Andrea Prati
Energy-efficient Foreground Object Detection on Embedded Smart Cameras by Hardware-level Operations, Mauricio Casares, Paolo Santinelli, Senem Velipasalar, Andrea Prati, and Rita Cucchiara
Energy Expenditures of Mature Cows During the Production Cycle, Calvin L. Ferrell and Tom G. Jenkins
Energy Issues Affecting Corn/Soybean Systems: Challenges for Sustainable Production, Douglas L. Karlen, David Archer, Adam Liska, and Seth Meyer
Energy Requirements for Maintenance of Beef Cattle Differing in Genetic Potential for Mature Size and Milk Production, Thomas G. Jenkins and Calvin L. Ferrell
Energy Utilization by Hereford and Simmental Males and Females, Calvin L. Ferrell and Thomas G. Jenkins
Energy Utilization by Mature Cows, Calvin L. Ferrell and Thomas G. Jenkins
England [Medieval Music], Peter M. Lefferts
English interjections in the 15th century, Mary Crawford
English intervention in the Sound and Baltic in 1658--1661, Arthur Edward Axelson
Enhanced asymmetry in few-cycle attosecond pulse ionization of He in the vicinity of autoionizing resonances, Jean Marcel Ngoko Djiokap, S. X. Hu, Wei-Chao Jiang, Liang-You Peng, and Anthony F. Starace
Enhanced Mutagenesis of Salmonella Tester Strains Due to Deletion of Genes Other Than uvrB, Carol D. Swartz, Nick Parks, David M. Umbach, William O. Ward, Roel M. Schaaper, and David M. DeMarini
Enhancement of Thermopower of TAGS-85 High-Performance Thermoelectric Material by Doping with the Rare Earth Dy, E. M. Levin, S. L. Bud’ko, and K. Schmidt-Rohr
Enhancing GTA Training in Academic Departments: Some Self-Assessment Guidelines, James Eison and Marsha Vanderford
Enhancing Soil Conservation Practice Adoption With Targeted Educational Programs, Elbert C. Dickey, David P. Shelton, and Paul J. Jasa
Enhancing the adoption of soil conservation practices with targeted educational programs, David P. Shelton, Elbert C. Dickey, Paul J. Jasa, and David A. Biere
Enrique Martínez Celaya: Collected Writings and Interviews, 1990–2010, Enrique Martinez Celaya
Entrepreneurship and Control in Eighteenth Century Silk Manufacture: The Case of Philippe Lasalle, Lyonnais Silk Designer Extraordinaire, Lesley Ellis Miller
Entrepreneurship and Control in Eighteenth Century Silk Manufacture: The Case of Philippe Lasalle, Lyonnais Silk Designer Extraordinaire, Lesley Ellis Miller
ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN NEBRASKA, Steve Carlson, Eric Thompson, Hanna Hartman, and WILLIAM WALSTAD
Entrepreneurship In Nebraska, Van Tran, Eric Thompson, and William Walstad
Environmental and Taxonomic Bacterial Diversity of Anaerobic Uranium(IV) Bio-Oxidation, Karrie A. Weber, J. Cameron Thrash, J. Ian Van Trump, Laurie A. Achenbach, and John D. Coates
Environmental contaminants and biomarker responses in fish from the Columbia River and its tributaries: Spatial and temporal trends, Jo Ellen Hinck, Christopher J. Schmitt, Vicki S. Blazer, Nancy D. Denslow, Timothy M. Bartish, Patrick J. Anderson, James J. Coyle, Gail M. Dethloff, and Donald E. Tillitt
Environmental contaminants and biomarker responses in fish from the Rio Grande and its U.S. tributaries: Spatial and temporal trends, Christopher J. Schmitt, Jo Ellen Hinck, Vicki S. Blazer, Nancy D. Denslow, Gail M. Dethloff, Timothy M. Bartish, James J. Coyle, and Donald E. Tillitt
Environmental Effects on Developing Wheat as Sensed by Near-Infrared Reflectance of Mature Grains, Stephen R. Delwiche, Robert A. Graybosch, Lenis A. Nelson, and William R. Hruschka
Environmental Impacts in the Vicinity of Spencer Hydropower Dam During Sluicing Activities in the Niobrara River, Nebraska, Michael P. Gutzmer, Justin W. King, and David P. Overhue
Environmental Modification of Hard Red Winter Wheat Flour Protein Composition, Robert A. Graybosch, C. J. Peterson, P. Stephen Baenziger, and D. R. Shelton
Environment and Hybrid Influences on Food-Grade Sorghum Grain Yield and Hardness, Joni K. Griess, Stephen C. Mason, David S. Jackson, Tomie D. Galusha, Muhammad Yaseen, and Jeffrey F. Pedersen
Environment and Hybrid Influences on Rapid-Visco-Analysis Flour Properties of Food-Grade Grain Sorghum, Joni K. Griess, Stephen C. Mason, David S. Jackson, Tom D. Galusha, Jeffrey F. Pedersen, and Muhammad Yaseen
Enzymatic Process for Nixtamalization of Cereal Grains, David S. Jackson and Deepak Sahai
Enzymology of Electron Transport: Energy Generation With Geochemical Consequences, Thomas J. DiChristina, James K. Fredrickson, and John M. Zachara
EPA project-level research strategies for chemical mixtures: targeted research for meaningful results, Linda K. Teuschler, Richard C. Hertzberg, Glenn E. Rice, and Jane Ellen Simmons
EPA's Research Program for Controlling Residential Wood Combustion Emissions, Robert E. Hall and Daryl G. DeAngelis
e-photosynthesis: a comprehensive dynamic mechanistic model of C3 photosynthesis: from light capture to sucrose synthesis, Xin-Guang Zhu, Yu Wang, Donald R. Ort, and Stephen P. Long
Epilogue, Gargi Roysircar Sodowsky and James C. Impara
Epistolophilia, Julija Sukys
Epithelial and Mesenchymal Cells in the Bovine Colonic Mucosa Differ in Their Responsiveness to Escherichia coli Shiga Toxin 1, Ivonne Stamm, Melanie Mohr, Philip S. Bridger, Elmar Schröpfer, Matthias König, William C. Stoffregen, Evelyn A. Dean-Nystrom, Georg Baljer, and Christian Menge
Epizootiology Of Sin Nombre And El Moro Canyon Hantaviruses, Southeastern Colorado, 1995–2000, Charles H. Calisher, J. Jeffrey Root, James N. Mills, Joan E. Rowe, Serena A. Reeder, Emily S. Jentes, Kent Wagoner, and Barry J. Beaty
Equilibrium Magnetization at the Boundary of a Magnetoelectric Antiferromagnet, Kirill D. Belashchenko
EQUIPMENT FOR RIDGE PLANTING, Elbert C. Dickey and Paul J. Jasa
Equity And Collaboration: The Move From Women's Issues Toward Gender Issues In Higher Education, Susanne W. Whitcomb and David B. Whitcomb
Equity Redemption Practices of Nebraska Farmer Cooperatives, Jeffrey S. Royer
Equivalence and duality for rank-metric and matrix codes, Katherine Morrison
Ermelo weeping lovegrass response to clipping, fertilization, and watering, Robert A. Masters and Carlton Britton
Erratum: Equilibrium Magnetization at the Boundary of a Magnetoelectric Antiferromagnet, Kirill D. Belashchenko
Erratum: World Catalogue of Propalticidae, with a replacement name for Discogenia Kolbe (Coleoptera: Cucujoidea), Matthew L. Gimmel
Error analysis of large-eddy simulation of the turbulent non-premixed sydney bluff-body flame, A. M. Kempf; B. J. Geurts; and J. C, Oefelein
Error Reduction and Effect of Step Size in Adjustment Calculus for Cam Applications, Sai Siddhartha Nudurupati
Escape From The Great Plains The Icelanders In North Dakota And Alberta, Howard Palmer
Escherichia coli O157:H7 Causes More-Severe Systemic Disease in Suckling Piglets than in Colostrum-Deprived Neonatal Piglets, Evelyn A. Dean-Nystrom, Joachim F. L. Pohlenz, Harley W. Moon, and Alison D. O’brien
Escherichia coli O157:H7 in beef cattle presented for slaughter in the U.S.: Higher prevalence rates than previously estimated, Lisa J. Gansheroff and Alison D. O'Brien
Escherichia coli O157:H7 in the gallbladders of experimentally infected calves, William C. Stoffregen, Joachim F. L. Pohlenz, and Evelyn A. Dean-Nystrom
Escherichia coli O157:H7 Requires Intimin for Enteropathogenicity in Calves, Evelyn A. Dean-Nystrom, Brad T. Bosworth, Harley W. Moon, and Alison D. O’brien
Essay On Place The Map As Big As The World, Thomas Fox Averill
Essays in inflation and monetary dynamics in developing countries, Simon K. Harvey
Essays in inflation and monetary dynamics in developing countries, Simon Kwadzogah Harvey
Essays on international trade and foreign direct investment, Wanasin Sattayanuwat
Essays on Teaching Excellence: A Fresh Vision, 2003-2004 Catalog
Essays on Teaching Excellence: A Fresh Vision, 2004-2005 Catalog
Essential oils of Cupressus funebris, Juniperus communis, and J. chinensis (Cupressaceae) as repellents against ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) and mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) and as toxicants against mosquitoes, John F. Carroll, Nurhayat Tabanca, Matthew Kramer, Natasha M. Elejalde, David E. Wedge, Ulrich R. Bernier, Monique Coy, James Becnel, Betul Demirci, Kemal Husnu Can Başer, Jian Zhang, and Sui Zhang
Establishing a Community of Conversation: Creating a Context for Self-Reflection Among Teacher Scholars, Victoria Harper
Establishing a Library Liaison Programme in a Nigerian Academic Library, Ifeanyi Edwin Ogbo, Obiorah Nwosu, and George E. Asogwa
Establishing Native Grasses in a Big Sagebrush–Dominated Site: An Intermediate Restoration Step, Elisabeth Huber-Sannwald and David A. Pyke
Establishing Switchgrass for Grazing and Energy, John Biermacher, Billy Cook, and John A. Guretzky
Establishing Winter Origins of Migrating Lesser Snow Geese Using Stable Isotopes, Viviane Hénaux, Larkin A. Powell, Mark P. Vrtiska, and Keith A. Hobson
Estimated risk of transmission of the West Nile virus through blood transfusion in the US, 2002, Brad J. Biggerstaff and Lyle R. Petersen
Estimates of Duck Breeding Populations in the Nebraska Sandhills Using Double Observer Methodology, Mark P. Vrtiska and Larkin A. Powell
Estimates of Genetic and Phenotypic Parameters of Pelvic Measures, Weight, Height, Calf Birth Weight, and Dystocia in Beef Cattle, Keith E. Gregory, Larry V. Cundiff, and Robert M. Koch
Estimates of Macroinvertebrate Biomass in Lake Michigan, Thomas F. Nalepa
Estimating aboveground carbon stocks of a forest affected by mountain pine beetle in Idaho using lidar and multispectral imagery, Benjamin C. Bright, Jeffrey A. Hicke, and Andrew T. Hudak
Estimating combustion of large downed woody debris from residual white ash, Alistair M.S. Smith and Andrew T. Hudak
Estimating Crop Residue- Using Residue to Help Control Wind and Water Erosion, Elbert C. Dickey and John Havlin
Estimating daily gross primary production of maize based only on MODIS WDRVI and shortwave radiation data, Toshihiro Sakamoto, Anatoly Gitelson, Brian D. Wardlow, Shashi Verma, and Andrew E. Suyker
Estimating national crop yield potential and the relevance of weather data sources, Justin Van Wart
Estimating Nest Density When Detectability Is Incomplete: Variation In Nest Attendance And Response To Disturbance By Western Meadowlarks, Matthew D. Giovanni, Max Post van der Burg, Lars C. Anderson, Larkin A. Powell, Walter H. Schacht, and Andrew J. Tyre
Estimating Percent Residue Cover Using The Line-Transect Method, David P. Shelton, Elbert C. Dickey, Roger Kanable, Stewart W. Melvin, and Charles A. Burr
Estimating Population Size of Mexican Wolves Noninvasively (Arizona), C.A. Cariappa, Warren Ballard, Stewart Breck, Antoinette J. Piaggio, and Melissa Neubaum
Estimating Predatory Efficiency of Episyrphus balteatus (Diptera: Syrphidae) in Cereal Fields, Brigitte Tenhumberg
Estimating Residue Cover, Elbert C. Dickey, Paul J. Jasa, and David P. Shelton
Estimating the Effect of Advertising in Bringing Victims to Rehabilitation, Ron Hampton, Dwayne Ball, Julie Pennington, and Anh Nguyen
Estimation of chlorophyll-a concentration in turbid productive waters using airborne hyperspectral data, Wesley J. Moses, Anatoly Gitelson, Richard L. Perk, Daniela Gurlin, Donald C. Rundquist, Bryan C. Leavitt, Tadd M. Barrow, and Paul Brakhage
Estimation of Retail Product of Carcass Beef, John D. Crouse
Estimation of surface albedo and directional reflectance from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) observations, Tao He, Shunlin Liang, Dongdong Wang, Hongyi Wu, Yunyue Yu, and Jindi Wang
Estrus Synchronization and Periconceptual Supplementation Affect the Profitability of a Replacement Heifer Enterprise, D. M. Larson, R. D. Richardson, K. H. Ramsay, and R. N. Funston
Ethanol's Impact On Nebraska's Economy, Kasey Rathke
Ethanol yields and cell wall properties in divergently bred switchgrass genotypes, Gautam Sarath, Bruce S. Dien, Aaron J. Saathoff, Kenneth P. Vogel, Robert B. Mitchell, and Han Chen
Ethnic Identity and Job Attribute Preferences: The Role of Collectivism and Psychological Capital, Gwendolyn Combs, Ivana Milosevic, Wonho Jeung, and Jakari Griffith
Ethnicity Mobility and Status – Textiles from the Taklamakan Desert, Helen Persson
Ethnoscience as a Methodology In Indian Education: A Sioux and Apache Example, Elizabeth S. Grobsmith
Eupatorium capillifolium Essential Oil: Chemical Composition, Antifungal Activity, and Insecticidal Activity, Nurhayat Tabanca, Ulrich R. Bernier, Maia Tsikolia, James Becnel, Blair Sampson, Chris Werle, Betül Demirci, Kemal Hüsnü Can Başer, Eugene K. Blythe, Cecil Pounders, and David E. Wedge
European Influence On The Visual Arts Of The Great Plains An Introduction, Jon Nelson
Eutrophication and harmful algal blooms: A scientific consensus, J. Heisler, P. M. Glibert, J. M. Burkholder, D. M. Anderson, W. Cochlan, W. C. Dennison, Q. Dortch, C. J. Gobler, C. A. Heil, E. Humphries, A. Lewitus, R. Magnien, H. G. Marshall, K. Sellner, D. A. Stockwell, D. K. Stoecker, and M. Suddleson
Eutrophication Of Small Reservoirs In Eastern Nebraska, Mark J. Hammer and Gary L. Hergemader
Evaluating Aster Satellite Imagery And Gradient Modeling For Mapping And Characterizing Wildland Fire Fuels, Michael J. Falkowski, Paul Gessler, Penelope Morgan, Alistair M.S. Smith, and Andrew T. Hudak
Evaluating Bispyribac-sodium and Sulfosulfuron for Control of Roughstalk Bluegrass, Debbie Morton, Daniel Weisenberger, Zachary Reicher, Bruce Branham, Bill Sharp, Roch E. Gaussoin, John Stier, and Eric Koeritz
Evaluating commercially available rodenticide baits for invasive Gambian giant pouched rats (Cricetomys gambianus), Gary W. Witmer, Nathan P. Snow, and Patrick W. Burke
Evaluating Consistency Algorithms for Temporal Metric Constraints, Yang Shi, Anagh Lal, and Berthe Y. Choueiry
Evaluating Consistency Algorithms for Temporal Metric Constraints, Yang Shi, Anagh Lal, and Berthe Y. Choueiry
Evaluating Conventional and Sexed Semen in a Commercial Beef Heifer Program, Tonya L. Meyer, Richard N. Funston, Kelly Ranch, James M. McGrann, Sexing Technologies, and ABS Global
Evaluating current policy for detecting mosaicism in amniotic fluid cultures: implications for current cell counting practices, Samuel P. Caudill, Daniel L. Van Dyke, Andrew T. L. Chen, John A. Reidy, Paul S. Ing, Stuart Schwartz, and Gail H. Vance
Evaluating decision rules for dryland rotation crop selection, David C. Nielsen, Merle F. Vigil, and Joseph G. Benjamin
Evaluating spawning migration patterns and predicting spawning success of shovelnose sturgeon in the Lower Missouri River, M. L. Wildhaber, S. H. Holan, G. M. Davis, D. W. Gladish, A. J. DeLonay, Diana M. Papoulias, and D. K. Sommerhauser
Evaluating Structured Group Activities for the Large Class, John Stevenson
Evaluating the Aster Sensor for Mapping and Characterizing Forest Fire Fuels in Northern Idaho, Michael J. Falkowski, Paul Gessler, Penelope Morgan, Andrew T. Hudak, and Alistair M.S. Smith
Evaluating the Cost-Effectiveness of Roadside Culvert Treatments, Francisco Daniel B. de Albuquerque, Dean L. Sicking, Ronald K. Faller, and Karla A. Lechtenberg
Evaluating the role of EPA policy levers: An examination of a voluntary program and regulatory threat in the metal-finishing industry, Keith Brouhle, Charles Griffiths, and Ann Wolverton
Evaluating the Success of Individually Owned vs. Cooperative Agritourism Businesses in Nebraska, Craig Easley
Evaluating vegetation response to water stress using close-range and satellite remote sensing, Sharmistha Swain
Evaluation and comparison of gross primary production estimates for the Northern Great Plains grasslands, Li Zhang, Bruce K. Wylie, Thomas Loveland, Eugene A. Fosnight, Larry L. Tieszen, Lei Ji, and Tagir G. Gilmanov
Evaluation Designs, Clare Rose
Evaluation of alternative approaches for screening contaminated sediments and soils for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans, Mary Schrock, Amy Dindal, and Stephen Billets
Evaluation of an alternative IMS dissociation procedure for use with Method 1622: detection of Cryptosporidium in water, Michael W. Ware, Larry Wymer, Alan Lindquist, and Frank W. Schaefer III
Evaluation of antral follicle count and ovarian morphology in crossbred beef cows: Investigation of influence of stage of the estrous cycle, age, and birth weight, R. A. Cushman, M. F. Allan, L. A. Kuehn, W. M. Snelling, Andrea S. Cupp, and H. C. Freetly
Evaluation of a Social Marketing Campaign: 4 Day Throw Away, Katie J. James
Evaluation of a social marketing campaign: 4 day throw away, Katie J James
Evaluation of Beef Cattle Operations Utilizing Different Seasons of Calving, Weaning Strategies, Postweaning Management, and Retained Ownership, R. E. Kruse, M. W. Tess, E. E. Grings, R. E. Short, R. K. Heitschmidt, W. A. Phillips, and H. S. Mayeux
Evaluation of Commercial Latex Reagents for Identification of O157 and H7 Antigens of Escherichia coli, Evangeline G. Sowers, Joy G. Wells, and Nancy A. Strockbine
Evaluation of Different Insecticides and Fabric Types for Development of Treated Targets for Stable Fly (Diptera: Muscidae) Control, Jerome Hogsette, Alyce Nalli, and Lane Foil
Evaluation of Dry Distillers Grains Plus Solubles Inclusion on Performance and Economics of Finishing Beef Steers, C. D. Buckner, T. L. Mader, G. E. Erickson, S. L. Colgan, D. R. Mark, V. R. Bremer, K. K. Karges, and M. L. Gibson
Evaluation of Entrepreneurship Awareness and Skills among LIS Students in Universities in South East Nigeria, Felicia Ugwu and C.N. Ezeani
Evaluation of Grazing Alternate Summer and Fall Forages in Extensive Beef Cattle Production Systems, D. H. Shain; T. J. Klopfenstein; R. A. Stock; B, A. Vieselmeyer; and G. E. Erickson
Evaluation of hha and hha sepB mutant strains of Escherichia coli O157:H7 as bacterins for reducing E. coli O157:H7 shedding in cattle, Vijay K. Sharma, Evelyn A. Dean-Nystrom, and Thomas A. Casey
Evaluation of Liquid Nitrogen Freeze Drying and Ethanol Dehydration as Methods to Preserve Partially Cooked Starch and Masa Systems, Roxana Yglesias and David S. Jackson
Evaluation of monoclonal antibody–based immunohistochemistry for the detection of European and North American Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus and a comparison with in situ hybridization and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction, Kiwon Han, Hwi Won Seo, Yeonsu Oh, Ikjae Kang, Changhoon Park, Sang Hoon Kang, Sung-Hoon Kim, Bog-Hieu Lee, Byung Joon Kwon, and Chanhee Chae
Evaluation of Nicarbazin as a Potential Waterfowl Contraceptive Using Mallards as a Model, C. A. Yoder, J. K. Graham, L. A. Miller, K. S. Bynum, J. J. Johnston, and M. J. Goodall
Evaluation of niobium as candidate electrode material for dc high voltage photoelectron guns, M. BastaniNejad, Md. Abdullah Mohamed, A. A. Elmustafa, P. Adderley, J. Clark, S. Covert, J. Hansknecht, C. Hernandez-Garcia, M. Poelker, R. Mammei, K. Surles-Law, and P. Williams
Evaluation Of Oviposition Substrates And Organic Infusions On Collection Of Culex In Florida, Sandra Allan, Ulrich R. Bernier, and David Kline
Evaluation of Pneumonia Virus of Mice as a Possible Human Pathogen, Linda G. Brock, Ruth A. Karron, Christine D. Krempl, Peter L. Collins, and Ursula J. Buchholz
Evaluation of propane combustion traps for the collection of Phlebotomus papatasi (Scopoli) in southern Israel, Daniel Kline, Gunter Miller, and Jerome Hogsette
Evaluation of Revalor-IH and Revalor-IS as Initial Implants Compared with Traditional Initial Implants for Finishing Heifers and Steers, J. D. Folmer, T. B. Farran, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, C. D. Reinhardt, B. D. Dicke, J. S. Drouillard, M. N. Streeter, and J. T. Vasconcelos
Evaluation of shortwave infrared atmospheric correction for ocean color remote sensing of Chesapeake Bay, P. Jeremy Werdell, Bryan A. Franz, and Sean W. Bailey
Evaluation Of Single And Two-Stage Adaptive Sampling Designs For Estimation Of Density And Abundance Of Freshwater Mussels In A Large River, D. R. Smith, J. T. Rogala, B. R. Gray, Steven J. Zigler, and Teresa J. Newton
Evaluation of soil salinity leaching requirement guidelines, John Letey, Glenn J. Hoffman, Jan W. Hopmans, Stephen R. Grattan, Donald Louis Suarez, Dennis L. Corwin, Jim D. Oster, Laosheng Wu, and Christopher Amrhein
Evaluation of Stomoxys calcitrans (Diptera: Muscidae) Behavioral Response to Human and Related Odors in a Triple Cage Olfactometer with Insect Traps, Raul A. Alzogaray and David A. Carlson
Evaluation of the Dispersion Relations of Photoproduction, Paul Finkler
Evaluation of the impact of surface residue cover on single and dual crop coefficient for estimating soybean actual evapotranspiration, Lameck O. Odhiambo and Suat Irmak
Evaluation Of The Intercom Model For Predicting Growth Of Forest Herbs, Zorica S. Popović and J. L. Lindquist
Evaluation of the MODIS LAI product using independent lidar-derived LAI: A case study in mixed conifer forest, Jennifer L.R. Jensen, Karen S. Humes, Andrew T. Hudak, Lee A. Vierling, and Eric Delmelle
Evaluation of the Role of Shiga and Shiga-like Toxins in Mediating Direct Damage to Human Vascular Endothelial Cells, Vernon L. Tesh, James E. Samuel, Liyanage P. Perera, John B. Sharefkin, and Alison D. O'Brien
Evaluation of Three Estrous Synchronization Protocols in Beef Heifers1, R. N. Funston, R. J. Lipsey, T. W. Geary, and R. P. Ansotegui
Evaluation of two mutants of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis as candidates for a live attenuated vaccine for Johne’s disease, Kun Taek Park, Andrew J. Allen, John P. Bannantine, Keun Seok Seo, Mary J. Hamilton, Gaber S. Abdellrazeq, Heba M. Rihan, Amanda Grimm, and William C. Davis
Evaluation Of ULV And Thermal Fog Mosquito Control Applications In Temperate And Desert Environments, Seth C. Britch, Kenneth J. Linthicum, Wayne W. Wynn, Todd W. Walker, Muhammad Farooq, Vincent L. Smith, Cathy A. Robinson, Branka B. Lothrop, Melissa Snelling, Arturo Gutierrez, Hugh D. Lothrop, Jerry D. Kerce, James J. Becnel, Ulrich R. Bernier, and Julia W. Pridgeon
Evaluation of Waxy Grain Sorghum for Ethanol Production, Shuping Yan, Xiaorong Wu, Scott R. Bean, Jeffery F. Pedersen, Tesfaye Tesso, Yuanhong Chen, and Donghai Wang
Evaluations of Pre-Conference Workshop
Evapotranspiration information reporting: I. Factors governing measurement accuracy, Richard G. Allen, Luis S. Pereira, Terry A. Howell, and Marvin E. Jensen
EVects of in vivo exposure to DEET on blood feeding behavior and fecundity in Anopheles quadrimaculatus (Diptera: Culicidae), Rui-De Xue, Arshad Ali, and Donald R. Barnard
Every Social System Is an Automation, Eckehart Kohler
"Everything is Medicine": Burke’s Master Metaphor?, Carly Woods
"Everything Promised Had Been Included In The Writing" Indian Reserve Farming And The Spirit And Intent Of Treaty Six Reconsidered, Derek Whitehouse-Strong
Evidence against equimolarity of large repeat arrangements and a predominant master circle structure of the mitochondrial genome from a monkeyflower (Mimulus guttatus) lineage with cryptic CMS, Jeffrey P. Mower, Andrea L. Case, Eric R. Floro, and John H. Willis
Evidence-based integrated environmental solutions for secondary lead smelters: Pollution prevention and waste minimization technologies and practices, A. M. Genaidy, R. Sequeira, T. Tolaymat, J. Kohler, and M. Rinder
Evidence for a major QTL associated with host response to Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus challenge, N. Boddicker, E. H. Waide, R. R. R. Rowland, J. K. Lunney, D. J. Garrick, J. M. Reecy, and J. C. M. Dekkers
Evidence for Mate Choice by Male Guppies (Poecilia reticulata), Joseph J. Benz and Daniel W. Leger
Evidence for multiple modes of uranium immobilization by an anaerobic bacterium, Allison E. Ray, John R. Bargar, Vaideeswaran Sivaswamy, Alice C. Dohnalkova, Yoshiko Fujita, Brent M. Peyton, and Timothy S. Magnuson
Evidence for Quaternary Piracy of Pumpkin Creek, South-Central Morrill County, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal
Evidence for Spin Correlation in tt̅ Production, V. M. Abazov, Kenneth A. Bloom, Daniel R. Claes, Kayle DeVaughan, A. Dominguez, Michael Eads, Ioannis Katsanos, Sudhir Malik, and Gregory Snow
Evidence of the Individual in the Cultural Material of Tapestry, Joyce Hulbert
Evolutionary Genetics of a New Pathogenic Escherichia Species: Escherichia albertii and Related Shigella boydii Strains, Katie E. Hyma, David W. Lacher, Adam M. Nelson, Alyssa C. Bumbaugh, J. Michael Janda, Nancy A. Strockbine, Vincent B. Young, and Thomas S. Whittam
Evolutionary history of Caribbean species of Myotis, with evidence of a third Lesser Antillean endemic, Roxanne J. Larsen, Peter A. Larsen, Hugh H. Genoways, Francois M. Catzeflis, Keith Geluso, Gary G. Kwiecinski, Scott C. Pedersen, and Fernando Simal
Evolutionary Relationships among the Protostrongylidae (Nematoda: Metastrongyloidea) as Inferred from Morphological Characters, with Consideration of Parasite-Host Coevolution, Ramon A. Carreno and Eric P. Hoberg
EVOLUTION FOR ANTHROPOLOGY: SETTING OUR HOUSE IN ORDER (A Review of Bringing It All Back Home by Gerald D. Berreman), Dennis Toom
Evolution in coyotes (Canis latrans) in response to the megafaunal extinctions, Julie Meachen and Joshua Samuels
Evolution of the band alignment at polar oxide interfaces, J.D. Burton and E.Y. Tsymbal
Evolution of the Calcareous Nannofossil Genus Biscutum in the Mid to Upper Cretaceous North American Mid-Latitudes, Bobbi J. Brace
Evolution of the Earliest Horses Driven by Climate Change in the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, Ross Secord, Jonathan I. Bloch, Stephen G. B. Chester, Doug M. Boyer, Aaron R. Wood, Scott L. Wing, Mary J. Kraus, Francesca A. McInerney, and John Krigbaum
Evolution of the methods of teaching Latin and the present status of Latin in the school, Mattie Allen
Evolving Eden, Sharon L. Kennedy
Examination of Annual Variation in the Adult Sex Ratio of Pronghorn (Antilocapra americana), Justin D. Hoffman and Hugh H. Genoways
Examining the Covariance of Political and Religious Beliefs Within Individuals and Across Generations, Amanda Balzer
