Content Posted in 2024
Growing a Healthy Future, Winter 2020-2021
Growing a New Generation: Promoting Self-Reflection Through Peer Observation, Allison Boye and Micah Meixner
Growing Opportunities through Public-Private Partnerships, Ronnie Green, Mary Garbacz, Rachel Noe, Sarah Schellpeper, Paige Dietrich, Samantha Schneider, Daniel Franck, Jenny Keyes, Elizabeth Uehling, and Danielle Franck
Growing Pains (and Opportunities): Launching a Center for Teaching and Learning During a Global Pandemic, Johanna Inman
Growing through adversity: the relation of early childhood educator post-traumatic growth to young children’s executive function, Caron A. C. Clark, Holly Hatton-Bowers, Kimia Akhavein, Sarah Rasby, and Gilbert R. Parra
Growth and Simulation of Dielectric-Metal Nanoheterostructured Thin Films by Ballistic Deposition, Shawn Wimer
Growth Performance in Livestock with Stress-Induced Low Birthweight is Recovered by Clenbuterol Administration, Rachel L. Gibbs, Rebecca M. Swanson, Joslyn K. Beard, Ty B. Schmidt, Jessica Lynn Petersen, and Dustin T. Yates
Guest Editorial: “Bound to Cover Just a Little More Ground”: Teaching and Learning with the Grateful Dead, Timothy D. Ray and Julie DeLong
Guest Editorial: Cruel Summer, Travis D. Boyce
Guest Editorial: “καλὸν ἀνθρωπίνου βίου κάτοπτρον”: Popular Culture as a Pedagogical Lens on Greco-Roman Antiquity (Essays in Honor of Kirsten Day), L. Kirsten Day and Benjamin Haller
Guiding Students Down that “Old Town Road:” Writing Pedagogy, Relatability and the Sitch, Lynn D. Zimmemran
Gwayak Ateg Onaakonigewi Dibenjigewin: Decolonizing Jurisdiction in Anishinaabe Tribal Courts, Kekek Jason Stark
Habeas at Home and Heart: Progressive Era Cases of Spousal Confinement to Nebraska's Psychiatric Households, Isabelle Childs
Habeas Corpus as a Means for Economic Freedom in the Progressive Era, Janana Khattak
Habeas Corpus: Breaking Reservation Boundaries, Samantha Byrd
Habitat characteristics, distribution, and abundance of Cicindelidia haemorrhagica (LeConte) (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) in Yellowstone National Park, K. A. Willemssens, J. L. Bowley, L. Cavallini, E. Oberg, R.K.D. Peterson, and Leon G. Higley
Habitat Characteristics of Spring Blackbird Roosts in East-central South Dakota, H. Jeffrey Homan, Richard S. Sawin, George M. Linz, and William J. Bleier
Halfies, Half-Written Letters, and One-Eyed Gods: Connecting the Dots of Communicative Cultures, Gregory Stephens
Harassment, Stalking, and Violence on Campus: An Examination of Persistent Cases, Madeline M. Eyer
Harnessing autoimmunity with dominant self-peptide: Modulating the sustainability of tissue-preferential antigen-specific Tregs by governing the binding stability via peptide flanking residues, Youwei Lin, Shun Sakuraba, Chandirasegaran Massilamany, Jayagopala Reddy, Yoshimasa Tanaka, Sachiko Miyake, and Takashi Yamamura
Harnessing Flip in Both Hybrid and Fully Online Honors Courses to Build Community, Monica VanDieren and Sylvia A. Pamboukian
Harnessing the Potential of Online Faculty Development: Challenges and Opportunities, Timothy P. Shea, Pamela D. Sherer, and Eric V. Kristensen
HARRIET MONROE: An American Poet in Vevey. Her Diary Entries, May 16 – July 26, 1898, Harriet Monroe, Michael R. Hill, and Deborah Anna Logan
Harvestable Metadata Services Development: Analysis of Use Cases from the World Data System, ROBERT R. DOWNS, ALICIA URQUIDI DÍAZ, QI XU, JUANLE WANG, AUDE CHAMBODUT, CHUANG LIU, SIMON FLOWER, and KAREN PAYNE
Hazardous Weather Communication En Español: Challenges, Current Resources, and Future Practices, Joseph E. Trujillo-Falcón, Orlando Bermúdez, Krizia Negrón-Hernández, John Lipski, Elizabeth Leitman, and Kodi Berry
HCmodelSets: An R Package for Specifying Sets of Well-fitting Models in High Dimensions, Henrique Hoeltgebaum and Heather Battey
Heads Held High and Hands Holding Hope: The Victory and Vulnerabilities of the Indian Child Welfare Act after Haaland v. Brackeen, Mikayla Jones
Healing in the Workplace: School Counselors, Trauma, and Growth, Judith L. Sigler
Health Behavior Moderates Relationships Between Sickness Behavior, Mood, and Attenuated Positive Psychotic Symptoms, Brianna Speakar
Health Prompts Affect Consideration of Health but Not Intertemporal Preferences While Promoting Healthier Food Choices, Olivier Tuyizere, Christopher Gustafson, and Devin J. Rose
Healthy Nebraska: Advancing Human Health and Developing Healthy Communities, Laura E. Young, Mary Garbacz, Kelli Mashino, Michael J. Boehm, Amanda Ramer-Tait, Jessica Rudolph, Heather Rasmussen, Abigail Durheim, Kaustav Majumder, Taryn Sehnert, Dipti Dev, Krista Ott, Martha Rhoades, Morgan Leefers, Richard Wilson, Mya Donelson, James Schnable, Brent Lemmer, Virginia Chaidez, Rebecca Reagan, Helen Fagan, Bailee Tucker, Jean Ann Fischer, and Molly Suhr
Heating Decoys to Mimic Thermal Signatures of Live Animals for Drones, Landon R. Jones, Cerise Mensah, Jared S. Elmore, Kristine O. Evans, Morgan B. Pfeiffer, Brad F. Blackwell, and Raymond B. Iglay
Heat-Seepage Coupling and Anomaly Detection in Earth Dams, Binyam Mammo Bekele
Heat Stress Changes the Bovine Methylome and Transcriptome and Investigation of Two Novel Genetic Defects in Cattle, Rachel Renae Reith
Heat Stress Changes the Bovine Methylome and Transcriptome and Investigation of Two Novel Genetic Defects in Cattle, Rachel Renae Reith
Heavy metal movement through insect food chains in pristine thermal springs of Yellowstone National Park, Braymond Adams, John Bowley, Monica Rohwer, Erik Oberg, Kelly Willemssens, Wendy Wintersteen, Robert K.D. Peterson, and Leon G. Higley
Hedging Your Average Crop Price Using Seasonals, Cory Walters and Richard K. Preston
Heifers on Feed Indicate Long-Term Liquidation Still Occurring, Elliott James Dennis
Helicopter Electromagnetic and Magnetic Geophysical Survey Data, Swedeburg and Sprague Study Areas, Eastern Nebraska, May 2009, B. D. Smith, J. D. Abraham, J. C. Cannia, B. J. Minsley, L. B. Ball, Gregory V. Steele, and M. Deszcz-Pan
Hell You Talmbout: Mixtapes as Method for Online Environmental Justice Pedagogy, Elspeth Iralu and Caitlin Grann
Helping Faculty Learn to Teach Better and “Smarter” Through Sequenced Activities, Barbara J. Millis
Helping First-Year Students Study: Part I, Bette LaSere Erickson
Helping First-Year Students Study: Part II, Better LaSere Erickson
Helping Future Faculty “Come Out” as Teachers, Mark R. Connolly
Helping Students (Better) Evaluate and Validate WWW Resources, David L. Graf
Helping Students Help Each Other: Making Peer Feedback More Valuable, Linda B. Nilson
Hepatozoon spp. Infection in Wild Canids in the Eastern United States, Eliza Baker, Alex Clemson, Debra Miller, Kayla Buck Garrett, Christopher A. Cleveland, Justin Brown, Kyle Van Why, and Richard W. Gerhold Jr.
“Heritage Rocks”: Principles and Best Practices of Effective Intercultural Teaching and Learning, Peter Frederick and Mary James
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 10, No. 10, November 18, 1997
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 10, No. 1, January 19, 1998
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 10, No. 2, February 27, 1998
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 10, No. 3, March 20, 1998
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 10, No. 4, April 25, 1998
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 10, No. 5, May 15, 1998
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 10, No. 6, June 24, 1998
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 10, No. 7, August 31, 1998
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 10, No. 8, August 25, 1997
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 10, No. 8, September 30, 1998
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 10, No. 9, December 31, 1998
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 10, No. 9, September 17, 1997
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 11, No. 1, March 1, 1999
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 11, No. 2, April 30, 1999
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 11, No. 3, July 7, 1999
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 11, No. 4, October 1999
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 11, No. 5, December 1999
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 11, No. 9, October 21, 1997
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 12, No. 1, March 2000
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 12, No. 2, June 2000
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 12, No. 3, August 2000
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 12, No. 4, October 2000
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 12, No. 5, November 2000
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 13, No. 1, March 2001
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 13, No. 2, July 2001
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 13, No. 3, October 2001
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 14, No. 1, February 2002
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 14, No. 2, April 2002
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 14, No. 3, June 2002
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 14, No. 4, [August?] 2002
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 14, No. 5, October 2002
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 14, No. 6, December 2002
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 15, No. 1, February 2003
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 15, No. 2, April 2003
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 15, No. 3, June 2003
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 15, No. 4, September 2003
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 15, No. 5, October 2003
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 1, No. 10, May 18, 1990
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 1, No. 11, June 4, 1990
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 1, No. 12, June 18, 1990
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 1, No. 13, July 2, 1990
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 1, No. 14, July 17, 1990
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 1, No. 15, August 8, 1990
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 1, No. 16, August 31, 1990
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 1, No. 17, September 14, 1990
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 1, No. 20, September 28, 1990
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 1, No. 21, October 12, 1990
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 1, No. 22, October 26, 1990
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 1, No. 23, November 16, 1990
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 1, No. 24, December 20, 1990
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 1, No. 6, March 23, 1990
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 1, No. 7, April 6, 1990
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 1, No. 8, April 20, 1990
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 1, No. 9, May 4, 1990
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 2, No. 10, August 2, 1991
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 2, No. 11, September 6, 1991
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 2, No. 12, September 17, 1991
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 2, No. 13, October 23, 1991
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 2, No. 14, November 27, 1991
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 2, No. 1, January 14, 1991
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 2, No. 3, February 15, 1991
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 2, No. 4, March 5, 1991
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 2, No. 5, March 19, 1991
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 2, No. 6, April 15, 1991
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 2, No. 7, May 7, 1991
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 2, No. 8, May 31, 1991
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 2, No. 9, July 3, 1991
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 3, No. 1, January 21, 1992
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 3, No. 3, March 20, 1992
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 3, No. 4, May 28, 1992
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 3, No. 5, July 31, 1992
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 3, No. 6, October 29, 1992
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 3, No. 7, November 19, 1992
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 4, No. 1, February 8, 1993
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 4, No. 2, April 14, 1993
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 4, No. 3, May 12, 1993
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 4, No. 4, July 1, 1993
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 5, No. 1, February 21, 1994
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 5, No. 2, March 11, 1994
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 6, No. 3, April 25, 1994
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 7., No. 11, February 6, 1995
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 7, No. 12, February 22, 1995
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 7, No. 13, March 17, 1995
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 7, No. 14, April 12, 1995
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 7, No. 15, April 25, 1995
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 7, No. 16, May 10, 1995
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 7, No. 17, May 26, 1995
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 7, No. 18, June 16, 1995
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 7, No. 19, July 27, 1995
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 7, No. 20, August 11, 1995
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 7, No. 21, August 31, 1995
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 7, No. 22, September 13, 1995
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 7, No. 23, September 29, 1995
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 7, No. 25, October 17, 1995
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 7, No. 26, October 31, 1995
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 7, No. 27, November 16, 1995
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 7, No. 28, December 1, 1995
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 7, No. 3, May 20, 1994
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 7, No. 4, June 14, 1994
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 7, No. 5, August 24, 1994
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 7, No. 6, September 9, 1994
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 7, No. 7, September 22, 1994
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 7, No. 8, October 26, 1994
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 7, No. 8, October 4, 1994
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 7, No, 9, November 17, 1994
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 8, No. 10, July 9, 1996
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 8, No. 11, August 7, 1996
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 8, No. 12, September 4, 1996
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 8, No. 13, September 27, 1996
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 8, No. 14, October 23, 1996
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 8, No. 15, November 14, 1996
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 8, No. 16, December 19, 1996
Hexapod herald - Vol. 8, No. 1, January 8, 1996
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 8, No. 1, January 8, 1996
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 8, No. 2, January 22, 1996
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 8, No. 3, February 8, 1996
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 8, No. 4, April 8, 1996
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 8, No. 5, April 18, 1996
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 8, No. 6, May 8, 1996
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 8, No. 7, May 22, 1996
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 8, No. 8, June 7, 1996
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 8, No. 9, June 20, 1996
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 9, No. 1, January 29, 1997
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 9, No. 2, February 27, 1997
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 9, No. 3, March 24, 1997
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 9, No. 4, April 8, 1997
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 9, No. 5, May 20, 1997
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 9, No. 6, June 13, 1997
Hexapod Herald - Vol. 9, No. 7, July 16, 1997
Hexapos Herald - Vol. 2, No. 2, February 1, 1991
hglm: A Package for Fitting Hierarchical Generalized Linear Models, Lars Rönnegård, Xia Shen, and Moudud Alam
Hidden Histories: Nebraska Women in Law From 1868 to 1950, Clare Kramper
Hidden Markov models for estimating animal mortality from anthropogenic hazards, MATTHEW A. ETTERSON
Hierarchical Ni-Mn LDHs@CuC2O4 Nanosheet Arrays-Modified Copper Mesh: A Dual-Functional Material for Enhancing Oil/Water Separation and Supercapacitors, Yue Wu, Guangyuan Lu, Ping Xu, Tian Zhang, Huaqiang He, and Shaojun Yuan
Hierarchical Ni-Mn LDHs@CuC2O4 Nanosheet Arrays-Modified Copper Mesh: A Dual-Functional Material for Enhancing Oil/Water Separation and Supercapacitors, Yue Wu, Guangyuan Lu, Ping Xu, Tian Zhang, Huaqiang He, and Shaojun Yuan
High-altitude adaptation is accompanied by strong signatures of purifying selection in the mitochondrial genomes of three Andean waterfowl, A. M. Graham, P. Lavretsky, R. E. Wilson, and K. G. McCracken
High crystalline quality homoepitaxial Si-doped β-Ga2O3(010) layers with reduced structural anisotropy grown by hot-wall MOCVD, D. Gogova, D. Q. Tran, V. Jokubavicius, L. Vines, M. Schubert, R. Yakimova, P. P. Paskov, and V. Darakchieva
“High Culture as Entertainment”: Hybrid Reading Practices in a Live Book Club, Magnus Persson
Higher Level Learning: A Taxonomy for Identifying Different Kinds of Significant Learning, L. Dee Fink
Higher–Level Learning: The First Step toward More Significant Learning, L. Dee Fink
High-fat diet feeding exacerbates HIV-1 rectal transmission, Saroj Chandra Lohani, Amanda E. Ramer-Tait, and Qingsheng Li
High order entropy conservative central schemes for wide ranges of compressible gas dynamics and MHD flows, Björn Sjögreen and H.C. Yee
High order finite difference methods with subcell resolution for advection equations with stiff source terms, Wei Wang, Chi-Wang Shu, H.C. Yee, and Björn Sjögreen
High Order Well-Balanced Schemes and Applications to Non-Equilibrium Flow with Stiff Source Terms, Wei Wang, Chi-Wang Shu, H. C. Yee, and Björn Sjögreen
High Retention of Minority and International Faculty through a Formal Mentoring Program, Susan L. Phillips, Susan T. Dennison, and Mark A. Davenport
High Sensitivity of the Tiger Beetle, Cicindela circumpicta, to Toxicity from Pyrethroids and Neonicotinoids, and Implications for Ecosystem Function and Species Extinctions, S. Svehla, T. Brosius, Leon Higley, and T. Hunt
High Target Homology Does Not Guarantee Inhibition: Aminothiazoles Emerge as Inhibitors of Plasmodium falciparum, Sandra Johannsen; Robin M. Gierse; Arne Krüger; Rachel L. Edwards; Vittoria Nanna; Anna Fontana; Di Zhu; Tiziana Masini; Lais Pessanha de Carvalho; Mael Poizat; Bart Kieftenbelt; Dana M. Hodge; Sophie University of Nebraska-Lincoln,; Daan Bunt; Antoine Lacour; Atanaz Shams; Kamila Anna Meissner; Edmarcia Elisa de Souza; Melloney Dröge; Bernard van Vliet; Jack den Hartog; Michael C. Hutter; Jana Held; Audrey R. Odom John; Carsten Wrenger; and Anna K.H. Hirsch
High Thermal Quality Rookeries Facilitate High Thermoregulatory Accuracy in Pregnant Female Rattlesnakes, Haley A. Moniz, Jack Henry Buck, Hayley L. Crowell, Scott M. Goetz, Trevor D. Ruiz, Emily N. Taylor, and Scott M. Bobacks
Hilling as a cultural control strategy for soybean gall midge (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), Anthony Justin McMechan, Joana Schroeder de Souza, Natasha Umezu, Pragya Gupta, and Gabriela Inveninato Carmona
Hilling as a Management Tactic and Tool for Understanding Soybean Gall Midge (Resseliella maxima Gagné), Pragya Gupta
Historical Corn Price Evolution Implications for Pre-Harvest Hedging, Cory Walters and Richard K. Preston
Holding Tight to Our Convictions and Lightly to Our Ways: Inviting Shared Expertise as a Strategy for Expanding Inclusion, Reach, and Impact, Kylie Korsnack and Leslie Ortquist-Ahrens
Holdrege Fall Field Days, Janis Paseka
Holistic Health and Fitness (This Item Is Published with Basic Incl C1), United States Army
Hombres, pumas y jaguares: imágenes del poder chamánico en los vasos líticos del Noroeste argentino, María Alba Bovisio
Home Range and Resource Selection of Virginia Opossums in the Rural Southeastern United States, Jacob E. Hill, David A. Bernasconi, Richard B. Chipman, Amy T. Gilbert, James C. Beasley, Olin E. Rhodes Jr., and Guha Dharmarajan
Home Range Overlap between Small Indian Mongooses and Free Roaming Domestic Dogs in Puerto Rico: Implications for Rabies Management, Caroline C. Sauvé, Are R. Berentsen, Steven F. Llanos, Amy T. Gilbert, and Patrick A. Leighton
Homestead National Monument of America Bur Oak Forest Restoration Plan: Reference Condition and Management Considerations, Steven B. Rolfsmeier
Home Tap Water in Nonmetropolitan Nebraska, Rebecca J. Vogt
Homocopris Burmeister, 1846 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae): Lectotype Designation for Copris torulosus Eschscholtz, 1822, and Correction on the Geographic Distribution of the Two Chilean Species, José Mondaca and Fernando Z. Vaz-de-Mello
Honey bee colony behavior and ontogeny are adversely affected when exposed to a pesticide-contaminated environment, Rogan Tokach, Autumn H. Smart, Carol Fassbinder-Orth, Chandler Fong, and Judy Wu-Smart
Honoring the Process for Honoring Teaching, Laurie Richlin and Brenda Manning
Honors in Practice (2024) 20: About the Authors, National Collegiate Honors Council
Honors in Practice, Volume 20, 2024, John Zubizarreta
Honors Online: Teaching, Learning, and Building Community Virtually in Honors Education, Victoria M. Bryan and Cat Stanfield
Honors Online: Teaching, Learning, and Building Community Virtually in Honors Education: Front and Back Matter, Victoria M. Bryan and Cat Stanfield
Hop Cone Drying for the Small Grower: Temperature and Airflow Considerations, Stacy A. Adams, David M. Mabie, Michael F. Kocher, and David Jones
How a Flexible Teaching “Camp” Answered Our Pandemic Teaching Emergency, Patricia Dineen
How a Small Teaching Center Made a Big Impact During the Pandemic Crises, J. A. Carter, Bradford Mallory, Brenda Refaei, and Ruth Benander
How College Graduates Decide to Remain in a Rural Community Post-graduation, Benjamin J Lamb
How College Graduates Decide to Remain in a Rural Community Post-Graduation, Benjamin Lamb
"How Did I Spend Two Hours Grading This Paper?!" Responding to Student Writing Without Losing Your Life, Eric LeMay
How does Organizational Culture and Climate Impact the Child Welfare Workforce?, Courtney Harrison
How Do You Handle This Situation? Responses by Faculty in Great Britain and the United States to Workshops on the Ethics of Teaching, Miriam Rosalyn Diamond
How Effective Are the Russian Sanctions?, Wesley Peterson
How Extraordinary Lawyers Saved an Ordinary Trial Judge from Mucking Up an Extraordinary Case, Richard G. Kopf
How Gender Affirming Care Affects the Current Sex Estimation Standards in Forensic Anthropology: A Preliminary Study, Dakota Taylor
How Gender and Primary Language Influence the Acquisition of Economic Knowledge of Secondary School Students in the United States and Germany, Roland Happ, Susanne Schmidt, Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, and William Walstad
How is Flash Drought Understood?—Experts’ Definitions and Decision-Makers’ Perceptions, CAILY SCHWARTZ, Tonya Haigh, Mark D. Svoboda, and MADELINE GOEBEL
How Mature Teaching and Learning Centers Evaluate their Services, Susan R. Hines
How Much Green to Keep the Garden Clean? An Analysis of the Willingness to Pay (WTP) of Home Gardeners for BioWRAP Technology, Gengchen Cai, Kanji Fatema, and Karina Schoengold
How Post–Tenure Review Can Support the Teaching Development of Senior Faculty, Mary Deane Sorcinelli, Mei-Yau Shih, Mathew L. Ouellett, and Marjory Stewart
How Search Committees Assess Teaching: Lessons for CTLs, Katharine Phelps Walsh, Laura Ochs Pottmeyer, Deborah Meizlish, and Chad Hershock
How To Communicate Your Estate Plan to Family When Dividing Assets Unequally, Anastasia Meyer
How to Communicate Your Estate Plan to Family When Dividing Assets Unequally, Anastasia Meyer
How to Create a Pollinator Garden [Extension Circular], Gianna M. Desrochers
How to Obtain Permission, United States Copyright Office
Hudl Assist for Field Hockey, Jayden Rocha, Colin Safford, Madelyn Craft, John Delfosse, and B Littman
Human Alcohol-Microbiota Mice have Increased Susceptibility to Bacterial Pneumonia, Kelly C. Cunningham, Deandra R. Smith, Daniel Villageliú, Christi M. Ellis, Amanda E. Ramer-Tait, Jeffrey D. Price, Todd A. Wyatt, Daren L. Knoell, Patricia E. Molina, David A. Welsh, and Derrick R. Samuelson
Human Anisakis Transmitted by Marine Food Products: Raw Facts on Sushi and Sashimi, Thomas L. Deardorff, Stephen G. Kayes, and Takakazu Fukumura
Human Intelligence Collector Operations, United States Army
Human Resources Support, United States Army
Human Sacrifice and Propaganda in Popular Media: More Than Morbid Curiosity, Jason Tatlock
Hybridization and gene expression: Beyond differentially expressed genes, Anna Runemark, Emily C. Moore, and Erica L. Larson
Hybridization between the Rare Gray-headed Chickadee and the Abundant Boreal Chickadee in the Midst of Shifting Climate, Matthew R. Armstrong
Hydrochemical Data for the Truckee River Drainage System, California and Nevada, Larry V. Benson
Hydrogeomorphic Segments and Hydraulic Microhabitats of the Niobrara River, Nebraska, with Special Emphasis on the Niobrara National Scenic River, Jason S. Alexander, Ronald B. Zelt, and Nathaniel J. Schaepe
Hydrographic Survey of Chaktomuk, the Confluence of the Mekong, Tonlé Sap, and Bassac Rivers Near Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2012, Benjamin J. Dietsch, Brenda K. Densmore, and Richard C. Wilson
Hydrographic Surveys at Seven Chutes and Three Backwaters on the Missouri River in Nebraska, Iowa, and Missouri, 2011-13, Justin R. Krahulik, Brenda K. Densmore, Kayla J. Anderson, and Cory L. Kavan
Hydrographic Surveys of Four Narrows within the Namakan Reservoir System, Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota, 2011, Brenda K. Densmore, Kellan R. Strauch, and Jeffrey R. Kiegweid
Hydrographic Surveys of the Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers at Selected Bridges and through Bismarck, North Dakota, during the 2011 Flood, Brenda K. Densmore, Kellan R. Strauch, and Benjamin J. Dietsch
Hydrostratigraphic Interpretation of Test-hole and Borehole Geophysical Data, Kimball, Cheyenne, and Deuel Counties, Nebraska, 2011-12, Christopher M. Hobza and Steven S. Sibray
Hydrostratigraphic Interpretation of Test-hole and Geophysical Data, Upper Loup River Basin, Nebraska, 2008-10, Christopher M. Hobza, Theodore H. Asch, and Paul A. Bedrosian
Hydrostratigraphic Interpretation of Test-hole and Surface Geophysical Data, Elkhorn and Loup River Basins, Nebraska, 2008 to 2011, Christopher M. Hobza, Paul A. Bedrosian, and Benjamin R. Bloss
Hymenopteran parasitoid complex and fall armyworm: a case study in eastern India, Subhajit Pal, Swarnali Bhattacharya, Tapamay Dhar, Ankita Gupta, Arunava Ghosh, Sandip Debnath, Nikhitha Gangavarapu, Prajna Pati, Nilanjana Chaudhuri, Hirak Chatterjee, Sabita Kumar Senapati, Prateek Madhab Bhattacharya, Mahesh Kumar Gathala, and Alison M. Laing
Hyping the Hyperreal: Postmodern Visual Dynamics in Amy Heckerling’s Clueless, Andrew Urie
Hypothesis Tests for Multivariate Linear Models Using the car Package, John Fox, Michael Friendly, and Sanford Weisberg
“I am a Conversation”: Media Literacy, Queer Pedagogy, and Steven Universe in College Curriculum, Misty Thomas
I Am Not a Hero: Heroic Action Divorces the Hero from the Political Community, Ari Kohen, Brian Riches, and Andre Sólo
Iconografía y simbolismo de las aves en piezas del sitio Arqueológico Ciudad del Jaguar-T1 (Honduras), Geydy Rodríguez Wood
Iconography of Sky Bands, Earth Bands, Skull & Crossed-Bones Bands in Classic Maya Art, Nicholas Hellmuth
ICT Application and Information Service Delivery in South-West Nigeria’s Public Polytechnic Libraries, Omolabake Eunice Akinyemi and Toyosi Rachel Afolabi
Ideas for Estate and Transition Planning: Gifting, Jessica Groskopf
Ideas For Estate and Transition Planning: Gifting Ownership, Jessica J. Groskopf
Ideas For Estate and Transition Planning: Gifting Ownership, Jessica Groskopf
Ideas For Estate and Transition Planning: Gift Leaseback, Jessica Groskopf
Identificación de la división del trabajo entre los géneros a través del análisis iconográfico, Sarah Kauffmann
Identification of carbohydrate gene clusters obtained from in vitro fermentations as predictive biomarkers of prebiotic responses, Car Reen Kok, Devin J. Rose, Juan Cui, lisa Whisenhunt, and Robert Hutkins
Identification of Compounds That Cause Axonal Dieback without Cytotoxicity in Dorsal Root Ganglia Explants and Intervertebral Disc Cells with Potential to Treat Pain via Denervation, Fei San Lee, Uyen N. Nguyen, Eliza J. Munns, and Rebecca A. Wachs
Identification of Experiences in Applied Biological Science and Agribusiness of Seventh Grade Students, Roy D. Dillon and University of Nebraska W. Walker
Identification of Lipids and Cytokines in Plasma and Follicular Fluid before and after Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Stimulation as Potential Markers for Follicular Maturation in Cattle, Alexandria P. Snider, Renata S. Gomes, Adam F. Summers, Sarah C. Tenley, Mohamed A. Abedal-Majed, Renee M. McFee, Jennifer R. Wood, John S. Davis, and Andrea S. Cupp
Identification of novel small molecule inhibitors of twin arginine translocation (Tat) pathway and their effect on the control of Campylobacter jejuni in chickens, Loïc Deblais, Mary Drozd, Anand Kumar, Janet Antwi, James Fuchs, Rahul Khupse, Yosra A. Helmy, and Gireesh Rajashekara
Identifying and Implementing Relevant Research Data Management Services for the Library at the University of Dodoma, Tanzania, Gilbert Exaud Mushi, Heila Pienaar, and Martie van Deventer
Identifying and Testing Recursive vs. Interdependent Links in Simultaneous Equation Models via the SIRE Package, Gianmarco Vacca and Maria Grazia Zoia
Identifying Early-Life Behavior to Predict Mothering Ability in Swine Utilizing NUtrack System, Savannah Millburn, Ty B. Schmidt, Gary A. Rohrer, and Benny Mote
Identifying Genes Linked to Variation in Metabolic and Whole Plant Phenotypes using Data from Genome Resequencing, Transcriptomics, and Metabolic Profiling of a Field-Grown Maize Diversity Panel, Ramesh Kanna Mathivanan
Identifying International Agricultural Concepts for Secondary Agricultural Education Curriculum, Nathan W. Conner, Hailey Gates, and Christopher T. Stripling
Identifying Priority Mitigation Areas for Human–Osprey Conflict, Natasha K. Murphy, Melanie R. Boudreau, Brian S. Dorr, Kate Slankard, and Scott A. Rush
Identifying Ultrasound Parameters that Induce a Healthy Endothelial CellL Phenotype, Ian McCue
Identifying Untapped Legal Capacity to Promote Multi‑level and Cross‑Sectoral Coordination of Natural Resource Governance, Nicola Harvey, Ahjond Garmestani, Craig R. Allen, Anoeska Buijze, and Marleen van Rijswick
Identity-Driven Targeted Violence: Attending to Identity, Emotion, and Personality-Related Predictors of Attitudinal and Behavioral Prejudice, Patrick T McGonigal
Identity-driven Targeted Violence: Attending to Identity, Emotion, and Personality-related Predictors of Attitudinal and Behavioral Prejudice, Patrick Timothy McGonigal
Ideological Asymmetries in Social Psychological Research: Rethinking the Impact of Political Context on Ideological Epistemology, Ingrid J. Haas
Ideology and Predictive Processing: Coordination, Bias, and Polarization in Socially Constrained Error Minimization, Nathan E. Wheeler, Suraiya Allidina, Elizabeth U. Long, Stephen P. Schneider, Ingrid J. Haas, and William A. Cunningham
I'd Like to Use Essay Tests, but..., Marilla Svinicki
If Androids Dream, Are They More Than Sheep?: Westworld, Robots and Legal Rights, Amanda J. DiPaolo
If They Build It, They Will Come: The Power of Student-Designed Honors Offerings in Small-Budget Programs, Claire H. Procopio
"If You Can Fake That...": A Reflection on the Morality of Teaching, David A. Hoekema
“If you want to be the man, you’ve got to beat the man”: Masculinity and the Rise of Professional Wrestling in the 1990s, Marc A. Ouellette
Illustrating Thoughts & Feelings: Student-Produced Political Cartoons About Israel, Matt Reingold
Image Classification Using Fuzzy FCA, Niruktha Roy Gotoor
Image Filtering to Improve Maize Tassel Detection Accuracy Using Machine Learning Algorithms, Eric Rodene, Gayara Demini Fernando, Ved Piyush, Yufeng Ge, James C. Schnable, Souparno Ghosh, and Jinliang Yang
Immune profiling in Puerto Rican injection drug users with and without HIV-1 infection, Sydney J. Bennett, Carmen Ana Davila, Zahiraliz Reyes, Aníbal Valentín-Acevedo, Kim Gocchi Carrasco, Roberto Abadie, M. Caleb Marlin, Marci Beel, Andrew G. Chapple, Samodha C. Fernando, Joel M. Guthridge, Kathy S. Chiou, Kirk Kirk, John T. West, and Charles Wood
Impact of a Natural Feed Additive using Direct Fed Microbes on Finishing Beef Cattle Performance and Liver Abscess Rate, Kelton C. Adair, Alison C. Bartenslager, Zachary E. Carlson, Galen E. Erickson, Samodha C. Fernando, and J. C. MacDonald
Impact of Biochar Supplementation in Finishing Diets on Greenhouse Gas Emissions, J. L. Sperber, Braden C. Troyer, Mitchell M. Norman, Levi J. McPhillips, Heather Nobert, Andrea K. Watson, and Galen E. Erickson
Impact of Constant Inclusion or Decreasing Inclusion of Distillers Grains with High-quality or Low-quality Roughage on Finishing Cattle Performance, Sofia Suarez Lorences, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, J. C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
Impact of COVID‑19 on food security and diet quality in Chilanga District, Zambia, Shela Sridhar, Janella Kang, Joyce Makasa, Sally Bell‑Cross, Isabel Madzorera, Ethan Zulu, and Davidson H. Hamer
Impact of Cow Size on Economic Profitability in Cow-Calf and Feedlot Production systmes, Robert L. Ziegler, Elliott James Dennis, J. A. Musgrave, T. L. Meyer, R. Funston, Kathryn J. Hanford, J. C. MacDonald, and J. Travis Mulliniks
Impact of Dietary Phytase on Tilapia Performance and Biofloc Water Quality, Bartholomew W. Green, Steven D. Rawles, Kevin K. Schrader, Matthew E. McEntire, Jason Abernathy, Candis L. Ray, T. Gibson Gaylord, Miles D. Lange, and Carl D. Webster
Impact of Digital Technologies on Resources and Services of Public Libraries in Anambra and Imo State, Ngozi Immaculata Ike CLN, OLivia Nwamaka Chinedu Mrs, and Chigozie Umah CLN
Impact of Feeding New Fractioinated Distillers Grains (Fiber plus Syrup) on Feedlot Cattle Performance and Carcass Characteristics, Debora G. Sousa, Rebecca L. McDermott, Mitch M. Norman, James C. MacDonald, Rick Stock, Ryan A. Mass, and Galen E. Erickson
Impact of Increasing Level of Milk Production on Cow-Calf Performance in Nebraska Sandhills, Selby L. Boerman, Jacki A. Musgrave, Kathryn J. Hanford, Mitchell B. Stephenson, and J. Travis Mulliniks
Impact of irrigation on vulnerability of winter wheat under extreme climate change scenario: a case study of North China Plain, Yulian Gao, Lin Wang, and Yaojie Yue
Impact of natural organic matter on particle behavior and phototoxicity of titanium dioxide nanoparticles, Shibin Li, Hongbo Ma, Lindsay K. Wallis, Matthew A. Etterson, Benjamin Riley, Dale J. Hoff, and Stephen A. Diamond
Impact of Partial Oil Removal on Energy Content of Distillers Grains Plus Solubles for Finishing Cattle, Jordan E. Burhoop, J. L. Sperber, Curt J. Bittner, F. Henry Hilscher, J. C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
Impact of Pistachio Shell Biochar in Finishing Beef Cattle Diets, Levi J. McPhillips, Mitchell M. Norman, J. L. Sperber, Andrea K. Watson, and Galen E. Erickson
Impact of Planning Horizon Length on Breeding Objectives and Resulting Selection Decisions, Hunter F. Valasek, Bruce L. Golden, and Matthew L. Spangler
Impact of Plant Defenses and Aphid-Associated Microbes in Modulating Sorghum-Sugarcane Aphid Interactions, Edith Ikuze
Impact of Pollution on Marginalized Communities: Case Study of Omaha, Nebraska, Miqaela Davis
Impact of Removing 20% Distillers Grain after One-third or Two-thirds of the Feeding Period on Performance of Finishing Yearling, Sofia Suarez Lorences, Braden C. Troyer, Mitch M. Norman, Pablo L. Loza, Rick Stock, J. C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
Impact of Secondary Traumatic Stress on the Child Welfare Workforce, Courtney Harrison
Impact of Spring Corn Residue Grazing on Soil Physical Properties and Crop Yield, Morgan T. Grabau, J. C. MacDonald, Zachary E. Carlson, and M. E. Drewnoski
Impact of Steam-Flaked Rye Fed in Combination with Steam-Flaked Corn on Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Yearling Steers, Samantha K. Wagner, Braden T. Troyer, Levi J. McPhillips, Rebecca S. Brattain, and Galen E. Erickson
Impact of Strategic Postweaning Supplementation on March- and May-born Yearling Range Heifer and Calf Growth and Performance in the Nebraska Sandhills, Josie Nicole Crouch
Impact of Strip-Grazing Stockpiled Annual/Cover Crop Forages on carrying Capacity and Animal Performance, Shelby L. Davies-Jenkins, Abigail Sartin, Devin Jakub, Zac Carlson, Erin Laborie, Jack Arterburn, Ben Beckman, Brad Schnick, and M. E. Drewnoski
Impact of the Department of Defense Maternity Leave Policy Change on Retention and Postpartum Depression and the Air Force Postpartum Physical Fitness Policy Change on Physical Readiness Outcomes, Minette S. R. Herrick
Impact of the Department of Defense Maternity Leave Policy Change on Retention and Postpartum Depression and the Air Force Postpartum Physical Fitness Policy Change on Physical Readiness Outcomes, Minette S. R Herrick
Impact of Urea on Corn Silage Growing Cattle Diets, Tyler J. Spore, Hannah C. Wilson, Nolan R. Meier, Galen E. Erickson, James C. MacDonald, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Andrea K. Watson
Impact of Varying Inclusion of Modified Distillers Grains Plus Solubles Compared to Constant Inclusion on Feedlot Cattle Performance and Carcass Characteristics, Debora G. Sousa, Rebecca McDermott, Mitch M. Norman, J. C. MacDonald, Rick A. Stock, and Galen E. Erickson
Impacts of Campus Disruption on Educational Developers’ Role-identity and Teamwork, William V. Pilny, Benjamin Brock, and Stephanie Laggini Fiore
Impacts of Eastern Redcedar Encroachment on Water Resources in the Nebraska Sandhills under Different Climatic Scenarios, Yaser Kishawi
Impacts of Farrowing Pen Design, Season, and Sow Parity on Litter Performance and Piglet Mortality, Verônica Madeira Pacheco, Tami M. Brown-Bandl, Gary A. Rohrer, Rafael Vieira de Sousa, and Luciane Silva Martello
Impacts of Feeding Space Allowance and Feeder Arrangements on the Feeding Behavior of Grow-Finish Swine, Kuljit Bhatti
Impacts of Invasive Carp and Their Population Dynamics on Fish Communities in the Missouri River, Joshua F. Kocik
Impediments to Peace: In Response to ‘The Evolution of Peace’ by Luke Glowacki (December 16, 2022), Raymond B. Hames
Impediments to Teaching a Culturally Diverse Undergraduate Population, Barbara Solomon
Imperatives for Reforming Pedagogy and Curriculum, Hitendra Pillay and Bob Elliott
Implantation of a capsular tension ring during cataract surgery attenuates predicted remodeling of the post-surgical lens capsule along the visual axis, Kurt A. Ameku, Caleb C. Berggren, and Ryan M. Pedrigi
Implementation of a Federated Information System by Means of Reuse of Research Data Archived in Research Data Repositories, SYLVIA MELZER, STEFAN THIEMANN, SIMON SCHIFF, and RALF MÖLLER
Implementation of Participatory Research in Vulnerable Context: Methodological Strategies and Challenges, Bruna Larissa Seibel, Raysa Schmitz Serafim, Nathassia Santos da Silva, José Antônio Caetano Araújo, Paul Russell Springer, and Cody S. Hollist
Implementation Plans for Course Redesigns: An Exploration of Identified Strategies, Rebecca Campbell and Benjamin Blankenship
Implementing a University Learning Consortium for Shared Communication and Proactive Campus Change, David W. Schumann, Dorian Stiefel, Michelle Corvette, and Chutney W. Guyton
Implementing a University Wide Change Initiative, Ronald A. Styron Jr.
