Content Posted in 2015
15.1 About the Authors, NCHC Monographs and Journals
15.1 Cover, Contents, Dedication, Call for Papers, Guidelines
15.2 About the Authors, NCHC Monographs and Journals
15.2 Cover, Contents, Dedication, Call for Papers, Guidelines
16.1 About the Authors, NCHC Monographs and Journals
16.1 Cover, Contents, Dedication, Call for Papers, Guidelines
16.2 Cover, Contents, Dedication, Call for Papers, Guidelines
1903 & 1946: The Making and Remaking of the University of Nebraska College of Law, Carl Circo
1984 Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle, Paul Q. Guyer, Rick A. Stock, and James A. Gosey
2002 Licensed Angler Survey: Summarized Results, Keith L. Hurley and Kristin L. Duppong Hurley
2006 Devils Lake Basin Water Management Plan
2012 UNOPA Annual Meeting and Installation of Officers
2012 UNOPA Past Presidents List
2014-15 UNOPA Elected Officers
2014-15 UNOPA Executive Board Minutes
2014-15 UNOPA General Meeting Minutes
2014-2015 NAEOP-UNOPA Affiliate Renewal
2014-2015 Parking Lot Usage Agreement
2014 Biennial Symposium: New Directions: Examining the Past, Creating the Future (website home-page)
2014 CEHS Student Research Conference- Abstracts
2014 CEHS Student Research Conference Program
2014 Farm Bill Education Program for Nebraska Agricultural Producers, Tim M. Lemmons
2015-2016 Advisory Council Delegate Form
2015-2016 Land Management, Relations, and Alternative Cash Lease Provisions Participant Manual
2015-2016 Parking Lot Usage Agreement
2015 Annual Mtg and Installation
2015 Beef Cattle Report (complete)
2015 Nebraska Crop Budgets Extension, Roger Wilson
2015 Trends in Nebraska Farmland Values and Rental Rates Reflect Changes in Agricultural Commodity Prices, Jim Jansen and Roger Wilson
2015 Women in Agriculture Conference, Cheryl Griffith
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid as a Herbicide for Controlling Broad-Leaved Weeds in Grass Seedings, Merle R. Teel
4-D evolution of anticlines and implications for hydrocarbon exploration within the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt, Kurdistan Region, Iraq, Mjahid M. Zebari and Caroline M. Burberry
4-H 13 What about 4-H?, William E. Caldwell
4-H 141 Improving your Presentation Skills, C. Dean Johnson
4-H 142 4-H Presentations for a Purpose, C. Dean Johnson
4-H 143 Nebraska 4-H Presentations Program, W. Neal Baxter and C. Dean Johnson
4-H 150 4-H Recreational Games for 4-H'ers, Other Youth and Volunteer Leaders : Just to Make 4-H Fun, John D. Orr
4-H 151 Project Concern I : What it is Like to be Old, George P. Rowe
4-H 153 Create Your Corner, Kathy Sullivan and Kathleen Parrott
4-H 154 Create Your Corner, Kathleen Parrott and Kathy Sullivan
4-H 156 The History of 4-H in Nebraska, John D. Orr
4-H 166 The Road to Good Cooking : Leader Guide, Laurel Branen
4-H 167 Sewing for Fun, Rose Marie Tondl
4-H 168 Sewing for Fun : Leader's Guide
4-H 169 Revised Packet Sewing is Fun
4-H 172 Teens : Shopping Smart Consumers and Clothing Purchases - Member's Activity Packet, Rose Marie Tondl and Janet Wilson
4-H 173 Teens: Shopping Smart : Consumers and Clothing Purchases Leader's Project Guide, Rose Marie Tondl and Janet Wilson
4-H 180 Project 1 : Fire Safety Education: A Basic Guidebook
4-H 181 Communicating with Young Children, Kenneth Barber
4-H 190 What it is Like to be Old : Project Concern 1 Leader Guide (Designed for 4-H Members 9-12 Years of Age, George P. Rowe
4-H 192 Leader Guide 4-H Veterinary Science Units I, II, and III, Duane Rice
4-H 196 Home Building Blocks, Jeanette Friesen, Kathleen Parrott, and Shirley Niemeyer
4-H 197 Home Building Blocks : Year 3, Jeanette Friesen, Kathleen Parrott, and Shirley Niemeyer
4-H 206 4-H First Aid and Personal Safety, Rollin D. Schnieder
4-H 210 4-H Tractor Operation and Safety Manual, Robert D. Grisso
4-H 223 Clothing : Level I, Rose Marie Tondl
4-H 224 Clothing : Level 2, Rose Marie Tondl
4-H 225 4-H Clothing Construction Projects : Leader's Guide for clothing Level I and Clothing Level 2, Rose Marie Tondl
4-H 228 Leadership : Skills You Never Outgrow
4-H 230 Leadership Skills You Never Outgrow Leadership Project Book I, Margaret Severinson Godke and Mary K. Munson
4-H 233 Fire Safety Education Preventing Fires
4-H 234 Fire Safety Education Fire Protection in your Community
4-H 238 4-H Computer Art Manual : Basic Guidelines for Computer Poster Art, Bill Glaesemann and Bill Pugsly
4-H 240 Leadership Skills you Never Outgrow : Helper's Guide
4-H 245 Home Building Blocks : Leader's Guide, Jeanette Friesen, Kathleen Parrott, and Shirley Niemeyer
4-H 251 Fire Safety Leader's Guide
4-H 258 4-H Model Rocketry : Beginner Level, Robert Grisso
4-H 259 4-H Model Rocketry : Intermediate Level
4-H 260 4-H Model Rocketry : Advanced Level
4-H 261 4-H Model Rocketry : Leader's Guide
4-H 262 Celebration : A Recognition Packet
4-H 263 Foods for the Future 2
4-H 264 Foods for the Future 3
4-H 265 Foods for the Future 4
4-H 267 Member Manual : The Sitter
4-H 268 The Sitter : Leader Guide
4-H 269 Baking is Fun!, Linda Boeckner
4-H 26 Entomology Manual, D. L. Keith, C. Y. Oseto, and D. D. Kopp
4-H 270 Baking is Fun! : Leaders Guide
4-H 273 Project Adventure : Teaching Guide for a Camp Setting, Tom D. Leisy
4-H 274 4-H Companion Animal Health : Common Cat Diseases and Health Problems, Duane Rice and Diane Longfellow
4-H 275 4-H Companion Animal Health : Common Dog Diseases and Health Problems, Duane Rice and Diane Longfellow
4-H 276 Guinea Pig : Part of the Nebraska 4-H Small Animal and Pet Series, James Marquand
4-h 277 Hamster : Part of the Nebraska 4-H Small Animal and Pet Series
4-H 278 Pocket Pets : Part of the Nebraska 4-H Small Animal and Pet Series
4-H 279 Birds : Part of the Nebraska 4-H Small Animal and Pet Series
4-H 280 Tropical Fish : Part of the Nebraska 4-H Small Animal and Pet Series
4-H 287 Water Riches : Water : How we use it
4-H 288 Water Riches : Teacher's Guide
4-H 290 Teens on 4-H Councils and Committees
4-H 291 The Dog Judging Contest : a Guide for 4-Hers, Leaders and Parents
4-H 295 Working with Disabled Persons in 4-H
4-H 301 More Baking Fun, Linda Boeckner
4-H 302 More Baking is fun : Leader's Guide
4-H 304 Challenging Patterns, Rose Marie Tondl
4-H 305 Challenging Patterns : Leader's Guide, Rose Marie Tondl
4-H 308 4-H Market Broilers, F. John Struwe and Earl W. Gleaves
4-H 309 4-H Child Development : The Toddler, Connie M. Francis
4-H 310 4-H Child Development : The Infant, Connie M. Francis
4-H 311 4-H Child Development Projects : Leader's Guide for the Infant and Toddler Units, Connie M. Francis
4-H 315 4-H Camp : Counselor Handbook, Tom D. Leisy, Vickie L. Genoff, and Virginia Gobeli
4-H 316 The Green Food Factory : A 4-H School Enrichment Project
4-H 319 Welcome to the 4-H Team
4-H 323 On the Charts - 4-H Marketing Hits, Keith Martikainen
4-h 325 4-H Child Development : The Preschooler, Connie M. Francis
4-H 326 4-H Child Development : Middle Childhood, Connie M. Francis
4-H 327 4-H Child Development Projects : Leaders Guide for the Preschooler and Middle Childhood Units, Connie M. Francis
4-H 333 Wholesome Meat Animal Assurance Program
4-H 334 Everyone a Gardener : A Guide for Successful Gardening, Susan Schoneweis
4-H 342 Entomology A Part of the 4-H Entomology Project : Unit One Introduction to the Insects
4-H 343 Entomology A Part of the 4-H Entomology Project : Unit 2 Insect Growth and Development
4-H 344 Entomology A Part of the 4-H Entomology Project : Unit Three Beneficial and Harmful Insects
4-H 348 The Nebraska Bicyclist's Guide
4-H 349 The Green Food Factory : Student Workbook
4-H 354 4-H Council Resource Handbook
4-H 356 Nutrition, Fitness and Youth, Linda Boeckner
4-H 357 Guide for Evaluating Livestock Showmanship Contests : Beef, Sheep, Swine, Doyle R. Wolverton
4-H 368 Leadership Youth-Nebraska
4-H 396 Water Riches for Youth : Leader's Guide
4-H 397 Water Riches for Youth : Maps
4-H 399 Water Riches for Youth : Activist Workbook
4-H 400 Water Riches for Youth : Citizen Workbook
4-H 401 Water Riches for Youth : Developer Workbook
4-H 402 Water Riches for Youth : Educator Workbook
4-H 403 Water Riches for Youth : Elected Official Workbook
4-H 404 Water Riches for Youth : Reporter Workbook
4-H 405 Water Riches for Youth : Technical Expert Workbook
4-H 48 Unit II Animal Disease 4-H Veterinary Science, Duane Rice
6th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Trafficking 2014: Conference Program
7 Tips to Grow Your Rural Business with Purpose and Meaning, Connie I. Reimers-Hild and Alyssa Dye
8: Reducing the Impacts of Drought: Progress Toward Risk Management, Donald A. Wilhite
Abandoning Partnership Interests: Ordinary versus Capital Loss, Sam Moyer
A Basic Mechanism of Beef Tenderization: Feeding Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles Contributes to Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Membrane Instability, Michael D. Chao, Katherine I. Domenech, and Chris R. Calkins
A Behaviorally-Explicit Approach for Delivering Vaccine Baits to Mesopredators to Control Epizootics in Fragmented Landscapes, James C. Beasley, Todd C. Atwood, Michael E. Byrne, Kurt C. VerCauteren, Shylo R. Johnson, and Olin E. Rhodes Jr.
A Bibliography of Taxonomic Literature of the Great Plains Flora, with Supplements I, II, and III, Ralph E. Brooks
A BIBLIOMETRIC STUDY ON GROWTH OF RESEARCH IN AN INDIAN MEDICAL COLLEGE, Manoj Mishra, Mahesh C. Sahu, Prasant K Brahma K. Brahma, and Rabindra K. Mahapatra
Ab Initio Construction of Magnetic Phase Diagrams in Alloys: The Case of Fe1−xMnxPt, B. S. Pujari, P. Larson, V. P. Antropov, and K. D. Belashchenko
A Biographical Study of Horatio Parker: American Composer-Educator, Astrida Augstums
Aboriginal Adaptations on the Colorado Plateau: A View from the Island-in-the-Sky, Canyonlands National Park, Utah, Alan J. Osborn
Aboriginal Exploitation of Marine Food Resources, Alan J. Osborn
Abortion: An Unresolved Issue—Are Parental Consent Statutes Unconstitutional?, Roberta S. Stick
Absolute Presidential Immunity from Civil Damages Liability: Nixon v. Fitzgerald, 102 S. Ct. 2690 (1982), Morris Woodruff
Absorption of CO2 by Leaves of the Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), Harold W. Chapman
Absorption properties of type-II InAs/InAsSb superlattices measured by spectroscopic ellipsometry, P T. Webster, N A. Riordan, S Liu, E H. Steenbergen, R A. Synowicki, Y H. Zhang, and S R. Johnson
Abstracts and Presenter Biographies from 14th Biennial
Abundance of SSR Motifs and Development of Candidate Polymorphic SSR Markers (BARCSOYSSR_1.0) in Soybean, Qijian Song, Gaofeng Jia, Youlin Zhu, David Grant, Rex T. Nelson, Eun-Young Hwang, D. L. Hyten, and P. B. Cregan
Abuses in the Replacement of Life Insurance, Harold W. Baird
A Business Analysis of Cooperative Oil Associations in Nebraska, Jesse A. Mason
Academic Dismissals: A Due Process Anomaly: Board of Curators v. Horowitz, 435 U.S. 78 (1978), Eileen K. Jennings
Academic Librarians Perception and Attitude towards Marketing of Library Services in Delta State, Nigeria, Azuka O. Chegwe and Sebastian E. Anaehobi
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Benchmarks for Nutrition in Child Care 2011: Are Child-Care Providers across Contexts Meeting Recommendations?, Dipti A. Dev, Brent A. McBride, and The STRONG Kids Research Team
A Call for Congressional Climate Action, Calvin Harman
A case study: Exploring the experiences of administrators and teacher leaders in a Midwestern turnaround school, Bary Habrock
A Case Study of Two Tennessee Valley Authority Unit Test-Demonstration Farms, Nebraska, Dale H. Linsenmeyer
Accessibility and Selective Stabilization of the Principal Spin States of Iron by Pyridyl versus Phenolic Ketimines: Modulation of the 6A1 ↔ 2T2 Ground-State Transformation of the [FeN4O2]+ Chromophore, Musa S. Shongwe, Usama A. Al-Zaabi, Faizah Al-Mjeni, Carla S. Eribal, Imaddin A. Al-Omari, Hussein H. Hamdeh, Dariusz Matoga, Harry Adams, Michael J. Morris, Arnold L. Rheingold, Eckhard Bill, and David J. Sellmyer
Access, not Exclusion: Honors at a Public Institution, E. Gordon Gee
Accommodating Religion in the Public Schools, Donald L. Swanson
Accumulation of Dry Matter and Plant Uptake by Alfalfa during Growth, Ralph R. Anderson
Accuracy of Aging Ducks in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Waterfowl Parts Collection Survey, Aaron T. Pearse, Douglas H. Johnson, Kenneth D. Richkus, Frank C. Rohwer, Robert R. Cox Jr., and Paul I. Padding
Accuracy or precision: Implications of sample design and methodology on abundance estimation, Lucas K. Kowalewski, Christopher J. Chizinski, Larkin A. Powell, Kevin L. Pope, and Mark A. Pegg
Acetaldehyde accelerates HCV-induced impairment of innate immunity by suppressing methylation reactions in liver cells, Murali Ganesan, Jinjin Zhang, Tatiana Bronich, Larisa I. Poluektova, Terrence M. Donohue Jr., Dean J. Tuma, Kusum K. Kharbanda, and Natalia A. Osna
A child and his fate: tuberculosis, perimortem trauma and mummification, Sheila M. M.De Souza, Karl J. Reinhard, Bernardo Tessarollo, Jose Fernando Cardona Zannier, and Adauto Araujo
A Chimeric Plasmodium falciparum Merozoite Surface Protein Vaccine Induces High Titers of Parasite Growth Inhibitory Antibodies, James R. Alaro, Andrea Partridge, Kazutoyo Miura, Ababacar Diouf, Ana M. Lopez, Evelina Angov, Carole A. Long, and James M. Burns Jr.
A Closer Look: The Nebraska Broadband Household Survey. Older Nebraskans’ Technology Use
A Combination Music-Auditorium-Gymnasium-Room, Clayton Henry Adee
A Communication-Based Approach to Adoptive Identity: Theoretical and Empirical Support, Colleen Warner Colaner and Jordan Soliz
A Comparative Study of Enzymes in Resting and Germinating Uredospores of Two Species of Rust Fungi, Francis Fred M. Catedral
A Comparative Study of the Effect of Family Socialization on Interpersonal Relationships, Gladys Rolfsmeyer Helm
A Comparative Study of Two Systems of Meal Charges in University—A La Carte with Minimum Versus Contract, Bennett D. Chilson
A Comparative Study of use of the Library and the Internet as Sources of Information by Graduate Students in the University Of Ghana, Cynthia H. Kumah
A Comparison Between Telehealth and Face-to-Face Brief Alcohol Interventions for College Students, Sarah Christine King
A comparison between telehealth and face-to-face brief alcohol interventions for college students, Sarah C King
A Comparison of Alternative Systems of Farming for Southern Kimball County, Nebraska, Raymond D. Vlasin
A comparison of bats and rodents as reservoirs of zoonotic viruses: are bats special?, Angela D. Luis, David T. S. Hayman, Thomas J. O'Shea, Paul M. Cryan, Amy T. Gilbert, Juliet R. C. Pulliam, James N. Mills, Mary E. Timonin, Craig K. R. Willis, Andrew A. Cunningham, Anthony R. Fooks, Charles E. Rupprecht, James L. N. Wood, and Colleen T. Webb
A Comparison of Cold Hardiness of Apple Shoots in Summer and in Winter as Determined by the Electrolytic Conductance Method, Earl J. Havel
A Comparison of Costs and Returns for Corn, Grain, Sorghum, Soybeans and Wheat in Eastern and Central Nebraska, Gary N. Johnston
A Comparison of Development of Drosophila affinis and Drosophila pseudoobscura in Laboratory Cultures, Murvel E. Annan
A Comparison of Elastic Moments, Thrusts and Shears in Conduits, Eugene Bardach
A Comparison of Hearing Survey Methods Using the Individual Discrete Pure Tone Audiometer, Charles V. Anderson
A Comparison of High Hen Density Slatted Floor and Low Hen Density Deep Litter Floor Management Systems for Egg Production, Denis L. Osborn
A Comparison of Historical Contemporary Nebraska Quiltmakers, Michelle McClaren James
A Comparison of Homemaking Activities of Homemakers treated in Community Mental Health Clinics and Homemakers in the General Population, Elizabeth A. TerMaat
A Comparison of Hot Water Detergent with Cold Water Detergent as Bacteriostatic Agents on Cotton, Janet Pierce Wilson
A Comparison of Mature and Young College Women on Academic Performance and Attitudes, Jayne Wade Anderson
A Comparison of Methods for Monitoring Kit Foxes at Den Sites, Bryan M. Kluever, Eric M. Gese, Steven J. Dempsey, and Robert N. Knight
A Comparison of Oral and Manual Form Discrimination Skills in Children, Sandra Kay Lezotte Amos
A Comparison of Population-Averaged and Cluster-Specific Approaches in the Context of Unequal Probabilities of Selection, Natalie A. Koziol
A comparison of population-averaged and cluster-specific approaches in the context of unequal probabilities of selection, Natalie A Koziol
A Comparison of Procedures Used to Isolate Ovomucin, T. Leonard Swanson
A Comparison of Root Systems of Two Isogenic Height Lines of Hybrid Grain Sorghum, J. Trevor Bower
A Comparison of Selected Enzyme Activities and Isozyme Patterns of Virus-Infected and Noninfected Animal Cell Cultures, Ardyce B. Welch
A Comparison of Single-Cross Versus Top Cross Performance as a Basis for Predicting Double Crosses of Corn (Zea mays L.), Sawai Pongkao
A Comparison of Smoking Cessation Methods in Normal Smokers and Smokers with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Mary Beth Mueller
A Comparison of Smoking Cessation Methods in Normal Smokers and Smokers with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Mary Beth Mueller
A Comparison of Some Sources of Calcium and Phosphorus for Growing Poults and Chicks, Prudencio R. Falcon
A Comparison of Testers for the Evaluation of New Inbred Lines of Corn, David Park McGill
A Comparison of the Adolescent Girl’s concept of Self with Certain Aspects of the Mother-Daughter Relationship, Martha Katherine Lorenz
A Comparison of the Effects of Choice and Differential Reinforcement on the Computation Fluency of Students with Escape- Maintained Academic Performance Problems, Maureen A O'Connor
A Comparison of the Effects of Choice and Differential Reinforcement on the Computation Fluency of Students with Escape-Maintained Academic Performance Problems, Maureen A. O'Connor
A Comparison of the Efficiencies of Selection Indices for Three Traits in Two, Subandi
A Comparison of the Efficiency of School Systems In Relation to the Tenure of the Superintendents, Frederic Stanton Archerd
A Comparison of the Piano Etudes of Chopin and Debussy, Marilyn Anne Johnson
A Comparison of the Water Application and Distribution Efficiencies of Sprinkler and Furrow Irrigation of Grain Sorghum, Ernest Gordon Kruse
A Comparison of the Wife-And Mother Role Concepts of American and Filipino College Women, Elsa P. Carino
A Comparison of Town, Village, and Rural Schools in Extent of Continuation of Eighth Grade Graduates in High School 1944 to 1948 Seven Nebraska Counties, Pauline Koon Ashton
A Comparison of Two Implant Protocols: Synovex-Choice/Synovex-Plus vs. Synovex-S/Revalor-S on Steer Feedlot Performance and Carcass Characteristics, Hazy R. Nielson, Adam F. Summers, and Rick N. Funston
A Comparison of Two Sprinkler Devices Suitable for Studying Soil and Water Movement on Field Plots, Allen Ray Dedrick
A Comparison of Variable Costs and Returns for Corn, Wheat and Soybeans in Southwestern Cass County, Nebraska, Douglas G. Genereux
A Comparison Study of Michigan Response to Intervention Models and Program Effectiveness, Trevor Lavern Alward
A Compilation and Evaluation of Course of Study Materials for Ninth Grade General Science, Warren Anthony McMullen
A Comprehensive Background Study as a Base for Future Development of the Islands of Bermuda, Erwin P. Adderley
A Comprehensive Selection of Reference Genes for RT-qPCR Analysis in a Predatory Lady Beetle, Hippodamia convergens (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), Huipeng Pan, Xiaowei Yang, Blair D. Siegfried, and Xuguo Zhou
A Computerized Railroad Car Inventory System for Flat Switch Yards, David K. Johnson
A Computer Search Approach to Optimal Block Code, Iqbal Ahmed
A Conceptual Guide to Museum Visitors’ Understanding of Evolution, E. Margaret Evans, Amy Spiegel, Wendy Gram, Brandy N. Frazier, Sarah Cover, Medha Tare, and Judy Diamond
A Conceptual Guide to Natural History Museum Visitors’ Understanding of Evolution, E. Margaret Evans, Amy N. Spiegel, Wendy Gram, Brandy N. Frazier, Medha Tare, Sarah Thompson, and Judy Diamond
A Consideration of the Economies of Sugar beets and Sugar in Turkey, Metin Caglar
A Constitutional Convention Is Neither Needed nor Desirable, Ray C. Simmons
A Constitutional Convention: The Best Step for Nebraska, Charles Thone
A content analysis of advertisements in Louisville, Kentucky, Theresa C. Hayden
A Contextually Defined Approach to Appalachian Spring, Stanley V. Kleppinger
A Coprological View of Ancestral Pueblo Cannibalism, Karl Reinhard
A Coprological View of Ancestral Pueblo Cannibalism Debate over a single fecal fossil offers a cautionary tale of the interplay between science and culture, Karl J. Reinhard
A correlational case study on distance from home and attrition of first-time, full-time students, James L Baldwin
Acoustic attenuation coefficients for polycrystalline materials containing crystallites of any symmetry class, Christopher M. Kube and Joesph A. Turner
Acoustic nonlinearity parameters for transversely isotropic polycrystalline materials, Christopher M. Kube and Joseph A. Turner
Acoustoelastic scattering and attenuation in polycrystalline materials, Christopher M Kube
Acquired Immunity to Malaria, Denise L. Doolan, Carlota Dobaño, and J. Kevin Baird
Acquisition of Gastrointestinal Parasites by Lambs in Feed-Lot and Pasture, Khagendra Nath Banerjee
Acreage Reserve Participation for Wheat in Nebraska, Norman Dale Beller
Acreage Reserve Participation for Wheat in Nebraska, Norman Dale Beller
Acreage Shifts of Important Crops in Nebraska, 1920-1947, Henry Alfred Allpress
A Critical Analysis of Robert Schumann’s Fantasie in C, Op. 17, Mary Louise Boehm
A Critical Evaluation of Current Criticisms of Professional Education, Fred Edmin Alder
A critical examination of the Librarians Registration Council of Nigeria Code of Ethics in the Light of International best practices in Library and Information Science Professions, Florence Enyiema Adejumo Mrs and Peter Olorunleke Oye Mr.
A Critical Study of Maxwell Anderson, Robert A. Johnston
Action Education in Land Use Decisions: Student Views on Urbanization And Farmland Loss, Mindi Schneider, Charles Francis, and Dick Esseks
Action Plan Devils Lake, North Dakota
Activities of Adolescents as Related to Academic Achievement, McCleda G. Maas
Activities of Honor Students, Bertha Luella Adamson
Activity of the porcine gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor gene promoter is partially conferred by a distal gonadotrope specific element (GSE) within an upstream enhancing region, two proximal GSEs and a retinoid X receptor binding site, Rebecca Cederberg, Jacqueline Smith, Emily A. McDonald, Chanho Lee, Amy R. Perkins, and Brett R. White
A Cycle of Five Sixteenth-Century Poems for Mixed Voices, Howard W. Johnson
Adaptation of a Rating Scale Instrument to Sociometrical Evaluation, Marlyn P. Barlow
Adapting a Small Combine for Corn Harvesting, John A. Sahs
Adaptive-feedback spectral-phase control for interactions with transform-limited ultrashort high-power laser pulses, Cheng Liu, Jun Zhang, Shouyuan Chen, Gregory Golovin, Sudeep Banerjee, Baozhen Zhao, Nathan Powers, Isaac Ghebregziabher, and Donald Umstadter
Adaptive Responses of Paleoindians to Cold Stress on the Periglacial Northern Great Plains, Alan J. Osborn
Addressing failures in exascale computing, Marc Snir, Robert W. Wisniewski, Jacob A. Abraham, Sarita V. Adve, Saurabh Bachi, Pavan Balaji, Jim Belak, Pradip Bose, Franck Cappello, Bill Carlson, Andrew A. Chien, Paul Coteus, Nathan A. DeBardeleben, Pedro C. Diniz, Christian Engelmann, Mattan Erez, Saverio Fazzari, Al Geist, Rinku Gupta, Fred Johnson, Sriram Krishnamoorthy, Sven Leyffer, Dean Liberty, Subhasish Mitra, Todd Munson, Rob Schreiber, Jon Stearley, and Eric Van Hensbergen
Addressing Security Risks for Mobile Devices: What Higher Education Leaders Should Know, Casey J. Gordon
Addressing security risks for mobile devices: What higher education leaders should know, Casey J Gordon
Addressing the Literacy Needs of Marshallese Adolescents, Ingrid L. Naumann
A decision making framework with MODFLOW-FMP2 via optimization: Determining trade-offs in crop selection, K R. Fowler, E W. Jenkins, C Ostrove, J C. Chispell, M W. Farthing, and M Parno
A deflationary interpretation of John Locke's theory of ideas, Danielle N Hampton
A Deflationary Interpretation of Locke's Theory of Ideas, Danielle N. Hampton
A Description and Analysis of Some Phases of the Marketing of Certified and Common Grass Seed, Richard J. Crom
A Description of Cream Marketing in Nebraska with Special Reference to Cream Quality, Ragnar L. Kristjanson
A Description of the Community Participation of Young Adults in Polk County, Nebraska, Glen Herbert Krohn
A Descriptive Analysis of Nebraska's Unicameral Legislature, Harry W. Wade
A desert in disguise: The resilience of the Nebraska Sandhills, Jeff C Hartman
A Diatom Record of Late Pliocene Cooling from the Ross Sea Continental Shelf, AND-1B, Antarctica, Charlotte Sjunneskog and Diane Winter
A Differential Counting Rate Meter for Low Counting Rates, James J. Schmidt
A Differential Counting Rate Meter for Low Counting Rates, James J. Schmidt
Adinkra and Kente Cloth in History, Law, and Life, Boatema Boateng
A Discontinuous Galerkin Chimera scheme, Marshall C. Galbraith, John A. Benek, Paul D. Orkwis, and Mark G. Turner
Adjusting magnetic nanostructures for high-performance magnetic sensors, Xiaolu Yin, Ralph Skomski, David J. Sellmyer, Sy-Hwang Liou, Stephen E. Russek, Eric R. Evarts, John Moreland, A S. Edelstein, L Yuan, M L. Yan, and J Shen
Adjusting Wheat Acreage in the Northern Great Plains to Changes in Demand, Ralph Earl Ward
Adjustments in Farm Organization for Tol Village in Turkey with Moderate Improvements in Technology, A. Fikret Kutsal
Adjustments in Farm Organization for Tol Village in Turkey with Moderate Improvements in Technology, A. Fikret Kutsal
Administrative Justice and Conclusionary Findings, Steven D. Brumley
Administrative Law Reform: Proposals and Prospects, Peter Woll
Admiralty Law and Pleasure Boating in Nebraska, Steven G. Seglin
Admissions and Retention in Honors
Admissions, Retention, and Reframing the Question “Isn’t It Just More Work?”, Michael K. Cundall Jr.