Examining the covariance of religious and political beliefs within individuals and across generations, Amanda Balzer
Examining the effect of medical risk, parental stress, and self-efficacy on parent behaviors and the home environment of premature children, Kathryn E Woods
Examining the Role of Family and Marital Communication in Understanding Resilience to Family-of-Origin Adversity, Kristen Carr
Examining the role of family and marital communication in understanding resilience to family-of-origin adversity, Kristen Carr
Excavating Nauvoo, Benjamin C. Pykles
Excavation at the Hot Springs Mammoth Site: A Late Pleistocene Animal Trap, Larry D. Agenbroad
Excavations at Natural Trap Cave, Larry D. Martin and B. Miles Gilbert
Excellent Teaching: A Collective Case Study of Outstanding Elementary Mathematics Teachers' Teaching of Mathematics, Michael J. Gay
Exceptional Textiles for Today's Interiors Weaving Our Way Through the Design Community's Exclusive Showrooms, Mia Backman
Excerpts from the Lewis and Clark Journals: An Epic of Discovery, The Abridgment of the Definitive Nebraska Edition The Journey across the Plains, Gary E. Moulton
Excited state geometry of photoactive yellow protein chromophore: A combined conductorlike polarizable continuum model and time-dependent density functional study, Yali Wang and Hui Li
"Ex Corde Ecclesiae" and Catholic higher education in America, James A Caridi
Executive control and dimensions of problem behaviors in preschool children, Kimberly Espy, Tiffany Sheffield, Sandra A. Wiebe, Caron A. C. Clark, and Matthew J. Moehr
Executive Director's Message, Mary Lynn Crow
Executive Director's Message, Lance C. Buhl
Executive Director's Message, Summer 1980, Lance C. Buhl
Executive Director's Message, Winter 1980, Lance C. Buhl
Executive function deficits in preschool children with ADHD and DBD, Kim Schoemaker, Tessa Bunte, Sandra A. Wiebe, Kimberly A. Espy, Maja Deković, and Walter Matthys
Executive Reticulater's Message, Lance C. Buhl
Exercise Capacity of House Wren Nestlings: Chciks Are Not Working as Hard as They Can, Mark A. Chappell and Gwendolyn C. Bachman
Existence of Fixed Poles and Their Role in Conspiracy, Paul Finkler
Expanding the Investment Company Act: The SEC's Manipulation of the Definition of Security, C. Steven Bradford
Expanding the length of jointless bridges by providing rotational capacity over the pile head, Ardalan Sherafati
Expanding the Social-Ecological Framework of Bullying among Youth: Lessons Learned from the Past and Directions for the Future [Chapter 1], Susan M. Swearer Napolitano and Dorothy L. Espelage
Expected Economic Potential of Substituting Legumes for Nitrogen in Bermudagrass Pastures, Jon T. Biermacher; The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc.; M.K. Kering; J.K. Rogers; J. Blanton Jr; John A. Guretzky; and T.J. Butler
Experienced and vicarious victimization: Do social support and self-esteem prevent delinquent responses?, Lisa A. Kort-Butler
Experiences of first-generation Mexican women and Certified Nurse-midwives during pregnancy and birth, Shanell K Sanchez
Experiences of Newly Hired Faculty, Robert J. Menges
Experiences with Dynamic Circuit Creation in a Regional Network Testbed, Pragatheeswaran Angu and Byrav Ramamurthy
Experimental and theoretical electronic structure of EuRh2As2, A. D. Palczewski, R. S. Dhaka, Y. Lee, Yogesh Singh, D. C. Johnston, B. N. Harmon, and Adam Kaminski
Experimental and Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, John D. Persons
Experimental and theoretical studies in nuclear magnetic resonance, John D Persons
Experimental and theoretical studies in solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance, Monica N Kinde
Experimental Approaches to Evaluate the Contributions of Candidate Protein-Coding Mutations to Phenotypic Evolution, Jay F. Storz and Anthony J. Zera
Experimental Infection of Fox Squirrels (Sciurus Niger) With West Nile Virus, J. Jeffrey Root, Paul T. Oesterle, Nicole M. Nemeth, Kaci Klenk, Daniel H. Gould, Robert G. Mclean, Larry Clark, and Jeffrey S. Hall
Experimental Infection Of Nontarget Species Of Rodents And Birds With Brucella Abortus Strain Rb51 Vaccine, Matt C. Januszewski, Steven C. Olsen, Robert G. McLean, Larry Clark, and Jack C. Rhyan
Experimental Infection of Raccoons (Procyon lotor) with West Nile Virus, J. Jeffrey Root, Kevin T. Bentler, Nicole M. Nemeth, Thomas Gidlewski, Terry R. Spraker, and Alan B. Franklin
Experimental Observation of Time-Delays Associated with Electric Matteucci–Pozzi Phase Shifts, Shawn A. Hilbert, Adam Caprez, and Herman Batelaan
Experimental Studies of Light Propagation and Storage in Warm Atomic Gases, H. Gao, M. Rosenberry, J. Wang, and Herman Batelaan
Experimental Testing and Finite-Element Modeling to Evaluate the Effects of Aggregate Angularity on Bituminous Mixture Performance, Leonardo T. Souza, Yong-Rak Kim, Flavio V. Souza, and Leandro S. Castro
Exploiting Antipredator Behavior in White-Tailed Deer for Resource Protection, Bradley F. Blackwell, Thomas W. Seamans, Laura A. Tyson, Jerrold L. Belant, and Kurt C. VerCauteren
Exploring global competence with managers in India, Japan, and the Netherlands: A qualitative study, Gerard J. M Ras
Exploring Pattern in Woven Design: a Comparison of two Seventeenth Century Italian Textiles, Melinda Watt
Exploring Patttern in "Kashmir" and "Paisley" Shawls, Arlene C. Cooper
Exploring Separable Components of Institutional Confidence, Joseph A. Hamm, Lisa M. Pytlik Zillig, Alan Tomkins, Mitchel Herian, Brian H. Bornstein, and Elizabeth Neeley
Exploring Student Ratings Through Computer Analysis: A Method to Assist Instructional Development, Robert Lewis
Exploring Technology Usage By School Counselors: A Mixed Methods Study, Nathan Grosshandler
Exploring the biochemistry at the extracellular redox frontier of bacterial mineral Fe(III) respiration, David J. Richardson, Marcus J. Edwards, Gaye F. White, Nanakow Baiden, Robert S. Hartshorne, James K. Fredrickson, Liang Shi, John M. Zachara, Andrew J. Gates, University of East Anglia, and Thomas Clarke
Exploring the Design Space of Multichannel Peer-to-Peer Live Video Streaming Systems, Miao Wang, Lisong Xu, and Byrav Ramamurthy
Exploring the Effectiveness of Late-‐Night Programs to Curb Underage Alcohol Consumption, Kathryn E. Reising
Exploring the experiences of academically successful African Americans reared in a home with a non-resident biological father, Michelle T Simpson
Exploring the Relationships of Perceived Discrimination, Anger, and Aggression among North American Indigenous Adolescents, Kelley J. Sittner Hartshorn, Les B. Whitbeck, and Dan R. Hoyt
Exposure to Media Alternatives, Jack Burke
Expression and Distribution of Thiol- regulating Enzyme, Glutaredoxin 2 in Porcine Ocular Tissues, Bijaya Prasad Upadhyaya
Expression and self-assembly of virus-like particles from two genotypes of marine vesiviruses and development of an ELISA for the detection of antibodies, Shasta D. McClenahan, Karin Bok, Stanislav V. Sosnovtsev, John D. Neill, Kathy A. Burek, Kimberlee B. Beckmen, Alvin W. Smith, Kim Y. Green, and Carlos H. Romero
Expressions in Silk: Embroidered Miniatures on Historic Textiles from the Armenian Apostolic Churches of Istanbul, Marlene Breu and Ronald T. Marchese
Expressions in Silk: Embroidered Miniatures on Historic Textiles from the Armenian Apostolic Churches of Istanbul, Marlene R. Breu and Ronald T. Marchese
Expressions of Power – Luxury textiles from early medieval northern Europe, Sonja Marzinzik
Extended Hyperlink Mobilizing Education through Social Networks, Zachary D. P. Johnson
Extending integral concepts to curved bridge systems, Saeed Eghtedar Doust
Extending Interval from Seventeen to Nineteen Days in the Melengestrol Acetate - Prostaglandin Estrous Synchronization Program for Heifers, G. H. Deutscher
Extending the Security Net The Impact of Rangeland Insurance On Ranching Economy and Culture, Rex J. Rowley
Extension Wildlife Damage Control in Arkansas, Rocky Lynch
Extension Wildlife Damage Control in Colorado, Dale A. Wade
Extension Wildlife Damage Control in Iowa, Tom Berkley
Extraction and Characterization of Starch from Alkaline Cooked Corn Masa, Wajira Srinanda Ratnayake, Andrew B. Wassinger, and David S. Jackson
Extralimital Records of the Mexican Free-Tailed Bat (Tadarida Brasiliensis Mexicana) in the Central United States and their Biological Significance, Hugh H. Genoways, Patricia W. Freeman, and Carey Grell
Fabrication and Characterization of Biocomposites from Polylactic Acid and Bamboo Fibers, Sarah E. Royse
Fabrication and Characterization of Thermomechanically Processed Sulfur and Boron Doped Amorphous Carbon Films, Lonnie Carlson
Fabrication and characterization of thermomechanically processed sulfur and boron doped amorphous carbon films, Lonnie Carlson
Fabrication, Structure, and Magnetism of Transition Metal and Oxide Nanoclusters, Xiaohui Wei
Faburden, Peter M. Lefferts
Face to Face, Daphne A. Deeds and Karen Janovy
Facilitating ICT Adoption among Research Scientists in Ghana, Lucy Dzandu and Perpetua Dadzie
Factors Affecting the Alkaline Cooking Performance of Selected Corn and Sorghum Hybrids, Weston B. Johnson, Wajira S. Ratnayake, David S. Jackson, Kyung-Min Lee, Timothy J. Herrman, Scott R. Bean, and Stephen C. Mason
Factors Affecting the Alkaline Cooking Performance of Selected Corn and Sorghum Hybrids, Weston B. Johnson, Wajira S. Ratnayake, David S. Jackson, Kyung-Min Lee, Timothy J. Herrman, Scott R. Bean, and Stephen Mason
Factors Affecting the Distribution and Survival of Endangered American Burying Beetles, Nicrophorus americanus Olivier, Jessica Jurzenski
Factors affecting the distribution and survival of endangered American burying beetles, Nicrophorus americanus Olivier, Jessica D Jurzenski
Factors associated with screening or treatment initiation among male United States veterans at risk for osteoporosis fracture, Richard E. Nelson, Jonathan R. Nebeker, Brian C. Sauer, and Joanne LaFleur
Factors associated with suicidal ideation in OEF/OIF veterans, Chad M. Lemaire and David P. Graham
Factors Associated with Tenderness of Three Beef Muscles, Mohammad Koohmaraie, Steven C. Seideman, and John D. Crouse
Factors Influencing Fetal Growth and Birth Weight in Cattle, Calvin L. Ferrell
Factors Influencing Generational Transfers of Farm/Ranch Assets, Dave Goeller
Factors influencing long-term population dynamics of pronghorn (Antilocapra americana): evidence of an Allee effect, Justin D. Hoffman, Hugh H. Genoways, and Rachel R. Jones
Factors Influencing Profitability of Calf-Fed Steers Harvested at Optimum Endpoint, Mallorie F. Wilken, Adam L. Shreck, and Larry L. Berger
Factors Influencing Receipt of Outpatient Rehabilitation Services Among Veterans Following Lower Extremity Amputation, Jianxun Zhou, Barbara E. Bates, Jibby E. Kurichi, Pui L. Kwong, Dawei Xie, and Margaret G. Stineman
Factors influencing the germination of seed and the growth of seedling of coniferous species, John Shaw Boyce
Factors Involved in Regulating the Development of Ovarian Follicles in Cattle, Andrew J. Roberts, Sherrill E. Echternkamp, Judith M. Grizzle, and Thomas H. Wise
Faculty Careers: Satisfactions and Discontents, Mary Deane Sorcinelli
Faculty Collaboration for Better Teaching: Adult Learning Principles Applied to Teaching Improvement, Elizabeth A. McDaniel
Faculty Developers as Change Agents: Transforming Colleges and Universities into Learning Organizations, Sondra K. Patrick and James J. Fletcher
Faculty Developers as Change Facilitators: The Concerns-Based Adoption Model, Lynn Evans and Sheila Chauvin
Faculty Developers as Facilitators of Scholarly Writing, Robert Boice and Jim L. Turner
Faculty Development and Changing Environments of the Urban Campus, Debrah Jefferson and Susan Peverly
Faculty Development and the Inclusion of Diversity in the College Classroom: Pedagogical and Curricular Transformation, James A. Anderson
Faculty Development and the New American Scholar, William B. Bondeson
Faculty Development: An Historical Perspective, Rosemary Park
Faculty Development As An Organizational Process, C. Edward Kaylor Jr. and J. William Smith
Faculty Development Can Change the Culture of a College, Ann S. Ferren
Faculty Development For Learning: The Promise of Classroom Research, Thomas A. Angelo
Faculty Development in a Decade of Transition, B. Claude Mathis
Faculty Development in Out-of-the-Way Places, Sally S. Atkins and Marilla D. Svinicki
Faculty Development in Technology Applications to University Instruction: An Evaluation, Margie K. Kitano, Bernard J. Dodge, Patrick J. Harrison, and Rena B. Lewis
Faculty Development Needs as a Function of Status in the Academic Guild, Sandra Powell Barber
Faculty Development Programs: A Perspective, Sandra Hellyer and Erwin Boschmann
Faculty Development Programs at Research Universities: Implications for Senior Faculty Renewal, Arthur L. Crawley
Faculty Development's Role in Promoting an Inclusive Community: Addressing Sexual Orientation, Ann S. Ferren and William W. Geller
Faculty Development: The Personal Odyssey of a Young Faculty Member, Michael Eric Siegel
Faculty Development: The Why and the How of It, Joseph B. Cuseo
Faculty Development Through Faculty Luncheon Seminars: A Case Study of Carnegie Mellon University, Susan A. Ambrose
Faculty Development With English Departments: Composition Resources, Fred Gilliard
Faculty Exchanges as a Means of Renewal and Development, Phyllis Zweig Chin
Faculty Helping Themselves to Improve Their Instructional Abilities, Henry B. Slotnick
Faculty / Instructional / Professional Development Job Availability
Faculty Perceptions of Undergraduate Teaching, Deborah Olsen and Ada B. Simmons
Faculty Use of University Library Resources: A Study of Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijagun, Ogun State, Nigeria, A.O. Simisaye
Faculty Vitality: 1990 and Beyond, Joan North
Faith As News: A Christian Clergy Perspective on News Media Coverage of Religion, John Baker
Faith-Based Organizations in a System of Behavioral Health Care, Mark DeKraai, Denise Bulling, Nancy C. Shank, and Alan J. Tomkins
Faith. Hope, and Charity: making madras, c. 1880-1930
Fall Field Report, W. Ross Silcock
Fall Field Report, August-November, 2000, W. Ross Silcock
Fall Field Report, August-November 2003, W. Ross Silcock
Falling into It: Novice TESOL Teacher Thinking, Mark K. Warford and Jenelle Reeves
False promises: Females spurn cheating males in a field cricket, William E. Wagner, Andrew R. Smith, and Alexandra Basolo
Family Dynamics Through Time: Brood Reduction Followed by Parental Compensation with Aggression and Favoritism, Daizaburo Shizuka and Bruce E. Lyon
Family Factors That Differentiate Sexually Abused and Nonabused Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatients, Dawn H.S. Reinemann, Kevin D. Stark, and Susan M. Swearer Napolitano
Family level phylogenies reveal modes of macroevolution in RNA viruses, Andrew Kitchen, Laura Shackelton, and Edward Holmes
Family Portrait: Impressions of a Nurturing Organization, Jon Travis, Lisa Cohen, Dan Hursh, and Barbara Lounsberry
Family Resemblances, Carrie Shipers
Far Corner Of The Strange Empire Central Alberta On The Eve Of Homestead Settlement, William C. Wonders
Farmer perceptions of sustainable agriculture practices and drought risk reduction in Nebraska, USA, Cody L. Knutson, T. Haigh, Michael J. Hayes, Melissa Widhalm, J. Nothwehr, M. Kleinschmidt, and L. Graf
Farm Fishponds, Verne E. Davison
Farm Income and Government Payments to Agriculture in Nebraska, James R. Schmidt
Farmland Values: The Effects of Commodity Prices, Yields, Profit Margins and Capitalization Rates, Matthew C. Stockton
Farm Lease Termination, J. David Aiken
Farm Program Payments: A Changing Pattern in Nebraska’s Farm Income, Bruce Johnson
Farm survey of Franklin precinct, Fillmore County, Nebraska, Arthur Walton Medlar
Fashion, Tradition, and Cultural Authentication: Change in Hmong American Ethnic Textiles and Aesthetics at Hmong New Year, Susan J. Torntore
Fate and transmission of prion diseases in the soil environment, Samuel Saunders
Fate and transport of steroid hormones in the environment as affected by manure management and application strategies, Sagor Biswas
Fatigue resistance of the grain size transition zone in a dual microstructure superalloy disk, T. P. Gabb, P.T. Kantzos, J. Telesman, J. Gayda, C.K. Sudbrack, and B. Palsa
Faulkner in the Fifties: The Making of the Faulkner Canon, Roland K. Végső
Fault detection and diagnostics for centrifugal chillers, Xinzhi Zhao
Faunal diversity of Paederus Fabricius, 1775 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) in Iran, Mahmood R. Nikbakhtzadeh, Mehdi Naderi, and Parivash Safa
Favorable Team Scores Under the Team-Based Learning Paradigm: A Statistical Artifact?, Trevor Hefley and Andrew J. Tyre
Feasibility of near infrared spectroscopy for analyzing corn kernel damage and viability of soybean and corn kernels, Lidia Esteve Agelet, David D. Ellis, Susan Duvick, A. J. Susana Goggi, Charles R. Hurburgh, and Candice A. Gardner
Feasting and Drinking: Proverbs in Early Sixteenth-Century Woodcut Illustrations, Alison G. Stewart
Feature Folio Images Of Great Plains Train Travel
Feature Interaction Faults Revisited: An Exploratory Study, Brady J. Garvin and Myra B. Cohen
February 12, 2010 - Staff Meeting Agenda
February 18, 2011 - ALEC Department Meeting Agenda
February 1998 - Staff Meeting Agenda
February 1999 - Staff Meeting Agenda
February 2006 - Staff Meeting Agenda
February 2007 - Staff Meeting Agenda
February 2008 - Staff Meeting Agenda
Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration, Ronald A. Ryder
Feed Additives and “Subtherapeutics” in Cattle, Mike Apley
Feedback between zebra mussel selective feeding and algal composition affects mussel condition: did the regime changer pay a price for its success?, Henry A. Vanderploeg, Thomas H. Johengen, and James R. Liebig
Feed efficiency - how should it be used for the cow herd?, Andrew Roberts, Rick Funston, Travis Mulliniks, Mark Petersen, and Mike MacNeil
Feed for my Livestock : Extension Circular 8-11-2
Feeding Condensed Distillers Solubles in Finishing Diets Containing WDGS or Synergy, Anna C. Pesta, Brandon L. Nuttelman, William A. Griffin, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
Feeding Field Peas in Finishing Diets Containing Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles, Anna C. Pesta, Stephanie A. Furman, Matthew K. Luebbe, Galen E. Erickson, and Karla H. Jenkins
Feeding Modified Distillers Grains With Solubles and Wet Corn Gluten Feed (Synergy) to Adapt Cattle to Finishing Diets, Marco G. Dib, Jhones O. Sarturi, Kelsey M. Rolfe, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Ron Lindquist
Feedlot and Carcass Characteristics of Heifers: Effect of Ovariectomy and Ovariectomy with Ovarian Autograft, John M. Klindt and John D. Crouse
Feedlot Diet Roughage Level for Hereford Cattle Exposed to Excessive Heat Load1, T. L. Mader, J B. Gaughan, and B A. Young
Feedlot Manure Handling and Application Strategies on Surface Runoff of Artificial Hormones Applied to Rowcrop Fields, Sagor Biswas, William L. Kranz, Shannon L. Bartelt-Hunt, Terry L. Mader, Charles A. Shapiro, David P. Shelton, Daniel D. Snow, David Tarkalson, Simon van Donk, Tian Zhang, and Steve Ensley
Feedlot Manure Utilization as Influenced by Application Scheme and Diet, Andrea K. Watson, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Richard K. Koelsch, Raymond E. Massey, and Joseph H. Harrison
Feedlot Runoff Holding Ponds-Nutrient Levels and Related Management Aspects, Elbert C. Dickey and D. H. Vanderholm
Feed Requirements for Maintenance and Lactation of F1 Cows Representing Diverse Biological Types, Larry D. Cundiff, Calvin L. Ferrell, and Thomas G. Jenkins
Feltmaking, Carol D. Westfall
Female appeals across cultures: Analyzing the U.S. versus Chinese fashion magazine advertisements, Jie G Fowler
Female mating failure and the failure of ‘mating’ in sterile insect programs, Diana Pérez-Staples, Todd E. Shelly, and Boaz Yuval
Female veterans of the OEF/OIF conflict: Concordance of PTSD symptoms and substance misuse, Sarah E. Nunnink, Gali Goldwaser, Pia S. Heppner, James O.E. Pittman, Caroline M. Nievergelt, and Dewleen G. Baker
Feminist Pedagogy and Education in Values, Mark T. Brown
Ferroelectric and multiferroic tunnel junctions, E.Y. Tsymbal, A. Gruverman, V. Garcia, M. Bibes, and A. Barthélémy
Ferroelectric dead layer driven by a polar interface, Y. Wang, M. K. Niranjan, K. Janicka, J. P. Velev, M. Ye. Zhuravlev, S.S. Jaswal, and E.Y. Tsymbal
Ferrous hydroxy carbonate is a stable transformation product of biogenic magnetite, Ravi K. Kukkadapu, John M. Zachara, James K. Fredrickson, David W. Kennedy, Alice C. Dohnalkova, and David E. Mccready
Fertile Ground: A novel, John Conrad Schulze
Fertilization of Crops with Feedlot Manure, Elbert C. Dickey and Gerald Bodman
Fertilizer Rate Effects on Forage Yield Stability and Nutrient Uptake of Midland Bermudagrass, John A. Guretzky, Maru K. Kering, Jagadeesh Mosali, Eddie Funderburg, and Jon T. Biermacher
Fetal Development in Cows With Multiple Fetuses, Sherrill E. Echternkamp
Fez Fabrications: Artisans And Handmade Textiles In A Complex Traditional Culture, Susan Schaefer Davis
FIAT REPORTS: A BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX OF REPORTS RESULTING FROM AMERICAN INVESTIGATIONS OF GERMAN INDUSTRY, U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of Technical Services; Arlene Blackburn; W. Kenneth Lowry; Inez C. Wallace; and Robert Bolin , depositor
Fiber and Leather Products of the Juhena Tribe of Saudi Arabia And How They Are Made, Joy May Hilden
Fiber Degrading Microorganisms from Bison, Cattle-Bison Hybrids and Cattle., Vincent H. Varel and Burk A. Dehority
Fiber-Optic Pressure Sensor Based on π-Phase-Shifted Fiber Bragg Grating on Side-Hole Fiber, Qi Zhang, Nan Liu, Thomas Fink, Hong Li, Wei Peng, and Ming Han
Fiber-Tip Fabry-Perot Interferometric Sensor based on a Thin Silver Film, Fawen Guo
Fiction of Ian Maclaren, Clark Oberlies
Field Applications of Entomopathogenic Fungi Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae F52 (Hypocreales: Clavicipitaceae) for the Control of Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae), Kirby C. Stafford III and Sandra A. Allan
Field Conference on the Tertiary and Pleistocene of Western Nebraska (Guide Book for the Ninth Field Conference of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology), C. Bertrand Schultz, Thompson M. Stout, Charles H. Falkenbach, Lloyd G. Tanner, Harold J. Cook, and Alvin Leonard Lugn
Field Evaluation of Alternative Real-Time Methods for Estimating Approach Delay at Signalized Intersections, Anuj Sharma and Darcy M. Bullock
Field Evaluation of Calibration Accuracy for Pesticide Application Equipment, A. R. Rider and Elbert C. Dickey
Field experiment provides ground truth for surface nuclear magnetic resonance measurement, Rosemary Knight, Elliot Grunewald, Trevor Irons, Katherine Dlubac, Yiqiao Song, Henry N. Bachman, Ben Grau, Dave Walsh, Jared D. Abraham, and Jim Cannia
Field ion source development for neutron generators, B. Bargsten Johnson, P. R. Schwoebel, C. E. Holland, P. J. Resnick, K L. Hertz, and D L. Chichester
Field of Flowers: Mughal Carpets and Treasures, Michael Schuster
Field Parasitology Techniques for Use with Mammals, Scott Lyell Gardner
Field Reaction of Landrace Components of Red Mottled Common Bacterial Blight, James S. Beaver, James R. Steadman, and Dermot P. Coyne
Field validation of Burned Area Reflectance Classification (BARC) products for post fire assessment, Andrew T. Hudak, Pete Robichaud, Jeffrey S. Evans, Jess Clark, Keith Lannom, Penelope Morgan, and Carter Stone
Fifth Annual National Conference Program
Figures of speech in the Heraclidae, Hercules, Fureus, Supplices, Hippolytus, Iphia. Auld and Iphig., Lydia Mullon
Filtration Rates of the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) on Natural Seston from Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron, David L. Fanslow, Thomas F. Nalepa, and Gregory A. Lang
Financing Public Elementary and Secondary Schools in Nebraska, C. Cale Hudson and Katherine Lewellan Kasten
Financing The Palliser Triangle, 1908-1913, Warren M. Elofson and John Feldberg
Finding Suitable Programs: Semantic Search with Incomplete and Lightweight Specifications, Kathryn T. Stolee
Finding the Right Match: Staffing Faculty Development Centers, G. Roger Sell and Nancy V. Chism
Finding The Smoothest Path To Success: Model Complexity And The Consideration Of Nonlinear Patterns In Nest-Survival Data, Max Post van der Burg, Larkin A. Powell, and Andrew J. Tyre
Finding Value in Switchgrass Today Through Cattle, John A. Guretzky
Finfish and aquatic invertebrate pathology resources for now and the future, Jan M. Spitsbergen, Vicki S. Blazer, Paul R. Bowser, Keith C. Cheng, Keith R. Cooper, Timothy K. Cooper, Salvatore Frasca Jr., David B. Groman, Claudia M. Harper, Jerry M. (Mac) Law, Gary D. Marty, Roxanna M. Smolowitz, Judy St. Leger, Douglas C. Wolf, and Jeffrey C. Wolf
Finite Element Analysis of the Implantation of a Self-Expanding Stent: Impact of Lesion Calcification, Shijia Zhao, Linxia Gu, and Stacey R. Froemming
First Evidence of Plague (Yersinia Pestis) in Nebraska is Found in Panhandle Predators, Dallas Virchow, Wayne L. Kramer, Charles S. Brown, Scott E. Hygnstrom, and Alan M. Barnes
First Finding of the Amphipod Echinogammarus ischnus and the Mussel Dreissena bugensis in Lake Michigan, Thomas F. Nalepa, Don W. Schloesser, Steve A. Pothoven, Darryl W. Hondorp, David L. Fanslow, Marc L. Tuchman, and Guy W. Fleischer
First long-term, direct measurements of evapotranspiration and surface water balance in the Nebraska SandHills, David P. Billesbach and Timothy J. Arkebauer
First Microsatellites From Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and Their Potential Use for Population Genetics, R. S. Arias, Carlos A. Blanco, Maribel Portilla, Gordon L. Snodgrass, and Brian E. Scheffler
First Nebraska State Collection Record of the Mountian Pine Beetle, Dendroctonus Ponderosae Hopkins (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), Sheryl L. Costello and Willis C. Schaupp Jr.