Implementing Informatics Tools with Data Management Plans for Disease Area Research, VIVEK NAVALE and MATTHEW MCAULIFFE
Implementing interdisciplinary sustainability education with the food-energy-water (FEW) nexus, C. B. Romulo, S. Venkataraman, S. Caplow, S. Ajgaonkar, C. R. Allen, A. Anandhi, S. W. Anderson, C. B. Azzarello, K. Brundiers, E. Blavascunas, J. M. Dauer, D. L. Druckenbrod, E. Fairchild, L. R. Horne, K. Lee, M. Mwale, J. Mischler, E. Pappo, N. S. Patel, N. D. Sintov, C. S. Ramsdell, and S. G. Vincent
Implementing the Compendium Concept with Sweave and DOCSTRIP, Michael Lundholm
Implementing the RDA Research Data Policy Framework in Slovenian Scientific Journals, Janez Štebe, Maja Dolinar, Sonja Bezjak, and Ana Inkret
Implications and Recommendations for U.S. Security Alliances: South Korea's Anticipated Nuclear Proliferation, Ethan Czapla
Implications of Animal Social Networks for Individuals, Social Communities, and Populations, Anastasia E Madsen
Implicit Total Variation Diminishing (TVD) Schemes for Steady-State Calculations, H. C. Yee, R. F Warming, and A. Harten
Importance of Good Communications for Generational Ag Business Transfers, Allan Vyhnalek
Importance of Sanitation for Stored-Product Pest Management, Georgina Bingham and David W. Hagstrum
Impostor Phenomenon in Educational Developers, Kristin J. Rudenga and Emily O. Gravett
Impostor Phenomenon in Educational Developers: Consequences and Coping Strategies, Kristin J. Rudenga and Emily O. Gravett
Improved Flow Frequency Techniques with Frequency-Based Storms and Bulletin 17C, Katherine M. Werner
Improving Law School “Transparency”, Jeffrey Evans Stake
Improving NASA’s Earth Satellite and Model Data Discoverability for Interdisciplinary Research, Applications, and Education, ZHONG LIU, CHUNG-LIN SHIE, SUHUNG SHEN, JAMES ACKER, ANGELA LI, JENNIFER C. WEI, and DAVID J. MEYER
Improving Opportunities for New Value of Open Data: Assessing and Certifying Research Data Repositories, ROBERT R. DOWNS
Improving Scalability for Formal Analysis through Automated Tightening of Analysis Bounds, Clay Stevens
Improving Teaching and Learning: Students' Perspectives, X. Mara Chen, Ellen M. Lawler, and Elichia A. Venso
Improving Teaching through Classroom Action Research, Gwynn Mettetal
Improv(ing) the Academy: Applied Improvisation as a Strategy for Educational Development, Jonathan P. Rossing and Krista Hoffmann Longtin
Improving Visual Inspection Skills in Special Education Teachers, George G Toman
Improving Visual Inspection Skills in Special Education Teachers, George Toman
Improving Yield and Profit in Smallholder Oil Palm Fields Through Better Agronomy, Hendra Sugianto
Including Gene Edited Sires in Genetic Evaluations, Leticia P. Sanglard, Garret M. See, and Matthew L. Spangler
Income Inequality and Opioid Prescribing Rates: Exploring Rural/Urban Differences in Pathways via Residential Stability and Social Isolation, Tse-Chuan Yang, Seulki Kim, and Carla Shoff
Incompatibility Group I1 (IncI1) Plasmids: Their Genetics, Biology, and Public Health Relevance, Steven L. Foley, Pravin R. Kaldhone, Steven C. Ricke, and Jing Han
Incorporating Course-Level Evidence of Student Learning into Program Assessment, Nancy Simpson and Laurel Willingham-McLain
Incorporating Results of Avian Toxicity Tests into a Model of Annual Reproductive Success, Richard S. Bennett* and Matthew A. Etterson
Incorporating Surface Water Operations in an Integrated Hydrologic Model: Model Development and Application to the Lower Republican River Basin, United States, A. Brookfield, C. Gnau, and B. Wilson
Increased Bat Activity at Urban Water Sources: Implications for Cross-species Transmission of Bat Rabies to Mesocarnivores, Lias A. Hastings, Carol L. Chambers, David L. Bergman, and Tad C. Theimer
Increased Dietary Trp, Thr, and Met Supplementation Improves Performance, Health, and Protein Metabolism of Weaned Piglets under Mixed Management and Poor Housing Conditions, Joseane Penteado Rosa Gonçalves, Antonio Diego Brandão Melo, Qinnan Yang, Marllon José Karpeggiane de Oliveira, Danilo Alves Marçal, Manoela Trevisan Ortiz, Pedro Righetti Arnaut, Ismael França, Graziela Alves da Cunha Valini, Cleslei Alisson Silva, Nate Korth, Natasha Pavlovikj, Paulo Henrique Reis Furtado Campos, Henrique Gastmann Brand, John Kyaw Htoo, João Carlos Gomes-Neto, Andrew K. Benson, and Luciano Hauschild
Increased ductility of Ti-6Al-4V by interlayer milling during directed energy deposition, Rakeshkumar Karunakaran, Luz D. Sotelo, Hitarth Maharaja, Calsey Nez, Monsuru Ramoni, Scott Halliday, Sushil Mishra, Joseph A. Turner, and Michael P. Sealy
Increasing Burden of Complex Multimorbidity Across Gradients of Cognitive Impairment, Siran M. Koroukian, Nicholas K. Schiltz, David F. Warner, Kurt C. Stange, and Kathleen A. Smyth
Increasing Maternity Leave and Decreasing Attrition Rates of U.S. Active Duty Women in the Prenatal and Immediate Postpartum Period, Minette S.R. Herrick and Weiwen Chai
Increasing Nursing Aide Knowledge on Benefits of Light for Sundowning Syndrome, Grace Hilfiker and Julie Masters
Increasing Workforce Skills: The Possible Disconnect between Employers and Potential Job Seekers, Cheryl A. Burkhart-Kriesel
IndexNumber: An R Package for Measuring the Evolution of Magnitudes, Alejandro Saavedra-Nieves and Paula Saavedra-Nieves
Indicators of community physical activity resources and opportunities and variation by community sociodemographic characteristics: A scoping review, Ann E. Rogers, Michaela A. Schenkelberg, Peter Stoepker, Danielle Westmark, Deepa Srivastava, and David A. Dzewaltowski
Indigenous architecture and rock art and Euro-American historical inscriptions from the Canyons of the Ancients National Monument, southwestern Colorado, USA, Radosław Palonka
Indigenous Data Governance: Strategies from United States Native Nations, Stephanie Russo Carroll, Desi Rodriguez-Lonebear, and Andrew Martinez
"Indigo" from Encyclopædia Iranica, Carol Bier
Individual-Level Modelling of Infectious Disease Data: EpiILM, Vineetha Warriyar, Waleed Almutiry, and Rob Deardon
Individual‑Level Patterns of Resource Selection Do not Predict Hotspots of Contact, Anni Yang, Raoul Boughton, Ryan S. Miller, Nathan P. Snow, Kurt C. VerCauteren, Kim C. Pepin, and George Wittemyer
Indoor Positioning and Fingerprinting: The R Package ipft, Emilio Sansano, Raúl Montoliu, Óscar Belmonte, and Joaquín Torres-Sospedra
Industrial Hemp as a Resource for Birds in Agroecosystems: Human-Wildlife Conflict or Conservation Opportunity?, Emily A. Kotten, Iona Hennessy, Bryan M. Kluever, Bradley F. Blackwell, Lee A. Humberg, and Page E. Klug
Infection of Feral Phenotype Swine with Japanese Encephalitis Virus, So Lee Park, Yan-Jang S. Huang, Amy C. Lyons, Victoria B. Ayers, Susan M. Hettenbach, D. Scott McVey, Leela E. Noronha, Kenneth R. Burton, Stephen Higgs, and Dana L. Vanlandingham
Infections by Renibacterium salmoninarum and Nanophyetus salmincola Chapin are associated with reduced growth of juvenile Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), in the Northeast Pacific Ocean, T A. Sandell, D J. Teel, J Fisher, B Beckman, and K C. Jacobson
In-field Optimization of Soil Water Parameters for Irrigation Scheduling, Ishani Lal
Inflammatory Modulators Improve Daily Gain of Heat-Stressed Wethers, Micah S. Most, Pablo C. Grijalva, and Dustin T. Yates
influence.ME: Tools for Detecting Influential Data in Mixed Effects Models, Rense Nieuwenhuis, Manfred te Grotenhuis, and Ben Pelzer
Influence of Alkali Metal Cations on the Oxygen Reduction Activity of Pt5Y and Pt5Gd Alloys, Kun-Ting Song, Alexandra Zagalskaya, Christian M. Schott, Peter M. Schneider, Batyr Garlyyev, Vitaly Alexandrov, and Aliaksandr S. Bandarenka
Influence of ambient water coloration on habitat and conspecific choice in the female Lake Malawi cichlid, Metriaclima zebra, Noori Choi, Nicolas Mathevon, Eileen A. Hebets, and Marilyn Beauchaud
Influence of Four Veterinary Antibiotics on Constructed Treatment Wetland Nitrogen Transformation, Matthew V. Russell, Tiffany L. Messer, Deborah A. Repert, Richard L. Smith, Shannon L. Bartelt-Hunt, Daniel D. Snow, and Ariel P. Reed
Influence of grass hedges on the transport of antimicrobials, antimicrobial resistance genes, and antimicrobial resistant pathogens after land application of swine manure, Shannon L. Bartelt-Hunt
Influence of Habitat and Baiting Strategy on Oral Rabies Vaccine Bait Uptake by Raccoons in the Southeastern United States, Jacob E. Hill, Madison L. Miller, Richard B. Chipman, Amy T. Gilbert, James C. Beasley, Guha Dharmarajan, and Olin E. Rhodea
Influence of information system on Decision Making by Secondary School Administration in Obio/Akpor Local Government Area in Rivers State, Chidimma Evangeline Onwuagbaizu and Dagogo Alu LongJohn
Influence Of Maternal Dietary Protein Precursor On Reproductive Endocrinology Of Neonatal Bovine Offspring, Jennifer F. Thorson and Ligia D. Prezotto
Influence of Maternal Supplementation with Vitamins, Minerals, and (or) Protein/Energy on Placental Development and Angiogenic Factors in Beef Heifers during Pregnancy, Bethania J. Dávila Ruiz, Carl R. Dahlen, Kacie L. McCathy, Joel S. Caton, Jennifer L. Hurlbert, Friederike Baumgaertner, Ana Clara B. Menezes, Wellison J. S. Diniz, Sarah R. Underdahl, James D. Kirsch, Kevin K. Sedivec, Kerri A. Bochantin, Pawel P. Borowicz, Sebastián Canovas, and Lawrence P. Reynolds
Influence of Microbes in Mediating Sorghum Resistance to Sugarcane Aphids, Edith Ikuze, Stephanie Cromwell, Paul A. Ayayee, and Joe Louis
Influence of the Work Environment on Workplace Learning of Undergraduate Engineering Interns, Yashin Brijmohan
Influence of User Satisfaction on Library Patronage among Postgraduate Students in Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria, Adeola Adesoji ARINOLA Ph.D, Olatundun Oluwatoyin OYEWUNMI PhD, Adewale Joel SOBALAJE, and Ezekiel Tubosun OLATUNJI
Influences of Artificial Light on Mating of Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens): A Review, Md Rabiul Awal, Md Masudur Rahman, Md Abdur Razzak Choudhury, Md Mehedi Hasan, Md Towfiqur Rahman, and Md Fuad Mondal
Influences of seasonality and habitat quality on Great Lakes coastal wetland fish community composition and diets, Sara N. Diller, Anna M. Harrison, Kurt P. Kowalski, Valerie J. Brady, Jan J. H. Ciborowski, Matthew J. Cooper, Joshua D. Dumke, Joseph P. Gathman, Carl R. Ruetz III, Donald G. Uzarski, Douglas A. Wilcox, and Jeffrey S. Schaeffer
Information About Honey Fraud: Implications of Information Choice for Consumer Behavior, Christopher R. Gustafson
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills of Professional Staff Working in University Libraries in Rayalaseema, Andhra Pradesh: A Study, Dr. SADU RANGANADHAM
Information Collection, United States Army
Information Communication Technology Competence and Reference Service Provision in Federal Universities in North-Central Nigeria., Ezinwanyi Madukoma and Catherine Enatta Ikokoh
Information Literacy: Imperatives for Faculty, Leora Baron-Nixon
Information Literacy Reflected Through Awareness and use of Information Among Sarpanches in Punjab During Covid, Poonam Saini and Satwinderpal Kaur Gill
Information Literacy Skills among Female Students of Secondary Schools in Bangladesh, Wares-Ul-Matin, Md. Jahangir Alam, Bilkis Begum, and Md. Sakib Biswas
Information Management Practices as Correlate of Service Delivery in Special Libraries in Rivers State, Nigeria, Crescentia Worigida Eleto Department of Library and Information Science and OBILOR Esezi Isaac
Information Needs, and Sources of Information, of Art and Design Students in Diploma Awarding Institutions in Uganda., David Musiimaami, Constant Okello-Obura, and David Luyombya
Information needs and use of E-resources by the Govt.nursing students in the Digital Environment of Bhubaneswar,Odisha: An analysis, payel saha and Pushpanjali Jena
Information Operations, United States Army
Information Search Strategy and Retrieval Tools in the 21st Century Information Management in Nigeria Academic Libraries., Fwenshimwa Yarima
Information Seeking Behavior among the Final Years Students Department of LISAS at the University of Sindh Jamshoro, Pakistan, Inam Magsi, Dr. Muhammad Akhtar Rind, and Arif Ali Bhatti
Information Seeking Behavior of Faculty at Deeni Madrassas in Rawalpindi District, Pakistan, Asghar Ali
Information Seeking Behaviour of Physicians for Patient Care in University Teaching Hospitals in North-Central, Nigeria, Onyeke Emmanuel Onyeke and Prof. Chinwe N. Ezeani
Information services and academic integrity, Adaeze Okeke
Infrastructure System Obstacles and Technology Adoption by Firms in Transition Countries, John Anderson and Muazzam Toshmatova
Infusing Pedogogy with Empathy, Social Action and Value through Popular Culture [Dialogue: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Popular Culture and Pedagogy, Volume 8, Issue 2 (September 2021)], Karina A. Vado and Anna S. CohenMiller
Infusion Rather than Isolation: Integrating Principles of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Decolonization, and Indigenization in Toolkits for Remote Instruction during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Robin Attas, Lauren Anstey, Lindsey Brant, and Karalyn McRae
Initial Growth of Inclusive Knowledge and Leadership Practices by Science Education Teacher-Leaders, Elizabeth B. Lewis, Elizabeth Hasseler, Rachel Benzoni, and Gina S. Matkin
Injectable and rapidly expandable thrombin-decorated cryogels achieve rapid hemostasis and high survival rates in a swine model of lethal junctional hemorrhage, Syed Muntazir Andrabi, S.M. Shatil Shahriar, Al-Murtadha Al-Gahmi, Benjamin L. Wilczewski, Mark A. Carlson, and Jingwei Xie
Inka Interaction at Caleta Vitor, Northern Chile: Evidence from Archaeological Textiles, Tracy Martens
Inka Khipus, Thread Wrappings and Subject Markers, Lucrezia Milillo
In-Kind Donation System, Trinity Mozingo, Max Radlicz, Chaitra Pirisingula, Jace Ruth, and Paul George
Innocent or Inconclusive? Analyzing Abolitionists’ Claims About the Death Penalty (White Paper), Michael Conklin
Innovation in Futures Markets: Event Contracts, Speculation, and Hedging, Fabio Mattos
Innovative Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Effective Administration, Chimeziem Chimdiadi Gabriela Udeze PhD, Joseph Oluchukwu Wogu Prof., and Oluebube Amarauche Chukwu PhD
Inscribed Cotton Ikat from Yemen in the Tenth Century CE, Carol Bier
In Search of Silver Linings: Strategies for Preparing Future Faculty During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Tazin Daniels, Elizabeth Bailey, and Anoff Nicholas Cobblah
Insect Biodiversity of Select Areas in the Western Suburbs of Chicago, Bradley Dawson
Inside the White House in War Times, William O. Stoddard
Institutional Data Repositories Are Vital, Jen Darragh, Mikala R. Narlock, Halle Burns, Peter A. Cerda, Wind Cowles, Leslie M. Delserone, Seth Erickson, Joel Herndon, Heidi Imker, Lisa R. Johnston, Sherry Lake, Michael Lenard, Alicia Hofelich Mohr, Jennifer Moore, Jonathan Petters, Brandie Pullen, Shawna Taylor, and Briana Wham
Institutional Encouragement of and Faculty Engagement in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Thomas F. Nelson Laird and Tony Ribera
Institutional factors as determinants of perceived quality service delivery by personnel in university libraries in Benue State, Nigeria, Doocivir Faith Annune and OLALEKAN ABIOLA AWUJOOLA Dr.
Institutionalizing Faculty Mentoring within a Community of Practice Model, Emily R. Smith, Patricia E. Calderwood, Stephanie Burrell Storms, Paula Gill Lopez, and Ryan P. Colwell
Institutional Transformation and Change: Insights for Faculty Developers, Peter D. Eckel
Instructional Development: Relationships to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Kathleen McKinney
Instrumental Assessment of Aero-Resistive Expiratory Muscle Strength Rehabilitation Devices, Angela M. Dietsch, Rahul Krishnamurthy, Kelsey Young, and Steven M. Barlow
Insurance, Policy, and Education for Livestock Producers, Milan Chauhan and Bradley Lubben
Insurgencies and Countering Insurgencies (MCWP 3-33.5) (This Item Is Published with Basic Incl C1), United States Army
Integrated flood risk assessment of properties and associated population at county scale for Nebraska, USA, Shivendra Srivastava and Tirthankar Roy
Integrated flood risk assessment of properties and associated population at county scale for Nebraska, USA, Shivendra Srivastava and Tirthankar Roy
Integrated Multi-Omics Analysis of Cerebrospinal Fluid in Postoperative Delirium, Bridget A. Tripp, Simon T. Dillon, Min Yuan, John M. Asara, Sarinnapha M. Vasunilashorn, Tamara G. Fong, Sharon K. Inouye, Long H. Ngo, Edward R. Marcantonio, Zhongcong Xie, Towia A. Libermann, and Hasan H. Otu
Integrated STEM Professional Development: Utilizing Best Practices in an Online Format, Sarah Haines, Sumreen Asim, Deepika Menon, and Jeanna Wieselmann
Integrated STEM Professional Development: Utilizing Best Practices in an Online Format, Sarah Haines, Sumreen Asim, Jeanna R. Wieselmann, and Deepika Menon
Integrating Learning Strategies into Teaching, Terry Doyle
Integrating life-cycle analysis into civil infrastructure resilience decision making: Illustrative application to seismic resilience modeling of US communities, Milad Roohi, Jiate Li, and W. van de Lindt
Integrating Research and Undergraduate Teaching, Anne Bezuidenhout
Integration of MATLAB and Machine Learning to Accelerate Evaluation of Biological Activity in Agricultural Soils and Promote Soil Health Improvement Goals, Andrew Stiven Ortiz Balsero
Integration of Networks and Pathways with StarBioTrek Package, Claudia Cava and Isabella Castiglioni
Integrative transcriptomics and proteomics profiling of Arabidopsis thaliana elucidates novel mechanisms underlying spaceflight adaptation, Gbolaga O. Olanrewaju, Natasha J. Haveman, Michael J. Naldrett, Anna-Lisa Paul, Robert J. Ferl, and Sarah E. Wyatt
Integrity in Learner–Centered Teaching, Douglas Reimondo Robertson
Intellectual Property Rights and Copyright Laws in the regime of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in India, Hemavathy C
Intelligence, United States Army
INTELLIGENT RESOURCE DISCOVERY USING ONTOLOGYBASED RESOURCE PROFILES, J. Steven Hughes, Dan Crichton, Sean Kelly, Chris A. Mattmann, Jerry Crichton, and Thuy Tran
INTELLIGENT RESOURCE DISCOVERY USING ONTOLOGYBASED RESOURCE PROFILES, J. Steven Hughes, Dan Crichton, Sean Kelly, Chris A. Mattmann, Jerry Crichton, and Thuy Tran
Intensifying rice production to reduce imports and land conversion in Africa, Shen Yuan, Kazuki Saito, Pepijn A.J. van Oort, Martin K. van Ittersum, Shaobing Peng, and Patricio Grassini
Interacting Effects of Nutrient Availability and Encironmental Change on Grassland Plant Communities, George Wheeler
Interacting Effects of Nutrient Availability and Environmental Change on Grassland Plant Communities, George Robert Wheeler
Interaction of Sweet Bran Inclusion and Corn Processing Method in Beef Finishing Diets, Rebecca L. Sjostrand, Levi J. McPhillips, Braden C. Troyer, Maggie Youngers, Rick Stock, J. C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
Interaction of Sweet Bran Inclusion and Corn Processing Method in Beef Finishing Diets on Digestibility, Rebecca L. Sjostrand, Kathlyn Hauxwell, Maggie Youngers, Rick Stock, J. C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
Interaction of Urea with Frequency and Amount of Distillers Grains Supplementation for Growing Steers, Haley F. Linder, Zachary E. Carlson, M. E. Drewnoski, and J. C. MacDonald
Interaction of Urea with Frequency and Amount of Distillers Grains Supplementation on Growing Steer Rumen Digestion Parameters, Haley F. Linder, Joshua E. Sebade, Tyler J. Spore, M. E. Drewnoski, and J. C. MacDonald
Inter- and Intra-observer Error in Forensic Anthropology: Based upon Langley et al. 2016 Data Collection Procedures for Forensic Skeletal Material 2.0 for the Cranium and Femur, Maggie M. Klemm and Dakota L. Taylor
Interdisciplinary Cohort Building: Creating a Feeling of Belonging and Sense of Community in Honors Transfer Students, Shannon Pittman and Vanessa Miller
Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning, Deborah DeZure
Interest Rates: Suggestions for Management, Jay Parsons, John Hewlett, and Jeff Tranel
Interfaces in Dynamic Brittle Fracture of PMMA: a peridynamic analysis, Longzhen Wang, Javad Mehrmashhadi, and Florin Bobaru
Intergenerational Executive Function Transmission: The Role of Parenting Behaviors During Everyday Conflict Resolution Discussions, Grace E. Parolek, Jenna E. Finch, Ashley Votruba, and Malia A. Bloemker
Intermittent-Aware Design Exploration of Systolic Array Using Various Non-Volatile Memory: A Comparative Study, Nedasadat Taheri, Sepehr Tabrizchi, and Arman Roohi
Internal and External Factors Affect Pair Mate Proximity in Captive Coyotes, Canis latrans, Alexandra Turano, Stacey P. Brummer, Jeffrey T. Schultz, Julie Young, and Sara M. Freeman
Internal Validation of MaSTR™ Probabilistic Genotyping Software for the Interpretation of 2–5 Person Mixed DNA Profiles, Michael S. Adamowicz, Taylor N. Rambo, and Jennifer L. Clarke
Internationalizing American Higher Education: A Call to Thought and Action, Deborah DeZure
International Research Experience for Native American Students in IoT-Enabled Environmental Monitoring Technologies, J. Wang, J.M.D. Motschenbacher, and A. Finley
International Virtual Exchange During and Beyond the Pandemic, Ian McIntosh
International Women Graduate Students: Transition to Public Research Universities in the Midwest, Tran Thanh Truc Nguyen
Internet-based Data Platforms Re-define the Distributions of Some Large Crabronid Wasps in Arkansas (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae), David E. Bowles
Intersecting Identities and the Work of Faculty Development, Cerri A. Banks, Jonathan Luzzini, and Susanne M. Pliner
Intersectionality in mathematics and the arts: honouring the memory of Reza Sarhangi (1952-2016), Carol Bier
Intersections: Belief, Pedagogy, and Politics [Dialogue, Volume 3, Issue 2 (Fall 2016)], Lynnea Chapman King and Anna S. CohenMiller
Intertemporal Preferences or (In)Attention to Future Costs: Identifying Factors Influencing Variation in Health Behaviors, Christopher Gustafson
In the Eye of the Storm: Students' Perceptions of Helpful Faculty Actions Following a Collective Tragedy, Therese A. Huston and Michele DiPietro
In the Name of the Student... What is Fairness in College Teaching?, Rita Rodabaugh
In the Waiting: The Role of the Slave Bastille in Antebellum D.C., Ellyzabeth Morales-Ledesma
In This Time and Place, Christy Aggens
Intraspecific variation of morphological traits backed up with molecular evidence votes for re‑appraisal of hitherto distinguished Balaustium species—a case study of Balaustium murorum (Acariformes: Parasitengona, Erythraeidae), Joanna Mąkol and Magdalena Felska
Introducing high school biology students to biochemistry with a short, content-oriented module, Archer Harrold, Allison Cruikshank, Bryan Penas, and Rebecca Roston
Introduction - Sciences, Crafts, and the Production of Knowledge: Iran and Eastern Islamic Lands, Carol Bier, Elaheh Kheirandish, and Najm al-Din Yousefi
"Introduction" to Content and Context of Visual Arts In the Islamic World: Papers From a Colloquium In Memory of Richard Ettinghausen, Carol Bier and Priscilla P. Soucek
Introduction to Doris Duke's Shangri La by Sharon Littlefield, Carol Bier
Introduction to Workforce Metrics, Quality Improvement Center for Workforce Development (QIC-WD)
Introduction, Volume 18 (2000), Matthew Kaplan
Introduction, Volume 19 (2001), Devorah Lieberman
Introduction. Volume 20 (2002), Devorah Lieberman
Introduction. Volume 21 (2003), Catherine M. Wehlburg
Introduction, Volume 22 (2004)
Introduction, Volume 23 (2004)
Introduction. Volume 24 (2006), Sandra Chadwick Blossey
Introduction, Volume 25 (2007), Douglas Reimondo Robertson
Introduction, Volume 26 (2008), Douglas Reimondo Robertson
Introduction, Volume 30 (2011), Judith E. Miller
Invasive Wild Pig (Sus scrofa) Diets on Barrier Islands in the Southeastern United States, Vienna R. Canright, Antoinette J. Piaggio, and James C. Beasley
Inventory for Endangered, Threatened, and Rare Plant and Animal Species Within the Floodplain Corridor of the Middle Loup River Basin, Nebraska Natural Heritage Program
Inventory of Irrigation Water Use in Box Butte County, Nebraska 1981, D. R. Lawton and L. L. Leahon
Inventory of Parks Division Lands for Threatened and Endangered Species Habitats and Exemplary Natural Communities, Steven B. Rolfsmeier
Inventory, Operations, and Safety at Free Right-Turn Ramps, Aemal Khattak, Jonathon Camezind, and MM Shakui Haque
Inverted Pendulum with Swing-Up and Center-Stabilization System Design, Caleb Osmond
Investigating Associations between Activity and Performance Traits across Three Breeds of Swine Using Nutrack, Dalton R. Obermier
Investigating Indicators of the Scholarship of Teaching: Teaching Awards in Research Universities, Stacie Badran
Investigating Large Repeats in the Arabidopsis thaliana Mitochondrial Genome Using MitoTALENs, Megan Gusso
Investigating Near-Field Radiative Heat Transfer with Titanium Carbide MXenes and Slanted Columnar Thin Films, Sean Luke Murray
Investigating nutrient biomarkers of healthy brain aging: a multimodal brain imaging study, Christopher E. Zwilling, Jisheng Wu, and Aron K. Barbey
Investigating Organic Colorants Across Time: Interdisciplinary Insights into the use of Madder, Indigo/Woad, and Weld in Historical Written Sources, Archaeological Textiles, and Ancient Polychromy, Paula Nabais, Cecilie Brøns, and Magdalena M. Wozniak
Investigating Preservice Secondary Teachers’ Understanding and Enactment of the Standards‑Based Practices during Microteaching, Deepika Menon, Diana S. Chang, and Rosetta W. Ngugi
Investigating small drinking water system technical capacity to treat for PFAS, Chloe J. Yoder and Kaycie Lane
Investigating the Abilities of Potentially Beneficial Bacteria for Increasing Nitrogen-Use Efficiency in Maize, Lexie R. Foster
Investigating the Breadth of Strategies Used and their Advantages for Verbal Working Memory, Abbie Bartmess
Investigating the integration of ICTs in Library and Information Science (LIS) curriculum in Zimbabwe, Tinashe Mugwisi and Tinashe Mugwisi
Investigating the occurrence of blizzard events over the contiguous United States using observations and climate projections, Ahmani Browne and Liang Chen
Investigation into CardiacMyhc-α 334–352-Specific TCR Transgenic Mice Reveals a Role for Cytotoxic CD4 T Cells in the Development of Cardiac Autoimmunity, Meghna Sur, Mahima T. Rasquinha, Kiruthiga Mone, Chandirasegaran Massilamany, Ninaad Lasrado, Channabasavaiah B. Gurumurthy, Raymond A. Sobel, and Jay Reddy
Invitations and Expeditions, but Hardly Ever Destinations, Tracy W. Smith
Iraqi Education Past and Present: The Role of Policymakers and Their Ideological Background, Hadi T Pir
Iraqi Education Past and Present: The Role of Policymakers and Their Ideological Background, Hadi T. Pir
IRES Track I: USA-China: International Research Experience for Native American Students in IoT-Enabled Environmental Monitoring Technologies., J. Wang and J.M.D. Motschenbacher
Irrigation-as-a-Service for Smallholder Farmers, Ishani Lal
Irrigation increases on-farm soybean yields in water-limited environments without a trade-off in seed protein concentration, Walter D. Carciochi, Patricio Grassini, Seth Naeve, James E. Specht, Mitiku Mamo, Ron Seymour, Aaron Nygren, Nathan Mueller, Sarah Sivits, Christopher A. Proctor, Jenny Rees, Todd Whitney, and N. Cafaro La Menza
Irrigation Pumping Plants: Energy Consumption and Pumping Plant Performance, Class Handout, Derek M. Heeren, Saleh Taghvaeian, Abia Katimbo, and Xin Qiao
Is a dyadic stressor experienced as equally distressing by both partners? The case of perceived fertility problems, Julia McQuillan, Arthur L. Greil, Anna Rybińska, Stacy Tiemeyer, Karina M. Shreffler, and Colleen Warner Colaner
Is It Gonna Be Fun?, Kim Tomlinson
Islamic Art: An Exploration of Pattern, Carol Bier
Islamic Art at Doris Duke's Shangri La: Playing with Form and Pattern, Carol Bier and David K. Masunaga
Islas de Resistencia: Pensamiento Archipielágico en las Poéticas Canarias y Caribeñas del Siglo XXI, Laura García García
IsoGene: An R Package for Analyzing Dose-response Studies in Microarray Experiments, Setia Pramana, Dan Lin, Philippe Haldermans, Ziv Shkedy, Tobias Verbeke, Hinrich Göhlmann, An De Bondt, Williem Talloen, and Luc Bijnens
Isothiocyanates Potentiate Tazemetostat-Induced Apoptosis by Modulating the Expression of Apoptotic Genes, Members of Polycomb Repressive Complex 2, and Levels of Tri-Methylating Lysine 27 at Histone 3 in Human Malignant Melanoma Cells, Ioannis Anestopoulos, Ioannis Paraskevaidis, Sotiris Kyriakou, Lambrini E. Giova, Dimitrios T. Trafalis, Sotiris Botaitis, Rodrigo Franco, Aglaia Pappa, and Mihalis L. Panayiotidis
Is SoTL a Signature Pedagogy of Educational Development?, Peter Felten and Nancy Chick
Is the Thrill Gone? An Investigation of Faculty Vitality Within the Context of the Community College, Cathie J. Peterson
Italian Villas and their Gardens, Edith Wharton and Maxfield Parrish
It All Started in the Sixties: Movements for Change Across the Decades—A Personal Journey, R. Eugene Rice
#iteachmsu: Centering an Educator Learning Community (ELC), Erik Skogsberg, Makena Neal, Melissa McDaniels, Madeline Shellgren, and Patricia Stewart
It’s All Academic: A Response to “Enforcement of Law Schools’ Non-Academic Honor Codes: A Necessary Step Towards Professionalism?” by Nicola A. Boothe-Perry, Jonah J. Horwitz
It’s Dangerous to Learn Alone – Play This: Video Games in Higher Education, Particularly in the Composition Classroom, Joy Sterrantino
“It's Hard Work!”: Faculty Development in a Program for First–Year Students, Martha L. A. Stassen
“It’s Not My Immediate Instinct”: Perceptions of Preservice Teachers on the Integration of Popular Culture, Melinda S. Butler, Eva S. Arbor, and Nadine Bravo
It's Not What You Draw, It's What You Don't Draw, Paul Murrell
“It’s Profound to Be Understood”: Negotiations of Household Labor in Trans Families, Eliza Thor
"It's Profound to be Understood": Negotiations of Household Labor in Trans Families, Eliza Thor
It Takes Discipline: Learning in a World Without Boundaries, Stephen Healey
"I Will Write Mad Stories": The Hysterical "I" in the Diaries of George Eliot, Charlotte Forten Grimke, Virginia Woolf, and Sylvia Plath, Jaclyn Marie Swiderski
IX Jornadas Internacionales de Textiles Precolombinos y Amerindianos / 9th International Conference on Pre-Columbian and Amerindian Textiles, Carolina Orsini , editora and Federica Villa , editora
JANUS , a spliceosome-associated protein, promotes miRNA biogenesis in Arabidopsis, Mu Li, Huihui Yu, Bangjun Zhou, Lu Gan, Shengjun Li, Chi Zhang, and Bin Yu
JMcmprsk: An R Package for Joint Modelling of Longitudinal and Survival Data with Competing Risks, Hong Wang, Ning Li, Shanpeng Li, and Gang Li
Job Satisfaction of LIS Professionals: Comparative Analysis of Public/Private Sector’s University of Karachi Sindh, Pakistan, Abida Hashmani, Naweed Sehar Dr., Areeba Rafiq, and Ghulam Fareed