Adolescent Bullying: Do Weight, Body Size, and Body Size Dissatisfaction Influence Victimization?, Paige T. Lembeck
Adolescent bullying: Do weight, body size, and body size dissatisfaction influence victimization?, Paige Taylor Lembeck
Adolescent sexual abuse victims: Examining the heterogeneity of symptom presentation based on the bioecological model, Tiffany West
Adolescent Survival Expectations: Variations by Race, Ethnicity, and Nativity, Tara D. Warner and Raymond R. Swisher
Adoption, Survival and Culture: Application and Comparative Review of Joan Silks Kinship Theory of Adoption with Select Cultures from Various Geographic Locations, John K. Fitzpatrick III
Adsorption of TCNQH-functionalized quinonoid zwitterions on gold and graphene: evidence for dominant intermolecular interactions+, Lingmei Kong, Lucie Routaboul, Pierre Braunstein, Hong-Gi Park, Jaewu Choi, John P. Colon Cordova, E Vega, Luis G. Rosa, Bernard Doudin, and P. A. Dowben
Adult Javanese migrants to Indonesian Papua at high risk of severe disease caused by malaria, J. Kevin Baird; H. Basri; P. Weina; J. D. Maguire; M. J. Barcus; H. Picarema; I. R.F. Elyazar; E. Ayomi; and National Health Research Center, Ministry of Health, Jakarta, Indonesia
Advanced inductively coupled plasma etching processes for fabrication of resonator-quantum well infrared photodetector, J. Sun, K. K. Choi, M. D. Jhabvala, C. A. Jhabvala, A. Waczynski, and K. Olver
Advanced Spatiotemporal Control of Drug and Gene Therapy via Bolus and Substrate Embedded Hyaluronic Acid Surface Functionalized Lipid Nanoparticles, Stephen L Hayward
Advances in Genome Sequencing and Genotyping Technology for Soybean Diversity Analysis, David L. Hyten
Advancing Humanity though Honors, Michael Rao
Advancing University Core Values by Developing an Honors College, George L. Hanbury II
Advertising and Women’s Changing Work Roles, Linda Robinson Rutz
Advertising during a War Economy – A Critical Analysis, Benjamin Forman
Advertising False and Misleading Claims – A Survey of the Early Interpretations of Wheeler-Lea Amendment to the Federal Trade Commission Act, Richard John Allyn
Advocating the strengthening of public high school theatre arts education: With a focus on our English learners and at-risk students, Gladys Annie Licona Grenseman
Aerial Census Techniques for Whooping Cranes on the Texas Coast, Thomas V. Stehn and Thomas E. Taylor
Aerosol Properties Computed from Aircraft-Based Observations during the ACE-Asia Campaign: 1. Aerosol Size Distributions Retrieved from Optical Thickness Measurements, M. Kuzmanoski, M. A. Box, G. P. Box, B. Schmid, J. Wang, P. B. Russell, H. H. Jonsson, and J. H. Seinfield
Aerosol Properties Computed from Aircraft-Based Observations During the ACE-Asia Campaign: 2. A Case Study of Lidar Ratio Closure, M. Kuzmanoski, M. A. Box, B. Schmid, G. P. Box, J. Wang, P. B. Russell, D. Bates, H. H. Jonsson, E. J. Welton, and J. H. Seinfeld
A Fair Competition Theory of the Civil False Claims Act, David Kwok
A Far Corner, Scott Ezell
A fast Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite simulator for cloudy atmospheres, Chao Liu, Ping Yang, Steven Platnick, Kerry G. Meyer, Chenxi Wang, and Shouguo Ding
AFDC for the Unborn, Patricia J. Winter
A feasibility test of using smartphones to collect GPS information in face-to-face surveys, Kristen Olson and James Wagner
AffyMiner: mining differentially expressed genes and biological knowledge in GeneChip microarray data, Guoqing Lu, The V Nguyen, Yuannan Xia, and Michael E. Fromm
A Field Evaluation of Thyroprotein in a Pig Starter Ration, Allen L. Boettcher
A Field Method for Quantifying Ammonium Picrate and Picric Acid in Soil, Philip G. Throne and Thomas F. Jenkins
A Field Study of a Comprehensive Violence Risk Assessment Battery, Tess M. S. Neal, Sarah L. Miller, and R. Clayton Shealy
A Financial Data Summary and Analysis System for the Farm Supply Firm, Maurice D. Kniep
A Finite Element Method Based Microwave Heat Transfer Modeling of Frozen Multi-Component Foods, Krishnamoorthy Pitchai
A finite element method based microwave heat transfer modeling of frozen multi-component foods, Krishnamoorthy Pitchai
A Firm Growth Study of a Sandhills Ranch, G. Robert Johnson
A Fiscal Model Program Theory Proposal for Training Reentry Citizen Ex-Convicts to Remodel Abandoned Houses, James A. Hanson
A Five-Year School Interpretation Program in a Small Nebraska Community, Orrin A. Bell
A Follow-Up Study of Drop-Outs in James A. Herod High School in Eighth and Ninth Grades over a Period of Five Years, 1946 to 1951 Inclusive, Charles Ferdinand Jones
A Follow-Up Study of the Alumni of Nelson, Nebraska High School of the Years 1931-37, Earl A. Arnold
A force of change: Chris Peterson and the US Army’s Global Assessment Tool, Paul B. Lester, Peter D. Harms, Mitchel Norman Herian, and Walter J. Sowden
A Framework for Estimating Labor Productivity Frontiers, Nirajan Mani
A framework for estimating labor productivity frontiers, Nirajan Mani
A functional calcium-transporting ATPase encoded by chlorella viruses, Maria Cristina Bonza, Holger Martin, Ming Kang, Gentry Lewis, Timo Greiner, Sonia Giacometti, James L. Van Etten, Maria Ida de Michelis, Gerhard Thiel, and Anna Moroni
Agave Chewing and Dental Wear: Evidence from Quids, Emily E. Hammerl, Melissa A. Baier, and Karl Reinhard
Age and 'Straintranscending' Immunity to Plasmodium falciparum, J. Kevin Baird
Age-dependent characteristics of protection v. susceptibility to Plasmodium falciparum, J. Kevin Baird
Age-Dependent Susceptibility to Severe Disease with Primary Exposure to Plasmodium falciparum, J. Kevin Baird, Sofyan Masbar, Hasan Basri, Soekartono Tirtokusumo, Budi Subianto, and Stephen L. Hoffman
Age Discrimination: Monetary Damages under the Federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Richard Butler
Agency leader perspectives on aftercare for youth departing group homes, Patrick M Tyler
A Genomic Selection Index Applied to Simulated and Real Data, J. Jesus Ceron-Rojas, Jose Crossa, Vivi N. Arief, Kaye Basford, Jessica Rutkoski, Diego Jarquin, Gregorio Alvarado, Yoseph Beyene, Kassa Semagn, and Ian DeLacy
Ages and Stages: 2- and 3-Year-Olds .G2105, Leslie Crandall, Mary E. Nelson, Jacqueline M. Guzman, Ruth E. Vonderohe, Gail L. Brand, Marilyn S. Fox, Lisa M. Poppe, LaDonna Werth, Tonia Renee Durden, and RaSheema Pitt
Ages and Stages: 3-, 4- and 5-Year-Olds .G2106, Lisa M. Poppe, LaDonna A. Werth, Jacqueline M. Guzman, Gail L. Brand, Marilyn S. Fox, Leslie Crandall, Tonia Renee Durden, and RaSheema Pitt
Ages and Stages: Infant (0-12 Months) .G2103, Tonia Renee Durden, Gail L. Brand, Marilyn S. Fox, Jacqueline M. Guzman, Lisa M. Poppe, LaDonna A. Werth, Mary E. Nelson, Leslie Crandall, Ruth E. Vonderohe, and RaSheema Pitt
Ages and Stages: Toddler (12-24 Months) .G2104, Jacqueline M. Guzman, Ruth E. Vonderhole, Gail L. Brand, Leslie Crandall, Tonia Renee Durden, and RaSheema Pitt
Agricultural Cooperatives and the Antitrust Laws, William E. Peters
Agricultural Drought: USDA Perspectives, Raymond P. Motha
Agricultural Economic Problems in China, Chieh-Chang Hsiung
Agricultural Education Scope And Sequence And Program Management Guide 1989
Agricultural Industry Advanced Vehicle Technology: Benchmark Study for Reduction in Petroleum Use, Roger M. Hoy, Rodney Rohrer, Adam Liska, Joe D. Luck, Loren Isom, and Deepak R. Keshwani
Agricultural Policies and the Future of Agriculture in the Sudan, Kamal Ali Babiker
Agriculture and Energy: A Legal Perspective, Doug C. Nelson
AgroHort: Agronomy and Horticulture Growing people first 2005
A Group’s Perception of the Sincerity of Four Penitentiary Inmates, Nancy Baldwin
A Guide for Planning a Bike Share System at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Wade M. Schuldt
A Guide to the Collection of Technical Intelligence, Part I, July 1950, Department of the Army, Assistant Chief of Staff and Robert Bolin , depositor
“A hidden part of me”: Latino/a students, silencing, and the epidermalization of inferiority, Jason G. Irizarry and John Raible
A High Density Integrated Genetic Linkage Map of Soybean and the Development of a 1536 Universal Soy Linkage Panel for Quantitative Trait Locus Mapping, D. L. Hyten, Ik-Young Choi, Qijian Song, James E. Specht, Thomas E. Carter Jr., Randy C. Shoemaker, Eun-Young Hwang, Lakshmi K. Matukumalli, and P. B. Cregan
A History and Analysis of the University of Nebraska Speech Clinic, Elsie L. Hughes
A History of the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors, Richard G. Waugh and Judith M. Hourigan
A Holistic Jurisprudential View of the Drug Victim, John R. Snowden
A House Divided: Substantive Due Process in the Twentieth Century, Glen R. Anstine
A Humanistic Perspective in Legal Education, James R. Elkins
AIDS: A Threat to Blood Donor Anonymity, Cheryl R. Zwart
Airborne infection in healthcare environments: Implications to hospital corridor design, Seyed Ehsan Mousavi Rizi
Airborne LiDAR acquisition, post-processing and accuracy-checking for a 3D WebGIS of Copan, Honduras, Jennifer von Schwerin, Heather Richards-Rissetto, Fabio Remondino, Maria Grazia Spera, Michael Auer, Nicolas Billen, Lukas Loos, Laura Stelson, and Markus Reindel
Airbreathing rotating detonation wave engine cycle analysis, Eric M. Braun, Frank K. Lu, Donald R. Wilson, and Jose A. Camberos
Airmen with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) at increased risk for subsequent mishaps, Casserly R. Whitehead, Timothy S. Webb, Timothy S. Wells, and Kari L. Hunter
Air Sac Nematode Monopetalonema alcedinis in a Belted Kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon) in Maryland, USA, Ellen Bronson, Kathleen Kelly, and Eric P. Hoberg
A Job Analysis of Radio Announcing in a 250 Watt Commercial Station, Dale N. Anderson
A Judicial Need for the 80's: Schooling in Judicial Ethics, Howard T. Markey
A Law Unto Herself, Rebecca Harding Davis
Alcohol Expectancy, Drinking Behavior, and Sexual Victimization Among Female and Male College Students, Kimberly A. Tyler, Rachel M. Schmitz, and Scott A. Adams
ALEC Leadership Graduate Program 2010
A Legal and Policy Argument for Bail Denial and Preventative Treatment for Batterers in the United States, Dawn Beichner, Robbin Ogle, Anne Garner, and Daniel Anderson
A Legal-Economic Critique of Nebraska Watercourse Law, Clayton K. Yeutter
A Legislative Approach to the Fourth Amendment, E. John Stanley
A librarian run’s for political office (or Cincinnatus looks outside the Ivory Tower), Peter L. Kraus
A Library Publishing Manifesto, Paul Royster
Alimony Awards under Middle-Tier Equal Protection Scrutiny: Orr v. Orr, 440 U.S. 268 (1979), Gary D. Gilson
Alimony Awards under No Fault Divorce Statutes: Magruder v. Magruder, 190 Neb. 573, 209 N.W.2d 585 (1973), Penny Berger
Alimony Considerations under No-Fault Divorce Laws, Elaine G. Rollins
A Linear Analysis of a Musical Composition, Kenneth Ray Rumery
A List of Native and Naturalized Nebraska Grasses with Keys for Their Identification, Laurence C. Newell
A Literary and Field Guide to the Trees in Willa Cather’s Nebraska Novels, Linnea M. Fredrickson
Allegro for Trumpet and String Orchestra, Joyce Ann Johnson
Allergenicity Assessment of a Genetically Modified Protein-Recombinant Human Lactoferrin, Cui Zhou, Na Sun, Jing Wang, Jing Lu, Jing Tian, Richard E. Goodman, Ning Li, Huilian Che, and Kunlun Huang
Allergenicity assessment of genetically modified crops—what makes sense?, Richard E. Goodman, Stefan Vieths, Hugh A. Sampson, David Hill, Motohiro Ebisawa, and Ronald van Ree
All Good Things Must Come to an End: China Beat’s 1,000th Post, Maura Cunningham, Kate Merkel-Hess, Ken Pomeranz, and Jeff Wasserstrom
All in the Family: A Retrospective Study Comparing Sibling Bullying and Peer Bullying, Lori A. Hoetger, Katherine P. Hazen, and Eve M. Brank
ALLMAPS: robust scaffold ordering based on multiple maps, Haibo Tang, Xingtan Zhang, Chenyong Miao, Jisen Zhang, Ray Ming, James C. Schnable, Patrick S. Schnable, Eric Lyons, and Jianguo Lu
Allocation of Rights to Water: Preferences, Priorities, and the Role of the Market, Jarret C. Oeltjen and Loyd K. Fischer
Alloparental Care in the Prairie Skink, Eumeces septentrionalis: A Case of Mistaken Identity?, Louis A. Somma
A LONGITUDINAL ASSESSMENT OF THE AQUATIC MACROINVERTEBRATE COMMUNITY IN THE CHANNELIZED LOWER MISSOURI RIVER, Barry C. Poulton, Mark L. Wildhaber, Collette S. Charbonneau, James F. Fairchild, Brad G. Mueller, and Christopher J. Schmitt
A Long Neglected World Malaria Map: Plasmodium vivax Endemicity in 2010, Peter W. Gething, Iqbal R.F. Elyazar, Catherine L. Moyes, David L. Smith, Katherine E. Battle, Carlos A. Guerra, Anand P. Patil, Andrew J. Tatem, Rosalind E. Howes, Monica F. Myers, Dylan B. George, Peter Horby, Heiman F.L. Wertheim, Ric N. Price, Ivo Mueller, J. Kevin Baird, and Simon I. Hay
A Low Intensity Sampling Method for Assessing Blue Crab Abundance at Aransas National Wildlife Refuge and Preliminary Results on the Relationship of Blue Crab Abundance to Whooping Crane Winter Mortality, Bruce H. Pugesek, Michael J. Baldwin, and Thomas V. Stehn
A Low-Power Compact NQR Based Explosive Detection System, Xinwang Zhang, Nathan Schemm, Sina Balkır, and Michael W. Hoffman
A low-power compact Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance (NQR) based explosive detection system, Xinwang Zhang
Alteration of Corpus Luteum Function in the Cycling and Unilaterally Pregnant Pig, Ronald Lewis Tribble
Alteration of Ovarian Activity in Cycling, Pregnant and Hysterectomized Heifers with Exogenous Estrogens, Carl Colin Kaltenbach
Altered Entrainment to the Day/Night Cycle Attenuates the Daily Rise in Circulating Corticosterone in the Mouse, Patricia J. Sollars, Michael J. Weiser, Andrea E. Kudwa, Jayne R. Bramley, Malcolm D. Ogilvie, Robert L. Spencer, Robert J. Handa, and Gary E. Pickard
Altered Theca and Cumulus Oocyte Complex Gene Expression, Follicular Arrest and Reduced Fertility in Cows with Dominant Follicle Follicular Fluid Androgen Excess, Adam F. Summers, William E. Pohlmeier, Kevin M. Sargent, Brizett D. Cole, Rebecca J. Vinton, Scott G. Kurz, Renee M. McFee, Robert A. Cushman, Andrea S. Cupp, and Jennifer R. Wood
Alternative Approaches to On-Farm Research and Technology Exchange, Charles Francis, Victoria Mundy, Rhonda Janke, and James King
Alternative timing of carbaryl treatments for protecting lodgepole pine from mortality attributed to mountain pine beetle, Christopher J. Fettig, A Steve Munson, and Kenneth E. Gibson
A Macroevolutionary Mosaic: Episodic Host-Switching, Geographical Colonization and Diversification in Complex Host–Parasite Systems [Special paper], Eric P. Hoberg and Daniel R. Brooks
A Management Information System for Crisis Decision Making by the Strategic Air Command, Dan E. Babcock
A Mass Communication Model for Wildlife Conservation, Carol Lawrence Reilly
A Mediational Analysis of the Influence of Negative Coping Behaviors on Health Outcomes Associated with Adolescent School Bullying, Joseph C. Jochman
Amending the Nebraska Constitution in the 1971 Legislature, Stanley M. Talcott
American Bar Foundation Project Legal Services Survey Report, Douglas N. King, David R. Parker, Peter M. Smith, James R. Cook, and Samuel F. Seever
American Hookworm Antiquity (& Response), Karl Reinhard, Adauto Araújo, Luis Fernando Ferreira, C. E. A. Coimbra Jr., and Kathleen Fuller
American Novelist Catharine Sedgwick Negotiates British Copyright, 1822–57, Melissa Homestead
American Reaction to British Policy 1914-1917, Ernest B. Bader
American Society of Parasitologists Newsletter, v. 36, nos. 3-4, Fall-Winter 2014, Scott Lyell Gardner
American Society of Parasitologists Newsletter, v. 37, no. 1, Winter 2015, Scott Lyell Gardner
American Society of Parasitologists Newsletter, v. 37, no. 2, Spring 2015, Scott Lyell Gardner
AMERICA'S SYSTEMATICS COLLECTIONS: A NATIONAL PLAN, Howard S. Irwin, Willard W. Payne, David M. Bates, Philip S. Humphrey, and Belmont Writing Committee
America versus Westboro Baptist Church: The Legal Battle to Preserve Peace at the Funerals of Fallen Soldiers, Kendra Suesz
A Method for Determining the Dielectric Properties of Grain and Seed in the 200- to 500-MHZ Range, LaVerne Ellis Stetson
A Method for Determining the Rate of Spontaneous Heating of Ground Alfalfa Hay, David J. Sandfort
A Method of Assessing Agricultural Land-Saunders County, a Case Study, L. Burbank Kristjanson
A Methodology for Drought Preparedness, Donald A. Wilhite
A methodology for reliability-based traffic signals alternative power capacity design, Mo Zhao
A Microbiologic Survey of Condemned Joints from Markey Swine, Chalem Changprai
A middleware framework for application-aware and user-specific energy optimization in smart mobile devices, Sudeep Pasricha, Brad K. Donohoo, and Chris Ohlsen
A Mimbres Burial with Associated Colon Remains from the NAN Ranch Ruin, New Mexico, Harry J. Shafer, Marrianne Marek, and Karl J. Reinhard
A Misuse of Statistics and Future Damages, Gregory Searson
A Model for Simulation of Solid-State Damping-Solution by Analog Computer, Darrell R. Albee
A Model for Understanding Structure Versus Agency in the Participation of Minors in the Commercial Sex Market, Courtney Thrash
A MODELING SYSTEM TO ASSESS LAND COVER LAND USE CHANGE EFFECTS ON SAV HABITAT IN THE MOBILE BAY ESTUARY, Maurice G. Estes Jr., Mohammad Z. Al-Hamdan, Jean T. Ellis, Chaeli Judd, Dana Woodruff, Ronald M. Thom, Dale Quattrochi, Brian Watson, Hugo Rodriguez, Hoyt Johnson III, and Tom Herder
A molecular simulation study of the glass transition of cross-linkedpoly(dicyclopentadiene) networks, Robert M. Elder, Jan W. Andzelm, and Timothy W. Sirk
Amphibian Conservation in Urban Areas, Emma Trewhitt
AMS Memorandum 425, Grids and Magnetic Cedlinations , February 1945 (with amendment No 1, August 1945)., Robert Bolin , depositor
A Multilaboratory Comparison of Calibration Accuracy and the Performance of External References in Analytical Ultracentrifugation, Huaying Zhao, Rodolfo Ghirlando, Carlos Alfonso, Fumio Arisaka, Ilan Attali, David L. Bain, et al. ..., Donald F. Becker, and Peter Schuck
A Multi-Parameter Method of Analyzing Plant Layouts, Glenn E. Andersen
A Multivariate Analysis of Systematic Relationships among Populations of the Short-Tailed Shrew (Genus Blarina) in Nebraska, Hugh H. Genoways and Jerry R. Choate
Anabolic androgenic steroids: use and perceived use in non-athlete college students, Joseph M. Berning, Kent J. Adams, Mark DeBeliso, Bryant A. Stamford, and Ian Newman
An Academic Lawyer Plays Armchair Analyst: Some Speculations on the Relevance of Psychoanalysis to the Law, Leonard V. Kaplan
Anaerobic Decomposition of Swine Excrement, Alvaro Duran
Anaerobic Digestion of Feedlot Manure, Andrea K. Watson, Adam L. Shreck, Amy M. Schmidt, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
An Agricultural Drought Risk-Assessment Model for Corn and Soybeans, Hong Wu, Kenneth G. Hubbard, and Donald A. Wilhite
Analysis and Design of a Damped Escapement Mechanism, Joe L. Baker
Analysis of 36 Tractor Upsets in Nebraska, L. Dale Baker
Analysis of Alternative Captive Bat Management Strategies in Response to White-nose Syndrome, Mary Parkin, Robert Tawes, Lori Pruitt, Noelle Rayman, Richard Stark, Robyn Niver, Susi von Oettingen, Barbara Douglas, Paul McKenzie, Jeremy Coleman, and Aaron Valenta
Analysis of drug interactions with lipoproteins by high performance affinity chromatography, Matthew R Sobansky
Analysis of Human Trafficking Cases in Rhode Island, 2009-2013, Donna M. Hughes, Rachel Dunham, Faith Skodmin, Lucy Tillman, and Jessica Wainfor
Analysis of Income Sources in Small Nebraska State Banks, 1946-1955 with Case Studies, Alice Frampton Dittman
Analysis of Information and Communication Technology Roles in Poverty Reduction Among Small and Medium Scale Farmers in Imo State, Nigeria, jonadab ubochioma chikaire mr
Analysis of Information and Communication Technology Roles in Poverty Reduction Among Small and Medium Scale Farmers in Imo State, Nigeria, jonadab ubochioma chikaire mr
Analysis of Land Prices and Casual Factors with Special Reference to Lancaster County, Nebraska, 1919-1950, John A. Edwards
Analysis of Neuronal Sequences Using Pairwise Biases, Zachary Roth
Analysis of Selected Input and Manufacturing Costs in the Meat Packing Industry: A Case Study, David Michael Bell
Analysis of three-dimensional fracture mechanics problems: A non-intrusive approach using a generalized finite element method, P Gupta, J P. Pereira, D J. Kim, C A. Duarte, and T Eason
Analytical Perspectives on a Protohistoric Cache of Ceramic Jars from the Lower Colorado Desert, James M. Bayman, Richard H. Hevly, Boma Johnson, Karl J. Reinhard, and Richard Ryan
Analytical solutions for the electromagnetic fields of tightly focused laser beams of arbitrary pulse length, Scott M. Sepke and Donald Umstadter
Analyzing the relationship of soil moisture and biophysical variables in wet and dry seasons at a rainfed and irrigated field in eastern Nebraska, EricDaniel Hunt
An American Honors Program in the Arab Gulf, Byrad Yyelland
An American Textile Company to the Trade: The Corporate History and Textile Collection Highlights of Kravet Inc., Deborah E. Kraak
An Analysis and Classification of Specific Devices for the Motivation of Learning Activity in English, Mildred Linnea Johnson
An Analysis and Proposal for a Regional Air Carrier Airport in the Lincoln-Omaha Region of Nebraska, Joseph Henry Bain
An Analysis and Proposal for Developing a New Town in Lincoln – Omaha Region of Nebraska, Nakul S. Verma
An Analysis of Certain Phases of the Vocational Agriculture Program as Carried Out by Thirty-Nine States Affected by the National Vocational Education Acts, Robert O'Neil Gingery
An Analysis of Democratic Voter-Leakage in Douglas County, Nebraska, William B. Huntington
An Analysis of Democratic Voter-Leakage in Douglas County, Nebraska, William B. Huntington
An Analysis of Mathematics Offerings in Selected Junior Colleges of the North Central Territory, Lorella Ahern
An Analysis of Multiple Predecessor Rain Events ahead of Tropical Cyclones Ike and Lowell: 10–15 September 2008, Lance F. Bosart, Jason M. Cordeira, Thomas J. Galarneau Jr., Benjamin J. Moore, and Heather M. Archambault
An Analysis of Oxytocin Effects on Milk Consumption and Milk Production of Beef Cattle, Delmar Lange
An Analysis of Policies of the Farmers Educational and Cooperative Union of America, Norman E. Landgren
An analysis of post-traumatic stress symptoms in United States Air Force drone operators, Wayne Chappelle, Tanya Goodman, Laura Reardon, and William Thompson
An Analysis of Some Homemaking Practices of Married and Single Employed Women in Nebraska, H. Lorraine Brandt
An Analysis of Some Proposed Tests of Rigidity, Edward R. Jorden
An Analysis of the "Actual Use" Valuation Procedure of Section 2032A, Bradley D. Holtorf
An Analysis of the Compositional Devices in Wozzek by Alban Berg, John Charles Nelson
An Analysis of the Compositional Devices in Wozzek by Alban Berg, John Charles Nelson
An Analysis of the Content Relative to Intergroup Understandings Presented in Selected Fifth Grade Social Studies Texts, Robert N. Adams
An Analysis of the District Marginal Costs of Mandatory State Standardized Tests, J. Eli Crow
An Analysis of the Doctrine That "First in Time Is First in Right", Lawrence Berger
An Analysis of the Effect of Price and Other Factors on Acreages of Winter Wheat Planted in Nebraska, 1931-1955, Ivan Herman Auer
An analysis of the effects of financial education on financial literacy and financial behaviors, Jamie Frances Wagner
An Analysis of the Most Widely Used Biology Books in the Nebraska High Schools with Regard to Martin’s Principles, Shafeek Farag Assad
An Analysis of the Uniform Consumer Credit Code, Barbara A. Curran and David I. Fand
An Analysis of When Juveniles Must Be Afforded Due Process Rights, Joseph F. Smith Jr.