First Nesting Record of the Caspian Tern in North Dakota, James F. Herman, Rodney A. Schmidt, and Karen J. Wilson
First-principles Studies on Physical and Chemical Properties of Nanostructures, Menghao Wu
First-principles study of phase stability of Gd-doped EuO and EuS, J. M. An, S. V. Barabash, V. Ozolins, M. van Schilfgaarde, and Kirill D. Belashchenko
First-principles study of spin-disorder resistivity of heavy rare-earth metals: Gd–Tm series, J. K. Glasbrenner, Kirill Belashchenko, J. Kudrnovsky, V. Drchal, S. Khmelevskyi, and I. Turek
First recorded introduction of the milliped order Stemmiulida (Eugnatha: Nematophora): Potential establishment in Florida, USA, and new records from Mexico; northward range extension into southern Tamaulipas, Rowland M. Shelley, G. B. Edwards, and Arthur E. Bogan
First Record from Nebraska of the Clam Shrimp Eulimnadia diversa (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Conchostraca), David S. McLeod
First record of a Brambling for Nebraska, Stephen J. Dinsmore
First record of an Arctic Tern for Nebraska, Stephen J. Dinsmore
First Record of Corisella inscripta (Uhler) (Heteroptera: Corixidae) from North Dakota, Bruce A. Hanson, David M. Mushet, Ned H. Euliss Jr., and Steve W. Chordas III
First record of Megischus brunneus Cresson, 1865 (Hymenoptera: Stephanidae) from Hispaniola, the Antilles, Julio A. Genaro
First Record of Pipestoneomys (Mammalia: Rodentia) from the Orellan (Oligocene), Christopher M. West and William W. Korth
First records of Micromalthidae and Jacobsoniidae (Coleoptera) in Alabama, USA, Timothy N. King and R. Michael Brattain
First report of Delphastus quinculus Gordon and Diomus seminulus (Mulsant) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) feeding on eggs and first-instar nymphs of Crypticerya multicicatrices Kondo and Unruh (Hemiptera: Monophlebidae), Guillermo González, Rodrigo López Bermúdez, and Takumasa Kondo
First Report Of Strobilurin Resistance In Cercospora Beticola In Sugar Beet (Beta Vulgaris) In Michigan And Nebraska, USA, W.W. Kirk, L.E. Hanson, G.D. Franc, W.L. Stump, E. Gachango, G. Clark, and J. Stewart
First revolutionary step (June 17, 1789), Carl Heinrich Christophelsmeier
First Year Student Development: Sophomore Students' Perceptions of Growth and Contributing Factors, Catherine B. Holbrook
First year student development: Students' perceptions of growth and contributing factors, Catherine B Holbrook
Fish, Fowl and Fauna, Daphne A. Deeds
Fish Oil and Indomethacin in Combination Potently Reduce Dyslipidemia and Hepatic Steatosis in LDLR-/- Mice, Ganesan Murali, Ginger L. Milne, Corey Webb, Ann B. Stewart, Ryan P. McMillan, Brandon C. Lyle, Matthew W. Hulver, and Viswanathan Saraswathi
Fission-Track Ages of Zircons from Lonergan Creek (Shoreline Fossil Locality, Ash Hollow Formation, Upper Miocene) in Western Nebraska, Michael B. Leite
Five Voices One Place An Introduction, Susan J. Rosowski and John R. Wunder
Flavor and Antioxidant Capacity of Peanut Paste and Peanut Butter Supplemented with Peanut Skins, Chellani S. Hathorn and Timothy H. Sanders
Flooding The Missouri Valley The Politics Of Dam Site Selection And Design, Robert Kelley Schneiders
Floods in Nebraska on Small Drainage Areas Magnitude and Frequency, Emil W. Beckman and Norman E. Hutchison
Floristic Analysis of a Natural Area on the Lower Platte River Flood Plain, Donald A. Becker
Floristic Analysis of the C. Bertrand and Marian Othmer Schultz Prairie, A Mixed-Grass Prairie in South-Central Nebraska, Steven J. Rothenberger
Floristic Diversity in Ten Tallgrass Prairie Remnants of Eastern Nebraska, Judith F. Boettcher, Thomas B. Bragg, and David M. Sutherland
Floristic Quality Assessment of One Natural and Three Restored Wetland Complexities in North Dakota, USA, David M. Mushet, Ned H. Euliss Jr., and Terry L. Shaffer
Flow, Sharon L. Kennedy
Flow and transport experiments for a streambank seep originating from a preferential flow pathway, Garey A. Fox, Derek M. Heeren, Ronald B. Miller, Aaron R. Mittelstet, and Daniel E. Storm
Flow Characteristics of Elkhorn River Near Waterloo, Nebraska, E. W. Beckman and L. W. Furness
FLOWERS, LIES AND REVOLUTION: CONTEMPORARY CUBAN ART, Jorge Daniel Veneciano, Sharon L. Kennedy, and Britt-Marie Varisco
Fluctuation of Hyporheic Zone Thickness Due to Inflow and Outflow across the Water-sediment Interface, Xunhong Chen
Fluid Fertilizer’s Role In Sustaining Soils Used For Bio-Energy Feedstock Production, John L. Kovar and Douglas L. Karlen
Fluid Fertilizer’s Role in Sustaining Soils used for Bio-fuels Production, John L. Kovar and Douglas Karlen
Fluid Fertilizer’s Role in Sustaining Soils Used for Bio-fuels Production, John L. Kovar and Douglas L. Karlen
Fluid Fertilizer’s Role In Sustaining Soils Used For Bio-Fuels Production, John L. Kovar and Douglas Karlen
Fluid Fertilizer’s Role In Sustaining Soils Used For Bio-Fuels Production, John L. Kovar and Douglas L. Karlen
Fluidized-bed gasification of dairy manure by Box–Behnken design, Hanjing Wu, Milford A. Hanna, and David D. Jones
Fluorescence spectroscopy of U(VI)-silicates and U(VI)-contaminated Hanford sediment, Zheming Wang, John M. Zachara, Paul Gassman, Chongxuan Liu, Odeta Qafoku, Wassana Yantasee, and Jeff Catalano
Fluoride-promoted ligand exchange in diaryliodonium salts, Bijia Wang, Ronald Cerny, ShriHarsha Uppaluri, Jayson J. Kempinger, and Stephen G. DiMagno
Fluvial evolution of the central Platte River sand body near Grand Island, Nebraska, John Daniel Horn
Focused ion beam patterned Fe thin films: A study by selective area Stokes polarimetry and soft x-ray microscopy, P. J. Cook, T. H. Shen, P. J. Grundy, M.-Y. Im, P. Fischer, S. A. Morton, and A. L. D. Kilcoyne
Focused-Laser Interferometric Position Sensor, Stephen J. Friedman, Brett Barwick, and Herman Batelaan
Focusing Faculty Development: Targeting, John Sharpham and Lanny Morreau
Focusing of longitudinal ultrasonic waves in air with an aperiodic flat lens, John T. Welter, Shamachary Sathish, Daniel Christensen, Philip Brodrick, Jason D. Heebl, and Matthew Cherry
focus on university teaching and learning: Issue No. 3, October 1991
Follicle and Oocyte Relationships During Superovulation in the Heifer, Thomas H. Wise and Ralph R. Maurer
Follicular Hormonal Changes and Oocyte Quality in Heifers That Exhibited an LH Surge, no LH Surge, or in Which the LH Surge Was Suppressed With Progestin, Calvin L. Ferrell and Thomas G. Jenkins
Food for Thought, Daniel A. Siedell
Food From the Sea: Fish and Shellfish of New England, Rachel L. Carson
Food Habits of the White Crappie, Pomoxis annularis Rafinesque, in Branched Oak Lake, Nebraska, Terry R. Maret and Edward J. Peters
Food Restriction Effects on the Body Composition of Free-living Ground Squirrels, Spermophilus belding, Gwendolyn C. Bachman
Food sharing: A model of manipulation by harassment, Jeffrey R. Stevens and David W. Stephens
Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Feral Swine: Susceptibility and Transmission, F. Mohamed, S. Swafford, H. Petrowski, A. Bracht, B. Schmit, A. Fabian, J. M. Pacheco, E. Hartwig, M. Berninger, C. Carrillo, G. Mayr, K. Moran, D. Kavanaugh, H. Leibrecht, W. White, and S. Metwally
Foot-And-Mouth Disease In North American Bison (Bison Bison) And Elk (Cervus Elaphus Nelsoni): Susceptibility, Intra- And Interspecies Transmission, Clinical Signs, And Lesions, Jack Rhyan, Ming Deng, He Wang, Gordon Ward, Thomas Gidlewski, Matthew McCollum, Samia Metwally, Thomas McKenna, Sherrilyn Wainwright, Antonio Ramirez, Charles Mebus, and Mo Salman
Football's Last Iron Men, Norman L. Macht
Forage Availability and Quality of No-till Forage Crops for Grazing Cattle, Alex H. Titlow, Karla H. Jenkins, Matthew K. Luebbe, and Drew J. Lyon
Forage potential of temperate legumes with perennial grasses in the Southern Plains, John A. Guretzky, Twain Butler, and Matt Mattox
Forage soybean yield and quality response to water use, David C. Nielsen
Forage Yields from 2006-2007 Annual Ryegrass Variety Trial, John A. Guretzky
Forage Yields from 2006-2007 Small Grains Variety Trial, John A. Guretzky
Forage Yields from 2007-2008 Annual Ryegrass, John A. Guretzky and S. Norton
Forage Yields from 2007-2008 Small Grains, John A. Guretzky, M. Saha, J. Baker, and S. Norton
Forage Yields from 2008-2009 Ryegrass, Jagadeesh Mosali, John A. Guretzky, M. Saha, and S. Norton
Forage Yields from 2008-2009 Small Grains, Jagadeesh Mosali, John A. Guretzky, M. Saha, J. Baker, and S. Norton
Foraging Challenges: Unsuitable Prey and Limited Information, Travis M. Hinkelman
Foraging challenges: Unsuitable prey and limited information, Travis M Hinkelman
Forceful Negotiations, Will Fowler
Foreign Land Investments and Traditional Land Ownership Rights in Africa, Kepifri Lakoh and E. Wesley F. Peterson
Foreign Land Investments in Developing Countries, E. Wesley F. Peterson
Foreign Nationals in the United States Witness Security Program: A Remedy for Every Wrong?, Tarik Abdel-Monem
Forest bioenergy feedstock harvesting effects on water supply, Daniel G. Neary and Karen A. Koestner
Forest biomass mapping from lidar and radar synergies, Guoqing Sun, K. Jon Ranson, Z. Guo, Z. Zhang, P. Montesano, and D. Kimes
Forest Harvest Can Increase Subsequent Forest Fire Severity, Carter Stone, Andrew T. Hudak, and Penelope Morgan
Forest investigations in Northern and Northeastern Iowa, Gilmour Byers MacDonald
Forest structure and aboveground biomass in the southwestern United States from MODIS and MISR, Mark Chopping, Crystal B. Schaaf, Feng Zhao, Anne W. Nolin, Gretchen G. Moisen, John V. Martonchik, and Michael Bull
Forest structure and aboveground biomass in the southwestern United States from MODIS and MISR, Mark Chopping, Crystal B. Schaaf, Feng Zhao, Zhuosen Wang, Anne Nolin, Gretchen G. Moisen, John V. Martonchik, and Michael Bull
Forest Structure and Downed Woody Debris in Boreal, Temperate, and Tropical Forest Fragments, William A. Gould, Grizelle Gonzalez, Andrew T. Hudak, Teresa Nettleton-Hollingsworth, and Jamie Hollingsworth
For Home and Country, Celai Malone Kingsbury
Formation of 2-chlorobenzylidenemalononitrile (CS riot control agent) thermal degradation products at elevated temperatures, Timothy A. Kluchinsky, Michael Sheely, Paul B B. Savage, and Philip A. Smith
Forty-year calibrated record of earth-reflected radiance from Landsat: A review, Brian L. Markham and Dennis L. Helder
Forward-backward asymmetry in top quark-antiquark production, V. M. Abazov, Kenneth A. Bloom, Daniel R. Claes, Kayle DeVaughan, A. Dominguez, Michael Eads, D. Johnston, Ioannis Katsanos, Sudhir Malik, Gregory Snow, and D0 Collaboration
Fossil Birds of the Nebraska Region, James E. Ducey
Fossil Herpetofauna of the Lisco C Quarries (Pliocene: Early Blancan) of Nebraska, J. Alan Holman and M. Elise Schloeder
Fossil Proboscidians and Myths of Giant Men, James L. Hayward
Fostering technology integration among middle school teachers: A self-study of my role as curriculum leader and teacher, Crystal K Bolamperti
Founders and Presidents of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences, 1880-1986, C. Bertrand Schultz
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and wide-angle X-ray scattering: Investigations on polypropylene–vapor-grown carbon nanofiber composites, Mircea Chipara, John Hamilton, Alin Cristian Chipara, Tom George, Dorina Magdalena Chipara, Elamin E. Ibrahim, Karen Lozano, and David J. Sellmyer
Four Years in Europe with Buffalo Bill, Charles Eldridge Griffin
Fractionation of oxygen isotopes in phosphate during its interactions with iron oxides, Deb P. Jaisi, Ruth E. Blake, and Ravi K. Kukkadapu
Fragments Of Everyday Life, Karen Jenson Rutherford
Framework for Discipline‐Based Education Research: DBER meeting starter “nugget” : Series of 6, Leilani Arthurs
Framing Cultural Capitalism: William Wilson Corcoran and Alice Walton as Patrons of the American Art Museum, Kelsey E. Tyler
Framing the Problem and Making Decisions: The Facts are Not Enough, Dennis Duchon, Kenneth Dunegan, and Sidney L. Barton
Framing The Tourist Gaze Railway Journeys Across Nebraska, 1866-1906, Jean P. Retzinger
Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) integrated pest management programs for fruiting vegetables in Florida, Ozan Demirozer, Kara Tyler-Julian, Joe Funderburk, Norm Leppla, and Stuart Reitz
Franklin, Malthus, and Darwin: The Push that Became A Shove, Carl R. Throckmorton
Fredrick Brown:The Jazz Paintings, Daniel A. Siedell
Free Exercise and Individualized Exemptions: Herein of Smith, Sherbert, Hogwarts, and Religious Liberty, Richard F. Duncan
Free Exercise Is Dead, Long Live Free Exercise: Smith, Lukumi and and the General Applicability Requirement, Richard F. Duncan
"Free Homes for Free Men": A Political History of the Homestead Act, 1774-1863, Benjamin T. Arrington
"Free homes for free men": A political history of the Homestead Act, 1774--1863, Benjamin Todd Arrington
Frémont's First Impressions, John C. C. Frémont
Frequency grid-a simple tool for measuring grassland establishment, Kenneth Vogel and Robert A. Masters
Frequency Shifts in Plate Crystal Resonators Induced by Electric, Magnetic, or Mechanical Fields in Surface Films, Nan Liu, J S. Yang, Yuantai Hu, Xuedong Chen, and Wei Jiang
Frequentist approaches to overdispersed repeated measures count data, Martin J Frenzel
Freshman Year Living Arrangements and College Experiences for Local Students, Sara E. Sanchez
Friends And Allies: The Tonkawa Indians And The Anglo-Americans, 1823-1884, Thomas W. Dunlay
From Ambivalence to Betrayal, Robert S. Wistrich
From Benaras to Leh - the trade and use of silk-brocade, Monisha Ahmed
From Benaras to Leh - the trade and use of silk-brocade, Monisha Ahmed
From Bloodless Revolution to Bloody Counterrevolution: The Adana Massacres of 1909, Bedross Der Matossian
From Carson Pirie Scott to City Target: A Case Study on the Adaptive Reuse of Louis Sullivan’s Historic Sullivan Center, Lisa M. Switzer
From Climate Change To Mountain Range, Mitchell Flash
From Construction to Ritual Function: An Exploration of New Guinea Fiber Masterworks, Jill D’Alessandro and Christina Hellmich
From Court to Convent: A Silk Embroidered Sampler from Colonial Mexico, Bobbie Sumberg
From Court to Convent: A Silk Embroidered Sampler from Colonial Mexico, Bobbie Sumberg
From Faculty Developer to Faculty Development Director: Shifting Perspectives and Strategies, Marie A. Wunsch
From Farm Income Support to Risk Management, Bradley Lubben
From Feikema To Manfred, From The Big Sioux Basin To The Northern Plains, Arthur R. Huseboe
From Gods to God, Avigdor Shinan and Yair Zakovitch
From Kitsch to Art Moderne: Popular Textiles for Women in the First Half of Twentieth-Century Japan, Masanao Arai
From Loving to Romer: Homosexual Marriage and Moral Discernment, Richard F. Duncan
From order to chaos: A narrative analysis of workplace bullying, Stacy Tye-Williams
From Particles to Planets: Exploring the Physical in Art, Susan J. Soriente
From Rags to Riches to Revolution: A Social History of 19th Irish Lace, Shiralee Hudson
From Red Fears to Red Power: The Story of the Newspaper Coverage of Wounded Knee 1890 and Wounded Knee 1973, Kevin Abourezk
From spelling to word study: A word study approach for the elementary classroom, Kelly A Kingsley
From Statues to Sculpture: Selections from the Collection of the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden, Daphne A. Deeds
From the Hilltop, Toni Jensen
From the Village House to the Urban Markets: The Evolution of Silk Production in Laos, Linda S. McIntosh
From the Village House to the Urban Markets: The Evolution of Silk Production in Laos, Linda S. Mclntosh
From Trash To Treasure, Caleb Greenfield
Front Line Faculty Development: Chairs Constructively Critiquing Colleagues in the Classroom, Linda Hilsen and LeAne Rutherford
Fullerene-Encapsulated Atoms in the Light of Synchrotron Radiation, A. M. Müller, S. Schippers, D. Esteves, M. Habibi, R. A. Phaneuf, A. L. D. Kilcoyne, A. Aguilar, and L. Dunsch
Fulminant Hepatic Failure: Summary of a Workshop, Jay Hoofnagle, Robert Carithers Jr., Craig Shapiro, and Nancy Ascher
Functionality Behavior of Raw and Extruded Corn Starch Mixtures, Serap Ozcan and David S. Jackson
Functionality of chemically modified wild-type, partial waxy and waxy starches from tetraploid wheats, L. E. Hansen, David S. Jackson, R. L. Wehling, and Robert A. Graybosch
Functionality of Native Tetraploid Wheat Starches: Effects of Waxy Loci Alleles and Amylose Concentration in Blends, L. E. Hansen, David S. Jackson, R. L. Wehling, J. D. Wilson, and Robert A. Graybosch
Functionalization of aromatic organic molecules through thermal decomposition of diaryliodonium salts, Linlin Qin
Functional Morphology and the Evolution of Cats, Larry D. Martin
Fundamental Contribution of β-Oxidation to Polyketide Mycotoxin Production In Planta, Lori A. Maggio-Hall, Richard A. Wilson, and Nancy P. Keller
Fundulus as the premier teleost model in environmental biology: Opportunities for new insights using genomics, Karen G. Burnett, Lisa J. Bain, William S. Baldwin, Gloria V. Callard, Sarah Cohen, Richard T. Di Giulio, David H. Evans, Marta Gómez-Chiarri, Mark E. Hahn, Cindi A. Hoover, Sibel I. Karchner, Fumi Katoh, Deborah L. MacLatchy, William S. Marshall, Joel N. Meyer, Diane E. Nacci, Marjorie F. Oleksiak, Bernard B. Rees, Thomas D. Singer, John J. Stegeman, David W. Towle, Peter A. Van Veld, Wolfgang K. Vogelbein, Andrew Whitehead, Richard N. Winn, and Douglas L. Crawford
Fungal Physiology: A Future Perspective, Richard A. Wilson and Nicholas J. Talbot
Fungal Virulence and Development Is Regulated by Alternative Pre-mRNA 3′End Processing in Magnaporthe oryzae, Marina Franceschetti, Emilio Bueno, Richard A. Wilson, Sara L. Tucker, Concepción Gómez-Mena, Grant Calder, and Ane Sesma
Further Observations on Polymegaly in Species of the Drosophila affinis Subgroup, Ho-Chi Chang and Dwight D. Miller
Fused, Abby A. Baumert
Fusiform bacilli on the conjunctiva and in the meibomian glands, Sanford Robinson Gifford
G05-1573 Meat and Fabrication-Room Temperatures for Food Safety, Alejandro Amezquita, L. Wang, Harshavardhan Thippareddi, Dennis E. Burson, and Curtis Weller
Gaining Insight into Hispanic Students’ Postsecondary Plans, Neel A. Brown
Gait variability is altered in patients with peripheral arterial disease, Sara A. Myers, Jason M. Johanning, Nick Stergiou, Rolando I. Celis, Leon Robinson, and Iraklis I. Pipinos
Gait Variability Patterns are Altered in Healthy Young Individuals During the Acute Reperfusion Phase of Ischemia-Reperfusion, Sara A. Myers, Nick Stergiou, Iraklis I. Pipinos, and Jason M. Johanning