Joint interpretation of ERT and Self-Potential data to characterize the subsurface geology and hydrodynamics along the Sutherland Supply Canal and Paxton Siphon inlet, Paxton, Nebraska., M. K. Aboushanab, D. R. Hallum, and R. M. Joeckel
jomo: A Flexible Package for Two-level Joint Modelling Multiple Imputation, Matteo Quartagno, Simon Grund, and James Carpenter
J. P. Finley: The First Severe Storms Forecaster, Joseph G. Galway
JP Morga Chase Strategic Analysis, Carson Swartzbaugh
J. Sterling Morton: The Founder of Arbor Day's Political Career and Legacy, Luke Partsch
Judicial Libraries as Predictors for Effective Administration of Justice in Nigeria, Emmanuel Owushi
Junior Faculty Participation in Curricular Change, Judi Hetrick
Just Ask: Using Faculty Input to Inform Communication Strategies, Krista Hoffmann Longtin, Megan M. Palmer, Julie L. Welch, Emily C. Walvoord, and Mary E. Dankoski
Juvenile Delinquency as a Contemporary Issue in Nigeria: Understanding the Impacts of Parenting Styles, Single Parenting, and Marital Discord, Sunkanmi Folorunsho, Oluwakemi Abdulrazaq, and Victor Ajayi
K-12 Teachers Perspectives on Mobile Technology Integration: A Qualitative Study, S. Justin Bingham
Keeping the Fire Burning: Strategies to Support Senior Faculty, Michael J. Zeig and Roger G. Baldwin
Keys to Using Learning Groups Effectively, Larry K. Michaelsen
Kiewit Corporation Strategic Audit, Carson Scott
Kinetics-based inference of environment-dependent microbial interactions and their dynamic variation, Hyun-Seob Song, Na-Rae Lee, Aimee K. Kessell, Hugh C. McCullough, Seo-Young Park, Kang Zhou, and Dong-Yup Lee
Kit Foxes Demonstrate Adaptive Compromise Characteristics under Intraguild Predation Pressure by Coyotes in the Great Basin Desert, Nadine A. Pershyn, Eric M. Gese, Erica F. Stuber, and Bryan M. Kluever
Knockdown of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone II Receptor Impairs Ovulation Rate, Corpus Luteum Development, and Progesterone Production in Gilts, Amy T. Desaulniers, Rebecca Cederberg, Clay A. Lents, and Brett White
Knot Anomalies on Inka Khipus: Revising Locke’s Knot Typology, Sabine Hyland
Knots and Bolts: Design and Technology in the Caucasus, Carol Bier
Knowledge of Breast Cancer and Screening Methods among Rural Women in Southwest Nigeria, Rowland Edet and Oluwayimika Ekundina
Knowledge of Breast Cancer and Screening Methods among Rural Women in Southwest Nigeria: A Mixed Method Analysis, Rowland Edet, Oluwayimika Ekundina, Obasanjo Afolabi Bolarinwa, Julianah Babajide, and Juliet Amarachukwu Nwafor
Knowledge sharing and referral practices by traditional birth attendants in low-income urban areas of Southwest Nigeria, Janet O. Adekannbi and Joy O. Oluwafemi
KRAUS: Embracing Change and Adapting to the Female Body, Marissa Kaylin Kraus
krippendorffsalpha: An R Package for Measuring Agreement Using Krippendorff's Alpha Coefficient, John Hughes
KSPM: A Package For Kernel Semi-Parametric Models, Catherine Schramm, Sébastien Jacquemont, Karim Oualkacha, Aurélie Labbe, and Celia M. T. Greenwood
Kuhn-Tucker and Multiple Discrete-Continuous Extreme Value Model Estimation and Simulation in R: The rmdcev Package, Patrick Lloyd-Smith
Kuna shirts from Panama in Brussels’ Art and History Museum, Anne-Françoise Martin
Lactic acid bacterial surface display of scytovirin inhibitors for anti-ebolavirus infection, Joshua Wiggins, Ngan Nguyen, Wenzhong Wei, Leah Liu Wang, Haley Hollingsead Olson, and Shi-Hua Xiang
Lacustrine leaf wax hydrogen isotopes indicate strong regional climate feedbacks in Beringia since the last ice age, W. C. Daniels, J. M. Russell, C. Morrill, W. M. Longo, A. E. Giblin, P. Holland-Stergar, J. M. Welker, X. Wen, A. Hu, and Y. Huang
Lady Gaga Meets Ritzer: Using Music to Teach Sociological Theory, Kenneth Culton and José A. Muñoz
La iconografía textil andina en el contexto de los ritos de paso. Expresiones visuales del derrame de sangre y del momento de florecer, Denise Y. Arnold
La imagen divina del antiguo Perú y sus falsas interpretaciones, Uwe Carlson
La musa sonriente de Necoclí en Colombia, Luz Adriana Alzate Gallego
Landscape-Scale Epidemiological Dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 in White-tailed Deer, Joshua Hewitt, Grete Wilson-Henjum, Derek T. Collins, Timothy J. Linder, Julianna B. Lenoch, Jonathan D. Heale, Christopher A. Quintanal, Robert Pleszewski, Dillon S. McBride, Andrew S. Bowman, Jeffrey C. Chandler, Susan A. Shriner, Sarah N. Bevins, Dennis J. Kohler, Richard B. Chipman, Allen L. Gosser, David L. Bergman, Thomas J. DeLiberto, and Kim M. Pepin
La pintura rupestre mural ecológico, Andrés Bestard Maggio
La posible representación de Género, Iconografía en artefactos arqueológicos, sitio Ciudad del Jaguar, Honduras, Ranferi Juárez Silva
La representación del Axis Mundi en los Templos Montaña de Amerindia, Sarai Ramos Muñoz
La Representación de los Seres Voladores en tejidos ceremoniales Tiwanaku, Elisa Cont
La representación del poder en la Mixteca del posclásico: iconografía, acciones y atributos, Noa Font Agraz
Larval Habitats, Species Composition and Distribution of Malaria Vectors in Regions with Autochthonous and Imported Malaria in Roraima State, Brazil, Nathália Coelho Vargas de Almeida, Jaime Louzada, Maycon Sebastião Alberto Santos Neves, Thiago M. Carvalho, Júlio Castro‑Alves, Teresa Fernandes Silva‑do‑Nascimento, Ananias A. Escalante, and Joseli Oliveira‑Ferreira
Las Aztecas: Gender, Nationalism, and Sport in Mexico and the World in the Early 1970s, Madelina M Homberger Cordia
Las Aztecas: Gender, Nationalism, and Sport in Mexico and the World in the Early 1970s, Madelina Marie Homberger Cordia
Laser 3D Printing of Diamond-Based Composite Materials for Thermal Management Applications, Nada Kraiem
Laser Surface Processing for Enhanced Adhesion between Diamond Coatings and Metallic Substrates, Zhipeng Wu
Las tapicerías del sitio Topater en el contexto de los textiles del Formativo Medio (500 a.C.-100 d.C.) en Atacama, Soledad Hoces de la Guardia Chellew and Ana María T. Rojas Zepeda
Lasting Lessons from COVID-19: A Story of Successful Community Building, Christian Rubio
Las urnas zapotecas (Estado de Oaxaca, México): una iconografía del espacio y del tiempo, Pascal Mongne
Las warakas (hondas) de Arena Blanca, Cerro Colorado y Wari Kayan en la península de Paracas: nuevos datos e interpretaciones, Jessica Lévy Contreras and Ann H. Peters
LAUGHTER-PIECE Theatre: Humor as a Systematic Teaching Tool, Ronald A. Berk
LB 36: A Shot in the Arm for Lethal Injection, Eric Berger
Leaching Performance of Nanotechnology-Induced High-Arsenic-Bearing Tooeleite-like Mineral Nanowaste, Arindam Malakar, Sanjit Das, Samirul Islam, Rajneesh Singh, and Sugata Ray
Leadership for Learning: A New Faculty Development Model, Jane V. Nelson and Audrey M. Kleinsasser
Leading Change: Creating a Culture of Assessment, Patricia M. Dwyer
Leading Culturally Sensitive Classroom Discussions Following September 11, Devorah Lieberman
Leading the Seminar: Graduate and Undergraduate, Edward Neal
Leaf Optical and Indirect LAI Measurements in Wheat and Alfalfa at MACIV: AgMet Progress Report 89-4, E. A. Walter-Shea and B. L. Blad
Leaps and Bounds in Popular Culture and Pedagogy Dialogue: A Note from the Editor in Chief and Associate Editor, Anna CohenMiller and Karina Vado
Learning about Optimal Corn Seed Rate Management Via On-farm Experimentation: Are Farmers Over-planting?, Taro Mieno, Jaeseok Hwang, and David S. Bullock
Learning about People, Places and Spaces of the World through Informal Pedagogy: Socio-(inter)cultural Constructions and Connections to Popular Culture, Shelbee R. Nguyen
Learning a Lot vs. Looking Good: A Source of Anxiety for Students, Anastasia S. Hagen
Learning–Centered Evaluation of Teaching, Trav D. Johnson
Learning Communities for First–Year Faculty: Transition, Acculturation, and Transformation, Harriet Fayne and Alice Ortquist-Ahrens
Learning Communities Promote Pedagogical Metacognition in Higher Education Faculty, Audrey J. Tocco, Lauren A. Mehrhoff, Haley M. Osborn, Lyda F. McCartin, and Molly M. Jameson
Learning Outside the Box: Making Connections between Co-curricular Activities and the Curriculum, Myra S. Wilhite and Elizabeth A. Banset
Leavers and Movers: Turnover of Music Teachers in Nebraska, Christian G. Schuerman
Leaving the Twilight Zone: A Congressional Check on Treaty Termination, Cormac C. Broeg
Legacy of Collector George Hewitt Myers, Carol Bier
Legal and Ethical Issues around Incorporating Traditional Knowledge in Polar Data Infrastructures, Teresa Scassa and Fraser Taylor
Legal Issues in Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), Christa J. Laser
Legal Strategies Used by Black Men During the Antebellum Period, A. D. Banse
Legal Support to Operations, United States Army
Lepocreadiidae (Trematoda) associated with gelatinous zooplankton (Cnidaria and Ctenophora) and fishes in Australian and Japanese waters, Thomas H. Cribb, Scott C. Cutmore, Nicholas Q.-X. Wee, Joanna G. Browne, Pablo Diaz Morales, and Kylie A. Pitt
Less Computer Access: Is It a Risk or a Protective Factor for Cyberbullying and Face-to-Face Bullying Victimization among Adolescents in the United States?, Jun Sung Hong, Miao Wang, Rekha Negi, Dexter R. Voisin, Lois M. Takahashi, and Andre Iadipaolo
Lessons Learned from Developing a Learning–Focused Classroom Observation Form: Learning-Focused Observation Form, Steven K. Jones, Kenneth S. Sagendorf, D. Brent Morris, David Stockburger, and Evelyn T. Patterson
Leucocytozoon cariamae n. sp. and Haemoproteus pulcher Coinfection in Cariama cristata (Aves: Cariamiformes): First Mitochondrial Genome Analysis and Morphological description of a Leucocytozoid in Brazil, Lis Marques de C. Vieira, Pedro Henrique O. Pereira, Daniel Ambrózio da Rocha Vilela, Irène Landau, M. Andreína Pacheco, Ananias A. Escalante, Francisco C. Ferreira, and Érika Martins Braga
Leveling the Field: Using Rubrics to Achieve Greater Equity in Teaching and Grading, Dannelle D. Stevens and Antonia Levi
Leveraging AI To Improve Clinician Wellbeing, Sophia Hill, Roy Dumblauskas, Cooper Sheets, and Zachary Wallenburg
Leveraging Collaboration and Peer Support to Initiate and Sustain a Faculty Development Program, Anneris Coria-Navia and Scott Moncrieff
Leveraging digital agriculture for on-farm testing of technologies, Laila A. Puntel, Laura J. Thompson, and Taro Mieno
Leveraging high resolution classifications and random forests for hindcasting decades of mesic ecosystem dynamics in the Landsat time series, N. E. Kolarik, Nawaraj Shrestha, T. Caughlin, and J. S. Brandt
Leveraging the HMBC to Facilitate Metabolite Identification, Fatema Bhinderwala, Thao Vu, Thomas G. Smith, Julian Kosacki, Darrell D. Marshall, Yuhang Xu, Martha D. Morton, and Robert Powers
Leveraging the Power of Course Redesign For Student Success, Rebecca Campbell and Benjamin B. Blankenship
lg: An R package for Local Gaussian Approximations, Håkon Otneim
Liar, Liar, Retaliation Claim on Fire: Egei v. Johnson: Protecting an Employee’s Right to Dishonesty (White Paper), Sarah Applegate
Librarian and Health Worker Collaboration: Optimizing the Efficacy of Bibliotherapy for Healing in Mental Hospitals, Bagus Gigih Permana and Retno Sayekti
Librarians’ Use of ICT, Work Ethics and Library Users’ Satisfaction in Public Universities in Edo State, Nigeria, Anthony Solomon
Librarians' Use of Social Media for Marketing Library Services and Resources in University Libraries in Delta and Edo States, Monday Obaidjevwe Ogbomo and Angela O. Bello
Librarian' understanding, perception, and attitudes regarding cloud computing in academic libraries Punjab, Pakistan: A Survey, shahid mehmood, Prof.Dr.Rais Ahmed Samdani, and Muhammad Wahid
Library Cooperation and Use of Digital Library by Postgraduate Students in Selected Universities in South-West, Nigeria., Mary Oluwabukola Akinlolu, Olalekan Abiola Awujoola PhD, and Yinka Joba Olawale
Library Research Support and Services: A Case Study of Panjab University Library, Ritu Sharma, Khushi Rawat, Ankush Jasyal, and Dr. Rupak Chakravarty
Library Services and Resource Provision to Prison Inmates in Enugu Maximum Prison Library, Enugu State, Nigeria, Andrew Ifeanyi Ifeabor, Godwin Sunday Ezeh, Comfort Ometere Alabi, and Margaret N. Ngwuchukwu
Library users’ attitudes towards Virtual Library and Information Services in Ugandan public and private universities, Lydia Namugera, Joyce Bukirwa, and Constant Okello-Obura
Library Website as an Indicator of Academic Excellence: A Web Analysis of the Leading IITs in India, Abhishek Rai, Manendra Kumar Singh, and Anudha Lepcha
Lice of Public Health Importance and Their Control, Harry D. Pratt and Kent S. Littig
Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Maize No-Till Agroecosystems in Southern Brazil Based on a Long-Term Experiment, Guilherme Rosa da Silva, Adam J. Liska, and Cimelio Bayer
Light Wavelength and Pulsing Frequency Affect Avoidance Responses of Canada Geese, Ryan B. Lunn, Patrice E. Baumhardt, Bradley F. Blackwell, Jean Paul Freyssinier, and Esteban Fernández-Juricic
Limitations of Invasive Snake Control Tools in the Context of a New Invasion on an Island with Abundant Prey, Shane R. Siers, Melia G. Nafus, Jereid E. Calaor, Rachel M. Volsteadt, Matthew S. Grassi, Megan Volsteadt, Aaron F. Collins, Patrick D. Barnhart, Logan T. Huse, Amy A. Yackel Adams, and Diane L. Vice
Lincoln Medical History: Dr. Hettie Kersey Painter, Grant Neuverth and Effie Athanassopoulos
Lincoln's Carnegie Library: A History of Community and Philanthropy, Emily Blomstedt
Lincoln Vital Signs, 2022 Report (Version 1.2), Stacey Hoffman, Alyssa Sloane, and Taylor Smith
Lineage diversity in a widely distributed New World passerine bird, the House Wren, J. Klicka, K. Epperly, B. T. Smith, G. M. Spellman, J. A. Chaves, P. Escalante, C. C. Witt, R. Canales-del-Castillo, and R. M. Zink
Linear Fractional Stable Motion with the rlfsm R Package, Stepan Mazur and Dmitry Otryakhin
Linear Regression with Stationary Errors: The R Package slm, Emmanuel Caron, Jérôme Dedecker, and Bertrand Michel
Linking Change Initiatives: The Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in the Company of Other National Projects, Barbara Cambridge
Linking Reactive Nitrogen Species Within the Vadose Zone with Surface Irrigation, Kaitlyn Richards
Linking Risk Preference, Women’s Empowerment, Farm Investment and Household Well-Being, Samuel Olusesi Olumide
LIS Education in the GCC Region: A Case Study for UAE Emiratization., Abiola John Olarinde Mr and Ismail Adamu Mr
Listening in the Classroom: A Two-Way Street, Elisa Carbone
Listening to the Voices of America, Kathryn J. Edin, Corey D. Fields, David B. Grusky, Jure Leskovec, Marybeth J. Mattingly, Kristen M. Olson, and Charles Varner
Literature circles promote accountability and student engagement with assigned reading in a soil science class, Judith Turk
Lithologic Influences on Groundwater Recharge through Incised Glacial Till from Profile to Regional Scales: Evidence from Glaciated Eastern Nebraska, John L. Gates, Gregory V. Steele, Paolo Nasta, and Jozsef Szilagyi
Litigating Socio-economic and Women’s Rights in Benin’s Constitutional Court, Alice J. Kang and Susanna D. Wing
Livestock on the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument: A Summary of Stocking Rates, Utilization, and Management, Paul E. Hosten, Henry Whitridge, Dulcey Schuster, and John Alexander
Living Alone during Old Age and the Risk of Dementia: Assessing the Cumulative Risk of Living Alone, Benjamin A. Shaw, Tse-Chuan Yang, and Seulki Kim
Living Engagement, bell hooks and Douglas Reimondo Robertson
Living up to Expectations, Steven M. Richardson
Local-scale impacts of water hyacinth on water quality in a hypereutrophic lake, J. R. Corman, A. Z. Roegner, Z. Ogari, T. R. Miller, and C. M. Aura
Lockheed Martin Strategic Audit, Trevor DeBoer, Gunnar Lombard, Sam Nelson, TJ Taylor, and Paul Wynegar
Longhand Versus Laptop Note Taking and Lecture Rate Influence, Junrong Lu
Longhand versus Laptop Note Taking and Lecture Rate Influence, Junrong Lu
Longitudinal Impact of Faculty Participation in a Course Design Institute (CDI): Faculty Motivation and Perception of Expectancy, Value, and Cost, Cara Meixner, Melissa Altman, Megan Good, and Elizabeth Ben Ward
Long-Range Surveillance Unit Operations, United States Army
Long-term croplands water productivity in response to management and climate in the Western US Corn Belt, M. Khorchani, Tala Awada, M. Schmer, V. Jin, G. Birru, S.R.S. Dangal, Andrew E. Suyker, and A. Freidenreich
Long-term monitoring of Scripps’s Murrelet and Guadalupe Murrelet at San Clemente Island, California: evaluation of baseline data in 2012–2016, DARRELL L. WHITWORTH, HARRY R. CARTER, MICHAEL W. PARKER, FRANKLIN GRESS, and MELISSA BOOKER
Long-term rice-based cropping system effects on near-surface soil compaction, J. M. Motschenbacher, K. R. Brye, and M. M. Anders
Long Term Ultrasonic Monitoring and Machine Learning Investigation of Micro-Crack Damaged Concrete, Yalei Tang
Long Time No See: New reports of Legua rosea Amédégnato and Poulain, 1986 (Orthoptera: Caelifera: Romaleidae: Romaleinae: Leguini), a Rare Arboreal Grasshopper from Brazil, Daniela Santos Martins Silva, Renan da Silva Olivier, Larissa Lima de Queiroz, Marcelo Ribeiro Pereira, Jardel Boscardin, and Guilherme Rabelo D’Angelis
Looking at Ourselves: The Quality of Life of Faculty Development Professionals, Kathleen T. Brinko, Sally S. Atkins, and Marian E. Miller
Los bordados mayas que protegen de enfermedades en el estado de Yucatán, México, Roberto Campos-Navarro, Leydi Dorantes, and Danielle Dupiech Cavaleri
Los seres antropomorfos y sus acciones rituales en la iconografía Tiwanaku, Elisa Cont
Louisiana: Redesigning the Child Welfare Worker Job, Courtney Harrison
Low-Cement Concrete Mixture for Bridge Decks and Rails, Soumitra Das, George Morcous Ph.D., and Jiong Hu
Low Secondary Risks for Turkey Vultures from a Sodium Nitrite Toxic Bait for Wild Pigs, Justin A. Foster, John C. Kinsey, Michael J. Lavelle, Kurt C. VerCauteren, and Nathan P. Snow
Low similarity between parasite communities of ten sympatric carangid species, Juan M. Osuna-Cabanillas, Emigdio Marín-Enríquez, Ana P. Martínez-Falc´on, Juan T. Timi, and Francisco N. Morales-Serna
lpirfs: An R Package to Estimate Impulse Response Functions by Local Projections, Philipp Adämmer
lspartition: Partitioning-Based Least Squares Regression, Matias D. Cattaneo, Max H. Farrell, and Yingjie Feng
Lululemon Strategic Audit, Tessa Mozingo, Olivia Eno, Molly Mitchell, Connor Morrissey, and James Eshleman
Lymphoid tissues contribute to plasma viral clonotypes early after antiretroviral therapy interruption in SIV-infected rhesus macaques, Antonio Solis-Leal, Nongthombam Boby, Suvadip Mallick, Yilun Cheng, Fei Wu, Grey De La Torre, Jason Dufour, Xavier Alvarez, Vinay Shivanna, Yaozhong Liu, Christine M. Fennessey, Jeffrey D. Lifson, Qingsheng Li, Brandon F. Keele, and Binhua Ling
Macgyvers, Medeas, and Bionic Women: Patterns of Instructor Response to Negative Feedback, Allison P. Boye and Suzanne Tapp
Machine learning algorithms improve MODIS GPP estimates in United States croplands, D. Menefee, T. O. Lee, K. C. Flynn, J. Chen, M. Abraha, J. Baker, and A. Suyker
Machine Learning and Metabolic Model Guided CRISPRi Reveals a Central Role for Phosphoglycerate Mutase in Chlamydia trachomatis Persistence, Niaz Bahar Chowdhury, Nick Pokorzynski, Elizabeth A. Rucks, Scot P. Ouellette, Rey A. Carabeo, and Rajib Saha
Machine Learning‑Assisted Low‑Dimensional Electrocatalysts Design for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction, Jin Li, Naiteng Wu, Jian Zhang, Hong‑Hui Wu, Kunming Pan, Yingxue Wang, Guilong Liu, Xianming Liu, Zhenpeng Yao, and Qiaobao Zhang
Machinery Match, Emma Mirnics, Karina Dudley, Zach Hammann, John Post, and Dylan Chapin
Macro and Micro-Nutrient Accumulation and Partitioning in Soybean Affected by Water and Nitrogen Supply, Ingrid Silva Setubal, Aderson Soares de Andrade Júnior, Silvestre Paulino da Silva, Artenisa Cerqueira Rodrigues, Aurenívia Bonifácio, Evandro Henrique Figueiredo Moura da Silva, Paulo Fernando de Melo Jorge Vieira, Rafael de Souza Miranda, Nicolas Cafaro La Menza, and Henrique Antunes de Souza
Macrocheles species (Acari: Macrochelidae) associated with human corpses in Europe, Naila A. Che Kamaruzaman, Peter Mašán, Yelitza Velásquez, Alejandro González‑Medina, Anders Lindström, Henk R. Braig, and M. Alejandra Perotti
Madden v. Midland Funding, LLC, 786 F.3d 246 (2d Cir. 2015): The Second Circuit Threatens to Disrupt Capital Markets (White Paper), Daniel Kaplan
Magicians of the Golden State: The CSU Center Director Disappearing Acts, Cynthia Desrochers
Main-stem Seepage and Base-flow Recession Time Constants in the Niobrara National Scenic River Basin, Nebraska, 2016–18, Kellan R. Strauch and Philip J. Soeksen
MAINT.Data: Modelling and Analysing Interval Data in R, A Pedro Duarte Silva, Paula Brito, Peter Filzmoser, and José G. Dias
Maize terpene synthase 1 impacts insect behavior via the production of monoterpene volatiles β-myrcene and linalool, Jessica P. Yactayo-Chang, Geoffrey T. Broadhead, Robert J. Housler, Marcio F.R. Resende Jr., Kashish Verma, Joe Louis, Gilles J. Basset, John J. Beck, and Anna K. Block
Majorana Bound States in a d-wave Superconductor Planar Josephson Junction, Hamed Vakili, Moaz Ali, Mohamed Elekhtiar, and Alexey Kovalev
Make America(n Cinema) Great Again: The Rhetoric of Nostalgia in Trump Era Cinematic Multiplicities, Courtney J. Dreyer
Making Adjunct Faculty Part of the Academic Community, Karen R. Krupar
Making Czech Art Song Accessible for Novice Singers, Rachel Jane Sweeney Green
Making Czech Art Song Accessible for Novice Singers, Rachel Jane Sweeney Green
Making Data Management Plans Machine Actionable: Templates and Tools, JOAKIM PHILIPSON, ADIL HASAN, and HANNE MOA
Making Meaning of a Life in Teaching: A Memoir–Writing Project for Seasoned Faculty, Kathleen F. O'Donovan and Steve R. Simmons
Making Sandwiches: A Novel Invariant in D-module Theory, David Lieberman
Making Sense (and Use) of Written Student Comments, Karron G. Lewis
Making Sure That Peer Review of Teaching Works for You, Nancy Van Note Chism
Making the Case for Teaching Character Change in Complex TV: The Closer and Major Crimes, Emily C. Hoffman
Malaria in Southern Venezuela: The Hottest Hotspot in Latin America, Maria Eugenia Grillet, Jorge E. Moreno, Juan V. Hernández-Villena, Maria F. Vincenti-González, Oscar Noya, Adriana Tami, Alberto Paniz-Mondolfi, Martin Llewellyn, Rachel Lowe, Ananias A. Escalante, and Jan E. Conn
Malaria Resilience in South America: Epidemiology, Vector Biology, and Immunology Insights from the Amazonian International Center of Excellence in Malaria Research Network in Peru and Brazil, Kathrine Torres, Marcelo U. Ferreira, Marcia C. Castro, Ananias A. Escalante, Jan E. Conn, Elizabeth Villasis, Maisa da Silva Araujo, Gregorio Almeida, Priscila T. Rodrigues, Rodrigo M. Corder, Anderson R.J. Fernandes, Priscila R. Calil, Winni A. Ladeia, Stefano S. Garcia-Castillo, Joaquin Gomez, Lis Ribeiro do Valle Antonelli, Ricardo T. Gazzinelli, Douglas T. Golenbock, Alejandro Llanos-Cuentas, Dionicia Gamboa, and Joseph M. Vinetz
Malnutrition alters protein expression of KNDy neuropeptides in the arcuate nucleus of mature ewes, Jennifer F. Thorson and Ligia D. Prezotto
Malory Meets Wagner in Madrid: Albéniz's Merlin and the Mythologizing of Arthur, Robert S. Haller
Mamluk Rugs from Egypt: Jewels of The Textile Museum's Collection (exhibition), Carol Bier
Managing for Agility in Constant Change: HR Strategies for Teaching Center Leaders, Carolyn Hoessler, Donna E. Ellis, and Bob Bayles
Managing Programmatic Trade-offs for Centers of Teaching and Learning: Applying a Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning Approach to Pedagogical Offerings, Christopher Vicente Hsin-Hung S. Chen, Ian G. Althouse, Caitlin P. DeClercq, and Mark L. Phillipson
Managing Stress while Working from Home during the Pandemic: Strategies for Self-Care, Courtney Harrison
Managing Your Personal Life During COVID-19, Courtney Harrison
Mandatory Faculty Development Works, Mona B. Kreaden
Maneuver Enhancement Brigade, United States Army
Mango Surface Color Features Measurement Using Digital Image Processing, Md Towfiqur Rahman, Goutom Kumar, and Md Abdul Momin
Manipulations of the Caenorhabditis elegans Microbiome Reveal Influences of Detrimental Members on Host Life History Traits, Ashley Elizabeth Foltz
Mapping and Measuring Country Shapes, Nils B. Weidmann and Kristian Skrede Gleditsch
Mapping Classroom Interactions: A Spatial Approach to Analyzing Patterns of Student Participation, Sophia Abbot, Alison Cook Sather, and Carola Hein
Mapping Smoothed Spatial Effect Estimates from Individual-Level Data: MapGAM, Lu Bai, Daniel L. Gillen, Scott M. Bartell, and Verónica M. Vieira
Mapping STRATCOM: The Architecture of Offutt, the U.S. Military, and Strategic Command, Anna Miles
Mapping the Literature of Health Care Management: An Update, Amber T. Burtis, Susan M. Howell, and Mary K. Taylor
Maps of ticks (Acari: Argasidae, Ixodidae) for Austria and South Tyrol, Italy, Franz Rubel and Katharina Brugger
Marāgha; from Encyclopaedia of Islam Three, Carol Bier
March 1st Filing Deadline, Tina N. Barrett
Margaret of Anjou: Passionate Mother, Carole Levin
“Marie” and “An Unusual Recourse”: English Translations of German Early Romantic Stories, Meghan Leadabrand
Market and Welfare Impacts of a “Portion Size Reduction” Policy, Hanin Hosni and Konstantinos Giannakas
Marketing Plans for Faculty Development: Student and Faculty Development Center Collaboration for Mutual Benefit, Victoria Mundy Bhavsar and Steven J. Skinner
Market Share Predictor, Carly Gove, Cole Niebur, Ben Cook, Viet Ninh, and Aditya Jain
Markets with Within-Type Adverse Selection, Anh Nguyen and Teck Yong Tan
Markov chain estimation of avian seasonal fecundity, MATTHEW A. ETTERSON, RICHARD S. BENNETT, ERIC L. KERSHNER, and JEFFERY W. WALK
MARSS: Multivariate Autoregressive State-space Models for Analyzing Time-series Data, Elizabeth E. Holmes, Eric J. Ward, and Kellie Wills
Martin Bresnick's “Bitter Suite” Duo for Violin and Piano, Xun Xu
Masking Vulnerability: Including PPE as a Covered Service in Health Insurance, Mary Leto Pareja
Mass spectrometry of the white adipose metabolome in a hibernating mammal reveals seasonal changes in alternate fuels and carnitine derivatives, Frazer I. Heinis, Sophie Alvarez, and Matthew T. Andrews
Masthead & Table of Contents, Vol. 102, No. 2
Masthead & Table of Contents, Vol. 102, No. 3
Masthead & Table of Contents, Vol. 102, No. 4
Masthead & Table of Contents, Vol. 103, No. 1
Masthead & Table of Contents, Vol. 103, No. 2
Matching with Clustered Data: the CMatching Package in R, Massimo Cannas and Bruno Arpino
MatchThem: Matching and Weighting after Multiple Imputation, Farhad Pishgar, Noah Greifer, Clémence Leyrat, and Elizabeth Stuart
Mathematical and Computational Analysis of Certain Regularizations for the 3D Navier-Stokes Equations and Nonlocal Peridynamic Conservation Laws, Isabel Safarik
Mathematical and Computational Analysis of Certain Regularizations for the 3D Navier-Stokes Equations and Nonlocal Peridynamic Conservation Laws, Isabel Safarik
Mathematics and the Divine in Islamic Art: Study Guide, Carol Bier
Maturation of Organizational Development in Higher Education, Gail F. Latta
maxent: An R Package for Low-memory Multinomial Logistic Regression with Support for Semi-automated Text Classification, Timothy P. Jurka
Maximize Profitability by Choosing the Right Corn Hybrid, Matt Stockton
MCMC for Generalized Linear Mixed Models with glmmBUGS, Patrick Brown and Lutong Zhou
MDFS: MultiDimensional Feature Selection in R, Radosław Piliszek, Krzysztof Mnich, Szymon Migacz, Paweł Tabaszewski, Andrzej Sułecki, Aneta Polewko-Klim, and Witold Rudnicki
Meaningful Learner Information for MOOC Instructors Examined Through a Contextualized Evaluation Framework, Kerrie Douglas, Mitch Zielinski, Hillary Merzdorf, Heidi Diefes-Dux, and Peter Bermel
Meanings of Community: Educational Developers Experience Care, Satisfying Contributions, and Belonging in a Collaboration across Institutions, Thomas M. Colclough, William J. Howitz, Daniel Mann, Katherine Kearns, and Darren S. Hoffmann
Measurements of azimuthal anisotropy of nonprompt D0 mesons in PbPb collisions at √𝑠NN = 5.02 TeV, A. Tumasyan
Measuring Changes in Pork Demand, Welfare Effects, and the Role of Information Sources in the Event of an African Swine Fever Outbreak in the United States, Pratyoosh Kashyap, Jordan F. Suter, and Sophie C. McKee
Measuring Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Your Child Welfare Workforce, Quality Improvement Center for Workforce Development (QIC-WD)
Measuring Jury Perception of Explainable Machine Learning and Demonstrative Evidence, Rachel Edie Sparks Rogers
Measuring Jury Perception of Explainable Machine Learning and Demonstrative Evidence, Rachel Rogers
Measuring Mobility: A Quantitative Description of SBAE Teacher Mobility in Minnesota, Becky Haddad, Lavyne L. Rada, and Amy R. Smith
Measuring Student Learning to Document Faculty Teaching Effectiveness, Linda B. Nilson
Measuring the Promise: A Learning Focused Syllabus Rubric, Michael Palmer, Dorothe Bach, and Adriana Streifer
Measuring Transparency: A Learning-Focused Assignment Rubric, Michael S. Palmer, Emily O. Gravett, and Jennifer LaFleur
Mechanical Engineering Capstone: A Reflection on the Design and Prototyping of a Portable Water Heating System, Timothy Goldsmith
Mechanisms and Opportunities for Rational In Silico Design of Enzymes to Degrade Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS), Melissa Marciesky, Diana S. Aga, Ian M. Bradley, Nirupam Aich, and Carla Ng
Mechanistic modeling of insecticide risks to breeding birds in North American agroecosystems, Matthew Etterson, Kristina Garber, and Edward Odenkirchen
Media Exposure and Community Perception of Alcoholism among Female Adolescents in South-West Nigeria, Rowland Edet and Julianah Babajide
Media Literacy, Education, and a Global Pandemic: Lessons Learned in a Gender and Pop Culture Classroom, Jessica Lowell Mason and Ebehitale Imobhio
MEDICATION BOTTLE WITH ANTI - TAMPERING FEATURES, Bahar Aliakbarian, Muhammad Rabnawaz, Susan E. Selke, Krystal Cheng, Arun Ross, Austin Cozzo, Anurag Chowdhury, Ali Tamayol, Carina Russell, and Prem Chahal
Meeting New Faculty at the Intersection: Personal and Professional Support Points the Way, Ann Riley
Meeting the Challenges of Integrative Learning: The Nexia Concept, Jane Love
Megapode Newsletter 12(3)-16(1) (1998-2002), World Pheasant Association, BirdLife International, and SSC Megapode Specialist Group
Megapode Newsletter 17(1)-21(2) (2003-2008), World Pheasant Association, BirdLife International, and SSC Megapode Specialist Group
Megapodes Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan, 2000-2004, René W. R. J. Dekker, Richard A. Fuller, Gilliam C. Baker, World Pheasant Association, BirdLife International, and IUCN-SSC Megapode Specialist Group