An Analysis to the Responses of Nebraska Veterans Enrolled in Institutional On-Farm Training Regarding Financing Future Adult Courses in Agriculture, Burneil E. Gingery
An Anthology of American Verse Edited with Reference to Geography, Biography, Explanatory Notes, and Bibliography of Verse, Rebecca Fay Southwell
An Appraisal of Income Stability of Certain Farm Organization Types in Adams County 1930-1949, Harry C. Haverly
An Appraisal of Price Controls for Hogs and Cattle during Two World Wars, Gerald Robert Abbenhaus
An Approach to The Threepenny Opera: Considerations for Direction, James Angelo Baffico
An Assessment of Richardson’s Ground Squirrel Activity and Potential Barriers to Limit Access to Sensitive Sites at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana, Gary Witmer, Rachael Moulton, Jenna Swartz, and Jason Gibbons
A National Plan for Assisting States, Federal Agencies, and Tribes in Managing White-Nose Syndrome in Bats, Jeremy Coleman, Anne Ballmann, Les Benedict, Eric Britzke, Kevin Castle, Walter Cottrell, Paul Cryan, Thomas DeLiberto, Anthony Elliot, Rebecca Ewing, Alan Hicks, Richard Reynolds, Jessica Rubado, Brooke Slack, and Lisa Williams
An Attempted Preparation of Picryl Methanesulfonate. O-Methanesulfonation of Certain Nitrophenols., F. Duane Allen
An Automatic Flow-Control System for Continuous-Process Dielectric Heating of Grain, Paul Thomas Corcoran
And Mussolini Had the Trains Running on Time: A Review of the Bad Check Offense and the Law Enforcement Debt Collector, Josephine R. Potuto
André Maurois: Biographe du vingtième siècle, Henri Adier
“. . . and we are a-changing, too”, James S. Ruebel
An Ecological Study of Native Forbs for Roadside Use, James T. Midcap
An Economic Analysis of a Farmer Cooperative Using Linear Programming Models with Accounting Data, Larry D. Christensen
An Economic Analysis of Alternative Production Systems in Nebraska’s Wheat Producing Regions, Duane L. Marquis
An Economic Analysis of Conventional and Alternative Cow-Calf Production Systems, Jason M. Warner, Andrea K. Watson, Karla H. Jenkins, Rick J. Rasby, Kate Brooks, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
An Economic Analysis of Land Values in the Nebraska Rainwater Basin Using Hedonic Pricing, Hannah Janda
An Economic Analysis of Selected Terracing Systems, Arthur E. Svoboda
An economic Analysis of the Central Beet Sugar Processing Industry: Facility Replacement and Relocation, Eugene Anderson Laurent
An Economic Analysis of the Performance of Breeding and Growing Turkeys Using Computer Formulated Rations, Vernon D. Koch
An Economic Approach to Hadley v. Baxendale: EVRA Corporation v. Swiss Bank Corporation, 673 F.2d 951 (7th Cir. 1982), Larry D. Hause
An Economic Comparison of Selected Swine Finishing Systems, Larry L. Bitney
An Economic Evaluation of the Least Cost System of Harvesting Loose Hay, Leslie G. Carlow
An Economic Evaluation of Using Cropland as Pasture, Hugo J. Zimmerman
An Effective Honors Composition Class Improves Honors Retention Rates: Outcomes and Statistical Prestiditigation, Annmarie Guzy
An efficacy test of cholecalciferol plus diphacinone rodenticide baits for California voles (Microtus californicus Peale) to replace ineffective chlorophacinone baits, Gary W. Witmer, Rachael S. Moulton, and Roger A. Baldwin
An Electric Analog Model Study of Ground Water in Box Butte County, Nebraska, Ralph E. Waddington
An Electric Tester for the Determination of Moisture Content in Baled Hay, A.H. Abou-Sabe
An Empirical Analysis of Factors Affecting Honors Program Completion Rates, Hallie Savage, Rod D. Raehsler, and Joseph Fiedor
An environmental oestrogen disrupts fish population dynamics through direct and transgenerational effects on survival and fecundity, Adam R. Schwindt, Dana L. Wrinkelman, Kristen Keteles, Mark Murphy, and Alan M. Vajda
An Epic Mission, Tashni-Ann Dubroy
An Equal Protection Analysis of the Classifications in Initiative 300: The Family Farm Amendment to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, Patricia Pansing Brooks
An Ethical Analysis of Lethal Control Practices for Invasive Species Management, Avery Messing
A Network-Based Quiz Application: Basic Interface Design and Other Corresponding Technology Obstacles, Daniel R. Hohensee
An Evaluation and Exploration of Nutrition Education in Elementary Schools, Elisha M. Hall
An evaluation and exploration of nutrition education in elementary schools, Elisha Hall
An Evaluation of Advertising Expenditures as an Economic Stabilizer: 1945-1964, Walter Allen Verdon
An Evaluation of Agronomic Characters and Components of Yield of Grain Sorghum, Rolan E. Anderson
An Evaluation of a Teacher-Pupil Planning Curriculum in Waco High School, Gordon Axford
An Evaluation of Cropping Easements as a Land-use Adjustment and Production Control Device, Glenn H. Masters
An Evaluation of Performance of “Disease-Free” Pigs in Repopulated Farm Herds, James D. Caldwell
An Evaluation of Selected Methods of Classifying Farms According to Type, Paul E. Miller
An Evaluation of the Impact of a Couples Enrichment Program on Relationship Satisfaction, Communication, Conflict Resolution, and Forgiveness, Chelsi A K Davis
An evaluation of the impact of a couples enrichment program on relationship satisfaction, communication, conflict resolution, and forgiveness, Chelsi Klentz Davis
An Evaluation of the Nash-Jensen American Legion Post’s Program for Promoting Citizenship, Neal C. Johnson
An Evaluation of the Nebraska Future Homemakers of America State Homemaker Degree by Advisers and Selected Recipients, Sharon Ramge Smith
An Evaluation of the Novels of Edward Morgan Forster, Helen Fern Baker
An Evaluation of the Sulfur Status of Nebraska Soils, Ulverd U. Alexander
AN EVALUATION OF THREE AREAS FOR POTENTIAL POPULATONS OF WHOOPING CRANES, Janet L. McMillen, Stephen A. Nesbitt, Mary A. Bishop, Alan J. Bennett, and Laurel A. Bennett
A new Anomiopus Westwood from Peru (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae), Luis Figueroa and W. D. Edmonds
A New Approach to Modeling Multivariate Time Series on Multiple Temporal Scales, Tucker Zeleny
A new approach to modeling multivariate time series on multiple temporal scales, Tucker Zeleny
A New Genus and a New Species of Cladorchiidae (Digenea: Dadayiinae) from Podocnemis expansa (Chelonia) of the Neotropical Region, State of Pará, Brazil, Marcelo Knoff, Daniel Rusk Brooks, Maria Cristina Mullins, and Delir Corrêa Gomes
A new genus and four new species of false click beetles (Coleoptera: Eucnemidae) from Southeast Asia, Robert L. Otto
A new genus for Drepanocanthoides larreae (Horn, 1887) and description of a new congeneric Mexican species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae), Marco Dellacasa, Giovanni Dellacasa, and Robert D. Gordon
A New Laelapine Mite (Acari: Mesostigmata: Laelapidae) Associated with the Spiny Rodent, Scolomys melanops, in Amazonian Peru, Donald Gettinger and Scott Gardner
A New Look at Sunday Closing Legislation, Richard A. Spellman
A New Partnership in Corrections, Maurice H. Sigler
A New Rule on Obtaining Membership Information: Eastland v. United States Servicemen's Fund, 421 U.S. 491 (1975), Jill Beckoff Nagy
A new species of Neoregostoma Monné and Giesbert, 1992 from Costa Rica and Panama (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae), José Rafael Esteban Durán and Antonio Santos-Silva
A new species of Parandra (Parandra) Latreille from Peru (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Parandrinae), Antonio Santos-Silva
A New Subspecies of the Free-Tailed Bat, Molossops greenhalli, from Western Mexico (Mammalia: Chiroptera), J. Knox Jones Jr. and Hugh H. Genoways
A new taeniolabidoid multituberculate (Mammalia) from the middle Puercan of the Nacimiento Formation, New Mexico, and a revision of taeniolabidoid systematics and phylogeny, Thomas E. Williamson, Stephen L. Brusatte, Ross Secord, and Sarah Shelley
A New Town-in-Town for Omaha, Nebraska, Gary R. Bowen
A New Unit for Study and Research The Textile Museum and the George Washington University in Washington, D.C, Sumru Belger Krody
An examination of sources of error in exit polls: Nonresponse and measurement error, Rene Bautista
An Experimental Investigation of the Noise Characteristics of a Special Detector Circuit, Charles Berlet Ackerman
AN EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE OF WHOOPING CRANES IN FLORIDA - THE FIRST THREE YEARS, Stephen A. Nesbitt, Martin J. Folk, Marilyn G. Spalding, James A. Schmidt, Stephen T. Schwikert, Jane M. Nicolich, Marianne Wellington, James C. Lewis, and Tom H. Logan
An Experimental Study of the Implementation of a Fluid Diode Inside a Sano Shunt, Patrick Austin Lane
An Exploration of the Use of and the Attitudes Toward Technology in First-Year Instrumental Music, Ashley D. Gilbert
An exploration of the use of and the attitudes toward technology in first-year instrumental music, Ashley Danielle Gilbert
An Exploration of Voice in Second Language Writing, DWI RIYANTI
An Exploratory Evaluation of Conjoint Behavioral Consultation to Promote Collaboration among Family, School, and Pediatric Systems: A Role for Pediatric School Psychologists, Susan M. Sheridan Dr., Emily D. Warnes, Kathryn E. Woods, Carrie A. Blevins, Katie L. Magee, and Cynthia Ellis
An Historical Description and Analysis of Lincoln, Nebraska’s Development Pattern: 1860-1985 Concentric Growth – A Fading Dream, Leonard Pavelka
An Historical Description and Analysis of Lincoln, Nebraska’s Development Pattern: 1860-1985 Concentric Growth – A Fading Dream, Leonard Pavelka
An Historical Survey of Zoological Museums and Collections, Newell Fodge Joyner
An Honors Koan: Selling Water by the River, Jeffrey A. Portnoy
ANIMAL HELMINTHS IN HUMAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL REMAINS: A REVIEW OF ZOONOSES IN THE PAST, Luciana Sianto, Marcia Chame, Cassius S. P. Silva, Marcelo L. C. Gonçalves, Karl Reinhard, Martín Horacio Fugassa, and Adauto Araújo
Animal reactions to oncoming vehicles: a conceptual review, Steven L. Lima, Bradley F. Blackwell, Travis L. DeVault, and Esteban Fernández-Juricic
AN INDIVIDUAL-BASED MODEL FOR FERAL HOGS IN GREAT SMOKY MOUNTAINS NATIONAL PARK, Rene A. Salinas, William H. Stiver, Joseph L. Corn, Suzanne Lenhart, Charles Collins, Marguerite Madden, Kurt C. VerCauteren, Brandon B. Schmit, Ellen Kasari, Agricola Odoi, Graham Hickling, and Hamish McCallum
AN INEXPENSIVE, TEMPORALLY INTEGRATED SYSTEM FOR MONITORING OCCURRENCE AND BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF AQUATIC CONTAMINANTS IN THE FIELD, Michael D. Kahl, Daniel L. Vileneuve, Kyle Stevens, Anthony Schroeder, Elizabeth A. Makynen, Carlie A. LaLone, Kathleen M. Jensen, Meagan Hughes, Bruce A. Holmen, Evan Eid, Elizabeth J. Durhan, Jenna E. Cavallin, Jason Berninger, and Gerald T. Ankley
An innovative approach to analyze and detect a broad class of timing-based covert communications, Pradhumna L Shrestha
An Integrated Learning Experience, Dennis R. Harkins
An Integrative Approach to Genomic Introgression Mapping, Andrew J. Severin, Gregory A. Peiffer, Wayne W. Xu, D. L. Hyten, Bruna Bucciarelli, Jamie A. O'Rourke, Yung-Tsi Bolon, David Grant, Andrew D. Farmer, Gregory D. May, Carroll P. Vance, Randy C. Shoemaker, and Robert M. Stupar
An intensified seasonal transition in the Central U.S. that enhances summer drought, S.-Y. Simon Wang, Joseph Santanello, Hailan Wang, Daniel Barandiaran, Rachel T. Pinker, Siegfried Schubert, Robert R. Gillies, Robert Oglesby, Kyle Hilburn, Ayse Kilic, and Paul Houser
An Introduction to Conjoint Behavioral Consultation via Distance Delivery (CBC-D), Michael J. Coutts, Shanon R. Holmes, Susan M. Sheridan, and Tyler E. Smith
An Introduction to Insects of Regulatory Concern, Robert Phillips
An Inventory of Occupational Opportunities in the Columbus Service Area, Ralph V. Eickhoff
An Investigation of Homemaker Sewing Practices, Characteristics, and Storage Space Recommendations for Planning Individual Sewing Centers, Twyla Burgess Lidolph
An Investigation of Small Apparel Retailers’ Definition of Customer Satisfaction Using a Naturalistic Approach, Sandra L. Cardillo
An Investigation of Some Factors Related to Retention and Withdrawal of College Women, Janet Louise Anderson
An Investigation of the Exclusion of Students with Disabilities in National Data Collection Programs, Kevin S. McGrew, Martha L. Thurlow, and Amy N. Spiegel
An Investigation of the Independent Infection Hypothesis with Two Leafhopper Species and the Viruses they Transmit, John H. Williams
An Isolated Storage Vessel at Site 42SA20779 in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area: Adaptive Storage and Caching Behavior in the Prehistoric Southwest, Anne M. Wolley and Alan J. Osborn
Annual Publication of the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture
Annual Publication of the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture 2006
A non-erasable magnetic memory based on the magnetic permeability, J. R. Petrie, K. A. Wieland, R. A. Burke, G. A. Newburgh, J. E. Burnette, G. A. Fischer, and A. S. Edelstein
A non-erasable magnetic memory based on the magnetic permeability, J R. Petrie, K A. Wieland, R A. Burke, G A. Newburgh, J E. Burnette, G A. Fisher, and A S. Edelstein
Anophryocephalus inuitorum sp. nov. and A. arcticensis sp. nov. (Eucestoda: Tetrabothriidae) in Ringed Seals (Phoca hispida hispida) and Harp Seals (Phoca groenlandica) from High-Latitude Seas of Eastern Canada and the Arctic Basin, Eric P. Hoberg and Lena N. Measures
An Organizational Learning Approach to Domain Analysis, Scott Henninger, Kris Lappala, and Anand Raghavendran
Another Brick in the Wall: Denominational Preferences and Strict Scrutiny under the Establishment Clause: Larson v. Valente, 102 S. Ct. 1673 (1982), Daniel W. Evans
A Novel Approach towards Real-Time Covert Timing Channel Detection, Fahimeh Rezaei
Anthraquinone-based repellent for horned larks, great-tailed grackles, American crows and the protection of California's specialty crops, Scott J. Werner, Shelagh T. DeLiberto, Anna M. Mangan, Susan E. Pettit, Jeremy W. Ellis, and James C. Carlson
Anthropogenic and physiologically induced stress responses in captive coyotes, Christopher J. Schell, Julie K. Young, Elizabeth V. Lonsdorf, and Rachel M. Santymire
Anthropogenic Conditioning of Gray Jays to a Nutritious, Seasonal Aquatic Food Source, R. M. Engeman and C. J. Wiloth
Anthropogenics: Human Influence on Global and Genetic Homogenization of Parasite Populations, Dante S. Zarlenga, Eric P. Hoberg, Benjamin Rosenthal, Simonetti Mattiucci, and Giuseppe Nascetti
Anthropologists and Their Traditions across National Borders, Regna Darnell and Frederic W. Gleach
Antibody response of cattle to vaccination with commercial modified live rabies vaccines in Guatemala, Amy Gilbert, Lauren Greenberg, David Moran, Marlon Alvarado, Daniel L. Garcia, and Leonard Peruski
Antibody response of cattle to vaccination with commercialmodified live rabies vaccines in Guatemala, Amy Gilbert, Lauren Greenberg, David Moran, Danilo Alvarez, Marlon Alvarado, Daniel L. Garcia, and Leonard Peruski
Anticoagulant Rodenticide Exposure and Toxicosis in Coyotes (Canis latrans) in the Denver Metropolitan Area, Sharon A. Poessel, Stewart W. Breck, Karen A. Fox, and Eric M. Gese
Antimicrobial-Resistant Bacterial Populations and Antimicrobial Resistance Genes Obtained from Environments Impacted by Livestock and Municipal Waste, Getahun E. Agga, Terrance M. Arthur, Lisa M. Durso, Dayna M. Harhay, and John W. Schmidt
Antiproliferative activity of novel imidazopyridine derivatives on castration-resistant human prostate cancer cells, Sakthivel Muniyan, Yu-Wei Chou, Matthew A. Ingersoll, Alexus Devine, Marisha Morris, Valerie A. Odero-Marah, Shafiq A. Khan, William G. Chaney, Xiu R. Bu, and Ming-Fong Lin
Anti-Trafficking Legislation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Analyzing the Role of Coercion and Parental Responsibility, Ruby Andrew and Benjamin N. Lawrance
Antitranspirant Effects of 3,4-Dichloropropionanilide on Zea mays, L., Lloyd R. Reeder
Antitrust and Its Critics, Walter Adams
Antitrust and the Future of Cost Containment Efforts in the Health Profession, Eric L. Richards
Antitrust Standards for 1975, J. Fred Weston
An Underestimated Master: A Critical Analysis of Carl Czerny's Eleven Piano Sonatas and his Contribution to the Genre, Levi Keith Larson
An underestimated master: A critical analysis of Carl Czerny's eleven piano sonatas and his contribution to the genre, Levi Larson
A Nursery Study of Leafy Spurge Complex Plants from North America, Duane H. Ebke
An X-Band Microwave Refractometer, Mahmoud H. Ahmed
A parasitological paradox: Why is ascarid infection so rare in the prehistoric Americas?, Daniela Leles, Karl Reinhard, Martín Horacio Fugassa, Luis Fernando Ferreira, Alena M. Iñiguez, and Adauto Araujo
A Pedologic Study of Pawnee and Adair Soils of Southeastern Nebraska, John L. Millet
A Pennsylvanian Gastropod Fauna from the Snyderville Quarry, Cass County, Nebraska, Alvin L. Backlund
A performance guide and comparison of three works for flute and piano by David Maslanka: Duo, "Songs Of My Nights", and "...and I am a child before there are words...", Christa Kathleen Krause
A Performance Guide and Comparison of Three Works for Flute and Piano by David Maslanka: Duo, Songs of My Nights, and "...and I am a child before there are words...", Christa K. Krause
A Performance Guide for the Unaccompanied Cello Compositions by Mieczyslaw Weinberg, Elizabeth A. Grunin
A Performance Study of Genetic Algorithm-Assisted Beamforming in Distributed Cognitive Radio Networks, Andrew Minturn
A Personal and Professional Perspective on an Honors Program, Geoffrey S. Mearns
A phenomenological study exploring the leadership development experiences of academic research library leaders, Beth McNeil
A phenomenological study exploring the leadership development experiences of academic research library leaders, Beth McNeil
A phenomenological study of aging with HIV/AIDS: In the words of those who really know, Jodi Lynn McQuillen
A phenomenological study of the lived experiences of undocumented Latino students to enroll in and persist at a four-year public Hispanic-serving institution in Texas, Angela Christine Stuart-Carruthers
A Phylogenetic Analysis of the Mycoplasmas: Basis for Their Classification, W. G. Weisburg, J. G. Tully, D. L. Rose, J. P. Petzel, H. Oyaizu, D. Yang, L. Mandelco, J. Sechrest, T. G. Lawrence, J. Van Etten, J. Maniloff, and C. R. Woese
A Pilot Study of Existing Space in Nebraska Tee Houses of More Than One Story with Recommendations for Remodeling, Betty J. Malmleaf
A Place for Scholarship in Campus Activities Practice: A Collective Case Study, Cindy Kane
A place for scholarship in campus activities practice: A collective case study, Cindy Kane
A Plaintiff's Lawyer Looks at the Morass, Robert C. Strodel
A Plan for Router Testing in Network-On-Chip, Zachariah Thomas Link
A Plan for Router Testing in Network-On-Chip, Zachariah Thomas Link
A Plan for the Direct Marketing of Beef Cattle by Small Producers in the Sioux City Market Area, John W. Holmes
A Plant DJ-1 Homolog Is Essential for Arabidopsis thaliana Chloroplast Development, Jiusheng Lin, Tara J. Nazarenus, Jeanine L. Frey, Xinwen Liang, Mark A. Wilson, and Julie M. Stone
Appealability Problems in Nebraska; Advantages of Federal Rule 54(b), Robert L. Banta
Appellate Review of Workmen’s Compensation Cases in Nebraska, David A. Domina
Application of Femtosecond Laser Surface Processed Electrodes in Electrolysis of Water, Christopher K. Wilson
Application of generalized wall function for complex turbulent flows, Tsan-Hsing Shih, Louis A. Povinelli, and Nan-Suey `. Liu
Application of Laboratory Techniques for Selection of Heat and Drought Tolerance in a Synthetic Population of Corn, Adolfo Jurado Tovar
Application of Relative Drought Indices in Assessing Climate-Change Impacts on Drought Conditions in Czechia, M. Dubrovsky, Mark D. Svoboda, M. Trnka, M. J. Hayes, Donald A. Wilhite, Z. Zalud, and P. Hlavinka
Application of Signal Theory to Average Evoked Potentials, Mohammed Ahmed
Applications of quantitative proteomics in environmental science and engineering, Zhe Du
Applying Due Process to Gag Rules and Orders, Laurie Smith Camp
Applying Fertilizer through Center Pivot Sprinkler Systems, Ronald R. Volk
Applying forensic anthropological data in homicide investigation to the depravity standard, Karl Reinhard, Michael Welner, Matthias I. Okoye, Melissa Marotta, Gary Plank, Brianna Anderson, and Theresa Mastellon
Approaching Strict Liability of Insurer for Refusing to Settle within Policy Limits, Gilbert G. Lundstrom
Appropriate Application of the Standardized Precipitation Index in Arid Locations and Dry Seasons, Hong Wu, Mark D. Svoboda, Michael J. Hayes, Donald A. Wilhite, and Fujiang Wen
A Preface, Roman L. Hruska
A Preliminary Taxonomic Study of the Snout Beetles of Nebraska (Coleoptera: Rhynchophora), Winthrop W. Darlington
A prelude to conflict: the German ethnic group in Brazilian society, 1890-1917, Frederick C. Luebke
A Procedural Evaluation of an Analytic-Deliberative Process: The Columbia River Comprehensive Impact Assessment, Aimee Guglielmo Kinney and Thomas M. Leschine
A Projected Building Program for the Friend Public Schools, Hiram Earl Alexander
A Projective Technique to Determine Positive and Negative Attitudes towards People, Donald O. Clifton
A Proposed Melodic and Harmonic Basis for a New Chinese Music, Laurence Chia-Lu Lee
A prospective investigation of emotion dysregulation as a moderator of the relation between posttraumatic stress symptoms and substance use severity, Matthew T. Tull, Joseph R. Bardeen, David DiLillo, and Terri Messman-Moore
A prototype on-line AOTF hyperspectral image acquisition system for tenderness assessment of beef carcasses, Govindarajan Konda Naganathan, Kim Cluff, Ashok Samal, Chris Calkins, David D. Jones, Carol Lorenzen, and Jeyamkondan Subbiah
Aptian to Santonian Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy and Paleoenvironmental Change in the Sverdrup Basin as Revealed at Glacier Fiord, Axel Heiberg Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Claudia J. Schröder-Adams, Jens O. Herrle, Ashton F. Embry, James W. Haggart, Jennifer M. Galloway, Adam T. Pugh, and David M. Harwood
A Qualitative Coded Analysis of Undergraduate and Graduate Student Library Instruction Feedback, Tina Budzise-Weaver, Susan P. Goodwin, and Michael L. Maciel
A Qualitative Evaluation of Four Juvenile Diversion Programs Conducted by the University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, Mitchell D. Mason
A Qualitative Evaluation of Four Juvenile Diversion Programs Conducted by the University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, Mitchell D. Mason
A qualitative study of exercise behavior by the assisted living resident over the age of 65 in a midwestern retirement community: The role of barriers and facilitators, Sheryl Ann Stevens Schrage
A Quality Instrument for Effective Honors Program Review, Patricia Joanne Smith
A quantitative analysis of the value-enhancing effects of nicotine, bupropion, and varenicline in male and female rats, Scott Taylor Barrett
A Quantitative and Qualitative Study of Bacterial Flora Associated with Commercial Accelerated Pre-Rigor Ham, Darrell G. Cornish
Aquatic dissipation of the herbicide triclopyr in Lake Minnetonka, Minnesota, Kurt D. Getsinger, David G. Petty, John D. Madsen, John G. Skogerboe, Bruce A. Houtman, William T. Haller, and Alison M. Fox
Aquatic pollution increases use of terrestrial prey subsidies by stream fish, Johanna M. Kraus, Justin F. Pomeranz, Andrew S. Todd, David M. Walters, Travis S. Schmidt, and Richard B. Wanty
A rapid live-cell ELISA for characterizing antibodies against cell surface antigens of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and its use in isolating algae from natural environments with related cell wall components, Wenzhi Jiang, Sarah Cossey, Julian N. Rosenberg, George A. Oyler, Bradley J.S.C. Olson, and Donald P. Weeks
Arbitrary Administrative Decisions: The Need for Clearer Congressional and Administrative Policies, Edward V. Long
Arbitration of Professional Athletes' Contracts: An Effective System of Dispute Resolution in Professional Sports, James B. Gessford
ARCHAEOPARASITOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION OF A MUMMY FROM SICILY (18th–19th CENTURY AD), Kelsey J. Kumm, Karl J. Reinhard, Dario Piombino-Mascali, and Adauto Araujo
Archaeoparasitology, Karl Reinhard
Archeological Survey within the Chickasaw National Recreation Area, Murray County, Oklahoma, Alan J. Osborn and Ralph J. Hartley
Architectural Origins of the Mosque of Cordoba, Tracy Hildebrand
Architectural Presence, Kendra Lee Heimes
Architecture, heterogeneity, and origin of late Miocene fluvial deposits hosting the most important aquifer in the Great Plains, USA, Robert M. Joeckel, Steve R. Wooden Jr., Jesse T. Korus, and Jon Garbisch
Architecture Through The Senses, Hannah E. Schurrer
Area Analysis Intelligence Plan, Chief of Engineers, Department of the Army, Robert Bolin , depositor
Are Ascaris lumbricoides and Ascaris suum a single species?, Daniela Leles, Scott L. Gardner, Karl Reinhard, Alena Iñiguez, and Adauto Araujo
A reference genome for common bean and genome-wide analysis of dual domestications, Jeremy Schmutz, Phillip E. McClean, Sujan Mamidi, G. Albert Wu, Steven B. Cannon, Jane Grimwood, Jerry Jenkins, Shengqiang Shu, Qijian Song, Carolina Chavarro, Mirayda Torres-Torres, Valerie Geffroy, Samira Mafi Moghaddam, Dongying Gao, Brian Abernathy, Kerrie Barry, Matthew Blair, Mark A. Brick, Mansi Chovatia, Paul Gepts, David M. Goodstein, Michael Gonzales, Uffe Hellsten, D. L. Hyten, Gaofeng Jia, James D. Kelly, Dave Kudrna, Rian Lee, Manon M.S. Richard, Phillip N. Miklas, Juan M. Osorno, Josiane Rodrigues, Vincent Thareau, Carlos A. Urrea Florez, Mei Wang, Yeisoo Yu, Ming Zhang, Rod A. Wing, P. B. Cregan, Daniel S. Rokhsar, and Scott A. Jackson
A REINTRODUCTION TECHNIQUE FOR MIGRATORY BIRDS: LEADING CANADA GEESE AND ISOLATION-REARED SANDHILL CRANES WITH ULTRALIGHT AIRCRAFT, William A. Lishman, Tighe L. Teets, Joseph W. Duff, William J. L. Sladen, Galvin G. Shire, Kirk M. Goolsby, Wayne A. Bezner Kerr, and Richard P. Urbanek
A Relativistic Study of Rocket Motion in Empty Space, William L. Bade
Are Legal Aid Societies, Lawyer Referral Services, and Group Legal Services Adequate under the Code of Professional Responsibility, Jeffrey Stoehr
A Remotely Sensed Global Terrestrial Drought Severity Index, Qiaozhen Mu, Maosheng Zhao, John S. Kimball, Nathan G. McDowell, and Steven W. Running
A Report and Analysis of the Marketing of Nebraska Certified Wheat Seed, Freeman E. Biery
A report on the Potentially Development Project, Larry S. Johnson
A Research Framework for the Geographic Study of Exotic Pet Mammals in the USA, Gabrielle C. Tegeder
A research framework for the geographic study of exotic pet mammals in the USA, Gabrielle C Tegeder
Are Turf-type Tall Fescue Cultivars Useful for Reducing Wildlife Hazards in Airport Environments?, Brian E. Washburn
A Review of Carbon Nanotube Toxicity and Assessment of Potential Occupational and Environmental Health Risks, Chiu-wing Lam, John T. James, Richard McCluskey, Sivaram Arepalli, and Robert L. Hunter
A review of space robotics technologies for on-orbit servicing, Angel Flores-Abad, Ou Ma, Khanh Pham, and Steve Ulrich
A revision of the Argentinean endemic genus Eucranium Brullé (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) with description of one new species and new synonymies, Federico C. Ocampo
Are We There Yet? Examining Sociocultural Contexts of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy and Antibias Teachings in Early Childhood, Tonia Durden and Kimberly Blitch
Are Workmen's Compensation Proceedings Precluded in Nebraska Where Prior Payments Were Received under Another State's Act?, Ronald L. Sluyter
Arguments in Favor of Fiduciary Divestment of "South African" Securities, Joel C. Dobris
Arnie, Seve, and a Fleck of Golf History, Bill Fields
A Root Cubing Method of Solving Equations, Donald Hammond Anderson
Arrest and Citation: Definition and Analysis, Alan G. Gless
Arsenicals of Peonol, Clarence Kenneth Banks
Arsenic in Nebraska's Groundwater and Public Water Supplies, David Gosselin, Lynne Klawer, and Angela Noe
Article 8—Investment Securities, Winthrop B. Lane
Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code as It Relates to Secured Transactions in Which the Collateral Is Consumer Goods or Equipment, Jerrold L. Strasheim
Artifact, Landscape, and Temporality in Eastern Mediterranean Archaeological Landscape Studies, LuAnn Wandsnider
Artificial diets used in mass production of the New World screwworm, Cochliomyia hominivorax, H Chen, M F. Chaudhury, A Sagel, P L. Philips, and S R. Skoda
Artificial Rearing of Naturally Farrowed and Hysterectomy Derived Baby Pigs, Charles Edward Albright
A/r/tography as a Guide for Curriculum Design, Michelle M. Hrbek
Ascertaining Testator's Intent: The Nebraska Supreme Court Adopts the Rationale of Restatement of Property § 308: Hanley v. Craven, 200 Neb. 81, 263 N.W.2d 79 (1978), Thomas C. Sattler
A Scientometric Assessment of Indian Himalayan R&D Publications during 2004-13, Brij Mohan Gupta Dr and Ritu Gupta
A screening-level assessment of lead, cadmium, and zinc in fish and crayfish from Northeastern Oklahoma, USA, Christopher J. Schmitt, William G. Brumbaugh, Gregory L. Linder, and Jo Ellen Hinck
A Seed Germinates: Unjust Discharge Reform Heads toward Full Flower, Theodore J. St. Antoine
A sensorless haptic interface for robotic minimally invasive surgery, Baoliang Zhao
A Setback for Environmental and Other Public Interest Plaintiffs: Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. v. The Wilderness Society, 421 U.S. 240 (1975), Robert L. Matthews
A Single-Subject Evaluation of the Target Bullying Intervention Program, Brandi L. Berry
A Single-Subject Evaluation of the Target Bullying Intervention Program, Brandi L Berry
A slip model for rarefied gas flows at arbitrary Knudsen number, Lin Wu
A Social Inquiry on Theory in American Archaeology: Through the Lens on a Non-American Cultural Anthropologist, Mayo Buenafe
A Soil Improvement Program for Cass County, Nebraska, Leroy Francis Snipes
A Soybean Transcript Map: Gene Distribution, Haplotype and Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Analysis, Ik-Young Choi, D. L. Hyten, Lakshmi K. Matukumalli, Qijian Song, Julian M. Chaky, Charles V. Quigley, Kevin Chase, K. Gordon Lark, Robert S. Reiter, Mun-Sup Yoon, Eun-Young Hwang, Seung-In Yi, Nevin D. Young, Randy C. Shoemaker, Curtis P. van Tassell, James E. Specht, and P. B. Cregan
Assay of Human Infant Diets with “Disease-Free” Baby Pigs, Marvin Harlan Gehle
Assessing and managing freshwater ecosystems vulnerable to environmental change, David G. Angeler, Craig R. Allen, Hannah E. Birge, Stina Drakare, Brendan G. McKie, and Richard K. Johnson
Assessing Chemical Control of Earthworms at Airports, Thomas W. Seamans, Bradley F. Blackwell, Glen E. Bernhardt, and Daniel A. Potter
Assessing Multiple-Herbicide Resistance in a 2,4-D Resistant Waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus) Biotype from Nebraska – Student Research, Roberto Crespo
Assessing planning and execution of immediate and prospective memory tasks by adults with acquired brain injury, Jessica A Brown