Gallbladder Cancer Incidence Among American Indians and Alaska Natives, US, 1999–2004, Shannon M. Lemrow, David G. Perdue, Sherri L. Stewart, Lisa C. Richardson, Melissa Jim, Helen T. French, Judith Swan, Brenda K. Edwards, Charles Wiggins, Lois Dickie, and David K. Espey
Game Faces, Thomas H. Pauly
Gamma Sigma Delta Newsletter Issue #43 [sic, #44], Summer 2012
GAMMA SIGMA DELTA Newsletter, Issue #45, Fall 2012
Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry Analysis of the Cuticular Hydrocarbons from Parasitic Wasps of the Genus Muscidifurax, Ulrich R. Bernier, David A. Carlson, and Christopher J. Geden
Gastric Cancer Among American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States, 1999–2004, Charles Wiggins, David G. Perdue, Jeffrey A. Henderson, Michael G. Bruce, Anne P. Lanier, Janet J. Kelly, Brenda F. Seals, and David K. Espey
Gathering of the Hunting Season Data 1956, Max Hamilton and Phil Agee
Gelatinization and Solubility of Corn Starch during Heating in Excess Water: New Insights, Wajira S. Ratnayake and David S. Jackson
Gender and Racial Differences among a Research University Faculty: Recommendations for Promoting Diversity, Deborah Olsen
Gender Differences in Computer Literacy Among Clinical Medical Students in Selected Southern Nigerian Universities, V. E. Ikolo and R. B. Okiy
Gender Differences in Faculty Perceptions of Factors that Enhance and Inhibit Academic Career Growth, Edwin L. Simpson
Gendered Landscapes Synergism Of Place And Person In Canadian Prairie Drama, Anne F. Nothof
Gender, Gender Roles, and Anxiety: Perceived Confirmability of Self Report, Behavioral Avoidance, and Physiological Reactivity, Milena Stoyanova and Debra Anne Hope
Gender, Interdisciplinarity and Global Food Crises, Marianna Khachaturyan, Ann Mari May, and Gale Summerfield
Gender Trajectories of Adolescent Depressed Mood: The Dynamic Role of Stressors and Resources, Christina D. Falci
Gene Duplication and the Evolution of Hemoglobin Isoform Differentiation in Birds, Michael T. Grispo
Gene-expression patterns reveal underlying biological processes in Kawasaki disease, Stephen J. Popper, Chisato Shimizu, Hiroko Shike, John T. Kanegaye, Jane W. Newburger, Robert P. Sundel, Patrick O Brown, Jane C. Burns, and David A. Relman
Gene family encoding the major toxins of lethal Amanita mushrooms, Heather E. Hallen-Adams, Hong Luo, John S. Scott-Craig, and Jonathan D. Walton
Gene Mapping in Cattle, Craig W. Beattie, Roger T. Stone, Michael D. Bishop, Sara L. F. Sunden, John W. Keele, and Steven M. Kappes
General Education in Health Science-focused Institutions: An Explanatory Mixed Methods Study, Peggy K. Rosario
Generalization of the differentation [!] process, Robert Edouard Moritz
General News: POD'S New Core Committee Members
General Structures, Literatures, and Problems of Libraries: Revisiting the State of Librarianship in Africa, James Afebuameh Aiyebelehin
Generation of electron bunches at low repetition rates using a beat-frequency technique, M. Poelker, J. Grames, J. Hansknecht, R. Kazimi, and J. Musson
Generation of tunable, 100–800 MeV quasi-monoenergetic electron beams from a laser-wakefield accelerator in the blowout regime, Sudeep Banerjee, Nathan Powers, Viswanathan Ramanathan, I. Ghebregziabher, K. J. Brown, C. Maharjan, S. Chen, A. Beck, E. Lefebvre, S. Y. Kalmykov, Bradley Shadwick, and Donald Umstadter
Generativity in Young Adults: Comparing and Explaining the Impact of Mentoring, Lindsay J. Hastings
Generativity in young adults: Comparing and explaining the impact of mentoring, Lindsay J Hastings
Generic rating-data based (GRDB) modeling and validation for DX unitary HVAC equipment, Huojun Yang
Genes of the Major Histocompatibility Complex in Cattle, Roger T. Stone and Noelle E. Muggli-Cockett
Genetic and Environmental Effects on Dough Mixing Characteristics and Agronomic Performance of Diverse Hard Red Winter Wheat Genotypes, Hikmet Budak, P. Stephen Baenziger, Robert A. Graybosch, B. S. Beecher, Kent M. Eskridge, and M. J. Shipman
Genetic Correlations of Reproductive and Maternal Traits with Growth and Carcass Traits in Beef Cattle, Michael D. MacNeil, Larry V. Cundiff, C. A. Dinkel, and Robert M. Koch
Genetic Diversity of Neotropical Myotis (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) with an Emphasis on South American Species, Roxanne J. Larsen, Michelle C. Knapp, Hugh H. Genoways, Faisal Ali Anwarali Khan, Peter A. Larsen, Don E. Wilson, and Robert J. Baker
Genetic Improvement in Winter Wheat Yields in the Great Plains of North America, 1959–2008, Robert A. Graybosch and C. James Peterson
Genetic mapping of paternal sorting of mitochondria in cucumber, Claudia I. Calderon, Brian S. Yandell, and Michael J. Havey
Genetic modulation of horizontal cell number in the mouse retina, Irene Whitney, Mary Raven, Daniel Ciobanu, Ross Poché, Qian Ding, Yasser Elshatory, Lin Gan, Robert Williams, and Benjamin Reese
Genetic polymorphism of the ipaH multicopy antigen gene in Shigella spps. and enteroinvasive Escherichia coli, Jerry M. Buysse, Antoinette B. Hartman, Nancy Strockbine, and Malabi Venkatesan
Genetic Population Substructure in Bison at Yellowstone National Park, Natalie D. Halbert, Peter J. P. Gogan, Philip W. Hedrick, Jacquelyn M. Wahl, and James N. Derr
Genetic Relationships Among Carcass Traits and Their Implications in Selection Programs, Robert M. Koch, Keith E. Gregory, and Larry V. Cundiff
Genetic Relationships Between Male and Female Reproductive Traits in Beef Cattle, G. Gargantini, L. V. Cundiff, D. D. Lunstra, and L. D. Van Vleck
Genetics in Jeopardy: The Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Disease in an Undergraduate Medical Course-A Case Report, Richard G. Tiberius and R. J. M. Gold
Genetic Variation Among and Within Herds of Angus and Hereford Cattle, Larry V. Cundiff and Keith A. Gregory
Genetic Variation and Differentiation of North American Waterfowl (Anatidae), David W. Oates and Joann D. Principato
Genetic variation in North American leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula) determined by DNA markers, Martha L. Rowe, Donald J. Lee, Scott Nissen, Brunella M. Bowditch, and Robert A. Masters
Génétique Systematique et des Trichinella [Table ronde] = Genetics and Systematics of Trichinella [Round table], K. D. Murrell, J. Ralph Lichtenfels, and Robert L. Rausch
Gene transcription in sea otters (Enhydra lutris); development of a diagnostic tool for sea otter and ecosystem health, Lizabeth Bowen, A. Keith Miles, Michael Murray, Martin Haulena, Judy Tuttle, William Van Bonn, Lance Adams, James L. Bodkin, Brenda Ballachey, James Estes, M. Tim Tinker, Robin Keister, and Jeffrey L. Stott
Genome Sequence of Victivallis vadensis ATCC BAA-548, an Anaerobic Bacterium from the Phylum Lentisphaerae, Isolated from the Human Gastrointestinal Tract, Mark W. J. van Passel, Ravi Kant, Airi Palva, Susan Lucas, Alex Copeland, Alla Lapidus, Tijana Glavina del Rio, Eileen Dalin, Hope Tice, David Bruce, Lynne Goodwin, Sam Pitluck, Karen Walston Davenport, David Sims, Thomas Brettin, John Detter, Shunsheng Han, Frank Larimer, Miriam Land, Loren Hauser, Nikos C. Kyrpides, Galina Ovchinnikova, P. Paul Richardson, Willem M. de Vos, Hauke Smidt, and Erwin G. Zoetendal
Genome sequencing and analysis of the model grass Brachypodium distachyon, John Vogel, David Garvin, Todd C. Mockler, Jeremy Schmutz, Dan Rokhsar, and Michael Bevan
Genome-wide association analysis for quantitative trait loci influencing Warner–Bratzler shear force in five taurine cattle breeds, M. C. McClure, H. R. Ramey, M. M. Rolf, S. D. McKay, J. E. Decker, R. H. Chapple, J. W. Kim, T. M. Taxis, R. L. Weaber, R. D. Schnabel, and J. F. Taylor
Genome-wide MicroRNA profiling of mantle cell lymphoma reveal a distinct subgroup with poor prognosis, Javeed Iqbal, Yulei Shen, Yanyan Liu, Kai Fu, Elaine Jaffe, Cuiling Liu, Zhongfeng Liu, Cynthia Lachel, Karen Deffenbacher, Timothy Greiner, Julie Vose, Sharathkumar Bhagavathi, Louis Staudt, Lisa Rimsza, Andreas Rosenwald, German Ott, Jan Delabie, Elias Campo, Rita Braziel, James Cook, Raymond Tubbs, Randy Gascoyne, James Armitage, Dennis Weisenburger, Timothy McKeithan, and Wing Chan
Genome-wide miRNAprofiling of mantle cell lymphoma reveals a distinct subgroup with poor prognosis, Javeed Iqbal, Yulei Shen, Yanyan Liu, Kai Fu, Elaine S. Jaffe, Cuiling Liu, Zhongfeng Liu, Cynthia M. Lachel, Karen Deffenbacher, Timothy C. Greiner, Julie M. Vose, Sharathkumar Bhagavathi, Louis M. Staudt, Lisa Rimsza, Andreas Rosenwald, German Ott, Jan Delabie, Elias Campo, Rita M. Braziel, James R. Cook, Raymond R. Tubbs, Randy D. Gascoyne, James O. Armitage, Dennis D. Weisenburger, Timothy W. McKeithan, and Wing C. Chan
Genome-wide Peripheral Blood Leukocyte DNA Methylation Microarrays Identified a Single Association with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, R. Alan Harris, Dorottya Nagy-Szakal, Natalia Pedersen, Antone Opekun, Jiri Bronsky, Pia Munkholm, Cathrine Jespersgaard, Paal Skytt Andersen, Bela Melegh, George Ferry, Tine Jess, and Richard Kellermayer
Genome-wide ribosome profiling reveals complex translational regulation in response to oxidative stress, Maxim V. Gerashchenko, Alexei V. Lobanov, and Vadim N. Gladyshev
Genomic Analysis of Characteristics in Swine Contributing to Sow Longevity, Julie Kathleen Tart
Genomics for the Rancher: How does it work and what does it mean?, Jack C. Whittier
Genomics of Tropical Fruit Tree Crops, R. S. Arias, James W. Borrone, Cecile L. Tondo, David N. Kuhn, Brian M. Irish, and Raymond J. Schnell
Genotype-environment Interactions for Reproduction and Maternal Performance of Bos indicus and Bos taurus Crosses in Nebraska and Florida, Larry V. Cundiff, Timothy A. Olsen, K. Euclides Filho, M. Kroger, W. T. Butts, and Keith E. Gregory
Genotypic and Environmental Modification of Asian Noodle Quality of Hard Winter Wheats, Robert A. Graybosch, N. Ames, P. Stephen Baenziger, and C. J. Peterson
Geochemical Controls on Contaminant Uranium in Vadose Hanford Formation Sediments at the 200 Area and 300 Area, Hanford Site, Washington, James Mckinley, John M. Zachara, Jiamin Wan, David McCready, and Steven M. Heald
Geochemical evaluation of high sulfate levels in Ponca Creek, northeastern Nebraska, Jon C. Atkinson
Geochemical Processes Controlling Migration of Tank Wastes in Hanford’s Vadose Zone, John M. Zachara, Jeff Serne, Mark Freshley, Fred Mann, Frank Anderson, Marcus Wood, Tom Jones, and Dave Myers
Geographical and climatic limits of needle types of one- and two-needled pinyon pines, Kenneth L. Cole, Jessica Fisher, Samantha T. Arundel, John Cannella, and Sandra Swift
Geographical Distribution of Acanthocephala in Nebraska Fishes, Brent B. Nickol and Nelson Samuel
Geographic variability in lidar predictions of forest stand structure in the Pacific Northwest, Michael A. Lefsky, Andrew T. Hudak, Warren B. Cohen, and S.A. Acker
Geography of Religion and Belief Systems, Robert H. Stoddard and Carolyn V. Prorok
Geography of the beet sugar industry, Esther Sanfreida Anderson
Geologic Observations along the Steamboat Trace Trail, Markers 16-20, in the Vicinity of Peru, Nemaha County, Nebraska (Including on the Indian Cave Sandstone), Robert F. Diffendal, Jr.
Geology and Ground-Water Hydrology of the Valleys of the Republican and Frenchman Rivers Nebraska, Edward Bradley and Carlton R. Johnson
GEOLOGY AND GROUND-WATER RESOURCES OF SOUTH-CENTRAL NEBRASKA. With Special Reference to the Platte River Valley between Chapman and Gothenburg, Alvin Leonard Lugn and L. K. Wenzel
Geology and Ground- Water Resources of the Lower Lodgepole Creek Drainage Basin, Nebraska, L. J. Bjorklund and E. R. Jochens
Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Lower South Platte River Valley Between Hardin, Colorado, and Paxton, Nebraska, L. J. Bjorklund and R. F. Brown
Geology and Ground- Water Resources of the Upper Niobrara River Basin, Nebraska and Wyoming, Edward Bradley and F. H. Rainwater
GEOLOGY OF LUCAS COUNTY [Iowa], Alvin Leonard Lugn
Geometric Abstraction in America, Donald Bartlett Doe
Geomicrobiology of High-Level Nuclear Waste-Contaminated Vadose Sediments at the Hanford Site, Washington State, James K. Fredrickson, John M. Zachara, David L. Balkwill, David Kennedy, Shu-mei W. Li, Heather M. Kostandarithes, Michael J. Daly, Margaret F. Romine, and Fred J. Brockman
GEORGIA O'KEEFFE- An Exhibition of Oils, Watercolors and Drawings, Norman Geske
Germaine Tailleferre's Film Score To Les Grandes Personnes, Jenna E. Moghadam
German instruction in secondary schools, Clara Angella Gomberg
German Jugendstil Tapestries: The Daily Life of The People Who Made Them, Marianne Carlano
Germination and Emergence Tests for Predicting Switchgrass Field Establishment, Robert B. Mitchell and K.P. Vogel
Germ Plasm Evaluation in Cattle, Larry D. Cundiff, Robert M. Koch, and Keith E. Gregory
Germ Plasm Utilization in Beef Cattle, Keith E. Gregory, Larry V. Cundiff, Robert M. Koch, Donald D. Lunstra, and W. Gordon Hays
Germ Plasm Utilization in Beef Cattle, Keith E. Gregory, Larry V. Cundiff, and Robert M. Koch
Germplasm Utilization in Beef Cattle, Keith E. Gregory, Larry V. Cundiff, Robert M. Koch, and Donald D. Lunstra
Getting Development Underway Through Faculty Involvement, Dean Hustuft
Getting Ready: Promoting School Readiness through a Relationship-Based Partnership Model, Susan M. Sheridan, Christine Marvin, Lisa Knoche, and Carolyn P. Edwards
GHRH antagonists reduce the invasive and metastatic potential of human cancer cell lines in vitro, Szabolcs Bellyei, Andrew V. Schally, Marta Zarandi, Jozsef L. Varga, Irving Vidaurre, and Eva Pozsgai
Giants on the Plains: Grain Elevators And The Making of Enid, Oklahoma, Blake Gumprecht
Gibberellic Acid Promotes Seed Germination in Penstemon digitalis cv. Husker Red, Anderson Machado de Mello, Nereu Augusto Streck, Erin Blankenship, and Ellen Paparozzi
Gibberellic Acid Sensitivity among Common Bean Cultivars (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), Alexander Pavlista, Dipak Santra, James Schild, and Gary Hergert
GJ 581 update: Additional evidence for a Super-Earth in the habitable zone, S.S. Vogt, R.P. Butler, and N. Haghighipour
Global Beef Marketing Opportunities, Paul Clayton
Global estimates of evapotranspiration and gross primary production based on MODIS and global meteorology data, Wenping Yuan, Shuguang Liu, Guirui Yu, Jean-Marc Bonnefond, Jiquan Chen, Ken Davis, Ankur R. Desai, Allen H. Goldstein, Damiano Gianelle, Federica Rossi, Andrew E. Suyker, and Shashi B. Verma
Global estimation of evapotranspiration using a leaf area index-based surface energy and water balance model, H. Yan, S.Q. Wang, David P. Billesbach, Walter Oechel, J.H. Zhang, Tilden Meyers, TA. Martin, Roser Matamala, Dennis D. Baldocchi, G. Bohrer, D. Dragoni, and R. Scott
Globalization of Cultural Heritage: Issues, Impacts, and Inevitable Challenges for Nigeria, Mercy U. Nwegbu, Cyril C. Eze, and Brendan E. Asogwa
Global scale climate–crop yield relationships and the impacts of recent warming, David Lobell and Christopher Field
Glyphosate, Other Herbicides, And Transformation Products In Midwestern Streams, 2002, William A. Battaglin, Dana W. Kolpin, Elizabeth A. Scribner, Kathryn M. Kuivila, and Mark W. Sandstrom
Goddess Imagery In Greek Folk Costume, Linda Welters and Linda Tepfenhart
Godric's Songs, Peter M. Lefferts
Going to war with the other: A study of U.S. foreign policies of violence, Evan O Renfro
Goldberg, Donald Bartlett Doe
"Gold Is Every Man's Opportunity" Castration Anxiety and the Economic Venture In Deadwood, Kyle Wiggins and David Holmberg
Goodbye Wifes and Daughters, Susan Kushner Resnikck
Good Electric Motor Care for Advanced 4-H Electrification Club Members and Leaders : Extension Circular 7-81-2, M. L. Mumgaard
Good Lighting for Advanced 4-H Electrification Club Members and Leaders : Extension Circular 7-71-2, M. L. Mumgaard
Goodput Maximization in Cooperative Networks with ARQ, Qing Chen and M. Cenk Gursoy
Gottgläubig und führertreu: Anton Graf Bossi-Fedrigotti, Leopold Steurer and Gerald Steinacher
Government Insurance Program Design, Incentive Effects, and Technology Adoption: The Case of Skip-Row Crop Insurance, Joshua D. Woodard, Alexander Pavlista, Gary D. Schnitkey, Paul Burgener, and Kimberley A. Ward
Graduate Connections, April 2006
Graduate Connections- April 2007
Graduate Connections- April 2008
Graduate Connections- April 2009
Graduate Connections- April 2010
Graduate Connections- April 2011
Graduate Connections- April 2012
Graduate Connections- August 2006
Graduate Connections- August 2007
Graduate Connections- August 2008
Graduate Connections- August 2009
Graduate Connections- August 2010
Graduate Connections- August 2011
Graduate Connections- August 2012
Graduate Connections- February 2007
Graduate Connections- February 2008
Graduate Connections- February 2009
Graduate Connections- February 2010
Graduate Connections- February 2011
Graduate Connections- February 2012
Graduate Connections- November 2006
Graduate Connections- November 2007
Graduate Connections- November 2008
Graduate Connections- November 2009
Graduate Connections- November 2010
Graduate Connections- November 2011
Graduate Teaching Assistants' Views on Teaching, James M. Shaeffer, Lawrence T. McGill, and Robert J. Menges
Grain Quality of Brazilian Maize Genotypes as Influenced by Nitrogen Level, Aildson P. Duarte, Stephen C. Mason, David S. Jackson, and Jorge de C. Kiehl
Grasshopper Dietary (Orthoptera: Acrididae) from a Nebraska Sand Hills Prairie, Anthony Joern
Grassland vegetation and bird communities in the southern Great Plains of North America, Robert N. Chapman, David M. Engle, Ronald E. Masters, and David M. Leslie Jr.
Gray Flycatcher at Oliver Reservoir, Stephen J. Dinsmore, Loren Padelford, and Babs Padelford
Grazing Lands and Soil Carbon Storage, John A. Guretzky
Grazing Supplementation and Subsequent Feedlot Sorting of Yearling Cattle, Kelsey M. Rolfe, William A. Griffin, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Darrell R. Mark, Galen E. Erickson, and Dennis E. Bauer
Great Gathering on the Great Plains, Paul Johnsgard and Michael Forsberg
Great Plains Pragmatist Aaron Douglas and the Art of Social Protest, Audrey Thompson
Green And Sustainable Technologies For The Built Enviornment, Mahmoud Alahmad, Muhammad Zulfiqar, Hosen Hasna HH, Hamid Sharif, Evans Sordiashie, and Nasser Aljuhaishi
Grey Literature Acquisition and Management: Challenges in Academic Libraries in Africa, Odaro Osayande and Christopher O. Ukpebor Mr.
Grey Literature Acquisition and Management: Challenges in Academic Libraries in Africa, Odaro Osayande and Christopher O. Ukpebor Mr.