MegaSoTL: Supporting Pedagogical Research across Multiple Institutions, Sara Nasrollahian Mojarad and Laura Cruz
Melittological Notes from Guatemala (Hymenoptera: Anthophila), 1. New Country Records for Centris Fabricius (Apidae) and Zikanapis Moure (Colletidae), Silas Bossert, José Monzón-Sierra, Richard S. Zack, Ana Cristina García, and Elizabeth A. Murray
Memoryscapes: A Study of Memory and Experience in Architecture, Jacob Granger
Memo to Departments: Outcomes Assessment Really Is a Good Idea, Wayne Jacobson
Mental Healthcare Differences Between the United States, Costa Rica, and Sweden, Michaela Diehm
Mentoring Graduate Student Staff in a Center for Teaching and Learning: Goals and Aligned Practices, Kristin Rudenga and Joseph Lambert
Mentoring Student Teachers for Ambitious and Inclusive Science Teaching, Elizabeth B. Lewis, Elizabeth Hasseler, Karen Covil, Amy Tankersley, and Susan Frack
Mentoring Within a Community of Practice for Faculty Development: Adding Value to a CTL Role, Patricia E. Calderwood and Suzanna Klaf
Mentorship in the Classroom: Making the Implicit Explicit, Deanna Martin, Robert Blanc, and David Arendale
Mesoporous Particle Embedded Nanofibrous Scaffolds Sustain Biological Factors for Tendon Tissue Engineering, Chiara Rinoldi, Ewa Kijeńska-Gawrońska, Marcin Heljak, Jakub Jaroszewicz, Artur Kamiński, Ali Khademhosseini, Ali Tamayol, and Wojciech Swieszkowski
Meta-analysis of driving behavior studies and assessment of factors using structural equation modeling, Duong Ngoc Hai, Chu Cong Minh, and Nathan Huynh
Metabolic collaboration between cells in the tumor microenvironment has a negligible effect on tumor growth, Johan Gustafsson, Fariba Roshanzamir, Anders Hagnestål, Sagar M. Patel, Oseeyi I. Daudu, Donald F. Becker, Jonathan L. Robinson, and Jens Nielsen
Metacognition by Design: How a Course Design Experience Can Increase Metacognition in Faculty, Teresa A. Johnson, Sarah A. Holt, Margaret Sanders, Lindsay Bernhagen, Kathryn Plank, Stephanie V. Rohdieck, and Alan Kalish
Metal-ish: An Analysis of Heavy Metal and Jazz Fusion by Guitarist Adam Rogers, Malachi A. Million
Metamorfosis del huipil de Chicahuaxtla a través del tiempo, Yatahli Otilia Rosas Sandoval and Hector Manuel Meneses Lozano
Metaphors We Teach By: Understanding Ourselves as Teachers and Learners, Mary Ann Bowman
Methodologizing Transnationality: Relational Writing as Collective Inquiry, Sun Young Lee, Minhye Son, Taeyeon Kim, Jin Kyeong Jung, and Soo Bin Jang
MFA-DVR: direct volume rendering of MFA models, Jianxin Sun, David Lenz, Hongfeng Yu, and Tom Peterka
mgee2: An R Package for Marginal Analysis of Longitudinal Ordinal Data with Misclassified Responses and Covariates, Yuliang Xu, Shuo Shuo Liu, and Grace Y. Yi
Microbial Transfer and Cross-Contamination in Milling Facilities and Pathogen Survival In Milled Products and Baking Mixes, Aryany Leticia Peña-Gomez
Microbial Water Quality during the Northern Migration of Sandhill Cranes (Grus canadensis) at the Central Platte River, Nebraska, Matthew T. Moser
Microbiological Safety Status of Foods of Animal Origin in Botswana: A Primer for HACCP Development and Implementation, Mpho Ntwaetsile
Microbiome-enabled genomic selection improves prediction accuracy for nitrogen-related traits in maize, Zhikai Yang, Tianjing Zhao, Hao Cheng, and Jinliang Yang
Microcontroller Based Granular Urea Application Attachment for Rice Transplanter, Md Towfiqur Rahman, Md Monjurul Alam, Md Mosharraf Hossain, and Muhammad Rashed Al Mamun
Microevolutionary Patterns and Molecular Markers: The Genetics of Geographic Variation in Ascaris suum, Steven A. Nadler
MicroRNAs in Pancreatic Cancer: Advances in Biomarker Discovery and Therapeutic Implications, Roland Madadjim, Thuy An, and Juan Cui
Micro-Structure and Mechanical Properties of FeCrAl Alloys Under Extreme Environment, Dongyue Xie
Microteaching to Maximize Feedback, Peer Engagement, and Teaching Enhancement, Barbara J. Millis and Gosia Samojlowicz
Military Police Operations, United States Army
Military Symbols, United States Army
Millennial Students, Michele DiPietro
Mindfulness in Honors: An Experiment in Collaborative Learning and Team Teaching, Pascale F. Engelmajer and Massimo A. Rondolino
miRecSurv Package: Prentice-Williams-Peterson Models with Multiple Imputation of Unknown Number of Previous Episodes, David Moriña, Gilma Hernández-Herrera, and Albert Navarro
Mistakes and Other Classroom Techniques, Harriet C. Edwards
mistr: A Computational Framework for Mixture and Composite Distributions, Lukas Sablica and Kurt Hornik
Mitigation Strategies for Antimicrobial Resistance and Nutrients at Critical Control Points in Livestock Manure Management Systems, Noelle Atieno Mware
miWQS: Multiple Imputation Using Weighted Quantile Sum Regression, Paul M. Hargarten and David C. Wheeler
Mixed Emotions: How Lower Courts Misconstrue TransUnion and Have Since Created a New Judicially Cognizable Injury for Stand-Alone Emotional Distress, Varun Elangovan
Mixedness Comes of Age: Learning from Multiracial Portrayals in Young Adult TV Series, Marc P. Johnston-Guerrero and Lisa Delacruz Combs
mixedsde: A Package to Fit Mixed Stochastic Differential Equations, Charlotte Dion, Simone Hermann, and Adeline Samson
Mobile App Learning Lounge: A Scalable and Sustainable Model for Twenty-First-Century Learning, Michael H. Truong
Mobility’s Impact on Healthcare Work Arrangements: Evidence from a Late-Night Bus Service Expansion, Juliana C. Quattrocchi
Moche-Wari Textiles from Huaca del Sol, Moche influence in the Middle Horizon, Amy Oakland
Mode and Rate of Evolution of Haemosporidian Mitochondrial Genomes: Timing the Radiation of Avian Parasites, M. Andreína Pacheco, Nubia E. Matta, Gediminas Valkiūnas, Patricia G. Parker, Beatriz Mello, Craig E. Stanley Jr., Miguel Lentino, Maria Alexandra Garcia-Amado, Michael Cranfield, Sergei L. Kosakovsky Pond, and Ananias A. Escalante
Model application niche analysis: assessing the transferability and generalizability of ecological models, JESSICA B. MOON, THEODORE H. DEWITT, MELISSA N. ERREND, RANDALL J. F. BRUINS, MARY E. KENTULA, SARAH J. CHAMBERLAIN, M. SIOBHAN FENNESSY, and KUSUM J. NAITHANI
Modeling and Design Parameter Optimization to Improve the Sensitivity of a Bimorph Polysilicon-Based MEMS Sensor for Helium Detection, Sulaiman Mohaidat and F. M. Alsaleem
Modeling Effects of Ecological Factors on Evolution of Polygenic Pesticide Resistance, C. V. Haridas and Brigitte Tenhumberg
Modeling Groundwater Flow and Transit Time Distributions in the Nebraska Sand Hills, Caner Zeyrek
Modeling Pedestrian and Bicyclist Crash Exposure with Location-Based Service Data, Yunwoo Nam, Jason Hawkins, Don Butler, Nicholas Aldridge, Mohammad Elayan, and Kwant il (Jason) Yoo
Modeling Regimes with Extremes: The Bayesdfa Package for Identifying and Forecasting Common Trends and Anomalies in Multivariate Time-Series Data, Eric J. Ward, Sean C. Anderson, Luis A. Damiano, Mary E. Hunsicker, and Michael A. Litzow
Modeling Without Data Using Expert Opinion, Vincent Goulet, Michel Jacques, and Mathieu Pigeon
Modelling of a Reconfigurable Cable-Driven Parallel Robot Under Low Gravity, Han Wei Ang
Modified Tracer Gas Injection for Measuring Stream Gas Exchange Velocity in the Presence of Significant Temperature Variation, C. R. Jensen, D. P. Genereux, T. E. Gilmore, and D. K. Solomon
Molecular characterization of hard tick Haemaphysalis longicornis from China by sequences of the internal transcribed spacers of ribosomal DNA, Zhong-Bo Li, Guo-Hua Liu, and Tian-Yin Cheng
Molecular Characterization of Non-H5 and Non-H7 Avian Influenza Viruses from Non-Mallard Migratory Waterbirds of the North American Flyways, 2006–2011, Shahan Azeem, John A. Baroch, Deepanker Tewari, Kristy L. Pabilonia, Mary L. Killian, Birgit Bradel-Tretheway, Dong Sun, Sara Ghorbani-Nezami, and Kyoung-Jin Yoon
Molecular Detection of Pathogenic Bacteria in American Dog Ticks (Dermacentor variabilis) in Brown County, Nebraska, Nicole Messbarger, Darby Carlson, Keith Geluso, and Julie Shaffer
Molecular evolution and phylogenetics of rodent malaria parasites, Ricardo S. Ramiro, Sarah E. Reece, and Darren J. Obbard
Molecular species delimitation of marine trematodes over wide geographical ranges: Schikhobalotrema spp. (Digenea: Haplosplanchnidae) in needlefishes (Belonidae) from the Pacific Ocean and Gulf of Mexico, Gerardo Pérez-Ponce de León, Brenda Solórzano-García, Daniel C. Huston, Berenit Mendoza-Garfias, Jhonatan Cabañas-Granillo, Scott C. Cutmore, and Thomas H. Cribb
Molecular Stages of Atmospheric Particle Formation, Jie Zhong
Monster at the Foot of the Bed: Surviving the Challenge of Marketplace Forces on Higher Education, Raoul A. Arreola
‘More Than a Woman to Me’: The Need for Gender Inclusive Language in Court Opinions and Statutes Relating to Abortion and Reproductive Health, Murphy Cavanaugh
More Than Simple Plagiarism: Ligotti, Pizzolatto, and True Detective’s Terrestrial Horror, Jonathan Elmore
Morphological and molecular divergence of Rhipicephalus turanicus tick from Albania and China, Hong-Yu Li, Shan-Shan Zhao, Sándor Hornok, Róbert Farkas, Li-Ping Guo, Chuang-Fu Chen, Ren-Fu Shao, Ji-Zhou Lv, and Yuan-Zhi Wang
Morphometric Analysis and Taxonomic Re-evaluation of Pepsis cerberus Lucas and P. elegans Lepeletier (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae: Pepsinae: Pepsini), Frank E. Kurczewski, Akira Shimizu, and Diane H. Kiernan
Morphometric and Molecular Characterization of an Unpigmented Haemosporidian Parasite in the Neotropical Turnip-tailed Gecko (Thecadactylus rapicauda), Nubia E. Matta, Leydy P. González, Mario Vargas-Ramírez, Gediminas Valkiūnas, Ananias A. Escalante, and M. Andreína Pacheco
Morphometrics of Six Turtle Species from South Dakota, Sarah J. Bandas and Kenneth F. Higgins
MoTBFs: An R Package for Learning Hybrid Bayesian Networks Using Mixtures of Truncated Basis Functions, Inmaculada Pérez-Bernabé, Ana D. Maldonado, Antonio Salmerón, and Thomas D. Nielsen
Motivated Reasoning and Persuading Faculty Change in Teaching, Gary A. Smith
Motivations and Obstacles Influencing Faculty Engagement in Adopting Teaching Innovations, Wayne Jacobson and Renee Cole
Motivation to “Keep Pushin’”: Insights into Faculty Development Facilitating Inclusive Pedagogy, Kelly Erby, Melanie Burdick, Sandra Winn Tutwiler, and Dan Petersen
Movement and genomic methods reveal mechanisms promoting connectivity in a declining shorebird: the lesser yellowlegs, K. Christie, R. E. Wilson, J. A. Johnson, C. Friis, C. M. Harwood, L. A. McDuffie, E. Nol, and Sarah A. Sonsthagen
Moving beyond the Panarchy Heuristic, David G. Angeler and Craig R. Allen
Moving From the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning to Educational Research: An Example From Engineering, Ruth A. Streveler, Maura Borrego, and Karl A. Smith
Moving Toward the Center: The Integration of Educational Development in an Era of Historic Change in Higher Education, Bruce Kelley, Laura Cruz, and Nancy Fire
msae: An R Package of Multivariate Fay-Herriot Models for Small Area Estimation, Novia Permatasari and Azka Ubaidillah
mtCO1-based population structure and genetic diversity of Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas populations acquired from two farms in South Korea, Thanh T. Biet, Su-Jin Park, Hong-Keun Park, Dongjin Park, and Youn-Hee Choi
mudfold: An R Package for Nonparametric IRT Modelling of Unfolding Processes, Spyros E. Balafas, Wim P. Krijnen, Wendy J. Post, and Ernst C. Wit
Multi-case Study of Left-flank Boundaries within Supercells, Peyton B. Stevenson
Multi‐country investigation of the diversity and associated microorganisms isolated from tick species from domestic animals, wildlife and vegetation in selected african countries, Emanuela Olivieri, Edward Kariuki, Anna Maria Floriano, Michele Castelli, Yohannes Mulatu Tafesse, Giulia Magoga, Bersissa Kumsa, Matteo Montagna, and Davide Sassera
Multicultural Teacher Knowledge: Examining Curriculum Informed by Teacher and Student Experiences of Diversity, Vicki Dea Ross and Elaine Chan
Multifaceted roles of Meg3 in cellular senescence and atherosclerosis, Xiao Cheng, Mohamed Sham Shihabudeen Haider Ali, Vijaya Bhaskar Baki, Matthew Moran, Huabo Su, and Xinghui Sun
Multi-factor optimization of bio-methanol production through gasification process via statistical methodology coupled with genetic algorithm, Amin Hedayati Moghaddam, Morteza Esfandyari, Dariush Jafari, and Hossein Sakhaeinia
Multi-factor optimization of bio-methanol production through gasification process via statistical methodology coupled with genetic algorithm, Amin Hedayati Moghaddam, Morteza Esfandyari, Dariush Jafari, and Hossein Sakhaeinia
Multifocal Necrotizing Myopathy in Northern Elephant Seal (Mirounga angustirostris) Pups, San Miguel Island, California, Terry R. Spraker, Tetiana A. Kuzmina, Eugene T. Lyons, Robert L. DeLong, Claire Simeone, and D. N. Rao Veeramachaneni
Multifunctional microgel-based cream hydrogels for postoperative abdominal adhesion prevention, Bo Liu, Yunfan Kong, Olawale A. Alimi, Mitchell Kuss, Huiyin Tu, Wenfeng Hu, Abu Rafay, Kumar Vikas, Wen Shi, Megan Lerner, William L. Berry, Yulong Li, Mark A. Carlson, and Bin Duan
Multiple Case Study of Science and Engineering Integration in Secondary School Across Six School Districts, Elizabeth Hasseler and Elizabeth B. Lewis
Multiple-Choice Questions You Wouldn’t Put on a Test: Promoting Deep Learning Using Clickers, Derek Bruff
Multiple Factor Analysis for Contingency Tables in the FactoMineR Package, Belchin Kostov, Mónica Bécue-Bertaut, and François Husson
Multiple Imputation and Synthetic Data Generation with NPBayesImputeCat, Jingchen Hu, Olanrewaju Akande, and Quanli Wang
Multipolymer microsphere delivery of SARS-CoV-2 antigens, Farah Shahjin, Milankumar Patel, Jatin Machhi, Jacob D. Cohen, Mohammad Ullah Nayan, Pravin Yeapuri, Chen Zhang, Emiko Waight, Mahmudul Hasan, Mai Mohamed Abdelmoaty, Prasanta K. Dash, You Zhou, Irene Andreu, Howard E. Gendelman, and Bhavesh D. Kevadiya
Multi-scale adaptive management of social-ecological systems, A. Garmestani, Craig R. Allen, D. G. Angeler, L. Gunderson, and J. B. Ruhl
Multiscale characterization of splays produced by a historic, rain-on-snow flood on a large braided stream (Platte River, Central USA), J. T. Korus, R. M. Joeckel, A. R. Mittelstet, and N. Shrestha
Multi-scale Sources of Precipitation Predictability in the Northern Great Plains, C. M. Carrillo and Francisco Munoz-Arriola
Multivalent Epigraph Hemagglutinin Vaccine Protects against Influenza B Virus in Mice, Erika M. Petro-Turnquist, Brigette Corder Kampfe, Amber Gadeken, Matthew J. Pekarek, and Eric A. Weaver
Music and Perceived Stress: An Investigation into the Effects of Music on Chemistry Students' Perceived Stress Levels, Alice Young and Eric Malina
Music Review: “Indy Classical Innovation: yMusic” at USC’s Southern Exposure New Music Series, March 21, 2014, Peter B. Kay
mvtnorm: New Numerical Algorithm for Multivariate Normal Probabilities in Package, Xuefei Mi, Tetsuhisa Miwa, and Torsten Hothorn
My AI Companion: An Examination of the Removal of Erotic Role Play from Replika Through User Discussion on Reddit, Chelsee M. Allen
My Last Concussion, Shannon Valkr
Myxozoan Genera: Definition and Notes on Taxonomy, Life-Cycle Terminology and Pathogenic Species, Jiří Lom and Iva Dyková
N2025 Strategic Plan, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Nanoparticle-based Approaches to Brain Injury and Studies for Improved Detectability toward Better Delivery Characterization, Hunter A. Miller
Narrative and Material Tools of Resistance: Mobilizing Textile Crafts, Heritage, and Fashion in the Context of the Invasion of Ukraine (2022–2023), Magali-An Berthon, Sophia Hayda, Tetiana Krupa, Yuliia Lazorenko, and Marie-Louise Nosch
Narratives of Reproductive Control in the American Eugenics Movement, Cassandra M. Provost
NASIS 2023: Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey Questionnaire, Bureau of Sociological Research
National Animal Health Monitoring Survey for Toxoplasma gondii and Trichinella spiralis – NPB #12-121, Dolores Hill
National Profile of Agricultural Teacher Educators and State Supervisors of Vocational Agriculture by MBTI Preference Type, Richard M. Foster and James T. Horner
National Trends in Programming, Preparation, and Staffing of County Level Cooperative Extension Service Offices as Identified by State Extension Directors, David M. Agnew and Richard Foster
Native American Choral Music: Strategies for Celebrating and Incorporating Music of Indigenous People, Mary Ruth Young
Native American Choral Music: Strategies for Celebrating and Incorporating Music of Indigenous People, Mary Ruth Young
Natural killer cell effector function is critical for host defense against alcohol-associated bacterial pneumonia, Daniel Villageliu, Kelly C. Cunningham, Deandra R. Smith, Daren L. Knoell, Mason Mandolfo, Todd A. Wyatt, and Derrick R. Samuelson
Naturally Derived Phenethyl Isothiocyanate Modulates Induction of Oxidative Stress via Its N-Acetylated Cysteine Conjugated form in Malignant Melanoma, Sotiris Kyriakou, Nikoletta Demosthenous, Tom Amery, Kyle J. Stewart, Paul G. Winyard, Rodrigo Franco, Aglaia Pappa, and Mihalis I. Panayiotidis
Natural Selection on Feralization Genes Contributed to the Invasive Spread of Wild Pigs Throughout the United States, Niek W. G. Barmentlo, Patrick G. Meirmans, William H. Stiver, Joseph G. Yarkovich, Blake E. McCann, Antoinette J. Piaggio, Dominic Wright, Timothy J. Smyser, and Mirte Bosse
Nature Journaling with Insects: A Guide and Journal Template, Danielle Positeri
Nature vs. Nurture in Albuquerque: What Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul Teach Us about How We Talk about Criminals, Max Romanowski
Navigating Emotional Discomfort in Developing Equity-Driven School Leaders: A Conceptual-Pedagogical Framework, Taeyeon Kim and James Wright
Navigating Mental Health During COVID-19: Considerations of Childhood Adversity, Pandemic Stress, and Loneliness, Linnea Rose Swanson
Navigating the Green Skies: Why SAF is the Wrong Path to Take, Cameron Cannon
Navigating the New Normal, Terre H. Allen, Holly Harbinger, and Donald J. Para
Navigating Without Knowing, Elizabeth M. Hodge, Bhibha M. Das, Tim Christensen, Teal Darkenwald, Gerald Weckesser, and Wayne Godwin
NCAA Transfer Restraints: Free Agency for College Players?, Michael H. Leroy
Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey (NASIS) 2023 Methodology Report, Bureau of Sociological Research
Nebraska Balanced Mix Design – Phase I, Farzad Yazdipanah, Mahdieh Khedmati, and Hamzeh Haghshenas
Nebraska Crop Budgets 2024, Robert N. Klein and Glennis McMclure
Nebraska Crop Budgets 2025, Robert Klein and Gelnnis McClure
NEBRASKA - EPA Map of Radon Zones, US Environmental Protection Agency
Nebraska Extension: Supporting the Well-Being of Farmers and Ranchers, Jessica Groskopf
Nebraska Farmland Values and Cash Rental Rates in 2023, Jim Jansen and Jeffrey Stokes
Nebraska Farm Real Estate Market Highlights 2022-2023, Jim Jansen and Jeff Stokes
Nebraska Grazing Conference Proceedings, 2017, Center for Grassland Studies, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Nebraska Grazing Conference Proceedings, 2018, Center for Grassland Studies, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Nebraska Grazing Conference Proceedings, 2019, Center for Grassland Studies, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Nebraska Grazing Conference Proceedings, 2020, Center for Grassland Studies, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Nebraska Grazing Conference Proceedings, 2021, Center fr Grassland Studies, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Nebraska MCLE Rules Leave Some Lawyers Behind, John Wiltse
Nebraska Monthly Economic Indicators: April 24, 2024, Eric Thompson
Nebraska Monthly Economic Indicators: January 24, 2024, Eric Thompson
Nebraska Monthly Economic Indicators: July 3, 2024, Eric Thompson
Nebraska Monthly Economic Indicators: March 1, 2024, Eric Thompson
Nebraska Monthly Economic Indicators: March 27, 2024, Eric Thompson
Nebraska Monthly Economic Indicators: May 22, 2024, Eric Thompson
Nebraska Ornithologists' Union Treasurer's Report, December 31, 2023, Jan Johnson
Nebraska Producer Perceptions on the Role and Implications of Negotiations in Fed Cattle Transactions, TaraLee Hudson, Elliott James Dennis, Brad D. Lubben, and James C. MacDonald
Nebraska's Advantage: Productive Agriculture and Bountiful Natural Resources, Laura E. Young, Mary Garbacz, Michael J. Boehm, Bethany Karlberg, John Carroll, Kathryn Bagniewski, Daran Rudnick, Halle Ramsey, marc Libault, Cadrien Livingston, Jamilynn Poletto, Leanne Gamet, troy Gilmore, Natalie Jones, Lisa Pennisi, Elizabeth VanWormer, Abby Steffen, Andrea Basche, Rylie Kalb, Rick Koelsch, Bethany Karlberg, Martha Shulski, Michael Hayes, Peter McCornick, Amit Jhala, Walter Schacht, Stanosh Pitla, Michael Ferguson, John Gamon, Joe Luck, Tami M. Brown-Brandl, Bertrand Clarke, and Taro Mieno
Nebraska School Violence Prevention Toolkit for K-12 School Threat Assessment Teams, Tarik Abdel-Monem and Denise Bulling
Nebraska Snapshot #24-001: Is Nebraska Heading in the Right Direction?, Bureau of Sociological Research
Nebraska Snapshot #24-002: How Are Nebraskans Fairing Financially?, Bureau of Sociological Research
Nebraska’s Rural Population: Historical Facts and Future Projections, Cheryl A. Burkhart-Kriesel
Nebraska's Stress Relief: Solutions for Land, Soil, Water, People, and Animals, Laura E. Young, Rebel Sjeklocha, Rchael Williss, Mickayla Yard, Cade Adamson, Whitney Steckel, Dani Laible, Bella Chaffin, Sophia Svanda, Grace McDonald, and Malina Lindstrom
Nebraska Statewide Groundwater-Level Monitoring Report 2023, Aaron R. Young, Mark E. Burbach, Sue Olafsen Lackey, Robert Matthew Joeckel, Nawaraj Shrestha, and Jeffrey Westrop
Nebraska Summary: 1231 John Deere 6R 120 Diesel Infinitely Variable Transmission, Nebraska Tractor Test Lab
Nebraska Summary: 1233 John Deere 6R 140 Diesel Infinitely Variable Transmission, Nebraska Tractor Test Lab
Nebraska Summary : 1235 John Deere 6R 155 Diesel Infinitely Variable Transmission, Nebraska Tractor Test Lab
Nebraska Summary: 1237 John Deere 6R 175 Diesel Infinitely Variable Transmission, Nebraska Tractor Test Lab
Nebraska Summary: 1239 John Deere 6R 215Diesel Infinitely Variable Transmission, Nebraska Tractor Test Lab
Nebraska Summary: 1241 John Deere 6R 250 Diesel Infinitely Variable Transmission, Nebraska Tractor Test Lab
Nebraska Summary 1242S: Fendt 514 Vario Gen3 Diesel, Nebraska Tractor Test Lab
Nebraska Summary 1243S: Fendt 516 Vario Gen3 Diesel, Nebraska Tractor Test Lab
Nebraska Summary: S1242 Fendt 514 Vario Gen3, Nebraska Tractor Test Lab
Nebraska Summary: S1243 Fendt 516 Vario Gen3, Nebraska Tractor Test Lab
Nebraska Summary: S1256 Fendt 722 Vario Gen7, Nebraska Tractor Test Lab
Nebraska Summary: S1258 Fendt 726 Vario Gen7, Nebraska Tractor Test Lab
Nebraska's Water, Nawaraj Shrestha, Ann Briggs, Aaron R. Young, and Robert Matthew Joeckel
Nebraska Tractor Summary: 1230 John Deere 6R 110 Infinitely Variable Transmission, Nebraska Tractor Test Lab
Nebraska Tractor Summary: 1232 John Deere 6R 130 Diesel Infinitely Variable Transmission, Nebraska Tractor Test Lab
Nebraska Tractor Summary: 1234 John Deere 6R 145, Nebraska Tractor Test Lab
Nebraska Tractor Summary: 1236 John Deere 6R 165 Diesel Infinitely Variable Transmission, Nebraska Tractor Test Lab
Nebraska Tractor Summary: 1238 John Deere 6R 195 Diesel Infinitely Variable Transmission, Nebraska Tractor Test Lab
Nebraska Tractor Summary: 1240 John Deere 6R 230 Infinitely Variable Transmission, Nebraska Tractor Test Lab
Nebraska Tractor Summary: 1255 Fendt 720 Vario Gen7, Nebraska Tractor Test Lab
Nebraska Tractor Summary: S1257 Fendt 724 Vario Gen7, Nebraska Tractor Test Lab
Nebraska Tractor Summary: S1259 Fendt 728 Vario Gen7, Nebraska Tractor Test Lab
Nebraska Tractor Test: 2262 John Deere 9R 540, Nebraska Tractor Test Lab
Nebraska Tractor Test: 2263 John Deere 9R 590 18 Speed, Nebraska Tractor Test Lab
Nebraska Tractor Test: 2264 John Deere 9R 640, Nebraska Tractor Test Lab
Nebraska Tractor Test: 2265 John Deere 9RX 640 18 Speed, Nebraska Tractor Test Lab
Nebraska Tractor Test: 2266 John Deere 9RX 640, Nebraska Tractor Test Lab
Nebraska Tractor Test: 2270 John Deere 5095M PowrQuad Plus, Nebraska Tractor Test Lab
Nebraska Tractor Test: 2271 John Deere 5105M PowrQuad Plus, Nebraska Tractor Test Lab
Nebraska Tractor Test: 2272 John Deere 5120M PowrQuad Plus, Nebraska Tractor Test Lab
Nebraska Tractor Test: 2273 John Deere 5130M PowrQuad Plus, Nebraska Tractor Test Lab
Nebraska Transcript (University of Nebraska College of Law), Fall 2023
Nebraska Transcript (University of Nebraska College of Law), Fall 2024
Nebraska Transcript (University of Nebraska College of Law), Spring 2023
Nebraska Women in Agriculture Conference Marks 39 Years, Ryan Evans, Sarah Treffer, and Jessica Groskopf
Neglected, Perplexing, Unpredictable: Remedies in International Commercial Arbitration, Charles H. Brower II
Negotiating a Seat at the Table: Questions to Guide Institutional Involvement, Gregory J. Siering, Suzanne Tapp, Debra Rudder Lohe, and Micah Meixner Logan
Nelnet, Inc. Strategic Audit, Jeanette Glover
Net Farm Income Impacts Net Worth Growth, Glennis McClure
Netflix, Inc. Strategic Audit, John Kinney
neuralnet: Training of Neural Networks, Franke Günther and Stefan Fritsch
Neuropsychological Intra-individual Variability in Traumatic Brain Injury: Clinical Utility, Classification, and Associations with Outcomes, Jeremy A. Feiger
New Cooperative Approaches: Successes and Opportunities, Charlotte Narjes
New Country Records and Annotated Checklist of Non-Dacini Tephritidae (Diptera) in Bangladesh, M. Aftab Hossain, Allen L. Norrbom, Luc Leblanc, Md. Forhad Hossain, and Kajla Seheli
New Country Records for Macroscython granulosus Otto, 2016 (Coleoptera: Eucnemidae: Dromaeolinae: Dromaeolini), with Redescription of the Female, Robert L. Otto and Jiří Háva
New Foods Produced with Genome-Editing Technique in the Global Marketplace, Stéphan Marette, Anne-Célia Disdier, and John C. Beghin
New hard tick (Acari: Ixodidae) reports and detection of Rickettsia in ticks from Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia, Ángel Oviedo, Miguel M. Rodríguez, Fernando S. Flores, and Lyda R. Castro
New Host Records for Nearctic and Neotropical Spider Wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae), Frank E. Kurczewski, Rick C. West, and Cecilia Waichert
New Insights and Comparative Morphology of the Rare Western Palearctic Species Ochodaeus montanus Fuente, 1912, and Its Closest Relative, O. inermis Reitter, 1893 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Ochodaeidae), Jean-Bernard Huchet and José Luis Lencina Gutierrez
New Perspectives on Peace Settlements: The Significance of Power-Sharing and Hierarchies on Negotiation Dynamics, Alejandra Vásquez Gutiérrez
New Plagiosarus Bates, 1880 (Cerambycidae: Lamiinae: Acanthoderini) from Costa Rica and Notes on P. melampus congestus Bates, Josef Vlasak and Antonio Santos-Silva
New Records and Updated Checklist of Phlebotomine Sand Flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) From Liberia, P. J. Obenauer, L. M. Rueda, S. S. El-Hossary, N. Watany, C. A. Stoops, L. S. Fakoli, F. K. Bolay, and J W. Diclaro II
News Deserts And Voter Turnout: How Local News Shortages Decrease Voter Participation, Lauren Penington
News from the Bioconductor Project, Bioconductor Core Team
News from the Bioconductor Project, Bioconductor Core Team
News from the Bioconductor Project, Bioconductor Core Team
News from the Bioconductor Project, Bioconductor Core Team
News from the Forwards Taskforce, Heather Turner
News from the Forwards Taskforce, Heather Turner
News from the Forwards Taskforce, Heather Turner
New Species, New Combinations, Synonymies, and Nomenclatural Discussion for Hispaniolan Longhorned Beetles (Coleoptera: Disteniidae, Cerambycidae), Steven W. Lingafelter and Norman E. Woodley
New State Records of Buprestidae (Coleoptera) for Idaho, USA, Richard L. Westcott
New taxa of butterflies supported by genomic analysis., Jing Zhang, Qian Cong, Jinhui Shen, Leina Song, and Nick V. Grishin
New Teacher Education Program, Howard W. Deems
Next Generation @ Iupui: A Leadership Development Program for Faculty of Color, Megan M. Palmer, Julianna V. Banks, Joshua S. Smith, and Sherree A. Wilson
Next-Generation Sequencing Data-Based Association Testing of a Group of Genetic Markers for Complex Responses Using a Generalized Linear Model Framework, Zheng Xu, Song Yan, Cong Wu, Qing Duan, Sixia Chen, and Yun Li
Next-Generation Sequencing Data-Based Association Testing of a Group of Genetic Markers for Complex Responses Using a Generalized Linear Model Framework, Zheng Xu, Song Yan, Cong Wu, Qing Duan, Sixia Chen, and Yun Li
NGSSEML: Non-Gaussian State Space with Exact Marginal Likelihood, Thiago R. Santos, Glaura C. Franco, and Dani Gamerman
Nitrates in Nebraska, Michelle Zenk
Nitric Oxide: Physiological Functions, Delivery, and Biomedical Applications, Syed Muntazir Andrabi, Navatha Shree Sharma, Anik Karan, S. M. Shatil Shahriar, Brent Cordon, Bing Ma, and Jingwei Xie
Nitrogen Radiofrequency Plasma Treatment of Graphene, Antoine Bident, Nathalie Caillault, Florence Delange, Christine Labrugere, Guillaume Aubert, Cyril Aymonier, Etienne Durand, Alain Demourgues, Yongfeng Lu, and Jean-François Silvain
NlinTS: An R Package for Causality Detection in Time Series, Youssef Hmamouche
Non-Isothermal Self-Nucleation in Polylactic Acid Copolymers with Various Molecular Weights and D-Isomer Content, Shantell Wilson
Nonlinear classifiers for wet-neuromorphic computing using gene regulatory neural network, Adrian Ratwatte, Samitha Somathilaka, Sasitharan Balasubramaniam, and Assaf A. Gilad
Nonlinear dynamics in ecosystem response to climatic change: Case studies and policy implications, Virginia R. Burkett, Douglas A. Wilcox, Wilcox Stottlemyer, Wylie Barrow, Dan Fagre, Jill Baron, Jeff Price, Jennifer L. Nielsen, Craig D. Allen, David L. Peterson, Greg Ruggerone, and Thomas Doyle
Nonlinear filtering in compact high-order schemes, H. C. Yee and Björn Sjögreen
Nonlinear impact-echo test for quantitative evaluation of ASR damage in concrete, Clayton Malone, Hongbin Sun, and Jinying Zhu
Nonlinear impact-echo test for quantitative evaluation of ASR damage in concrete, Clayton Malone, Hongbin Sun, and Jinying Zhu
Nonlocal Frameworks for Differential Equations--Analysis and Numerical Investigations, Layla Montemayor
Nonlocal Frameworks for Nonlinear Conservation Laws and Advection-Diffusion Processes, Anh Thuong Vo
Nonparametric Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Discrete Null Distributions, Taylor B. Arnold and John W. Emerson
Non-Science for Majors: Reforming Courses, Programs, and Pedagogy, Jennifer Frederick
North Central Extension Risk Management Education Center Helps Producers Manage Risks, Christine Lockert, Sheila Aikanathan Johnson, and Bradley D. Lubben
North Central Extension Risk Management Education Center Helps Producers Manage Risks, Christine Lockert, Sheila Aikanathan Johnson, and Bradley D. Lubben