Assessing Resilience in Stressed Watersheds, Kristine T. Nemec, Joana Chan, Christina Hoffman, Trisha L. Spanbauer, Joseph A. Hamm, Craig R. Allen, Trevor Hefley, Donald Pan, and Prabhakar Shrestha
Assessing Rigor in Experiential Education: A Working Model from Partners in the Parks, John S. MacLean and Brian J. White
Assessing Social Justice as a Learning Outcome in Honors, Naomi Yavneh Klos, Kendall Eskine, and Michael Pashkevich
Assessing Success in Honors: Getting beyond Graduation Rates, Sean K. Kelly
Assessing the allergenic potential of food proteins in germ-free and conventional mice, Nathan L Marsteller
Assessing the Effects of Juniperus virginiana Removal on Cattle Forage, Elise Jarrett
Assessing the Relationship Between Student and Faculty Perceptions of Student Engagement at Central Mountain College, Brandi R.K. Atnip
Assessing the Relationship Between Student and Faculty Perceptions of Student Engagement at Central Mountain College, Brandi R. K Atnip
Assessment of disturbance effects of an existing wind energy facility on greater prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus) breeding season ecology in the Sandhills of Nebraska, Jocelyn O. Harrison
Assessment of Population Structure of Coyotes in East-Central Alabama using Microsatellite DNA, Dalinda L. Damm, James B. Armstrong, Wendy M. Arjo, and Antoinette J. Piaggio
Assessment of rice self-sufficiency in 2025 in eight African countries, P. A.J. van Oort, K. Saito, E. Amovin-Assagba, Lenny G.J. van Bussel, Justin van Wart, Hugo de Groot, Martin K. van Ittersum, Kenneth Cassman, and M. C.S. Wopereis
Assessment of Variation in Susceptibility of the Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), to Bacillus thuringiensis Toxins, Karen Ferreira da Silva
Assessment of variation of nest survival for grassland birds due to method of nest discovery, Tara J. Conkling, Jerrold L. Belant, Travis L. Devault, Guiming Wang, and James A. Martin
Assessor’s Guide To A Beef Quality Assurance Cow-Calf Assessment
Assignment of measurable costs and benefits to wildlife conservation projects, S. A. Shwiff, A. Anderson, R. Cullen, P. C. L. White, and S. S. Shwiff
Assignment of measurable costs and benefits to wildlife conservation projects, S. A. Shwiff, A. Anderson, R. Cullen, P. C. L. White, and S. S. Shwiff
Assistive Technologies for People with Disabilities in National Capital Region Libraries of India, GAREEMA SANAMAN and Shailendra Kumar
Association between history and physical examination factors and change in lumbar multifidus muscle thickness after spinal manipulation in patients with low back pain, Shane L. Koppenhaver, Julie M. Fritz, Jeffery J. Hebert, Greg N. Kawchuk, Eric C. Parent, Norman W. Gill, John D. Childs, and Deydre S. Teyhen
Association between history and physical examination factors and change in lumbar multifidus muscle thickness after spinal manipulation in patients with low back pain, Shane L. Koppenhaver, Jeffery J. Hubert, Greg N. Kawchuk, John D. Childs, Deydre S. Teyhen, Theodore Croy, and Julie M. Fritz
Association of rs780094 in GCKR with Metabolic Traits and Incident Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease: The ARIC Study, Mark Bi, Wen Hong Linda Kao, Eric Boerwinkle, Ron C. Hoogeveen, Laura J. Rasmussen-Torvik, Brad C. Astor, Kari E. North, Joseph Coresh, and Anna Kottgen
Assumed Transmission in Political Science: A Call for Bringing Description Back In, Scott L. Althaus, Nathaniel Swigger, Svitlana Chernykh, David J. Hendry, Sergio C. Wals, and Christopher Tiwald
A Stand-Alone DNA Hybridization Detection System, Sinan S. Sayood
A Statistical Study of Engine Performance Indexes Using Tractor Test Data, Delbert E. Lane
A Statistical Study of Engine Performance Indexes Using Tractor Test Data, Delbert E. Lane
A Statutory Right to Treatment for Prisoners: Society's Right of Self-Defense, James A. Snowden
A Study of Arsonic Acids Containing the Pyrimidine Ring, Raymond J. Andres
A Study of Bond Portfolio Management in Selected Nebraska State Banks, John Bricker Adams
A Study of Bond Portfolio Management in Selected Nebraska State Banks, John Bricker Adams
A Study of Bunt Resistance and Its Inheritance in Winter Wheat, N. E. Jodon
A Study of Cutaneous Papilloma of the Horse, Raymond H. Cook
A Study of Death Loss Rates in Feed-Lot Cattle, Merle W. Ebers
A Study of d-Gulonic and d-Idonic Lactones, Joel LeMoyne Burkitt
A Study of Effects of Vocational Agriculture Instruction through Changes in Community Practices in Corn Production, Otis Donald Meaders
A Study of Feminine Roles from the Husbands’ Point of View, Marilyn Cook Stuber
A Study of FFA and 4-H Participation in Grain Exhibits at Nebraska Fairs and Shows during 1956, Donald J. Lehr
A Study of Freshman Student Achievement in the School of Fine Arts in the University of Nebraska, Elizabeth Margaret Tierney
A Study of Harold Borko's Contributions to Information Science, Nestor L. Osorio Mr
A Study of Junior and Senior Students of High Ability and High Achievement at the University of Nebraska, Leonard P. Barker
A Study of Life Skills from Traditional and Afterschool 4-H Participants, Julia M. Kreikemeier
A Study of Manganese Requirement and Interactions in the Diet of Young Turkeys, Richard D. Kealy
A Study of Methods of Making Neufchatel and Cream Cheese to Increase the Keeping Quality, Frederick Porter Howard
A Study of Nebraska School Lands, Thomas Henry Adams
A Study of One Hundred Eighty Two Nebraska Vocational Agriculture Students Who were Awarded the State Farmer Degree in the Future Farmers of America Organization from 1940 to 1943, Raleigh A. Pilster
A Study of Perceptions of Clothing Conformity in Reference Groups, Charlene Koelling
A Study of Perennial Weeds in York County, Nebraska, Ross Lyle Clark
A study of pre-service teachers participating in Candidate Learning Communities: A mixed methods study, Barbara Sunderman
A Study of Programed Instruction as Applied to the Learning of Football Plays, Thomas William Osborne
A Study of Relationships between Fiber Size and Muscle Mass, Chalres Willis Kasson
A Study of Selected Variables and Their Relationship to Performance in a Clothing Construction and Design Class, Janet Ambrosek
A Study of Short-Run Cost Curves in a Sub-terminal Grain Elevator, Robert A. Bergersen
A Study of Some Carbohydrate and Free Amino Acid Complexes Associated with Processing Quality of Potatoes, David Li-Shan Chao
A Study of Some Chemical Properties of Sandy Soils in Northeastern Nebraska, Howard Dale Fuehring
A Study of Some of the Factors Influencing the Birth and Weaning Weights of Beef Calves, Keith E. Gregory
A Study of the Action of Ketene on Proteins, Earl Burdette Barnes
A Study of the Annealing of Thin Gold Films on Bismuth Oxide by Ellipsometry, James R. Adams
A Study of the Antennal Hygroreceptors of the Milkweed Bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus (Dallas) (Hemiptera), Lloyd W. Andersen
A Study of the Ceramic Properties of the Peorian and Loveland Loess Deposits in Southeastern Nebraska, Homayon Jaberia Ansari
A Study of the Conversion from a Decentralized to a Centralized System of Food Service in Midwestern Hospital, Betty Jean Yapp
A Study of the Credit Problems of Lincoln, Nebraska Families Differing in Income Level, Helen Elizabeth Wehling
A Study of the Differences in Degree of Sensitivity to Personal Appearance among Selected Groups of Women, Lillian Elizabeth Brehm
A Study of the Effect of a Ration of High Corncob Content upon Cattle and the Microorganisms of their Rumina, John Thomas Anderson
A Study of the Eligibility Requirements for Participation in Interscholastic Athletic Contests, Harold E. Aleck
A Study of the Full-Time Horticultural Occupational Opportunities for a Two County Area of Southwestern Iowa, Allen Blezek
A Study of the Hospitality Practices of Lincoln, Nebraska Families Differing in Income Levels, Etheldreda Margaret Jones
A Study of the Host Range of the Bluegrass Billbug, Sphenophorus parvulus Gyllenhall (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), Marvin L. Jess
A Study of the Middle Child in a Family of Three Children, Barbara B. Schultze
A Study of the Nebraska Program of Education about the United Nations, Robert Perry Anderson
A Study of the Negro in Lincoln, Mary E. Davies and Genevieve Marsh
A Study of the Occupational Status of Former Vocational Agriculture Students of the Wauneta Rural High School from 1963 to 1952, Glenn W. Nicklas
A Study of the Oxidation of d-Glucose with Air in a Saturated Solution of Barium Hydroxide, Clyde Wilson Eddy
A Study of the Personality and Social Development of Crippled Children, Gordon V. Anderson
A Study of the Press/Cleave and Conventional Methods of Portion Control Cutting of Beef Strip Loin and Tenderloin Primals, Lorraine C. Mahoney
A Study of the Producibility of Percy MacKaye’s The Scarecrow, John R. Babcock
A Study of the Production of Native Grass Seed in Certain Subirrigated Meadows of Holt County, Nebraska, Elver M. Hodges
A Study of the Reciprocity Negotiations between the United States and Canada in 1911, Norma Archer
A Study of the Relationship between the Achieved Educational Level and Certain Financial and Educational Factors in 206 Communities in Illinois, Burton Willard Akins
A Study of the Relationship of Speech Proficiency to Academic Success, Mary Janet Reed Barger
A Study of the Statements of Psychological Nature Found in Ten Text Books in Public Speaking, LeRoy Allison
A Study of the Types of Small Houses Suitable for Nebraska, Klyte Burt
A Study of Unimolecular Films with a Vertical-Pull Balance, Floyd H. Kahler
A Study of Using Informal Learning Spaces at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, AMIT KUMAR and R K. Bhatt
A Study of Various Diluters for Bovine Semen, Richard L. Nelson
A Study to Determine the Need for Multiple-Teacher Departments of Vocational Agriculture in Nebraska, Roy L. Smith
A Suggested Oil and Gas Lease Form, Glen L. Houston and Maurice H. Merrill
A Summary of the Major Trends in Art Education in the Elementary and Secondary Schools as Revealed by a Survey of Literature, Donna Seiver Jorgensen
A Survey of Critical Opinion on Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels, William Joseph Barnds
A Survey of Family Life Education in Nebraska Public High Schools, Helen H. Redden
A Survey of Objectives, Methods, and Subject Material for Teaching Chemistry, As Revealed in the Journal of Chemical Education from 1924 to 1932, Francis Theodore Alabaster
A survey of Opinion Regarding Final Examination Procedures at the University of Nebraska, Shirley Rasmussen Alpuerto
A Survey of the Needs and Utilization of Health Information among Young Adults in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria, Samuel Olu Adeyoyin and Fadekemi Omobola Oyewusi
A Survey of the Status of Speech Education in the Public Two-Year Colleges of Missouri as They Compare to Other Missouri Colleges, Mary Anne Adams
A Survey of the Status of Speech in the Public Junior Colleges of the United States, Jacquelyn Miller Kitzelman
A Survey of the Status of Speech in the Public Junior Colleges of the United States, Jacquelyn Miller Kitzelman
A Symposium on the Legacy of Frank Moore Cross: Introduction, Walter E. Aufrecht and Sidnie White Crawford
A Synopsis of the Ferns and Fern Allies of Nebraska, with Maps of Their Distribution, Steven B. Rolfsmeier, Robert B. Kaul, and David M. Sutherland
A Synthesis of Modern Rail Transportation Engineering Practices, Donald D. Cook
A Synthesis of Modern Rail Transportation Engineering Practices, Donald D. Cook
A system architecture and simulation environment for building information modeling in virtual worlds, John Oerter, Wyatt Suddarth, Matthew Morhardt, James Gehringer, Micheal L. McGinnis, Johnette Shockley, and Allison Baysa
A Tale of Two Paradigms: The Impact of Psychological Capital and Reinforcing Feedback on Problem Solving and Innovation, Fred Luthans, Carolyn M. Youssef, and Shannon L. Rawski
A Taxonomic Study of the Ephemeroptera of Nebraska, Eugene W. Hamilton
A Technique for Evaluating Individual Supervised Farming Programs in Nebraska, Harold F. Duis
A Test Method for Embedding and Removing Synthetic Dirt from a Rug with a Vacuum Cleaner, Dorothy Kathleen Conway
A Thematic Study Of Islamic Perspectives In Scopus Indexed Articles. Implications On Medical Imaging., Zainul Ibrahim Zainuddin
At Home and at Large in the Great Plains: Essays and Memories, Paul A. Johnsgard
A Time for Change: A Critical Analysis of the Nebraska Administrative Procedure Act, Steven L. Willborn
Atmospheric correction for MASTER image data using localized modelled and observed meteorology and trace gases, Daniel S. Tkacik, Yaítza Luna-Cruz, Nicholas Clinton, Scott Spak, and John Ryan
A Translation with Introduction and Notes of Lambert of Hersfeld’s Annales (1056-1072), Mary Martin McLaughlin
“At-Risk” Food Deserts in Lincoln, Nebraska, Samantha Corr
At the Crossroads of Corporate Takeover Legislation: Missouri Public Service Co. v. Amen, No. CV 83-L-362 (D. Neb. June 22, 1983), Daniel Freeman Kaplan
Attitudes and beliefs student teachers hold toward technology integration, Darci L Karr
Attitudes of the Adolescent toward the Working Wife and Mother, Nila Spader Magdanz
Attitudes Toward Motherhood Among Sexual Minority Women in the United States, Emily Kazyak, Nicholas Park, Julia McQuillan, and Arthur L. Greil
Attorney Characteristics and Courtroom Results, Stuart S. Nagel and Felix V. Gagliano
Attorney Malpractice—A "Greenian" Analysis, James Holman
A Tutorial and On-Going Orientation Program for Foreign Students, Gail L. Anderson
A Two-Factor Theory for Concussion Assessment Using ImPACT: Memory and Speed, Philip Schatz and Arthur C. Maerlender
A Two-Loop Antenna Array with One Parasitic Element, Jamil N. Ayoub
A typology of mathematical moments in kindergarten classrooms, Elizabeth Petit Cunningham
Auditing Partnership Tax Shelters: IRS Procedures and Taxpayer Liability, Michael W. Homer
Audits and Assessments in beef cattle production, Rob Eirich
Auger Timing Effects on Performance of a Combine Unloading System, Todd Philip Cole
Auger Timing Effects on Performance of a Combine Unloading System, Todd Philip Cole
Aulacoseira stevensiae sp. nov. (Coscinodiscophyceae, Bacillariophyta), a new diatom from Ho Ba Bê, Bac Kan Province, Northern Viêt Nam, D. Marie Weide
Author's Rights and Predatory Publishers, Paul Royster
Author Under Sail, Jay Williams
Autoignition behavior of synthetic alternative jet fuels: An examination of chemical composition effects on ignition delays at low to intermediate temperatures, Daniel Valco, Gerald Gentz, Casey Allen, Meredith Colket, Tim Edwards, Sandeep Gowdagiri, Matthew A. Oehlschlaeger, Elisa Toulson, and Tonghun Lee
Automatic Stokers and Natural Gas in School Heating, Myron Anderson
Automobile Liability Insurance in Nebraska—An Asset or Liability for the Out-of-State Defendant?, Stephen A. Mazurak
Automobiles—Family Purpose Doctrine—Nebraska Rejects Extension to Third Person Driving with Permission of Accompanying Family Member, Don H. Sherwood
Avian Bornaviruses in North American Gulls, Jianhua Guo, Ian Tizard, John Baroch, H L. Shivaprasad, and Susan L. Payne
Avian Influenza Infection Alters Fecal Odor in Mallards, Bruce A. Kimball, Kunio Yamazaki, Dennis Kohler, Richard A. Bowen, Jack P. Muth, Maryanne Opiekun, and Gary K. Beauchamp
Avian Survey Methods for Use at Airports, Bradley F. Blackwell, Paige M. Schmidt, and James A. Martin
A virus-encoded potassium ion channel is a structural protein in the chlorovirus Paramecium bursaria chlorella virus 1 virion, Giulia Romani, Adrianna Piotrowski, Stefan Hillmer, James Gurnon, James L. Van Etten, Anna Moroni, Gerhard Thiel, and Brigitte Hertel
A virus-encoded potassium ion channel is a structural protein in the chlorovirus Paramecium bursaria chlorella virus 1 virion, Giulia Romani, Adrianna Piotrowski, Stefan Hillmer, James Gurnon, James L. Van Etten, Anna Morani, Gerhard Thiel, and Brigitte Hertel
A Visual Analysis of Articulated Motion Complexity Based on Optical Flow and Spatial-Temporal Features, Beau Michael Christ
A visual analysis of articulated motion complexity based on optical flow and spatial-temporal features, Beau Michael Christ
A Visual Conservation Effort for Wilderness Park, Mariah Lundgren
Avoidance as an Explanatory Mechanism for Poor Outcomes in Treatment for Substance Use Disorders, Andrew Oakland
Avoidance as an explanatory mechanism for poor outcomes in treatment for substance use disorders, Andrew P Oakland
Avoidance of Foreclosure Sales as Fraudulent Transfers under Section 548(a) of the Bankruptcy Code: An Impetus to Changing State Foreclosure Procedures, Michael L. Walcott
Avoidance of the Disinterested Witness Rule by Codicilliary Republication or Incorporation: In re Estate of Pye, 325 F. Supp. 321 (D.D.C. 1971), Stephen H. Lewis
A Walk Around Royal Naval Dockyard, Bermuda, Daniel C. Scott
Awareness and usage of Cloud Computing Application among LIS Professionals: A case study of 17 Indian University Libraries, sabiti Majhi, Sarika Meher, and Bulu Maharana
Awareness And Usage Of Electronic Databases By Geography And Resource Development Information Studies Graduate Students In The University Of Ghana, Gladys Kwadzo Mrs
Awareness and Use of E-journals by the Scientists of CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB), Delhi, and Indian Institute of Chemical Biology (IICB), Kolkata, India: A Comparative Study, Jamal Qasim and Abdul Mannan Khan
Awareness Good, Prevention Better, Nola Theiss
A Wasting Syndrome in Released Whooping Cranes in Florida Associated with Infectious Bursal Disease Titers, Marilyn G. Spalding, Holly S. Sellers, Barry K. Hartup, and Glenn H. Olsen
A Water-Budget Analysis for York County, Nebraska, Ismet Bozkurt
A Year-long Study of Food consumption by Captive Whooping Cranes at the International Crane Foundation, Jessica J. Stocking, Michael S. Putnam, and Nathanial B. Warning
B27−: Appearance of the smallest planar boron cluster containing a hexagonal vacancy, Wei-Li Li, Rhitankar Pal, Zachary A. Piazza, Xiao Cheng Zeng, and Lai-Sheng Wang
Baby Doe Decisions: Modern Society's Sins of Omission, Anne Elizabeth Winner
Background differences in baseline and stimulated MMP levels influence abdominal aortic aneurysm susceptibility, Matthew A. Dale, Melissa K. Suh, Shijia Zhao, Trevor Meisinger, Linxia Gu, Vicki J. Swier, Devendra K. Agrawal, Timothy Greiner, Jeffrey S. Carson, B. Timothy Baxter, and Wanfen Xiong
Back to the Future of the Great Plains, Frederick C. Luebke
Bacterial Peritonitis Due to Acinetobacter baumannii Sequence Type 25 with Plasmid-Borne New Delhi Metallo-Beta-Lactamase in Honduras, Paige E. Waterman, Patrick McGann, Erik Snesrud, Robert J. Clifford, Yoon I. Kwak, Ivon P. Munoz-Urbizo, Juana Tabora-Castellanos, Michael Milillo, Lan Preston, Ricardo Aviles, Deena E. Sutter, and Emil P. Lesho
Bacterial Survival and Growth on Hard Surfaces and in Confined Spaces, Surendra Kumar Chaturvedi
Bait matrix flavor preference by mongoose (Herpestes auropunctatus) in Puerto Rico: Implications for Oral Rabies Vaccination, Are R. Berentsen, Shylo R. Johnson, and Kurt C. VerCauteren
[Balancing Judicial Propriety and Access to Knowledge of New Law Developments], Ellen A. Peters
Bandwidth Estimation for Virtual Networks, Ertong Zhang
Banf1 Is Required to Maintain the Self-renewal of Both Mouse and Human Embryonic Stem Cells, Jesse L. Cox, Sunil K. Mallanna, Briana D. Ormsbee, Michelle Desler, Matthew S. Wiebe, and Angie Rizzino
Bank Deposits and Collections and Letters of Credit, Flavel A. Wright
Banks and Banking—Special and General Deposits—Glass v. Nebraska State Bank (Neb. 1963), Thomas H. DeLay
Barcoded Pyrosequencing Reveals That Consumption of Galactooligosaccharides Results in a Highly Specific Bifidogenic Response in Humans, Lauren M. G. Davis, Ines Martinez, Jens Walter, Caitlin Goin, and Robert W. Hutkins
BARCSoySNP23: a panel of 23 selected SNPs for soybean cultivar identification, M. S. Yoon, O. J. Song, I. Y. Choi, James E. Specht, D. L. Hyten, and P. B. Cregan
Barely touch the blues: A novel, Jacob Hilton
Barriers to Entry: a Case Study of the Breakfast Cereal Industry, Ronald C. Meinke
Barriers to Information Seeking by Secondary School Students In Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria, Chidinma Onwuchekwa Ogba
Barriers to seed and seedling survival of once-common Hawaiian palms: the role of invasive rats and ungulates, Aaron B. Shiels and Donald R. Drake
Barron's “Good Book” Examines Access Notion: Freedom of the Press for Whom? The Right of Access to Mass Media—By Jerome A. Barron, John R. Snowden
Baseline Acidity of Percipitation at the South Pole during the Last Two Millennia, J H. Cragin, M B. Giovinetto, and A J. Gow
Basic Materials for Promoting an Understanding of the Purposes of Christian Education, Leslie Vincent Barnes
Bat incidents with U.S. civil aircraft, Kristen M. Biondi, Jerrold L. Belant, Travis L. Devault, James A. Martin, and Guiming Wang
Bat Rabies in Guatemala, James E. Ellison, Amy T. Gilbert, Sergio Recuenco, David Moran, Danilo A. Alvarez, Natalia Kuzmina, Daniel L. Garcia, Leonard F. Peruski, Mary T. Mendonca, Kim A. Lindblade, and Charles E. Rupprecht
Bats of Nevis, Northern Lesser Antilles, Scott C. Pedersen, Hugh H. Genoways, Matthew N. Morton, James W. Johnson, and Siân E. Courts
Bayesian Pathway Analysis of Cancer Microarray Data, Melike Korucuoglu, Senol Isci, Arzucan Ozgur, and Hasan H. Otu
Beating a Dead Horse: Reply to Levy’s Comments, Alan J. Osborn
Beautiful Objects, Jenni Brant
Become a Future-Focused Leader: Use Three Megatrends to Grow Your Rural Business, Connie Reimers-Hild and Alyssa Dye
Become a Herlander: Eliminate Gender Roles, Lizeth Fraire
Beef Cattle—At What Weight Should They be Sold?, Franz Schwarz
Beef Cattle Management Systems for Estrus Synchronization and Heifer Development, Hazy Rae Nielson
Before there was Pinterest: Textile Study Rooms in North American “Art” Museums, Sarah Fee
Before the West Was West, Amy T. Hamilton and Tom J. Hillard
Beginning With El Barrio: Learning From Exemplary Teachers of Latino Students, Jason G. Irizarry and John Raible
Behavioral and Antennal Responses of Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) to Volatiles From Fruit Extracts, John Abraham, Aijun Zhang, Sergio Angeli, Sitra Abubeker, Caryn Michel, Yan Feng, and Cesar Rodriguez-Saona
Behavioral Effects of Differing Amounts of Motor Activity during Development, Norma Grace Johnson
Behavioral Parent-Teacher Consultation: Conceptual and Research Considerations, Susan M. Sheridan and Thomas R. Kratochwill
Behavioral Traits and Airport Type Affect Mammal Incidents with U.S. Civil Aircraft, Kristin B. Schwarz, Jerrold L. Belant, James A. Martin, Travis L. DeVault, and Guiming Wang
Behavior and Physiology in the Development and Application of Visual Deterrents at Airports, Bradley F. Blackwell and Esteban Fernandez-Juricic
Behavior Comparisons for Whooping Cranes Raised by CostumedCaregivers and Trained for an Ultralight-led Migration, Glenn H. Olsen and John B. French
Behavior of Buff-Breasted Sandpipers (Tryngites subruficollis) during Migratory Stopover in Agricultural Fields, John P. McCarty, Joel G. Jorgensen, and LaReesa Wolfenbarger
Behavior of Prions in the Environment: Implications for Prion Biology, Shannon L. Bartelt-Hunt and Jason C. Bartz
BEHAVIOR OF SANDHILL CRANES HARNESSED WITH DIFFERENT SATELLITE TRANSMITTERS, Glenn H. Olsen, David H. Ellis, Steven E. Landfried, Linda M. Miller, Susan S. Klugman, and Charles H. Vermillion
Behavior Patterns of Nitrogen as Influenced by Soil Compaction and Movement of Water through Soil Columns, Robert L. Lebruska
Behavioural responses of stable flies to cattle manure slurry associated odourants, K Tangtrakulwanich, T A. Albuquerque, G J. Brewer, F P. Baxendale, L Zurek, D N. Miller, D B. Taylor, K A. Friesen, and J J. Zhu
Benchbooks and Manuals of Procedure: Practical Guides for Bench and Bar, Robert A. Wenke
Best practice guidelines for rat eradication on tropical islands, B. Keitt, R. Griffiths, S. Boudjelas, K. Broome, S. Cranwell, J. Millett, W. Pitt, and A. Samaniego-Herrera
Best practice recommendations for data screening, Justin A. DeSimone, Peter D. Harms, and Alice J. DeSimone
Best Practices for Winter Maintenance Roadway Deicer Applications in the State of Nebraska, Tregan PD Albers II
Beta-Binomial Kriging: A New Approach to Modeling Spatially Correlated Proportions, Aimee Schwab
Beta-Binomial Kriging: A New Approach to Modeling Spatially Correlated Proportions, Aimee D Schwab
Betti sequences over local rings and connected sums of Gorenstein rings, Zheng Yang
Betti sequences over local rings and connected sums of Gorenstein rings, Zheng Yang
Between Historical Truth and Story-Telling: The Twentieth-Century Fabrication of “Artemisia”, Britiany Daugherty
Beyond Constructing and Capturing: An Aesthetic Analysis of 1968 Film, Chandler Warren
Beyond corruption: Assessing the organizational potential in alternative discourses of struggle in Nigeria, Chigozirim Ifedapo Utah
Beyond passing rates: A closer examination of Advanced Placement exam access and success nationally and in urban and rural schools, Carina McCormick
Beyond Priapus: A Call for a Feminist and/or Queer Theory Archaeology of Roman Masculinity and Phallic Iconography, Ashley J. Barnett
Beyond the Bright Side: Dark Personality at Work, Peter D. Harms and Seth M. Spain
Beyond Wool: New York’s Diverse Fibershed for Textiles and Clothing, Helen Trejo, Tasha Lewis, and Michael Thonney
Bibliometric Analysis of the "Health and Population: Perspectives and Issues (HPPI)" Journal during Year (2000-2010), Ashutosh Mishra
Biennial Symposium Proceedings: Abstracts & Biographies
Big Dreams, Michael T. Benson
Big Red Football Imitation Theory and Domestic Violence, Jennifer Jo Wingren
Bike braking vibration modelling and measurement, Rob Redfield
Bindweed Eradication Practices and Cost, Jerome Valentine Srb
Binford, Lewis R., Alan J. Osborn
Bioaccumulation of Stentorin, the Probable Causative Agent for Discolored (“Purple”) Eggs and Ovaries in Blue Catfish (Ictalurus furcatus) from Eufaula Lake, Oklahoma, USA, Robert W. Gale, Diana M. Papoulias, and Christopher J. Schmitt
BIOARCHEOLOGICAL SYNTHESIS for "From the Gulf to the Rio Grande: Human Adaptation in Central, South, and Lower Pecos Texas", Karl Reinhard, Ben W. Olive, and D. Gentry Steele
Biochemical and Immunological Studies of an Inorganic Pyrophosphatase from Second Stage Larvae of Ascaris suum, Nirmal K. Mishra
Biochemical and Proteomic Profiling of Maize Endosperm Texture and Protein Quality, Kyla J. Morton
Biochemical and proteomic profiling of maize endosperm texture and protein quality, Kyla J Morton
Biochemical, physiological, and anatomical insights into aphid-bioenergy switchgrass interactions, Travis Joseph Prochaska
Biocompatibility of Te–As–Se glass fibers for cell-based bio-optic infrared sensors, Allison A. Wilhelm, Pierre Lucas, Diana L. DeRosa, and Mark R. Riley
Bio-Crosslinking of Starch Films with Oxidized Sucrose, Hazal Canisag
Biodegradable slashing agents from soy protein for textile industry, Yi Zhao
Biodigestor: Rural Power Plant, Felipe Ribeiro Bozza
Bioenergetics and habitat suitability models for the Chinese mystery snail (Bellamya chinensis), Danielle Haak
Bioenergetics and habitat suitability models for the Chinese mystery snail (Bellamya chinensis), Danielle M Haak
Biofuels: Good and Bad, Megan Neve
Biogenic carbon fluxes from global agricultural production and consumption, Julie Wolf, Tristram O. West, Yannick Le Page, G. Page Kyle, Xuesong Zhang, G. James Collatz, and Marc L. Imhoff
Biogeochemical aspects of uranium mineralization, mining, milling, and remediation, Kate M. Campbell, Tanya J. Gallegos, and Edward R. Landa
Bioinformatic Game Theory and Its Application to Cluster Multi-domain Proteins, Brittney Keel
Bioinformatic game theory and its application to cluster multi-domain proteins, Brittney Nicole Keel
Bioinformatics Approaches to Single-Cell Analysis in Developmental Biology, Dicle Yalcin, Zeynep M. Hakguder, and Hasan H. Otu
Biological approaches for addressing the grand challenge of providing access to clean drinking water, Mark R. Riley, Charles P. Gerba, and Menachem Elimelech
Biological system development for GraviSat: A new platform for studying photosynthesis and microalgae in space, Erich D. Fleming, Vrad M. Bebout, Ming X. Tan, Florian Selch, and Antonio J. Ricco
Biology and Control of Glyphosate-Resistant Giant Ragweed., Simranpreet Kaur
Biomechanical Investigation of Elite Place-Kicking, Chase M. Pfeifer
Biomonitoring of Lead, Zinc, and Cadmium in Streams Draining Lead-Mining and Non-Mining Areas, Southeast Missouri, USA, John M. Besser, William G. Brumbaugh, Thomas W. May, and Christopher J. Schmitt
Biosafety: evaluation and regulation of genetically modified (GM) crops in the United States, Richard E. Goodman
Biquadratic magnetic interaction in parent ferropnictides, A. L. Wysocki, K. D. Belashchenko, L. Ke, M. van Schilfgaarde, and V. P. Antropov
Birding Nebraska’s Central Platte Valley and Rainwater Basin, Paul A. Johnsgard
Bird Management in Fruit Crops: How We Make Progress, Catherine A. Lindell, Stephani A. Shwiff, and Phillip H. Howard
Birds and butterflies respond to soil-induced habitat heterogeneity in experimental plantings of tallgrass prairie species managed as agroenergy crops in Iowa, USA, Mark C. Myers, James T. Mason, Benjamin J. Hoksch, Cynthia A. Cambardella, and Jarrett D. Pfrimmer
Bird's Eye View of the City of Omaha, Nebraska, 1868
Birnbaum Rejected: Expansion of the Standing Requirement under Rule 10b-5: Eason v. General Motors Acceptance Corp., 490 F.2d 654 (7th Cir. 1973), Dennis A. Graham
Birth Expenses for Children Born between 1968-1971 as Reported by Fifty Families in Lincoln, Nebraska, 1972, Martha Lanius Adamson
Black-bellied Plover in Buffalo County
Black Elk Speaks as Epic and Ritual Attempt to Reverse History, Paul Olson
BLACK-NECKED CRANES NESTING IN TIBET AUTONOMOUS REGION, CHINA, Nancy C. Dwyer, Mary Anne Bishop, Jim S. Harkness, and Zhang Yao Zhong
Blame within Reason, Adam R. Thompson
Blame within reason, Adam R Thompson
Blinding Fundamental Rights with "Bright-Line" Rules: Hudson v. Palmer, 104 S.Ct. 3194 (1984), Christopher McVeigh
Bliss Carman as a Poet, Edith Fern Andrews
Blogging with Students across the Curriculum, Laurie A. Friedrich and Guy Trainin
Bodybuilding, Energy, and Weight-Loss Supplements Are Associated With Deployment and Physical Activity in U.S. Military Personnel, Isabel G. Jacobson, Jamie L. Horton, Besa Smith, Timothy S. Wells, Edward J. Boyko, Harris R. Lieberman, Margaret A.K Ryan, and Tyler C. Smith
Body Mass Index (BMI) of normal Sandhill Cranes, Stephen A. Nesbitt, Marilyn G. Spalding, Kristen L. Candelora, Paul S. Kubilis, and Stephen T. Schwikert
Bold They Rise, David Hitt and Heather R. Smith
Bolivian Ectoparasites: A Survey of the Fleas of Ctenomys (Rodentia: Ctenomyidae), Elisa Pucu de Araujo, Scott L. Gardner, and Marcela Lareschi
Book Review, Leonard V. Kaplan
Book Review: A Passion for Facts by Tong Lam, Maggie Clinton
Book Review: Dream of Ding Village by Yan Lianke, Mike Frick
Book Review: Ethics of Media, edited by Nick Couldry, Mirca Madianou, and Amit Pinchevski., Sue Burzynski Bullard
Book Review: History of the Supreme Court of the United States: The Taney Period, 1836–1864 by Carl B. Swishert, James A. Lake Sr.