Grey Literature Management at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) Library, USA: A Macarthur Foundation Grant Research Project, Francisca Okoroma
Grizzly Bear Population Vital Rates and Trend in the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem, Montana, Richard D. Mace, Daniel W. Carney, Tonya Chilton-Radandt, Stacy A. Courville, Mark A. Haroldson, Richard B. Harris, James Jonkel, Bruce Mclellan, Michael Madel, Timothy Manley, Charles Schwartz, Christopher Servheen, Gordon Stenhouse, John S. Waller, and Erik Wenum
Groom your Room : Extension Circular 11-01-68, Magdalene Pfister
Groom your Room : Extension Circular 11-01-74, Magdalene Pfister
Ground and surface temperature variability for remote sensing of soil moisture in a heterogeneous landscape, Mario A. Giraldo, David Bosch, Marguerite Madden, Lynn Usery, and Michael Finn
Groundwater beneath a Phase III Management Area in the Central Platte Natural Resources District, Nebraska: National Institute of Food and Agriculture–Conservation Effects Assessment Project, Donald W. Meals, Roy F. Spalding, Mary Exner Spalding, Richard B. Ferguson, Mark L. McFarland, Deanna L. Osmond, and Jean Spooner
Groundwater depletion and sustainability of irrigation in the US High Plains and Central Valley, Bridget R. Scanlon, Claudia C. Faunt, Laurent Longuevergne, Robert C. Reedy, William M. Alley, Virginia L. McGuire, and Peter B. McMahon
Groundwater nutrient concentrations during prairie reconstruction on an Iowa landscape, M.D. Tomer, K.E. Schilling, C.A. Cambardella, P. Jacobson, and P. Drobney
Groundwater pumping and spatial externalities in agriculture, Lisa Pfeiffer and C.-Y. Cynthia Lin
Groundwater Quality and Policy Options in Nebraska, Mary E. Exner and Roy F. Spalding
Ground Water Recharge and Chemical Contaminants: Challenges in Communicating the Connections and Collisions of Two Disparate Worlds, Christian G. Daughton
Group Problem-Solving Exercises: An Application in Economics, Yngve Ramstad
Group Rebellion in the 1980s, Ryan Dudley and Ross A. Miller
Growing the Experience Economy, Cheryl Burkhart-Kriesel
Growth and Carcass Traits of Heifers as Affected by Hormonal Treatment, John D. Crouse, Bruce D. Schanbacher, H. Russell Cross, Steven C. Seideman, and Stephen B. Smith
Growth and Development of Architectural Engineering College Libraries in Haryana, India, Rajender Kumar
Growth And Fitness Components Of Wild × Cultivated Sorghum Bicolor (Poaceae) Hybrids In Nebraska, Lilyrani Sahoo, Jared J. Schmidt, Jeffrey F. Pedersen, Donald Lee, and John L. Lindquist
Growth, Body Chemical Composition, and Tissue Deposition Rates of Nursery Pigs Fed Crystalline or Protein- Bound Lysine, J. J. Colina, P. S. Miller, A. J. Lewis, R. L. Fischer, and R. M. Diedrichsen
Growth of the Brine Shrimp Aremia franciscana Kellogg (Anostracoda) in the Materials Dispersion Apparatus as a Sealed Microcosm, James R. Rosowski and Aris A. Efting
Growth of the cement industry in Nebraska, Eck Frank Schramm
Growth Rate as a Function of Food Consumption in Hatchling Sceloporus virgatus (Sauria: Iguanidae), Geoffrey R. Smith
Guidance on Developing Safety Performance Indicators, Kim Jennings and Francine Schulberg
Guided Reading and Motivation, Allyson L. Hauptman
Guided reading and motivation, Allyson L Hauptman
GUIDE FOR A FIELD CONFERENCE ON THE TERTIARY AND PLEISTOCENE OF NEBRASKA, C. Bertrand Schultz, Thompson M. Stout, Alvin Leonard Lugn, M. K. Elias, F. W. Johnson, and M. F. Skinner
Guidelines and Strategies for Conducting Meetings, Joan North
Guidelines for Successful Evaluation Programs, Peter Seldin
Guidelines for the 1990 Conference Presenters
GUIDE TO NEBRASKA’S WETLANDS and their conservation needs: Second Edition, 2005, Ted LaGrange
GUIDE TO THE PREPARATION OF MILITARY REPORTS OF A TECHNICAL NATURE, The Engineer School, Fort Belvoir, Virginia and Robert L. Bolin Depositor
Guiding the Library Search by the English Teacher, David C. Kupfer
Gut Immune Maturation Depends on Colonization with a Host-Specific Microbiota, Hachung Chung, Sünje J. Pamp, Jonathan A. Hill, Neeraj K. Surana, Sanna M. Edelman, Erin B. Troy, Nicola C. Reading, Eduardo J. Villablanca, Sen Wang, Jorge R. Mora, Yoshinori Umesaki, Diane Mathis, Christophe Benoist, David A. Relman, and Dennis L. Kasper
Habitat corridors function as both drift fences and movement conduits for dispersing flies, Joanna H. Fried, Douglas J. Levey, and Jerome Hogsette
Habitat fragmentation effects on annual survival of the federally protected eastern indigo snake, D. R. Breininger, Marc J. Mazerolle, M. R. Bolt, M. L. Legare, J. H. Drese, and J. E. Hines
Habitat of Red-Backed Vole, Harvey L. Gunderson
Habitat-Related Benthic Macrofaunal Assemblages of Bays and Estuaries of the Western United States, J. Ananda Ranasinghe, Kathy I. Welch, Peter N. Slattery, David E. Montagne, David D. Huff, Henry Lee II, Jeffrey L. Hyland, Bruce Thompson, Stephen B. Weisberg, James M. Oakden, Donald B. Caiden, and Ronald G. Velarde
Habitat selection by adult walleye during spawning season in irrigation reservoirs: A patch occupancy modeling approach, Dustin R. Martin, Larkin A. Powell, and Kevin L. Pope
Habitat Utilization by an Introduced Fish, Gambusia Affinis, In Nebraska (Actinopterygii: Poeciliidae), John D. Lynch
Haemophilus parainfluenzae Endocarditis: Application of a Molecular Approach for Identification of Pathogenic Bacterial Species, Kamal A. Hamed, Philip R. Dormitzer, Catherine K. Su, and David A. Relman
Hair of the Dog: Obtaining Samples From Coyotes and Wolves Noninvasively, David E. Ausband, Julie Young, Barbara Fannin, Michael S. Mitchell, Jennifer L. Stenglen, Lizette P. Waits, and John A. Shivik
Halsey Fall Field Days, Alice Kenitz
Hand Spinning and Cotton in the Aztec Empire, as Revealed by the Codex Mendoza, Susan M. Strawn
Hand Spinning and Cotton in the Aztec Empire, as Revealed by the Codex Mendoza, Susan M. Strawn
Hand-Spinning for Traditional Garments in Ladakh, Tracy P. Hudson
Handweaving in the Everyday Life of Artisans, Merchants and Consumers in Fez, Morocco, in the 1980's, Lotus Stack
Handwoven Dowries From the Gotse Delchev Region of Bulgaria, Miriam Milgram
Hanford Site Vadose Zone Studies: An Overview, G. W. Gee, M. Oostrom, M. D. Freshley, M. L. Rockhold, and John M. Zachara
Hans Egarter - Für Glaube und Heimat gegen Hitler: Eine biografische Skizze, Gerald Steinacher
Haplosporidium nelsoni (MSX) Epizootic in the Piscataqua River Estuary (Maine/New Hampshire, U.S.A.), B. J. Barber, R. Langan, and T. L. Howell
Haptic Vision, Adam H. Donner
Hard Times Signal Challenges for Faculty Developers, Elizabeth Fideler and Mary Deane Sorcinelli
Hard Work, Overcoming, and Masculinity: An Ethnographic Account of High School Wrestlers' Bodies and Cultural Worlds, Bryan Snyder
Hard work, overcoming, and masculinity: An ethnographic account of high school wrestlers' bodies and cultural worlds, Bryan M Snyder
Harley 978, Peter M. Lefferts
Harvesting Murine Alveolar Macrophages and Evaluating Cellular Activation Induced by Polyanhydride Nanoparticles, Ana V. Chavez-Santoscoy, Lucas M. Huntlimer, Amanda E. Ramer-Tait, Michael J. Wannemeuhler, and Balaji Narasimhan
Hatching and Fledging Times from Grassland Passerine Nests, Pamela J. Pietz, D.A. Granfors, and Todd Grant
Hausa Hand-Embroidery and Local Development in Northern Nigeria, Elisha P. Renne
Hausa Hand-Embroidery and Local Development in Northern Nigeria, Elisha P. Renne
Having A Purpose In Life Western Women Teachers In The Twentieth Century, Courtney Ann Vaughn-Roberson
Head Ejection during Barrier Impacts, Scott K. Rosenbaugh, Ronald K. Faller, and Dean L. Sicking
Healers and Helpers, Unifying the People: A Qualitative Study of Lakota Leadership, Kem M. Gambrell and Susan Fritz
Health and Human Trafficking: The role of health care professionals from prevention to aftercare, Katherine Welch MD
Healthcare Quality: Waiting Room Issues, Vineeth R. Yeddula
Health status, infection and disease in California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) studied using a canine microarray platform and machine-learning approaches, Annalaura Mancia, James C. Ryan, Robert W. Chapman, Qingzhong Wu, Gregory W. Warr, Frances M.D. Gulland, and Frances M. Van Dolah
Heat and Moisture Production and Dissipation in Beef Cattle, John A. Nienaber, G. LeRoy Hahn, and Anders Ehrlemark
Heat Tolerance of Kentucky Bluegrass as Affected by Trinexapac-ethyl, Neil L. Heckman, Garald Horst, Roch E. Gaussoin, and Linda Young
Heat waves measured with MODIS land surface temperature data predict changes in avian community structure, Thomas P. Albright, Anna M. Pidgeon, Chadwick D. Rittenhouse, Murray K. Clayton, Curtis H. Flather, Patrick D. Culbert, and Volker C. Radeloff
Heifer Development Management: One Size Does Not Fit All, Matthew Stockton and Roger K. Wilson
Heifer development systems: A comparison of grazing winter range or corn residue, D. M. Larson, Andrea S. Cupp, and Richard N. Funston
Heifer Development: Think Profit, Not Just Cost or Revenues, Matthew C. Stockton, Roger K. Wilson, and Richard N. Funston
Helping Faculty Build Learning Communities Through Cooperative Groups, Barbara J. Millis
Helping Faculty Design Assignment-Centered Courses, Barbara E. Walvoord and John R. Breihan
Helping Faculty Integrate Technology in Research and Teaching: CART at Bridgewater State College, Terry Anne Vigil, Gail Price, Uma Shama, and Karen Stonely
Helping Faculty Meet New Pressures for Scholarly Writing, Robert Boice
Helping to Make Connections: Emphasizing the Role of the Syllabus, Barbara J. Millis
Hepatic Mitochondrial Efficiency in Lines of Mice Differing in Feed Intake, Thomas Murphy
Hepatocellular Carcinoma in the Woodchuck Model of Hepatitis B Virus Infection, Bud C. Tennant, Ilia A. Toshkov, Simon F. Peek, James R. Jacob, Stephan Menne, William E. Hornbuckle, Raymond D. Schinazi, Brent E. Korba, Paul J. Cote, and John L. Gerin
Hepatocyte growth factor protects hepatocytes against oxidative injury induced by ethanol metabolism, Argelia Valdés-Arzate, Armando Luna, Leticia Bucio, Cynthia Licona, Dahn L. Clemens, Verónica Souza, Elizabeth Hernandez, David Kershenobich, María Concepción Gutiérrez-Ruiz, and Luis Enrique Gómez-Quiroz
Herbicides for Establishing Switchgrass in the Central and Northern Great Plains, Robert B. Mitchell, Kenneth P. Vogel, John Berdahl, and Robert A. Masters
Herbivory affects patterns of plant reproductive effort and seed production, Natalie M. West
Herbivory affects patterns of plant reproductive effort and seed production, Natalie M West
Here… is the place where you are, Leah Decter
Heritability Estimates and Adjustment Factors for Yearling Testicular Size in Different Breeds of Beef Bulls, Donald D. Lunstra, Keith E. Gregory, and Larry V. Cundiff
Heritability Estimates of Turf-type Characteristics in Buffalograss, S.J. Browning, Terrance P. Riordan, Rodger K. Johnson, and Julie Johnson-Cicalese
Heritability of the Resistance to Potato Leafhopper in Dry Bean, J.W. Gonzales, Dermot P. Coyne, Dale T. Lindgren, D. Schaaf, and Kent M. Eskridge
HERON: A Mini-P.O.D., D. Joseph Clark
Herpesvirus-like DNA in AIDS Kaposi’s Sarcoma in Argentina [Letter to the Editor], Carlos E. Sosa, Jorge A. Benetucci, Laura M. Sieczkowski, Anibal Vazquez, Xue-Lan Wen, Marianna Baum, Winslow Klaskala, William J. Harrington Jr., and Charles Wood
Herpetofaunas of the Big Springs and Hornet's Nest Quarries (Northeastern Nebraska, Pleistocene: Late Blancan), Karel Rogers
Herschel-ATLAS/GAMA: spatial clustering of low-redshift submm galaxies, E. van Kampen, D. J. B. Smith, S. Maddox, A. M. Hopkins, I. Valtchanov, J. A. Peacock, M. J. Michałowski, P. Norberg, S. Eales, L. Dunne, J. Liske, M. Baes, D. Scott, E. Rigby, A. Robotham, P. van der Werf, E. Ibar, M. J. Jarvis, J. Loveday, R. Auld, I. K. Baldry, Steven Bamford, E. Cameron, S. Croom, S. Buttiglione, A. Cava, A. Cooray, S. Driver, J. S. Dunlop, A. Dariush, J. Fritz, R. J. Ivison, E. Pascale, M. Pohlen, G. Rodighiero, P. Temi, D. G. Bonfield, D. Hill, D. H. Jones, L. Kelvin, H. Parkinson, M. Prescott, R. Sharp, G. de Zotti, S. Serjeant, C. C. Popescu, and R. J. Tuffs
Herschel-ATLAS: multi-wavelength SEDs and physical properties of 250μm selected galaxies at z < 0.5, D. J. B. Smith, L. Dunne, E. da Cunha, K. Rowlands, S. J. Maddox, H. L. Gomez, D. G. Bonfield, S. Charlot, S. P. Driver, C. C. Popescu, R. J. Tuffs, J. S. Dunlop, M. J. Jarvis, N. Seymour, M. Symeonidis, M. Baes, N. Bourne, D. L. Clements, A. Cooray, G. De Zotti, S. Dye, S. Eales, D. Scott, A. Verma, P. van der Werf, E. Andrae, R. Auld, S. Buttiglione, A. Cava, A. Dariush, J. Fritz, R. Hopwood, E. Ibar, R. J. Ivison, L. Kelvin, B. F. Madore, M. Pohlen, E. E. Rigby, A. Robotham, M. Seibert, and P. Temi
Heterogeneity of Individuals with a History of Child Sexual Abuse: An Examination of Children Presenting to Treatment, C. Thresa Yancey, David J. Hansen, and Karen Z. Naufel
Heterogeneous electron-transfer kinetics with synchrotron 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy, J. E. Amonette, Ravi K. Kukkadapu, E. E. Alp, W. Sturhahn, and T. S. Toellner
Heterogeneous reduction of Tc(VII) by Fe(II) at the solid–water interface, T. Peretyazhko, John M. Zachara, S.M. Heald, B.-H. Jeon, Ravi K. Kukkadapu, C. Liu, D. Moore, and C.T. Resch
Heterosis and Breed Maternal and Transmitted Effects in Beef Cattle, Keith E. Gregory, Larry V. Cundiff, and Robert M. Koch
Heterosis, Breed Maternal, and Breed Direct Effects in Red Poll and Hereford Cattle, Keith E. Gregory, Delwyn D. Dearborn, Donald D. Lunstra, Larry V. Cundiff, and Robert M. Koch
Heterosis Retention in Advanced Generation Angus-Hereford Crosses, Robert M. Koch, Gordon E. Dickerson, Larry V. Cundiff, and Keith E. Gregory
Heterotrophic plate count bacteria—what is their significance in drinking water?, Martin J. Allen, Stephen C. Edberg, and Donald J. Reasoner
Hexapod Herald- Volume 21 Number 5 September 2009
Hexapod Herald- Volume 21 Number 6 November 2009
Hexapod Herald- Volume 22 Number 1 February 2010
Hexapod Herald- Volume 22 Number 2, April 2010
Hexapod Herald- Volume 22 Number 3 June 2010
Hexapod Herald- Volume 22 Number 4, August 2010
Hexapod Herald- Volume 22 Number 5 October 2010
Hexapod Herald- Volume 23 Number 1 January 2011
Hexapod Herald- Volume 23 Number 2 February 2011
Hexapod Herald- Volume 23 Number 3 April 2011
Hexapod Herald- Volume 23 Number 4 June 2011
Hexapod Herald- Volume 23 Number 5 September 2011
Hexapod Herald- Volume 23 Number 6, December 2011
Hexapod Herald- Volume 24 Number 1 February 2012
Hexapod Herald- Volume 24 Number 2 April 2012
Hidden mechanisms generate negative feedbacks in a stochastic model: A comment on Murray, Andrew J. Tyre and Brigitte Tenhumberg
Hidden Opportunities for Faculty Development and Curricular Change, Russell Lee and Michael Field
High-energy Laser-accelerated Electron Beans for Long-range Interrogation, Nathaniel Cunningham, Sudeep Banerjee, Viswanathan Ramanathan, Nathan Powers, Nathan A. Chandler-Smith, Randy Vane, David Schultz, Sara Pozzi, Shaun Clark, James Beene, and Donald Umstadter
Highly efficient no-carrier-added [18F]-functionalization of electron rich arenes and applications of hypervalent iodine, Kiel D Neumann
Highly Spin-Polarized Conducting State at the Interface between Nonmagnetic Band Insulators: LaAlO3/FeS2 (001), J. D. Burton and Evgeny Y. Tsymbal
High-order-harmonic-generation spectroscopy with an elliptically polarized laser field, M. V. Frolov, N. L. Manakov, T. S. Sarantseva, and Anthony F. Starace
High Power Current Sensorless Bidirectional 16-Phase Interleaved DC-DC Converter for Hybrid Vehicle Application, Liqin Ni, Dean J. Patterson, and Jerry L. Hudgins
High-resolution stalagmite reconstructions of Australian–Indonesian monsoon rainfall variability during Heinrich stadial 3 and Greenland interstadial 4, Sophie C. Lewis, Michael K. Gagan, Linda Ayliffe, Jian-xin Zhao, Wahyoe S. Hantoro, Pauline Treble, John C. Hellstrom, Allegra N. LeGrande, Maxwell Kelley, Gavin A. Schmidt, and Bambang W. Suwargadi
High School Home Economics Students’ Perceptions of Subject Matter Needs in Home Economics Curriculum, Dixie J. Torres
High Style and Cleanliness: Oriental Rugs in Toronto Homes 1880 - 1940, Neil Brochu
High-throughput sequencing of the DBA/2J mouse genome, Xusheng Wang, Richa Agarwala, John A. Capra, Zugen Chen, Deanna M. Church, Daniel C. Ciobanu, Zhengsheng Li, Lu Lu, Khyobeni Mozhui, Megan K. Mulligan, Stanley F. Nelson, Katherine S. Pollard, Williams L. Taylor, Donald B. Thomason, and Robert W. Williams
High Yield Corn Production Can Result in High Nitrogen Use Efficiency, Charles Wortmann, Charles A. Shapiro, Achim Dobermann, Richard Ferguson, Gary W. Hergert, Daniel Walters, and David Tarkalson
High-yield irrigated maize in the Western U.S. Corn Belt: II. Irrigation management and crop water productivity, Patricio Grassini, Haishun Yang, Suat Irmak, John Thorburn, Charles Burr, and Kenneth G. Cassman
High-yield irrigated maize in the Western U.S. Corn Belt: I. On-farm yield, yield potential, and impact of agronomic practices, Patricio Grassini, John Thorburn, Charles Burr, and Kenneth Cassman
High-yield maize with large net energy yield and small global warming intensity, Patricio Grassini and Kenneth Cassman
Hippocampal Volume Differences in Gulf War Veterans with Current Versus Lifetime Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms, Brigitte A. Apfel, Jessica Ross, Jennifer Hlavin, Dieter J. Meyerhoff, Thomas J. Metzler, Charles R. Marmar, Michael W. Weiner, Norbert Schuff, and Thomas C. Neylan
Histamine-Immunoreactive Fibers in the Brain of Rana pipiens, Wayne Briner, Paul Guth, and Charles Norris
Historical Buddhist Kesa Robes as Inspiration for Contemporary Fiber Art, Betsy Sterling Benjamin
Historical Buddhist Kesa Robes as Inspiration for Contemporary Fiber Art, Betsy Sterling Benjamin
Historical Changes in the Occurrence and Distribution of Freshwater Mussels in Kansas, Robert T. Angelo, M. Steve Cringan, Eva Hays, Clint A. Goodrich, Edwin J. Miller, Mark A. VanScoyoc, and Bryan R. Simmons
Historical Memory and Empathy in Studio Art Classroom, Karen Hampton
Historical Notes on Collections and Taxonomy of Penstemon Haydenii S. Wats. (Blowout Penstemon), Nebraska's Only Endemic Plant Species, David M. Sutherland
Historical Records Of Passerine Introductions To New Zealand Fail To Support The Propagule Pressure Hypothesis, Michael P. Moulton, Wendell P. Cropper Jr., and Michael L. Avery
History And Nature Representations Of The Great Plains In The Work Of Sharon Butala And Wallace Stegner, Walter Isle
History of Genetic Counseling, Anne J. Krush
History of ISCO (Instrumentation Specialties Company) of Lincoln, Nebraska, R. W. Allington
History of Research on African Factory-Printed Cloth and Current Approaches in the Field, Michelle Willard
History of the doctrine of recognition, Milian Lauritz Andreasen
History of the Missouri compromise line from 1821 to 1850, Arthur Jay Ludden
History of Vocational Agriculture in Nebraska, M G. McCreight
History of Vocational Agriculture in Nebraska, M. G. McCreight
Hogushi and Heiyo: Methods of Creating Painterly Images in Woven Textiles, Kazuo Mutoh
Holistic Faculty Development: Supporting Personal, Professional, and Organizational Well-Being, Glenda T. Hubbard, Sally S. Atkins, and Kathleen T. Brinko
Home Economics Teachers’ Perceptions of What is Being Taught Compared With Parents’ and Agency Representatives’ Perceptions of What Should be Taught, Kendra L. Vance
Home Pages of Ten Leading Global-Asian Academic Library Websites, Safie Tahmasebi Limoni, Mitra Ghiasi, and Ali A. Razavi
Home Sewage Treatment Systems, Elbert C. Dickey, Robert P. Pharris, Phillip W. Harlan, and Gary Hosek
HOMES FOR BIRDS, E. R. Kalmbach and W. L. McAtee
Homologous recombination in Nannochloropsis: A powerful tool in an industrially relevant alga, Donald P. Weeks
Homosexual Marriage and the Myth of Tolerance: Is Cardinal O'Connor a "Homophobe"?, Richard F. Duncan
Homosexual Rights and Citizen Initiatives: Is Constitutionalism Unconstitutional?, Richard F. Duncan and Gary L. Young
Honoring the National Parks: A Local Adaptation of a Partners in the Parks Adventure, Joan Digby and Kathleen Nolan
Honors Analytics: Science, An Interdisciplinary Lab-Based Course on Visual Perception, Stephen R. Campbell, Robert T. Grammer, Lonnie Yandell, and William H. Hooper
Honors Pre-Thesis Workshop, 2.0, Aaron T. Coey and Carolyn Haynes
Hoosh, Jason C. Anthony
Hope and Guidance for Parents of Children with OCD: A Review of Freeing Your Child from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder [Book Review Section], Richard J. Cowan and Susan M. Swearer Napolitano
Hopi Nation: Essays on Indigenous Art, Culture, History, and Law, Edna Glenn, John R. Wunder, Willard Hughes Rollings, and C. L. Martin
Horizon's Lens, Elizabeth Dodd
Hormone Profiles in Cattle Selected for Twin Ovulations and Births, Sherrill E. Echternkamp, Leon J. Spicer, and Keith E. Gregory
Host and vector movement affects genetic diversity and spatial structure of Buggy Creek virus (Togaviridae), Charles R. Brown, Mary Bomberger Brown, Abinash Padhi, Jerome E. Foster, Amy T. Moore, Martin Pfeffer, and Nicholas Komar
Host-microbe-diet interplay: Dietary modulation of the gut microbiota in relation to health, Ines Martinez
Hosts Improve the Reliability of Chick Recognition by Delaying the Hatching of Brood Parasitic Eggs, Daizaburo Shizuka and Bruce E. Lyon
Hot Lunches Keep School Children Healthy and Happy : Extension Circular 9-51-2
How Attitudes Change: A Primer for Faculty Developers, Richard F. Lewis
How Can I Be Heard?, LuAnn Wilkerson
How Colleges Evaluate Professors, 1983 v. 1993, Peter Seldin
How do clinical trial participants compare to other patients with schizophrenia?, Paul G. Barnett, Jennifer Y. Scott, and Robert A. Rosenheck
How do we become parents? Exploring the decision making process for gay and lesbian parents: A qualitative study, Nicholas K Park
How Do You Define Success?, Connie I. Reimers-Hild
How Indeterminism Shapes Ecologists’ Contributions to Managing Socio-Ecological Systems, Sarah Michaels and Andrew J. Tyre
How Predation Risk Affects the Temporal Dynamics of Avian Leks: Greater Sage Grouse versus Golden Eagles, Adam R. Boyko, Robert M. Gibson, and Jeffrey R. Lucas
Hows and Why for Young Cooks : Extension Circular 9-11-2, Jessie Greene
Hows and Whys for Young Cooks : Extension Circular 9-02-2, Jessie G. Greene
Hows and Whys for Young Cooks : Extension Circular 9-02-2, Jessie G. Greene
Hows and Whys of Young Cooks : Extension Circular 9-02-2, Jessie G. Greene
How the host ‘sees’ pathogens: global gene expression responses to infection, Ian D. Manger and David A. Relman
How to Cook a Tapir: A Memoir of Belize, Joan Fry
How to Make It: Rabbit Trap is Easy to Build
How To Prevent Students, Linc. Fisch
How William F. Cody Helped Save The Buffalo Without Really Trying, David Nesheim
Hubble Space Telescope Hα imaging of star-forming galaxies at z ~ 1–1.5: evolution in the size and luminosity of giant HII regions, R. C. Livermore, T. Jones, J. Richard, R. G. Bower, R. S. Ellis, A. M. Swinbank, J. R. Rigby, Ian Smail, S. Arribas, J. Rodriguez-Zaurin, L. Colina, H. Ebeling, and R. A. Crain
Human Detection using Mobile Embedded Smart Cameras, Li He, Youlu Wang, Senem Velipasalar, and M. Cenk Gursoy
Human Emanations and Related Natural Compounds That Inhibit Mosquito Host-Finding Abilities, Ulrich R. Bernier, Daniel Kline, and Kenneth H. Posey
Human health risk assessment database, “the NHSRC toxicity value database”: Supporting the risk assessment process at US EPA's National Homeland Security Research Center, Chandrika J. Moudgal, Kevin Garrahan, Eletha Brady-Roberts, Naida Gavrelis, Michelle Arbogast, and Sarah Dun
Humanitarians on the Frontier Examples from Northeastern Logan County, Oklahoma Territory, Leslie Hewes
Humanities in Medical Education- the Past Ten Years, James J. Quinn
Human Rights and U.S. Foreign Policy in the Multilateral Development Banks, Daniel Braaten
Human rights and U.S. foreign policy in the multilateral development banks, Daniel B Braaten
Human Trafficking and Education: a Qualitative Case Study of Two NGO Programs in Thailand, Robert Spires
Human Trafficking Conference: General Information and Purpose
Humic Acid-Oxidizing, Nitrate-Reducing Bacteria in Agricultural Soils, J. Ian Van Trump, Kelly C. Wrighton, J. Cameron Thrash, Karrie A. Weber, Gary L. Andersen, and John D. Coates
Humoral Immunity to West Nile Virus Is Long-Lasting and Protective in the House Sparrow (Passer domesticus), Nicole M. Nemeth, Paul T. Oesterle, and Richard A. Bowen
Hybrid and environment effects on popcorn kernel physiochemical properties and their relationship to microwave popping performance, Jess C. Sweley, Devin J. Rose, and David S. Jackson
Hybridization among Arctic white-headed gulls (Larus spp.) obscures the genetic legacy of the Pleistocene, Sarah A. Sonsthagen, R. Terry Chesser, Douglas A. Bell, and Carla J. Dove
Hydraulic conductivity of the High Plains Aquifer re-evaluated using surface drainage patterns, Wei Luo and Darryll T. Pederson
Hydrogen and moisture-induced scale spallation: Cathodic descaling of a single crystal superalloy, James L. Smialek
Hydrogenase- and outer membrane c-type cytochrome-facilitated reduction of technetium(VII) by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1, Matthew J. Marshall, Andrew Plymale, David W. Kennedy, Liang Shi, Zheming Wang, Samantha B. Reed, Alice Dohnalkova, Cody Simonson, Chongxuan Liu, Daad A. Saffarini, Margaret F. Romine, John M. Zachara, Alexander S. Beliaev, and James K. Fredrickson
Hydrogeologic Relationships to Structural Failure Chadron State College, Nebraska, Larry D. Agenbroad
Hydrogeophysical Investigations at Hidden Dam, Raymond, California, Burke J. Minsley, Bethany L. Burton, Scott Ikard, and Michael H. Powers