Notes from the Brazilian Cornfields, Fabio Mattos
Notes on North American Butterflies, 1, Harry Pavulaan
Notes on North American Butterflies. 2., Harry Pavulaan and Janice E. Arndt
Notes on Scottsbluff, Nebraska, Tornadoes, 27 June 1955, Robert G. Beebe
Notes on the Tribe Chlorocorini with the Description of a New Species of Chlorocoris Spinola (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) from Panama, Donald B. Thomas
“No te voy a dejar nunca”: Culture and Second Language Acquisition for Survival in Fear the Walking Dead, Sharon M. Nuruddin
Not Making or Shaping: Finding Authenticity in Faculty Development, Patricia Cranton
NOU Founding Ornithologist, Hypnotist, Physician: Isador Trostler, Rick Wright
Novel Insights into the Autoimmune Mechanisms in Coxsackievirus B Infections and Their Prevention by Vaccination, Mahima Theresa Rasquinha
Novel Insights into the Autoimmune Mechanisms in Coxsackievirus B Infections and Their Prevention by Vaccination, Mahima Theresa Rasquinha
Nowcasting: An R Package for Predicting Economic Variables Using Dynamic Factor Models, Serge de Valk, Daiane de Mattos, and Pedro Ferreira
npcure: An R Package for Nonparametric Inference in Mixture Cure Models, Ana López-Cheda, M Amalia Jácome, and Ignacio López-de-Ullibarri
npordtests: An R Package of Nonparametric Tests for Equality of Location Against Ordered Alternatives, Bulent Altunkaynak and Hamza Gamgam
nsROC: An R package for Non-Standard ROC Curve Analysis, Sonia Pérez-Fernández, Pablo Martínez-Camblor, Peter Filzmoser, and Norberto Corral
NTS: An R Package for Nonlinear Time Series Analysis, Xialu Liu, Rong Chen, and Ruey Tsay
Nuclear Energy is Clean and Safe Energy, Katie Morland
Nuevo acercamiento a la iconografía de los vasos con perfiles de animales fantásticos, Patricia Ochoa Castillo
Number, Shape, and the Nature of Space: Thinking through Islamic Art, Carol Bier
Numerical Variations in the Thoracic and Lumbar Vertebrae within the John A. Williams Skeletal Collection, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC (USA), Leanna Annette Sanford
NUTech Ventures Annual Report 2017-2018
NUTech Ventures Annual Report 2018-2019
NUTech Ventures Annual Report 2019-2020
NUTech Ventures Annual Report 2020-2021
NUTech Ventures Annual Report 2022-2023
NUTech Ventures Guide to Start-up Companies at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Nutrient and Microbiome-Mediated Plant–Soil Feedback in Domesticated and Wild Andropogoneae: Implications for Agroecosystems, Amanda Quattrone, Yuguo Yang, Pooja Yadav, Karrie A. Weber, and Sabrina E. Russo
Observation of τ Lepton Pair Production in Ultraperipheral Pb-Pb Collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV, A. Tumasyan
Observations of Interactions between Swift Fox and American Badger [Notes], David E. Ausband and Elizabeth A. Ausband
Occurrence, Inputs, and Ecological Significance of Antibiotics and Pharmaceuticals in Western Nebraska Streams, Katelyn F. Glause
ODDPub – a Text-Mining Algorithm to Detect Data Sharing in Biomedical Publications, Nico Riedel, Miriam Kip, and Evgeny Bobrov
ODNI Statement on Declassified Intelligence Community Assessment of Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent U.S. Elections, United States Senate
Off the Rails: Cinematic Trains as Technological Controls of the Natural World, Trinity Thompson
Of Game Keepers, Opportunism, and Conservation, Raymond Hames
Of Gurus, Gatekeepers, and Guides: Metaphors of College Teaching, Mary K. Norton
O Homer, Where Art Thou?: Teaching the Iliad and the Odyssey through Popular Culture, Mallory Young
“Oh, There’s a Problem”: Characterizing Group Discourse Surrounding Uncertainty, Amelie Cole, Mary Tess Urbanek, and Alena Moon
Olsson Design Studio Project ZeroDelta, Kellen Carney, Gleb Moisseyev, Paul Owens, and Carina Swanson
Olympic Infrastructure: The Effect on Host Cities, Abriana Wilson
On Approximating Total Variation Distance, Arnab Bhattacharyya, Sutanu Gayen, Kuldeep S. Meel, Dimitrios Myrisiotis, A. Pavan, and N. V. Vinodchandran
“Once a Scientist…”: Disciplinary Approaches and Intellectual Dexterity in Educational Development, Katherine Kearns, Molly Hatcher, Mara Bollard, Michele DiPietro, Devon Donohue-Bergeler, Leslie E. Drane, Elizabeth Luoma, Andrew E. Phuong, Laura Thain, and Mary C. Wright
On Confronting Identity And Global Challenges through Popular Culture and Pedagogy [Dialogue: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Popular Culture and Pedagogy, Volume 11, Issue 2 (August 2024)], Tyler Robert Sheldon and Anna S. CohenMiller
On Dyadic Parity Check Codes and Their Generalizations, Meraiah Martinez
On Entropy Conservation and Kinetic Energy Preservation Methods, H. C. Yee and Björn Sjögreen
One out of ten: low sampling efficiency of cloth dragging challenges abundance estimates of questing ticks, Siiri Nyrhilä, Jani J. Sormunen, Satu Mäkelä, Ella Sippola, Eero J. Vesterinen, and Tero Klemola
OneStep: Le Cam's One-step Estimation Procedure, Alexandre Brouste, Christophe Dutang, and Darel Noutsa Mieniedou
One Thing for All Learners, Linda B. Nilson
On-farm Nitrogen and Irrigation Management Strategies to Protect Groundwater Quality in the Bazile Groundwater Management Area, Arshdeep Singh
Online Course Development with University Extension and Industry Experts, Kelsey L. McCullough
Online Education, Honors, and the Engaged University: Modeling Experiential Learning for Fully Online Students at Fort Hays State University, Kevin S. Amidon and Gregory Atkins
Online Faculty Professional Development and Community as Nexus, John Zubizarreta, Beata M. Jones, and Marca V. C. Wolfensberger
Online Reproducible Research: An Application to Multivariate Analysis of Bacterial DNA Fingerprint Data, Jean Thioulouse, Claire Valiente-Moro, and Lionel Zenner
On Media Literacy, Power, and Representation [Dialogue: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Popular Culture and Pedagogy, Volume 11, Issue 1 (March 2024)], Barbara Perez, Karina A. Vado, and Anna S. CohenMiller
On Neumann Boundary Conditions for Nonlocal Models with Finite Horizon, Scott Alex Hootman-Ng
On Province and Empire in My Ántonia and One of Ours: Cather’s 1922 The Waste Land, Paul Olson
On Regularity of Graph C*-Algebras, Gregory Joseph Faurot
On Skew-Symmetric Splitting and Entropy Conservation Schemes for the Euler Equations, Björn Sjögreen and H.C. Yee
On the Economics of the Transition to a Circular Economy, Ahmed Chennak, Konstantinos Giannakas, and Tala Awada
On the Economics of the Transition to a Circular Economy, A. Chennak, K. Giannakas, and Tala Awada
On the Market for "Lemons": When Low Quality Does Not Drive High Quality Out of the Market, Konstantinos Giannakas and Murray E. Fulton
On the Other Side of the Wall: The Miscategorization of Educational Developers in the United States?, David A. Green and Deandra Little
On the Path: POD as a Multicultural Organization, Christine A. Stanley and Matthew L. Ouellet
Open Access and U. S. Federal Information Policy, Eric Harbeson
openair: Data Analysis Tools for the Air Quality Community, Karl Ropkins and David C. Carslaw
Open Educational Resources (OER) Repositories: A Comprehensive Analysis of Usage Patterns and Impact on Education, Dr. Rajib Kumar Das and Dr. Anuradha Singha
Opening the Door: Faculty Leadership in Institutional Change, Rick Holmgren
OpenLand: Software for Quantitative Analysis and Visualization of Land Use and Cover Change, Reginal Exavier and Peter Zeilhofer
Open Resources for Biology Education (ORBE): a resource collection, Sanah Ahmed, Tiffany Adjei-Opong, Ashley B. Heim, Keenan Noyes, Kelly Schmid, Brian Couch, MacKenzie R. Stetzer, Lillian G. Senn, Erin Vinson, Michelle K. Smith, and Kira Treibergs
openSkies - Integration of Aviation Data into the R Ecosystem, Rafael Ayala, Daniel Ayala, Lara Sellés Vidal, and David Ruiz
Operando measurement of lattice strain in internal combustion engine components by neutron diffraction, Martin L. Wissink, Yan Chen, Matthew J. Frost, Scott J. Curran, Orlando Rios, Zachary C. Sims, David Weiss, Eric T. Stromme, and Ke An
Operational Diversity: Saying What We Mean, Doing What We Say, Wayne Jacobson, Jim Borgford-Parnell, Katherine Frank, Michael Peck, and Lois Reddick
Operational Terms, United States Army
Operations, United States Army
Opportunities and Challenges of Generative AI in Construction Industry: Focusing on Adoption of Text-Based Models, Prashnna Ghimire, Kyungki Kim, and Manoj Acharya
Opportunities for learning and social interaction in infant sitting: Effects of sitting support, sitting skill, and gross motor delay, Kari S. Kretch, Emily C. Marcinowski, Hsu Lin-Ya, Natalie A. Koziol, Regina T. Harbourne, Michele A. Lobo, and Stacey C. Dusing
Opportunities for Urban Resilience to Climate Change: Understanding Local Climate Perceptions, Motivations, and Barriers to Green Infrastructure Use, Emmilene Berski
Opposing Force Operations, United States Army
Optimization of removal of toluene from industrial wastewater using RSM Box– Behnken experimental design, Dariush Jafari, Morteza Esfandyari, and Mehdi Mojahed
Optimization of removal of toluene from industrial wastewater using RSM Box– Behnken experimental design, Dariush Jafari, Morteza Esfandyari, and Mehdi Mojahed
Optimization Routines for Enforcing One-to-One Matches in Record Linkage Problems, Diego Moretti, Luca Valentino, and Tiziana Tuoto
Optimized gadolinium-DO3A loading in RAFTpolymerized copolymers for superior MR imaging of aging blood–brain barrier, Hunter A. Miller, Aaron Priester, Evan T. Curtis, Krista Hilmas, Ashleigh Abbott, Forrest Kievit, and Anthony J. Covertine
Optimized Synthesis of MXenes with Diverse Chemical Functionalizations, High Structural Quality, and Large Flake Size, Saman Bagheri
Optimizing Scalability for Formal Analysis with Evolutionary Algorithm, Jianghao Wang
optimParallel: An R Package Providing a Parallel Version of the L-BFGS-B Optimization Method, Florian Gerber and Reinhard Furrer
Oral Rabies Vaccination of Raccoons (Procyon lotor) across a Development Intensity Gradient in Burlington, Vermont, USA, 2015–2017, Emily M. Beasley, Kathleen M. Nelson, Dennis Slate, Amy T. Gilbert, Frederick E. Pogmore, Richard B. Chipman, and Amy J. Davis
ordinalClust: An R Package to Analyze Ordinal Data, Margot Selosse, Julien Jacques, and Christophe Biernacki
Ordnance Operations, United States Army
Organic Electronics in Biosensing: A Promising Frontier for Medical and Environmental Applications, Jyoti Bala Kaushal, Pratima Raut, and Sanjay Kumar
Organizational Change in Action, Courtney Harrison
Organizational Strategies for Fostering Faculty Racial Inclusion, Dannielle Joy Davis, Edward J. Brantmeier, Robert Torosyan, and Hyacinth E. Findlay
Orienting Students to an “Inside-Out Course”: Establishing a Classroom Culture of Interactive, Cooperative Learning, Karlene Ferrante
ORMs and Database Design, Kalim Dumas
Ornament and Islamic Art, Carol Bier
orthoDr: Semiparametric Dimension Reduction via Orthogonality Constrained, Ruoqing Zhu, Jiyang Zhang, Ruilin Zhao, Peng Xu, Wenzhuo Zhou, and Xin Zhang
or to be eaten alive, Christopher Williams
Osborne Healthy Living Club, Margaret Osborne
OSC-CO2: Coattention and Cosegmentation Framework for Plant State Change with Multiple Features, R. Quinones, F. Munoz-Arriola, S. D. Choudhury, and A. Samal
OSC-CO2: coattention and cosegmentation framework for plant state change with multiple features, Rubi Quiñones, Ashok Samal, Sruti Das Choudhury, and Francisco Muñoz-Arriola
osmar: OpenStreetMap and R, Manuel J. Eugster and Thomas Schlesinger
Osteocyte Lacunar Properties in Type-1 Diabetic Postmenopausal Women, Maxwyll J. McConnell, Wen Qian, Laura A. Graeff-Armas, Sue P. Bare, Joseph A. Turner, Joan M. Lappe, Robert R. Recker, and Mohammed P. Akhter
Otherness, Survival and Hope: Pedagogies in Popular Media [Dialogue: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Popular Culture and Pedagogy Volume 6, Issue 3 (December 2019)], Anna S. CohenMiller
Other Pile-Weavings from Safavid Iran - The Persian Velvets at Rosenborg, Carol Bier
Out of the Silence: How One Domestic Violence Survivor Reclaimed Her Life and Now Helps Others, Alyssa Huber
Overall and Sex-Specific Associations of Serum Lipid-Soluble Micronutrients with Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatotic Liver Disease among Adults in the United States, Weiwen Chai and Meng-Hua Tao
Overcoming Cultural Obstacles to New Ways of Teaching: The Lilly Freshman Learning Project at Indiana University, Joan K. Middendorf and David Pace
Overcoming genetic paucity of Camelina sativa: possibilities for interspecific hybridization conditioned by the genus evolution pathway, Rostyslav Y. Blume, Ruslan Kalendar, Liang Guo, Edgar B. Cahoon, and Yaroslav B. Blume
Overcoming Pedagogical Solitude: The Transformative Power of Discipline Specific Faculty Learning Communities, Mariela Tovar, Rosalie Jukier, Jennie Ferris, and Kristen Cardoso
Overexpression of MsDREB1C Modulates Growth and Improves Forage Quality in Tetraploid Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), Yangyang Zhang, Zhen Wang, Fan Zhang, Xue Wang, Yajing Li, Ruicai Long, Mingna Li, Xianyang Li, Quanzhen Wang, Qingchuan Yang, and Junmei Kang
Overlapping Decagons on the Iranian Plateau: History of Architecture and the History of Mathematics (video), Carol Bier
Overruling Rostker v. Goldberg: Toward an Equal Obligation to Register for Selective Service, Tom James
Overview of Global Wildlife–Livestock Interfaces: The Array of Conflicts and Strategies to Mitigate Them, Kurt C. VerCauteren and Stewart Breck
Ovid and Mel Gibson: Power, Vulnerability, and What Women Want, Geoff Bakewell
Owning Our Identity – Celebrating Cooperatives in 2023, Charlotte Narjes
Package wsbackfit for Smooth Backfitting Estimation of Generalized Structured Models, Javier Roca-Pardiñas, María Xosé Rodríguez-Álvarez, and Stefan Sperlich
Paid Paternity Leave-taking in the United States, Richard J. Petts, Chris Knoester, and Qi Li
Palatability, Consumption, and Physiological Effects of the Green Microalgae Chlorella sp. as a Feed Substitute for the Western Honey Bee Apis mellifera in a Laboratory Setting, Benjamin J. Nichols
Palmitate induces integrated stress response and lipoapoptosis in trophoblasts, Prakash Kumar Sahoo, Chandan Krishnamoorthy, Jennifer R. Wood, Corrine Hanson, Ann Anderson-Berry, Justin L. Mott, and Sathish Kumar Natarajan
Parallels of quantum superposition in ecological models: from counterintuitive patterns to eco-evolutionary interpretations of cryptic species, David G. Angeler and Hannah B. Fried-Petersen
Parental Child Rearing Beliefs and Children's Behavioral Problems: The Mediating Role of Parental Involvement in Elementary School, Catalina Correa Ramirez
Parenting Identity and Parental Mental Health in Chinese Parents in Mainland China, Zhenqiao Yang
Particle drift potential of mesotrione and rimsulfuron plus thifensulfuron-methyl tank mixture in a low-speed wind tunnel, Milan Brankov, Guilherme Sousa Alves, Bruno Canella Vieira, Milos Zaric, and Greg R. Kruger
Particulars of the Capture of the Spanish Ship Tryal, at the island of St. Maria; with the Documents relating to that affair., Amasa Delano and Paul Royster , Editor & Annotator
Partners in Peace: A Sketch for a Link between the Nobel Peace Prize and NCHC, Kevin W. Dean and Henrik Syse
Partners in the Parks: A SHIRT TALE, Joan Digby
Part One: The "Elements" of Sciences and Crafts, Carol Bier and Elaheh Kheirandish
Partridges, Quails, Francolins, Snowcocks, Guineafowl, and Turkeys Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan, 2000–2004, Richard A. Fuller; John P. Carroll; Philip J. K. McGowan; and WPA/BirdLife/IUCH-SSC Partridge, Quail and Francolin Specialist Group
Partridges, Quails, Francolins, Snowcosks, and Guineafowl Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan, 1995-1999, Philip J. K. McGowan; Simon D. Dowell; John P. Carroll; Nicholas J. Aebischer; and WPA/BirdLife/IUCN-SSC Partridge, Quail and Francolin Specialist Group
Party on!, Carolin Strobl, Torsten Hothorn, and Achim Zeileis
Party over Democracy? When Do Americans Stand by Democratic Principles, Zenat Ahmed
Passages of Arms: The English Bill of Rights and the American Second Amendment, Christopher D. Carrier
PASSED: Calculate Power and Sample Size for Two Sample Tests, University of Missouri, Ryan P. Knigge, Kaiyi Chen, and Emily V. Leary
PASSED: Calculate Power and Sample Size for Two Sample Tests, Jinpu Li, Ryan .. Knigge, Kaiyi Chen, and Emily V. Leary
PAsso: An R Package for Assessing Partial Association between Ordinal Variables, Shaobo Li, Xiaorui Zhu, Yuejie Chen, and Dungang Liu
Pass-Through Entity Tax Deduction, Tina N. Barrett
Pathfinder Operations, United States Army
Pathogenicity in Chickens and Turkeys of a 2021 United States H5N1 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Clade Wild Bird Virus Compared to Two Previous H5N8 Clade Viruses, Mary J. Pantin-Jackwood, Erica Spackman, Christina Leyson, Sungsu Youk, Scott A. Lee, Linda M. Moon, Mia K. Torchetti, Mary L. Killian, Julianna B. Lenoch, Darrell R. Kapczynski, David E. Swayne, and David L. Suarez
Pathology of Chronic Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae Carriers in a Declining Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis) Population, Jennifer L. Malmberg, Samantha E. Allen, Jessica E. Jennings-Gaines, Marguerite Johnson, Katie L. Luukkonen, Kara M. Robbins, Todd E. Cornish, Rachel A. Smiley, Brittany L. Wagler, Zach Gregory, Daryl Lutz, Pat Hnlicka, Kevin L. Monteith, and William H. Edwards
Patrons of D.V.G Public Library, Kolar are Aware of and Using the Information Sources & Services: A Survey, Geetha C S and M S Akshay Kumar
Patterning Synthesis of Lead Halide Perovskites Toward Photonic Application, S. M. Nayeem Arefin
Pawnee Dam Inflow Design Flood (IDF) Update and Stage-Frequency Curve Development Using RMCRFA, Jennifer P. Christensen and Joshua J. Melliger
Paying Family Members on the Farm or Ranch, Jessica Groskopf
Paying to Reduce Disparity: Financially Incentivizing Workforce Diversity and its Effects on Managers’ Promotion Decisions and Employees’ Effort, Bret S. Sheeley
Paying to Reduce Disparity: Financially Incentivizing Workforce Diversity and Its Effects on Managers’ Promotion Decisions and Employees’ Effort, Bret S Sheeley
pdynmc: A Package for Estimating Linear Dynamic Panel Data Models Based on Nonlinear Moment Conditions, Markus Fritsch, Andrew Adrian Yu Pua, and Joachim Schnurbus
Peanut allergen Ara h 6 is detectable in blood transfusion products, Fleur A. C. Jansen, Klaske van Norren, Joseph L. Baumert, Annegeet van den Bos, Joannes F. M. Jacobs, and Stef J. Koppelman
Peanut Allergen Threshold Study (PATS): Novel Single-dose Oral Food Challenge Study to Validate Eliciting Doses in Children with Peanut Allergy, Jonathan O'B. Hourihane, Katrina J. Allen, Wayne G. Shreffler, Gillian DunnGalvin, Julie A. Nordlee, Giovanni A. Zurzolo, Audrey DunnGalvin, Lyle C. Gurrin, Joseph L. Baumert, and Steve L. Taylor
Pedagogical Gamification: Principles of Video Games that Can Enhance Teaching, Kevin Yee
Pedagogy, Ideology, & Composition: Is There a Better Way to Teach?, Erin Guydish Buchholz
Peer Collaboration: Improving Teaching through Comprehensive Peer Review, Shelley L. Smith
Peer Mentoring in a Pandemic: An Honors Experiment in Community Building, Jennifer Schlegel and Alexis DuHadaway
penPHcure: Variable Selection in Proportional Hazards Cure Model with Time-Varying Covariates, Alessandro Beretta and Cédric Heuchenne
Perceptions of Agribusiness Leaders toward Agricultural Education in Nebraska, Perceptions of Agribusiness Leaders toward Agricultural Education in Nebraska G. Blezek and Roy D. Dillon
Perceptions of College Campus Climate Among Queer Female Sexual Assault Survivors, Elyxcus J Anaya
Perceptions of College Campus Climate among Queer Female Sexual Assault Survivors, Elyxcus J. Anaya
Perceptions of Faculty Developers About the Present and Future of Faculty Development at Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Phyllis Worthy Dawkins, Andrea L. Beach, and Stephen L. Rozman
Perceptions of Northwest Vocational Agriculture Instructors Regarding Knowledge of Microcomputers and Value of Proposed Micrcomputer Programs in Agriculture, James A. Church and Richard M. Foster
Perceptions of Northwest Vocational Agriculture Instructors Regarding Knowledge of Microcomputers and Value of Proposed Microcomputer Programs in Agriculture, James A. Church and Richard M. Foster
Perceptions of School Climate, Scott Siegel
Perceptions of School Climate, Scott Siegel
Perceptions of Vocational Agriculture Instructors Regarding Knowledge and Importance of Including Selected Agricultural Mechanics Units in the Vocational Agriculture Programs, Dale C. Heimgartener and Richard M. Foster
Perceptual cue-guided adaptive image downscaling for enhanced semantic segmentation on large document images, Chulwoo Pack, Leen-Kiat Soh, and Elizabeth Lorang
Perennializing Marginal Croplands: Going Back to the Future to Mitigate Climate Change with Resilient Biobased Feedstocks, Salvador Ramirez II, Marty R. Schmer, Virginia L. Jin, Robert B. Mitchell, Catherine E. Stewart, Jay Parsons, Daren D. Redfearn, John J. Quinn, Gary E. Varvel, Kenneth P. Vogel, and Ronald F. Follett
Performance Fatigability and Neuromuscular Responses During and after One Set of Forearm Flexion Muscle Actions to Failure At 30% Versus 70% One-repetition Maximum in Men and Women, Tyler Joseph Neltner
Performance of High Early-Strength Materials Used in Concrete Bridge Repair, Zina Ebrahim, Fray F. Pozo-Lora, Zachary Benson, Mohammad Mastali, Marc Maguire, and Jiong Hu
Performance of Phytase-Treated Fishmeal-Free and All-Plant Protein Diets in Pond Production of Market Sized Hybrid Striped Bass, Bartholomew W. Green, Steven D. Rawles, T. Gibson Gaylord, Kevin K. Schrader, Matthew E. McEntire, and Carl D. Webster
Performance Reliability and Safety Index for Region VII Highways, Aemal J. Khattak, MM Shakiul Haque, and Li Zhao
Peridynamic simulation of elastic wave propagation by applying the boundary conditions with the surface node method, Francesco Scabbia, Mirco Zaccariotto, Ugo Galvanetto, and Florin Bobaru
Peril and Promise: Student Experiences of Virtual Reality and Implications for Inclusive Social Justice Pedagogy, Michelle VanNatta
Permutations, Casey Beck
Perpetual Shifting: An Experiential Exploration of Labor and the Academy and Why Work Matters, Linda J Pawlenty
Personality-Type Differences of Students and Faculty and Their Effect on Student Achievement, Leverne Barrett
Perspective of US farmers on collaborative on-farm agronomic research, Carlos B. Pires, Fernanda S. Krupek, Gabriela I. Carmona, Osler A. Ortez, Laura Thompson, Daniel J. Quinn, Andre F. B. Reis, Rodrigo Werle, Péter Kovács, Maninder P. Singh, J. M. Shawn Hutchinson, Dorivar Ruiz Diaz, Charles W. Rice, and Ignacio A. Ciampitti
Perspectives on computational modeling of biological systems and the significance of the SysMod community, Bhanwar Lal Puniya, Meghna Verma, Chiara Damiani, Shaimaa Bakr, and Andreas Dräger
Perspectives regarding cannabis use: Results from a qualitative study of individuals engaged in substance use treatment in Georgia and Connecticut, Charles A. Warnock, Ashlin R. Ondrusek, E. Jennifer Edelman, Trace Kershaw, and Jessica L. Muilenburg
Perturbations of Representations of Cartan Inclusions, Catherine Zimmitti
Pheasants in Asia 1979: Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Pheasants in Asia (November 21-23, 1979 : Kathmandu, Nepal), Keith Howman and Christopher Savage
Pheasants in Asia 1982: Proceedings of the Second International Pheasant Symposium (September 1982 : Srinagar, Kashmir), Keith C. R. Howman, Christopher D. W. Savage, and M. W. Ridley
Pheasants in Asia 1989, David A. Hill, Peter J. Garson, and David Jenkins
Pheasants Status Survey and Conservation Actin Plan, 2000-2004, Richard A. Fuller, Peter J. Garson, World Pheasant Association, BirdLife International, and IUCN-SSC Pheasant Specialist Group
Pheasants: Symptoms of Wildlife Problems on Agricultural Lands: Proceedings of a Symposium Held at the 49th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference (Milwaukee, Wisconsin: December 8, 1987), Diana L. Hallett, William R. Edwards, and George V. Burger
Phylogenetic and Biogeographic Patterns of Devonian Proetid Trilobites, Katherine Jane Jordan
Phylogenetic Approach to the Study of Triatomines (Triatominae, Heteroptera) = Abordagem filogenética em Triatomíneos (Triatominae, Heteroptera), Ester Tartarotti, M. T. V. Azeredo-Oliveira, and C. R. Ceron
Phylogenomics of Tetraopes longhorn beetles unravels their evolutionary history and biogeographic origins, Nayeli Gutiérrez‑Trejo, Matthew H. Van Dam, Athena W. Lam, Gonzalo Martínez‑Herrera, Felipe A. Noguera, Thomas J. Weissling, Jessica L. Ware, Víctor H. Toledo‑Hernández, Frederick W. Skillman Jr., Brian D. Farrell, Oscar Pérez‑Flores, Lorenzo Prendini, and James M. Carpenter
Phylogeny and Disparity of Ammonoid Family Acanthoceratidae Over Ocean Anoxic Event 2, Lindsey Howard
Phylogeny of the Malarial Genus Plasmodium, Derived from rRNA Gene Sequences, Ananias A. Escalante and Francisco J. Ayala
Physical Foundations in Equivalent Water Thickness and Crop Water Stress Detection, Wenqi Ou
Physics and Theatre: An Unexpected Pairing that Enhances Learning for Both Disciplines, Amber Karlins
Phytase Supplemented Diets Do Not Reduce the Abundance of Cyanobacteria and Common Offflavor Compounds in Hybrid Striped Bass (Morone chrysops x M. saxatilis) Aquaculture Ponds, Kevin K. Schrader, Bartholmew W. Green, Steven D. Rawles, and Matthew E. McEntire
Pick and Nebraska Employment Law: Interpreting Contracts and Good Faith, Steven L. Willborn
Piety and Power in Early Sasanian Art, Carol Bier
Piglet cardiopulmonary bypass induces intestinal dysbiosis and barrier dysfunction associated with systemic inflammation, Jeffrey D. Salomon, Haowen Qiu, Dan Feng, Jacob Owens, Ludmila Khailova, Suzanne Osorio Lujan, John Iguidbashian, Yashpal S. Chhonker, Daryl J. Murry, Jean-Jack Riethoven, Merry L. Lindsey, Amar B. Singh, and Jesse A. Davidson
Pilot Study: The Nature and Thickness of the Unsaturated Zone And Delineation of Confined Aquifers, Sue Olafsen Lackey and Les Howard
PIN: Measuring Asymmetric Information in Financial Markets with R, Paolo Zagaglia
Pivoting During the Pandemic, Courtney Harrison
Place-based Educational Development: What Center for Teaching and Learning Spaces Look Like (and Why That Matters), Laura Cruz, Karen Huxtable-Jester, Brian Smentkowski, and Martin Springborg
Planning and Orders Production (This Item Is Published with Basic Incl C1), United States Army
Planning for the Lake Izabal Basin Research Endeavor (LIBRE) continental scientific drilling project in eastern Guatemala, Jonathan Obrist-Farner, Andreas Eckert, Peter M. J. Douglas, Liseth Perez, Alex Correa-Metrio, Bronwen L. Konecky, Thorsten Bauersachs, Susan Zimmerman, Stephanie Scheidt, Mark Brenner, Steffen Kutterolf, Jeremy Maurer, Omar Flores, Caroline M. Burberry, Anders Noren, Amy Myrbo, Matthew Lachniet, Nigel Wattrus, Derek Gibson, and the LIBRE scientific team
Plant Community Field Surveys in Eastern Nebraska Project Final Report, Alicia Admiraal
Planting Law and Democracy in Sustainable Soil, Bruce Ledewitz
PLAS 439: Organic Farming and Food Systems Faculty-Led Inquiry into Reflective Scholarly Teaching Benchmark Portfolio, Christian Stephenson
Plasmodium falciparum appears to have arisen as a result of lateral transfer between avian and human hosts, A. P. WATERS, D. G. HIGGINS, and T. F. MCCUTCHAN
Platygastroidea in the Oxford University Museum of Natural History: Taxonomic Updates and a Photographic Catalog of Type Specimens, Elijah J. Talamas, Jessica Awad, Francesco Tortorici, and Norman F. Johnson
Playful Progress: A Parent's Guide to Growth and Development, Gabriella N. Lawrey
Playing Well With Others: Academic Development as a Team Sport, Nancy Van Note Chism
Please Read While Texting and Driving, C. Edward Watson, Krista P. Terry, and Peter E. Doolittle
PMML: An Open Standard for Sharing Models, Alex Guazzelli, Michael Zeller, Wen-Ching Lin, and Graham Williams
Point Heat Source Correlation to Microstructural Evolution in Advanced Manufacturing, Mark A Anderson
Points Without Limits: Individual Inquiry, Collaborative Investigation, and Collective Scholarship, Richard A. Gale
Polarimetric Radar Signatures in Significant Severe Left-moving Supercells, Raychel Nelson
Polishing the Sherds [Review]: Martin Booth, The Knotting Sequence, The Elizabeth Press, Robert S. Haller
Political Uncertainty Moderates Neural Evaluation of Incongruent Policy Positions, Ingrid J. Haas, Melissa N. Baker, and Frank J. Gonzalez
Pollen-mediated gene flow from herbicide-resistant yellow corn to non-genetically engineered food-grade white corn, Mandeep Singh, Vipan Kumar, Stevan Z. Knezevic, John L. Lindquist, Suat Irmak, Santosh Pitla, and Amit J. Jhala
Pollinator Communities and their Ecosystem Services at Conservation Grasslands and Adjacent Croplands, Araceli Gomez Villegas
Pollution Abatement from Cattle Feedlots in Northeastern Colorado and Nebraska, L. K. Porter, F. G. Viets Jr., T. M. McCalla, L. F. Elliott, F. A. Norstadt, H. R. Duke, N. P. Swanson, L. N. Mielke, G. L. Hutchinson., A. R. Mosier, G. E. Schuman, Lynn R. Shuyler, and C. E. Evans
Ponca State Park Vascular Plant Species List, Robert F. Steinauer
Ponderosa Pine Wood Biochar used as an Emissions Reduction Strategy in a Finishing Beef Cattle Diet, Holly A. Heil, Braden C. Troyer, Mitchell M. Norman, Andrea K. Watson, and Galen E. Erickson
Pop Culture and Politics: Engaging Students in American Government through Art, Music, and Film, Laura Merrifield Wilson
Popular Culture Pedagogy: Theory and Application in Academia [Dialogue, Volume 3, Issue 1 (Spring 2016)], Lynnea Chapman King and Anna S. CohenMiller
Population Biology of Pumpkinseed in Enemy Swim Lake, South Dakota, Eric J. Weimer and Michael L. Brown
Population Demography, Occupancy, and Connectivity of Invasive Bigheaded Carp in the Platte River, Nebraska and Its Tributaries, Blake W. Logan
Population Density of the Small Indian Mongoose (Urva auropunctata) across Multiple Habitat Types and Seasons in Puerto Rico, Are R. Berentsen, Caroline C. Sauvé, Mel J. Rivera-Rodriguez, Fabiola B. Torres-Toledo, Richard B. Chipman, and Amy T. Gilbert
Population Growth Rates of Pronghorn: Influence of Temporally and Spatially Explicit Conditions, Density Dependence, and Scale, Eric M. Gese, Cole A. Bleke, Shane B. Roberts, Paul Atwood, and Patricia A. Terletzky
Population Response of Eastern Wild Turkey to Removal of Wild Pigs, Matthew T. McDonough, Stephen J. Zenas, Robert A. Gitzen, Mark D. Smith, Kurt C. VerCauteren, and Stephen S. Ditchkoff
Portable C++ for R Packages, Martyn Plummer
Portada e información editorial / Frontmatter and Editorial Information
Positionality and Power: The Individual’s Role in Directing Community College Men of Color Initiatives, Kaleb L. Briscoe, Veronica A. Jones, Deryl K. Hatch-Tocaimaza, and Eligio Martinez Jr.