Book Review: Securities Regulation: Materials for a Basic Course by David L. Ratnert, Thomas L. Hazen
Book Review: Superstitious Regimes by Rebecca Nedostup, Stefania Travagnin
Book Review: The Supreme Court: A Question of Relevance—A Review of The Warren Court, Constitutional Decision as an Instrument of Reform by Archibald Cox, Leonard V. Kaplan
Books, stories, and the imagination at Filastrocca: Case study of a preschool learning environment in Pistoia, Italy., Carolyn P. Edwards, Keely D. Cline, Lella Gandini, Alga Giacomelli, Donatella Giovannini, and Annalia Galardini
BOOMtown: A Momentary Community, Elizabeth G. Hawks
Boots on the Ground: A First-Hand Account of Conducting Psychological Research in Combat, Peter D. Harms and Paul B. Lester
Borderland Films, Dominique Brégent-Heald
BoscoR: Extending R from the desktop to the Grid, Derek J. Weitzel, Jaime Frey, Marco Mambelli, Dan Fraser, Miha Ahronovitz, and David Swanson
Bottom-up solution synthesis of narrow nitrogen-doped graphene nanoribbons, Timonthy H. Vo, Mikhail Shekhirev, Donna A. Kunkel, François Orange, Maxime J. -F. Guinel, Axel Enders, and Alexander Sinitskii
Botulinum toxin-induced facial muscle paralysis affects amygdala responses to the perception of emotional expressions: preliminary findings from an A-B-A design, M. Justin Kim, Maital Neta, F. Caroline Davis, Erika J. Ruberry, Diana Dinescu, Tood F. Heatherton, Mitchell A. Scotland, and Paul J. Whalen
Brain Development and Learning in the Primary Years .G2198, Jennifer Gerdes, Tonia Renee Durden, and Lisa M. Poppe
Bra’s for a Cause: A service learning project in a freshman level human trafficking course, Beth A. Wiersma
Breaking the Hydro-Illogical Cycle: Changing the Paradigm for Drought Management, Donald A. Wilhite
Breeding bird response to partially harvested riparian management zones, Christopher J. Chizinski, Anna Peterson, JoAnn Hanowski, Charles R. Blinn, Bruce Vondracek, and Gerald J. Niemi
Bridging Physics and Communications: Experimental Detection and Analysis of Web Site Users’ Paths in an Environment of Free Choice, David M. Frye
Bridging Physics and Communications: Experimental Detection and Analysis of Web Site Users’ Paths in an Environment of Free Choice, David M. Frye
Bringing Fiber to Art and Art to Fiber, Jo Stealey
Bringing Resilience to Wildlife Management and Biodiversity Protection, Melinda Harm Benson and Matthew E. Hopton
Bringing Spiritual Symbolism to a Material Plane, Seth Green
Bringing the Standards into the Classroom: A Case Study of One School District's Implementation Process, Georgia Sarroub and Aleidine Kramer Moeller
Bugs Are Not Loved, David Bober
Building an Honors Education for the Twenty-First Century: Making Connections In and Outside the Classroom, Jonathan Alger
Building a Vibrant Honors Community among Commuter Students, Stan Van Ginkel, Pierre Van Eijl, Albert Pilot, and John Zubizarreta
Bulked Segregant Analysis Using the GoldenGate Assay to Locate the Rpp3 Locus that Confers Resistance to Soybean Rust in Soybean, D. L. Hyten, James R. Smith, Reid D. Frederick, Mark L. Tucker, Qijian Song, and P. B. Cregan
Bullying and Peer Victimization: An Examination of Cognitive and Psychosocial Constructs, Kisha M. Radliff, Cixin Wang, and Susan M. Swearer
Business Risks and the Insurer's Duty to Defend: Millard Warehouse, Inc. v. Hartford Fire Insurance Co., 204 Neb. 518, 283 N.W.2d 56 (1979), Pamela M. Hastings
Buyers of Farm Real Estate in Selected Areas of Nebraska, Christy G. Brost
Bylaws of the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska, Contains Amendments through May 30, 2014, University of Nebraska Board of Regents
Calcareous nannofossils from the Niobrara formation (Upper Cretaceous) Western Interior Seaway, USA, Zachary A Kita
Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism during Weight Reduction in Young Women, Helen Norine Rhodes
Calendar Interviewing and the Use of Landmark Events – Implications for Cross-cultural Surveys, Tina Glasner, Wander van der Vaart, and Robert F. Belli
Calf Branding/Processing Time and Beef Quality Assurance, Rob Eirich
Calidad del agua en la subcuenca fluvial La Garita, Acapulco, Guerrero por monitoreo con insectos, Ana Yolanda Rosas-Acevedo, Audel Sánchez-Infante, and José Luis Rosas-Acevedo
Calumnious News Reporting: Defamatory Law Is More Than Sticks and Stones for Civic-Duty Participants, Victoria C. Duke
Calving location selection patterns of saiga antelope in Mongolia, B. Buuveibaatar, T. K. Fuller, J. K. Young, and J. Berger
Camara and See: Accommodation between the Right of Privacy and the Public Need, Russell E. Lovell II
Canada’s Role in the United Nations, Joseph Kainer
Candidate Genes and Voter Turnout: Further Evidence on the Role of 5-HTTLPR, Kristen Diane Deppe, Scott F. Stoltenberg, Kevin B. Smith, and John R. Hibbing
Canola: A Modern Crop For A Modern Era, Kenneth J. Roché
Can primaquine therapy for vivax malaria be improved?, J. Kevin Baird and Karl H. Rieckmann
Can resilience be developed at work? A meta-analytic review of resilience-building programme effectiveness, Adam J. Vanhove, Mitchel Herian, Alycia L. U. Perez, Peter D. Harms, and Paul B. Lester
Can the Ninth Circuit Overrule the Supreme Court on the Constitution?, Steven Ferrey
Can You Help Me? What a Mid-West Land Grant University is Doing to Help Formerly Incarcerated Students in Higher Education, Terrence S. McTier Jr.
Capacity of Minors to Be Chargeable with Negligence and Their Standard of Care, T. Edward Icenogle
Capillaria hepatica infection in black rats (Rattus rattus) on Diego Garcia, British Indian Ocean Territory, Are R. Berentsen, Scott Vogt, Antenor N. Guzman, Daniel S. Vice, William C. Pitt, Aaron B. Shiels, and Terry R. Spraker
Capital Optima on Pump-Irrigated Farms in South Central Nebraska, Ted R. Nelson
Capital Planning for Firm Growth, T. Vernon Greer
Captions Resources and Library Patronage by Hearing Impaired Students in University Libraries of South-South Nigeria., Abimbola Labake Agboke and EMEM PAUL UDOFIA Dr.
Capturing the effects of free surfaces on void strengthening with dislocation dynamics, Joshua C. Crone, Lynn B. Munday, and Jaroslaw Knap
Capturing the Gendiverse: A Test of the Gender Self-Perception Scale, with Implications for Survey Data and Labor Market Measures, Alian Kasabian
Capturing the gendiverse: A test of the gender self-perception scale, with implications for survey data and labor market measures, Alian Serae Kasabian
CAR — A Strategy for Learning .G1988, Janet S. Hanna, Kayla M. Hinrichs, Carla J. Mahar, John Defrain, and Tonia Renee Durden
Carbenoxolone Blocks the Light-Evoked Rise in Intracellular Calcium in Isolated Melanopsin Ganglion Cell Photoreceptors, Jayne R. Bramley, Erin M. Wiles, Patricia J. Sollars, and Gary E. Pickard
Carbohydrates for Baby Pig Starter Rations, David Murray Danielson
Carbon storage potential of windbreaks on agricultural lands of the continental United States, William Ballesteros Possu
Caregiver Perceptions of Their Influence on Cancer Treatment Decision Making: Intersections of Language, Identity, and Illness, Janice L. Krieger, Angela L. Palmer-Wackerly, Jessica L. Krok-Schoen, Phokeng M. Dailey, Julianne C. Wojno, Nancy Schoenberg, Electra D. Paskett, and Mark Dignan
Caribbean Island Zoogeography: A New Approach Using Mitochondrial DNA to Study Neotropical Bats, Carleton J. Phillips, Dorothy E. Pumo, Hugh H. Genoways, and Phillip E. Ray
Caring for Compromised Cattle: Assessing Animals at Risk
Carnivore incidents with U.S. civil aircraft, Alexander R. Crain, Jerrold L. Belant, and Travis L. DeVault
Cascading Effects of Canopy Opening and Debris Deposition from a Large-Scale Hurricane Experiment in a Tropical Rain Forest, Aaron B. Shiels, Grizelle Gonzalez, D. Jean Lodge, Michael R. Willig, and Jess K. Zimmerman
Case Report: Histopathology of Fatal Respiratory Distress Caused by Plasmodium vivax Malaria, Neena Valecha, Rock G.W. Pinto, Gareth D.H. Turner, Ashwani Kumar, Savio Rodrigues, Nagesh G. Dubhashi, Edmond Rodrigues, Sidhartha S. Banaulikar, Ruchi Singh, Aditya P. Dash, and J. Kevin Baird
Catch shadow, Hold light, Autumn Cipala
Cattle, Co-Wives, Children, and Calabashes: Material Context for Symbol Use among the Il Chamus of West-Central Kenya, Alan J. Osborn
Cattle, Environment, and Economic Change: A History of Cherry County, Nebraska’s Cattle Industry, from Earliest Times to 1940, Gail Lorna DiDonato
Caving In: An Archaeology of Historical Cave Exploration and Exploitation, Stephen Damm and Allison Young
Cavity ignition in supersonic flow by spark discharge and pulse detonation, Timothy M. Ombrello, Campbell D. Carter, Chung-Jen Tam, and Kuang-Yu Hsu
CCN Data Interpretation Under Dynamic Operation Conditions, Tomi Raatikainen, Jack J. Lin, Kate M. Cerully, Terry L. Lathem, Richard H. Moore, and Athanasios Nenes
CcpA Regulates Arginine Biosynthesis in Staphylococcus aureus through Repression of Proline Catabolism, Austin S. Nuxoll, Steven M. Halouska, Marat R. Sadykov, Mark L. Hanke, Kenneth W. Bayles, Tammy Kielian, Robert Powers, and Paul D. Fey
Cell- and Virus-Mediated Regulation of the Barrier-to-Autointegration Factor’s Phosphorylation State Controls Its DNA Binding, Dimerization, Subcellular Localization, and Antipoxviral Activity, Augusta Jamin, April Wicklund, and Matthew S. Wiebe
Centralized Consensus Hemagglutinin Genes Induce Protective Immunity against H1, H3 and H5 Influenza Viruses, Richard J. Webby and Eric A. Weaver
Century-Old Mystery of Puccinia striiformis Life History Solved with the Identification of Berberis as an Alternate Host, Yue Jin, Les J. Szabo, and Martin Carson
Cerambycidae in the Hawk Rise Sanctuary, Linden, NJ, Tiffany R. Mauro
Certain Applications and Relationships Involving the Kerr Effect, R.W. Allington
Certain Phonolitic and Related Intrusions in the Spearfish Canyon Area Black Hills, South Dakota, John R. Allington
Chaco Revisited: New Research on the Prehistory of Chaco Canyon, NM, Carrie Heitman and Stephen Plog
Chain Banking, Competition, and the Change in Bank Control Act of 1978, Roger D. Rutz
Challenges Associated with Municipal Curbside Recycling in Matsudo City, Chiba, Japan, Jasmine Frazier
Challenges for Directors of University Natural Science Museums, Hugh H. Genoways
Challenges in the aerodynamics modeling of an oscillating and translating airfoil at large incidence angles, Mehdi Ghoreyshi and Russell M. Cummings
Challenging Tradition in Religious Textiles: The Mata Ni Pachedi of India, Donald Clay Johnson
Changes in Market Structure and Costs of Liquid Fertilizer Blending, Ronald F. Kriesel
Changes in the Professional Commitment of Home Economics Education Students during Student Teaching, Valerie M. Vavak Witte
Changes in the Way of Traditional Cloth Makings and the Weavers’ Contribution in the Ryukyu Islands, Toshiyuki Sano and Yuka Matsumoto
Changing forest water yields in response to climate warming: results from long-term experimental watershed sites across North America, Irena F. Creed, Adam T. Spargo, Julia A. Jones, Jim M. Buttle, Mary B. Adams, Fred D. Beall, Eric G. Booth, John L. Campbell, Dave Clow, Kelly Elder, Mark B. Green, Nancy B. Grimm, Chelcy Miniat, Patricia Ramlal, Amartya Saha, Stephen Sebestyen, Dave Spittlehouse, Shannon Sterling, Mark W. Williams, Rita Wrinkler, and Huaxia Yao
Changing Museum Visitors’ Conceptions of Evolution, Amy N. Spiegel, E Margaret Evans, Brandy Frazier, Ashley Hazel, Medha Tare, Wendy Gram, and Judy Diamond
Changing of Kudzu Textiles in the Japanese Culture, Tatsuhiko Murai and Ryoko Murai
Changing Permanence, Matthew R. Kreutzer
Changing the Paradigm for Drought Management: Can We Break the Hydro-Illogical Cycle?, Donald A. Wilhite
Changsha: Photographs by Rian Dundon, Rian Dundon
Chapter 12 Family Farmer Bankruptcy, J. David Aiken
Chapter 12 Monitoring Drought Using the Standardized Precipitation Index, Michael Hayes, Mark Svoboda, and Donald A. Wilhite
Chapter 12—The Long Road Back, David H. Hahn
Chapter 13 Drought Mitigation in the United States: Progress by State Government, Donald A. Wilhite and Steven L. Rhodes
Chapter 18 Drought: Pervasive Impacts of a Creeping Phenomenon, Donald A. Wilhite and Olga V. Vanyarkho
Chapter 1 Drought as a Natural Hazard: Concepts and Definitions, Donald A. Wilhite
Chapter 1 The Enigma of Drought, Donald A. Wilhite
Chapter 2 Spatial patterns for Landslide Ecology, Lawrence R. Walker and Aaron B. Shiels
Chapter 35 Preparing for Drought: A Methodology, Donald A. Wilhite
Chapter 39 State Actions to Mitigate Drought: Lessons Learned, Donald A. Wilhite
Chapter 3 Physical causes and consequences for Landslide Ecology, Lawrence R. Walker and Aaron B. Shiels
Chapter 40 Responding to Drought: Common Threads from the Past, Visions for the Future, Donald A. Wilhite
Chapter 4 Biological consequences for Landslide Ecology, Lawrence R. Walker and Aaron B. Shiels
Chapter 51 Reducing Societal Vulnerability to Drought: Future Challenges, Donald A. Wilhite
Chapter 5 Biotic interactions and temporal patterns forLandslide Ecology, Lawrence R. Walker and Aaron B. Shiels
Chapter 6 Living with landslides for Landslide Ecology, Lawrence R. Walker and Aaron B. Shiels
Chapter 6 Planning for Drought: A Methodology, Donald A. Wilhite
Chapter 7 Large scales and future directions for landslide ecology from Landslide Ecology, Lawrence R. Walker and Aaron B. Shiels
Character Forming Elements in Silas Marner, Florence Evelyn Ayton
Characteristics of an Appropriate Instructor-Student Relationship in Allied Health, Julie K. Morbach
Characteristics of Farm Houses in Nebraska, 1940, Louise Marie Caroline Windhusen
Characterization and Genesis of Sharpsburg, Butler and Fillmore Soils on the University of Nebraska Field Laboratory, Saunders County, Nebraska, Harry R. James
Characterization and Investigation of Fungi Inhabiting the Gastrointestinal Tract of Healthy and Diseased Humans, Mallory J. Suhr
Characterization of a Lipase from the Uredospores of Puccinia graminis tritici, Teresa Lee Horner
Characterization of AmiBA2446, a Novel Bacteriolytic Enzyme Active against Bacillus Species, Krunal K. Mehta, Elena E. Paskaleva, Saba Azizi-Ghannad, Daniel J. Ley, Martin A. Page, Jonathan S. Dordick, and Ravl S. Kane
Characterization of a Thermophilic Bacteriocin, Donovan Earl Johnson
Characterization of a Viscoplastic Constitutive Model and Its Application for the Finite Element Analyses of a Stirling Space Power Converter Heater Head, Ali Abdul-Aziz, David Krause, and M. Tong
Characterization of CD8+ T Cell Differentiation following SIVΔnef Vaccination by Transcription Factor Expression Profiling, James M. Billingsley, Premeela A. Rajakumar, Michelle A. Connole, Nadine C. Salisch, Sama Adnan, Yury V. Kuzmichev, Henoch S. Hong, R. Keith Reeves, Hyung-joo Kang, Wenjun Li, Qingsheng Li, Ashley T. Haase, and R. Paul Johnson
Characterization of Closed Head Impact Injury in Rat, Yi Hua, Praveen Akula, Matthew Kelso, and Linxia Gu
Characterization of co-circulating swine influenza A viruses in North America and the identification of a novel H1 genetic clade with antigenic significance, Tavis K. Anderson, Brian A. Campbell, Martha I. Nelson, Nicola S. Lewis, Alicia Janas Martindale, Mary Lea Killian, and Amy L. Vincent
Characterization of dimethyl sulfoxide-treated wool and enhancement of reactive wool dyeing in non-aqueous medium, Luyi Chen, Bijia Wang, Jiangang Chen, Xinhui Ruan, and Yiqi Yang
Characterization of Enzymatic Properties of Maize TPS and TPP Proteins Involved in the Trehalose Pathway, Allison C. Siekman
Characterization of Inhibitors of Fatty Acid Transport Protein-2 in Cell and Animal Models, Nipun Saini
Characterization of inhibitors of fatty acid transport protein-2 in cell and animal models, Nipun Saini
Characterization of novel Brown midrib 6 mutations affecting lignin biosynthesis in sorghum, Erin D. Scully, Tammy Gries, Deanna L. Funnell-Harris, Zhanguo Xin, Frank A. Kovacs, Wilfred Vermerris, and Scott E. Sattler
Characterization of Regionally Associated Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) in Bobcats (Lynx rufus), Danielle M. Lagana, Justin S. Lee, Jesse S. Lewis, Sarah N. Bevins, Scott Carver, Linda L. Sweanor, Roy McBride, Caleb McBride, Kevin R. Crooks, and Sue VandeWoude
Characterization of the Burkholderia thailandensis SOS Response by Using Whole-Transcriptome Shotgun Sequencing, Ricky L. Ulrich, David DeShazer, Tara A. Kenny, Melanie P. Ulrich, Anna Moravusova, Timonthy Opperman, Sina Bavari, Terry L. Bowlin, Donald T. Molr, and Rekha G. Panchal
Characterizations of Cloud Droplet Shatter Artifacts in Two Airborne Aerosol Inlets, Lucas Craig, Arash Moharreri, Allen Schanot, David C. Rogers, Bruce Anderson, and Suresh Dhaniyala
Characterizing the effects of both synthetic and natural inhibitors on the function of holocarboxylase synthetase and lipid metabolism, Elizabeth Cordonier
Char-forming behavior of nanofibrillated cellulose treated with glycidyl phenyl POSS, Douglas M. Fox, Jieun Lee, Mauro Zammarano, Dimitris Katsoulis, Donald V. Eldred, Luke M. Haverhals, Paul C. Trulove, Hugh C. DeLong, and Jeffery W. Gilman
Chaucer’s Prioress and the Contemplative Element, Muriel J. Anderson
Chemical Modification of Bovine and Human Milk Lysozyme, Beverly A. Friend
Chemical Quality of the Groundwater System in Hall County, Nebraska, Jon C. Atkinson
Chemical repellents appear non-useful for eliciting exit of brown tree snakes from cargo, Fred Kraus, Randal Stahl, and William Pitt
Chemometric and Bioinformatic Analyses of Cellular Biochemistry, Bradley Worley
Chemometric and Bioinformatic Analyses of Cellular Biochemistry, Bradley Worley
Chemotherapeutics challenges in developing effective treatments for the endemic malarias, J. Kevin Baird
Chemotherapeutics for vivax malaria, J. Kevin Baird
Child Abuse, Street Victimization, and Substance Use Among Homeless Young Adults, Kimberly A. Tyler and Lisa Melander
Childcare and Youth Training and Technical Assistance (CYTTAP) 2014 Evaluation Report, Kit Alviz and Tonia Durden
Childcare and Youth Training and Technical Assistance Project (CYTTAP) January 2013 Evaluation Report, Kit Alviz and Tonia Durden
Childcare and Youth Training and Technical Assistance Project (CYTTAP) May 2013 Evaluation Report, Kit Alviz and Tonia Renee Durden
Childcare and Youth Training and Technical Assistance Project (CYTTAP) November 2013 Evaluation Report, Kit Alviz and Tonia Durden
Child Care Expansion Initiative: Ripple Effect Mapping: October 2013 Executive Summary, Kit Alviz and Tonia Renee Durden
Childhood Exposure to Family Violence and Adult Trauma Symptoms: The Importance of Social Support from a Spouse, Sarah E. Evans, Anne L. Steel, Laura E. Watkins, and David DiLillo
Child maltreatment severity and adult trauma symptoms: Does perceived social support play a buffering role?, Sarah E. Evans, Anne L. Steel, and David DiLillo
Children in Archaeological Lithic Analysis, Jennifer Hildebrand
Children's Implicit Beliefs About Intelligence, Carly Champagne
Chinese parents' perspectives on adolescent sexuality education, Carolyn P. Edwards, Wenli Liu, and Jessica Dennis
Chitenje: The Production and Use of Printed Cotton Cloth in Malawi, Sarah Worden
Chlorella virus MT325 encodes water and potassium channels that interact synergistically, Sabrina Gazzarrini, Ming Kang, Svetlana Epimashko, James L. Van Etten, Jack Dainty, Gerhard Thiel, and Anna Moroni
Chloroplast Genome Variation in Upland and Lowland Switchgrass, Hugh A. Young, Christina L. Lanzatella, Gautam Sarath, and Christian M. Tobias
Chloroquine for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria in Guyana, J. Kevin Baird, T. Tiwari, G. J. Martin, C. L. Tamminga, T. M. Prout, J. Tjaden, P. P. Bravet, S. Rawlins, M. Ferrel, D. Caruucci, and S. L. Hoffman
Chloroquine or sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for the treatment of uncomplicated, Plasmodium falciparurn malaria during an epidemic in Central Java, Indonesia, J. D. Maguire, M. D. Lacy, Purworejo District Health Service (DINKES), P. Sismadi, U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit #2, I. Wiady, B. Laksana, M. J. Bangs, S. Masbar, I. Susanti, W. Basuki, M. J. Barcus, H. Marwoto, M. D. Edstein, S. Tjokrosonto, and J. Kevin Baird
Chloroquine Resistance in Plasmodium vivax, J. Kevin Baird
Chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium malariae in south Sumatra, Indonesia, Jason D. Maguire, Iwa W. Sumawinata, Sofyan Masbar, Budhi Laksana, Purnomo Prodjodipuro, Ika Susanti, Priyanto Sismadi, Nurlis Mahmud, Michael J. Bangs, and J. Kevin Baird
CHLOROQUINE-RESISTANT PLASMODIUM VIVAX IN TRANSMIGRATION SETTLEMENTS OF WEST KALIMANTAN, INDONESIA, David J. Fryauff, Sekar Tuti, Agus Mardi, Sofyan Masbar, Ricky Patipelohi, Budi Leksana, Kevin C. Kain, Michael J. Bangs, Thomas L. Richie, and J. Kevin Baird
CHLOROQUINE-RESISTANT PLASMODIUM VIVAX IN TRANSMIGRATION SETTLEMENTS OF WEST KALIMANTAN, INDONESIA, David J. Fryauff, Sekar Tuti, Agus Mardi, Sofyan Masbar, Ricky Patipelohi, Budi Leksana, Kevin C. Kain, Michael J. Bangs, Thomas L. Richie, and J. Kevin Baird
Chlorovirus ATCV-1 is part of the human oropharyngeal virome and is associated with changes in cognitive functions in humans and mice, Robert H. Yolken, Lorraine Jones-Brando, David D. Dunigan, Geetha Kannan, Faith Dickerson, Emily Severance, Sarven Sabunciyan, C. Conover Talbot Jr., Emese Prandovszky, James R. Gurnon, Irina V. Agarkova, Flora Leister, Kristin L. Gressitt, Ou Chen, Bryan Deuber, Fangrui Ma, Mikhail V. Pletnikov, and James L. Van Etten
Chlorovirus PBCV-1 Encodes an Active Copper-Zinc Superoxide Dismutase, Ming Kang, Garry A. Duncan, Charles Kuszynski, George Oyler, Jiayin Zheng, Donald F. Becker, and James L. Van Etten
Chlorovirus Skp1-Binding Ankyrin Repeat Protein Interplay and Mimicry of Cellular Ubiquitin Ligase Machinery, Eric A. Noel, Ming Kang, Jiri Adamec, James L. Van Etten, and George A. Oyler
Chromatographic analysis of drug-protein interactions during diabetes and characterization of human serum albumin through multidimensional mass spectrometry, Ryan Eiji Matsuda
Chromosomal banding patterns of the Holarctic rodents, Clethrionomys rutilus and Microtus oeconomus, C. F. Nadler, V. R. Rausch, E. A. Lyapunova, N. N. Vorontsov, and R. S. Hoffman
Chronology, Mythology, Invention: John Bevan Ford’s Maori Cloak Images, Suzanne P. MacAulay
Chronometricals and Horologicals”: The Key to a Basic Theme in the Fiction of Herman Melville, James Llewellyn Thorson
"Chronometricals and Horologicals”: The Key to a Basic Theme in the Fiction of Herman Melville, James Llewellyn Thorson
Circumstantial Evidence, Paula Day
City as Text™: To Blog or Not to Blog, Margaret T. Konkel and David Gammack
City of Angels: Lighting Two Worlds, Joseph W. Burbach
City of Riverside v. Rivera, a Windfall for Civil Rights Attorneys, Gregory Scott Heier
Civic Capacity and Integrative Public Leadership: A Case Study of the Nebraska Water Leaders Academy, JoLeisa S. Cramer
Civic Tolerance among Honors Students, Gordon Shepherd and Gary Shepherd
Civil Commitment of the Mentally Ill in Nebraska, Larry L. Langdale
Clarifying prehistoric parasitism from a complementary morphological and molecular approach, Lauren M. Cleeland, Mason V. Reichard, Raul Y. Tito, Karl J. Reinhard, and Cecil M. Lewis
Class Actions—The Nebraska Procedure, C. L. Robinson and Thomas H. Dahlk
Classical Conditioning of Fluency in Stutterers, Alice Joaness Anderson
Classification of Consumer Protection Statutes
Classification of the waxy condition of durum wheat by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy using wavelets and a genetic algorithm, Barry K. Lavine, Nikhil Mirjankar, and Stephen Delwiche
Class Pay Discrimination and Multiple Regression Proofs, Walter Fogel
Classrooms as Creative Learning Communities: A Lived Curricular Expression, Soon Ye Hwang
Classrooms as creative learning communities: A lived curricular expression, Soon Ye Hwang
Climate and Energy: Opinions of Nonmetropolitan Nebraskans, Rebecca Vogt, Cheryl A. Burkhart-Kriesel, Randolph Cantrell, Bradley Lubben, L. J. McElravy, and Tonya Haigh
Climate Change and Its Implications for the Insurance Industry, Adam Liska and Eric Holley
Climate change skeptics teach climate literacy? A content analysis of children’s books, Julie Thomas
Climate's Role in Polar Bear Past [Letters], Kurt E. Galbreath, Joseph A. Cook, and Eric P. Hoberg
Climatology and Potential Effects of an Emergency Outlet, Devils Lake Basin, North Dakota, U.S. Department of the Interior and U.S. Geological Survey
Clinical PhD Graduate Student Views of Their Scientist-Practitioner Training, Joseph W. VanderVeen, L Felice Reddy, Jennifer C. Veilleux, Alicia M. January, and David DiLillo
Clique topology reveals intrinsic geometric structure in neural correlations, Chad Giusti, Eva Pastalkova, Carina Curto, and Vladimir Itskov
Clonal integration in Ludwigia hexapetala under different light regimes, Rachael Glover, Rebecca E. Drenovsky, Caryn J. Futrell, and Brenda J. Grewell
Close on the Wind: An Environmental Military History Examining Wind’s Influence on the Early United States Navy, Scott J. Beehler
Closing the Gates: A Nebraska Constitutional Standard for Search and Seizure: State v. Arnold, 214 Neb. 769, 336 N.W.2d 97 (1983), Mark R. Killenbeck
Cluster Analysis of the Coprolites from Antelope House: Implications for Anasazi Diet and Cuisine, Mark Q. Sutton and Karl Reinhard
Cluster-based boundary of use for selective improvement to supervised learning, Lee Dee Miller
Coaching For Change: Amount of Instructional Coaching Support to Transfer Science Inquiry Skills from Professional Development to Classroom Practice, James A. Houston
Coaching for change: Amount of instructional coaching support to transfer science inquiry skills from professional development to classroom practice, James A Houston
Coast Salish Spinning: Looking for Twist, Finding Change, Liz Hammond-Kaarremaa
Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for the Visual Arts, College Art Association, Patricia Aufderheide, and Peter Jaszi
Coelum Britannicum: Inigo Jones and Symbolic Geometry, Rumiko Handa
Coffee Table Books or Serious Reference Works? A Critical Analysis of the Quilt Documentation Project Books, Christine E Humphrey
Collaboration in the Iberoamerican Journals in the category Information Science & Library Science in WOS, Alexander Maz-Machado, Noelia Jiménez-Fanjul, and Maria José Madrid
Collaborative Design: Building Task-Specific Rubrics in the Honors Classroom, Ce Rosenow
Collectivistic leadership and George C. Marshall: A historiometric analysis of career events, Tamara L. Friedrich, William B. Vessey, Matthew J. Schuelke, Michael D. Mumford, Francis J. Yammarino, and Gregory A. Ruark
College Students’ Use of Farmers’ Markets in Lincoln, Nebraska, Amber Reinkordt
Colonial Violence and Trauma in the Works of Michèle Lacrosil and Ken Bugul, Marie-Chantal Kalisa
Colonization of bison (Bison bison) wallows in a tallgrass prairie by Culicoides spp (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), Robert S. Pfannenstiel and Mark G. Ruder
Colonoware and Culture: The Changing Interpretation of 17th Century Ceramic Traditions in the South Eastern United States: An Overview of Current Thought and History, Michael Chodoronek
Color and Form Perception of Four-Year-Old Children, Susan Hyland Block
Color Plates from Landslide Ecology, Lawrence R. Walker and Aaron B. Shiels
Combating Drought through Preparedness, Donald A. Wilhite
Combination Control for European Corn Borer and Corn Rootworm in Eastern Nebraska, John E. Fardal
Combinatorial Effects of Fatty Acid Elongase Enzymes on Nervonic Acid Production in Camelina sativa, Dongxin Huai, Yuanyuan Zhang, Chunyu Zhang, Edgar B. Cahoon, and Yongming Zhou
Combined effects of phosphorus nutrition and elevated carbon dioxide concentration on chlorophyll fluorescence, photosynthesis, and nutrient efficiency of cotton, Shardendu K. Singh and Vangimalla R. Reddy
Comment on “Universality of Returning Electron Wave Packet in High-Order Harmonic Generation with Midinfrared Laser Pulses”, M. V. Frolov, N. L. Manakov, Wei-Hao Xiong, Liang-You Peng, J. Burgdörfer, and Anthony F. Starace
Commercial Law—When Appropriate Why Not Apply the Uniform Commercial Code? Jordan v. Butler, 183 Neb. 626, 156 N.W.2d 778 (1968), Kenneth C. Fritzler II
Commercial Notes and Definition of “Security” under Securities Exchange Act of 1934: A Note Is a Note Is a Note?, Harlan S. Abrahams
Commodity Market Analysis: Combining Fundamentals and Technicals, Fabio Mattos
Communicating Textiles Within and Beyond Museum Walls: New Directions, Dinah Eastop
Communicating with Families: Communicating with Families of Infants .G2005, Marjorie Kostelnik, Debra E. Schroeder, Sarah Effken Purcell, Mary E. Nelson, Eileen M. Krumbach, Janet S. Hanna, Tonia Renee Durden, John Defrain, and Kathy R. Bosch
Communicating with Families: Communication Techniques .G2004, Marjorie Kostelnik, Debra E. Schroeder, Sarah Effken Purcell, Mary E. Nelson, Eileen M. Krumbach, Janet S. Hanna, Tonia Renee Durden, John Defrain, and Kathy Bosch
Communication Flows in Distribution Channels: Impact on Assessments of Communication Quality and Satisfaction, Jakki J. Mohr and Ravipreet S. Sohi
Community Adjustment of Young Adults with Mental Retardation: A Developmental Perspective, Richard F. Ittenbach, Sheryl A. Larson, Amy N. Spiegel, Brian H. Abery, and Robert W. Prouty
Community Adjustment of Young Adults with Mental Retardation: Overcoming Barriers to Inclusion, Richard F. Ittenbach, Brian H. Abery, Sheryl A. Larson, Amy N. Spiegel, and Robert W. Prouty
Community and Individual Well-Being in Nonmetropolitan Nebraska, Rebecca Vogt, Cheryl A. Burkhart-Kriesel, Randolph Cantrell, and Bradley Lubben
Community Building at Honors Programs in Continental Europe, Nico Brinkel, Floris van Rees, Margit Ruis, and Florian Sloots
Community Capacity Building: Supporting Military Children and Families Environmental Scan of Extension Professional Development Opportunities for Early Childhood and School-Age Providers: Final Report, Jennifer K. Gerdes, D. Felix, Amanda Prokasky, Tonia Durden, and Kathleen Lodl
Community-Engaged Public Health Research to Inform Hospital Campus Planning in a Low Socioeconomic Status Urban Neighborhood, Jeri Brittin, Sheila Elijah-Barnwell, Yunwoo Nam, Ozgur Araz, Bethany Friedow, Andrew Jameton, Wayne Drummond, and Terry T.-K. Huang
Community Engagement as a Process and an Outcome of Developing Culturally Grounded Health Communication Interventions: An Example from the DECIDE Project, Angela L. Palmer-Wackerly, Jessica Krok, Phokeng M. Dailey, LInda Kight, and Janice L. Krieger
Community Satisfaction, James J. Potter and Rodrigo Cantarero
Comparative Analysis of Aquaponic Grow Beds, Thomas Malachi McGuire and Geoffrey Addison Popken
Comparative analysis of peak-detection techniques for comprehensive two-dimensional chromatography, Indu Latha, Stephen E. Reichenbach, and Qingping Tao
Comparative Analysis of the Agricultural Credit System in the United States and Switzerland, Joseph von Ah
Comparative Genomics of the Campylobacter lari Group, William G. Miller, Emma Yee, Mary H. Chapman, Timonthy P. L. Smith, James L. Bono, Steven Huynh, Craig T. Parker, Peter Vandamme, Khai Luong, and Jonas Korlach
Comparative Responses to Surrogate Motherhood, Thomas A. Eaton
Comparative Risk Assessment of the First-Generation Anticoagulant Rodenticide Diphacinone to Raptors, Barnett A. Rattner, Rebecca S. Lazarus, Karen M. Eisenreich, Katherine E. Horak, Steven F. Volker, Christopher M. Campton, John D. Eisemann, Carol U. Meteyer, and John J. Johnston
Comparative Study Of The D-values of Salmonella spp. and Enterococcus faecium in Wheat Flour, Didier Dodier
Comparing cropland net primary production estimates frominventory, a satellite-based model, and a process-based model in theMidwest of the United States, Zengpeng Li, Shuguang Liu, Zhengxi Tan, Normann B. Bliss, Claudia J. Young, Tristram O. West, and Stephen M. Ogle
Comparison of bird community indices for riparian restoration planning and monitoring, Jock S. Young, Elisabeth M. Ammon, Peter J. Weisberg, Thomas E. Dilts, Wesley E. Newton, Diane C. Wong-Kone, and Lisa G. Heki
Comparison of canopy temperature-based water stress indices formaize, Kendall C. DeJonge, Saleh Taghvaeian, Thomas J. Trout, and Lousie H. Thomas
Comparison of Commercial Lick Tubs to Distillers Grains Supplementation for Calves Grazing Corn Residue, Mandi Jones, Jim C. MacDonald, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Kathleen R. Brooks, Dirk B. Burken, Robby Bondurant, and Andrea K. Watson
Comparison of different MODIS data product collections over an agricultural area, Alan J. Stern, Paul C. Doraiswamy, and E. Raymond Hunt Jr.