Hydrogeophysical Methods for Analyzing Aquifer Storage and Recovery Systems, Burke J. Minsley, Jonathan Ajo-Franklin, Amitabha Mukhopadhyay, and Frank Dale Morgan
Hydrological information system: Integrated system for modeling, simulation, analysis, and distribution of climate and hydrology data, Baburao Dashrath Kamble
Hymenopteran Pupal Parasitoids Recovered from House Fly and Stable Fly (Diptera: Muscidae) Pupae Collected on Livestock Facilities in Southern and Eastern Hungary, Jerome A. Hogsette, Róbert Farkas, and Csaba Thuróczy
Hypothesis In British Methodological Thought: Newton To Whewell, Gary Blum
HyScaleII: A High Performance Hybrid Optical Network Architecture for Data Centers, Shivashis Saha, Jitender S. Deogun, and Lisong Xu
Hysteresis and relaxation in granular permanent magnets, Ralph Skomski, B. Balamurugan, Thomas A. George, Mircea Chipara, Xiao-Hui Wei, Jeffrey E. Shield, and David J. Sellmyer
ICT Skills and Computer Self-Efficacy of Research Students: The Case of Institute of Pure & Applied Biology and Biotechnology, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan, Muhammad Naushad Sabzwari Sabzwari, Rubina Bhatti, and Bashir Ahmed
Identification and Assessment of Markers of Biotin Status in Healthy Adults, Wei Kay Eng
Identification and characterization of MtoA: a decaheme c-type cytochrome of the neutrophilic Fe(II)-oxidizing bacterium Sideroxydans lithotrophicus ES-1, Juan Liu, Zheming Wang, Sara M. Belchik, Marcus J. Edwards, Chongxuan Liu, David W. Kennedy, Eric D. Merkley, Mary S. Lipton, Julea N. Butt, David J. Richardson, John M. Zachara, James K. Fredrickson, Kevin M. Rosso, and Liang Shi
Identification and characterization of Shigella boydii 20 serovar nov., a new and emerging Shigella serotype, David L. Woodward, Clifford G. Clark, Richard A. Caldeira, Rafiq Ahmed, Geoff Soule, Louis Bryden, Helen Tabor, Pasquale Melito, Roger Foster, Julie Walsh, Lai-King Ng, Georgia B. Malcolm, Nancy Strockbine, and Frank G. Rodgers
Identification and Characterization of UndAHRCR-6, an Outer Membrane Endecaheme c-Type Cytochrome of Shewanella sp. Strain HRCR-6, Liang Shi, Sara M. Belchik, Zheming Wang, David W. Kennedy, Alice C. Dohnalkova, Matthew J. Marshall, John M. Zachara, and James K. Fredrickson
Identification of a Maximum Guardrail Height for the Midwest Guardrail System Using Computer Simulation, Ramen D. Julin
Identification of a response regulator involved in surface attachment, cell–cell aggregation, exopolysaccharide production and virulence in the plant pathogen Xylella fastidiosa, Tanja M. Voegel, Harshavardhan Doddapaneni, Davis W. Cheng, Hong Lin, Drake C. Stenger, Bruce C. Kirkpatrick, and M. Caroline Roper
Identification of compounds from Etonia rosemary (Conradina etonia), Brian P. Quinn, Ulrich R. Bernier, and Matthew M. Booth
Identification of differentially expressed genes in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) brown midrib mutants, Li Yan, Shuwei Liu, Shuangyi Zhao, Yali Kang, Duoxiang Wang, Tongwei Gu, Zhanguo Xin, Guangmin Xia, and Yinghua Huang
Identification of Factors Influencing Student Choices of Secondary Vocational Educational Teaching as a Career, Josee Lee Forell
Identification of host proteins required for vesicular stomatitis virus infection, Debasis Panda
Identification of Learning Styles Strategies Which Enable College Students with Differing Personality Temperaments to Cope with Learning Blocks, Gholam Hossein Zamani Zarghani
Identification of ovarian gene expression patterns during vitellogenesis in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), Timothy S. Breton, Janet L. Anderson, Frederick W. Goetz, and David L. Berlinsky
Identification of Plasmid and Chromosomal Copies of 987P Pilus Genes in Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli 987, Thomas A. Casey, Robert A. Schneider, and Evelyn A. Dean-Nystrom
Identification of Red Dyes in Textiles from the Andean Region, Ana Roquero
Identification of Solubility-Controlling Solid Phases in a Large Fly Ash Field Lysimeter, Jonathan S. Fruchter, Dhanpat Rai, and John M. Zachara
Identification of source-sink dynamics in mountain lions of the Great Basin, Alyson M. Andreasen, Kelley M. Stewart, William S. Longland, Jon P. Beckmann, and Matthew L. Forister
Identification of Sprague's Pipit Nest Predators, Stephen K. Davis, Stephanie L. Jones, Kimberly Dohms, and Teslin Holmes
Identification of Stem Rust Resistance in Three Synthetic Wheat Populations, Russell A. Ward
Identification of TCP Protocols, Juan Shao
Identification Of The Western Tarnished Plant Bug (Lygus Hesperus) Olfactory Co-Receptor Orco: Expression Profile And Confirmation Of Atypical Membrane Topology, J. Joe Hull, Eric J. Hoffmann, Omaththage P. Perera, and Gordon L. Snodgrass
Identification of Twin Pregnancies in Cattle by Ultrasonography, Sherrill E. Echternkamp and Keith E. Gregory
Identification of Vibrio Isolates by a Multiplex PCR Assay and rpoB Sequence Determination, Cheryl L. Tarr, Jayna S. Patel, Nancy Puhr, Evangeline Sowers, Cheryl A. Bopp, and Nancy A. Strockbine
Identifying grasslands suitable for cellulosic feedstock crops in the Greater Platte River Basin: dynamic modeling of ecosystem performance with 250 m eMODIS, Yingxin Gu, Stephen P. Boyte, Bruce K. Wylie, and Larry L. Tieszen
Identifying potential areas for biofuel production and evaluating the environmental effects: a case study of the James River Basin in the Midwestern United States, Yiping Wu, Shuguang Liu, and Zhengpeng Li
Identifying Type IIn supernova progenitors in our Galaxy: the circumstellar environment of the Galactic luminous blue variable candidate Gal 026.47+0.02, G. Umana, A. Ingallinera, C. Trigilio, C. S. Buemi, P. Leto, C. Agliozzo, A. Noriega-Crespo, N. Flagey, R. Paladini, and S. Molinari
If the goal is collaboration: Toward more satisfactory inclusion of parents in the individual education plan meetings, Brenda K Jensen-McNiff
“If You Can Dream It, You Can Achieve It.” Parent Memorable Messages as Indicators of College Student Success, Haley Kranstuber, Kristen Carr, and Angela M. Hosek
Ignoring Population Structure Can Lead to Erroneous Predictions of Future Population Size, Brigitte Tenhumberg
Illuminating the Kapitza-Dirac Effect with Electron Matter Optics [Colloquium], Herman Batelaan
Ilonka Karasz: Making Modern, Ashley Brown
Imagery rescripting and exposure group treatment of posttraumatic nightmares in Veterans with PTSD, Mary E. Long, Mary E. Hammons, Joanne L. Davis, B. Christopher Frueh, Myrna M. Khan, Jon D. Elhai, and Ellen J. Teng
Images, Art and Education, Michael Gillespie
Imaginary You, Joshua A. Ware
Imaginary You, Joshua Ware
Imaging and Control of Surface Magnetization Domains in a Magnetoelectric Antiferromagnet, Ning Wu, Xi He, Aleksander Wysocki, Uday Lanke, Takashi Komesu, Kirill Belashchenko, Christian Binek, and Peter Dowben
Imaging of Isolated Molecules with Ultrafast Electron Pulses, Christopher J. Hensley, Jie Yang, and Martin Centurion
Imagining Kansas Place, Promotion, and Western Stereotypes In The Art of Henry Worrall (1825-1902), Karen De Bres
Imbalance Fault Detection of Direct-Drive Wind Turbines Using Generator Current Signals, Xiang Gong and Wei Qiao
IMG/M: the integrated metagenome data management and comparative analysis system, Victor M. Markowitz, I-Min A. Chen, Ken Chu, Ernest Szeto, Krishna Palaniappan, Yuri Grechkin, Anna Ratner, Biju Jacob, Amrita Pati, Marcel Huntemann, Konstantinos Liolios, Ioanna Pagani, Iain Anderson, Konstantinos Mavromatis, Natalia N. Ivanova, and Nikos C. Kyrpides
IMG: the integrated microbial genomes database and comparative analysis system, Victor M. Markowitz, I-Min A. Chen, Krishna Palaniappan, Ken Chu, Ernest Szeto, Yuri Grechkin, Anna Ratner, Biju Jacob, Jinghua Huang, Peter Williams, Marcel Huntemann, Iain Anderson, Konstantinos Mavromatis, Natalia N. Ivanova, and Nikos C. Kyrpides
Imidazolinone Herbicides Improve Restoration of Great Plains Grasslands, Robert A. Masters, Scott Nissen, Roch E. Gaussoin, Daniel Beran, and Robert Stougaard
Immigrant Voters And The Nonpartisan League In Nebraska, 1917-1920, Burton W. Folsom Jr.
Immunization Against Inhibin Increases Sperm Production in Young Beef Bulls, Donald D. Lunstra, Terry L. Martin, Gary L. Williams, and James J. Ireland
Immunologic Indicators of Clinical Progression during Canine Leishmania infantum Infection, Paola M. Boggiatto, Amanda E. Ramer-Tait, Erin E. Kramer, Kyle Metz, Katherine Gibson-Corley, Kathleen Mullin, Jesse M. Hosterner, Jack M. Gallup, Douglas E. Jones, and Christine A. Petersen
Immunomodulation in eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica, exposed to a PAH-contaminated, microphytobenthic diatom, April N. Croxton, Gary H. Wikfors, and Richard D. Schulterbrandt-Gragg
Impact of Business Intelligence and IT Infrastructure Flexibility on Competitive Advantage: An Organizational Agility Perspective, Xiaofeng Chen
Impact of business intelligence and IT infrastructure flexibility on competitive advantage: An organizational agility perspective, Xiaofeng Chen
Impact of Channel Estimation Errors on Effectiveness of Eigenvector-Based Jamming for Physical Layer Security in Wireless Networks, James M. Taylor, Michael Hempel, Hamid Sharif, Shichuan Ma, and Yaoqing Yang
Impact of Computerized “Sounding out” on Spelling Performance of a Child Who Uses AAC: A Preliminary Report, Jillian H McCarthy, David R. Beukelman, and Tiffany Hogan
Impact of crop and residue management on the physical and chemical stabilization of soil organic matter at farm level, Ana Beatriz Wingeyer
Impact of highly basic solutions on sorption of Cs+ to subsurface sediments from the Hanford site, USA, C.C. Ainsworth, John M. Zachara, K. Wagnon, S. McKinley, Chongxuan Liu, Steven Smith, H.T. Schaef, and Paul Gassman
Impact of ICT Skills on the Use of E-Resources by Information Professionals: A Review of Related Literature, Ganiyu Oluwaseyi Quadri
Impact of insecticide and fungicide residue contact on plum curculio, Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst),mobility and mortality: implications for pest management, Tracy C. Leskey, Starker E. Wright, Julien Saguez, and Charles Vincent
Impact Of Intensive Cropping Systems On Physical Properties Of Surface Soils, G.A. Peterson, D.G. Westfall, L.A. Sherrod, and T. M. Shaver
Impact of Interference on Secrecy Capacity in a Cognitive Radio Network, Zhihui Shu, Yaoqing Lamar Yang, Yi Qian, and Rose Qingyang Hu
Impact of Manure Application on Phosphorus Runoff and Soil Erosion, Daniel T. Walters, C. Gossin, Gregory J. Teichmeier, and Galen E. Erickson
Impact of Phlebotomine Sand Flies on U.S. Military Operations at Tallil Air Base, Iraq: 3. Evaluation of Surveillance Devices for the Collection of Adult Sand Flies, Douglas A. Burkett, Ronald Knight, James A. Dennett, Van Sherwood, Edgar Rowton, and Russell E. Coleman
Impact of Post-Weaning Beef Heifer Development System on Average Daily Gain, Reproduction, and Feed Efficiency, Stetson P. Weber, Adam F. Summers, Tonya L. Meyer, and Richard N. Funston
Impact of Signal Timing Information on Safety and Efficiency of Signalized Intersections, Anuj Sharma
Impact of Sorting Prior to Feeding Zilpaterol Hydrochloride on Feedlot Steers, Erin M. Hussey, Galen E. Erickson, Brandon L. Nuttelman, William A. Griffin, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Kyle J. Vander Pol
Impact of statin use on heart failure mortality, Senthil K. Thambidorai, Anand R. Deshmukh, Ryan W. Walters, Paul D. Turner, Michael S. Monaghan, Aryan N. Mooss, Claire B. Hunter, Dennis J. Esterbrooks, and Syed M. Mohiuddin
Impact of the Home Food Environment on Dietary Intake, Obesity and Cardiovascular Health of U.S. Children and Adolescents, Aged 6-19, Melissa A. Masters
Impact of the Home Food Environment on Dietary Intake, Obesity and Cardiovascular Health of U.S. Children and Adolescents, Aged 6-19, Melissa A Masters
Impact of the Internet on Research Effort of Academics at Abia State University, Uturu, (ABSU), CPC Onwubiko
Impact of the New Legal Deposit System on National Bibliographic Control in Uganda: Developments, Practices, and Challenges, James Matovu and Wilberforce Musoke
Impact Of Wireless Communication Delay On Load Sharing Among Distributed Generation Systems Through Smart Microgrids, Song Ci, Junjie Qian, Dalei Wu, and Ali Keyhani
Impacts of Technology on U.S. Cropland and Rangeland Productivity, Office of Technology Assessment
Impacts of water development on aquatic macroinvertebrates, amphibians, and plants in wetlands of a semi-arid landscape, Ned H. Euliss Jr. and David M. Mushet
Impacts, Tillites, and the Breakup of Gondwanaland, Verne R. Oberbeck, John R. Marshall, and Hans Aggarwal
Implementation of Marker Assisted EPDs, Matt Spangler
Implementing Peer Review Programs: A Twelve Step Model, Jamie Webb and Kathleen McEnerney
Implications of the Ethanol Industry for Cow-Calf Producers, Ted C. Schroeder
Implications of the Nature of "Expertise" for Teaching and Faculty Development, Richard G. Tiberius, Ronald A. Smith, and Zohar Waisman
Implications of Water Supply for Indigenous Americans during Holocene Aridity Phases on the Southern High Plains, USA, Warren W. Wood, Stephen Stokes, and Julie Rich
Importance of Characterizing Nanoparticles before Conducting Toxicity Tests, Yi Cong, Chengfang Pang, Lina Dai, Gary T. Banta, Henriette Selck, and Valery E. Forbes
Importance of steak origin to restaurant customers, Kimberly A. Varnold, Chris R. Calkins, B. Lynn Gordon, and Wendy J. Umberger
Improved Rooting and Acclimatization of Micropropagated Hazelnut Shoots, Mehmet Nuri Nas and Paul Read
Improved Understanding of Factors Influencing the Re-emergence of Goss's Bacterial Wilt and Blight of Corn, Craig B. Langemeier
Improving Academic Departments, Sher Riechmann Hruska
Improving animal welfare and reducing animal use for veterinary vaccine potency testing: state of the science and future directions, William S. Stokes, Karen Brown, Jodie Kulpa-Eddy, Geetha Srinivas, Marlies Halder, Hans Draayer, Jeffrey Galvin, Ivo Claassen, Glen Gifford, Ralph Woodland, Vivian Doelling, and Brett Jones
Improving Backup and Restore Performance for Deduplication-based Cloud Backup Services, Stephen Mkandawire
Improving Classroom Climate for Women: The Faculty Developer's Role, Delivee L. Wright
Improving Elementary American Indian Students’ Math Achievement with Inquiry-Based Mathematics and Games, Jamalee Stone and Edmund T. Hamann
Improving Health Care Quality and Safety: The Development and Assessment of Laparoscopic Surgery Instrumentation, Practices and Procedures, Bernadette McCrory
Improving health care quality and safety: The development and assessment of laparoscopic surgery instrumentation, practices and procedures, Bernadette Janae McCrory
Improving heating uniformity of fresh fruit in radio frequency treatments for pest control, Sohan Birla, Shaojin Wang, Juming Tang, and Guy Hallman
Improving Higher Education: Issues and Perspectives on Teaching and Learning, Maryellen Weimer
Improving Higher Education: Ways of Knowing
Improving Higher Education: Ways of Knowing: Preliminary Program and Conference Program
Improving in-season nitrogen recommendations for maize using an active sensor, J. Schmidt, D. Beegle, Q. Q. Zhu, and R. Sripada
Improving Life Chances for Children in Nebraska, Mary McManus Kluender and Robert L. Egbert
Improving Outpatient Diabetes Care, Susan Kirsh, Michael Hein, Leonard Pogach, Gordon Schectman, Lauren Stevenson, Sharon Watts, Archana Radhakrishnan, John Chardos, and David Aron
Improving Performance of Solid State Drives in Enterprise Environment, Jian Hu
Improving Safety and Mobility at High-Speed Intersections with Innovations in Sensor Technology, Anuj Sharma, Darcy M. Bullock, Senem Velipasalar, Mauricio Casares, Jacob Schmitz, and Nathaniel P. Burnett
Improving Student Attitudes about Learning Science and Student Scientific Reasoning Skills, Douglas K. Duncan and Leilani Arthurs
Improving Students' Critical Thinking Outcomes: An Process-Learning Strategy in Eight Steps, S. Kay A. Thornhill and Melissa Wafer
Improving Teaching Across the Academy: Gleanings From Research, Ben Ward
Improving Teaching by Reflecting on Practice, Ronald Smith and Fred Schwartz
Improving Teaching Through Faculty Portfolio Conversations, Patricia Hagerty, Kenneth Wolf, and Barbara Whinery
Improving Teaching Through Reflective Partnerships, Roy Killen
Improving the Microbiological Quality of Meat, James S. Dickson and Gregory R. Siragusa
Improving undergraduate education through active learning spaces, T. Jack Morris
Incidence of Cancers of the Oral Cavity and Pharynx Among American Indians and Alaska Natives, 1999–2004, Marsha E. Reichman, Janet J. Kelly, Carol L. Kosary, Steven S. Coughlin, Melissa Jim, and Anne P. Lanier
Incidence of Ovarian Cancer by Race and Ethnicity in the United States, 1992–1997, Marc T. Goodman, Holly L. Howe, Ko Hui Tung, Joellyn Hotes, Barry A. Miller, Steven S. Coughlin, and Vivien W. Chen
Inclusive and differential measurements of the tt̅ charge asymmetry in proton–proton collisions at √s= 7 TeV, CMS Collaboration, E. Avdeeva, Kenneth A. Bloom, S. Bose, J. Butt, Daniel R. Claes, A. Dominguez, Michael Eads, J. Keller, Ilya Kravchenko, J. Lazo-Flores, H. Malbouisson, Sudhir Malik, and Gregory Snow
Inclusive Fitness and the Practice of Polyandry Among the Skidi Pawnee, Thomas E. McGinnis
Inclusive search for squarks and gluinos in pp̅ collisions at √s= 7 TeV, S. Chatrchyan, Kenneth A. Bloom, S. Bose, Jamila Butt, Daniel R. Claes, A. Dominguez, Michael Eads, P. Jindal, J. Keller, T. Kelly, Ilya Kravchenko, J. Lazo-Flores, H. Malbouisson, Sudhir Malik, and Gregory Snow
Inclusive Teaching: A Workshop On Cultural Diversity, Emily C. Wadsworth
Incorporating a completely renormalized coupled cluster approach into a composite method for thermodynamic properties and reaction paths, Sean A. Nedd, Nathan J. DeYonker, Angela K. Wilson, Mark S. Gordon, and Piotr Piecuch
Incorporating Latent Variable Outcomes in Value-Added Assessment: An Evaluation of Univariate and Multivariate Measurement Model Structures, Leslie H. Shaw
Incorporating parametric uncertainty into population viability analysis models, Conor P. McGowan, Michael C. Runge, and Michael A. Larson
Incorporating remotely sensed tree canopy cover data into broad scale assessments of wildlife habitat distribution and conservation, Sebastián Martinuzzi, Lee A. Vierling, William A. Gould, Kerri T. Vierling, and Andrew T. Hudak
Incorporating Theories of Teacher Growth and Adult Education in a Faculty Development Program, Alenoush Saroyan, Cheryl Amundsen, and Cao Li
Increased efficiency of low band gap polymer solar cells at elevated temperature and its origins, Bin Yang, James Cox, Yongbo Yuan, Fawen Guo, and Jinsong Huang
Increased weed diversity, density and above-ground biomass in long-term organic crop rotations, Samuel E. Wortman, John L. Lindquist, Milton J. Haar, and Charles Francis
Increase in Ponderosa Pine Density in the Nebraska Sandhills: Impacts on Grassland Plant Diversity and Productivity, Alexa Armstrong
Increasing Levels of Condensed Distillers Solubles and Finishing Performance, Anna C. Pesta, Brandon L. Nuttelman, William A. Griffin, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
Increasing Pregnancy Rate in Beef Cattle by Clitoral Massage During Artificial Insemination, Donald D. Lunstra, W. Gordon Hays, Robert A. Bellows, and Dan B. Laster
Increasing Sensitivity to Diversity: Empowering Students, Mary Anne Johnston
Indian LIS Literature in International Journals with Specific Reference to SSCI Database: A Bibliometric Study, Pallab Pradhan and Rajesh Chandrakar
Indian Maps Their Place In The History Of Plains Cartography, G. Malcolm Lewis
Indian Textiles For The Thai Market: A Royal Prerogative?, John Guy
Indian Trade Cloth in Egypt: The Newberry Collection, Ruth Barnes
India's Efforts in Open Access Publishing, Bhaskar Mukherjee and Bidyut Kumar Mal
Indirect effects of parasites in invasions, Alison M. Dunn, Mark E. Torchin, Melanie J. Hatcher, Peter M. Kotanen, Dana M. Blumenthal, James E. Byers, Courtney A.C. Coon, Victor M. Frankel, Robert D. Holt, Ruth A. Hufbauer, Andrew R. Kanarek, Kristina A. Schierenbeck, Lorne M. Wolfe, and Sarah E. Perkins
Individual differences of children, Edgar Clippinger
Individual Heterosis Effects on Mature Size and Maternal Heterosis Effects on Preweaing Traits and Postweaning Growth and Carcass Traits, Keith E. Gregory, Delwyn D. Dearborn, Larry V. Cundiff, and Robert M. Koch
Individualized Consulting to Improve Teaching, Richard G. Tiberius
Indonesian Fashion Designers-----Transformation from Traditional Textiles, Yuka Matsumoto
Industrial diversity and economic performance: A spatial analysis, Hoa Phu D Tran
Industrial geography of Seward County, Nebraska, John Thomas Link
Industrial peace through social justice, Charles E Carroll
Industrial Production and the Hand Process: Making a Bridge, Catharine Ellis
Influence of Agriculture on Aquatic Invertebrate Communities of Temporary Wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region of North Dakota, USA, Ned H. Euliss Jr. and David M. Mushet
Influence of aphid honeydew on the foraging behavior of Hippodamia convergens larvae, Swapna R. Purandare and Brigitte Tenhumberg
Influence of Aqueous and Solid-Phase Fe(II) Complexants on Microbial Reduction of Crystalline Iron(III) Oxides, Matilde Urrutia, Eric E. Roden, and John M. Zachara
Influence of Biological Types on Energy Requirements, Calvin L. Ferrell and Thomas G. Jenkins
Influence of Biotransformation on Trophic Transfer of the PAH, Fluoranthene, Annemette Palmqvist, Lene Juel Rasmussen, and Valery E. Forbes
Influence of Calcite and Dissolved Calcium on Uranium(VI) Sorption to a Hanford Subsurface Sediment, Wenming Dong, William Ball, Chongxuan Liu, Zheming Wang, Alan Stone, Jing Bai, and John M. Zachara
Influence of Calcium on Microbial Reduction of Solid Phase Uranium(VI), Chongxuan Liu, Byong-Hun Jeon, John M. Zachara, and Zheming Wang
Influence of Carlyle on Ruskin, Josephine Glenalvin Balsley
Influence of Corn Hybrid Traits and Processing Method on Nutrient Digestibility, M. K. Luebbe, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, and W. A. Fithian
Influence of Distillers Dried Grain Supplementation Frequency on Forage Digestibility and Growth Performance of Beef Cattle, L. A. Stalker, D. C. Adams, and T. J. Klopfenstein
Influence of Electron Donor/Acceptor Concentrations on Hydrous Ferric Oxide (HFO) Bioreduction, James K. Fredrickson, Sreenivas Kota, Ravi K. Kukkadapu, Chongxuan Liu, and John M. Zachara
Influence of Electronic Media on Reading Ability of School Children, J.C. Igbokwe, Nnenna A. Obidike, and E.C. Ezeji
Influence of ensiling time and inoculation on alteration of the starch-protein matrix in high-moisture corn, P. C. Hoffman, N. M. Esser, R. D. Shaver, W. K. Coblentz, M. P. Scott, A. L. Bodnar, R. J. Schmidt, and R. C. Charley
Influence of environmental temperature on the physiological, endocrine, and immune responses in livestock exposed to a provocative immune challenge, J.A. Carroll, N.C. Burdick, C. C. Chase Jr, S. W. Coleman, and D. E. Spiers
Influence of Genotype and Maternal Environment on Growth Hormone and Prolactin Secretion in Cattle, John Klindt and Ralph R. Maurer
Influence of improvement practices on big bluestem and indiangrass seed production in tallgrass prairies, Robert A. Masters, Robert Mitchell, Kenneth Vogel, and Steven Waller
Influence of Iron Oxide Inclusion Shape on CoII/IIIEDTA Reactive Transport through Spatially Heterogeneous Sediment, James E. Szecsody, Ashley Chilakapati, John M. Zachara, and Amanda Garvin
Influence of Mineral-Bound Humic Substances on the Sorption of Hydrophobic Organic Compounds, Ellyn M. Murphy, John M. Zachara, and Steven C. Smith
Influence of Mn oxides on the reduction of uranium(VI) by the metal-reducing bacterium Shewanella putrefaciens, James K. Fredrickson, John M. Zachara, David Kennedy, Chongxuan Liu, Martine Duff, Douglas Hunter, and Alice Dohnalkova
Influence of Motivation on Turnover of Library Personnel in Some Public Universities in South West Nigeria, Oyetola Solomon Olusegun
Influence of Pasture Management Regimes on the Abundance of Four Target Beetle Groups, Christina Doehling, Frederick Baxendale, Tiffany Heng-Moss, and Walter Schacht
Influence of Planting Depth and Interval to Initial Harvest on Yield and Plant Response of Asparagus, Dale T. Lindgren
Influence of Sediment Bioreduction and Reoxidation on Uranium Sorption, Chongxuan Liu, John M. Zachara, Lirong Zhong, Ravi K. Kukkadapu, Jim Szecsody, and Dave Kennedy
Influence of Seed Stratification and See Age on Emergence of Penstemon, Dale T. Lindgren and Daniel Schaaf
Influence of Weaning Date and Prepartum Nutrition on Cow-Calf Productivity, Kelsey M. Rolfe, L. Aaron Stalker, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Richard N. Funston
Influence of Windbreak-Shelter on Light Interception, Stomatal Conductance, and CO2-Exchange Rate of Soybeans, Glycine max (Linnaeus) Merrill, S. N. Ogbuehi and J. R. Brandle
Influences of Farming Background on Farm Women’s Employment Motivations, Alexis Swendener
Influenza Exposure In United States Feral Swine Populations, Jeffrey S. Hall, Richard B. Minnis, Tyler A. Campbell, Scott Barras, Randy W. DeYoung, Kristy Pabilonia, Michael L. Avery, Heather Sullivan, Larry Clark, and Robert G. McLean
In Focus: Award Symposium for Dr Gerry Brooks at the ACS 233rd National Meeting, Chicago, March 24–29, 2007, Derek W. Gammon
Information as a Major Criterion for Success in Women's Group Activities in Borno State, Nigeria, Adam Gambo Saleh
Information Communication Techonology (ICT) Use as a Predictor of Lawyers’ Productivity, J.E. Owoeye
Information Fair, T. Earle Bowen, Jr.