Póster de la conferencia Segundo congreso internacional de iconografía precolombina
Postgraduate Students’ Use of Electronic Resources for Research Output in Federal University Libraries in the SouthEast, Nigeria: Challenges and Strategies for Interventions., Loveth Ogoegbunam Ekwueme and Augustina Chinyere Chime
Postsynthetic Modification of the Nonanuclear Node in a Zirconium Metal−Organic Framework for Photocatalytic Oxidation of Hydrocarbons, Rebecca Shu Hui Khoo, Christian Fiankor, Sizhuo Yang, Wenhui Hu, Chongqing Yang, Jingzhi Lu, Martha D. Morton, Xu Zhang, Yi Liu, Jier Huang, and Jian Zhang
Post-Translational Regulation of a Bidomain Glycerol-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Catalyzing Glycerol Synthesis under Salinity Stress in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Itzela Cruz-Powell, Binita Subedi, Yeongho Kim, Daniela Morales-Sánchez, and Heriberto D. Cerutti
Potassium ion channels as a molecular target to reduce virus infection and mortality of honey bee colonies, Christopher J. Fellows, Michael Simone‑Finstrom, Troy D. Anderson, and Daniel R. Swale
Potential bioavailability of representative pyrogenic organic matter compounds in comparison to natural dissolved organic matter pools, Emily B. Graham, Hyun-Seob Song, Samantha Grieger, Vanessa A. Garayburu-Caruso, James C. Stegen, Kevin D. Bladon, and Allison N. Myers-Pigg
Potential Landscape Connectivity for Invasive Wild Pigs (Sus scrofa) across the Northern Prairies of North America, Corey J. Kramer, Melanie R. Boudreau, Ryan Powers, Kurt C. VerCauteren, Ryan S. Miller, and Ryan K. Brook
Power in College Teaching, Linc. Fisch
Powerless Beings: Solitary Confinement of Humans and Nonhumans in America, Michael B. Mushlin and David N. Cassuto
PowerPoint: What is the Point, Eugene V. Gallagher and Michael Reder
PPCI: An R Package for Cluster Identification using Projection Pursuit, David P. Hofmeyr and Nicos G. Pavlidis
PQF News: Newsletter of the Partridge, Quail, and Francolin Specialist Group 13/14-19 (1999-2003), IUCN Species Survival Commission, BirdLife International, and World Pheasant Association
PQF News: Newsletter of the Partridge, Quail and Francolin Specialist Group 1-3, 5-6 (1992-1995), IUCN Species Survival Commission, BirdLife International, and World Pheasant Association
PQF News: Newsletter of the Partridge, Quail, and Francolin Specialist Group 7-12 (1996-1998), IUCN Species Survival Commission, BirdLife International, and World Pheasant Association
PQF News: Newsletter of the WPA/BirdLife/Species Survival Commission Partridge, Quail, and Francolin Specialist Group 20-22 (2004-2007), World Pheasant Association, BirdLife International, and IUCN Species Survival Commission
Practical Cataloging and Classification Training by Library and Information Science Users Education at Kwara State University Library, Nigeria, Abdrahman Atanda MOUSTAPHA and Odushina Babatunde JULIUS
Practical Guidelines for Development of a University-wide Faculty Mentorship Program Using a Multimodal Mentoring Network Model, Matthew G. Schwartz
Practical Tools to Help Faculty Use Learner–Centered Approaches, Phyllis Blumberg
Practice Tests: a Practical Teaching Method, Margaret K. Snooks
Practicing and Marketing with Empathy in Libraries, Wren Daniel Ambroise
Practicing What We Preach: Transforming the TA Orientation, Patricia Armstrong, Peter Felten, Jeffrey Johnston, and Allison Pingree
Praying to TikTok, Seeking the Self: How Rhetoric Reveals and Conceals the World’s Most Powerful Guru of the Postindustrial Age, Samantha L. Gillespie-Hoffman
Prebiotic proanthocyanidins inhibit bile reflux–induced esophageal adenocarcinoma through reshaping the gut microbiome and esophageal metabolome, Katherine M. Weh, Connor L. Howard, Yun Zhang, Bridget A. Tripp, Jennifer Clarke, Amy B. Howell, Joel H. Rubenstein, Julian A. Abrams, Maria Westerhoff, and Laura A. Kresty
Predicting Live Body Wight of Yearling Beef Heifers Using 3D Imaging, Dalton J. Anderson, Yijie Xiong, Andrea K. Watson, and J. Travis Mulliniks
Predicting mobility using limited data during early stages of a pandemic, Michael T. Lash, S. Sajeesh, and Özgür M. Araz
Predicting Sedentarism and Its Impact on Caloric Requirements, Jacob Michels and John C. Beghin
Predicting the Future of Myanmar’s Civil War: Can Half a Century of Military Rule Be Defeated?, Nathan Ritterling
Predicting the potential distribution of Amblyomma americanum (Acari: Ixodidae) infestation in New Zealand, using maximum entropy‑based ecological niche modelling, R. K. Raghavan, A. C.G. Heath, K. E. Lawrence, R. R. Ganta, A. T. Peterson, and W. E. Pomroy
Predicting the Potential Distribution of Pseudococcus longispinus (Targioni-Tozzetti) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) in South Korea Using a CLIMEX Model, Su Bin Kim and Soo-Jung Suh
Prediction of giant tunneling magnetoresistance in RuO2/TiO2/RuO2 (110) antiferromagnetic tunnel junctions, Yuan-Yuan Jiang, Zi-An Wang, Kartik Samanta, Shu-Hui Zhang, Rui-Chun Xiao, W. J. Lu, Y. P. Sun, Evgeny Y. Tsymbal, and Ding-Fu Shao
Preface, Volume 18 (2000), Matthew Kaplan
Preface, Volume 19 (2001), Devorah Lieberman
Preface, Volume 20 (2002), Devorah Lieberman
Preface, Volume 21 (2002), Catherine M. Wehlburg
Preface, Volume 22 (2004), Catherine M. Wehlberg
Preface, Volume 23 (2004), Sandra Chadwick-Blossey
Preface, Volume 24 (2006), Sandra Chadwick Blossey
Preface, Volume 25 (2007), Douglas Reimondo Robertson
Preface, Volume 26 (2008), Douglas Reimondo Robertson
Preface, Volume 27 (2009), Linda B. Nilson
Preface, Volume 28 (2010), Linda B. Nilson
Preface, Volume 29 (2011), Judith E. Miller
Preface, Volume 30 (2011), Judith E. Miller
Preface, Volume 31 (2012), James E. Groccia
Preface, Volume 32 (2013), James E. Groccia
Preface: Workshop on Pesticide Exposure Assessment Paradigm for Non-Apis Bees, Richard Bireley, Shannon Borges, Karina Cham, David Epstein, Kristina Garber, Connie Hart, Wayne Hou, Alessio Ippolito, Jens Pistorius, Veronique Poulsen, Keith Sappington, and Thomas Steeger
Preferences for Paid Paternity Leave Availability, Lengths of Leave Offerings, and Government Funding of Paternity Leaves in the United States, Chris Knoester and Qi Li
Prehistoric Chaco Canyon, New Mexico: Importation of meat and maize, Larry Benson, Deanna Grimstead, John R. Stein, David A. Rith, and Terry L. Plowman
Preliminary Development of an Attrition Risk Assessment Instrument for Secondary Agricultural Educators, Laura L. (Lemons) Greenhaw, M. Todd Brashears, Scott Burris, Courtney Meyers, and Carley Morrison
Preliminary Evidence of Anticoagulant Rodenticide Exposure in American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) in the Western United States, Evan R. Buechley, Dave Oleyar, Jesse L. Watson, Jennifer Bridgeman, Steven Volker, David A. Goldade, Catherine E. Swift, and Barnett A. Rattner
Preparing Advocates for Faculty Development: Expanding the Meaning of “Growing Our Own”, Deborah S. Meizlish and Mary C. Wright
Preparing Faculty for Pedagogical Change: Helping Faculty Deal With Fear, Linda C. Hodges
Preparing First Responders: The Effects of the Hearing Distressing Voices Simulation on Mental Health Attitudes, Abigail VanHorn
Preparing Future Faculty for Careers in Academic Librarianship: A Paradigm Shift for Collaboration in Higher Education, Sean Patrick Knowlton and Laura L. B. Border
Preparing New Faculty for Leadership: Understanding and Addressing Needs, Anne Kelsch and Joan Hawthorne
Preparing the Next Generation of Institutional Leaders: Strategic Supports for Mid-Career Faculty, Vicki Baker and Caroline Manning
Preparing the Next Generation of Music Teachers: Illuminating Motivations of Nebraska Preservice Teacher Mentors, Emily Marie Chapman
Preparing the Next Generation of Music Teachers: Illuminating Motivations of Nebraska Preservice Teacher Mentors, Emily Marie Chapman
Preparing Today's Faculty for Tomorrow's Students: One College's Faculty Development Solution, Patrick Nellis, Helen Clarke, Jacalyn DiMartino, and David K. Hosman
Preschool Executive Control and Adolescent Dietary Outcomes: Highlighting the Role of Context, Marla Lopez
Presence, Co-Occurrence, and Daily Intake Estimates of Aflatoxins and Fumonisins in Maize Consumed in Food-Insecure Regions of Western Honduras, Luis Sabillón, Jackeline Alvarado, Alejandra Leiva, Rodrigo Mendoza, Raúl Espinal, John F. Leslie, and Andreia Bianchini
Presenting Past People: Storytelling through Prehistoric Garment Reconstructions, Floor Huisman, Anna Zimmermann, Ronja Lau, and Karina Grömer
Preservation of Error for Appellate Review, William B. Cassel and Anneliese Wright
Preservation of Library Materials in Selected Public Colleges of Education in Ghana: Strategies and Challenges, Hafiz Abubakari, Dawuda Issah, . Yakubu Baba, and Abdul-Majeed Bawa Wumbie
Preservice Elementary Teachers Conceptions and Self-Efficacy for Integrated STEM, Deepika Menon, Deef A. A. Shorman, Derek Cox, and Amanda Thomas
Preservice Elementary Teachers Conceptions and Self-Efficacy for Integrated STEM, Deepika Menon, Deef A. A. Shorman, Derek Cox, and Amanda Thomas
Prevalence and Factors Associated With Vaping Cannabidiol Among US Adolescents, Hongying Daisy Dai, Roma Subramanian, Avina Mahroke, and Ming Wang
Prevalence of Avian Influenza Virus in Atypical Wild Birds Host Groups during an Outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Strain EA/AM H5N1, Jourdan M. Ringenberg, Kelsey Weir, Lee Humberg, Carl Voglewede, Mitch Oswald, J. Jeffrey Root, Krista Dilione, Even Casey, Michael Milleson, Timothy Linder, and Juliann Lenoch
Preventing and Suppressing Gang Crimes through Comprehensive Anti-Gang Legislation: A Solution to Nebraska’s Gang Problem (White Paper), Daniel J. Hassing
Probabilistic Genetic Identification of Wild Boar Hybridization to Support Control of Invasive Wild Pigs (Sus scrofa), Timothy J. Smyser, Peter Pfaffelhuber, Rachael M. Giglio, Matthew G. DeSaix, Amy J. Davis, Courtney F. Bowden, Michael A. Tabak, Arianna Manunza, Valentin Adrian Bâlteanu, Marcel Amills, Laura Iacolina, Pamela Walker, Carl Lessard, and Antoinette J. Piaggio
Probabilistic Weather Forecasting in R, Chris Fraley, Adrian Raftery, Tilmann Gneiting, McLean Sloughter, and Veronica Berrocol
Probable Glacial Climatic Conditions in Source Areas during Deposition of Parts of the Ash Hollow Formation, Ogallala Group (Late Tertiary), of Western Nebraska, Patricia E. Helland and Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Problem-based Learning: Preparing Students to Succeed in the 21st Century, Barbara J. Duch, Deborah E. Allen, and Harold B. White III
Problem–Based Service–Learning: Rewards and Challenges With Undergraduates, Kenneth France
Procedural Fairness and Parent Participation in Domestic Violence Dependency Cases, Julia Stephenson
Proceedings of Perdix I: Hungarian Partridge Workshop, The Wildlife Society, Central Mountains and Plains Section; The Wildlife Society, North Dakota Chapter; and North Dakota Game and Fish Department
Proceedings of Perdix II: Gray Partridge Workshop, Forest, Wildlife and Range Experiment Station, University of Idaho; The Wildlife Society, Idaho Cahpter; and Wildlife Management Institute
Proceedings of Perdix III: Gray Partridge and Ring-necked Pheasant Workshop, Robert T. Dumke, Richard B. Stiehl, and Richard B. Kahl
Proceedings of Perdix IV: Gray Partridge Workshop, Richard O. Kimmel, John W. Schulz, and George J. Mitchell
Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Southern Soybean Disease Workers (February 18-19, 2007, St. Louis, Missouri), Daniel H. Poston, Michael E. Schmidt, J. Allen Wrather, Jason Bond, and Stephen R. Koenning
Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting, Southern Soybean Disease Workers (March 1-2, 2023, Pensacola Beach, Florida), Kiersten A. Wise, Ian Small, Tessie Wilkerson, Danise Beadle, Trey Price, and Tom W. Allen
Proceedings of the European Conference Black Grouse – Endangered Species of Europe (September 8–12, 2003: Prague, Czech Republic), Petra Málková and Petr Procházka
Proceedings of the First National Bobwhite Quail Symposium (April 23-26, 1972 : Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma), John A. Morrison and James C. Lewis
Proceedings of the Perdix V Symposium: Gray Partridge and Ring-necked Pheasant Workshop, Kevin E. Church, Richard E. Warner, and Stephen J. Brady
Proceedings of the Symposium on Conservation of Quail in the Neotropics, Jack Clinton Eitniear, John T. Baccus, Sheldon L. Dingle, and John P. Carroll
Proceedings, Second National Bobwhite Quail Symposium (September 13-15, 1982, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma), Frank Schitoskey Jr., Elizabeth C. Schitoskey, and Larry G. Talent
Proceso de retejido, por medio de cordeles de papel japonés, en una bolsa procedente de la Cueva de la Candelaria, Torreón, Coahuila, México, Miriam Elizabeth Castro Rodríguez, Gloria Martha Sánchez Valenzuela, and Orlando Martínez Zapata
Producer Long-term Marketing Opportunities with Ethanol Plants, Austin Harthoorn, Logan Lloyd, Cory Walters, and Kate Brooks
Production of Cast-in-Place UHPC for Bridge Applications, Jiong Hu, George Morcous, and Akbota Aitbayeva
Production of the siderophore lysochelin in rich media through maltose-promoted high-density growth of Lysobacter sp. 3655, Fang Zhang, Jia Liu, Lin Jiang, Yongbiao Zheng, Lingjun Yu, and Liangcheng Du
Professional Conversations: A Reflective Framework for Collaborative Development, Peter Shaw and Bob Cole
Professional Development for Geographically Dispersed Faculty, Emily Donnelli-Sallee, Amber Dailey-Hebert, and B. Jean Mandernach
Professionalization and the Forgotten System: Observed Practices and Perceptions at the Intersection of Informal and Formal Faculty Development, Janie Brennan, Todd Fernandez, and Joe Tranquillo
Professional Military Education in the Marine Corps Reserve: A Narrative Inquiry, Adam Fullerton, Deryl K. Hatch-Tocaimaza, Seth S. Synstelien, and Aaron Meltzer
Proficiency in utilizing Web Resources and Applications to support Researchers: A Gender wise analysis of Engineering College Library Professionals in Kerala, Usman koya P T and Dr. Gopakumar V
Profile Likelihood Estimation of the Correlation Coefficient in the Presence of Left, Right or Interval Censoring and Missing Data, Yanming Li, Brenda W. Gillespie, Kerby Shedden, and John A. Gillespie
Profiles of Low Complexity Regions in Apicomplexa, Fabia U. Battistuzzi, Kristan A. Schneider, Matthew K. Spencer, David Fisher, Sophia Chadhry, and Ananias A. Escalante
Programa de la conferencia Segundo congreso internacional de iconografía precolombina
Program Curricula for Preparing Medical Professionals on Early Childhood Mental Health, Socio-Emotional Development, and Adverse Childhood Experiences in Primary Care Settings: A Phenomenological Study, Jesutomilola O. Olayemi
Programming Surface Wettability and Characterization of Modified Elastomeric Surfaces for Advanced Applications in Soft Materials, Nabeeha Malik
Program Planning, Prioritizing, and Improvement: A Simple Heuristic, Peter Felten, Deandra Little, Leslie Ortquist-Ahrens, and Michael Reder
Program Requirements for Beef Cattle Certified as USDA Organic, Carsten Loseke and Elliott James Dennis
Progress in Activities of WDS-China Data Centers, Juanle Wang, Kun Bu, Yanjie Wang, and Yating Shao
Progress Report on the Ground-water Hydrology of the Republican and Frenchman River Valleys, with a Section on the Chemical Quality of the Ground Water, Herbert A. Waite and Herbert A. Swenson
Project: Gogi, Joshua Allen Joseph Aguiar
Project: Gogi, Joshua Allen Joseph Aguiar
ProjectManagement: An R Package for Managing Projects, Juan Carlos Gonçalves-Dosantos, Ignacio García-Jurado, and Julián Costa
PRÓLOGO: II Congreso Internacional sobre Iconografia Precolombina, A las lectoras y los lectores and Victòria Solanilla Demestre
Promoting a Sound Process for Teaching Awards Programs: Appropriate Work for Faculty Development Centers, Nancy Van Note Chism
Promoting Dialogue and Action on Meta–Professional Skills, Roles, and Responsibilities, Michael Theall, Bonnie B. Mullinix, and Raoul A. Arreola
Promoting Faculty Research Excellence and Visibility in Nigerian Universities through the Open Access Paradigm Shift, Colette Ogugua Onyebinama Dr. and Ngozi Chima-James Dr.
Promoting Intellectual Community and Professional Growth for a Diverse Faculty, Dorothe J. Bach, Marva A. Barnett, José D. Fuentes, and Sherwood C. Frey
Promoting Learning–Focused Teaching Through a Project–Based Faculty Development Program, Susanna Calkins and Greg Light
Promoting Learning through Inquiry, Virginia S. Lee
Promoting the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at Community Colleges: Insights from Two Learning Communities, Stanford T. Goto and Andrei Cerqueira Davis
ProPair: Job Connection Platform, Shivani Mudhelli, Hannah Pokharel, Chase Kling, Akshita Goel, and Jack Smiley
Propelling Nebraska's Wind Power, Peter F. Biedenweg
Proposing Urban Agroforestry Designs for Lincoln, Nebraska: A Model From Berlin, Germany, Noah Johnson
Proposing Urban Agroforestry Designs for Lincoln, Nebraska: A Model From Berlin, Germany, Noah Johnson
Prospective Attitude about the Importance of Planning Pregnancies Is Associated with Retrospective Attitude toward a Specific Pregnancy, Arthur L. Greil, Karina M. Shreffler, Stacy M. Tiemeyer, and Julia McQuillan
Prospects and Challenges of Population Health with Online and other Big Data in Africa; Understanding the Link to Improving Healthcare Service Delivery, Rowland Edet and Bolarinwa Afolabi
Protease inhibitor ASP enhances freezing tolerance by inhibiting protein degradation in kumquat, Hua Yang, Ke-wei Qiao, Jin-jing Teng, Jia-bei Chen, Ying-li Zhong, Li-qun Rao, Xing-yao Xiong, and Huang Li
Protecting Our Pets: Nebraska’s Domestic Abuse Protection Orders and Pets, Josiah J. Shanks
Protecting the Blind Side of Title VII from the Blitz of Textualism, Sean Harrison
Protective factors in the relationship between perceived discrimination and risky drinking among American Indian adolescent, Ying Guo, Randall C. Swaim, and W. Alex Mason
Protein Nanoparticles as Vaccine Platforms for Human and Zoonotic Viruses, Kush Kumar Pandey, Bikash R. Sahoo, and Asit K. Pattnaik
Proton reconstruction with the CMS-TOTEM Precision Proton Spectrometer, A. Tumasyan
Provenance of R’s Gradient Optimizers, John C. Nash
Proven Faculty Development Tools That Foster the Scholarship of Teaching in Faculty Learning Communities, Milton D. Cox
Provoking Awareness and Practical Applications in Popular Culture and Pedagogy: Syllabi, Games, and Teaching in Higher Education, [Dialogue: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Popular Culture and Pedagogy, Volume 9, Issue 4 (December 2022)], Anna S. CohenMiller and Karina A. Vado
Proyectar el diseño precolombino: Experiencias didácticas, Luz Helena Ballestas Rincón
Psychological Distress and Behavioral Vigilance in Response to Minority Stress and Threat among Members of the Asian American and Pacific Islander Community during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Andrew S. Franks, Rin Nguyen, Y. Jenny Xiao, and Dena Abbott
Psychosocial Well-being Facilitation of Leader Identity Transitions for Retirees, Brooke Wells
Puberty classifications in beef heifers are moderately to highly heritable and associated with candidate genes related to cyclicity and timing of puberty, Melanie K. Hess, Anteneh Mersha, Sadie S. Ference, Sarah R. Nafziger, Jessica A. Keane, Anna M. Fuller, Scott G. Kurz, Courtney M. Sutton, Matthew L. Spangler, Jessica Lynn Petersen, and Andrea S. Cupp
Public Horticulture: Process and Design of the Lincoln Botanical Garden, Brad Kindler
Public Lands in Private Hands: Corner-Crossing Is an Ominous Grey Area in Wyoming Law, Christian Moncrief
Public Library Service to Children in Selected State Library Boards in Nigeria, Samuel Oke Ogunniyi, Johnson Ayodeji Akerele Dr, Dare Samuel Adeleke Mr, and Jesubukade Emmanuel Ajakaye Mr
Publish, Don't Perish: A Program to Help Scholars Flourish, Tara Gray and Jane Birch
Publish & Flourish: Helping Scholars Become Better, More Prolific Writers, Tara Gray, Laura Madson, and Michelle Jackson
Purpose, Place, and People: How the Pandemic Helped Foster Open and Inclusive Course Design, Benjamin K. Haywood, Diane E. Boyd, and John A. McArthur
QCA: A Package for Qualitative Comparative Analysis, Alrik Thiem and Adrian Duşa
QIC-WD Three Keys to Implementation, Courtney Harrison
QILT: An Approach to Faculty Development and Institutional Self–Improvement, Mike Laycock
Quail 8: Proceedings of the Eighth National Quail Symposium (July 26-28, 2017 : Knoxville, Tennessee), Thomas V. Dailey and Roger D. Applegate
Quail III: National Quail Symposium (Kansas City, Missouri, United States, July 14-17, 1992), Kevin E. Church and Thomas V. Dailey
Quail IV: Proceedings of the Fourth National Quail Symposium (May 6-9, 1997 : Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida), Leonard A. Brennan, William E. Palmer, Loren W. Burger Jr., and Teresa L. Pruden
Quail VII: Proceedings of the Seventh National Quail Symposium (January 9-12, 2012 : Tucson, Arizona), Clait E. Braun and Thomas V. Dailey
Quail V: Proceedings of the Fifth National Quail Symposium (January 23-27, 2002 : Corpus Christi, Texas), Stephen J. DeMaso, William P. Kuvelsky Jr., Fidel Hernández, and Michael E. Berger
Quality Parameters of Wet and Dry Aged Beef Loins from Cattle Fed High Doses of Vitamin E, David M. Velazco, Joe A. Sonderman, Nicolas J. Herrera, and Chris Calkins
Quantifying Canal Leakage Rates using a Mass-balance Approach and Heat-based Hydraulic Conductivity Estimates in Selected Irrigation Canals, Western Nebraska, 2007 through 2009, Christopher M. Hobza and Michael J. Andersen
Quantifying Residual Feed in a Fence-line Feedlot Bunk using Depth Camera Imaging Techniques, Jean Niwenshuti, Galen E. Erickson, Tami M. Brown-Bandl, Eric T. Psota, and Yijie Xiong
Quantifying the Effects of Pesticide Exposure on Annual Reproductive Success of Birds, Matthew A. Etterson and Richard S. Bennett
Quantitative structure–mesothelioma potency model optimization for complex mixtures of elongated particles in rat pleura: A retrospective study, Philip M. Cook, Joseph Swintek, Timothy D. Dawson, David Chapman, Mathew A. Etterson, and Dale Hoff
Quantum Computing and U.S. Cybersecurity: A Case Study of the Breaking of RSA and Plan for Cryptographic Algorithm Transition, Helena Holland
Quartermaster Operations (This Item Is Published with Basic Incl C1), United States Army
Queerly Cultivating Anti-Racist Feminist Pedagogy, Laurie Fuller
Raccoon Densities across Four Land Cover Types in the Southeastern United States, Jocab E. Hill, James L. Helton, David A. Bernasconi, Wesley C. Dixon, Matt T. Hamilton, Richard B. Chipman, Amy T. Gilbert, James C. Beasley, Guha Dharmarajan, and Olin E. Rhodes Jr.
Raccoon Spatial Ecology in the Rural Southeastern United States, Jacob E. Hill, Madison L. Miller, James L. Helton, Richard B. Chipman, Amy T. Gilbert, James C. Beasley, Guha Dharmarajan, and Olin E. Rhodes Jr.