Comparison of experimental respiratory tularemia in three nonhuman primate species, Audrey R. Glynn, Derron A. Alves, Ondraya Frick, Rebecca Erwin-Cohen, Aimee Porter, Sarah Norris, David Waag, and Aysegul Nalca
Comparison of Field and Controlled Freezing Data as a Measure of the Cold Resistance of Winter Wheats, Roland C. Weibel
Comparison of Homemaking and Non-Homemaking Pupils in Respect to Social Acceptance and Feelings of Security, with Emphasis on Guidance, Elsie Marsh DeLunger
Comparison of Host-Seeking Behavior of the Filth Fly Pupal Parasitoids, Spalangia cameroni and Muscidifurax raptor (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), E. T. Machtinger, C. J. Geden, P. E. Teal, and N. C. Leppla
Comparison of Methods of Evaluating Cotton Abrasion, Kathryn Ericksen Lohr
Comparison of the Protein Nutritional Value of Several Vegetable Protein Products at Equal Levels of Nitrogen Intake for Adult Humans, Merlyn Kalyani Doraiswamy
Comparison of Wet or Dry Distillers Grains Plus Solubles to Corn as an Energy Source in Forage-Based Diets, Nerissa A. Ahern, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Terry J. Klopfenstein, James C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
Comparison of Winter Strawberry Production in a Commercial Heated High Tunnel versus a University Greenhouse, Ellen T. Paparozzi, Ryan Pekarek, George E. Meyer, Stacy A. Adams, M. Elizabeth Conley, David P. Lambe, Paul Read, and Erin E. Blankenship
Comparisons of antifeedancy and spatialrepellency of three natural product repellents against horn flies, Haematobia irritans (Diptera:Muscidae), Junwei J. Zhu, Gary J. Brewer, David J. Boxler, Kristina Friesen, and David B. Taylor
Compatibility and Phytotoxicity of Herbicide-Fertilizer Combinations, Alan R. Martens
Compelled Financial Support of a Bar Association and the Attorney's First Amendment Rights: A Theoretical Analysis, Larry J. Rector
Competency in Medical Care, Daniel Callahan
Competency to Stand Trial in Nebraska, Wayne Kreuscher
Competing for Attention: A Comparative Study of Social Movements and News Media in Abortion Debates, Katherine Eugene LeBreton Hunt
Competing for attention: A comparative study of social movements and news media in abortion debates, Katherine E. L Hunt
Competition between Investment Opportunities in a Farm Growth Model, Cevdet Ogut
Competition between the filth fly parasitoids Muscidifurax raptor and M. raptorellus (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), C J. Geden, D M. Johnson, P E. Kaufman, and C K. Boohene
Competitive Ability of Sorghum Hybrids and Inbred Lines, Ercan Guneyli
Complaint Resolution in Nebraska: Citizens, Bureaucrats, and the Ombudsman, Alan J. Wyner
Complete Genome Sequence of an Avian Bornavirus Isolated from a Healthy Canadian Goose (Branta canadensis), Jianhua Guo, John Baroch, Adam Randall, and Ian Tizard
Complexity versus certainty in understanding species’ declines, Shana M. Sundstrom and Craig R. Allen
Composite Effects of Polymorphisms near Multiple Regulatory Elements Create a Major-Effect QTL, Ryan D. Bickel, Artyom Kopp, and Sergey V. Nuzhdin
Comprehension of Randomization and Uncertainty in Cancer Clinical Trials Decision Making Among Rural, Appalachian Patients, Janice L. Krieger, Angela L. Palmer-Wackerly, Phokeng M. Dailey, Jessica L. Krok-Schoen, Nancy E. Schoenberg, and Electra D. Paskett
Computational approximation of nonlinear unsteady aerodynamics using an aerodynamic model hierarchy, Mehdi Ghoreyshi, Adam Jirasek, and Russell M. Cummings
Computational Characterization of Exogenous MicroRNAs that Can Be Transferred into Human Circulation, Jiang Shu, Kevin Chiang, Janos Zempleni, and Juan Cui
Computer Aided Kinematic Design and Analysis, Kenneth L. Baumert
Computer Simulation and Time Motion Studies of Milking Parlors and Routines, Cornelius Francis Micke
COMPUTER SIMULATIONS OF POSSIBLE FUTURES FOR TWO FLOCKS OF WHOOPING CRANES, Claire M. Mirande, John R. Cannon, Kimberly Agzigian, Rozanne E. Bogart, Sarah Christiansen, Jason Dubow, A. Katya Fernandez, Dustin K. Howarth, Claudia Jones, Katherine G. Munson, Sonal I. Pandya, Gina Sedaghatkish, Kevin L. Skerl, Susan A. Stenquist, and Jennifer Wheeler
ConAgra, Inc. v. Cargill, Inc., an Interpretive Essay: A Target Corporation May, But Need Not, Agree That Its Directors Serve as Auctioneers for Its Shareholders, Stephen E. Kalish
Concentrations of Cadmium, Cobalt, Lead, Nickel, and Zinc in Blood and Fillets of Northern Hog Sucker (Hypentelium nigricans) from Streams Contaminated by Lead–Zinc Mining: Implications for Monitoring, Christopher J. Schmitt, W. G. Brumbaugh, and T. W. May
Concentrations of Cadmium, Lead, and Zinc in Fish from Mining-Influenced Waters of Northeastern Oklahoma: Sampling of Blood, Carcass, and Liver for Aquatic Biomonitoring, William G. Brumbaugh, Christopher J. Schmitt, and Thomas W. May
Conceptions Regarding Children’s Health: An Examination of Ethnotheories in a Sending and Receiving Community, Maria Rosario de Guzman, Jennifer deLeon, Gloria Gonzalez-Kruger, and Rodrigo Cantarero
Conceptual Development of an Impact-Attenuation System for Intersecting Roadways, Joseph G. Putjenter
Conceptual Thinking: How To Quantify Meaning in Projects and Processes Through Structured Non-Linear Thinking., Marijn van der Poll
Concerning the time dependence of the decay rate of 137 Cs, J H. Jenkins, E Fischbach, D Javorsek II, R H. Lee, and P A. Sturrock
Conclusions and Future Directions, Jerrold L. Belant, Travis L. DeVault, and Bradley F. Blackwell
Concomitant uptake of antimicrobials and Salmonella in soil and into lettuce following wastewater irrigation, J. Brett Sallach, Yuping Zhang, Laurie Hodges, Daniel D. Snow, Xu Li, and Shannon L. Bartelt-Hunt
Conference Systems in Diplomacy, Joseph E. Anderson
Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Early Childhood Ability Measures within a Model of Personal Competence, Richard F. Ittenbach, Amy N. Spiegel, Kevin S. McGrew, and Robert H. Bruininks
Conflicts between Zoning Ordinances and Restrictive Covenants: A Problem in Land Use Policy, Lawrence Berger
Confocal fluorescence microscopy: An ultra-sensitive tool used to evaluate intracellular antiretroviral nano-drug delivery in HeLa cells, Subhra Mandal, You Zhou, Annemarie Shibata, and Christopher J. Destache
Confusing CAFE Standards, Logan Neal
CONGRUENCE IN PARENT-TEACHER RELATIONSHIPS, Kathleen M. Minke, Susan M. Sheridan, Elizabeth Moorman Kim, Ji Hoon Ryoo, and Natalie A. Koziol
Conjoint Behavioral Consultation: Implementing a Tiered Home-School Partnership Model to Promote School Readiness, Brandy L. Clarke, Susan M. Sheridan Dr., and Kathryn E. Woods
Conjoint behavioral consultation via distance delivery (CBC-D): An evaluation of efficacy and acceptability, Michael J Coutts
Connecting with Others Brings Business Success: Are You Engaged? A Guide to Effective Networking for Small Business Owners., Glenn Muske, Connie Hancock, Connie Reimers-Hild, and Alyssa Dye
Connectionist-based rules describing the pass-through of individual goods prices into trend inflation in the United States, Richard G. Anderson, Jane M. Binner, and Vincent A. Schmidt
Conservation cuantitativa de los vertebrados, Michael J. Conroy, John P. Carroll, Juan Carlos Senar, and Jeffrey j. Thompson
Considerations of Professional Responsibility in Probate Matters, William L. Killion
Consistency of Color Selection Displayed in Finger Paintings by Three and Four Year Old Children, Helen Conley
Consistent model of magnetism in ferropnictides, A. L. Wysocki, K. D. Belashchenko, and V. P. Antropov
Conspiracy: The Requisite Proof: State v. Dent, 198 Neb. 110, 251 N.W.2d 734 (1977), Lynne Rae Fritz
Constitutional Aspects of Sex-Based Discrimination in American Law, Leo Kanowitz
Constitutional Law—Bill of Attainder—Section 504 of the Landrum-Griffin Act Held: Unconstitutional—United States v. Brown, 381 U.S. 437 (1965), Mark F. Anderson
Constitutional Law—Constitutionality of Blood Test Performed over Objection of Intoxicated Driver: Schmerber v. California, 384 U.S. 757 (1966), Kevin P. Colleran
Constitutional Law—Due Process and Abortion: United States v. Vuitch, 402 U.S. 62 (1971), John Wagner
Constitutional Law—Federal Control of Escheat as a Necessary War Power—United States v. Oregon (Sup. Ct. 1961), Jack Barker
Constitutional Law—Nebraska Views Mapp v. Ohio—Erving v. State (Neb. 1962), Marvin D. Keller
Constitutional Law—Obscenity: A Return to the First Amendment? Stanley v. Georgia, 394 U.S. 557 (1969), John R. Snowden
Constitutional Law—Sodomy Statutes: The Question of Constitutionality: Buchanan v. Batchelor, 308 F. Supp. 729 (N.D. Tex. 1970), John F. Simmons
Constitutional Law—Standing to Sue: What Remains of the Frothingham Rule? Flast v. Cohen, 392 U.S. 83 (1968), Charles B. Baumer
Constitutional Law—Statute Making the Status of Being a Drug Addict a Crime Held Unconstitutional—Robinson v. California (Sup. Ct. 1962), Calvin E. Robinson
Constitutional Law: The Right of Access to the Press, Douglas F. Duchek
Constitutional Law—The Sterilization of the Mentally Deficient—A Reasonable Exercise of the Police Power?—State v. Cavitt, 182 Neb. 713, 157 N.W.2d 171 (1968), Larry L. Langdale
Constitutional Law—Vagrancy, Loitering, and Related Offenses Held Unconstitutional because of Vagueness and Overbreadth: Baker v. Binder, 274 F.Supp. 658 (W.D. Ky. 1967), H. Bruce Hamilton
Constitutional Patent Law: Principles and Institutions, Kali N. Murray
Constitutional Revision in Nebraska: A Brief History and Commentary, A. B. Winter
Constructing Entropy, Xanthe Isbister
Constructing Helen Frankenthaler: Redefining a 'Woman' Artist Since 1960, Alexandra P. Alberda
Construction of an Anti-Mexican American Bias Scale and Its Validation, Leslie N. Martinez
Consumer Protection: Article Two of the UCC, Douglas F. Duchek
Consumer Willingness to Pay for Food Safety Interventions: The Role of Message Framing and Involvement Elicitation, Kofi Britwum and Ernie Yiannaka
Consuming Fire Ants Reduces Northern Bobwhite Survival and Weight Gain, P. Evans Myers, Craig R. Allen, and Hannah E. Birge
CONTAMINANTS IN HABITAT, TISSUES, AND EGGS OF WHOOPING CRANES, James C. Lewis, Roderick C. Drewien, Ernie Kuyt, and Charles Sanchez Jr.
Contaminant Source Management Options for Wellhead Protection, Victoria Nelson
Contemporary Explanations of the 1937 Business Recession, Arthur G. Auble
Contextualizing couples: Three essays on inequality, stress, and dyadic functioning as a longitudinal and reciprocal process, Deadric T Williams
Continuous third harmonic generation in a terahertz driven modulated nanowire, Kathleen E. Hamilton, Alexey A. Kovalev, Amrit De, and Leonid P. Pryadko
Contractual Limitations on Remedies, Roy Ryden Anderson
Contribution of Nonbusiness Assets to a Corporation, Michael K. Reppe
Controller Area Network (CAN) Bus J1939 Data Acquisition Methods and Parameter Accuracy Assessment Using Nebraska Tractor Test Laboratory Data, Samuel E. Marx
Control of Culex tarsalis and Aedes vexans on Lewis and Clark Reservoir by Water Level Management, John D. Edman
Control of Glucosylceramide Production and Morphogenesis by the Bar1 Ceramide Synthase in Fusarium graminearum, William B. Rittenour, Ming Chen, Edgar B. Cahoon, and Steven D. Harris
Control of Majorana edge modes by a g-factor engineered nanowire spin transistor, Amrit De and Alexey Kovalev
Controversial and Non-controversial topics of Nanotechnology, Phillip Astorino
Conventional Wisdom or Faulty Logic? The Recent Literature on Monograph Use and E-book Acquisition, Amy Fry
Conversations Between a Foreign Designer and Traditional Textile Artisans in India: Design Collaborations from the Artisan’s Perspective, Deborah Emmett
Conversion—Liability of an Auctioneer for Sale of Stolen or Mortgaged Chattels—State Sec. Co. v. Svoboda (Neb. 1961), C. L. Robinson
Conversion of AFLP Bands into High-Throughput DNA Markers, K. Meksem, E. Ruben, D. Hyten, K. Triwitayakorn, and D. A. Lightfoot
Cooperative Patronage Refunds and Equity Management, Jeffrey S. Royer
Coprolite Analysis: A Biological Perspective on Archaeology, Karl J. Reinhard and Baughn M. Bryant Jr
Coprolite Analysis: The analysis of ancient human feces for dietary data, Karl Reinhard
Coqui frog populations are negatively affected by canopy opening but not detritus deposition following an experimental hurricane in a tropical rainforest, Paul D. Klawinski, Ben Dalton, and Aaron B. Shiels
Core Loss Measurement In a Fabricated Stator of a Single-sided Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Machine, Xu Yang, Dean Patterson, and Jerry Hudgins
Corn Characterization and Development of a Convenient Laboratory Scale Alkaline Cooking Process, Shreya N. Sahasrabudhe
Corn Ethanol, A Bad Idea, Taylor Hackbart
Corn Plant Maturity Effect on Yield and Nutritional Quality; Corn Silage Inoculation on Performance of Cattle Fed Silage with or without Live Yeast Added, Cassandra A. Row
Corn stover harvest increases herbicide movement to subsurface drains – Root Zone Water QualityModel simulations, Martin J. Shipitalo, Robert W. Malone, Liwang Ma, Bernard T. Nolan, Rameshwar S. Kanwar, Dale L. Shaner, and Carl H. Pederson
Corporal Punishment: The Nebraska Law: Ingraham v. Wright, 430 U.S. 651 (1977), Thomas D. Creighton
Corporate Rescission Offers under the Nebraska Securities Act, Barry K. Lake
Corporate Stock Repurchases under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Mark R. Moskowitz
Corrections in Transition, Myrl E. Alexander
Correlation between Conductivity and X-ray Colorability in Pure and Doped KCL, Tauba Anderson
Correlation of Actual Performance of Double Crosses in Corn with Predicted Performance for the Same and Different Years, August Frank Dreier
Correlations in rare-earth transition-metal permanent magnets, Ralph Skomski, P Manchanda, and A Kashyap
CORRIGENDUM Crane migration in northern New Mexico, Dale W. Stahlecker
Corrigendum to “Avian use of solid waste transfer stations” [Landscape Urban Plan. 104 (2012) 388–394], Brian E. Washburn
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Sandhill Crane Habitat Management, Andrew C. Kessler, James W. Merchant, Steven D. Shultz, and Craig R. Allen
Cost Sharing Arrangements for Small Watershed Projects, Martin H. Meyer
Costs of raccoon rabies incidents in cattle herds in Hampshire County, West Virginia, and Guernsey County, Ohio, Richard B. Chipman, Tyler W. Cozzens, Stephanie A. Shwiff, Rita Biswas, Jewell Plumley, Jeanette O'Quin, Timothy P. Algeo, Charles E. Rupprecht, and Dennis Slate
Cost Structures and Management Strategies for Beef Slaughter Plants, Milton H. Ericksen
Cottontail Rabbit Papillomavirus Infection in a Desert Cottontail (Sylvilagus audubonii) from Colorado, USA, J. Jeffrey Root, Matthew W. Hopken, Thomas Gidlewski, and Antoinette J. Piaggio
Could avian scavengers translocate infectious prions to disease-free areas initiating new foci of chronic wasting disease?, Justin W. Fischer, Gregory E. Phillips, Tracy A. Nichols, and Kurt C. VerCauteren
Counter Intelligence Corps, History and Mission in World War II, Robert Bolin , depositor
Coupled electromagnetic and heat transfer model for microwave heating in domestic ovens, Krishnamoorthy Pitchai, Sohan Birla, Jeyamkondan Subbiah, D. D. Jones, and Harshanardhan Thippareddi
Coupling Soil Oxygen and Greenhouse Gas Dynamics, Karla M. Jarecke
Course Offerings in the Nebraska High Schools 1899-1935, Grace Martin Johnson
Courtship, Marriage, and Family Problems of High School Girls, Primitiva Manalo Manalo
Cowbird responses to aircraft with lights tuned to their eyes: Implications for bird–aircraft collisions, Megan S. Doppler, Bradley F. Blackwell, Travis L. DeVault, and Esteban Fernández-Juricic
Coyote (Canis latrans), 100+ Years in the East: A Literature Review, Lauren L. Mastro, Eric M. Gese, Julie K. Young, and John A. Shivik
Creating an Entrepreneurial Community, Charlotte Narjes and Rebecca J. Vogt
Creating Knowledge, Kimberly R. Cline
Creativity of Librarians in Public Libraries: Case Study of Public Libraries of Fars Province (Iran), Ali Biranvand, Faramarz Soheili, and Ali Akbar Khasseh
Creatures of incoherence: Dissecting the drivers, history, and cognition of attitudinal incongruence in the American body politic, Timothy P Collins
Credit Cost Disclosure: Truth in Lending, Regulation Z, and the UCCC, Kirk E. Naylor Jr. and John S. Pierce
Credit Problems Related to Farm Organization in Northeast Nebraska, Willis G. Eichberger
Criminal Copyright Infringement and a Step Beyond: 17 U.S.C. § 506 (1976), James Lincoln Young
Criminal Hearsay Rules: Constitutional Issues, David Dow
Criminal Law—Credit for Time Served Denied: State v. King, 180 Neb. 631, 144 N.W.2d 438 (1966), Jarret C. Oeltjen
Criminal Law—Defendant's Perjury and Its Effect on the Criminal Trial—McKissick v. United States, 379 F.2d 754 (5th Cir. 1967), D. Steven Leininger
Crisis and Remarriage during the Middle Years, Edward Fraze Kezar
Crisis Communication in an International Organization: An Investigation of the BBC’s Reputation in the Aftermath of the Savile Scandal, Stephanie P. Shipp
CRISPR Recognition Tool (CRT): a tool for automatic detection of clustered regularly interspaced palindromic repeats, Charles Band, Teresa L. Ramsey, Fareedah Sabree, Michael Lowe, Kyndall Brown, Nikos C. Kyrpides, and Philip Hugenholtz
Criteria for Crack Deflection-Penetration in EBC Coated Ceramics: A Parametric Study, Ali Abdul-Aziz, Ramakrishna T. Bhatt, and Joseph E. Grady
Critical cultural awareness in the foreign language classroom, Kristen Nugent and Theresa Catalano
Critical Discourse Analysis: Definition, Approaches, Relation to Pragmatics, Critique, and Trends, Linda R. Waugh, Theresa Catalano, Khaled Al Masaeed, Tom Hong Do, and Paul G. Renigar
Critical Reflectivity and the Development of New Culturally Relevant Teachers ., Tonia Renee Durden and Diane M. Truscott
Crop Effects on Closed System Element Cycling for Human Life Support in Space, C. L. Mackowiak, P. R. Grossl, and R. M. Wheeler
Crop Residue Utilization and Nitrogen Supplementation for Beef Cows, Gary Clifford White
CROPSTATUS--A Computer Program to Assess the Effects of Seasonal Weather Changes on Nebraska's Agriculture, R. E. Neild, Donald A. Wilhite, and K. G. Hubbard
Crosscap Number: Handcuff Graphs and Unknotting Number, Anne Kerian
Crosscap number: Handcuff graphs and unknotting number, Anne Kerian
Crossing the Interspecies Barrier: Opening the Door to Zoonotic Pathogens, Christian Gortazar, Leslie A. Reperant, Thijs Kuiken, Jose de la Fuente, Mariana Boadella, Beatriz Martinez-Lopez, Francisco Ruiz-Fons, Agusitn Estrada-Pena, Christian Drosten, Graham Medley, Richard Ostfeld, Townsend Peterson, Kurt C. VerCauteren, Christian Menge, Marc Artois, Constance Schultsz, Richard Delahay, Jordi Sierra-Cobo, Robert Poulin, Frederic Keck, Alonso A. Aguirre, Heikki Henttonen, Andrew P. Dobson, Susan Kutz, Juan Lubroth, and Atle Mysterud
Cross-scale morphology, Ahjond S. Garmestani, Craig R. Allen, and C. S. Holling
Crystal Structure of a Virus-Encoded Putative Glycosyltransferase, Yi Xiang, Ulrich Baxa, Ying Zhang, Alasdair C. Steven, Gentry L. Lewis, James L. Van Etten, and Michael G. Rossmann
Cuban Treefrogs, Osteopilus septentrionalis (Duméril & Bibron 1841) (Anura: Hylidae), and other nonindigenous herpetofauna interdicted in Grenada, Lesser Antilles., Louis A. Somma and Paul R. Graham
Cultivating a Community of Excellence, Gail O. Mellow
Cultivating Awareness in Honors: First-Person Noting and Contemplative Practices, Kathy J. Cooke
Culture Matters — Strategies to Support Young Children’s Social and Cultural Development .G2241, Tonia Renee Durden, Elsita Escalante, and Kimberly Blitch
Culture Matters — Strategies to Support Your Young Child’s Social and Cultural Development .G2242, Tonia Renee Durden, Elsita Escalante, and Kimberly Blitch
Current Affairs Concepts of Young Children as a Function of their Age, Intelligence, Socio-Economic Class and Sex, Mary L. Bowen
Current and Projected 1980 Levels of Crop Production and Personal Income in Nebraska by Crop Reporting District, David W. Snyder
Current Directions in Military Health-care Provider Resilience, Paul B. Lester, Lauren C. Taylor, Stacy Ann Hawkins, and Lisa Landry
Current Knowledge and Considerations Regarding Survey Refusals: Executive Summary of the AAPOR Task Force Report on Survey Refusals, David Dutwin, John D. Loft, Jill E. Darling, Allyson L. Holbrook, Timothy P. Johnson, Ronald E. Langley, Paul J. Lavrakas, Kristen Olson, Emilia Peytcheva, Jeffery A. Stec, Timothy Triplett, and Andrew Zukerberg
Current status of nonmigratory whooping cranes in Florida, Martin J. Folk, Stephen A. Nesbitt, Jeannette M. Parker, Marilyn G. Spalding, Stephen B. Baynes, and Kristen L. Candelora
Current status of the Northern Long-eared Myotis (Myotis septentrionalis) in northwestern Nebraska, Keith Geluso, Patricia Freeman, and Cliff Lemen
Current Trends in Employment Dismissal Law: The Plaintiff's Perspective, Paul H. Tobias
Current Trends in State Constitutional Revision, W. Brooke Graves
Custom Mix Feed Milling in Nebraska: Economies of Size and Plant Utilization, Alan R. Moeller
Cyberbullying, Phyllis I. Schoenholz, Deborah J. Weitzenkamp, and Jennifer S. Nixon
Cytological and Transcriptional Dynamics Analysis of Host Plant Revealed Stage-Specific Biological Processes Related to Compatible Rice-Ustilaginoidea virens Interaction, Jinquan Chao, Jie Jin, Dong Wang, Ran Han, Renshan Zhu, Yingguo Zhu, and Shaoqing Li
Cytotypes and Morphometrics of Two Phyllostomatid Bats, Micronycteris hirsuta and Vampyressa pusilla, Robert J. Baker, Hugh H. Genoways, William J. Bleier, and Jerry W. Warner
Dairy Animal Care: Quality Assurance
Damages—Recovery for Child’s Wrongful Death: Selders v. Armentrout, 190 Neb. 275, 207 N.W.2d 686 (1973), Arthur R. Langvardt
Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don't: Hospitals' Liability for Physicians' Malpractice, Diane M. Janulis and Alan D. Hornstein
Dan Canyon Burial: A PIII Burial in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Steve Dominguez, Karl Reinhard, Kari L. Sandness, Cherie A. Edwards, Dennis Danielson, F. A. Calabrese, and Chris Kincaid
Dancing Around Infertility: The Use of Metaphors in a Complex Medical Situation, Angela L. Palmer-Wackerly and Janice L. Krieger
Dancing with the Stars: Stepping Up and Stepping Out in Honors Education, Elizabeth A. Dinndorf
Dangerous mating systems: Signal complexity, signal content and neural capacity in spiders, Marie E. Herberstein, Anne E. Wignall, Eileen Hebets, and Jutta M. Schneider
DA Pamphlet 30-115, Weapons and Equipment Recognition Handbook, Middle East, July 1958, Technical Division, Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence and Robert Bolin , depositor
DA Pamphlet 30-51, Handbook on the Chinese Communist Army, 7 December 1960, Robert Bolin , depositor
DARCOM Regulation 10-5, Organization and Functions, US Army Foreign Science and Technology Center, 13 July 1976, Robert Bolin , depositor
Das Individuum und die Gemeinschaft im Werke Heinrichs von Kleist, Kazys V. Jonaitis
Data Management for Grant Seekers, Jennifer L. Thoegersen
Data Management Plan Example and Feedback, DeeAnn Allison, Kiyomi D. Deards, and Jennifer L. Thoegersen
Data Management Plan Writing Ready Reference, Kiyomi D. Deards and DeeAnn Allison
David Dow—Lawyer, Teacher, Scholar, Henry M. Grether
David Dow—Teacher, Roger C. Henderson
David Hoffman's Essay on Professional Deportment and the Current Legal Ethics Debate, Stephen E. Kalish
Dawnland Voices, Siobhan Senier
Deaccession of Print Books in a Transitional Age II: Business, Science, and Interdisciplinary Studies, David E. Woolwine
Deadlock and Dissolution in the Close Corporation: Has the Sacred Cow Been Butchered?, Diane K. McDonald
Deadman’s Statute—Nebraska Interpretation—Light v. Ash (Neb. 1963), Victor J. Lich Jr.