Information Literacy Skills: A Survey of the Transition of Students from Secondary to University Education in Edo State, Nigeria, Christopher O. Ukpebor Mr. and Daniel Emojorho
Information Needs and Seeking Behavior of Law Faculty Members: A Survey of the University of Peshawar and its Affiliated Law Colleges, Ghalib Khan and Rubina Bhatti
Information Needs of Rural Women: A Study of Three Villages of Bangladesh, Arman Hossain and Shariful Islam
Information on Conference Sessions
Information on Maize Production among Rural Youth: A Solution for Sustainable Food Security In Nigeria, O.A. Olaniyi and J.G. Adewale
Information on Sessions and Activities
Information Technology as a Medium of Inter-organizational Knowledge Sharing, Fatemeh Nooshinfard and Leila Nemati-Anarak
Information Use, Satisfaction, and Difficulties: A Case Study of Agricultural Scientists in India, K.P. Singh
In.Form: The Journal of Architecture, Design and Material Culture Volume 11: Design Process, Brian M. Kelly, Randall Teal, Timothy Hemsath, Sean M. Rotar, Lohren Ray Deeg, and David Karle
Inherently Russian and Inherently Roman: Tolstoy’s Miniature Masterpiece “Alyosha the Pot”, Radha Balasubramanian and Thomas Nelson Winter
Inheritance in gourds (Cucurbitae pepo.), Fred Wenzel Hofmann
Inheritance of Active and Passive Immunity in Beef Calves, Noelle E. Muggli, Bill D. Hohenboken, Larry V. Cundiff, and Don E. Mattson
Inheritance of grain polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity in multiple wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genetic backgrounds, Somrudee Nilthong, Robert A. Graybosch, and P. Stephen Baenziger
Inheritance of Vertical Fiber Hide Defect, Larry V. Cundiff, Matthew P. Dahms, Mary V. Hannigan, Alfred L. Everett, and Peter E. Buechler
Inhibition of Bacterial U(VI) Reduction by Calcium, Scott Brooks, James K. Fredrickson, Sue Carroll, David Kennedy, John M. Zachara, Andrew Plymale, Shelly Kelley, Kenneth Kemner, and Scott Fendorf
In-home Prenatal Nutrition Intervention Increased Dietary Iron Intakes and Reduced Low Birthweight in Low-Income African-American Women, Chiquita Briley, Nicole L. Flanagan, and Nancy M. Lewis
Initial Colonization of the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron: Population Recruitment, Density, and Size Structure, Thomas F. Nalepa, James A. Wojcik, David L. Fanslow, and Gregory A. Lang
In Light of Light The Secular Sacred in Architecture, Jessica L. Graves
In Memory William B. Jackson 1926-2010, Michael W. Fall
Innovation Begins with People: Leading with a New Lens (Presentation), Connie I. Reimers-Hild
Innovation Begins with People: Leading with a New Lens (workbook), Connie I. Reimers-Hild
Innovation for the Future! - 27th Annual Nebraska WIA Conference, Cheryl Griffith
Innovative Teaching and Teaching Improvement, Joyce Povlacs Lunde and Myra S. Wilhite
Innovative Teaching Strategies in a Large, Introductory Level Geology Class at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Sanford S. Kaplan
In-Plane Shear Resistance of Sustainable Structural Walls With Large Openings, Matija Radovic
Inquiry, art and consummatory experience: A Deweyan account of the instrumental and aesthetic modes in human well-being, Eric A Evans
In Search Of Powder, Jeremy Evans
Insectivora (Mammilia) from the Miocene (Hemingfordian) of Western Nebraska, Gregg E. Ostrander
Insects as Teaching Tools, Doug Golick
Insect Trap: United States Patent, Hogsette et al.- November 2005, Jerome Hogsette and David Carlson
Insertion of a Surgical Robot into an Insufflated Abdominal Cavity, Thomas Frederick
Inside Dazzling Mountains, David L. Kozak
Insights from editions of The Annual Register regarding later variants of the Royal Proclamation of 1763: An application of Levenshtein’s edit distance metric - Website Announcement & Link, Charles D. Bernholz and Brian T. O'Grady
In Situ Abiotic Detoxification and Immobilization of Hexavalent Chromium, Faruque A. Khan and Robert W. Puls
Insomnia characteristics and clinical correlates in Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder and mild traumatic brain injury: An exploratory study, D. M. Wallace, S. Shafazand, A.R. Ramos, D.Z. Carvalho, H. Gardener, D. Lorenzo, and W.K. Wohlgemuth
Institutional Development: Impressions From Abroad, Len Ainsworth and Einhard Rau
Institutional Missions, Multiple Faculty Roles: Implications for Faculty Development, Ann E. Austin, Joseph J. Brocato, and Jonathan D. Rohrer
Institutional Repositories (for the Nebraska Library Association), Paul Royster
Instream Flow Needs for Water Quality Management, Robert D. Todd
Instructional Designers in Higher Education, Tami Marie Moskal
Instructional Developers and Instructors as Collaborators in the Oral Presentation Assignment, Robert L. Flagler, John E. Hamlin, and Ann Z. Russell
Instructional Development Programs for International TAs: A Systems Analysis Approach, Rosslyn Smith, Patricia Byrd, Janet Constantinides, and Ralph Pat Barrett
Instructional Improvement Through Individual Consultation, Deborah E. Simpson, Kathleen A. Dalgaard, and Clyde A. Parker
Instructional Needs of Part-Time Faculty: Implications for Faculty Development, Christine A. Stanley and Terrence D. Lumpkins
Instructional Support Centers and The Art of Surviving: Some Practical Suggestions, Robert M. Diamond
Integrated 3D Visualization to Facilitate Component-Based Bridge Condition Rating, Vijay Kumar Durvasula
Integrated soil–crop system management for food security, Xin-Ping Chen, Zhen-Ling Cui, Peter M. Vitousek, Kenneth Cassman, Pamela A. Matson, Jin-Shun Bai, Qing-Feng Meng, Peng Hou, Shan-Chao Yue, Volker Römheld, and Fu-Suo Zhang
Integrating estimates of ecosystem services from conservation programs and practices into models for decision makers, Ned H. Euliss Jr., Loren M. Smith, Shuguang Liu, Walter G. Duffy, Stephen P. Faulkner, Robert A. Gleason, and S. Diane Eckles
Integrating LANDIS model and a multi-criteria decision-making approach to evaluate cumulative effects of forest management in the Missouri Ozarks, USA, ZongBo Shang, Hong S. He, Weimin Xi, Stephen R. Shifley, and Brian J. Palik
Integrating Management of Soil Nitrogen and Weeds, Samuel E. Wortman, Adam Davis, Brian J. Schutte, and John L. Lindquist
Integrating mechanistic and polymorphism data to characterize human genetic susceptibility for environmental chemical risk assessment in the 21st century, Holly M. Mortensen and Susan Y. Euling
Integrating Part-Time Faculty into the Academic Community, George Drops
Integrating Sexual Objectification With Object Versus Person Recognition: The Sexualized-Body-Inversion Hypothesis, Philippe Bernard, Sarah J. Gervais, Jill Allen, Sophie Campomizzi, and Olivier Klein
Integrating Teaching and Research: A Multidimensional Career Model, Mary Pat Mann
Integration of Metabolomics and In Vitro Metabolism Assays for Investigating the Stereoselective Transformation of Triadimefon in Rainbow Trout, John F. Kenneke, Drew R. Ekman, Chris S. Mazur, Brad J. Konwick, Aaron T. Fisk, Jimmy K. Avants, and A. Wayne Garrison
Integration of Palmer Drought Severity Index and remote sensing data to simulate wetland water surface from 1910 to 2009 in Cottonwood Lake area, North Dakota, Shengli Huang, Devendra Dahal, Claudia Young, Gyanesh Chander, and Shuguang Liu
Integration of plant-based canopy sensors for site-specific nitrogen management, Luciano Shozo Shiratsuchi
Integration Technologies for Silicon Carbide-Based Ceramics for Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems-Lean Direct Injector Fuel Injector Applications, Michael C. Halbig, Mrityunjay Singh, and Hiroshi Tsuda
Integrative studies in Mongolian small mammal parasite biodiversity, David S Tinnin
Intellectual Educational Resources: Managing the Future in a Conflict Zone, Kashmir, Sumeer Gul and Tariq Ahmad Shah
Intellectual Property Rights as Revenue-Generation for Galileo: To Own or Not to Own, That Is the Question, Frans G. von der Dunk
Intelligence Sections in the Offices of Chiefs of Arms and Services (AG 321.19MID 6 Sept. 1940), Emory S. Adams
Interaction of Hydrophobic Organic Compounds with Mineral-Bound Humic Substances, Ellyn M. Murphy, John M. Zachara, Steven Smith, Jerry Phillips, and Thomas Wletsma
Interactions Among Evaporation, Ice Cover, and Water Temperature on Lake Superior: Decadal, Interannual, and Seasonal Variability, Katherine Van Cleave
Interactions Between Biological and Abiotic Pathways in the Reduction of Chlorinated Solvents, Richard A. Brown, James G. Mueller, Alan G. Seech, James K. Henderson, and John T. Wilson
Interactions of Zooplankton and Phytoplankton with Cyanobacteria, Rebecca Alexander
Interactive Effects of Church Attendance and Religious Tradition on Depressive Symptoms and Positive Affect, Philip Schwadel and Christina D. Falci
Interactive influences of ozone and climate on streamflow of forested watersheds, Ge Sun, Samuel B. Mclaughlin, John H. Porter, Johan Uddling, Patrick J. Mulholland, Mary B. Adams, and Neil Pederson
Intercepted, Michael McKnight
Interface Between Black-footed Ferret Research And Operational Conservation., Dean E. Biggins, Travis M. Livieri, and Stewart W. Breck
Interface dipole effect on thin film ferroelectric stability: First-principles and phenomenological modeling, Xiaohui Liu, Yong Wang, Pavel V. Lukashev, J. D. Burton, and Evgeny Y. Tsymbal
Interfacial reactivity of radionuclides: emerging paradigms from molecular-level observations, A.R. Felmy, E.S. Ilton, K.M. Rosso, and John M. Zachara
Inter-Laboratory Control Data for Reproductive Endpoints Required in the OPPTS 870.3800/OECD 416 Reproduction and Fertility Test, M. S. Marty, B. Allen, R. E. Chapin, R. Cooper, G. P. Daston, J. A. Flaws, P. M. D. Foster, S. L. Makris, E. Mylchreest, D. Sandler, and R. W. Tyl
Interlacing Histories Loom Technologies and Pictorial Weaving in Late-nineteenth Century Japan and France, Leila Wice
Interleukin-6 control of early Theiler’s Murine Encephalomyelitis Virus replication in macrophages occurs in conjunction with STAT1 activation and nitric oxide production., Tyler C. Moore, Katherine L. Bush, Deborah M. Brown, and Thomas M. Petro
Intermodality in Teaching Writing, Margarette Christensen
Internalizing Problems in Students Involved in Bullying and Victimization [Chapter 5], Susan M. Swearer Napolitano, Adam Collins, Kisha Haye Radliff, and Cixin Wang
International Knowledge Flows and Technological Advance: The Role of International Migration, Kacey N. Douglas
International knowledge flows and technological advance: The role of international migration, Kacey Nicole Douglas
Internet Use Among Undergraduate Students of Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago Iwoye, Nigeria, Olubanke Mofoluwaso Bankole and Babalola Stephen Oludayo Mr
Internet Use by Social Scientists at the Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan: A Survey, Rubina Bhatti, Mahe Bushra Asghar, Sarwat Mukhtar, and Tariq M. Chohan
Internet Use by Students of Faculty of Science in Two Nigerian Universities, Joseph Kehinde Fasae and Fasa Rachael Aladeniyi
Interpreting Modern and Paleo-Environments by Analysis of Water-Stress in Xylem: Examples from Nebraska and Arkansas, James Landon
Interpreting Social Change and Changing Production Through Examinations of Textiles of Xam Nuea and Surin, Charles Carroll
Interrelationships of Selected Physical Properties and Chemical Constituents of Ground Water in Northwestern Nebraska, Arthur W. Struempler
Intersections Studies In The Canadian And American Great Plains, Frances W. Kaye
Interspecific Demographic Trade-Offs and Soil-Related Habitat Associations of Tree Species along Resource Gradients, Sabrina E. Russo, Patrick Brown, Sylvester Tan, and Stuart J. Davies
Interspecific Variation in Wildlife Hazards to Aircraft: Implications for Airport Wildlife Management, Travis L. DeVault, Jerrold L. Belant, Bradley F. Blackwell, and Thomas W. Seamans
Intertemporal choice in lemurs, Jeffrey R. Stevens and Nelly Mühlhoff
Intervention: Moving University Units Toward Organizational Effectiveness, David B. Whitcomb and Susanne W. Whitcomb
Interventions for families victimized by child sexual abuse: Clinical issues and approaches for child advocacy center-based services, Poonam Tavkar and David J. Hansen
Interview Schedule, Tony Grasha
Interviews with Exiting Faculty: Why Do They Leave?, Deborah Olsen
In the Neighborhood of Zero, William V. Spanos
In the Remington Moment, Stephen Tatum
Into the Seam: The Architecture of Boundary, Erik T. Leahy
In Trace of TR: A Montana Hunter's Journey, Dan Aadland
Intraspecific Life History Variation in Sceloporus undulatus: A Factor Analysis, Geoffrey R. Smith, John W. Rowe, and Royce E. Ballinger
Intrinsic defects in multiferroic BiFeO3 and their effect on magnetism, Tula R. Paudel, Sitaram S. Jaswal, and Evgeny Y. Tsymbal
Introduction, Reiko Brandon and Tom Klobe
Introduction, Frances Dorsey and Nataley Nagy
Introduction: From The Weight of Gold to the Weight of History In Hbo's Deadwood, David Holmberg
Introduction Imagining Literary Landscapes, Susan ]. Rosowski
Introduction, Subsidiary Developments in Georges Bataille: Phenomenology and Phantasmatology (Stanford University Press, 2012), Rodolphe Gasché and Roland K. Végső
Introduction- Summer/Fall 1997, Frances W. Kaye
Introduction The Prairie Fiction Of Margaret Laurence (1926,1987), Charlene Porsild
Introduction to Artifacts & Illuminations: Critical Essays on Loren Eisley, Thomas Lynch and Susan M. Maher
Introduction to Chachapoyas Textile Catalogue, Lena Bjerregaard
Introduction to Chachapoyas Textile Catalogue., Lena Bjerregaard
Introduction to National Space Legislation in Europe: Issues of Authorization of Private Space Activities in the Light of Developments in European Space Cooperation, Frans G. von der Dunk
Introduction to the ILSI Research Foundation/Risk Science Institute reports from the expert working group on neurodevelopmental endpoints, Julie Fitzpatrick, Elizabeth Mendez, and Isabel Walls
Introduction to the Panel, Yoshiko Iwamoto Wada
Introduction: TRANSACTIONS of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences, H. M. Cox
Introduction Volume 2: TRANSACTIONS of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences, John D. Lynch
Intuition in the Design Process, Tyson C. Fiscus
Invasion of human respiratory epithelial cells by Bordetella pertussis: Possible role for a filamentous hemagglutinin Arg-Gly-Asp sequence and α5β1 integrin, Yoshio Ishibashi, David A. Relman, and Akemi Nishikawa
Inventory and Floristics of Sandhills Fens in Cherry County, Nebraska, Gerry Steinauer, Steven Rolfsmeier, and Joyce Phillips Hardy
Invertebrate Egg Banks of Restored, Natural, and Drained Wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region of the United States, Robert A. Gleason, Ned H. Euliss Jr., Daniel E. Hubbard, and Walter G. Duffy
Investigating computer-based formative assessments in a medical terminology course, Jammie T Wilbanks
Investigating, Educating, and Intervening: The Target Bullying Project at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Susan M. Swearer Napolitano
Investigating the Comparability of a Self-Report Measure of Childhood Bullying Across Countries, Chiaki Konishi, Shelley Hymel, Bruno D. Zumbo, Zhen Li, Mitsuru Taki, Phillip Slee, Debra Pepler, Hee-og Sim, Wendy Craig, Susan M. Swearer Napolitano, and Keumjoo Kwak
Investigating the influence of LiDAR ground surface errors on the utility of derived forest inventories, Wade T. Tinkham, Alistair M.S. Smith, Chad Hoffman, Andrew T. Hudak, Michael J. Falkowski, Mark E. Swanson, and Paul E. Gessler
Investigating the Origins of the Raphael Tapestries at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, Camille Myers Breeze
Investigating the Risk of Cancer in 1990–1991 US Gulf War Veterans With the Use of State Cancer Registry Data, Heather A. Young, Jessica D. Maillard, Paul H. Levine, Samuel J. Simmens, Clare M. Mahan, and Han K. Kang
Investigating the tolerance response of early vegetative stage soybeans to Aphis glycines Matsumura, Lia da Silva Marchi
Investigation of a Colonial Latin American Textile, Elena Phipps and Lucy Commoner
Investigation of Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 Adherence Characteristics and Invasion Potential Reveals a New Attachment Pattern Shared by Intestinal E. coli, Marian L. McKee and Alison D. O'Brien
Investigation of the Major Histocompatibility Complex in Cattle and Its Association with Economically Important Traits, Noelle E. Muggli, Michael J. Stear, and Roger T. Stone
Investigations concerning fuel saving devices and preparations: Also motor efficiency as effected by changes in the temperature of the cooling water, Arthur William Farrall
Investigations on Rangeland Grasshoppers: Ecoregion Level Distribution, Identification, Feeding Performance, and Vegetation Clipping, Muhammad Ullah
Investment Status of Librarians in Tertiary Institutions of Kogi State, Nigeria, Moses Adekunle Omoniwa
Invited Synthesis Paper: Principles and practices for managing rangeland invasive plants, Robert A. Masters and Roger Sheley
In Vivo Demonstration of Surgical Task Assistance Using Miniature Robots, Jeff A. Hawks, Jacob Kunowski, and Stephen R. Platt
In Vivo Formation of Hybrid Toxins Comprising Shiga Toxin and the Shiga-Like Toxins and Role of the B Subunit in Localization and Cytotoxic Activity, Debra L. Weinstein, Matthew P. Jackson, Liyanage P. Perera, Randall K. Holmes, and Alison D. O'Brien
In Vivo Magnetic Resonance Elastography of Mesenchymally Derived Constructs, Shadi F. Othman, Evan T. Curtis, and Huihui Xu
Ion Compositions Determined with Increasing Simplicity, Andrew H. Grange and G. Wayne Sovocool
Iowa or Dye! Natural Dyes as American Craft and Horticulture, Sara J. Kadolph
IQ decline in cross-sectional studies of schizophrenia: Methodology and interpretation, William S. Kremen, Larry J. Seidman, Stephen V. Faraone, and Ming T. Tsuang
Irish Viking Age silks and their place in Hiberno-Norse society, Elizabeth Wincott Heckett
Irish Viking Age silks and their place in Hiberno-Norse society, Elizabeth Wincott Heckett
Is Fiber Digestion in the Rumen Reduced by Catabolite Repression?, Kevin L. Anderson and Vincent H. Varel
Island of Bones, Joy Castro
Isolation and Characterization of a B-D-Glucuronidase-Producing Strain of Escherichia coli Serotype O157:H7 in the United States, Peggy S. Hayes, Kristina Blom, Peter Feng, Jay Lewis, Nancy A. Strockbine, and Bala Swaminathan
Isolation of a High-Affinity Functional Protein Complex between OmcA and MtrC: Two Outer Membrane Decaheme c-Type Cytochromes of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1, Liang Shi, Baowei Chen, Zheming Wang, Dwayne A. Elias, M. Uljana Mayer, Yuri Gorby, Shuison Ni, Brian Lower, David Kennedy, David S. Wunschel, Heather M. Mottaz, Matthew Marshall, Eric Hill, Alexander Beliaev, John M. Zachara, James K. Fredrickson, and Thomas Squier
Isolation of Trivittatus Virus from Aedes triseriatus, Terry L. Foxhoven and Ardyce B. Welch
Isothermal entropy changes in nanocomposite Co:Ni67Cu33, Steven A. Michalski, Ralph Skomski, X.-Zh. Li, D. Le Roy, T. Mukherjee, Christian Binek, and David J. Sellmyer
Issues in the Measurement of Metacognition--Complete Work, James C. Impara, Linda L. Murphy, and Gregory Schraw
Issues in the Measurement of Metacognition- Contents, James C. Impara, Linda Murphy, and Gregory Schraw
Issues in the Treatment of Depressed Children, Kevin D. Stark, Scott A. Napolitano, Susan M. Swearer Napolitano, Kristen Schmidt, Deborah Jaramillo, and Jonathan Hoyle
Is the magnetic anisotropy proportional to the orbital moment?, Ralph Skomski, Arti Kashyap, and Axel Enders
Is There Such a Thing as “Defended Community Homicide”?: The Necessity of Methods Triangulation, Ryan Spohn
Is Water Property?, Sandra Zellmer and Jessica Harder
"It Ain't Necessarily So": Uncovering Some Assumptions About Learners and Lectures, Marilla D. Svinicki
Iterative atmospheric correction scheme and the polarization color of alpine snow, Matteo Ottaviani, Brian Cairns, Rich Ferrare, and Raymond Rogers
Iterative Construction of Regular LDPC Codes from Independent Tree-Based Minimum Distance Bounds, Eric T. Psota and Lance C. Perez
“I Think I’m Going to Have a Tax Problem This Year”, Tina N. Barrett
It's in the Bag: Transformation in Guatemala, Kathy Rousso
It’s Not What You Think: A Theory for Understanding the Lack of Interest among Domestic Students in the Engineering PhD, Michelle C. Howell Smith, Amanda L. Garrett, Ellen Weissinger, and Namas Chandra
It's the Institution That Teaches, George C. Helling and Barbara B. Helling
It's Working: A Training Program for Foreign Teaching Assistants, Rosslyn M. Smith and C. Len Ainsworth
“I’ve got a feeling we’re not in Kansas, anymore:” Cross-Cultural Design in Peruvian Connection’s Textiles, Margarete Ordon
Jackrabbit, DeMisty D Bellinger-Delfeld
January 15, 2010 - Staff Meeting Agenda
January 1998 - Staff Meeting Agenda
January 1999 - Staff Meeting Agenda
January 2000 - Staff Meeting Agenda
January 2001 - Staff Meeting Agenda
January 2006 - Staff Meeting Agenda
January 2007 - Staff Meeting Agenda
January 2008 - Staff Meeting Agenda
January 2011 - ALEC Faculty Meeting Agenda
January 20, 2012 - ALEC Faculty Meeting Minutes
January 20, 2012 Faculty Meeting Agenda
Japanese Kosode Fragments of the Edo Period (1615-1868): A Recent Acquisition by The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Joyce Denney
Japanese Kosode Fragments of the Edo Period (1615–1868): A Recent Acquisition by The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Joyce Denney
Japanese Textiles Of Daily Life, Iwao Nagasaki
Javanesque Effects: Appropriation of Batik and Its Transformations in Modern Textiles, Abby Lillethun
jcpenny: Ready for Change, PLAIDVERTISING, Allie Busch, Griffin Jelinek, Anna Loach, Liz Garcia, Betsey Stehlik, Megan Kester, Doug Flegle, Krista McDonald, Joshua Anstey, Zach Bock, Nick Goodwin, Breanna Stewart, John Erlandson, Mike Taylor, Alex McAreavey, Christina Fraser, Dennis Bukowski, and Molly Wheeler
Jene Highstein: Shapes in the Stream, Donald Bartlett Doe and George W. Neubert
Jessie Franklin Turner: American Fashion and "Exotic" Textile Inspiration, Patricia E. Mears
Jet momentum dependence of jet quenching in PbPb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV, CMS Collaboration, E. Avdeeva, Kenneth Bloom, S. Bose, J. Butt, Daniel R. Claes, A. Dominguez, Michael Eads, P. Jindal, J. Keller, Ilya Kravchenko, Jose Lazo-Flores, Helena Malbouisson, Sudhir Malik, and Gregory Snow
Jeweled Islamic Textiles - Imperial Symbols, Louise W. Mackie
Jeweled Islamic Textiles - Imperial Symbols, Louise W. Mackie
Jewel Scarabs, David C. Hawks
Jewish Community In Wichita, 1920-1970 Same Wagon, New Horses, Jay M. Price
Jewish Teenagers’ Syncretism, Philip Schwadel
Jim, Antonia, and the Wolves Displacement in Cather's My Antonia, Robin Cohen
Joanne Segal Brandford, Barbara B. Goldberg