Race, Public Health, and the Epidemic of Incarceration, Thalia González and Emma Kaeser
Racial Bias in a Provider-Patient Relationship: May Give Rise to an Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress Claim, Lauren Ziegenbein
Radiation and Gas Exchange of Understory Species at Boreas: Research Annual Performance Report for Period June 15, 1997- June 14, 1998, E. A. Walter-Shea and T. J. Arkebauer
Radicalisation and Extremism on Social Media: What Steps can be taken?, Emeka Williams Etumnu and Oluchi I. Williams-Etumnu
Radiofrequency Inactivation of Salmonella in Black Pepper and Dried Basil Leaves Using In-package Steaming, Surabhi Wason, Rossana Villa-Rojas, and Jeyamkondan Subbiah
rainbow: An R Package for Visualizing Functional Time Series, Han Lin Shang
Ramphotyphlops braminus (Brahminy Blindsnake): Predation, Louis A. Somma
Range Extension for Pulchriphyllium anangu Cumming et al., 2023 (Phasmatodea: Phylliidae) and First Record from Maharashtra, Gaurang Tawde, Amol Patwardhan, and Royce Cumming
Rapid Point-of-Care Testing for Detection of Antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in Black Vultures and Ring-billed Gulls from Pennsylvania, Alexa Rosypal von Dohlen, Sydney Randall, Jordyan Grays, Mark A. Dugo, Brian J. Hunt, Justin Brown, Kyle Van Why, Sawsan Ammar, and Richard Gerhold
Rapid: Region-Based Pointer Disambiguation, KHUSHBOO CHITRE, PIYUS KEDIA, and RAHUL PURANDARE
Raster Images in R Graphics, Paul Murrell
Rattle: A Data Mining GUI for R, Graham J. Williams
rcosmo: R Package for Analysis of Spherical, HEALPix and Cosmological Data, Daniel Fryer, Ming Li, and Andriy Olenko
rcss: R Package for Optimal Convex Stochastic Switching, Juri Hinz and Jeremy Yee
Reaction Steps in Heterogeneous Photocatalytic Oxidation of Toluene in Gas Phase—A Review, Yerzhigit Tulebekov, Zhandos Orazov, Bagdat Satybaldiyev, Daniel D. Snow, Raphaël Schneider, and Bolat Uralbekov
Reaction to Intention: Developing Hybrid Honors Courses in the Wake of the Pandemic, Megan Woller
Reading into Creativity: New Approaches in Concept and Practice [Dialogue, Volume 5, Issue 2 (June 2018)], Anna S. CohenMiller and Kurt Depner
Read More Comics: Developing Student Analysis Skills and Engagement Through the Use of Comic Books in General Education Courses, Keri Crist-Wagner
Ready or Not? An International Study of the Preparation of Educational Developers, Nancy Van Note Chism
Real Due Process or Charades Due Process for Economic Regulation? A Simple Textual Interpretation of the Due Process Clause, Dustin Romney
Realizing Molecular Machine Learning through Communications for Biological AI: Future Directions and Challenges, Sasitharan Balasubramaniam, Samitha Somathilaka, Sehee Sun, Adrian Ratwatte, and Massimiliano Pierobon
Real-Life Conundrums in the Struggle for Institutional Transformation, Julia McQuillan and Nestor Hernandez
Real Property Owned. by the Federal Government in the' State of Nebraska, U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY
Real-time Cerebral Oximetry During Cognition, Sensorimotor Control, and Pneumotactile Perception in Neurotypical Adults, David J. Sanchez
Reassignment of Some Caryospora Species (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) to Eumonospora (Apicomplexa: Sarcocystidae) and a Summary, Donald W. Duszynski
Rebuilding a Teaching Conference in a Pandemic: User-Centered Guiding Principles and Lessons Learned, Laura A. Lukes and E. Shelley Reid
Receive, Reorganize, Return: Theatre as Creative Scholarship, Sara Armstrong and Theresa Braunschneider
Recent Beak Evolution in North American Starlings after Invasion, Julia M. Zichello, Shelagh T. DeLiberto, Paul Shrewsbury, Agnieszka A. Pierwola, and Scott J. Werner
Recent progress on gene-deleted liveattenuated African swine fever virus vaccines, Hiep Vu and David Scott McVey
Recent progress on gene-deleted liveattenuated African swine fever virus vaccines, Hiep L.X. Vu and David Scott McVey
Reclaiming Tremé: A Design Research Thesis, Tori Dunston
Recognizing Power and Control When Planning Your Estate, Allan Vyhnalek
Recommendations for Discipline-Specific FAIRness Evaluation Derived from Applying an Ensemble of Evaluation Tools, KARSTEN PETERS-VON GEHLEN, HEINKE HÖCK, ANDREJ FAST, DANIEL HEYDEBRECK, ANDREA LAMMERT, and HANNES THIEMANN
Recommended versus Certified Repositories: Mind the Gap, Sean Edward Husen, Zoë G. de Wilde, Anita de Waard, and Helena Cousijn
Reconnaissance and Security Operations, United States Army
Record high room temperature resistance switching in ferroelectric-gated Mott transistors unlocked by interfacial charge engineering, Yifei Hao, Xuegang Chen, Le Zhang, Myung-Geun Han, Wei Wang, Yue-Wen Fang, Hanghui Chen, Yimei Zhu, and Xia Hong
Records of Fleas (Siphonaptera) from Delaware [Sampling, Distribution, Dispersal], Ashley C. Kennedy, Wil S. Winter, Alfred L. Gardner, Neal Woodman, Scarlett A. Shifflet, Sierra Redus, Jeffrey R. Newcomer, and Ralph P. Eckerlin
Records of the Red-bellied Snake (Storeria occipitomaculata) in Central and Northeastern Nebraska, Taylor Lowe, Sarah M. Bailey, Dan D. Fogell, and Keith Geluso
Red Cabbage Juice-Mediated Gut Microbiota Modulation Improves Intestinal Epithelial Homeostasis and Ameliorates Colitis, Emily Jean Wilson, Nagabhishek Sirpu Natesh, Parsa Ghadermazi, Ramesh Pothuraju, Dipakkumar R. Prajapati, Sanjit Pandey, Jussuf T. Kaifi, John R. Dodam, Jeffrey Bryan, Christian L. Lorson, Aude A. Watrelot, Jason M. Foster, Thomas J. Mansell, Siu Hung Joshua Chan, Surinder K. Batra, Jeyamkondan Subbiah, and Satyanarayana Rachagani
Red Dyes from West to East in Medieval Europe: From Portuguese Manuscript Illuminations to Romanian Textiles, Irina Petroviciu, Paula Nabais, and Maria J. Melo
Redox-Driven Inorganic Nitrogen Species Transformation in the Vadose Zone: Insight from Column Experiments, Yvon Ukwishaka
Reduced Grey Matter Volume in Adolescents with Conduct Disorder: A Region‑of‑interest Analysis Using Multivariate Generalized Linear Modeling, Ru Zhang, Robert James R. Blair, Karina S. Blair, Matthew Dobbertin, Jaimie Elowsky, Johannah Bashford‑Largo, Ahria J. Dominguez, Melissa Hatch, and Sahil Bajaj
Reducing Property Taxes for Agriculture: Diffusion of Use-Value Assessment Policy across the United States, John E. Anderson, Seth H. Giertz, and Shafiun N. Shimul
Reemergence of a Big Brown Bat Lyssavirus rabies Variant in Striped Skunks in Flagstaff, Arizona, USA, 2021–2023, Amy T. Gilbert, Lolita I. Van Pelt, Lias A. Hastings, Crystal M. Gigante, Lillian A. Orciari, Sabrina Kelley, Kathryn Fitzpatrick, René Edgar Condori, Yu Li, Scott Brunt, April Davis, Matthew W. Hopken, Clara C. P. Mankowski, Ryan M. Wallace, Charles E. Rupprecht, Richard B. Chipman, and David L. Bergman
Reflecting and Writing About Our Teaching, Mark Weisberg
Reflecting Deeply: Why a Philosophy of Reference Services Should Direct Every RI, Bethany Radcliffe and Garrett Trott
Reflecting Together about Tenure and Promotion: A Faculty Learning Community Approach, Leslie G. McBride and Janelle DeCarrico Voegele
Reflections of “Use of Comics in Social Studies Education” Course: The Opinion and Experiences of Teachers, Genç Osman İlhan and Maide Şin
Reflections on Building a Popular Writing Course, Emily Howson, Chris Massenburg, and Cecilia Shelton
Reflections on International Engagement as Educational Developers in the United States, Virginia S. Lee
Reflections on Pedagogical Practice and Development through Multidisciplinary Triadic Peer Mentorship, Nicole Charles, Nathalie Moon, and Andrew P. Dicks
Reflections on the Circumstances Leading to the Writing of the Permission of Night, David Henson
Reflections on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Pat Hutchings
Reflections on the State of the Scholarship of Educational Development, Deandra Little
Reflection: The Twenty-Line Trap? Shakespeare Enacted by Young Women, Shannon Reed
Reflection Types and Students’ Viewing of Feedback in a First-Year Engineering Course Using Standards-Based Grading, Heidi A. Diefes-Dux and Laura M. Cruz Castro
Reframing Islamic Art for the 21st Century, Carol Bier
Registration Status, Reading Interest Level, and Library Use Habits of Teaching Staff in Akwa Ibom State University, Nigeria: An Investigation, Nse Emmanuel Akwang PhD, CLN
Regularized Transformation Models: The tramnet Package, Lucas Kook and Torsten Hothorn
Regulators, Mount Up, Ben Trachtenberg
Reimagining Honors Curriculum: Delivered Through Technology Utilizing Our Alumni Community, Mollie Hartup, Amy Cossentino, and Lexi Rager
Reimagining Science as a Natural Tool for Connection: A Restorative Approach, Zachary C. Schafer and Lawrence C. Scharmann
Reinterpretation: Situating Culture from Pedagogy to Politics [Dialogue: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Popular Culture and Pedagogy, Volume 6, Issue 1 (February 2019)], Anna S. CohenMiller
Reinventing an Innovation Ecology with New Models for Research and Research Parks, Robert G. Wilhelm and Barry L. Burks
Rejoinder: Software Engineering and R Programming, Melina Vidoni
Relandscaping the Rhetorical Tradition through Hip Hop, Robert Tinajero
Relating Cyanobacteria and Physicochemical Water-quality Properties in Willow Creek Lake, Nebraska, 2012–14, David L. Rus, Brent M. Hall, and Steven A. Thomas
Relating Student Experience to Courses and the Curriculum, Virginia S. Lee
Relation of Hydrogeology and Contaminant Sources to Drinking Water Quality in Southern Kazakhstan, Z. D. Tleuova, Daniel D. Snow, M. Mukhamedzhanov, and A. Ermenbay
Relation of life sciences students’ metacognitive monitoring to neural activity during biology error detection, Mei Grace Behrendt, Caron Clark, McKenna Elliott, and Joseph Dauer
Relationship Between Socking Rate and Production of Stocker Hybrid Tilapia and Water Quality in a Mixtotrophic Biofloc System, Bartholomew W. Green, Steven D. Rawles, Candis L. Ray, and Matthew E. McEntire
Relationship of Tissue Dimensions and Three Captive Bolt Application Sites on Cadaver Heads from Mature Swine (Sus scrofa domesticus) < 200 kg Body-weight, Karly N. Anderson, Ashlynn A. Kirk, Jennifer Berger, Arquimides A. Reyes, Ruth Woiwode, Perle E. Zhitnitskiy, and Kurt D. Vogel
Relations of Water-quality Constituent Concentrations to Surrogate Measurements in the Lower Platte River Corridor, Nebraska, 2007 through 2011, Nathaniel J. Schaepe, Philip J. Soenksen, and David L. Rus
Relative Comparison of Modern Computing to Computer Technology of Ages, Iwasan D. Kejawa Dr. and Hailly Rubio Ms.
Relativistic ultrafast electron diffraction at high repetition rates, K. M. Siddiqui, D. B. Durham, F. Cropp, F. Ji, S. Paiagua, C. Ophus, N. C. Andresen, L. Jin, J. Wu, S. Wang, X. Zhang, W. You, M. Murnane, Martin Centurion, X. Wang, D. S. Slaughter, R. A. Kaindl, P. Musumeci, A. M. Minor, and D. Filippetto
Relativistic ultrafast electron diffraction at high repetition rates, K. M. Siddiqui, D. B. Durham, F. Cropp, F. Ji, S. Paiagua, C. Ophus, N. C. Andresen, L. Jin, J. Wu, S. Wang, X. Zhang, W. You, M. Murnane, Martin Centurion, X. Wang, D. S. Slaughter, R. A. Kaindl, P. Musumeci, A. M. Minor, and D. Filippetto
(Re)learning about Learning: Using Cases from Popular Media to Extend and Complicate Our Understandings of What It Means to Learn and Teach, Kelli Bippert, Dennis Davis, Margaret Rose Hilburn, Jennifer D. Hooper, Deepti Kharod, Cinthia Rodriguez, and Rebecca Stortz
Relief Displacement of Airborne Objects, Esteban Fernández-Juricic, Joe Crumpton, Morgan B. Pfeiffer, Sathishkummar Saiappan, Jared A. Elmore, Landon R. Jones, B. Santhana Krishnan, Raymond B. Iglay, and Bradley F. Blackwell
Religious Reformation and the Law of Unnatural Death in England, Trayce Hockstad
Religious Support, United States Army
Remembering Ada Long, May 20, 1945–February 4, 2024, Jeffrey A. Portnoy, Larry Andrews, Bernice Braid, James J. Clauss, Lisa L. Coleman, Kevin W. Dean, Joan Digby, Linda Frost, Galit Gertsenzon, Devon Graham, Raymond Green, Annmarie Guzy, Jerry Herron, Mimi Killinger, John A. Knox, George Mariz, Mitch Pruitt, La Tanya L. Reese Rogers, Rae Rosenthal, Rusty Rushton, Chris Simon, Michael E. Sloane, Michaela Ruppert Smith, Christopher J. Syrnyk, Maria V. Tarasova, and Norm Weiner
Remembering East Frisian Immigrants Who Settled near German Valley, Illinois: A Family History Scrapbook, Derek M. Heeren
Remember, You Can Complete This Survey Online! Web Survey Links and QR Codes in a Mixed-Mode Web and Mail General Population Survey, Kristen M. Olson and Amanda Ganshert
Remotely Sensed Early Warning of Algal Blooms in an Eastern Nebraska Reservoir: A Comparison of Temporal and Spatial Indicators, Mercy Kipenda
Remote Work Is Not Going Away: How Can Rural Communities Take Advantage of this Opportunity?, Cheryl A. Burkhart-Kriesel
Renegade or Paragon?: Categorizing Narrative Choice in Video Game Storylines, Graham Oliver
Renewable Portfolio Standards May Reduce Green Energy used in Electricity Production, Karina Schoengold, Suparna Bhattacharya, and Konstantinos Giannakas
Repeated Multibeam Echosounder Hydrographic Surveys of 15 Selected Bridge Crossings along the Missouri River from Niobrara to Rulo, Nebraska, during the Flood of 2011, Benjamin J. Dietsch, Brenda K. Densmore, and Kellan R. Strauch
Reply to Response by FBI Laboratory Filed in Illinois v. Winfield and Affidavit by Biederman et al. (2022) Filed in US v. Kaevon Sutton (2018 CF1 009709), Susan VanderPlas, Kori Khan, Heike Hofmann, and Alicia Carriquiry
Report - Bridges Coimbra 2011: Art Exhibition, Carol Bier
Reported Long–Term Value and Effects of Teaching Center Consultations, Wayne Jacobson, Donald H. Wulff, Stacy Grooters, Phillip M. Edwards, and Karen Freisem
Report of the Liaison Models Team [University of Nebraska-Lincoln, University Librares], Toni Anaya, Andrew D. Cano, Lorna Dawes, Kiyomi D. Deards, Erica DeFrain, Liz Lorang, Suping Lu, Charlene Maxey-Harris, and Ted Naylor
Reports on the Cost of Administration of Criminal Justice in Omaha and Lincoln, Nebraska, 1933: A Facsimile Edition & Contextual Casebook., Hattie Plum Williams, Michael R. Hill, and Mary Jo Deegan
Reproducible Summary Tables with the gtsummary Package, Daniel D. Sjoberg, Karissa Whiting, Michael Curry, Jessica A. Lavery, and Joseph Larmarange
Reproductive Development in the Sicklefin Chub in the Missouri and Lower Yellowstone Rivers, Douglas J. Dieterman, Eric Roberts, Patrick J. Braaten, and David L. Galat
Reproductive success and contaminant associations in tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) used to assess a Beneficial Use Impairment in U.S. and Binational Great Lakes’ Areas of Concern, Christine M. Custer, Thomas W. Custer, Matthew A. Etterson, Paul M. Dummer, Diana Goldberg, and J. Christian Franson
Reproductive success of Mariana Swiftlets (Aerodramus bartschi) on the Hawaiian island of O’ahu, Nathan C. Johnson, Susan M. Haig, Stephen M. Mosher, and Jeff P. Hollenbeck
Re-reading Local Spaces: City as Text TM Goes Virtual, Sara E. Quay, Season Ellison, Leslie Heaphy, Amaris Ketcham, Toni Lefton, and Andrew Martino
Rerooting the evolutionary tree of malaria parasites, Diana C. Outlaw and Robert E. Ricklefs
Resampling-Based Analysis of Multivariate Data and Repeated Measures Designs with the R Package MANOVA.RM, Sarah Friedrich, Frank Konietschke, and Markus Pauly
Research and Applications of High-Intensity-Laser-Driven Radiation, Daniel J Haden
research as art : art as research, Kimberley D'Adamo
Research at Nebraska, 2001-2002 Report, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Research at Nebraska, 2002-2003 Report, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Research at Nebraska, 2003-2004 Report, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Research at Nebraska, 2015-2016 Report, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Research at Nebraska, 2016-2017 Report, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Research at Nebraska, 2017-2018 Report, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Research at Nebraska, 2018-2019 Report, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Research at Nebraska, 2020-2021 Report, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Research at Nebraska, 2021-2022 Report, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Research at Nebraska, 2022-2023 Report, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Research-Based Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity, Michele DiPietro
Research Collaboration among Library and Information science (LIS) Professionals in Nigeria., Ebisemen Patience Lulu-Pokubo and George Azubuike Onwueme
Research collaboration analysis among the faculty members of Vidyasagar University during 1998-2022: a bibliometric study, Manoj Kumar Mandal
Research Data Management in Research Institutions in Zimbabwe, Josiline Chigwada, Blessing Chiparausha, and Justice Kasiroori
Research Data Management Readiness at Uganda Cancer Institute, Edward Mukiibi and Joyce Bukirwa
Research Data Management Services among University Librarians in Lagos State, Nigeria, Sunday Tunmibi and Busola Olufeyi Ajokotola
Researching Teacher Self-efficacy: Linking Self-Efficacy to Teacher Effectiveness, Persistence and Retention, Sarah Haines, Deepika Menon, Jeanna R. Wieselmann, and Sumreen Asim
Researching the Impact of Educational Development, Nancy Van Note Chism, Matthew Holley, and Cameron J. Harris
Research on Faculty as Teaching Mentors: Lessons Learned from a Study of Participants in UC Berkeley's Seminar for Faculty Who Teach with Graduate Student Instructors, Linda von Hoene and Jacqueline Mintz
Research Performance Analysis of Top Six HEIs in WB Based on NIRF-2021 Ranking: An Evaluation-Based Study, DEBDAS MONDAL
Research Productivity and Publication Trends of ‘Law Library Journal’ (1989-2021): A Scientometric Study, Madhukar Bapu Togam
Resilience theory and coerced resilience in agriculture, S. M. Sundstrom, D. G. Angeler, and C. R. Allen
Resilience to Adult Revictimization Among Survivors of Child and Adolescent Sexual Assault, Shaina A Kumar
Resilin Distribution and Abundance in Apis mellifera across Biological Age Classes and Castes, Audrey Anderson, Noah Keime, Chandler Fong, Andrew Kraemer, and Carol Fassbinder-Orth
Resistance management and integrated pest management insights from deployment of a Cry3Bb1+ Gpp34Ab1/Tpp35Ab1 pyramid in a resistant western corn rootworm landscape, Lance J. Meinke, Jordan D. Reinders, Timothy B. Dang, Jeffrey T. Krumm, Clinton D. Pilcher, Matthew W. Carroll, and Graham P. Head
Resistance of Soybean Genotypes to Anticarsia gemmatalis (Lepidoptera: Erebidae): Antixenosis and Antibiosis Characterization, S. Ongaratto, C. M. Silveira, M. C. Santos, J. E. R. Gorri, M. M.P. Sartori, Thomas E. Hunt, A. L. Lourenção, and E. L.L. Baldin
Resistance, Race, and Myth: A Critical Survey of American Popular Music Culture in the 20th Century, Scott Haden Church
Resolving Time-Space Histories of Late Cenozoic Bedrock Incision along the Upper Colorado River, USA, Andres Aslan, Karl E. Karlstrom, Eric Kirby, Matthew T. Heizler, Darryl E. Granger, James K. Feathers, Paul R. Hanson, and Shannon A. Mahan
Response of lake metabolism to catchment inputs inferred using high-frequency lake and stream data from across the northern hemisphere, Jessica R. Corman, Jacob A. Zwart, Jennifer Klug, Denise A. Bruesewitz, Elvira de Eyto, Marcus Klaus, Lesley B. Knoll, James A. Rusak, Michael J. Vanni, María Belén Alfonso, Rocio Luz Fernandez, Huaxia Yao, Kari Austnes, Raoul-Marie Couture, Heleen A. de Wit, Jan Karlsson, and Alo Laas
Restoration of a Lake Ontario-connected fen through invasive Typha removal, Andie Graham, Bradley Mudrzynski, Eli Polzer, and Douglas A. Wilcox
Restoration of normal blood flow in atherosclerotic arteries promotes plaque stabilization, Morgan A. Schake, Ian McCue, Evan T. Curtis, Thomas J. Ripperda Jr., Samuel Harvey, Bryan T. Hackfort, Anna Fitzwater, Yiannis S. Chatzizisis, Forrest Kievit, and Ryan M. Pedrigi
Retaining Heifers: Is It Worth It?, Tonya L. Meyer
Rethinking Corn Residue: Effects of Grain Yield on Quality and Quantity of Residue, Kaylee E. Wheeler, Jessica Miller, Sadie Ference, Stephan Geu, Bill Struckmeyer, Amanda Easterly, Cody F Creech, Brian Maust, Daren D. Redfearn, Jay Parsons, and Mary E. Drewnoski
Rethinking What It Means to be a Scholar, R. Eugene Rice
Reticular Chemistry-Guided Synthesis and Post Synthesis Functionalization of Novel Zirconium-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks, Christian Fiankor
Re‑using food resources from failed honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies and their impact on colony queen rearing capacity, Rogan Tokach, Autumn H. Smart, and Judy Wu-Smart
Revealing gene regulation-based neural network computing in bacteria, Samitha S. Somathilaka, Sasitharan Balasubramaniam, Daniel P. Martins, and Xu Li
Revealing interface-assisted plastic anisotropy via in situ transmission electron microscopy tension of lamellar TiAl, Zhixiang Qi, Qi Zhu, Jian Wang, Yuede Cao, Fengrui Chen, Jiangwei Wang, Yang Chen, Gong Zheng, and Guang Chen
revengc: An R package to Reverse Engineer Summarized Data, Samantha Duchscherer, Robert Stewart, and Marie Urban
Revew of Forensic Anthropology: A Comprehensive Introduction, John O. Obafunwa and William R. Belcher
Review: Copyright for Scholars: Osmosis Doesn’t Do the Trick Anymore, Janet Brennan Croft
Review of Atlas of Human Cranial Macromorphoscopic Traits, Patrick Barchett
Review of Bernard O'Kane, The Appearance of Persian on Islamic Art , Carol Bier
Review of Designing Identity: The Power of Textiles in Late Antiquity. Edited by Thelma K. Thomas, Carol Bier
Review of Nealyda Dietz (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae: Apatetrinae) with Description of a New Species from the Florida Keys, Sidney V. Bennett and James E. Hayden
Review of The Mysteries: Creation, A New Adaptation, Robert S. Haller
Review of The Tragic Odes of Jerry Garcia and the Grateful Dead: Mystery Dances in the Magic Theater, by Brent Wood, Routledge, 2020, Christopher K. Coffman
Review of ERIC BROUG, Islamic Geometric Design, Carol Bier
Review of Eric Broug, Islamic Geometric Patterns, Carol Bier
Review of harmful algal bloom effects on birds with implications for avian wildlife in the Chesapeake Bay region, Barnett A. Rattner, Catherine E. Wazniak, Julia S. Lankton, Peter C. McGowan, Serguei V. Drovetski, and Todd A. Egerton
Review of Islamische Textilkunst des Mittelalters: Aktuelle Problemne, edited by KAREL OTAVSKY., Carol Bier
Review of Island Shores, Distant Pasts, Maggie M. Klemm
Review of Laura U. Marks, Enfoldment and Infinity: An Islamic Genealogy of New Media Art, Carol Bier
Review of Love Between the Covers by Laurie Kahn (Blueberry Hill Productions, 2015), Lexey A. Bartlett
Review of Martens, Sacred Scraps: Quilt and Patchwork Traditions of Central Asia, Carol Bier
Review of Mona E. McAlpine, The Genre of 'Troilus and Criseyde,' Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1978, Robert S. Haller
Review of North American Eucnemis Ahrens, 1812 (Coleoptera: Eucnemidae: Eucneminae: Eucnemini) with Description of a New Species from Eastern United States and Canada, Jyrki Muona and Robert L. Otto
Review of Pharaxonotha Reitter (Coleoptera: Erotylidae: Pharaxonothinae) Inhabiting Cones of the Cycad Zamia L. (Cycadales) in Panama, with Descriptions of Five New Species, William Tang, Paul E. Skelley, Alberto S. Taylor R., and Shayla Salzman
Review of Queer Kinship: Race, Sex, Belonging, Form, First Edition, Patrick Barchett
Review of Soil Analysis in Forensic Taphonomy Chemical and Biological Effects of Buried Human Remains, Erik Schulz
Review of Still Life with Bones: Genocide, Forensics, and What Remains, Mack Cristino
Review of STILLMAN, Arab Dress: A Short History, From the Dawn of Islam to Modem Times., Carol Bier
Review of Textiles of Late Antiquity, by ANNEMARIE STAUFFER et al., Carol Bier
Review of The Cultural Legacy of Uzbekistan in World Collections conference, Michele Hardy and Carol Bier
Review of The Marginalized in Death: A Forensic Anthropology of Intersectional Identity in the Modern Era, Dakota L. Taylor
Review of The Topkapi Scroll: Geometry and Ornament in Islamic Architecture, by Gulru Necipoglu, Carol Bier
Review of Vanished: The Sixty-Year Search for the Missing Men of World War II, Mack Cristino
Review of Woven Luxuries: Indian, Persian, Turkish Velvets from the Indictor Collection, Carol Bier
Reviews: Natural History of Javelinas; and Three DVDs on Bats, Louis A. Harveson and Jean Legge
Review: The Design Museum, London, and “Fear and Love: Reactions to a Complex World.”, Michael Samuel
Revision of the elongatus and pecki Species Groups of Anillinus Casey, 1918 (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae: Anillini), with Four New Species and Notes on Anillinus turneri Jeannel, 1963, Curt W. Harden and Michael S. Caterino
Revisiting Paradise Lost through K-Pop: A Global Approach to Teaching Writing, Nayoung Bishoff
Revisiting the Rainbow: Culturally Responsive Updates to a Standard Clinical Resource, Angela M. Dietsch, Richard Mocarski, Debra A. Hope, Nathan Woodruff, and Miechelle McKelvey
Revisiting the Tri-Partite Relationship Between an Insurance Carrier, a Policyholder, and an Insurance Defense Attorney, Ross Pesek and Alejandra Ayotitla Cortez
Reviving Trade Justice: How Arbitration is Saving WTO Dispute Resolution (For Now), Christine McDaniel
Revolutionary Applications of Generative AI in Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) and its Implications, Arvind Sahu and Atul Sahu
Rfit: Rank-based Estimation for Linear Models, John D. Kloke and Joseph W. McKeen
R Foundation News, Torsten Hothorn
R Foundation News, Torsten Hothorn
R Foundation News, Torsten Hothorn
R Foundation News, Torsten Hothorn
R Foundation News, Torsten Hothorn
R Foundation News, Torsten Hothorn
Rich Phase Behavior of Two-Dimensional Water under Nanoconfinement and High Pressure Conditions, Jian Jiang
Rickettsia africae and other unclassified Rickettsia species of the spotted fever group in ticks of the Western Ghats, India, N. Naren Babu, Anup Jayaram, Amogh Milind Auti, Yuvraj Bhandari, Ujwal Shetty, and Govindakarnavar Arunkumar
Riparian Evapotranspiration in Nebraska, Brent M. Hall and David L. Rus
Riparian Fuel Treatments in the Western USA: Challenges and Considerations, Kathleen A. Dwire, Kristen E. Meyer, Gregg Riegel, and Timothy Burton
RIP Bivens, Danielle C. Jefferis
Rising Interest Rates: What They Mean for You and the Economy, Timothy L. Meyer
Rising Tides, Rising Premiums, Kevin Freudenburg
Risk Factors for Online and In-person Stalking, Intrusive Harassment, and Violence within a Community Sample, Elisha J. C. Chan
Risk of African Swine Fever Virus Transmission among Wild Boar and Domestic Pigs in Poland, Kim M. Pepin, Tomasz Borowik, Maciej Frant, Kamila Plis, and Tomasz Podgórski
Risky Business: Making Active Learning a Reality, Charles C. Bonwell
Rivian Automotive Strategic Audit, Bruno Salles
RLumCarlo: Simulating Cold Light using Monte Carlo Methods, Sebastian Kreutzer, Johannes Friedrich, Vasilis Pagonis, Christian Laag, Ena Rajovic, and Christoph Schmidt
R Medicine 2020: The Power of Going Virtual, Elizabeth J. Atkinson, Peter D. Higgins, Denise Esserman, Michael J. Kane, Steven J. Schwager, Joseph B. Rickert, Daniella Mark, Mara Alexeev, and Stephan Kadauke
Rmetrics: timeDate Package, Yohan Chalabi, Martin Mächler, and Diethelm Würtz
R News, R Core Team
R News, R Core Team
RNGforGPD: An R Package for Generation of Univariate and Multivariate Generalized Poisson Data, Hesen Li, Hakan Demirtas, and Ruizhe Chen
Road to a Chemistry-Specific Data Management Plan, Daniela Adele Hausen, Ann-Christin Andres, Jochen Ortmeyer, and Sonja Herres-Pawlis
Roadway floods and their associated weather-related conditions: New insights using CARS 511 data for state and federal highways in Nebraska, USA, Logan R. Bundy, Mark Anderson, Clinton M. Rowe, and Rezaul Mamood
roahd Package: Robust Analysis of High Dimensional Data, Francesca Ieva, Anna Maria Paganoni, Juan Romo, and Nicholas Tarabelloni
Robots and Reference Services, Abdullahi Olayinka Isiaka, Biliamin Abiola Aremu, Abdulfatai Soliu, and Fahisat Romoke Isiaq
Robust and Efficient Optimization Using a Marquardt-Levenberg Algorithm with R Package marqLevAlg, Viviane Philipps, Boris P. Hejblum, Mélanie Prague, Daniel Commenges, and Cécile Proust-Lima
RobustBF: An R Package for Robust Solution to the Behrens-Fisher Problem, Gamze Güven, Şükrü Acıtaş, Hatice Şamkar, and Birdal Şenoğlu
RobustGaSP: Robust Gaussian Stochastic Process Emulation in R, Mengyang Gu, Jesus Palomo, and James O. Berger
ROBustness In Network (robin): An R Package for Comparison and Validation of Communities, Valeria Policastro, Dario Righelli, Annamaria Carissimo, Luisa Cutillo, and Italia De Feis
ROCnReg: An R Package for Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve Inference with and without Covariates, María Xosé Rodríguez-Álvarez and Vanda Inácio
Role of a Croatian National Repository Infrastructure in Promotion and Support of Research Data Management, Kristina Posavec, Draženko Celjak, and Ljiljana Jertec Musap
Role of gonadotropin-releasing hormone 2 and its receptor in human reproductive cancers, Dr. Amy T. Desaulniers and Brett White
Role of Libraries in Higher Education: A review of Literature, Tania Sarkar and Swapna Banerjee
Role of Social Network on Technology Adoption: Application to Nebraska Producers in the Face of Undesirable Vegetation Transitions, Sabrina Gulab, Holly K. Nesbitt, Simanti Banerjee, and Theresa Floyd
Role of the Malate Dehydrogenase-Citrate Synthase Metabolon in Metabolic Flux Regulation, Joy John Omini
Role of the placenta in developmental programming: Observations from models using large animals, L. P. Reynolds, C. R. Dahlen, A. K. Ward, M. S. Crouse, P. P. Borowicz, B. J. Davila-Ruiz, C. Kanjanaruch, K. A. Bochantin, K. J. McLean, K. L. McCarthy, A. C.B. Menezes, W. J.S. Diniz, R. A. Cushman, and J. S. Caton
Role of three bird species in the life cycle of two Sarcocystis spp. (Apicomplexa, Sarcocystidae) in the Czech Republic, Ondřej Máca and David González-Solís
Role-Play: An Often Misused Active Learning Strategy, Stephanie Nickerson
rollmatch: An R Package for Rolling Entry Matching, Kasey Jones, Rob Chew, Allison Witman, and Yiyan Liu
Romancing the Muse: Faculty Writing Institutes as Professional Development, Elizabeth Ambos, Mark Wiley, and Terre H. Allen
Room temperature polaritonic soft-spin XY Hamiltonian in organic–inorganic halide perovskites, Kai Peng, Wei Li, Natalia G. Berloff, Xiang Zhang, and Wei Bao
Room temperature two-dimensional electron gas scattering time, effective mass, and mobility parameters in AlxGa1−xN/GaN heterostructures (0.07 ≤ x ≤ 0.42), Sean Knight, Steffen Richter, Alexis Papamichail, Philipp Kühne, Nerijus Armakavicius, Shiqi Guo, Axel R. Persson, Vallery Stanishev, Viktor Rindert, Per O. Å. Persson, Plamen P. Paskov, Mathias Schubert, and Vanya Darakchieva
Root-associated bacterial communities and root metabolite composition are linked to nitrogen use efficiency in sorghum, Yen Ning Chai; Yunhui Qi; Emily Goren; Dawn Chiniquy; Amy M. Sheflin,; Susannah G. Tringe; Jessica E. Prenni; Peng Liu; and Daniel P. Schachtman
Royster receives Lifetime Achievement Award, retires from Nebraska
R Package for Geometric Shadow Calculations in an Urban Environment, Michael Dorman, Evyatar Erell, Adi Vulkan, and Itai Kloog
RPESE: Risk and Performance Estimators Standard Errors with Serially Dependent Data, Anthony-Alexander Christidis and R Douglas Martin
RSSampling: A Pioneering Package for Ranked Set Sampling, Busra Sevinc, Bekir Cetintav, Melek Esemen, and Selma Gurler
RTextTools: A Supervised Learning Package for Text Classification, Timothy P. Jurka, Loren Collingwood, Amber E. Boydstun, Emiliano Grossman, and Wouter van Atteveldt
Rugs and Textiles of Late Imperial China, Carol Bier
Rural Movers Studies ... People Are Moving for Community Attributes and Jobs, Marilyn R. Schlake
Rural/Urban Differences in the Predictors of Opioid Prescribing Rates among Medicare Part D Beneficiaries 65 Years of Age and Older, Carla Shoff, Tse-Chuan Yang, and Seulki Kim
rworldmap: A New R Package for Mapping Global Data, Andy South
Rx for Academic Medicine: Building a Comprehensive Faculty Development Program, Megan M. Palmer, Mary E. Dankoski, Randy R. Brutkiewicz, Lia S. Logio, and Stephen P. Bogdewic
Sacrificial Lambs: The Perils of Childhood in Shakespeare, Benjamin S Reed
Sacrificial Lambs: The Perils of Childhood in Shakespeare, Benjamin Sidney Reed