Dean Roscoe Pound, Richard W. Smith
Dear, Whoever You Are, I Don't Care Who You Are, Adrienne Smart
Debate on State versus Federal Regulation of Insurance Continues: American General Insurance Co. v. FTC, 359 F. Supp. 887 (S.D. Tex. 1973), Richard C. Reier
Decay of the Domestic, Kimberly J. Thomas
December 5, 2014 - ALEC Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes
Declaratory Judgments in Nebraska, Matthew A. Schumacher
Dedication, Richard Harnsberger, Roman L. Hruska, and Richard G. Kopf
Dedication, Lyndon B. Johnson, William O. Douglas, Tom C. Clark, and Charles Morgan Jr.
Dedication of the Medical Jurisprudence Symposium, Richard F. Duncan
Dedication to Judge Edward F. Carter, Thomas M. Davies, Murl M. Maupin, J. James Exon, Carl T. Curtis, Roman Hruska, and Robert Van Pelt
Dedication to Professor Richard S. Harnsberger, Harvey S. Perlman, John William Strong, and Lawrence Berger
Dedication to the Late Mr. Justice William O. Douglas, The Editors, Harry A. Blackman, and Richard S. Harnsberger
Deductibility of Rental Payments Where Reversion Is Retained in Gift, Leaseback Arrangement: C. James Mathews, 61 T.C. 12 (1973), Roberta L. Cook
Deer-Activated Bio-Acoustic Frightening Device Deters White-tailed Deer, Aaron M. Hildreth, Scott E. Hygnstrom, and Kurt C. VerCauteren
Deer-activated bioacoustic frightening device deters white-tailed deer, Aaron M. Hildreth, Scott E. Hygnstrom, and Kurt C. VerCauteren
Deer Mice (Peromyscus spp.) Biology, Damage and Management: A Review, Gary W. Witmer and Rachael S. Moulton
Deer response to exclusion from stored cattle feed in Michigan, USA, Michael J. Lavelle, Henry Campa III, Kyle LeDoux, Patrick J. Ryan, Justin W. Fischer, Kim M. Pepin, Chad R. Blass, Michael P. Glow, Scott E. Hygnstrom, and Kurt C. VerCauteren
Defective Incorporation: De Facto Corporations, Corporations by Estoppel, and Section 21-2054, Robert Rieke
Defending the Failing-Firm Defense, Fred S. McChesney
Defending the Mentally Ill: A Discussion of Nebraska's Involuntary Commitment Proceedings, Thomas L. Hagel
Defense Perspective on Individual Employment Rights, Thomas H. Barnard and Martin S. List
Defining the Geographical Range of the Plasmodium knowlesi Reservoir, Catherine L. Moyes, Andrew J. Henry, Nick Golding, Zhi Huang, Balbir Singh, J. Kevin Baird, Paul N. Newton, Michael Huffman, Kirsten A. Duda, Chris J. Drakeley, Iqbal R.F. Elyazar, Nicholas M. Anstey, Qijun Chen, Zinta Zommers, Samir Bhatt, Peter W. Gething, and Simon I. Hay
Defining the relationship between Plasmodium vivax parasite rate and clinical disease, Katherine E. Battle, Ewan Cameron, Carlos A. Guerra, Nick Golding, Kirsten A. Duda, Rosalind E. Howes, Iqbal R.F. Elyazar, Ric N. Price, J. Kevin Baird, Robert C. Reiner Jr., David L. Smith, Peter W. Gething, and Simon I. Hay
Definition of "Employee" within the Nebraska Workmen's Compensation Act, Ben Novicoff
Degradation and detection of prions in the environment, Qi Yuan
Degradation of Indole Acetic Acid by Isogenic Lines of Wheat Resistant and Susceptible to Puccinia graminis triciti, Enrique F. Antonelli
Degree-Day Prediction Models for the Flight Phenology of Western Bean Cutworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Assessed with the Concordance Correlation Coefficient, Anthony A. Hanson, Roger D. Moon, R. J. Wright, Thomas E. Hunt, and William D. Hutchinson
Dehydrated Alfalfa and Urea as Sources of Supplemental Protein for Fattening Cattle, Ellis S. Ruby
Delayed Perfection of Security Interests in Personal Property and the Substantially Contemporaneous Exchange Exception to Preference Attack, Richard F. Duncan
Deliberate Entanglements: The Impact of a Visionary Exhibition, Emily Zaiden
Demand Promissory Notes and Commercial Loans: Balancing Freedom of Contract & Good Faith, George A. Nation III
Demographic and Spatiotemporal Patterns of Avian Influenza Infection at the Continental Scale, and in Relation to Annual Life Cycle of a Migratory Host, Rodolfo Nallar, Zsuzsanna Papp, Tasha Epp, Frederick A. Leighton, Seth R. Swafford, Thomas J. DeLiberto, Robert J. Dusek, Hon S. Ip, Jeffrey Hall, Yohannes Berhane, Samantha E.J. Gibbs, and Catherine Soos
Demographic Characteristics and Concerns of New Arrivals to Rural Nebraska, James J. Potter, Rodrigo Cantarero, and Nicholas Pischel
Demographic Risk Factors for Severe and Fatal Vivax and Falciparum Malaria Among Hospital Admissions in Northeastern Indonesian Papua, Mazie J. Barcus; Hasan Basri; Helena Picarima; C. Manyakori; Puslitbang Biomedis & Farmasi, Jl. Percetakan Negara No. 29, Jakarta 10560, Indonesia; Iqbal Elyazar; Michael J. Bangs; Jason D. Maguire; and J. Kevin Baird
Demographic Variables and ICT Access As Predictors Of Information Communication Technologies’ Usage Among Science Teachers In Federal Unity Schools In Nigeria, Kolawole Akinjide Aramide Dr, Sunday O. Ladipo Rev., and Ibitayo Adebayo Mr
Demonstrating entanglement by testing Bell's theorem in Majorana wires, David E. Drummond, Alexey Kovalev, Chang-Yu Hou, Kirill Shtengel, and Leonid P. Pryadko
Demonstration of Avian Control® bird repellent (a.i., methyl anthranilate) for managing blackbird damage to ripening sunflower., George M. Linz and H. Jeffrey Homan
Den attendance patterns in swift foxes during pup rearing: varying degrees of parental investment within the breeding pair, Sharon A. Poessel and Eric M. Gese
De niño del exilio a hombre de la “nueva España”: masculinidad y nacionalismo español en El otro árbol de Guernica, de Luis de Castresana, Iker Gonzalez-Allende
De novo assembly of the common marmoset transcriptome from NextGen mRNA sequences, Mnirnal D. Maudhoo, Dongren Ren, Julien S. Gradnigo, Robert M. Gibbs, Austin C. Lubker, Etsuko N. Moriyama, Jeffrey A. French, and Robert B. Norgen Jr.
Density, Jesse Ross
Department of the Army Pamphlet Pam 30-26, A Guide to the Collection of Technical Intelligence, August 1953, Robert Bolin , depositor
Depicting the tree of life in museums: guiding principles from psychological research, Laura R. Novick, Jane Pickering, Teresa MacDonald, Judy Diamond, Shaaron Ainsworth, Adriana E. Aquino, Kefyn M. Catley, Jeff Dodick, Evelyn Margaret Evans, Camillia Matuk, Janis Sacco, and Monique Scott
Depositing Your Works in the UNL DigitalCommons: Advice for Self-Depositors
Depreciation Damages: A Condemnor’s Windfall, James Cada
Dept Ed/Voc Ed Advisors by Name 68-92
Dept Ed/Voc Ed Executive Officers 68-92
Describing and Comparing Archaeological Spatial Structures, LuAnn Wandsnider
Describing state level mathematical growth using the Student Growth Percentile (SGP) methodology, Darin C Kelberlau
Desert Research and Technology Studies (DRATS) 2010 science operations: Operational approaches and lessons learned for managing science during human planetary surface missions, Dean Eppler, Byron Adams, Doug Archer, Greg Baiden, Adrian Brown, William Carey, Barbara Cohen, Chris Condit, Cindy Evans, Corey Fortezzo, Brent Garry, Trevor Graff, John Gruener, Jennifer Heldmann, Kip Hodges, Friedrich Horz, Jose Hortado, Brian Hynek, Peter Isaacson, Catherine Juranek, Kurt Klaus, David Kring, Nina Lanza, Susan Lederer, Gary Lofgren, Margarita Marinova, Lisa May, Jonathan Meyer, Doug Ming, Brian Monteleone, Caroline Morisset, Sarah Noble, Elizabeth Rampe, James Rice, John Schutt, James Skinner, Carolyn M. Tewksbury-Christle, Barbara J. Tewksbury, Alicia Vaughan, Aileen Yingst, and Kelsey Young
Design and Operation of a Feedlot Runoff Treatment System, David S. Backer
Design Criteria for Air Curtain Tractor Cabs, Richard B. Anderson
Designing an Opera: A Wedding, Victoria Halverson
Design Optimization of a Linear Generator With Dual Halbach Array for Human Motion Energy Harvesting, Wenjia Zhao
Design Optimization of Single-sided Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Machines by Differential Evolution, Xu Yang, Dean Patterson, and Jerry Hudgins
Designs of fullerene-based frameworks for hydrogen storage, Yi Gao, Xiaojun Wu, and Xiao Cheng Zeng
Designs of fullerene-based frameworks for hydrogen storage, Yi Gao, Xiaojun Wu, and Xiao Cheng Zeng
Detection and Confirmation of Quantitative Trait Loci for Soybean Seed Isoflavones, Christopher J. Smallwood, Catherine N. Nyinyi, Dean A. Kopsell, Carl E. Sams, Dennis R. West, Pengyin Chen, Stella K. Kantartzi, P. B. Cregan, D. L. Hyten, and Vincent R. Pantalone
Detection and quantification of poliovirus infection using FTIR spectroscopy and cell culture, Felipe T. Lee-Montiel, Kelly A. Reynolds, and Mark R. Riley
Detection Methods and Intestinal Adherence of non-O157 Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli, Zachary R. Stromberg
Detection of African swine fever virus-like sequences in ponds in the Mississippi Delta through metagenomic sequencing, Xiu-Feng Wan, J. Lamar Barnett, Fred Cunningham, Si Chen, Guohua Yang, Shannon Nash, Li-Pong Long, Lorelei Ford, Sherry Blackmon, Yan Zhang, Larry Hanson, and Qiang He
Detection of Avian Influenza Viruses in Wild Waterbirds in the Rift Valley of Kenya Using Fecal Sampling, Victor O. Ofula, Alan B. Franklin, J. Jeffrey Root, Heather J. Sullivan, Patrick Gichuki, Albina Makio, Wallace Bulimo, Bernard O. Abong'o, Muchane Muchai, and David Schnabel
Detection of Giardia duodenalis antigen in coprolites using a commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, Marcelo Luiz Carvalho Gonçalves, Adauto Araújo, Rosemere Duarte, Joaquim Pereira da Silva, Karl Reinhard, Françoise Bouchet, and Luis Fernando Ferreira
Detection of Systemic Movement and Retention of TBZ or benomyl in Sugarbeets and their Effect on Cercospora beticola, John H. Riesselman
Detection of Volatile Organic Compounds in Brucella abortus- Seropositive Bison, Alona Bayn, Pauline Nol, Ulrike Tisch, Jack Rhyan, Christine K. Ellis, and Hossam Haick
Detection Probability of Least Tern and Piping Plover Chicks in a Large River System, Erin A. Roche, Terry L. Shaffer, Michael J. Anteau, Mark H. Sherfy, Jennifer H. Stucker, Mark T. Wiltermuth, and Colin M. Dovichin
Determination and Prediction of Water Use and Dry Matter Production for Bromegrass under Varying Levels of Soil Moisture Stress, Wayne Franklin Fisher
Determination of a Base Temperature in a Heat Unit System for Predicting Grain Sorghum Emergence, Donald Carl Cleveland
Determination of an Immunocontraceptive Peptide in a Wildlife Vaccine Formulation, David A. Goldade, Jeffrey M. Kemp, Jeanetter R. O'Hare, and Lowell A. Miller
Determination of Furrow Stream Size Criteria for Automated Surface Irrigation Systems with Reuse Systems, John Anthony Nienaber
Determination of Radiative Transport Properties of Particle Suspensions by a Single-Scattering Experiment, Seung-Ki Chae and HaeOk Skarda Lee
Determination of residue levels of alphachloralose in duck tissues, David A. Goldade, Randal S. Stahl, and John J. Johnston
Determining Effect of Defaults on Grid Parity, Jacob M. Smith
Determining Groundwater Flux from Temperature Variance, James Cope
Determining Medical Necessity within Medicaid: A Proposal for Statutory Reform, Anita F. Sarro
Developing an Understanding of How College Students Experience Interactive Instructional Technology: A UX Perspective, Adam Wagler
Developing an understanding of how college students experience interactive instructional technology: A UX perspective, Adam Wagler
Developing a Regional Drought Climatology for the Czech Republic, M. Trnka, M. Dubrovský, Mark D. Svoboda, D. Semerádová, M. Hayes, Z. Žalud, and Donald A. Wilhite
Developing Civil War Washington, Katherine L. Walter, Elizabeth M. Lorang, Stacy Rickel, and Karin Dalziel
Developing predictive systems models to address complexity and relevance for ecological risk assessment, Valery E. Forbes and Peter Calow
Development and Accomplishments of Sentencing Institutes in the Federal Judicial System, Luther W. Youngdahl
Development and Application of a Sensitive Technique of Quantitating Lactic Acid, Larry L. Talbott
Development and Evaluation of Programmed Instruction to Teach Quality of Cakes to Non-Professional Food Service Personnel, Carol L. Gillen Cotner
Development and Evaluation of SoySNP50K, a High-Density Genotyping Array for Soybean, Qijian Song, D. L. Hyten, Gaofeng Jia, Charles V. Quigley, Edward W. Fickus, Randall L. Nelson, and P. B. Cregan
Development and Implementation of a Remote- Sensing and In-situ Data Assimilating Version of CMAQ for Operational PM2.5 Forecasting Part 1: MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) Data- Assimilation Design and Testing, John N. McHenry, Jeffery M. Vukovich, and N. Christina Hsu
Development and intrinsic properties of hexagonal ferromagnetic (Zr,Ti)Fe2, W Y. Zhang, X. Z. Li, S Valloppilly, R Skomski, J E. Shield, and David J. Sellmyer
Development and Pathogenesis of Parelaphostrongylus odocoilei (Nematoda: Protostrongylidae) in Experimentally Infected Thinhorn Sheep (Ovis dalli), Emily J. Jenkins, Eric P. Hoberg, and Lyndon Polley
Development and utilization of genomic resources for genetic improvement of proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.), Santosh Ghashiram Rajput
Development and validation of a social cognitive theory-based survey for elementary nutrition education program, Elisha Hall, Weiwen Chai, Wanda Koszewski, and Julie A. Albrecht
Development and Validation of a State-Based Measure of Emotion Dysregulation: The State Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (S-DERS), Jason M. Lavender, Matthew T. Tull, David DiLillo, Terri Messman-Moore, and Kim L. Gratz
Development and validation of the global surface type data product from S-NPP VIIRS, Rui Zhang, Chengquan Huang, Xiwu Zhan, Qin Dai, and Kuan Song
Development of Agricultural Credit in the Ryukyu Islands, Ellis J. Kohler
Development of a Large Set of Microsatellite Markers in Zapote Mamey (Pouteria sapota (Jacq.) H.E. Moore & Stearn) and Their Potential Use in the Study of the Species, Renee S. Arias, Jaime Martínez-Castillo, V. S. Sobolev, Nasib H. Blancarte-Jaso, S. A. Simpson, Linda L. Ballard, Mary V. Duke, Xiaofen F. Liu, Brian M. Irish, and Brian E. Scheffler
Development of a Large Set of Microsatellite Markers in Zapote Mamey (Pouteria sapota (Jacq.) H.E. Moore & Stearn) and Their Potential Use in the Study of the Species, Renée S. Arias, Jaime Martínez-Castillo, Victor S. Sobolev, Nasib H. Blancarte-Jasso, Sheron A. Simpson, Linda L. Ballard, Mary V. Duke, Xiaofen F. Liu, Brian M. Irish, and Brian E. Scheffler
Development of a Multi-Stage Axial Flow Cyclone, Ta-Chih Hsiao, Da-Ren Chen, Lin Li, Paul Greenberg, and Kenneth W. Street
Development of an Immunofluorescence Assay Using Recombinant Proteins Expressed in Insect Cells To Screen and Confirm Presence of Human Herpesvirus 8-Specific Antibodies, Veenu Minhas, Lynsey N. Crosby, Kay L. Crabtree, Saul Phiri, Tendai J. M'soka, Chipepo Kankasa, William J. Harrington, Charles D. Mitchell, and Charles Wood
Development of a screening program for identification of the neoplastic pod gene (Np) in Syngenta snap peas, Emily Kniep
Development of a Technique to Evaluate Developmental Behaviors of the Preschool Child, Sandra Kay Wieters Streeter
Development of Semi-Circular Bending (SCB) Fracture Test for Bituminous Mixtures, Gabriel Nsengiyumva
Development of the Beef Cattle Industry in the Sandhills of Nebraska, with Special Emphasis upon Grant County, William D. Aeschbacher
Development of the Muskox Lungworm, Umingmakstrongylus pallikuukensis (Protostrongylidae), in Gastropods in the Arctic, Susan J. Kutz, Eric P. Hoberg, John Nishi, and Lydden Polley
Development of Thermal Infrared Imagery to the Detection of Urban Heat Islands, Ronald L. Block
Development of Thermal Infrared Imagery to the Detection of Urban Heat Islands, Ronald L. Block
Developments in Groundwater Law, Robert Emmet Clark and Arthur Arguedas Jr.
Deviations from Matthiessen’s rule and resistivity saturation effects in Gd and Fe from first principles, James K. Glasbrenner, B. S. Pujari, and K. D. Belashchenko
D/H Exchange in Nitro Diastereomers, Charles A. Kingsbury
Diammonium Citrate and Diammonium Phosphate as a Source of Dietary Nitrogen for Growing-Finishing Swine, Gene Franklin Wehrbein
Diamond film deposition using laser-assisted combustion flames, Lisha Fan
Diatom Evidence for the Onset of Pliocene Cooling from AND-1B, McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, Christina R. Riesselman and Robert B. Dunbar
Dick and Connie Fleming Scholarship Fund Flyer 2010
DIE! AKHNA.TEN DIE!, Joshua Norton
Diel and Seasonal Habitat Use by Red Shiner (Cyprinella lutrensis), Shyi-Liang Yu and Edward J. Peters
Die Religiosen Elemente in Conrad Ferdinand Meyers Prosawerk, Liuda Jonaitis
DIET AND PARASITISM AT DUST DEVIL CAVE, Karl J. Reinhard, J Richard Ambler, and Magdalene McGuffie
Dietary analysis of Piraino 1, Sicily, Italy: The role of archaeopalynology in forensic science, Dario Piombino-Mascali, Albert R. Zink, Karl J. Reinhard, Melissa Lein, Stephanie Panzer, Arthur C. Aufderheide, Rachel Rachid, Wanderley De Souza, Adauto Araujo, Sergio A.M. Chavez, Sara LeRoy-Toren, Isabel Teixeira-Santos, and Juliana M. F. Dutra
Dietary Chloride Requirement of Starting Turkeys, Johnny James Kubicek
Dietary Cupric Sulfate and its Interrelationship with Certain Antibiotics and Arsanilic Acid in Turkey Rations, Reo C. Weeks
Dietary MicroRNA Database (DMD): An Archive Database and Analytic Tool for Food-Borne microRNAs, Kevin Chiang, Jiang Shu, Janos Zempleni, and Juan Cui
Dietary niche differentiation among three species of invasive rodents (Rattus rattus, R. exulans, Mus musculus), Aaron B. Shiels, Caitlin A. Flores, Arthur Khamsing, Paul D. Krushelnycky, Stephen M. Mosher, and Donald R. Drake
Dietary Sodium Levels for Young Turkeys, Henry E. Kumpost
Dietary Strategies for Mitigation of Methane Production by Growing and Finishing Cattle, Anna C. Pesta
Dietary strategies for mitigation of methane production by growing and finishing cattle, Anna C Pesta
Diet-responsive MicroRNAs Are Likely Exogenous, Janos Zempleni, Scott R. Baier, and Kendal Hirschi
Differences in negativity bias underlie variations in political ideology, John R. Hibbing, Kevin B. Smith, and John R. Alford
Differential localization of HPV16 E6 splice products with E6-associated protein, Kulthida Vaeteewoottacharn, Siriphatr Chamutpong, Mathurose Ponglikitmongkol, and Peter C. Angeletti
Differentiation of Fluid Milk in the Lincoln Market, Richard A. Greenhalgh
Diffused Surface Water Law in Nebraska, Clayton Yeutter
Diffusion of a Math Intervention Program within a Secondary Setting: A Mixed Methods Study, Stuart Lenz
Diffusion of a Math Intervention Program within a Secondary Setting: A Mixed Methods Study, Stuart N Lenz
Diffusion of influenza viruses among migratory birds with a focus on the Southwest United States, Matthew Scotch, Tommy Tsan-Yuk Lam, Kristy L. Pabilonia, Theodore Anderson, John Baroch, Dennis Kohler, and Thomas J. DeLiberto
Digestibility of Calcium Oxide Treated Corn Residue with De-Oiled Distillers Grains, Sarah J. Peterson, Meredith L. Bremer, Adam L. Shreck, Jim C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
Digestibility of De-Oiled Modified Distillers Grains Plus Solubles in Forage-Based Diets, Meredith L. Bremer, Sarah J. Peterson, Adam L. Shreck, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Jim C. MacDonald
Digestibility of Nutrients as Affected by the Protein-Energy Ratio in Fattening Beef Cattle Rations, Richard W. Rice
Digital Scarlet Letters: Social Media Stigmatization of the Poor and What Can Be Done, Thomas H. Koenig and Michael L. Rustad
Direct and Terminal Market Channels for Cattle: a Comparison of Net Prices Received by Farmers and Paid by Slaughterers, Allen Leroy Frederick
Direct chemical synthesis of L10-FePtAu nanoparticles with high coercivity, Yongsheng Yu, P Mukherjee, Yuan Tian, X. Z. Li, and David J. Sellmyer
Direct flutter and limit cycle computations of highly flexible wings for efficient analysis and optimization, Bret Stanford and Philip Beran
Direct ignition and S-curve transition by in situ nano-second pulsed discharge in methane/oxygen/helium counterflow flame, Wenting Sun, Sang Hee Won, Timothy Ombrello, Campbell Carter, and Yiguang Ju
Direct Measurement of Aircraft Engine Soot Emissions Using a Cavity-Attenuated Phase Shift (CAPS)-Based Extinction Monitor, Zhenhong Yu, Luke D. Ziemba, Timothy B. Onasch, Scott C. Herndon, Simon E. Albo, Richard Miake-Lye, Bruce E. Anderson, Paul L. Kebabian, and Andrew Freedman
Dirty Money, Irvin Ramirez-Benavides
Discovering Associations between Climatic and Oceanic Parameters to Monitor Drought in Nebraska Using Data-Mining Techniques, Tsegaye Tadesse, Donald A. Wilhite, Michael J. Hayes, and Steve Goddard
Discovery and Delimitation: Criconematid Nematodes of North American Grasslands, Magdalena Jean Olson
Discovery and Description of a New Trichostrongyloid Species (Nematoda: Ostertagiinaw), Abomasal Parasites in Mountain Goat, Oreamnos americanus, from the Western Cordillera of North America [with erratum], Eric P. Hoberg, Arthur Abrams, Patricia A. Pilitt, and Emily J. Jenkins
Discovery and Description of the "Davtiani" Morphotype for Teladorsagia boreoarcticus (Trichostrongyloidea: Ostertagiinae) Abomasal Parasites in Muskoxen, Ovibos moschatus, and caribou, Rangifer tarandus, from the North American Arctic: Implications for Parasite Faunal Diversity, Eric P. Hoberg, Arthur Abrams, Patricia A. Pilitt, and Susan J. Kutz
Discovery Neighborhood MyPlate Macy: A Pilot Study, Amanda M. Robine
Discovery Over Application: A Case Study of Misaligned Incentives in Software Engineering, Eric F. Rizzi
Discrete Excitation Spectrum of a Classical Harmonic Oscillator in Zero-Point Radiation, Wayne Cheng-Wei Huang and Herman Batelaan
Discriminant Construct Validity of ImPACT™: A Companion Study, Arthur C. Maerlender, L. Flashman, A. Kessler, S. Kumbhani, R. Greenwald, Dartmouth College, and T. McAllister
Discrimination of Bacteria and Bacteriophages by Raman Spectroscopy and Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, Lindsay J. Goeller and Mark R. Riley
Discursive Struggles of Tradition and Nontradition in the Retrospective Accounts of Married Couples Who Cohabited Before Engagement, Julia Moore, Jennifer Kienzle, and Elizabeth Flood Grady
Disease Risks ·Posed by Wild Birds Associated with Agricultural Landscapes, Larry Clark
Dispersion Characteristics of Several Important Soil-Forming Materials in the United States, Eugene M. Ashford
Dispersion of marketing capabilities: Impact on marketing’s influence and business unit outcomes, Michael T Krush, Ravipreet Sohi, and Amit Saini
Disposition of Mefloquine and Enpiroline Is Highly Influenced by a Chronic Schistosoma mansoni Infection, Katrin Ingram, Urs Duthaler, Mireille Vargas, William Ellis, and Jennifer Keiser
Distance Learners' Familiarity with the Concept of Digital Library: A Case Study of Virtual University of Shiraz, Iran, Rahim Alijani and Ali Akbar Khasseh
Distillation Time as Tool for Improved Antimalarial Activity and Differential Oil Composition of Cumin Seed Oil, Valtcho D. Zheljazkov, Archana Gawde, Charles L. Cantrell, Tess Astatkie, and Vicki Schlegel
Distinct and Cooperative Activities of HESO1 and URT1 Nucleotidyl Transferases in MicroRNA Turnover in Arabidopsis, Bin Tu, Li Liu, Chi Xu, Jixinan Zhai, Shengben Li, Miguel A. Lopez, Yuanyuan Zhao, Yu Yu, Vanitharani Ramachandran, Guodong Ren, Bin Yu, Shigui Li, Blake C. Meyers, Beixin Mo, and Xuemei Chen
Distributed Caching Using the HTCondor CacheD, Derek J. Weitzel, Brian Bockelman, and David Swanson
Distributed resource allocation in cognitive and cooperative ad hoc networks through joint routing, relay selection and spectrum allocation, Lei Ding, Tommaso Melodia, Stella N. Batalama, and John D. Matyjas
Distributional Expansion of the Hispid Cotton Rat (Sigmodon hispidus) into Dawson County, Nebraska, Jennifer D. Frisch, Keith Geluso, and Joseph T. Springer
Distribution and Habitat Associations of Juvenile Common Snook in the Lower Rio Grande, Texas, Caleb G. Huber, Timonthy B. Grabowski, Reynaldo Patino, and Kevin L. Pope
Distribution and Role of Sialic Acid in Constituents of Avian Eggs, John S. Anderson
DISTRIBUTION OF COLOR-MARKED GREATER SANDHILL CRANES BANDED IN UTAH, Spyros S. Manes, Roderick C. Drewien, Joel D. Huener, Thomas W. Aldrich, and Wendy M. Brown
Distribution of Total Zinc, Copper, Iron, and Manganese in Three Soils from Eastern Nebraska, John S. Lohse
Diverse perspectives of parents, diverse concepts of parent involvement and participation: Contrasts between Italy and the United States, Carolyn P. Edwards and Traci S. Kutaka
Diversity of Protein and mRNA Forms of Mammalian Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase B1 Due to Intronization and Protein Processing, Xinwen Liang, Dmitri E. Fomenko, Deame Hua, Alaattin Kaya, and Vadim N. Gladyshev
Diversity of yeast and mold species from a variety of cheese types, Nabaraj Banjara, Mallory J. Suhr, and Heather E. Hallen-Adams
Diversity recruitment, Karen D Kassebaum
Divisible Copyright under the Copyright Act of 1976: The Effect on Registration, Recordation, Notice, and Standing to Sue, Lynne Rae Fritz
Divorce Settlement Agreements: The Problem of Merger or Incorporation and the Status of the Agreement in Relation to the Decree, Doris DelTosto Brogan
Divorce without Fault: The Next Step, Charles W. Tenney Jr.