Job Openings for Library Professionals in Pakistan: A Content Analysis, Ghulam Mustafa and Munira Nasreen Ansari
Joe Cronin: A Life in Baseball, Mark Armour
John Marr and Other Sailors, Herman Melville
Joint torques and powers are reduced during ambulation for both limbs in patients with unilateral claudication, Panagiotis Koutakis, Iraklis I. Pipinos, Sara Myers, Nicholas Stergiou, Thomas G. Lynch, and Jason M. Johanning
Journalism Students as Community News Providers: Three Case Studies and An Analysis of Intellectual Property Issues Related to Student-Created Content, Mary Kay Quinlan, John R. Bender, and Charlie Litton
Journeys West, Virginia Kerns
Juan Hamilton: Selected Works, George W. Neubert and Barbara Rose
Judgments of Omitted BE and DO in Questions as Extended Finiteness Clinical Markers of SLI to Fifteen Years: A Study of Growth and Asymptote, Mabel L. Rice, Lesa Hoffman, and Ken Wexler
Judith Burton: Visual Nuances, Daniel A. Siedell
Just Green Iguanas? The Associated Costs and Policy Implications of Exotic Invasive Wildlife in South Florida, Arthur Sementelli, Henry T. Smith, Walter E. Meshaka Jr., and Richard M. Engeman
Justice Thomas and Partial Incorporation of the Establishment Clause: Herein of Structural Limitations, Liberty Interests, and Taking Incorporation Seriously, Richard F. Duncan
Justification Defenses And Just Convictions, Robert F. Schopp
Justifying Capital Punishment in Principle and in Practice: Empirical Evidence of Distortion in Application, Robert F. Schopp
Just Tell Us What You Want, Marilla Svinicki
Kākahu as Cultural Identity, Christina Hurihia Wirihana
Kansas Politics and Government, H. Edward Flentje and Joseph A. Aistrup
Kansas Predator Damage Control Program, F. Robert Henderson
Kant's Subjectivist Theory of Space, Mark C. Timmons
Kapitza-Dirac Diffraction without Standing Waves: Diffraction without a Grating?, Olga Smirnova, Daniel L. Freimund, Herman Batelaan, and Misha Ivanov
Karyotypes of Shrews of the Genera Cryptotis and Blarina (Mammalia: Soricidae), Hugh H. Genoways, James C. Patton III, and J. R. Choate
Katherine Westphal and Wearable Art, Jo Ann Stabb
Keep-Well Team Demonstration - Posture : Extension Circular 10-17-2
Kelly Rohan [News and Notes], Sarah Evans and David K. DiLillo
Kemod: A Mixed Chemical Kinetic And Equilibrium Model of Aqueous and Solid Phase Geochemical Reactions, G. T. Yeh, G. A. Iskra, J. E. Szecsody, John M. Zachara, and G. P. Streile
Keynote Address—Summary Notes, Jack Lenor Larsen
Keys and Distributional Maps for Nebraska Cyperaceae, Part 1: Bulbostylis, Cyperus, Dulichium, Eleocharis, Eriophorum, Fimbristylis, Fuirena, Lipocarpha, and Scirpus, Steven B. Rolfsmeier
Keys and Distributional Maps for Nebraska Cyperaceae, Part 2: Carex and Scleria, Steven B. Rolfsmeier and Barbara Wilson
Kinetic Analysis: Benzo (a) Pyrene in Southeastern Ohio, D. Kolbow, H. Hikichi, C. Tuthill, C. W. Frank, G. B. Wiersma, A. B. Crockett, and R. D. Schonbrod
Kinetic Analysis of the Bacterial Reduction of Goethite, Chongxuan Liu, John M. Zachara, James K. Fredrickson, and Cynthia Brinkman
Kinetic analysis of the multifunctional proline utilization a (PutA) flavoprotein from Escherichia coli, Michael A Moxley
Kinetic Desorption and Sorption of U(VI) during Reactive Transport in a Contaminated Hanford Sediment, Nikolla P. Qafoku, John M. Zachara, Chongxuan Liu, Paul Gassman, Odeta Qafoku, and Steve Smith
Kinetic features of alloy ordering with many types of ordered domain: D03-type orderings, Kirill D. Belashchenko, G D Samolyuk, and V G Vaks
Kinetics and Mechanism of Birnessite Reduction by Catechol, Christopher J. Matocha, Donald L. Sparks, James E. Amonette, and Ravi K. Kukkadapu
Kinetics of formation of twinned structures under L10-type orderings in alloys, Kirill D. Belashchenko, I R Pankratov, G D Samolyuk, and V G Vaks
Kinetics of Microbial Reduction of Solid Phase U(VI), Chongxuan Liu, Byong-Hun Jeon, John M. Zachara, Zheming Wang, Alice Dohnalkova, and James K. Fredrickson
Kinetics of Reduction of Fe(III) Complexes by Outer Membrane Cytochromes MtrC and OmcA of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1, Zheming Wang, Chongxuan Liu, Xuelin Wang, Matthew J. Marshall, John M. Zachara, Kevin M. Rosso, Michel Dupuis, James K. Fredrickson, Steve Heald, and Liang Shi
Kinetics of Reductive Dissolution of Hematite by Bioreduced Anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate, Chongxuan Liu, John M. Zachara, Nancy Foster, and Janae Strickland
Kinetics of Uranium(VI) Desorption from Contaminated Sediments: Effect of Geochemical Conditions and Model Evaluation, Chongxuan Liu, Zhenqing Shi, and John M. Zachara
Kit and Dick Schmoker Reading Center- by the Numbers, Guy Trainin, Amanda Hall, and Britney Tonniges
Knitted Silk and Silver: those mysterious jackets, Deborah Pulliam
Knitted Silk and Silver: those mysterious jackets, Deborah Pulliam
Knowing, Understanding, and Other Forms of Learning, Bette LaSere Erickson and Glenn R. Erickson
Knowledge Economy from the Pakistani Perspective, Ikramul Haq and Pervaiz Ahmad
Knowledge Gained from Video-Monitoring Grassland Passerine Nests, P.J. Pietz, D.A. Granfors, C.A. Ribic, and F. R. Thompson
Knowledge Into Wisdom: Incorporating Values and Beliefs to Construct a Wise University, Susan M. Awbrey and David K. Scott
!Kung Women: Contrasts in Sexual Egalitarianism in Foraging and Sedentary Contexts, Patricia Draper
Kynoch Tartan: A Cultural Analysis of Small Mill Production Based on Technological, Market and Social Frameworks, Ann McLennan
L10 CrPt phase formation and magnetic properties, Rui Zhang, Ralph Skomski, Xingzhong Li, Zhen Li, Priyanka Manchanda, Arti Kashyap, Roger D. Kirby, Sy-Hwang Liou, and David J. Sellmyer
Laboratory And Field Assessment Of Some Kairomone Blends For Host-Seeking Aedes Aegypti, Craig R. Williams, Ramona Bergbauer, Martin Geier, Daniel L. Kline, Ulrich R. Bernier, Richard Russell, and Scott A. Ritchie
Laboratory Assessment of Advanced Oxidation Processes for Treatment of Explosives and Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater from the Former Nebraska Ordnance Plant, Elizabeth C. Fleming, Mark E. Zappi, Evelyn Toro, Rafael Hernandez, Karen Myers, Prasad Kodukula, and Rosemary Gilbertson
Laboratory Comparison of Aedes Aegypti Attraction To Human Odors and To Synthetic Human Odor Compounds And Blends, Ulrich R. Bernier, Daniel L. Kline, Sandra A. Allan, and Donald R. Barnard
Laboratory Evaluation of Avian Odors for Mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) Attraction, S. A. Allan, Ulrich R. Bernier, and D. L. Kline
Laboratory Evaluation of Colored Light as an Attractant for Female Aedes Aegypti, Aedes Albopictus, Anopheles Quadrimaculatus, and Culex Nigripalpus, Douglas A. Burkett and Jerry F. Butler
Laboratory evaluation of large-scale decontamination approaches, M. W. Calfee, S. P. Ryan, J. P. Wood, L. Mickelsen, C. Kempter, L. Miller, M. Colby, A. Touati, M. Clayton, N. Griffin-Gatchalian, S. McDonald, and R. Delafield
Laboratory Evaluation Of Mosquito Traps Baited With A Synthetic Human Odor Blend To Capture Aedes Aegypti, Ivoneide M. Silva, Alvaro E. Eiras, Daniel L. Kline, and Ulrich R. Bernier
Laboratory Evaluation of Novaluron as a Development Site Treatment for Controlling Larval Horn Flies, House Flies, and Stable Flies (Diptera: Muscidae), K.H. Lohmeyer and J.M. Pound
Labor Organization And Textile Trade In Northern Thailand In The Nineteenth Century, Katherine A. Bowie
Lace Production On The Island Of Pag, Croatia, From 1900 To The Present, Vjera Bonifacic
Lady Chapel, Peter M. Lefferts
Lady Windermere's Fan: The Black and White of It, Jacob L. Heger
Lagomorphs (Mammalia) from the Oligocene (Orellan and Whitneyan) Brule Formation, Nebraska, William W. Korth and Jeffrey Hageman
Lake Michigan lower food web: Long-term observations and Dreissena impact, G. Fahnenstiel, T. Nalepa, S. Pothoven, H. Carrick, and D. Scavia
Lake sturgeon population attributes and reproductive structure in the Namakan Reservoir, Minnesota and Ontario, S. L. Shaw, S. R. Chipps, Steve K. Windels, M. A. H. Webb, Darryl T. McLeod, and D. W. Willis
Lake Whitefish and Diporeia spp. in the Great Lakes: An Overview, Thomas F. Nalepa, Lloyd C. Mohr, Bryan A. Henderson, Charles P. Madenjian, and Philip J. Schneeberger
‘Lakota’ Winter Squash, A Cultivar Derived from Native American Sources in Nebraska, Dermot P. Coyne, J.M. Reiser, Lisa Sutton, and Alice Graham
Lamb Bright Saviors, Robert Vivian
La Mode à l’Écossaise: Textile of Diplomacy, Seta K. Wehbé
Lancaster County Indigent Defense Advisory Committee: Report on the Costs of Legal Representation, Elizabeth M. Neeley
Land/enterprise and ownership transfer, Lucy C. Meyring
Landform, soil, and plant relationships to nitrate accumulation, Central Nevada, W.D. Nettleton and F.F. Peterson
Land, Justice, And Angie Debo Telling The Truth To-And About-Your Neighbors, Patricia Nelson Limerick
Land Reform and Farm Structure in the Former Soviet Union, Marianna Khachaturyan and E. Wesley F. Peterson
Land Rehabilitation and Maintenance Equipment Sources, Heidi Howard, Shannon McDowell, Amanda Breon, John A. Guretzky, and Bradley Tadlock
Landscape context mediates influence of local food abundance on wetland use by wintering shorebirds in an agricultural valley, Oriane W. Taft and Susan M. Haig
Landscape controls on the timing of spring, autumn, and growing season length in mid-Atlantic forests, Andrew J. Elmore, Steven M. Guinn, Burke Minsley, and Andrew Richardson
Landscape-scale parameterization of a tree-level forest growth model: a k-nearest neighbor imputation approach incorporating LiDAR data, Michael J. Falkowski, Andrew T. Hudak, Nicholas L. Crookston, Paul E. Gessler, Edward H. Uebler, and Alistair M.S. Smith
Land, Speculation, and Manipulation on the Pecos, Stephen Bogener
Land Surface Temperature product validation using NOAA's surface climate observation networks—Scaling methodology for the Visible Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), Pierre C. Guillevic, Jeffrey L. Privette, Benoit Coudert, Michael A. Palecki, Jerome Demarty, Catherine Ottlé, and John A. Augustine
Land Use, Landscapes, and Biological Invasions, Karie L. Decker, Craig R. Allen, Leonardo Acosta, Michelle L. Hellman, Christopher F. Jorgensen, Ryan J. Stutzman, Kody M. Unstad, Amy Williams, and Matthew Yans
Large-eddy/Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes simulation of a supersonic reacting wall jet, Jack R. Edwards, John A. Boles, and Robert A. Baurle
Large magnetoelectric effect in ferroelectric/piezomagnetic heterostructures, Pavel Lukashev, Kirill D. Belashchenko, and Renat F. Sabirianov
Lark Bunting (Calamospiza melanocorys): A Technical Conservation Assessment, Diane L. H. Neudorf, Rebecca A. Bodily, and Thomas G. Shane
Laser-Based Spectroscopy and Spectrometry, Xiangnan He
Laser-based spectroscopy and spectrometry, Xiangnan He
Laser-induced Multi-energy Processing in Diamond Growth, Zhiqiang Xie
Laser-induced multi-energy processing in diamond growth, Zhiqiang Xie
Laser-Wakefield Accelerators: Glass-guiding benefits, Donald P. Umstadter
Late Gestation Supplementation Impacts Primiparous Beef Heifers and Progeny, Adam F. Summers, Stetson P. Weber, Tonya L. Meyer, and Richard N. Funston
Late Pleistocene dune activity in the central Great Plains, USA, Joseph A. Mason, James B. Swinehart, Paul R. Hanson, David Loope, Ronald J. Goble, Xiaodong Miao, and Rebecca L Schmeisser
Late Pleistocene Pronghorn, Antilocapra Americana, from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming, John Chorn, Barbara A. Frase, and Carl D. Frailey
Late Quaternary Eustatic Sea-Level Changes Along The Malibu Coast, Los Angeles County, California, Peter W. Birkeland
Latin Hypercube Approach to Estimate Uncertainty in Ground Water Vulnerability, Jason J. Gurdak, John E. McCray, Geoffrey Thyne, and Sharon L. Qi
Latino adolescent adjustment: An examination of cultural values, Maria I Iturbide
Latino English language learners' experiences at a low-incidence high school, Erika L Bruening
Latitudinal Influence on Age Estimates Derived from Scales and Otoliths for Bluegills, Lucas K. Kowalewski, Alexis P. Maple, Mark A. Pegg, and Kevin L. Pope
La voz femenina en libertad: El discurso masculino reconfigurado por mujeres en "El libro de romances y coplas del Carmelo de Valladolid" (c. 1590--1609), Rubi Ugofsky-Mendez
Lawrence Goodwyn And Nebraska Populism: A Review of Democratic Promise: The Populist Moment in America By Lawrence Goodwyn, Robert W. Cherny
Leader development and the dark side of personality, Peter D. Harms, Seth M. Spain, and Sean T. Hannah
Leadership & Innovation Programs by Dr. Connie Reimers-Hild, PhD, CPC, Connie I. Reimers-Hild
"Leadership is behaving and acting like a leader": A narrative exploration of the life stories of three Latino leaders in healthcare, Kevin L. Flores
Leaf Chlorosis and Seed Yield of Dry Beans Grown on High-pH Calcareous Soil following Foliar Iron Sprays, H.Z. Zaiter, Dermot P. Coyne, R.B. Clark, Dale T. Lindgren, P.T. Nordquist, Walter W. Stroup, and L.A. Pavlish
Leafy Spurge (Euphorbia esula) Genotype Affects Gall Midge (Spurgia esulae) Establishment, Rodney G. Lym, Scott Nissen, Martha Rowe, Donald J. Lee, and Robert A. Masters
Leafy Spurge: Threat To Central Plains Grasslands, Robert A. Masters
Learning Gains and Response to Digital Lessons on Soil Genesis and Development, Martha Mamo, James A. Ippolito, Timothy A. Kettler, Ronald Reuter, Dennis L. McCallister, Patricia Morner, Dann E. Husmann, and Erin Blankenship
Learning in a Clinical Setting, LuAnn Wilkerson
Learning Styles: A Tool for Faculty Development, Daniel W. Wheeler
Learning Styles of Older Adults and the Channels for Dissemination of Clothing Information, Grace Elizabeth Keir
Learning to be a Homemaker : Extension Circular 11-01-2, Mary B. Nelson
Learning to Cook : Extension Circular 9-01-2, Jessie G. Greene
Learning to Cook : Extension Circular 9-01-2, Jessie G. Greene
Learning to Cook : Extension Circular 9-31-2, Jessie Greene
Learning to Cook, Prepared for 4-H Cooking Clubs : Extension Circular 9-01-2, Jessie G. Greene
Learning To Read The Pioneer Landscape: Braudel, Eliade, Turner, And Benton, John Opie
Learning to Teach in an American Classroom: Narrowing the Culture and Communication Gap for Foreign Teaching Assistants, Ellen Sarkisian
Learning to Teach Mathematics with Reasoning and Sense Making, Amy L. Nebesniak
Learning to teach mathematics with reasoning and sense making, Amy L Nebesniak
Lecturers’ Perception of the Adequacy of Resources and Services of University of Ado-Ekiti Library, O. Olajide and F.A. Fabunmi
Lecture Vs. Discussion in Teaching Biology for Tenth Grade Students in Saudi Arabia, Sultana Kaseem AI-Faleh
Le discours de la violence et du chaos politique dans la litterature Africaine, Gabriel Mampeme Kwambamba
Leeched Stories, Layered Selves: Appropriating Narratives and Finding Voice in El Salvador, Kaitlyn E. Palacios
Leeches (Annelida: Hirudinea) in Central and Western Nebraska, William A. Moser
Legal Fences in Nebraska, J. David Aiken
Lek Organization in Sage Grouse: Variations on a Territorial Theme, Robert M. Gibson and J. W. Bradbury
Length of Feeding Interval Influences Accuracy of Selection for Growth, Robert M. Koch, Larry V. Cundiff, and Keith E. Gregory
Length scales of interactions in magnetic, dielectric, and mechanical nanocomposites, Ralph Skomski, B. Balamurugan, E. Schubert, Axel Enders, and David J. Sellmyer
Leo Tolstoy from 1901–2010 in Two Leading English-Language Newspapers in India, Radha Balasubramanian
LES of temporally evolving mixing layers by an eighth-order filter scheme, Abdellah Hadjadj, Helen C. Yee, and Bjorn Sjögreen
Lessons Learned from Comprehensive Deployments of Multiagent CSCL Applications I-MINDS and ClassroomWiki, Nobel Khandaker, Leen-Kiat Soh, L.D. Miller, Adam D. Eck, and Hong Jiang
Lessons Learned From Rapid Response Research on Wildland Fires, Leigh B. Lentile, Penelope Morgan, Colin Hardy, Andrew T. Hudak, Robert Means, Roger Ottmar, Pete Robichaud, Elaine Sutherland, Frederick Way, and Sarah Lewis
Lethal infection by a previously unrecognised metazoan parasite, Mónica Santamaría-Fríes, Luis Felipe Fajardo, Mitchell L. Sogin, Peter D. Olson, and David A. Relman
Let's Cook : Extension Circular 9-101-2, Kathryn Cooley
Let's Cook : Extension Circular 9-11-66, Kathryn Cooley
Letter about Conference Materials, Glenn R. Erickson
Letter and Call for Manuscripts
Letter, July 1984, LuAnn Wilkerson
Leveling the Playing Field, Linda Hilsen and Deborah Petersen-Perlman
Liberal Education On The Great Plains American Experiments, Canadian Flirtations, 1930-1950, Kevin Brooks
Libraries as Channels for Disseminating Information and Educating Communities for the Resolution of Conflicts and Promotion of Peace in Africa, Oluwaseun Ireti Obasola Mrs.
Library Monograph Publishing, Paul Royster
Library Values that Interface with Technology: Public Service Information Professionals, Zotero, and Open Source Software Decision Making, Peter Fernandez
Libyostrongylus dentatus n. sp. (Nematoda: Trichostrongylidae) from Ostriches in North America, with Comments on the Genera Libyostrongylus and Paralibyostrongylus, Eric P. Hoberg, S. Lloyd, and H. Omar
LiDAR Utility for Natural Resource Managers, Andrew T. Hudak, Jeffrey S. Evans, and Alistair M.S. Smith
Life and Landscapes In The Post-Office Communities of Holt County, Nebraska, Rebecca A. Buller
Life Cycle Boundaries and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Beef Cattle, Quentin M. Dudley
Life-history decisions under predation risk: Importance of a game perspective, Amos Bouskila, Michael E. Robinson, Bernard D. Roitberg, and Brigitte Tenhumberg
Life history tradeoffs and phenotypic plasticity: The tale of a flight polyphenic field cricket, Chandreyee Mitra
Life History Traits of the Threatened Purple Amole (Chlorogalum Purpureum var. Purpureum), John A. Guretzky, Elizabeth Clark, and Darlene Woodbury
Light And Shadow In The Cather World A Personal Essay, Lucia Woods
Light and Shadow: The Textile Designs of Edward Steichen, Lola McKnight
Light, chlorophyll, carboxylase activity and CO2 fixation at various depths in the chlorenchyma of Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Miller under current and elevated CO2, Park S. Nobel, Muyi Cui, and Alvaro A. Israel
Light on the Prairie, Nancy Plain
Light Storage with Light of Arbitrary Polarization, Hong Gao, Mark Rosenberry, and Herman Batelaan
Light-Test Weight Corn for Growing and Finishing Steers1, B. A. Weichenthal, I. G. Rush, and B. G. Van Pelt
Lillian Elliott, Pat Hickman
Limbic responses to reward cues correlate with antisocial trait density in heavy drinkers, Brandon G. Oberlin, Mario Dzemidzic, Veronique Bragulat, Cari A. Lehigh, Thomas Talavage, Sean J. O'Connor, and David A. Kareken
Limited Resurrection of the Born Approximation, Paul Finkler
Lincoln Salt Lake and the Occurrence of Strepsilas interpres, Erwin Hinckley Barbour
Linearized T-matrix and Mie scattering computations, R. Spurr, J. Wang, J. Zeng, and M. I. Mishchenko
Linear-nonequilibrium thermodynamics theory for coupled heat and mass transport, Yasar Demirel and Stanley I. Sandler
Linguistic Competence, John Tienson
Linking ciguatera poisoning to spatial ecology of fish: A novel approach to examining the distribution of biotoxin levels in the great barracuda by combining non-lethal blood sampling and biotelemetry, Amanda C. O'Toole, Marie-Yasmine Dechraoui Bottein, Andy J. Danylchuk, John S. Ramsdell, and Steven J. Cooke
Linking Ecosystem Processes with Wetland Management Goals: Charting a Course for a Sustainable Future, Ned H. Euliss Jr., Loren M. Smith, Douglas A. Wilcox, and Bryant A. Browne
Linking Faculty Development and Academic Planning, R. Eugene Rice
Linking Outcomes from Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test Forms Using Item Response Models, Lesa Hoffman, Jonathan Templin, and Mabel L. Rice
Linking River Management To Species Conservation Using Dynamic Landscape-Scale Models, M. C. Freeman, G. R. Buell, L. E. Hay, W. B. Hughes, R. B. Jacobson, J. W. Jones, S. A. Jones, J. H. Lafontaine, K. R. Odom, J. T. Peterson, J. W. Riley, J. S. Schindler, C. Shea, and J. D. Weaver
Linking the Conservation of Culture and Nature: A Case Study of Sacred Forests in Zimbabwe, Bruce A. Byers, Robert N. Cunliffe, and Andrew T. Hudak
Links in a Chain: The Collaborative Process of Creating Textiles for the Interior Design Industry, Krista Stack
Lipid Synthesis in the Beef Animal, Ronald L. Prior and Stephen B. Smith
LIS Curriculum Review Using Focus Group Interviews of Employers, Khalid Mahmood
Listening to the Voice of Intimate Partner Violence Victims from Internet Discussion Forums, Shuhong Luo
Listing of Membership Research and Resources
Literacy Practices At The Genoa Industrial Indian School, Amy Goodburn
Literatures Of The Great Plains An Introduction, Frances W. Kaye
Lithospermum incisum 'Pawnee' Germplasm, Dale T. Lindgren and Daniel Schaaf
Litigation, Mitigation, And The American Indian Religious Freedom Act The Bear Butte Example, Kari Forbes-Boyte
Little Sinners, and Other Stories, Karen Brown
"Little Trifles": Understanding Victorian Fancywork, Beverly Gordon
Livestock Management During Drought in the Northern Great Plains. I. A Practical Predictor of Annual Forage Production, R. E. Kruse, M. W. Tess, and R. K. Heitschmidt
Living Fossils, Erwin Hinckley Barbour
Living well: The value of teaching place, Catherine Mary Cave English
Loading capacity and chromatographic behavior of a porous graphitic carbon column for polychlorinated biphenyls, Kathy R. Echols, Robert W. Gale, Kevin Feltz, Jerome O’Laughlin, Donald E. Tillitt, and Ted R. Schwartz
Load-locked dc high voltage GaAs photogun with an inverted-geometry ceramic insulator, P. A. Adderley, J. Clark, J. Grames, J. Hansknecht, K. Surles-Law, D. Machie, M. Poelker, M. L. Stutzman, and R. Suleiman
Loan Payments to Secured Creditors as Preferences Under the 1984 Bankruptcy Amendments, Richard F. Duncan
Local Bird Refuges, W. L. McAtee
Local Conditions, Not Regional Gradients, Drive Demographic Variation of Giant Ragweed (Ambrosia trifida) and Common Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) Across Northern U.S. Maize Belt, Samuel E. Wortman, Adam Davis, Brian Schutte, John L. Lindquist, John Cardina, Joel Felix, Christy L. Sprague, J. Anita Dille, Analiza H. M. Ramirez, Graig Reicks, and Sharon A. Clay
Local Control of Education, Donald Uerling and Robert O'Reilly
Local Textile Trading Systems in Indonesia: An Example From Flores Island, Roy W. Hamilton
Location Cheating: A Security Challenge to Location-based Social Network Services, Wenbo He, Xue Liu, and Mai Ren
Locations and magnitudes of historical earthquakes in the Sierra of Ecuador (1587–1996), Céline Beauval, Hugo Yepes, William H. Bakun, José Egred, Alexandra Alvarado, and Juan-Carlos Singaucho
Locked out: Locke v. Davey and the Broken Promise of Equal Access, Richard F. Duncan