Safety Evaluation of Hawaii DOT Modified Type A-1 Flared Buried in Backslope Guardrail End Terminal, Sina Changizian
Salmonella enterica induces biogeography-specific changes in the gut microbiome of pigs, Joao Carlos Gomes-Neto, Natasha Pavlovikj, Samantha A. Naberhaus, Bailey Arruda, Andrew K. Benson, and Amanda J. Kreuder
Sample Size Estimation while Controlling False Discovery Rate for Microarray Experiments Using the ssize.fdr Package, Megan Orr and Peng Liu
SARIMA Analysis and Automated Model Reports with BETS, an R Package, Talitha F. Speranza, Pedro C. Ferreira, and Jonatha A. da Costa
Sasanian Textiles, Carol Bier
Saturated Thickness and Water in Storage in the High Plains Aquifer, 2009, and Water-level Changes and Changes in Water in Storage in the High Plains Aquifer, 1980 to 1995, 1995 to 2000, 2000 to 2005, and 2005 to 2009, Virginia L. McGuire, Kris D. Lund, and Brenda K. Densmore
Saving the Savings Clause in Federal Habeas Jurisprudence, Alex Kleinjan
Scalability and Connectivity Challenges for the Future of Digital Radio Communication, Christopher Bayliss
Scalable Relational Analysis via Relational Bound Propagation, Clay Stevens and Hamid Bagheri
Scaling isolated-attosecond-pulse duration by controlling a trajectory parameter, Dian Peng and Jean Marcel Ngoko Djiokap
Scanning the Future of Wildfire: Resilience Ahead…Whether We Like It or Not?, Rachel Clark
Scarlett O’Hara, Solomon Northrup, and Ta-Nehisi Coates: Helping Students Grasp the Relationship between Popular Culture and Contemporary Racial Politics, Allison D. Rank
Scholarly Contributions and Web Visibility of Library and Information Science Educators in Nigeria, Manir Abdullahi Kamba and Sani Mohammed Gwarzo
Scholar's Favorite: Thirteenth Century Architectural Tile Panels (from Iran) (video), Carol Bier
“School Sponsorship” and Hazelwood’s Protection of Student Speech: Appropriate for all Curriculum Contexts? (White Paper), Adam Hoesing
Schools’ records management also matters: An Information Governance Maturity Model assessment of records management practices at Mufakose 4 Secondary School in Harare, Zimbabwe, Patrick Mandizha and Samson Mutsagondo
Science Literacy: Using Research-Based Facts to Make Real-World Decisions, Shelby Cammack, Michael J. Boehm, Kathleen Lodl, Mark Balschweid, Mary Garbacz, Tiffany Heng-Moss, Katherine Mundorf, Charles Hibberd, Tala Awada, Emily Frenzen, Dirac L. Twidwell Jr., Riley Nichols, Nicholas Brozovic, Lindsay J. Hastings, Alexandria Lundvall, Brad Barker, Jamie Loizzo, Tiffany Messer, Scott Schrage, Abby Steffen, Ashu Guru, Jenny Keshwani, Jeyam Subbiah, Matt Kreifels, Jenny Dauer, Andrea Wach Tenney, Deepak Keshwani, Joesph Dauer, Sydney Everhart, and Julie Obermeyer
Science Teachers’ Initial use of NGSS Science Practices in Diverse Classrooms, Amy Tankersley, Elizabeth Hasseler, Elizabeth B. Lewis, Lyrica Lucas, and Brandon Helding
SCOTUS Invalidates Obama Clean Power Plan, J. David Aiken
Scoular Feed Marketplace, Prema Vasudevan, Mitra Vajjala, Natalia Trejo Andalon, Ealynn Hsu, and Malcolm Saltzman
Screening for eating disorders in adolescents with chronic pain: the Eating Attitudes Test– 16–Chronic Pain, Leslie Sim, Amy Fahrenkamp, Jennifer R. Geske, Jocelyn Lebow, Hope Thilges, Carol B. Peterson, Abigail Matthews, and Cynthia Harbeck-Weber
Script, Bruning Lecture University of Nebraska College of Law, Bob Kerrey
Search for narrow resonances in the b-tagged dijet mass spectrum in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV, A. Tumasyan
Search for Nonresonant Higgs Boson Pair Production in the Four Leptons Plus twob Jets Final State in Proton-Proton Collisions at √s = 13 TeV, Armen R. Tumasyan and CMA Collaboration
Search for the Higgs boson decay to a pair of electrons in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV, A. Tumasyan
Searching for air showers with RNO-G, Jakob Henrichs
Searching for Meaning on College Campuses: Creating Programs to Nurture the Spirit, Donna M. Qualters, Beverly Dolinsky, and Michael Woodnick
Searching for the Exotic: Textiles, Orientalism, and Identities, Ana Cabrera, Roxana Coman, Karolina A. Kulpa, and Tim Parry-Williams
Seasonal dimorphism in the horny bills of sparrows, Russell Greenberg, Matthew Etterson, and Raymond M. Danner
Seasonal Efficacy and Risks from a Sodium Nitrite Toxic Bait for Wild Pigs, Nathan P. Snow, Michael P. Glow, Justin A. Foster, and Kurt C. VanCauteren
Seasonal fecundity is not related to geographic position across a species’ global range despite a central peak in abundance, Katharine J. Ruskin, Matthew A. Etterson, Thomas P. Hodgman, Alyssa C. Borowske, Jonathan B. Cohen, Chris S. Elphick, Christopher R. Field, Rebecca A. Kern, Erin King, Alison R. Kocek, Adrienne I. Kovach, Kathleen M. O’Brien, Nancy Pau, W. Gregory Shriver, Jennifer Walsh, and Brian J. Olsen
Seasons, Stress, Salience, and Support for Cooperative Groundwater Management, Jordan Suter, Todd Guilfoos, and Karina Schoengold
Secondary Science Teachers’ Curricular Use of NGSS Engineering Practices, Elizabeth Hasseler, Amy Tankersley, Ana M. Rivero, Lyrica L. Lucas, and Elizabeth B. Lewis
Second Order Effects in Concrete Insulated Wall Panels, Salam Al-Rubaye
Second Order Effects in Concrete Insulated Wall Panels, Salam A. Al-Rubaye
Second Spring Semester Meeting: February 26th, 2021
Secretarial Order 3336 Science Priorities: The Role of Science Past, Present, and Future, Stephen W. Barrett
Securing Synchrophasors Using Data Provenance in the Quantum Era, KASHIF JAVED, MANSOOR ALI KHAN, MUKHTAR ULLAH, Muhammad Naveed Aman, and BIPLAB SIKDAR
Sediment Loads and Transport at Constructed Chutes along the Missouri River-Upper Hamburg Chute Near Nebraska City, Nebraska, and Kansas Chute Near Peru, Nebraska, Brenda K. Densmore, David L. Rus, Matthew T. Moser, Brent M. Hall, and Michael J. Andersen
Sediment Monitoring to Support Modeling a Reservoir Sediment Flush on a Sand-bed River in Northern Nebraska, Nathaniel J. Schaepe and Paul M. Boyd
Sediment Samples and Channel-geometry Data, Lower Platte River Watershed, Nebraska, 2010, Nathaniel J. Schaepe and Jason S. Alexander
SEEDCCA: An Integrated R-Package for Canonical Correlation Analysis and Partial Least Squares, Bo-Young Kim, Yunju Im, and Jae Keun Yoo
Seeing Is Believing: Religious Views, Perceptions of Pollution, and Environmental Attitudes, Katelynn (Sage) Shadoan
Seeing the Strange: Science Fiction, Critical Pedagogy, and Future Teachers, Jeremy Delamarter
Seeking and Doing Justice Through Educational Development, Wayne Jacobson
Seeking Clarity in Murky Waters: Nuances of Equity and Social Justice from a Teacher Perspective, Elaine J. Chan
Segundo congreso internacional de iconografía precolombina, 2023. Actas, Victòria Solanilla Demestre
Seismic Analysis, Behavior, and Design of Diaphragm Collectors Using Ductile Replaceable Fuse Elements, Tunc Deniz Uludag
Selected Anthropogenic Contaminants in Groundwater, Papio-Missouri River Natural Resources District, Eastern Nebraska, 1992–2020, Brent M. Hall, Cory L. Kavan, Amanda Flynn, and Mikaela L. Cherry
Selected Approaches to Estimate Water-budget Components of the High Plains, 1940 through 1949 and 2000 through 2009, Jennifer S. Stanton, Sharon L. Qi, Derek W. Ryter, Sarah E. Falk, Natalie A. Houston, Steven M. Peterson, Stephen M. Westenbroek, and Scott C. Christenson
Selecting Surrogate Endpoints for Estimating Pesticide Effects on Avian Reproductive Success, Richard S. Bennett and Matthew A. Etterson
Selecting the Right Technology Tool: Wikis, Discussion Boards, Journals, and Blogs, Tami J. Eggleston
Self-assembly of exfoliated graphene flakes as anticorrosive coatings for additive manufactured steels, Kaleb Hood, Wen Qian, Yi Xia, Savannah Krupa, Annie Dao, Sarah Ahmed, Samuel Olson, Nam Nguyen, Joseph A. Turner, and Jun Jiao
Self-Efficacy in College Teaching, Anita Woolfolk-Hoy
Self‑Perceived Infertility is Not Always Associated with Having Fewer Children: Evidence from German Panel Data, Arthur L. Greil, Desmond D. Wallac, Jasmin Passet‑Wittig, Julia McQuillan, Martin Bujard, and Michele H. Lowry
Self-Reflection: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Important First Steps, Quality Improvement Center for Workforce Development (QIC-WD)
SemiCompRisks: An R Package for the Analysis of Independent and Cluster-correlated Semi-competing Risks Data, Danilo Alvares, Sebastien Haneuse, Catherine Lee, and Kyu Ha Lee
Semigroup Well-posedness and Finite Element Analysis of a Biot-Stokes Interactive System, Sara McKnight
Sensitivity analyses for simulating pesticide impacts on honey bee colonies, A. Carmen Kuan, Gloria DeGrandi-Hoffman, Robert J. Curry, Kristina V. Garber, Andrew R. Kanarek, Marcia N. Snyder, Kurt L. Wolfe, and S. Thomas Purucker
Sensitivity of Present and Future Seasonal Precipitation over Central United States to the Representation of Rocky Mountain Topography, Ranasinghe Disanayakalage Sherly Shelton Ranathunga
Sensitization of Europium Oxide Nanoparticles Enhances Signal-to- Noise over Autofluorescence with Time-Gated Luminescence Detection, Hunter Miller, Jessica Q. Wallace, Hui Li, Xing-Zhong Li, Ana de Bettencourt-Dias, and Forrest Kievit
Sentinel surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 rates and equity impacts using labor and delivery patients in Phoenix, Arizona, Caitlyn J. Linehan, Trisalyn Nelson, Celeste V. Bailey, Esma Gel, Dean V. Coonrod, and Cheryl K. Roth
September 11, 2001, as a Teachable Moment, Edward Zlotkowski
Sequential Online Course Redesign: When “It Just Takes Time” Works No Longer, Genevieve G. Shaker, Sarah K. Nathan, and Elizabeth J. Dale
Serological Response to Canine Distemper Vaccination in Wild Caught Raccoons (Procyon lotor), Molly R. Selleck, Shylo R. Johnson, and Amy T. Gilbert
Seroprevalence, Blood Chemistry, and Patterns of Canine Parvovirus, Distemper Virus, Plague, and Tularemia in Free-ranging Coyotes (Canis latrans) in Northern New Mexico, USA, Leah M. White, Suzanne J. Gifford, Gail Kaufman, Eric M. Gese, Mark A. Peyton, Robert R. Parmenter, and James W. Cain III
Seroprevalence of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus in Wild Pigs (Sus scrofa) in 17 States in the USA, Shari M. Kennedy, Thomas Passler, Stephen S. Ditchkoff, Vienna R. Brown, Gage W. Raithel, Manuel F. Chamorro, Paul H. Walz, Constantinos S. Kyriakis, and Shollie M. Falkenberg
Seroprevalence Survey for Microsporidia in Common Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus): Example of a Quantitative Approach Based on Immunoblotting, Guillaume Desoubeaux, Roman Peschke, Carolina Le-Bert, Vanessa Fravel, Jeny Soto, Eric D. Jensen, Jennifer E. Flower, Randall Wells, Anja Joachim, and Carolyn Cray
Setting Custom Rates for Fall Harvest, Gelnnis McClure
Setting the Stage for the Next Farm Bill Debate, Bradley D. Lubben
Seventy Years of Archaeological Research on California’s Farallon Islands, Torben Rick, Todd Braje, Thomas Wake, Gabriel Sanchez, Robert DeLong, and Kent Lightfoot
Seven Voices, Seven Developers, Seven One Things that Guide Our Practice, Frances Kalu, Patti Dyjur, Carol Berenson, Kimberley A. Grant, Cheryl Jeffs, Natasha Kenny, and Robin Mueller
Sex differences and sex‑specific regulation of motivated behavior by Melanin‑concentrating hormone: a short review, Isabel R. K. Kuebler, Mauricio Suárez, and Ken T. Wakabayashi
Sexual Behaviours of Adolescents in Creek Town, Cross River State, Nigeria, Kabiru K. Salami and Rowland E. Edet
Sexual Harassment Effects on Bodies of Work: Engaging Students through the Application of Historical Context and Communication Theory to Pop Culture and Social Media, Bryan Vizzini and Kristina Drumheller
Shan Song Xiao: English Edition, Xifu, Jane Li, and Paul Royster
Shaping the Futures of Learning in the Digital Age Inclusive Access for All, Marcia L. Dority Baker and Jaci Lindburg
Shared Housing as a Missing Middle Solution for Rural Communities, Alison Lintal
Shipwrecks and the Maritime Cultural Landscape of the Gulf of the Farallones, James P. Delgado, Robert V. Schwemmer, and Michael L. Brennan
Short-Range Air Defense Operations, United States Army
Should the U.S. Reclaim Control of the Internet? Evaluating ICANN’s Administrative Oversight Since the 2016 Handover, Mark Grabowski
Signal Support to Operations, United States Army
Silencing and Surveillance: The Struggle of Same-Sex Desire in the Shadow of the 20th-Century Police State, Ethan Dunn
SimCorrMix: Simulation of Correlated Data with Multiple Variable Types Including Continuous and Count Mixture Distributions, Allison Fialkowski and Hemant Tiwari
Simian immunodeficiency virus-infected rhesus macaques with AIDS co-develop cardiovascular pathology and encephalitis, Kevin S. White, Joshua A. Walker, John Wang, Patrick Autissier, Andrew D. Miller, Nadia N. Abuelezan, Rachel Burrack, Qingsheng Li, Woong-Ki Kim, and Kenneth C. Williams
SimilaR: R Code Clone and Plagiarism Detection, Maciej Bartoszuk and Marek Gagolewski
Simplified Engineering for Architects and Builders, 13th Edition, Sharon Kuska, Patrick Tripeny, and James Ambrose
Simulating, Experiencing, and Changing Biased Teaching Behaviors, Laura L. B. Border
Simulation of Groundwater Flow, 1895–2010, and Effects of Additional Groundwater Withdrawals on Future Stream Base Flow in the Elkhorn and Loup River Basins, Central Nebraska—Phase Three, Amanda T. Flynn and Jennifer S. Stanton
Simulation of Groundwater Flow and Analysis of the Effects of Water-management Options in the North Platte Natural Resources District, Nebraska, Steven M. Peterson, Amanda T. Flynn, Joseph Vrabel, and Derek W. Ryter
Simulation of Groundwater Flow and Effects of Groundwater Irrigation on Stream Base Flow in the Elkhorn and Loup River Basins, Nebraska, 1895-2055: Phase Two, Jennifer S. Stanton, Steven M. Peterson, and Michael N. Fienen
Simulation of Monthly Mean and Monthly Base Flow of Streamflow Using Random Forests for the Mississippi River Alluvial Plain, 1901 to 2018, Benjamin J. Dietsch, William H. Asquith, Brian K. Breaker, Stephen M. Westenbroek, and Wade H. Kress
Simultaneous 3D Construction and Imaging of Plant Cells Using Plasmonic Nanoprobe-Assisted Multimodal Nonlinear Optical Microscopy, Kun Liu, Yutian Lei, and Dawei Li
Simultaneous 3D Construction and Imaging of Plant Cells Using Plasmonic Nanoprobe-Assisted Multimodal Nonlinear Optical Microscopy, Kun Liu, Yutian Lei, and Dawei Li
Sinan’s Screens: Networks of Intersecting Polygons in Ottoman Architecture, Carol Bier
Sinan's Screens: Networks of Intersecting Polygons in Ottoman Architecture (video), Carol Bier
Singer’s Guide to Hak Jun Yoon’s Selected Art Songs, Sunmin Cha
Singing While Acting: A Mixed Methods Study of Classical Singers’ Application of the Chekhov and Meisner Acting Methods, Amy C. Johnson
Sinistral shear during Middle Jurassic emplacement of the Matancilla Plutonic Complex in northern Chile (25.4◦ S) as evidence of oblique plate convergence during the early Andean orogeny, S. P. Mavor, J. S. Singleton, G. Heuser, R. Gomila, N. M. Seymour, S. Williams, and G. Arancibia
SIQR: An R Package for Single-index Quantile Regression, Tianhai Zu and Yan Yu
Site-specific Space Use and Resource Selection by Black Vultures (Coragyps atratus) in the Southeastern USA, Betsy Evans, John S. Humphrey, Eric A. Tillman, Michael L. Avery, and Bryan M. Kluever
Sitio web “Nombres de Especies de Garrapatas Duras”, Alberto A. Guglielmone, Marta E. Sánchez, Liliana G. Franco, Santiago Nava, Leopold M. Rueda, and Richard G. Robbins
Six Years of Shiny in Research: Collaborative Development of Web Tools in R, Peter Kasprzak, Lachlan Mitchell, Olena Kravchuk, and Andy Timmins
Sizing Up the Farm Bill Safety Net, Brad D. Lubben
Skeletal Parts of Moropus, Erwin Hinckley Barbour
Skew-t Expected Information Matrix Evaluation and Use for Standard Error Calculations, R. Douglas Martin, Chindhanai Uthaisaad, and Daniel Z. Xia
Sliding Markov Decision Processes for Dynamic Task Planning on Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles, Trent Wiens
Slight Cost of Production Changes Noted in the 2024 Nebraska Crop Enterprise Budgets, Glennis McMclure
Slope Effects on Shortwave Radiation Components and Net Radiation: Interim Report for Period April 1, 1991- December 31, 1991, E. A. Walter-Shea, B. L. Blad, C. J. Hays, and M. A. Mesarch
Slow-Release Lanthanum Effectively Reduces Phosphate in Eutrophic Ponds without Accumulating in Fish, C. McCright, J. McCoy, N. Robbins, and S. Comfort
Small Beef-Packer Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence and Policy Implications, Azzeddine Azzam, Sunil P. Dhoubadel, and Binod Khanal
Smart Automatic Modal Hammer Predictor-Corrector Approach for Accurate Excitation of Dynamical Systems, Mohammad Nasr
Smith Falls State Park Forest Enhancement Project for Aspen, Mike Groenewold
SMM: An R Package for Estimation and Simulation of Discrete-time semi-Markov Models, Vlad Stefan Barbu, Caroline Bérard, Dominique Cellier, Mathilde Sautreuil, and Nicolas Vergne
Snowboot: Bootstrap Methods for Network Inference, Yuzhou Chen, Yulia R. Gel, Vyacheslav Lyubchich, and Kusha Nezafati
Snowmass 2021 Computational Frontier CompF4 Topical Group Report Storage and Processing Resource Access, W. Bhimji, D. Carder, E. Dart, J. Duarte, I. Fisk, R. Gardner, C. Guok, B. Jayatilaka, T. Lehman, M. Lin, C. Maltzahn, S. McKee, M. S. Neubauer, O. Rind, O. Shadura, N. V. Tran, P. van Gemmeren, G. Watts, B. A. Weaver, and F. Würthwein
Social Capital and the Campus Community, Andrew N. Carpenter, Linda Coughlin, Susanne Morgan, and Christopher Price
Social connections across migration: Do Golden- crowned Sparrows (Zonotrichia atricapilla) that socialize in winter also breed together?, Theadora A. Block, Bruce E. Lyon, Zachary Milakonis, Alexis S. Chaine, and Daizaburo Shizuka
Social Isolation, Residential Stability, and Opioid Use Disorder among Older Medicare Beneficiaries: Metropolitan and Non-Metropolitan County Comparison, Tse-Chuan Yang, Carla Shoff, and Seulki Kim
Social Justice from the Twilight Zone: Rod Serling as Human Rights Activist, Hugh A. D. Spencer
Social Justice in Teacher Education: Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Tara Ratnam, Elaine Chan, and Darlene Ciuffetelli Parker
Social Media and Research Visibility: Role of Libraries, Shivanand Mulimani
Social Media and User-Centric Approach: A Comprehensive Exploration, Suresh Madhavrao Manekar
Social networks and violence victimization and perpetration among youth: A longitudinal analysis, Natira Mullet, Emily A. Waterman, Katie M. Edwards, Victoria Banyard, and Thomas W. Valente
Social Science at the Wildland-Urban Interface: A Compendium of Research Results to Create Fire-Adapted Communities, Eric Toman, Melanie Stidham, Sarah McCaffrey, and Bruce Shindler
Social Vulnerability and the Prevalence of Opioid Use Disorder among Older Medicare Beneficiaries in U.S. Counties, Tse-Chuan Yang, Seulki Kim, Stephen A. Matthews, and Carla Shoff
Society Doesn’t Owe You Anything: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas & Video Games as Speculative Fiction, Marc A. Ouellette
Softly and Tenderly Calling, Jewelya Coffey
Soft Microreactors for the Deposition of Microstructures and the Related Surface Chemistries of Polymeric Materials, Jessica R Wagner
Software Engineering and R Programming: A Call for Research, Melina Vidoni
Soil carbon and nitrogen after eight years of rotational grazing in the Nebraska Sandhills meadows, Gandura O. Abagandura, Martha Mamo, W. H. Schacht, Aaron Shropshire, and Jerry Volesky
Soil Chemistry Northwest New Mexico, Larry V. Benson
Soil Nitrate Prediction Using FTIR-ATR, Vis-NIR, and Raman Spectroscopy, Sabiha Ferdous
Solving Differential Equations in R, Karline Soetaert, Thomas Petzoldt, and R. Woodrow Setzer
Some Aspects of the Intellectual Poise of George Robert Gissing, Glenn Orville Kelley
Something More: Moments of Meeting and the Teacher–Learner Relationship, Richard G. Tiberius, John Techima, and Alan R. Kindler
Some Trends in Forecast Skill at the National Severe Storms Forecast Center, Allen Pearson and Steven J. Weiss
So Much Content, So Little Time, Marilla D. Svinicki
SORNA in the Eighth Circuit, Daniel J. Hassing
SortedEffects: Sorted Causal Effects in R, Schuowen Chen, Victor Chernozhukov, Iván Fernández-Val, and Ye Luo
sos: Searching Help Pages of R Packages, Spencer Graves, Sundar Dorai-Raj, and Romain François
Sound energy could change the world, Tyler Bugiel
Source References, Duncan Murdoch
South Dakota v. Wayfair and Tax Modernization in Nebraska, Adam B. Thimmesch
SPANISH AND MAMLUK CARPETS: Comparisons of decoration and structure, Carol Bier
Spatial and Seasonal Variation in Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions, Jonathan M. Conard and Philip S. Gipson
Spatial Ecology of Mountain Lions Throughout Their Distribution in California, Kyle D. Dougherty
Spatial Ecology of Mountain Lions Throughout Their Distribution in California, Kyle Duncan Dougherty
Spatial Hearing in Simulated Reverberant Classroom Environments, Gabriel Seth Evan Weeldreyer
Spatially coordinated conservation auctions: A framed field experiment focusing on farmland wildlife conservation in China, Zhaoyang Liu, Simanti Banerjee, Timothy N. Cason, Nick Hanley, Qi Liu, Jintao Xu, and Andreas Kontoleon
Spatially Guided Construction of Multilayered Epidermal Models Recapturing Structural Hierarchy and Cell–Cell Junctions, Haiwei Zhai, Xiaowei Jin, Grayson Minnick, Jordan Rosenbohm, Mohammed Abdul Haleem Hafiz, Ruiguo Yang, and Fanben Meng
Spatial Non‑stationarity in Opioid Prescribing Rates: Evidence from Older Medicare Part D Beneficiaries, Seulki Kim, Carla Shoff, and Tse-Chuan Yang
Spatial Uncertainty Propagation Analysis with the spup R Package, Kasia Sawicka, Gerard B.M. Heuvelink, and Dennis J.J. Walvoort
Spatiotemporal analysis of extreme precipitation in the Southern Great Plains hydroclimate region, P. Flanagan and R. Mahmood
Spatiotemporal Partitioning of Two Invasive Ungulates in Guam [Abstract], Kelly J. Koriakin, Kurt C. VerCauteren, Nathan P. Snow, and D. Buck Jolley
Spatiotemporal patterns of wolves and sympatric predators and prey relative to human disturbance in northwestern Greece, M. Petridou, J. F. Benson, O. Gimenez, and K. Kati
Spatiotemporal Plasticity in Reproductive Readiness and Recruitment of Ichthyoplankton of Invasive Silver Carp along a Western Invasion Front, Jessi L. Urichich
Spatiotemporal Reaction Dynamics Control in Two-Photon Polymerization for Enhancing Writing Characteristics, Aofei Mao, Sarah Fess, Nada Kraiem, P. Li, Zhipeng P. Wu, Qiuchi Zhu, Xi Huang, Peixun Fan, Bai Cui, Jean-Francois Silvain, Suxing Hu, Mitchell Anthamatten, Sean P. Regan, David Harding, and Yongfeng Lu
Special issue: Agri-food systems transformation: sustainability, resilience, and the role of technology, Rui Mao, Aleksan Shanoyan, and Kate Brooks
Specialized late cingulo-opercular network activation elucidates the mechanisms underlying decisions about ambiguity, Jordan E. Pierce, Nathan M. Petro, Elizabeth Clancy, Caterina Gratton, Steven E. Petersen, and Maital Neta
Species Distribution Modeling using Spatial Point Processes: A Case Study of Sloth Occurrence in Costa Rica, Paula Moraga
Spectators and Gladiators: Reconnecting the Students with the Problem, John Boehrer
Spectral features of non-nutritive suck dynamics in extremely preterm infants, Steven M. Barlow, Chunxiao Liao, Jaehoon Lee, Seungman Kim, Jill L. Maron, Dongli Song, Priya Jegatheesan, Balaji Govindaswami, Bernard J. Wilson, Kushal Bhakta, and John P. Cleary
spfilteR: An R package for Semiparametric Spatial Filtering with Eigenvectors in (Generalized) Linear Models, Sebastian Juhl
spGARCH: An R-Package for Spatial and Spatiotemporal ARCH and GARCH models, Philipp Otto
Spider mite (Acari: Tetranychidae) mitochondrial COI phylogeny reviewed: host plant relationships, phylogeography, reproductive parasites and barcoding, Vera I.D. Ros and Johannes A.J. Breeuwer
spikeslab: Prediction and Variable Selection Using Spike and Slab Regression, Hemant Ishwaran, Udaya B. Kogalur, and J. Sunil Rao
spinifex: An R Package for Creating a Manual Tour of Low-dimensional Projections of Multivariate Data, Nicholas Spyrison and Dianne Cook
spNetwork: A Package for Network Kernel Density Estimation, Jeremy Gelb
Spotify: A Strategic Analysis of a Digital Music Streaming Industry Leader, Madison Giacomo
Spread of Dermacentor reticulatus is associated with the loss of forest area, Ewa J. Mierzejewska, Agustín Estrada-Peña, and Anna Bajer
Spreads and Transversals and Their Connection to Geproci Sets, Allison Joan Ganger
Spurious behavior of shock-capturing methods by the fractional step approach: Problems containing stiff source terms and discontinuities, H.C. Yee, D.V. Kotov, Wei Wang, and Chi-Wang Shu
S, R, and Data Science, John M. Chambers
Stability, United States Army
Stage and Discharge Prediction from Documentary Time-lapse Imagery, Kenneth W. Chapman, Troy E. Gilmore, Mehrube Mehrubeoglu, Christian D. Chapman, Aaron R. Mittelstet, and John E. Stranzl Jr.
Stage and discharge prediction from documentary time-lapse imagery, Kenneth W. Chapman, Troy E. Gilmore, Mehrube Mehrubeoglu, Christian D. Chapman, Aaron R. Mittelstet, and John E. Stranzl Jr.
Stage transitions in Lucilia sericata and Phomia regina (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and implications for forensic science, A. Roe, R. J. Barnes, L. G. Higley, and N. H. Haskell
Star-Based Reachability Analysis of Binary Neural Networks on Continuous Input, Mykhailo Ivashchenko
Starting and Sustaining Successful Faculty Development Programs at Small Colleges, Michael Reder, Kim M. Mooney, Richard A. Holgren, and Paul J. Kuerbis
Starting from the End: What to do when Restricted Data is released, Marta Teperek, Rhys Morgan, Michelle Ellefson, and Danny Kingsley
State Water Quality Standards Summary: Nebraska, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Statistical and Machine Learning Approaches to Describe Factors affecting Preweaning Mortality of Piglets, Md Towfiqur Rahman, Tami M. Brown-Brandl, Gary A. Rohrer, Sudhendu R. Sharma, Vamsi Manthena, and Yeyin Shi
Statistical and machine learning approaches to describe factors affecting preweaning mortality of piglets, Md Towfiqur Rahman, Tami M. Brown-Bandl, Gary A. Rohrer, Sudhendu R. Sharma, Vamsi Manthena, and Yeyin Shi
Statistical and machine learning approaches to describe factors affecting preweaning mortality of piglets, Md Towfiqur Rahman, Tami M. Brown-Bandl, Gary A. Rohrer, Sudhendu R. Sharma, Vamsi Manthena, and Yeyin Shi
Statistical Quality Control with the qcr Package, Miguel Flores, Rubén Fernández-Casal, Salvador Naya, and Javier Tarrío-Saavedra
Statistical Software from a Blind Person's Perspective, A. Jonathan R. Godfrey
Statistics Used in the Nebraska Beef Cattle Report and Teir Purpose, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Statistics Used in the Nebraska Beef Reports and Their Purpose, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Stealth Morph Intervention – A Single Case Mixed Methods Design, Kristen E Job
Stealth Morph Intervention: A Single Case Mixed Methods Design, Kristen Elise Job
Steerable acoustically powered starfish-inspired microrobot, Cornel Dillinger, Justin Knipper, Nitesh Nama, and Daniel Ahmed
STEM Club, Rohan Tatineni and Kevin Prososki
STEM Club Curriculum, Emily Hogg
STEM Exploration Club, Erin Case and Caitlyn Scott
Stepping Stones: A Leadership Development Program to Inspire and Promote Reflection Among Women Faculty and Staff, Krista Hoffmann-Longtin, Zachary S. Morgan, Lauren (Chism) Schmidt, Emily C. Valvoord, Megan M. Palmer, and Mary E. Dankoski
Steps for Starting a Professional Learning Community (PLC): A Literature Review, John T. Sutton
Steps Towards Operationalizing One Health Approaches, Kim M. Pepin, Keith M. Carlisle, Dean Anderson, Michael G. Baker, Richard B. Chipman, Jackie Benschop, Nigel P. French, Suzie Greenhalgh, Scott McDougall, Petra Muellner, Emil Murphy, Dion R. J. Neale, Michael J. Plank, and David T. S. Hayman
Stereotype Threat and Ten Things We Can Do to Remove the Threat in the Air, Franklin A. Tuitt and Lois Reddick
Stereotype Threat–Based Diversity Programming: Helping Students While Empowering and Respecting Faculty, Isis Artze Vega, Leslie Richardson, and Adrienne Traxler
Steroidal saponin concentrations in switchgrass cultivars Liberty and Independence in North America, Andrea K. Clemensen, Stephen T. Lee, Robert B. Mitchell, Marty R. Schmer, and Steven D. Masterson
Stilt: Easy Emulation of Time Series AR(1) Computer Model Output in Multidimensional Parameter Space, Roman Olson, Kelsey L. Ruckert, Won Chang, Klaus Keller, Murali Haran, and Soon-Il An
Stomatal opening efficiency is controlled by cell wall organization in Arabidopsis thaliana, Sedighe Keynia, Leila Jaafar, You Zhou, Charles T. Anderson, and Joseph A. Turner
Stories of Motivation and Values of Small-Scale Farmers in Jamaica and the United States, Raquel Taylor
Stories of Motivation and Values of Small-Scale Farmers in Jamaica and the United States, Raquel Taylor
Storms and pH of dam releases affects downstream phosphorus cycling in an arid regulated river, B. R. Deemer, R. H. Reibold, A. Fatta, J. R. Corman, C. B. Yackulic, and S. C. Reed
stplanr: A Package for Transport Planning, Robin Lovelace and Richard Ellison
Strain-Dependent Activity-Stability Relations in RuO2 and IrO2 Oxygen Evolution Catalysts, Payal Chaudhary, Alexandra Zagalskaya, Herbert Over, and Vitaly Alexandrov
stratamatch: Prognostic Score Stratification Using a Pilot Design, Rachael C. Aikens, Joseph Rigdon, Justin Lee, Michael Baiocchi, Andrew B. Goldstone, Peter Chiu, Y Joseph Woo, and Jonathan H. Chen
Strategic Audit Of Dunkin Brands, Maggie Madej
Strategic Audit of Orvis, Jacob Nielsen
Strategic Audit: The Boeing Company, Alexis Jeffryes, Abbey Marshall, Haley Szymczak, Peyton Shewmon, and Reese Munson
Strategic Committee Involvement: A Guide for Faculty Developers, Phyllis Blumberg
Strategic Overview of Northwestern Mutual and the Insurance Industry, Jayden Eakin
Strategies for DDGS Supplementation Frequency to Frazing Yearling Streers, Sydney T. Vanderhoff, Rebecca L. Sjostrand, Mitchell M. Norman, Isaque F. Vicci, Jim C. MacDonald, and Mary E. Drewnoski
Strategies to Improve Student Achievement, United States Department of Education
Strategyproof Mechanisms for Group-Fair Obnoxious Facility Location Problems, Jiaqian Li, Minming Li, and Hau Chan
StratigrapheR: Concepts for Litholog Generation in R, Sébastien Wouters, Anne-Christine Da Silva, Frédéric Boulvain, and Xavier Devleeschouwer
Strengthening Brain Research in Africa, Abdullahi Tunde Aborode, Nike Jesutofunmi Idowu, Samuel Tundealao, Joseph Jaiyeola, and Ogunware Adedayo Emmanuel
Strengthening Collegiality to Enhance Teaching, Research, and Scholarly Practice: An Untapped Resource for Faculty Development, Gerlese S. Åkerlind and Kathleen M. Quinlan
Stress phenotyping analysis leveraging autofluorescence image sequences with machine learning, Sruti Das Choudhury, Carmela Rosaria Guadagno, Srinidhi Bashyam, Anastasios Mazis, Brent E. Ewers, Ashok Samal, and Tala Awada
Stress-Related Biosocial Mechanisms of Discrimination and African American Health Inequities, Bridget J. Goosby, Jacob E. Cheadle, and Colter Mitchell
Stretching Between Earth and Stars, Julia Klug
stringr: Modern, Consistent String Processing, Hadley Wickham
Stronger together: Building nonprofit resilience through a network with a shared Mission and organizational humility, Haley M. Woznyj, Oscar J. Stewart, and Tammy E. Beck
Strong First Order Electroweak Phase Transitions in the Standard Model with a Real Scalar Singlet Extension, Anthony James Hooper
Strongly Stated and Loosely Held: Examining Stewart Brand's Role in the Ecomodernist Project, Liam J. Baker
Structural Analysis of DJ-1 Glyoxalase Activity by Mix-and-Inject Serial Synchrotron Crystallography, Coleman Dolamore
Structural and biophysical insights into targeting of claudin-4 by a synthetic antibody fragment, Satchal K. Erramilli, Pawel K. Dominik, Chinemerem P. Ogbu, Anthony A. Kossiakoff, and Alex J. J.
Structure and Heparin Binding Capabilities of Rodent Stabilin-2, Reed Rohr
Structuring Complex Cooperative Learning Activities in 50–Minute Classes, Barbara J. Millis
Student and Faculty Perceptions of Effects of Midcourse Evaluation, Whitney Ransom McGowan and Russell T. Osguthorpe
Student Collaboration in Faculty Development: Connecting Directly to the Learning Revolution, Milton D. Cox and D. Lynn Sorenson
Student Consultants of Color and Faculty Members Working Together Toward Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy, Alison Cook-Sather and Praise Agu