DNA Synthesis in Pre-Cancerous Nodules of the Mouse Mammary Gland, Richard D. Adamson
Documents of Title under the Uniform Commercial Code—Article 7, Daniel Stubbs
Does American Society Blame Fast Food Too Much For Obesity?, Gabriella Barrios
Does body mass index misclassify physically active young men, Tyson Grier, Michelle Canham-Chervak, Marilyn Sharp, and Bruce H. Jones
Does Habitat Heterogeneity in a Multi-Use Landscape Influence Survival Rates and Density of a Native Mesocarnivore?, Eric M. Gese and Craig M. Thompson
Does lethal control of top-predators release mesopredators? A re-evaluation of three Australian case studies, Benjamin L. Allen, Geoff Lundie-Jenkins, Neil D. Burrows, Richard M. Engeman, Peter J.S. Fleming, and Luke K.-P. Leung
Does the Nebraska Livestock Friendly County Program Affect Livestock Expansion in the State?, Brian E. Mills
Do Native Warm-season Grasslands Near Airports Increase Bird Strike Hazards?, Jason A. Schmidt, Brian E. Washburn, Travis L. DeVault, Thomas W. Seamans, and Paige M. Schmidt
Don’t Fear the Reader: Librarian versus Interlibrary Loan Patron-Driven Acquisition of Print Books at an Academic Library by Relative Collecting Level and by Library of Congress Classes and Subclasses, David Tyler, Joyce C. Melvin, MaryLou Epp, and Anita M. Kreps
Dose Escalation Pharmacokinetics of Intranasal Scopolamine Gel Formulation, Lei Wu, Jason L. Boyd, Vernie Daniels, Zuwei Wang, Diana S-L. Chow, and Lakshmi Putcha
Double dissociation of the anterior and posterior dorsomedial caudate-putamen in the acquisition and expression of associative learning with the nicotine stimulus, Sergios Charntikov
Double Jeopardy: Government Appeals of Sentences: United States v. DiFrancesco, 449 U.S. 117 (1980), David M. Lofholm
Douglas v. Faith Baptist Church under Constitutional Scrutiny, Timothy J. Binder
Do we need such rare birds?, Stephen A. Nesbitt
Downregulation of Cinnamyl-Alcohol Dehydrogenase in Switchgrass by RNA Silencing Results in Enhanced Glucose Release after Cellulase Treatment, Aaron J. Saathoff, Gautam Sarath, Elaine K. Chow, Bruce S. Dien, and Christian M. Tobias
Do Worm Lizards Occur in Nebraska?, Louis A. Somma
Dried Distillers Grains Supplementation of Calves Grazing Irrigated Corn Residue, Mandi Jones, Jim C. MacDonald, Galen Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Robby Bondurant
Drifting of Honey Bees, Apis Mellifera (L.) (Hymenoptera: Apidae), Edward J. Bishop
Drought, Donald A. Wilhite
Drought, Donald A. Wilhite
Drought Information Systems: Improving International and National Linkages, Roger S. Pulwarty
Drought Monitoring and Assessment: Remote Sensing and Modeling Approaches for the Famine Early Warning Systems Network, G B. Senay, N M. Velpuri, S Bohms, M Budde, C Young, J Rowland, and J P. Verdin
Drought Monitoring and Assessment: Status and Trends in the United States, Donald A. Wilhite, M. J. Hayes, and Mark Svoboda
Drought Monitoring Using Data Mining Techniques: A Case Study for Nebraska, USA, Tsegaye Tadesse, Donald A. Wilhite, Sherri K. Harms, Michael J. Hayes, and Steve Goddard
Drought Planning and State Government: Current Status, Donald A. Wilhite
Drought Planning: A Process for State Government, Donald A. Wilhite
Drought Policy in the U.S. and Australia: A Comparative Analysis, Donald A. Wilhite
Drought Preparedness and Response in the Context of Sub-Saharan Africa, Donald A. Wilhite
Drought Preparedness in the United States: Recent Progress, Donald A. Wilhite
Drug Manufacturers' Recommendations and the Common Knowledge Rule to Establish Medical Malpractice, Vicki E. Lawrence
Drug Policy in Sports, Autumn Wimbush
Drugs during Pregnancy: Dangerous Business—The Continued Movement to Provide Adequate Warnings for the Consumer, David DeTar Newbert
Drug Testing Government Assistance Recipients, Justin Galles
Drying Grain with Unheated Forced Air, George Milo Petersen
Due Process of Lawmaking, Hans A. Linde
Due Process of Law—The Right to Confront and Cross-Examine Witnesses in Investigations, James F. Janke
Due Process Restriction on the Employment Power and the Teaching Profession, Gary L. Dolan
Due Process—Revocation of Driver’s License: Stauffer v. Weedlun, 188 Neb. 105, 195 N.W.2.d 218 (1972), Clark R. Irey
Duties of a Primary Insurer to an Excess Insurer, Anthony M. Lanzone and Stephen G. Ringel
Duties of Officers and Area Coordinators 2/7/15
Duty to Advise Indigent of Right to Counsel at State Expense, Richard E. Gee
Dynamic attachment of Chlorovirus PBCV-1 to Chlorella variabilis, Irina Agarkova, Brigitte Hertel, Xinzheng Zhang, Les Lane, Alexander Tchourbanov, David D. Dunigan, Gerhard Thiel, Michael G. Rossmann, and James L. Van Etten
Dynamic Data Management In A Data Grid Environment, Björn Barrefors
Dynamic Elastic Properties of a Prestressed Concrete Plate, Loren D. Lutes
Dynamic rupture models of earthquakes on the Bartlett Springs Fault, Northern California, Julian C. Lozos, Ruth A. Harris, Jessica R. Murray, and James J. Lienkaemper
Dynamics of Small RNA Profiles of Virus and Host Origin in Wheat Cultivars Synergistically Infected by Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus and Triticum Mosaic Virus: Virus Infection Caused a Drastic Shift in the Endogenous Small RNA Profile, Satyanarayana Tatineni, Jean-Jack M. Riethoven, Robert A. Graybosch, Roy French, and Amitava Mitra
Dynamics of virus shedding and antibody responses in influenza A virus-infected feral swine, Hailiang Sun, Fred L. Cunningham, Jillian Harris, Yifei Xu, Li-Ping Long, Katie Hanson-Dorr, John A. Baroch, Paul Fioranelli, Mark W. Lutman, Tao Li, Kerri Pedersen, Brandon S. Schmit, Jim Cooley, Xiaoxu Lin, Richard G. Jarman, Thomas J. DeLiberto, and Xiu-Feng Wan
Early Literacy Checklist — Classroom .G1992, Janet S. Hanna, Kayla M. Hinrichs, Carla J. Mahar, John Defrain, and Tonia Renee Durden
Early Literacy Checklist — In the Home .G1991, Janet S. Hanna
Earning a Living in Nonmetropolitan Nebraska, Rebecca Vogt, Cheryl A. Burkhart-Kriesel, Randolph Cantrell, and Bradley Lubben
Eastward Ho: Phylogeographical Perspectives on Colonization of Hosts and Parasites across the Beringian Nexus [Guest editorial], Eric Waltari, Eric P. Hoberg, Enrique P. Lessa, and Joseph A. Cook
Eating lizards: a millenary habit evidenced by Paleoparasitology, Luciana Sianto, Isabel Teixeira-Santos, Marcia Chame, Sergio M. Chavez, Sheila M. Souza, Luiz Fernando Ferreira, Karl Reinhard, and Adauto Araujo
EC 01-104-A Nebraska Soybean Variety Tests 2001
EC 02-130-D 2002 Guide for Weed Management in Nebraska
EC02-442 Recipes to Meet Dietary Guidelines, Georgia Jones and Julie Albrecht
EC 02-722 Nebraska's CNMP Manure Storage Management Workbook, Rick Koelsch, Charles Shapiro, and Richard DeLoughery
EC03-130 2003 Guide for Weed Management in Nebraska
EC06-826 2006 Nebraska Farm Custom Rates - Part II, H. Douglas Jose and Sarah Malchow
EC07-1780 Lady Beetles of Nebraska, Alexander P. Cunningham, James R. Brandle, and Stephen D. Danielson
EC07-1895 Pesticide Selection Guide for Plant Diseases Affecting Woody Ornamentals and Herbaceous Perennials in Nebraska, Amy D. Ziems, Loren J. Giesler, and Stephen N. Wegulo
EC07-777 Planning a New Cattle Feedlot
EC08-1574 Soybean Insects I, Robert Wright, Terry DeVries, and Jim Kalisch
EC08-1575 Soybean Insects II, Robert Wright, Terry DeVries, and Jim Kalisch
EC08-158 Integrating Management Objectives and Grazing Strategies on Semi-Arid Rangeland, Patrick E. Reece, Jerry D. Volesky, and Walter H. Schacht
EC08-477 The Junior Chef's Cookbook : A Collection of NEP Recipes for Youth, Donnia Behrends, Candece Goshorn, and Natalie Sehi
EC08-703 Drinking Water Treatment : An Overview, Bruce I. Dvorak and Sharon O. Skipton
EC08-707 Stormwater Management on Residential Lots, David P. Shelton and Kelly A. Feehan
EC08-708 Precision Agriculture : Weed Targeting Herbicide Management, Viacheslav I. Adamchuk, Mark L. Bernards, and George E. Meyer
EC08-823 2008 Nebraska Farm Custom Rates - Part I, H. Douglas Jose and Paige Bek
EC08-826 2008 Nebraska Farm Custom Rates -- Part II, H. Douglas Jose and Paige Bek
EC09-150 Range Judging Handbook and Contest Guide, Jerry Volesky
EC09-167 Weeds of Nebraska : Russian Olive, Robert Wilson and Mark Bernards
EC 221 Some Important Factors in the Prevention of Swine Diseases, L. Van Es
EC 222 Starting your New Sheep Flock, Walter Tolman
EC 71-845 Cattle Value Computation Tables : On a Per Head and Selected Lot Basis, Allen C. Wellman
EC73-708 Supplement Table 3 Nebraska Tractor Test Summary of Sound Results 1973
EC 74-546 Holly Homemaker Introduces you to The Home Extension Club Program
EC81-872 Estimated Crop and Livestock Production Costs, Larry Bitney
EC83-104 Nebraska Soybean Performance Tests 1983, A. F. Dreier, J. H. Williams, and R. S. Moomaw
EC 83-106 Nebraska Grain Sorghum Performance Tests 1982, A. F. Dreier, P. T. Nordquist, and Roger Wesley Elmore
EC 85-105 Nebraska Corn Hybrid Tests, August F. Dreier, Russell S. Moomaw, and Roger Wesley Elmore
EC85-1242 Selected Vegetable Varieties for Nebraska, Betty Besal and Donald H. Steinegger
EC85-1511 Field Crop Insect Control Guide for Nebraska : Alfalfa, Soybeans, and Small Grains, D. L. Keith, L. L. Peters, and J. F. Witkowski
EC-85-1537 Field Crop Insect Control Guide for Nebraska : Specialty Crops - Sugarbeets, Dry Beans, Sunflowers, Alfalfa Seed, Vetch, Potatoes, Onions, D. L. Keith, L. L. Peters, and J. F. Witkowski
EC 85-170 Nebraska Range and Pasture Grasses, J. Stubbendieck, James T. Nichols, and Kelly K. Roberts
EC85-2040 A Record of Important Family Papers
EC 85-872 Estimated Crop and Livestock Production Costs Nebraska, H. Douglas Jose
EC87-1511 Field Crop Insect Control Guide for Nebraska : Alfalfa, Soybeans, Wheat, Range and Pasture, D. L. Keith, F. P. Baxendale, and L. L. Peters
EC88-102 Nebraska Spring Small Grain Variety Tests 1988, Lenis Alton Nelson, Russell S. Moomaw, and P. Stephen Baenziger
EC88-106 Nebraska Grain Sorghum Hybrid Tests 1988, Lenis Alton Nelson, Roger Wesley Elmore, and P. T. Nordquist
EC88-872 Estimated Crop and Livestock Production Costs in Nebraska 1988, H. Douglas Jose, Larry L. Bitney, and Richard T. Clark
EC89-1221 Arbor Day : A Nebraska Creation, Michael Kuhns
EC89-425 Planning your Lifestyle : The Good Life Report : What is Fitness
EC 90-130 A 1990 Guide for --- Herbicide Use in Nebraska
EC 90-2501 Pesticide Safety Telephone Hotlines
EC90-259 The Nebraska Poultry Report 1991
EC 90-428 Household Waste Management : Yours, Mine, and Ours Year One, Shirley Niemeyer, Ann Ziebarth, and Leon Rottman
EC90-883 Crop and Livestock Prices for Nebraska Producers, Allen C. Wellman and Lynn H. Lutgen
EC91-1240 Vegetable Gardening in Nebraska, Dale T. Lindgren, Laurie Hodges, and Don H. Steinegger
EC91-1511 1991 Insect Management Guide for Alfalfa, Soybeans, Wheat, Range, and Pasture, S. D. Danielson, R. J. Wright, and J. F. Witkowski
EC 91-1763-B How Windbreaks Work, James R. Brandle and Sherman Finch
EC91-1772 Windbreaks in Sustainable Agricultural Systems, Vernon C. Quam, John Gardner, and James Brandle
EC91-269 Domestic Poultry Feed Formulation Guide, Earl W. Gleaves
EC 91-872 Estimated Crop and Livestock Production Costs Nebraska 1991, H. Douglas Jose, Gary Bader, and Richard T. Clark
EC 91-883 Crop and Livestock Prices for Nebraska Producers, Allen C. Wellman
EC91-884 Wheat Basis Patterns from Selected Sites in Nebraska, Lynn H. Lutgen
EC91-885 Soybean Basis Patterns from Selected Sites Nebraska, Lynn H. Lutgen
EC 92-1774-X Trees of Nebraska, Michael Kuhns and David Mooter
EC92-2500-A Federally Registered Restricted Use Pesticides, Larry D. Schulze
EC92-882-C Crop and Livestock Prices for Nebraska Producers, Allen C. Wellman
EC93-129 Buying and Selling Alfalfa Hay
EC93-133-E Pocket Guide and Field Record Book
EC93-1511-D Insect Management Guide for Nebraska Alfalfa, Soybeans, Wheat, Range and Pasture, S. D. Danielson, R. J. Wright, and J. E. Witkowski
EC93-219-A 1994 Nebraska Swine Report
EC 93-2500-A Federally Registered Restricted Use Pesticides July 1993, Larry Schulze
EC 93-806-C Poverty in Nebraska : An Increase Among Children, John C. Allen and Jian Wu
EC 94-102-A Nebraska Spring Wheat, Oats, Barley, Canola and Crambe Variety Tests 1994, Lenis Alton Nelson, David D. Baltensperger, and David L. Holshouser
EC94-106-A Nebraska Grain Sorghum Hybrid Tests 1994, Lenis Alton Nelson, Roger Wesley Elmore, and P. T. Nordquist
EC94-130-D 1994 Guide for Herbicide Use in Nebraska
EC94-259-A The Nebraska Poultry Report 1994
EC94-448 Let's Preserve : Jams, Jellies & Preserves, Julie A. Albrecht
EC95-107-A Nebraska Proso, Sunflower, Amaranth, Oat and Spring Wheat Variety Tests 1995, David Baltensperger, Glen Frickel, and Robert Klein
EC95-1250-S Forecasting Late Blight, Alexander D. Pavlista and Walter R. Stevenson
EC 96-103-A Nebraska Fall-Sown Small Grain Variety Tests 1996, Lenis Alton Nelson, David D. Baltensperger, and Roger Wesley Elmore
EC96-802 Revised 1997 Soybean Basis Patterns from Selected Sites in Nebraska
EC96-899-B Revised 1997 Sorghum Basis Patterns from Selected Sites in Nebraska
EC 97-104-A Nebraska Soybean Variety Tests, Lenis Alton Nelson, Roger Wesley Elmore, and R. N. Klein
EC 97-1550-B Nebraska Management Guide for Arthropod Pests of Livestock and Horses, John B. Campbell
EC 97-818 Nebraska Livestock Budgets 1997, Roger A. Selley, Larry L. Bitney, and Richard T. Clark
EC98-104 Nebraska Soybean Variety Tests 1998, Lenis Alton Nelson, Roger Wesley Elmore, and R. N. Klein
EC 98-106-A Nebraska Grain Sorghum Hybrid Tests 1998, Lenis Alton Nelson, Roger Wesley Elmore, and R. N. Klein
EC98-454 Nutrition for the Elderly, Wanda M. Koszewski, Carol Ray, and Amy Sutton
Ecological divergence of two sympatric lineages of Buggy Creek virus, an arbovirus associated with birds, Charles R. Brown, Abinash Padhi, Amy T. Moore, Mary Bomberger Brown, Jerome E. Foster, Martin Pfeffer, Valerie A. O'Brien, and Nicholas Komar
Ecological impacts of lead mining on Ozark streams: Toxicity of sediment and pore water, John M. Besser, William G. Brumbaugh, Ann L. Allert, Barry C. Poulton, Christopher J. Schmitt, and Christopher G. Ingersoll
Ecological Role of Vertebrate Scavengers, James C. Beasley, Zach H. Olson, and Travis L. Devault
Ecological Routes of Avian Influenza Virus Transmission to a Common Mesopredator: An Experimental Evaluation of Alternatives, J. Jeffrey Root, Kevin T. Bentler, Susan A. Shriner, Nicole L. Mooers, Kaci K. VanDalen, Heather J. Sullivan, and Alan B. Franklin
Ecology and Management of Superabundant Fish Populations, Nathaniel T. Stewart
Ecology and Morphology of the Late Miocene Musk Deer, Longirostromeryx wellsi (Artiodactyla: Moschidae: Blastomerycinae), Katheryn Y. C. Chen
Ecology, Behavior and Bionomics First Genotyping of Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Progeny from Crosses between Bt-Resistant and Bt-Susceptible Populations, and 65-Locus Discrimination of Isofamilies, Renee S. Arias, Maribel Portilla, J. D. Ray, Carlos A. Blanco, S. A. Simpson, and Brian E. Scheffler
Ecology, Behavior and Bionomics First Genotyping of Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Progeny from Crosses between Bt-Resistant and Bt-Susceptible Populations, and 65-Locus Discrimination of Isofamilies, R. S. Arias, M. Portilla, J. D. Ray, C. A. Blanco, S. A. Simpson, and B. E. Sch Effler
Ecology of the Missouri River: Missouri River Creel Survey, Bellevue Bridge to Camp Creek, 3 April through 29 May 2004, Gerald Mestl
Ecology of Zoonotic Infectious Diseases in Bats: Current Knowledge and Future Directions, D. T. S. Hayman, R. A. Bowen, P. M. Cryan, G. M. McCracken, T. J. O'Shea, A. J. Peel, A. Gilbert, C. T. Webb, and J. L. N. Wood
Economic Analysis of Eradication and Alternative Crop Policies for Controlling Coca Supply in Colombia, Jilmar David Robledo Caicedo
Economic Analysis of Surface Water Projects “Criteria Applicable to the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada”, J. R. Lane
Economic Analysis of Transmission Losses, Robert H. Ballard
Economic Aspects of the Hybrid Seed Corn Market in Nebraska, Jimmy L. Gilley
Economic Aspects of the Marketing and Production of Safflower and Safflower Products, Barry Wright Bobst
Economic Factors of Dairy Consumption and Production in Nebraska, Alfred R. Eckert
Economic Implications of Irrigation Development in the Blue River Basin, Nebraska, John W. Putman
Economic Planning and Indian Democracy, Phyraheem Kenneth Ackbarali
Economics of Beef Production in the Nebraska Sandhills, Charles W. Western
Economics of Water Pollution Abatement from Beef Cattle Feedlots, Bill J. Daiss
Economic Value of Angling at a Reservoir with Low Visitation, Christopher J. Chinzinski, Kevin L. Pope, David B. Willis, Gene R. Wilde, and Edwin J. Rossman
Economies of Plant Size and Utilization in the Flour Milling Industry, James E. Haskell
Economies Resulting from the Organization of Cooperative School Areas, Gerald A. Jones
Ecosystems, Adaptive Management, Craig R. Allen, Joseph J. Fontaine, and Ahjond S. Garmestani
Ecotoxicology studies with sediment, pore water, and surface water from the Palmerton Zinc site, John M. Besser, Bill Brumbaugh, and Chris Ingersoll
Ecotypes of an ecologically dominant prairie grass (Andropogon gerardii) exhibit genetic divergence across the U.S. Midwest grasslands’ environmental gradient, Miranda M. Grey, Paul St. Amand, Nora M. Bello, Matthew B. Galliart, Mary Knapp, Karen A. Garrett, Theodore J. Morgan, Sarah G. Baer, Brian R. Maricle, Eduard D. Akhunov, and Loretta C. Johnson
Ecotypic Variation in Recruitment of Reintroduced Bighorn Sheep: Implications for Translocation, Brett P. Wiedmann and Glen A. Sargeant
Ectoparasitism shortens the breeding season in a colonial bird, Charles R. Brown and Mary Bomberger Brown
Editorial Pernicious and Threatening Plasmodium vivax as Reality, J. Kevin Baird
Editor’s Introduction, Ada Long
Editor’s Introduction, Ada Long
Editor’s Introduction, Ada Long
Editor’s Introduction, Ada Long
Editor’s Introduction, Ada Long
Editor’s Introduction, Ada Long
Editor’s Introduction 2, Ada Long
Educating Preschoolers about Color, Texture, and Taste: Child Care Providers’ Perceptions for Engaging Children’s Senses, Car Mun Kok and Dipti A. Dev
Educating the Leaders of the Future, Albert Cornelissen
Educational Language Planning and Policy in Nebraska: An Historical Overview, Kristine M. Sudbeck
Educational Progress and Teacher Training in Bolivia, Aida C. Ardell
Educational Rights of Severely and Profoundly Handicapped Children, Laura F. Rothstein
E.E.C. Demand for U.S. Feed Grains – A Spatial Equilibrium Approach, Richard Michael Yoder
Efavirenz Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics in HIV-Infected Persons Receiving Rifapentine and Isoniazid for Tuberculosis Prevention, Anthony T. Podany, Yajing Bao, Susan Swindells, Richard E. Chaisson, Janet W. Andersen, Thando Mwelase, Khuanchai Supparatpinyo, Lerato Mohapi, Amita Gupta, Constance A. Benson, Peter Kim, and Courtney V. Fletcher
Effecting Change by the Use of Consultative Coaching with the Primary Caregivers of Language Delayed Preschoolers, Sari Jeanne Giles
Effecting Change by the Use of Consultative Coaching with the Primary Caregivers of Language Delayed Preschoolers, Sari Jeanne Giles
Effective library provision in Ghanaian Communities: case study of Dunkwa–On–Offin Branch library, Emmanuel Kobina Dadzie and Raphael Kwame Kavi
Effectiveness and target-specificity of a novel design of food dispenser to deliver a toxin to feral swine in the United States, Tyler A. Campbell, Justin A. Foster, Michael J. Bodenchuk, John D. Eisemann, Linton Staples, and Steven J. Lapidge
Effectiveness of Antimalarial Drugs, J. Kevin Baird
Effectiveness of Chemical Repellents In Managing Birds at Airports, Larry Clark and Michael L. Avery
Effectiveness of tailored lifestyle interventions, using web-based and print-mail, for reducing blood pressure among rural women with prehypertension: main results of the Wellness for Women: DASHing towards Health clinical trial, Patricia A. Hageman, Carol H. Pullen, Melody Hertzog, and Linda S. Boeckner
Effectiveness of Theobromine and Caffeine Mixtures in Coyote Lure Operative Devices as a Predacide: A Simulated Field Study, Eric M. Gese, Patrick A. Darrow, John A. Shivik, Bruce A. Kimball, John D. Eisemann, and Julie K. Young
Effective Networking: A Key Success Factor for Small Business Owners, Glenn Muske, Connie Hancock, Connie Reimers-Hild, and Alyssa Dye
Effect of 300 or 400 mg Daily of Ractopamine Hydrochloride on Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Finishing Steers During the Last 14, 28, or 42 Days, Curtis J. Bittner, Dirk B. Burken, Adam L. Shreck, James C. MacDonald, Galen E. Erickson, and Nathan A. Pyatt
Effect of Amino Acids on Non-Protein Nitrogen Utilization by G-F Swine, Paul Dennis Platter
Effect of annealing on nanostructure and magnetic properties of Zr2Co11 material, W Y. Zhang, X. Z. Li, Shah R. Valloppilly, Ralph A. Skomski, and David J. Sellmyer
Effect of a Trace Mineral Injection on Beef Cattle Performance, Carmen J. Brasche
Effect of Background Noise on Tractor Sound Measurements at Nebraska, Ned H. Meier
Effect of Chelation on Copper Utilization by Rats and Swine, Gary Lee Zoubek
Effect of Compaction and Moisture Content on the Trafficability Constants of Valentine Fine Sand and Medium Quartz Sand, David K. Berns
Effect of Corn Plant Maturity on Yield and Nutrient Quality of Corn Plants, Cassandra A. Row, Adam L. Shreck, Robert G. Bondurant, Curtis J. Bittner, Jana L. Harding, Jim C. MacDonald, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
Effect of Corn Residue Removal on Subsequent Crop Yields, Mary E. Drewnoski, L. Aaron Stalker, Jim C. MacDonald, Galen E. Erickson, Kathy J. Hanford, and Terry J. Klopfenstein
Effect of Diet on the Rumen Microbial Community Composition of Growing Cattle and the Role It Plays in Methane Emissions, Allison L. Knoell, Christopher L. Anderson, Anna C. Pesta, Galen C. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Samodha C. Fernando
Effect of Different Grinds on Digestibility and Efficiency of Pelleted Rations for Finishing Beef Cattle, Wallace J. Bierman
Effect of Dilution on Oxygen Uptake of Turkey Semen, Maria L. Bade
Effect of Distillers Grains Plus Solubles and Monensin Supplementation on Grazing Steers, Tyler L. Hasenauer, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Jim C. MacDonald, Robby G. Bondurant, and Dirk B. Burken
Effect of Electric Fields on Scintillations of Zinc Sulphide Phosphors Under Alpha Particle Bombardment, Arnis R. Aumalis
Effect of Exchange Interactions on the Coercivity of SmCo5 Nanoparticles Made by Cluster Beam Deposition, O Akdogan, W Li, B Balasubrmanian, David J. Sellmyer, and G C. Hadjipanayis
Effect of Familiar Background Music upon Film Learning, John Freeman
Effect of Feeding Distillers Grains and Supplementing with Dietary Antioxidants on Ground Beef Color During Retail Display, Brandy D. Cleveland, Chad G. Bower, Amy L. Redfield, and Gary A. Sullivan
Effect of Feeding Distillers Grains in Different Phases of Production on the Fatty Acid Profile and Oxidation of Frozen, Cooked Beef Links, Brandy D. Cleveland, Amy L. Redfield, James C. MacDonald, Tommi F. Jones, and Gary A. Sullivan
Effect of Fertilization of Nebraska Sandhill Meadows on the Composition of the Forage, Conjeevaram Rajasikamani Krishnamurthi
Effect of Genotype, Environment, and Production Packages on Yield, Agronomic Characteristics, and End-Use Quality of Winter Wheat, Madhav Bhatta
Effect of Growth Regulators on Time of Bulbing and Yield of Long Day and Short Day Onion Varieties, Hasan Huseyin Apan
Effect of Harvest Method on In Vitro Digestibility of Corn Residues, Janessa J. Updike, Jana L. Harding, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Jim C. MacDonald
Effect of High Dietary Levels of Dehydrated Alfalfa Meal on Egg Yolk Color, Production, Fertility and Hatchability in Chickens, John Robert Kingan
Effect of High Inlet Air Temperature and Low Inlet Air Pressure on Low-Power Performance Characteristics of a Diesel Engine, Marvin Bishop
Effect of Isometric Tension and Temperature on Tenderness during the Development of Rigor Mortis, Kenneth E. Meier
Effect of Level of Roughage and Oyster Shell upon Ration Digestibility by Steers, Roger C. Voss
Effect of Low Nitrogen Intake on Human Serum Transferrin Levels in Healthy Adults, Peter M. Ranum
Effect of lysozyme or antibiotics on faecal zoonotic pathogens in nursery pigs, J E. Wells, E D. Berry, N Kalchayanand, L A. Rampel, M Kim, and W T. Oliver
Effect of Maize Lines on Larval Fitness Costs of Cry1F Resistance in the European Corn Borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), Jennifer L. Petzold-Maxwell, Blair D. Siegfried, Richard L. Hellmich, Craig A. Abel, Brad S. Coates, Terrence A. Spencer, and Aaron J. Gassmann
Effect of Mass Selection on Genetic Variances of the Hays Golden Variety of Corn (Zea mays L.), Oscar Cota Agramont
Effect of membrane filtration of antimalarial drug solutions on in vitro activity against Plasmodium falciparum, J. Kevin Baird and C. Lambros
Effect of Microenvironment in Producing a Visible Film on Milk Handling Equipment, Francis D. Lavicky
Effect of Moisture Regimen on Nutrient Accumulation in Corn, Everett A. Jenne
Effect of Nitrate Distribution in Melilotus infesta Guss. On Resistance to the Sweetclover Weevil, Gary LaVern Beland
EFFECT OF PLANTING DATE, NITROGEN RATE, AND HYBRID ON SUNFLOWER, Valtcho D. Zheljazkov, Brady A. Vick, Brian S. Baldwin, Normie Buehring, Tess Astatkie, and Billy Johnson
Effect of Pneumatic-Tired Wheel upon Movement of Sand during Underwater Traction, Debasish Chakravarty
Effect of Post-Weaning Management and Age at Weaning on Calf Growing and Finishing Performance, Jason M. Warner, Curtis J. Bittner, Karla H. Jenkins, Ricky J. Rasby, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson
Effect of processing conditions and electrode characteristics on the electrical properties of structural composite capacitors, D. J. O'Brien, D. M. Baechle, O. B. Yurchak, and E. D. Wetzel
Effect of Processing Variables on Stability and Protein Solubility in Turkey Meat Emulsions, Gary L. Hargus
Effect of Protein Derivatives on the Toxic Action of Potassium on the Isolated Frog Heart, Abolghassem Amin
Effect of quench rate on nanostructure and magnetic properties of PrCo5, W. Y. Zhang, Ralph Skomski, X. Z. Li, Shah R. Valloppilly, Jeffrey E. Shield, and David J. Sellmyer
Effect of Relative Humidity on the Fate of Microorganisms on Metal Surfaces, Harold M. Barnhart
Effect of Row Spacings and Seeding Rates of Winter Wheat on Weed Control, P. Blake Vander Vorst
Effect of Sample Complexity on Quantification of Analytes in Aqueous Samples by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, Mark R. Riley, Mark A. Arnold, and David W. Murhammer
Effect of Seed Blends and Soil-Insecticide on Western and Northern Corn Rootworm Emergence from mCry3A1+ eCry3.1Ab Bt Maize, Daniel L. Frank, Ryan Kurtz, N A. Tinsley, Aaron J. Gassmann, Lance J. Meinke, Daniel Moellenbeck, Michael E. Gray, Larry W. Bledsoe, Christan H. Krupke, Ronald E. Estes, Patrick Weber, and Bruce E. Hibbard
Effect of Soil Temperature During Germination and Seedling Development on Maturity of Zea mays var. rugosa (L.), Louis Htin Aung
Effect of Sperm Numbers on Fertility in Broad Breasted Bronze Turkeys, Lewis V. Belcher
Effect of Stand Reduction on Yield and Some Agronomic Characters of Corn (Zea mays L.), Gard A. Lematia
Effect of strain on ferroelectric field effect in strongly correlated oxide Sm0.5Nd0.5NiO3, Le Zhang, Chen, H. J. Gardner, Mark A. Koten, Jeffrey Shield, and Xia Hong
Effect of Sub-irrigation, Nitrogen Application and Row Spacing on Yield Components of Sorghum, Stevan A. Andersen
Effect of substitutional doping on the Néel temperature of Cr2O3, Sai Mu, A. L. Wysocki, and K. D. Belashchenko
Effect of Sucrose Levels on In Vitro Protein Synthesis, Dry Matter and Cellulose Digestion, Joseph Hudson Apell
Effect of Technology Use on Behavior, Janae Marion
Effect of the physical environment on teacher satisfaction with indoor environmental quality in early learning schools, Stuart Shell
Effect of Tractor Exhaust Stack Location on Noise Levels at Operator’s Station, Gary L. Schmer
Effect of travel distance, home range, and bait on the management of small Indian mongooses, Herpestes auropunctatus, William C. Pitt, Robert T. Sugihara, and Are R. Berentsen